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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13875 A treatise of libertie from Iudaisme, or An acknowledgement of true Christian libertie, indited and published by Iohn Traske: of late stumbling, now happily running againe in the race of Christianitie Traske, John, d. ca. 1638. 1620 (1620) STC 24178; ESTC S118597 25,197 50

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3. 9 10. If then thy state be not yet so desperate but that thou canst plead ignorance before God of any such due conuiction beware now of selfe-loue and desire of singularity leane not ouer much to thine owne iudgement shew thy true humilitie by esteeming others better then thy selfe Withstand not Gods grace oppose him not any longer be not like the deafe Adder which stoppeth her eares and will not bee charmed Despise not thy mother the holy Church in which thou hast receiued all the good thou hast if any at all Consider how she gaue thee entertainement at first by Baptisme hath since that called thee by the voice of her Teachers powerfull ministers of the Word and Sacraments doth daily stretch out her hand to afford the bread of life and water of life offers thee the holy Scriptures with their true interpretation and doth now wait for thy returne to her vnitie with many a grieuous groane and salt teare being readie euerie moment to receiue thee in the lap of her mercie and to dandle thee on the knees of her loue Bee not then the Author of thine owne woe plunge thee not wilfully into needlesse miserie Blame not thy Mistresse for giuing thee some correction for thy pride Heare the Angel speaking to thee in Hagars person Whence camest thou And whither wilt thou goe Returne to thy Mistresse and humble thy selfe vnder her hands Gen. 16. 8 9. How long I say wilt thou loue simplicitie take thy pleasure in scorning hate sound knowledge And vnlesse thou canst proue that thy calling is extraordinarie and that by the ceasing of all ordinarie sending and calling and canst cleare it either to be of God himselfe or of some extraordinarie person or by extraordinarie motion of Gods holy Spirit as Moses Aaron and Phineas and canst confirme it by that thou teacheth no other doctrine then what hath beene taught by former holy men by that thy life is beyond all other mens in the glorie of an humble meeke bold patient quiet and discreet conuersation by the furniture of admirable guifts beyond all of that time without any exception and by the manifest attendance of Gods immediate power in thy protection and aide as Ieremie Iohn Baptist Paul and all extraordinarie men If not I doe testifie vnto thee that thou shalt rue thy obstinacie and bewaile thy stubbornnesse here to Gods glorie in thy blessed change or else be ruined by thy folly and howle for euermore without any remedie Then shalt thou say in the anguish of thy soule and bitternesse of thy Spirit How haue I hated instruction and my heart despised reproofe and haue not obeyed the voyce of my teachers nor inclined mine eare to them that instructed mee Suspect thy selfe then in time while it is yet called to day feare thine estate in respect of thy being alone Thou knowest the Prouerbe Woe to him that is alone when he falleth for he hath not another to helpe him vp First thou separatest and then thou sallest and who shall thenceforth lend thee his hand Consider that the holy Scriptures are not left to euerie priuate mans interpretation 2. Pet. 1. But when the same holy Spirit interprets them by whose holy motion they were first spoken and penned men indued with the same holy Spirit shall not oppose that interpretation Dost thou thinke that thou onely and such as thou art haue the Spirit of God I hope thou art not so absurd and if others haue the same Spirit of God why doe they not assent at all vnto you And let mee mind thee of that Euangelicall proclamation of the Church her peace through the true knowledge of God so that the Wolfe the Lambe the Leopard the Kid the Calfe the yong Lion and the fatling shall dwell and lye downe together and a little child shall lead them Isa 11. And the Church Officers shall be Peace and her exactors Righteousnesse Isa 60. yea and Peace shall be extended to her like a Riuer Isa 66. The perfect worke of Righteousnesse shall be Peace Isa 32. and Righteousnesse and Peace are inseparable companions And let me wish Mercy and Peace to all the Israel of God and aduise you all to liue in peace and if it be possible as much as in you lyeth liue peaceably with all men Rom. 12. that the God of loue and