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A59942 Prodromos, or, The fore-runner of the peaceable consideration of Christs peaceful kingdom upon earth also containing many necessary matters ... : unto which are annexed divers things most useful ... / by W. Sherwin ... Sherwin, William, 1607-1687? 1674 (1674) Wing S3410; ESTC R34235 38,476 42

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c. And thus of Satans seeming seven Vials on Christ's Kingdom but the glorious appearance of Christ will shortly abolish all appearance of truth in them and so all Satans Vials upon Christ's Kingdom will be utterly ended and yet will not that Kingdom be thereby in the least degree impaired Lastly Whereas the said Learned Author interpreteth the New Jerusalem to be the Church Triumphant besides the many considerable reasons to the contrary in the Letter of Novemb. 3. 1664. he might have observed that the Lamb's Wife was spoken of before Chap. 19.7 by which he there understands the coming in of the Jews to the Catholick Church I conceive rightly and that the beloved City Cap. 21.2 spoken of Chap 20. as being before the Battel of Gog and Magog when the Devil stirred up the Hypocrites of those times which had been long held under by good Government then to attempt to besiege that beloved City though to his and their utter ruine that so they might receive that portion of hypocrites as the Antichristian Scoffers had theirs before when both sorts should meet with their Leaders the Pope and the Devil in the Lake of Fire and Chap. 21. being but a further decyphering of the same City should therefore be expounded accordingly of that City that was in the thousand years it being the observeable Method of the Holy Ghost in that Book after some more obscure expressions of things more generally afterwards to give more full and particular Explications of the same as in the seventeenth Chapter an Explication of Babylon and the Beast c. and what was said of the ruine of Babylon Chap. 14. explained by the Vials Chap. 15 and 16. and further of the last Vials Chap. 18 19 and part of 20. and so somethings in the 19 and 20. further explained Chap. 21 and 22. besides many things belonging to the New Jerusalem are incompetible to the state of the Church Triumphant in Heaven see the forementioned Letter Novemb. 3. 1663. And for the first Resurrection it may appear not to be of the Spiritual Resurrection of the Soul from sin both from the drift of the Holy Ghost further to open the Mystery of the Resurrection which St. Paul had in some respect shewed before 1 Cor. 15. And the Doctrine thereof hath been gradually set down in the Scriptures and this Chap. 20. giveth light thereunto above all others both as to the Resurrection of the Just and Wicked which are opposed one to another as first and second and their distinct times set out for as Chap. 11.18 When the Kingdoms of the World shall be Christs then he gives reward unto his Servants the Prophets and to his Saints and to all that fear his Name both small and great such as not only suffered for him who are said Chap. 20. to be beheaded for him c. but such as have done his Will on Earth shall have such reward from him in Earth as 2 Tim. 2.12 And for such Souls that is Persons in Scripture language to live again what sense in Reason or Religion can fitly be applied to such sufferers or others but such first Resurrection I know many learned men have tired their parts to find shifts to avoid this but have been more solidly and substantially answered besides many others by Mr. Mede and Dr Homes in his Answer to Pareus Dr. Predeaux and others in one part of the Dawning of the Day Star Read them seriously c. Mr. Mede conceives that Resurrectio Justorum will be in acting all or most of the thousand years every one in their own order and the Ancients conceived there will be mora delay in respect of some c. but that the living again of such as were so beheaded to be meant of the Spiritual Resurrection is far from the scope of the Text besides all other considerations about it see the Appendix in the Irenicon and the forenamed Authors it is actum agere to say much of it c. And for the number of a thousand years to be taken indefinitely as it is contrary to the judgment of learned men on both sides for many considerable Reasons so somewhat this learned Author mentions himself namely That that that Thousand Years so often spoken of in respect of Saints and Satan and with all the considerable circumstances what was done at the beginning of them with all the continuance and what should be at the end of them c. might have swayed his judgment otherwise if he had not been prejudiced against the whole Doctrine thereof and all that concerns it for those Souls said to be Beheaded cannot