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A95924 Theoremata theologica: = Theological treatises. Octo theses theologicæ: eight theses of divinity. 1. Animæ humanæ productio: Production of mans soul. 2. Puræ Dei prædestinatio: Divine predestination. 3. Verum ecclesiæ regimen: The tru [sic] church regiment. 4. Prædictiones de Messia: Predictions of Messias. 5. Duæ Christi genealogiæ: Christs two genealogies. 6. Apocalypsis patefacta: The revelation reveled. 7. Christi regnum in terra: Christs millenar reign. 8. Mundi hujus dissolutio: The worlds dissolution. / Complied or collected by Rob. Vilvain. Price at press in sheets 3 .s. Vilvain, Robert, 1575?-1663. 1654 (1654) Wing V397; Thomason E898_1; ESTC R3206 418,235 540

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signify the same cannot be proved by Scripture thes few pregnant Texts shal serv to vindicat the truth Politia Ecclesiastica An Ecclesiastic Polity 2. THat the Church is no different or distinct Oeconomy or Corporation from the civil Common-wealth but subject and subordinat to it in al things nor hav Clergy Men except they be temporal Princes any spiritual Government or coerciv jurisdiction unles delegated by suprem Magistrats special Commission but al their function is to Preach Teach administer Sacraments and doo other Ecclesiastic duties Which the Soveraign Magistrat may also execut if he pleaseth so wel as perform a Constables Office or any other civil faculty yea he can constitut what Books of the Bible shal be Canonical and which Apocryphal binding the Subjects to observ the one or other as he shal dictat direct or determin under pain of civil obedience or disobedience For Ministers are only our Ghostly instructers and School-Masters not Rulers or Governors no not in spiritual sanctions which concern the life to com whos precepts are pious Counsils not positiv commands This ●latly contradicts my third Tenet touching Church-Government 3 Thesis from the Creation to the first Century after Christs Birth and consequently to our times who defend that for divers of the first generations al Rule both sacred for Soul and secular for Body consisted in Fathers and Elders of Families but after when Men gathered like Partridges in Covies into several Societies public Poli●y grew up to two distinct Bodies which had sundry privileges of Rule but subordinat or subalternat one to another This is ●atified at large in the unwrested History of both Bodies drawn down from the first times to our modern ages which to re●terat wil be tedious if not nauseous Yet som few proors or places of Scripture shal be briefly subjoined as in the former Moses who first instituted Government over Gods people Israel Deut 17 9 12. erected by divine dictat or direction two distinct Courts one for Church-matters caled a Consistory another for Common-wealth affairs clyped a Judicatory as Jeremy Jer. 26. 8. 16. was arraigned accused and condemned to dy by the first but acquited and released by the last Thes two in process of time by long slavery of the Jews to sundry Nations were much pared or impaired yet som prints remained til Christs coming Who cals the secular Councils and spiritual Synagogs Mat 10 17. yea if any offend a Man and he tel him of it privatly but the other wil not hear Christ bids the party tel it to the Church Mat. 18 17. which if he also neglects to obey let him be as a Pagan or Publican Mat. 5 22. He describes both Courts in thes words Who ever is angry with his Brother causlesly shal be culpable of Judgment meaning the lesser Court who cals him Rhaca in scorn shal be liable to a Council or cheif Consistory but who shal say thou Fool shal be in danger of Hel fire Thus far of Church government under the Law which had power to punish Blasphemy Idolatry Adultery and som other crimes with death Now under the Gospel Christ as suprem Head held al rule soly to himself but after his death and departure into Heaven the Apostles in a joint Copersigniory governed al who toward their deceas appointed Bishops or Prelats to preside over Presbyters which were ordained before like the s●v●nty Disciples sent abroad by Christ to Preach Baptise and doo other spiritual duties for suppression of S●hisms and Heresies sowen by Satan in thos dawning dais Men of pervers minds Who despise dominion and speak evil of dignities St. Paul being Jud● v 8 Acts 19. 21. to leav the E●st and go to Rome substituted Titus in his stead as Bishop of Crete a large I le To ordein Elders in every 2 C●r 8 6 16. Titus 1. 5. 1 Tim. 1 3. 1 Tim 5 20 21 22. Tit. 2. 15. City so he appointed Timothy about the same time to abide at Ephesus that he might charge som to teach no other doctrin The Rules which he prescribes to both being before but common Presbyters plainly indicat that he gav them coerciv power over other Elders to over see censure rebuke or silence them with al Deacons under their charge but to doo nothing partialy nor lay hands on any suddenly St. J●h● after his return from Patmos exile constituted som supervisors in divers Cities planted whol Churches and ordained Presbyteries in several places as Paul and Timothy used to doo the like did other Apostles in divers Dioceses as many antient writers and authentic Historians truly testify Much more might be added for proof of the premisses which is omitted to avoid prolixity De regno Fidelium aterno Of Saints eternal reign THat no elect Saints when their Bodies shal be raised to life at last day according to Gods iterated promisses shal reign in the Kingdom of Heaven or third Heaven Gods highest Throne but only here on a new Earth with our Lord Jesus Christ as King not for a thousand yeers before or at the day of Judgment as Chiliasts conceiv but for ever and ever For it sutes not with the Majesty of so great a King that his Subjects or Servants shal hav place so high as his Throne or abov the Earth his Footstool which yet is commonly caled the Kingdom of Heaven in reference to that place of Eternity wher God reigns in glory This diametraly opposeth my seventh Theorem against the 7 Thesis Millenar reign of Christ with his Martyrs and som Saints at Earthly Jerusalem who hold that Christ shal com in the Clouds to judg al mankind whos bodies shal then be raised every one reunited to its proper identic Soul according to their works but shal carry his Saints with him into Heaven ther to reign or remain in ineffable jois eternaly Which position is proved by thes pregnant places without descant division or distortion Earthly Jerusalem shal be never restored no more then Sodom Acts 6. 17. or Samaria as the Prophets inform but eternal life in new Jerusalem which is Metaphoricaly meant of his Spous the Church is the reward of just Men at last day as St. Paul testifies 2 Tim. 4 6. Ergo none shal reign on Earth with him much less he with them in Jerusalem new built The holy Martyrs Souls Rev. 6 9. rest under the Altar in Heaven but shal not return to reign here on Earth either temporaly or everlastingly For al the Godly at Christs secund coming shal rise immediatly to glory 1 Thes 4. 16 17. upon sound of the Trumpet and thes then living caught up in the Clouds with them together to meet the Lord who coms not to reign or reside with them here but to carry them with him into Heaven ther to reign and remain for ever Now if it sutes not with the Majesty of God so great a King that his Subjects and Servants shal sit
leaving Egs in the Earth to increas their issu They had a King the Angel of the bottomless Pit caled ●n Hebrew Abaddon in Greec Apollyon destroier which imports them Infidels or Children of unbeleef subject to the Prince of the Air as St. Paul saith wheras Eph. 2. v. 〈◊〉 Christians are freed from Sarans power and converted to God This Prince cald before the Devil old Serpent Satan Dragon is here new named Abaddon wheras Mahometans profes to worship one sole God Demiurgus Maker of the univers to whom they giv the Epither Abdi or Abada i. Eternal wheras the holy Ghost givs this King a title of semblable sound but opposit sens Abaddon the Worlds destroier instead of Demiurgus the Maker The sixth or secund of Wo hath a voice from the four horns 6 Trumpet Rev. 9. 13. to 2● of the golden Altar saying Loos the four Angels which are bound at the river Euphrates Thes Angels being Patrons of thos parts metaphoricaly signify the confining Nations which breaking in upon the Roman Regions stopped a few ages neer this River but are now loosed They may probably imply the Turcs four Sultanies or Signiories Asia minor Aleppo Damascus Antioch but becaus Antioch lying a little remot from Euphrates lasted but fourten yeers being surprised by Boemund in the holy war som instead reckon Bagdet beyond Euphrates in Persia Such was their State at first irruption under Trogulbecus or Tongrolipix who took Bagdet An. 1008. Seididruddulas or Cutlumuses Nephew to Tangrolipix founded the Asian Kingdom An. 1012. Siarfuddulas subdued Aleppo An. 1079. Tagaddaulas another Nephew of Tangrolipix surprised Damascus at the same time Al which Angels were long limited to thos parts with manifold changes and now at last let loos being prepared for an Hour a Day Month and Yeer that they might slay the third part of Men. This loosing befel when the Tartars abolished Bagdets Caliphship A. C. 1621. An. 1258. and the Turcs were cast as it were with a sling into the Empires territories on this side Euphrates For the Latins who staid their incursions two hundred yeers were about that time driven out of Syria and Palestine Then the Turcs shared lesser Asia til Ottoman grew great whos Son Orchanes entred Europ and his fith Successor Mahomet 2. took Constantinople which is that slaughter of a third part of Men here intimated as the time a Day Month and Yeer plainly indicats For a Prophetic Day implies one yeer a A nice observation if v●ri table Month thirty a yeer three hundred threescore and fiv in al three hundred ninty six Now Tangrolipix was inaugurated King of Persia An. 1057. and Constantinople sacked An. 1453. just 396. yeers asunder Haply the very hour which in that proportion makes fiften dais agreed also with the event if Almachinus had recorded the Month of his Inauguration so wel as the yeer They are said to be Horsmen as Turcs and Persians are mo then Foot in number two hundred thousand thousand which intimats huge Armies as David saith The Charets of God are Psal ●8 17. twenty thousand even thousands of Angels such vast Armies the East Nations bring into field I heard saith John the number of them viz. by voice for he cannot see numbers in Vision and so must other places be understood which appeer not by Vision Ezekiel in his Prophecy against Gog the land of Ezek. 38. 2 3. Magog chief Prince of Mesech and Tubal from whom Tures descend describes them to be Horsmen armed for Persians and Parthians take name of Paras a Hors or Horsman But Turcs since their long plantations ther are by Nicetas and others caled Persians So thes Euphratean Horsmen are Turco-Persians They had brest-plats of fire Jacinthian smoke and brimstone which is no wher els in Scripture Ergo it may wel allud to Guns and the Horses heads were like Lions out of who● mouths issued fire smoke and brimstone by which a third part of Men was killed For the Turcs used Guns latly before invented See Chal●●●dilas at siege of Constantinople and slu a third part of Inhabitants as their Successors did since at Corinth and other Cities Such sharp sawces make meats seem more savoury and Mr. Mede hath many such unvulgar unparalleld Annotations The Horsmens power was in their mouths and tails having tails like Serpents and heads with both which to doo hurt So Sarasens are said to hav sharp tails of Scorpions which is tru of Turcs who had tails of Serpents signifying their Mahometan subtlety or imposture wherby both did more mischief then by the Sword The rest of Men which were not killed by thes plagues repented not of their works that they should not worship Devils and Idols of gold c. which can neither hear see nor walk Nor of their Murders Sorceries Fornication and Thefts This is manifestly meant of Christians in the Roman Empire which worship Images made of those metals and materials for none but they doo 〈◊〉 on this side Euphrates Thes indeed are no Devils or unclean Spirits sith no Christians wil 1 Tim 4. 1 2 3. wittingly or willingly worship such But Demoniacs or Deastri dead Men Deified whom they make Mediators of Intercession betwen God and Men. The seventh Trumpet or third of Wo is ready to sound but 7 Trumpet Rev. 10 v. 1 c. a mighty Angel cam from Heaven clothed with a Cloud a Rainbow on his Head his Face as the Sun and Feet pillars of Fire He had in his hand a little Book open who set his right foot on the Sea and left on Earth crying loud as when a lyon roars and seven thunders uttered their voices John was about to write it but a voice from Heaven said seal up thes things which the seven thunders uttered and write not Then the Angel lifted his hand to Heaven and swore by him that livs for ever that Time shal be no more But in the dais of the seventh Angels voice when he shal begin to sound the mystery of God should be finished as he declared to his servants the Prophets The sound of this seventh Trumpet should succed the sixth but is superseded by the litle Book intervening yet lest ought be omitted in the interim to fulfil the Prophecy of Seals the holy Ghost shews the last trumpets event in general viz. that at sound therof the Roman Beast being destroid and the last heads time com to an end the mystery of God shal be finished as he foretold his Prophets For so 't is declared to Daniel that the fourth Dan 7. 13. 14. Beast being slain the Son of Man or King of Saints should rule over the World and the gratious promises of restoring Israel be fulfilled The finishing of which mystery is Christs glorious Kingdom which arose or appeered at sound of the 7 Ttrumpet when the grand acclamation of Voices in Heaven was heard saying The Kingdoms of this World are becom the Lords and his Rev.
