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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A62416 The Earl of Anglesey's state of the government & kingdom prepared and intended for His Majesty, King Charles II in the year 1682, but the storm inpending growing so high prevented it then : with a short vindication of His Lordship from several aspersions cast upon him, in a pretended letter that carries the title of his memoirs / by Sir John Thompson, Baronet.; State of the government & kingdom Anglesey, Arthur Annesley, Earl of, 1614-1686.; Haversham, John Thompson, Baron, 1647-1710. 1694 (1694) Wing T1000; ESTC R1565 19,674 41

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what the present Licentious paper War may produce It s come to open quarrelling already and quarrels bring Blood-shed The scence is only changed from Skirmishes and Battels in the Fields and Sieges of Cities and Towns it s come now to contention in every House to altercations and Fightings between Sheriffs and other Officers Grand Juries and Petty Juries and they and the Courts of Justice who by Law are the Conservators of our Peace are ingaged in the quarrels and Verdicts are found and Judgments given as the litigant parties exceed one the other in power and practice more then by the Merits of the Cause which ingageth almost the whole People of one side or other in every Case So that now Justice hath lost its old deep still Channel and all Causes are carried by a Fierce Impetuous Torrent which in time if not diverted may break all our Banks and prove a general Inundation for it s come to this already that all Reverence to Ministerial Officers Juries Judges is lost and there is now no case of moment almost wherein there is not mustering of Parties and instead of Parliaments Appeals are made to the People who can neither meet nor judge in a Body and therefore end all Controversies by quarrelling Parties whose Judgment if it were legal can neither be known nor executed but in Parliament where the Collective Body of your People meet by representation and where these ill symptomes of a divided and distempered Kingdom can only hope for and receive a Cure which God and your Majesty Grant The Oracle of Truth hath said That a Kingdom divided against it self cannot stand Things Frame as if it were the design on all Hands to encrease and foment Divisions instead of pacifying them whence else is the intolerable Licence of giving Nick Names and Marks of Distinction and Reproach to one another to challenge and publish Chartels of Defiance to Scuffle and Fight in the very Streets and Coffee Houses and the Dissenters in Religion blamed and suffer for all this as of old the cry was Christianos ad Leones when there is such a general ferment of Ranchor and Malice throughout the Kingdom as is never like to be removed but by such Remedies as shall be offered before I Conclude To the discomposed Estate of your Majesties own Kingdoms the disjoynted and dangerous condition of Christendom by the over-grown Greatness and Usurped Dominion of the French King over other Princes and States doth not a little contribute and when he shall have leisure and power to finish his secret Councils and Intreigues to Corrupt and Engage in his Designs your Majesties Disaffected or Ambitious Subjects or prevail with your Majesty to believe that his Purse or Power and strict Friendship with your Majesty are necessary or but probable means to support your Crown and Dignity and bridle the Subjects which his Artifices and Insinuations have raised a Jealousy of it will occasion such a Paroxisme and such Couvulsions in the State as may dangerously Shake and Hazard the Peace of your Kingdoms if not render your Great and Renowned Government a Prey to Forreigners But the Fatal Cause of all our Mischiefs present or apprehended and which if not by Wisdom Antidoted may raise a Fire which will Burn and Consume to the very Foundation is the unhappy Perversion of the Duke of York the next Heir to the Crown in point of Religion which naturally raises Jealousy of the Power Designs and Practices of the old Enemies of our Religion and Liberties and Undermines and Emasculates the Courage and Constancy even of those and their Posterity who have been as Faithful to and Suffered as much for the Crown as any the most pleased or contented in our impending Miseries can pretend to have done In short though the Supreme Wheel of Providence must be owned in all that is or may come upon us yet every one seems to be at Work to dig the Kingdoms Grave and if God hath determined our Confusion the least accidental disorder will too naturally bring things to a general Complaint and Quarrel about Religion Laws Liberties and Properties unless before the Gangreen spread further it be by competent and wise Council and steady Government made appear that all these are secuted past the Fear or Apprehension of all Good and Prudent Men and thereby that handle of Contention wrested from the Enemies Forreign and Domestick of our Religion and Peace Towards the attaining that wished for end and the delivering us from our Divisions and Fears and rendring your Majesty and Kingdom Safe Glorious and Happy I shall now set before your Majesty the most proper Means and Remedies that occur to me upon the most serious Consideration 1. To begin with Parliaments where your Majesty is in your greatest Glory and your Kingdom in its greatest Strength Activity and Usefulness your Majesty by your many Declarations of your Love to and delight in them and Resolution of frequent Assembling