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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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harken but in parte to the preceptes of men and not to resigne our selues wholy to the Lord to be guided ruled only by his lawes For this people being in outward shew and profession the onely people of God in performing the service of God did observe those things which God himselfe had cōmanded yet because they did ascribe somewhat to their owne wisedome and did thinke that they could adde something takē out of their owne braines or delivered to them by tradition from their fathers as matters profitable to the serv●ce of God their wisdome was condemned for folly and their honouring of God for the dishonouring of his holy name and for the corrupting of his service And verely is it not extreme folly and madnes to take vpon vs to be wiser thē God vnder any pretence whatsoever to presume against so special and peremptory a decree of the supreme iudge of the whole earth set downe in direct termes with his owne penne That which I commaund thee thou shalt doe that only thou shalt not add ought therto nor take ought therfrom And againe Deut. 4. 5. 6 Take beed that you doe that which the Lord your Goa hath commaunded you yee shall not turne to the right hand nor to he left you shall doe that which is right and good in the sight of the Lord not that which is good in your owne eies For who hath knowen the mind of the Lord or who hath beene his counsellour Verely St. Paule had many and great revelations Rom. 11. 54 and was rapt vp into Paradise even into the third heaven and heard such words as cannot be vttered yet he acknowledged that it did not belong vnto him to beare rule over the faith of the people of God Nay he denounceth a double curse against himselfe 2. Cor. 1. 24. Gal. 1. 8. and against any Angel whōsoever if that he presume to deliver any other Gospell or point of faith then was receiued from God himselfe For we are all whatsoever we be but fellow schollers in the schoole of Christ he is our onely teacher scholemaster and his doctrine onely is sound and catholike Wee are but fellow servants vnder one Lord he onely hath authority to rule and raigne over our soules and his commandements must beare the whole sway In the earthly kingdome there is Iewe Gentile In the kingdomes of this world there is a difference betweene prince and people master servant but in the kingdome of Christ all are servāts alike vnder one master 1 Cor 2. 24. Heb 1. 14. bond and free Lord and servant prince subiect but in the spiritual kingdome of Christ all are one of the same estate condition and calling they are al alike the Lordes free-men and they are al the servants and subiectes of Christ For what is Paule or what is Apollos but Ministers by whom ye haue beleeved And what are the most glorious Angels themselues Are they not all ministring spirits sent forth to minister for their sakes that shall bee heires of salvation And what honourable title haue the highest in the church of Christ taken vnto themselues to sette forth their owne dignity honour Iames a servant of God of the Lord Iesus Christ Simon Peter a servant and an Apostle of Iesus Christ Paule a servant of God an Apostle of Iesus Christ And what honorable title haue the highest in the earthly kingdome as they did belong to the spiritual kingdome of Christ taken vnto them selues to the setting forth of their dignity and honour Behould saith David a great king I am thy servant I am thy servant and the sonne of thine handmaide And what honourable title haue the Angels in heaven taken vnto th●selues to the setting forth of their dignity and honour I am thy fellow servant saith the Angel to St. Iohn and one of thy brethren which haue the testimony of Iesus worshippe God Yea the most blessed virgin Mary the mother of the Lord who is called by the children of the church of Rome their Lady and Queene of hoaven as if shee were a mee●e mate and peere to our Lord acknowledgeth this to be her greatest honour that God had respect vnto the lowe estate of his hādmaide Al then in the spiritual kingdome of Christ are fellow servāts which are not to make lawes in matters concerning the service of God but to proclaime the lawes of their onely Lord and to propose them vnto their fellow servants to be religiously observed by them al. The which if we could so throughly dispatch that we should stand as it were idle for lacke of worke then wee might harken for a new master and goe as it were about the country to seeke more work Or if we could performe so much of his worke as were answerable to that allowance and wages wee receiue frō him thē we might seeke for some other worke also for the mending of our wages and for the bettering of our maintenance Or if we could haue better wages allowance and and maintenance at anothers hand then we might cast of the Lordes livery betake our selues to a more profitable service But wee can never so perfectly performe our duty to God but that in many things we shal faile all neither will our labour be it never so great be ever answerable vnto our wages neither is it possible for any of v● to finde so good a master as the Lord is and therfore it is good keeping of vs in his service and continuing in his feare that his favour may be our countenance credite and his livery our protection and safety it is good for vs in al our workes to haue his commandements before our eies to sette before vs his soveraigne authority that so in all thinges we seruing him may be acknowledged of him as his faithfull servants But vnto the children of the church of Rome the auctority of this our onely Lord is no● so great that he should rule over their consciences by his own laws alone vnlesse there be ioined therto the decrees of their church the constitutions of their popes the Canon of their councels and the rules of the founders of their religious orders Yea their popes power is so great with them that he can dispence with the law of our only Lord and free from obedience to his commandements He can alter the substantial points of the Lords service maime and mangle the institution of Christ wheras none of his owne Concil Trident. Scss 7. c. 13. patches and ragges must in any case bee neglected and omitted without the dāger of their blacke curse Yea the perfect fulfilling of the whole law of God is so light and easie to these men that they shoulde stand as it were idle and vnimployed if no greater matter were requi●ed at their hands therefore the founders of their religious orders haue found out many workes of greater holines and perfection which were not commanded
