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A17808 Annales the true and royall history of the famous empresse Elizabeth Queene of England France and Ireland &c. True faith's defendresse of diuine renowne and happy memory. Wherein all such memorable things as happened during hir blessed raigne ... are exactly described.; Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. English. Book 1-3 Camden, William, 1551-1623.; Darcie, Abraham, fl. 1625.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1625 (1625) STC 4497; ESTC S107372 510,711 833

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extraordinarie propertie and disposition That frequent commerce with strangers brought into the Common-wealth strange maners and fashions of life and that Ladies Princesses by these Marriages in stead of augmenting their owne Kingdomes added to those of their Husbands submitted themselues and their Subiects to their commands and laid open to strangers the secrets of their Kingdoms That a strange Husband out of the naturall affection he bare to his owne Countrey would preferre his owne Subiects before the Subiects of England That England had no need of the helpe of any stranger beeing strong enough of it selfe to defend the Kingdome and the riches thereof and to repell any forraigne Force That the annexing of another Kingdome would breed but charge care and trouble and how Kingdomes as well as humane bodies fell many times by their owne waight That some alleadged in scorne of the Nobility That the Queene marrying within the Kingdome should somewhat impaire her Royall dignity whereas her Maiestie who by her vertue opened a way to rise vnto this Soueraigntie was extracted from Nobility and that yet there are some Nobles of the Royall Blood who are like Sprigs of the same Royall Branch or Arme and hereupon the Kings of England haue euer in their Letters honoured Dukes Marquisses Earles and Vicounts with this Title of Cousins In the meane while the Earle of Sussex taking his Iourney by Antwerp Cullen Magunce Wormes Spire Vlme and Ausberg came into Austria with a great and magnificent Traine who beeing honourably entertained he there remained fiue moneths at the Emperours charge hauing daily conference with him about serious and waighty matters and touching the Marriage of Charles and on a day appointed he inuested him with the Order of the Garter at an Euening Prayer refusing through scruple of conscience to bee present at the celebration of Masse In this affaire many difficulties presented themselues about Religion and the Arch-duke's mayntenance the stile of King and the succession to the Kingdome and many points were argued both of the one side and the other For the Title and Stile of King it was accorded he should haue it For the Succession in that hee could not enioy it by the Lawes of the Kingdome in that it was preiudiciall to the Children hee should haue the tutelage and gardianship of them And that nothing more was granted to Philip King of Spaine when he married Queene MARY As for his maintenance if hee would furnish them at his charge whom he should bring with him and retaine in the Court the Queene out of her Royall Dignitie would abundantly discharge the rest yea and that too if he required it But one scruple still remained touching Religion For the Emperour demanded as also Charles himselfe that he might haue a publike Church granted him whither hee might repaire with his Court to the celebration of diuine Seruice according to the Romane forme But this beeing refused the Emperour was satisfied with an indifferent motion which was That hee might haue a peculiar place ordained within the Court for this purpose where he might quietly performe his Deuotions as euer it is permitted the Ambassadours of Romane Princes with a prouiso that the English should not bee thereto admitted and that neither hee nor his Followers did oppugne the Religion receiued in England neither fauour any opposites If any discontentment grew about Diuine Seruice hee should for a time forbeare his ordinary exercise and with the Queene repaire to that celebration performed according to the Church of England When this Treatie had beene sagely discussed of in England that I may not relate any further of the negotiation the Queene made answere That if shee yeelded to this she should offend her owne Conscience and openly violate the publike Lawes of the Kingdome to the extreme perill both of her dignitie and safety But if Charles were pleased to come into England to see her he should reape fruites worthy his trauell and paines And thus the Emperour dismissed the Earle of Sussex with great honour and the Earle of Sussex turning a little out of his way to see Charles tooke his leaue of him at Gratz and the Arch-duke Charles expecting to receiue a more fauourable Answere found himselfe frustrated of his intention For this prosecution was giuen ouer by little and little which made a progression of seuen whole yeeres with diuers intercourses of honourable Embassies it leauing notwithstanding a mutuall loue and amity betweene the Princes so cordiall and inherent that the Emperour alwaies crost the Popes designes against Queene ELIZABETH Not long after the Arch-duke married Mary Daughter to Albert the fifth Duke of Bauaria by whom amongst other Children he had two Daughters whereof the one was Queene of Spaine the other of Poland About this time came into England from the mightie Emperour of Russia and Muscouie Ioh. Basilius E. Twerdico and T. Pogarella with most Martlet Sable and Ermyne Skins whereof at that time and in precedent ages the English made great account both for ornament and health and they promised to the Queene and the English Nation continuance of that affection which the Emperour had manifested and what great studie and care he had taken for the English euer since they frequented those parts whereof you shall hereunder see the beginning In the yeere 1553. certaine Marchants of London the principall of whom were An. Iudd G. Barnes and A. Husay shaping out a course for Cathay by the frozen or Hyperborean Sea vnder the conduct of Sir Henry Willowbie who was frozen to death in the Iourney Ro. Chancelour his Lieutenant happily opened the passage of Russia before this time vnknowne running vp with the Riuer of Duina till he came to sixtie degrees of the Pole Articke where a little Monasteerie is seated consecrated to Saint Nicholas When the Emperour heard of it he sent for him to the Mosco in Caroches made after the manner of the Countrie he entertain'd and dismist him with many graces and fauours promising the English great immunities if they would trade into his Empire and reioycing that hee had met with a meanes to transport by Sea into Russia forraign merchandize which the Russiās could not come by before but with great difficultie by the Narue and the Kingdome of Poland enemies When Robert Chancelor vpon his returne gaue inforamtion thereof and of what high esteeme the Clothes of England were in those parts the low rate of Hempe and Flaxe whereof they made their Cables and cordage and what rich Skins they affoorded these Marchants raised a society or company by Queene MARIES permission in a faire Building appropriated to their vse which at this day we call the Moscouie house and Basilius granting them many immunities they haue since that time sent euery yeere a Fleet of Ships and maintained traffique the which likewise hath been greatly augmented since the yeere 1569. when out of his loue to Queene ELIZABETH he granted them that none but the English of
Castles which were in Scotland the Hostages and the King of Scots to renounce the title to England and the English Rebels But for this matter enough is spoken of this yeere and the particularities of it may be drawne from the Dukes confession and the memoriall sent to the Queen of Scots written by the Bishop of Rosse's own hand At the same time Mathew Earle of Lenox Vice-Roy of Scotland and great Grand-father to the King hauing appoynted the assembly of States at Sterlin and thinking to be safe there was surprized by the Lords of the contrary faction which met together by the Queenes authoritie at Edenborrough and hauing yeelded himselfe to Dauid Spencer who laboured very hard to protect him was slaine with him by Bell and Cauder after hauing with much trouble and paines ruled the Kingdome for the King his Nephew the space of foureteene moneths more or lesse at what time France tooke the Queenes side and Queen ELIZABETH the Kings not so much to get their friends the victory as to keepe them from being ouercome Queen ELIZABETH hoped that the young King should haue beene deliuered into her hands and the French thought that Dunbriton and Edenborrough should be giuen them whereupon some Scottish Merchants were very much troubled and traffique in France was denyed them which drew a great partie to the Queenes side in hope thereby to haue freedome of trade there againe In Lenox his place by the common consent of the people Iohn Areskin Earle of Marre was elected Vice-Roy a man of a calme spirit and a great louer of his Countrie who beeing no lesse afflicted with the turbulent counsels of his friends then by the insultings of his aduersaries for very griefe dyed when hee had gouerned thirteene moneths The iniquitie of these times and the loue which the people of England bore to their Queene and Countrey drew the States to Westminster where they made a Law to preuent the plots of the seditious by which it was ordayned by ancient authoritie THat if any did attempt to ruine or hurt the Queene to make warre or excite others to doe it in any part of her dominions or affirme that shee had no right to the Kingdome but that it were more iustly due to another or said that shee was an Heretique a Schismatique or Infidell that shee did vsurpe the right from another that was liuing or that the Lawes and Statutes were not of power to define and tye the right of Succession It should be Crimen laesae Maiestatis If any one during the life of Queene ELIZABETH should expresly affirme either by writing or Booke printed that any one is or ought to bee the Queenes Heire or Successour except the naturall Line which should proceede from her owne body or that should publish print or sell Bookes written vpon this Subiect he and his maintainers for the first time should suffer a whole yeeres imprisonment and lose halfe their goods but returning to the same offence againe they incurred the penaltie of a Praemunire which is losse of all goods and imprisonment during life This seemed grieuous vnto some which thought that the tranquillity of the Kingdome ought to be strengthened by the designation of an Heire but it was beyond beliefe what iests the maliciously-curious made of this clause Naturally begotten of her body because the Ciuill Law calls those Children naturall which are borne out of marriage and that nature onely and not the honesty of wedlocke begot them and the English Law Legitimate those that are lawfully begotten And I remember being then young to haue heard it spoken aloud that this word was prest into this Law by Leicester that some bastard-sonne of his should thrust in as one of neerest kinne to Queene ELIZABETH It was also ordained that those who had by any Bull or writing from the Pope reconciled any to the Church of Rome should vndergoe the punishment of Crimen laesae Maiestatis Those who sustaine the Reconcilers or bringers into England of Agnus Dei's Graines Crucifixes or any other things consecrated by the Pope of Rome should lose all their goods and indure perpetuall imprisonment and those that shall conceale and not detect these Reconcilers were holden guiltie of Misprision of Treason Furthermore those goods and lands which were conuicted for Rebellion in the North beeing in the possession of Iames Pilkinton Bishop of Durham who challenged Regall power betweene the Riuers of Teise and Tyne were adiudged to the Queene and her Successours because she had with great cost deliuered both the Bishop and the Bishopricke from Rebels yet so as that in time to come it shall not be preiudiciall to the Regall rite of that Church of Durham It was also ordained that to meete with the insolencies of such as were deuoted to the Pope and despising the authority of the Lawes and their obedience to their Princesse who day by day with-drew themselues into forraine Countries without the Queenes licence hoping in time with a great number and to innouate something they should returne within a certaine time and make their submissions and that the fraudulent conueyances which they had made should be burnt So much for the Papists On the other side by wholsome Lawes they suppressed as well the couetousnesse of certaine of the Clergie who as if they had beene borne onely to themselues with a notorious malice to their Successours wasted the goods of the Church and let out the Lands for many yeeres as the impudencie of others who with a desire to innouate opposed themselues to Articles of the Synod of London for the abolishing of Schisme in the yeere 1562. It was likewise againe propounded that if the Queene of Scots should againe offend the Lawes of England she might be proceeded against as if she were a Peeres Wife of the Realme of England But the Queene by her authority hindered that from being made a Law In the beginning of Iune the Parliament being ready to be dismissed they sate vpon Iohn Story a Doctor of Law and Spie to the Duke of Alua of whom I haue made mention in the yeere 1569. to know whether Iohn Storie being an English-man should be found guilty Laesae Maiestatis for hauing conferred with a stranger-Prince in Brabant for the inuading of his Countrey and shewing the meanes to doe it The learned'st sort in the Law did affirme that hee might be accused Laesae Maiestatis Whereupon hee was called vnto iudgement for hauing conspired against the life of his Princesse with one Prestoll a man much addicted to magicke and in giuing thankes at the Table alwayes cursed her and the King of Scotland to the fiends of Hell and demonstrated to the Duke of Alua's Secretary the meanes to inuade England to make Ireland reuolt and at the same time to bring the Scots into England He refused to submit himselfe to be iudged by the Lawes of England maintayning that being a sworne Subiect not to Queene ELIZABETH but to the King
should the more irritate and attended till the dolour being appeased by the protraction of time would suffer it selfe to be dealt withall For perceiuing then that the French did sharpen and incitate the young King to reuenge and fearing that through suttle sleights and eager desire of reuenge he might be diuerted from the Protestant Religion and from louing the English she imployed all her possible industry and Princely meanes to cure his wounded heart and alienated from her And for that cause propounded to him by such Agents as shee had in Scotland as also by the Lord of Hunsdon Gouernour of Berwicke FIrst what danger there was in making warre vpon England for this cause which now to all the Estates of England seemed necessary for the good of the whole Iland and most iust And whether hee were of power to goe thorow withall England being then neuer more potent in military men money and munition and Scotland neuer weaker being brought low and exhaust by ciuill and intestine broyles If hee would haue the assistance of forreine powers let him learne by the experience of his Mother who so long and often implored that in vaine what labour and trouble he would haue to obtaine it And if he should procure it what successe could he hope for by it seeing that England ioyning with the shipping of Holland and Zeland feared not the most puissant Princes of Europe What hope could he put the King of France or the King of Spaine in sith his power being once increased with the addition of England and Ireland to his Crowne ought to be contrary to their designe and that his Religion was so directly opposite to theirs that they could not ayde and succour him but to their owne preiudice That the King of France could not behold but with griefe the King of Scotlands Dominion augmented by the Kingdome of England without feare that he should pursue the ancient right which the English haue in France or giue assistance to the Guizes his Allies who at this instant gape for the Kingdome of France That the King of Spaine who would questionlesse giue place to his ambition because that he brags though falsly to be the first Catholique King issued from the Bloud-Royall of the English and of the house of Lancaster That to this purpose some Iesuites and others haue with their vttermost power endeuoured during the life of Queene MARY of Scotland to enthrone him by election in the Kingdome of England as most fit to re-establish there the Romane authoritie in eiecting from the Crowne both Mother and Sonne Nay moreouer they begun to perswade the Queene of Scotland to make him thereof a legacy by her Testament if King IAMES her Sonne would still perseuer in the Protestant Religion Let the King consider whither these things doe tend what succour hee can looke for from Spaine and to what ignominy hee will precipitate his Soule to his eternall damnation and all Great-Britaine to his vtter ruine if hee forsakes the true Religion in which hee hath beene educated That the Peeres and States who haue giuen sentence against his Mother seeing that hee meditates vpon a reuenge will not fayle to exclude him from the Crowne of England by a new Act of the right of Succession That in giuing place to necessity and keeping in the agitation of his courage hee will mediate easily their loue sith that which is done cannot be vndone Let him then expect to possesse in his time the most flourishing Kingdome of England and enioy in the meane while a Crowne of securitie and beleeue that those which can tell well how to weigh and prize things will iudge that hee hath sufficiently fore-seene to his honour in not fayling in due opportunitie to doe his Mother all the dutifull seruices of a most pious sonne Moreouer let him likewise assure himselfe that the Queene of England will accounnt hold and esteeme him as her owne sonne and will doe him all offices of amity and vse him as a Mother her dearest sonne These are the things that Queene ELIZABETH endeuoured with great care to possesse the King with and to the end hee should not doubt but that his Mother had beene put to death without Queene ELIZABETHS consent shee resolued to send him the sentence pronounced against William Dauison sealed with the broad Seale of England and all the Commissioners hands subscribed therunto and to appease his Maiestie the more another iudgement signed by all the Iudges of England certifying that that sentence pronounced could in nothing hinder or bee preiudiciall to his right to the Kingdome of England In the mean time that Q. ELIZABETH by these or such like reasons endeuoured gently to calme the King of Scotlands agitations fore-seeing the warre wherewith she was furiously threatned by the King of Spaine whose hopes to frustrate shee sent Sir Francis Drake with foure Royall Ships well appoynted to the Coast of Spaine and elsewhere with command to take burne and pillage all such Ships as hee could finde as well in the Harbours and Port-Townes as on the Ocean Drake arriuing in the Streight of Gibraltar entred the Hauen thereof where after he had caused sixe great Ships to flye vnder the Forts protection hee tooke and burnt a hundred Ships more or lesse in the which there was infinite prouision of warlike munitions victuals and among others the Great Gallion of the Marquis of Santa Cruz called Rageusa richly loaden with merchandize From thence returning to Cape S. Vincent hee there burnt all such Ships and Fisher-boats which lay in that Rode And then went to Cascalet Hauen which is situated at the mouth of Tage he vrged there the Marquis Santa Cruz to fight but hee not daring stirr'd not but let Drake freely sayle along that Coast and take their Ships without the least impeachment Then hauing turned saile to the Iles of Azoris met by chance which he tooke with ease a great and lusty Ship most rich and well furnished called Saint Philip which was returning from the East-Indies This act caused the vulgar sort of Mariners of diuers Countries to take the name of Philip for an ill signe or prognostication against Philip King of Spaine By this Drakes worthy though briefe expedition England was much enriched and the Spaniards sustayning so great a losse of munition and warlike preparations were constrayned to giue ouer their designe they had to inuade England for that yeere Since which time the English begun with alacrity couragiously to assault those great and huge Ships most like vnto Castles which they before did much dread and feare and discouered so plainely the opulent and rich commodities of the Indies the meanes how to trade and traffique in those Easterne parts in such sort that they haue since established an aduantagious trade and profitable nauigation in those Countries hauing established an East-Indie Company of Merchants At that very time Thomas Cauendish a Suffolke man which two
of Saint George For hee seemed hereby vtterly to breake off all amity and friendship with England but shewed it much more by the refusall which was made him afterwards how he practised by his Ambassadour as hee did intercede by Count of Feria who had married the Daughter of W. Dormer which hee had by the Lady Marie Sidney for that the Queene permitted certaine men women and Children to stay in Flanders who for Religion were retired without leaue viz. to the Lady Iane Dormer Daughter of Thomas Newdigate and Widdow to Sir Robert Dormer Knight and to the Lady Clarence Grand-mother to the Count of Feria being very olde who had beene Fauourite to Queene MARIE and Almoner for the particular reliefe of poore women to Richard Shelley Prior of the order of Saint Iohn in England of which wee will speake hereafter and to Thomas Haruie all which were zealous professors of the Romish Religion and well beloued of the Spaniard This refusall was grounded vpon a restraint by the ancient custome Lawes of England prohibiting any person the Nobles and Peeres of the Kingdome excepted vpon paine of confiscation of their goods to depart out of their Countrey without speciall licence from the King and to reside in forraine parts beyond a certaine time prefixed and that either for the recouery of their health vnder a more warme climate or for the aduancement of their studies in the Academies or for their practice in militarie Discipline Whereof there was no president extant of any toleration granted to women to be continually absent from their Countrey and that moreouer the thing in it selfe seemed to be of no great importance Neuerthelesse in respect that those who desired it reaped not so much benefit thereby applying it to their owne particular ends as others were animated by their example to the detriment of the common good it was vnreasonable to condiscend vnto as the Queene signified to the King of Spaine The Earle stomaking this as a particular iniury to reuenge himselfe caused to be apprehended as an Heretique one of the seruants of Chamberlaine being there then Ambassadour ordinary for England and cast him into the Inquisition and rather as it were enuying the Queene and the English than the King himselfe added more fuell to his fire notwithstanding all the meanes his Wife vsed to disswade him It was also knowne that he was imployed to Pope Pius the Fourth in the beginning of his Papacy to presse the Excommunication of the Queene yet neuerthelesse the Pope vpon what good hope I know not sent vnto her Vincent Parpalia Abbot of Saint Sauiours with diuers secret aduertisements with a kinde Letter all which I will here at large insert howsoeuer I may seeme to sinne against the Law of Historie TO OVR MOST DEARE DAVGHTER IN CHRIST ELIZABETH Queene of ENGLAND MOST deare Daughter in Christ Salutation and Apostolicall Benediction God the searcher of all hearts knoweth and you may perceiue by the aduice that wee haue giuen you to behaue your selfe towards this our eldest Son Vincent Parpalia whom you know well how much we tender and desire according to the duty of our Office of Pastorship to prouide for your saluation honour together with the establishment of your Raigne thereby exhorting and admonishing your Greatnesse most deare Daughter that in reiecting those lewd Councellors who loue themselues better th●n you and aime but at their priuate ends You implore the feare of God to your Councell and remembring the time of your visitation you obserue our fatherly admonitions wholsome Counsels and we will promise you of our part all th' assistance you can desire not onely for the comfort of your soule but for th'establishment and confirmation of your royall dignities according to the authority place and charge committed to vs from God And if as wee most feruently desire and hope you returne into the bosome of the Church We will receiue you with the like affectionate loue as the Father of whom it is spoken in the Gospell receiued his Sonne when he returned to him and our ioy shall be farre greater then the ioy of a Father for his sonne onely But you in drawing after you the whole people of England shall heape with ioyes not onely to your owne particular saluation but to your whole Nation Vs and the Vniuersitie of our Brethren whom you shall shortly God willing heare to be assembled in an Aecumenique and generall Councell for th'extirpation of Heresies and the whole Church together You shall also cause the Heauens to reioyce and by such a memorable act purchase renowned glory to your name and a far more glorious Crown then that wherewith you are already crowned But of that the said Vincent shall more amply certifie you and fully demonstrate our fatherly affection toward you whom we desire your Highnesse to receiue courteously and graciously hearing him attentiuely and giue such credit to what he shall declare vnto you as you would vnto our selfe Giuen at Rome at Saint Peter's Palace the fifth day of May 1560. and of our Papacy the first I haue not found what Propositions were made by Parpalia for I cannot thinke that he was put in writing neither doth it please me to suppose as ordinarily Historians doe All the world knowes Queene ELIZABETH liued like her selfe and ALWAYES THE SAME and that the busines succeeded not to the Popes expectation The common fame also went for truth that the Pope promised to cut off as a thing vniust the sentence giuen against the marriage of Queene ELIZABETHS Mother to confirme out of his owne authority the English Liturgie and to allow in England the vse of the Sacrament vnder both kinds prouided that her Maiesty should ranke her selfe with the Roman Church and to giue some thousands of Crownes to such as laboured in these things The time of confirming the Treatie of marriage at Edenborrough was then come Queene ELIZABETH hauing by solemne Oath confirm'd and sent vnto the King and Queene of France also to ratifie the same on their part as it was meete Throgmorton Ordinary Ambassadour in France and Sir Peter Meuté Knight dispatched after him for the same purpose laboured to bring them to it But they preuailed not notwithstanding they had in expresse words vpon the Faith and royall word of a King by Commission from the Bishop of Valence deputed for passing this Treaty promised to confirm it The reasons they alledged to exempt themselues were That the Scots had past thorow Barwicke with the English not by Royall Licence but of themselues which they ought not to doe that they past like Rebels and that vnder colour of being Subiects they falsly profest themselues loyall and had no way shewed the obedience promised by it Whiles they were disputing hereupon Francis the second king of France not being yet eighteene yeeres of age left the most high and mighty Princesse Mary Queene of Scotland a Widdow at which