the last universal Judgment for that is committed to the Son but in particular over the Churches Enimies in the fourth Monarchy and Papacy which Daniel saw til the Beast was ●lain and his Body given to the burning flame and the power of the other Beasts cam to an end for a term was set how long e●h should last and the Saints shal be given into the fourth Beasts hand so long as the Whore rides the B●ast til a time times and dividing of time but at end of these three times and half the judgment shal sit and his power totaly abolished yet the World not destroyed but al kingdom dominion and greatnes under Heaven given to the Saints of the most High whos kingdom is everlasting and al dominions shal serv him Saint Paul's words The Lord shal destroy him 2 Thes 2. 8. with the brightnes of his coming are expounded in the Apocalyps but it seems the two judgments ch 19. and 20. are Rev. 19. 11. c. different and not reduced to one self time sith one thousand yeers intervene for the two great Guests the Beast and fals Prophets are lodged in a Lake of fire and brimstone but their Host the Devil associated to them a thousand yeers after at end of the World when the last judgment is immediatly held Weigh al wel and God giv thee wisdom unto Salvation The Author intimats that Christ shal com to destroy the Churches Enimies A. 1655. finito and bind the Devil in chains a thousand yeers at end wherof he shal judg the World yet protests he wil not presume to penetrat too far into thes secret sublime mysteries which he borows from Master Mede He exhorts us out of the Apocalyps to address our Rev. 3. 20. 21. ears and hearts to the Son of God Who stands at dore and knocks saying If any wil hear my voice and open dore I will sup Rev. 1. 3 6 8. with him and he with me to him that overcoms wil I grant to sit Rev. 22. 7 14. with me on my Throne as I overcam and sat down with my Father on his Throne Blessed is he that keeps the sayings of this Books Prophecy nay blessed are they that doo his Commandments that they may hav right to the Tree of life and enter the Gates into the City To him which is was and is to com the Almighty be glory and dominion for ever Amen The sum of al his Explications is 1. The last act of Reformation Summary and releas of Protestants in Silesia Rev. 11. 7. 2. The three yeers and half when the Witnesses bodies ly in the street Ibid. v. 8 9. 3. The continuance of war in thos Kingdoms til the Martyrs innocent blood be avenged 4. The sudden fal of a strong Pillar or Protector of the Papacy 5. The exaltation of an Evangelical Head or Protestant Patron 6. A Reformation in Germany 7. The destruction of Rome City 8. The end of the Turcs Empire Rev. 11. 14. Rev. 16. 12. 9. The Jews Conversion Ibid. 10. The Papists sedulity to gather their utmost forces Rev. 16. 13. Rev. 19. 16. 11. The total ruin of al the Papacy Rev. 16. 18. 21. Rev. 19. v. 20. 21. 12. The fulfilling of Gods mystery Rev. 10. 7. Wherby the Devil is shut up in the bottomless Pit the Son of God takes possession of the Kingdoms the Church fares in peace and tranquillity al which he writes to comfort his afflicted Countrimen and draws al Chronical lines to one Center of A. 1655. as the common gulf which is a conjectural crotchet no certitudinal conclusion wheron Men may rely One yeer and half wil bewray the verity or vanity therof to Gods glory and Mens satisfaction who must stil wait and watch but not sift or serch into his secret hidden Counsils The future contingents which he proposeth to be shortly expected A. 1655. are thes 1. Romes final ruin 2. The Papacies total confusion 3. The Jews conversion 4. The Turcs Empires abolition 5. The Churches restauration 6. Christs readvention al which materials he hath from Mr. Mede Neither of them handle the Lambs mystical mariage with Rev. 19 7. his spiritual Spous which Dr. Preston compares to civil carnal Nuptials in ●iv respects 1. As Parents consents is requisit in the contract so God the Father hath freely given his Son to us and us to him 2. Both Parties must mutualy consent to be wedded so Christ the Husband as the Man stil is Suitor tho the Woman most needs it for hir perfection first invites us to this match and the holy Ghost prepares our hearts to intertain it 3. Both make a Covenant Christ on everlasting one to bestow himself and al that is his salvation remission of sins grace glory on us if we giv our selfs intirely to serv him Thes are but the Espousals 4. Ther folows a solen union or celebration of Mariage betwen both which is doon in Baptism when as we promiss in We●lock to take ech other renouncing al other so here we vow by word of mouth or sureties to forsake the World Flesh and Devil with al their Works cleaving soly to Christ both in prosperity and persecution and keep our Souls chast to him not prostituting them to unclean lusts or service of any Creatures 5. The Nuptial consequents correspond in both which is an inseparable union of hearts and communion of goods my Beloved is mine and I his what Christ hath is made ours and our his our debts becom his as al his riches righteousnes honors and privileges ours by imputation O what a blessed condi●on is it to say with the Spous in the Canti●les I am my Beloveds and his desire C●nt 7. 10. is toward Me He feedeth me among the Lilies O let his pretious Blood make my scarlet sins so whit as Wool or as the Snow in Salmon In this peece are mo tedious repetitions then in al the work els which is doon purposly to make it more obvious or perspicuous unto every common capacity Quae placuere semel decies repetita placebunt Sunt patefacta sacro mysteria magna Joanni Quae Deus in seclis efficienda d●cet To holy John great mysteries were told Which to be doon in Times God doth unfold Medus vir celebris nulli bonitate secundus Artibus Ingenio Judicioque praeit Quaeque revelavit mysteria magna Joanni Christus in illius sunt patefacta libro Mede was a rare Man for goodnes next to none In Learning Wit and Judgment cheif alone And what high hid things Christ to John declared Are in his Apocalyptic Book explaned Mira brevi obvenient Germanus praedicat Author Si modo venturis est adhibenda fides Mira canit quae anno simul efficienda propinquo Vix credenda tamen dum patefacta forent Strange things saith a German shortly shal befal If faith to futures may be giv'n at al. Wonders he tels which next yeer doon must be Yet scars to be beleevd til
one Man speaks to another prohibiting Adam to eat of the Tree of knowledg and upon disobeying exiled him out of Eden from enjoying eternal Life wherto he was created had he not sinned Gen. 7. 7. Afterward he punished his Posterity for their Vices al sav egth Persons in whom his Kingdom consisted with a deluge Gen. 8. 18. of Waters but his first Kingdom by solen compact was with Gen. 17. 7 8. Abram in thes words I wil establish my Covenant between me and thee and thy Seed after thee for an everlasting Covenant to be a God to thee and them and wil giv thee and thy Seed al the Land of Canaan wherin thou art a Stranger for an everlasting possession In memorial herof he instituted Circumcision Exod. 19 5 〈◊〉 8 caled the old Covenant as the sign or Sacrament therof The same Covenant God renewed by Moses at Sinai they being newly becom a Nation which is expresly stiled tho the name of King and Kingdom not before used a Kingdom of Priests and holy People for they promised to doo as the Lord commanded which argues their peculiar consent compact or covenant but al the Earth is the Lords by power property and precedent So 't is a cleer case that by Gods Kingdom is meant a civil Common-wealth instituted by Subjects consents for regulating their behaviour both toward God their King in obeying his Laws toward one another in point of Justice and toward Forreners in peace or war This was properly a Kingdom when God was King of Israel which befel to no People els and the high Priest after Moses his sole Lieftenant or Viceroy whence 't is forecaled Regnum Sacerdotale a 1 Pet 2 9. Kingdom of Priests and by St. Peter Sacerdotium Regale a Roial Priesthood sith none but the high Priest might enter Sanctum Sanctorum only once a yeer to inquire Gods Wil 1 Sam. 8 7 c. of him Many mo places prov the same as when the Elders greiving at Samuels Sons corruption required a King to rule them Like al Nations God said they did not reject Samuel but himself that he should not reign over them Thus God was their King and Samuel only delivered what he dictated So saith 1 Sa● 12. 12 Samuel when ye saw Naash King of Ammon com against you ye said to me a King shal reign over us when the Lord God was King After they had rejected God and broken the Covenant by that revolt or rebellion chusing another King the Prophets foretold his restitution that it shal be in Zion Davids Throne at Jerusalem on Earth See Isai 24. 23. Ez●k 20. 33 37. Micah 4. 7. So saith the Angel Gabriel of Christ He shal be great and caled the Son of the most high and the Lord Luk. 1. 32 3● shal giv him his Father Davids Throne and he shal reign over the hous of Jacob for ever and of his Kingdom shal be no end This is a Kingdom on Earth for whos claim Christ was crucified as an enemy to Caesar and on his Cross inscribed Jesus of Nazaret King of the Jews being in scorn Crowned with Thorns So 't is said of the Disciples That they did contrary Acts 1● 7. to Caesars Decrees saying ther is another King one Jesus Therfore Gods Kingdom is real no metaphorical Monarchy and so taken in both Testaments When we say For thine is the Kingdom power and glory 't is understood by force of our Covenant not by right of his power So it were frivolous to pray Thy Kingdom com unles it be meant of Gods Kingdoms restauration by Christ which was interrupted by the Jews electing Saul Nor is it proper to say the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand or thy Kingdom com if it had stil continued for Gods Kingdom of Power is every wher In sum Gods Kingdom is a civil Monarchy which consists Summary in the Israelits obedience or obligation to observ thos Laws which Moses first should bring from Sinai and what the high Priest afterward shal deliver before the Cherubins in Sanctum Sanctorum which being cast off by electing Saul the Prophets foretold should be restored by Christ and we daily pray for its redintegration thy Kingdom com acknowledging the right of it in adding For thine is Kingdom Power and Glory for ever Amen The proclaiming herof was the Apostles Preaching wherto Men are prepared by Gospel-Teachers and to promiss obedience to Gods government is to be in the Kingdom of Grace becaus God givs such power to be his Subjects gratis when Christ shal com in Majesty to judg the World and actualy govern his own People which is caled the Kingdom of Glory If Gods Kingdom caled for its gloriousnes and celsitud the Kingdom of Heaven were not a Government which he executs on Earth by Vicars or Vicerois who deliver his commands to the People ther needs no digladiation who it is by whom God speaks to us nor would Priests trouble themselfs with spiritual jurisdiction nor any suprem Rulers deny it them From this literal interpretation of Gods Kingdom ariseth Holy what a genuin Exposition of the word Holy signifying what in Monarchies Men cal public or the Kings property who is the public Person or Representativ of al his Subjects As God King of Israel is stiled the holy one of Israel and the Jews Gods People a holy Nation So the Sabbath Gods day is a Holy day the Temple Gods hous a holy Hous Sacrifi●es Offerings Tiths Gods Tributs Holy duties Priests Prophets Annointed Kings Gods Ministers holy Men the celical Spirits Gods Messengers holy Angels or the like For wherever holy is taken properly ther is stil somwhat signified of property got by consent For al Mankind is Gods Nation by property of power but Israel only an holy Nation by Covenant In saying Halowed be thy Name we pray for Grace to keep the first Commandment to hav no other Gods but him The word Prophane is usualy taken in Scripture for common Prophane what and consequently the contraries holy and proper or peculiar must signify the same thing but figurativly such as liv godly giving themselfs to devotion as if they forsook the World are caled Bonhoms That which God makes holy by appropriating it to his own Sacred what use is stiled Sacred or Sanctified as the seventh day in the fourth Commandment and the elect in the new Testament are said to be sanctified as indued with the spirit of godlines That too which Men dedicat or giv to God for his public service Churches Chapels with their Utensils Priests Victims Oblations external Rites of Sacraments c. is stiled Sacred or set apart to God Now ther be divers degrees of sanctity or holines when things are sequestred or consecrated for Gods neerer service th●n others as al the Israelits were a holy People peculiar to God yet Levies Tribe more holy and Priests among Levits more but the high Priest most holy so Judea was a
without torture of Body and Mind in which sens it shal endure for ever unquenchable and the torments endlesss Yet it folows not that he so cast in shal so endure or resist it as to be eternaly burnt and tortured but never dy or be destroied Yea tho many places prov everlasting fire and torments into which Men may be cast successivly one after another for ever yet none assert that any individual Person shal perennaly abide or endure therin but he shal hav an everlasting secund Death For when Death and the Grav Hel hav delivered up the Rev. 20. 13 14. dead in them and every Man judged according to his works Death and Hel shal be cast into the Lake of Fire this is the secund Death Hence 't is cleer that every Reprobat condemned at general Judgment must suffer a secund Death after which he shal dy no more But what is meant by Mind so oft iterated if not Mans Quaere Soul The jois of eternal Life are comprised in Scripture under Eternal Life the name of Salvation or being saved which signifies to be secured either respectivly against special evils or absolutly from al as want sicknes death Now becaus Man was made immortal or immarcescible and fel from it by sin it results that to be saved from sin is to be freed from al evil and afflictions acquired by the same Ergo Remission of sin and Salvation from death and misery is al one As when Christ Mat. 9. 2 5. cured a Paralytic Man saying Friend be of good cheer or comfort thy sins be forgiven the Scribes said within themselfs he blasphems but he asked whether 't is easier to say thy sins be forgiven or arise and walk Yet he used that form of speech to shew he had power to remit sins which implies that 't is al one to the saving of the sick to say thy sins are forgiven or rise and walk For sith death and misery are punishments of sin the discharge of it relea●eth the other two being absolut Salvation such as the elect shal enjoy after the Judgment day by Christ Jesus favor who for that caus is caled our Saviour Touching particular Salvations from enimies or miseries 't is needless to treat but becaus the general Salvation must be in the Kingdom of Heaven ther is great debate or difficulty about the place Becaus Kingdom is an Estate ordained by Men for security Kingdom of Heaven against enimies and want it seems this Salvation which sets forth our Kings glorious reign by conquest not a safety by escape shal be on Earth For wher we expect Salvation we must look for Triumph Victory and Battle in order which cannot be supposed in Heaven and wher els we must serch the Scriptures Isaiah largely describes it To be at Jerusalem Isai 33. 20. c. a quiet habitation a Tabernacle not to be taken down The Saviour is Our Lord Judg Lawgiver King The condition of the saved is The People that dwel therin shal be forgiven their iniquities By this 't is cleer that it shal be in Jerusalem wher God shal reign at Christs next coming and fil up the Salvation of Gentils which shal be received into his Kingdom for ever Isai 66 20 21. Isaiah more expresly declares it That the Gentils who had any Jews in bondage shal bring them from al Nations on Horses Charets and Litters to Jerusalem the place of Gods John 4. 22. worship As our Saviour told the Woman of Samaria that Salvation is of the Jews or begins at them As if he should say ye worship God but know not by whom he wil sav you we know it shal be by one of Juda and not a Samaritan This Rom. 1. 16 17. St. Paul explains The G●sp●l is Gods power of Salvation to every one that beleeveth to the Jew first and also to the Greec Joel 2. 