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A44096 The principles of Christian religion in twenty questions and answers whereunto is added, a compendious history of the most memorable passages of Holy Scripture by way of questions and answers, for the use and benefot of the inhabitants of the parish of Wotton in Oxford shire. By John Hoffman B.D. minister of Gods Word. Hoffman, John, b. 1601 or 2. 1653 (1653) Wing H2348; ESTC R215272 23,157 80

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read of the other five being the last Kings of Israel 1 A. Shallum reigned one Month and is slaine by Menhaem 2 Menhaem reigned ten years and oppressed his Subjects by taxes 3 Pekaiah his sonne reigned two years and is killed by Pekah a Captaine of his Army 4 Pekah is killed by Hosheah 5 In Pekah and Hoshea's daies Israell is carried away captive to Babylon and thus ended the Kingdome of Israel The First and Second Bookes of CHRONICLES Q. 1. VVhy are these Books so called 1 A. Because in these are recorded many memorable things from Adam to those times 2 Because therein are contained some Histories of the Kings of Israel and Juda. EZRA Q. 1. WHat is the summe of this Book 1 A. How the Jewes after 70 yeares captivity returned by command from the Emperour Cyrus into Judea and set up againe the Temple and Worship of God in lerusalem and built the City 2 Ezra the High Priest being also returned taught the People the Law of Moses and caused all that had married outlandish woemen to send their Wives and Children away from them because Jesus Christ being to come of the Tribe of luda God would have a holy seed prelerved 3 Old people seeing the new Temple and City and remembring the Glory of the old wept because nor so glorious and sttately as was that built by Solomon but they are told by the Prophet that this latter Temple shall be far more glorious then the former because the Promised Messiah of the World should teach there in prison NEHEMIA Q WHAT is chiefly contained in this book A 1. Nehemiah a captive Jew and a great favorite of the Emperour Artaxerxes hath leave and meanes granted him to returne to his own Country and to set forward the building of the Citty and Temple in Jerusalem 2. Being returned he is much opposed in the worke by Tobia and Sanballat yet protected of God the people being constrained to worke with one hand and to hold a sword in the other 3 He did much for Gods worship and for his Countryes good HESTER Q WHAT is the summe of this book A 1 How Hester a poore jewish captive maid is preferred to be Queen and Empresse to the Emperour Ahashuexus after that the former Queene Vasthy was deposed for refusing to come to the King when he sent for her to shew her beauty to the Nobles being then assembled at a great feast the emperour had made for them which feast lasted 180 dayes where none was compelled to drinke but every man left to his freedome 2 Haman a Noble man and a great favorite at that Court obtained a decree from the Emperour to kill all the people of God the Jewes in one day because Mardochy the Jew would not bow the knee before him 3 How Gods wonderfull providence wrought for their deliverance and preservation by the care and prayer and fasting of Mardochy and of Queen Hester 4 How Hamans intended mischeife is discovered to the King at a feast and prevented and how Haman was hanged on the same Gallowes he had set up for Mardochy for which deliverance the lews kept a yearely feast called Purim or Lor. Q 2 Why would not Mardochy how to Haman A. Because Haman was by Nation an Amalekite which Nation was cursed of God and the Israelites were commanded to abhorre them Exod. 17.16 where Moses saith that God will have warre with Amalek from generation to generation JOB Q. 1. VVHat read we of Iob 1 A. That he was a very rich man and a very Godly man having seaven Sonnes and three Daughters and a very great houshold 2 God was pleased to give way to Satan to deprive him of all his Estate Children Friends and his health to trie his patience 3 Iobs behaviour under his wofull losse pain sorrow was exceeding comfortable full of Faith and patience blessing God for all 4 Some of his old friends came to visit and to comfort him in his distresse endeavouring to convince him that God plagued him for some notorious sinne as for hypocrisy or the like whereupon followeth a sharpe and a witty dispute between them The Question was whether Iob suffered for hypocrisy His friends affirme it and ordered all their discourses accordingly Iob denies it and maintaines his integrity At last God himselfe is the Moderator between them Iob is justified and his friends condemned and Iob must pray God to forgive their mistakes Q. 2. What was the event and issue of Iobs triells A. The issue was most comfortable for 1 He recovered his former health and strength 2 God blessed him with a greater worldly estate then he had at first 3 God gave him as many Children as he had before 4 He lived 140 yeares after his