condemned committed to perpetuall prison and her Sonne crowned KING Finally there wanted not others who for her summary chastisement and punishment would haue had her depriued both of her Royall Authority and life And this was vsually preach'd and diuulged by Knox and some other Ministers in the open Pulpit Throgmorton produced against this many reasons and Arguments taken out of the holy Scriptures touching due obedience and submission to superiour power who retaine the Sword of Authority in their hands arguing very strongly and constantly How the Queene was vnder no other Tribunall but that of the heauenly IVDGE neither could shee iuridically be constrayned to appeare and answer in the Court of any earthly Iudge That in Scotland the same authoritie which the Queene had not delegated nor made ouer to any other was nothing and by her reuocable But the Scottish-men replying alledged the peculiar rites and priuiledges of Scotland and that in extraordinary occurrents they might extraordinarily determine euen as they had collected out of Buchanans reasons who by the Earle of Murrayes perswasion then writ that Dialogue of the Right of Reigning or gouerning among the Scots who was condemned wherein he maintained against the Testimony of the Scottish Histories that the people were priuiledged to create or depose their Kings Notwithstanding Throgmorton ceased not importunately to sollicite them for the Queenes re-establishment and that himselfe might visit her though he no sooner opened his mouth in this poynt but they all replyed how this by no meanes could be granted him because herein they had denyed the French and that by this meanes they would not distaste the King of France to please and satisfie the Queene of England who as often experience heretofore had taught them laboured for nothing but her owne peculiar interests when shee was a meanes to driue the French away out of Scotland and lately shewed her selfe but niggardly and sparing of her fauours towards the Scottish Exiles Whereupon he thought it fit to take heed lest this importunity might vrge them to embrace the amity of the French and shake off that of the English when according to the French Prouerbe Qui quicte la partie la perd He that leaues his partie loseth it aduised and counselled the English to be carefull and iealous how they forsooke and lost the Scots After this by a Writing vnseal'd filled with variety of discourse which they committed to Throgmortons hands they vowed and protested that the Queene was remoued and restrained to a close place for no other end but to disioyne her from Earle Bothwell whom shee most entyrely loued till this heat of affection and her wrath conceyued against them might somewhat slacken and therefore they requested him to be satisfied in this Answer while some other Nobles of the Kingdome were assembled and yet neuerthelesse they restrayned the Queenes liberty euery day more and more though with teares shee intreated them to vse her more fauourably if not as Queene yet as shee was a Kings Daughter and Mother to their Prince and so hee many times requested that hee might goe and visit her but all in vaine Briefly not to rip vp in particular all the iniuries and disgraces offered her at last they made triall whether by milde and faire meanes they could induce her freely to giue ouer the gouernement either by reason of her weakenesse and indisposition or in respect of the trouble and annoyance it brought her to to reigne and gouerne which indeed they deuised for an excuse or else as others counselled her with more drift and subtilty to the end that being more weakly and gracelessely garded shee might the more safely and easily make her escape But when all this tooke no place they threatned to bring her to a publique triall to accuse her that shee had led an incontinent life murdered the King her former Husband and practised tyranny in violating the Lawes and ancient priuiledges of their Country especially those which De R. and De Oisel had enacted in the King of France his name and her owne Finally through feare of death and without euer hearing her answers they forced her to seale three Patents the first of which contained that shee assigned the gouernement ouer to her Sonne who was scarcely thirteene moneths old the second comprehending how shee constituted Earle Murray to be Vice-Roy during her Sonnes minority and the third implyed that in case Murray refused this charge shee ordayned for Rectors and Protectors of her Sonne the Duke of Chastelraut and the Earles of Lenox Arguile Athol Morton Glencarne and Mar But then shee presently certified the Queene of England by Throgmorton how shee had surrendred the gouernement of the Kingdome by compulsion and against her will subscribed to the Patent thereof by Throgmortons perswasion who informed her that any Grant extorted from her during imprisonment which causeth a iust and true feare was inualidious and of no effect But I will relate these things more at large in the yeere ensuing according as they may be faithfully extracted out of the Accusations and Answers of parties which were propounded at Yorke before the Commissioners to whom the absolute determination of this businesse was referred Fiue dayes after this Resignation or Grant IAMES Sonne to the Queene was consecrated and crowned King Iohn Knox then preaching publiquely after the Hamiltons had protested how it was without any manner of preiudice to the Duke of Chastelraut in the right of Succession against the Family of Lenox But Queene ELIZABETH forbade Throgmorton to be present hereat to the end that by the presentiall assistance of her Ambassadour shee might not seeme to approue this vniust deposition of the Queene Twenty dayes after Murray returned out of France into Scotland where hauing remained onely three dayes he went to the Queene with certaine of the Conspirators in his company he obiected vnto her many crimes and like a religious Confessor layd open vnto her many demonstrations to moue her to conuert vnto God with true repentance and to implore his mercy Shee shewed her selfe penitent for the sinnes of her life past confest part of them obiected to her extenuated some and excused others out of humane fragility and weakenesse but absolutely denyed the greater part entreated him to assume the mannaging of affaires vnder her Sonne and coniured him to be tender of her reputation and life Whereunto he made answer how this lay not in his power but shee must sue for it from the Estates of the Kingdome perswading her notwithstanding to obserue these things if she regarded either her life or honour That she should not disturbe either the peace of the King or Kingdome not to attempt the breaking of her imprisonment no wayes to excite the King of France or Queene of England to any domesticall or externall Warre no more to affect Bothwell and neuer to seeke any reuenge against them that were his enemies So soone as he was proclaimed Vice-Roy or
Regent he obliged himselfe by Writings vnder hand and seale to attempt nothing that should concerne either war or peace the person and marriage of the King or the Queenes liberty without the consent of the other Complices and hee caused the Lord of Lidington to informe Throgmorton that he should no more intercede for the Queene and that both himselfe and all others made choyce rather to indure any thing else than to permit that shee enioying liberty should still retaine Bothwell about her expose her Sonne to danger the Countrey to molestation and themselues to banishment We well know said hee what you English men can effect by a warre if you harrasse our frontiers and wee yours and are well assured out of the ancient alliance they haue alwaies entertained will neuer forsake vs. Neuerthelesse hee denied Ligneroll the French Ambassadour Leager to see the Queene while Bothwell were taken and contrary to that which he had promised to the King of France he daily intreated this miserable Queene most rigorously for all the good shee had formerly done him Hitherto so much as I could collect out of Throgmortons Letters Presently after Earle Murray put to death Iohn Hepborne Paris French Dowglas and some other of Bothwels seruants who assisted in the murdering of the King But when they came to their excution they protested before God and his Angels whereunto he gaue no eare that they heard Earle Bothwell say how himselfe and Morton were the originall Authors and discharged the Queene of all suspition As also Bothwell himselfe when hee was prisoner in Denmarke had often protested both during his life and at his death with a most sincere and religious attestation that she was innocent thereof and foureteene yeeres after when Morton came to vndergoe his last punishment he confest that Bothwell sollicited him to consent thereunto and he vtterly refusing to attempt the same except he first saw an expresse command in writing from the Queenes owne hand he replyed that this in no manner could be compassed but excluded it must be without communicating of it formerly to her Queene ELIZABETH and the King of France being much incensed with such a precipitant deposition and the Conspirators obstinacy against the sute of their Ambassadours it turning as it were to the reproch of Royall Maiesty they began to fauour the Hamiltons who still held the Queenes party Pasquier also Ambassador Leager for France treated with Queene ELIZABETH to procure her re-establishment by force of Armes who thought it most expedient first to prohibit the Scots all commerce with England and France while she were deliuered that so some diuision might grow betweene the Nobility and the people which Nobility seemed to conspire against her But for a while to passe ouer these affaires of Scotland Question being then made of restoring the Towne of Calais to the English according to the Treaty of Cambray seeing the eight yeeres therein specified were now expired Smith being sent into France with G. Winter Master of the Nauall Artillery after the sounding of a Trumpet before the gate of Calais which lookes towards the Sea with a lowd voyce in the French Tongue he demanded that according to the Articles of that Treaty the Town Territory with some Canons might be surrendred into his hands he also at the same time drew an Act by the hand of a publique Notary in the presence of some Germane and Flemish Merchants who were accidentally there at the same time and taken for witnesses and then he went presently to the King of France at Castell de Fossat where with Norris Ambassadour Leager he made againe the same demand The King sent to his Councellors amongst whom M. de l'Hospitall Lord Chancellor Proloquutor for the rest with a graue and well compiled discourse spake to him in this manner THat if the English had any right to lay claime to Calais they might as well challenge and pretend title to Paris for by the fortune of Warre they had conquered and lost both the one and the other That the right they pretended to Calais was but new whereas that of the French tooke beginning with the Kingdome it selfe And though the English possessed it for the space of three and twenty yeeres more or lesse yet the originall title euer remained to the King of France as well as that of the Duchies of Guyenne and Normandy which the English likewise detayned for a long time by the force of their Armes That the French did not conquer but rather recouered Calais with their Armes euen as they did their former Dukedomes That the prescription of times alledged by the English tooke no place betweene Princes but their right lay alwayes in their force and in the Law of the twelue Tables for one might eternally challenge his owne properties out of the hand of his enemie That the English though sufficiently instructed in Treaties and contractations of affaires were neuer mindefull of Calais in the Treaty which passed not long since at Troyes though they enterprised a warre principally for the recouery thereof so as hereby they manifested that they had giuen ouer all pretence to the same That this Treaty of Troyes was a Renouation by meanes whereof that of Cambray was in some poynts reformed notwithstanding the clause of the Reseruation of rights and claimes because that touched onely inferiour and petty Priuiledges and claimes whereas that of Calais was held for one of the most principall and important That notwithstanding any thing which Francis the Second attempted in Scotland this would not accrue to the preiudice of Charles the Ninth That in some speciall cases the attempts of particular men were subiect to the Lawes but in the proceedings of Kings and Princes it tooke quite otherwise That for whatsoeuer was vndertaken in the Kingdome of Scotland made ouer in dowry to King Francis the English who by surmizes aymed at his and the Queene of Scots proiect they should rather complaine vnto her seeing they entred Haure de grace which is in France vnder a colourable pretext of the Kings preseruation where placing a strong Garrison and diuers warlike munitions they held it by force of Armes and furnished the Prince of Condé with Moneyes for which cause they lost the claime which they had to Calais That GOD permitting the French to recouer the same resolued in his heauenly prouidence that it should be a meanes to end the warres that had beene betweene them in that they were seuered and separated by the Sea which running betwixt both coasts serues for iust borders and limits as that Poet sings And the English who are certaine Nations Seuer'd by Sea from other Regions That the Queene of England should take a better course in embracing Peace with the King of France then by seeking to recouer Calais Finally that no man should dare to moue a word to the King about surrendring it to the English but if any were so presumptuous that he
she had seized vpon it While he was in Consultation with him Odet de Chastillon Cardinall who was retired into those parts by reason of the troubles in France certified the Queene that this money belonged to certaine Marchants of Gen●a and not to the Spaniard and that hee would seize on it against their wils to employ it to the ruine of the Protestants And this was the reason the Councell made a question whether they should detaine it or no and the greatest of them that sate in Councell were of opinion that it should bee sent into the Low-Countries for feare of prouoking the Spaniard who was a great Prince and stood already but hardly affected to England But Queene ELIZABETH beeing assured by two of them to whom it belonged that the Marchants were onely interessed in it the King of Spaine nothing at all she resolued to take it vp of the Marchants by way of loane and giue them caution for it as Princes many times vse to doe with such goods as they find in their Ports and the Spaniard not long before had done the like And when the Spanish Ambassadour shewed her the Letters the Duke writ vnto her for the transportation of this money she told him she had taken it by loane and religiously protested to restore it againe so soone as she should truely vnderstand that it belonged to the King of Spaine The very same day which was the twentie ninth of December the Duke in hot rage and furie seiz'd on the English-mens goods all the Low-Countries ouer where he found any and taking their persons prisoners committed them to the guard of his Souldiers So that euery one may conceiue by comparing the times that he did this to terrifie the English what satisfaction soeuer the Queene gaue afterwards for the money But her Maiestie nothing at all daunted with this commanded likewise the Flemmings goods to be seyzed vpon in England their merchandize and shipping which was much more than those of the English that the Duke light vpon in Flanders so as he repented too late that hee had vnseasonably enlarged that wound which in the beginning might easily haue beene cured The last day but one of this present yeere pardon mee this short digression for the memories sake of an honest and vertuous man who beeing borne in the Countie of Yorke and brought vp at Cambridge was the first of our Nation that refined the Greeke and Latine Tongues and the puritie of the Stile with singular commendation for his eloquence Hee was sometimes a Reader to Queene ELIZABETH and her Secretarie for the Latine Tongue And yet notwithstanding in that he was giuen to play and Cock-fighting he both liued and dyed not very rich leauing behinde him two elegant Bookes as monuments of his rare wit and vnderstanding one of which was styled Toxophilus the other Scholarca But let vs returne to our Historie THE TWELFTH YEERE OF Her Reigne Anno Dom. 1569. THe sixth of Ianuary there was a Proclamation publiquely read in London concerning goods detayned by the Duke of Alua wherein most of the circumstances I formerly mentioned were exprest and the fault laide vpon D'espes and another Writing diuulged by him to the contrary in which hee alledged That this Proclamation came not out by the Queenes Order but from the authority of some disaffected to the King of Spaine in the behalfe of the Flemmish Rebels he highly commended the fauour that the Queene had alwaies beene ready to shew to the Spaniards grieued that shee was alienated in her affection for nothing and much stomacked that no more credit was giuen to him being Ambassadour and to the Duke of Aluae's Letters as also hee wondred the Money was detained considering the Queene as hee said had more reason to furnish the Spaniard with money against the Rebels than to take any from him and finally taxed her with offering the first wrong excused both himselfe and the Duke of Alua's proceedings and not resting there he spred abroad infamous Libels wherein hee offended the Queenes reputation vnder the title of Amadis Oriana Some great men of England among whom was the Marquis of Winchester the Duke of Norfolke and the Earles of Arundell Northumberland Westmerland Pembroke Leycester and others laboured to lay the blame of this detention of the Money vpon Cecill as formerly they did that which was sent to the Protestants in France and in effect they did so for they could not digest the great power and authority he had about the Queene they suspected he fauoured the House of Suffolke for the succession to the Crowne and feared hee would oppose himselfe to their designes Wherefore they consulted one with another to imprison him at the suggestion of Throgmorton his emulator who gaue them to vnderstand that if hee were but once clapt vp he might easily be ruinated But some one whom I cannot name discouered this proiect to the Queene and Cecill by the fauour of this Princesse who bare a very great liking and affection to him without any difficultie ouercame those plots that were prepared for him and at the same instant cut off another more secret intention they had which was to proclaime the Queene of Scots vndoubted next Heire apparant to the Kingdome after Queene ELIZABETHS death against a certaine Libell that was written and published in the behalfe and fauour of the Earle of Suffolke D'Assonuil came at that time from the Duke of Alua to demand the money which was detained but hauing no Letters to that effect from the King of Spaine Queene ELIZABETH referred him to her Councell to whom at first hee was not willing to addresse himselfe Wherefore he went presently to them and when he was heard about a moneth after hee returned without doing any thing in the businesse The English Merchants carry their Merchandizes to Hamborrough in Germanie as to a place lately ordayned for free traffique The Duke of Alua perceiuing this prohibited absolutely all commerce with the English and keeping all things from being imported or transported out of the Low Countries hee suborned certaine Spies amongst whom one Iohn Storie a Doctor of the Ciuill Law was very subtilly industrious who before had practised with Prinstal an impostorous Magician against the life of his owne Prince and sent aduertisements to the Duke of Alua for the inuading of his owne Countrey But being purposely brought into a Ship which was reported to haue brought heretical commodities and bookes out of England the Marriners presently setting sayle hee was thither conueyed and afterwards executed as shall be declared in proper place The Duke of Alua not satisfied with this prohibited all shipping to goe out of Flanders who were not armed and he commanded them to seyze on the English wheresoeuer they met them and gaue directions that the like should be done in Spaine where the English Merchants and Saylors goods were confiscated themselues put into the Inquisition and
we haue created establisht and raised him to the state dignity and honour of Baron Burghley and haue imposed vpon him and giuen and granted vnto him the name stile and title of Baron of Burghley to haue and to hold the same foreuer to him and the heires males which shall be borne from his body Of whom I haue already freely spoken and will againe make mention as well as of others whom shee hath raised to the state of Barons because it is amongst the most ample degrees of Honour For the Barons of the Parliaments of England are borne Peeres and great Councellors of the Kingdome and enioy diuers immunities and Priuiledges which are not to be mentioned in this place but I haue noted else-where A little after Ridolph a Florentine who had vsed trading for fifteene yeeres space in London deliuered secretly vnto the Queene of Scotland Letters from the Pope importing promises to imploy himselfe for the aduancement of the Catholique Religion and Himselfe willed her to giue credit in all things to Ridolph and to learne from him who was then going for Italy what meanes might be best for the re-establishing of the Catholique Religion and appeasing of the mischiefs in England Ridolph also sollicited the Queene by the seuerall Letters which he wrote vnto her to aduise herevpon with the Duke of Norfolke his friends and to recommend it to them But shee deferred the returne of any answer vntill she might perceiue how the Treaty which was already begun would take effect notwithstanding the Kings of France and Spaine and the Duke of Alua had written to her to the same purpose For the Earle of Morton Petcarne Abbot of Dunfermelin and I. Macgill were come to treat about the affaires of Scotland in the Kings name and hauing receiued command from Queene ELIZABETH more cleerely to vnfold the causes of the Queenes deposing and to proue them to be iust exhibited a prolix Cōmentarie by which with an insolent freedome and vehemencie of words they strained themselues to proue by ancient and moderne examples searcht out of all places that according to the ancient right of Scotland the people of Scotland were vnder the King and that by the authority of Caluin the Magistrates were appointed to bridle their vnrulie appetites and had authority to punish wicked Kings by imprisonment depose them from their Kingdomes and vaine-gloriously boasted to haue shewed the Queen courtesie in permitting her to substitute her Sonne in her place and appoint him Tutors That it was not in respect of her innocency that shee subsisted but out of the mercy of her people with diuers other things which factious spirits are accustomed to alledge against Royall Maiesty Queene ELIZABETH not able with any patience to read this secretly condemned it as iniurious to Kings and as for the Deputies she answered them that she could not yet perceiue any iust cause why they should so vexe and trouble their Queen and therfore wisht that they would rather seeke out some meanes to quench the discord in Scotland In the prosecution whereof it was propounded in the house of Bacon Lord Keeper of the great Seale to the Bishops of Rosse and Galloway and to Baron Leuiston Deputies for the Queene of Scotland that for the safety of the Kingdome and Queene of England and the Nobles of Scotland who were of the Kings part that the Duke of Chastelraut the Earles of Huntley and Argathell of Hume of Seris and another Baron ought to be giuen in pledge and the Castles of Dunbriton and Hume deliuered for three yeeres vnto the English before the Queene could be set at liberty To which they answered THat it need not be doubted that the Queene of Scotland who had voluntarily put herselfe vnder the Protection and guard of the Queene of England would willingly giue contentment in any thing which might conueniently be done But to deliuer such great persons in pledge with such Forts were nothing lesse then in depriuing a miserable Queene of the helpe of her faithfullest friends and her strongest places of defence to be exposed as a prey vnto her aduersaries But they offered to giue in pledge the two said Earles and two Barons And as for the Forts they said that according to their Couenants with France they could not giue them to the English that they could not grant them also to the French But said Bacon the whole Kingdome of Scotland the Prince the Peeres and the Forts are not sufficient security for the Queene and the most flourishing Kingdome of England and therefore what security soeuer the Scots might propose the Queene of Scotland ought not to be set at liberty Hereupon the Scots forthwith began to coniecture and spake openly that now they fully perceiued that the English had resolued to hold their Queene perpetually in England and by the same meanes interrupt the Treaty sithence they stood so stiffly in demanding such security as Scotland could not any maner of way performe Howsoeuer the other Councellours of England protested to desire nothing more then the freedome of the Queene of Scotland prouided that they gaue good and sufficient security and in this nature they treated hereupon and to haue the King with Morton and his Companions Who plainely answered that they had no power nor authority to treat whether they ought to receiue the Queene into Scotland or deliuer the King But her Deputies reiected such flying off as friuolous iudging that those who were the authors of deposing her had power sufficient to free her without asking the other Conspirators sithence the fault of one equally polluteth all the Confederates As for the Prince who was yet scarce fiue yeeres of age he could giue no power at all And as for the Vice-Roy that he had left all his affaires to the pleasure of Queene ELIZABETH They prayed them either to bring in the others who were sworne into consultation or to proceed without them vpon equall conditions But Queene ELIZABETH knowing well that they could conclude of nothing for her security or for the King and Queen of Scotland if th' one and th' other consented not thought it reasonable that the States of Scotland who ought forth-with to assemble should make choice of certaine men who might labour the mediation of the peace Whereupon the Bishop of Rosse and his Colleagues openly complayned that certaine Councellors of England had abused the vnderstanding of their Queene and the patience of the Queene of Scotland deceiued the Stranger Princes and soothed the Scots with a preiudiciall hope the Queene of Scotland her selfe being full of indignation and griefe to see such delayes called home the Bishop of Galloway Count Leuiston notwithstanding that Qu. ELIZABETH had commanded the Bishop of Rosse to depart from London she countermanded him to continue still there which was not without ielousie to those who were of her part in Scotland who determined to take vp Armes and giue no more
