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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A81624 Doomes-day: or, The great day of the Lords iudgement, proved by Scripture; and two other prophecies, the one pointing at the yeare 1640. the other at this present yeare 1647. to be even now neer at hand. With the gathering together of the Jews in great bodies under Josias Catzius (in Illyria, Bithinia, and Cappadocia) for the conquering of the Holy Land. 1647 (1647) Wing D1907; Thomason E383_23; ESTC R22541 4,306 10

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brought into bondage for so he no doubt meant when he said When Lords hest are taken for Lawes Do we not know that before the breaking forth of our present distractions the power of the King was divulged to be over the people both body and goods that a few persons in favour with his Majesty imposed upon the Subjects of this Kingdome the great loane of Ship-money and that the Earle of Strafford proposed that the tyrannicall power of the Kings of France might warrantably be exercised by the Kings of England therefore when things should bee thus carried he prophesied His Prophesie began to bee effected in the yeare 1640. and was fulfilled in the year 1644. Then shall the Isle of Brittanie Be brought into great miserie And have not our eyes seen the same fulfilled What greater misery can come to a nation then to be at variance among themselves mutually to sheath their swords in each others bowells to batter downe Cities ore one anothers heads to have their Soveraigne in armes against them and in a word to have all the calamities of war at once heavy upon them and this hath this poore Kingdome of England till of late undergone therefore the fulfilling of Chawcers Prophecie none but a mad man will denie But now for the other Prophecie it comes more neere unto us even to this present yeare 1647. for are not the three Kingdomes of England Scotland and Wales entred into a solemne League and Covenant to set up one and the same Religion in the three Kingdomes then if granted now is the long lookt for yeare come that Antichrist shall fall and then the day of Doome shall happen But of that day and houre knoweth no man no not the Angells which are in heaven Mat. 13.32 that is no man can positively affirme that such a day in such a moneth at such an houre The Prophet Daniel giveth us the time when it shall be saying Dan. 12.1 And there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation to that time and is not that time now Is not the whole world involved in watres was there ever such a time of trouble as there is now since there was a Nation upon the earth And that these troubles foretell the neare approach of the day of judgement the very next Verse informes us And many of them what sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some so overlasting life and some to shame and everlasting c●●●●●…p● Againe for our Saviours Prophecie Mark 23. confirming the Prophecie of the Prophet Ioel Iod 3.15 That the Sun shall be darkened and the Moone turned into blood it is the opinion of the Ancients and of ●he best of our mode●● Divines that the darknesse of the Sun not ●●●●●…tion of the Moone is not to be expected but rather the mysticall sense thereof the Sun being taken for the glorious light of the Gospell the Moone to presigure the Church But now what is meant when he saith And F. shall weare his triple crowne I am not able to determine whether as is most likely that some Prince the first letter of whose name begins in F. shall plucke the Pope out of his Throne let the learned judge whose knowing minds are able to dive into such deep mysteries it sufficeth me to be informed that the ruine of Antienrist is neere even at the doore and that the day begins to draw nigh that God will visit them that dwell upon the earth when God will make of them what they be that have hurt unjustly with their unrighteousnesse and that the righteous man shall stand with great boldnesse before the faces of them that have afflicted him who when they see it shall be amazed with terrible feare and wonder at the strangenesse of his salvation and they repenting and groaning for anguish of spirit within themselves shall say this is he whom we had somtime in derision and a proverbe of reproach we fooles accounted his life madnesse but now he is numbred among the children of God and hath his lot with the Saints There is a report spread abroad and the common talk about London and so consequently over England that such a day in such a week the day of Doome shall happen others will have it that on that day Christ shall come againe on earth and there personally reigne with his Elect a thousand yeares and opinion monstrous and to be abhorred as much as their opinion who contend that the divels shall at length be released from their torments We are sufficiently informed in the Scriptures and next to them from others that the day of Doome is even now at hand and that the second coming of Christ is each day and houre to be expected what remaineth then but that we prepare our selves to meet the Bridegroome with the loynes of our minds girded and oyl in our lamps that when our Lord cometh he may say well done good and faithfull servants enter ye into your masters joy FINIS