30 32. So Joel describing the Judgment day saith God wil shew wonders in Heaven and Earth Blood Fire and Pillars of smoke wherto he ads In Mount Zion and Jerusalem shal be Salvation Obad. v. 17. c. So saith Obadiah On Mount Zion shal be deliverance and holines Jacobs hous shal possess their possessions which he particularly points out by The Mount of Esau Land of Philistins fields of Ephraim Samaria Gilead and Cities of the South concluding thus The Kingdom shal be the Lords On the other side no plain pregnant place provs the Saints Ascention into Heaven sav that 't is caled the Kingdom of Heaven which was becaus he governed the Israelits by commands sent to Moses from and after sent his Son as he wil again thence or els that his Throne is Heaven and Earth his Footstool but that his Subjects or Servants shal sit so high as his Throne or abov his Footstool sutes not with the glorious Majesty of so great a King Al thes Kickshews of arguing from similituds which he Answer derides in others are soon satisfied that his subjects shal not sit on his suprem Throne as Coequals or Coordinats but only dwel as Princes Servants doo in their Palaces in his holy John 14. 2. Hous of Heaven This saith Christ hath many mansions being infinity it self wheras not a tithing pa●● of Mankind can possibly find place to stand on a new Earth or finit world Three Worlds are specified in Scripture 1. The old before Noahs flood wherof St. Peter speaks 2. The present of 2 Pet. 2. 5. which Christ saith My Kingdom is not of this World 3. That to com of it St. Peter saith We according to his promiss look for new Heavens and Earth which is that World wherin Christ coming in the Clouds with great glory shal send his Angels to gather the Elect from the four Winds or utmost parts of the Earth to reign over them under his Father everlastingly Thus he But wher is the World to com taken for a Real material Quaere World as the other two be 'T is not Cosmos or Mundus venturus but Seculum vita vel Aevum futurum the Time Life or Age to com Nor is ther any warrant in al Gods word for thos last words that Christ shal reign over the Saints ●iz on Earth under his Father everlastingly but that they shal reign with him 1000. yeers as Chiliasts contest Touching Understanding he saith 't is only imagination Understanding raised in Man or any Animal that can imagin by words or signs which is common to Man and Beasts As a Dog by use understands his Masters cal or check with sundry strange tricks by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 calture so doo divers other kinds yea som 〈◊〉 to speak but understanding peculiar to Man is not only to know one anothers wil but his thoughts or conceptions by the consequents of things Names into affirmations ●e●ations and other forms of speech of which he wil treat elswher For Witchcraft he holds it to be no real power yet are
Fire was cast into Sea and a third part becam Blood At the third A great Star caled Wormwood burning as a Lamp fel making a third part of Rivers and Fountains bitter that many died of them At fourth A third part of Sun Moon and Stars was darkned that the day and night for a third part shined not Here intervens as a preparatory transition to the three last Trumpets An Angel flying through midst of Heaven crying a loud Wo Wo Wo to the Earths Inhabiters by reason of the three Angels yet to sound The fift sounded which is the first Ch 9. 1 Wo. of Wo And a Star fel from Heaven to Earth and he opened the bottomless Pit with a Key whence arose Smoke darkning Sun and Air out of which cam Locusts whos effects are notably described together with their King Abaddon or Apollyon The sixt or secund Wo sounded wh●ch 2 Wo. Ch. 10. loosed four Angels bound at Euphrates who were prepared to slay a third part of Men their Army being two hundred thousand thousand Horsmen which are largely described with their woful effects Here a mighty Angel Jesus Christ descended with a litle Book in his hand open who set his right Foot on the Sea and left on Earth swearing with lifted up hands by him that livs for ever ther should be no more time but at sound of the seventh Trumpet the mystery of God shal be finished as he declared to the Prophets This Angel cried loud as if a Lion roared or seven Thunders uttered their voices which John was about to writ but a voice from Heaven bid him seal it up and eat the little Book which in his mouth was sweet as Hony but made his Belly bitter that he might Prophecy Then ●b 11. was John bid to mesure Temple Altar and Worshipers with a reed but not the out Court for the Gentils must tread the holy City under foot forty two Moneths and he gav his two Witnesses power to Prophecy one thousand two hundred sixty dais clad in Sack-cloth but the beast rising from the bottomless Pit shal kil them whos dead Bodies shal ly in the street of the great City three dais and half unburied who shal reviv and ascend to Heaven to their Enimies great grief and terror The seventh 3 Wo. or third of Wo sounded which finished Gods mysteries and his Churches miseries then were great voices heard in Heaven saying the Kingdoms of this World are becom the Lords and his Christs to whom the twenty four Elders sung a gratulation attended with Lightnings Thundrings Voices Earthquake and great Hail Here the first Prophecy or System of Visions which contains chiefly the fourth Empires condition ends after which the secund contemporar with the former of Seals and Trumpets folows foretelling the Churches future state til the last day Herin three principal points are handled 〈◊〉 1. Hir tribulations 4 Vision by several Enemies 2. Hir deliverance by their destruction 3. Hir happy condition after deliverance Most Interpreters make both Visions one continued Prophecy yet not so properly tho in substance neer one The Churches persecutions Ch. 12. by several Enimies are pourtraied in this fourth Vision but the parturient Womans pursuit by the Dragon most pointly who waged war with the remnent of Hir seed The Dragons Ch. 13. instruments are the Beast with seven heads and ten borns rising from the Sea and that coming out of the Earth which had two horns like a Lamb but spake as a Dragon The events Ch. 14. of this persecution is the Saints victory by their constant confession of Christ even to death which is amplified by the causes and effects The Vision of seven Phials ful of Gods wrath and the seven 5 Vision last plagues poured out by seven Angels declare the Churches Ch. 15. deliverance by hir Enimies destruction The first poured his Ch. 16. plagues on the Earth the next on the Sea the third on Rivers and Fountains the fourth on the Sun the fift on the Beasts seat the sixt on Euphrates the seventh into the Air whos effects see in the context In the sixt Vision many mysteries are manifested being before 6 Vision Ch. 17. but obscurely mentioned which point out the Rise Reign Seat Vassals Success and final fal of Antichrist with al the Churches Enimies Here behold the great Whores judgment and event wherin a lifely description of the Whore to be judged both by visional representation of a Woman sitting on a scarlet Beastful of Names of Blasphemy having on hir forehead a Name writen A Mystery Babylon the Great Mother of Harlots and Abominations and by real explanation that the Beasts seven Heads are seven Hils and ten Horns ten Kingdoms The Instruments which shal destroy the Whore are thos ten Horns or Kings who shal hate and make hir desolat or naked eat hir flesh and burn hir with fire The promulgation Ch. 1● of Babylons perdition is performed by three Angels one declares the certainty 't is falen and becom the habitation of Devils another warns al Gods People to com out of hir for fear of hir plagues setting forth hir V●ssals sad laments crying alas alas that great City the last seals up hir ruins irrecoverablenes under the type of A great Milstone cast into the Sea Then folow gratulatory Ch. 19. exultations of the Heavenly company singing Halelujah to God both for the Whores judgment and preparation of the Lambs Wife to marry with him together with the Lamb and his Armies total conquest over the Beast fals Prophet and earthly Kings with their Armies wherto al Fowls are invited to eat their flesh The last Vision shews the event of the Whores judgment 7 Vision Ch. 20. which is triple 1. The Saints safety by chaining up the Dragon or Devil for one thousand yeers in the bottomless pit 2. The Martyrs living and reigning with Christ one thousand yeers but the rest of the dead lived not again til thos yeers were finished 3. The Saints miraculous deliverance from the Nations Gog and Magog by fire from Heaven to devour them when their Deceiver is cast into a Lake of fire and Brimstone wherupon folows the general judgment of the dead smal and great according to their works So far the Church Militants future state on Earth next folows the Triumphants happy condition in Heaven for ever which is gloriously decyphered with the Water of Life and Tree in midst of the Street as the Text Ch. 211 Ch. 22. shews The conclusion with its three parts is Analysed at first among the three chief Heads of this Prophecy which shal not be Tautologicaly repeated or reiterated Mr. Dury in a prolix Preface to the German Divines Clavis hath prefixed an ample Analysis which is abundantly abridged and annexed for variety of wit The Title tels that the Book Ch. 1. v. 1. is a Revelation of Jesus Christ who is the Subject-matter sith the sole scope is
to make him manifest This Title contains three things 1. the Author God who gav it to Christ 2. The use for which he gav it to shew his Servants the things that shal shortly befal 3. The means by which Christs manifestation is put forth to this use 1. He sent and signified Ibid v. 2. 3. c. it by an Angel to John 2. The Preface directs either generaly to al Churches that bear record of Gods Word and Testimony of Jesus and al things he saw which wil make them blessed that read hear and keep the same or specialy to the seven Asian Churches of Jesus Christ who is described 1. By the properties or effects of his first coming in the Flesh who is the faithful Witnes and first begotten of the dead Prince of al earthly Kings which loved us and washed our sins in his Blood making us Kings and Priests to God his Father 2. By the properties and effects of his secund coming with Clouds when every Ey even thos that pierced him shal see him and al Kindreds wail becaus of him 3. By a narrativ of the Visions which extends from ch 1. v. 9. to ch 22. v. 6. 4. By the conclusion comprised ch 22. v. 6. ad finem Here consider 1. The certainty importance and use of it 2. The effects which it wrought in John who was ready to worship the Angel but bid to forbear 3. The command which he had not to seal the Prophecies with the reason of it 4. The authority therof is repeated becaus Jesus sent his Angels to testify thes things in the Churches becaus 't is ratified by the Spirit Bride and al Beleevers becaus the perfection is such as no thing may be added or subtracted on pain of eternal plagues and perdition The Contents of the Prophecy are triple 1 The things which John saw in the first Vision viz. 1 Vision Chap. 1. Christs presence with his Churches who is their Mediator and high Priest as walking in the midst of the seven golden Candlesticks their King as holding their seven Stars or Angels in his right hand and Prophet as out of whos mouth went a sharp two edged sword of Gods Word 2 The things which then were Chap. 2 3. viz. the seven Churches to whom John by Christs appointment sent Epistles wherin al perfections and imperfections promises and menaces admonitions and reproofs exho●tations and precepts are intended to al Churches and Pastors so wel as thes sith no Prophecy is of privat interpretation for the proem and period of every Epistle is Let him that hath an ear h●ar what the spirit saith to the Churches 3 The things to b●fal hereafter Ch. 4 t●l ch 22. which transcend from the Churches on Earth to the Kingdom of Heaven wher John saw the things which must be hereafter The secund Vision shews 1 What the Churches constitution 2 Vision in Heaven is how ordered about Gods Throne and set in his presence 2 What the administration of affairs in Heaven and Chap. 4. the Churches government on Earth by Jesus Christ is who a spotless Lamb flain meritoriously purchased that honor to open Chap 5. the sealed Book of Gods Counsils being his seven Eys of Wisdom and seven Horns of Power able alone to discharge such a trust 3 What changes chanced in the World and the Chap. 6. Churches condition at opening of the first six seals wher is shewed how at preaching of the Gospel great troubles and terrible Chap. 7. wars arose among Men wherin Christs Martyrs ly as Sacrifices under the Altar crying for vengeance but are comforted that they shal be avenged after a short season and their Enimies terrified at first executing of the Lambs wrath upon them Yet lest judgment prepared should fal on his Friends a preventiv Chap. 8. provision is made to seal and sever them from the rest that no hurt heat or hunger shal annoy them 4 What destruction betides or is brought on the World at opening the seventh seal and what glory to the Saints which last includs al that folows to the end of this Book Here seven Angels with seven Trumpets declare Gods Judgments on the Earth but the three last remarkably differ from the four first which giv warning of great Wo thrise threatned by tripetion to the Earths Inhabitants but the four first tend to depriv the World of a third part of their comforts as in trees green grass the Se● with al Animals therin Ships Rivers Fountains Sun Moon Stars the light of day and night The three Wo-Trumpets Chap. 9. produce heavier plagues both by Locusts which shal so torment Men that they shal seek death but not find it and Euphratean Horsmen which shal slay a third part of Men yet the rest repented not The third Vision of A mighty Angel coming from Heaven 3 Vision Chap. 10. clothed with a cloud and Rainbow on his head his face like the Sun and feet as pillars of fire who stood on the Sea and Earth had a litle Book open in his hand which John being bid eat up and inabled him to Prophecy The three past Visions shew three substantial Note differences of things reveled to John and three main changes of his Spirit in receiving them the first contains Christs ministration of his Offices on Earth among his Churches the next of his Offices in Heaven over al the World to preserv and propagat his Church the last of his Offices both in Heaven and Earth to finish al wickednes in the World and to perfect his Churches felicity In al which manifestations he is presented sutable to the things reveled 1 As a Man in dealing with Men 2 As a Lamb offred to God in dealing with God 3 As a mighty Angel to incounter Satan with his Angels and powers of darknes in the World The matter of this Vision is Chap. 11. to shew when and how the mystery of God spoken by the Prophets shal be finished wherin 1 John had a Reed as a Red given to mete the Temple Altar and them that worship 2 The out-Court is given to the Gentils who shal tread on the holy City fourty two moneths 3 The two sack cloth witnesses had power to Prophecy one thousand two hundred and threescore dais 4 The Beast rising from the bottomless pit shal slay them but after three dais and a half they revived and ascended to Heaven in a cloud which terrified their Enimies 5 Great joy was in Heaven becaus this worlds Kingdoms are becom the Lords and his Christs that he may reward his Saints and Servants Ther folow several subordinat Visions which concern the Church typified by a woman Chap. 12. and respect 4 times 1 Before she fled into the wildernes who brought a Man-child which the Dragon waited to devour but he was rapt up to Heaven and the Dragon with his Angels cast to Earth by the Angel Michael yet he persecuted the Woman and made war