troubles dyed The Book of PSALMES The 1. Question WHat say you of the Book of Psalmes 1 This Book of Psalmes is one of the most excellent Books of holy Scripture wonderfully fitted for all mens occations whether in adversity or in prosperity 2 It is thought by the Learned that Esdras collected these Psalmes and put them into this order we now read them in 3 Christians in former times were so in love with this Book that one while they would read it over every weeke another while every moneths 4 It is a Book full of prayers and thanksgivings seaven Psalmes are called penitentiall Psalmes because David composed them or some of them at a time when he repenced for his sinnes fit to be often read by us and they are these The 6 The 32 The 38 The 51 The 102 The 130 The 143 5 In times of sicknesse or other troubles read also The 25 Psalme The 39 The 88 The 22 The 44 with others 6 In times of prosperity when thou wouldest give God thankes for a blessing received read or ling The 19 Psalme The 65 The 103 The 104 The 107 with others 7 They are called the Psalmes of David because the Kingly Prophet David made most of them though not all for many Psalmes were made by other holy men after Davids death Christ and his Apostles doe often repeat things out of it This Book is very usefull for the weaker and more ignorant people PROVERBS ECCLESIASTES CANTICLES The 1. Question WHat say you of these three Bookes of Solomon 1 A. The Book of Proverbs containes much heavenly matter in few words every Chapter and sometimes every verse holding forth diverse Truths 2 In the Book of Ecclesiastes Solomon like a Preacher instructs us how to look after true blessednesse and convinces us that all things under the Sunne are vanity and vexation of Spirit and he is exceeding earnest with young folkes to serve God betimes 3 In the Canticles Solomon sets forth the mutuall and entire love betwixt Jesus Christ the Bridegroome and all Believers his spouse This Book is to be read with all Christian reverence and holy affections Wanton and filthy people are very unfit to Read this or any other part of holy writ
Jeroboam and two only to Solomons Sonne Q. 7. How many Kings raigned only over the two Tribes that were Kings of Judah A. The Kings of Judah were twenty whose names are these 1 Rehoboam 2 Abiam 3 Asa 4 Jehosophat 5 Jehoram 6 Ahaziah 7 Queen Athaliah 8 Joash 9 Amazia 10 Azariah called also Vzziah 11 Jotham 12 Ahaz 13 Hezekiah 14 Manasseh 15 Amon 16 Josiah 17 Jehoaaz 18 Jehoiachim 19 Jehoiakin 20 Zedekiah Q 8. How many Kings Raigned over the Ten Tribes of Israel A. The Kings over Israell were Nineteene and none of them good their names are these 1 Joroboam 2 Nadab 3 Baasha 4 Elah 5 Zimri 6 Omri 7 Ahab 8 Abaziah 9 Jehoram 10 Jehu 11 Jehoahaz 12 Jehoash 13 Jeroboam 14 Zachariah 15 Shallum 16 Menahem 17 Pekaiah 18 Pekah 19 Hoshea Q. 9. What is said of the first King of Juda Rehobean 1. A. He neglected the good Counsell of old men and so lost the greatest part of his Kingdome 2 For his sinnes and the sinnes of the land the King of Egypt came with an Army and robbed the Temple which Solomon had built and beautified 3 He dyed and was little lamented Q. 10. What is said of Abiam the second King of Ju●…s A. He was very wicked he Raigned but three years and died Q. 11. What canst thou say of Asa 1 A. He was a Godly King and reformed Religion 2 He prospered in his Warres against Baasha and against the Ethiopians 3 He and his Subjects entred into a strict Covenant to serve God according to his word 4 Two sinnes are laid to his charge 1 His unkindnesse to the Prophet Hanani 2 His looking more after Physitians then God 5 He fell sick of a disease in his feet and died Q. 12. What is said of Jehosaphat 1 A. He like his Father Asa maintained true Religion 2 He is blamed for keeping friendship with Ahah 3 He walked in the first wayes of David being zealous 4 He caused the Priests to goe from Towne to Towne to Catechise the people 5 In a time of Warre he seekes God and gets a great victory he Reigned gloriously and died peaceably Q 13. What is said of Jehoram A 1 He was wicked and Idolatrous for which he is reproved in a letter from the Prophet Eliah but he despised it 2 For his sinnes God smote him with an incurable dsease and paine in his bowells where of he dyed 3 His death was not lamented neither was he buried among the Kings of Juda. Q 14. What is said of Abaziah A He was a very wicked King he reigned but one yeare and going to see the King of Israel is slaine there by Jehu Q 15. What readest thou of Queen Athaliah A 1 She being the Queenes mother undertaks to reigne killeth all the Royall seed excepting one yong Prince Joash who was secretly carried away and preserved by his Aunt Jehoshebah the wife of Jehoiadah the high Priest 2 This Queene was afterwards slaine by the command of the high Priest and Joash the yong Prince succeded Q 16. What is said of Joash A 1 Joash is made King by Jehoiadah the high Priest and did well so long as this Priest