businesse more deliberately attempted carried with more courage and constancy of the Confederates nor lasted longer time vndiscouered by any of the coniurate-society That their military Companies might in foure and twentie houres space be put ouer out of Flanders into England the Queene and the City of London suddenly surprized Religion restored and the Queene of Scotland settled and crowned in her steade All which were like to haue the better successe for that Thomas Stukeley an English Fugitiue was then in readinesse with three thousand men to bring Ireland in subiection to the King of Spaine and with three Ships that were Spies set the English Fleete on fire Thus H. Catene of which much was vnknowne till the yeere 1588. when he published a booke printed at Rome and priuiledged by Sixtus the Sixth Now returne wee to the purpose if we be digrest Scarce ten dayes after the Dukes death were sent to the Queene of Scots then all mournefull and in sorrow Will. Lord de-la-Warre Sir Ralph Sadler Tho. Wilson Doctor of the Ciuill Lawes and T. Bromley the Queenes Attourney who were so to expostulate with her as to charge her for vsurping the Title and Armes of England nor that she had renounced them according as it was conditioned at Edenborrough and to assume them more freely had secretly contriued to marry with the Duke of Norfolke which the rather to bring to passe shee had left nothing vnassayed by the ministery of her Agents by force and Armes to set the Duke at liberty had raised Rebellion in the North Countrey had succoured the conuicted Rebels of Scotland and Flanders had by Ridolph the Italian his solliciting implored the aydes of the Pope the King of Spaine and others for inuading the Countrey of England they vrged also that shee had receiued Letters from the Pope who had promised to keepe her as safe vnder his wing as the Hen doth her Chickens calling her and her Complices The true Children of the Church And finally that shee had procured a Bull from the Pope against the Queene and and had suffered herselfe by her friends in forraigne parts to be called The Queene of England To all these with a bold countenance and constant resolution hauing first protested herselfe to be a free Prince and subiect to none she answered THat she had not vsurped the Title or Armes of England but that being yet young and vnder the power of her Husband the King of France necessity imposed them vpon her but since her Husbands death shee neuer bore them wherefore it was not to be imputed to her as any fault of hers neither would she take them to her so long as ELIZABETH liued or any Childe shee should beare That in the matching with the Duke of Norfolke shee had no thought of any ill might happen to the Cōmon-wealth but rather much good and if she should renounce the marriage it was contrary to the matrimoniall Vow she had made and that by dutie thereof she was bound to aduertise the Duke of his dangers and to quit himselfe out of prison That she had neuer raised nor consented to the raising of any tumults but was alwaies ready to discouer what plots shee knew of against the Queene or Countrey if she had pleased by her to bee admonished of or to haue admitted her to her sight or hearing nor at any time had succoured the English Rebels but only by her Letters had recommended the Countesse of Northumberland to the Duke D'Alua Of Ridolph she was to haue necessary vse for her pensionary Annuities and in some money-matters whom shee knew to be a great Fauourite of the Popes but neuer had receiued any Letters from him had neuer dealt with any touching her deliuery but indeed had not refused to giue eare to such as had offered the seruice in that kind and for that cause had passed her priuie Seale to Rowlston and Hall She had sometimes receiued Letters consolatory and full of piety from the Pope wherein was no mention of any such matter nor had shee procured any Bull from Rome onely on a time a copie of one of them was shewed her which after she had read shee cast it into the fire But if any out of forraigne Countries shall write or speake otherwise then they ought they ought to answere it and to suffer the penaltie of their faults She neuer sought or sent either to the Pope or K. of Spaine for the procuring any inuasion vpon England but had implored their helpes for her restoring into her owne Realme but not before her Maiestie had preadmonition thereof But if shee were to be called in question concerning these Letters she requested for that shee was issued from the Bloud Royall of England that she might answere for herselfe in person in open Parliament In the meane time was Scotland all vp in Armes miserably troubled with Ciuill Warres whilest on the one side such as fauoured the Queene relying vpon aide from the French and the other party expecting the like from England had dayly encounters together notwithstanding both English and French shewed themselues most desirous to appease and accord their dissentions by the Ambassages which either countrey sent into Scotland Of which France proposed that their most commodious course would bee to elect amongst them some persons of well-known worth and wisedome to gouerne the Kingdome for a time not taking vpon them supreame authority or the names of King or Queene they were not willing to acknowledge for King the King of Scotland for that they held hee had no right but by his mother and that shee was vniustly deposed of her Subiects and therefore shee was iustly to bee reputed their Queene and the ancient League of Alliance betwixt her and France to continue firme and inuiolable Those likewise from England on the contrary maintained by strong argument that such an Administration or popular gouernment would be an Anarchy and that the Commonwealth was not to admit plurality of Gouernours and that Scotland hauing alwaies beene commanded by Kings was not now to haue an election of such Administrators That the States of the Realme had deposed the Queene and lawfully crowned and inthroned the King and that the ancient recited Alliance was a contract not of persons but of the two Kingdomes of France and Scotland alledging also that by an expresse Law the most Christian King was bound to defend the King of Scots in these termes If there happen at any time controuersie about the Kingdome of Scotland the Kings of France shall support ayde and defend him whom the States of Scotland shall adiudge the Title of the Kingdome to And as touching the causes of the Queenes deposing it should bee enquired of of those Scots who haue deposed her The French notwithstanding openly fauouring the partie of the Queene of Scotland became serious intercessours to her Maiestie for to set her at liberty lest that as his Ambassadour did freely hee might
the publike peace and good of the Land by the Kings perswasion but their impulsion although he might easily haue stood vpon his guard and withstood them departed quietly from Dunbriton where he tooke shipping for France Not content with this they forced the King by his Letters to signifie to Queene ELIZABETH this his interception and that it was a meeting made by his willing consent with some of his Lords concerning speciall businesses But Buchanan they could not possibly perswade to approue this Act or by composing any booke of this subiect nor by perswasions of a messenger but he wept bitterly and sorrowed grieuously that he had to-fore taken the Rebels part against the Prince and soone after dyed A man as himselfe sings in his Poems though borne in a countrey barren for learning yet hee attained to the soueraigne degree of Poesie so as by right hee ought to bee accounted the Prince of Poets of our age The French King hauing had certaine intelligence of the passages in Scotland sendeth both with one message Mons de la Moteff through England and Mons de Manninguille by Sea into Scotland by all possible means to haue the King set at liberty to confirme the French faction to draw the King into loue amity with France and to let him vnderstand that his mother to make him be knowne true and legitimate King by Christian Princes and all Scotland setting aside all partialitie out of her motherly piety and indulgence yeelded him freely the title of the Kingdome and admitted him into the society freely to Raigne Shee distressed Queene in the meane time afflicted with many miseries the calamities of a prison in indurance without hope of deliuery bewayled the dismall fortunes of the King her sonne with her owne in a large Letter written in French to Queene ELIZABETH which the tender loue of a mother and the disquietnesse of her Spirit extorted from her the which out of the originall Copy of her owne hand-writing I haue more briefely recollected as followed AFter I was certainly informed that my sonne was intercepted and detained in captiuitie as my selfe haue beene for some yeares a sudden feare suggested into my minde that hee and I were to drinke of one cup of sorrow I cannot therefore in opening my sad afflicted heart but vtter my anguish to imprint them if it may be vpon yours offer the same to your conscionable commiseration that the ages to come may know my innocency and their tyrannie by whose meanes I endure these intolerable indignities But for that their subtil plots and mischieuous practices haue all this while been preferd with you before my iust complaint it being in your gracious power to doe equity and iustice where violence treadeth downe vertue and might suppresseth right I doe appeale vnto God immortall whom alone I know to haue power ouer vs Princes coequall in right and honour and him in whom there is no place for fraud or falshood I will inuoke that at the last day hee will recompence vs according to our demerits howsoeuer my Aduersaries the whilest haue cautelously cloaked their treacheries from men and perhaps from you I beseech you now then in the name of God and by his all-powerfull Maiestie I adiure you to call to minde how cunningly some sent forth in your name to me could stirre vp the Scots my subiects whilest I liued with them into open rebellion against me and haue been the first mouers of all the mischiefe which euer since hath hapned in that countrey as euidently appeareth by sundry plain testimonies thereof and Mortons confession from his own mouth who for such matters gr●w vp to great honors whom if I could haue prosecuted according to his desert and if your assisting the Rebels had not b●en they could neuer haue stood vp so long against mee and my friends as they did When I was detained Prisoner in Lake-Leuin Sir Nich. Throckmorton was the first that came to me in your name who perswaded me to quit the Kingdome vnd●r Letters Patents signed with my hand which he assured me should be of no effect as all the world knoweth them so to be vntill that you had assisted the Authors of these Letters with your fauour and Armes But say in good sooth would you acknowledge that your subiects should haue such power ouer you The regall power I had in the meane time by your aide aduice was taken from me to be conferred on my sonne a yong child by reason of his Infant-age vnfit to manage the administration of a Kingdome And when as of late I determined to make him a lawfull resignation for the certaine establishing of him in the Kingdome hee was by force of Armes caried violently away by Traitors who doubtlesse had no other intent then to depriue him as they did me of the Crowne and perhaps of his life After I got out of Lake-Leuin and was to raise Armes for the suppressing of the Rebels I sent you then the Diamond which formerly you had giuen me as a pledge of mutuall loue betwixt vs when you made me many large promises and faithfull protestations to succour and support me against the Rebels when also you promised that if I should come towards you you would meet me in person vpon the frontiers and would assist me I relying vpon these promises so often and so seriously iterated although your messengers had many times before deluded me resolued to resort to you as to a Sanctuary And assuredly I had come had I but found the way as open to me and as easie to passe as it was for those who reuolted against me But before I could come at you I was arrested vpon the way guarded with troops of men shut vp in strong places and since that time haue endured things worse then death I know you will obiect some intercourses of businesse haue past betwixt the Duke of Norfolke and me but I assure you there hath neuer any thing past preiudiciall to you or your Kingdome as also your chiefe Counsellors haue giuen approbation thereto as I can proue who likewise promised mee by the way of attestation to procure your consent And how I pray you should these so great persons promise your consent to a thing which might despoile you of honour life and Diadem And notwithstanding you would that euery one should be so perswaded Besides as diuers of the Rebels by a tardy repentance re-aduising themselues and by a Commission held betwixt our Deputies at Yorke vnderstood how wickedly they had dealt with me they being besieged with your Souldiers in Edenburgh-Castle two of the principall dyed miserably the one by poison the other in a halter And that came to passe for that twice I had dismist the Armies at your request in hope of peace which God knowes whether euer my Aduersaries once haue thought on Since that I had resolued to try whether patience can haue power to conquer cruelty in suffering all
or enterprize ought in France the King according to equitie would chastise them but whatsoeuer they had done in England the King would neither enquire after nor execute the Law vpon them That all Kingdomes were free and open to fugitiues and that euery King should labour to defend the liberties of his Kingdome That ELIZABETH her selfe had not long before receiued into her Realme Montgomerie the Prince of Conde and others of the French Nation And that at that time Seguri the King of Nauarre his Ambassador remained in England plotting new deuices against the King of France Whilst these things past on Bernardin Mendoza Spaines Ambassador in England secretly past into France murmuring and raging as if he contrarie to the right of Ambassie had beene forc'd out of England being indeed a man of violent and turbulent nature and hauing himselfe abused the holy and sacred rights of Ambassadors did deserue according to the opinion of many after the ancient seueritie to bee pursued with sword and fire Hee was commanded to depart the Realm because he had intermixt himselfe amongst those wicked conspiracies with Throckmorton and others that laboured for the bringing in of Strangers into England and dispossessing of the Queene for which being gently reproued he in stead of excusing and purging himselfe by a modest reply accused the Queene and her Councel about the money which was detained from the Geneuois for the aide and succours which were sent to the States of the Netherlands to the Duke of Anjou and to Antonio King of Portugall and also for the Pyracies of Drake But lest the King of Spaine should thinke the rights of Embassie vvere violated by this and not the offence of Mendoza reuenged W. Waade one of the Queenes Councell for the expedition of Letters was dispatched into Spaine there plainely to demonstrate how mischieuously Mendoza had behaued himselfe in his Ambassage And to signifie likewise lest the Queene should be thought by returning of Mendoza to renounce the ancient friendship between the Kingdomes that she was ready to performe all Offices of humanitie towards him if the King in Mendoza's place would send any other more carefull for the maintaining of friendship prouided that the like might be performed to her Ambassador in Spaine But the King disdaining to receiue or conferre with Waade referred him to his Councell Whereat Waade somewhat incensed boldly declared that it had beene an ancient custome ouer all that the Ambassadors should bee admitted to speake in presence euen of their enemies and in time of Warre And that the Emperor Charles the fifth father of the King gaue admittance to the Herald that denounced warre against him from the King of France refusing to impart to the Councell the tenour of his Ambassie Now Idiac Secretarie to the King of Spaine endeuoured himselfe much to come to the knowledge of those matters but his Art and policies failing him hee was fully instructed out of France of the whole passage by Mendoza Whereupon laying aside the quality of a publike person he familiarly declared to Waade that to his griefe hee saw many men which bent all their studies to breake and seuer with mischieuous deuices the Leagues and amity of Princes and to increase their enmities That the iniury was done to the King of Spaine himselfe and not to Ambassadors first on the person of Dispez and then of Mendoza That there was no reason why he should any more accuse Mendoza to the King that had receiued for his fault if hee committed any sufficient punishment being so ignominiously and disgracefully sent backe That the Catholique King had dealt iustly in rendering like for like and as the Queene had dismissed Mendoza without hearing but appointed him to bee heard by her Councell the King in like manner had appointed him to the Cardinall Granuellan To this Waade made answer that there was a large difference between himselfe that had neuer giuen the least distaste to the Catholike King and Mendoza who had highly grieuously offended the Queene hauing insolently a great space disdained and refused to come neere her and committed many things vnfitting and vnworthy an Ambassador Notwithstanding all this Waade could not bee admitted but returned into England without being heard All those crimes for the most part which were obiected against Mendoza were taken out of the confession of Throckmorton For when Throckmorton saw himselfe at the point of being apprehended hee sent vnto Mendoza a little trunke wherein were contained his secrets neuerthelesse his other trunkes being diligently searched there were found two Catalogues in one of which were contained the names of the Ports which were most appropriate and conuenient for the landing of their troopes in the other the names of such Noblemen in England as did entertaine and imbrace the Roman Religion Which Catalogues when hee saw produced he cryed out aloud that they were things suborned and that he neuer saw them before that time and that they were purposely inserted into his trunke by some that plotted his destruction and being tortured to force him confesse hee still persisted but tortures being applyed the second time he confessed all that he knew and being examined touching the Catalogues to what end they were written he made this Declaration THat a few yeares since taking his iourney to the waters of Spaw with one Ieney and Englefield they consulted among themselues of the meanes by which England might bee inuaded of the strangers and the forme of the gouernment changed and to that end the names of the Ports and Noblemen were set downe in those Catalogues That Morgan had signified to him by Letters out of France that the Catholique Princes had already deliberated vpon the inuasion and by the auspicious succours of the Duke of Guise to set at libertie the Queene of Scots the Guise wanting nothing but money and some helping hands in England That to procure these things C. Paget vnder the assumed name of Mopus was sent into Sussex where the Guise had determined first to land his troops That he had communicated the businesse and shewed the names of the Ports and Noblemen to Mendoza who was now perfectly instructed by the rect of the conspiracie Neither doth he deny that hee had promised his owne helpe and industry And had also aduertised Mendoza with what Noblemen being a publique personage he might conferre with with whom he himselfe being but a priuate man could not without danger hold parley And with him found the meanes by some of the principall Catholiques to take vp souldiers in the Queenes name then when the stranger forces should ariue to bee ioyned with them These things he freely confessed Neuerthelesse being accused publikely in the Court at London hee precisely denied all affirming that hee had spoken out of his owne inuention and not the truth onely to free himselfe from the tortures againe and openly accused the Queene of cruelty and those of the Inquest of falshood framing
meanes she adorned her tongue with pure words and instructed her mind with the best documents and good learning not for pompe or ostentation but to recreate her life and frame her selfe to vertue that among the learned Princes of her time shee was held Miraculous But the death of EDVVARD interrupted the studies of the Liberall Arts For scarce was he expired but Dudley Duke of Northumberland who earnestly coueted the Kingdome for Iane Gray to whom he had affianced his Sonne vsed some persons to perswade her to quit the right which shee had to the Kingdome for a certaine summe of money and great possessions in Land She modestly answered that they ought first doe well to agree with Mary her elder Sister because that during her life she could pretend no right to it Anon after by the publike voice of a Cryer Iane Gray HENRY the Eighth's Neece by his second Sisters Daughter was proclaimed Queene of England the cause thereof being sought out was found to bee that in regard of a Lawe by Act of Parliament which had neuer been duely abrogated MARIE and ELIZABETH had beene declared illegitimate although that by the same Lawe the King their Father had declared that after EDVVARD the Sixth if Issue fayled that they should succeede him in order and that by the Ciuill-Law of England such Sisters could not hereditarily succeede EDVVARD because they were not Cousin Germanes but as our learned in the Law say of the halfe Blood They adde likewise that HENRY the Eighth had by his last will nominated Iane Gray Moreouer it was shewed what danger there were if MARIE and ELIZABETH should marrie stranger Princes which would re-establish the Popes authority which was reiected out of the Kingdome And to that purpose they produce Letters Patents that EDVVARD the Sixth a little before his death had perfected and many of the Peeres Bishops Iudges and others by their signes in writing had fortified neuerthelesse the good-will that the Lords and the Commons bore to the Daughters of HENRIE the Eighth within twentie dayes had driuen away this storme and MARY proclaimed Queene through all parts of England who comming toward the Citie of London with an Armie ELIZABETH not to bee wanting her Sisters cause and hers being yet disquieted went accompanied with fiue hundred Horse to meet her vpon the way In the first Assembly of the Parliament that MARY caused to bee holden what things soeuer had beene decreed against the marriage betweene Qu. Katharine and HENRY the Eighth were abrogated and it was iudged lawfull by the Diuine Law and at all times and at all places auaileable for these reasons Because it had bin contracted by the consent of both their Parents of most Illustrious Princes of most graue Personages as well of England as Spaine and with a graue and constant deliberation of the learnedest men of Christendome and consummated by the procreation of Children The same religious Seruice and administration of the Sacraments which were in vse at the decease of HENRY the Eighth are re-established notwithstanding without any mention of acknowledging the Popes authority which thing put the Queene and Cardinall Pole into great trouble and vnquietnesse who thinke that for matter of the marriage consent of Parents and the iudgement of the wise did but onely depend vpon the Dispensation of Pope Iulius the second and were very angry that the vse of the Sacraments were permitted to those who were not as yet well and duely receiued into the Church without the authoritie of the Pope But the States of the Kingdome and MARY bethought her selfe of it feared to receiue and acknowledge the Popes authority which they had already shaken off neither could they suffer that the Queene should quit the Title of Soueraigne head of the Church of England to which the most part of them Prelates Peeres and Common-people had sworne to HENRY the Eighth his heires and successors and there were many of them that had got their riches from those of the Church But tooke it greatly to heart to forsake him perswading herselfe that all the right that she had to the Kingdome of England was vpholden by no other meanes then by the power of the Pope who gaue sentence of her side after her Father had declared her illegitimate Verily many at that time had the Popes power in such hatred and a strangers yoke that within tenne dayes after that MARY was married to Phillip King of Spaine Tho. Wyat and many others of Kent brake out into rebellion perswading themselues that this marriage was made to no other end but the more rigorously to presse them downe vnder the Romane yoke by the strength of Spaine and dispatch ELIZABETH out of the way who was next heire to the Kingdome of England Charles the fifth Emperour knowing what spirits were in England and that Cardinall Pole was going with power of Legate from the Pope cast a blocke in the way not without the Queenes counsell lest he should trouble businesse not as yet established that he should not come into England till fifteene moneths were expired when the third Parliament was ended and the marriage of MARY and Philip should be celebrated by the Dispensation of Pope Iulius the third because they were allied in the third degree and that the Emperour Charles himselfe had heretofore contracted to marry her being then vnder age for time to come At last being dismissed from the Emperour he came into England by demands and obtestations propounded orders that the lawes against Heretikes might be re-established all Lawes published against the Sea of Rome since the twentieth yeere of Henrie the eighth abolished and the whole body of the Kingdome reconciled to the Church of Rome The which with great difficulty he obtained yet not before the goods taken from the Monasteries Colledges Bishops c. by Henry the eighth and Edward the sixth were confirmed vpon like Couenant to the Queene and the possessors lest the Kingdome should be disquieted Foorthwith hereupon he absolued both the Clergie and people of the crime of Schisme and Pope Iulius the third himselfe with great ioy celebrated a solemne Masse at Rome ordained Prayers published a Iubile and granted a plenarie Indulgence to all who had giuen God thankes for the revnion of the Kingdome of England Then is sent vnto him Anthony Viscount Montaigue Thomas Thurlbe Bishop of Ely and Edward Carne to giue thankes for the pardon which he had granted for the Schismes and in the name of the King the Queene and the Kingdome and that due submission and obedience should be performed to the Pope and See of Rome Iulius then being deceased Paulus 4. gaue them audience and publike conference in the Apostolike Palace and in the Hall of Kings receiued their obedience approued the pardon and absolution granted by Cardinall Pole And for the well deseruing of Mary and Philip he out of the fulnesse of his power erected for euer Ireland to be a Kingdome and adorned
and marked it with dignities and Royall preheminences The which the States of Ireland had liberally offered to Henry the eighth and the Queene a little before vsed and enioyed the same But these things are not for this place The Romane Religion seemed then to be well established in England howbeit the Ecclesiasticall company seeing that Mary was now fortie yeeres old growne dry and sickly scarce hoping for any ofspring began forthwith to be afraid of ELIZABETH For they knew she was brought vp in the Protestant Religion and obserued that all men cast as vpon a rising Sunne both heart and eye vpon her Therefore they seriously consult from the very beginning of Maries Raigne how to preuent that the Religion now called backe should receiue any detriment by her The wiser and more consciencious sort iudged it to be an exceeding foule crime to destroy Royall Linage and Mary herselfe who was a godly Princesse though displeased with her Sister for the discord of their Mothers yet certaine sicke-braind fellowes who neither durst vndertake any thing nor performe any thing by right or wrong to establish the Catholike Religion did thinke it fit And it happened very commodiously for them that Tho. Wyat Peter Carew Iames Crofts and others for the Protestants seditiously endeuoured to doe rash and turbulent things labouring with all haste to mary ELIZABETH to Edward Courtney Earle of Deuon-shire She as being guilty hereof is thrust into prison first of all vncertaine rumors are dispersed that she was a partaker of sedition thereupon many are brought in question for their heads and others brought to the Racke Croft with a religious asseueration openly affirmed that she was no way guilty and out of all offence for sedition Wyat also it was thought who was ready to vnder-goe his last punishment would haue accused her and hee openly professed the same Neuerthelesse she is put into the hands of Keepers who hurry her this way and that way at length her Seruants and Maides are laide in fetters harder dealing then her dignity deserued In the meane time the French King Henry the second by priuate Letters full of loue comforts her and by many and great promises seekes to draw her into France whether for loue or by deceit to beget her a greater danger I will not say to make way to the Queene of Scots his Neece to the Crowne of England after Queene MARY In like manner Christian the Third King of Denmarke who long before made profession of the Protestants Religion endeuours all he can and treates vnder-hand to marry her to Frederick his Sonne Which when the Papists of England perceyued they againe threaten perill and mischiefe and fearing her cry out that all of the Romane Religion Queene and Kingdome are in ieopardy while shee subsists therefore necessarily to condemne her eyther Laesae Maiestatis or as a depraued Heretique and during that storme whilest cruelty was rigorously exercised vpon the meaner sort of Protestants I. Storie Doctor of the Law and others cunningly giue it out in all places in seuerall assemblies that they vnderstood it was practising to extirpate and ridde out Heresie ayming at her without sparing the smallest branches Notwithstanding moderating her selfe imitating the Mariner when a storme violently increaseth heard diuine Seruice according to the rule of the Romish Church came often to Confession and verily beeing oft rudely and churlishly disturbed by Cardinall Pole the terrour of death made her confesse her selfe to bee a Romane Catholique Howbeit MARY hardly beleeued it not forgetting that herselfe being forced by the same apprehension had by Letters written to her Father with her owne hand which I haue seene renounced for euer the authority that the Pope pretended to haue in England and acknowledged her Father to be Soueraigne Head of the Church of England and that the marriage betwixt him and her Mother was incestuous and vnlawfull Neyther could the Cardinall and other Prelates perswade themselues to it who to assure the Romane Church wished her to be taken out of the way But Philip MARY'S Husband and other Spaniards being more iust on ELIZABETHS behalfe would not heare of that Not that the fortune of an afflicted Princesse mooued them so much to mercy as their owne reason circumspectly aduised them Because fore-seeing if ELIZABETH were cut off that by Marie Queene of Scots next Heire to the Kingdome of England now married to the Dolphin of France England Ireland and Scotland might be ioyned to the Scepter of France then which nothing could be more fearefull to the greatnes of Spaine with whom they haue continuall warres When therefore without impietie they could not put ELIZABETH to death many thought it would be most aduisedly done to remooue her farre from England and marry her to Emanuel Philibert Duke of Sauoy Neyther did this please Spaine who before had purposed her for Charles his sonne And Thomas Cornwallis who was of the Queenes Councell likewise disswaded it telling Her that the people of Englād would hardly beare it yea in no wise suffer it that the next Heire of the Kingdome should be carryed away into a forreine Countrey At which time MARY for her inueterate hatred to ELIZABETH and because shee refused to marry with Sauoy grew to that heat of anger that shee ouer-charged her with reproaches and often-times would not stick to say that Marie Queene of Scotland was the certaine and vndoubted Heire of the Kingdome of England next to her selfe These consultations holden against ELIZABETH were taken away by a warre which MARY denounced in the behalfe of her Husband against France which although that was the prime and principall cause shee neuerthelesse alledged others and those most true viz. That France against the Lawes of couenant had nourished and sustained by his Agents and ministers the Rebellions of the Duke of Northumberland and Tho. Wyat the machinations and workings of Dudley and Ashton against her person sent out Pyrats against the English Merchants furnished Stafford with Ships and Armes to possesse the Castle of Scarborough had attempted by wicked practices to surprize Callais permitted English mony to be counterfeited and adulterated in France and inuaded the Low-Countries which the English by couenant are bound to defend In this flaming warre and the Scots stirred vp by the French inuading the Frontiers of England Calais is lost the Castles of Lisbanck Newnambrig Mere Oyes Hammes Sandgate the Castle and Towne of Guines and amongst the frequent Funerals of Prelates which sad presage seemed to fore-shew the displeasure of the diuine power MARY neglected of her Husband and with concocted griefe for the losse of Callais which had beene Englands rightfully two hundred yeeres with a Feuer and the Dropsie the seuenteenth day of Nouember 1558. departed hauing reigned fiue yeeres foure moneths A Princesse of a holy behauior to al her piety to the poore liberalitie to the Nobles and Clergie can neuer enough be praysed But the time was