Throne saying it is doon so he that sat beholding new Jerusalem descend from Heaven said to John Lo I make al Rev. 21 5 6. things new it is doon I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and end Ergo new Jerusalem begins at the Phials last term It is doon when the whore was dispatched and so symbolizeth with that time which ins●eth the Beasts perdition For one of the Phial Angels shewd John the whores condemnation while the Rev. 17. Phials were pouring out and one at least behind which Angel shewed him the great City holy Jerusalem or Lambs Bride descending from God when it becam glorious the Phials being ended and Beast with Babylon destroied Ergo it began with the seventh trumpet 6 The numberless multitud of al Nations Kinreds People and Toungs bearing triumphant Palms who are Citizens of new Rev 7 9. 16. 17 Jerusalem that shal hunger or thirst no more for the Lamb shal lead them to living Fountains of water and God shal wipe al tears from their eys concur with the seventh trumpet or space of time from the Beasts destruction Thes are his several sorts of Synchronicisms which I hav put in so plain English as my smal skil in such sublime speculations can perform wherto heads this brief period or perclose After Christs thousand yeers reign and Satans condemnation 〈◊〉 to eternal fire folows the general Resurrection and final Judgment After new Jerusalem folows Paradise with the tree of Life in midst like Eden having a River on ech side Rev 20. 11 12 13. 14. Rev. 22. 12 of the street which is the worlds consummation and conclusion of this Revelation when God wil giv every Man as his work shal be Such a Key of Synchronicisms or Apocalyptic compass wil open al the hid mysteries of this Book with which no part of the old Testament no not Daniels Visions or Vaticinations can compare for certainty or singular structure to find out the right interpretation by concent or harmony of times and concurrence of things Lord open every Mans ●ys that he may discern thy wondrous works of wisdom Commentarii Compendium The Brief of his Commentary NExt ensues his cu●ious Comment which contains two Comment principal parts 1 Of the seven Seals and seven Trumpets 2 Of the litle Book both being vastly tedious and imperspicuous but som sporadical excerptions shal be presented more plausible and perceptible craving pardon for not abbreviating al particular parcels He begins with the Apocalyptic Theater wher John behold Part 1. al as on a Stage which is that imperial Heavenly Session of God and the Church exactly framed after the form of old Israels incamping in the Wildernes both which he compares Rev 4. Numb 1. 52. at large wel worth perusal but too prolix to capitulat He omits the Vision of seven Asian Churches in the three first chapters and parts the rest into two Prophecies 1. Of the Seals which comprehends the Empires destinies 2. Of the litle Book which concerns the Church or Christian Religion til in fine both be united in the Church and this Worlds Kingdoms Rev. 11. 15. becom the Lords Kingdoms and his Christs The scope of the sealed Book is to shew the distances of insuing times distinguished by characters of events in what order of changes and chances the Roman Empire running on Christ should vanquish the Gods of this World with whom he waged war Rev. 5. who must reign til he hath put al Enemies underfeet viz. al terren power and authority as St. Paul expounds The first 1 Cor. 15. 24. 25. six Seals distinguish divers different times of the Empire then florishing til Christ shal suppress the Heathen Gods or Idols in al thos dominions The first shews the origin of Christs victory when 1 Seal Rev. 4 7. the fals Gods fel and the worshipers being pierced with the Gospels arrows submitted to Christ the conqueror who hath not yet fully overcom but laid a fair foundation of Victory to be gradualy finished The discloser of this Seal is The first Beast like a Lion shewing one on a whit Rev 6. 1. 2. Hors with a Bow and Crown given him this is Christ or som Emperor haply Vespasian by whos conduct the war is waged and victory won as the folowing Seals are disposed or directed by Emperors The secund shews murders and intestin slaughters which 2 Seal the next Beast like a Bullock discloseth by One riding on a red Hors with a great Sword which was Trajan a mighty warrier born in Spain who made the third bloody primitiv persecution and the Jews raised fierce wars in Lybia beside many momutinies in most parts of the Empire The third shews a voice saying A measure of Wheat for a 3 Seal Rev. 6. 5. 6. penny and three of Barly for a penny see thou hurt not the Oil and Wine by which most Men deem dearth and famin to be meant yet he rather resembles it to the severe justice then executed The discloser is The third Beast with a Mans face by one on A black Hors with a pair of Ballances in his hand which is Septimius Severus an African in whos reign was no noted famin but famous justice wherof the Ballance is an Emblem The pricing of Victuals seems to sound thus take not Wheat or Barly from any til du price be paid and keep the like law in Oil and Wine that is defraud none nor steal or purloin for this Septimius and Alexander Severus both of one name shortly succeding were most strict justiciars denoted in this third Seal See Aurelius of the first and Lampridius of the last The fourth shews Killing with the Sword Hunger Pestilence 4. Seal Rev. 6. 7. 8. and Beasts of the Earth whos discloser is The fourth Beast in shape of an Eagle presenting one whos name was Death and Hel folowed who rode on a pale Hors having power over a fourth part of the Earth This is Maximinus a big barbarous Bubulc born in Thracia under whom the Sword raged every wher For in this Seals compas of thirty three yeers ten lawful Caesars wherof Maximin one were slain by the Souldiers besides thirty usurpers as Orosius tels wherof Galienus the last exceded al the rest far in savage ferity as Trebellius Pollio informs In the same age also the pestilence prevailed for fiften yeers over al the Empire as Zonaras testifies Lastly folowed famin in most ruful maner for al was wasted by thos wild Beasts and tillage abandoned so that a fourth part of the Earth or Empire perished The fift and sixt Seals hav● no Beast to usher them nor any 5 Seal sitting on Horses but must begin wher the chance of the Rev. 6. 9. 10. 11. foregoing Seal left viz. at Aurelians reign A. 268. when the fiften yeers pestilence ceased In which the Souls of them slain for Gods Word and Testimony which they held lay under the Altar crying aloud how
power to giv the Beasts Image life that it should speak Vers 1● and caus so many as would not worship it to be killed Nebuchadnezar decreed the same of his Image but if this had not received life the slain Beast could not reviv in him no● was the former Dragon-Worshiper idle but activ and stout to fly on his Enimies as this Image ought to be in which he should reviv Therfore the fals Prophet had power not only to allure People to make the Image of the last cours but to inlifen him wherby he may by Edicts injoin such things as shal support his dignity and punish Opposers by temporal death For al power of the Image or Secular Beast is derived or delivered by the Pseudoprophetic who denounceth sentence of Heresy against al which resist his Authority and the other must execut it This is commonly caled a delivery over to the Secular Power which is but his Hangman becaus he wil not seem or deem to defile his holy hands with blood The like use other Sects or Septs make of Civil Magistrats He caused al great and smal rich and poor free and bond to Vers 16. 17. receiv a mark in their right hand or forehead that none might buy or sel sav such as had the mark or name of the Beast or number of his name The mark is his name as 't is caled the mark or name and afterward the mark of his name This allud● Rev. 14. 11. to an old custom of marking Servants with the Masters name specialy in the foreheads but Soldiers of their Captains in the hand So the Lambs Folowers being contrary to the Beasts had his name and his Fathers in their Foreheads The number of his name is the same with himself but cald the number becaus brought into letters of number God so disposing it but the mark and number differ if the interpretation be directed after the analogy of other places For the mark shews to which Lord they belong that bear it but the number indicats from what stock they spring that are marked as the number of twelv made in the multiplication of twelv Virgins is a symbol of Apostolic linage or Of-spring as shal be shewed The Beasts name which includs the number is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 imposed soon after the Revelation was writ For at the Empires division by Theodosius and rising of the ten Kings the Roman fals Prophet and West Inhabiters under him were stiled Latin by fatal instinct which very name subducting the numeral letters as Hebrews and Greecs use make the mystical number 666. noted by the holy Ghost which provs the Beasts prosapy who vaunts himself to succed the Apostles but indeed descends from the Dragon for the Apostolic number 12 wil never cast into 666. however multiplied but from the number 6. which belongs to the red Dragon and Beast of the sixth Head neatly and naturaly For the whol sum how great soever is compact out of six by units tens and hundreds as if the Dragons whol seed were diffused through this last Beasts whol Body with al his Ministers Here is Wisdom let him that hath understanding count the V. 18. Beasts number which is the number of a Man even 666. The Virgins number one hundred forty four thousand contrary to the Beast is altogether Apostolic begot of 12. multiplyed by twelv times twelv thousand for the reason or result of contraries is contrary wher both the name writen and number of the company is expressed but here the name is conceled or left to be collected and conjectured from the number wherin lies a mystery The forbidding to buy and sel is a brand of Papal Excommunication excluding commerce or company with such To receiv the mark of the Beasts name is to acknowledg Note him Lord and obey his authority but to receiv his number is to embrace his impiety derived from the Dragon Now tho none can hav the mark of his name or obey his authority unles he partake his number and impiety yet may a Man admit the number or impiety and abandon his name or authority As the Greecs hold the Dragons impious Idolatry with the Latins as first erected or established in the secund Nicen Synod by a Pope who labored earnestly to reviv the slain Dragons Image yet reject his authority and wil not bear his name or yoke as formerly but made a Schism as 't is stiled from the Latin Church which hath lasted abov 700. yeers maugre al brute Anathemas Let me intrud or interpose a few words Excommunication Animadvers is a prohibitiv brand to bar al that hav it from commerce company and communion but no permissiv badg to admit any nor can be caled a proper name Now Roman Catholic is the general appellation which al own and the Oath of Papal Supremacy caled reconciling to the Church of Rome a common mark or cognisance without which none may buy or sel spiritual wares among them Quam bene conveniunt Thes two terms Roman Catholic and Papal Supremacy applyed to the name and mark of the Beasts folowers I must own how fit or unfit soever humbly submitting them with al els to public censure No Symbols similituds nor allusions run on al four feet but are obvious to various applications which may and doo differ in divers circumstances as here haply it happens For the Beasts number Vicarius Dei generalis in terris DCLVVIIIIII 666. is the Beasts tru paraphrastical title and right number therof but no proper name nor number of a Man as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is nor are the numeral letters collected from the original Greec wherin John wrot as the others be but from the Roman Latin which is a considerable case Let Readers ruminat on it and judg deliberatly I looked and lo a Lamb stood on Mount Sion and with him Rev. 14 V. 1. one hundred forty four thousand having the name of the Lamb and his Fathers in their forheads The company of Virgins which folow the Lamb standing on Sion and elect Gentils put in place of Israel mentioned at beginning of the seventh Seal for 't is described in a duple Vision to conjoin the prophecy of Seals with that of the litle Book signifies the Church which in midst of Papacy continued constant to the Lamb as a Virgin under Babylon being the Apostles genuin progeny who were not confined to any set station but folowed the Lamb wherever he did go By the number one hundred forty four thousand 12. times 12000. it appeers that the same company is specified both wher 's being the Apostles tru Ofspring which bear the number twelv as an Emblem or Ensign of their peculiar prosapy or pedigree Mount Sion was Davids Kingdoms Throne or Roial mansion caled his City becaus he got it from the Jebusits and walling it built a Tower Streets and Courts It may here parabolicaly imply that part of the Earth which Christ having vanquishd made his Churches
Pray and lift up your Heads 1 Thes 5. 2 3. for your redemption is at hand but such as liv securely as assured of their salvation speaking peace and safety to their Souls Sudden destruction shal com upon them as travel on a Woman With Child and they shal not escape The day of the Lord shal com as a Thief in the night therfore watch and pray for great things and terrible revolutions are at dore to befal at end of A. 1655. wherin this Author is most confident who proceds thus It rests to be shewed 1. What hitherto hath bin fulfilled 2. What at present is effected 3. What shortly is to be expected which is chiefly contained in the 11. and 16. Chapters The Revelation describes the State of Christs Church in the new Testament and what shal betide the fourth Monarchy under which it subsists This description includs three Periods of time 1. The Dragons Ethnic Kingdom when seven Crowns 1 Period stood on his seven Heads being publicly adored and Christians persecuted by Pagan Emperors to which reign Constantin Rev. 12. 3. Rev. 13. 1. 2. put a Period A. 312. and the Church triumphed til Theodosius died A. 395. At which time the Devil left his shape of a Dragon resigning his Host Seat and great Authority to the Beast with seven Heads and ten Horns which rose from the Sea 2. Antichrists Vicarian Lieftenentship under the Dragon 2 Period Rev. 12. 15 16. from A. 395. til A. 1655. now neer During which space the Pope or fals Prophet blasphemed Gods name and persecuted his Saints for one thousand two hundred sixty yeers but when the Dragon was cast to ground he cast water out of his mouth as a Flood to carry away the VVoman that is he stirred the North Nations to invade the Empire and infest the Church but the Earth swalowed the Flood for they embraced Christanity and erected sundry Kingdoms The Dragon seing Idolatry could not be publicly erected resigned to the Bea●t risen from the Sea on which the great Whore or Antichrist the Dragons Deputy Vicar crept up in thos wars rode his seat power and authority viz. his host of Devils or Idols wherin Ethnics worshiped him which his Antichristian Vicar stil continues under the name of Saints Herof St. John speaks Rev. 13. 3 4. al the World wondred at the Beast but worshiped the Dragon which gav him power and the Beast also saying who is like him or able to make War with him This Lieftenentship is to last forty two months or one thousand two hundred sixty annal dais which beginning A. 395. must end A. 1655. as is said Then folows the Churches tru peace or prosperity at last 3 Period Rev 20. 1 2 3. Period for at sound of the seventh Trumpet the seventh Wo cam on the Empire and the seventh Phial of Gods wrath was poured o●● wherwith the Churches Enimies are cut off and the Devil shut up in the bottomless Pit for one thousand yeers so that nothing but tru tranquillity can insu Hence the Church Rev. 11. 15. exults with great voice saying the Kingdoms of this World are becom the Lords and his Christs who shal reign for ever To thes three times al three Parts of the Apocalyps are Analysis squared for the Son of God des●ribes the state of his Church and what shal befal the Empire in a triple maner 1. By seven Epistles chap. 2. and 3. 2. By a Book sealed ch 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. By a litle open Book ch 10. to the end He also appeered to John in several shapes 1. As a Son of Man ch 1. who suffred in the fi●●t Period 2. As a Beast like a Lamb with seven Horns and seven Eys ch 5. which fights in the secund Period 3. As a strong Angel clothed with a Cloud ch 10. who reigns having al things put under his feet in the third last Period As a Son of Man in m●●st of seven golden Candlesticks he declares the Churches condition in general by seven Epistles wherof the two si●st belong to the first Period the ●iv last to the se und but the Promises ch 2. and 3. to the last As a Lamb he opens the sealed Book Gods hidden Decree implying the Roman Empires estate distinctly under which the Church is built and subsists ch 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and 9. viz. in the Politic State for the first Period til A. 395. which by opening the six first Seals is performed the Ethnic Emperors condition is shewed in the first fiv but the fal of Paganism in the sixth from Constantin to Theodosius death In the secund Period from A. 395. to 1655. when the seventh Seal is to be opened seven Angels with seven Trumpets declare by seven Judgments then executed the Empires ruin Ch. 8. 1. By Barbarians A. 395. 2. By Romes first sackage A. 410. 3. By suppressing the West Empire in Augustulus A. 476. 4. By abolishing al public Offices A. 552. 5. By Sarrasens as the first Wo tels ch 9. 1. to 12. 6. By Turcs ch 9. 13 to 19. 7. By Papists palpable Idolatry Murders Sorce●ies Fornications and other abominable sins as in the secund Wo ch 9. 20 21. In the third Period at entry of A. 1655. the seventh Angel sounds and Judgment is executed with the third Wo on the Churches Enimies wherby Gods mystery is fulfilled ch 10. 9. As an Angel covered with a Cloud having a litle Book opened which John swalowed he foretels what shal befal the Ecclesiastic State in al three Periods 1. The Church is built up under persecutions ch 11. 1 2. 2. 'T is gloriously beautified with the Sun having the Moon under foot as despising al mundan things and a Crown of twelv Stars the twelv Apostles on hir Head ch 12. 1. 2. 3. The red Dragon raiseth many Heresies and troubles but Constantin as Michael overcam him and expeld Heathenism v. 9. In the secund Period thes seven Synchronicisms are set forth 1. The holy City trod down by the Gentils ch 11. 2. 2. The two VVitnesses mourn in sack cloth v. 3. to 10. 3. The VVoman fled into the Desart ch 12. 6 to 14. 4. The ten hornd Beast blasphems God and makes war with the Saints 5. The two hornd drivs a pety ped●ing trade ch 13. per totum 6. The company of one hundred forty four thousand sing a new Hymn and liv blamless ch 14. 1. to 6. 7. The VVhore of Babylon or Papal Hierarchy rides and rules the ten hornd Beast of free accord ch 17. Herupon God forewa●nd hir by declaring his plagues and punishments ch 15. and 16. but when no redres folowd he past sentence to confound hir Hence in the third Period the Churches joy or ovation over hir Enimies total ruin is displaied with hir wished peace or tranquillity ch 19. Thes are the general Contents of al but many mo important particulars relating to our times occur which shal be summarily collected for the Churches
