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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A47594 The general London epistle of Quirinus Kuhlman a Christian, to the Wiclef-Waldenses, Hussites, Zuinglians, Lutherans, and Calvinists being an explication of a vision and prophecy of John Kregel : wherein the reformation from popery is fundamentally asserted, and the union of Protestants convincingly urged : together with a postscript relating to the present popish plot : translated from the Latine copy printed at Rotterdam in May 1679.; Epistolarum Londinensium Catholica. English Kuhlmann, Quirin, 1651-1689. 1679 (1679) Wing K754; ESTC R17471 39,278 80

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THE GENERAL London Epistle OF QUIRINUS KUHLMAN A CHRISTIAN To the Wiclef-Waldenses Hussites Zuinglians Lutherans and Calvinists Being an Explication of a Vision and Prophecy OF John Kregel Wherein the Reformation from Popery is fundamentally asserted and the Vnion of Protestants convincingly urged Together with a Postscript relating to the present Popish Plot. Translated from the Latine Copy printed at Rotterdam in May 1679. LONDON Printed for the Author 1679. THE PROPHECY OF John Kregel The 12th of January 1626. Concerning the present Application of the VIALS to the STATE of the Reformed Churches ● ANd as the Voice spake unto me at the same instant a very plain Church was built which had six Steeples all of one form And out of the Church issued forth a pleasant and clear transparent River out of which Gods faithful ones did drink but some troubled the Waters before they drank Write down what I speak unto thee and nothing else thus saith the Lord This Church is the Vine in which the Lords faithful ones do labour whose foundation was laid in the last days concerning which the Lord saith and the Gospel of the Kingdom of Christ shall be preached through the whole World for a testimony unto them and then shall the end come This Church is built and re-built in the last days of the World 3. The first Steeple began to be built by the People towards the West in the Kingdom of England and its Builder was John WICLEF a good Man and fearing God 4. The second was built in a Countrey towards the East Bohemia and the Builders of it were two men fearing God JOHN HVS and JEROME of PRAGVE who shed their Blood neither loved they their Lives unto Death and their Followers enlarged and carried on this Building until three days were fulfilled 5. The third Steeple was built by a People towards the West and its Builder was VLRIC ZVINGLIVS He enlarged the Vineyard and the fourth day began when the number of years from the Birth of Christ was 1505. 6. The fourth was built by a People of the North and its Builder was MARTIN LVTHER an experienced Man fearing God and very Eloquent He built the Church to the great wonder of many and spread the same through Germany 7. The Fifth Steeple again was built by a People towards the West and its Builder was CALVIN He built the Church in France and the Neatherlands in dangerous places for as in dangerous places Men are obliged to build with great care so was this Church built and the Building advanced against the will of all the wicked 8. The sixth Steeple shall be built by a People towards the East and its Builders will be all Preachers and Teachers fearing God these shall begin to build this Church a-new and re-build the same from Sea to Sea Now as all Builders must be proved so shall also these Teachers and Leaders be proved by the Cross and Suffering And this Church is a-building and shall be wholly finished the sixth and last day For as God built Heaven and Earth in six days so likewise the Church of God shall be built in six days and shall have rest the seventh day KVHLMAN His fulfilling and Explication of the Fifth Section of the fore-going Prophecy Written by him at Smirna in Natolia in October 1678. THe Fourth day is one of those mentioned Rev. 11. v. 11. in which the two Witnesses and Prophets viz. The Orthodox Teachers of the Old and New Scripture suffered Martyrdom and they are the same with 42 Lunar Months which makes 1176 years thus One day is 336 Years Two days 672 Years Half a day 168 Years As the Angelical Revelation of Kotterus doth expresly declare chap. 10 v. 34. Twelve months are one time Four and twenty are two times and Six are half a time which according to the course of the Moon make Three years and near an half more and so are they three days and an half But according to longer time 28 years being reckoned for one month this one time two times and half a time are thus to be numbered One time is 336 years two times 672 and half a time 168 which being added together make 1176. In this time the Treader-down will have Power and afterwards he shall be converted Which things being thus laid for a Foundation it most clearly appears that the two Witnesses were raised to Life again in the year 1674 and that the 11th and 12th verses of the 11th of the Revelations are now fulfilling And it was by impulse of the Holy Spirit as was before prophesied that my Book printed the same year at Amsterdam and Leyden had the Title of Neu-begeistert New-spirited because in the said Writing all the Teachers of Scripture began to appear with a new Spirit and Life Moreover after