Prayse of those who were of the English Nauy ibid. Publike ioy encreased by good newes out of Scotland ibid. Leicesters goods are sold 289 Bergen ap Zone besieged by the Duke of Parma ibid. Who rayseth the siege ibid. Innou●tions in England ibid. Martin Mar-Prelate and other scandalous bookes 290 FINIS THE HISTORIE OF THE MOST High Mighty and Inuincible Princesse Queene ELIZABETH of most happy and neuer-dying memory OR ANNALLS Of all the most remarkable things that happened during her blessed Raigne ouer the Kingdomes of England and Ireland c. The first yeere of her Raigne Anno 1558. AFter that for certaine houres the decease of Queene MARY had beene concealed the Peeres Prelates and Commons of England being at that time assembled together in Parliament First notice was giuen to them of the vpper house which were in a manner strucke silent with griefe and astonishment for a while But they presently after rowzed vp their spirits and amazed senses moderating their mournings with ioy either not to seeme altogether sad or sorrowfull that Queene ELIZABETH succeeded the Crowne or else ioyfull that by the death of Queene MARY the succession thereof fell to her Maiesty so they bent their cares to publike affaires and with a common accord and firme resolution concluded and agreed that by the law of succession in the 35. yeere of King HENRY the eighth ELIZABETH was ought to be declared true and legitimate Heire of the Kingdome Therefore at that instant Nicholas Heath Lord Archbishop of Yorke and Lord Chancellour of England carried the first newes to those of the Lower-house giuing them to vnderstand with much sorrow and sighs that death preuenting the course of nature had depriued them of a Queene no lesse fauourable to the Roman Religion then kinde and louing to the Common wealth and that each member of the Vpper-house had receiued such extreme griefe thereby that they seemed to be comfortlesse without hope of consolation if God through his speciall grace fauour towards the English Nation had not reserued for them ELIZABETH another Daughter to King HENRY the ● to succeed her Sister and that her right to the Crowne was so euident and true that no man could nor ought to make any doubt or question thereof and that the Peeres and Prelates of this Realme had all with one accord and voice determined that she should be forthwith publisht Queene and proclaimed Soueraigne if they were so pleased to condescend thereunto Which words being scarce vttered the whole Assembly immediatly with a common acclamation cryed aloud GOD SAVE QVEENE ELIZABETH that her Raigne may be long and happy And immediatly the whole Parliament rising she was openly proclaimed Queen by sound of Trumpets first in Westminster-Hall and then soone after thorow the whole City of London by the title of Queene of England France and Ireland and Defendresse of the faith with the happy applause and ioyfull shouting of all the people vndoubted presages truly most happy for indeed no Prince was euer cherisht of his people and Subiects with more ardent and constant loue and zealous affection then this Queene was nor none receiued and welcommed with more respect and ioy then she hath beene nor blessed and prayed for with more vowes and prayers so often iterated as this happy Princesse hath beene all her life time chiefly when shee shewed her selfe in publike or openly abroad Queene ELIZABETH was about fiue and twenty yeeres of age when her Sister died But she was so rarely qualified by aduersity and so well accomplisht and accommodated by experience which are most effectuall Tutors that she had purchased Prudence and Iudgement farre aboue the capacity of her age and of her pregnant wit and admirable wisdome she gaue sufficient proofe and worthy testimony in the election and choice that shee made of her Priuie Councellors for she tooke into her Priuie Councell the aforesaid Nicholas Heath Archbishop of Yorke a Prelate no lesse prudent then modest and discreet William Poulet Marquesse of Winchester Lord high Treasurer of England Henry Fitz-Allen Earle of Arundel Francis Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury Edward Stanley Earle of Darby William Herbert Earle of Pembrooke Edward Baron of Clynton Lord high Admirall The Lord Howard Baron of Effingham Lord Chamberlaine Sir Thomas Cheney Sir William Peter Sir Iohn Mason Sir Richard Sackuile Knights and Nicholas Wotton Deane of Canterbury All which had beene Priuie Councellors to Queene MARY and professing her owne Religion Shee adioyned to them by temporizing according to the time these vndernamed who were all Protestants and had had no office at all nor charge of gouernment in Queene MARIES Raigne William Parr Marquesse of Northampton Francis Lord Russell Earle of Bedford Thomas Parr Edward Rogers Ambrose Caue Francis Knollys and William Cicill who before had beene Secretary to King EDVVARD the sixth a noble Gentleman most wise vnderstanding and iudicious whose learning and worth exceeded many others and a little after she brought in Sir Nicholas Bacon whom she made Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England She so ordered and tempered them in place with all those which succeeded since in such sort that they were true faithfull and affectionate to her Maiesty and she alwaies free and not subiect to any At these happy beginnings her first and chiefest care was to re-establish the Protestant Religion the which as much by the instruction and knowledge that shee had receiued thereof from her infancy as also by her owne particular iudgement she firmely held and maintained to be very true and most conformable to the holy Scripture and to the sincerity of the primitiue Church so effectually resoluing in her heart to settle and re-establish the same that she imployed to that purpose some of her Councellors being the most intimate with the rest of the other Lords of her most honorable Priuy-Councel she tooke order that the Ports Hauen-Townes should be fast shut secured and fortified The Tower of London she committed to the care of one whose fidelity and loyalty had been fully approued a new Commission she sent to Thomas Earle of Sussex Lord Deputie of Ireland who with a Garrison of three hundred and twenty Horse and one thousand three hundred and sixty foot yeelded in submission the whole Countrey which otherwise had not bin quiet nor peaceable Also the like Commission shee sent with a clause or restraint not to conferre any office to Iudges and Magistrates for to hinder the Conuocation of the Assembly of the iurisdiction by the authority there appointed New Iustices and Sheriffes shee likewise established in each County and tooke order that no money nor coine should be transported by exchange out of the Realme to forraine Nations beyond Sea and that the Preachers should desist and abstaine from treating of questions or disputing about Controuersies in Religion and withall concerning State-affaires out of the Kingdom she gaue order that Ambassadors should be sent to all
with wisedome and kept by care was firme and lasting Now how by her Masculine care and counsell she surmounted her Sexe and what shee did most wisely in preuenting diuerting and powerfully resisting the attempts of her Enemies those that now liue and shall hereafter will bee able to iudge of what I shall drawe out and set forth of things if I may call them so in the Kingdomes owne memory At that time the Emperour and the Christian Princes interceding by continuall Letters that she would vse the Bishops which were retyred out of her Realme gently and suffer the Papists to haue Churches in Townes by the Protestants She answered that although the Bishops had in the sight of all the world against the Lawes and Peace of the Kingdome and obstinately reiected the same Doctrine which the most of them had vnder the Raigne of HENRY the Eighth and EDVVARD the Sixth propounded to others voluntarily and by publike writings that she would vse them meekely for those great Princes sakes notwithstanding shee could not doe it without offending her Subiects But to let them haue Churches by the others shee could not with the safety of the Common-wealth and without wounding of her Honour Conscience neither had shee reason to doe it seeing that England imbraced no new Religion nor any other then that which Iesus Christ hath commanded that the Primitiue and Catholike Church hath exercised and the ancient Fathers haue alwayes with one voice and one mind approued And to allow them to haue diuers Churches and diuers manners of seruice besides that it is directly oppugnant to the Lawes established by the authority of the Parliament it were to breede one Religion out of another and drawe the spirits of honest people into varieties to nourish the designes of the factious to trouble Religion and Common-wealth and to confound humane things with Diuine which would be ill in effect and worse in example pernicious to her Subiects and not assured at all to those to whō it should be allowed and aboue all at their request she was resolued to cure the particular insolency of some by winking at something neuerthelesse without fauouring in any sort the obstinacie of their spirits The Spaniard hauing lost all hope to marry her and beeing ready to marry the Daughter of France notwithstanding thinkes seriously of England nothing desirous that it should be ioyned to the Scepter of France and to retaine the dignity of so great a Kingdome in his House obtained of the Emperour Ferdinand his Vncle that he would seeke her to wife for his second Sonne which he as soone did by very louing Letters and followed it very carefully by Iasper Preimour a resolute Baron of the Countrey of Stibing The Spaniard himselfe to bring her to that promised her speciall affection and she of her side made him offer by Thomas Chaloner of her Ships and commodity of her Hauens for his Voyage for Spaine which he was about with all remarkable duties of Friendship The French on the other side casting an eye vpon England left the French Garrison in Scotland in fauour of the King Dolphin his sonne and Mary Queene of Scotland which hee had promised to take from thence vpon the agreement before mentioned and sent thither vnder-hand supplies sollicites the Pope of Rome more vehemently than euer to declare Queene ELIZABETH an Heretique and illegitimate and Queene Mary of Scotland legitimate of England and although the Spaniard and the Emperour hindered by their contrary and most strong practices though secretly by the Agents which they had at Rome neuerthelesse the Guizes carried their credulous ambition with such a flattering hope to ioyne Englands Scepter to France by the meanes of the Queene of Scots their neece that hee came so farre as to challenge it for his Sonne and for his Daughter in Law and commanded them in all their Royall Letters to take this Title Francis and Mary by the grace of God King and Queene of Scotland England and Ireland and to let the Armes of England be seene in all places causing them to be painted and grauen together with the French Armes in their moueables and vtensils in the walls of their houses in their Heralds coates of Armes notwithstanding any complaint that the English Ambassadour could make that it was a notorious wrong to Queene ELIZABETH with whom hee had newly contracted a friendship being manifest that hee had not done it during the reigne of Queene MARIE though she denounced warre against him Hee also leuied horse and foote in France and Germanie to goe to the Territories of Scotland neerest adioyning to England insomuch that Queene ELIZABETH had good cause to apprehend it seeing that he breathed nothing but after the bloud slaughter of the Protestants But these enterprizes were broken by his vnlooked-for death hapning at the Tilting which was for the recreation and solemnizing of the marrriages of his Daughter with the King of Spaine and of his Sister with the Duke of Sauoy And much to the purpose it fell out for Queene ELIZABETHS businesse whom hee resolued to set vpon with all his forces as well for being an heretique as also illegitimate on the one side by Scotland and on the other side by France Neuerthelesse to giue him royall honours after his death shee caused his funerall solemnities to be performed as to a King a friend with the greatest pompe in Saint Pauls Church in London and forthwith sent Ch. Howard Effinghams sonne now great Admirall of England and Ireland to condole with him for the death of his Father and to congratulate his succession to Francis his Sonne and Successour exhorting him to entertaine inuiolably the friendship which had lately beene begun But Francis and the Queene of Scotland his wife by the counsell of the Guizes who then had some power in France behaued himselfe publiquely as King of England and Ireland kept alwaies the English Armes which hee had vsurped and made shew of them more than euer and N. Throgmorton ordinary Ambassadour a wise but a hote man complained to them of this They first answere him that the Queene of Scotland had right to carry those Armes with a barre to shew the proximity of bloud which shee had with the royall Race of England After when he had maintained that by the Law which they call the Law of Armes it is not permitted to any to take the Armes and Markes of any House vnlesse hee be descended of some of the Heires of it obseruing to tell him that shee carried them not but to cause the Queene of England to leaue those of France But hauing vpon that put them in minde how D. Wotton had afore-time treated at Cambray how twelue Kings of England had carried the Armes of France and by a right so seldome called in question that by any of the treaties which were made betweene the English and the French nothing had beene resolued to the contrary hee gained in the end
security she should in her life-time set her winding-sheete before her eyes yea she should likewise make her own funerall liuing and seeing it Hauing made this answere she sweetly admonisheth her againe by Letters which were deliuered her by Peter Meutis to confirme the Treatie which she refused not directly but gaue him to vnderstand that she could not commodiously doe it vntill the Affaires of Scotland were well established In the meane time Queen ELIZABETH with all maner of courtesie entertaines Monsieur le Duc D' Aumale the Grand Prior and Monsieur le Duc D'elbeuf her Vnkles and other French Noble-men which had conducted her into Scotland And yet notwithstanding Monsieur de Guize behaued himselfe in that sort that the English Ships are taken vpon the Coasts of Brittanie and the Marchants vnworthily handled and labours againe closely at Rome to procure Queene ELIZABETH to bee excommunicated Howbeit the Pope Pius the fourth aduised that it behoued to deale more gently with her Maiesty and as he had already sought by courteous Letters as I haue said vpon the last yeere hauing then also to appease the discords which were for matter of Religion assigned a day to the Councell of Trent long sinnce begunne and broken off by continuall Warres and drawing gently thither all the Princes which had forsaken the Romish religion hee deputed into England the Abbot of Martinegues with Letters full of assurance of loue But because that by an ancient Law it is most expressely forbidden the Popes Nuncio's to goe thither before he had obtained leaue from thence and taken Oath not to worke any thing by subtilty there tending to the preiudice of the King and Kingdome The Abbot being vpon the way stayed in Flanders and demanded leaue to come hither But Englands Councell of State iudg'd that it was not safe to admit him hither in regard that so many people from all parts nourished in the Romish religion laboured carefully both within and without the Realme to trouble the affaires thereof The Abbot not being permitted to come into England the Bishop of Wittenberg the Popes Nuncio with the King of France labours that Queene ELIZABETH should send Ambassadours to the Councell and many Princes of Christendome viz. the Kings of France of Spaine and of Portingall Henry Cardinall of Portingall and aboue all the Duke of Albe who yet bore good will to her Maiestie counselled her that in matters of Religion which is the onely Anker of Christians and stay of Kingdomes she would rather asscent to the Oecumenique Councell of Trent than to the particular opinions of a few men although they be learned She answers them That shee desired with all her heart an Oecumenique Councell but that shee would not send to that of the Popes with whom she had nothing to doe his authority being vtterly beaten downe and reiected in England with the consent of the States of the Kingdome That it is not for him but for the Emperour to assigne a Councell and that he hath no greater authority then any other Bishop At the same time that this Abbot was denyed accesse into England beeing the last Nuncio that the Popes of Rome haue sent hither Sir Edward Carne aforementioned being a most iudicious and wise man very well vnderstood in the right of Emperours by the Emperour Charles the fifth honoured with the dignitie of Knight-hood he dyed at Rome and was the last Ambassadour sent from the Kings of England to the Pope Chamberlaine Ambassadour for England in Spaine perceiuing that this answere did more and more alienate the affection of Spaine who iudged it to bee iniurious to the Pope and fearing no more that England Scotland and Ireland should fall into the hands of the Kings of France since that King Francis was dead began to make no more account of the English tooke leaue of him and returned into England Thomas Chaloner is sent in his place who as he was impatient of iniuries and had beene many times Ambassadour in Germany where he had receiued all manner of courtesies as soone as he was arriued in Spaine instantly besought by Letters to be reuoked complaining that according to the custome of the Countrey they had searched his Trunkes But Queene ELIZABETH admonished him that an Ambassadour must support all that which is of equity prouided that the honour of his Prince were not wronged Queen ELIZABETH being then capable of good counsell and very prudent and prouident and Religion somewhat wel established to strengthen her selfe with remedies against forces prouides for the safety of her selfe and of her Subiects and to enioy Peace more sweetly although she found the Coffers empty at her comming began to establish a Magazin of all sorts of Instruments of War and to that end employed great summes of money in Germany The Spaniard retained those Furnitures which shee had agreed for at a price at Antwerpe causeth many Cannons of Brasse and Iron to be cast discouers in the Country of Cumberland neere Keswicke by a speciall fauour from God on what occasion how farre and at what time shee should vse her liberality and indeed was prouidently bountifull to those that deserued it For notwithstanding that King HENRY her Father howsoeuer charged with three Children and EDVVARD and MARIE who had none had beene bountifull of the Crowne Land shee neuerthelesse hauing none neither gaue very little of it and yet what she gaue was vpon condition that for default of issue it should returne to the Crowne for which both the Realme and their successors ought to remember her and thanke her as a carefull fore-seer Whilest this good correspondencie was betweene the Queene and her people the Common-wealth seeming to take life and strength to the common ioy of all fell out a sad accident A most rare Piramide of the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul in London which was frō the ground to the top of the square Tower 525. foote from thence 260. and was couered with wood ouer-laid with Lead was strucken at the top with fire from heauē which was so deuouring and burnt downeward with such violence to the great terrour of all the Inhabitants that in the space of fiue houres it reduced it to ashes with the whole couering of the Church which was most ample and spacious but the vaults which were of solid stone remained entire Notwithstanding all this couering was new made by the Queenes liberality and to the effecting of the same gaue great quantity of money and materials beside the collection of Ecclesiasticicall persons and others So all was repaired saue the Piramide This yeere dyed Iohn Bourchier a man of ancient Nobility Earle of Bath second of that name and Baron of Fitzwarin who by Elenor daughter of George Baron of Rosse had a great Progenie and left his Sonne William yet liuing his Successor THE FIFTH YEERE OF HER RAIGNE Anno Domini 1562. THe troubles of France begunne then to
deserued extreme punishment yea greater torments then those of hell fire Whereunto Smith made answere That it nothing concerned him and to search out what right and title the French had in former times to Calais one must rip vp wonderfull ancient and absolute Antiquities but well he perceiued at last that what the French laid hold of either by right or wrong they take it for their own as if their claimes and titles lay in nothing but Armes and little car'd whether they possest a good or bad conscience That they resolued to hold Calais by that Law of Nations which permits captiues to release themselues from their enemies and recouer former libertie though the other held it by vertue of a solemne Conuention and Accord And that they cal'd not to consideration how after the first there was another so as they determined in no wise to performe their promise giuen touching the restitution of Calais And yet neuerthelesse this was of more waight and consequence then the most important reasons that could bee alleadged That they euer tooke to themselues and denyed the English the glory and honour which then they willingly ascribed to them for beeing capable and apprehensiue in Contractations That this renouation of Contract was but a meere Antistrophe which might iustly bee returned vpon the French because the reason why the Queene redemanded Calais was for nothing else but in that the French attempting and innouating by their Armes in Scotland had lost the right they pretended thereunto because the Queene of England vpon this surprized Haure de grace As if in so doing the one Prince minded not to yeeld one iot to the other We said he accorded a Peace at Troyes which if it induced any nouation or change this innouation or change cut off the right which the French had to Calais and confirmed the English Title which the English could not as yet iustly claime because the eight yeeres were not then fully expired Whereupon rising and turning toward the Councell of France I appeale saith hee to your faith and conscience seeing your selues were then present when wee insisted in making a Reseruation by expresse termes for our right to Calais you labouring as much to haue it omitted because the full time was not expired Is it not true that the Accord was made betweene vs with this prouiso and secret reseruation exprest in this Clause All other respectiue intentions and demands to remaine solid and entire and so likewise the exceptions and prohibitions both of the one and the other side reserued As for Haure de grace the English entred it without one blowe strucke at the intreaty of the Inhabitants and the Normane Nobility and after a solemne protestation that it should bee kept and held to the King of France his behoofe so as heerein they vndertooke nothing against him by course of Armes nor innouated not any thing to the infringement of the former Treaty As for the moneys lent to the Prince of Condé and his Confederates this was done with no other drift or intention then to satisfie the Almaine Souldiers who mutined for their pay and to detaine them from forraging those Countries that liued vnder the King's obedience which the King himselfe acknowledged to haue beene done to a good end and for his owne speciall seruice And thus you see what Sir Thomas Smith vttered with diuers such matters and allegations Whereupon Monsieur Memorancy beeing Constable of France holding vp his Sword on high the Scabbard whereof was set with Flowers-de-Luce for a marke and embleme of his high Office and vsing many words of the great warlike preparations which the English brought before Haure de grace as if they had not only beene able to defend a small Towne but further to haue taken in all Normandy No man said Smith need to wonder because the Englishmen being a maritime Nation vnderstanding that they haue no command ouer the Winds who are Lords of the Sea they prouide plentifully and in due season for time to come Then the Frenchmen complaining that conformable to the Accord the Protestants that fled out of France were refused to bee deliuered to the French Ambassadour who had demanded them this busines was put off till another time and so by little and little came to be buried in silence the Ciuill Wars instantly renewing in France And certainely the French-men were resolued among themselues neuer to deliuer vp Calais againe For they no sooner tooke it but they razed all the old Fortifications began to make new let houses and grounds for fiftie yeeres and granted a perpetuitie in others While these matters thus passed in France the Count of Stolberg came into England from the Emperour Maximilian to treate of a Marriage with the Arch-duke for which end likewise the Queenes Maiestie not long before had sent to the Emperour the Earle of Sussex with the Order of the Garter who for the loue he bare to his Countrey and hatred to the Earle of Leicester employed all his best endeuours to bring to passe that the Queene might marry with a strange Prince and Leicester by this meanes to bee frustrated of his hopes this alwaies readily comming out of his mouth That whether in respect of honour power or meanes a strange Prince was to be preferred before the most noble Subiect of the Kingdome of England Which made one of a contrarie opinion vpon a certaine time vtter ingeniously these words in his presence That in marriages wherein respect is had to three things to honour power and riches the Diuell and the World were the Paranymphes and Solliciters Notwithstanding Leicester conceiuing good hopes found meanes to suborne the Lord North whom the Earle of Sussex had chosen to accompany him in his voyage that he should giue an eare to what he spake cast a vigilant eye ouer what hee did and vnder-hand to plucke backe the Marriage of the Arch-duke as fast as hee aduanced and set it forward letting him vnderstand that the Queene was farre from it whatsoeuer shew shee made of a willing mind and what face soeuer Sussex set on it As also himselfe laboured incessantly in Court to diuert the Queene from any such resolution he hauing the command of her eare and to this end he representing vnto her all the discommodities which might accrew by her marrying out of the Realme The Marriage of late memory that her Sister MARY contracted with the King of Spaine whereby shee cast her selfe into perpetuall sorrow and England into danger of comming vnder the Spanish seruitude That it was vnpossible to discouer the manners cogitations and inward inclinations of strangers though these things ought to be lookt into in the person of an Husband who by an inseparable band is one and the same flesh How it was an extreme misery and griefe to be dayly conuersant with a man of strange maners and language That Children begotten in such marriages tooke from their birth I know not what kind of