ended Vers 14. at Romes destruction and the rest precited but intimats specialy Rev. 8 1● Rev. 9 1. to 19. the Turcs ruin For an Angel flying through midst of Heaven cried Wo Wo Wo to the Earths Inhabiters by reason of 3 Angels trumpets yet to sound The first hapned by Sarrasens the next by Turcs as generaly granted whence thos words the secund wo is past are unanimously interpreted that instantly after Romes ruin and the German Empires revolution the Turcs East Empire shal fal Behold the third Wo coms quickly al three fal on the Empire but the last ensues The seventh Angel sounded and Voices in Heaven said the Vers 15. 16. 17 Kingdoms of this World are becom the Lords and his Christs who shal reign for ever Here begins the seventh or last plague poured on Babel wherin the Evangelical Churches great joy is briefly described becaus they hav got a good Head Rome destroied Germany revolted from Popery and the Turcs Empire ended This joy is set out by John Rev. 19. as David reflects on it Psal 93. 1. Psal 97. 1. Psal 99. 1. The Nations Papists were angry and the wrath is com to Vers 18. 19. cut off or destroy them This act is confirm'd by a duple sign 1. Gods Temple was opened and ther was seen the Ark of his Testament 2. Ther were Lightnings Voices Thunders Earthquake and great Hail The contents wherof are elswher explicated wher the Son of God with Celical Armies appeer on whit Horses but the Beast and Kings of the Earth are utterly Rev. 19 11 to 21 destroied The time of the dead to be judged and that thou shouldst reward thy servants the Prophets Saints and them that fear thy Name and shouldst distroy thos which destroy the Earth This Judgment is darkly described being before caled the mystery Rev. 10 4. 7. of God and uttered by seven thunders which must not be writen This is also after rehearsed in Christs thousand yeers reign which the Author declines to define yet inclines to it Rev. 20 4. 5 6. As in the secund part of Apocalyps seven Judgments are given on the Roman Empire by seven trumpeting Angels in the secund Period so here in the third are described seven Plagues to be poured out by seven Phials on the same The seventh at end of the one thousand two hundred threescore yeers concurs with An. 1655. and fils up Gods wrath The seven Plagues fel on the Politic State presaging its fal but the seven Phials are poured on the Ecclesiastic too declaring both their punishments Thos began An. 395. but thes under the sixth Judgment a litle before the total final ruin The seven Plagues proced from the Lord holding a Cup of red wine who poured it on his litle Flock but now the ungodly shal drink the dregs Psal 75. 8 9. wrung out as David denounceth Thos seven Angels with the Rev. 15. 5. 6. 7. seven Plagues cam out of the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in Heaven and one of the four Beasts the Lion of Juda gav the seven Angels seven golden Phials ful of Gods Wrath the event or effect folows I heard a great voyce out of the Temple saying to the seven Chap. 16. V. 〈◊〉 Angels Pour out the Phials of Gods wrath on the Earth viz. Earths Inhabiters who rejoiced at the Beasts Victory or on the whol world which wandred after the Beast worshiping Rev. 13. 3. 4. both Beast and Dragon so the Popish Empire is plainly understood The first poured his Phial on the Earth and ther fel a noisom Vers 〈◊〉 grievous sore on the Men which had the Beasts mark and them which worshiped his Image Earth implies the whol Empires extent but reflects on the peaceable part and on the Beast coming out of the Earth which is the Pope and his Clergy who prevail not by open Power as the Sea-bred did by war but crept in slily and softly as grass grows out of the ground without nois or notice This Phial was poured at time of Reformation but when tru Professors opposed Papists reproving their fals Doctrins and foul deeds a noisom sore of fierce wrath hate and enmity fel on the Men so marked against al Protestants sith they could not seduce them by words or wiles nor subdu by the Sword The secund poured his on the Sea which becam as blood of a Vers 3. dead Man and every living Soul in the Sea died By Sea is pointed out the ten hornd Beast rising from the Sea his troubled state which fel on al parts specialy Germany with much bloodshed and al Men ingaged in the war through the Provinces died in that Flood of waters The third poured his on the Rivers and Fountains of Waters Vers 4. which becam blood VVaters both in Scripture and among al Authors signify Kingdoms the Roman Empire is compared Rev. 17. 1. 18. to a Beast with ten horns and to a City with streets but here to a Sea with Rivers which are the Popish dominions for the great VVhore sits on many waters the Fountains are Kings with their Peers and Parlements but how this Phial hath bin poured on Great-Brytain and the Head-spring becom blood stil sprouting out is evident to al Men but though thos that are the Voice or Trumpet in thos actions cannot be excused yet we must say with the Angel here Lord thou art righteous Vers 5. becaus thou hast judged thus How France feels Gods wrath of the third Phial and how much more it may time wil discover Vers 6. For they hav shed the blood of Saints and Prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink being worthy This more particularly concerns France wher such floods hav been shed within a hundred yeers last past but how other Realms shal fare time wil revele I heard another from the Altar say even so Lord God Almighty Vers 7. tru and righteous are thy Judgments This voice ca● from the Thyasterion wher Martyrs Souls incessantly prais God The fourth poured his on the Sun who had power given to Vers 8. scorch Men with ●ire Most Expositors understand the Sun of Righteousnes wherwith the woman is clothed but this repugns the plagues poured on the Popish world or Earth opposit to the Church-Heaven Gods faithful Children wherof the Lord Jesus is Head so we must serch what Sun signifies elswher in the Apocalyps The Sun becam black as sackcloth of Rev. 6. 12. hair which imports the ruin of Imperial dignity in Heathen Church-Heaven by Constantin The Suns third part w● Rev. 8 12. smiten that is the old Empires smal remaining splendor shal vanish An Angel stood in the Sun meaning a potent Evangelical Rev. 19. 17. Rev. 21. 23. Prince gathered Forces against Papists The City had not the Sun or Moon to shine in it or needs no temporal Potentat to govern it If we compare thes texts with the Sun
1 31. Resurrection when al power in Heaven and Earth was given him being set abov al Principalities yet the full accomplishment is not til last day when Death Hel and Satan shal be made his footstool Al this cannot be verified of the interstitial Millenium for yer that inchoats many things must terminat which cannot be subjected nor his chief Enimies subdued sith Death shal stil hav dominion Satan only bound in the bottomless pit not cast into the burning lake and Hel not utterly trod under foot Ob. Jeremy saith They shal say no more the Arc of the Lords Jer. 3. 16 17. Covenant nor shal it com to mind or memory then they shal cal Jerusalem the Lords Throne and al Nations shal gather to it nor shal they walk after their hearts imaginations Ergo al past things shal be forgot and Israel return to Jerusalem which shal be a Throne of Glory and al Nations joyn to them al which can be fulfilled at no time sav in thos thousand yeers Sol. The old things to be forgot are lawish Ceremonies not Gospel Ordinances the Arc and Temple were by Christs first coming removed the walking of Juda and Israel together with the Nations conjoyned imports the caling of Jews and Gentiles to the tru Church Heavenly Jerusalem For so saith Isaiah It shal com to pass in the last dais that the Lords Isai 2. 2 3. hous shal be established in the Mountain top and al Nations shal flow to it for out of Sion shal go a Law and the Lords word from Jerusalem The last dais were the Apostles times who from Sion and Jerusalem blew the Gospel Trumpet to al people as Jeremy speaks I wil giv you Pastors according to my Jer. 3 15. heart Christ and his Apostles which shal feed you with knowledg and understanding The walking after Gods heart implies no freedom from sin but a state of grace wherin God givs new hearts and writes his Law therin their main ground that Jerusalem new built shal be a Throne of Glory being before Jer. 〈 ◊〉 〈◊〉 but his footstool is a groundless crotchet for Sion Jerusalem and the Arc are caled in the old Testament not only Gods footstool but his Throne and in the new Testament not only his Throne but footstool Thus like other Sects they sens the Scripture literaly or tropicaly as they list Ob. Daniel saith In the dais of thes Kings God shal set up a 〈◊〉 2. 44. kingdom never to be d●stroyed but shal stand for ever Ergo Christ shal hav an everlasting kingdom and Jerusalem enjoy endless joy on Earth Sol. What a pretious inference is this so Preachers quote Texts and people turn their Bibles but may go beyond Seas to seek their glosses Daniels everlasting kingdom is meerly spiritual and celical as the Angel said to Mary The Lord shal Luk 1. 32 33. giv him his Father Davids Throne and he shal reign over Jacob for ever This kingdom for the matter is everlasting being the Glory which the Saints shal enjoy for ever with Christ in Heaven but for the maner of administration he shal resign it to the Father when the work of Redemption is perfected but no Millenar Earthly kingdom as they dream Ob. Saint John saith He was clothed with a vesture dipt i● Rev. 19. 13 14 15. blood Ergo Christ shal slay his Enimies and embru his vestments in blood that none shal be left to trouble the Church during that Millenar reign Sol. So they say but the next words speak contrary for his Armies in Heaven not on Earth folowed on whit Horses clothed in fine whit linnen not bloody yea his war-weapon is a sharp sword out of his mouth not in his hand who shal rule the Nations with a rod of Iron and tread the winepress of Gods wrath In a word thes bloody battles are not ascribed to Christ literaly as appears by a parallel place Who is this that coms from Isai 63. 1. c. Edom with died garments from Bozra meaning Christ by reason of the slain Edomits when in property of speech he had no body or bloody raiment being seven hundred yeers before his byrth Ob. 'T is said the City had no need of Sun or Moon and the Rev 21. 23. 24. Kings of the Earth bring their glory to it Ergo Jerusalem ther meant shal shine in great temporal glory and terren Princes be subdued to it at Christs coming to reign a thousand yeers Sol. Indeed Heavenly Jerusalem is ther meant and al such places or passages are Allegorical to shew the Churches condition on Earth and Saints state in Heaven which is elswher expressed by Metaphors of gold pretious Stones Fountains Fruits c. but to interpret them literaly of any City on Earth is like the Athenien Dotard who deemed every ship that cam into the Harbour to be his own Ob. Zechary saith hee that is feeble among them at that day Zech. 12. 8 9. shal be as David and Davids hous as God I will seek to destroy al Nations that shal com against Jerusalem Ergo the Saints who are to reign with Christ shal excel in glory and he wil destroy al Jerusalems Enimies Sol. Excellent inferences Ergo Potlid The Prophet plainly speaks of gifts poured on al Saints of the new Testament by the spirit of supplication which makes the least of them like David yea greater then John Baptist as Christ declares but Mat. 11. v. 11. what is this to earthly Jerusalem or Chiliasts Mathematical Kingdom Surely ther is no soundnes in it nor semblance for it in al Gods book Other places are heaped up which like Bay leafs cast into fire make much crackling in Pulpits and Pamphlets but if al the former be shadows the rest wil vanish into vapor Ob. The word Day in Prophetic phrase or Hebrew Idiom signifies som space of time not simply twelv or twenty four hours as the day of tentation in the Wildernes is fourty yeers long the Day of Babylonish captivity seventy Giv us this Day our daily Bread purports our term of life and 't is somtimes used for Eternity this day sh●lt thou be with me in Paradise Ergo the Day of Judgment is to be taken in the same sens Sol. The antecedent is granted and consequent shal not be denied for none can tel how long that Judgment shal last specialy sith time shal be no more as the Angel swore Yet Mr. Mede makes it a continued act with the reign of just one thousand yeers For as Rabbi Elias confines the Worlds continuance to 6000. yeers so he puts the Millenium of Messiahs glorious reign to be a periodical consummation of al things when shal be a Sabbath of Eternal rest Why then doo common Chiliasts assign one thousand to that reign either before at or after the Judgment day Let them render a reason of the one and the other wil soon be resolved why Day implies a larger space more or
