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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A40180 An exhortation to all people to pureness, cleanness, and holiness, and faithfulness to the Lord by G.F. Fox, George, 1624-1691. 1685 (1685) Wing F1815; ESTC R30368 6,585 14

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AN EXHORTATION TO All People TO Pureness Cleanness and Holiness and Faithfulness to the Lord. By G. F. LONDON Printed by John Bringhurst 1685. Here you may see who they are that dwell with everlasting Burning in Gods Tabernacle and Holy Mountain who not DAvid saith Who shall ascend into the Hill of the Lord And who shall stand in his holy place David answers and saith He that hath clean Hands and a pure Heart who hath not lift up his Soul unto Vanity nor sworn deceitfully he shall receive the Blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his Salvation and this is the Generation of them that seek the Lord Psal 24. So here is a Generation of clean Hands and a pure Heart that ascends into the Hill of the Lord and stands in his holy place And Isaiah saith Who amongst us shall dwell with devouring Fire Who among us shall dwell with everlasting Burnings And Isaiah answers his Questions and saith He that walketh righteously and speaketh Uprightly he that despiseth the Gain of Oppression that shakeeth his Hands from holding of Bribes that stoppeth his Ears from hearing of Blood and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil he shall dwell on high his place of Defence shall be the Munition of Rocks Bread shall be given him his Water shall be sure thine Eyes shall see the King in his Beauty c. and thine Eyes shall see a Tabernacle that shall not be taken down not one of the Stakes thereof shall ever be removed c. Isai 33. Here you may see who they are that can dwell with devouring Fire and everlasting Burning and yet shall not be Burned nor Devoured David saith Lord who shall abide in thy Tabernacle And who shall dwell in thy holy Hill David answers his Questions and saith He that walketh Uprightly and worketh Righteousness and speaketh the Truth in his Heart he that backbiteth not with his Tongue nor doth evil to his Neighbour nor taketh up a reproach against his Neighbour in whose eyes a vile Person is condemned but he Honoureth them that fear the Lord c. He that taketh not a reward against the Innocent he that doth these things shall never be removed but shall abide in the Tabernacle of the Lord and dwell in his holy Hill Psal 15. But the Ungodly are not so but are like the Chaff which the wind driveth away therefore the Ungodly shall not stand in Judgment namely Righteous Judgment and Sinners shall not stand in the Congregation of the Righteous The Mountain of the house of the Lord shall be establisht above all the Mountains and exhalted above all the Hills and doth not the Lord here teach his People his Righteous and Holy Ways Paths to walk in as in Isai 2. Micah 4. And the Stone that smote the Great Image of Gold of Silver of Brass and Iron and Clay that they became like Chaff of the Summer Threshing Floors and the Wind carryed them away that no place was found for them and the Stone that smote this Great Image became a Great Mountain and filled the whole Earth Dan. 2.45 Is not this Stone that becomes a Great Mountain that filleth the whole Earth Christ Jesus and so through him the Kingdomes of the World become the Kingdomes of Christ Here you may see this Stone or Mountain that filleth the whole Earth will dash to Pieces and grind to Powder all that is not of it's Holy and Pure Nature and with its Holy Divine Nature fill the whole Earth The Lord saith They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my Holy Mountain Isai 11. and is not this Holy Mountain Christ who destroyeth the Devil and his Works the Destroyer And them that take hold of my Covenant saith the Lord even them will I bring to my Holy Mountain c. Isai 56.6 7. and Chap. 2.2 And he that putteth his trust in me saith the Lord shall inherit my Holy Mountain Isa 57.13 For thus saith the High and Lofty One that inhabits Eternity whose Name is Holy I dwell in the High and Holy Place with him also that is of a Contrite and Humble Spirit to revive the Spirit of the Humble and to revive the Heart of the Contrite Ones Isa 57.15 Therefore is it not good to wait upon the Lord and trust in him Concerning such as eat up Gods people like Bread and such as make Idols and Images and worship them are without the true Understanding and are Fools that hate Knowledge and such as goe into Adultry and Uncleanness are void of the Wisdom of God and true Understanding and Gods Fury is upon all such as do not call upon his Name DAvid saith Have all the workers of Iniquity no knowledge who eat up my People as they eat Bread Psal 14.4 Here the workers of Iniquity as they eat Bread they eat up Gods People that is they devour them are not these Devourers Men-eaters And again in Psal 53.4 the Lord saith The workers of Iniquity eat up my People like Bread But God did give his People Corn from Heaven and Man did eat Angels Food Psal 78.24 25. And David said The Wicked even mine Enemies and my Foes came upon me to eat up my Flesh they stumbled and fell Psal 27.2 Here you may see these Wicked Men-eaters and Enemies of the Righteous stumbled and fell when they came to eat up the Flesh of the Righteous so they fell short of their devouring Prey Psal 27.2 Solomon saith Whoso committeth Adultery with a Woman lacketh Understanding he that doth it destroyeth his own Soul a