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A26260 Scripture-prophecies opened which are to be accomplished in these last times, which do attend the second coming of Christ : in several letters written to Christian friends / by E. Avery. Avery, E. (Elizabeth) 1647 (1647) Wing A4272; ESTC R2586 37,649 53

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from another but they make up the fulnesse of God and so this full God shall be manifested in the flesh of those Saints who shall live to the state of perfection and so the resurrection of this corporal body or flesh and blood as well in a spiritual sense as literal cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither can corruption inherit incorruption and so the Apostle saith Behold I shew you a mystery we shall not all die but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump and in Isai it is called the great trump that shall sound and then the dead in Christ rise concerning which I have spoken in another place So you see that these Scriptures do not concern the resurrection of the body after death which death cannot properly be said to be death in that the body is called a Tabernacle now a Tabernacle cannot be said to die onely it is dissolved as the Apostle saith When this earthly tabernacle shall be dissolved we have a house not made with hands but eternal in the heavens And so natural death may be looked on as when a man puts off his clothes when he goes to rest and the Apostle could desire not to be unclothed that is to put off this natural body but rather to live unto that time when the Saints shall be clothed upon and mortality swallowed up of life And so likewise the Scripture speaking of Christ calls his fl●sh a vail saying the vail which was his flesh And so the natural body is onely a vail and when this vail which is the flesh is put off then man may be said to die and then this vail which is the body returns to the earth and the spirit returns to God that gave it Now this shews that the reasonable soul which is in all mankinde is God himself who is in a wicked man as well as in the Saints as the Apostle speaking to the Athenians comprehends them amongst the off-spring of God Acts 17. 28 29. when he saith Forasmuch then as we are the off-spring of God we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver Now though God may be said to be in a wicked man Christ is not in any but those that are Christ's those who are the sons and daughters of God Almighty in whom God is manifested in the flesh however the Saints stand in the same relation to God their Father before the time of this glorious manifestation as the Apostle saith We are the sons of God but it doth not appear what we shall be but when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is and when to us a childe is born to us a son is given the government shall be upon his shoulder and in Revel. 12. that manchilde which is brought forth as he is caught up to God and to his throne so likewise he is to rule all nations with a rod of iron Now this Son in Isai. 9. and this Man-childe in Revel. 12. and he that sits on the white horse in Revel. 19. 11. who is called Faithful and True I say that which is spoken of in these Scriptures concerning Christ it is to be applied to every particular Saint who are comprehended in the number of those that overcome Revel. 2. 20. where it is said He that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end to him will I give power over the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to pieces even as I have received of my Father and I will give unto him the bright morning-Star So likewise Psal. 2. which speaks of that power which is given to the Saints which is confined unto those which shall overcome which shall sit down with Christ in his throne as in Revel. 3. 21. where it is said To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father on his throne Now when it is thus with the Saints Christ ceaseth to be a Mediatour in that the Saints are invested into the kingdom and so declared mightily to be the sons of God by the resurrection from the dead and so have overcome hell and death being risen with Christ as in Hos. 6. 2 3. and 13. 14. I will ransome them from the power of the grave I will redeem them from death O death I will be thy plague O grave I will be thy destruction Now this ransome is an overcoming in that it is said in the Revelation that the Saints did overcome by the word of God and the testimony of Jesus which is done in the glorious manifestation of Jesus Christ and so we are in a capacity to keep the works of God unto the end Now this may be understood divers ways concerning which I cannot speak at present But when the Saints shall thus overcome they shall sit down with Christ in his throne even as he overcame and sate down in his Fathers throne Now this Kingdom of Christ is distinct from the former which was the Kingdom of Christ in the flesh a Kingdom of Forms a power over us but this Kingdom throws down all forms and power over us and all powers that were over us also in respect of the Ordinances which vanish away when this Kingdom doth begin and so likewise this Kingdom shall throw down all powers on earth Dan. 2 44. speaking there of the last powers it is said In the days of these Kings shall the God of heaven set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdom shall not be left to another people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these Kingdoms and stand for ever Dan. 7 27 it is said The kingdom and dominion and the greatnesse of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey him which is the fulnesse of God which comprehends all the Saints departed which shall be manifested in fl●sh which is that resurrection spoken of as before Now this Kingdom which I have formerly spoken of is begun in Babylon Now here I have made a digression from the matter in hand in that I must follow God but now I am returned again and so accordingly I shall speak further concerning these particulars according as God shall give in which is concerning the state of the body after natural death Now we all know as the tree falls so it lieth and never riseth again as to live and that seed which is sown it dieth and ceaseth to be as it was that same body never appeareth And so when man dieth his body returneth unto the earth as in Ecclesiastes and Gen. 3. 19 where it is said In the sweat of thy brows theu shalt eat bread