yeer is a time of releas so the seventh Millenium shal be the Saints rest or reign the worlds releas 4. Christs coming is immediatly to folow Antichrists confusion and the seventh Trumpet with thos thousand yeers and other appendent Prophecies forego the great day of Judgment which the Jews so much celebrat and Christ with his Apostles commemorat This is no short space of hours but of many yeers in Hebrew dialect circumscribed with two real Resurrections as peculiar precincts Which day begins at the morning Judgment of Antichrist and other the Churches Enimies then alife by the Lords glorious appeering in flames of fire but ends at the general Resurrection and Judgment after the thousand yeers reign when Satan shal be loosed a short space and the wicked cast into Hel torments but the Saints translated into Heaven to reign with Christ for ever This St. Peter 2 Pet. 3 7. 8. 13 cals The day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly Men adding immediatly Beloved be not ignorant that one day ther newly named with the Lord is as a thousand yeers apertly intimating that the very Judgment day shal be a thousand yeers when he and his Brethren the Jews look for new Heavens and a new Earth wherin dwels righteousnes according to his promiss Wher was this promiss being before John saw the Apocalyptic Vision except in Isaiah I creat new Heavens and a new Isai 65. 17. Earth and the former shal not be remembred or com into mind Isai 66. 22. Again As the new Heavens and new Earth which I wil make shal remain before me so shal your seed and name remain which is a main evidence how God wil rebuild it 5. This is that Kingdom ready to judg the world as St. 2 Tim. 4. 1. Paul saith I charge before the Lord Jesus Christ who shal judg quick and dead at his appeering and his Kingdom For at last 1 Cor. 15. 24 28 general Judgment he shal resign the Kingdom of his Church to God the Father that he may be subject to him who subdu●d a● to himself that God may be al in al. So far is he from entring a new Kingdom Ergo that which shal neither be before the Lords appeering nor after the last Judgment must needs be betwen both which is the Millenar reign This is a sly subtle Argument 6. This is the Son of Mans Kingdom which Daniel saw to Dan. 7. 14 27 whom was given dominion glory and a Kingdom that al People Nations and Toungs should serv him when dominion and greatnes of Kingdoms under Heaven shal be given to the Saints of the most high as the Angel interprets This cannot be after last Judgment sith he must then resign not receiv a Kingdom but his and Johns is the same becaus they begin at one term the destruction of the fourth Roman Beast viz. that in Daniel Dan. 7. 11. when he was slain and his body given to the burning flame that in John when the Beast and sals Prophet are cast alife into Rev 19 v 20. a lake burning with fire and brimstone As also becaus both their Judgments are alike which by comparing wil appeer For Daniel saith I beheld til the Thrones were set and Judgment given Dan. 7. 9 10 22 Rev. 20. 4. to the Saints who possessed the Kingdom So John I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was given to them who lived and reigned with Christ a thousand yeers What can better conform or cohere For whatever the Jews or Christ and his Apostles delivered touching the great Judgment day is taken out of Daniels said Vision viz. that Judgment is to be accomplished by fire Christ to com in the Clouds in the glory of his Father the Saints to judg the World with him and Antichrist abolished with the brightnes of his coming Lastly This is that large Kingdom shewed to Nebuchadnezar in a statu of Dan. 2. 34. 35. 4 Kingdoms not that of a stone cut out of the Mountain while the series of Monarchy remained for this is Christs Kingdoms present state but the stone which becam a Mountain when al Kingdoms were utterly defaced or destroied which must needs be his Millenar reign 7. The Roman Empire is the fourth Kingdom reveled to Daniel Imagine confusa but not according to the distinction of Facts or specification of Fates as it was to John nor is it strange to see a thing unveled in general yet most particulars sealed or conceled For the surrogat Cal of Gentils in Jews stead was shewed to Peter and other Apostles but the particular Fates and Stats not known til Christ reveled them in Apocalyptic Visions For the order of times and cours of things to be acted was reserved til Johns revelation The Mother-Text whence the Jews ground an expectation of the great Judgment Day wherto almost al descriptions in the new Testament refer is Daniels said Vision of a Session when the Dan 7. 9 10. c. fourth Beast was to be destroied but the grand Assises resemble their Synedrion or chief Court wher the Pater Jud●cii had his Assessors sitting on semicircle seats before him I beheld saith he til the Thrones were pitched not cast down as late Translations render and the Antient of dais Pater Consistorii did sit and the Judgment of the whol Sanedrim was set and the Books opened Here the name and form of Judgment is cited and twise after repeated 1. At amplification of the V. 21. 22. ●6 wicked horns tyranny when judgment was given to the Saints of the most High 2. In the Angels interpretation That the Judgment shal sit and take away his Dominion to consume and destroy to the end Wher note that Cases of Dominion Blasphemy Apostasy or the like belonged to the Sanhedrim whence St. Jude and the Jews cal it The great day of Judgment Jude v 6 7. and describe it by fire becaus the Throne was a firy flame and wheels as burning fire a firy stream issued out before him and the Beasts body was given to the burning flame The like expressions are in the Gospel wher this day is intimated or inferred the Son of Man shal com in the Clouds in the glory of his Father with his holy Angels thousand thousands ministred to him as Daniel saith I saw one like the Son of Men coming in the clouds to the Antient of dais Hence St. Paul learning that the Saints shal judg the world becaus Thrones were set and judgment given them confuted the Theslaloniens fals fear of 2 Thes 2. 2 3. Christs coming then at hand becaus that day cannot be til the Man of sin first com and reign his appointed time as Daniel foretold whos destruction shal be at the Son of Mans appeering in the Clouds but not before For Daniels wicked horn or Beast acting in it is Pauls Man of sin as the Church from hir in fancy ever interprrted 8. The Kingdom
rule in this World or Heav'n for ever Nec patet An Terris regnabit mille per annos Cum Superis Sanctis Martyribusque suis Whether he shal reign on Earth one thousand yeers With Angels Saints and Maryts 't not appeers 5. As to the Worlds final dissolution whether it shal be by a refined renovation of the Old a created substitution of a New or a predecreed abolition into Nothing I stand stif for the last against al Opposers or Oppugners 6. Anent Christmas and other holy harmless Pests forecited I suppose them to be both lawful and needful among prophane people who should be compeld to Church in season and out of season as the Spaniards at first drov uncatechised Indians like herds of Cattle to Baptism for the service of God yet al too little among stupid carnal Gospelers for al which assertions with others on the by I have rendred strong sufficient Reasons from other mens works in the particular Theses Treatises or Theorems but the three middle of Prophecies concerning the Messiah to com Christs two Genealogies and Revelation reveled are no Polemical points nor wil require farther explication or exposition therfore take this dry Distich for a final Farewel Quid volo scire voles sic stat sententia nostra Qua data hoc addo tibi Lector Amice Vale. Wilt know what I hold So sounds my judgments knel Which giv'n I bid thee Reader Friend Farewel Protestatio Verissima Protestation A most tru Protestation Tu Domine Omnipotens mea qui praecordia nosti Spargere velle nihil me nisi vera vides Thou Lord Almighty who my heart doost know Knowst that I nought but truth abroad would sow AN END Additio de Anima Humana An Addition of Mans Soul WHile my Pen was busy to transcribe the Prolog previous Theorems I met with Mr. Hobbs learned Leviathan of a Common-wealth and among divers Paradoxal points or positions as who cannot devise new dogmats and colorably defend his devises Found four flatly opposit to so many of my Theological Theses or Tenets which I thought fit by way of vindication to enumerat but not by way of refutation to recriminat being far too weak to incounter so strong a Champion as a Dwarf to a Giant 1. That Mans Soul is no special Entity Essence or Existence distinct from the Body which after separation by death shal subsist in Heaven or Hel til the general Resurrection of al Flesh and particular reunion of every individual Soul with its own identic Body but only the Breath Life Energy or Accidental quality therof as is in other animats or animals so denomined of Anima not Vita yet the Body shal rise at last day the self same living Man it was in this World This novity crosseth cleerly my first Thesis concerning the 1 Thesis Souls origin or production wherin I maintain with the current stream of al Orthodox writers that 't is an essential part of Man so wel as the Body but after death or dissolution of one from the other a distinct individual immaterial tho no simple Spirit and immortal substance which shal immediatly by Gods particular Judgment partake of Heavenly jois or Hellish torments and in fine reunite with its own Body at general Resurrection The whol controversy is largly debated already needing no vain repetition but the Souls Verity Unity and Immortality shal be farther proved by a few select places of sacred Scripture promiscuously collected and congested together for the present occasion God breathed into Gen. 2. 3. Adam the Spirit of Life or infused a living Soul as 't is generaly interpreted Which cannot be simple life sith Zechary expounding it saith The Lord spred the Heavens laid the Ze●h 12. 2. Earths foundations and formed Mans Spirit within him which provs intrinsic infusion Semblably saith Salomon Dust shal 〈◊〉 12. 〈◊〉 return to Earth as it was and the Spirit to God who gav it which cannot imply life or Breath sith that only ceaseth or vanisheth but returns not to God who first infused into Adam a substantial Spirit whence al others are successivly derived David speaking of Christ saith My flesh shal rest in hope 〈◊〉 16. 9 〈◊〉 for thou wilt not leav my Soul in Hel nor suffer thy holy one to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 26 27. see corruption This is meant of our Saviours condition after his Passion as deep Divines define that his flesh in the Grav shal rest in hope but his Soul descend into Hel to conquer the strong Man Satan in his own Kingdom not to be left ther nor the whol compound see any corruption being to rise speedily The blessed Virgin saith My Soul doth magnify Luk. 1. 46 47. the Lord and my Spirit rejoice in God my Saviour which two pathetical terms Soul Spirit she would not use of life or breath a blast bubble bawble nor can Christ be caled hir Saviour in that respect sith hir life did not depend on him Christ saith Ther was a rich Man clothed in purple that fared Luk 16. 19 20. sumpt●ously every day and a begger named Lazarus who lay at his gate ful of sores Lazarus dying was caried by Angels into Abrahams bosom but the rich Man tormented in Hel flame This he whiffles off slightly that 't is a Parabol yet many learned Men take it for a tru story becaus the begger is named nor would Christ so pointly pourtray Abrahams bosom the rich Mans dialog with him and Hel-torments no not in Parabols to teach People old wifes fables if al were fals figments or that Mens Souls did not liv after dissolution from the body which was his main scope to instruct or to what end els did he propone it Yea elswhere he bids Men not to fear them which kil the Body and cannot kil the Soul but to fear Mat. 10. 28. him which is able to destroy both Soul and Body in Hel. How can this be eluded Here are two distinct parts directly specified Body and Soul nor can the last be life for he that kils the Body is able and actualy doth take away that too at once together with it nor would he ad fear him which is able to destroy both Soul and Body if he meant life only Christ said to the penitent Theef on the Cross Today instantly Luk. 23 43. 〈◊〉 and immortaly shalt thou be with me in Paradise which must needs intend both their Souls sith their Bodies were to be buried that night Indeed many able interpreters expound to day eternaly yet al apply it to their Souls which shal liv with God for ever and ever St. James bids his Countrimen with Jam. 1. 〈◊〉 meeknes to receiv the word which is able to sav their Souls not their lifes for Gods word cannot sav them Many mo places may be alleged beside Reasons and testimonies of Authors if any refutation were intended but sith he saith the contrary to his Assertion that Soul and Life
holy Land but Jerusalem the City of general worship more holy the Temple holier and Sanctum Sanctorum holiest of al places A Sacrament is a separation of som visible thing from common use consecrated to Gods service for a sign of our admission Sacrament into his Kingdom or a commemoration of the same Circumcision was the sign of admission in the old Testament Baptism in the new but the commemoration in the one was eating the Pascal Lamb once annaly to mind them of the night when they were delivered from Egypts temporal bondage and celebrating the Lords Supper in the other wherby we are remembred of our deliverance from sin and Satan by our Saviours crucifixon The Sacraments of admission Circumcision and Baptism are used but once to every one becaus we are admitted no oftner but thos of commemoration Passover and the Lords Supper often reiterated becaus we must be often minded of our deliverance and allegiance Ther be other Consecrations which in ample acception may be stiled Sacraments as the word implies a sacred institution for Religious uses as Ordination Matrimony and many mo but as it imports an Oath Promiss or Covenant of Allegiance to God thos precited are soly so named A Common-wealth cannot possibly consist wher any sav the Soveraign hath power to giv greater rewards then life or inflict Chap 38. grievouser punishments then death but sith eternal life excels temporal and endless torments exced death of nature 't is worthy to be wel weighed of al that wil obey Authority to avoid the calamities of confusion and civil war what is meant in Scripture by eternal life and endless torment as also for what offenses and against whom committed Men are to be eternaly tortured and for what actions to enjoy everlasting life Adam had enjoied it in the terren Eden Paradise for ever had he not broken Gods commandment to eat the forbidden fruit who had the Tree of Life allowed to eat but so soon Eternal Life Gen. 3. 22. as he tasted the one God thrust him out of the Garden lest he should take of the other and liv for ever So if he had not sinned he should liv on Earth perpetualy but mortality seized on him and al his posterity for this first sin Sith then he forfeted eternal life by sin he who is to cancel that forfeture must recover it by righteousnes which Christ Jesus did by satisfying for the sins of al that beleev in him and so recovered life eternal lost by Adam to al beleevers So saith St. 1 Cor. 15. 21 22. Paul sith by Man cam death by Man cam also the Resurrection of the dead for as in Adam al dy so in Christ shal al be made alife Touching the place wher Men shal enjoy eternal life the precited Texts seem to set it on Earth for if al forfeted it in earthly Paradise by Adam they shal enjoy it on Earth by Christ els the comparison were not consonant nor complet So saith David God commanded the blessing on Zion Ps 133 3. even life for evermore So St. John to him that overcometh Rev. 2. 7. I wil giv to eat of the Tree of Life in the midst of Gods Paradise Rev. 21. 2. 10. This was the Tree of eternal life on earth Again I saw the holy City new Jerusalem coming down from God as a Bride adorned for his Husband As if he should say new Jerusalem Gods Paradise or rather the Church Christs Spous shal descend from Neaven at Christs next coming to Gods people and Acts 3. 11. not they ascend to it So the two Angels in whit clothing said to the Apostles looking at Christ ascending This Jesus who is taken up from you into Heaven shal so com as you see him go up into Heaven As if they had said Glossa corrumpit textum he shal com down to govern them under his Father eternaly on Earth he coms to Judg not to Rule and not take them into Heaven This conforms to the restauration of Gods Kingdom began under Moses which was the Israelits Politic Mat. 12 30. government on Earth Christ saith In the Resurrection Men neither marry nor giv in mariage but are as the Angels in Heaven This describes eternal life like that which Adam lost at point of mariage For sith Adam and Eve if they had not sinned had lived on Earth eternaly yet could not continualy propogat Progenies becaus if immortals should immortaly procreat as Men doo now the Earth in short space could not afford Foot-room to stand on much less food to sustain them How then can a new created Earth except extended to Quae●e i●finit immensity contain al Mankind which are unimaginable multituds born and to be born since the Creation Thes with sundry such quirks surpass the reach of reason to resolv The comparison betwen life eternal lost by Adam and recuperated by Christs victory over death holds thus that as he lost it by sin yet lived long after so a faithful Beleever recovers it by Christ though he dy 〈◊〉 natural death for a long time even til the general Resurrection for as death is counted from Adams condemnation not execution so is life reckoned from the absolution not from the Resurrection of thos elected in Christ Jesus Such are his specious speculalations favouring of singularity That Men after the Resurrection shal liv eternaly in Heaven Ascention into Heaven caled by St. Paul the third Heaven is not evident in Scripture by the Kingdom of Heaven is meant Gods Kingdom who dwels in Heaven which was Israels People whom he ruled by Judges Prophets and high Priests as Lieftenents til they rebelled and required a mortal King like other Nations So when our Saviour by his Ministers shal perswade the Jews to return and accomplish the fulnes of Gentils ther shal be a new Kingdom of Heaven becaus God whos Throne is Heaven shal be King yet it folows not that Man shal ascend to his seat of happines or higher then his Footstool No Man John 3. 13. hath ascended into Heaven but he that cam down from it even the Son of Man that cam down from Heaven Wher note that thos are St. Johns words not Christs as al the rest were who was not then in Heaven So David saith Thou wilt not leav Ps 16. 10. my Soul in Hel nor suffer thy Holy one to see corruption which St. Peter provs to be spoken of Christs Resurrection not of Acts 2 31 34. himself becaus David is not ascended into Heaven If any answer 't is tru they shal not ascend in bodies til the Resurrection but their Souls enter Heaven so soon as they dy As Christ confirms Who provs the Resurrection by Moses words Luk 20. 37 38. at the bush when he cals the Lord the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who is a God of the living not of the dead This cannot be construed of the Souls immortality sith Christ ther