fitly be said to live again but in respect of that state namely of their bodily living again wherein they had died before for as the Spirits of just men they lived ever since their departure from their Bodies so that living again denotes their living bodily and living in a different manner than they had done before Now the drift of all these things being for the comfort and edification of all God's People in this great point of the Resurrection of the Just and being specially useful against the evil times going before the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ when Antichristian Tyranny should most rage in the World God in Mercy to his People is pleased now again to cause the light of these precious Truths to break forth again more than they have done in many Ages last past when that said Glorious Appearance of Christ and beginning of the Day of Judgment and Joyful Resurrection following upon it do in their order near approach It is much to be desired and earnestly prayed for that true Christians would duly weigh and consider them being so mainly for their Edification and sound Consolation if they will not over-look their own good or put it off from themselves since the great goodness of Christ is therein manifest towards them A Paper of Septemb. 27.1664 concerning the Personal Appearance and Reign of Christ Rev. 20.4 AS for the personal appearance of Christ at the destruction of Antichrist and the general calling of the Jews when that Nation shall be born in a day as Isa 66.8 many Texts of Scripture seem to me fully to evidence it as first that great Promise That they shall look upon him whom they have pierced and mourn with such a penitent Contrition promised to them in mercy Zac. 12.10 compared with Rev. 1.7 with Even so Amen as a great mercy in its time to be accomplished And from St Peter's Sermon to the Jews when he tells them That the times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord at the restitution of all things shall come when God will send Jesus whom the Heavens must contain till then Act. 3.19 20 21. which the Apostle Paul calls Christs appearing at his Kingdom 2 Tim. 4.1 and in Dan. 7. after the little Horn the Pope spoken of before verse 9. the Ancient of Days did sit and in
holy Catholick Church upon earth that we are to believe or hope for and the excellent Communion of Saints that we are in this world to expect And likewise that we are now especially by our prayers to labour to promote as God of old directed his people when their time of deliverance from Babylon drew on Jer. 39. Then said he they shall call on me and I will answer c. And when Daniel by Books understood the mind of God therein he set himself by fasting and prayer to seek for and help forward if it might be the accomplishment of such revealed Grace So now also that new Babel is abundantly revealed to God's People to be shortly to be thrown down and the New-Jerusalem much more abundantly revealed in Scripture shortly thereupon to be set up The Faith and Prayer of God's People ought in their sphear to seek to promote it and I observe the Dutch Notes though by men of different Judgments yet in the Preface of the nine last Chapters of Ezakiels Prophecy apply what is there said to some wonderful Glory of a Jerusalem to come of which the former restoring of the Jews from old Babylon was but a Type Besides I observe many Psalms and many passages in many other Psalms more than I read in Mr. Archers Book to tend so this way that otherwise as such prophetical-Scriptures besides seem not to have any probable fulfilling but according to Revelation Interpretation as I may call it which I must acknowledge I never did nor ever was like rightly and groundedly to have understood but according to the tenour of that blessed book And as Israels coming out of Egypt tended to the actual giving of them after forty years space the possession of Canaan of old so God's Peoples coming out of the spiritual Egyptian Antichristian bondage now approaching tends to bring all God's true Israel into the New-Jerusalem that comes down from Heaven Rev. 20. and is it not a main drift of the most if not of all the petitions in the Lord's Prayer to this purpose for when hath Gods Name been so comperably hallowed in Earth as it is in Heaven as then it will be both by Men and Angels in all he is made known by to his People When will his Kingdom come with such power to any suitableness in Earth as it is and will be in Heaven but when the Kingdoms of this World are the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ Rev. 11.15 And likewise when at the same time Rev. 19. God's People shall so rejoyce when the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth because as it followeth in the next verse his Bride hath