the exercise of his owne Religion forbidden him Wherein I am not able to say whether the Spaniards shewed greater hatred to Queene ELIZABETH or to Religion considering that at the same time she vsed all manner of humanity to Guzman the Spanish Ambassadour in England permitting him the exercise of his religion Her Maiestie was wonderfully moued with this Insult esteeming it offered to her own person in that they vsed her Ambassadour so as likewise for the iniurie which was done at the same instant to one Iohn Hawkins This man went to traffique at the Port of S. Iohn de Vlua within the Mexican Gulfe hauing fiue Ships laden with merchandize and some Negro slaues of whom the English then made ordinary sale hauing learn'd it of the Spaniards but I know not with what honour they might so doe The day after his arriuall came in also the King of Spaine's Fleet which because he would not violate the Peace he suffered peaceably to enter into the Port though he might haue hindred it obtayning first a firme promise of security for himselfe and his people vpon certaine prouisoes and conditions The Spaniards thus entered scorning to haue conditions imposed vpon them in their owne Proprieties obserued a fit time and falling vpon the English slew many of them seized on three of their Ships and made pillage of the goods a victory notwithstanding that cost themselues much blood This treacherous Action caused the Souldiers and Sea-men of England to murmur vrging them to call out for warre against the Spaniard and dayly exclaiming how they were breakers of Peace and Accord because it was agreed vpon between the Emperour Charles the fifth and HENRY the Eighth that commerce should bee free betweene their Subiects in all and each of their Kingdomes and Dominions as also in the Ilands not excepting so much as America which then appertayned to Charles About the same time the second day of May the prisoner Queene at Lake-Leuin made an escape out of prison and retired to Hamilton Castle by meanes of George Dowglasse to whose Brother shee was committed in guard where vpon the testimonies of R. Meluin and others and with an vnanimous consent of all the Nobles who flockt thither in great numbers Sentence definitiue was vttered That the Grant or Resignation extorted by meere feare from the prisoner Queene was void from the beginning and the Queene her selfe beeing present tooke a solemne Oath that it was extorted and forced from her By meanes whereof in two dayes such multitudes of men repayred to her out of all parts as she raised an Army of sixe thousand braue Souldiers who notwithstanding when they came to ioyne battell with Murray fighting rather hare-braindly then with wit or discretion they were soone discomfited This timorous Lady beeing daunted with that hard successe betooke her selfe to flight and rode the same day threescore miles when comming by night to Maxwel's house Baron of Heris she had rather expose herselfe to the mercy of the Sea and rely vpon Queen ELIZABETHS Protection than vpon the fidelity of her Subiects But yet before her embarking shee sent vnto her Iohn Beton with a Diamond that Queen ELIZABETH had formerly giuen her for a gage of their mutuall loue and amitie to the end to aduertise her that shee meant to come into England and demand succour of her if her owne Subiects any longer pursued her by course of Warre Queene ELIZABETH promised her all the kindnesse and loue of a Royall Sister but she not staying the returne of the Messenger committed her selfe to a small Vessell against the aduice and counsell of her friends and so the seuenteenth of May with the Barons Heris and Flemming and some fewe others came to Werrington in Cumberland neere to the mouth of the Riuer Derwenton and the same day shee wrote to Queene ELIZABETH a Letter in French the principall heads whereof I thinke good to set downe euen as I extracted them out of the originall Copie it selfe which comprehend a Relation of that which passed against her in Scotland more at large then what before I haue deliuered MY most deare Sister you very wel vnderstand how some of my Subiects whom I haue raised to soueraigne degrees of honor haue conspired to suppresse and imprison both mee and my Husband as also that when by force of Armes I had expelled them out of my Kingdome I receiued them againe into grace at your entreatie notwithstanding all this they violently entred into my Chamber and though I was great with Child cruelly slew mine owne seruant in my presence and shut vp my selfe vnder guard and close keeping When I pardoned them of this crime then presently they perpetrate another the which though it were plotted by them and had obliged themselues to the execution thereof by seal'd writings subscribed with their owne hands yet they imputed it to mee and were ready with armed power to seize vpon me But beeing confident in mine owne innocence for the sparing of blood I was content to yeeld my selfe vnto them Foorthwith they committed mee to prison beeing depriued of all my seruants except two wayting-Maides a Cooke and a Phisician enforcing me by menacings and terrors of death to resigne ouer the gouernment of the Kingdome refusing to heare either me or my Attourneys in a Conuention of the Estates summon'd by their owne authority onely stript off all my goods and denyed the meanes to speake with any After this by Gods direction I vsed a course to escape this imprisonment and beeing assisted with the whole Flowre of the Nobilitie who cheerefully made recourse vnto me out of all parts I put mine enemies in minde of their duety and of the fidelity they had sworne vnto me offered them pardon tooke order that each partie might bee heard in the Conuention of the Estates to the end the Common-wealth might no longer bee rackt and tormented with intestine mischiefes and for this effect I sent towards them two Messengers But they imprisoned both of them proclaimed them Traytors that assisted me and ordayned that they should presently forsake me I entreated them vnder publike warrant and safety to negotiate with the Baron of Boyd for the according of these differences but in this motion they also refused me Neuerthelesse I conceiued some hope that they might bee brought vnder obedience by your procurements but when I saw that I must either dye or vndergoe another imprisonment I thought to goe to Dunbritton and was onward in my way They opposed and way-laid me beat and ouerthrew my people my selfe beeing constrained to flie Then I retired to the Baron of Heris and with him repayred into your Kingdome relying on your Princely and Royall affection that you will ayde me in my need and by your example inuite others thereunto Wherefore I request you in all kinde affection that beeing so deepely plunged in many distresses as at this instant I am you will cause mee to be conducted out of
was repos'd and rested himselfe vpon a Cushion should take heed and looke to himselfe And finally the Earle of Leicester beeing at Tichfield found himselfe ill or else he counterfaited the sicke and being visited and graciously comforted by the Queene he was seized with such feare that her Maiestie could easily discerne it beholding his blood and vitall senses to shrinke in himselfe which was the cause that after he had asked pardon and implored forgiuenesse with sighs and teares of the Queene he declared vnto her all the businesse from the beginning In that very same time the Queen tooke the Duke aside into a Gallery where she rebuked him sharpely for hauing sought the Queen of Scotland in marriage without her leaue and permission commanding him to free himselfe of it for the fidelity and loyalty sake which hee ought to beare vnto his Soueraigne The Duke most willingly promised the same as if he had despised the match and fear'd not to assure that his reuennues and commings in heere in England were not whitlesse to those of the Kingdome of Scotland then miserably exhausted by the Warre and that when he was in the Tenis-Court of his Palace at Norwich he seemed in some fashion to be equall and not inferiour to some Kings But in a short space this courage begunne to grow weake and flexible discerning by the aspect and speech of the Queene that her Maiestie was irritated against him and that her anger rather augmented then diminished also that many Noble-men withdrew themselues by little little from his familiarity saluting him but with much adoe and breaking off in haste their discourses At this the Duke tooke his iourney to London without leaue and vpon the way tooke his lodging at the Earle of Pembroke's house who counselled him to be cheerefull to hope well and gaue him solace and consolation in his affliction That very day Queene ELIZABETH moued with anger refused to set at liberty the prisoned Queene to the Scottish Ambassadour who implored it of her Maiestie and commanded that she should behaue herselfe peaceably or else she should see shortly those vpon whom she most relyed cut off and beheaded Now when as the rumor of the match had more increased and the fame of it was euery where diuulged and the Ambassadour of the French King more by the perswasion of some English than the command of his Prince as it afterwards appeared did earnestly labour and vehemently vrge that the Queene of Scots might haue her libertie new suspicions were generally raysed and Cecill who was alwaies diligently carefull and studying for the well-fare of Religion was desirous to finde out the matter he dealt therefore with Sussex by Letters who was then President of the North Countries and a deare friend to the Duke that if so be he vnderstood any thing concerning the Dukes marriage he should certifie the Queene of it what he answered I am vncertaine And when it appeared that the Duke had priuate conference at Hampton-Court with Murray the Vice-Roy of Scotland George Carie the sonne of the Lord of Hunsden was sent to enquire if the Duke had imparted any thing to him concerning the marriage In the meane time the Duke affrighted with the false rumor of the rebellion and insurrection in the North and being certified of Leicester that he should be committed to prison went into Norfolke till his friends at Court as they promised had stilled the storme and he pacified the offended minde of the Queene with submissiue supplicatiue Letters When hee found no comfort amongst his owne and Heiden Cornwallis and other of his traine perswaded him that if he were guilty should flye to the Queenes mercy he was almost distracted with sorrow In the meane time the Court was sollicited and possest with feare lest hee should haue made Rebellion which if hee did they report it was determined to cut off the Queen of Scots But hee out of his innate goodnesse and a most pious conscience had not offended against any Law of her Maiestie that Statute made in the Reigne of HENRY the Eighth which prohibited the marrying any of the children of the Kings Sister Brother or Aunt without the consent and knowledge of the King being abolished and nullified by EDVVARD the Sixth and also out of a feare that they should vse the Queene of Scots more hardly sends Letters to his friends at Court in which he certified that he went into the Countrey for feare of imprisonment that through time and absence he might finde a remedy against ill reports and defamations which the Court was ready to intertaine hee most submissiuely intreateth pardon and forthwith prepareth to goe to the Court. In his returne hee being at Saint Albons Owen the Earle of Arundels man was sent priuately to him from Throgmorton and Lumley who formerly had beene in custody aduising him that hee should take all the blame on himselfe and not lay any fault on Leicester or others lest he should turne them from being friends to enemies There Edward Fitz-Gerald brother to the Earle of Kildare Lieutenant of the Pensioners went before drew him from thence and brought him to Burnham about three miles from Windsor where the Queene was to whom foure dayes after the Abbot of Dunfermline deliuered Letters in the behalfe of Murray importing how the Duke had secretly treated with him in the Royall Mannor of Hampton-Court to procure his fauour to this marriage on the contrary greatly menacing him in case he did refuse That to auoyd the dangerous practice of one Norton who watcht to kill him at his returne he gaue his promise to the Duke That the Duke assured him neither Norton nor any other should attempt any thing against his life and a little while after being sollicited by Letters written in Cypher to giue consent to this marriage he gaue him to vnderstand by Boyd that he would neuer abandon the Queene of Scots and moreouer how her Maiesties owne Officers had in some sort perswaded the Vice-Roy that Queene ELIZABETH gaue also her liking and approbation to this marriage and putting the same Queene of Scots in hope that shee should succeed to the Kingdome of England Renowned Queene ELIZABETH perceiuing also very euidently that to draw some great men of England to her partie shee gaue them expresly to vnderstand how she was taking a course for the Queenes Maiesties securitie and the infallible safety of the whole Kingdome The Duke who subtilly held correspondency by Letters with the Bishop of Rosse Leicester and Throgmorton causing them to be priuily conueyed in bottles of Beere being at the same time strictly examined about the poynt of this marriage after his confession of the greatest part and a bitter checke giuen him for departing the Court without leaue and being further accused of Innouation was sent to the Tower of London vnder the guard of Neuill a Knight of the Golden Order Two dayes after the Bishop of
Rosse was likewise examined and Ridolph that Florentine Councellor of whom both hee and others made familiar and common vse committed in keeping to Sir Francis Walsingham the Earle of Pembroke commanded to betake himselfe to his House and reserued to a priuate examination But by reason of his Nobility and old age it was agreed that by reason himselfe could not write his Confession should not be taken in writing After this some great men were prohibited the Court as Complices who exhibited their petitions and demanded pardon when they had acknowledged that they were consenting with the Duke to this marriage which Murray had formerly propounded yet after such a manner as the Queene of Scots the Duke and all the others were aduertized how the matter was first imparted to the Queenes Maiestie of England before any treatie of it The Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland being Confederates in this dessigne made in like manner their submissions to the Earle of Sussex then Gouernour in the North parts whom they intreated to sollicite the Queene for them Many Libels were in like manner dispersed against this marriage the Queene of Scots and the right and title whereby she layde claime to the Crowne of England as next heire apparant with such shamelesse insolency as the Queene resolued to send out prohibitions by a seuere Proclamation to the contrary and playing at hood-winke with the Bishop of Rosse she appointed him to answere them as hee did by another Booke intituled Morgan Philips wherein hee maintained the honour of the Queene of Scots her right of succession and that the Kingdome might be swayed and gouerned by women as this poynt was also called in question But since he ingeniously confest in his Commentaries that his reasons he set downe about her right of succession he drew out of Sir Anthony Brownes bookes chiefe Iustice of the common Pleas and of Carrell both very vnderstanding Gentlemen in the common Lawes of England In those daies there came from the Duke of Alua Chapin Vitelli Marquis of Ceton with Letters from the Spaniard who seemed to haue cleane loft his writing vnder pretext to accord some differences about commerce but really to obserue the issue of this rebellion which was presently to be raised and to command the Souldiers priuily to march downe into Flanders according to the Duke of Alua's promise who likewise sent for his fore-runner Le Mot Gouernour of Dunkerke apparelled like a Mariner that he might the better discouer and found the Ports as himselfe since hath auerred But when it appeared how this Marquis was onely substituted by the Duke of Alua who was the principall partie himselfe wherein the other was but a meere Lieutenant a doubt was made whether they should treatie with him as an Ambassadour Notwithstanding all this the Queenes Maiestie made knowne that she would acknowledge him for the Ambassadour of Spaine But when he made shew of no further Commission than to re-demand some moneys detained the Queene affecting peace aduised him to procure a larger Commission for the ordering of affaires while hee stayd and attended the same the rumor of that Rebellion to be excited in the North Countrey was daily augmented To relate the matter more originally there ran a great fame and brute of this Rebellion about the beginning of Autumne which at the first being contemned it presently strengthned and encreased by reason of the frequent meetings of the Earles of Northumberland Westmerland and some others so that the Earle of Sussex then Gouernour and Deputie of the North cited them before him and interrogated them precisely about these reports and rumors They could not deny but they had heard of it marry so they were in no wise guiltie or culpable with many and deepe protestations offering to lose their liues in the Queenes seruice against any Rebels whatsoeuer and thus he sent them backe to their owne houses with authoritie to enquire and search out the authors of this report which neuerthelesse daily so augmented as her Maiestie conceiuing that nothing was rashly to bee credited of so great men so commanded them by the Lord of Sussex to repaire presently to London for the remouing of all suspition Notwithstanding my Lord of Sussex I know not for what drift or policy enioyned them to come and meet him as if he meant to consult with them about some occasions of that Prouince At the first they drew backe but presently after expresly refused to repaire thither This ministred occasion to the Queenes Maiestie to command them by peremptory Letters which shee writ and caused to be conueyed with all expedition that laying apart all delayes and excuses they should incontinently appeare in her Royall presence and this onely to terrifie and absolutely diuert them from entring into this Rebellion or at least that they might precipitantly vndertake the same before they rallied their forces or that the matter grew to any maturitie For they relyed vpon some secret succours which the Scots Leaguers and the Duke of Alua were to land at the Port of Herripoole within the Bishopricke of Dunelme as afterwards it was manifested So soone as the Earle of Northumberland had read these Letters being of a tractable nature guiltie in his owne conscience deepely affected to the Romane Religion and excited to choller by reason that out of the prerogatiue Royall in Mynes a rich Copper Myne found in his owne grounds was taken from him wherein hee thought himselfe to be wronged but neuerthelesse fed with notable hopes of the Queenes clemency hee was in a wonderfull perplexitie whether he should flye or openly rebell His Friends and seruants being now prepared for a reuolt and seeing him floating in these ambiguities came vpon him a certaine night on a suddaine and headlongly and continually beating into his eares how Oswell Vlstrop and Vaughan his enemies were arriued with a troupe of armed men ready to take him prisoner they vrged entreated and coniured him that he would not forsake himselfe his friends and the Religion of his fore-fathers assuring him how the Catholiques were then in armes all England ouer to re-establish the Romane Religion and to stirre vp the multitude they tumultuarily sounded a Larum bell in all the Countrie Townes and Villages though 't was not yet time to attempt any such matter Affrighted hee presently start out of his Bed in the Chamber retyred to a Gallerie which looked into a Parke neere to Topcliffe and the night following he went to Blanspeth to the Earle of Westmerlands House where many were assembled who knew not what the matter was For to amasse and draw together an ignorant multitude they commanded some to take vp armes for the Queenes defence others were made beleeue that all the great men of England conspired with them to re-erect the Romane Religion othersome they told how they were enforced to take vp armes for preuention that the ancient Nobility of England might not be trampled vnder foot by late
start-ups and their Countrey yeelded as a prey to strangers This carried them violently into a manifest Rebellion and they were the first who disturbed the publique peace of this Kingdome which had continued vnshaken for the terme of eleuen yeeres vnder the happy Reigne of Queene ELIZABETH they being boldly and powerfully incited hereunto by Nicholas Morton a Priest sent from the Pope to denounce Queene ELIZABETH for an Heretike and therefore depriued of all power and gouernement Suddenly likewise they diuulge by a publique Manifestation That they tooke vp armes to no other end but to set vp againe the Religion of their Ancestors to remoue from about the Queenes bad Councellors to restore the Duke and some other great Men who were dismissed of their places and dignities to former libertie and grace But as for the Queenes Maiestie they would attempt nothing against her but vowed that both then and at all times they would perseuer and continue her most obedient Subiects They writ also to the Papists dispersed throughout the whole Kingdome to ioyne their forces together But in stead of cohering to them the most part sent to the Queene both their Letters and the Bearers All the particular men of the Kingdome and the Duke of Norfolke himselfe both their seruice and meanes and to be employed against them So that vpon this occasion shee made a iust triall of her Subiects singular and vnspotted fidelitie and of Gods rare clemency and protection for which shee gaue him great and vnfaigned thankes The Rebels went presently to Durham the next Episcopall See where they rent and trampled vnder foot the sacred Bibles and Bookes of the Liturgie written in the English Tongue as they light vpon them in the Churches Afterwards they celebrated Masse wheresoere they went they leuied and brought into the field many men vnder flying colours wherein were painted in some the fiue wounds of our Lord in others the Challice of the Eucharist Robert Norton a venerable and graue Gentleman who was old and bald carried the Crosse with the Colonell ensigne they came by small dayes marches to Chiffordmore which is not farre from Wetherbie where making a generall muster of their Army vpon the two and twentieth day of their Rebellion they could make no more but sixe hundred Horse and foure thousand foot and when they heard that the Queene of Scots for whose releasement out of imprisoment they had principally taken vp armes was conducted from Tudberie to Couentrey a strong Citie and committed to the guard and custodie of the Earles of Shrewsburie and Huntington that the Earle of Sussex of the one side of them had raised a mightie Armie to set vpon them that Sir George Bowes lay at their backes with chosen and maine troupes and had fortified Bernard-Castell and how the Earle of Cumberland and the Lord Scrope had manned and secured Carlile and dayly leuied more forces they retired from those quarters and returning speedily in a manner the same way they came they came before Rabie which is the principall house and seate of the Earles of Westmerland from whence departing they straitly beleaguerd Bernard Castle which in a short time yeelded to them for want of prouision victuall all and Sir George Bowes with Robert Bowes his brother and all the Souldiers of the Garison issued out with their Armes They were formerly proclaimed Traitors by sound of Trumpet The same very day my Lord of Sussex accompanied with the Earle of Rutland the Lords of Hunsdon Euers and Willowbie of Parham marched against them with seuen thousand men When they saw they were come to Ackland being terrified and daunted they fell to flight and fell backe toward Hexham which place also leauing speedily they crossed along by vnbeaten paths that so they might creepe couertly vnder the hedges and came to the Castle of Naworth where vnderstanding that the Earle of Warwicke and the Lord Clynton Vice-Admirall followed close at their heeles with twelue thousand men drawne out of the South parts of England the two Earles fled into the neerest parts of Scotland with a few men vnknowne to the rest where the Earle of Northumberland obscured himselfe for a while about Harclaw in the little countrey Hamlets amongst the Grymes most notable Theeues who deliuered him afterwards into the Earle of Murray's hands The Earle of Westmerland found some meanes to hide himselfe about Carry Furnhurst and Bucklie and at last scapt into Flanders with some other English in his company where he liu'd a long but a poore life vpon a small Pension which the King of Spaine allowed him The rest saued themselues some by flight some by lurking in holes and dennes For example and terrour sixe inferiour Magistrates were hanged at Durham and others among which one Plumtree a Priest was a man of greatest note There were formerly executed at Yorke Digbie Falthrope Bishop and Pouenham And certaine moneths after Christopher and Thomas Nortons brethren were put to death at London and some others in other places After this the most apparāt notable Rebels were condemned of high Treason and banisht as namely the Earles of North. Westm the Countesse of North. the Daughter to the Earle of Wigorne Edward Dacres of Morton Iohn Neuill of Leuerserg Io. Swineborne Tho. Marquenfield Egre. Ratcliffe brother to the Earle of Sussex Char. Neuill Ro. Norton of Nortonconniers Christ Marmaduke and Thomas of the Family of the Nortons Ro. and Na. Tempests George Stafford and about some fortie others of Noble and worthie Houses whose conuiction and banishment was confirmed by the whole house of Parliament and pardon granted to some who had no Estates nor euer went out of the Kingdome And thus the flame of this Rebellion was in a short time quencht Chiapine Vitelli who was priuie to it as I told you before openly admiring the same in the presence of her Maiestie and many great men of the Kingdome but no doubt inwardly greeuing this Rebellion was so easily and suddenly supprest and that so his owne comming into England tooke so little effect From the combustions of this Rebellion thus couered and extinguisht as out of the ashes of that former fire a little flame began to kindle at Naworth in Cumberland neere to the Valley of Seuerus which was raised by Lau. Dacres second sonne to Geor. Lord Dacres of Gilesland This man after the death of the young Lord Dacres his Nephew because he was the sonne of his elder Brother being angry that so large a Patrimonie should by Law discend vnto his Neeces whom the Duke of Norfolke their Father in law had betrothed to his three sonnes hee commenced suite against them but perceiuing that it would come to no prosperous issue on his side hee secretly combin'd with the Rebels and attempted to carry away the Queene of Scots but all in vaine But the Rebels being defeated sooner then he expected and proclaimed Traitors openly whilest himselfe