lived taking great care for the repairing of the Temple 2 After the death of his Uncle the high Priest he groweth very wicked and being reproved by his Uncles sonne then the high Priest he caused him to be killed an ill requitall to his Uncle who had saved his life preferred him to the Crowne 3 Jehoiadah dying is buried among the Kings 4 Joash by a conspiracy is slaine by his Courtiers Q 17. What canst thou say of Amaziah A 1 He was a religious Prince and revenged his Fathers Murther 2 He challenged Jehoash King of Israel to fight with him but he is worsted by him 3 He hired souldiers out of Israel for an 100 shekells of silver but being advised by a Prophet to let these Souldiers goe backe againe to their own homes because they were wcked Idolaters he obeyed and is content to loose the mony God is able saith the Prophet to give thee much more then this mony commeth to 4 He fights with the Edomites and having conquered them worshippeth their ldole Gods for which beingreproved by a Prophet he continued obstinate and at last growing proud he is killed by a conspiracy Q 18. What read we of Azaria or Vzziah A 1 He was good King and reigned 52 yeares 2 He overcame the Philistians in Battell 3 He was a Lover of Husbandry and Cattell 4 At last he medling with the Priests Office he is smitten with leprosy and dyed Q 19. What is said of Jotham A There is little said of him only he executed his Fathers Kingly office after his Father was leprous Q 20. What is said of Ahaz A 1. He was very wicked the Scripture saith this is that Ahaz to shew the greatnesse of his sinnes and wickednesse he offered his sonne to the Idole Molech in the fire 2 He lost part of his Cuntery and hired the King of Assyria to helpe him against the Syrians 3 He put up an Idolatrous Alter after the forme of that he saw in Damascus and made great changes in Religion for the worse and dyed Q 21. What do we read of Hezekiah A 1 He was one of the best Kings of Juda and reformed Religion and brake the brazen serpent set up by Moses in the Wildernesse 2 He kept a stately passover and perswaded all his subjects to binde themselves by a vow to serve the Lord. 3 God delivered him and Jerusalem from the Army of Senacharth an Angell from Heaven fighting for them 4 He fell sick and upon his prayer God added 15 yeares to his life 5 He was a great builder and became exceeding famous 6 He offended God by shewing his Treasures on t of vaine glory to the Ambassadors of the King of Assyra and dyed Q 22. What is said of Manasseth A 1 He was one of the most wicked Idolatrous Kings of Juda and dealt with Devills and wizzards and spilt much innocent bloud 2 He is led away captive into Babylon and upon his repentance he is restored againe to his Kindome and dyed Q 23. What is said of Amon A He was very wicked and is slaine by his own servants in his house Q 24. What do we read of Josiah A 1 He was one of the best Kings of Juda and being very yong when his Father was slaine he was by the care of his Mother the high Priest religiously bred up 2 The Prophetesse Huldah foretells Gods Judgements upon the land and a Blessing upon him for humbling himselfe at the reading of the Law 3 He kept a most solemne Passover and destroyed the Idolatry of Juda and Israel 4 He goeth contrary to Gods command to war against Pharao Necho and is there unfortunately slaine whose death was lamented by all specially by the Prophet Jeremy Q 25. What is said of Jeboahaz A He is taken captive by
appeared to Joshuah as an armed man 5. The storming and taking of the Citty Jericho and the saving of Rahab the harlot 6. The trouble about the Citty Ai and Achan who was the cause of it 7. At Joshuas prayer the sunne stood still a whole day that Israell might have time to destroy the Kings of the Amorites in number 31. God throwing downe hailestons out of Heaven to destroy them 8. The land of Canaan is divided by Joshuah among Gods people 9. The two Tribes and halfe returne to their inheritance and the mistake about an Altar 10. Joshuahs farewell Oration or charge unto Israell to serve God according to his word and to beware of Idolatry 11. Ioshuas death and buriall JUDGES Q 1. WHy is this booke so called A Because it containeth the valiant Acts of the Judges of Israel whom God raised up after the death of Ioshuah to fight the Lords battells against the enemies of the Church Q 2. What are the names of those Iudges A 1 Othniel 2 Ehud 3 Shamgar 4 Doborah Barack 5 Gideon 6 Abimilech 7 Tola 8 Iair 9 Iephtha 10 Ibsan 11 Elon 12 Abdon 13 Sampson 14 Eli 15 Samuel Q 3. Which are the chiefe histories of this booke A 1 The history of Abdonibezek 2 Israels sad Apostasy from God to Idols 3 The memorable battle fought by Deborah and Barak against Sisera a heathen Generall who was slaine by Iael inher tent 4 The great deliverance given to Israel by Gideen 5 The wickednesse of Abimelech a Bastard 6 The history of Ieththa and his vow 7 Of Sampsons valour of his sinne and of his death 8 The sad history of the