he is truth Unto this I answer There is more excellency in the Saints then in the Truth I will instance in some particulars Our Saviour in Matthew speaking concerning the doctrine of the Pharisees who taught that if any did swear by the Temple it was nothing but whosoever sware by the gold of the Temple offended ye fools saith he for whether is greater the gold or the temple which sanctifieth the gold So by this we see that the Saints are more excellent then the Truth they are the temples of the living God the sons and daughters of God Almighty who do partake of the same nature union love and glory as Christ our Saviour our Head and Elder Brother Joh. 17. from vers. 21. unto the end From the Scripture it doth clearly appear that the Saints are more excellent then the Truth it self But I would not be mistaken for I do not speak here of Truth as God is said to be Truth nor dare I speak of it as Christ is called the Word of God as in Joh. 1. 1. Joh. and Revel. But I speak of Truth as it is held forth by the ministery of man in Babylon which appeareth most glorious unto to the carnal sense being held forth by men of learning and parts which shall fall in the fall of Babylon So my dear friend I have followed God in making forth that which he is pleased to convey by me as his instrument to whom I acknowledge all for here is no flesh to glory in his presence for it is none of mine the Lord knows And with this I shall close up desiring the Lord will manifest himself unto you in discovering those things which are hidden from the world who when they think of peace and safety the day of the Lord comes upon them as a thief in the night But I may say of you as the Apostle did of the Thess●lonians You brethren are not in darknesse that so that day should come upon you as a thief you are the children of the day we are not of the night nor of darknesse therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober And that must we do to whom the Lord is pleased to discover himself in making us to know that which is hidden unto others we dare not sleep nor be silent but stand upon our watch-tower as to wait for further discovery so to make known that which God hath revealed already And so here I shall close up committing you to God and to the power of his grace who will manifest himself more then ever in making his to know that now which hath been hidden from the beginning of the world And so wishing all happinesse in the Lord I shall ever remain yours in the greatest engagements An Addition Now having spoken concerning the spiritual meaning of the feet and toes spoken of Dan. 2. and likewise as God hath enabled me I have answered to some Objections yet upon further consideration there remain others unto which by the help of God I shall give answer Object 1. In the first place then How I can make it appear that the feet and toes of the great Image is one State How can it be confined to that Parliament of England which is come to confusion for it is evident the Scripture speaks of divers Kings which are the feet and toes for it is said in the last days of these Kings speaking of the last powers which is the feet and toes that the God of heaven shall set up a Kingdom Unto this I answer that if we wrest the Prophesies to the Letter the feet and toes appear to be divers Kings even ten in number answering to the ten horns that support the beast Dan. 7. and Rev. 13. Howsoever we have no warrant from the Scripture for any such interpretation the Scripture being altogether silent there is an interpretation given of the rest of the four Monarchs but for the Monarchical power which is in the mixture of the feet and toes there is no interpretation given but its own acts which the Scripture mentions in Dan. 2. 7 8 11. Now in the Letter the four Monarchies spoken of Dan. 2. which was first the King of Babylon the head of gold and so the other three Monarchies successively as the Scripture speaketh it needs no interpretation because it is clear in the letter but howsoever all Prophecies must have a spiritual interpretation for if it should be confined to the letter there would follow great absurdities because when the feet of the great Image are broken the iron and clay brasse silver gold falls all together and becomes as the chaff of the summer-floor whereas it is well known that the Babylonian Monarchy and the other two following are fallen the last is fallen in good part before the feet and toes are broken which in the letter are said to be broken in the first place by the stone which is cut out of the mountain And so it is clear that the great Image spoken of Dan. 2. is to be understood otherwise then we have formerly and certainly it will appear to be that Image of Babel that the Lord will visit Jerem. 51. 47 52 Now the Image or Images of Babylon are not to be understood in the letter that is such things as we count Images for they are not capable of visiting or punishing but is to be understood in a spiritual sense and so whatsoever is spoken here in Dan. 2. concerning this great Image whose head was of gold and his brest and arms of silver is to be accomplished in mystical Babylon and so in the first place the head of this great Image which is of gold doth concern the spiritual excellencies which do appear in mystical Babylon in respect of the glorious truths which have been held forth by the Saints but in confusion which is Babylon Jer. 51. where it is said that Babylon hath been as a golden cup in the Lords hand the nations have drunken of her wine therefore do the nations rage and it is evident that Babylon in the Saints which is the head of gold is lifted up very high in respect of those unspeakable comforts that the Saints have in the apprehension of the truth which is held forth by Babylon in that it is said How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer son of the morning Isai. 14. Now having spoken of Babylon in the Saints which is the head of gold now I shall speak of Babylon in the Ordinance which may be very fitly compared to the brest and arms of the great Image which are of silver I speak of the Ordinances which are held forth in the purest manner even those which are most agreeable to the letter of the Word even that element that melts with fervent heat which is a degree below Babylon in the Saints which is the head of gold But now it may be objected How can the brest and arms which are of silver signifie