made her self ready And consequently when will the Will of God be done in Earth as it is by the blessed Aegels in Heaven but when his Subjects are of most obeddient hearts and loyal spirits as they will be under suh a prevalent reigning of Christ When my daily Bread this day any day be so comfortably and confidently prayed for and expected as when the particular promises of the greatest confluences of Temporal and Spiritual Blessings are to be fulfilled in their proper season to their best purposes c. When may we with such comfort and confidence pray for forgivieness of our Trespasses this day any day as when our hearts shall witness with us we least allow our sins When shall we be so assured of our own pardon as when our spirits are most free and clear in pardoning others in case they offend against us When can we so confidently pray to be delivered from the evil one and evil works with the consequents thereof this day any day as when Satan shall be known to be bound Rev. 20.3 and many great temptations removed and a very great measure of Grace attained and neer Communion with Christ enjoyed in this World Yea and will not the following enforcements of Prayer set down by our Saviour be then most clearly aplicable when the Kingdom is most manifestly Gods and the Power both to obtain it at his own time and pleasure and so likewise to retain it appears clearly his and consequently all Glory as his due shall be rendred unto him to all eternity Amen Amen And for the Martyrs and Saints to be raised at the entrance of Christ on this his Kingdom to have their part in the New Jerusalem I had the like thoughts before to what I find in other Authors That they should be in a state such as Christ was in after his own Resurection while he was not acssended to his Father but when I consider the many Prophesies of all those great things in the Old Testament so confirmed in the New and especially applyed in the Revelation to the New Jerusalem not only by allusion but by application of the Spirit of God and Christ himself in a special manner Rev. 10.7 as he declared to his Servants the Prophets And at that time reward is to be given to his Servanis the Prophets Rev. 11.18 and to his Saints and to them that fear his Name both great and small as it follows in the same Scripture And it is of main weight in this point that when the Chorus was set about the Throne Rev. 4.1 2 3. c. when Saint John was to receive the visions of that Book there is a Glorious appearance of God described and the Rainbow round about the throne as doing all to his Church through the Covenant of Grace through the Blood of Christ his only begotten Son and the seven Lamps burning before the Throne deciphering the seven Spirits or the Holy Ghost with his Gifts and Graces as Rev. 1.4 more clearly in Rev. 5. there is a Book in the hand of him that sat upon the Throne which none was found worthy to open but the Lamb that had been as it were slain having seven Horns and seven Eyes vers 6. which occasioned the four living Wights and twenty four Elders to sing a new Song and afterwards fall down and worship but the top of rejoyceing for all that was in the Book and after all that should be done and suffered by and for and in Christs Church which they represented in that vision it was this which was the great enforcement of their joy while the World was to continue And say they vers 10. we shall reign upon Earth And that Subject of such their reign there after all their labours and sufferings of the Saints as their time of refreshment Acts. 3.19 and Sabbatism or rest Heb. 4. is largely treated of in sundry Particulars in the 19 20 21 22. the four last Chapters of the Book of the Revelations and that those things therein contained must necessarily be understood of the state of God's Church upon earth according to the series and order of the Book in the last times and therefore were never yet accomplished take into serious consideration the brief abridgment of Reasons and Testimonies following to that purpose 1. The New Jerusalem is said to come down
