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A13977 Thabridgment of the histories of Trogus Pompeius, collected and wrytten in the Laten tonge, by the famous historiographer Iustine, and translated into English by Arthur Goldyng: a worke conteynyng brieflie great plentie of moste delectable hystories, and notable examples, worthie not onelie to be read but also to be embraced and followed of all menne; Historiae Philippicae. English Justinus, Marcus Junianus.; Trogus, Pompeius. Historiae Philippicae.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1564 (1564) STC 24290; ESTC S118539 289,880 382

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in Asia in the meane season beinge vanquished in Sicill by the Carthaginenses in a battel on the sea sente his ambassadoures to Antigonus kinge of Macedone for a freshe crewe of souldioures sending him worde that if he sent them not hee should be constrained to retire into his kingdome and to seeke to make that conquest vpon him whiche he was about to make vppon the Romaines Whan hys ambassadoures brought him word he shuld none haue he fained an excuse and sodenly departed from thence Wylling his confederates to lay for the warres in the meane season he betoke the keping of the castle of Tarent to his sonne Hele●… and his frend Milo Assone as he was returned into Epyre forth with he 〈◊〉 the borders of Macedone with whome Antigonus met with an hoaste of men and being put to the worse was faine to 〈◊〉 And so all Macedone yelded vnto Pyrrhus Whervpon as if he had recōpensed the los of Sicil Italy with the gain of Macedon he sent for his sonne Heleu his frēd Milo that he had left at Tarent Antigonus wh●… was fled with a few of his horsmen being sodenly bereft of al thornaments of fortune to th entent to marke what wold become of his kingdom y ● he had lost conueyed himselfe into the city Thessalonica that if occasion serued he might hire the french souldiers and renue the war from thence But being vtterly vanquished again by Ptolomy the son of king Pyrrhus eskaping with no mo but only vii of his retinue he neuer hoped to recouer his kyngdō but sought caues and wildernesses where to saue his life Pyrrhus therfore being enstalled in the siege royall of so great a kingdome not content to haue attained to that that he could scarsly haue wished for begā to practise how to win thempire of Grece and Asia Neither toke he any more plesure of his Empire then of his warres neyther was ther any manable to withstand the force of Pyrrhus whō he once assailed But as he had no pier in cōquering of kingdoms so did he as lightly for go them when he had ones won them gotten them So much did he more study endeuor to win kingdoms then to kepe them Ther fore when he had transported his army ouer from Chersonesus ther receiued him thambassadors of th Athenies the Acheans and the Messenians Yea and al the Grekes for the renoun of his name for that they wer astonied at his noble dedes against the Romains Carthaginēses awaited his comming there The first war y ● he had was with the Lacedemonians where he was receiued wyth greater valiantnesse of the women then of the mē Ther he lost his son Ptolomy the strongest part ●…f all his army For when he assaulted the town such a sort of womē came running to the defence of the citye that he was not more valiantly vāquished thē shamefully driuē to retire Furthermore his son Ptolomy is reported to haue bene so couragious and so stout a man of his hands that wyth lx men he toke the city Corcyra by force And also in a batel vpon the sea out of a cock bote he lepte with vii of hys men into a gally and won it And last of all in thassault of Sparta he brake with his horse into the mids of the city ther was ouerpressed with the number of his enemies and slain Whose body when it was brought to his father Pyrrhus it is reported he should saye that he was slayne somwhat later then he loked for or then his owne folishe hardinesse deserued Pyrrhus when he had taken the repulse at Sparta went to Argos Ther whiles he endeu●… red to get Antigonus into his hands whom he had besieged in the city as he fought moost valiantlye among the thickest he was slain with a stone throwen from the wal His hed was cut of and brought to Antigonus who vsing the victory gentilly sent home his sonne Helen with hys Epyrotes which wer yelded vnt ohim into his kingdom without raunsome and deliuered him his fathers body y ● lay vnburied to cary home with him into his country It is a constant report amongste all authors that there was not any kinge either in those daies or in the latter tymes before worthy to be compared vnto Pyrrhus and that it was a hard matter to finde any not only among kynges but also among other famous men either of more holy liuing or of more tried approued iustice and as for know ledge in cheualry and feates of armes there was so much in him that wheras he had continuall warres with Lystmachus Demetrius and Antigonus kinges of so greats power and puissaunce yet was he neuer ouercome by any of thē neither was he euer brought to so low an ebbe but that he was able to matche the Illyrians Sicilians Romaines and Carthaginenses at all times yea and som times to get the vpper hand of them By meanes whereof throughe the fame of his noble actes and the renown●… of his name he made his country famous and renoumed ouer all the worlde beinge of it self before his time bothe small and of no reputation ▪ The. xxvi Booke AFter the death of Pyrrhus there arose very great and troublesome warres not onlye in Macedone but also in Asia and Grece For the Peloponnesians being betraied vnto Antigonus and according as men wer either striken in fear or els prouoked to gladnesse lyke as euery city hoped for succour at Pyrrhus hande or stode in dreade of him euen in like case either they entered in leage with Antigonus or els vppon malice and hatred fell together by the eares amonge them selues In the time that the prouinces were in this turmoyle Arystotimus a noble man of the realme toke perforce the chiefe citye of the Epyrotes and made himself king who after that he hadde put many of the head menne to deathe and driuen 〈◊〉 of them into exile when as the Aetolians required by their ambassadors that he should restore vnto the banished mē their wiues and children at the fyrst he denied to doo it Afterward as thoughe he had repented him he gaue all the Ladies and gentlewomen leaue to goo to theyr husbandes and appoynted a day when they shuld take theyr iourny The Ladies as they that thought to liue all their liues in exile with theyr husbands toke al the preciousest iewels and best thinges that they had with theym But assone as they were all come to the gate of purpose to go in one company together he spoyled them of all that euer they had slue the litle children in their mothers bosomes threw the mothers them selues into prison and rauyshed the maidens All menne beinge amased at this hys cruell 〈◊〉 a noble manne of the realme named Helemate being an old man and without childre as one that in respect of his yeres in that he was childlesse was voyde of al fear called home to his house
amends with theyr new benefites for the old displeasure done to his father yelded them selues vnto him Moreouer his fathers souldioures being inflamed with fauour toward the younge Prince and preferringe the conscience of theyr othe made to his father before their promise made to the new proud king reuolted withall theyr banners and antesignes to Demetrius And so Alexander being with like rage of for 〈◊〉 ouerthrowne as he was lifted vp was in the fyrste battell vanquished and slayne suffryng due punishment bothe in the behalfe of Demetrius whome he had slayne and in the behalfe of Antiochus whose ●…ock he had moste shamefullie slaundered The xxxvi Boke DEmetrius hauyng recouered his Fathers kyngdome was himself also cor rupted through the prosperous successe in all his affaires through the inclinacion to vice that is commonly wonte to be in youthe he fell to slouth and 〈◊〉 ▪ by meanes whereof he purchased himself as much hatred at all mennes handes for his cowardnesse as his father had gotten for his statelynesse whervppon perceyuyng howe the cyties euerye where began to withdrawe their obedience to th entent he might wype oute the spot of cowardyse he determined to make warre vppon the parthians Whos 's commyng the people of the East were not a litle glad to behold bothe by reason of the crueltie of Arsaces kyng of the Parthians and also bycause the countries beyng enured with the gentle entreatans of the auncient dominion of the Macedones coulde not well away with the pryde of the newe Empyre of the Parth●…ans By meanes whereof beyng ayded with the power of the Per sians Emylians and Bactrians he vanquished the Par ●…sans in many battels Neuerthelesse at the last beyng deceyued vnder a counterfet color of peace he was taken prysoner and ●…rawen through thopen face of the cyties that had reuolted and shewed in meckage to the people that had rebelled as who should say they should see what a one he was whome they had so highly fauoured Afterward he was sente into 〈◊〉 and there courteou●…ly enterteyned accordyng as belongeth to his for mer estate Whyle these thynges were in doyng in the meane tyme 〈◊〉 who through sute to the body of the Realme had obteyned to be admitted Protector ouer Antiochus sonne in lawe to Demetrius kylled the childe and vsurped the kyngdome of Syria the which he enioyed a great whyle but at the length when the ●…our that men bare him beyng newlie made kyng began to weare oute Antiochus the brother of Demetrius who at that tyme was brought vp in Asia being but a very child ouercame him in battell and so the kyngdome of Syria was redu●…ed agayne to the stocke of Demetrius An●…iochus therfore remembryng that both his father was hated for his pryde and his brother despysed for his slouthfulnes because he would not fall into the same vices himselfe after he had taken in mariage Cleopatra his brothers 〈◊〉 he with all diligence pursuwed the Cy●…es that had reuloted from his brother at the beginn●…g of his Reygne and hauyng subdued them brought thē agayn to 〈◊〉 of th empyre Also he subdued the Iewes who in the tyme of his father Demetrius takyng weapon in hande had pulled their neckes from subiection of Th empyre of Macedone and set themselfes at libertie And they grewe to suche strength that after this man was once dead there 〈◊〉 as no kyng of Macedone ●…ble to kepe them in obedience but that they made a Ruler among themselfes and di●…roubled all Syria with their warres The originall of the Iewes was Damasco whiche is the noblest cytie of all Syria from whence the kynges of Syria also fetchyng theire pedegre from Semyramis descended The Cytie had her name of a Kyng called Damascus in honor of whome the Syrians worshipped the Sepulchre of hys wyfe Arates for a Temple reuerenced her with much deuocion and superstitio●…s Ceremonies for a Goddesse After Damascus 〈◊〉 Abraham Israel and 〈◊〉 as kings But Israel was more notable thē his ance●…ors by reson of the 〈◊〉 encrease of his ten sonnes Therfore he deuided his people into ten kingdoms and deliuered it to his sonnes calling thē all Iewes after the name of Iuda whiche deceased anone after the deuision the remembraunce of whome he commaunded that all the rest should haue in reuerence and veneration His portiō was the head of all the other The yongest of the brothers was Ioseph of whose excellent wit his brothers being afraid ●…ais wait for him preuely and solde him to marchauntes straungers by whome he was caried into Egipte where throughe the sharpnesse of his wit he so pro●…d in the magicall artes that within a shorte space he became in great fauor with the king For he was both a very witty diuinor of wonders and foretokens and also he was the firste that inuented the interpretation of dreames Yea there was nothing appertaininge either to God or man wherin he semed not to haue had exact knowledge In so muche that he foresaw the barrennesse of the land many yeres before it came and all Egipt had pearished for hun ger if the king through his counsel had not geuen 〈◊〉 commaundement to laye vp in store the corne and frute of many yeres before hand Finally he was so well tried that his answeres seemed not to be geuen by man but by God His sonne was Moises who besydes the inheritans of his fathers knowledge was also commended for hys excellent beuty and personage But the Egiptians being stricken with a great itch and skabbednesse to the entent that the contagion should infect no mo by the warnynge of an Oracle draue hym and all the infected oute of the borders of Egypt Moyses therfore being made captayne of the banished people stale away the sacrifices of the Egiptians the which the Egiptians entending to recouer by force were compelled by Tempestes to retire home againe Moyses e●…ones resortnig to Damasco the natyue country of his ancestors went vp into the mountain Synai in the which for as much as he first rested ther after seuen dayes ●…asting and trauel of hymself and hys people through the desertes of Arabie he hallowed the seuenth day and called it after the manner and vsage of the countrie the Sabboth day commaundyng it to be kept Fastyngday for euer after to the worldes ende because that that day had made an ende of all their trauell and hunger And forasmuch as they remembred howe they were dryuen oute of Aegypt for feare of infection they made a lawe neuer after to communicate with stravngers the which thyng rysing at the first vppon good cause and con syderacion by lytle and lytle grewe into custome and superstition After Moyses his brother Aaron was consecrated first Priest of the Ceremonies of Israel and anon after created kyng And euer after it remayned as a custome among the Iewes that they that wer their priests were also their kynges through whose Iustice and vprightnesse
of her empyre but rather broughte her in greater admiration of all menne that she beynge a woman had surmounted in prowesse not only women but also men She buylded Babilon and enclosed it with a wall of brycke enterlayed with sand and Bytamen which is a kynd of slymye mortar yssuyng out of the ground in diuers places of that countrye Many other noble enterprises this Queene atchieued For beyng not content to maynteyne the state of th empyre and boundes of the same as her husbande lefte it vnto her she subdued Aethyop thereunto And besides that she made warre vpon Indie whereunto there was neuer any that durst geue the aduenture sauyng she onely and great Alexander At the last vnnaturallye desyryng to company with her owne sonne she was by him slayne whē she had reygned xlii yeares after the death of her husbande Ninus Her sonne Ninus beyng contented with the countreyes wonne by his parentes layeng asyde all Chiualrye and knighthoode as though he had chaunged nature with his mother was seldome seene of men but spente hys tyme among a sorte of women His posterity also followynge his example gaue aunswere to the people to ambassadours by messengers The Empyre of Thassirians whyche afterward were called Syrians continued 1300. yeres The last kyng that reigned amonge theym was Sardanapalus a man more vicious than any woman Unto whose presence Arbactus whom he had made lyeuetenaunt ouer the Medes beyng by long suyte had much intreataunce hardly at length admitted which thing was neuer graunted to any man be fore found him amonge a sorte of concubines spinning purple on a rocke in womans apparayle passyng all the womē there in softenesse of body and nycenesse of countenaunce and weyeng out to eche of them theyr taske At the whiche light Arbactus disdayning that so manye men shuld be subiect to such a woman and that so many valiaunte knyghtes and men of warre should be slaues to a woman went forth and tolde his peres what he had sene sayeng he coulde not fynde in his hart to serue and obey such a one as had rather be a woman then a man Whereupon the Lordes confedered them selues together and had him battell Who hearing thereof not like a man entendyng to defend his kyngdome but as women are wont to do for feare of death first sought a corner to hyde his head and soone after with a few and out of aray he came into the felde where beynge vanquished he retired into his pallace there makyng a great bonefire cast him selfe and all his ryches thereinto plainge the man in this only poynt After this Arbactus the worker of his confusion which before was lieutenaunte ouer y e Medes was instituted made kyng And he translated the empire frō the Assirians to the Medes In processe of tyme after many kynges by order of descent the kyngdom came vnto Astyage This man hauing done issue sauing one onely daughter dreamed that he sawe spryng out of her priuye members a vine whose braunches shadowed all Asia The interpretours of dreames and wonders beyng asked theyr iudgement and aduice in the matter made aunswere that hys daughter shoulde brynge hym fothe a nephewe whose greatnesse was by his vision declared before and that by him be should he deposed from his kingdome The kyng being not a litle abash●…d with this interpretacion maryed hys doughter neyther to a Noble man nor to one of his owne countrey least the nobilitie of the parētes should aduaunce encourage his nephewe to take much vpon him but vnto a man of meane estate and liuing of the countrey of Persia which in those ●…ayes was reputed as a base countreye and of no regard or estimation Neuerthelesse beyng not by this acte quite dispatched of the feare of this dreame he sent for his doughter beyng great with childe that as soone as she were deliuered he myght see the babe kylled ▪ Assoone as the childe was borne it was deliuered to be ●…layne vnto Harpagus one of y e kinges priuye counsaile Harpagus fearing that if after the decease of the kyng because he had no yssue male to succede him the kingdome should descend vnto his doughter she would reuenge the death of her chylde vpon him being a subiecte which she could not do vpon her father ▪ deliuered the childe to the kinges herman commaū ding him to cast it away By chaunce the verye same tyme the herdman him selfe had a sonne newlye borne Whose wife hearing of the casting away of the kynges childe earnestly besought her husbande to fetche the childe vnto her that she myght see hym The shepeherd ouercome with the earnest intreataunce of his owne wife returned into the wood where he founde a bytche geuing the childe sucke and defending it frō foules and wilde beastes Then beyng moued with pitie to see the bytche so naturall and pitifull he tooke vp the childe bare it home to his cottage the bitche folowing him egerlye all the waye Assoone as the woman tooke the babe in her armes he smiled and played with her as though he had knowen her and there appeared in him such a chearfulnesse as it were a certayne smiling and flattering countenaunce that she desyred the shepeherd herhusbande to cast awaye his owne childe and suffer her to bryng vp that in the sted of it such was the good fortune of the childe or els the hope that she of hym conceyued And so the destinye of the two children beyng chaūged the kinges nephewe was brought vp for the shepeherdes sonne and the shepeherdes sonne was cast away for the kynges nephewe the nources name was afterward called Sparcon bicause the Persiās do cal a bytche so in theyr language The childe beyng broughte vp amonge the shepeherdes was named Cyrus And in the meane tyme beyng chosen kynge amonge children as they were a playeng when in sporte he whypped suche as wer stubbourne agaynst him the parentes of the children made thereof a great complaynt to the kyng sayeng it stoode not with their honour that their children should be beaten like slaues of the kynges bondman The kyng sendynge for ●…he chylde demaunded of hym whye he dyd so He aunswered without any chaungyng of countenaunce at all for the mat ter that he had done as it became a kynge to do The kyng maruayling at his audacitye came in remembraunce of his dreame and the interpretacion thereof and so when bothe the countenaunce of the chylde and also his lykenesse vnto him selfe the time of his castyng away and the examinaciō of the shepeherd agreed in one he acknowledged him to be his nephewe And for bycause he thoughte him selfe dispatched of his dreame in as much as the childe had played the kyng among the shepeherdes the cruell hart that he bare toward the child was clerely thereby relented But to his frende Harpagus he became so deadly an enemy for sauing of his nephewe that to reuenge his
died in the preparation therof leauinge many sonnes behinde him wherof some were begotten before he was king and other some in the time of his raigne Of the whyche Artobazanes the eldest claimed the Crowne by prerogatiue of hys age alledginge that by order of lawe by order of birthe by order of nature and by custome of all Countryes he oughte to haue it Xerxes replied and sayde that their controuersye was not as concerninge the order of their birthe but as concernyng the nobilitye and worthinesse of theyr byrthe For hee graunted that Artobazanes was in deede the first that was borne vnto Darius but Darius was then a priuate person and that he him selfe was the firste that was borne to Darius being king Wherfore his brothers that were borne durynge the time his father was a subiect might lawfully claime suche priuate inheritaunce as Darius then had but not the kingdom which apperteined to him being the first whome his father begat in his kingdō This also made for his purpose in that artobazanes was borne a priuate person not only by the fathers side but also by the mothers side and also 〈◊〉 his graundfathers side by the mother Wher●… he himself had a Queene to his mother and he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his father but king and he hadde a kinge 〈◊〉 his grau●…father by the mother namelye kinge Cyrus who was not an inheritor but the first founder of that greate Empyre And therfore if theyr father had left them 〈◊〉 like right to the 〈◊〉 yet notwithstande in consideration of his Mother and hys graundfather he oughte to be preferred They putte thys controuersy quietly and gently with a good will to the discretion of their vncle Artaphe●… as to a housholde iudge who discussing the matter at home preferred Xerxes And this contention betwene them was so brotherly that neither he that had the vpper hand vaunted him self neyther he that was ouercome was sorye for the matter And euen in the chiefest time of all their strife they sente giftes and presentes one to another aud merely banketted together wythout mistrust of treason or deceit and the matter was ended wythout dayes men or without reprochful wordes betwixt them So muche more modestly could brothers in those daies deuide the greatest kingdomes then they can nowe deuide a small inheritaunce Xerxes therefore by the space of fiue yeares together made preparatyon for the warres whiche his father had begon against the Grekes The which thing when Demeratus kinge of the Lacedemonians who at that time beinge banished his Countrye liued in king Xerxes Courte vnderstode being more frendlye to his countrye after his banishment then to the kyng for all his benefites to the entente they shoulde not be oppressed with sodaine warre wrate all thinges in tables of wode to the Magistrates of Sparta and couered the letters ouer with ware least that ether the wryting without a couer might bewray it self or the newe ware disclose hys deuise Whē they wer finished he toke thē to a trnsty seruāt commaunding him to deliuer to the magistrats of the Spartanes When they were brought to Lacedemon the matter hong long in question what it shoulde meane because they saw no wryting again they thought the tables were not sent for nothing the closer the thinge was so muche they iudged it to be of greater importaunce Whiles the menne with sondrye op●…nions slacke in the matter the Syster of L●…oindas the kynge founde out the intent and meanynge of the wryter The ware therfore being skraped of it appeared was wrought against them By this time had Xerxes armed seuen hundred thousand of his owne kingdome and hired thre hundred thousand Mercenaries So that it hath not without good cause bene reported that his army dronke the riuers dry and that al Grece was skarse able to receiue his hooste It is also said that he had ten hundred thousand shippes To this huge host wan ted a mete Captaine For if ye haue respect vnto the king ye may praise his riches but not his good guidans or know ledge requisite in a Captain of which there was so greate aboundaunce in his realme that when riuers were not able to finde his huge multitude drinke yet had he treasure more then could be spent He would be sure to be the laste that shoulde come to encounter and the firste that shoulde run away In danger he was fearful out of daunger proud and ful of bosting Finally before he should come to the triall of battell he gloried so much in his owne strength that as if he had beene euen a Lord ouer nature and had beene able to rule it at his pleasure he broughte mountaynes to plaine ground and filled vp the valleis made bridges ouer the sea and cut through the main land to make nerer way for his shippes to passe Whose comming into Grece as it was terrible so his departure was as shameful and dishonorable For when that Leonides kinge of the Sartanes wyth four thousand men had taken the strengthe of Thermopyle Xerxes in disdaine of his small noumber commaunded that none shoulde assaile them but they whose kinsfolke were slain at the battel of Marathon the which while they soughte to reuenge the deathes of their frends wer the beginning of the slaughter that ensued In their places succeded stil mo and mo to the great encrease of their owne slaughter Three daies the Persians fought there to their greate anguish displesure and sorow The fourth daye when it was tolde Leonides that twentye thousande of his ennemies had taken the toppe of the hill then he began to exhort his partakers to depart and to reserue them selues till some better time might come wherin they might do seruice to their country for he hys Spartanes wold stād to thaduēture of fortune saying that he set not so much by his life as by his country that the resi due ought to be spared for the defice of Grece whē the kin ges plesure was published the rest departed all sauing the Lacedemonians which taried stil with him In the beginning of this war whé counsel was asked of apollo at Delphos answer was geuē that either the king of thes partanes must be slain or els the city be destroid And therfore whē the king Leonides shuld go forth to the war he had so encoraged his souldiers that euery man went with a willing hart to dye with their maister He tooke the straites for this purpose that with his small nōber he might either win with more honor or die with les domage to the cōmō welth wherfore when he had dismissed his partakers he exhorted the Spar tanes to remēber thē selues that how so euer they fought they must be slaine warning them to take hede that they gaue no cause to baue it reported of them hereafter that their harts serued them better to tary then to fight saying that it was not for thē to stand stil til their enemies should enclose
This yere was notable not only because peace was so sodenlye made throughe all Grece but also because the same time the Citye of Rome was taken by the frenchmen But the Lacedemonians being now at rest lying in await for aduātage ●…spying the Arcadians from home surprised their castle put a garrison of their owne men therin The Arcadians therfore with the helpe of the Theba●…es came into the field well armed and in good aray to recouer that that they had lost by the sword In the which conflict Archidamus captain of the Lacedemonians was wounded who seing his men beaten downe as vanquished demaunded by an heralt to haue the deade bodies of such as were slain to th entent he might bury them For this is a token amōg the Grekes of geuing the victory with the which confession the Thebanes being contented blew to the retreit pursued no further with a few daies after neither party attēpting any displesure when a man wold haue thought they had ben at a truce as it were by a secret consent and agrement amōg them selues while the Lacedemonians wer busied in other warres against their neighbors the Thebanes vnder the conduicte leading of their captain Epaminondas purposed to haue won their citie ere they wer aware of it Where vpon in the beginning of the night they setforth as closelye as they coulde deuise toward Lacedemon But yet they coulde not take them vnwares For thold men other persōs vnme●…e for the wars by reson of their yeres hauing vnderstāding ofthapproche of their enemies armed thē selues met them in the very entrance of the gates against xv M. souldiers not aboue a C. old forgrown men put thē selues to thencounter So much corage strength doth the present sight of a mannes country houshold geue a man so much doth ●…he presēce of things geue men 〈◊〉 stomackes thē the remēbrāce of thē being away For when theysaw within what ●… for what they stode at defence they determined either to win 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 die A few old men therfore helde them playe whome ere the next morning all the youth they had was not able to withstand In that battell two of the captains of their enemies were slain In the meane while word was brought that agesilaus was come where vppon the Thebanes retired and it was not longe after but they encountred againe For the yong men of Lacedemon being incensed with the prowesse and valiāt demenor of the old men could not be with held but that they would nedes try the matter immediatlye in open field when as the victory was all ready the Thebanes And Epaminondas whiles he executed the dutye and office not only of a stout captain but also of a valiaunt souldiour was greuously wounded The which thing being hard of the one party was so striken in feare and the other partye for ioy was so amazed that bothe parties as it were by a peaceable consent departed the field Within a fewe daies after Epaminondas deceased with whom the strength of the common welth decayed For in like manner as if ye break of the edge of a wepon the rest of it is able to doo no great harme euen so this Duke being dead who was as it were the edge of the common wealthe of Thebes the strengthe therof was appalled and in manner dulled in so much that they semed not so muche to haue lost him as altogether to haue died with him For neither before this Dukes time atcheued they any notable conquest nor afterwarde deserued to be spoken of for any famous attempt by them accom plished but only for the slaughters that were made of thē So that it appereth manifestly that the glory and renown of his country did bothe spring vp with him and die wyth him And a manne is not able to iudge whether he were a better captain and souldiour or a better man of his liuing For alwaies he sought preheminence to his countrye rather then to him self and he was suche a sparer of monye that be wanted wherwith to bury him according to his estate And he was euen as couetous of praise as of monye For authority and offices wer laid vpon him euen vtterly against his wil. And he behaued him self in such wise in his authority that he semed not to receiue but rather to geue honor to the same Furthermore he was so studious of lerning so instructed in the knowledge of philosophy that it was a wōder to se how a mā bred brought vp in lerning shuld come by such sight experience in feats of war Neither did his death dissent from this his trade of liuing For being brought into his tent half dead when he was come to him self again had receiued his speache he demaunded this one thing of such as stode about him whether his ene mies had taken his shield from him when he was felled or no when he vnderstode it was saued he commaunded it to be broughte to him as the partaker of all his trauels and glory he kissed it Then he enquired again which parte had won the field and hearing that the Thebanes had gottē it he said all was wel and so as it wer reioysing for his coūtries sake he gaue vp the ghoste By the deathe of this man the prowesse of the Atheniens also decayed For after the time that he was once gon whose fotesteps they wer wont to fo low now geuing the selues all together to slouth idlenes they lashed out the common reuenues not vpon ships and men of warre as they had don in times past but in feastful daies and holy daies in making preparation for pagiants enterludes gathering thē selues together into the theaters to behold the famous stage players Poets visitinge oftner the stage then the campe setting more by versifiers and oratoures then by Captaines Then the common tresure wherwith men of war and mariners wer wont to be maintained began to be deuided amonge the people of the city By meanes wherof it came to passe that whyle the Greekes gaue them selues to idlenesse The name of the Macedones which before time was ●…ile and obscure sprōg vp and grew to great honour that Philip who was kept iii. yeres as an hostage at Thebes being enstructed in all feates of armes and cheualry by 〈◊〉 and the Pelo●… after his returne into his country laid the kingdō of Macedony as a yoke of bondage vpon the neckes bothe of Grece and of ●…sia The seuenth Booke MAcedonie in auncient time was called ●…inathia after the name of emathio king of the coūtry who was the firste that gaue anye notable profe of his prowesse in those parts As this country encreased slowly by little and little so the boundes therof were very narowe The inhabitauntes were called Pclascians and the Country it self Bcotia But afterwarde throughe the prowesse of the kinges and industry of the people first by subduinge theyr