respect of the other they ought not to be lifted vp to glorie in themselues and in their ovvne righteousnes Let vs end with Bernard My merite is the LORDES mercye And so O LORD graunte vnto vs appealling vpon this ti●…e to the Bern. in cā Serm. 61. throne of grace to enioy the benefite of grace and mercy and let the members of the church of Rome if they list plead the merite of their ovvne vvorkes and trie the title of their ovvne deseruinges at the barre of iustice and soe proue vvhether they shall stande in iudgemente or fall And so to conclude this treatise concerning the articles of our Christian creede seeing that the members of the church of Rome teach so many contradictions against these groundes of ●…a●…re ●…ely ●…ikes ●…th●…e ●…tho ●…d a●…ike of the catholike faith let all the vvorlde iudge what iust cause they haue to boast that they themselues only are the true catholikes and inheritors as it vvere of the apostolike faith and that their Popes faith cannot faile not bee over-come by the gates of hell The vvhich thinge if it vvere so vvhat neede were there vvith so greate travaile and studie to seeke for the decision of all doubtes and the determination of all controversies in matters of faith from GOD himselfe opening the same in the sacred bookes of the canonicall scriptures what neede vvere there so greatly to seeke after the knovvledge of the artes and tongues as beeing the keyes that open the dores into the secrete chambers of these holy mysteries Yea what neede vvere there to craue the helpe of all the god●…●earned of all ages and their directions set dovvne in their private vvittinges or else at their publike meetinges and assemblies in their provinciall or generall councels Certainely this vvere then to goe the nearest vva●e about and as vvhen one knovveth aslu edly vvhere the game is lodged not to goe directly to the same place but to traise it out by a trouble-some tracke For if the Popes faith cannot faile if hee cannot pronounce sentence against the truth the nearest vvay to holde a right faith and to side vvith the truth is in all matters of faith to looke to his determinations and to rest our selues vpon his oracles And therefore also needles are the greate ●…ue ●…pe ●…s in●…e cen ●…ay 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for ●…ole ●…e of ●…stes abours and travailes of many of the children of the church of Rome about the opening and iustifying of diverse points of their superstition and idolatry VVhereas if they could vvith all their endevoures proue sufficientlye the integritye and infallibili●ye of their Popes faith they had vvonne the fielde and gotten the full conquest they needed not to strike one stroke more for the further clearing of any other pointe of their doctrine Neither shoulde they onely by this meanes provide verie vvell for their owne securitie in matters of faith but also greatly strengthen themselues in their temporalities and mightely establish their earthly kingdome as they may easily gather by that greate succesle they had therein vvhen this maine pointe of theirs vvas generally helde by the most part in former times for sound and catholike For then whosoever woulde be taken for a member of the catholike church were he king or Keazer or whatsoever This newe ar icle of faith concerning the Popes autority necessary subiection to be giuen thereto is s●b nefici all t the church of Rome that her fiends would condemne her of great f●ly i● that shee would leaue it fer al the articles of the Apostles creede he were he was vpon the necessity of his salvation to bee builte vpon that Romish rocke and to settle his safety vpon his triple crowne who was the greate commander in earth purgatory and heaven he was wholy to be ruled by him vvho had both svvordes temporall and spirituall and to commit all into his handes And albeit by this meanes CHRIST himselfe vvas almost forgotten for vvhat neede vvas there to seeke to him vvhen his Viceroy coulde doe all yet this his Vicar generall vvith all his vnder officers vvere veri● vvell remembred And albeit fevve sought for entrance into heaven at the right doore yet manye came farre and neare and brought all kinde of keies of gold and silver landes and luelyhodes to open that doore whereof Peter and his successors vvere thought to bee the onely or at the least the cheife porters For they ver●ly thought that if their pasport had beene signed by the Pope and subscribed with SEENE AND ALLOWED CHRIST would in no case haue disalovved thereof but that they had beene thereby most safe and sure and out of all manner of perill and danger Hereby grewe that high and royall state to the kingdome of Antichrist hereby vvere gathered into his store-houses the riches and treasures of Kinges and Princes and Saint Peters patrimonie vvas in most ample manner encreased nothing beeing thought to much that vvas bestovved vpon his holines albeit it vvere with the robbing spoiling and vtter vndoing of