ended Isa 60.19.20 Her Joy everlasting Isa 61.7 For ever shall her Land be inhabited Isa 60.21 Zech. 14.11 For to the Lord is she married Isa 62.4 who sweareth by his right Hand and the Arm of his Strength to give her no more over to her Enemies Isa 62.8 As that day the Lord shall be King over all the Earth and in that day shall there be one Lord and his Name one Zech. 14 9. Thus we see what glorious Promises are made to the New Jerusalem when the Promises of the New Heavens and the New Earth shall be accomplished with many other of the like nature whence it may appear how strongly pre-possession of prejudice against an Opinion of Doctrine may carry grave and otherwise judicious men away from the Way of Truth sometime upon one advantage or other as by Prescription by Multitudes of wise learned or even good men If they try not all things to hold that which is good which was mine own late Error in this particular or at least want of defecation of appendant Errors cunnigly by Satan affixed on this Truth as we observed in antient and modern seducements not distinguishing between the Depravation and Corruption of that Truth and Truth it self which in its Original was pure and untainted as in other cases many times when the corrupt super-additions of men have long prevailed to mingle themselves with anciently untainted Truths which when men can learn to view with unprejudiced minds and adhere to with uninteressed Affections will soon appear to them in their native excellency But for the said New-Jerusalem the more I observe many places of Scripture not only in the New Testament and Revelations but in the Psalms the Prophets and even the Historical Parts the more I am minded thereof from time to time And besides Psal 2. 8. 96 98 99. which one mentions especially I have taken notice of sundry others since God hath opened my eyes as he did Hagers of old to see these refreshing Waters of Comfort as Psal 89. 50. and divers passages in others which seemed to tend that way as Psal 146.5 6 7 8 9 10. 148.11 12 13 14. 149. throughout and those nine last Chapters of Ezekiel 〈◊〉 the Dutch Bible reckons like Daniels to be Revelations of the old Testament which set forth things to be accomplished in the New though they seem not to own the Opinion yet sometimes again lay grounds of it The second and seventh of Daniel speak much of Christs Kingdom and many other places too largely here to rehearse The Spirit of God seems to me to have spoken so largely thereof and in many specialties likewise to these purposes and the things themselvs seem so to approach as evidently may appear from the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ th best Expositor of the meaning of his own Prophetical Spirit that it much concerns all Gods People diligently to search and examine all such Truths as he hath set down there for our now seasonable Instruction and Consolation being sunk down near to the very dregs of the Worlds evil Times And as our Saviour on Earth directed to search the Sciptures for Salvation so now being in Heaven he directs his people to search them in this for consolation And as then he said In Moses the Prophets and the Psalms as it is written of me for the former so for this he not only points out Moses the Prophets and the Psalms in the old Testament but hath likewise taught the Apostles the Evangelists with many other persons divinely inspired in the New Testament to give witness to these things and lastly by his own wonderful gracious divine Vide the Irenicon or Peaceable Consideration of Christ's Kingdome c. though mystical Revelation to the beloved St. John wherein very much is held out concerning his own Kingdom and the New Jerusalem and as it was when by the Ministry of Christ and his Apostles the Doctrine of the Resurrection had been more cleared than in former times yet afterwards the Apostle Paul shews a farther Mystery concerning the same 1 Cor. 15. We must saith he all be changed though not all dye so many things are still Mysterious to us concerning both the New Jerusalem and the Resurrection though concerning both our Saviour in his Revelation hath last super-added greater farther Discoveries in both than any were before at least in evidence and clearness Yet how are the Eyes of very many withheld from discerning these things and in great part it is like to be so to all save to them to whom it is given to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God which he uses to do as Christ himself informeth us to Babes and Sucklings when they are hid from the Wise and Prudent Mat. 11.25 and therefore to be humbly and faithfully sought And though the Apostle Paul concerning the Jews general Conversion had discoursed largly in the ninth tenth and eleventh Chapters of the Epistle to the Romans yet still he reckons that Doctrine mystical v. 25 c. Let all such therefore as are of truly Christian Spirits wait upon God as by other means so by faithful and earnest Prayer to the true Teacher of his own Mysteries as may appear requisite in a matter of so great importance concerning all Gods faithful People who seem to have their peculiar interest therein Rev. 3.21 and 20.4 5. and 10.18 which is incomparably greater and better for that thousand years than all the Crowns and Scepters and Kingdoms of the World not improved in Christs service in the mean time This part of a Letter of May 20 1664. to Mr. Cal of the order of the times of the Seals Trumpets and Vials perused with that Abridgment