that time the first Foundation was laid in the East for the conversion and overthrow of the Down-treaders The first day therefore began in the year of Christ 498 the second 834 the third day 1170 the fourth day 1505 the half of which must needs be elapsed in the year 1674. A GENERAL EPISTLE TO THE Wiclef-Waldenses Hussites Zuinglians Lutherans and Calvinists 1. TO the Pastors Sheep and Lambs of the Churches of the Five First Angels of the Seven which have the Seven last Plagues Quirinus Kuhlman called a Christian not by Man but by Christ and their Brother and of all those who glorifie God and his only begotten Son Jesus Christ in whatsoever Ceremony or Language heartily wisheth the first Love and unanimous Concord to flee with the greatest haste out of Babylon 2. Most Beloved the present applying of the Revelation wherein I joyn you Wiclef-Waldenses Hussites Zuinglians Lutherans and Calvinists together will seem strange and wonderful unto you yet more wonderful my wishing you to flee out of Babylon whereby I declare you have not yet fully rejected all that is of Babylon but most of all wonderful will appear to you the title of Brethren which I give to you and all that fear God without any modern respect 3. My applying of the Revelation will justly seem wonderful to you when ye shall see that one God called you all though at divers times to one work and withal consider your horrid Wranglings Bitterness and Condemning of one another as well as your open Wars Offences and Proceedings against one another 4. My Wish to you to flee out of Babylon will most justly appear yet more wonderful to you because ye believe your selves long since to have left it in shaking off the Papal Yoak whereas here you will hear that you are yet in Babylon and that that saying Go out of her my People belongs to you 5. The title of Brethren this will seem most wonderful because ye have esteemed all those though of the same denomination with you who have only differed from your way and mode not as Brethren but as Enemies not thinking them worthy of Burial when dead and defameing them for
their Army Hhorma which was a City totally overthrown by the Israelites And therefore shall not always be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Armageddon a Treacherous Army and an Holy League designed for the Ruin of the Reformed Churches The 6th Year The 6th Month. The 6th Four Weeks The 6th Twenty eight Days 65. Neither is the sixth plague poured forth alone but the seventh meets it and is poured forth together with it even as the third and fourth Adolescence and Youth did meet together so also do concur the sixth and seventh Vial Old Age and Decrepid Age The said seventh Vial being already poured forth during the sixth Vial and shall yet daily be poured forth with it until the full accomplishment of the sixth general Judgement shall put an end to this sixth Vial. For the seventh Angel poured forth by the Restorer of true Christianity and his Eastern and Nothern Associates his Vial by putting an end to the four Monarchies and by founding the Universal Christian Kingdom into the Air of the whole Earth whether known or unknown and of all men whether of the Highest Mean or Lowest Condition The 7th Year The 7th Month. The 7th Four Weeks The 7th Twenty eight Days 66. And there went forth a great voice of the Universal Effusion of the Spirit out of the Temple of Heaven from the Throne of the Heavenly Reign of Christ restored upon this our Globe saying with the voice of Jesus Christ himself now appearing and working in a manner which hitherto hath been strange and accustomed It is done what was to be done the sixth Judgment is accomplished according to my Prophets the whole Mystery of God being now also to be fulfilled 67. And there were Voices of the greatest forebodings and Thunders of most vehement Commotions and Lightnings of most quick and sudden Actions The 8th Year The 8th Month. The 8th Four Weeks The 8th Twenty Eight Days 68. And there was a great Earth-quake of UUniversal changes amongst all Nations and their Conversion to the Christian Faith such as was not since Men were upon the Earth so mighty and so great an Earth-quake because Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews was owned and acknowledged under the whole Heaven to be the true Son of God and the Three-one God began to be worshiped by J●phet Sem and Ham. The 9th Year The 9th Month. The 9th Four VVeeks The 9th Twenty eight Days 69. And the great City the Universal Babylon of all Kingdoms by reason of so great Commotions was divided into three parts and the Cities of the Nations all Idolatrous Kingdoms fell the Universal Divine Reformation advancing happily The 10th Year The 10th Month. The 10th Four VVeeks The 10th Twenty eight Days 70. And Babylon the Great which from the fall of Adam the Tower of Babel and Confusion of Languages hath been propagated through all Men came in Rememberance before God as it also happened at the Building of the Tower of Babel to give unto her the Cup of the VVine of the fierceness of his wrath by the Universal Destruction of all Confusions and Falsities all divided Languages being reduc'd to that one which was lost in the Adamical and Babylonish Confusion 71. And every Island of particular Government and Worship with estrangement