the party himselfe and of all his posteritie In so much that although the spirituall kingdome of CHRIST was not hereby erected in al holines wisedome and righteousnes yet an earthly kingdome was obtained for themselues in worldly wealth pompe and glory But now behold the hand of the Lord what is become of this great Babylon which was a terrour to all the kings of the earth her walles already are wel battered and downe shee must to the very ground yea to the bottomles pit of hel when the sounde faith of al sincere Christians contained in these articles of our Christian creede as an immoueable rocke in deed shall remaine vnshaken and shal giue testimony of their engraffing into him by whose grace they continuested fast and immoueable and by whose power they are preserued vnto that eternal and everlasting kingdome which he himselfe hath purchased for them with his owne blood Now to this our almighty and all sufficient king and Saviour be all honour and glory praise and thankes both now and euer Amen CHAP. 7. Div. 1. That the right sence of the word of God is alwaies agreeable to his most holy law being the most exact rule of all true piety and godlinesse AS the true sence interpretation of Gods 〈◊〉 holi●… of the of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God ●…eanes ●…scerne ●…ight ●…e of di●… scrip●… from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wrong most holy worde and the pointes of faith drawne out of the same are alwaies agreeable to the articles of the creede which are the maine groundes of our christian faith and no way thwarte and contradict the same for that God himselfe the author thereof it true and alwaies true and evermore like vnto himselfe so they are holy pure iust and righteous altogither even as God himselfe and his sacred law is holy and righteous altogither And therefore it is an over-ruled case that when the litterall sence of any
and prefermentes of this world will growe out of tail with vs and become vnsavoury in respect of the same And therefore as it is a note of a man of earth to haue his heart glued to the thinges of this ea●…n and to be greedy to devour the draffe thereof so to haue our heartes set vpon heavēly things is a token and marke of an heavenly minde and of a Aug. de Charitate person that belongeth to the kingdome of heaven Let every one saith Austine examine himselfe what he loueth and thereby he shall perceaue to what city he belongeth if he loue the world and worldly things as fl●…lenes riches and honour he is a citizen of Babylon but if he loue God he is a citizen of Ierusalem 5. The last is in respect of that infinite and endles loue of God which is confirmed vnto vs in Christ Iesus to desire by all meanes possible to shewe a dutifull thankefulnes vnto him both by louing the thinges which he loueth and by honouring the persons which he honoureth If yee know saith S. Iohn that God is righteous knowe yee also that he which 1. Ioh. 2. 29. doth righteously is torne of him For if we resemble Gods image in holines wisedome and righteousnes then assuredly we are Gods children if our fruite be good we are good trees if the streames of our actions runne cleare and pure then it is certaine and sure that the fountaine of our harts is purified by faith and that so wee belong to the number of the faithfull So likewise that a louing affection towardes our brethren in Christ is an infallible marke of a true christian our Saviour Christ himselfe teacheth by this saith he shall all men knowe that ye are my desciples if ye loue one another Ioh. 13. 36. 1. Ioh. 3. 14. Aug in ep Ioh Tract 5 So S. Iohn by this we knowe that we are translated from death to life because we loue the brethren Let everie one saith S. Austine returne home into his owne hart and if he finde there brotherly loue let him be secure for he is already passed from death to life he is already vpon the right hande To loue a man for that he is a man is a pointe of humanity to pitty a man because he is in misery is the duety of mercy but to embrace a man for that he is a christian man is a point of christianity Math. 11. 41. He that receiueth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall haue a prophetes rewarde and he that receaueth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall haue a righteous mans rewarde and whosoever shall giue to one of these little ones to drinke a cuppe of colde vvater onlye in the name of a disciple verely I say vnto you hee shall not loose his reward For he that honoureth Gods graces which he bestoweth vpon his children declareth thereby that he himselfe hath his part portion in those graces and he that loueth Gods servantes for that they are beloued of God shevveth himselfe also to be beloued of God So then these being the sure and certaine signes of a true sauing and iustifying faith if vve may assuredly knovve that they bee in vs albeit they bee in vs but in some measure that is to say If vvee assuredly knowe whether we vnfeignedly loue the most precious word of God and place our vvhole trust and faith onely in God taking the incomparable dignity of the death of CHRIST duely pondered weighed to be the mother ●urce of this our stedfast faith if we reioyce in our gracious calling to the estate of salvation in Christ as in our greatest and chiefest blessednes and in respect therof are ready willing to loue the things which he loueth to honour the persons which ●e honoureth thē we may also assuredly know that we haue obtained a true sauing iustifying faith that we belōg to the nūber of the faithful But these things we may assuredly know whether they be in vs or otherwise especially vpō due examinatiō triall 1. Cor. 2. 21 Rom. 2. 15. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Conscientia I knowe what I know For howsoever we may counterfeite deceaue others who canot looke into the secrete corners of our heartes yet we cannot deceaue our owne sp●rites consciences whereby we are w●…ting to our owne waies as the very names thereof do sufficiently declare vnlesse we will wilfully claspe them and close them vp And yet the coūcel of Trent hath peremptorily defined Con. Trid. c. 9. de fide iustified that none can know by the certainty of ●aith but that he may be deceaued that hee hath obtained grace that is as I take it that he hath attained to the estate of grace Yea our Rhemistes are so shameles Rhe. in 4 c. 1. ep ad Cor. that they are bold to avouch that the very Apostle S. Paul du●st not assure himselfe that he was iustified neither could take vpon him to be iudge of his owne heart and cogitations whether they were pure 2. Tim. 4 7. 2. Cor. 1. 12 11. 23. Rom 7. 25. or no contrary to the most evident plaine asseve●ations of the Apostle himselfe in diverse places of his own epistles yea cōtrary to the plaine words of that very verse whereon they ground this their observation where the Apostle testifieth that he had foūd his conscience cleare and his cogitations pure I am not saith he guiltie in conscience of anye thinge And vvith as greate vntruth is that iust and holy man Iob charged with the ignorance of the estate of his owne soule and with a doubtful feare even of all his works For albeit hee might feare both in respect of the imperfections of his best vvorkes and also in respecte of his vnknowne and secrete sinnes for vvho knovveth hovve of●e he● offendeth and especially at that time vvhen the Lordes hande vvas so heavie vpon him yet what an assured testimonie he had in himselfe of a good conscience and vvhat an vndoubted assuraunce of his ovvne righteousnesse iustice fortitude chastitie puritie equitie vprightnesse compassion mercye liberalitie bounti●ulnes magnanimitie and humility he himselfe testifieth most excellentely and at large and if such as know the same would not giue testimony thereto yet Iob. 29. 31. he assureth himselfe that God will witnesse the same and therevpon resteth as fully contented And verily it hath been an ordinary practise of the dearest saintes and servantes of God b●ing best vvitting to themselues of their owne innocencye sinceritie and vprightnesse in performing their dutyes both to God and to man not onely vvhen they haue beene falsely accused and slaundered but otherwise also to make protestation thereof even before the Lorde to mooue him to take their cause being the cause of his faithfull servants into his owne handes to cleare them and to succour them and to encrease Psal 7. 8. 26. 1. his graces
body And therefore is Christes body called bread if that vvve vvill beleeue our masters of Rhemes for that it is made of bread So they Rhem. in ca. 6. Joh. haue their Christ not onely of the seede of Abraham and David but also of the seede of such corne and gra●…e as growet● and springeth out of the earth Neither doe wee envie them this their breaden CHRIST vvhose body is daily made by Sacerdo● est creator suicreatoris Qui creavi ●e sine me ●am creatur mediante me a sinnefull priest through the pronuntiation of a fevve vvordes let them ch●vv him and champe him euen as they list for vve content our selues vvith that Christ to bee our Saviour who vvas incarnate by the hol● Ghost and not by the vvords of consecration and tooke his flesh onely of the blessed Virgin Mar● and not of the seed of any graine Div. 3. That our Saviour Christ according vnto his humanitie is of a nature finite and circumscriptible and not present in all or in many places at one time THe church of Rome by her doctrine of the reall presence Bo●ne of the virgin Mary doeth take away from Christ the nature of a true humane body and so overthroweth the trueth of his manhoode in that shee avoucheth that his body there really present is vncircumscribed and not contained in space or place For Aug. ep 57. Q●…●…bi est non est take away a place from bodies and they shall bee no vvhere and if they bee no vvhere they bee not at all Yea vvhereas it is an vndoubted and confessed truth that both the divine humane natu●es of Christ with their severall properties remaine still in him distinct and vnconfounded and seeing that it is a property of the humane nature of CHRIST beeing a meere creature togither with all other creatures earthly and heauenly to bee finite and contained either vvithin the compasse of one place or within the limites and boundes of their finite nature as on the otherside it is a property of the divine nature not to be contained within the compasse of any one place but beeing infinite and incomprehensible to fill all places with maiesty and glorie and to fill many or all places belongeth to the selfe same nature which is in it selfe infinite and incomprehensible and no way to a finite and limited nature therefore the church of Rome by her doctrine of the reall presence avouching CHRISTS body to be in ten thousande places at one time vvhich is a property belonging vnto his deity is iustly condemned for renewing the heresie of Eutiches in confounding the properties of Christs nature and in taking away the truth of his humanity Div. 4. That as it is hereticall to worshippe Iudas or the Iewes so the instrumentes which they vsed as the nailes speare and crosse in renting and tormenting Christs most pretious body OVR Saviour Christ was deliuered by the determinate counsell and foreknowledge of God himselfe he being Suffred vnder Ponti●s Pilate most iust in punishing him who had taken vpon himselfe all our iniquities and sinnes Pilate Iudas and the Iewes yet being most vniust in working the death and condemnation of our most innocent and guiltlesse Saviour And therefore wicked was the opinion of certaine heret●kes called Cain● which worshipped Iudas and the Devill for the procuring of the death of Christ seeing they endevoured to hinder and not to further the salvation of man even as Ph●raeus Iasons enimy thought to haue slaine him when by opening with the thrust of his weapon the place of his most dangerous and deadly impostume he was the meanes to cure him of that his malady And vvicked also is the doctrine of the church of Rome which teacheth to worship the nailes speare and crosse which were the instruments of their outragious cruelty in renting and tormenting his most pretious body and to reverence the Greeke and the Latin tongues because in them vvas written his accusation which was most false and vntrue that he did vsurpe the temporal kingdome of Iurie whereas he kept himselfe Ioh. 6. 