of the Seal-Prophesie with the large Note page 26 27 28 29. of the Irenicon with the following Paper of two defects in Mr. Durhams book of Scotland may to observant Readers give much light to the book of Revelation and the Scheme of that whole book and Summarie of Daniel before the Parallels after drawn up when many hundred of both the other were burnt Anno 1666. serves for the like use but with somefarther advantages therein observable c. THe first six of the seven Seals are the first Times after the giving of the Revelation to St. John toward the end of the first Century or first hundred of years after Christs coming in the Flesh the which said six Seals reached to the time wherin Constantine the Great threw down the Heathenish Idolarry 〈◊〉 Romane Empire about the year 320. after Christ they are set ●ow Rev. 6. But out of the seventh Seal proceeded the Seven Trumpets whereof the six first contain all the ensuing time of the Roman Empire both Christian and Antichristian and the seventh Trumpet will begin at the ruine of Antichrist Vide Paper of Decemb. 7. 1664. where divers Reasons are given for it and continue as some conceive to be the last day of Judgment or
is described Dan. 7. And in this Book chap. 14. is conceived by judicious men upon considerable grounds to be contemporary with the two Beasts setting out the opposite state of the true Church in the same time not successive as this Author takes it though the Beasts ruine is therein more fully described yet he hath many considerable things against and concerning Antichrist in this Chapter and likewise he is very excellent upon the seventeenth and eighteenth being a like subject to prove the Pope to be Antichrist But for the particular Vision concerning the Vials Rev. 15 16. which appears to be a larger explication of what was spoken of Antichrists downfal and ruine in the latter part of chap. 14. As the seventeenth was an explication of divers things concerning the Antichristian Church of Rome and the eighteenth a special Vision of the terrible suddain irresistable and cursed destruction and desolation of Rome about the sixth Vial after which probably will succeed the conversion of the Jews and the Armageddon Battel upon which he hath many profitable notes upon chap. 19. But for the beginning of the seventh Trumpet at the beginning of the pouring out of the seven Vials and placing so many of the Vials after the time wherein the thousand years chap. 20. is begun and making the casting of Satan into the Lake after the Battel of Gog and Magog chap. 20. to be the seventh Vial I conceive to be much differing from the sense of the Scripture and for that the seven Vials are called the seven last Plagues which Phrase is the same in sence with the end of the days Dan. 12. both setting forth the period of wicked Monarcy when the Feet and Toes of the Image he saw before are wearing out toward the expiring of the Roman Monarchy and are both spoken of the Beasts ruine and poured out to accomplish it by degrees which the last Vial finisheth and reach no farther and in this sense learned men understand the Oath of the Angel of the Covenant chap. 10. That Time should be no longer viz. to that wicked Dominion for thenceforth was to begin a new World as after Noahs Flood wherein Christs glorious Reign on Earth should take place in an eminent manner for then the Scene of the World will be visibly changed the old being ended and the new begun wherein a King shall Rule in Righteousness whose Officers shall be Peace and his Exactors Righteousness as the Prophet foretold c. then will come in that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that world to come Heb. 2.5 but the Vials are the last Plagues because they at last dispatch and rid Antichrist and all his supportors out of the Earth neither are any such Plagues suitable to or seasonable in the state of things in the said thousand years while that happy World remains and the Kingdoms of the World become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ which this Author applies to the time of Luther which he judges to be the beginning of the Vials I conceive unwarrantably when he thinks the Witnesses were slain chap. 11. not dinstinguishing of the former and last flaying as we observed Grounds of the Doctrine of Christs Kingdom on Earth throughout the whole Book of the Revelations ANd here I shall take occasion to hint what I have all along observed this Learned and Religious Author to have been defective in namely as one not owning the Doctrine of the Glorious Kingdome of Christ to come one Earth in the thousand years Rev. 20. That he passeth over many things in the Book of Revelation which evidently respect that time without observation as first in the Epistles to the seven Churches of