lay in Court after he had obtained the fauour to kisse the Queenes hands hee promised to employ himselfe with his whole power against them wherevpon he was sent home to his own house But when he was in the way as was discouered afterwards hee imparted vnto them his dessignes by messengers which renew'd their spirit and courage making them many promises in the behalfe of diuers Ambassadours to strange Princes and amongst others perswading them that with such men as he would raise in the Queenes name he would kill the Lord Scroope Gouernour of the West Borders and the Bishop of Carlile But not being able to effect it he followed the Earles who were fled with Letters recōmendatorie to the Scots surprized Gristock Castle and other houses belonging to the Dacres fortifyed the Castle of Naworth as if he had some right and interest in it and vnder pretext of defending his owne goods and opposing the Rebels hee got together three thousand theeues of the borders and others who stood best affected to the Dacres much esteemed and respected in those quarters The Lord of Hunsdon with the most expert Souldiers of the Garrison of Barwicke went into the Field against them who trusting to no fortifications went still forward and with an Armie rang'd in Triangular forme and flanker'd with Horse they attended them neere to a little Riuer called Gelt where questionlesse they had a sound fight both for the one part and the other and Leonard though he was lame came short of nothing required in a valiant and resolute Captaine But when the greatest part of his men were slaine he left the Victory to my Lord of Hunsdon not greatly pleasing to him and so retired into the neerest places of Scotland from whence not long after he crost ouer into Flanders where hee died poore at Louaine so that the curses imposed vpon him by his dying Father prooued true The Lord of Hunsdon commended the keeping of those Castles taken from the Rebells to the Duke of Norfolks men and the Queenes Maiestie by a publike Proclamation granted a generall pardon to all the multitude which he had excited to Rebellion Though this Rebellion raisd many tumults and disturbances within her Kingdome yet would not her Maiestie neglect the Protestants in France their State beeing at that time wretched and deplorable For the Princes of the same Religion hauing much importuned her to defend the common cause she furnisht the Queen of Nauarre with money vpon some Iewels and other ornaments and permitted Hen. Champernoune Brother by the Fathers side to Gawyn who married the Earle of Mountgomeries Daughter to conduct into France a Company of an hundred Noble voluntary Gentlemen vnder one Guydon who had written on it this Motto La vertu me donne fin Among whom were Phil. Butshed Fr. Barkley and Gualter Raleigh who was but yong and tooke his first say and taste of the wars The K. of France conceiu'd that either to draw vp or at least to diuert to some other employments the great wealth of England which was abundantly disburs'd in ayde and succour of the Protestants he resolued to kindle a new warre against England by assisting the Scots who kept the Castle of Dunbriton for the Queene of Scotland In which Seruice Monsieur de Martigues was employed a Souldier who then liued in the very prime of his Reputation but he being slaine with an Harquebuzada at the siege of S. Iean d' Angeli this Proiect vanisht tooke no effect Ireland in those times was no more free from Rebellion For Ed. and Phil. Butler brothers to the Earle of Ormond who had iniuriously entreated their neighbours in Munster refused to obey the Lawes molested true Subiects with Pillories and wastel and colleagued themselues with Ioh. Fitz-Morris of the house of Desmond Macartimore Fitz-Edmond Steward of Imoquell and others who had negotiated with the Pope and the King of Spaine to re-establish the Romane Religion in Ireland and to suppresse Queene ELIZABETH For which cause they were denounced Rebels against the State and Sir Pe. Carne continually galled them with light Skirmishes wherein Fortune was variable Neuerthelesse hauing made an head of many Galloglasses they beleaguerd Kilkennie and commanded the Inhabitants to deliuer into their hands the wife of Warham of Saint-Leiger but being repelled by the Garrison who issued out vpon them they miserably forraged and wasted the whole Countrey round about The more to excite and spread the flame of this sedition Iohn Mendoza came secretly in the behalfe of the Spaniard and out of England to extinguish it the Earle of Ormond who perswaded his Brothers to submit themselues who were neuerthelesse imprisoned But the Earle obtained of the Queen through his continuall and dayly intercession that their Triall and Iudgement might be desired and not be brought to the rigour of the Law though their crimes and offences had deserued it the which he tooke grieuously not beeing able to endure that at their occasion such infamie should be vpon their most Noble and illustrious house so neere allyed to Queene ELIZABETH who reioyced and glorified so often that the Nobility of that House had euer beene pure and their blood vntainted But the Lord Deputie pursuing liuely the remainder of that Rebellion dissipated it in a very short space of time Some Troubles were also moued and stirred vp in Vlster by Turlogh-Leinich who through inconstancie embraced sometimes warre and sometimes peace according to the headstrong desire rash pleasure of his Followers Officers and Seruants But he was kept in awe within the bounds of duety not so much by the English Garrisons as by the Hebrideans who of those poore and meagre Islands seized vpon his earthly possessions Against whose incursions there was sent out of England a great deale of money to fortifie and strengthen the Sea-Coast but in vaine out of a misfortune common as well to England as Ireland where for the most part men intrude themselues and are admitted into those publike places who basely respecting their owne priuate gaine doe neglect the publike weale and generall commodity of the Kingdome The end of the First Book of the Annals and History of that mighty Empresse Queene ELIZABETH of most happy and blessed memory THE HISTORIE OF THE MOST HIGH MIGHTY AND Euer-glorious Empresse ELIZABETH Inuincible Queene of England Ireland c. True Defendresse of the Faith of immortall Renowne and neuer-dying Fame and Memory OR ANNALLES OF ALL SVCH REMARKable things as happned during her blest Raigne ouer her Kingdomes of England and Ireland as also such Acts as past betwixt her MAIESTY and Scotland France Spaine Italy Germany and the Netherlands The second Booke Faithfully translated out of the French and publisht in English with the KINGS leaue and Authority granted by his most Excellent Maiestie to ABRAHAM DARCIE To my Noble and wel-deseruing Friend Mr. ABRAHAM DARSSIE Admire I would but dare not lest that I Be thought to flatter speaking VERITY
earnestly with Queene ELIZABETH for the re-establishment of the Queene of Scotland complayning that she was more strictly handled then formerly vnder the custodie of the Earle of Huntington her sworne enemie and emulator who as well as she had secret aimes to the Kingdome of England The Ambassadour of Spaine also at the sollicitation of the Bishop of Rosse prest that point very hard in the name and behalfe of his King But the Queene after shee had seriously reuolued the cunning deuices that they all practised to free the Queene of Scots and had couertly giuen out that she was ioyned with them in the Rebellion lately appearing answered him THat it was an inconsiderate and dangerous folly to free one that so apparantly aspired by ill practice to the Crowne of England That she had need more straightly then ordinary to looke vnto her and discharge some of her Seruants whom she had for the most part chosen for her own proper dessignes and to giue for an assistant to the Earle of Shrewsbury whom she had appointed for her Keeper who began to suspect the loyaltie of these people the Earle of Huntington whom she neuer knew to haue any title to the Kingdome but onely out of some relation to her in affinity and that neuerthelesse she had discharged him long sithence promiseth to omit no meanes of agreement with the Scots and protesteth to prosecute no iniuries receiued by her That she euer hoped that the King of France the King of Spaine and the Queen of Scotland would not take it in ill part that she onely prouided for the peace and safety of her selfe her subiects since nature reason and the honour of her Royall Name did of right require the same at her hands And that if any of them knew any way more expedient to preuent that imminent menacing danger shee would not onely heare but most willingly embrace it After this they sate in Councell often hereupon at the Court whether it were best to send the Queen of Scotland backe into her Countrie or retain her stil in England and how they might best prouide for the safegard both of the Queene and their Religion Whiles they were consulting hereabout William Herbert Earle of Pembroke happened to dye being issue to Richard son to R. Herbert the eldest Earle of Pembroke being in the Climactericall yeere of his age as if he had presaged what mischiefe should befal him if hee had longer liued leauing behinde him three children Henry Edward and Anne Hee was buried in S. Pauls Church with stately and honourable Rites and a most glorious Tombe erected for him a Noble person who out of his owne meanes rais'd a Fortune to himselfe For he so wrought into the fauour of HENRY the Eighth that he made him one of the Gentlemen of his Chamber and by his owne prudence increased his meanes especially after the King had married Katherine Parre his wiues Sister And vnder EDVVARD the Sixth hee procured whiles the Court was distracted in seuerall factions to be of the Order of Saint George Knight of the Garter the honour to be the Kings Squire the Title of Baron Herbert of Cardiffe and the dignity of the Earle of Pembroke He was Generall vnder Queene MARY of her Troopes she sent against Wyat and for the English Armie at S. Quintin President of Wales twice Gouernour of Calais vnder Queene ELIZABETH he was constituted Steward of her houshold whose fauour he lost for a time in regard that hee was the first moouer of the match betweene the Duke of Norfolke and the Queene of Scotland notwithstanding his intention and will were no way ill affected therein and failed narrowly a little before his death of being questioned vpon certaine euidences at large dilated and presumptions secretly found out Hitherto Pope Pius the Fifth had laid a foundation of abstruse darke conspiracies for Queene ELIZABETH and the yeere before she hauing no warning thereof nor cited by a Bull declaratorie priuily sends forth an Anathema and excites Rebellion and causeth the said Bull to be fixed to the Palace Gates of the Bishop of London in these words THE SENTENCE Declaratory of the Holy Father Pope Pius the Fifth against ELIZABETH the pretended Queene of England and those Heretiques adhering to her And finally all such as obey her to be insnared in the same PIVS Bishop a seruant of the seruants of GOD for the future memory of the businesse HEe that rules in the Heauens aboue and to whom all power is giuen both in Heauen and Earth gaue vnto one onely vpon Earth viz. to Peter the chiefest amongst the Apostles and to the Pope of Rome Peters Successor a holy Catholique and Apostolique Church without which there is no Saluation to gouerne it in the fulnesse of power And this he ordayned as chiefe aboue all Nations and Kingdomes to pull downe destroy disseuer cast off plant and erect to combine in the vnitie of spirit his faithfull people connext together through mutuall charitie and present them whole and sound to his Sauiour Which charge Wee who through the grace of GOD are thereunto called submitting our selues to the gouernement of the same Church cease not with all our best labours and indeuours to preserue this vnitie and Catholique Religion which hee who was the Author thereof so suffered to be incumbred for the triall of the faith of his and for our correction But the number of the ungodly is so great in power that there is not a corner left vpon the whole Earth now vntainted with their wicked Doctrines Amongst which ELIZABETH pretended Queene of England is aboue all the shelter and refuge of Error and most noysome enemies It is She who after shee had possessed the Kingdome vsurping monster-like the place of the chiefe Soueraigne of the Church in England and the principall iurisdiction and authoritie thereof hath throwne into miserable ruine the whole Kingdome when it was euen brought to the Catholique faith and began to bring forth good fruits For shee with a powerfull hand prohibiteth the exercise of the true Religion which was heretofore ouerthrowne by HENRY the Eighth the forsaker therof and afterwards repayred with the helpe of this See by MARIE lawfull Queene of England of famous memorie and embraceth the Heresies of obscure persons the Royall Councell once composed of the English Nobilitie shee hath broken off oppresseth such as made profession of and exercised the Catholique Religion re-established the wicked Ministers and Preachers of impietie abolished the sacrifice of the Masse Prayers Fastings the diuiding of the Meates the Celibate and all Catholique Ceremonies sent Bookes ouer her whole Kingdome containing manifest Heresies commended to her Subiects the prophane Mysteries and Institutions which shee had receiued and obserued from the decree of Caluin displaced the Bishops Rectors and Catholique Priests from their Churches and Benefices and disposed of them to Heretiques and is bold to take vpon her to iudge and determine Ecclesiasticall affaires forbade the
and Thomas his brother Percy Lowder Powell and Godier who all declared what they knew in hope of pardon Assoone as the Councell had produced their Confessions in the Dukes presence the Queene of Scotland and the Bishop of Rosse's Letters with the said Remembrance hee was very much deiected considering this remembrance and those Letters which through a weake credulity he supposed to bee burned he sighed and brake out into these words I Haue beene betrayed and vndone by mine owne people in fayling to distrust which is the onely sinnewe of Wisedome But he humbly besought the Councell to mediate the Queenes fauour in his behalfe promising to conceale nothing of what he knew and seriously protested that he neuer approued of any thing which was to the preiudice of the Qu. or Kingdome But on the contrary from the very bottome of his heart condemned the designe of seizing vpon the Queenes person or the Towre of London and the setting at liberty of the Queene of Scotland and that hee neuer harboured a thought so much of bringing forraigne Troupes into Great Brittaine but only to suppresse certaine of the Scots rebelling against the Queen Being this day examined vpon 50. Articles or thereabouts hee answered without dissimulation After that they penned the substance of the whole businesse in the Star-Chamber before a great Assembly of Noble-men in presence of the Lord Maior and Shiriffes of the Citie of London from thence in the Palace of London in view of all the inhabitants by G. Fleetwood Recorder of the Citie And forasmuch as by all these confessions especially by the Dukes the Bishop of Rosse was conuicted as Author of these Plots they seriously consulted what was best to bee done For as they doe ordinarily that haue such charges he conceiued that it was lawfull for him to vse any meanes for the aduancement of the affaires of his Princesse and that by the oath and inuiolable right of an Ambassadour he was not bound to acknowledge the authority of any other and relying hereupon exposed himselfe to the liberty of diuers turbulent Actions kindling of seditions and taking counsell in the night with the Earle of Southampton and afterwards inclining to the English Fugitiues in Flanders the Duke of Alua the Spaniard and the Pope about the inuasion of England They proposed hereupon vnto Lewes Dale Drury Aubrey and Iones men of sound iudgement in the Ciuill-Lawes In the first place WHether an Ambassadour mouing sedition against the Prince vnto whom he is sent may enioy the priuiledge of an Ambassadour or not and whether he be not subiect to punishment as an Enemy To which they answered that by the Common Lawe of Nations and Ciuill-Law of the Romanes such an Ambassadour was falne from all priuiledge and was subiect to punishment as an enemy WHether a Minister or Agent of a deposed Prince another being crowned in his place ought to haue the priuiledge of an Ambassadour They answered that if such a Prince be lawfully deposed his Minister cannot challenge the priuiledge of an Ambassadour forasmuch as none but absolute Princes which haue soueraigne power can constitute Ambassadours In the third place WHether a Prince being come into another Kingdome and kept in hold may haue his Agent and if this Agent ought to be accounted an Ambassadour or not They answere That a Prince may prohibit an Ambassadour to enter into his Kingdome and command him out of his Kingdome if he doth not containe himselfe within the limits prescribed to Ambassadours but in the meane time he ought to enioy the priuiledge of an Ambassadour for the authority of his Ambassie Vpon the answers of these Ciuill-Lawiers the Bishop of Rosse being called backe from the Isle of Ely and sharply reprooued the Councell denounced him not to be acknowledged an Ambassadour but to be punished as a pernicious Malefactor To which he answered THat he beeing Ambassadour to an absolute Queene vniustly deposed had according to his duty laboured for the libertie of his Princesse and for the good of both the Kingdomes that hee was come into England with ample authoritie vnder publique testimony which hee exhibited and that the sacred Rites of Ambassadours ought not by any meanes to be violated Whereupon Burghley grauely shewes him that neither the Rites of the Ambassies nor publique Letters of Credit are of validitie for Ambassadours which offend against the publique faith but are subiect to penall actions and that otherwise it should be permitted to wicked Ambassadours to attempt against the life of Princes vnpunished He on the contrary opinatiuely maintained that the authority of Ambassadours had neuer beene violated by way of Rite but onely by way of fact to vse his owne words and boldly admonisheth them not to deale with him more sharpely then the English Ambassadours had beene dealt with Throgmorton in France Randolph and Tamworth in Scotland who had apparantly excited and nourished rebellions and were acquitted vpon command to depart within a certaine time They began to presse him vpon the witnesse of some English-men he gently intreated them not to doe it because saith hee that a receiued custome doth establish it selfe for a Law An Englishman ought not to beare witnesse against a Scottishman nor a Scottishman against an Englishman After some arguings hereupon whether such custome tooke place elsewhere then vpon the Frontiers of both the Kingdomes and whether English Ambassadours had stirred Rebellion or no Rosse is carried to the Tower of London where being straitly kept within a few dayes hee briefly made answere to all the interrogatories with this caution that his answeres might not be preiudicious to any And first he excused the Queene of Scots who being prisoner and in the prime of her age seeking to escape by any meanes ELIZABETH hauing excluded all from seeing her and barred her from all hope of libertie and openly supported all her aduersaries afterwards excuseth the Duke that hee had not treated marriage with her but by the aduice of many that were of Queen ELIZABETHS Councell nor could he relinquish her although he had vnder his owne hand-writing promised to doe it forasmuch as before that promise a former promise of marriage had passed betweene them And finally excuseth himselfe that being Ambassadour and Minister could not without blame leaue the duety of his charge and be wanting to his Princesse in her afflictions and that he had propounded the seyzing of the person of Queene ELIZABETH to no other end but to try whether the Duke had a minde prepared to doe a mischieuous act and verily hee craftily extenuated the offences of the rest and would neuer discouer the names of the Nobles which offered themselues to the Dukes seruice for the seyzing of the Queenes person onely confessed that by the commandement of the Queene of Scots he consulted with the Earles of Arundel Lumley and Throgmorton and by Lumley and the Vicount of Mountague because that he was to deliuer into the hands of the English the
of Spaine the Iudges of England had no power ouer him But hee was condemned according to the forme of Nihil dicit because no man can free himselfe from the Lawes of the Countrey where he is borne nor renounce his naturall Countrey nor his Prince and suffered as a Traytor There was then for certaine yeeres controuersie betweene the Portugals and the English during the commerce betweene them and the Moores for pure Gold from the yeere 1552. in that part of Africa called Guienne and others who had first discouered those Coasts hindered as much as they could by force of armes so as they fought sometimes by Sea and detained Ships on both sides But Sebastian King of Portugall being newly come to age to make a peace sent Francis Gerard into England who made a Couenant with the Queene almost in these very words THat a perfect amitie may be made and free commerce had on both sides the one shall not attempt any thing to the preiudice of the other nor lend succour to their enemies Rebels or Traytors the Merchandize Moneyes and Ships which are vnder arrest to be restored And Queene ELIZABETH to gratifie the King of Portugal prohibiteth the English to vse any Nauigation in the Seas or to the Lands which the Portugals had conquered And that if they should doe otherwise it should be vpon their owne perill if the Portugals should depriue them both of goods and liues The Kingdomes of Portugal and Argarbe also the Iles of Azores and Madera excepted in which free Nauigation was permitted This yere W. Parre Marquis of Northampton being very old peaceably departed this life a man much conuersant and well read in the delectable studies of Musicke and intertainement of Louers and other courtly iucundities who was first raised to the dignitie of Baron Parre of Kendal afterwards he married Anne Bourchier sole daughter heire to the Earle of Essex at the same time when the King married his sister and afterwards b● EDVVARD made Marquis of Northampton vnder the reigne of MARIE hee was condemned of High-Treason for taking armes on the behalfe of Iane Grey who was brought in by subornation to be Queene but was shortly after pardoned and restored to his inheritance as he was afterwards to his honours by Queene ELIZABETH He had no Children but left to be his heire Henrie Herbert Earle of Pembroke his other Sisters Sonne Iohn Iewell a man of an excellent spirit and exquisit learning in Theologie and of great pietie died the same yeere being hardly fiftie yeeres of age descended of good Parents in Deuonshire and commendably brought vp in Corpus Christi Colledge in the Vniuersitie of Oxford who in Queene MARIES reigne was banished into Germanie and afterwards by Queene ELIZABETH beeing made Bishop of Salisburie put forth in the yeere 1562. an Apologie for the English Church and most learnedly defended the Protestants Religion against Harding who was falne from it in two Volumes in our owne Tongue which are now translated into the Latine Ireland at that time was quiet enough for Iohn Per●t President of Mounster had so ransacked Iohn Fitz-Morris who had pillaged Kilmalocke that hee was constrained to hide himselfe in Caues and in the end as wee shall relate hereafter brought to begge pardon with humble submission Sidney Deputie of Ireland returning into England Fitz-William who had married his Sister succeeded in his place THE FIFTEENTH YEERE OF Her Reigne Anno Dom. 1572. THe beginning of a new yeere brought forth a new Tragicall spectacle to the Inhabitants of London for in the Palace of Westminster a Scaffold was erected from the one end to the other with a Tribunall vpon it and seates on either side the like had not bin seene for eighteene yeeres before Thither vpon the sixteenth day of Ianuary was Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolke conducted betweene Owen Hopton Lieutenant of the Tower of London and Peter Carew Knight before whom was borne the fatall Axe with the edge forward vpon the Tribunall was seated George Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury constituted Lord high Steward of England for that day vpon either side of him were placed the Nobles appointed Commissioners which we call Peeres to wit Reynold Gray Earle of Kent Tho. Ratcliffe Earle of Sussex Henry Hastings Earle of Huntington Francis Russell Earle of Bedford Henry Herbert Earle of Pembroke Edw. Seimor Earle of Hartford Ambrose Dudley Earle of Warwicke Robert Dudley Earle of Leicester Walt. Deu●reux Vicount of Hereford Edward Lord Clinton Admirall William Lord Howard of Effingham Chamberlaine William Cecill Lord Burghley Secretarie Arthur Lord Gray of Wilton Iea. Blount Lord Mountioy Will. Lord Sands Tho. Lord Wentworth William Lord Bourrowes Lewes Lord Mordant Iohn Pawlet Lord S. Iohn of Basing Robert Lord Rich Roger Lord North Edm. Bruges Lord Chandos Oliuer Lord S. Iohn of Bletso Tho. Sackuill Lord Buckhurst and Will. West Lord De-la-Ware Silence being commanded the Commission was read importing the power giuen to the Iudge Then Carter chiefe King of Heralds deliuered into his hands a white wand which he presently after deliuered to the Groome Porter who standing by did hold it erected the whole time of the Court. Silence againe commanded the Lieutenant of the Tower was bidden to bring forth his charge and present the Duke before the Seat of Iustice who foorth-with appeared on either side were the Lieutenants of the Tower and Peter Carew next of all he that carried the Axe the edge thereof turned from the Duke Silence the third time proclaimed the Clerke appointed for the Acts of Iudgement thus spake to the Duke Thomas Duke of Norfolke late of Kenninghale in the County of Norfolke hold vp thy hand When he had holden vp his hand the said Clerke read aloud the Crimes of which he was accused that is to say That in the eleuenth yeere of Queene ELIZABETH and afterwards the Duke hath treacherously held counsell to depose the Queene from her Kingdome to take away her life and to inuade the Realme by raysing of warre and bringing in troupes of Strangers That notwithstanding he had certaine knowledge that Mary late Queene of Scots had arrogated to herselfe the Crowne of England with the Title and Armes thereof yet hath he treated vnknowne to the Queene of a marriage betwixt them and contrary to the promise vnder his hand and Seale hath lent vnto her certaine large summes of money That hee had assisted and succoured the Earles of Northumberland Westmerland Marquenfield and others notwithstanding that hee had good notice that they had raised Rebellion against the Queene and were chased into Scotland That in the thirteenth yeere of the Queenes Reigne by Letters he demanded succours of the Pope Pius Quintus sworne Enemy to the Queene of the Spaniard and Duke D' Alua to set the Queene of Scots at liberty and re-establish the Romane religion in England Finally that hee had relieued and aided Heris a Scottish-man and others enemies