15. 18. 36. close from the multitude when they would haue made him king and made open protestation even to Pilate that his kingdome was not of this world For that which is applied to a wicked and vngodly vse is not thereby sa●ctified but wickedly prophaned Div. 5. That Christ suffered both in body and soule the paines that were proportionable to our sinnes Two things were requisite in our ●…aviors suffering● that they Suff●…d might be a sufficient satisfaction for our sinnes First a proportion of the sufferinges to the greatnesse of the sinnes secondly a right to translate them vpon the parties for whom they were sustained 1 The great high proportion of the sufferings of Christ proceedeth from the excellency of his divine nature which gaue vertue and dignity to the same 2 the right to translate them vpon man proceedeth from the hum●ne nature in which they were sustained that so they might be availeable for mans sinnes For in that man which had sinned was according to the purpose coūsel of God to be redeemed not the angels therefore nor the seed of Angels but of man was to be taken that so in the very nature of man that had sinned the paines for mans sins might be endured so satisfactiō made for mās trāsg●…ssions And therfore as Christ was to take our whole nature vpō him that so he might be a mee● person Aug. cone F●l ca. 13. to redeeme the whole so the m●anes of our redēption being his sufferings as he was to take both body soul so he was to suffer both in body soul that so he might redeeme both body and soul especially mans soule being the p●…ncipall in committing the offence the body being but as it were an accessory therevnto the soul was principally to be punished in respect therof neither had it bin agreeable vnto iustice that the principall should haue wholy escaped that the accessory should haue bin extreamely punished And certainly our Saviour Christ being ready presently to enter into those his greatest paines punishments which he was to endure for mans trāsgressiōs testifieth of the extreame anguish of his soul saying My soul● is heavy vnto death and before he Mat. 26. 3● came into his enimies hād● that buffered him crowned him with thornes scourged him nailed him vppon the crosse and so tormented his precious bodie hee suffered his bitter and dreadfull agonye in the garden the vvhich was so grievous and burdensome vnto him that it caused him to swette both water blood and to crie out againe and againe in that his extremity Father if it be possible let this cuppe passe from mee even this cuppe of thy wrath that I am so deepely to drinke of that so it might passe frō all the elect the which he calleth his houre that is hi● iudgement Mat. 27. 46. 〈◊〉 12. 27.
liuing GOD saying giue me a man that we may fight togither After the like maner marched forth this other prowde champion with his most stately furniture as he himselfe thought and armour of proofe even vvith a most goodly and glorious shevve of all Antiquity and Novelty Law and Custome Fathers and Councels Histories and all Monuments Reasons naturall and morall togither with the vvhole armies and hostes of heauen and earth and the bandes and companies of all the creatures great and small in confidence hereof he was bold to blaspheme the truth of the gospell and to revile the professors thereof even all the Lordes armies and to provoke them all to an open combate Now there was sent forth against this Gyant little David with a staffe as it were a s●ing and a fevve Guilielmus Whitakerus small stones taken out of the cleere streames of the sacred scriptures and so with this armour of the Lordes he overthrewe this vaine glorious Go●ah the sonne of pride and child of Antichrist and with his owne sword of Fathers Councels c. he cut of his head and gaue his carcase to be meate for the birds of the aire and the beasts of the field and made it manifest to all indifferent persons that this prowde vaunt was nothing else but a glorious shew of vaine words and a puffing blast of a swelling spirit The Apostle S. Peter by the spirit of prophesie foreseeing the great corruptions of these last and most dangerous daies setteth downe these notes and markes of the false prophets and Antichristes which shall seduce the most part of the Christian world 1 as first in generall tearmes 2. Pet. 2. 