neighbors and shortly after other forrain people nations thempire therof was dilated euen to the vttermooste borders of the East In the region of Peonic whiche nowe is a portion of 〈◊〉 raigned by report 〈◊〉 the father of astriopeus whose name we here spoken of in the battel of Troy among the chiefest and moste ●…aliaunt defendours of the Citye And on the one side of Hellespont in Europe raigned a kig called Europe Caran●… also with a great multitude of Grekes being commaunded by thaunswer of the Oracle to seeke an habitation in Macedony when he came into emathia following a heard of Goats that ●…ed out of the shour of rain entred wan the ●…eld of edissa ere the mē of the town perceiued his cōming by reson of the greatnesse of the storm whervpon calling to minde the answer of the Oracle by which he was commaunded to seke a kingdome wher gotes should be his guides he appoynted it to be the seat of his kingdom And euer after he obserued deuoutly●… that whether so euer he led any hoste he woulde haue the same gotes before his standerde to the entent that as they wer thautors of his kingdom so might they be also as leaders in all his enterprises And in remembraunce of thys benefit he chaunged the name of edyssa and called it 〈◊〉 the people therof 〈◊〉 Afterward when he had expulsed Midas for he also held a parte of Macedonie diuers other kings in the stead of thē all he succeded alone ●…irst of al gathering knitting together sōdry sorts of people made as it wer one entire body of Macedonie laid a strong foūdatiō for his kingdom hereafter to grow vpon After him raigned Perdicas whose life was notable the warnings at his last departure which wer as thanswer of an oracle worthy to be remebred For when he drue toward his end by reason of age he shewed his sonne Argeu●… the place in the which he wold be buried willing not only his owne body but also all the bodies of thē that shuld succede him in the kingdō to be buried in the same place prophecying before that as long as the bones of his posterity were buried there so long the kingdō shuld cōtinue in his line family And vpon this superstition it is beleued that his ofspringe failed in great Alexander because he chaūged the place of burial argeus hauing gouerned the kingdō with iustice and loue of his people left to succede him his sōne Philip who being surprised by hasty death substituted his heir Europe a very babe But the Macedones wer at continuall debate strife with the Thracians Illyrians by whose warres as by daily exercise being hardened they grew so famous redouted in feats of armes that all their neighbours were afraid of thē The Illirians therfore despising thinfancy of the yong king assailed the Macedones with battel who be ing put to the worse brougbt forth their king in his cradel set him before the battel beginning the field new againe as thoughe they had bene vanquished before vpon none other occasion but because they wanted y ● good luck of their king in the battell thincking to get the vpper hand and it were for none other cause elsse then that vpon this superstition they had perswaded them selues they shoulde win Moreouer they had pity compassion of the infant whome it was none other like but they should make a captine of a king if they should happen to be ouercome In the meane season Darius king of Perfia beinge put to shamefull flighte and driuen oute of S●…ythia because he wold not seme to be dishonored euery wher by his losses in the warres sent 〈◊〉 with part of his army to subdu●… Thrace thother kingdoms of that climat among the which for the slender regard estimation therof he should take Macedonie for one who shortly executing his masters cōmaundement sent ambassadors to Amyntas king of Macedonie demaunding hostages for performance of the peace that shuld be concluded betwene thē But thābassadors be ing gently enterteined as they began to be somwhat ouer come with drink desired Amyntas that forasmuch as he had made them such a sūptuous feast he wold also graūt them the rights duties of familiarity that is to say that theyr sonnes their wiues their daughters mighte come kepe them cōpany at the banket for it was counted amonge the Persians as a sure token pledge of hospitality frendlye entertainment Who comming in to bear them company the Persians began to daly with more wantonly then was semely conuenient Wher vpon Alexāder the son of amino tas desired his father to haue respect to his age grauity to withdraw himselfe from the banket promising to fynde meanes to delay the dalians of his quests wel inough whē ●…yntas was gone Alexander called out the women one by one as though it had ben to dresse attire thē more gorgeously so to bring them in again In whose sted he dressed in womens apparel he sent yong men commaūding them to represse the wātonnes of thambassadors with their we pons that they caried vnder their garmēts The which being done al thambassadors killed Mogabyzus knowing nothing hereof when he saw his ambassadors returned not a gaine sent thither Bubares with a parte of his hoste as to a war so easy so mean as that he disdained to troble himself therwith least men should speke dishonor of him for fighting against so base vile a kinde of people But 〈◊〉 be fore the battel being taken in loue with Amintas daughter leauing of the warres solempniled the marriage laying a side all rancor and emnity ioyned him self in aliaunce with his enemy After the departure of Bubares out of Macedone the kinge Amyntas deceased Unto whose sonne successor Alexander this affinity of Bubares did great ple sure For by meanes therof he not onlye liued in peace all the time of Darius but also grew in greate fauor wyth Xerxes In so muche that when like a tempest he inuaded all Grece he gaue him the seniory royalty of al the coūtries betwene the mountaines of Olympus and Hemus Yet notwithstanding he enlarged his kingdom as much by his own prowes as by the liberality of the Persians At lēgth by order of succession the kingdom of Macedone cam vnto Amyntas the sonne of his brother Menelaus This man al so was notable for his actiuity and endowed with al royall and warlike qualities He begate of his wife Eurydice thre sonnes Alexāder Perdicas and Philip the father of great Alexander and a da●…ghter named Euryone And of a nother wife called Cygea he engendred Archilaus Aridens 〈◊〉 who had sore warres first with the Illyrians and after wyth the Olynt●…ans But he had ben cut short by the treson of his wife Eurydice who concluding priuely a mariage wyth her sonne
his person that in hautinesse of courage in knowledge of Philosophy and in strength of body he farre excelled all them by whome the Easte was conquered For when Alexander the greate being very fore moued to anger against Callysthenes the Philosopher for speaking agaynste the adoring of him after the manner of the Persians had appeached the said Callysthenes of treason and there vpon cruelly mangled him by cuttinge of his eares hys nose his li●…pes that all menne pitied and lamented to behold howe miserablye he was handled and moreouer caried him about with him shutte vp with a dogge in a cage to the terrible ensample of all other Then Lysimachus who was wont euer before to hear Callysthenes and to receiue enstructions of vertue at his hand taking pity and compassion to see so worthye a manne punished not for anye fault but for vsinge his libertye in speakinge gaue hym poyson to ridde him out of his calamities Wherwith Alexander was so sore agreued that he commaunded hym to be cast vnto a fierce Lion But when the Lion at the first sight of him came running with open mouthe vpon him Lysimachus wineding his arme in a Towell thruste his hand into the Lyons mouth and pulling out his tong killed the beast The which thing when it was declared to the kyng he thought it such a wonder that he was appeased towardes him and euer after sette more store by him for his so great stedfastnesse in vertue Lysimachus also with a noble courage toke the despight that the kynge had doone to him as mekely as if it had bene done by his owne father Finally putting quite oute of his minde the rememberaunce of this displeasure Afterwarde in Inde as the kyng pursued certaine of his ennemies that were dispersed when he hadde throughe the swiftnesse of hys horse lost the companye of all his gard This Lysimachus alone ran foote by foote with him and kepte him company by his horse side through vnmeasurable fieldes of dry sande The whiche thinge his brother Philippe attempting before to haue doone died betweene the Kynges handes But as Alexander alyghted from his horse hee wounded Lysimachus so sore in the fooreheade wyth the poynt of his speare that the bloude coulde not otherwise be stopped but that to bynde vp the wound wythall the kyng was fain to take the Drademe from hys own hed and set it vpon his the which was then firste of all a fortunate fortoken that Lysimachus should after aspire to the estate of a kinge And after the death of Alexander when the prouinces were deuided among his successoures the cruellest natyons were assigned to Lysimachus as to the valiantest person of all others for farre did he by the consent of al men excede all the residue in manhoode and prowesse Before the battell shoulde be foughte betwene Ptolomy and hys adherentes against Ant●…onus Seleuchus departing sodenly out of the greater Asia became a new ennemye vnto antigonus This mannes prowesse also was notable and his begetting wonderfull For his mother Laodice beinge maried to Antiochus a noble manne among the captaynes of king Philip dreamed in her sleepe that she conceyued and was greate with childe by apollo and that in recom pence for lying with him the God gaue her a Kynge in the stone wherof was engraued the lykenesse of an A●…ker commaundinge her to geue it to her sonne whome she should bryng forth This vision was wonderful both for the ringe of the same engrauinge that was feunde in her bedde the next morning and for the figure of the anker which was founde in the thighe of Seleuchus beinge a little Babe when he was newly borne and so continued and grewe with him Wherfore Laodice when Seleucus should go with great Alexander to the warfare agaynste the Persians enforming him of the maner of his begetting gaue him the ringe Wheras after the deathe of Alexander obtaining the Empire of the East he builded a City and there consecrated the memoriall of the original of the stone For he both called the Citye Antioche after the name of hys father and also dedicated the fieldes about the city to Apollo The token of his begettinge remained also with his posterity For his children and childrens children had an Anker in their thigh as a naturall marke of their linage He made many battels in the Eastafter the deuision of the kingdome of Macedone amonge the pieres of the realme First he toke Babilon by force then being encrease din power by reason of that victory he conquered the Bactrians Afterwarde he made an enteraunce into Inde whiche after the deathe of Alexander hauing as it were caste of the yoke of bondage from their neckes had slaine all his lieuetenauntes The author of this libertye was one Sondrocotte but after the victorye he turned this pretence of libertye into seruitude For by vsurping vppon him the kingdome he oppressed wyth hys owne tiranny the people whome he had deliuered from foraine subiection This man was borne of low●…degree but driuen to take the kingdom vpon him by the present aid of God For when he had vpon a time offended Alexander with his malapertnesse and that the king had com maunded him to be put to death he saued his life by swift nesse of his fete After the which being very wearye and lying fast a sleepe A Lyon of maruelous hugenesse came to him as he slept ▪ and with his tounge licked of the swet that issued from him and when he awaked went gentlye away B●…ing by this wonderfull foretoken firste moued to h●…pe of the kingdome he gathered together ano●…ber of robbers and stirred the Indians ▪ to rebellyon Afterward as he was makinge preparation for the warres against ▪ Alexanders lieuetenaunts a wylde Elephant of maruelous bignesse offred hymselfe to him of hys owne accord and as though he had bene tame mekely receyued hym vppon hys backe ▪ and he became a valiaunt captain and a notable warryo●…re Sandrocotte hauynge thus gotten the kyngdome the verye same time that Seleucus layed the foundation of the greatnesse that he after grew vnto held all Inde ▪ with whome Seleucus entery●…ge a league and hauing set his affaires at a stay in the Easte came to the warres set against Antigonus The armyes therfore of the confederates beinge assembled together there was a field fought In the whyche Antigonus was slayne ▪ and hys sonne Demetrius put to flyghte But the confederates after they had by battell dispatched theyr ▪ enemies fell together by the eares againe amonge them selues and for because they could not agree in parting of the pray they sundred them selues into two partes Seleucus ioyned himselfe with Demetrius and Ptolomy with Lisimachus Cassander being deceased his sonne Philippe succeded him And so new warres sprong vp a fresh agayn in Macedone ¶ The. xvi Booke AFter the deathe of Cassander and hys sonne Philip one immediatly ensuinge the other Thessalonice the Quene and wife
of Cassander ere it was long time after entreatynge for her life e●…en by she wynge her brestes to moue him to pitye was crue●…ly slain by her sonne antipater The cause of the murther was this by reason that after the death of her husband when the kyngdome should be deuided she semed to be more fa uourable to Alexander The whych act apeared so much the more heynous in all mennes eyes by reason the mother ment no deceipte in the matter And yet to saye the trouthe there canne be no cause alledged iustly to excuse one for killing their father or theyr mother Alexander therfore vpon this occasyon entendynge to make warre vpon hys brother to reuenge hys mothers death desired healpe of Demetrius And Demetrius was easye to entreat in hope to inuade the kingdome of Macedone Of whose cōming Lysimachus being afraid perswaded hys son in law Ant●…pater to fal to agremēt with his brother rather then to suffer his fathers enemy to enter into Macedone Demetrius perceiuing that a reconcilement was entreted vpon betwene the. ii brethren slew Alexander through great treson inuading the kingdome of Macedone to the entent to excuse himself of the murder before his men of war he called them together There he aledged y ● Alexander had lien in wait for him before and that he hadde not committed but only preuented the treason Saying it was more reson he himself shuld be kyng then the other bothe for because of his yeares he was of more discretion experiens and also for other consyderations For his father had accompanied both king Phillip gr●…at Alexander in all their warres and afterwarde had serued Alexander as a captain in pursuing the rebels Where as on the contrary parte Antipater the graundfather of these yongmen was alwaies a more roughe gouernoure of the kingdome then the kinges them selues And Cassander the father of them the roter vp of the kings house spared neither women nor children nor neuer ceased vntill he had vtterly destroyed all the ofspring of the kings posteritye The reuengement of these milcheues for because he could not execute it vpon Cassander him self he said was transferred vnto his children Wherefore both Phillip and Alexander if the dead haue anye perseueraunce woulde not that the roters out of them and their issue but rather the punishers of those traitors should enioy the kingdome of Macedone The people being by this meanes mitigated proclaimed him king of Macedone Lysimachus also beinge entangled with the warres of Dromychet king of ●…hrace to y ● entent he would not be constrained to haue battel the self same time with Demetrius also yelded to him thother part of Macedone that fell to the lot of his sonne in law Antipater and made peace with him Demetrius therfore being furnished with the whole power of all Macedone when as he was mineded to conquere Asia Ptolomy Seleuchus and Lysimachus hauing tried by the former conflict what a strength concord was of entred in league againe and ioyning their hastes together remoued the warres into Europe against Demetrius Pyrrhus kinge of Epyre hoopinge that Demetrius might as easly and lightly forgoo Macedone as he cam by it ioyned him self with them as a fellowe and companion in their war And his hope deceiued him not For he foūd the meanes to corrupt his army with rewardes whereby he put him to flight and seised the kingdome of Macedone into his owne handes While these thinges were a doing Lysimachus put his sonne in law Antipater to deathe because he repined and 〈◊〉 that the kingdome of Macedone hys ▪ rightfull inheritaunce was taken from him throughe the falshod of his father in law And because his daughter eurydice toke her husbands part in making like exclamatiō he put her in pryson And so al the house of Cassāder part ly by murder and partly by execution suffred due punishment in the behalfe of great Alexander whether it were for working of his death or for destroying of his issue and posterity Demetrius also being ouercharged with so many hostes wheras he might haue died honorablye chose rather to yeld himself to Seleuchus shamefully When theese warres were ended Ptolomy with great renowme of hys actes and enterprises died He contrary to the cōmon law of all nations somewhat before he fell sycke had resigned the kingdome to the yongest of his sonnes and of hys so doing he rendred a reason to the people who fauored the sonne no lesse for receiuing the kingdome then the father for deliuering of it Amonge other examples of naturall loue and affection shewed on both partes betwene the father and the sonne ▪ this thing wan the hartes of the comminalty to the yōg man that the father after the time he had openly surrendred the kingdome vnto him executed the office of one of the garde and serued the kinge as an other priuate person sayinge it was far more honorable for a man to be father to a kinge then to be a kynge hym selfe But discorde the continuall mischief among pieres stirred vp strife betwene Lysimachus and Pyrrhus a litle be fore fellowes and confederates agaynste Demetrius Lysimachus getting the vpper hand droue Pyrrhus oute of Macedone and toke it into his owne hād After this he made war against Thrace and then against the city Heraclea y ● original end of which city wer wonderful both of thē For vpon a time whē the Beo●…ans wer afflicted wyth a sore plage answer was geuen them at thoracle of delphos y ● they shuld build a city in the country of Pontus dedicate it vnto Hercules Now when as for fear of the long perillous sayling desiring al to die in their own country rather then to enterprise so lōg a iourny the matter was omitted y ● Phocenses made war against thē By whō being diuers times put to Y e worse they ran to the oracle again for coūsel Answsr was made them y ● the same thing y ● shuld remedy ●…he pestilens shuld remedy y ● war Wher vpon gathering a litle nōber of men they sailed into Metapont builded the city Heraclea And forasmuch as thes had ben brought thither by thordinance of god w tin short space after they grew to great welth In proces of tyme this city had many battels with their neighbors much mischefe among thē selues through ciuil dissetiō Among other honorable dedes this in especially is worthye to be remēbred At suche time as the Atheniens bare the souerainty and hauing vanquished the Persians had raised a taxe bothe in Grece Asia for the maintenaunce of theyr flete wheras all other to saue thē selues harmlesse gladly gaue thē their asking onlye the Heracliens for the fauor they bare to the kings of Persia refused to be cōtributary to y ● taxe Malachus therfore being sent frō Athens wyth an army to take perforce the thing y ● was denied whyles he wēt abrode to wast
aduersitye whome the wilfull rage and rashnesse of Ptolomy their kyng had wel nie destroyed All men standinge thus in despaire ▪ 〈◊〉 one of the princes of Macedone perceiuing it auailed not to trust to praying only raised a noumber of lusty yong men and bothe asswaged the courages of the Frenche men then in theyr ruffe for theyr late victorye and defended Maced●…ne from wasting and destroying by the enemy In recompence of which his valiant dede wheras in any noble men sued to haue the kingdome of 〈◊〉 he being no noble man born was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 them all And at suche time as his men of warre 〈◊〉 hym king he compelled them to swere to him ▪ not by the name of king but by the name of captaine In the meane season Brennus captaine of that portion of the Frenche menne that bent them selues into Grecehearinge of the victorye of his countrye men whiche had vanquished the Macedones vnder the conducte of Belgius freatynge for anger that so fatte a booty and so laden with the spoyles of the East was so lightly forgone after they had gotten the vpper hand raised an hoo●…t of a hundred and fiftye thousande footemen and fiftene thousand horsemen and inuaded Macedone again When Sosthenes sawe how they wasted the countrye and the villages he met them with his ho●…te of Macedones wel appoynted and in good order of battel But by reson they were few and their enemies manye they halfe discouraged and the other strong and lustye they were sone put to the worser Wherfore while the Macedones being beaten kept them selues within the walles of their cities Brennus lyke a conqueror against whome no man durst shewe hys heade to make resistence forraged all the fieldes of Macedone From thence as thoughe those boties and spoyles semed to base and simple in his eie he tourned hys mynde to the temples of the Goddes immortall malapertlye scoffynge that the Goddes were ryche and ought to depart liberally to men Thervppon immediatly he tooke his iourney toward Delphos setting more by the gaine of the gold that had bene offered to the Goddes then by their displesure whome he affirmed to haue no neade of richesse as they that are wont to bestow them vppon men The temple of Apollo at Delphos is situate in the mount Parnasus vp on a cliffe on euerye side fallinge stepe downe There the confluens of men whiche vpon trust and confidens in the maiesty of that God resorting thither from diuers places builded them houses in that rocke hath made a populous city And moreouer both the temple and the town are enclosed not with walles but with the stepenesse of y ● rocke neither are they defended with fortifications made by mannes hand but with fortifications growen by nature So that there is no man in the world able to say whether the strength of the place or the maiesty of the god be more to be wondered at The middle part of the rocke inwarde is in fashion like a Theatre By meanes where of when men make anye shoutinge or hallowinge or when anye trompet is blowen the sound beateth and reboundeth in suche wise vppon the stones from one to another that the Echo is hard double and treble and the noyse resoundeth farre louder and greater then it went forth The whyche thyng causeth the simple and ignorant folke to stande in more fear thincking it to be the presence of the godhead and oftentimes maketh them to stand wonderinge at it as if they were straught In this wineding of the rocke almost midway to the top of the hil there is a litle playn and in the same a depe hole into the grounde whiche serueth to geue Oracles Out of t●…e whiche a ce●…tayne colde breth driuen vp as it were in a certain winde ascendyng vpward stirreth the mindes of the Prophets into a madnesse and so hauing filled them with the spirit of the god compelleth them to geue answer to suche as come for coūsel In the same place therfore there are to be sene many riche giftes of kings and peoples which by their cost and sumptuousnesse do well declare the thankfulnesse of such as receiued aunswers in performing of theyr vowes Wherfore when Brennus came within the view of the temple he was in doubte with him selfe a greate while whether he were better to attempt the matter forthwith or geue his souldiers that nightes respite to rest them and gather theyr strength to them Euridanus and Thessalonus who for couetousnesse of the pray had ioyned theym selues with him willed to cutte of all delaye while theyr enemies were vnprouided and no dout but theyr sodayne approche shoulde be a great terror vnto them Where as by geuinge theym that nightes respite theyr ennemyes should perchaunce get both courage and succoure and the wayes that nowe lay open mighte be stopped vp But the common souldiers of the frenchmen when as after longe penury and skarsity they then found a countrye replenyshed with wyne and all other kynde of victualles beynge as glad and ioyfull of the aboundaunce as of a victorye they dispersed them selues in the fields and leuyng theyr standerd ran abrode making hauocke of all thynges lyke conqueroures the whiche thinge was a meane that the Delphians had respite to lay for them selues For at such time as it was firste reported that the Frenchmen were comminge thither the husband men and men of the country were prohibited by the Greke oracles to conuey their corne and wines out of the villages The wholsome meaning of which commaundement was not vnderstanded before that the aboundaunce of wine and other victualles being cast as a stop in the frenche mennes waies the succoures of theyr neighboures had leisure to resorte thither together The Delphians therfore had manned strengthened the towne by the helpe of theyr neighboures or euer the french men who were as greadye of the wine as of a bootye coulde be called from the wine fatte to theyr standard Brenne had three skore and fiue thousande chosen footemen of the best in all his hoste wheras the Delphians and their aiders were in all but foure thousande fighting men In disdaine of whiche f●…al handful Bren to the entent to sharpen the mindes of his menne shewed theym all what a riche and plentifull praye they shoulde haue affirminge that the Images with the chariottes where of they might behold greate store a farre of were made all of massye golde wherefore the booty shoulde be better in the hande then it seemed to the eye The frenche men being by this vouching of their captain or rather by theyr owne beholding stirred vp and also wounded wyth the wine they had poured in the day before wythoute respecte of any danger ran 〈◊〉 to the encounter On the contrary part the Delphians putting more truste in God then in their owne strength resisted their ennemies euen with a contempt and what with stones and what wyth theyr wepons threw the
frenchmen as they skaled headlong from the top of the mountaine While the two parties wer thus striuing one with a nother sodēly the prtestes of all the temples the Prophets them selues also w t their heare aboute their eares with the reliques in theyr hands and their miters on their heds like men straught out of their wits came running forth preased into the forefront of the battel crying oute that God was come among them and that they had sene him leape down into the temple at the open rofe top Moreouer while they ●…er all makinge their humble supplications to God forayde they said they met a yonge man of beauty and personage far excelling anye mortall creature and in his companye with him ii virgins in armor which came vnto hym out of the. ii temples of Diane and Minerua therby y ● which thing they not onlye had perfectlye scene with their eyes but also more ouer had harde the clatteringe of their harnesse and the sounde of theyr bowes Wherfore they earnestly hartely besought them seing the Gods thē selues did gard their standerd they should not sticke to dispatche their ennemies and to ioyne them selues as partakers w t the Gods of the victory With which words being greatly encouraged they preased forth wh●… might be formoste in the flight And there withall they forthwith perceyued that God was presente on their side For bothe a piece of the mountaine being broken of by a sodaine earthquake ouerwhelmed the Frenche hoste and the thi●…st of theyr enemies not without great slaughter were 〈◊〉 put to ●…ight In the necke wherof there ensued a tempest w t hail thonder and lightning consumed as many as were any thing sore wounded The captaine Brenne himselfe being not able to abide the smarte of his woundes toke a ●…word and killed himself Another of the captaines when he saw how greuously thautors of the war had ben punished with x. M. of his retinue departed in post hast out of Grece But they sped neuer the better for theyr flying a way For they were so afraid that they durste neuer lye a night in any house they passed no day without 〈◊〉 Moreouer continuall raine frost and snow hunger and wearinesse and thervnto continual watching worse then all the rest consumed and broughte to nothinge the wretched remnaunt of this vnfortunate warre The people al so and the nations through whiche they trauelled lycked them vp as they s●…attered abrode as a praye Where by it came to passe that of that so huge and populous army which lately before vpon trust of their own strength dyd despise euen the very gods there was not so much as one man left that mighte saye hereafter he had beene at that slaughter and eskaped The. xxv Booke PEace beinge established betwene the ii kinges Antigonus and Antiochus assone as Antigonus retourned into Macedone sodenly there arose a new enemy against him For the French men whome Brenne at his settynge forth into Grece had left at home for the defence of his country to th entēt they onlye woulde not seeme to sytte at home lyke cowardes armed fiftene thousand foote men and thre thousand horse men and hauing chased the hostes of the Getes and Tribols when they approched nere vnto Macedone sent ambassadors to the king partly to offer him peaceto sale and partly to view the order and demeanor of his ●…ampe Whom Antigonus like a royall prince inuited the same night to a sumptuous banket But the frenchmen wondering at the great plenty of plate bothe of golde and siluer that was set before theym and there wythall beynge entised with the richnesse of the pray returned more hys ennemies then they came to him Furthermore the king to 〈◊〉 to put them in feare as at the sight of so vgly shapes wher with the barbareus people wer not acquainted cōmaunded his men to shew them his elephants and his ships laden with ●…tuall and artillery not knowing that they whome by 〈◊〉 setting forth his power richesse he wold haue discouraged were therby the rather encouraged as 〈◊〉 a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The ambassadours therfore when they came agayne to their company did set out all things to the vttermoste made more of them then they were in dede Declarynge both the kings richesse and his negligence how his camp was stuffed with gold si●…uer and n●…ther for 〈◊〉 with diche nor trenche and that euen as thoug●… their 〈◊〉 wer a sufficient defice for them they kept nether watch nor ward ▪ nor anye other warlike order as if they had no nede at all of help of the sword because they wallowedin gold This report was inough to stir vp the minds of the couet●…s frenchmen to the pray Besides that they toke example 〈◊〉 Belgius who not long time before had 〈◊〉 the host of Macedone and the kinge also Therfore wyth one assent they assailed the kings camp in the night who foreseing the greate mischiefe that was like to ensue had geuen his men warning the day before to conuey awaye all their stuffe and to aide them couertly in the wode by For there was none other meane for them to saue theyr campe but only by forsaking it The frenchmen ●…ineding all thinges void and not only without defenders but also without kepers mistrusting that they were not fled but rather withdrawen or that they kepte them selues close for some policy durst not a good while enter 〈◊〉 at y ● gates At the laste leauinge all the fortifications whole and vntouched they entered the campe rather searchinge then riffling And hauing taken suche as they founde turned them selues to the sea side There as they 〈◊〉 ●…sedly riffeling of the shippes ▪ the watermen and parte of the army that were fled thither with 〈◊〉 wiu●…s chyldren ●…odainly fel vpon them and flue them or they feared any suche matter And there was made suche a slaughter of the Frenchmen that the fame of this victorye purchased Antigonus peace not only of the Frenchmen but also of the fierce and sauage people that bordered on hys kingdome How be it the frenche men multiplied so sore at that time that they spread ouer Asia as it had beene a swarme of Bees In so muche that the kinges of the East made not any warres but they hired the French men to serue them nor if they were put from their kyngdomes they resorted not to anye other then the frenche men for helpe So sore was the name of the frenche men redoubted or rather they had continuallye so prosperous successe in theyr warres that the kyngs thought them selues not able to maintain their estate or to recouer it beinge ones lost without the prowesse and aid of the French men Therfore being called to the helpe of the kinge of Bythinia after the time they had gotten the victorye they parted his kingdome with him and named the 〈◊〉 french greke While these thinges were a doinge
