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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A91900 The saints longings after their heavenly country. A sermon preached at St. Pauls church on Tuesday the sixth of June; 1654. At a solemn anniversary meeting of the Cheshire Gentlemen, and freemen of the City of London, born in the same county. / By that faithful and painfull servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. Ralph Robinson late minister of Mary Wolnoth London. Robinson, Ralph, 1614-1655. 1655 (1655) Wing R1712; Thomason E848_3; ESTC R207320 21,164 43

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30. It was Davids custom to go constantly with his Train to the place of publique worship where the Ordinances of Grace used to be dispensed Psa 42. 4. Many in our sad times of Apostacy that pretend to a higher pitch of Religion than others have relinguished these holy practises of Gods antient Saints and they judge it their perfection that they are beyond such forms they have found out a nearer way to Heaven which is indeed the way to the Chambers of Death They can travel to heaven with half that cost which the people of God have been at in former times They can lay aside prayer in their families they can cast away the Scriptures and yet as they conceive come as soon to Heaven as they that use these things The madness and folly yea the gross prophaneness of these Nick-named Self-creating-Saints should provoke the rather all that are true members of this heavenly Country to keep up these usages Do dutys and rest on Christ this is the old way and the good way Abhor with all detestation this fond kind of Religious prophaneness which the Devil labours to impose on men for perfection of Piety and walk in the steps of those Renowned Saints These practises through Faith in Christ have brought them thither whither you are travelling Continue in them as they did and you shal inherit that glory which they now possess Thus much for the first point That Heaven is a Beleevers Country The Second Doctrine That this Heavenly Country is the best Country The Land of Canaan was the best of earthly Countries It is called the glorious Land or the Land of ornament Dan. 11. 16. the glorious holy mountain Dan. 11. 45. It is called glory of all Lands Ezek. 20. 6. In many respects it was the head and renown of all Nations chiefly in this because it was Gods earthly dwelling place where his Kingdom and Sanctuary was erected yet was the Land of Canaan with all its glory a Cabul a dirty filthy unpleasant place in respect of this Heavenly Canaan No Countrie in the world is worthy to be compared to this Country I shall set forth the excellency of it above all other places in these following particulars First It is a Country of eternal continuance The Apostle speaking of Heaven cals it a City that hath foundations Heb. 11. 10. The New Jerusalem which is no other than this heavenly Country hath twelve Foundations Rev. 21. 14. It is a Kingdom that cannot be shaken Heb. 12. 28. Other Countries are liable to many concussions and shakings yea they are daily in danger of over-turnings There are few earthly Countries but have had their convultions and shakings Sometimes one Lord hath ruled over them sometimes another hath undermined his Throne and reigned in his stead How many mutations of this nature hath our own Land passed under And what further changes may yet pass upon it is onely known to him who is both the planter and supplanter of Nations But now the state of the celestial Country is of perpetual duration it cannot be conquered by any foreign Power it doth and shall continue for ever in the same height of glory it now is All other Countries may be made empty and turned apside down they may be laid waste and brought to desolation but the beauty of this heavenly Country is a beauty that fadeth not God himself cannot be shaken nor can this Country be shaken In all earthly Kingdoms there are Spring-times and Autumns Summers and Winters But in Heaven there is an eternal Spring without Autumn Kingdoms on Earth as men have their increasings perfections and declinings but the glorious state of the celestial Kingdom is a state of perfection that knows neither increasings nor decreasings Secondly There is no ungodly person to be found in this Country It is a Country full of Saints real Saints Saints indeed All Countries on earth have a mixture of good and bad The Church militant is the most glorious Society in the world and yet even here there hath been there is and there will be a mixture this Barn floor hath chaff as well as Wheat this field hath Tares as well as good Corn this garden hath weeds as wel as flowers in this net there are bad fishes as well as good If there be such a mixture in the Church which is the purest body on earth there must needs be mixture of holy and prophane in Nations Yea it may be concluded without breach of charity that there are more vicious than vertuous in every earthly Country Bona terra mala gens This proverb may without scandalizing and defamation be used of most if not of all the Nations of the Earth the Soil is better than the Inhabitants If we search the very best of Countries even those where Religion hath been longest professed we shall find some that are the spots and stains of their Country Some in every Nation will be found that are proud covetous debaucht and prophane Swearers Lyars Adulterers Theeves Blasphemers Traytors Murtherers perjured persons Idolaters these or some of these inhabit every Nation under Heaven And if any such be in your meeting this day they will be spots in your Feast of Charity when they feast with you Jude 12. But now in this Heavenly and better Country which I am speaking of none of these Vermine are to be found none of these impoysoned creatures can live in this Air It is a holy place and no unholy thing shall ever enter into it Be not deceived faith the Apostle neith r Fornicators nor Idolaters nor Adulterers nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor Effeminate nor Theeves nor Covetous nor Drunkards nor Revilers nor Extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God 1. Cor. 6. 9 10. God hath made another place in which such as these living and dying so shall be tormented Without shall be Dogs and Sorcerers and Whoremongers and Murtherers and Idolaters and whosoever loveth maketh a lye Rev. 22. 15. Men have not garnished their Parlours to be Sties for Hogs to keep in God hath not made such a glorious place as Heaven is for impenitent and filthy sinners Should a wicked man steal into Heaven he would fright the holy Angels and the spirits of just men made perfect out of that place There is nothing in Heaven which affects a wicked man neither is any thing there which he affects What a glorious Kingdom must that be in which no ungodly person ever did or ever shall take one step Thirdly There is no Oppression nor Injustice in this Country There is no Kingdom under Heaven but unrighteous actings are to be found in it the great devoure the smal and the weaker are trodden down by the stronger The great Empires of the world are but magna latrocinia great places of robbery Even amongst Gods own people where God himself was the immediate Law-giver though there were Statutes perfectly righteous yet there were many violent perventings of Judgement The Prophets