them hath set such an edge upon the Spirits of your People ever fond of Parliaments that hope deferred will make their Hearts Faints and raise Jealousies which may breed Ill Blood before their Meeting But preparatory to a better understanding it were to be wished that the licentious Liberty now taken to asperse the Memory and weaken the very Constitution and Power of Parliaments were seasonably Discountenanced and Corrected The blaming and reprehending of Parliaments or either House thereof is a peculiar and prerogative fit for your Majesty alone who are the Head of them and whose great Councels they are and which is to be exercised according to the example of your Majesties most Wise and Prosperous Predecessors only in Parliament time when they may be heard and acquit themselves or any Slips Errours or Faults that shall appear may be reformed amended or redressed or in cases disputable new Remedies applied to prevent future Contests And as the Peopls in general out of Parliament have no Authority herein much less a part of them so I count it of very pernicious Example and Consequence and no ways serviceable to your Majesty by whomsoever incouraged that any Numbers or Degrees of Men have presumed under what Colour soever to trample upon the Honour of Dissolved Parliaments and Arraign their Proceedings which are only to be Examined and Judged by Parliament who can alone rectify the same if found Erroneous and Unwarrantable And I heartily wish this Innovation may not prove one of the greatest Obstacles to a good Intelligence the next Parliament and that it may never be questioned with two much heart and resentment which whosoever shall be chosen to serve therein may think it their concern to do effectually for the safety and preserving the chief Priviledges and Rights of Parliament which are Freedom and Protection so that none may entertain and vent dishonourable Thoughts of them to the violation of their good Names or Persons and an Examption from being questioned or impeached in any other Court or
THE Earl of Anglesey's STATE of the Government Kingdom Prepared and intended for His MAJESTY King Charles II. In the Year 1682. but the Storm Impending growing so high prevented it then With a short VINDICATION of His Lordship from several Aspersions cast upon Him in a pretended LETTER that carries the Title of His MEMOIRS By Sir JOHN THOMPSON Baronet LONDON Printed for Samuel Crouch at the Corner of Pope's-Head-Alley in Cornhill 1694. TO THE King and Queen May it please Your Majesties THIS Paper was at first intended a Present to Your Royal Unkle in which the Noble Author has studiously contracted his many and large Experiences into a compass suitable to the Leisure and View for which he designed it How Wise and Great a Statesman he was and how fitted for an Argument of this Nature by his great insight into Men and Business having from his Youth breathed scarce any other Air than that of Courts how Valued and Esteemed by King Charles the Second for his Wisdom and Dexterity in reducing Things to their True Temper and Legal Standard especially at an Emergency when either the Folly or Design of False or Weak Ministers had puzled his Majesty's Affairs and made them almost desperate Those who knew him can better tell it becomes me to be silent left I should Injure his Memory by saying too little or Displease others by saying too much if any have so much Curiosity they may themselves make the Judgment by this Taste that is left us of his Mind Thoughts and Manly Noble way of Expressing himself a thing wherein his Lordship had a peculiar Happiness not disguised in the Taudry Dress wherein he has been of late Injuriously Exposed I have nothing to say in Excuse for my Presumption in this Dedication to Your Majesties but that it was designed for the Service of the Throne and certainly a Discourfe of this Nature wherein you will see the wide differences between the Faithful and Wise Councils of the Dead free from Flattery Fear or Design and those of the Living which are subject to them all cannot but be acceptable to Your Majesties especially in a Time of so much Action Danger and Disappointment Your Majesties Obedient Subject and Servant John Thompson THE PREFACE THE Tombs and Dormitories of the Dead have always been held Venerable to Invade their Silence or Disturb their sleeping Dust much more to Mangle and then Expose them yet scarce cold is a Crime so detestably odidious nothing but a French Barbarity * See the Account of the Inhumanity of the French this Summer at Heidleberg could ever be guilty of but for a Wise and Great Man to be abused in his Thoughts to be Presented to the World as one that took pleasure in deceiving and imposing upon the understanding of others to be made to think and speak things so low and mean so dull and insipid nay quite contrary to his own Sense and Apprehension is a cruelty and savageness so much greater as that to be Mortal and thereby subject to Violence and Injury it the common Lot of all but to be a Fool a Knave is the particular Curse but of some few And yet it bas been the Misfortume of a late Noble Lord to be thus represented to the World in a Book that bears the Title of The Earl of Anglesey 's Memoirs but is indeed so very unlike him 't is strange any should have the Confidence to Impose such supposititious thing on the World certainly this Lord might have expected better Treatment after an Age worn out with Toyl and Pain for the Publick than to have his Study plundered his Papers rifled his Thoughts debased by a dull and course allay