certain of his most trusty frends exhorted them to the deliuerance of their country from bondage When he perceiued how they stoke to put them selues in daunger for the sauegard of the whole realme and that they demaunded leisure to take aduysement in the matter he called his seruaunts to him commaunding them to lock in the dores and to bear word to the Tirant that he shuld send immediatly to his house to apprehend traitors that had cōspired against him threatning vnto each of them that seing he could not be the author of deliueraunce of his country he wold at least wise finde the meanes to be reuenged vppon them for wythdrawing their helpe from it Then they being circum●…ted with the doutful danger chu●…ing the hone●…er way of both sware the death of the Tyrant and so Aristotimus was dispatched the fifth moneth after he had vsurped the kingdome In the meane season Antigonus beinge wrapped in many warres at ones bothe of king Ptolomy and the Spartanes besides the hoste of the Frenche grekes which newly became his enemies left a few souldioures in his campe for a shew against the other two and went himself with his whole power against the Frenche men The French men hearinge therof made them selues redy to the battel and slue sacrifice for thobtaining of good successe in that encounter By the inwardes of the which beastes perceiuing that there was toward them a great slaughter and the vtter destruction of them all they wer there vpon turned not into feare but into madnesse For in hope to pacify the wrath of the Gods by the bloudshed of theyr owne people they killed their wiues and chyldren beginning to perfourme through their own slaughter the euill lucke that was manased them by y e warres So extreme a madnesse was entred into their cruell hartes that they spared not the yonge children whome euen the enemy would haue spared but that they made deadly and mortall warre with their childrē and the mothers of them in defence of whome menne are wonte to make warres Therfore as though they had by their vnspeakeable wickednesse purchased them selues bothe lyfe and victory bloudy as they were after the freshe slaughter of theyr wiues and children they proceded into battel with as good successe as foretoken For as they were fighting the remorse of their owne consciences for their vnspeakable slaughter the ghostes of thē that they had murdered wauing before theyr ●…ies first and formost discouraged them ere they were oppressed by the enemy and so they were ●…aine euery mothers chiid There was made so great a slaughter that it shuld seme the Goddes had conspired with menne to the vtt●…r destruction of those murderers After the good and fortunate chaunce of this battell Ptolomy and the Spartanes eschuing the victorious army of their ennemy Antigonus retired into places of saue garde and defence Antigonus when he saw they were retired while his mē wer yet freshe and couragious by reason of their late victory made warre to the A●…heniens Nowe whiles he was occupied in the same in the meane time Alexander kyng of Epire coueting to reuenge the death of hys father kinge Pyrrhus inuaded the borders of Macedone Againste whome when Antigonus was retourned oute of Grece all his souldioures reuolted from him and so he lost both the kingdome of Ma●…done and his army His sonne Demetrius being a verye childe leuyinge a power in the absence of his father not only recouered Macedone that his father had lost but also berest Alexander of his kingdom of Epire. So great was either the vnstedfastnesse of the souldiours or elsse the 〈◊〉 of fortune that kinges by course euen now banished men and anene kinges againe Alexander therfore beinge fled to the arcadians was as wel by the fauor of the Epyrotes as by the healpe of hys confederates restored into his kingdome againe Aboute the same time deceased agas kyng of Cyrene who before his last infirmity to the entent to cease and end all stryfe with his brother Ptolomy betrouthed his only daughter Beronice to his sonne But after the deathe of kinge Argas Arsinoe the mother of the maid to th entent to breke the mariage that was contracted against her wil sent for Demetrius the brother of king Antigonus out of Macedone to take vpon him the mariage of the maide and the kingdome of Cyrene who also was begotten of one of Ptolomies daughters And Demetrius made no taryaunce Therfore when as through prosperous wynde he was spedely arriued at Cyrene vpon trust of his beauty through which he began to like his mother in law to wel by and by after his comming he bare himself very proud ly and outragiously in the courte and against the men of warre and he cast his desyre of pleasing from the daughter to the mother The which thing being espted was ill taken first of the maid and also of the commō people and of the greate noumber of the souldioures Wher vpon all mennes mindes were tourned to the sonne of Ptolomy and the deathe of Demetrius was conspired For as he was in bed with his mother in lawe men were sent in to kil him But Arsinoe when she hard the voyce of her daughter standing at the chamber dore and geuinge thē charge to spare her mother couered and defended her peramour a while with her own body Neuerthelesse he was slaine and so Beronice with safetye of her naturall loue and duty did bothe reuenge the dishonourable aduoutry committed with her mother and also followed the determination of her father in taking of her husband ¶ The. xxvii Booke AFter the decese of Antiochus king of Syria his sonne Seleucus succeding in his roume by the in●…igation of his mother Laodice whi che ought to haue with helde hym from doing any suche thinge began his raigne with murder For he put to death his mother in law Beronice the sister of Ptolomye king of Egipt with his little brother begotten vpon her By doing of the which wickednesse he both brought him selfe in a foule slaunder and infamye and also entangled himself in the warres of Ptolomye Furthermore when Beronice vnderstode that men were sente to kill her she kept herself close in a pleasaunt manor of her fathers called Daphn●… When the cities of Asia harde that she her litle sonne were there besieged in remembraunce of the dignity of her father and of her ancestors and for pitye to se her so vnworthely intreated they sent aid vnto her Her brother Ptolomy also being stirred with the pearil of his sister left his owne kingdome and came in all haste to her reskue withall the power he was able to make But Beronice before her rescowes came at her where as she could not be taken by force was surprised by pollicye and put to death It semed a cruel and horrible act to all men Wherfore when al the cities that made iniurrectyon had made a great nauy sodainly beinge
ioyned with 〈◊〉 it is an vncredible thing how greatly they encreased The enryching of the Iewes came by the reuenewes of Balme whiche groweth no where but only in their countrie For there is a certayn valey inclosed round about with continuall hylles as it were walles like vnto gardines The place conteyning two hu●…dred thousand Acres is named Iericho In the same vale there is a wood notable bothe for the frutefulnesse and for the pleasauntnesse thereof For it is beset with date trees and balme trees The Balme trees are lyke in makyng and groweth vnto pytche trees sauyng that they be much lower and are dressed as vines are These at certeyn tymes of the yere doe swete out balme But the place is not so muche to be wondered at for the frutefulnesse as for the colenesse thereof For whereas throughout all the Clymate of that Countrie the sunne is excedyng hote there is in that place as it were a naturall warmenesse and a continuall shadowe In that countrie is a lake which for the greatnesse therof and for the vnmouable standyng of the water is called the dead sea For neyther is it moued with y ● wyndes by reason the bytumen resisteth the force of them wher with all the water is made to stand immouable neyther can it be sayled vppon bycause that all thynges wantyng lyfe synke downe to the bottom and it will not beare any substaunce onlesse it be ouerlayed with Alume Xerxes kyng of Persia fyrst subdued the Iewes Afterward they and the Persians also were brought in subiection by great Alexander and continued a longe tyme vnder the gouernaunce of the Empyre of Macedone Lastely rebellyng agaynst Demetrius by sekyng the frendshyppe and Aliance of the Romayns who at that tyme dyd cut large thonges of other mens lether they were the fyrste of all the Nacions of the East that requested lybertie Duryng the same tyme that there was such alteraciō of the kyngdome of Syria among the new kynges Attalus kyng of Asia distayned his moste florishyng kyngdome which he had receyued of his vncle Eumenes with the slaughter of his frendes and thexecucion of his kynsfolke false lye surmisyng one whyle that the olde lady his mother another while that his owne spouse Beronice were by their sorcery and enchauntmentes kylled After the committyng of this wicked and outragious crueltie he put on fylthie apparell he let his hed and his beard growe long lyke as offenders are wont to dooe in person he woulde not come abrode he would not shew himself to the people he would not make any myrthe or good chere in his house no nor pretend anie token at all of a manne that is in his right wittes so that it was not to be thought but that he punished himselfe to pacifye the Ghostes of suche as he had wrongfullie put to death There vppon leauyng the gouernement of the kyngdome he gaue himselfe to makyng of gardynes and sowed sedes settyng herbes an●… wedes myngled togyther all the which he woulde stepe in venemous liquors and send as a speciall present to his frendes Furthermore he gaue himselfe to the studie of Smyths craft and to founding of metalles maruelously delightyng in meltyng and casting of brasse Fynallie entendyng to make his mother a Tumbe as he was earnestlie occupied about the same he caught a Surfett●… by the heate of the sunne of the which he dyed within seuen dayes after By his last will he made the people of Rome his h●…ire But there was one Aristonicus the sonne of Eumenes not begotten in lawfull wedlocke but borne of a single woman of Ephesus the daughter of a certayn Mynstrell who after the death of Attalus toke vppon ●…im the kyngdome of Asia as yf it had ben his by right of inheritaunce When he had fought manie prosp●…rous battelles agaynst such of the Cities as woulde not yelde themselfes vnto him for feare of the Romayns and thervppon semed now to be righfull kyng in dede Licinius Crassus the Consul was appoynted to haue the charge of Asia who hauyng more mynde of Attalus riches then of the warre by aduenture in the later end of the wynter for wante of good order and gouernaunce in the fyelde was ouercomme and with the losse of his lyfe suffered due punishement for his vnaduised rashenesse and couetousnesse In his roume was sent the Consull Perpenna who in the fyrst encounter vanquished Aristonicus and toke him prisoner and also shipped all the riches of Attalus belongyng to the Romayns by force of Legacie and conueyed them to Rome The which his successor Marcus Aquilius the Consul takyng sore to hart made al the hast and spede he could deuise to take Arystonicus perforce out of Perpennas hand as who shoulde say that he himself ought rather to haue the honor of Tryumph fo●… vanquishyng hym But the deathe of Perpenna brake the stryfe of the Consulles and so Asia beyng made the right of the Romayns with her richesse sent also her vices vnto Rome The. xxxvii Boke AFter that Arostonicus was takē prisoner the Massilias sent Ambassadors to Rome humblye requestyng pardon for the Phocenses their foūders whose Citie Senate yea and name the Romaynes had geuen sentence should be vtterly rooted out bycause that bothe at that tyme and before tymes when they had warres with Antiochus the same lyke deadlie enemies had euer furthered the warre agaynste theym the which request with much sute the Massilians obteyned This done they rewarded the kynges that had ayded them agaynst Aristonicus vnto Mythridates kyng of Pontus they gaue the lesser Syria vnto the sonnes of Ariarathes kyng of Cappadocia who lost his lyfe in the same battell they gaue Licaonia and Cilicia And the people of Rome delt more faithfully with the sonnes of their confederates then the mother dyd deale with her owne children For by th one the child had his kyngdome enlarged by thother he was bereft of his lyfe For Laodice of syxe sonnes that Ariarathes had begotten by her for feare least by continuall succession in the gouernement of the kyngdome some of them mighte happen to come to mannes estate kylled fyue of them One of the yongest by the helpe of his kynred was saued from his mothers crueltie who after the death of the sayde Laodice for the people had put her to death for her crueltie enioyed the kyngdome alone Mythridates also beyng surprised by sodayne death left a sonne behynd him of his owne name who afterward grewe so great that he surmounted in estate not onely the kynges of his tyme but also all the kynges that had ben before hym and helde warres with the Romaynes syxe and fowerty yeres togither sometyme with conqueste and sometime with losse Whome the moste expert and valiant Captaynes Sylla and Lucullus with diuers others in fine ●…us Pem peius ouercame in such sorte that he still rose with greater force and prowesse to renewe the battell and by
was cōmitted to Satagenor a stranger that had serued Alexander in his warres These afterward when the Macedones fell to ciuill warre with thother nacions of thupper Asia toke part with Emnenes after whose discomfiture they submitted themselfes to Antigonus after Antigonus Nicanor Seleucus Antiochus and his successors kept them in obedience from whose graundchylde Seleucus they fyrst of all reuolted in the fyrst warre that was betwene the Romayns the Carthaginenses L. Manlius Piso and M. Attilius Regu lus beyng Consuls The occasion that they escaped clere with this their rebellion was the discorde betwene the two brothers kyng Seleucus aad kyng Antiochus who were so earnest to plucke the kyngdome one from another that they hadde no leasur to pursewe the rebelles The same tyme also rebelled one called Theodotus the whiche was the Lieuetenaunt of the thousande Cyties of the Bactrians and proclaymed hymselfe Kynge Whose ensample all the other resydewe of the people of the East ensewyng reuolted frō the Macedones Ther was at the same tyme one Arsaces as of vnknowen lynage so of approued actiuitie This man beyng wonte to lyue by rauyne robberie hearyng say that the Frenchmen had vāquished Seleucus in Asia beyng out of feare of his Prince entered into Parthia with a bande of robbers and ●…ewe their Lieuetenaunt Andragoras and after he had dispatched him out of the way vsurped the dominion of the countrie It was not long after but he con●…uered the kyngdome of Hyrcanie also and so beyng esta blished in the Empire of two Realmes he leuied an huge hoste for feare of Seleucus and Theodotus kyng of the Bactrians But he was sone deliuered frō feare of Theodotus for he dyed ▪ with whose sonne called Theodotus also ▪ he concluded a league continuall peace And within a while after he enconntred with Seleucus that came to subdewe the rebelles and ouercame him The whiche day the Parthians haue euer sythens kept holye with much solemnitie as the beginnyng of their lybertie Afterwarde when Seleucus was through newe Insurreccions called backe into Asia Arsaces hauyng thereby re●…pite and oportunitie sette order in the publike weale of Parthia mustered souldiers builded for tresses stronge holdes strengthened cyties and also edified a Cytie new oute of the ground in the mountayn Thabortene which he named Dara The situacion of whiche place is suche that there cannot be any deuised eyther more strong and defensible or more pleasaunt and delectable For it is so enuyroned round about with stepe rockes that the place of it self is able to hold out the enemie though there wer no bodie to defend it And the soyle thereaboutes is so fer tile and frutefull that it is able to suffice the whole cytie without helpe of any other place Besydes this there is suche abundaunce of sprynges and woodde that besydes the commoditie of the water wherewith it is moste plen tifullie moystured they may also haue the pleasur of haukyng and huntyng when they lyste Arsaces hauyng in this wyse bothe gotten and established his kyngdome at once dyed an olde man as greatlie renoumed among the Parthians as was Cyrus among the Persians Alexander among the Macedones or Romulus among the Romayns In remembraunce of whome the Parthians attributed this honor that they called all theire kynges by the name of Arsaces euer after This mans sonne heire named Arsaces also hauyng an army of an hundred thou sand sootemen and twentie thousand horsemenne fought very valiauntlie agaynst Antiochus the sonne of Seleucus and at length was receyued by him into aliance and frendshippe The third kyng of the Parthians was Pam patius lykewyse surnamed Arsaces for as I told you before they called all their kinges by that name lyke as the Romaynes call theirs by the name of Cesar Augustus This man hauyng raigned twelue yeres deceased leauyng two sonnes Mythridates Pharnax Of the which Pharnax the elder inherityng the kyngdome accordyng to the custome of their countrie conquered a stout kynde of people called the Mardes and within a while after deceased leauyng manie sonnes behynde him the which he made no accompte of in that case but left the kyngdome to his brother Mythridates a man of excellent prowesse and actiuitie thinkyng that the kyngdome was more to be regarded then the name of father and that he oughte rather to prouyde for his natiue contrey ▪ then for his chil dren The same tyme lyke as Mythridates in Parthia so Eucratid●…s in Bactria bothe of them notable Princes began their raygnes at once But the Parthians had the happier fortune For through the pollitique gouernance of their kynge they aspyred to the Souerayne preh●…minence of th empyre Wheras the Bactrians beyng tossed to and fro with the vncertayn fortune of the warres lost not onely their kyngdome but also their lybertie For after the tyme they had wearied themselfs with the continuall warres of the S●…gdianes Dranganitanes and Indians last of all as when half dead and without of harte they were subdued by the Parthians which wer weaker then they Yet notwithstadyng Encratides atcheued many battels with great prowesse through the which being brought lowe when as Demetrius king of Inde had beseged him he hauyng no mo but thre hundred souldiours about him by his continuall yssuyng oute preuelye vanquished threscore thousand of his enemies Wherevppon beyng after fyue monethes siege enlarged agayne he brought Inde vnder his subiection From whence as he was returnyng homewarde he was slayn in his iourney by his owne sonne whome he had made fellow in Them pyre Who nothyng dissemblyng the vnnaturall murder but rather reioyc●…ng as though he had killed his enemie and not his father draue his chariot throgh his blood and commaunded his bodie to be throwen awaye vnburied While these thyngs were a doyng amōg the Bactrians in the meane space there arose warre betwene the Parthians and the Medes in the whiche after diuers aduentures of bothe nacions at length the Parthians gate the vpper hand Mythridates beyng increased in strength by their power made one Bachasus Regent of Media and himselfe went into Hyrcania At his returne frō whence he made warre vppon the kyng of the Elymeans whom he ouercame and adnexed that Realme also to his kyngdome And there vppon receiuyng many contries by com posicion he dylated th empyre of Parthia from the montayn Cancasus euen vnto the ryuer of Euphrates Fynallie beyng taken with a sicknesse he dyed honorablie in his olde age of no lesse fame and renoume then his greatgraunfather Arsaces The. xlii Boke AFter the decease of Mythridates kynge of the Parthians his sonne Phrahartes was crowned kyng Who beyng fully purposed to warre vppon Syria to be reuenged vppon Antiochus for attemptyng the kyngdome of Parthia was by 〈◊〉 of the Scythians reuoked to the defence of his owne For the Scythians beyng solicited vppon promise of wages to ayde the Parthians against Antiochus
Horodes takyng him rather for an enemie then for a brother commaunded him to be cruelly slayne before his face After this he made warre with the Romaynes and vtterlie destroyed their graund capytay●… Crassus with his sonne and all the Romayne hoste His sonne Pa●…orus beyng sent to pursewe the remnaunte of the Romayne battell after that he hadde atcheued manie hault enterpryses in Syria was called home agayne as mistrusted of his father Duryng whose absence the host of the Parthians that he left behynd him in Syrta was with all the Captayne 's thereof vtterlie slayn by Cassius Lieuetenaunt of Crassus These thynges thus done not long tyme after arose the Ciuill warres betwene Cesar and Pompey in the which the Parth●…ans toke part with Pompey bothe for the frendshyp that was betwene them and Pompey in his warres agaynst Mythridates and also for the death of Crassus whose sonne they hearde say helde with Cesar whome they knew well ynough wold reuenge his fathers death yf Cesar should chaunce to get thupper hand Therfore after that Pompey and his adhe rentes had taken the foyle they bothe ministred ayde to Cassius and Brutus agaynste Augustus and Antonie and also after th end of the warre enteryng in leage with Labienus vnder the conduct of Pacorus they wasted Siria and Asia and moreouer gaue a proude assaulte vppon the camp of Uentidius who after Cassius in the absence of Pacorus hadde gyuen the Parthien armie an ouerthrowe But Uentidius pretendyng a counterfeact feare kept himself in a good while and suffered the Parthians for a tyme to vaunte 〈◊〉 At the length he sent out part of his host vppon them as they were mery and careless●… with whose sodayne asfaulte the Parthians beyng dismayde fledde hither and thither to ●…aue themselfes Pacor●…s supposynge that his menne whiche were ●…led had withdrawen all the Romayne Legions after them assayled in haste the Campe of Uentidius in hope that he shoulde haue found it withoute defendantes Then Uentidius sendyng quicklie oute the residue of his Legions slewe all the whole band of the Parthians with the king Pacorus himself also Neyther dyd the Parthians at anie tyme receaue a greater losse When tydinges hereof was brought into Parthia Horodes the father of Pacorus which latelie before hearyng that the Parthians had wasted Syria and inuaded Asia had boasted that his sonne Pacorus was a conqueror of the Romayne ▪ when he ones hearde of hys death and of the slaughter of his army sodaynlie for sorrowe he fell m●…dde Manie dayes after he would not talk to anie man he would not take anie sustenaunce he wold not speake anie one worde in so much that a man would haue thought he had ben domme After that manie dayes were expyred when sorow had losened his tong he spake of nothyng but Pacorus he thought he sawe Pacorus he thought he heard Pacorus he woulde talke as though he had ben with him he woulde stand still as though he had stood with him and anone he would lamentably bewaile the losse of him When he had mourned thus a long season an other heauinesse came vppon the miserable olde man namelie which of his thyrtie sonnes he should ordeyne kyng in Pacorus stead He had manie concubynes of whome he begate al that youth of the which euery one makyng sute for her owne chylde dyd as it were besiege the olde mans mynd But it was the destinie of Parthia in the which it is an ordinarie custome to haue vnnaturall murderers to their kynges that the wickedest and vn graciousest of them al whose name was Phrahartes was substituted kyng Therfore as though it semed his father would not dye naturallie he forthwith kylled him put his thirtie brothers to death Neyther ceased he his slagh ter in the children For when he perceyued that the noble men hated him for his outrageous cruelti and continual workyng of mischief and that there was none that might be nominated kyng he cōmaunded his owne sonne who was man growen to be put to death Agaynst this man Antonie with syxtene of his strongest Legions made warre for ministeryng ayd agaynst hymself and Cesar. But he was so sore afflicted in many battels that he was fayne to flye backe oute of Parthia Through the whiche victorie Phrahartes beyng made more proude and insolēt when as he 〈◊〉 to deale cruellie in manie thynges he was dryuen into exil●… by his owne subiectes Wherevppon after longe and earnest sute made vnto the countries borde●…yng vppon Parthia at the lengthe by muche intreatans he so perswaded the Scythians that through their ayde he was restored to his kyngdome agayne In the tyme of his absence the Parthians hadde constituted one Tyridates kyng who hearyng of the comming of the Scythians fled with a great bande of his frendes to Cesar Augustus makyng war at that tyme in Spayn bryngyng with him to Themperor the yongest sonne of Phra ●…artes for a pledge whome through the negligēce of such as were put in trust with the kepyng of hym he had stolen away Uppon knowledge whereof Phrahartes forth with sent his Ambassadors to Cesar requiryng him to sende him home his seruaunt Tyridates and his sonne with him Themperour when he had hearde thambassadours of Phrahartes and vnderstode well the requestes of Tyridates for he also desyred to be set in possession of his kyngdome agayn assuryng that Parthia should euer after be at the commaundemente of the Romaynes y●… it would please him to bestowe the kyngdome vppon him answered howe he wolde neyther deliuer Tyridates into the handes of the Parthians nor yet minister ayd to Tyridates agaynst them Neuerthelesse bycause it should not seme that they had obteyned no part of their demand at Themperours hand he sent Phrahartes his sonne without raunsome and allowed Tyridates ●…onorable enterteynement to fynd him with as longe as he lysted to abyde with the Romaynes After this hauyng fynished his warres in Spayn when he came into Syria to set a stay in affayres of the East he put Phrahartes in such a feare that to th entent he should not make warre vppon Parthia all the Captiues and pri soners that wer in the Realme either of y ● army of Crassus or of th armie of Antonie wer gathered togyther and with all the baners and Antesygnes takē at those times sent agayn to Augustus Moreouer Phrahartes gaue to Augustus his sonnes and nephewes in hostage Them peror dyd more with the onely Maiestie of his name then anie other Emperour could haue done by force of Armes The. xliii Boke T●…ogus Pōpeius hauyng made a long discourse of the doynges of the Parthians ofy ● East and wel nye of al the whole worlde returneth as it were after a long pylgrimage home to the fondacion of the Cytie of Rome thinkyng it the part of an vnthankfull cytizen yf when he had paynted out the actes of all nacions he should speake nothyng at all of his owne
great prowesse and redoubted for theyr chyualrye throughe e●…eminate cowardnesse and ryot lost all theyr puyssaunce and strength and they whyche before Cyrus time cculde by no warres be vanquyshed nowe fallynge to all kynd of ryot excesse are ouercome with slouth ydlenesse There were before Cresus manye kynges in Lydia for diuers chaunces worthye to be spoken of but none had lyke fortune as had Candaules who hauyng a wife whō for her excellent beau tie he loued out of all measure not contēt with the secrete knowledge of hys pleasures praysed her to euery body and bewraied the priui ies of wedlock as though that silēce had bene an hinderance to her beautie at the last to make good his wordes he shewed her naked to his companion Gyges By the which dede on the one side he so entyced and allured his frende to committe aduoutrie with his wife that he made him his enemie and on thother side he withdrew his wiues loue from him selfe as ye would saye surrendred it to another man For ere it was long after Gyges slewe Candaules maried his mistres for his labour The wife beyng endowed with the bloud of her husbande yelded bothe her selfe and the kingdome into his handes that committed aououtry with her When Cyrus had conquered Asye and pacified the whole East he made warre agaynst the Scithions The same time reigned ouer the Scithians Queene Thomyris who not abashed like a woman at the commynge of her enemy whereas she might haue stopped their passage ouer the riuer Araxes suffred thē to come ouer thinkings that she should fight more to her owne aduauntage within her owne countrey that her enemies should the hardlyer escape if they were put to the worse bicause of the riuer be twene them and home Cyrus therfore hauing ferried ouer his carmy when he had gone a litle way into Scithia pitched his campe the next day counterfetting a feare as though he would haue retyred back againe forsooke his campe the which he left sufficiently furnished with plenty of wine all kinde of delicate viandes meete for feastynge whyche thyng being declared to the Queen she sent her yong sonne with the thyrd parte of her hoste to folowe after Cyrus When they were come to Cyrus campe the yong man being ignoraunt in feates of warre as though he had come to banquet and not to battell leauyng the pursuyte of his enemies suffered his barbarous countreymen to ouercharge them selues with wine by meanes whereof they were so drunken that they could not fyght Cyrus hauinge knoweledge thereof by his espyalles retourned secretelye in the nyght and fallyng vpon them vnwares slewe all the Scithians and the Queenes sonne among them Thomiris hauing lost so great an army that which shuld haue greued the worse her onely sonne fell not a wepynge for sorrowe but deuised with her selfe howe she myghte he reuenged and wyth like pollicie and deceypte begyled her enemies now beyng in their chiefe ruffe for theyr now got thenvictory Wherupon feyning a mistruse for the slaughter in the laste ouerthrowe she gaue backe so longe till she had brought Cyrus into a strait and there enuironing hym with a bushement of souldiers layd before in the mountaynes for the same purpose she slewe 200000 Persians and y ● kyng him selfe In the which conflycte this thing is worthy to be noted that there was not so muche as one man left to beare home tidinges of so great a slaughter The Queene commaūded the head of Cyrus to be cut of and throwen in to a boll of mannes bloud castyng him in the teeth in thys wyse with hys crueltye Nowe fyll thy selfe with bloud which thou hast euer thyrsted Cyrus reigned thirty yeres being maruaylous notable not only in the beginning of his reygne but also during all the continuaunce of the same After him succeded Cambisis which to his fathers empire by conquest annexed Egipte But being offended with the suspersticion of the Egiptians he commaunded the Temples of Apis and other their Goddes to be beaten downe Furthermore also he sent an army to destroy the renowmed Temple of Ammon which being ouerwhelmed with tempestes and heapes of sand was vtterly destroyed These thynges beynge done he dreamed that hys brother Smerdis shuld reygne after him the whiche dreame made him so afrayed that he sticked not after sacrilege to commit most vnnaturall murder in killing his owne brother For it was a hard an vnlikely matter that he should take any pitie vpon his owne which in spight of religion did violētly set vpon the Goddes As an instrument to bring this cruell act to passe he chose a frend of his one of the Magiās called Comaris In the meane while he him selfe beyng sore woū ded in the thygh with his sworde fallyng out of the sheathe by it selfe dyed and so suffered worthye punyshemente whether it were for the murther commaunded or for the sacrylege already committed When tidynges here of came to the wyso man or ener it was openlye knowen that the kynge was dead he dispatched his purpose and hauynge slayne Smerdis which by ryght shuld haue bene kynge set vp his owne brother Oropastes in his steade For he was very lyke the kynges brother in makyng and fauour By reason whereof uo man misdeemynge any suche treason to be wrought in steade of Smerdis Oropastes was made king The which thing was the easier to be brought to passe and to be kept from knowledge bycause that amonge the Persians for the more honoure and reuerence of his person the kyng showeth not him felfe bare faced The wyse men therfore thereby to winne the fauour of the comminaltye released vnto them three yeares tribute exempted them frō the warres during all the said terme to thentente they myght establyshe by briberye and flatterye the kyngdome that they had gotten by treason and pollicye The whyche thyng was fyrst suspected by one Orthanes a noble man one that had a great foresight in coniecturyng Therfore he sent to his doughter whyche was one of the kynges concubynes to knowe yf he that was kyng were kynga Cyrus sonne or no She sent hiw word that she her selfe could not tell nor yet learne the truthe at onye of her followes han des bycause euery one of them were kepte alone in a house by them selues Then he sente her worde agayne that she should fele about his head when he were a slepe For Cambyses had cut of both the wyse mans cares before Her father beyng certified that the kyng had no eares bewrayed the matter to the noble men of the realm●… and compelled them to bynde theym selues with an oth●… that they should confound the wrongful kyng There were no mo but seuen priuye to this conspiracye the whych incontinentlye leaste yf they had time and space to bethynke theym the matter myght be by some of the companye bewrayed with