to her Maiestie in Scotland These Articles being read the Clerke demanded of the D. if he were guilty of these accusations Whereupon the Duke desired if the Law would permit it that he might haue an Aduocate to defend his cause to which Catelin the Chiefe Iustice answered that it might not be allowed THen it is meet said he that I submit to the sentences of the Iudges but the matter is full of ambiguities neither did I knowe within these foure and twenty houres that I was to come to Iudgement and so was vnprepared of Bookes I see now well that I must enter into combate for my life without Armes I haue heard neuerthelesse that in the reigne of HENRY the seuenth in a cause of Laesae Maiestaris Humphrey Stafford had an aduocate assigned him To which Dier Chiefe Iustice of the Common-Pleas answered that Stafford indeed had an Aduocate allowed him to pleade for him concerning the right of Azile from whence by force he was taken but for the crime of Laesae Maiestatis without any assistance hee pleaded his cause himselfe THen this day replyes the Duke must I my selfe plead for my life goods my Children and for what counteruailes all these mine Honour but let that Honour passe if I innocently perish GOD will not let it passe vnreuenged Yet this one thing let me be permitted to question whether that enumeration of crimes will hold true in euery point and to what point I must make answere Catelin made reply Since the causes are true this enumeration also must be esteemed true I desire to bee instructed saith the Duke whether euery of these bee crimes of Laesae Maiestatis For I haue heard related that in the cause of the Lord Scroope vnder the Reigne of Henry the 4. But as he would haue proceeded the Clerke interrupted him speaking with a loud voice THomas Duke of Norfolke art thou guilty of these crimes or no The Duke denyed Then he was further demanded How wilt thou be tried He answered I commit my cause to God and to these Peeres The odiousnesse of these crimes amazeth mee but the Royall clemency of her Maiestie from which besides what I haue receiued I can expect no more much refresheth me But of you my Lord Iudge let me request thus much that I may bee iustly dealt withall and that my memory which is indeede but weake may not bee too much oppressed with a confused variety of matters I confesse my selfe happy hauing you my Peeres for Iudges and with much willingnesse would commit my life to the integrity of the most of you I was assured in mine owne innocency and therefore sought no way to fly Yet I cannot but ingenuously confesse that I haue beene wanting in my duty towards the Queene but neuer did I any thing which might touch or offend so Royall a Maiestie I beseech you then that those higher matters may not bee commixt equally with those of Laesae Maiestatis Then Barham the Queenes Serieant at Law began Those Crimes saith hee of Laesae Maiestatis of which you thus expostulate are these You haue complotted to depriue the Queene both of Kingdome and life you haue consulted of a marriage with the late Queene of Scotland you haue inuited forraigne powers to inuade the Realme you haue succoured Rebels and haue sent ayde to those Scots which were the Queenes Enemies The Duke interposeth saying BArham doe not I pray you exasperate the matter with words in obiecting against me the marriage and other things which fall not amongst the offences of high Treason Barham turning to the Peeres vrgeth this He quoth he that will marry a wife that layeth claime to a Kingdome doth likewise affect the same Kingdome For the Duke had enterprized the same being amongst the Commissioners at Yorke appointed for the hearing of the Queen of Scots Cause being at that time bound by his oath equally to ballance the accusations and defences of either part The Duke replyeth There be diuers parts contained in that cause which are not crimes of Laesae Maiestatis But the Lord high Steward commanded the Duke not to stray so farre from the purpose by digressions wherevpon Barham clamorously insisting he acknowledged that the Queene of Scots had laid claime to the Crowne of England but had long time since desisted Barham on the contrary demonstrated that shee had not as yet desisted because she had not yet renounced the right which she pretended hee furthermore grieuously accused the Duke that he instructed the Deputies of the Queene of Scots what to answere according as it appeared in the Confession of the Bishop of Rosse The Duke confessed that Lidington had made a motion to him of the marriage but he refused the same neither gaue he any instructions but desired that Rosse might be produced in presence After this Barham amply prosecuteth many things of the marriage which haue beene spoken of with an intent to prooue that the Duke had an affection to the Kingdome and insisteth with often-repeated Interrogatories What other thing could the Duke propound to himselfe whilest without the Queens knowledge he determined to marry the Queene of Scots being a woman without meanes or Kingdome her Sonne being established in the Kingdome then that by her he hoped to enioy the Crowne of England and so consequently depriue the Queene both of rule and life You haue quoth the Duke lowdly repeated these things to conuince me of enterprizing the deposing and ruine of the Queene To come to the point sayes Barham it is sufficiently knowne that you haue consulted about the surprizing of the Tower of London which is the strongest place in the Realme whereby it is necessarily manifest that you had then plotted the ruine of the Queene seeing that Rule is impatient of competitors The Duke denieth not hat one Hopton suggested him to the surprizing of the Tower of London but he vtterly reiected it Why then quoth Barham did you aske counsell of the Earle of Pembroke concerning the same who disswaded you from it Barham proceedeth and vrgeth that when the Queene of England had demanded that the young King of Scotland certaine Castles and the rebellious English which were in Scotland should be deliuered into her hands The Duke had vnder-hand aduised the Scots not to consent thereunto He likewise accused him that hee endeuoured to free the Queene of Scots out of prison and that after hee had religiously promised by his hand-writing not to meddle with her in any kind of busines One Candish was then produced for a witnesse who deposed that the Duke had constantly resolued of the marriage and had asked him if after the death of Queen ELIZABETH he might draw his Vncle to his partie These the Duke altogether denyed reiecting his testimony as of a poore and abiect fellow After this it was demonstrated that the Duke had secretly sent a Seruant to the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland to aduertise them not to stir in the Rebellion because
they hauing no good intelligence did niggardly depart with their mony discorded with the Dutch in certaine points of Religion and that the Emperour a neere Kinsman of the Spaniards would giue impeachment to it They also saw the French so engaged in their owne ciuill warres that they could finde no end that there was simulated inueterate hate betweene the inhabitants of the Low-Countries and the French that the Brabanders Flemmish and the neighbouring people of France would oppose it with all their force that the Commandement of the French was rude and burthensome as well as that of the Spanish and that the hauens of France are not much commodious for the nauigation of the Dutch But for the English that were almost vnder one paralell with the Dutch who also seemed to be of the same nature and Religion with them that their language was not much different their Countrey neere adioyning furnished with Ports commodious for Nauigation and fruitfull in Merchandize That the Queen both by Sea and Land was very powerfull a milde and gracious Princesse temperate in her commands one that would conserue their Liberties and in no wise burthen them with exactions They forthwith sent into England Phil. Marnix Lord of Saint Aldegonde I. Douza of Nortwic Paul Busy and D. Melsen which with an honourable legacy and learned oration offered to the Queene Holland and Zeland eyther to possesse or protect as being a Princesse issued from the Princes of Holland of the bloud of Philip Wife to Edward the Third Daughter to William Bauier the third of that name Earle of Hainaud and of Holland by whose second Sister the Spaniard came to the inheritance of the Prouinces The Queene gaue a willing and an attentiue hearing to these things But first of all shee weighed and considered in her minde the cause which they had vndertaken against their Lord and King the enmities of the Spaniard the enuy of the French the great expences and doubtfull euents of the warre and also what offence might be taken by this insolent example Then shee doubted whether by her discent from Bauier she might make claime to Holland and Zeland and whether shee might lawfully contract a league of protection with the Subiects of another Prince and whether they themselues could doe this without the consent of the Emperour who was Soueraigne Lord of the Fee Then further she scarce gaue credit to what some whispered in her eares that the Prouinces fell not to the Spaniard by hereditary right but by the election of the Subiects Finally hauing maturely deliberated vpon these things after she had respectiuely rendred thankes to the Prince of Orange and the rest for their great good will she answered that she had alwayes had a speciall regard of the honour and faith worthy a Prince nor could shee yet conceiue how she could in honour and conscience receiue the Prouinces into her protection much lesse into her possession but she would imploy her best labours to mediate for a happy peace betweene them At the same time arriued at the Court Iohn Perenot of Champigni from Lodwick Zuniga of Requesens who in his name modestly aduised the Queene to entertaine the league betweene England and Burgundie and not to entermeddle in the affaires of the Netherlands To whom the Queene promised to obserue the league notwithstanding the Spaniard had refused to confirme it Yet would shee alwayes prouide for her owne honour and safety if shee perceiued the ancient forme of command amongst the Burgundians to be changed and forreine Souldiers in great numbers daily to be admitted into the adiacent Prouince Before Champigni was returned Requesens yeelded to death and a strange confusion had ouercast the Netherlands the Souldiers deuasting all places with Sword and Fire And the Estates of Brabant Flanders c. assuming their former authority in the administration of the Common-wealth which the Spaniard by necessity was constrained to confirme to them vntill the comming of Iohn of Austria whom hee had instituted Gouernour ouer the Prouinces Queene ELIZABETH carefully laboured that the Spaniard might receiue no discommoditie conserue as much as she possible could the Netherlāds intyre to him and sent Dauison diligently to exhort them to a peace But by reason of outragiousnesse of the Spanish Souldiers nothing was effected England for this whole yeere remained in a peaceable quiet excepting in the moneth of Iuly there happened vpon the Southerne borders of England towards Scotland a conflict betweene the borderers of eyther part whereof the occasion was this Iohn Foster Knight Gouernour of the Meridionall Frontiers and at the same time of Barwicke also entred into parley vpon the Mount Redsquire with I. Carmichell Warden of Liddisdale in Scotland notwithstanding it was a custome that none but Gouernours should meete with Gouernours and Wardens with Wardens as equals in dignitie they were of either side accompanied besides certaine Noble-men with a multitude of Fugitiues and Malefactours all armed of which the most part quarrelled with one another about inueterate and mortall hatreds betweene them These sort of fellowes according to their custome hauing put their horses out here and there to feed round incircled the Gouernour Warden whom when they heard breake out into eager termes about the sending backe of Fugitiues they whose Lawes were onely their weapons knowing themselues guilty were afraid lest they should be deliuered into the hands of iustice vpon a squabble which fell out about the taking away of a spurre they tumultuously ranne to armes and euery one to reuenge their priuate spleene assayled his particular enemy or made prey of his Horse Whether a Scot or an English-man was the beginner it is vncertaine At the first encounter the English repulsed the Scots and tooke Carmichell But as they being too confident in their owne forces ranged about for booty and trifling pillage a troupe of Scottish succours sallying out of Iedbourgh Carmichell escaped and the English were put to flight George Heron Knight Warden of Tyndale and Ridisdale with others was slaine and the Gouernour Forster himselfe Fran. Russell sonne to the Earle of Bedford and sonne-in-law to Forster Cuthbert Collinwood Iames Ogle Henry Fenwich and many others were taken and carried to Dalquith in Scotland where the Regent was resident who courteously receiued them but fearing lest if hee should so soone permit them to depart their bloud yet boyling for the murther should inflame their courages to vengeance and so rayse a warre betweene the two Kingdomes hee for a time deteined them and would not release them before they had promised by writing to appeare at a certaine day in Scotland When Queene ELIZABETH had certaine notice of these matters shee was then if euer anger had preuayled with her full of vexation and mightily incensed that the Scots which were as her selfe spake indebted to her for their rest and libertie should violating the peace assault and murder the
would lay siege to it he writ againe to the Earle representing vnto him the Queenes mercy the ancient dignitie of the House of Desmond the glory of his Ancestors the infamy that he should leaue to his posterity exhorts him not to be tainted with the name of Rebell but returne to his duetie He to the contrary armes his minde with obstinacy and his Castle on all sides with Spanish and Irish At what time Drury the Deputy dyed at Waterford a man of approued worth who from his youth had beene trayned vp in the exercise of Warre in France Scotland and Ireland Together with the death of the Deputie dyed Malbey's authoritie in Mounster who when he had put his men in Garrison went to Connach the Prouince of his gouernement The Rebels take heart by the death of the Deputie and deliberate how they might vtterly draw themselues from vnder the English command and are of opinion to blocke vp the Garrisons on all sides and starue them by famine Iames Desmond then besiegeth Adare where W. Stanley and G. Carew were in Garrison But the besieged apprehending famine as the extremitie of all euils so wearied the besiegers with often eruptions that they raised the siege and gaue them libertie to forrage the Countrey neere about them which they did lustily and valiantly Iames himselfe was wounded there In the interim the Councell of England chose for chiefe Iustice of Ireland William Pelham with the authoritie of Lord Deputie vntill they had chose one and the Earle of Ormond President of Mounster who sent the Earle of Desmonds sonne to Dublin there to be kept for hostage Pelham goes towards Mounster sends for Desmond but hee excuseth himselfe by Letters sent by his Wife For that cause Ormond is sent who warnes him to send Sanders the Diuine the Souldiers that were strangers and to deliuer vp into his hands the Castles of Carigo-foyle and Asketen to submit himselfe absolutely and turne his forces against his Brethren and the other Rebels assuring him grace if hee did it if not to be declared a Traitor and an enemy of the Countrey but by subterfuges and flyings off hee dallies and playes with these things In the beginning of Nouember hee was proclaymed Traytor and guiltie Laesae Maiestatis because hee had dealt with forraine Princes for the subduing and ouerthrowing of the Countrie and intertained Sanders and Fitz-Morris Rebels cherished the Spaniards which were driuen from the Fort caused faithfull Subiects to be hanged displayed against the Queene the Ensigne of the Pope and brought strangers into the Kingdome This declaration being published the Lord chiefe Iustice gaue Commission to Ormond to goe on with the warres Desmond turning his designes into another part of the Countrey of Mounster and sacketh Yoghall surprizeth without resistance a Sea-Towne and strong enough Ormond wastes all farre and wide about Conile the onely refuge of the Rebels brings away their Flockes and giues them in prey to the Souldiers hanged the Maior of Yoghall before his owne doore for refusing to receiue the English Garrison fortified the Towne and after prepares himselfe to besiege the Spaniards in Strangicall But they before-hand with-drew themselues from that danger Neuerthelesse the English pursued them and left not one of them aliue and molested the Rebels in all parts of Mounster Desmond and his Brethren although they lay hid writ long Letters to the Lord chiefe Iustice that they had vndertaken the protection of the Catholique faith in Ireland by the Popes authoritie and the aduice of the King of Spaine therefore they courteously warne him that in so pious and meritorious a cause he would ioyne with them for the saluation of his owne soule THE THREE AND TVVENTIETH YEERE OF Her Reigne Anno Dom. 1580. THe Lord chiefe Iustice pleasantly iesting at these things returnes to Mounster cals thither the Nobilitie detaines them with him not suffering any to depart without giuing Hostages and promise to imploy all their power and ayde with him and Ormond against the Rebels Who speedily diuiding their forces make diligent search for the Rebels constraine the Baron of Lixnaw to yeeld besiege the Castle of Carigofoyle kept by Iules an Italian with some few Spaniards and with their great Ordnance hauing made a breach in the Wall which was built but of dry stone entered killed part of the Garrison hanged the rest and Iules himselfe Then the Castles of Ballilogh and Asketen perceiuing the English to approach sets them on fire and leaues them Peter Carew and George his brother are made Gouernours of Asketen with a new Garrison of the English they waste the Lands of Mac-Aule from thence the chiefe Iustice by a watery Mountaine enters Shlewlougher in Kerrie brings away great quantities of cattell and defeats many Rebele Iames the Earle of Desmonds brother hauing pillaged Muske-roy appertaining to Cormag-Mac-Teg whom the chiefe Iustice by Law set at libertie as well deseruing for his seruice against the Rebels met with Donel brother to Cormag who hauing slaine many and recouered the spoyle tooke him being wounded to death and deliuered him to Wararm S. Leger Marshall of Mounster and to Walter Raleigh a new Commander They proceed against him in iustice and hauing conuinced him executed him for a Traitor and set his head for a spectacle vpon the Gate of Corcage The Earle of Desmond himselfe being ouer-whelmed with misery and no where safe remoues euery houre sends his Wife to the Lord chiefe Iustice to aske pardon and imployes his friends to Winter who with a Nauall Army watcht the Spaniard in the mouth of the Hauen that he might be transported into England to begge the Queens pardon The Lord chiefe Iustice hearing that Arthur Lord Gray who was appointed Deputy of Ireland was landed leaues the command of the Army to George Bourchier second sonne to the Earle of Bath and by easie iourneies returnes to Dublin to deliuer vp the gouernement of the Kingdome to his Successor As soone as the Lord Gray was arriued being informed that some Rebels conducted by Fitz-Eustat and Phoog-Mac-Hugh the most renowned of the famous House of the Obrins who after their spoyles and robberies made their retreat to Glandilough fiue and twenty mile Northward from Dublin to win reputation and to breed terrour at his beginning hee commanded the Captaines who were come from all parts to salute him to gather troupes and to goe with him to set vpon the Rebels who were retyred to Glandilough a Vale full of Grasse the most part of it fertile and fit to feede Cattell situated at the foote of a steepe Rocke full of Springs and so enuironed with Trees and thicke bushes that the Inhabitants of the Countrey knew not the wayes in it When they were come to the place Cosby the Leader of the light-armed Irish which they call Kearnes who knew the situation well aduertized the others of the danger in entering into that Valley
as the other Cities and Townes of the Kingdome were decayed that if it had not beene looked to in time the ordinary Magistrates would not haue sufficed to haue gouerned such a multitude nor the Countries neere about to haue fed them and if any Epidemicke infection should haue happened it would haue infected the ioyning-houses that were filled with Lodgers Inmates The Queen made an Edict prohibiting any new dwelling-house to be built within three thousand paces of the Gates of London vpon paine of imprisonment and losse of the materialls which should be brought to the place to build withall and euery one forbidden to haue more than one Family in a House In the Low-Countries Generall Norris and Oliuer Temple with some companies of Flemmings ioyned to their English forces at the breake of the day set Ladders against the walls of Malines a rich Towne of Brabant tooke it killed a great number of the inhabitants and religious persons the taking whereof got them some commendations of valour but they polluted it with a vile pillage and rauenous sacriledge For they did not onely with great insolency take away the goods of the Inhabitants but set vpon the Churches and the holy things to the violating euen the dead And we haue seene I am ashamed to say it many of their Tombe-Stones transported into England and exposed to sale to set out publique witnesses of this impietie It wil not be amisse to remember the great Earth-quake which is a thing that very rarely happneth in England The third of Aprill about sixe of the clocke in the euening the skie being calme and cleare England shooke in a moment from beyond Yorke and the Low-Countries as farre as Collen insomuch that in some places Stones fell downe from Houses and Bels in Steeples were so shaken that they were heard to ring and the Sea it selfe it being a great calme was exceedingly moued And the night following the Country of Kent shooke and likewise the first of May in the night Whether this was caused by the Windes which were entred into cliffes and hollow places of the earth or by waters flowing vnder the earth or otherwise I leaue that to the iudgement of the Naturalists After this followed a commotion against Papists throughout England but themselues were authors of these beginnings The English Seminaries who were fled into Flanders at the perswasion and instigation of William Allan borne at Oxford accounted and esteemed by them a very learned man assembled themselues together at Douay where they begun to set vp a Schoole and the Pope appoynted them an annuall pension Since Flanders beeing moued with troubles the English Fugitiues banished by the command of Requesens and the Guizes allied to the Queene of Scotland did the like in establishing such other Schooles for English youths in the City of Reims and Pope Gregory the Third in Rome who as fast as time depriued England of Priests and Seminaries he furnished the Land with new supplies of their young ones who sowed the seedes of the Roman Religion all ouer England for which cause they were called Seminaries As well as those who were there bred and borne As among other things the Ecclesiasticall and Politicall power the zeale borne to the Pope the Founder thereof the hatred of Queene ELIZABETH and the hope conceiued to reestablish the Roman Religion by the Q. of Scotlands means were debated and disputed of Diuers so perswaded verily beleeued that the Pope had by diuine right full power ouer all the Earth as well in Ecclesiasticall as Politicall matters and by this fulnesse of power power to excommunicate Kings and free-Princes to depriue them of their Crownes and Scepters after the absoluing their subiects from all oath of fidelity and obedience to them This caused the grant of Pope Pius the Fifth's Bull declaratory published Anno 1569. the Bull of Rebellions kindled in the North parts of England Irelād as I haue already spoken of also that many desisted from Diuine Seruice who before seemed to frequent the Church with much zeale and integrity and that Hans Nelson and Maine Priests and one Shrood durst affirme and maintaine that Queene ELIZABETH was a Shismatique and that she therefore ought to be deposed of Regall rule and so degraded for which they were soone after iustly put to death Such Seminaries were sent in diuers places both in England and Ireland first some young men prematurely inuested in that order and instructed in the said Doctrine then after as they increased a greater number for the administrating the Sacrament of the Roman Church and preaching as they seemed to make shew of but indeed as Queene ELIZABETH her selfe and the Lords of her Maiesties most honourable Priuy Councell found out it was meerely to seduce her subiects to withdraw them from all obedience and loyalty due to their Soueraigne to oblige them by reconciliation to put in practice and truely execute the Sentence of Pope Pius the Fifth pronounced against her Maiesty and by this meanes to make way to the Pope and Spanish designe for the inuading of England And as it was knowne that to the infringing and contemning of the Lawes authority diuers Children young men of sundry Callings were daily vnder-hand secretly sent beyond the Seas in those Seminaries where they hauing made a vow to returne were receiued that from thence new supply of others vnknowne came priuatly into England and that still more were expected to come with such Iesuits who then made here their first entrance and abode so an Edict was proclaimed in the moneth of Iune expresly charging and commanding all such who had children Wards kindred or such others in the Regions beyond the Sea to exhibit and giue vp their names to the Ordinary within ten dayes after to send for them to come ouer within the prefixt time of foure moneths and presently after the said return euery one ought to declare and giue notice thereof to the Ordinary prohibiting likewise to lay out or furnish with money such as should stay or dwell out of England either directly or indirectly neither to nourish relieue or lodge such Priest deriued of those Emissaries nor Iesuits vpon paine for them who should doe otherwise to be reputed and held for fautors of Rebels and supporters of seditious persons to incurre the seuerity and rigour exprest in the Lawes of the said Kingdome Before this Proclamation was published the Papists feined to haue too late taken aduice of the incommodities that this Bull produced they made a shew to be extreme sorry that euer it was sent ouer they supprest Sanders Apology and prohibited to dispute any more such question concerning the Popes authority to excommunicate and degrade Princes But all this most cautelously and cunningly as the euent made it euident for this disputation increased daily amongst them as naturally men are most addicted to things prohibited sith Robert Persons and Edmond
accepted the Challenge which two after a while trauersing their ground to and fro without one drop of blood-shed betooke themselues to drinke freely together and so of enemies became friends and parted Yet here wee must not omit to obserue that our Englishmen who of all the Northerne Nations haue beene most commended for sobrietie haue learned since these Low-Country warres so well to fill their cups and to wash themselues with Wine that whilest they at this day drinke others healths they little regard their owne And that this vicious practice of drunkennesse hath so ouerflowed the Land that lawes proscripts of restraint are vsually made for the drying vp of the same But whilest they were all this while contending in the Low-Countries for Dorppes Villages the King of Spaine getteth into his hands the rich Kingdome of Portugall For Henry which was King hauing paid Natures tribute the yeare before left the Realm to diuers Competitors amongst whom Philip King of Spaine sonne of his eldest Sister puissant enough in force though not in right by reason of his priority in blood and descent comming of the elder line and being Male thought with his friends himselfe worthiest to bee preferred to the succession of the said Kingdome before the women the yonger sort and such as did lesse participate of the blood The Duke of Sauoy reiected for that he came of the yonger Sister Farnese sonne to the Prince of Parma borne of the eldest Daughter of EDWARD brother King HENRY and KATHERINE of Brabant second daughter to the said EDWARD grounding themselues only vpon the benefit of Representation a simple fiction could not annihilate the true Title of Inheritance nor intercept the King of Spaines lawfull succession and this the Spaniards stood to maintaine And as touching Don Antonio Prior of Crates sonne to Lewis the second brother of King HENRY he was ipso facto reiected for that he was illegitimate The King of Spaine neuerthelesse propounded the matter twice to his Clergy and men of Law to decide the cause charging them in the name of God and vpon their faith and saluation to tell him freely whether hee had rightfull claime or no to that Kingdome They hauing with vnanimous voice assured him that it was proper to him he quickly putting forth first the Duke of Alua put to flight Antonio elected of the people and within 70 dayes brought all Portugall vnder his iurisdiction But touching the Right of Katherin de Medicis the Queen of France who claimed it from Alphonsus and the Earles of Boulogne for 320 yeares agone that the Spaniards laughed at as a Title out of date and fetcht from the old Prophetesse the Mother of Euander a thing iniurious to so many of the Kings of Portugal which had lawfully and lineally succeeded one another and therefore ridiculous to both Spaniards and Portugals Whereat the Queene incensed with anger and considering how mightily the Spaniard now in his ascendant enriched himselfe farre and neare by the accession or surcrease of this new-got Kingdome his Ilands and the East Indies breeding a feare within her to her selfe and the Princes her neighbouring friends aduised them and amongst the rest the Queene of England that it was already high time to stay the Spaniards in his mounting and to stop him vp within his owne bounds before his ambition should extend any further Queene ELIZABETH who was not to learne what shee had to doe in that nature for her selfe and her friends and foreseeing how dangerous the growing greater of the neighbour Princes would be lent eare thereto with no light attention but with great and Royall kindnesse entertained Antonio banished out of Portugall and recommended to her from France thinking that Spaine could not take exception thereat because hee was of her Alliance issued from the Blood Royall of England and of the House of Lancaster as shee well knew nor in any Treaties that euer had past betwixt Spaine and England was any caueat at all inferred forbidding England to receiue or to haue commerce with the Portugals At the same time for the more confirmation of assured amitie the Queene of France and the King her sonne prosecuting the mariage of the Duke d' Anjou addrest an honourable ambassage into England for the consummation thereof came ouer François de Bourbon Prince of Daulphiné Arthur de Cosse Cont de Secondigny Marshal of France Louis de Lusignan M. de S. Gelais Lansac Salignac Mauuisser Bernarde Brisson President of the Parliament of Paris and one of the learnedest men of France and others who as they they were of Honorable ranke were very nobly receiued and banqueted in a Banquetting-House built on purpose neere Westminster richly adorned with rare and sumptuous furniture and Titls and Tournaments proclaimed which were presented in a most princely manner by Philip Earle of Arundell Fred Lord Winsor Philip Sidney and Fulk Greuill Knights against all commers with sundry other courtly sports and Princely recreations not necessarily coincident to our History To conferre with them concerning these Nuptials were appointed the Baron of Burghley Lord high Treasurer of England the Earles of Sussex Lincolne Bedford and Leicester together with Sir Christopher Hatton and Secretary Walsingham Amongst whom these matrimoniall Contracts following were concluded vpon THe Duke d' Anjou and the Queene of England within six weekes after the ratification of these Articles shall personally contract mariage here in England The Duke and his associates seruants and friends being no English subiects shall haue libertie to vse their owne Religion in a certain place in their houses without molestation or impeachment He shall not alter any part of the Religion now receiued in England Hee shall inioy and haue the Title and Dignity of King after the mariage shall bee consummate but notwithstanding shall leaue intirely to the Queene the managing of affaires And whereas his demand was that immediately after the celebration of the mariage he should be crowned King instantly to inioy the title and dignity during the gouernment of the Kingdome in the minority of their children The Queene answered she would propound and further it at the next high Court of Parliament to be holden within fifteen dayes after the ratification Letters Patents and other things shal be passed in both their names as in the time of Philip and MARIE The Queene by Act of Parliament shall ordaine an Annuall pension for the Duke but the valuation thereof shall bee left to her pleasure she will also ordaine the said Pension to continue if he shall surviue her The Duke in Dowry shall bestow on the Queene to the value of forty thousand Crownes per annum out of his Duchy of Berry and shall forthwith infeofe her therein As touching their Issue it shall likewise be enacted by Parliament in England and registred in the Annals of France as followeth That the Heires of them as well Males as Females by maternall right of