1. that they shall prively and vnder the vizard of truth bring in damnable heresies Satan in them turning himselfe into an Angell of light and not shewing himselfe openly as hee is but shaddowing his false-hood vnder the cloake of truth For with ●ei●edwordes saith he shall they make merchandize of the people that is vnder the pretence as it were of the Catholike faith the Holy Church the consent of Fathers Christs V●car Peters successor Antiquity Vnity Vniversality they shall sell many ●oules to the Devill when they which be deceaved by such meanes shall perswade themselues that they ga●e God 2 Secondly the Apostle setteth downe in particular what shal be the principal of these damnable and privy heresies even this that they shall deny the Lora●ha● bought them that is they shall deny the great vertue sufficiency of our redemption wrought by Christ Quicquid eiu● negaris ipsum negavit Aug. in Joh. tract 66. vvhich is in effect a ●…at deniall of Christ himselfe For as Austine teacheth whosoeuer denieth any thing belonging to Christ denieth Christ 3 Th●…dly they shal come with so strong delusion that they shal make drunke with the cuppe of their spirituall fo●nication many of the countries and kingdomes of the earth whereby there shall fall out a great Apostasie from the faith the multitude following their damnable waies 4 Fourthly they shall speake evill of the way of truth charging both the profession thereof with error and heresie and the professours of the same with many most heinous and grievous crimes 5 Lastly Apo. 18. 13. through covetousnes they shall make merchandize of people and set out to sale even their soules for gaine Nowe doe not all these cognisaunces and badges of these heretikes and Antichrists of the last times agree most apparantly to the Pope and his Ministers of whome we may say that they seeme to be friends but indeed Omnes a● ici omnes inimici servi Christi serv●un● Antichrist● Bern. in c̄atserm 33. are enemies In shew they serue Christ but in truth Antichrist For howsoeuer in outvvard shevv they seeme to esteeme of the Lord that bought them and of the redemption vvrought by his death yet in effect they cleane overthrovv the vertue and validity thereof in that they teach that vve must seeke for a second iustificatiō by our ovvne deeds and not content our selues vvith our first iustification by Christ that vve must make satisfaction by the works of Pennance or else in Purgatory for our ovvne sins as if Christes satisfaction vvere not sufficient and that vve must deserue heaven by our ovvne merites as if Christ had not fully bought it vvith his blood Novv what other thing saith S. Austine doe vve Aug. de verb ●om secund ●oh ser 45. fearein Antichrist but that he shall honour his ow●e name and cont̄e●e Christs And what else doth he when he ●aith I iustifie For to seek to establish our ovvne righteousnes is to derogate from the vertue of Christs righteousnes and to seeke iustification by our ovvne vvorks is to disalovv the fulnes of our iustification by Christ and is not this to honor our selues with the dishonour of Christ which is a marke of a very Antichrist For as our Messias Saviour vvas an all-sufficient God that so he might be an al-sufficient Saviour so he vvil be acknovvledged an al-sufficient Savior or no Savior an entire perfect and only Redeemer or no Redeemer And therefore in that the Bishoppe of Rome and his adherents do deny our Saviour Christ to be an entire perfect only and all-sufficient Saviour they do in effect deny him to be their Savior at al according vnto the prophecie of the Apostle S. Peter And yet haue they set such a gloze vpon this their most wicked doctrine and deliuered forth their poison in such a golden cup that a great nūber haue beene deceiued and led into error by them and many haue followed their damnable waies in so much that whosoeuer neuer so little opposed himselfe against them he was strait waies an Horetike and a Lollarde for his labour a fire and a fagot was to good for him and whatsoeuer mischiefe they could do him either in word or deed all was thought to little And did they not with feined words deceiue the world whiles they taught that this doctrine of meriting of saluation by our owne workes was both a magnifying of the vertue of Gods most holy spirit by whose power and efficacy they are wrought and a great provocatiō to piety godlines in that thereby we should deserue our own salvatiō yea did they not through couetousnes make merchandize of the people whiles they taught that they had power to remit sinnes that they had the keies of the kingdome of heauē that they could by their masles and pardons deliuer any soule whatsoeuer out of Purgatory if that they were well hired and pa●de for their paines And did they not by their thus merchandiz●ng of mens soules so well profit gaine that they had gotten into their own hands many of the goodliest possessions in Christendome vvith great aboundance of riches treasures and had still at cōmande as they thought good the purses liuely hoods of all Christians Wherefore seeing that all these markes of the he●et●kes and
then was this but to rob Peter and to pay Paule or it may be it was the bringing in of the price of an whore yea perhaps of many whores into Hagg. 2. 15. Deut. 23. 18 the temple of God and the offering vp of the vncleane in sacrifice vnto him And here by the way I would demande also of them whether it be not as good and as profitable a worke both to church and common-weale to bring vp our owne natural children begotten in holy matrimony at our owne cost and charges in some honest calling according to our habilitie and carefullie to provide for them convenient portions as to leaue large summes to our base children kinsfolke servants or any other whosoeuer of whose good education as wee haue not the like care so of their good conversation we cannot conceiue the like hope But yet here least we be mistaken protestation is to bee made that as we thinke not that we are borne only for our selues and for our children so wee teach not any to employ their goods to the benefit of themselues and their children only but also to the seruice of God Prince country and of al other also who are our neighbours if they may bee succoured and relieved by our meanes Yea we constantly avouch that the more in wisedome discretion we imploy that way the greater treasure wee lay vp in the safest place not onlie to our owne best gaine but also to the greatest commoditie of our children And as for those which haue no children at al there is no doubt but