and bis Reputation set to sale for a little private Advantage Is there no Original left of such a Man to show him to the World but this little miniature these few Sheets Where is that expected Work † His History of Ireland just finished as it were before his Death the Expence of so much Oyl and Thought in which he might have hoped to Live to future Times How can any that have either Value for the Memory of the Dead or Regard for the Censure of the Living detain any longer so usful and so finisbed a Piece which was at first undertaken for the Service and Information of the Publick The Publisher perhaps might not design so maliciously but this alters not the Case whoever reads that Pamphlet and believes it to be my Lord Anglesey's must think him not only a knave and Fool but somewhat more His intention seems only to make the best of his absent Friend by borrowing his Name to get a Penny or to Ingratiate himself with a Party in hopes of Preferment when time shall be and withal to let the World know what otherwise they were like ever to be ignorant of what a Man of Worth and Weight he is Hence are those so frequent and repeated Praises of himself Pag. 4. It is he that knows how softly to insinuate his Notions with the gentleness of a Philosopher Pag 6 that has all the curious soft strokes of Rhetorick and Reason and all the Structures of a great Judgment and Fancy Pag. 31. all the mixtures of great and noble Colours able not only to prop up the great Characters of King Charles his Ministers but to gild the Pillory for Offenders whose short hints like the sclanting of Lightning Pag. 6. 22 or sudden glances by their quick movement have power to create the Passions of Love and Admiration And in short in the late Conjuncture while the Vulgus of Writers and Lachrimists were associated in Intailing the Popular Nusance of Fears and Jealousies upon us Pag. 29. 37 39. it was be alone who found out the way to remove them by Predicting from Natural Causes the Happy future state of our Country And that the then Fermentation would be perfective to it instead of which had he told us K. James's forsaking and deserting the Party that put the Crown upon his Head the disregarding the Opinion of his People doing Actions that raised their Distrust Fears and Jealousies the choice of Weak and False Ministers the taking into his Cabinet such as had Abjured their Religion the Closeting and Tampering with Parliaments so that Nation had no hopes of having any but such as the Court were very well assured of the appropriating and taking upon himself the Faults and Miscarriages of his Favourites and Ministers and in the midst of all this the deepest Security and Unconcernedness imaginable would at length prove Fatal to him the Consequence had certainly been much more Natural and the Event justified the Prediction But how easily might this have been prevented had be followed the wise Examples of his great Predecessors Edw. III. and Henry IV. who Learning by the Misfortunes of Edward II. Richard II. and to whom he immediately suceeded how dangerous the Strains of Power and loss of the
Place but in that the only Supreme Court of the Kingdom 2. It will be your Honour and Safety to incourage and imploy your Ancient and deserving Nobility and Gentry whose interest in their Countries will be of more use and avail to your Majesty then all the bold and confident undertakings of those who seek themselves chiefly in all their pretences of Love and Duty to your Majesty and really weaken and diminish the Admiration Affection and Esteem which otherwise from your Gracious and Wise Government your Majesty may have will all your People who are the most Dutiful and fond of their Prince in the World if well and kindly used as the most Turbulent and Fierce under the Sun if by ill or unsteady management of Affairs and too much subjecting of them to the Will and Humour of their fellow Subjects and the oppressions which their too much presuming on his Favour brings upon them which they easily discover being a discerning People they find themselves transferred from the Clemency Bounty nad Kindness of their Soveraign and abandoned to the Pride Malice and Imperious Arbitrariness and Will of those who are but Subjects as well as they and who want that natural Affection and Tenderness which their Soveraign Liege Lord cannot but retain towards them and whose Wisdom which God who advanceth them to the Throne usually indues them with must needs perswade him that he is weakned and made a less Monarch by loss of the Love and Duty of his meanest Subject 3. The Two Great Instruments of Government with which your Majesty in Right of your Imperial Crown is solely intrusted by the Law are Reward and Punishment Let the first be always dispensed freely freely as your Personal Knowledge or the best information that may be had shall Guide you by your own immediate Hand that others may not receive the Thanks and Dependance due to you alone Sir Henry Sidney Great Sir Philips Father who was Lord Deputy of Ireland many times and my Great Grandfather Sir John Parrot who succeeded him in the same Great Charge and Trust and divers others though they refused not to serve your Predecessors yet grew weary of the place when in those troubled and dangerous Times they were forced to spend of their own to support the Dignity and Honour of the Crown Such as serve your Majesty so in expectation of future regard to be had to their deserts ought not to be forgotten when higher Preferments or more profitable permanent and easy happen then those they served