Asia wherein those promises are set down again repeated c. 21 22. concerning the New Jerusalem many of which are evidently incompetible to any other state of affairs but of that time as to have power over the Nations chap. 2.26 to receive the Morning Star and to eat of that Tree whose Leaves shall be for the healing of the Nations to sit on a Throne of Christ distinct from his Fathers Throne chap. 3.21 and to have a Name written of the New Jerusalem which comes down from Heaven which are inconsistent with the state of the Church Triumphant in Heaven with divers others which the Primitive Christians were so well resolved of in the best times to belong to those that obtained a better Resurrection as the Spirit of God expresseth it Heb. 11.35 which Saint Paul seems to aim at the attaining to by the fellowship of Christs Sufferings Phil. 3.10 11. whence the Faithful are called the Children of the Resurrection Luke 20.36 Yea observe farther they are called by our Saviour Such as are accounted worthy to attain that World and the Resurrection of the dead And to this purpose it is storied of the Primitive Christians such was their Faith in this particular that out of an holy ambition as it were to have a share amongst the raised Martyrs they were forward to suffer upon that account for the Name of Christ But in the next place likewise he passeth over what evidently refers to that state chap. 5.10 though he spake of what the representative Church are said there to obtain from Christ to be Kings and Priests spiritually unto God but he altogether passeth over what the Holy Ghost teacheth them there to praise God for for the time to come and which they greatly exult in and rejoyce in aforehand for the time to come as a duty belonging to all Saints in that happy priviledge upon Earth till then and say they We shall reign upon Earth which is joyned to the other as an other part of their joy and matter of praise foreseen by the eye of Faith as if they had said For so we all Ministers and People shall their reign not only as we did spiritually in our former condition in the world but as will be suitable to that world to come in Christ's Kingdom on Earth We shall reign with him there a thousand years as chap. 20. is farther explained and to make it clear it must not be taken for Celestial Eternal Glory the place is set down where that Reignishall be namely on Earth and for the time future noting that it was not their present spiritual Reign but they shall so reign there viz. on Earth What can be spoken more clearly yet by him all together over-look'd So usual it is for prejudice to blind the eyes even of otherwise judicious and good men though some mysteries of God are discovered in their seasons only to whom and when and so far only as he is pleased to reveal them as Mr. Mede recordeth of a Tradition that the Apocalyps should be little understood in Antichrists time till about the twelfth Century and suitable in some things afterwards in such times as God sees good c. Again he takes notice of another innumerable company cloathed in white besides the 144000 sealed ones chap. 7. which
innumerable company of all People Nations and Languages having Palms in their hands he seems to understand of the flourishing state of the Church when the Jews shall be called and he hath many considerable Testimonies to that purpose in sundry places of his Book but yet he doth not observe these of both companies are set forth to be clothed in white which is after as likewise before the cloathing of the inhabitants of the New Jerusalem that comes down from God and makes this 144000 c. 7. the other 144000 c. 14. the same though they arise from several parts as we shewed besides many disserences But that their cloathing in white is the badge of the Jerusalem-Inhabitants consider how the fundamental Promise made to Christ as Mediator first to Adam and Eve then to Abraham and Sarah after to David tend all this way to advance such a Kingdom of the Mediator Christ Jesus upon Earth First after that Gods everlasting Gospel preached by himself when man had forfeited his dominion before-promised chap. 1.26 and after could have no right to that nor other benefits but through the promised-Seed See how this is ascribed to Christ as his peculiar right belonging to him in Psal 8. And see how the Apostle Heb. 2. expounds it so and that with referring it unto that world to come ver 5 6 c. in which world those white ons shall have their share namely in their reigning with Christ upon Earth Having suffered with him must reign with him there as their Captain the King of the New-Jerusalem See this farther in the personal Promise to Abraham first and his Seed Not seeds as of many but unto Thy Seed As saith the Apostle of one viz. Christ concerning