speaks most of the conversion of the Jews speaks by the spirit of prophecie and sure the Prophets and Apostles though they spake by the inspiration of the Spirit yet they did see no further then the accomplishment of the Prophecies in the letter in that the spiritual meaning was shut up until the end of time as in Dan. 12. You shall finde that when the Apostle had spoken at large concerning the calling of the Jews Rom. 11. when he had spoken all which God had revealed by the Spirit he breaks forth in ●o admiration O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgements and his ways past finding out And so when we read in Scripture concerning the calling of the Jews it must of necessity be confined to the Israel of God not Israel in the flesh but the Israel according to election who are the children of God according to the promise which consist both of Jews and Gentiles for the Apostle saith Rom. 3 that he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that Circumcision which is Circumcision in the flesh but Circumcision is of the heart not of the letter whose praise is not of man but of God And the Apostle saith likewise All are not Israel which are of Israel but in Isaac shall thy seed be called So the children of the promise are counted for the seed And in Rom. 11. it is said that the election have attained what they sought for but the election have attained it and the rest were hardened But and if you will needs have it to be the Nation of the Jews which shall be converted it cannot be the natural Jews because they are mixt amongst the Heathens Why then it must needs be a Jew according to profession Why then if it be so we see a good part of the Jews by profession converted to the Faith already and the Lord will make a short work in the earth For do you not see many of the Israel of God which have been under the bondage of the Law in entering into Church-fellowship and do not we see that God does begin to discover unto them their errour in thinking that they were under the Gospel and so possest of the substance but now they finde unto their sorrow that it was but a shadow in that it vanished away But howsoever the comfort is the Lord does begin to pour upon the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of prayer and supplication and though they are in sadnesse in the consideration of what they have done and so look upon him whom they have pierced and shall be in bitternesse for him as one that is in bitternesse for his onely son and in that day there shall be great mourning in Jerusalem as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddo as in Zech. 12. from vers. 10. to the end but though I say it be thus with the Saints at present there is a joyful day at hand when the Lord shall return their Captivity as the rivers in the South And so whatsoever is spoken concerning the return of the children of Israel out of Captivity it is to be understood of Israel in the spirit And whereas the Scripture speaks in the Revelation of the Tribes which are to be sealed it is to be understood likewise in this sense Now as for the judgement that is given unto the Saints the glorious state of the Church it consists most of all in respect of spirituals though I do not deny but that there shall be a temporal power which is begun already for the Kingdom is begun even here in Babylon among the implacable enemies of God as in Dan. 2. Mic. 4. Now I do joyn with the Saints in this their judgement though I must go further for it will appear that though the Kingdom is begun in Babylon yet it shall not stand in Babylon which is Confusion but it is clear that God will gather his people out of Babylon for divers Reasons The first is Because they are to be distinguished from other people in that God will appear in them in glory which cannot be here in Babylon in that the Saints here are as black as pots they are the off-scowring of all things they are vile in name and sore in affliction even as Christ when he was on earth but when he shall appear we shall appear with him in glory and certainly the whole earth shall be full of the salvation of the Lord his holy arm in delivering his people which cannot be until he shall gather us from amongst our enemies and so go before us himself Now another Reason is why God will gather his people from all places whither they have been led captive Because the Saints cannot sing the Song of Moses and the Lamb until the Lord hath given a full deliverance to his Church and brought them into the wildernesse spoken of in Hos. 2. 14. And sure the Lord hath denounced to bring utter destruction on Babylon which assuredly shall come to passe and the Lord can do nothing in this kinde until he have gathered his people out from amongst them Now the Scriptures to prove the gathering away of the Saints out of Babylon and the utter destruction that follows are Isai. the 13 14 50 51 and 52 Chap. Revel. 18. Now the Scriptures which do speak of the wildernesse that the Lord will gather his people into when they are delivered out of Babylon are likewise many in which wildernesse though there shall be nothing in sight in respect of spirituals and temporals yet the glory of Lebanon shall be brought into it and the fruitfulnesse of Carmel Now this wildernesse which is prophesied of that shall be a receptable to the Saints it was never yet accomplished in the letter and therefore we do verily expect to have it accomplished both in the letter and in a spiritual sense Now it is not needful for me to speak any thing concerning this wildernesse for the Scripture it self is so clear that he that runs may read it The Scriptures to prove are these Isai. 51. 1 2. Isa. 43. from vers. 4. to the 12. Isai. 35. thorowout Isa. 51. 3. Isa. 48. 20. Hos. 2. from vers. 14. to the end Rev. 12. Ezek. 34. Isai. 34. from vers. 20. to the end Now I had thought to close up this Discourse that concerns the wildernesse-condition which we do expect God will gather his Church into when he shall separate them from Babylon which is to be understood as well literally as spiritually But seeing it is so incredible a thing to the Saints I conceive they will have but little minde to compare the Scriptures which speak of such a condition And therefore since it is the will of God to call me forth to make it forth more clearly I do here gladly follow him In the first place you may take notice of three particular estates which shall befal