from others fled away nothing but the Universal Truth being now promoted in all places at the command of God and the Mountains of opposing and resisting Powers were not found because God by his Wars did root out all that were disobedient 72. And there fell a great Hail of the wrath of God of the weight of a Talent out of Heaven not from Humane Instruments stirr'd up in the Wrath of God upon the Men who were disobedient to Gods Commands and the Men blasphemed God like unto Pharaoh and the Israelites in the Wilderness because of the Plague of the Hail for the Plague thereof was exceeding great as being intollerable to Adamical Men and indeed the heaviest of all Plagues which the Holy Spirit in other places of Scripture hath more largely declared and discovered 73. For when it shall be fulfilled and they were both cast into the Lake of Fire burning with Brimstone then also will that be fulfilled which is here spoken concerning the great Hail and soon after also will be fulfilled that which is spoke concerning the Devil and he bound him a thousand years which most desirable time will put an end to all Plagues 74. The Sixth Plague shall destroy the Papal Antichrist who hath already reigned above a Thousand years by succession the last of which shall then kill himself but the Seventh Plague shall cast the Personal Antichrist of whom the Papists have more knowledge than the Reformed bating their Preiudices in favour of their own Antichrist alive together with his false Prophet into the Lake of Brimstone during a Thousand years who because there are only a few months allotted for his reign is no other than covertly hinted at in Scripture under the notion of the Roman Antichrist 75. Hear these things O Reformed House of Israel and Juda and wonder at or rather ponder your blindness for you will find that this my Explication of the Sixth and Seventh Vial doth so much agree and harmonize with the Writings of the Modern Divinely Inlightned Prophets Wisemen and Scripture-learned that you will be forced whether ye will or no to confess that they have left us and you a more particular Explication and a fuller and clearer Revelation of the Revelation which they received from God 76. My dear Brethren hitherto you have been mistaken in your blind Zeal and being loaded with Prejudices have rejected those who were sent to you from God should you go on to do so against your Conscience and Knowledge how dangerous would it prove to your Souls 77. O Lutheran Israel God was pleased to send to thee at one time three Men who were furnished by the Holy Ghost far beyond thy comprehension with the true Gift of Prophecy Wisdom and Scripture-learning the Prophet was Kotterus the Wise-man Behmen the Scripture-learned Engelbrecht whom thou hast regarded as Israel of Old did the Messengers which were sent unto them to thine own great damage Hast thou despised them despise them so no more seeing them to be sent by God but think them worthy your serious reading again and again and amend your Errors and Antichristianisms as you are commanded by God in them and others of their fellow servants 78. And thou House of Juda God hath chosen thee in thy King Frederick the Fifth with whom he might take his delight speaking all those things concerning a Man of the Fifth Reformed Church individually which were to happen to the whole Reformed Church under the Sixth and Seventh Vial and again concerning a Man of the Antichristian Church Ferdinand the Second revealing all things contrary Hath thy Ignorance hindered thee from understanding this Now understand it examining them diligently whom hitherto because of the riddle of their Prophetick
to receive the day of Truth as ye have been to admit the darkness of your most Antichristian Prejudices 46. The Manly Age of the Calvinists who are so hateful to you will shew you that you are the Youthful Age of the Reformed Church and will unteach you your hatred caused by the envy of the Devil Luther the Angel of the fourth Vial was the Plague of the Pope of Rome throughout all the German Empire and the several Kingdoms belonging to it whilst he lived and dying will be the death of that Son of Perdition in the three following Angels 47. For the fifth Angel poured forth by JOHN CALVIN his Vial not only rejecting the Pope but likewise all Papal Ceremonies Images Rites and Institutions upon the Throne of the Beast France being the inheritance of the most Christian King and Eldest Son of the Pope and where for 74 years together the Pope kept his residence And his Kingdom was darkened because of the Parisian Massacre and the Kings terrible end and they gnawed their Tongues because of the unhappy success of the accursed League for pain for the fruitless pains they had taken because the Blood of the Martyrs did make the Church to grow and thrive the better And they blasphemed the God of Heaven when they saw the Progress the Reformation made in the Low Countreys upon their revolting from the King of Spain because of their pains taken in the Spanish Inquisition and Tyranical Government and their sores of so many overthrows received from the persecuted French and Dutch And they repented not because they did not attribute these signal instances of the Divine Vengeance unto God of their Works their Persecutions Massacres