euerye man his weapon vnder his gowne went strayt to the pallaice where hauing slayne suche as withstoode theym they came to the place where the wyse men were who shewed well that they wanted no courage to defend them selues For they drewe their weapons and slew two of the conspiracye Neuerthelesse the other being mo in noumber ca●…ght hold of them Of the whych Gobryas hauing one of the wyse mē fast in his armes perceiuing y ● his fellowes stayed their handes for doubt of stryking him through in stead of the wise mā bycause the matter was done in a darke place bad thē thrust theyr swordes into the wise man thoughe yt wer through his body Yet notwithstāding his fortune was such that the wyse man was slayne and be escaped vnhurt The wysemen beyng thus slayne the noble men atteyned great honour renowne for recouering of the kyngdome but much more honoure did they atteyne in that whē they were in controuersie for the kyngdome they could agree amonge theym selues For both in prowesse and e●…ate they were so equall that it shoulde haue bene a hard matter for the people to haue sayde whych of them was worthyest Therefore they inuent●…d a way among them selues wher by to commit the determinacion of theyr matter to God and good Fortune They agreed amonge them selues that at the tyme appoynted euery one of them shoulde come before the palace on horsabacke by the breake of the daye and be whose horse neyed first before the rising of the sonne shuld be kyng For the Persians beleue that ther is no god but the sonne and that horses are vnto hym hallowed There was among the conspiratours o●… Darius thesone of Histaspis that fayne would haue had the kyngdome if he had wyst howe to come by it To whom beyng sad and care full for the matter his horsekeper sayd sir if nothynge may hinder you but that be of good cheare and take no thought at a●… for the matter the day shal be yours Thereupon th●… night before the day appoynted he broughte hys maysters horse into the same place and there put him to a Mare thin kyng that for desire of the Mare the thinge woulde come to passe as afterward it did in dede The next morning eu●…ry one of theym beyng come at the howre appoynted Darius horse knowyng the place of courage to the mare forthwith neyed alowde and the residewe beyng slowe first of all the company gaue his mayster a token of god lucke The rest of the lordes were of suche modestye that as soone as they heard the tooken of good lucke by and by they lept of theyr horses and saluted Darius by the name of king Al the peo ple also folowing the iudgement of the princes appoynted and tooke him for their kyng And so the kyngedome of the Persians recouered by the prowesse of seuen of the noblest men of al the realme was in the turning of a hand brought into one mannes hande agayne A manne woulde scarce be leue that suche great estates should ende so weyghty matter with suche reuerence and loue one to another Consideryng that they spared not their liues to wresse it out of the wyse mens handes Although to say the truth besides man hoode personage fauour and prowesse meete and worthy so great a kyngdome Darius was also neare of aliaunce vn to the auncient kynges of Persia. Therfore in the beginning of his reygne he tooke in mariage wyth great solemnitie and royaltie the doughter of kyng Cirus to th entent it might seme that the kyngdome was not so much b●…tow ed vpon a straunger as rather reduced and brought againe into the familie of Cirus Within a while after when the Assyrians had rebelled and taken the citie of Babilon the kyng being in a great rage by cause he could not deuise how to recouer the towne agayn one of them that helped to slea the wise men named zopyrus caused his body to be piteouslye torne al ouer with whipping at home at his owne house and his nose lippes and eares to be cutte of and in the same plyghte sodainelye came into the kynges preseuce whyche thought of nothyng lesse than suche a matter Darius beynge amased and dem●…undinge who hadde so shamefullye mangled hym and vppon what occasyon he informed ●…ym secreatelye for what purpose he hadde done it and after ●…e hadde suffycyentlye and thorowelye establyshed hys purpose and taught the kyng how he would do he fled like a rennagate vnto Babilō There he shewed the people his forne skinne and maymed face making exclamacion of the kinges crueltye through whō he lost his parte of the kyngdome not by prowesse and manhoode but by lucke not by the iudgement of men but by the neyenge of a horse he coū sayled them to take warning by theyr frendes howe to beware of their foes he exhorted theym not to truste more to their walles than to their weapons and that they woulde geue him leaue to reuenge his displeasure vpon the kynge in their behalfe nowe while his anger was freshe in hys re membraunce He was well knowen among them all to be a noble man and a man of much prowesse and as for his cre dite they doubted not at all as whereof they thoughte hys woundes and wrongfull maymes to be a sufficient pledge and wytnesse Therefore by a common consent they made him a captayne who with a small band of souldiers twyse or thrise put to flyght the Persiàs geuing way for the nones At the last being put in trust with the whole armye he betrayed it to the kyng and brought the cytie againe vnder his obeysance After this the kyng made warre agaynst the Scithians of the whych we will entreat in the next booke folyowing THE SCEOND BOOKE of Iustine EOr asmuche as we be come to the rehersall of the actes of the Scithians whyche were both great and honourable I htynke it good to entreate euen of theyr very originall begynny●…g For their first begynnyng was no lesse famous than was the whole processe of their Empire neyther were the more renowmed through the chiualrye of theyr menne then through the prowesse of their women For where as their men were the founders of the Parthians and Bactrians theyr women founded the kyngdom of the Amazons so that yf a man consider and wey indifferently the doynges of the men and the doynges of the women together he shall not be able to iudge whether of them were worthier of renowne and honour The Scithian nacion hath euer bene counted of gretest antiquitye Aowbeit betwene theym and the Egiptians hath bene great strife a longe time as concernynge the auncientnesse of them both The Egiptians alledging that in the first begynnyng of thinges whereas some countreyes dyd so borne through the feruente heat of the Sonne and othersome to fryse through the excessiuenesse of the could that not onely they were not able to engender men but also not able
th one estate he was like to displese the other that he gate like fauor at bothe theyr handes Amongst the noble actes of this man whiche were many this is in especially worthy to be remembred The Atheniens and Megarenses had fought together for the chalen ging of the I le of Salamine almost to their vtter destructiō After many great slaughters it begā to be taken for a heinous matter among the Atheniens if any man shuld go about to make any claim or title to the Iland Solon therfore being sorowful least by holdinge his peace he should not so greatly further the common wealth as he ought to doo or by putting forth his counsell bring him self in daunger sodenly fained himself mad vnder pretens wherof he might not only say but also doo thinges forbidden He ran abrode in a foles cote like a disard and in a great company of men that gathered aboute him the more to cloke his pretensed purpose in rimes and meters to him vnaccustomed he begā to moue the people to that thing which was vnlawful wherin he so perswaded them all that forthwith they proclaimed warre against the Megarenses in the which they vā quished their enemies and reduced the Iland vnder theyr subiection In the meane season the Megarenses being mindful of the warres that the Atheniens made against them and b●…ing lothe to leaue without some gain toke shipping of purpose to take the noble women and matrones of Athens as they wer celebrating the sacri●…ces vnto Ceres in the night time at Elensis The which thing beinge knowen Pisistratus captain of the Atheniens laid bushments of men in places conuenient commaundinge the women to celebrate their ceremonies with like noise and hurly burly as they were wont to doo euen when their ennemies came to th entent they should not suspecte that their commynge was heard of When the Megarenses were come out of their shippes he sodainly brake vpon them and ●…ue them euery one and forthwith entring into their ships the whiche he entermedled with women to make a show as though thei had bene the matrones taken prisoners he went straighte to Megara The townes men seing their owne shippes and the women in them whiche they supposed to be the ●…ootye that they soughte for wente forthe to the hauen to meete them the whiche company Pysistratus ●…ue and missed but little of winninge the City So by their owne pollicye the Megarenses gaue their ennemies the victory But Pysistratus as though he had won to his owne behoofe and not to the behoofe of his Country by craft and pollicy made him selfe king For at home at his owne house when he hadde of set purpose caused his body to be rent and māgled with scourging and whipping he came abrode and ther sommoning the people together shewed them his woundes makynge exclamation of the crueltye of the Noble menne at whose hands he surmised himself to haue suffered this hurte As he spake he wept and with his spiteful wordes set the light people on fire assuringe them that for the loue he bare to them he was hated of the Senate 〈◊〉 hervpon he obtained a garde of menne for the safetye of his personne by whose meanes he vsurped the Luperioritye and raigned xxxiiii yeares After his deathe Diocles one of his Sonnes as he rauished a maiden perforce was by the brother of the same maide slaine His other sonne named Hyppias possessynge his fathers kingdome commaunded him that slue his brother to be apprehended who being compelled by tormēts to appeale such as were necessarye to the murder named all the Tyrannes frendes whiche being put to deathe and the Tyran demaunding if there were yet anye moo a Counsell or preuye to the deede there is no moo quod he aliue whome I would gladly see die sauing the Tyran hym selfe by whiche sayinge he declared him selfe bothe to haue the vpper hand of the Tyran and also to haue reuenged the cha stity of his sister The city through his stoutnesse being put in remembraunce of their liberty at length deposed Hyppias from his kingdom and banished him their coūtry Who taking his iourny into Persie offred him self to Darius making warre againste the Atheniens as is before specified as a captain against his own country Wherfore the Atheniens hearing of Darius approche sent for aid to the Lacedemonians who at that time were in leage with them But perceiuing that they were busied aboute matters of religion for the space of iiii daies they thought not good to tary the cōming of their succors but with x. M well apoynted of their own citizens and one thousād of the 〈◊〉 which came to their aid they went forth to battell against vi C. M. of their enemies in the plains of Marathon Melciades was Captain of this war counseller not to tary 〈◊〉 their succors Who was of such corage that he thought ther was 〈◊〉 aduantage in spedy settinge forward then in lingering for succor Therfore they ran into the battell with wonderful cherefulnesse In so muche that when the ii armies wer a mile a sondre they hasted forwarde as fast as they could ●…un to ioyn with their ennemies before they mighte discharge their arowes Neither wanted this boldnesse good successe For the battell was fought wyth suche corage that a man wold haue thought the one side to haue ben men and thother to haue ben beasts The Persians be ing vanquished fled to their ships wherof many wer drow ned and many wer taken In that battel the prowesse and manhode of euery man was so great that it were harde to iudge who deserued most to be praised How be it amongst all other brast forth the glory of a yonge man called Themistocles in whom euen then appered such towardnesse as it was like he should for his valiauntnesse hereafter be made their chiefe captain gouernor The glory of one Cynaegirus also a souldior of Athens is highly commended set for the with great praises among wryters who after innumerable slaughter in the battel when he had pursued his ennemies to their shippes as they fled he caught holde of a ship that was laden with his right hand and would not let goo his holde till he had loste his hande His righte hand being cutte of he laid holde on it with his left hande the whyche also beinge loste in likewise at the laste he held the shyppe with his teethe Suche was his courage that being not wearied with so manye slaughters nor discouraged with the losse of bothe his handes at the last being vtterly maimed like a sauage beast he fought with his teethe The Persians loste in that battell two hundred thousand menne beside their shippes Hyppias also the Tyran of Atbens the author and stirrer of this warre through the iust vengaunce of God whyche punished him for his country sake was there slayne In the meane time Darius as he was aboute to renewe the warre
souldiers on suche a courage that taking more thought for their burial thē for their liues euery manne put aboute his righte arme a bracelet wherin was grauen his owne name and the name of his father to the entent that if they had so ill fortune as to be all slaine in the battel and that by continuaunce of time their bodies shuld rotte oute of fashion by the markes of their bracelets they might be knowen and buried When the kinges sawe the hoste so minded they caused the matter to be showed to their ennemies The Messenians wer therwith nothing abashed but rather made more earnest Therfore they mette with suche courage that there hathe not lightlye a bloudier battell beene harde of Neuerthelesse at the laste the Lacedemonians gotte the vpper hande In processe of time the Messenians made insurrection the third time In the whiche amonge other the Lacedemonians sent for aid to the Atheniens Whom they hauinge in distruste made an excuse that as at that time they shoulde not neade to trouble them and so s●…nte them home agayne The Atheniens takinge thys matter in displeasure fetched from Delos to Athens the mony whiche was there laide by all Grece for the maintenaunce of the warres against the Persians leaste if the Lacedemonians shoulde breake the league they might take it as a botye or as their own gotten good But the Lacedemonians could not be in quiet For beinge entangled in the warres wyth the Messenians they waged the Peloponnesians to make warre against the Atheniens The Atheniens wer as then able to raise but a small power by reason they had sente a nauy of ships into Egipt Wherfore in a battel vppon the Sea they were vanquished with small a doo Wythin a while after when their flete was come home beynge encreased both in noumber of shippes and in strength of men they rered the warre a new And at that time the Lacedemonians leauinge the Messenians tourned them selues against the Atheniens long time the victory hong in doubtful balance sometime the one winninge and sometime the other At the last they departed of euen hande The Lacedemonians being called againe to the warres of Messenia because they wer loth that the Atheniens should be idle hauing nothing to do in the meane while couenanted with the Thebanes to restore to them the kingdō of 〈◊〉 whych was taken from them in the time of the Persian warres vpon condition that they should make warre to the Atheniens So mad were the Lacedemonians that being all ready entangled in two warres at ones they passed not to take the third in hand and only to stirre vp ennemies to the Atheniens The Atheniens therfore to withstand the great tempestes of warre that were like shortlye to ensue chose two captaines Pericles a man of tried vertue and Sophocles a wryter of tragedies the whiche with two sondry armies wasted the territories of the Spartanes and subdued manye cities of Achaia to thempire of Athens The Lacedemonians being all together discouraged with these misfortunes tooke a truce for xxx yeres But their priuy grudge coulde not suffer them to abide so long in reast Therfore ere xv yeares were fullye accomplished they brake the truce and in despite of God and man inuaded the borders of Athens And because they wold not seme so greatly to haue sought the pray as the encounter they bad them battell But the Atheniens by the counsel of their captain Pericles delaid the reuengment of this wastinge their countrye vntyll more conuenient time and occasion thinckinge it but a follye to trouble them selues as then consideringe they mighte ere long after be reuenged more to their profit and les to their displesure Within a few daies after they embarked them selues or euer the Lacedemonians wist therof wasted forraged al the coūtry of Sparta caried away a great deale more thē before they had lost So that in comparison of the domages the reuengement was much greater thē the displesure This viage of Pericles was counted very honorable but much more honorable was the despising of his patrimony inheritans For whe the Spartanes wasted the country of Athens spoiled all other mennes landes they left his vntouched hoping either to bring him in daunger throughe enuy or elsse in a slaunder vppon presumption of treason The which thing Pericles foreseing before hād told the people how it wold come to passe to auoide the brunt of enuy he gaue the lands for a gift to the common w●…ale And so by that meanes the thing whervpon mooste hurte and daunger was wrought against him turned most of all to his renown and honor Wi●…hin a fewe daies after there was a battel fought vpon the sea in the which the Lacedemonians beinge vanquished fled And from that time foreward they ceased not to slea and kil one another bothe by sea and by land as fortune enclined or bare fauor to anye of the sides Finally being wearied with so many domages losses the●… toke a truce for fifty yeres the which they kept no lenger then fixe yeres For the truce which they hadde taken in their owne name they brake vnder couloure and pretence of aiding their fellowes as thoughe they shoulde lesse haue committed periurye in fightinge in the maintenaunce of the quarel of their complices then in making open warre After this the warre was remoued into Sicil but or euer I entreat therof I wil wryte somewhat of the situation of the Iland The fourth Booke MEn say that Sicil cleued somtime vnto Italye and that it was as it were rent from the body by violence of the vpper sea which withal the force of his waues cōmeth thither The earth of it selfe is fine and brittle so holowe with holes pipes in the grounde that in manner it li●…s wide open to euery blast of wind And besides that the nature of the soyle is suche that of it self it engendreth and nourisheth fire For the molde within is after a brimston●… and rosen by meanes wherof it commeth to passe that the winde striuing with the fire in the innermost parte of the earth oftētimes and in many places casteth out somtimes flakes of fire sōtimes vapors and somtimes smoke thervp on also groweth the fire of the mountain Aetna continuinge so many C. yeres And when ther is any great wind in the forsaid holes great heapes of sand ar●… cast out of thē The next promontory ouer against Italy is Rhegium so called be cause the Grekes in their language do term thinges brokē of by that name It is no meruel though in olde time there went many fables tales of this place in the which are cōueyed so many straunge things First formest there is no narow sea in all the world so raginge as it not onlye by the swiftnesse of the waues but also by the violent meting of the tides so that it is terrible not only to thē that try it
the conquerors Then they began the slaughter of the citizens at aicibiades least vnder pretens of restoring their liberty he might inuade the cōmon wealth again For hauing intelligens that he was goyng towarde Art axe●…xes kinge of Persia they sent certaine after hym in post to cut him of by the way by whom he was ouertakē But because they coulde not kill him openlye they set fyre on his chamber where he slept and burnte him vp quicke The tirauntes being deliuered oute of feare of this reuenger of his country with their slaughter extorcion and rauishmentes made euen a spoile of the miserable and wretched outcastes that were left in the City the whiche theyr doinge when they vnderstoode to displease one of their fellowes whose name was Tbemeranes to the terror of all the reast they put him to death Whervpon glad was he that might get himself out of the city insomuche that all Grece was ful of banished men of Athens and yet euen that one only re●…uge and comfort was taken from the poore wretches For the Lacedemonians had geuen straight charge commaundemēt that no city shuld be so bold as to receiue or harbrough the banished men of Athens Neuerthelesse they withdrew them selues al vnto Argos Thebes wheras they not only liued out of dāger During the time of their exile but also receiued hope of recouering their Country Ther was among the banished men one Thrasibulus a stout man one that came of a noble house who thinckinge that a man was bound to aduenture for his country sake thoughe it were to his own peril and ieoperdy of his life assem bled a company of his banished country men and toke the castle Phyle in the territory of Athens And he wanted not the fauour and helpe of certaine Cities that had pitye and compassion of their miserable estate and cruell handlynge For Ismenias the prince of the Thebanes although he could not aide them openlye with the power of his countrye yet notwithstanding he helped them with suche goodes as he had of his owne And Lysias an Orator of Syracuse being at the same time also a banished man sent CCCCC Souldioures well furnished at his owne proper ●…ostes and charges to the aid of the country of all eloquens therfore anon after was a sharpe encounter But forasmuchas the one part fought earnestly for the recouery of their country and the other parte negligently as they that 〈◊〉 for the 〈◊〉 of other mennes ti●… the 〈◊〉 were put to the worse and retiring into the City which they had in manner wasted and made desolate with their murderinges 〈◊〉 extortion and sacked it This done hauing all the Atheniens in a gelouly of treson they 〈◊〉 them euery one to remoue out of the city dwel in tharmes of the wa●… that wer woken down defending their superiority do●…ions with souldiours ●…aunts Afterward they went about to corrupt 〈◊〉 promising to make him 〈◊〉 partaker of their Empire which thing whē they could not bring to effect they sent for aid to the Lacedemonians at whose comming they made a new encounter In the whiche Critios and Hyppoma●…us the cruellest 〈◊〉 of them all were 〈◊〉 The residue also being vanquished when their army wherof the most part wer Atheniens fled toward the city 〈◊〉 callinge to them as loud as ●…e could cry demaunded why they should flie from him hauing obtained the victorye and not rather helpe him as the defendor and reuenger of the libertye of them all bidding them remember that his souldiours wer their owne neighboures and Citizens and not their ennemies And that he had not taken wepon in hande to then●… to take anything from them being vanquished but to the entent to restore thē such things as haue ben taken frō them by others professing that he made war agaynste the 〈◊〉 and not against the city Moreouer he put them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 affinitye betwene them of their lawes of their rites ceremonies common amongst them of the felowship and cōpany that had bene betwixt them in so many battels in times paste beseching them to haue pity vppon their banished countrye men And if they could finde in their hartes to ●…eare the yoke of bondage so paciently them selues he besought them to restore him his country and he would set them at liberty again He dyd so much with this perswasion that when tharmy was retur ned into the city they cōmaunded the xxx tirants to depart vnto El●…sis and in their stead they substituted others to go●… the 〈◊〉 welth Who nothing abashed at the ensāple of their predecessors fell to the same cruelty that they had exercised While these thinges wer a doing word was brought to Lacedemon that the Atheniens were very destrous of warre the which to represse they sent their kyng Pansanias who hauing compassion vpon the banished peo ple restored the wretched citizens to their country agains 〈◊〉 the x. tirants to remoue out of the City vnto Elensis to the re●…due of their company Peace being by this meanes established within a few daies after the Tirans disdaining as much the restitution of the banished citizens as their own deposinges banishment as though a nother mannes liberty ●…ad ben their bondage made war against the 〈◊〉 But as they came forth to commu 〈◊〉 as though they wold haue taken vpon them their preheminency souerainty again they wer by a policye taken 〈◊〉 a sacrifice for peace The people whiche they had cōmaunded out of the city wer called in again And so the city which was dispersed into diuers members was at length brought into one body corporation againe And to th entent no dissention might grow vpon things past they wer al sworn to forget and bury vnder fote all old debate grudge In the meane while the Thebanes and the Corinthians sent ambassadors to the Lacedemonians demaūdyng their portion of the praise and botles taken in the warres wherof they had helped for their part to bear out the charges dangers Hauing denial of their requestes they dyd not immediatly proclaim open war against the Lacedemo nians but they conceiued suche an inwarde displeasure in their harts that it might wel be vnderstand that they mened no lesse to make war whē they saw their time About the same time almost died Darius kyng of Persia leauing behinde him his two sonnes Artaxerxes and C●…rus He bequethed by his last wil vnto Artaxerxes the kingdom and vnto Cyrus the rities wherof he was that time ruler But Cyrus thought his father did him wronge in that bequest and therfore he cōspired priuely against his brother 〈◊〉 hauing knowledge therof set for him and not regarding his counter fait pretence of innocencye nor hys fained excuses as that he was not priuy to the conspiracye bound him in fetters of gold and woulde haue put hym to deathe had not his mother letted him Cyrus
in law that shuld haue maried her daughter had taken vpon her to kil her husband and make her peramor king If her daughter had not bewrayed all her mothers whordome and priuye conspiracies to her father Theolde man therfore being deliuered out of so many pearils died leauing the kingdome to his eldest sonne Alexander who in the verye entraunce of his raigne made peace with the ●…yrians and deliuered his brother Philip in hostage In pro cesse of time also by the same hostage he entred a league of peace with the Thebanes the which thinge was a greate furtherans vnto Philip in all princely vertues whervnto he was meruelously enclined of nature For being 〈◊〉 as an hostage iii. yeres at Thebes a city of auncient seueritye he passed his childhode in the house of the moste renoumed captain and Philosopher 〈◊〉 Ere it was lōg after Alexander was surprised and slain ●…y the treson of hys mother Eurydice whom Amyntas hauing taken her wyth the fault had before pardoned for the Childrens sake that he had by her not knowing y ● in time to com she wold be their vtter destructiō His brother Perdicas also was by like tre sonpreuented It is an abhominable thing y ● for filthy lusts sake the mother shu●…d work the death of her own childrē at whose cōtemplation she was saued from the punishmēt that her wickednesse had deserued The murther of Perdicas semed so much more heinous in that not so muche as his litle childe could finde any mercy at his cruell mothers hand Philip therfore a long time tooke not vpon 〈◊〉 as king but as protector of the infant But when the country was sore oppressed with warre and that it wold be to late to tary for help vntil the childe came to age he was cōpelled of the people to take the kingdom vpon him Assone as he begō his raign al mē conceiued great hope of him both for his wit which in manner all redy declared that he wold proue a great man And also for the ancient Prophecies of Macedonie which said that while one of the sonnes of amin tas raigned thestate of Macedone shuld be most florishing the which hope and prophecies to fulfil there wer now no mo left aliue through the wickednesse of their mother but only he In the beginning of his raign when on thoue side the murder of his brothers vnworthely slain on the other side the multitude of his enemies on a nother side the fear of treson and on another side want of mony artillery the realme being in manner wasted and consumed with continuall warre disquieted the minde of this yong souldioure that sondry nations out of diuers places at one tyme flocked together as it wer by a common conspiracy to the entent to oppresse Macedonie by battell For as muche as he was not able to matche them all at once he thoughte it conuenient to dispence with them some he toke truce with vpon reasonable Articles ▪ some he bought of for mony and suche as were weakest he assailed by force by vanquishing of whome he did bothe strengthen the faint hartes of hys souldiers and tooke awaye the disdaine that his ennemies had at him The first encounter that he had was with the Atheniens whome he ouercame by policy and for feare of a worser afterclap wheras he might haue slain them all he sent them all safe home without raunsome After this he turned hys power against the Illyrians of whom he slew many thousandes and toke their head city called Laryssa Next not so muche for couetousnesse of praye as for d●…syre to ioyne the Thessalian horsmen to his fotemen therby to encrease the strength of his army he conquered the country of Thessaly ●…re anye hostilitye or warre was looked for and so of theyr horsemen and his owne fotemen made one bodye and inuincible army The which thinges comminge luckelye to passe he tooke to wife Olympias the Daughter of Neoptolemus king of the Molosses The maker of this marriage was his brother Arimbas king of the Molosses vncle to t●…e maid by the fathers side who had the bringinge vp of her had taken in mariage Troas 〈◊〉 of y ● said Olympias which was the cause of muche mischiefe vnto him and finallye of his destruction For wheras by the affinity of king Philip he hoped to haue had his kingdom enlarged he was by the same Philip depriued of his owne Realme and compelled in his olde age to liue a banished man These thinges thus brought to passe Philip could not nowe content hym selfe to repulse iniurye offered by others but prouoked and distroubled suche as sate still in quiet As he besieged the city of Methon one threwe a dart at him from the wall as he passed by and strake out his right eie For y ● which wound he became neither the slouthfuller in his enterpryse nor the angrier againste his ennemies In so muche that within few daies after whē they desired peace be graūted it and vsed the victory against them not only modestlye but also mercifully The eyghte Booke THe cities of Grece while euery of them sought to beare rule were euery chone brought vnder subiection For after the time they coulde not with holde them selues ●…ut that they must seke eche others destruction they were vnuanqui shed of all men and brought to confusi on None but suche as were oppressed did fele the losse and smart hereof For Philip king of Macedone lying in a wait like a spy out of a watch toure to surprise them all of theyr liberty by nourishing debate betwene City and City and by supporting the weaker side compelled both the conque red and the conquerors to become his vassals and subiects The originall cause of all this mischiefe were the Thebanes who hauing the soueraignty and wanting discretion to vse their good fortune arrogantly accused at the common coūsel of Grece the Lace demonians and the Phocenses whome they had vanquished in battel as thoughe the slaughters rauish ments that they had abidden had beene to little punishment for them It was laide to the Lacedemonians charge that they had taken the towre of Thebes in the time of truce and to the Phocenses that they had wasted the coūtry of Beotia as thoughe that after warre and battell they would haue the lawes also to worke their for●…e Iudgemēt being executed according to the plesure of the conquerors they were condempned in suche a summe of mony as was not possible to be paide The Phocenses therfore when they shoulde haue bene bereft of their landes their children and their wiues compelled therby to vtter necessity chose one Philomelus to their captain and as men offended with God him selfe inuaded the Temple of Apollo at Delphos Herevpon being enriched with gold and other mony they waged an army of souldiers straungers and made warre to the Thebanes This dede of the Phocenses although all men abhorred