into the bosom of God Few there are that have any communion with a true Beleever but must give him this testimony that his speech is not like the speech of other men His heart is full of Heaven and his tongue is ever running out Heaven-ward he will draw spiritual inferences from worldly discourses whatever the text is the gloss which he gives upon it is spiritual and heavenly 5 There must be their eternal abode The Apostle speaking of himself and his fellow-beleevers saith Here we have no continuing City but we seek one toco me Heb. 13. 14. The people of God as other men do but take a turn or two on this great Stage of the world and then pass away The longest time we can any of us expect to live on earth is but seventy or eighty years our lease may expire in a shorter time the eternity that is beyond that time is the beleever to spend in Heaven The bodies of some beleevers dwel in the dust for thousands of years but at the Resurrection they shall take up their Quarters where the soul hath been all that while namely in Heaven So shall we ever be with the Lord 1 Thes 4. 7. The beleevers being with men in the flesh will be at an end perhaps sooner than he thinks though not sooner than he desires but his being with the Lord shall know no end the beleever shall be with God as long as God hath a being Thus I have shewed you that Heaven is the beleevers Country which was the first thing to be opened The second follows namely How he comes to have a right to it This I shall shew two wayes 1. It is prepared for him 2. He is prepared for it First Heaven is prepared for the Beleever he hath adouble right to it 1 It s his by donation God who is the great Owner and possessor both of Heaven and Earth hath by a free Deed of Gift settled Heaven upon Beleevers The gracious Charter is frequently published and proclaimed in the Gospel I will give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish the gift of God is eternal life Rom. 6. 23. Beleevers are through grace chosen to Heaven and Heaven is freely bestowed on them 2 It s his by purchase Heaven is called therefore by the Apostle a purchased possession Ephes 1. 14. Jesus Christ hath fully gone through with the bargain it is a free gift in respect of us in respect of Christ it is a dear purchase Christ hath bought and paid for it and every beleever is a joynt purchaser with him The Son of God when he made that eternal Contract with the Father did put into the Deed of Sale the name of every Individual person that should possess it In both these respects is Heaven prepared for the Beleever Secondly As Heaven is prepared for him so is he prepared for it The Apostle blesseth God for making us meet to be partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in light Col. 2. 12. The Election of God and the Purchase of Christ give the beleever a Right to Heaven but something else must intervene to make him meet for Heaven Nature that is corrupted must be changed Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven Sanctification must be wrought before a vessel of Election can be fit for glory This Christ doth by communicating his own image through the Holy Ghost he takes away the guilt of sin by imputing his own Righteousness for Justification he removes the filthiness of sin by imparting his own Holiness for our Sanctification He infuses the habits of saving Grace and so gives the soul a fithess for the participation of Glory Parisiensis hath a good saying to this purpose lib de virt cap. 11. Natura mentis humanae quantumeunquè perfecta naturalibus donis absque gratia non est susceptibilis gloriae The soul of man though never so perfectly inriched with natural Indowments till it be sanctified with grace is not capable of receiving glory The Apostle puts Calling and Justification as intermediate acts between Predestination and Glorification Rom. 8. 30. Whom he did Predestinate them he also Called and whom he Called them he also Justified and whom he Justified them he also Glorified A soul cannot immediately leap out of a state of sin into a state of glory though it be elected to life but must first pass into a state of holiness This purgatory every man must pass through that enters into life Could an unrenewed soul be admitted into Heaven it would be as weary of that place as a Saint would be of Hell the imployment the company of Heaven are unsuitable things to an unsanctified heart There is no coming to the Palace of glory but by the milky way of grace Thus I have shewed you that Heaven is a Beleevers Country and how he comes to have a right to it The Application First It lets us see that there is a spiritual relation between Beleevers True Saints are spiritual Country-men they are all descended from the same stock Ther eis a real affinity between Christians They are consanguinei of one blood They are all brethren They are all members of one Society They are co-heirs of one and the same inheritance They have the same common privileges the same common promises the same common interest the same common salvation I in them and thou in me that they may be all one in us Joh. 17. 23. I note this both to perswade the people of God to unity among themselves and to provoke them to be spiritually helpful to one another T is very sad to see clashing between them that are so neerly related Let there be no strife saith Abraham to Lot between me and thee and between my herd-men and thy herd-men for we are brethren Gen. 13. 8. Men of the same Country use to be cordially united especially when they are in a foreignland As its sad to see fallings out so t is very unnatural that they should refuse to serve one another These spiritual Countrymen should rejoyce to pray one for another to counsel one another to bear one anothers burdens they should be ready to perform all spiritual kindnesses one to another as becomes those that are bred and born in the same land It will be a comfortable evidence that you are members of this heavenly Country if you find upon your hearts strong affections and readiness of mind to serve the soul-concernments of one another Secondly It should perswade beleevers to do nothing unworthy of their heavenly Country A mans actings are to be answerable to his extraction and education The Apostle labours to deter the people of God from unholy deeds by the indecency and unsutableness of such practises to their high estate Fornication uncleaness or covetousnes let it not be once named among you as becometh Saints Eph. 5. 3. Noble actings are expected from such as are nobly born Many men have been preserved from unworthy miscarriages out of respect