that the more is required at their hāds to be emploied to the benefit of other if they wil shew their fidelitie to him whose bailiffes they are in al that they possesse and bee esteemed of him as his faithful servants And yet here it is to be remembred that liberality is but one duty amōg many that are required in the commandements of God it is but one branch among manie other also that are to spring out of vs if we wil bee good and fruitfull trees it is but parte of that seruice that we must performe vnto God if we wil be acknowledged of him for his faithful seruants Neither must we esteeme him to be a good christian albeit the world like neuer so well of him who is a swearer drunkard or whoremaster if so bee he be a good almes man and careth not who eateth of his Liberality no fitte cloake to cover sinne meate as if this were a cloake to couer al faultes and a sufficient amends for al sinnes for this is but a counterfeit a shaddow of liberality it is not true liberality indeede For shee is not an whore but a chast matrone shee vseth not to sorte her selfe with such base companions shee sorteth her selfe only with her princely peeres and keepeth companie with all the residue of divine and heauenly vertues Neither doth her beauty so much consist in the great glorie of the outward work that is wrought as in the readines and willingnes of the minde of the giuer seeing not many rich noble mighty are effectually called but the poore base weake of this world which are more glorious within with spiritual graces then beautified with the shew and pompe of outward works And yet whereas God hath denied mercy to no state or condition those which are called being rich and noble must know that the more that is given vnto them the more shal be required at their hands and that they that sowe sparingly shal reape sparingly and seeing that God is so liberal and bountiful in all respectes towardes them they ought to be liberal and bountiful for his sake especially towards his sincere faithful servants that so their Lord Master may say vnto them goe too yee good and faithfull servants ye haue bin faithfull in a little I wil make you Lordes over much enter yee into the ioy of the Lord. And againe Come yee blessed of my father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world for I was hungry and yee fedde me Wherfore to conclude it is evident in part by those things which haue bin hitherto delivered that our doctrine of the Gospel is no provocation to sin and that our life is not vtterly void of the exercise of all good workes for then wee should haue greatly provoked the Lord to haue pulled downe the hedge of this our vineyard and to haue remoued his candlesticke out of the midst of vs. But blessed be the Lord the wal of this our vineyard stādeth as yet the bright candle of the sound doctrine of faith and good works burneth in the candlesticke of this our Church of England the which is lōg since put out in the Church of Rome and therfore howsoever they greatly boast of the workes of light there can indee de abound among them nothing but the vnfruitfull workes of the kingdome of darknes The which I beseech those duely to consider of who among them belong to the number of Gods elect that so vnto them in all holy humility and godly sincerity taking a due view of the doctrine of light god may shew so much mercy as to lightē the eies of their spiritual vnderstanding and so translate them out of the kingdome of darkenes into the kingdome of light The which thing I beseech thee Christian Reader to helpe forward with thy devout and daylie praiers vnto God especially that the cādlesticke of this our Church may stand stedfast and vnremoved vnto the worldes end that Gods glorie may more and more be manifested in all the quarters and corners of this little Iland and many children in all succeeding ages may heere be continually begotten borne vnto God Amen Amen Thine in the Lord IOHN TERRIE The summe of two of the most principall pointes of this second part contained in this short prayer Conforme vs O Lord to thy wil and then wil thou whatsoever thou wilt giue vs a true tast of the sweetenes of thy loue in Christ and then let all other thinges be either sweete or sowre vnto vs as thou seest it to be best for vs in thine heavenly wisedome THE SECOND PART of the triall of truth THe pearle of truth is so precious and the treasure thereof so inestimable that God himselfe not only maketh challendge thereto to be the author thereof but also taketh it vnto himselfe as one of his titles of highest honour For as it is brāded as a note of ●nfamy in the foreheade of the Devill that he is a lying spirit and a spirit of errour yea that hee is a lyar and Ioh. 8. 44. the father of lies so it is an honorable title wherewith Gods name is sanctified God is true and every man a lyar and that as nothing Rom. 3. 4. Heb. 6. 18. Ioh. 14. 6. 17. is more possible to man then to lie so nothing is more impossible to God Neither is it a smal dignity