againe Of the whiche sorte he made three hundred iudges and rulers of the City Before whome when all the greatest men of the Citye were araigned as giltye of their wrongfull banishment they were of suche constancye that they all confessed them selues to haue bene authors therof in deede Affirmynge y ● it was better with the common wealthe when they were condempned then when they were restored again It was out of doubte a meruelous audacitye ●…or prisoners to geue sentence on their iudges that sate vppon their life death as who would say they disdained to be acquite at their ennemies handes and for asmuch as they coulde not reuenge them selues in worke to vsurpe their libertye in woordes When Phillip had set thinges at a staye in Grece he commaunded all the cityes to sende ambassadors to Corynthe for the reformation of the thinges that were a misse Ther he enacted a statute of peace for al Grece accordyng to the deseruinges of euery City and he elected oute of them all one Counsell and as it were one Senate Onlye the Lacedemonians despised bothe the king and his lawe accōpting that peace but as a seruitude or bondage which was not agreable to the cities them selues but was geuen at y ● pleasure of the conqueror Furthermore euery city was apoyn ted what manner of men they should setforth to y ● warres if the king should haue neade either to assiste him when he wer assailed by foraine power or els to make warre vnto others vnder him For it was to be thoughte none other but that all this great preparation was made to assayl the Empire of the Persians The summe of al his succors was two hundred thousand footemen and fiftene hundred horsemen Besides this nomber was also the hoste of Macedone and other barbarous nations bordering ther vpon whom he had subdued In the beginning of y ● spring he s●…t ouer before into Asia which belōged to the Persians thre captains Parmenio Amyntas Attalus Whose sister hauinge put away Olympias the mother of Alexander vpon suspition of aduoutry he had lately taken in mariage In the meane season while his succors were assemblynge out of Grece he solemnized a mariage betwene his daughter Cleopatra and Alexander whome he had made kynge of Epyre. That day was great solempnity and feasting according to thestate of the two kings th one geuing his daughter thother taking her in mariage And there wanted no kinde of royall showes and pageauntes that coulde be deuised to see the which as Philip was going forth withoute any gard in the middes betwene the two Alexanders hys sonne and sonne in law A noble yong manne of Macedone called Pansanias mistrusted of no man where aboutes he w●…nt stept vpon the king in a strait and as he would haue passed by slue him turning the day into sorowe and heauinesse that was appoynted to mirth and pleasure This Pansa●…as in the first prime of his youthe had suffered Attalus perforce against his wil to abuse him moost filthely wherwith being not contented he offred him this villanye besides He brought him into a banket and there making him dronken cōpelled him like a st●…king strompet to sustaine not only his beastly lechery but also the shamelesse and abhominable lust of al y ● guests wherby he madehim a laugh ing stock to all men when he came amonge hiscōpanions Pansanias being with this his doinge sore agreued did oftentimes make complainte therof to the kinge At whose hand being with diuers delaies put of not without a mock for his labor and perceiuing his aduersary to be aduaunced furthermore to a captainship he turned his wrathe vppon the king him self and for because he could not be reuenged vpon his aduersary he reuenged him vpon the wrongfull iudge It is thoughte that he was sent by Olympias the mother of Alexander and that Alexander him self ●…as pre uy to his fathers murthre For it is not vnlike but that Olympias toke ber deuorcement and the preferment of Cle opitra as greuously as Pansanias did his abusing and that Alexander feared his brother begotten of his stepmother as an enemy of his kingdome Whervpon it came to passe before this time that he fell at woordes at a banquet fyrste with Attalus and after with his father In so muche that his father pursued him with his sworde drawne and hys frendes had much a doo to entreate him to holde his hande from killing him Uppon which occasion Alexander wyth his mother fled vnto his vncle into Epyre and frō thence went to the kinge of Sclauonye and would skarse by anye meanes be reconciled to his father when he sente for hym in so muche that his frendes coulde not in manner by anye intretaunce compell him to returne agayne Olympias al so was procuring her brother Alexander king of Epyre to raise warre against Philip and had obtained her sute if he had not preuented him with the mariage of his daughter and made him his sonne in lawe These thinges therefore were as spurres vnto Pansanias iust displeasure prickyng him forward to the accomplishment of this acte vpon hys complaint sorowing to be so shamefully abused and coulde haue no redresse This is certaine that Olympias had laid poste horses to conuey him awaye when he had striken the king Afterward when she hard of the murder of the king she came to his funerals the same night vnder pretence of doing obsequies to him and there the very same night that she came she set a crowne of golde vpon Pansanias hed as he ●…ong vpon the galowes the which thing no body durst haue bene so bold to haue doone but she Philip hauynge a sonne a liue And within a few daies after she toke downe the body of Pansanias and burned it vppon her husbandes ashes and builded him a tombe in the same place causyng yerely certaine Ceremonies and obsequies to be doone for him wherby she draue a superstitiō into the peoples heds This doone she compelled Clep●…tra for whose sake Phillip had diuorsed him self frō her hauing first killed her daughter euen in the mothers lap to hang her self and in beholdinge her howe she hong enioyed the reuengement vnto which she made so muche hast by the murder of her owne hus●…and Last of al she consecrated the sword wherwith the kyng was stain vnto Apollo by the name of Myrtalis for that was Olympias name when she was a litle one Al y ● which things wer don so openlye that it was to be thoughte she shoulde haue feared least her doing wold not be alowed or rather as though she cared not who knew that she had doone the dede ▪ Philip deceased of thage of xlvii yeares when he had raigned xxv yeres He begate of Larissa a daunsing damosel a sonne named Arideus that raigned after Alexander He had many other sonnes begotten of diuers women as the manner of kings is of whome some died of theyr naturall death
of his prisoners 3000. talents Here vnto Alexander made answer that thank at his enemies hād was more then neded and y ● he had not done any thing to flatter him withall nor for y ● he sought a defens against thuncertain end of war or for articles of peace but of his own noble hart whiche taught him to contend with the power of his enemies and not with their calamities promising to perform all Darius request if he wold take himselfe as next vnto him and not as his coequal for like as the world could not be ruled if there wsr ii sonnes so the world cannot without preiudice be go uerned by ii souerain kings therfore either yeld hym selfe the same day or els prepare him self to battel the next day and flater not himself with hope of any other victory thē he had tried alredy The next day they brought their men into the field Sodenly before the battel Alexander being he ●…y with cares fel a slepe Al his men being in a redinesse to geue the charge vpon their enemies the king was missing Who being with much a do waked by Parmenio beyng asked how it chanced y ● he slept so soundly in so dangerus a time seing he was wōt to sleepe but litle euen whē he was most at his harts ease said he was deliuered of a great fear and y ● he slept vpon a sodain quietnes that came vpon him because he should encoūter withal the whole power of Da rius together for he was afraid leasts the war should haue ben prolonged if the Persians had deuided their hoste Before the battel eche armye stode in the sighte of other The Macedones wōdred to so the great nōber of their enemies their goodly personages their rich costli armor On the other side the Persians wer amased to thinke how so fewe shuld ouercome so many thousandes as they had The captaines went busely about to viewe their bandes and see euery man kepe good order Darius told his souldiers that if they were deuided they wer mo then ten to one of theyr ennemies Alexander willed the Macedones not to be abashed at the multitude of their ennemies at the hugenesse of their bodies nor at the straungenesse of theyr couloure onlye he wolde haue them to remember that this was the iii time they foughte with them and that they shoulde not think them to be become better men by reson of runnyng away cōsidering they shuld bring into the battel with the ●…o sorowful a remembrans of their own discomfitures and of so muche bloudshed as they had gon away with in the ii former conflicts And as Darius had the greater nomber of men so had he himself the greater strength Wherfore he exhorted them to despise that host y ● glistered so with golde and siluer in the which there was more gaine to be gotten then danger seing that victory is not gotten by y ● glistering of habilments but by the sharpnesse of wepons After thys cōmunication the onset was geuen The Macedones layd about them with their wepons as in disdain of their ennemy whom they had vanquished so often before On the cōtrarye parte the Persians chose rather to die then to be ouercome Which caused so much bludshed as hath not light ly bene sene in any battel Darius when he saw his mē put to the worse would gladly haue died in the fielde but that suche as were about him compelled him to flie whether he would or no. Afterwarde when some gaue him counsell to breake the brydge ouer the riuer Cydnus to the entent to stop his enemies from pursuing him any further he sayde he set not so much by him self that for the sauegard of him self alone he wold cast so many of his companye into theyr enemies hands and therfore it shuld be away for other to eskape as wel as it had beene for him selfe Alexander enterprised such thinges as were most daungerous where he saw his enemies thickest and fighting sharpest thither would he euer thrust himself in among them to break the prease desirous alwaies to take such things as were most dangerous to himself and not to leaue thē to his souldiers By this battel he toke away thempire of all Asia the fifth yere after he began to raign Whose felicity was so great that no man hereafter durst rebel and the Persians them selues after so many yeres continuance of their monarchie paciently receiued the yoke of bondage When he had rewarded and refreshed his souldiers he did nothing xl dais after but take a vew of the spoil of his ennemy He founde xl M. talents locked vp in the city Also he wan Persepolis the hed city of the kingdome of Persia a city that had continued famous and notable many yeres together and stuffed with the spoiles of y ● who le world which was not sene before the taking therof While these thinges were a doing about viii C. Grekes came to Alexander whiche in the time of their captiuitye besides other greuous punishments had had certain of their limbes and members of their bodies cut of requestring him that as he had reuenged Grece so he would also reuenge them of the cruelty of their enemies and set them at liberty When he would haue geuen them licence to return home into their countries they chose rather to tary still and take certayne landes least they shuld not so much reioyce their frends as make them abhorre to loke vpon them In the meane season to win the conquerors fauor withall Darius own kinsmen bound him in fetters and chains of gold in a village of the Parthians called Tane I think it was euen the ordinaunce and disposition of God that the Monarche of the Persians should take his end in the lande of them that should succede in the Empire Alexander also the next morow folowing after vpon the spurre had intelligence that Darius was conueied out by night in a lyter whervpon commaunding the residue of his hoste to folow after with as much spede as they coulde conuenientlye he tooke vii M. of his horsmen and pursued him In his iourney he fought many daungerous battels and when he had ridden many a mile and could hear no inklinge of Darius as his horses were a baiting one of his souldioures goyng down to a watering therby founde Darius in a litter striken through with many woundes but as yet a liue Who callinge to him the Souldioure when he perceyued by hys speche that he was one of his owne countrye men he sayde it was a comfort to him being in the case that he was that he should speake to one that could vnderstand him and not vtter his last wordes in vaine He had him say vnto Alexāder in his name that he died a great dettor of his without any desert of his owne parte for as much as he had foūd him like a king and not like an enemy towards his wife and children
countries all readye after a sort embrasinge in theyr mindes their wiues and children Alexander sommoned his souldiers together perswading with them that al those battels were to no effect that were paste if the barbarous nations of the East should eskape vntouched for he desired not Darius body but his kingdome and all suche ought to be pursued as forsoke their obedience to the kingdome When he had by this oration quickned the mindes of hys souldioures a new he subdued Hyrcanie and the Mede●… In y ● same countrye met him Thalestris otherwise named Mynoshaea the Quene of the Amazones with CCC M. womē whiche had come a xxv daies iourny through the sauage countries and through the middes of her ennemies of purpose so haue issue by Alexander The sight comming of whom was wondered at both for the straūge attire of the womē and also for the request that they made to companye wyth Alexander his men For this occasion wer xxx dais spent in idlenesse whē she thought her self with child she depar ted home again After this Alexander as though he hadde had made himself subiect to their lawes customes whom he had vanquished tok●… vpon him thattire and diademe of the kings of Persia which thing was neuer known amōg the kings of Macedone before that time And because they shuld not disdain him y ● more for doing these things alone to th entent he might counterfet the Persians aswell in excesse of apparel as in excesse of fare he also commaūded hys frends to wear lōg robes of cloth of gold of skarlet More ouer he spent the nights in daliance among the kings cōcubines which wer women of most excellent beuty eft with one and eft with another as their turnes came about And for fear least through wāt of delitious fare he shuld not be able to hold with his venerus daliāces pastimes he made sumptuous feasts bankets and thervnto deuised princely showes pageants quite forgetting y ● by suche meanes riches are wont to be consumed wasted not gottē or preserued Upon this his doing arose a great grudge through al the camp y ● he held so sore degenerate frō his father Philip y ● in manner he disdained ones to heare his country named shuld take vpon him the maners customes of the Persians whō for such maners customs he had subdued But for because he would not seme to haue yelded him self to the vices of them whōe he had subdued by battell alone he gaue his souldiers licens if any of thē wer delited with the cōpany of their prisoners to mary them to their wiues thinking that they would haue lesse minde of home if they had in their tents as it were an image or representation of their houshold gods dwelling places also that thei wold make les accōpt of their trauel in y e warres for the delite plesure they had in their wiues Besides this he thought y ● Macedone should not nede to be spent so muche in sendyng forth soldiers to supply the nomber of them that wer slam If the yong nouices might succede the old and expert souldiers their fathers learning to playe the men of war euen in the same trenche that they were born in And that they should proue the bolder and hardier if they were not onlye trained vp to the Warres but also broughte vp from the shel in the camp The which custome remained also among the successors of Alexander Therfore there was a stipend appoynted to finde the Children with all and when they came to mannes estate they had apparel of house and harnesse geuen them and the fathers had wages alowed thē according to the nomber of their sonnes If any of their fathers died or were slain the Orphanes neuerthelesse toke their fathers wages whose childhode amonge so many viages was euen a very warfare For being from their tender yeares endured and hardened with continuall trauell and pearils they made the host inuincible accompting the campe for noone other then their countrye nor the battell for anye other then their assured victorye The people that were thus begotten were called Epigones Afterwarde when he had conquered the Parthians he made ruler ●…uer them one of the mooste noble men of all Persia named Andragoras from whome the kings of Parthia did afterward descend In the mean seson Alexander began to outrage with his own men not like a king but like an enemy In especially it displeased him that some of them tolde him and rebuked him for breaking the customes of his offences the ancient father Parmenio next vnto the king in estate and dignity with his sonne Ph●…otas after inquisition had vpon them were bothe put to death Whervppon al the campe began to be on a rore bewailinge the mischaunce of the innocent old man and his sonne not letting sometime to saye that it was not for them to loke for any better The whiche thinges when they came to Alexanders eare fearing that if the brute hereof should be blowen into Macedone the glory of his conquests should be distained with the spot of cruelty he made as thoughe he were minded to send certain of his frends into Macedone to beare hōme tidings of his conquests exhorting his souldiers to wryte to their frends for it wold be long or they had the like occasion again because they should make warre further of The whiche being doone he caused the packets of letters to be brought priuely vnto him by the whiche vnderstanding euerye mannes iudgement of him he put all those together into one band that had any ill opinion of him entending either to consume them by battel or els to distribute them in to new townes that he purposed to build in the vttermoste partes of the world Then he subdued the Dracans the Euergets the Parimans the paropamissadanes the Hydaspians and the other kindes of people that inhabite the fote of Caneasus In the meane time was broughte vnto him faste bounde Bassus one of Darius frendes who had not only betraied the king his master but also slain him Whom in reuengement of his traiterous act he deliuered to Darius brother to punish him as he thought good accompting not Darius so much his enemy as the frend of Darius that had slayne his own master And to th entent he might leaue his name behinde him in those countries he builded a City vpon the riuer Tanais and named it Alexandria the wall whereof beinge vi miles in compasse he finished within xvii daies remouinge into it the people of iii. other cities that Cyrus had builded Amonge the Segdians and Bactrians also he builded xii cities destributing into thē all such as he knew to be seditious personnes in his hoste These thynges thus brought to passe vpon a certain solempne holye day he bad hys frendes to a feast wher after the time they had taken in their cuppes mention being made
Macedone But by meanes of antipater who smelled oute his subteltye while he wente aboute two wiues at ones it came to passe that he attained none of bothe After this there arose warre betwene antigonus and perdicas Antigonus was aided by Craterus and Antipater who taking a truce with the Atheniens made polyperchon regent of Macedone and Grece Perdicas perceiuing that the world went not on his side sent for arideus and great Alexanders sonne of bothe whome the charge was vnto him committed into Cappadocia to haue their aduise as concerning the order of the warres Some were of opinion to remoue the warre into Macedone to the very welspring and heade of the kingdome forasmuche as there was Olymplas Aleranders mother which shuld be no smal stay on their side and also for the fauor of the cōminalty in remembraūce of Philip Alexander But it was thought most for the common profit to begin at Egipt least whē they wer gon into Mace done ptolomy might inuade Asia Emnenes besides the prouin ces he had before had deliuered vnto him paphlagonia Caria Lycia and Phrygia there he was commaunded to abyde the comminge of Craterus and Antipater and to assiste hym were appoynted alcetas the brother of perdicas and Neoptolemus with their armies Clytus was made chiefe admirall of the Fleete Cilicia was taken from phylotas and geuen to phyloxenus and perdicas himself with a great army went toward Egipt So Macedone through the discord of the captaines deuiding them selues in two partes sette her weapons against her own bowels tourninge the habilimentes of warre that were appoynted for the foraine ennemye to the slaughter of her owne inhabitaunts after the manner of madmen entendinge to cut and mangle the handes and members of her owne body But P●…lomy through his industry and pollicy got greate richesse in Egipte For by his singuler modestye he bothe wan the hartes of the Egiptians to him and by his frendlinesse and gentle behauioure he compassed the good ●…ils of the kinges that were his neighbors dwelt about him Furthermore he also enlarged the bounds of his kingdom by conquering the city Cyrene by meanes wherof he was now become a prince of suche power that he hadde not so muche cause to be afrayde of his enemies as his enem●…es had cause to be a fraid of him This citye Cyrene was builded by Aristeus who for because he was tounge tyed was surnamed Battus This mannes father called Cyrenus king of the Iland There when as moued with shame and sorow that his sonne being man growen could not speake he came to the Oracle at Delphos to make intercession to God for his sonne he receiued an answer wherby his sone Battus was commaunded to go into Affricke and builde the City Cyrene there to receiue the vse of speche Now because that the aunswer semed like a mockerye by reason of the li●…enesse of the Isle Theramene oute of the whiche inhabiters were commaunded to repaire into Affricke there to build a city in a country so farre of the matter was lefte of Afterwarde in processe of tyme for theyr stubbornesse there fell suche a Pestilence amonge them that they were compelled to obey the commaundement of the God whether they would or no and there was so smal and slender a noumber of them that they were 〈◊〉 able to furnishe a ship When they came into Affricke both for the pleasauntnesse of the place and for the aboundance of water springs that there were they expulsed the inhabiters of the mountain Cyra and plāted them selues in the same place Ther their captain Battus had his tonge stringes losed and began to speake The whiche thing encouraged theyr hartes to build vp the rest of the city in as muche as the God had all ready performed part of his promises Therfore when they had pitched their tentes they solowed the opinion of an old fable How that Cyrene a maid of excellent 〈◊〉 was rauished by Appollo in the mountain Pelius in 〈◊〉 saly and caried from thence to the toppe of the mou●…tain ▪ Wheras the God begather with childe and when she had gone her time she was deliuered of iiii sonnes Nomius Aristeus 〈◊〉 and Ageus And that her father 〈◊〉 king of Thessaly sent out men to seke her who being allured with the plesantnesse of the place abode styll with the maid in that country Of these children whē they came to mannes estate three retourned into Thessaly and enioyed the graundfathers kingdome Aristeus had a large dominion in Arcadie and first taught men the vse of Bees and hony of milke and creame and first found out y ● times of the yeare ▪ when the sonne is at the highest in Sommer and likewise at the lowest in Winter together with the courses of the other starres Upon which reporte Battus learninge the name of the maiden by the Oracles builded the citye Cyrene Ptolomye therefore beinge en●…ased in strengthe by the power of this City prepared for the war against Perdicas comming But the hatred that Perdicas had gotten through hys passinge pride and statelinesse did him more harme then the puissaunce of his enemies For his owne companions hated him so sore that they forsoke him and fled by heapes with Antipater Neoptolemus also being left to aid and assist Emnenes purposed not only to turn vnto the contrary part but also to betray the whole host of his cōplices The whiche pretence when Emnenes had espyed he had none other shift but to try the matter by dint of sword agaynste the traitoure Neoptolemus being vanquished ●…ed to Antipater a●…d Polyperchon perswadinge with them that if they would kepe on their iournye withoute stayinge they might fall vpon Emnenes ere he were ware being nowe in ioy and gladnesse for his late victory and taking no care by reason they had put him to flight But his purpose was vnknowen to 〈◊〉 Therfore the treason tourned vpon the traitoures heads For they whiche thoughte to haue surprised him vnwares were mette wythall them selues when they looked leaste for any suche thing beinge wearied with trauell and watchynge all the nighte In that encounter polypercbon was slaine Neoptolemus also fightinge hande to hande with Emnenes a greate while together after many woundes geuen and receiued was in the ende ouercome and slaine emnenes therfore gettinge the vpper hande in two pitched fieldes together vpheld and maintained his side for a while whiche was not a litle empaired by the reuoltinge of his adherentes Neuerthelesse at the last when perdicas was ones slain both he and phyton and Illirius and ale●…tas the brother of perdicas were proclaimed traitoures by the hoste of their enemies and Antigonus was appoynted to make warre agaynste them The. xiiii Booke ENmnenes when he vnderstode y ● 〈◊〉 dicas was slain hiself proclamed trai tor in Macedone and that Antigonus was appoynted to make war against him declared the matter of his owne accord to his souldioures least the sodain
the Macedones wer so incensed that wyth●…ute respect of her former estate they gaue sentence she shoulde be put to death quite forgetting that vnder her sonne and her hushand they had not only liued in safety and oute of daunger of their neighbours but also had gotten so great richesse and the dominion of the whole world But Olimpias when she saw the armed men comminge fiercely toward her to kil her of her owne accorde apparelled lyke a Quene and leaninge vpon two of her gentlewomen she went to mete them At the which sight they that shoulde haue killed her being astonied for the maiesty whiche she before time had represented and then openly shewed and remembring so manye of their kinges who euen then after a sort appeared in her person paused and stode still vntil such time as Cassander sent others to thrust her throughe Who neither fled backe when she sawe the sworde neither refused her deathes wounde nor yet shriked oute like a woman but after the manner of the most valiaunt men auaunced her self forward to the death for the glory of her auncient stocke and progeny so that a man myghte haue behelde euen Alexander himselfe in his mothers dyinge Furthermore when she was euen geuyng vp her ghoste it is reported that she couered her feete wyth her garments and wyth the hear of her heade leaste they that stode about her might haue sene any vncomely sight in her bodye After this Cassander toke to wife Thessalonice the daughter of king Aride●…s and put Alexanders sonne with his mother in prison in the toure of Amphipoles The. xv Booke PE●…dicas and h●…s brother Alceta ●…mnenes and Polypercbon with the residue of the captaines of the aduerse part being slaine it was to be thought that the contention amonge the successors of greate Alexander hadde beene clearlye extinguished when sodenlye the conqueroures fell at variaunce among them selues For when that Ptolomy Cassander and Lysimachus required to hau●… the monye that was gotten and made of the voties and the prouinces deuided among them Antigonus denied to admit any partners of the gain and boties of that war the daunger and brunt wherof he sustained himself alone And to th entent he might seeme to haue an honest quarell to make warre vpon his felowes he caused it to be noysed that he would reuenge the deathe of O●…ympias whome Cassander had slaine and deliuer his master king Alexanders sonne and his mother out of amphipolis where they were kepte as prysoners When this was knowen Ptolomy and Cassander entringe in league with Lysimachus and Seleuchus made great preparation for the warres bothe by sea and by land Ptolomy held Egipt with the mo●…e part of affricke and Cyprus and Phenice Cassander ruled Macedone and Grece antigonus had gotten asia and part of the East Whose sonne Demetrius in the fyrst conflict of these warres was vāquished by Ptolomy at Calama In the which battel the renowne of Ptolomies modesty was much greater then his victory For he both let go Demetrius frends not only with their owne priuate substans but also honorablye rewarded and moreouer restored all Demetrius priuate substaunce and houshold stuffe sēding him woorde like a royall prince that he made warre not for desyre of the gain but for to attain honor and renoun and that it greued him that Antigonus when he had ouercome the Captaines of the aduerse part shoulde take to himself alone the reward of the victory that apertained to thē all while these things wer in doing Cassander retur ning from Apollonia chaunced to light vpon the abderites which for the excessiue swarmes of Frogges and myse were fain to forsake their owne natiue country and seke them a new dwelling place Fearing therfore least they should inuade Macedone he made a couenaunt with them and receiued them into league to be his frends assigning them lands to inhabit in thvttermost borders of Macedone Afterward for fear least Hercules the sonne of Alexander who as then was going out of the. xiiii yeare of hys age for good wil and fauoure that menne bare to hys father shoulde be called to the kingdome of Macedone hee caused both him and hys mother Barsine to be putte secreatlye to death and their bodies to be buryed in the grounde least if they should be buryed openly or accordinge to theyr estate their death might come to light And yet not so content as though he had but smally trespassed first in kyng Alerander himself secondly in Olympias his mother and thirdlye in his sonne he also killed his other sonne wyth his mother Roxane by like treason as though it hadde not bene possible to attayne to the kingdome of Macedone whi che he so sore longed for otherwise then by fraud and treson In the meane time Ptolomy encountred agayn wyth Demetrius vppon the sea and hauing lost his shyppes and being clearely vanquished retired into Egipt Demetrius being prouoked with the like good turn before set home into Egipt Leuticke Ptolomies sonne and Menelaus his bro ther 〈◊〉 all their priuate goodes and houshold stuffe And for because it might appere that they wer enflamed with desire of honor and praise rather then with malyce and hatred they sent presents and giftes one to another euen in the chiefest time of all their warre So much more honestly did men in those dayes make warre then they doo now maintaine frendship antigonus being puffed vp with pride for this victorye proclaimed himselfe kinge and hys sonne Demetrius also Ptolomy likewise because he wold not be had in lesse estimation amonge his subiectes was proclaimed king by his men of warre Cassander and Lysimachus hearing therof toke vpō them the name and tytle of kinges also All they abstained from vsurping the honour of thys name as long as any of the sonnes of their mayster king Alexander were aliue So greate modestye was in them that all be it euery one of them had the richesse and power of a king yet they could wel find in their harts to forbear the names and titles of kings so long as Alexander had any rightful heir a liue But Ptolomy and Cassander and thother captaines of their part perceiuing y ● whiles eche of them drue a part by himself to make warre alone and laid not their power together eche refusing to helpe other as though it were but one mannes victory and not the common vse of them all antigonus licked them vp one after another sent letters of encouragement one to another apoynting a time place of meting and enteruew and so laid all their powers together for the war Where at forasmuch as Cassander could not be present himself by reason of the warres that he had wyth hys neighboures he sent Lysimachus with a great host to the ay●… of his confederates Thys Lysimachus was borne of a noble house in Macedone but his prowesse vertue and knighthode passed all noblenesse of birth The which were so planted in
the coun trye not deliuered For Satir the brother of Clearche after the same sort toke vpon him the tiranny aud the Heracleans many yeres after by degre of descent were vnder subiection of Tirannes ¶ The. xvii Booke ABout the same time well nie ther hapned a maruelous great earthquake in the countries of H●…llespont and Chemesosus and the Citye Lylimachia being builded by Ly●…imachus not past a two and twenty yeres before was ouerthrowne the which wonder betookened horrible misfortune to Lysimachus and his ofspring with the decaye of his kingdome and the destruction of those countries that were vered therwyth And loke as was betokened therby so cam it to pas For within a short time after Lysimachus conceiuing a deadly hatred not only beyōd the course of a naturall father but also beyond all manhode and humanity against his sonne Agathocles whom he had proclaimed heir apparent of his kingdom by whom he had atcheued many battels prosperously by the mean and working of his stepmother A●…syrice he poysoned This was the first sore of the mischief that was towards him this was the beginning of y ● ruin that hung ●…uer his head For after the murthering of his own sonne he fel to killinge of his noble men whome he executed for none other o●…fence then because they bewa●… led the death of his son By meanes wherof such as were chief officers in his campe reuolted by plumpes vnto S●…leucus whom being of himself prone thervnto vpōdisda●… enuy at thother mannes glory they compelled to make war against Lysimacbus This was the last contention betwene them that had serued Alexander in the warres as it were a match reserued by fortune for exāples sake Lysimachus was lxxiiii yeares olde and Seleueus ▪ lxxvii but in this age there was none of them both but he hadde a yong mannes ●…art and an i●…satiable desyre of dominion For when as they two alone held the whole worlde betwene them yet they thoughte them selues enclosed in a straight measuring the terme of their life not by the length of their yeres but by the boundes of their Empyre In that battell Lysimachus hauing loste before by dyuers chaunces xv children now dying manfully lastlye made himself the full and finall decaye of his owne house Seleucus reioys●…ng in so great a victory and that which he thought to be a greater matter then the victory that he onlye of Alexanders retinew remained and became conqueror of the conquerors bosted that it was not the work of mā but the very gift of God being v●…terly ignoraunte that it should not be long after ere he himself should become an example of the frailty of man For about vii moneths after by the pollicye of Ptolomy who had taken the syster of Ly●…machus in mariage he was surprised and sla●…ne and so with his life lost the kingdome of Macedone that he had taken from Lysimachus Ptolomy therfore being very diligent to curry fauour with the comminalty in remembraunce of his father Ptolomy the Great and for reueng●…g y ● death of Lysimachus fyrst of all determined to win the sonnes of Lysimachus vnto him and thervpō made sute to their mother Arsinoe his sister to haue her to his wife promisinge to adopt the 〈◊〉 to th entent that when he had succeded in their roume what for reuerence to their mother or for the name of father they should not be so bolde as to attempt any thing agaynst him Moreouer he earnestlye sued by his letters to haue the fauor of his brother y e king of Egipt protestinge that he bare him no displeasure for takyng his fathers kingdome from him and y ● he woulde not any more s●…ke the thing at his brothers hand whiche he had with more honor gotten at the hand of his fathers enemy Furthermore he sought all the meanes he coulde deuise to winde him selfe into fauor with Emn●…nes and Antigonus the sonnes of Demetrius and with antiochus the sōne of Seleucus with the which he was like to ●…aue warre to ●…ntent he would not haue to do with iii. enemies at ones Nether omitted he P●…rrhus king of Epyre as one that was like to be no small furtheraunce to what parte so euer he enclined himself who also coueting to set them all beside the sadle made fair countenaunce and set himselfe as it were to sale to them al. Therfore when as he was about to aid the Tarentines againste the Romaines he desyred of antigonus to lend him shippes to conuey ouer his armye of antiochus who was better furnished with rychesse then with men of warre he requested to borow a pece of mony of Ptolomy he demaunded to send to his ayd a crewe of the souldioures of Macedone But Ptolomy who by reason of his owne weaknesse was not able to bear with him long lent him fiue thousand footemen foure thousande horsemen and fifty Elephantes for no lenger time then ii yeres In consideration wherof taking the daughter of Ptolomy in mariage ▪ Pyrrhus left him for protectoure of hys kingdome But forasmuch as we fall in remembrance of Epyre I thinke good to entreat a little of the originall of the same First of all the Molosses raigned in that region Afterward Pyrrhus the sonne of achilles hauynge loste hys fathers kingdome by being absent at the battell of Troy reasted in the same countrye which after his name were first called Pyrrhides and after Epyrotes But Pyrrhus when he came into the Temple of Iupiter of Dodone to aske counsell rauished there anasa the nece of Hercules by whom afterward takinge her to wife he begate viii children Of the whiche some of theym beynge verye gentle and beutifull younge Ladies he marryed to the kynges that were his neighboures by meanes of whiche aliaunces he purchased great power and richesse And so leauyng the kingdome of the Chaonians with andromache the wife of Hector which in the diuision of the boty at the winnynge of Troye fel to his lot to be his wife vnto Helenus the sonne of king Pri●…mus for his singuler knowledge in Prophecy within a while after by the treason of Orestes the sonne of Agamemnon he was slayne at Delphos euen before the aultare of the God After him succeded his sonne Pylates At lengthe by order of successyon the kingdom descended to Arymba Ouer whome because he was fatherlesse and that there were no moo alyue of that noble race but he of verye earnest desyre that the whole realme had to preserue him and bring him vp there wer certain protectoures appoynted by the common consent of the realm to haue the ouer syght and gouernance of hym Furthermore he was sente to Athens to schoole and looke howe muche he was better learned then hi●… predecessoures so much also was he better beloued amonge his subiectes For he was the fyrste that made lawes ordained a counsell appoynted yearely officers and established the estate of the common