Benjamites about the Levites businesse RUTH WHAT is the summe and substance of this Booke 1 A. How Elimelech and his Wife Naomi with their two sonnes Malon and Chilion in a time of Famine left their own Country Canaan and sojourned in the land of Moab 2 Their two sonnes Married two Moabitish women Orpha and Ruth 3 Elimelech and his two sonnes dye in that Country 4 Naomi returnes to her own Country and Ruth will needs goe with her and did 5 They come to Bethlehem and Naomi so ordereth all things that Ruth is married to Boaz according to Moses Laws 6 Boaz hath a sonne by Ruth named Obed who was Grandfather to King David The First Book of SAMUEL The 1. Question VVHY are these Books called the Books of Samuel A. Not because Samuel wrote them but because it containeth the History of Samuels Life and Death who being an eminent Prophet and the last judge of Israel had done great service to Gods Church he by Gods appointment elected and Annointed the two first Kings of Israel These Books were written by some holy man who lived in those times Q. 2. What dost thou Read of Samuel 1 A. I read of his Birth and Education and of the care his good Mother Hannah took for him 2 Of his coming to the High-Priest Eli to serve under him 3 Of a sad Message Samuel brings to Eli from God for winking at his sonnes wickednesses 4 Of Samuels wisdome and care to judge Israel in his daies 5 Of his power with God in Prayer 6 Of his uncorrupt life death and buriall Q 3. What canst thou say of Eli the High Priest 1 A. How God punished him and his sonnes in one day 2 How in his daies the Arke of God was taken by the Philistins 3 The Philistins and others are terribly plagued for their curiosity in looking into the Ark. 4 God causes the very Enemies of the Church to restore the Arke with an Offering Q 4. What canst thou say of Saul 1 A. He was the first King over all Israell 2 He fought against the Ammonites and the Amalekites and had good successe but because he did not obey Gods command fully he was rejected 3 Israel in Sauls daies was much oppressed by the Philistins against whom God gave Jonathan a great victory 4 He takes David into his Court and giveeth him his Daughter Michall to Wife for killing Goliah 5 Saul wearieth himselfe in persecuting David 6 Saul being forsaken of God seeketh to a Wirch and presently upon that he and his sonnes are slaine in Battell by the Philistins upon Mount Gilboa The Second Book of SAMUEL Q. 1. WHat is chiefely set downe in this Book 1 A. That David was the Second King over Israel 2 His valiant Acts and household troubles 3 He endured much affliction which made him compose many sweet Psalmes 4 He lived among the Philistins in Ziglaik till the death of Saul 5 He is not pleased with the messengers o● Sauls death and the sad death of Isbbo●…shet but makes a lamentation for Sa●… and Ionathan 6 He is first made King in Hebron over Iudah and afterwards over all Israell and carried himselfe wisely in the busiesse of Abner and Ioah Q. 2. What canst thou farther say of David 1 A. How he took Jerusalem from the J●…busites and brought the Arke of God thether intending to build a Temple for Gods worship 2 He sinned grievosly against Vria for which he suffered much afterward of his own children Amon Thamar Absolom 3 He had many troubles besides with She●…ba Shimei and Ioab 4 His kindnesse to the Gibeonites in a f●r●… famine as also to Mephiboshet and Han●… King of Ammon 5 He is victorious every where all his enemies are subdued round about 6 He numbred the People and all Israel is plagued for it The First and Second Bookes of KINGS The 1. Question HOW many Kings raigned over all Israell A. Only three Saul David Solomon Q. 2. What is said in this Book of David 1 A. He commands his sonne Solomon to be made King and not Adoniah 2 He groweth weake in his old age giveeth his sonne Solomon most heavenly admonitions and directions dyeth and is royally buried Q 3. What is mentioned of Solomon 1 A. His behaviour towards Adoniah Ioab Abiathar and Shimei 2 His marriage with the Princesse of Egypt 3 His Prayer for Wisdome and the signes of his Wisdome Q 4. Wherein did Solomons Wisdome eminently appeare 1 A. In the judgement he gave 'twixt the dead and the living Child 2 In his Songs and Proverbs and Naturall Philosophy knowing the nature of most Creatures 3 In the government of his Court and Kingdome 4 In the building of Gods Temple in Jerusalem 5 By his prayer at the Dedication of the the Temple 6 By his entertainment of the Queene of Sheba Q 5. What evill dost thou read of Solomon 1 A. He had seaven hundred Wives and three hundred Concubines 2 He committed Idolatry by the inticement of his Idolatrous outlandish Wives 3 I read of Gods anger against Solomon testified by raising up Adversaries against him namely 1 Jeroboam his own servant 2 Hadad the King of Edom. 3 Rezon the King of Syria Q 6. What was done after Solomons death A. After that Solomon died and was buried the Kingdome was divided Ten Tribes adhered to