in with Submistion and patient expectation Nothing is more discouraging and offensive to the generality of Subject then to see Men rise over hastily and before their Merits are known or taken notice of perhaps whilst their Demerit hath brought them into disesteem wherewas those that are advanced by just degrees are seen Shining in Merit before they are cloathed with Honour or Preferment rejoyce the Kingdom and are no more Maligned then those who have served their Apprentiships and come to be Lord Mayor Thus in the best time Men have risen in the Kings Houshould and in other Establishments from low Degree and after long approved Service and Faithfulness to high Preferment and Trust And this incourageth Industry and Dutiful Service and is a Bond of Safety whereas bought preferment or attained by Ill Arts is Odious and Dangerous to the Master and when Mony is the only qualification People mind solely how to come by that let the means to compass it be what they will As for the other which is Punishment let your Majesties Love and Clemency to your People make it appear to proceed from you unwillingly and of necessity for the support and strenthning of Government and be so executed that it may not seem or so much as be suspected to come from any Principle of Cruelty or Delight in the Pressures of Fall of any Persons The known Clemency of a Prince and Inclination to Mercy doth more to oblige Subjects then the strongest Impressions of Dread or Fear it being natural to the veriest Worm to turn again if he be unmercifully trod upon and despair to Please or causelesly conceived Jealousy many times occasions the loss of most Useful and Honest Servants 4. I know your Majesty to be a great Patron of the Church and Church-men and therefore for their sakes who are seldom wise for themselves I presume to implore that you will never Countenance and of them that shall busy them selves with matters of State and Government out of their Sphere In all my Reading and Experience I find that in the most dangerous Disorders and Revolutions of the World they have ever had a principal Hand when their chief work should be to pray for and promote the Peace of Church and State in the Calling God hath set them And it never yet came under my Observation or Knowledge that any Kingdom was Happy or Prosperous where they had too great and influence since the Primitive Time and Zeal nor that ever it succeeded well to themselves or gained upon those under their Charge when they shewed themselves Active in Temporal Affairs having a Calling competent to imploy the whole Man and are to give themselves to all diligence and piety wherein they are promised a Blesling as their great Master hath warned them that his Kingdom is not of this World and that they should not Fight nor Strive nor Intangle themselves with the Affairs of this Life It s observable what the pretended power of one to do so In ordine ad Spiritualia hath brought the World to and how difficultly Incroachments of that Tribe are removed your Majesty is not to scruple the distinct and incommunicale exercise of that Authority which the Law gives your and all your People have bound themselves to acknowledge your peculiar It s a hard Imposition on your Majesty that you should who are the Father of your People be called upon to Imprison Consiscate Banish or otherwise Afllict and Distress any of your Peaceable and Industrious Subjects because other taken upon them by what right let them consider to denounce them Excommunicate that were to punish their Bodies because their Souls are punished for the Clergy cannot so much as pretend a Power to go further And the Magistrate hath little reason to hearken to those Clergy-men who are so diffident of their pretended Authority that though they cry up the power of the Keys as their Office yet when they have done yield it to be so uneffectual a shadow of Power as can do nothing without the Civil Magistrates force below whom it is to be debased to be the Clergies Executioner in punishing before he have tried the Cause The Magistrate that seeth a Man Excommunicated for this fault should rather delay his Civil Force against that Man to see what effect his Excommunication will have for the Conjunction of the Sword with the Excommunication makes the fruit of it undiscernable so that none can see whether it did
any thing at all or whether all was done by the fear of the Temporal Sword And to force Ministers to absolve or give the Holy Sacrament to such as had rather take it then lye in Goal and be undon is to set up such new Terms of Christian Communion as Christ never instituted nor will approve Church-Communion being a priviledge due only to Voluntiers and true Penitents It were worthy your Majesty to recommend for the Clergies Practice and Experience the Grace of Self Denial they Preach to others for generlaly none live more easy and pleasurable Lives then they instead of the Primitive Austerity Mortification and Piety or less pity or oppose differences and disorders well were it if too many of them did not Forment and Encourage them these things have brought that Contempt upon many of the Clergy that I am sorry to see who remember the times when for their unblamable Life painful discharge of their Calling Hospitality and Watchfulness over Mens Souls those of their Flocks thought nothing too much and were ready to pull out their right Eyes for them 5. As a prime Foundation of your Majestie Greatness and Honour Let the Setriement and Increase of your Majesties Revenue be laid to Heart I have often secretly Lamented