they named Sydon For the Phenicians call a Fyshe Sydon Manye yeares after being subdued by the king of the Ascalonites they tooke shippinge and arr●…ued in the same place where they builded Tire which was done the yore before the destruction of Troye There they were oftentimes and diuersly assa●…ed with warres by the Persyans but euer they had the vpper hand But when theyr power was once wasted theyr bondmen aboundinge in multytude and noumber delt out ●…giouslye and cruellye wyth theym For they made a conspiracye amonge them selues and killed all the fre borne people with their maysters also and so hauynge the citye at wyll they entered possessyon in their maisters houses they inuaded the common weale they maried wiues and that whiche they theym selues neuer were they begatte free children There was one among so manye thousand slaues who being of a meke and honest nature for pity of the fortune of thold man his master and his yong sonne did not of beastly cruelty murther them but of mercyfull compassion and manhode saued them Wherefore when as he had hid them out of the waye as if they had beene slaine and that the bondmen consulting vpon the estate of the common weale thought it good to create theym a kinge of theyr owne corporation and him in especially to be the person as a man most acceptable to the Gods that first should see the sunne rising he declared the matter secreatly to his master Strato for y ● was his name where he lay hid in a corner Being by him sufficientlye instructed what to dod when they were all assembled into the field by midnight whiles all the reast stoode gapynge into the East he only alone looked aduisedly into the west At the 〈◊〉 all the resydue thoughte it a madnesse to looke for the rysinge of the Sunne into the West But assone as the day began to breake and the East beganne to glister vppon the hyghest toppes and pynnacles of the toures and temples of the Citye while all the other gased for to see the Globe of the Sunne he 〈◊〉 of all syewed vnto them all the brightnesse of the Sunne shyn●…ge vpon the toppe of the Citye this seemed to be doone of a greater reason then was in a s●…aues heade Wherevppon they enqutred who gaue hym the counsell and be co●…essed as touching his master Then it was perceiued what difference there is betwene the wit of a slaue and the wit of a gentleman and that 〈◊〉 excell in maltce but not in wisdome Therefore the old man and his sonne were pardoned and forasmuche as they tho●…ght theym to be preserued by the deuine 〈◊〉 of God they created Strato kinge After whose decease the kingdome descended to his sonne and so forth to his posteritye This was a notable a●… of the slames and a terr●…le example to the whole worlde Wherfore Alera●… he great when as a long time after he made warre in t●…e East as a reuenger of the common tranquillity hauing wonne the●… Citye perforce al of them that remained after the battel in remembraunce of the murther doone in olde time by their predecessours he crucified Only the kinred of St●… he preserued vnuiolated and restored the kyngdome to hys of spryng makynge newe inhabitauntes that were free 〈◊〉 and vndefiled wyth the like offence in the Ilande to the 〈◊〉 that the seruile seede and slyppe being vtterly roted oute the ofspring of the Citye mighte be as it were planted of new again The Tyrians therfore being in this wyse by the meanes of Alexander newe founded throughe they owne sparing and trauell in getting grew st●…ōg agayne wythin a short space Before the siaughter of the masters when they abounded 〈◊〉 in richesse and in noumber of menne they sent a company of youth into Affricke and ●…ded Ut●…a when as in the meane while the kinge of Tire deceased ordayninge for his heires his sonne Pygmalion and his daughter Elisa a mayde of very excellent beauty But the people deliuered the kingdome to Pygmalion beinge a verye childe Elisa also was marryed to her vncle Sycheus the prieste of Hercules the whiche Rome is of greatest honoure next vnto the kynge Thys manne hadde greate richesse but no manne knewe wher they were and for feare of the kinge he had hidden hys golde not in houses but in the grounde The whiche thinge though men knew not of certaintye yet it was commonlye so reported with the whyche brute Pygmalion being incensed forgetting all bonde of nature and humanity without any respect of godlynesse killed his vncle being also his brother in l●…e 〈◊〉 d●…sting her brother a greate while after for doynge of thys wicked acte at the last dissemblinge her inwarde hatred and bearinge a faire countenaunce towardes hym for the tyme practised priuely to flye away and takinge into her companye certaine of the noble men whom she knew to beare like hatred to the kinge and to haue like desyre of flyinge away she came to her brother with a pollicye she fained that she would remoue out of her owne house and come dwell with him to the entent the sighte of her husbandes house should not continually renewe her sorowe and mourninge for him whiche she coueted to forget and to the entent the bitter remembraunce of him should not any more ware before her eies Pygmalion was wel contented to hear his sister say those words because he thought she wold bring her husband Sycheus gold with her But Elisa caused the kinges seruaunts that wer lent her to help to remoue her stuffe to goo into shippes and car ▪ her richesse with them in the shutting in of the euening and when she had them a good waye from the shore she compelled them to throwe certain bagges and cofers ful of sande into the sea making them beleue it was monye Then she her selfe weping with piteous veyce besought her husband Sycheus willingly to receiue his own richesse which he had lefte behinde him and that he woulde take them for an offeringe like as they had beene the cause of his death Which doone she turned her self to the kinges seruauntes ▪ sayinge the time was come that she herselfe should receiue the death that she so sore had longe before desired and that they should abide bitter tormentes and greuous punishmentes because they had made away the richesse of her husbande Sycheus for couetousnesse of the which the king committed murther that he myghte not haue them to satisfy his gredy appetite wythal Whē she hadde put them all in this feare they were contented to beare her company in her flighte and to goo awaye with her Moreouer a great nomber of the nobility beynge in readinesse for the same purpose set forth with her and so hauing made sacrifice againe vnto Hercules whose Priest Sycheus was they forsoke their countrye to get thē a new dwelling place The first lande that they arriued at was the Isle of Cyprus where as the priest of ●…piter wyth hys
to liue vppon the spoyle made the country so hot that no man almost durste stirre abroade Dennis therfore king of Sicil being in manner wearyed with the continuall complaintes of his confederates sent ouer syre hundred Afres to suppresse them whose castle by the treason of a woman called Brutia they won and there builded a city which was soone peopled by the confluens of the shepheardes resorting thither vpon hope of the new city and they called them selues Brutians after the name of the woman The firste warre that they had was with the Lucanes the authors of their begynninge With the which victory being encouraged and hauynge concluded an equall and indi●…erent peace with thē they conquered their other neighbours by the sword and they gat so great richesse and power within a while that they seemed pernitious and able to doo displeasure euen vnto kinges Finally A lerander king of Epire comminge into Italy with a great hoste to the aid of the Greke Cityes was wythall his army by them vtterly destroyed Wher vppon their cruelnesse being enflamed wyth contynuall successe of prosperity became terrible to their neighbors a long time after At the last Agathocles beinge called to help in hope to enlarge his kingdome passed out of Sicilie into Italy As he was comming toward them for fear of his puissaunce they sent their ambassadoures to hym requesting him of peace and frendship Whome Agathocles biddinge to supper to the entent they shoulde not see the shippinge of his armye appoynted to common wyth them the next day and so in the meane while toke shippe priuely and stale ouer from them But the ende of thys fraude was not to be reio●…sed at For within a few daies after he was constrained to retourne into Sicill by the force of a disease wherwith he was taken ouer all his body ▪ the pestilent humor spreding it self throughe euery sinew and ioynt as thaugh that euery member had ben at ciuil war one against another Of the whiche no hope of recouery appering there arose war betwene his sone and his nephew eche of them chalenging the kingdome as if he had bene dead all redy in the which his son was slain and his nephew vsurped the kingdom Agathocles therfore when he saw the grief of his disease the thought of his minde stil greuouser and greuouser eche encreasyng by the furtherance of the other being vtterly in despair caused his wife Theogen to take his two litle sōnes that he hadde begotten of her withal his treasure housholde houshold stuffe and princelye furniture appertaining vnto him of which no king was better stored then he was and to saile into Egipte from whence he tooke her to hys wife for feare least his nephewe who had robbed hym of his kingdom shuld also play the enemy with them How be it his wife entreted him earnestly a great while that she mighte not be drawen from him in his sicknesse least her departure might be worthely likened to the murther done by his nephew and men might reporte that she had as cruelly abandoned her husbande as he had supplanted his graundfather saying that when she was marryed to him he toke her not to be his companion and partaker of prosperitye onlye but of all other fortune what so euer should happen Wherfore it should not greue her to loose her life so she mighte tarye with her husband to the laste gaspe and according to her duty as she was boūd of loue and womanhode to do see him honorably entred whyche thing were she ones gone no man would take vpon hym to do When the litle ones should goo away they embraced their father and held him aboute the necke wepynge and crying oute on the other side the wife as she that neuer loked to se her husband more had neuer done kissyng him And it was a lamentable thing to se how pit●…ouslye thold man wept the children bewailing the father ready to die and the father moning his banished children The one sorowing to leaue their sicke and diseased olde father all alone as desolate the other lamentinge to leaue hys sonnes in penury whom he had begotten to inherite his kingdome Moreouer all the palace range with the noyse of such as stode about weping and sorowing to se ●…o cruel a deuorce and departure At the lengthe the necessitye of their forced departing was the end of their wepyng and the death of the king ensued immediatly vpon the departure of the children While these thinges were a doinge the Carthaginenses hauing intelligence howe the world went in Sicil thincking good occasion to be geuen thē of recouering the whole Iland sailed thither with a greate power subdued manye cities The same time Pyrrhus made warre against the Romains who as is said before beinge desired to come to the ayde of the Sicilians when he came to Syracuse and hadde subdued many Cityes he was proclaimed king of Sicil like as he was of Epyre. In the prosperous successe of which things greatly reioysing he appoynted that his sonne Heleu should be king of Sicil as in the righte of his graundfather for he was begotten of king Agathocles daughter and his sonne Alexander should be king of Italy After this he foughte many prosperous battels with the Carthaginenses Wythin a while after there came ambassadors from his con●…ederates in Italy bringing him word that it was not possible to make resistens againste the Romaines but that they must nedes yeld onlesse he reseued them Being troubled with so doutful a daunger and not knowing what to do or which of them he might rescue fyrst he toke spedy aduice as concerning both For the one side the Carthaginises assailed him and on the other side the Romaines so that it semed a daungerous matter not to passe his army into Italy and yet more daungerous to lead his hoste 〈◊〉 of Sicil least the one should be lost for want of succoure or the other by withdrawing his helpe from them In this rage of daungers the sure●… hauen of all other counsels and aduises semed to be fyrst with al his power to try the matter in Sicil and then hauing vanquished y ● Carthaginenses to transport his victorious army into Italy Therfore all be it he gate the vpper hande in that battel yet notwithstanding for as muche as he went hys way out of Sicil he was accompted to run away as a vāquished person and therefore his alies and confederates reuolted from him By meanes wherof he lost the kyngdome as lightly as he came by it easly Furthermore finding no better successe in Italye then he had in Sicill be retired into Epire. The wonderfull chaunce of bothe is to be noted for ensample For euen as before throughe prosperous fortune all things flowing beyond his desire and expectation he had gotten the Empire of Italye and Sicill with so manye victories againste the Romaines so now when fortune had chaunged her copy as it were
to make a show of the frailty of man throwinge downe the thinges she had builded besides the losse of Sicil she paid him home with shipwracke on the sea wyth a shamefull ouerthrow against the Romaines and with a dishonorable departure out of Italye After the departure of Pyrthus oute of Sicil Hiero was created chiefe officer who was a man of such modesty that by the fauorable consent of all the Cities he was first made captayne agaynste the Carthaginenses and afterwarde kinge Of this royall estate to come his bringing vp when he was a very babe was as it were a foreteller For he was begotten of a noble man called Hieroclytus whose pedegre was fet from Gelus an auncient king of Sicil. But by his mothers side he was borne of a base and verye dishonorable stocke for he was be gotten of a bondwoman and therefore caste away by his father as a dishonor and reproch to his stock But the Bees fineding the litle babe without healpe of man wroughte their combes aboute him and nouryshed him with honny many dayes together Uppon which occasion his father at thē warnynge of the southsayers which tolde him that the childe shoulde be a king toke the childe to him and brought him vp wythall diligence in hoope of the state that was be highte him As the same childe sate at his boke in the schole among other of his felowes sodainly there came in a wolfe among thē and snatched the boke out of his hande Moreouer beyng a yongman when he went firste to the warres an Eagie came and ●…ate vppon his target and an Owle vppon hys speare The whiche wonder betokened that he should be aduised in councel ready of hand and also that he shuld be a king Finally he fought hand to hand agaynst many chalengers and euer went away with the victory Kyng Pyrrhus rewarded him with many rewardes of ch●…alry He was of personage exceding beautiful of strengthe wonderfull as mighte be in a man gentle to talke vnto iust in his dealinges in his gouernment vprighte and indifferent so that nothing in the world wanted in him appertaining to a king saue only a kingdome ¶ The. xxiiii Booke WHile these thinges were a doing in Sicil in the meane time in Grece through the dissention and warres of Ptolomeus Ceraunicus Antiochus Antigonus amonge them s●…lues almoost all Grece at the instigatyon of the Spartanes the ringe leaders therof encouraged with hope of liberty as if occasion had ben geuen to pul their neckes oute of the yoke of bondage sendynge ambassadoures one to another to knit them selues togetogether in aliance and society fel to rebellyon And least they might seme to haue taken wepon in hande agaynste Antigonus vnder whose gouernaunce they were they assailed the Aetolians his confederates pretendynge the cause of their warre to be for that the said Aetolians had entred held by force the feld Cyreus which by y ● who le consent of Grece was consecrated to Apollo As captaine of this war they chose one Aran. Who assemblynge hys whole power together spoyled the townes foraged the corne that was situate and growinge in the forenamed fields such as they could not carye away with them he set on fire The which thing the shepherds of the Aetolians beholding out of the mountaines gathered them selues to the nomber of fiue hundred and fell vpon theyr enemies as they were skattered and not knowinge how many there were of them by reson that the sodaine feare together with the smoke of the fyres had takē their sight from them and hauing slaine nine thousand of them put the residue of the foragers to flighte Aft●…rwarde when the Lacedemonians went aboute to renue the warres again many cities denied them aid because they thoughte they sought the souerainty and not the liberty of Grece In the meane season the warre was ●…yshed among the kynges For Ptolomy hauinge expulsed Antigonus and seised the whole kingdome of Macedone into hys hande tooke a truse with Antiochus and ioyned aliaunce wyth Py●…hus by geuing him his daughter in mariage Afterward being rid of outward fear he turned his vngodly wicked mind to deuising mischief against his own house ▪ imagining treson against his sister ▪ 〈◊〉 to the entent to depriue her children of their liues and her of the possession of the city Cassanoria The fyrst ●…ynte of his crafty conuey●…nce was vnder the pretence of coūterfet loue to desire his 〈◊〉 in mariage For otherwise then vnder colour of concord he coulde not compasse to get her chyldren into his handes whose kingdome be hadde wrongefully taken front them But his ●…ister knewe his wicked entent wel mough Whervpon perceiuinge that she trusted him not he sent her word that he wold make her chil dren felowes in Empire with him Against whom he had made warre not because he was minded to take the king dome from them but because he desired that they should haue it of his free gift and mere liberty For the more assuraunce wherof he willed her to send some trusty frend of hers to receiue an othe of him and he wo●…ld in the presence of the party before the Gods of his countrye bynde himself with what othe or curse she wold desire in all the world Arsinoe being in doubte what she were best to do for if she sent she knew she should be deceiued by forsweringe of himselfe and if she sent not she was a frayde sh●… should prouoke her cruel brother to rage taking more care for her children then for herselfe whome she partlye hoped to saue by meane of this marriage sent one of her frendes called Dyon Whome Ptolomy brought into the most holy temple of Jupiter the aunc●…test place of religion of greatest reu●…rence in all Macedone there laying his handes vpon the aultares and touching the very images of the godd●…s as they stode in their shrines sware before him with suche terrible othes extreme curses as neuer wer hard of that he desired his sisters marriage w t out any fraud craft deceipt or dissimulation and that he wold proclaim her Duene not purposinge to take any other wife to spite her withall or to haue any other childrē then her sonnes Arsinoe after the time she was thus fulfilled with hope and deliuered from fear came and commoned with her brother her self Whose smilinge l●…s flattering countenaunce pretending as much good ●…ayth as he promised by his othe brought her into such a fooles paradise that she consented to marrye with her brother contrary to the minde of Ptolomye her sonne who euer tolde her there was deceite in the matter The maryage was solempnised with great sumptuousnesse and ioye Furthermore he sommoned all his hoste before him an●… there himself setting the crown vpon his sisters hed proclaimed her Duene Whervpon ar●…noe being exceadynge glad and ioyful for as much as she had recouered y ● which she had lost by the
solempnised wherby the newe wedded wife fel in great fauor and the old wife in displeasure For the fyrst wife as thoughe she had beene deuorced of her owne accord departed to her brother antiochus and prouoked him to war vpon her husband The acarnanians also distrusting the Epyrotes and thervpon ●…equiring healpe of the Romaines obtained of the Senate of Rome that ambassadours were sent to commaund the aetolians to withdraw their garrisons from the cities of acarnania and to suffer them to liue ●…ree out of bondage whiche all only in old time sent no help to the Grekes against the Troianes thautors of their beginning But the Aetolians hard the ambassade of the Romaines proudly and disdainfully Casting them in the tethe with the Carthaginenses the frenchmen by whom they had ben so aff●…cted in so many battels so oftentimes vtterly slain saying it was me●…e for thē first to open their gates against the ●…thaginenses which they had shut vp for fear of y ● warr●…s of affrick ere they toke vpon them to make warres in Grece Moreouer they bad them remember whome they manased for they were not able to defend their owne city agaynste ●…he frenchmen but y ● when it was taken t●…ey were fayne to redeme it with mony ▪ not recouer it by the sworde The which nation entring into Grece with a nother maner of host they them 〈◊〉 had not only without the aid of any other forain power but also not so much as helped wyth their own houses vtterly destroyed made their realm a place for their bur●… which they had determined to make the ●…eat and key of their kingdome Wheras on the contrary part Italye the Ro●…es yet still tremblynge for fear of the la●…e burning of their city was wel 〈◊〉 whollye subdued by the frenchmen Wherfore it was 〈◊〉 ●…or thē first to driue the frenchmen out of Italye ere they presumed to manase the aetolians and first to defēd their own ere they toke in hand to defend other mennes And what maner of men were the Romains in good faith no better but a sort of ragged shepherdes y ● rongfully held a piece of ground taken from the right owners by robery which being not able to get thē wiues for the dishonesty of theyr beginning were fain to rauish them by open force and to be short which bui●…ded their city with moste cruel and vnnaturall 〈◊〉 and bestained the foundations of the●…r walles with brothers bloud But the Aetolians wer euer the princes of Grece and 〈◊〉 as they passed all 〈◊〉 in estate and worthinesse so they excelled them in ●…owesse and actiuity and they wer the men alone which had euer despised the Macedones florishinge in thempire of all the whole world which feared not king Philip which disdained to obey the lawes of alexander the great after he had subdued the Persians and Indians when all other men dyd moost fear and dread his name Wherfore they counselled the Romaines to holde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wyth theyr present estate and not to pro●…ke these weapons agaynst them through which they sawe bo●…he the frenche men slayne and also the Macedones despised When they they had in this wise dismissed the Romain ambassadors to the entent they woulde not seeme to haue talcked more boldly then they woulde doo in dede they forrayed all the borders of the kingdome of Acaruania By this tyme had Olympias deliuered the kingdome to her sonnes and in stead of his brother Pyrrhus deceased Ptolomy succe●…ed in the whole kingdome Who geynge wyth an ●…ooste of men well furnyshed againste his ennemies as by the waye taken with a disease and died Olympias also ere it was longe time after beinge wounded with sorowe for the death of her two sonnes skarse able to draw her painfull breathe liued a small while after her children There remayned of the bloude royall no moo but ●…nlye a younge mayde called Nereis and her sister Laodamia Nereis was maryed vnto Gelo sonne of the kinge of Sicil And Laodamia flying for her sauegard to the aultare of Diana was there by the concourse of the people sla●… The whiche offence the Goddes immortal reuenged and punished with continuall slaughters of that natyon and well neare wy●…h the vtter d●…structyon of all the whole realme For first and formost being punished with dearth and hunger and beinge 〈◊〉 with ciuill discorde laste of all they were in manner quite consu●…ed by the warres of foraine nations and Milo who killed Laodamia fallyng oute of his wittes so mangled his bodye sometyme wyth yron sometime with stones and in fine so rente and tare hys owne bowels with his teethe that wythin xii daies he died moost miserably While these thinges were a doinge in Epyre Demetrius dyed in Macedone leauynge a lyttle sonne called Phillip to be hys heir Ouer whome Antigonus beinge made protector tooke the chyldes mother to his wife and went about to make himself kynge Within a while after when as the Macedones makynge insurrection against him threatninge to kill him had besieged him in his own palace he came forth to them with out any gard casting among them his crowne and hys purple robe of estate bade them bestow those thinges vpon some other person which ether knew how to rule thē or to whome they coulde finde in theyr hartes to obey for as for him he had not hitherto during the time he had the gouernment of that odious kingdome felt or tasted of any plesures but of labor of trauel of perill and of leoperdy Then he rehersed what he had done for them how he had punished suche of their confederates as had reuolted how he had asswaged the courage of the Dardanians and Thessalians triumphing at the death of Demetrius and finally how he had not only maintained but also augmēted thestate of thempire of Macedone Of the which thinges if so be it they repented them he was contente to depose himself and to surrender his office into their hands and let them seke them a king whom they mighte rule as they liste them selues When the people beinge strycken with shame willed him to take his kingdome vppon hym again he refused it vtterly so long vntill the authours of the rebellion were yelded vnto him to punish them at hys pleasure After this he made war agaynst the Spartanes which all only despised the warres of Philip and Alexander and the Empire of the Macedones with the knyghthode and chiualry so sore redoubted ouer all the worlde The warre was prepared for withall the furniture and power that could be made on bothe partes betwene these two noble and famous nations The one fighting for the auncient renowne of Macedone the other not only for the maintenaunce of their vntouched liberty neuer before vn lated but also for theyr common sauegarde The Lacedemonians being vāquished not only they them selues but also their wiues and children toke their misfortune with very stout courage For there
was not any man that spared his life in the battel there was not any woman that wept for the losse of her husband The olde men commended the deathe of theyr sonnes and the sonnes reioysed that theyr fathers were slaine in the fielde Euery man lamented hys owne chaunce that they had not died for the libertye of theyr countrye The fathers and mothers receyued into theyr houses all suche as were wounded healed suche as were wounded healed suche as were hurte and recomforted suche as were stricken downe And in all thys busynesse there was not in the city any outcry or any wringyng of handes there was not any trembling for feare euery mā bewailed more the common misfortune then hys owne priuate case While these thinges were in doinge Cleomenes theyr king after he had made a great slaughter of his enemies being all on a gore bloude as well with hys owne woundes as with the bloud of his enemyes came among them and ●…hen he was entered the citye he sate not downe to rest him he called not for meat nor drinke no nor ones put of his harnesse but leaninge hys backe to a wall when he saw there remained no mo but only iiii thousand of his men from the battel he exhorted them to reserue themselues to some other time when thei might be able to doo theyr countrye better seruice And then with his wife and children He went his way into Egipt to king Ptolomy of whome he was honorably entertained and liued a long time in great fauor and estimatyon with him like a king But at the last after the decease of Ptolomy he and all his houshold were slain by his sonne Antigonus hauing made so greate a slaughter of the Lacedemonians toke pity of the misfortune of so worthye a city and therfore would not suffer his souldiours to sacke it but pardoned all that remained aliue prot●…stynge that he made the warre against Cleomenes and not agaynst the Lacedemonians whome for as muche as he had dyscomfited and put to flight all his wrathe was at an ende wherfore he thought it should stand more with his honor to saue their city then to destroy it Nowe seing there remained no mento shew his mercy vpon he said he wold shew it vpon the soyle of the Citye and vpon the houses It was not longe after but that Antigonus dyed and left his kingdome to Phillip a childe of xiiii yeres of age The. xxix Booke ABout the very same season there happened an alteration almost in all the kingdomes of the worlde by the successyon of yong kynges For in Macedone Philippe after the decease of his protector Antigonus who also was his father in law toke the kingdome vpon him being but. xiiii yeres olde In Asia Seleucus being slaine Antiochus as yet vnder the age of xiiii yeares was made kynge The kingdome of Cappadocia was surrendred by his father to Ariarathes beinge a verye childe Ptolomy who for the wickednesse of his offence was in derision surnamed Philopater slue his father and mother and vsurped the kingdome of Egipt But the Lacedemonians in stead of Cleomenes subrogated Lycurgus And for because there shoulde be store of alterations in those times Hannibal being as yet skarse manne growen was made captaine of Carthage not because there was skarsity of men of more yeres and experience but for the natural hatred that was knowen to be rooted in him againste the Romaines euen from his verye childhode born to the vtter destruction not so muche of the Romaines as of his own countrye of affricke Nowe allbeit theese children kinges had no auncient and graue protectors appoynted to haue the 〈◊〉 of them ●…et notwithstanding euery one of them so ententiuely pursued the steps of their auncestors that there was great likelihode of prowesse and actiuity in them Only Brolomy as he was wicked in vsurping the kingdome so was he also ●…outhful and negliget in gouerninge of the same The Dardanians other people that were borderers who ●…are as it were an immortal hatred to the kinges of 〈◊〉 disdaining Phillip by reason he was so yong troubled him continuallye On the contrary part Phillip when he had put his enemyes to flight being not content to haue defeded his own purposed to make war against the aetolians As he was imagining and deuisinge howe to enterprise the matter Demetrius king of Iliyria being lately vanquished by Paul c●…nsul of Rome came to him as an humble suter making complaint of the wrong that the Romaines had done vnto him who being not content to kepe them sclues within the boundes of Italy but of a wicked desire coueting thempire of the whole world made war withal kinges Alledging that for the like couetousnesse of the Empyre of Sicil of Sardinia of Spain and consequently of all affricke they had entered into war with Hannibal and the Carthaginenses and that they had made war vpon hym also for none other occasion but only y ● he was next neigh bor vnto Italy as though it were not lawful for any king to dwell neare the borders of their Empire Wherfore it was good for antiochus to take ensample how to beware by other men whose kingdome the nobler and nearer it was to the Romaines so muche should he finde them his fiercer enemies Moreouer he professed that he was contented to surrender his right and title to him of the king dome whiche the Romaines hadde by force taken from him Saying it should lesse greue him and that he coulde better finde in his hart to se his neighbour and his frend rather then his enemy enioy the possession of his kingdō With this and suche other like talke he perswaded Phillip to leaue the aetolians and to tourne the brunte of the warre against the Romaines so much the rather because he thought they shoulde be the lesse able to resist him by reason as he hard say they had lately before bene vanqui shed by Hannibal at the lake of Thrasymenus Therfore because he would not be charged with manye warres at ones he made peace with the aetolians not as that they shoulde thincke he did it to the entent to make warre in another place but as thoughe it had bene for some great regard that he had of the quietnesse of all Grece y e which he affirmed was neuer in the like pearill and ieoperdye by meanes of the newe Empires of the Romaynes and Carthaginenses latelye risen vp in the west whyche had none other let or stop to kepe them out of Grece and Asia but only this while they were trying by the sworde which of them should beare the soueraintye For whiche party so euer gate the vpper hand the same would imme diatlye vpon the victorye passe directly into the East Therfore he saw suche a cloude of cruel and bloudye war rising out of Italy he saw suche a roring and thundering storme comming out of the west that into what parte of the world so euer