extremities that can be imposed on a poore Prisoner All conference with my sonne by Letters or Messengers for this yeare hath been denyed me renting if it were possible the sonne from the mother by a sad separation of spirits I haue often propounded Articles of peace and concord to bee confirmed betwixt vs at Chatesworth by the most Christian Kings Ambassadors eleuen yeares agone both to your Deputies and to your selfe and by my owne the last yeare I dealt sincerely with Beal But these profers were still reiected delayes interpos'd my best meaning euer suspected and the affection of my true-intending heart continually condemned Nor haue I reaped any other fruit by my long suffering but that by a Prescription I am dayly handled worse and worse not indeed as a Prisoner but as some abiect seruant of base condition But truely I cannot longer endure these indignities howsoeuer the matter shall fall out if I die I will manifest the Authors of my death if I liue I shall so effect I hope that the malicious practices of my Aduersaries shall dye and passe the remainder of my dayes in more tranquilitie Wherefore to take away all occasions of scandall betwixt vs let the testimonies of the Spaniards which were lately taken in Ireland and all the examinations of the Iesuites be produced against mee Let mee be arraigned openly come in who can to accuse me prouided withall I may haue the liberty to defend my selfe and not be condemned before I be heard The malefactors and vilest Prisoners are permitted to defend themselues and to confront their accusers Why then am I denyed this lawfull libertie being an anointed Queene your nearest Kinswoman and the next lawfull heire to your Kingdome But this last is that excruciates my Aduersaries whose chiefest studies are bent to breed debate betwixt vs. Alas alas and why should this vex or afflict my enemies when as I protest before God and on my honour I haue not thought this long time of any Kingdome but that of heauen Neuerthelesse you are bound by oath royall duty and Iustice not to disturbe or impeach after my death my sonnes most certaine Right nor to abett or aide those which seriously and secretly labour his ruine both in England and Scotland as is too-too well knowne by the dealings of your Ambassadors in Scotland who haue dealt no doubt without your priuity most treacherously with me and all by the Earle of Huntingdons setting on Is there any iust dealing in this that a Mother should not be suffered to succour her sonne in distresse nay not so much as to be let vnderstand how he doth If such as you sent for my sonnes good had taken my aduice by the way they would haue beene the welcomer to him and I the more obliged to you nor was there any reason you should so long conceale their goings thither nor then keepe mee so straightly shut vp but to speake freely I beseech you let no more such be imployed for Scotland Thus much I dare promise my selfe that Hunsdon will doe nothing but that standeth with his honour nor Huntingdon any thing may tend to my good for that which he hath already practised against me I entreat you therefore by the bond of that consanguinitie which is betwixt vs to bee circumspect for the safety of my sonne not to intermeddle your selfe with the businesses of Scotland before you haue consulted with mee and the King of France and hold all those for Traitors which keepe my sonne in hold not suffering him to goe any where but at their pleasure In fine I coniure you by the Crosse and Passion of Christ our Redeemer that after so many yeares of desolation I hauing libertie may vpon iust tearmes be suffered to retire my poore weake body into some quiet place out of England there to refresh mee before my death after the long and loathsome time of my imprisonment This doing you shall eternally oblige vnto you me and mine but aboue all my sonne Nor wil I euer cease to craue this till you haue granted it me my indisposition enforcing this importunity Let mee be vsed hereafter a little more gently otherwise I shall not be able to endure nor put mee off to the disposing of any but of your selfe What good or euill hereafter shall betyde me I will impute all to you vouchsafe mee this fauour to let me know your pleasure either by your letter or by the French Ambassador I can repose no confidence in those things which the Earle of Shrewsbury hath imparted vnto me they are so mutable I writ of late to your Councell but you sent me word to acquaint none but your selfe with my businesse for there was no equity in it in giuing them so much power to afflict me And I cannot apprehend it otherwise but that some ill-willers of mine were the occasioners of it for feare that others duly considering my iust complaints in regard of your honor their duties should haue opposed thēselues And now the last thing I am to desire is that I may haue some reuerend Catholicke Priest to instruct me in Religion for the saluation of my soule This is a last duty not to be denyed to wretches of meanest ranck You suffer the Ambassadors of foraigne Princes to vse their Religion and my selfe sometimes haue granted toleration of seuerall professions to my subiects If this be denyed mee I hope to bee excused before God and I feare mine Aduersaries shall not passe vnpunished Assuredly it will be a president to other Christian Princes to exercise the like seuerity amongst their subiects of different Religions if this bee offered me an absolute Princesse of your nearest alliance As I am I will euer be affected to you in despight of my Aduersaries and stomacke they me neuer so much I desire not to haue my family increased but I vpon necessity intreat to retain two of my maid-seruants to attend me in my sicknesse let not mine enemies asswage their cruelty vpon me in causing me to bee denied so small an office of humanity Whereas I am taxed by the Earle of Shrewsbury to haue dealt otherwise then I promised Beal in surrendring my title in Scotland to my son without your priuity Beleeue not Beals suggestions for I past no promise but vpon certaine conditions which I am not bound to performe on my part vnlesse they be performed on yours I haue yet receiued no answer thereof and they haue beene long time silent but for all that in Scotland they haue not ceased their trecherous practizes to the ruine both of me and my son I cannot take this long silence but for a deniall and so I haue certified your Councell by Letters That which the King of France and the Queene his mother haue communicated to me haue I sincerely communicated to you and required your aduice but you haue not vouchsafed me one word in writing or by word of mouth I cannot before I shall know what it is submit my selfe to your
contract a mariage betweene her and Philip. Then againe into Spaine to the said Philip there to cause him to ratifie the conuented Articles Also for Queene ELIZABETH he went Ambassador to the Emperour Maximilian there likewise to contract a match betweene her and Charles Duke of Austria Hee was Lord Deputy of Ireland Gouernor of the Northerne Prouinces of England also the Queenes Chamberlaine chiefe Iustice in Eire of all her Maiesties Forests Parkes and Chases beyond the Riuer Trent famous for the victories hee had obtained against the Hebrides and Scots that made spoile of the frontiers Dyed at London after he had been afflicted with a long disease leauing no issue behinde him albeit hee had had two wiues the Lady Elizabeth Wriothesly and the Lady Francis Sidney and his brother Henry succeeded him in the Earledome Henry Wriothesly likewise Earle of Southampton paid like tribute vnto death a man much deuoted to the Roman Religion and to the Queene of Scots which hee bought with the anger of his Queene and restraint or libertie He was sonne to Tho Wriothesly who for his tryed vertues by Henry the 8 from the dignitie of Baron of Wriothesly of Tichfield and Knight of the Order of the Garter was aduanced to that soueraigne greatnesse of being Chancelor of England and appointed him one of the supervisors of his last Will. And by Edward the 6 he was graced with the style of Earle of Southampton Hee left by his Wife Daughter of Anthony Browne Viscount Mountague Henry his sonne that succeeded him and a Daughter maried to Thomas Lord Arundel Baron of Wardour About the same time Sir Humphrey Gilbert Knight a man acute and deliberate esteemed industrious both in Peace and Warre was by the raging Ocean depriued of life returning from the North parts of America which we call New-found-Land whither he a little before hauing sold his patrimonie made a voyage in hope to build there a Colonie And there by the sound of a Trumpet proclaimed the Countrey to be vnder the English regency For Sebastian Cabot in the yeare 1497 vnder the Reigne of Henry the 7 made the first discouery therof And then diuided the Land seuerally to his companions But he was taught too late by the deuouring seas and default of meanes which forc'd him to breake off his designes teaching others also by his example that it is a matter of greater difficulty by the expences of a priuate man to plant a Colony in farre distant Countries then he and others blind in their owne errors haue to their vtter ouerthrow perswaded themselues Vpon the same instant Edmund Grindal Archbishop of Canterbury Metropolitan and Primate of England being blind and aged aboue sixty yeares breathed his last Who at his returne from exile which hee endured vnder the Reigne of Queene MARY was first inuested Bishop of London then Archbishop of Yorke and finally of Canterbury liuing much honoured with the fauour of Queene ELIZABETH vntill by the foule deceits and treacheries of his enemies hee was suspected to be a fauourer of the Conuenticles of those turbulent Ministers and such as were called Prophets But the reason was indeed because hee condemned as vnlawfull the mariage of Iulius an Italian Physician with another mans wife which much distasted the Earle of Leicester Such small meanes as he had gathered he bestowed in the founding of a Schoole at Saint Bee in Cumberland where hee was borne and to the aduancement of Learning on both the Vniuersities The English besides is bound to him for the bringing in of Tamariske or Tamarin into England for hauing found by experience that it was a soueraigne remedie against the great and indurate passion of the Spleene hee was the first that caused it to be planted there Iohn Whitgift was his successor being aduanced from the Sea of Worcester to the Archbishopricke of Canterbury a man of singular goodnesse and learning He obtained much commendation for his Iustice in the precedencie of Wales and likewise for his great doctrine in the defence of the Ecclesiasticall policy which by his worth wisedome and patience he dayly increased The Queene who held for a maxime that she ought not to be more remisse in Ecclesiasticall affaires then in politick aboue all cōmanded him to re-establish the discipline of the Church of England that as then lay dismembred by the conniuency of Prelates the obstinacie of innouators and by the power of some great ones whilst some Ministers couertly impugned the authoritie of the Queene in things Ecclesiasticall separating the administration of the Sacrament from the preaching of the Word vsing to their owne fantasie new rites of seruices in their priuate houses vtterly condemning the Lethargie and the appointed manner of adminishing the Sacrament as being in many things contrarie to the holy Scripture and therefore many refused to goe to Church but openly became Schismaticks the Papists all this while applauding them and drawing many to their party as though there had been no vnity in the Church of England To abolish which things and to reduce them to an vnitie Hee propounded these Articles to the Ministers by them to bee subscribed FIrst That the Queene had Soueraigne power ouer all those that were borne within her Dominions of what conditions so euer they were and that no other Stranger Prince or Prelate ought to haue any power either Ciuill or Ecclesiasticall within her Maiesties Realmes Secondly that the Booke of Common Prayers and that of the ordination of Bishops and Priests contained not any thing contrarie to the Word of God but might be lawfully vsed and that they should vse that and no other forme of Prayer or administring of the Sacraments Thirdly That they should approue and allow of the Articles of the Synode holden at London the yeare 1562 published by royall Authoritie and should hold them as conformable to the Word of God But it is incredible what Controuersies and Disputations arose vpon this what hatred and reproach hee endured of the factious Ministers what troubles and iniuries hee suffered of certaine Noblemen who by placing men vnfit in the Church increased their estate or else had hopes vpon the goods of the Church But by his constancie and patience he ouercame all difficulties vsing for his Motto this which he chose not rashly Vincit qui patitur Neither was the Church onely tossed and turmoiled by those people within the Realme but by others who had left the Kingdome as by R. Browne a Cambridge Diuine of whom the new Sectaries were called Brownists and by R. Harison Master of an inferiour Schoole For these men presuming to iudge of Religion according to their owne imaginations by certaine books which they set forth at that time in the Countrey of Zealand and dispersed through many places in England vtterly condemned the Church of England as no Church Which bookes notwithstanding were prohibited by Royall Authoritie and strongly confuted by many learned men and two
his enemie and one thirsting for blood saying that hee was apprehended by his cunning policies being vpon the point of departure out of the Kingdome and by him was with the hope both of life grace which he promised him so farre allur'd and treacherously ouer-reacht that hee confessed all that was obiected to him and therefore those things ought not in right and equity or any consequence be brought against him being by treachery and deceit extorted from him As for the resistance which he made hee excused because he perswaded himselfe that the letters of protection sealed with the Kings great Seale which hee had with him were of greater consideration and value then which the Earle of Arran had written with his owne hand for his apprehending Hee likewise answered that hee was not so much blame-worthy in concealing for so short a time the conspiracy against the King and his Queene-mother as hee deserued praise at last for disclosing of it And finally protesting that from his heart hee vtterly hated all witches and sorcerers he openly said that if there were any at all hee verily beleeued that they liu'd in the Courts of Princes The Peeres after they had according to the custome sworne that they had in no waies moued or incited the Kings Aduocate to accuse him they pronounc't him guilty of Laesae Maiestatis and in the end his head was cut off which by his friends was presently taken and stiched to the body and so buried Euen in the same time whilst these Scots enterprised these things against their King in the seruice as they pretended of Queene ELIZABETH to their owne ruine Certaine English likewise to do seruice to the Queene of Scots began to plot against their own Queene things of no lesse weight and attended on with the like bad successe Of which was chiefe Francis Throckmorton eldest son of Iohn Throckmorton Iudge of Chester but by deuices of Leicester hee was degraded and punished because that if I faile not in these law matters hee had stuffed and corrected in many places a copie of iudiciall transaction taken out of the originall which was corrupted and did not present it with all faults and defects This Francis became first suspected by reason of letters which he had written to the Queene of Scots and were intercepted and therefore he was clapt into prison where hee beginning to confesse Thomas Lord Paget and Charles Arundell a Courtier secretly left their Country and fled into France where they with others zealous in the Roman Religion bitterly deplored their misfortune complaining amongst themselues that by the means of Leicester and Walsingham they had without any desert vtterly lost the fauour of their Queene that they were vnworthily afflicted with iniuries and opprobries that many stratagems were deuised against them and diuers snares laid to force them against their owne wills and intentions to runne into the crime of Laesae Maiestatis neither was there any hope of helpe or succour left for them within the Kingdome And surely at that time that they might with more ease sound the mindes of men there were put in practice many fraudulent deuices counterfeit letters were suborned in the name of the Queen of Scots and the rest of the fugitiues with their hands fasly thereto subscribed and these were cast into the houses of the Papists Spies were likewise sent forth to gather the dispersed rumors and captate scattered speeches Then reporters of tales and falsities were accepted and welcomed and many vvere suspected but amongst others the Earle of Northumberland and his sonne the Earle of Arondell vvho vvas cōfined to his house and his vvife vvhich was giuen in keeping to Shirley G. Howard brother to the Earle and H. Howard their Vncle brother to the Duke of Norfolke who was oftentimes examined about Letters written from the Queene of Scots Charles Paget and a certaine fellow as then vnknowne called Mopus and notwithstanding he was wise and innocent yet he had much to doe to defend and warrant himselfe from their traps Neither were these artificiall policies and easie credulities to bee holden or esteemed as things vaine when the matter lay vpon the safeguard of the Queene For then the detestable malice of the Papists began to manifest it selfe publiquely divulging bookes wherein they exhorted the seruants of the Queene to doe by her as Iudith to her immortall fame dealt with Holofernes The Author of these bookes could not certainly be discouered but the suspition lighted vpon one G. Martine of Oxford a man well learned in the Greeke and Latine tongues and one Carter a Booke-binder because he caused them to be imprinted was put to death And forasmuch as by these books the Queens honour was much distained and she rumoured abroad to bee tyrannous and cruell She which aboue all things laboured and studied to leaue to the world a happy memory of her goodnesse She was much moued and incensed against those that had knowledge of the causes which thus prouoked the Papists as barbarously cruell and iniurious to her honour Insomuch that they found it needfull for them to excuse themselues by divulged writings importing these protestations of their part THat they had alwayes entreated the Priests in a more milder fashion then they deserued neither euer vrged any questions to them concerning Religion but onely of their pernicious machinations against their Prince and Countrey moued by strong suspitions with probable signes and arguments thereto That Campian was neuer so extremely tortured but that hee was able to walke and subscribe his hand to his confessions But Brian refusing either to speake or write his name that was author of those mysticall writings which were found about him was kept from all food vntill by writing he demanded it But this yeelding no sufficient satisfaction to the Queene she commanded the Commissaries that were appointed for criminall proceedings that is to say the examiners to abstaine from tormenting and the Iudges from punishing And a short while after those seuentie Priests whereof some were condemned to be put to death and all of them had incurrred the censure of the Law shee caused to bee banished out of England amongst which the most eminent were G. Heywood sonne to that famous Epigrammatist the first Iesuite that entred into England I. Bosgraue a Iesuite also I. Hart of singular learning aboue the rest and E. Richton that monster of ingratitude who presently after vomited vp the poison of his malice against the Queene to whom hee was indebted for his life and published it in open writing Edward Stafford Ambassador for the Queene in France diligently obserued how the Baron of Paget and Arundell were ariued in France But could not penetrate into their designes Neuerthelesse he sollicited the King of France to expell as well them as Morgan and other English that vvere confederates and complotters against their Queene and Country But his answer was THat if they did plot
concluded and further to acquite his promise he determined to send into England the Carrs which were suspected murderers of Francis Russell A little after vpon the beginning of Iuly the Earle of Rutland the Lord Euers and Tho Randolph for the Queene the Earle of Bothwell the Lord Boide and Iames Humy Coldingknoll for the King of Scotland were assembled at Barwicke and there consummated the League which was called The League of fast friendship because the word of offence was displeasing to the Scots as followeth FOrasmuch as the Raignes and Gouernments of of these Princes are falne into these doubtful and dangerous times wherein the neighbouring Princes which will be called Catholiques acknowledging the Papall authoritie doe contract Leagues and by mutuall alliances doe oblige their faiths to ruine and extirpate the true pure and Euangelicall Religion not onely out of their owne Territories and Dominions but also out of foraine Kingdomes To the end that those which doe embrace the Euangelicall Religion might not seeme lesse carefull to defend and protect the same then those which at this time doe exercise the Roman Religion are for the euersion ouerthrow of it The said Princes for their greater assurance and securitie of their owne persons vpon whose safety dependeth the good and welfare of the people and for the conseruation of the true ancient and Christian Religion whereof they at this present make profession haue consulted and agreed to combine themselues in a straiter knot of mutuall alliance and friendship then hath beene till now amongst the Predecessors of their Maiesties The first ARTICLE PRimarily then to the end that this so godly and necessary Proposition of either Prince in this turbulent estate of things might come to an effect for the common good and propagation of the truth of the Gospell it is conuented agreed and concluded that the said Princes shall by this mutuall and holy League be especially carefull to defend and conserue the true pure and Euangelicall Religion which they now professe against all others that for the ruine thereof shall enterprize any thing against either of them and shall labour and endeuour with all possible diligence that the rest of those Princes which are professors of the same Religion might accord with them in this holy propounded League and conioyning their forces conserue in their Dominions the true seruice of God and defend and gouerne their subiects vnder the said ancient and Apostolicall Religion The second ITem it is conuented accorded and concluded that this mutuall League for the defending and maintaining of the Christian and Catholique Religion which at this present is holden by either Prince and by the grace of God obserued and nourished in their Realmes and Dominions shall bee a League of offence and defence against all those that shall hinder or endeuour by any means to hinder the exercise of the same within their Realmes and Dominions notwithstanding all Treaties Leagues of friendship and Confederations past betweene either of them and all aduersaries and persecutors whatsoeuer of the same Religion That if at any time any Prince or State whatsoeuer of what condition so euer he be shal inuade or infest the Realmes Dominions or Territories of either of the said Princes or any part of them or indomage or iniure any manner of way their Maiesties persons or subiects or shall attempt these or any of these things The third IT is conuented accorded and concluded that neither of these Princes receiuing intelligence from the person inuaded iniured or indomaged shall directly or indirectly openly or couertly aide counsell or fauour at any time the said inuaders or infestors in what kinde of inuasion so euer it shall bee or by whomsoeuer it shall be attempted notwithstanding all kindred affinitie amitie or 〈◊〉 before contracted or after to bee contracted The fourth THat the said Princes shall reciprocally send aide either to other in manner as followeth If the Kingdome of England shall be inuaded or molested by any stranger vpon those parts which are farre remote from the Kingdome of Scotland the King of Scotland after demand made by the Queene of England shall incontinently and without delay send two thousand horse and fiue thousand foot or any lesse number according to the pleasure request of the Queene to bee conducted at the expence of the Queene from the frontiers of Scotland next adiacent to the Kingdome of England into any part of England whatsoeuer The fift THat if the Kingdome of Scotland shall bee inuaded or molested by any stranger vpon those parts which are farre remote from the Kingdome of England the Queene of England after demand made by the King of Scotland shall incontinently and without delay send three thousand horse and sixe thousand foot or any lesse number according to the pleasure and request of the King to be conducted at the expence of the King from the frontiers of England next adiacent to the Kingdome of Scotland into any part of Scotland whatsoeuer The sixt THat if the Kingdome of England shall by any one bee inuaded vpon the North parts within threescore miles of the borders of Scotland the most illustrious King of Scotland being requested and demanded by the most excellent Queene of England shall assemble all his forces and troopes to his possibilitie effectually and without delay and ioyning them with the English troops shall pursue in all hostile manner those that shall inuade the Kingdome of England their fauourers and assistants whatsoeuer for the space of thirty dayes together or longer if occasion and necessitie shall require according to the space of time which the subiects of Scotland were anciently accustomed and to this day doe hold for bringing of succours to the defence of the Kingdome The seuenth THat when the King of Scots shall haue notice giuen him from the Queene of England of any inuasion or deuastation happening in Ireland he shall not onely forbid the inhabitants of the County of Argathel of the Iles and places adiacent to the said County and the inhabitants of all other places whatsoeuer in the Kingdome of Scotland not to enter into the Kingdome of Ireland and to his power to hinder them from entring But also in what time so euer it shall happen that the inhabitants of any part whatsoeuer of the Realme of Scotland shall contrary to the intent of this Treaty enter in hostile manner into any part of Ireland with an extraordinary and vnusuall number of Souldiers the King himselfe after he had giuen notice to the Queene of the said entry shall by a publique Edict denounce the said inuaders breaking in hostile maner into the said Realme for Rebels disturbers of the publique peace and men guilty of attempt against the estate and as such shall pursue them The eighth THat neither of the said Princes shall giue or permit any other in any sort whatsoeuer to giue at any time hereafter any aide fauour or assistance to any conspirator rebell or one reuolted from