to see your Majesty who have the greatest and surest Revenue of any Potentate in Christendom but one many times brought to such great streights by the ill management thereof that I know not whether your Majesty did not enjoy your self more in the time of your Exile being deprived of all your own then you do now and your Servants and Followers better contented with Hopes and Expectations then they are now with their lank Enjoyments Retrenchments and Suspensions Towards the redress hereof such should be sought out and incouraged that are able and willing to improve your Revenue to the best advantage without greedy pursuit of their own priate gain such Men no doubt your Majesties Kingdom doth afford and may be found and by a just Calculation of the vast Estares some have raised to themselves by a loose and despicable way of ordeing it it will appear how and by what means your Majesty becomes Poor whilst others wallow in your Riches and what a vast detriment you are at till this great Work be vigorously taken in hand and regulated by which no doubt your Revenue may be raised to some Hundred Thousands of pounds Sterling above what it now amounts to Let me bear the disgrace of being accounted an Imposter if I Evince not what I have said and then your Majesty will be the best Judge how you have been served since your Restoration though I accuse none that have served you hitherto but desire all Errours and Failings may be remitted and forgotten upon condition that they who have had the misfortune to give it no worse a Character of coming short of doing your Majesty that Service which is now propose may with Patience and without Envy or Practice see you better served by others for the future The Shrunk Sinews of your Government being thus enlarged and strengthned and the design appearing certain to your Majesty I do humbly propose 1. That the greatness of your Houshold may be restored to that of your most renowned Predecessors this will indeed advance your Honour and Esteem bot at home and abroad I who have live to see the great Hall of the Kings House and his Sollers Buttry and Pantry full of Strangers at Dinner and between Meals have been heartily ashamed to see the times when a Dinner or a Cup of Wine is hardly to be had for the best Guess nor so much as Food for his Councel and other great Persons that attend in progress and when the Court is in the Country When in Parliament your Majesty had a full and ample recompence given you for purveyance and which will more then double supply the want thereof it was little expected things would come to this pass but though there was then no appropriating of the Hereditary Excise granted in recompence their intention that it should so applied did sussiciently appear and hath been generally expected 2. The plentiful provision for your Houshold having set your Majesty and Family at ease the second thing to be cared for is the Security of your Majesty and Government by a well established provision for your new Guards till the unanimous Love of your People which I will not despair to see may make your Majesty judge it a Superfluous Charge and the old Guards your Majesties Anecstors were safe in with the united affection of all your Subjects which your will deserve as well as any that ever swayed the Scepter of this Kingdom sussicient 3. To uphold your Soveraignty of the Seas and to procure your Majesties being feared and redoubted abroad and your Subjects accounting themselves safe at home and in their Trade and Commerce to all parts of the World whether they shall carry your Name and Fame nothing will contribute more then a powerful Fleet which the circumstances of Affairs and the change thereof in that point all the World over require should much exceed those of your Predecessors though they ever claimed the Dominion of the Seas and that the best use may be made thereof and with best Husbandry and most certainty that your Store-Houses Yards and Wharfs may be timely replenithed with all War-like Provisions and Necessaries whatsoever for thespeedy setting cut of Fleets to Sea and you Ships kept always in good repair for that end without which such surprizes may happen as we have formerly felt and occasions for Service never again to be recovered may be lost both being equally Dishonourable and Mischievous to your Majesty and Kingdoms 4. The next thing to assure the Obedience of your Subjects and to advance your Majsesties Honour of Justice may run uninterrupted this being the chief end that the chief Magistrates or Kings are advanced above their Brethren and have a divine stamp set upon their Authority as as Bond of Awe and Obedience In order hereunto let your Majesties principal Care be to choose freely the most able and honest Men and of the greatest Integrity for Judges in all the Courts they who punish others had need be very unblamable themselves and here it ought to be well considered whether of all Persons Judges should not hold by the freest Tenure and enjoy their places quamdiu se beme gesserint at least and never be discountenanced or displaced but upon good proof of Crimes or Offences which render them unworthy that Trust and Dignity and their Punishment for which will rejoyce your Subjects they of all Men ought to be placed above the Tempations of Hopes or Fears as much as is possible then Judgment will run down like a Stream and Righteousness like mighty Waters And where Justice is to slow immediately from your Majesty as towards all Officers and Domesticks that hold by no Tenure but your Royal pleasure care would be