fear least if his counsel should be alowed he should be more in fauor with the king the any of them Antiochus misliked not so muche the counsell as the author therof leaste the glory of the victory should redound to Hannibal and not to him Thus throughe assentation and flatterye all was marde and nothing was done by counsell or reason The king all the winter time geuinge himselfe to riot and pastime was euery day making of new marriages On the contrarye part attilius the Romaine Consull who was sent to these warres withal diligence prepared men and armor withal other munitions artillery and habilimentes for the war confirmed and strengthened the cityes y ● were in confederacy allured such as wer neuters and in conclusion according as either part laid before hande for their furniture so did they spede in the war In the fyrste encounter when the king saw his men geue back he did not releue them with freshe succors but offred hymselfe captain of such as first ran away and lefte his campe replenished withall richesse to his enemy When he had eskaped by flight into asia while the Romaines were occupied in gathering the spoyl he began to repent him that he had reiected Hanniballes counsel and there vppon taking him into fauoure againe he sayde he woulde doo all thinges by his aduisemente In the meane season it was told him that Liuius 〈◊〉 a Romaine captaine appoynted admirall of the sea by the Senate was comming towardes him with foure 〈◊〉 shippes of war the whiche tidinges put him in good comforte to receuer his misfortune Therfore he determined to encounter with him by the way before that the Cities which as yet held their aliance with him were reuolted to the Romains hoping to abolish the dishonor of the 〈◊〉 takē in Grece by a new victory And thervppon Hanniball was sent to the sea with the kinges flete But neither were the men of asia able to matche the Romaines nor theyr shippes of lyke force as were the Romaine galleis whose 〈◊〉 were armed with brasse Yet notwithstading the slaughter was the lesse by meanes of the pollicy of the captain The fame of the victorye was not yet reported at Rome and therfore the city stayed the creating of their consuls But who was better to be made captaine againste Hannibal then the brother of affricanus seing it was the peculier worke of the Scipions to vanquish the Carthaginenses Lucius Scipio was created consull and hys brother affricanus was geuen him to be his lieuetenaunt to th entent Antiochus should vnderstande that they had as muche confidence in theyr conquerour Scipio as he had in his vanquished Hanniball As the Scipios were conueying ouer their hooste into asia woorde was broughte them that the warre in bothe places was all redye broughte paste the worste and so they founde antiochus vanquished in battel on the land and Hannibal ouercome vp on the sea At theyr firste arriuall antiochus sent his ambassadoures vnto them for peace sendinge moreouer by them as a peculiare presente vnto affricanus hys sonne whome the kynge hadde taken passynge ouer in a little barke But affricanus aunswered that there was greate difference betwene benefites done to any one person priuatelye and the benefites that were done to the publyke weale of a whole country and that the person of a father was one thinge and the person of a common weale was another whiche ought in dede to be preferred not o●…lye before children but also before the very life it self wherfore he thancked the king withall his harte for his honorable present promising to requite his b●…unteous liberalitye by some good tourne that lay in his owne pryuate power to doo But as touchinge warre and peace he answered that he coulde shewe him no fauour neither that he woulde doo more or lesse then was of right meete and requi●…ite to the behoufe of his country For he neuer entreated for the raunsominge of his sonne nor suffered the Senate to go about it but as appertained to his honour he said alwaies he would recouer him by force of armes After this were articles of peace propounded the contēt wherof was that he shoulde departe out of asia suffring the Romaines to enioy it peaceablye delyuer them theyr prisonners and runnagates withall theyr shippes and make 〈◊〉 of all charges and expenses that the Romaynes had beene put to in those warres Antiochus hauing intelligence therof answered that he was not as yet so vtterly vanquished that he should suffer himselfe to be spoyled of his kingdome saying that it was the next way to prouoke him to warre rather then to allure hym to peace In the meane time that the warre was in preparing on bothe sides The Romaines enteringe into Asia came to Troy wher was great reioycement betwene the 〈◊〉 and the Romaines the Troianes declarynge how Eneas and thother captaines came from them and the Romaines vaunti●…ge them selues to be descended of them And there was as great reioycement betwene both partes as there is wont to be at the meting of the parēts and their children after longe beinge a sonder It dyd the Troianes good that their linage hauinge conquered the west and subdued Affricke did now chalenge thempire of Asia also as their auncient inheritaunce and the rightful possession of their forefathers saying it was good fortune to Troy that it was destroyed considering howe luckelye it had risen againe On the other side the Romaines had an vnmeasurable desire to see the houses of their auncestry and the places wher theyr forefathers were bred and borne with the Temples and Images of theyr Goddes When the Romaines were departed from Troy kynge Emnenes met them with a nomber of men to aid them And ere it was long after a fielde was foughte againste Antiochus in the whiche when as a legion of the righte wing of the Romaine ▪ battel being put out of aray fled to the campe with more shame then daunger Marcus Aemylius marshal of the hoste being left behinde for the defence of the campe commaunded his souldiours to arme them selues and to go out of the trenche and wyth theyr swordes drawen to manace suche as fled awaye sayinge they should die for it euerychone if they retourned not into the battel againe and that they should find their owne campe hotter for them then the battel of their enuemies The legion being astonied at so great daunger accompanied with their felowes that stopped them of their flight returned into the field and there making a great slaughter vpon their enemies were the beginning of the victory There were of the enemies fifty thousand slain and a ri M. taken prisoners Yet notwithstanding when Antiochus desired peace nothing was added to the former articles For Affricanus saide it was not the custome of the Romains to be discouraged for a losse nor to be proud by reason of prosperity The cities that they had taken they deuided among theyr
he fled to Alexandria to Ptolomye hys yonger brother with whome he parted his kingdom and so they sente ambassadoures ioyntlye together to the Senate of Rome requestinge healpe by the ryghte of the league in the whiche they were bounde in alyauns wyth them The Senate being moued at the sute of the brethrē ther vpon sent Pub. Popilius ambassadour to Antiochus to wil him to abstaine from Egipt or if he were all ready entered to voide thence When he had founde hym in Egypt and that the kynge offered to kysse him for at suche time as Antiochus lay in hostage at Rome among others he had Popilius iu great estimation and reuerence Popilius willed him to let cease all priuate frendship vntill he hadde executed the commaundemente of his countrye or while matters concerning his country were in hand and there withall drawinge forthe the decre of the senate and deliueringe it vnto him when hee sawe him pause at the matter askinge leisure to consulte theron wyth his frendes there Popilius with a wand that he had in his hand 〈◊〉 a 〈◊〉 circle aboute him willynge hym to call hys frendes to counsell to him and not to set foote ou●…e of the place befor●… he had geuen the Senate a direct aunswere whether he would haue peace or warr●… with the Romaines This rigorousnesse so ●…uche abated the kinges courage that he made aunswer he was contente to be ruled by the Senate Antiochus after his return into his kingdome deceased ▪ leauinge his heire a 〈◊〉 babe Whome the realme assigned to the gouernaunce of certayne Protectoures Here vppon his vncle Demetrius who laye in hostage at Rome hearinge of the ●…eath of his brother an●…iochus went vnto the Senate sayinge that he came thither for an hostage duringe his brothers life after whose decease he knewe not for whome he should lye any longer in hostage Wherfore he ought of right to be discharged that he myght go and chalenge the kingdome the which as by the vniuersall lawe of all nations it appertayned ●…o his elder brother so now of reason it was due to hym because he was of more y●…res of discretion then the babe When he perceiued the Senate would not licence hym to goo in as muche as they were perswaded in their owne iudgementes that the kingdome should remayn in more safetye and quietnesse in the childes hande then in hys vnder pretence of ri●…ing a hunting he stale to D●…ia and there with a fewe of his retinue that were preuye to hys doinges he priuelye tooke shipping Assone as he was ariued in Syria he was receiued with greate ioye and fauoure of all men and the Protectours killing their ward did put him in possessyon of the kin●…dom The same time almoste Pru●…as kyng of Bythinia wente about secreatly to kill his owne sonne 〈◊〉 for none other occasion but onlye to anaunce hys yonger sonnes that he had begotten vpon his seconde wife whiche laye in hostage at Rome But the matter was be wrayed to the yonge man by them that should haue doone the deede and they counsailed him that for as muche as hys father by his cruelty hadde prouoked hym thereto he shoulde preuente the conspiracye and tourne the mischiefe vppon the deuysers heade It was no harde matter to perswade hym Therfore assone as he was by theyr enticemente entered into hys fathers realme he proclaymed himselfe kynge Prusias beinge deposed from hys owne sonne from hys royal estate to the degree of a priuate personne was forsaken euen of his owne seruauntes And as he laye hidden in a secreat place his sonne as cruelly slue him as he had wicked lye commaunded hys sonne to be put to death before The. xxxv Boke DEmetrius the vsurper of the kingdome of Syria supposinge it to bee a daungerous matter if vpon his new aduauncemente he shoulde geue hym selfe to idlenesse determined to enlarge the borders of his kingdome and to augmente his richesse by subduing his neighbors Wherevppon for displeasure he bare to Ariarathes kyng of Cappadocia for refusing his sister in mariage he main tained againste him his brother Holofernes who beynge wrongfully driuen out of the realme resorted to hym for succoure and for ioy that he had so honest a title to make warre he purposed to sette him in possession of the kyngdome againe But Holofernes beinge of a cankered and malitious nature entering in league with the Antiochiens being at that time offended with Demetrius tooke counsell how to depriue him of his kyngdome that went aboute to restore him into hys kingdome Demetrius hauinge knowledge there of spared his life because ariarathes shoulde not bee deliuered from the feare of hys brothers warre Neuerthelesse he caused him to be apprehended and put him in prisone in the citye Seleucia Yet notwithstanding the antiochiens were not so discouraged by the detection of their conspiracye that they woulde cease from their rebellion Therefore by the helpe of Ptolomye king of Egipt attalus king of asia and ariarathes kyng of Cappadocia all the whiche Demetrius hadde by hys warres stirred againste him they suborned one Prompalus a man of the basest sorte to chalenge the kyngdom by force of armes as thoughe it had bene hys by right of inheritaunce and to the entent there should want nothyng to spite Demetrius withall they proclaimed hym by the name of Ale●…ander and reported him to be the sonne of Antiochus So sore hatred was Demetrius amongste all men that by an vniuersal consent they not only gaue his aduersarye the power of a kinge but also attributed vnto him nobility of birth and lignage Alexander therfore by meanes of this wonderfull exchaunge of thinges forgetting his owne old villainage beinge accompanied wyth the power almoste of all the whole Caste made warre againste Demetrius whome he vanquished and depryued bothe of life and kingdome Howe be it Demetrius wanted no courage to withstand the brunt of the warres For at the first encounter he put his enemy to flight and whē the king renued the battel againe he slue many thousand of theyr men in the field and yet at the last being of an inuincible courage he was slaine fighting most valiantlye among the thickest of his enemies In the beginninge of the warres Demetrius had committed to the charge of his hoste of Guydus in Lycia his two sonnes and a great summe of golde to the entent they should be bothe oute of ●…operdye of the warre and also if it shoulde so happen be preserued to reuenge theyr fathers death The elder of them named Deme●…rius being past childes age hearyng of the riotous demeanor of Alexander who for the ioye he had in his richesse vnhoped for and in the ornamentes of a nother mannes felicity kept himself like a cowardlye carpet knight at home in his palaice among a company of concubines and brothels by the helpe of the Caudiens assailed him carelesse as he was and fearing no hostility at all The Antiochiens also to make
his losses semed euer to be made more terrible to them Finally at the length he was not vanquished as an enemie but in his oldeage leauyng his 〈◊〉 to be his heire he dispatched himselfe by wilfull death in his owne kyng dome where his auncesters had raygned of long continuance The very wonders of heauen dyd prognosticate what a great man he shoulde be for bothe the same yet ▪ that he was borne and the same yere he firste began his reygne there appered by the space of threskore and tenne dayes at both tymes suche a blasyng starre that all the skye semed to be on fyre For it was so bygge that it occupied a quarter of the heauen it was so brighte that it blemished the light of the Sunne when it rose or went doune it consumed fower howers at eche tyme. When he was a chylde his owne Gouernours wente about to destroy hym settyng hym vppon a rough horse and compellyng him to lern to ryde and to torney The which attempt followyng not their myndes as they woulde haue had the yong Prince Mythridates rulyng the horse better then was loked for in one of his age they assayed him with poyson The which he standyng in doubt of before dronke tryacle oftentymes by meanes whereof he so stayed his bodie with tryed and exquisite medicines that when he was olde he would haue poysoned himselfe and coulde not After this fearyng least his enemies woulde compasse the thyng by weapon which they could not doe by venim he coūterfeyted a desyre of huntyng whervppon by the space of fower yeres he came not vnder anie roofe eyther of house in the Cytie or cotage in the countrie but wandered vp and doune the forestes and woods rested the night time in the mountayns sometime one where and sometime another no man knowyng where was his haunt enuryng himself eyther to chase or to pursue the wylde beastes on foote and with some of them to encounter with playne force By meanes whereof he both auoyded all treason and also hardened his bodie to abyde all kynde of trauell and exercyse Afterward when he came to take the k●…gdome vppon him immediatlie he set his mynde not so muche of gouernyng as of enlargyng thesame Therefore he maruelous fortunately subdewed and brought in subiection the S●…ythians who before that day were neuer conquered whiche had vtterlie destroyed Zopyron the Capitayne of greate Alexander with thirtie thousand armed men whiche had slayne Cyrus kyng of Persia with two hundred thousand men of warre and which had put to flyght Philyp kyng of Macedones Being thus encreased in strength he conquered Pontus and consequentlie Cappadocia Then with certayn of his frendes he went secretly disguysed out of his owne kyngdome without knowledge of anie man and wanderyng through Asia vewed the situacion of all the Cyties and Prouynces of the same From thence he trauayled ouer Bythinia and as though he had ben alreadie Lorde of Asia he deuised all thynges that might helpe to f●…rther him toward his conquest After this when all men beleued he had ben dead he returned home into his own Realme where he found a lytle sonne whome Laodice his syster and wyfe had brought him forth in his absence But in the myddes of the ioye that was made for his returne and for the birth of his chyld he was in daun ger to be poysoned For his syster Laodice beleuyng him to be dead and therevppon abusyng her bodye with his frendes as though the might haue hydden her offence by committyng of a greater cryme prepared a cuppe with poyson to welcome him home withall Wherof Mythridates hauyng intelligence by a Damosell punished the offence vppon the deuisers thereof After when wynter drew nigh he spent not the time in feastyng but in f●…ates of armes not in 〈◊〉 but in exercise not amōg carpet knights but eyther in yo●…sting and tournying in runnyng on foote or on horsebacke or els in wrestlyng and tryal of strength among his p●…res Also he daylie enured his men of warre by ly●…e exercyse to abyde labor and trauell as well as himself by mean●…s wherof as he was i●…incible himself so made he his host inuincible also Then he entred in league with Nicomedes and inuaded Paphlagonia the which he conquered and parted it with his companyon When woorde was brought to the Senate that these kyngs had subdued the countrie they sent Ambassadours to them both cōmaun dyng them to set it in the lyke estate as they found it My thridates thinkyng himself nowe able ynough to matche the puissaunce of the Romayns answered proudelie that the kyngdome was his fathers by inheritaunce and that he maruayled they should make alteration with him for it hauyng not done the lyke to his father Moreouer he set so lyght by their Manaces that he inuaded Galatia also Nicomedes for asmuch as he was not able to make his partie good by anie tytle answered he woulde surrender it to the rightfull kyng and so chaungyng the name of his owne sonne he called him Phylomenes by the name of the kyngs of Paphlagonia by which conueyance vnder a counterfect name he helde still the kyngdome as though he had restored it to the right heire The Romayne Ambassadoures beyng thus had in derision returned to Rome with a mocke Morrouer he sent his wyfe Laodice to Rome to testifye that she ha●…e t●…ree sonnes by Ariarathes The which thyng when Mithridates knew of he also with lyke impudent vnshamefastnesse sent Gordius vnto Rome to auouche before the Senate that the chylde to whome he had deluded the kyngdome of Cappadocia was the sonne of the same Ariarathes whiche in the quarell of the Romaynes was slayne in the battell agaynst Aristouicus But the Senate vnderstandyng the meanyng and endeuour of both the kynges wold not gene other mens kingdoms to vsurpers that tooke wrong names vppon them Whereupon they tooke Cappadocia from Mithrydates and to comfort him withall they toke Paphlagonia from Nicomedes And to th entent it should not seme they wold take any thynges from the kynges in despight of them to bestowe it vppon others bothe the Nacions were se●…at at free lybertie But the Cappadocians refusyng the gyfte of ly●…ertie sayd that their countrie could not liue without a kyng Whervppon Ariobarzanes was appointed by the Senate to be their kyng There was at the same tyme one Tygranes king of Armenia kept in hostage not long before by the Parth●…ās and now lately remitted by them into his fathers kyngdome Hym dyd Mithridates couet to allure to take his part in the warres that he had of lōg tyme purposed agaynst the Romaynes Wherfore by the meanes of Gordius he pers●…ded him as one that knew not what it was to displease the Romaynes to make war vppon Ariobarzanes who was a very cowarde And to th entent it shoulde not seme be dyd it for anye cautele or pollicy he gaue him his daughter Cleopatra in mariage At the fyrst
richesse in old tyme the which they should not nede to go to fyght for but to go to take possession of For Asia was so desyrous of their commyng that she called cryed to them a loude to make speade So greate a hatreded toward the Romayns hadde the greadie rauenousnesse of their Proconsultes the pollyng and shauing of their tolle gatherers the wrongfull delyng in sutes and controuer lies of the lawe of their officers rooted in the hartes of them all Wherefore he willed them to doe no more but followe him manfully ponder with themselfes what so great an army might be able to doe hauyng such a Capitayne as he was whome they themselfes had sene without the helpe of any of his souldiers by his own industrie onely slea the kyng of Cappadocia seyze his kyngdome who onely of all the men that euer lyued conquered all the countries borderyng vppo●… the sea of Pontus Scythia also the whiche before his tyme no man could trauel through no nor go vnto in sauftie As for his own Iustice and lyberalitie he woulde not refuse that his souldiers which had had sufficient tryall and experience of them should beare wytnesse to the same as of the whiche these were manifest tokens that he only of all kyngs enioyed not onely the kyngdomes that his father possessed before him but also for his bountie and magnificence was adopted to be heyre of other forreyne Realmes as Colchos Paphlagonia and Bosphorus whiche he nowe peaceablie helde ▪ When he had thus encouraged his souldiers after the. xxiii yere of his reygne he entered into warre agayn●… the Romayns At that tyme in Egypte after the death of P●…olomy kyng of Cyrene both the kyngdome and the Quene Cle●…patra his syster to be his wy●…e ▪ ●…lomy was glad in that he had recoured his brothers king dome without battell the which he knewe his mother Cleopatra and certeyn of the noble men went preuelye about to assure vnto his brothers sonne But assone as b●… came vnto Alexandria to the great displeasure of all the Cytie he caused all such as fauored the chylde to be put to death The chylde himself also he slew in his mothers armes the very same day that he maried her in the myd des of all the feastyng and solemne ceremonies of wed●…cke And so he wēt to bed with his syster all bestayned with the blood of her sonne After the whiche dede he became euen as meke to his other countreymen that had called him to the kyngdome For he gaue his souldiers which were straungers leaue to kill whome they wold so that daylie all places were on a gore blood and he put away his syster and toke to wyfe her daughter a fayre yong mayden hauyng firste rauished her per force with the which thynges the people wer so dysmayed that they shronke away so●…e one whether and some another forsakyng theire natife countrie like banished folk for dread of death Ptolomy beyng left alone with his souldioures in so greate a Cytie when he sawe howe he was a Kynge of emptie houses and not of men made proclamacion that straungers shoulde come and inhabite the Cytie after whose resor thyther he went forth to mete the Romayn Ambassadors Scipio Affricanus Spurius Mumius and Lucius Metellus which came to see howe the Realmes of their confederates wer ordered But loke howe cruell he was to all his owne countriemenne so much was he a laughyng stocke to the Roma●…ns For he was yll visaged a dwarfe of stature he had such a fat paunche that he semed more lyke a beast then a man the whiche fouldnesse and deformitie his smal shyrle voyce and his thinne garmentes dyd more encrease as thogh of set purpose he had set oute the thynges to be sene which he that had any regarde of shame oughte with all care and studie to haue hydden moste secretlie After the departure of Thambadoures of the whiche Affricanus whiles he behelde the Cytie was himselfe a spectacle to the Alexandrians Ptolomy beyng nowe hated euen of his Alientes also fledde preuely oute of the Realme with his sonne whome he had begotten of hys syster and with his wyfe her owne mothers paramour for feare of treason and hauyng gotten an hoste of hyred souldiours he made warre bothe agaynst his syster and agaynst his owne countrie Afterwarde he sent for his eldest sonne from Cyrene for bycause the Alexandrians shoulde not make him kyng agaynste him he putte hym to deathe Then the people in despyght of him brake doune his ymages and tare doune hys pictures The which thyng thynkyng to be doone by the procuremente of hys syster he slew the sonne whome he hadde begotten uppon her and then cuttyng hys bodie in gobbettes closed it vp in a Casket and sent it for a present to the mother as she was makyng feast and great chere vpon the day of her byrth The whiche was a bitter and sorowfull syght not onelie to the Quene herself but also to all the whole Cytie and it cast such a grief vppon that ioyfull feast that sodaynlie in all the Court was nothyng but mournyng and lamentyng The noble men therfore turnyng themselfes from feastyng to funeralles shewed to the people the mangled bodie declaryng what hope they oughte to haue of theyr kyng who hadde so cruelly murdered his owne chylde Cleopatra after that the sorow for losse of her sonne was ceased perceyuyng herselfe to be sore infested by her brothers warre Demaunded help of Demetrius Kyng of Syria by his Ambassadors whose chances were strange and worthie to be spoken of For Demetrius as it is shewed before makyng warre agaynst the Parthians gettyng the victorie in manie encounters was sodaynlie sur prised by pollicie and besydes the losse of his armie was also himself taken prysoner Whome Arsaces kyng of the Parthians sent into Hyrcanie and of his noble and Royall courage not onely gaue him enterteynement lyke a kyng but also gaue him his daughter in mariage promisyng moreouer to restore him the kyngdome of Syria which Tryfo hadde vsurped in his absence After whose death Demetrius beynge past hope of returnyng into his kyngdome and beyng not able to away with captiuitie beyng wearie of his priuate lyfe though he lyued neuer so welthelie assayed a faithfull frende to steale home into his owne kyngdome His counseler and companyon in this enterprise was a frend of his called Callimander who after his Maisters captiuitie hyryng guydes for mo ny himself disguysed in Parthian apparell came oute of Syria through the deserts of Arabie vnto Babylon But Phrahartes which succeded Arsaces sent oute post horses after him who made such spede by gayner ways that they ouertoke him and brought him back agayn When he came before the kyng Callimander was not only par doned but also highlie rewarded for his faithfulnesse towards his Master But Demetrius with a great rebuke was sent agayn to his wyfe into Hyrcanie and ther
kept more straightlie then he was before In processe of tyme when it was to be thought he would haue taryed for his chyldrens sake that he had by his wyfe accōpanied with his foresayd frende he stale away agayn But euen with lyke infelicitie as before he was apprehended nere vnto the lymites of his owne kyngdome and beyng broughte backe agayn vnto the kyng was commaunded out of his presence in great displeasure Neuerthelesse beyng then also graunted his wyfe and children he was sente agayne into Hyrcanie his olde place of penaunce and was rewar ded with a payre of dyce of golde in exprobration of hys chyldishe lightnesse But this so gentle and fauorable demeanor of the Parthians towarde Demetrius proceded not of any mercie naturally engraffed in that nacion or in respect of Aliance and affynitie but bycause they coueted the kyngdome of Syria entending to vse Demetrius as an instrument agaynst his brother Antiochus accordyng as eyther the matter the tyme or the chaunce of warre should requyre Antiochus hearyng therof thoght it wysedome to preuent the warre and there vppon led his his host whiche he had hardened through manie viages and battelles agaynst his neyghboures agaynste the Parthians But he made preparacion as much for ryot as for warre For wheras he had eight hundred thousand men of warre there wer besydes thre hundred thousand others that followed the host of the which the moste part were Cokes bakers and mynstrels players of enterludes Surely of gold syluer ther was so great abundāce that euen the cōmon souldiers ware their hosen enbroydered with golde trode vnder their fete the metall for loue of which other people were wonte to fyght and kyll one another Moreouer all the furniture of kytchens wer of cleane syluer as though they had gone to banquetting and not to battell At Antiochus fyrste commyng manye kyngs of the East mette him yelded themselfes their kyngdomes vnto him vtterlie detestyng the pryde of the Parthians It was not long ere it came to thencounter Antiochus gettyng thupper hand in thre fought fieldes and thervppon winnyng Babylon by force began to be counted great By meanes whereof all countries reuolted so fast vnto him that the Parthians had nothyng left them more then the bare soyle of their owne Realme of Parthia Then Prahartes sent Demetrius into Syria with an host of Parthians to inuade the kyngdome to thintent that by that pollicie Antiochus might be enforced to withdrawe himself out of Parthia to the defence of his owne Realme In the meane whyle bycause he could not ouercom Antiochus by force he sought meanes to surprise him by pollicie Antiochus by reason he hadde such a multitude dispersed all his army into the Cyties duryng the wynter season the which thyng was his vtter vnd●…yng For the Cyties felyng themselfes greued with victailyng of hiis hoste also with the iniurious demeanour of the souldiers reuolted agayn to the Parthians and on a day appointed for the nones all at one tyme by trayterous conspiracie set vppon the hoste as it was deuided among them seuerllie to th entent they shoulde not be able to rescowe one another when tydinges herof came to Antiochus he assembled suche as wyntered with him went to rescow them that were nerest But in his way he met with the kyng of Parthians against whome he fought more valiauntlie himself then dydde his hoste Notwithstandyng at the laste forasmuche his ennemies were of more force and courage his men for feare forsoke him and so he was slayne For whome Phrahartes made a royal herce dyd exequies after the maner of Prynces and moreouer beyng taken in loue with the daughter of Demetrius whome Antiochus had broght with him he toke her to wyfe Then it repented him that he had let go Demetrius he sent oute menne in post after him to fetche him backe But Demetrius dreadyng the same thyng before hand had made such spede that they founde him in his owne kyngdome so beyng frustrate of theire trauell expectation they returned to the kyng The. xxxix Boke AFter that Antiochus with all hs army was thus destroyed in Parthia his brother Demetrius beyng delyuered from captsuitie of the Parthians and restored to his kyngdome when as all Syria as yet mourned for the losse of the armye as though the warres that he and his brother made in Parthia in the whiche th one was taken prysoner and thother slayn had had prosperous successe he purposed to make warre in Egypt at the request of Cleopatra his wifes mother who promysed to gyue him the kyngdome of Egypte in recompence yf he would helpe to support her agaynste her brother But whyles he went about to get that that was another mans he lost his owne by meanes of a sodayne insurrection in Syria For first the Cytizens of An tioche throgh the instigacion of their Capitayne Tryfo 〈◊〉 the kynges pryde which by his conuersacion among the cruell Parthians was becomme intoierable and anone after the Apameniens with all the rest of the Cyties followyng their ensample toke occasion vpon the kynges absence and rebelled against him Ptolomy also kyng of Egypt against whome the sayd Demetrius made warre when he vnderstode that hys syster Cleopatra had shypped all hhr goods treasur and was sled into Syria to her daughter her 〈◊〉 in lawe Demetrius he suborned a certayn yong men of Egypte the son of Merchantman called Protarchus to chalenge the kyngdome of Syria by b●…ttell forging a pedegre as though Antiochus had adopted him into the blood royall And the Syrians cared not who were theyr kyng so they might be delyuered from the pryd of Demetrius So the yong man was proclaymed by the name of Alexander great succor was set to him oute of Egypt In the meane while the bodie of Antiochus slayne by the kyng of Parthia was sent into Syria in a coffyn of syluer to be buried the which was receyued with great reuerence by all the Cyties but chiefly by Alexander himselfe to th entent to make men oredyte the tale that he was adopted to be his heire The which his doyng wann him much fauor of the commonaltie all men thinkyng no lesse but that he ment good faith without dissimulacion in his sorowfull mournyng Demetrius beyng vanquished by Alexander and being enuyroned on all sydes with vnauoydable daūgers was at the last forsaken of his own wyfe childrē being therfore left desolate sauyng a fewe seruaunts as he was purposed to haue fled to the temple of Tyrus there to re gistre himself as a sanctuarieman yf percheunce the reue rence of the place might saue his lyfe when he went out to lande he was slayne by the commandement of the Ma ster of the shyppe The one of his sonnes whose name was Seleucus bycause he crowned himself kyng without his mothers conset was by her slayn Thother of his sonnes who for the greatnesse of his