authority over them and their humble submission vnto his statutes and lawes And therefore in the prophecie of Ieremie the Lorde himselfe doeth most v●hemently cry out vnto this backesliding generation O yee disobedient children turne againe saith the Lorde for I am your Ierem. 3. 14 Lord. And verily if it seeme vnto every man iust and reasonable that the eies of servantes shoulde looke to the hands of their masters Psal 123. 2. and the eies of maydens to the handes of their mistrestes then much more reason is it that our eies shoulde waite and attende vpon the LORDE our GOD if that vvee vvill bee accepted of him as his faithfull servauntes The Centurions goe Mat. 8. 9. in the Gospell vvas enough to his souldiours and his doe this was sufficient vnto his servantes and shall not the orders and iniunctions of the Lord of Lords and commander of al comm●unders make vs prest and willing to yeeld to him al humble ready obedience Especially whereas he is our only Lord and lawmaker who hath authority not only to impose lawes vpon our consciences but also to revenge all contempt and disobedience even with everlasting perdition both of body and soule There is Iac. 4. 12. Eph. 4. 5. one lawgiver saith S. Iames who is able to saue and to destroy There is one God saith the Apostle and one Lord. All other Lord here among men haue no lawfull authority but from him for they are but his Lieuetenants and deputies and therefore must not goe beyond their commission in making statuces and imposing lawes no not vpon their owne subiects Concerning the safety prosperous estate of themselues and of their earthly kingdomes and concerning the welfare of their owne subiects that are cōmitted to their fidelity and trust they haue sufficient authority in wisedome equity and iustice to make holesome lawes but as cōcerning the worship and service of God they haue none authoritie to make any new lawes of their owne but to provide that the Lords lawes alone be duely put in execution The which thing if they religiously perfourme then they are to bee obeyed in the Lord and that not only for feare but also for conscience otherwise if they goe beyond their commission their subiects owe thē patience but not obedience For as they themselues wil not tolerate or indure any such presumptiō in any of their own subiects if they take vpon them to make lawes to overrule them their kingdomes for that were to suffer the scepter to be wrested out of their owne hands and the crowne to be taken from their own heads so they themselues must not presume to make lawes for the ordering of the church of God for the administring of his spirituall kingdome but religiously to provide that the Lordes lawes only be carefully observed and kept And therefore at the day of the kings coronation the booke of the law was delivered into his hand to put him in minde that thereby he ought to rule both himselfe and all his subiectes in all matters concerning the service of God So likewise the ecclesiasticall officers governours even they that are the chiefe builders of the Lords spirituall temple must lay no other stones in that building but such as are digged out of the Lordes owne quarries That is they must teach no other points of faith and precepts of life then such as they haue received frō him who only hath authority to appoint and ordaine what we ought to beleeue and how to liue otherwise if they teach any thinge of their owne wee ought to giue no eare nor credite vnto them The Scribes and Pharisies saith our Mat. 23. 2. Saviour Christ sit in Moses chaire whatsoever therefore they say vnto you that doe yee For in sitting in Moses chaire they teach the law delivered by Moses and so God himselfe teacheth by them vnto whom we owe all ready obedience But if they doe mingle therewith their owne leaven that is their owne doctrines and inventions Mat. 16. 6. we must avoide and shun the same as a most daungerous deadly poyson The truth is that in matters of ceremony the church governours haue authority to ordaine such thinges as belong to edification comelines and order and yet therin also they are to take heede that they do not clogge the Lordes people with such burdens as the Lord would not haue to be laid vpon them and also that matters of ceremony and circūstance be not so vehemently pressed and vrged as if they were matters of substance When king David not without the approbation of Nathan the prophet had purposed to builde a sumptuous temple for the arke of the Lords covenant for the fitter assembling of the people and for the more convenient performing of all such things as did belong to the service of God albeit also it was a matter of circumstance and not of substance therfore left in the hands of such as were in authority yet for that it was new and strange and not precisely and particularly commanded by the Lords owne mouth beholde howe the Lorde seemeth at the first to take exception against this so relligious and godly a purpose of his owne most choice and beloued servant In all the places saith the Lord wherin I walked with the childrē of Israell spake I one word to any of the tribes of Israell when I commanded the Iudges to feede my people Israell or said 2. Sam. 7. 7. I why build ye me not an house of Cedar trees Yea when those very sacrifices offerings Sabbothes new moones solemne feastes with other the like exercises belonging to the service of God which were also precisely command●d by the Lordes owne expresse word were performed by priest and people but not after that manner as they were ordeined by God how doth hee reiect them al cast them of saying what haue I to do with the multitude of your sacrifices when yee come to appeare before meo who bath required Isa 1. 11. these things at your handes No marvaile then that the Lord doth with so great detestation reiect al those kinde of services which the people had sucked either out of their owne b●ainsicke heads or had receiued by tradition from their forefathers saying They haue done that which I commanded them not neither ever entred into Ier. 7. 31. my hart So Isay 29. Because this people commeth neare vnto mee vvith their mouth and honoureth me with their lippes but haue remooued their hart farre from me and their feare towardes mee was taught by the precepts of men therfore behould againe I will doe a marvelous worke in this people even am trvelous worke and a wonder for the wisedome of the wise shall perish and the vnderstanding of the prudent shall be hidde Behould how dangerous a matter it is in those thinges which concerne the service of God to maime or to mingle any thing with the pure perfect word of God to