and Cruelties committed under pretence of defending the Christian Faith 48. Sure enough the Church of the fifth Vial was arrived to Mans estate which grew up under the pressure of such horrid Persecutions and was never purer than when it counted most Martyrs It was this Church held forth most lively instances of Patience and Humility and is therefore to be praised before others for her Strength and Fortitude though at the same time to be blamed also before others because of her immoderation in the point of the Divine Predestination and Call to Salvation For this only Error so big with many gross Errors was that dangerous Rock which whilst the Luh●eran Church endeavours to avoid she was driven upon that most Antichristian hatred against Calvin and the Reformed Church for his sake forgetting Christian Charity and Brotherly kindness wherein this later Church far excelled her 49. The greatest Error of all the Reformed Churches hath is and will be the vain perswasion whereby they think themselves happy in the knowing and owning of this or that Article and that all who do not know oppose or condemn the same are damned 50. Know O Man It is not Knowledge can make thee Blessed nor Ignorance that can damn thee but a Righteous or Unrighteous Life the former of which consists in loving of God and your Neighbour the other in hating them What if it pleased God to try thee O Lutheran Church with this Error whether thou wouldst prefer the Life and Love of Christ before subtle Disputing about Opinions How wilt thou blush at the last Judgment when thou shalt see many condemned whom thou hast blessed and many blessed whom thou hast condemned These are no slight words but well worth your serious consideration 51. But as for you O Calvinists or if you would rather Reformed quicken your Attentions open your Understandings that you may see your Error in its very root St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans saith We know that all things work together for good to them that love God even to those who are called according to his purpose For whom he did fore know he also did praeterminate to be conformed to the Image of his Son that he might be the first-born amongst many Brethren Now whom he did praeterminate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified 52. The Apostle saith well Whom he did fore-know them he also did praeterminate placing Gods Fore-knowledge before his Praetermination not whom he did praeterminate them he also fore-knew putting Praetermination before Fore-knowledge as ye Calvinists do when you expound this place not understanding the infinite difference there is between the one and the other Again These words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are thus to be rendered Whom he did fore-know them he also did praeterminate and the Compilers of Dictionaries seduce us when they render the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 praedecrevit antedecrevit he hath or did fore-decree And when they render the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which properly signifies praeterminavit he did preterminate improperly praedecrevit praefinivit praedestinavit he did or hath praedecreed praedeterminate praedestinate and have in so doing made way for this gross popular Error 53. For this Fore-knowledge and Praetermination of the most high God is the most just Ballance wherein your common Error is weighed for hence it appears that God did fore-know us from Eternity and from this fore-knowledge did praeterminate all of us but not praeterminate us that he might fore-know us It is certain that in God Fore-knowledge and Praetermination are beyond all Humane Comprehension together and at once but not so in us in whom Fore-knowledge and Praetermination are two different things as all Humane Actions are God fore-knew the fall of Adam and from this Fore-knowledge he did praeterminate the whole Work of Redemption but God did not praeterminate the Fall of Adam that from this praetermination he might fore-know the whole work of Redemption which is contrary both to Scripture and Nature 54. These few words if you have rightly understood me my most dear Brethren do unanswerably determine all your Controversies about this Matter neither do they ascribe or prescribe any thing to Man because all stands most freely in the will of God and yet do not destroy Mans free-will neither Hence will appear how unprofitable and idle a thing your reason is by which you have endeavoured to deduce Gods Eternal Decree from the Scriptures especially from the Writings of St. Paul and will be a burning light to dispel your own and your Brethrens darkness with which ye have plagued your selves and others and thereby cast your selves into the greatest dangers 55 Ye have shewed your selves to be of Manly Age O Calvinists by your adding weight to the Youthful Age of Reformation and by being Authors of the last General Sect but at the same time you have also had Manly Vices whereby you have out vied those who were before you 56. You have had the Synod of Dort where the Churches of Britain the Palatinate Brandenburgh Hassia Zuitzerland Wetteravia Geneva Bremen and Embden beheld the Unity of the Belgick Churches but such a Unity as was not yet pure but stained with many Antichristian Proceedings