but of loue Whervppon callyng to her the souldiers she sent certayn of them herself to thrust her syster through Who enteryng into the temple when they could not pull her oute they cut of her handes as she had clasped them about the Image of the Goddesse Then Cleopatra cursyng those wicked murderers besechyng the Goddes whose sanctuary they had defyled to reuenge her vppon them dyed It was not long after but Cyricenus encountered again with his brother where gettyng ●…hupper hand he tooke Gryphin the wyfe of Grypho prysoner which latelie had put her syster to death with execucion of whome he dyd obsequies to his wyues Ghoste But in Egypt Cleopatra beyng greued that her sonne Ptolomy should be partener with her in the kyngdome incensed the people agaynste him and hauyng taken his wyfe Seleuce awaye from him which was so much to more griefe to him bycause he had begotten two sonnes by her bannished him the Realme sendyng for her yonger sonne Alexander whome she crowned kyng in his brothers stead And yet beyng contented to haue banished her sonne she pursued him with battell where he kept as a bannished man in Cyprus When she had dryuen him from thence also she put the Capitayn of her host to death bycause he had suffered him to escape alyue out of his handes Albeit to say the truthe Ptolomy departed oute of the Ilande rather because he was ashamed to fyghte with his mother then that he was not of power able to encounter her Alexander therefore dreadyng this his mothers crueltie departed his waye and left her alone desyring rather to lyue meanely in quiet saufegarde then to reygne as a kyng alwayes in daunger of his lyfe Cleopatra fearyng least Cyricenus should helpe her elder sonne Ptolomy to recouer the kyngdome of Egypt sent great ayde to Grypho and her daughter Seleuce to be his wyfe to th entent he should persyst enemie to her fyrst husband as he had ben before and also sent Ambassadors to her sonne Alexander to call him to the kyngdome agayne Agaynst whome as she was practisyng of mischief to bryng him to destruccion she was by him preuented and put to death and so she ended her lyfe not by naturall destynie but by deserued murder Surelie she was well worthie of such a slaunderous death which had defyled her owne mothers bed and put her besyde her husband whiche had made two of her daughters so oftentymes wydowes by choppyng and chaungyng of their husbandes which had banished th one of her sonnes pursewyng him with battell when she had done and hauyng wrested the kyngdome from thother had practised also to bryng him to his ende through treason Neuerthelesse Alexander himself escaped not altogyther vnpunished for committyng so abhominable a murder For assone as it was knowen that the mother was slayne by the wickednesse of her sonne the people rose agaynst him and draue him into exyle and callyng home Ptolomy agayne set him in possession of the kyngdome who was of that modestie that he would neyther make warre agaynste his mother nor yet chalenge that of his brother by force which was his before by right of inheritance Whyle these thynges were a doyng a bastard brother of his to whome his father had by his laste will bequeathed the kyngdome of Cyrene deceased and lefte the people of Rome to be his heyre For by this tyme the fortune of Rome was such ▪ that beyng not content with the boundes of Italie it began to stretche itselfe to the kyngdomes of the East By meanes whereof that part of Lybie was at that tyme made a prouynce and shortlie after Candy and Cilicia beyng subdued in the warres agaynst the Pyrates were brought in lykewyse in order of prouynces By the which dede bothe the kyngdomes of Syria and Egypt were streightned by the neyboured of the Romaynes and whereas before tymes they were wonte to encrease their Dominion by warryng vppon their borderers now beyng abridged of their lybertie to roue wh●…r they lyst they turned their power to their own confusion In so much that beyng cōsumed through cōtinuall feightyng they were had in despight of their next neighbours and were as a praye to the Arabians whiche before that tyme were neuer knowen to be menne of warre Whose kyng Herotymus vppon trust that he had in his syx hun dred sonnes whiche he had begotten of his concubynes with sundrie Armies made rodes somtimes into Egypt and sometyme into Syria by meanes whereof within a while through the weaknesse and feblenesse of his neighbours he made the name of the Arabians famous and redoubted The. xl Boke THe kyng kyngdome of Syria being consumed through the natural hatred of the brothers and through the deadlie enmytie of their children succedyng in their fathers steppes one after an other with so mortal warre as neuer could be appeased the people resorted to straungers for refuge and be gan to loke about them for some forreyn kyng Therfore when as some thought it good to sende for Mithridates kyng of Pontus and some for Ptolomy kyng of Egypt and that it came to their remembraunce that Mithridates on th one syde was entangled with the warres of the Romayns and that Ptolomy on thother syde hadde euer ben an enemie to the kyngdome of Syria they consented all vppon Tygranes kyng of Armenia who besydes the power of his owne countrie was also supported by confederacie with the Parthians and by aliance with Mythridates Beyng therfore crowned king of Syria he enioyed the kyngdome excedyng quietlie by the space of eyghtene yeres hauyng no nede at all eyther to assayle others him selfe or to repulse others that assayled him But as Syria was in sauftie from forreyne 〈◊〉 ●…o was it greatlie wasted with an erthquake in the which ther perisshed an hundred threskore ten thousand men besydes the ruine of manie cities The whiche wonder the soothesayers interpreted to betoken a great alteracion of thynges For when Lucullus had ouercome Tygranes he proclaymed Antiochus the sonne of Cyricenus kyng But that which Lucullus had gyuen Pompeius afterward toke awaye who tolde him that he would not haue made him kyng of Syria no though he had sewed for it and muche lesse put it in his mouthe without chalengyng it Consyderyng that duryng the eyghtene yeres that Tygranes held Syria he had lyen lurkyng in a corner of Sylicia but assone as the Romayns had ouercome the sayde Tygranes he put himselfe forthe to sue for the reward of other mennes trauell Therfore lyke as yf he had had the kyngdome before he would not haue taken it from him euen so seyng he coulde fynde in his hart to suffer Tygranes to enioye it peaceablie so long he would not bestowe the thyng vppon him which he knew not howe to defende for doubte lest he might be an occasion that the Jewes and Arabiās should enterprise to robbe and spoyle the countrie of Syria agayn So
he brought Syrie into the forme of a Prouynce and by lytle and lytle through the discorde of the blood Royall the Easte came in subiection to the Romaynes The. xli Boke THe Parthianes in whose hande the whole worlde beyng as it were denided betwene them and the Romains Th empyre of the East as than was were banished men of Scythia The which thyng the verie name of them bewrayeth for in the Scythian language bannished men are called Parthians These in the tyme of Thassyrian Median Empyres were of all the peoples of the East moste base After warde also when Th empyre was translated from the Medes to the Persians they were as a sorte of Rascalles without name and a continuall pray to the Conquerors Lastely when the Macedones ruled the East lyke triumphant conquerors they were in subieccion vnto them in so much that there is no man but woulde wonder to see howe by their prowesse and actiuitie they shoulde aspyre to so great felicitie as to haue dominion euen ouer those kynges and kyngdomes ▪ vnder whose Empyre they serued sometyme as rascall slaues Furthermore beyng assayled of the Romaynes in three battels by Capytaynes of great experience actiuitie in the chefest tyme of their prosperitie when they florished moste in the renowme of onelie they onelie of all Nacions were able not onely to matche them but also to conquer thē Although in dede it may be counted a greater glory that thei could ryse and put vp their head from among those Empyres of Assyria Media and Persia that were so renoumed in tymes past and also from vnder that moste ryche and wealthie Empyre of Bactria that had a thousand cyties vnder it then to haue vanquished the force of traungers so farre from them Furthermore whyle the Scythians were sore vexed with the continuall warres of their neighbours and in maner oppressed with the continuance of daungerous encounters these Parthians beyng through domesticall dissention expulsed oute of Scythia toke by ●…telth the desertes betwene Hyrcanie and the Daces the Areans and the Spartanes and the Maianes In continuance of tyme fyrste without let or interrupcion of theire neighbours and afterwarde maugre their headdes dooe the best worst they coulde they dilated the borders of their countrie so farre that they posfessed not onely the wyde fyeldes bottomes of all the champion countrie but also the cragged clyffes and the the toppes of the high mountaynes whereby it commeth to passe that moste places within the coast of Pa●…a are eyther excessinely who●…e or extremely colde by reason that the 〈◊〉 are commonly infested with snow and the open ●…yelds with the heate of the sunne After the decay of th ēpyre of Macedone the countrie was gouerned by kinges Next vnto the Mayestie of the king is the state of the commonaltie for out of it are chosen Capitaynes in tyme of warre and magistrates in time of peace Their language is a meane betwene the Scythian and Median mixed indifferentlie of them bothe They had sometyme a fashion of apparell peculiar by them selfes but after the tyme they grewe ryche it became fyne and full of clothe after the maner of the Medes They kepe the same order in their warres and in feightyng as doe the Scythians their ancestours Their armie is not as other nacions be of free men but for the more part of bondmen Th●… which sorte of people forasmuch as it is not lawfull for anie man to set anie of them at libertie and therevppon all are bondemē borne daylie multiplieth and encreaseth enstructing them with great diligence to ryde horses and to shote Accordyng as euery man is of welthe so fyndeth he the kyng mo horsemen to the warres Finally when Antonie made warre agaynst the Parthians of fyftie thousand horsemen that met him in the fyelde there were but eight hundred of them that were fre borne They cannot skyll of feighting at hand in the battell nor of wynnyng Cyties by siege They feight eyther runnyng right forth with their horses or els retiryng backe oftentymes also they wil make as though they sled to th entent their enemie pursewyng them vnaduisedlie may ly more open to receyue a wonde of thē when they shall ioyne battell they vse not to sound a trumpet but a Tympane neyther can they endure to feight any long whyle But if they wer of lyke force and as good in continuance as they are at the fyrst brunt no Nacion in the worlde were able to abyde them For the mo●…e part euen in the whotest of the skyrmysh they forsake the fyelde and anone after they turne agayne begynne the battell a freshe in so muche that when a man thynkes himself moste sure of the victorie then standes he in moste hasarde of discomfyture Theire armour as well for themselfes as for theire horses are made all of plates of stele ouerlayd with fathers wherwithall both of them are keuered from top to toe Golde and syluer they occupye not but in their Armour Euery man for de light y ● they haue in sensualitie hath many wyues a piece and yet th●…y chastire no offence so sore as aduoutrie and whoredome Wherevppon they vtterlie forbid women not onely the conuerfacion with men but also cōmunicacion for once to loke vppon a man They eate no flesh onlesse they catch it in huntyng They are caryed on horseback at al tymes On horseback they feight w t the enemy on hrsebacke they feaste on horsebacke they execute all affayres as well publike as priuate on horsebacke they gooe from place to place on horsebacke they bye and fell and on horsebacke they talke one with an other Fynally this is the difference betwene a gentleman and a slaue that the slaue neuer rydeth nor the genleman neuer goeth on fote Their common buryall is eyther to be de●…oured with dogges or to be eaten with byrdes and when the bones are left bare they to burye them in the earthe They are all a lyke maruelous superstitious in doyng honor and reuerence to the Goddes The natur of the people is arrogant seditious deceitful and malapart For they thynke that boysterousnesse is mete for menne and mekenesse mete for women They are euer vnquiet gyuen to quarrell eyther with straungers or els among themselfes of nature close and secret more readie to dooe then to talke and therfore whether they spede wel or yl they make no boaste of They obey their rulers for feare more then for shame to sensualitie they are altogyther prone and enclyned and yet they are but small feders There is no trust to be gyuen to theire wordes for they will kepe promyse no further then is for their owne profyte After the death of great Alexander when the kingdomes of the east were diuided amongest his successou●…s There was none of the Macedones that would vouchesafe to take vppon him the kyngdome of Parthia By meanes whereof it
kyng of Syria when as the warre was fynished ere they came and thei in reproche of their late cōmyng were defrauded of their hyre beyng greued to haue trauailed so farre for nothing when as they demaunded eyther theire wages for theire paynes takyng or els some other ennemie to fyght with such a skornefull aunswere was gyuen them that they beyng offended therewith began to waste the borders of Parthia Phrahartes therefore when he should take his iourney agaynst the Scythians left to gouuerne his Realme in his absence one Hym●…rus highlie in fauour with him for thabuse of him in the florisshing prime of his childhod Who forgettyng bothe his owne former lyfe and whose persone he represented through his tyrannous crueltie vexed importunatlie bothe Babylon and man●…e other ci ties And Phrahartes himselfe ledde to the warres with him the Grekysh hoste the whiche he hadde taken in the warres of Antiochus had entreated cruelly proudelie quite forgettynge that their captiuitie hadde not mitigated their enemielyke myndes so much but y ● his wrongfull demeanor towardes the had more styrred the to displeasur against him Therfore when they espied that the Parthien battel began to haue the worse end of the stāffe they turned themselfes and tooke part with the enemie and so with the bloudie slaughter of the Partbien hoste of the kyng Phrahartes himselfe they executed the reuengement of their wrongfull captiuitie which they had so longe tyme desyred In stead of him at his vncle Artabanus was created kyng And the Scythians beyng con tented with the victorie after that they had wasted Parthia returned into their owne countrih But Artabanus dyed immediatlie of a wounde in his arme that he receyued in a battell agaynst the Colchatarians After him suc ceded his sonne Mythridates who for his noble acts was surnamed the Greate For beyng enflamed with desyre to excell in prowesse he behaued himself so noblie that in magnanimitie he surmounted al his famous progenitors Therefore he accomplished manie warres agaynste his neighbours with greate prowesse and subdewed manie nacions vnder the Dominion of Parthia Moreouer he foughte diuerse tymes to his aduauntage agaynste the Scythians and reuenged the displeasur doone to his predecessours At the laste he made warre agaynst artoadistes kyng of the Armenians But forasmuche as we be passyng into Armenie I thynke it necessarye to repete thoriginall thereof somewhat deper For me thynkes it is not lawfull to passe ouer so great a kyngdome with sylence cōsyderyng that next vnto Parthia it surmounteth al other kingdoms in greatnes For armenia is in lēgth from Cappadocia vnto the Caspian sea eleuen hundred myles and in bredthe seuen hundred myles It was foun ded by Armenius one of the companyons of Iason the Thessalien whome kyng Pelias couetyng to destroy for his notable prowes which semed dangerous to his kingdome for feare least he should depose him told him what a noble viage ther was for him into Colchos perswading him to take thenterprise vpon him to fetche the golden fliece y ● was so famous notably talked of 〈◊〉 y ● worlde Hopyng that eyther through so long and per●…llous a saylyng or eis by feightyng agaynst so sau●…age and Barbarous a people he might br●…ng the aduenturous knight t●… confusion Iason therefore when he had made proclamacion of so notable a voyage and that therevppon the noble yong men almoste of all the whole worlde resorted in great number vnto him he assembled an armie of moste valiaunt knightes whiche were all called by the name of Argonantes Whome when after thaccomplishement of his aduenturous enterprises he had brought home again in sauftie he was expulsed agayn oute of Thessaly by the sonnes of Pelias Wherevppon with a great multitude which for the renowme of his prowesse daylie resorted to him oute of all Realmes hauyng in his companie his wyfe Medea whome after his late diuorcement for pytie of her exilement he had receyued agayn with her sonne Medeus begotten by Egeus kyng of Athenes he wente agayn to Colchos and restored his father in lawe to his kyngdome from whiche he was deposed After that he made manie battels with his neighbours and their Cyties whiche he had taken he partlie annexed to the kyngdome of his father in lawe to th entent to abolishe the reproche of his former warfare wherein he had both ledde away his daughter Medea and 〈◊〉 slayne his sonne Aegialus and partly gaue them to the 〈◊〉 that he broght with him to inhabyte By report he was the fyrste of all men next after Hercules and Liber whiche as the same goeth were kynges of the East that conquered that clymate of the worlde Ouer some Nacions he assygned captaynes Phrygius and Ansystratus the wageners of Castor Pollur He made a league with the Albanes which as it is reported followed Hercules out of Italy frō the mountayn Albanus when after the slaying of Gerion he draue his cattell through Italie who also bearyng in mynde that they came oute of Italie saluted the armie of Pompeius by the name of broth●…rs whē he warred with Mythridates By meanes whereof all the whole 〈◊〉 almoste buylded Temples and dyd diuine honors to Iason as to their fyrst founder The whiche Parmenion one of the Capitaynes of great Alexander manie yeres after commanded to be beaten doun to th entent that no mans name shoulde be had in more honor in the East then the name of Alexāder after the death of Iason Medus being an earnest follower of his vertues in honor of his mother Medea buylded the cytie M●…dea and established the kingdome of the Medes callyng it after his own name which in continuance of tyme grewe to that estate that all the Cast was in subieccion to th empyre thereof The Albans are next neighbors to the Amazones whose Quene Tha lestres manie authours haue reported to ●…aue desyred the carnall companie of Alexander Armenius beyng also a Thessalien and one of the number of Iasons Capitains hauyng gathered togyther the multitude whiche after the death of Iason their kyng wandred vp and doune euery where founded the toune of Armenie in the mountaynes whereof springeth the riuer Tygris which at the fyrst is a very small streame Then a good waye from the head it falleth into the grounde and a fyue and twentie myles beyonde it ryseth vp a great 〈◊〉 in the contrie Sophone and so is receyued into the lakes of Eufrates Therefore Mythridates kyng of the Parthians after his warre in Armenie was for his crueltie deposed from the kyngdome by the counsell of the Realme His brother Ho rodes inuadyng the Royal sea beyng vacant beseged Ba bylon a greate whyle bycause his brother Myth idates was fledds thither so long vntill he 〈◊〉 them for famyn to yeld vp the toune Mythridates vppon trust and cōfidence in that he was so ners of his kynne willynglie submitted himself to his brother Horodes But
comming oute of Asia entred the mouth of Tyber ioyned amitie with the Romayns From thence they went by water to thuttermoste coast of Fraunce and there among the Liguriens the cruell Frenchmen 〈◊〉 buylded the cytie Marsielles and dyd many noble actes bothe in defendyng themselfes by the sworde agaynst the sauage Frenchmen also in assailyng those that had assayled them before For the Phocen●…es by reason of the barrei esse and sterilitie of their contrie were compelled to set their myndes more earnestlie vppon the water then vppon the land and so they lyued by fishyng by traffike of merchādyse and oftentymes by rob bing on the sea which in those days was cōted for a praise By meanes wherof they aduētured to thuttermoste border of Thocean arriued vppon the French coast by the ryuer of Rone with the plasauntnes of which place they were so taken in loue that at their returne home they re ported what they had sene and procured mo of their contrymen to go thither with them The Captaynes of their flete were furius Peranus Who with their company presented 〈◊〉 before Senanus kyng of the Segoregians in whose territorie they coueted to buyld them a cytie desyring his amitie frendship By chaunce the very same day the king was occupied in preparacion for the mariag of his daughter Eyptis whome accordyng to the custome of the countrie he purposed to marry to suche a one whome she herself at the feast would chose to be her husband Among other that were bydden to the Mariage the straungers of Grece were desyred to the feaste also Anone the yong lady was brought in who beyng cōmanded by her father to reache a cup of water to him whome she wold haue to her husband passed ouer all thother gestes turnyng herselfte the Grekes gaue the water to Peran Who by this meanes beyng made of a straunger the kynges sonne in law obteyned of his father a plo●…te to buyld a Cytie vppon So was the Cytie of Marsielles buylded hard by the mouthe of the riuer of Rone in an out nooke as it wer in an angle of the sea But the Ligurians enuying the prosperitie of the Cytie distroubled the Grekes with their continuall warres Who through valeaunt defendyng of themselfes became so renoumed that after they had vanquished their enemies they buylded many cyties in the groundes that they toke frō them At theire handes the Frenchmen lerned a more ciuill trade of liuynge throughe the whiche ' theire Barbarousnesse was layde a syde and as it were tamed togither with the tyllage of the grounde and the wallyng in of their cyties Then they framed themselfes to lyue by lawes and not by force then they lerned to shred theire vynes then they lerned to plant and graffe their olyues fynally bothe the men all other thynges were so exquisytely polyshed that Grece semed not to be remoued into Fraunce But rather that Fraunce was transformed into Grece After the death of Senanus kyng of the Gegoregians by whome the place to buylde the cytie vppon was graunted his sonne Comanus succedyng him in the kyngdome was inuegled againste the Massiliens by one of his Lordes alledgyng that the tyme would come that Marsielles shoulde be the destruccion of the people that were next neig●…bors about it wherfore it was to be suppressed now in y ● very rising therof least afterward being suffred to grow stronger it might oppresse him For the further manifestacion wherof he recited this fable how vppon a tyme a byt●…h beyng great with whelpe desyred a shepeherde to lende her houseroume to whelpe in the whiche beyng obteyned she desyred of hym eftsones to respite her so longe but tyll she mighte brynge vp her whelpes at length when they were full growen she and her whelpes were so strong that she chalenged the place to her selfe for euer In lykewise the Massilians whiche then semed to be but soieourners would perchaunce hereafter become Lords of the coūtrie The king beyng prouoked by this instigacion deuised how to surprise the Massiliās So vppon a so lemne feastfull day of the Goddesse flora he sent a greate sorte of strong stout men into the Cytie as it had ben to make merrie causyng a great number mo to be cōueyed in cartes and wagens hyddē with rushes and leaues and he himself with his host lay in ambushe in the next moun taynes to th entent that in the night when thother had set open the gates he might comme with all spede to the performance of his prepensed pollicie put the cytie to the sworde as they were dead a sl●…pe or elles eatyng and drinkyng But a kynswoman of the kynges bewrayed this treason who beyng wonte to playe the goodfellowe with a certayn yong man of the Grekes as she embraced him hauing pytie on him for his beautie vttered the mat ter vnto him counselled him to auoyde the daunger He forthwith tolde the matter to the Officers of the Cytie By meanes whereof the treason commyng to light the Liguriens were layd hand on and they that laye hydden in the rushes were pulled oute by the heles The whiche beyng euerichone ●…layne the treason was turned vppon the kynges owne head for the Massilians slewe the kyng himselfe and seuen thousande of his souldiers with him From that day forward the Massiliens vppon their feast full dayes kept their gates shutte made good watche set men to warde vppon the walles serched all straungers tooke good hede and euen as yf they had had warre so kept they the Cytie in tyme of peace So well is good order kept among them at al tymes not so much in time of nede as vpon custome of doyng well Afterward thei had sore warres with the Ligurians with the Frenchmen The which thyng bothe encreased the renoume of the city also by atcheuing so many victories made the knight ●…ode ●…heualry of the Grekes famous redouted amōg their neighbors Moreouer thei diuerse times vanquished the armies of the Carthaginenses When they warred vpon thē for taking of their fisher botes gaue the peace at their pleasure like conquerors With the Spanyardes they entered in leage of amitie with the Romayns they made a continuall confederac●…e aliance almost from the fyrst laying of the foundacion of the cytie the whiche they obserued moste faithfullie and to thuttermoste of theire power ayded thē as their cōfederates in al their warres The which thyng both made thē to be bolder to trust to their own strength also purchased thē peace of their en nemies Therfore at such time as Marsiels florished most in renowme of cheualrie in abundance of riches was in the chief flower of her strength sodaynly al the people bordering about thē gathered thēselfes together to rote vp the name of the Massiliens as it had ben to ertinguish some cōmon fyre A noble man called Caramandus was by a cōmon consent chosen to be
warre ought to be made or no but whether it ought to be doone to their owne behofe or to the behofe of the Romaynes For the warres were begonne betwene him and them from the time that they toke from him in his nonage the lesser Phryg●…a with they had gyuen vnto his father in reward for aydyng them in the battell agaynste Aristonicus the which countrie Seleucus Callenicus also had gyuen in dourie with his daughter to his great graundfa ther Mythridates what should a man say to that they cōmaunded him to depart oute of Paphlagonia was it not an other kynde of defyaunce The whiche realme fell to his father not by force of armes nor by conquest but by adoption and Legacie of laste will and testament but by the death of the rightfull kynges and so consequenlie by lawefull inheritaunce wheras neuerthelesse all his hum ble obedience to their bitter decrees coulde not one whit mitigate them but rather was an occasion that they bare themselfes more cruellie agaynst him for what submission could they deuise but he vsed it towardes them dyd be not let go Phrygia and Paphlagonia dyd he not with drawe his sonne out of Cappadocia which he had conque red and therefore was his by the lawe of armes and yet his conquest was taken out of his hande by them which ●…aue nothyng of their owne but that whiche they holde by the sworde dyd he not for their pleasure kyll Creston kyng of Bythinia agaynste whome the Senate had proclaymed warre and yet notwithstandyng what so euer Gordius or Tygranes hath done was imputed altogyther to hym Moreouer in despight of him the Senate had of their owne voluntarie will set Cappadocia at lyberty which thyng they themselfes had taken from other Nacions Afterwarde when the people of Cappadoria thankyng thē for their lybertie sued to haue Gordius to theyr kyng it might not be graūted and that for none other occasion but bycause he was counted his frende Nicomedes at their commaundement made warre vppon hym and bycause he coulde not be reuenged vppon hym as he woulde they themselfes had taken the matter in hande Wherevppon partly grew thoccasion of his warres with them namely because he woulde not sytte styll lyke a cowarde and suffer that dauncyng Damoselles sonne Nycomedes to teare him in peces at his pleasur For it was not the faultes of kinges that they were offended with or sought to redresse but with their power and Maiestic 〈◊〉 they sought to suppresse The which cautel and pol licy they dyd not vse agaynst him onely but agaynst all other kynges After the same maner his graundtfather Pharnar by right of kynred appoynted as heyre and su●… cessor to Eumenes kyng of Pergamus and agayne Eumenes himself in whose shyppes they were fyrst brought ouer into Asia by the help of whose men of warre more then by theyr owne puissaunce Fyrst they conquered the greate Antiochus and the Frenchmē in Asia and anone after kyng Perses in Macedone they vttered as an ennemie forbiddyng him to come within Italye and whiche they thought they myght not doe to hym for shame made warre vppon his sonne Aristonicus There was neuer none that deserued more at their hande or that had done more for them thē Massinissa kyng of Numidie To him they imputed the ouercommyng of Hannyball him they thanked for the takyng of Syphax to him they imputed the destroying of Carthage him they registred among the two Affricanes as the thyrd preseruer of their Cytie and yet with the same mans nephew they euen this other day had made warre in Affricke so deadlye cruell that after they had vanquished him they coulde not fynde in thei●… harts for their graundfathers sake to pardō him but that they emprysoned him and led him through the Cytie in maner of Triumphe and made him a gazyng stock to all the world Thus had they made a lawe to themselues to beare continuall hatred agaynste all kynges verelie bycause they had such kynges themselfes whome they may be ashamed to heare spoken of that is to say eyther shepe herdes of Thaborigines or soothsayers of the Sabynes or outlawes of Corynthe or els which is the honorablest name that euer was among them proued men and as they themselues reporte suche founders as a wolfe gaue sucke to which may well be in that all the ofspryng of that people haue wolues hartes vnsaciable of blood gredie of Dominion and raueners of riches whereas hymself for his owne person yf comparison should be made be twene him and thē as touchyng nobilitie was of a more famous lynage then that ragged heape of rascalles for he dyd fetch his pedegre on the fathers syde from Cyrus and Darius the fyrste founders of the Monarchie of the Persians and on the mothers syde from greate Alexander frō Nicanor and Selencus the fyrst founders of them pyre of Macedone or if he should compare his people with theirs he sayd he was ruler of those Nacions whiche not only are able to match the Romayne Empyre but had also withstood the Empyre of Macedone For there was none of the nacions of whome he was Ruler that had ben subdued vnder forreyne Princes or that euer submitted themselfes to anie kyng but if he were of their owne countrie chose whether they would name Cappadocia or Paphlagonia agayn Pontus or Bythinia Armenia the greater or Armenia the lesse of the which countries ney ther Alexander euen he that conquered all Asia nor any of his successors or posterity euer touched anie as for Scithia there were neuer but two kynges before hym name lie Darius and Philyppe that durst so much as enter into it who being not able to make anie conquest had much a doe to wynde himself oute agayne with their lyues frō whence he had a great parte of his strength agaynste the Romaynis wherfore he had more cause to be afrayed and mistrustfull when he entred into the warres of Pontus at suche tyme as he hymself was but a yonge nouice and a fresh water souldiour Nor the Scythians besydes that they be well harnessed and well harted they are also fen sed eyther with desertes and wast groundes or els with colde whiche bydde the souldiour loke for greate trauell and perill among the which distresses there was not almoste any hope of rewarde to be gotten of the wādering enemie hauyng not onely no mony but also not so much as a house to hyde his head in But nowe he was entered into a farre other kynde of warrefare For neyther was the ayre more temperate in all the worlde then in Asia nor the soyle more fertyle nor more plentie of fayre and pleasaunt Cyties so that they should spend a great parte of the ●…yme not as in warfare but as in feastyng and it was to be doubted whether the warre shoulde be more easie or profytable whether they woulde aduenture vppon the ryches of the kyngdome of Attalus nexte vnto them or vppon Lydia and Ionia so greatly renoumed for their