but the chief charms are reserved for the Children to be Baptised as appeers in their Ceremonies The like are used in Mariage Visitation of the Sick extrem Unction consecrations of Churches and Church-yards to expel Phantasms Faieries and imaginary Spirits al which belong to the Kingdom of Darknes being effects of our natural ignorance Another error is from misinterpreting the words eternal Life everlasting Death and secund Death of which three in order Adam had an estate to liv for ever not by nature in himself Eternal Life or any part of his but by eating the Tree of Life which he had leav to doo so long as he obeied God but was thrust out of Paradise so soon as he sinned lest he should feed theron and liv for ever Now Christs death is a discharge of sin and restitution of Life eternal to al the faithful who beleev in him and to them only Yet the general doctrin of Divines is that every Man hath eternal life by nature of his immortal Soul so that the flaming Sword at entrance of Paradise may hinder him from tasting the Tree of Life but not from immortality which God bereaved Nor shal he need Christs sacrifice for recovery of the same sith not only the faithful or righteous but the wicked and Heathen shal enjoy eternal Life without Death much less a secund everlasting death To salv or shadow this they say by secund everlasting Death is meant a secund everlasting Life but Torments which is a figure never used sav in this very case Is not secund Death an eternal being both of Body and Quaere Soul in Hel-fire under Satan This tenet of the Souls immortality is founded on som obscure places of the new Testament which yet in a different sens of his own mint are cleer enough and unnecessary to Christian Faith For suppose when a Man dies nothing remains but his Carcas cannot God who made clay a living Creature by his word rais it again by another word Yes but not to the same life which vanished to nothing wheras the Soul being immortal persists identical Soul in Scripture stil signifies either Life or a Living Creature and Body jointly with Soul a Body alife As God saith Let the Waters produce Reptile animae viventis the creeping thing with a living Soul we translat that hath life Again God created Whales omnem animam viventem in English every living Creature but of Man God made him of dust and breathed in his face the spiracle or breath of life factus est Homo in animam viventem and Gen. 8. 21. Man was made a living Creature So God said when Noah cam out of the Arc I wil no more smite omnem animam viventem Deut 12. 23. every living Creature Eat not the Blood for 't is the Soul or Life But if Soul signified a substance immortal existing after separation from the Body it may be said of any other Animal so wel as Man Is it said of any other that God having made the Body of Quaere Earth breathed into his face spiraculum Vitae the Spirit of Life Which al interpreters expound of creating and infusing the Soul together He goes on the Souls or Lifes of the Faithful which being accidents that annihilated when the Bodies died must be new made are by Gods special Grace not of their own Nature to remain in their raised Bodies for ever after Judgment Wher 't is said in the new Testament that any shal be cast Body and Soul as if they were distinct Quaere parts into Hel-fire it imports Body and Life how can Life be cast being a bare accident That they shal be cast alife into Rev. 19 v. 20. Gehenna So 't is said The Beast and fals Prophet were both cast alife into a Lake of fire burning with Brimstone This dark doctrin of the Souls subsistence after separation opens a sluce to let in the superstitious superstructures of Purgatory and Indulgences Ghosts or Goblins and Exorcisms invocating of Saints yea Heaven and Hel too with som others For Men before Christs coming being taught from the Greecs Demonology that Mens Souls were distinct substances which after separation must subsist somwher by their own Nature the Doctors of the Church long doubted wher they resided til the general Resurrection supposing they lay under the Altars but finding that Martyrs Souls of them slain for Gods word if they hav Souls why not others Quae c. Lay under the Altar the Church of Rome for their profit Rev. 6 9. erected Purgatory Surely they doo al for profit to maintain their pomp pride power and prodigality Beza to prov Gods Kingdom began at Christs Resurrection Mat. 16. 28. and continues stil urgeth his words Verily I say to you som of them which stand here shal not tast of death til they hav seen Mat. 16. 28. Marc 9. 1. Luk. 9. 37. Gods Kingdom com with power Ergo either Gods Kingdom cam shortly after and is now in this World or els som then standing by Christ are yet alife Sol. This is a darke difficil place which provs nothing necessarily but if Gods Kingdom began at Christs Resurrection why doo we stil pray thy Kingdom com Therfore 't is not meant therof Yea after his Resurrection the Apostles asked Wilt thou now restore the Kingdom of Israel He answered 'T is not for you to know the time or season which the Father hath put in his own power but ye shal receiv power by the holy Ghosts coming on you and shal be my Witnesses in Jerusalem in al Judea and utmost part of the Earth So he told them his Kingdom was not com nor shal they foreknow when 't is to com Christ said to Peter of John If I wil that he tarry Jo●n ●1 v. 22. til I com what is that to thee Which bred a beleef that he should not dy yet the truth of it was neither confirmed nor confuted by thos words but left as a dark saying and so must this Howbeit sith Christs transfiguration is the next Act handled by al three Evangelists haply he cals that Gods Kingdom which som ther should see being a representation or vision of his glory and Majesty as he shal com in his Kingdom which cannot be proved to begin til the day of Judgment Wher is it proved that any terren Kingdom shal commence Quae●e then Then shal the Faithful rise with glorious spiritual Bodies inlifened and becom Christs Subjects in his Kingdom wher they shal not eat drink marry as they did in their natural Bodies but liv happily in their individual Persons for ever The elect then alife shal be suddenly changed and their Bodies made spiritualy immortal but Reprobats shal rise to receiv punishment yet not eternaly in their individual Persons nor can any place prov it As after the Resurrection the Elect shal be restored to Adams estate before he fel so Reprobats shal be in the
and Ephraim are rejected from this type as being chief Coriphees of the Idolatrous Apostasy under the Judges Ergo unfit to present Professors of tru Religion yet to complet the number L●vi is set for Dan and Joseph tacitly supplies Eph●aim but the Wifes and Handmaids Sons promiscuously interserted and Handmaids Children adopted for their Dames to shew or signify that both bond and free are al one in Christ Sith then Leahs Sons Natural and Adopted are duple to Rachels in the first six are four of Leahs Juda Reuben Gad Aser and two of Rachels Nepthali Manasses So among the last six four of Leahs Simeon Levi Isachar Zabulon and two of Rachels Joseph Benjamin but on both sides thos are preplaced or preferred which holy Writ commends for som memorable act touching Gods Worship or Zele As Juda is prime becaus Josua 22. 21. Christ issued of that Tribe Reuben next for their sacred protestation about the Altar of Witnes built on Jordans bank wherby and becaus first born he must stoop to none sav the Regal Tribe Gad is third being Reubens companion in that famous action as also in that Eliah and Jehu Destroiers of Baalism descended of that Tribe Aser fourth becaus the widow of Sarepta who fed Eliah and the Prophetess Anna who proclamed Christ at his presenting in the Temple sprung of this Tribe Leahs last quaternion Simeon Levi Isachar Zabulon are not so renowned as the rest or blasted with som Crime Among Rachels issu Nepthali and Manasses lead the Family for from the first sprung Barach Siseras Vanquisher from the last Gidion subverter of Baals Altar and Elisaeus the Prophet But Nepthali more noted becaus his Seat is Galile and chief City Capernaum wher Christ most conversed Yet Joseph and Benjamin being youngest bring up the Rere But Ephraim guilty of much Apostat Idolatry in Jeroboam and Achab beside that Saul a Benjamit hated David a Judait Censure Thus the order of the sealed Tribes is explicated which is a curious Cobweb of wit if of so much worth or congruous to the holy Ghosts intention but 't is briefly plainly and truly presented to satisfy al subtle or serious speculators Under the six foregoing Seals the Empires state yet florishing til Idols should fal is described by intestin Chances Now succeds the seventh or last Seal of the seven Trumpets wherin 7 Seal the destinies of its decay are displaied for they sound Alarms to the fatal battle for the blood of so many Martyrs slain by Roman Emperors Now though they becam Christians yet that staid not Gods hand from avenging thos which cried under the Altar no more then Josiahs godlines did from destroying the Kingdom of Juda for the Idolatries and murders of Manasses At opening this Seal was silence in Heaven half an Rev. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. hour when seven Angels had seven trumpets given them and another standing at the golden Altar with a golden Censer offere● much Insens with the praiers of the Saints Then were Voices Thundrings Lightnings and an Earthquake being al prepatories to thos trumpets Al Divines know that the works of divine Providence are executed by Angels or Messengers and thos seven prepared to sound but the four first Plagues of less moment or extent then the rest which rest mostly on the Western World or Bishop of Rome who was to be Head For the Empire with other Kingdoms is tacitly resembled to the Worlds body whos parts are Earth Sea Rivers Heaven Stars which every Monarchy resembleth The often repetition of a third part as of Trees Earth Sea Rivers Heaven implies the Empires extent over a third part of the then known World in St. Johns dais as afterward the seven headed Dragon with ten horns i. that heathen Empire drew a third part of the Stars or Princes and Rulers under Rev. 12. 3. 4. his Dominion with his tail and cast them to the Earth The Rev. 12. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. first Angel sounded and Hail and Fire mixd with Blood fel on the Earth and a third part of Trees was burnt up with al green grass The secund sounded and as it were a great Mountain was cast into the Sea which turned a third part into Blood and a third part of al Creatures therin that had life died and a third part of Ships destroied The third sounded and a great Star caled Wormwood fel from Heaven burning like a Lamp which fel on a third part of Rivers and Fountains making them bitter that many Men died of them The fourth sounded and a third part of the Sun was smiten with a third of the Moon and Stars so as a third part was darkened and a third part of the day shone not nor of the night The first Trumpet entring at the Roman Idol Government 1 Trumpet which was shaken at end of the sixth seal being ready to strike the first blow destrois a third part of the Ea●th with a Isai 28. 2. Isai 30. 30. terrible tempest of Hail Fire and Blood which was the impetuous irruption of Northern Nations wasting the Nobles and Commons For Hail in Prophetic notion indicats hostil assalts but lightning and fire is joind with it as David doth Ps 18. 12. 13. wherto blood is added to shew great slaughter insuing Trees in Prophetic Parabols imply great Lords and rich Men as Okes of BasanIsai 2. 13. Cedars Isai 14. 8. Firtrees Zech. 11. 2. in al which places Princes and Potentats are pourtraid but green grass imports the Commons To apply it the Wo of Applicat this Trumpet began at Theodosius death A. 395. when Alaric with a vast Army of Goths and other Barbarians broke in upon Macedon and raged fiv yeers but then betook to the West committing most savage spoils and slaughters in al parts as Epist 3. St. Jerom an Ey witnes wofully relats At last he invaded Italy and besieged Honorius at Hasta whos Lieftenent Stilico levying puissant forces resisted his fury and repeld him to Pannonia who by composition retired to Illyricum in the East Soon after Rhadagaiso a Scythian with 200000. Goths Sarmatians and Germans attempted Italy and besieged Florence but Stilico subdued and beheaded him Immediatly a swarm of Vandals Alans Marcomans Heruli Suevi Almans Burgundians and other barbarians broke into Galle Spain and Africa as St. Epist 11. Jerom also dolefully declares This is that direful Hail storm mixd with fire and blood for sundry writers Achmetes and others aptly resemble War by such Meteors and Metaphors 2 Trumpet The next Trumpet the Empire being enough wasted on the Earth therof assails the Sea with a far greater stroke killing the living Creatures and destroying Ships For Rome the Metropolis being once or twise taken and burnt with hostil flames the Enemies possessed the out Provinces at pleasure and set up several Kingdoms which is signified by the Sea of that Jer. 31 36. Isai 19 5. Ezek 31. 4. Ezek. 14. 19
Rev. 16. 3. Politic World So Babylons dominion is expressed wher the Lord threatens to dry up the Sea and springs The Assyrian Kingdoms amplitud is described by the same Metaphor the deep or Sea hath exalted hir 'T is said of Pharaohs Kingdom the waters shal fail from the Sea therof or his Dominion shal be bereaved So the four great Beasts or Kingdoms rose from the Sea which implies largenes of Dominion Dan. 7. 3. Now a third part of the Roman Sea becam blood which denots slaughter of Animals and inanimats ruin too therfore the Sea becoming blood by a great Mountains fal betokens violent destruction as a Beast is butchered bleeding For so 't is said in the Phials that the Sea becam as the blood of a dead Man or one slain The like mystery of a Mountain meant by a City is applyed to old Babylon even a Mountain burning Jer. 51. 25. with fire as here For point of History Alaric after Stilicos death returned as a Ram and took Rome creating Attalus A. C. 410. the Hun Emperor whom he soon deposed and reinthroned Honorius Immediatly insued a total renting of the Empire which was shortly shared into ten Stats or Soveraignties 1. Brytans 2. Saxons in this I le 3. Francs in Galle 4. Burgundians in Belgia 5. Visi-Goths in Aquitain and part of Spain 6. Sueds in Gallaecia 7. Alans in Lusitania 8. Vandals in Africa 9. Almans in Germany 10. Ostr●-Goths in Pannonia beside Greecs in the East Empire which is counted one of the ten when the West was dissolved in al which befel notable changes Howbeit the number of ten is not taken so strickly as if should be no mo nor fewer nor other but that it should be severed into about ten So after Alexander four Kingdoms are predicted Macedon Asia Syria Egypt Dan. 8. 22. yet a fifth of Thracia was added by Lysimachus which ended with his life The third Trumpet is of a Star falen from Heaven burning 3 Trumpet like a Lamp on the third part of Rivers and Waters named Wormwood making the waters bitter wherof many died This is meant of Hesperus or west Caesar who after Gensericus K. of Vandals had sacked Rome fel headlong to ruin strugling a while with death under the obscure Emperors Avitus Majoranus Severus Anthemius Olybius Glicerius Nepos Augustulus who were Princes of baleful bitternes and perished by mutual Massacres or Trecheries Augustulus which is an ominous diminutiv of the first founder was expeld by Odoacer K. of Heruli but when the west Empire lay A. C. 〈◊〉 A. C. 〈◊〉 Note buried 324 yeers P. Leo 3. surrogated Charlemaign to be Emperor becaus under this coverture of Caesar revived or the Beasts sixth Head stil reigning the Pope may not be reputed seventh or last which is Antichrist as is too evident to every judicious Ey This Papal Caesar pertains not to the Heads of the Roman Beast but to the Horns or Kingdoms into which it was to be torn being ready to resign his room to the last seventh Head By the Star burning as a Lamp the blazing Star Lampadios is described and such is the Hesperian Caesar great in dignity but of short durance whos coming must continu but a short space Isaiah saith of Babylons King How art thou falen from Heaven O Lucifer Son of the morning Isai 14. 