wound and a dishonour shall he get and his reproach shall not be wiped away Prov. 6.32 33. And they that want Understanding the Wicked Woman draweth in but he knoweth not that the Dead are there and that her Guests are in the Chambers of Hell Prov. 9.16 to the end And therefore Job saith The fear of the Lord that is Wisdom and to depart from Evil is Understanding Job 28.28 And Solomon saith He that is slow to Wrath is of a great Understanding but he that is hasly of Spirit exhalteth Folly Prov. 14.29 And Understanding is a well spring of Life to him that hath it Prov. 16.22 But the Man that wandereth out of the way of Understanding shall remain in the Congregation of the Dead Prov. 21.16 Evil Men understand not Judgment Prov. 28.5 And the strange Woman deceiveth the simple Ones Youth who are void of Understanding her house is the way to Hell going down to the Chambers of Death Prov. 7. And therefore it is good to keep and walk in the Spirit of Understanding by which you may depart from Evil and keep out of the Snare of the Whore and the Congregation of the Dead And the Lord said concerning the Jews that had rebelled against his Spirit My People are foolish they have not known me they are sottish Children they have no Understanding they are wise to do Evil but to do good they have no Knowledge
and Spirit in the days of wicked Ahab and Jezabel who set up their Idolatry and Persecuted and Killed the Lords People and did not the Lord sh●t up Heaven that they had no Rain nor Dew for Three Years and Six Months in the Land of Israel as in Luke 4.25 1 Kings 17. And you may see in Rev. 18. what Plagues and Famine and Judgments the Lord poureth upon the False Church Mystery Babylon the Great Whore that hath Whored from the Spirit of Christ and killed the Lords Prophets and drunk the Blood of the Saints and Martyrs who sat as a Queen but Plagues and Judgments and Famine and Destruction is their end with the Dragon Beast and False Prophets and their Followers And therefore let all be warned that rebel against the Spirit of God and so turn from the Lord into Sin and Wickedness such cannot expect to escape these Plagues and Judgments that God and his Prophets Christ and his Apostles have pronounced against them in the Holy Scriptures of Truth Concerning such as overcome the Beast and Dragon and Whore and False Prophet Rev. 11.7 THe Beast shall overcome the Two Witnesses of God and kill them Rev. 13.7 And the Beast shall make war with the Saints and overcome them Rev. 17.17 But the Lamb shall overcome the Beast and his Followers Rev. 13.21 And Christ saith to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his Throne Rev. 12.11 And the Saints overcame the Dragon by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of their Testimony and they loved not their Lives to the Death Rev. 2.26 27. And he that overcometh and keepeth my words unto the end to him will I give power over the Nations saith Christ and he shall rule them with a Rod af Iron as the Vessels of a Potter shall they be broken to shivers even as I received of my Father and I will give him the Morning Star Rev. 2.7 To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the Paradice of God Rev. 2.10 11. And be thou faithful unto Death and I will give thee a Crown of Life and he that overcometh shall not be hurt with the second Death Rev. 3.5 And he that overcometh the same shall be cloathed in White Rayment and I will not blot his Name out of the Book of Life but I will confess his Name before my Father and before his Angels Rev. 3.21 And him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his Throne Rev. 2.17 And him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden Manna and will give him a white Stone and in the Stone a New Name written which no Man knoweth saving he that receiveth it Rev. 3.10 And Christ saith thou hast kept the word of my Patience I will keep thee from the Hour of Temptation which shall come upon all the World to try them that dwell upon the Earth Rev. 3.13 And him that overcometh will I make a Pillar in the Temple of my God and he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of my God and the Name of the City of my God and I will write upon him my New Name Rev. 21.7 And he that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my Son But the Dragon and the Beast the False Prophet and their Followers and the False Church that maketh war with the Lamb and the Church of Christ the Saints these say that there is no overcoming of them while they live upon the Earth but the Beast False Prophets and the Whore and the Dragon must have the Victory and the Lamb and the Saints must not have the Victory and the Kingdomes of the World must not become the Kingdomes of Christ this is the Beast and the Whore and the False Prophets and the Old Dragons the Devils and Satans False Doctrine but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the Victory over them all Isaac said that when Esau had broken Jacobs Yoke from off his Neck then Esau should have the dominion and this Isaac spoke by Prophecy in Gen. 27.40 and was fulfilled in Jehorams days 2 Chron. 21.4 5 8. For then the Edomites made themselves a King and this Jehoram compelled Judah to his False Worship and to forsake Gods Worship 2. Chron. 21.11 David saith O Lord preserve my Life from the fear of the Enemy and hide me from the secret Council of the Wicked and from the Insurrection of the workers of Iniquity who whet their Tongue like a Sword and bend their Bowes to shoot their Arrowes even bitter words Psal 64.2 3. THE END