peace may bee with vs and abide with vs for euermore And let me say to all that liue yet in the bosome of Gods Church We are Brethren why should there be any strife amongst vs What is the reason we are so deuided in affection why doe we bite and deuoure one another why are there any inclinations to Sects and Schismes Diuisions and Tumults and so great Wrath Is not Ignorance the cause of all Whence is Contention but from Pride and where resteth Pride but in the bosome of Fooles As then we desire to approue our selues wise and well instructed in the wayes of peace Let vs submit one to another in the feare of God according to that decent order and comelinesse in which wee are set Let vs in giuing honour preferre one another let vs first make sure at home cast the beames out of our owne eyes proue our selues to be in the Faith This being done we shall soone take notice where it is effected and so come to the true knowledge and due acknowledgement of the Church whose worke we are No member would then exalt it selfe against the bodie but rather shew it selfe to bee of God who is not the author of confusion but peace And for my part I haue resolued for time to come to leaue Kingdomes to the guidance of Kings themselues and Churches to the gouernment of Chiefe Church-men And I know that in indifferent things there is such a thing as Mos populi Dei to be regarded The Church her custome was of some credit in Pauls time 1. Cor. 11. 16. And I acknowledge that in doubtful things controuerted in the Church totum est parte maius Vniuersality may beare it when onely bare Consequences are vrged that may bee paralleld with like Consequences by the greater part And I say that Turpis pars omnis toti non congrua That part is deformed which agrees not with the whole and in all things not to bee decided by euident Scriptures I doe also say with those Fathers of the first Nicene Councell 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mos antiquus obtineat Let old Customes carrie it And if any say I doe hereby vilifie my selfe I answer I will be yet more vile if humble submission to my holy Mothers Authoritie be to be esteemed basenesse And I doe heartily desire all that beare good will to Sion to pray feruently for mee that as I am now happily returned to the vnitie of Gods Church so I may continue stedfastly in the valiant and constant defence of the peace thereof that so my last fruits may be more then the first and my last workes better then the first that if euer I suffer againe as I am most readie it may bee for the Church and not in the least shew against it and for no trifles but for the Truth and power of Godlinesse And that as I haue beene stout for Moses and Christ together so I may bee as resolute for Christ alone That I may neuer separate what God hath ioyned nor ioyne what he hath seuered And the same doe I wish to all my Countrimen that all quarrels may bee ended for such outward things as are not of the essence of true Religion and that all our strife may bee to out-strip one another in the power of sound Loue that being alreadie fellowes of one Family sonnes of one Father children of one Mother liuely stones of one buildings branches of one Vine Sheep of one Fold members of one body yea one bodie and one spirit so wee may discouer the truth of this by remaining of one minde and the same iudgement and the rather because we liue in the last times wherein the day hasteneth and is euen at hand wherein we shall be all tryed whether wee be Gold or Drosse Wheate or Chaffe precious Stones or Stubble Now neuer did God rise earlier to send his Seruants vnto vs then hee doth at this day Let vs all striue to make a right vse of this precious time while it is yet called to day Let all clense themselues from all manner of troublesome and contentious thoughts that we may declare our selues to bee at true peace with God with all his people and to keepe a true Sabbath within vs. That the God of peace may dwell in our Tabernacles and the Graces of his Spirit not bee quenched in vs which God grant vnto vs all euen for Iesus CHRISTS sake To whom with the blessed Spirit bee ascribed all Glory Honour Dominion Power Maiestie and heartie Thansgiuing now and for euermore Amen Non est graue cadere luctantem sed iacere deiectum Non est perniciosum in praelio vulnerari sed post vulnus acceptum desperatione curandi medelam vulneri denegare Saepe etiam athletas videmus post frequentes lapsus deiectiones plurimas coronatos militem scimus post multas fugas virum fortem fuisse vicisse victores Gloriae cedant cuncta diuinae FINIS