12. For by Stars great Princes Powers and Potentats are figured The fourth sounded greater calamities of darkning the Sun 4 Trumpet Moon and Stars of Roman Majesty which before shined dimly under Ostro Goth Kings For after the Consulship failed and Totila demolished a third part of Rome it was in som sort restored A C. 542. by Belisarius and Narsetes Justinians brav Commanders but now this Worlds Queen was stripd of al Consular power Senat and Magistrats which as Stars gav great light yea becam inslaved to the Exarchat of Ravenna hir Handmaid vassal 〈◊〉 1. 1. Jer. 31. 35. O deep darknes how doth the City sit solitary that was ful of People How is she becom a Widow She that was Queen among Nations and Princess of Provinces how is she made tributary This is that smiting of Sun Moon Stars that they could giv no light by day or night For when Senat Consuls and other Officers were suppresd what could be but a total Eclips such as never was before Next folow three Trumpets of Wo so stiled becaus an Angel flying through Heaven cried Wo Wo Wo to the Earths inhabiters which are the most grievous of al. For when thos of the Christian Empire had defiled themselfs with Idol-Images of a new stamp during the four former Trumpets sounding God sent thos new plagues to punish a duple sin one for the Martyrs deaths under Heathen Rome the other for Iconolatry under Christians as 't is Rev. 20. intimated that they worshiped the Devil and Idols of Gold Silver Brass Stone and Wood. The fifth or first Wo Trumpet is of Locusts rising from the 5 Trumpet Rev. 9. 1. 10 12 smoke of the bottomless Pit which is meant of Mahometans seduced by their Pseudo-prophet to the perdition of many Nations This smoke obscured the Gospels light latly shining Exod. 10 13 14. abroad whos professors rightly resemble Locusts in many respects For thos which plagued Egypt cam from Arabia wher Mahomet spred his Hellish smoke and the Arabs likened to Judg 7. 12. them for multitud They are also stiled Sons of the East relating to Egypt wher the ●sralites learned so to term them Achmetes refers Locusts to troops of Enemies which devour ordestroy Countries Thes are compared to Scorpions for power and fo●m having tails like Scorpions so they were Locusts-Scorpions which had power in their teeth and poison in their tails Thes were forbid to hurt grass trees or any green thing as the common sort doo but only M●n not marked with Gods Seal so no Natural but Symbolical vermin are here implied They were like Horses prepared to battle with Mens faces and Womens hair but had Lyons teeth with brest-plats of Iron and sound of their Wings as Chariots of many Horses running to battle Al which import armed Souldiers as the Sarrasens erected a vast Kingdom by war yet subdued not the East Empire like the Turcs For while the former Trumpets sounded a new pontifical State started up from the ruins of the old Politic but Sarrasens subverted neither whos Kingdom crept up to so sudden greatnes as never any for Mahomet was but a Merchant as Romulus a Shepherd whos Kingdom in one Century subjected Palestine Syria Armenia minor Plin. l 6 c 28. l. 〈◊〉 c. 29. Asia Persia India Egypt Numidia Barbary Portugal Spain and part of Italy beside S●cil Sardinia Corsica and other Iles wheras 500. yeers expired yer Rome subdued al Italy They had long hair like women as Arabs then and stil use whos durance to destroy was but fiv months as Locusts com at Spring and dy in Autumn
literaly lift up to Gods Throne but mystical here meant analogicaly to the Roman Throne as Constantin and his Successors were for al power and their Thrones is of God If any ask how mystical Christ rules with an iron Scepter or Sword of war 'T is in a duple way 1. Divine against Devils Princes of this world which is stoutly waged 2. Human when Constantin crushed Maxentius Maximian and Licinius Christs Enemies This Child was not lift up to Gods Throne so soon as born for he was to rule but when he was ripe and ready for a Kingdom so tru Christ entred not his Kingdom so soon as born but at thirty yeers of age fit for Priesthood or spiritual Government The Woman fled into the wildernes wher God prepared a Vers 6 7 8. place to be fed one thousand two hundred threescore dais This Prophecy is afterward somwhat fuller repeated and described wherto it shal be deferred Ther was war in Heaven Michael and his Angels fought with the Dragon who with his Angels fought but prevailed not nor was their place found any more ther. Here is shewed how the Woman escaped the Dragons wait by Michaels rescu who being conqueror cast him down to Earth wherby hir Son was lifted up and she departed to a Desart This war was waged while the Woman travelled not after she was delivered as many misdeem for the battel befel before the Woman fled which was after hir dilivery and Rev. ●2 10 11 hir Sons taking up to Gods Throne Michael and his Angels having with them Christs Martyrs and Confessors fought for in the triumphant song 't is said they overcam by the blood of the Lamb and word of their testimony who loved not their lifes to death Semblably the Dragon and his Angels took with them the Roman Tyrans in their Train which worship them This Michael is not Christ as som suppose but chief of the Princes or seven Archangels specified by Daniel viz. that Dan. 10. 13. Dan. 12. 1. great Angel said to stand for Gods Children whom Christ King of Angels and Men opposed to Satans black Guard raging against his Saints For Angels are sent to defend the heirs of Salvation whom they invisibly protect against evil Spirits So in this war of the primitiv Church against the Dragons worshipers the Angels under conduct of their Chieftain acted both in strengthning Martyrs against Tyrans threats and mitigating or sweetning their torments beside many mo wais of weakning the Enimies spirits and dejecting their minds that oftimes they desisted or granted truce for a time til in fine after two hundred yeers war of persecution it pleased Christ to giv ful victory the Womans Child being lift up to the Imperial Throne and Satans Kingdom subdued as 't is said the Dragon prevailed not nor was his place found any more The great Dragon that old Serpent caled the Devil and Satan Vers 9. which deceivs the whol World was cast out into the Earth and his Angels with him He and al his Fiends being before worshiped as God was cast down from the top of Divinity to the Abyss of curs contempt and contumely For as God executed judgment on the Egyptian Gods at Israels delivery Exod. 12. 11. from their tyranny so he doth here they prevailed not or were overcome which is al one Hebraism and they cam● no more ther. I heard a loud voice in Heaven Now is com Salvation Vers 10. 11. strength and Kingdom of our God and power of his Christ for the Accuser of our Brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night but they overcam him by the Lambs blood Thes words being most cleer sans Allegory or ambiguity are a Key to interpret the whol Vision For hence appeers that the Childs lifting up to Gods Throne is an introduction to Salvation strength and Kingdom of God and power of his Christ into the Imperial throne that the Enimy ejected is the Accuser who traduceth the faithful day and night that the forces used by Michael and his Angels were Martyrs and Confessors who overcam by the Lambs blood freely yeeldding their life 's to death Satan caled before Dragon and Devil is now new named Accuser as the Hebrews term him But contrarily the holy Ghost is Paraclet or Advocat the one Destroier the other Defender This title best agreed to thos times when Christians were accused by Roman Idolaters of Thyestean Fests Oedipean Incests Medean Murders Adultery Treason burning of Houses Poisoning Plagues Famin and al hainous crimes or hidious calamities which hapned but it aims chiefly at Satans trial of Job by tribulations as Pagans did Christians by persecutions Rejoice O Heavens and ye that dwel in them wo to the Inhabiters Vers 12. of Earth and Sea for the Devil is com down to you having great wrath becaus he knows his time is but short Though the Dragon was cast from the throne by Constantin yet People continued his worship specialy under Julian Apostat but soon after Christianity prevailed and al the Empire was washed with Baptism which made Satan rage and seek by al stratagems to undermine the Church This while the woman dwels in a Desart who being freed from Heathen tyranny til the seventh trumpets sounding and Christs secund coming lay not hid or invisible but lived in a midle condition like the Israelits before they entred Canaan who escaped Pharaohs slavery yet attained not the Land of promiss So Christians escaped Pagan bondage and served Christ freely Yet as the Israelits Apostatized to worship a golden Calf Baal Peor Balaam c. So Christians fel to semi-Idolatry or Iconolatry The Womans abode in the wildernes fourty two months answers to See Numb 33. the Israelits so many mansions in the Desart not without a tacit typical mystery When the Dragon saw he was cast to the Earth he persecuted the Vers 13. 14. 15 Woman which brought forth a Manchild to whom were given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly from the Serpent into hir place to be nourished for a time times and half a time but the Serpent cast out of his mouth water as a Flood after the Woman that it might carry hir away Satan is cast down but not cast out who staying below essaied to oppress the Woman by what wais or wiles he could She began to fly but cam not instantly to the Desart as neither did the Israelits for Pharaoh pursued them into the red Sea and the red Dragon hir with a Flood of water quam bene cuncta quadrant the great Eagle is evidently the Roman Empire hir two wings the East and West Caesars under whos protection she fared in an Eremitical Estate three yeers and half expressed before by one thousand two hundred threescore dais to comply with Daniels times This Eagle in Esdras typifies the fourth Kingdom and 1 Esd 11. 16 17 the twelv feathered wings the twelv first Caesars from Julius to Domitian Thus
Israel was freed from Egypt on Eagles wings as the Lord saith Yea hav seen how I bore you on Eagles wings Exod. 19 14. and brought you to my self By water cast out of the Dragons mouth is meant Words and Doctrin as Salomon saith The Prov. 18. 4. words of a Mans mouth are as deep waters wisdoms Welspring Prov. 15. 〈◊〉 as a flowing Brook So water here is pestilent poison of Heresies specialy Arrianism against Christs Deity which grew up in Constantins dais and spred far under his Successors totus mund● miratus est se tam subito factum Arrianum This was the Flood of water issuing from the Dragons mouth like to carry away the Woman for 't is wonder the new initiated Emperors seing such dismal discords had not faln from the Faith as Julian did to their old Dagon the Dragon as finding most unity in impiety The Earth helped the Woman which opened and swalowed the Vers 16. 17. Flood cast from the Dragons mouth That is the Orthodox Oecumenic Synods drank up that Diabolical Deluge as dry thirsty Earth doth water which is a fit figure therof specialy sith Earth is oft put for the Inhabiters The Dragon was wrath with the Woman and went to wage war with the remnent of hir Seed which keep Gods Commandments and hav the testimony of Jesus Christ This is an entry to the next Chapter and as a Prolog to a new Tragedy raised by the Dragon against the Woman who at first footing in the Desart was encountred by two Beasts not so hideous in shape as the Dragon whom she most dreaded which history must be unlocked or unfolded I stood on the Sand and saw a Beast risa up from the Sea having Rev. 13 v. 〈◊〉 seven heads and ten horns and on his horns ten Crowns and on his heads the name of Blasphemy The Dragon seing he could not prevail by his new Arrian devise nor reign as yerst in his own name being divested of the Empire covertly erected a Vicarian Kingdom to rais a new deputed form of Monarchy then beginning 'T is a twofold Beast ten horned and two horned neerly allied representing the Secular and Spiritual State which reign jointly The first is the ten Kingdoms into which Barbarians shared the Empire when the Dragon was expeld This is the septicep Roman Beast under the cours of the last Head which after bore the Whore being here described by ten Kingdoms wherin he shal as he did before blasphem the only tru God by Iconolo-Idolatry for as the number of seven Heads is the Roman Empires Ensign so the name of Blasphemy is a note of Idolatry The ten Crowns set on his horns shew he shal be subject to the last head and swayed by it as wil cleerly appeer in the sequel The Beast which I saw was like a Leopard his feet as of a Vers 2. Bear and mouth as a Lyon to whom the Dragon gav his power seat and great Authority Thes three Beasts are resembled by Daniel to the three first Monarchies Lion to the Assyrian Dan. 7. Bear to the Persian Leopard to the Grecian al which this last Kingdom resembles in a certain confused mixture For in Body it was a Leopard like the Grecian which was divided into four parts as this into ten in Feet a Bear like the Persian which managed State affairs by Magi as this doth Ecclesiastic by Moncs or other Shavlings In mouth a Lion like the Babylonian which made Edicts to worship golden Images on pain of death as this denounceth death to such as shal refuse to adore theirs Som interpret thes Beasts literaly of proper cruelty which this last Beast shal exercise and the text wil bear both senses Now that the ten horns are meant only of the last seventh cours and not promiscuously of al as most deem is thus demonstrated The horns which florish and vanish with their head could not be of the fiv first becaus they as the Angel attests passed in St. Johns age together with the courses of thos Rev. 17. 10. 12 Heads Nor the sixth becaus that reigning then the time of horns was not com as the said Angel apertly avers Ergo they remain to the last Head Such then as distribut the ten horns among seven heads giving one to som and two to others at pleasure are in evident error crossing the plain text and Angels interpretation becaus they belong soly to the seventh Head as aforesaid By power which the Dragon gav is meant his Militia or Army as the Septuagints use the word Phara●h● Host and God is caled the Lord of Hosts Now Satans Hosts or Forces are evil Angels and Idols the Devils Receptacles Thos he gav to this last Beast together with his seat and great Authority viz. that universal dominion which he exercised in shape of a red Dragon but in far unlike form that he might beguile the Womans Seed in the wilderness for he demeaned not as before nor professed to be as he was a sworn Enimy to Christianity for then they would shun him out of inbred antipathy which God at first set betwixt them but when he put Gen. 3. 15. off a Serpents skin and shewed as a Leopard or Panther which Beast the Dragon loths but al els lov to look on for his beauty and sweet smel as Isodor informs it was easy to deceiv the L. 12. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Church being secure from his old form not deeming or dreaming such close Idolatry should be professed or practised in an Empire which pretended Christianity and demolished Idols under a new masque of Image worship I saw one of his heads the sixth as it were wounded to death V. 〈◊〉 by Michael and his deadly wound was healed by the salv of this substitut authority and al the World wondred at the Beast That the 7 headed Dragon or Heathen Rome was the Beast of the 6th head wheron the old Serpent sat is cleer becaus the 7th succeded next in the same Seal to whom the Dragon gav his Rev. 17. 1● Seat For 't is said after that fiv are falen and one is the sixth in St. Johns time and the other not yet com for though the Beast stil appeered septicep and the heads kept order one after another yee the Beast with al his furniture of heads and horns is presented under any State So that the same Roman Kingdom may be every wher signified under several sorts or courses of Government The last ten horn'd Beast began at healing of the sixth Beasts wound but not before as the series shews For what ever evil he did or adoration was given him al is said to befal after curing of that wound for the whol world wondred at him being healed but none of thos blasphemous acts against God are cited before They worshiped the Dragon which gav power and the Beast Vers 4. saying Who is like the Beast who can make war with him They worshiped not the Beast