DOOMES-DAY OR The great Day of the Lords Iudgement proved by Scripture and two other Prophecies the one pointing at the yeare 1640. the other at this present yeare 1647. to be even now neer at hand WITH The gathering together of the Jews in great Bodies under Josias Catzius in Illyria Bithinia and Cappadocia for the conquering of the Holy Land 2 Peter 3.10 11. The day of the Lord will come as thiefe in the night in which the heavens shall passe away with a great noise and the element shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therin shal be burnt up Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godlinesse The Prophecie of Enoch the seventh from Adam Behold the Lord cometh with thousands of his Saints Aprill 8 th LONDON Printed for W. Ley. 1647. Dooms-day or the great day of the Lords Judgement proved by Scripture to be even now neare at hand SEtting aside all opinions of the Ethnicks who some of them affirme that as the world had no beginning so it shall never have end that there are more worlds then one that the face of things shall onely be changed and not a finall dissolution wee will informe our selves out of the Word of God and from two other Prophecies never before imparted and finde out so far forth as we may whether or no the destruction of the world and the second coming of Christ be not even now to be expected It were needless to go about to prove that most part of the Prophecies of the ancient Prophets are alreadie fulfilled Christ the Son of God is come in the flesh and hath performed the worke of our redemption the Gospell hath been preached to all Nations yea to those Nations that when our Lord lived on earth were not so much as heard of nor knowne to be under heaven who have been converted from Paganisme to Christianity and are at this day zealous for the truth the Jewes who betrayed the Lord of life and crucified their redeemer whose blood according to their rash desires hath been upon the heads of them and their children and have according as he prophecied been scattered among all Nations the remnant of those many hundred thousands the Sword of God and Vespasian had spared the abhomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet viz. the head of a swine in derision of the Jewish Religion set up over the gate of that Temple where God himselfe was once pleased to dwell and which may certainely assure us that the day of doom is even now at hand according to the Prophecies of the Prophets that before that day there shall be a restauration of Israel even those people the Jewes according to certaine and credible information are at this time * Under Josias Catzim and according to Letters from beyond the Seas they are numerous and show themselves in great bodies in Illyria Bethinia and Cappadocia assembling themselves together into one body from out of all countreys wherinto they have been driven with a resolution to regaine the holy land once more out of the hand of Ottaman But here me thinks I heare some men say but yet is not come the downefall of the Whore of Babylon who hath made all Nations drunke with the wine of her fornication That man of Sin the Pope who sitteth in the Temple of God and is worshipped as God hath not yet tasted of the fierceness of Gods wrath I answer That the fall of that Antichrist is even now at this present he sitteth tottering on his seat he hath a long time pursued the Israelites viz. the faithfull servants of Jesus Christ but now his Chariot wheels are taken off England Scotland and Wales which some three hundred yeares agoe was wholly in subjection to the papall Throne and wandred groping in an Egyptian darkness of Popery and Superstition are now illuminated with the glorious light of the Gospell and enjoy the pure and undoubted Word of God sufficient for the salvation of their soules the house of Austria have burst in sunder their yoke and cast off the bondage of Antichrist the Danes and Hollanders sometime superstitious Papists are at this present sincere Protestants France even now also looking two waies and desirous to renounce the Popes power with divers other Kingdomes Principalities Provinces and Dukedomes formerly yeelding obedience to the See of Rome now the haters of his usurped power * Rev. 18.20 rejoyce over her thou heaven and yee holy Apostles and Prophets for God hath avenged you on her * Chap. 19. Vers 1. for true and righteous are his judgements for hee hath judged the great Whore which did corrupt the carth with her fornication but some may object and say why yet the great and mighty King of Spaine with others stand firme to his holiness I answer and so may doe even till * The meaning of that place Rev. 18.17 8. Christ coming to judgement she shall sit as a Queen and say I am no widdow she shall say though these Nations and those Kingdomes are departed from me and are the servants of the living God yet I am no widdow the King of Spaine c. is my husband and still maintaineth my abhominations But marke what the Holy Ghost saith * Chap. 18. Vers 8. therefore shall her plagues come in one day death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burnt with fire and least any should doubt her so sudden subversion the words ensuing tell them without doubt it shall be so for strong is the Lord who judgeth her This bringeth a Prophecy into my minde which I once saw in the study of a great Schollar and no meane Antiquary who deceased some few years since which I copied out and having this opportune occasion will present it to publike view When Chawcers Prophesie shall be Found true by folk of Britanie When Englands walls and Scotlands shall Have pure religion 'mongst them all Then loe the Pope shall tumble downe And F. shall weare his triple crowne Now the Prophesie of Geofrey Chawcer who flourished in the dayes of King Richard the second ran thus When faith failes in Priests Sawes And Lord hests are taken for Lawes Then shall the Isle of Brittanîe Be brought into great miserie Now let us compare and examine these two Prophecies The first saith when Chawcers Prophecie shall be fulfilled when troubled and miseries shall come upon great Britaine occasioned through the wickednesse of the Pastors who themselves erring from the way cause the people to walk astray with them for so he certainly meant when he said When faith failes in Priests Sawes The fulfilling of the Prophesie wee all know before our present distractions Was not the most part of the Clergy of this Kingdome given over to vice and Epicurisme when arbitrary power shall be endeavoured to be set up and the Subjects of the Kingdome