the Land of Canaan who yet personally possessed not a foot as the Scripture phrase is save what he purchased for a Burying place with money to shew his part of that Inheritance and faithful posterities part was to be had after the Resurection and their bones as Josephs took and have kept possession thereof ever since and will do till they be raised to live upon it again And so after again the said Promise was renewed to Isaac the type of Christ the Seed of the Woman in a supernatural way though Abrahams likewise And to Jacob that was Israel for prevailing with God having seen the Vision of God before And therefore the Apostle saith of them both They were Heirs with Abraham of the same Promise to whom it was said Gen. 17.8 I will give unto thee and thy Seed after thee The first right is his own which is held only by Faith while he lived and therefore the actual possession yet remains to be enjoyed Vide Gen. 26.3 to Isaac Gen. 35.3 the like to Jacob and to all three Abraham Isaac and Jacob together Exod. 6.4 8. Deut. 11.21 30.20 and so to Isaac and ●acob who possessed it no more than Abraham in their lives therefore Gal. 3.16 with Heb. 11.9 10. they sojourned in that Land of Promise as Strangers dwelling in Tabernacles with those Heirs with him of the same Promise v. 17. shews the drift of this Promise was to be fulfilled in Christ the promised Seed to possess the Land and the rest by and with him Let these Scriptures and their contexts be well weighed with Heb. 11.9 10. for what these Promises did refer to is evident ver 10 namely the Jerusalem coming down from Heaven whose maker and builder is God and vers last he hath provided for them a City again ver 14. They sought a Country not Mesoptamia but a better Country ver 16. and for which God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a City To this purpose he tells Moses Exod. 3.14 that that should be his Memorial throughout all Generations that he is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and upon this Foundation are those many promises in Moses and in the following Prophets that God would reduce their posterity after all their dispersion to possess that Land as in Deut. 30. to ver 11. and many other places too many here to rehearse and in Vision revealed the same to Daniel chap. 7. both how and when all should be fulfilled when the Kingdom should be given to the Saints of the most High which is yet more clear and manifest by Christ himself Rev. 20. which is the same which this Author misapplyed c. 11.15 When the Kingdoms of the World are become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ that is in another manner than at the first revealing of Antichrist as he understands it yet gloriously eminently visibly when he hath taken unto himself his Great Power and Reigned having begun wonderfully to subdue his enemies under his feet at the destruction of Antichrist And this is the drift of our Saviours argument against the Saduces as Mr. Mede makes evident on Mat. 22. Mark 12. that God was the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob thefore they shall live again to inherit the Premise of the Covenant to possess the Land of Canaan I do but here briefly hint a few things out of multitudes to the like purpose Vide the Irenicon And here from the whole Book of Revelation I may offer this one thing observable namely That all sorts of faithful Christians in their several Ages and Conditions have their special encouragement held out in something referring to the New Jerusalem on Earth though many overlook them or at least they have not been revealed to them for men in this case are like Hagar till God opened her eyes in a special manner she saw not the Well of Water before her so no sort seem to discern these things till in some remarkable way they be made manifest to them First The seven Churches of Asia in the first Vision have each their Promises made in reference to the State of the New Jerusalem upon Earth Secondly The Representatives of the whole true Church viz. the four Beasts and four and twenty Elders Rev. 5.10 in particular praise for and rejoyce in their reign upon Earth to come which by faith they see aforehand and more especially that seems to be the encouragement to the Sufferers under the five first Seals and as was said seemed so to be applyed by them Afterwards the sealed ones in the East chap. 7. under the Wo Trumpets as Rev. 9.4 they have the New Jerusalem habit upon them as they shall be there happy and celebrate Gods praise and so do the innumerable company of the Nations after them chap. 7. as is evident in the last part of that Chapter Again The four Angels are stayed from their blowing the four first Trumpets which fell for the most part upon the Western Empire until the Angel chap. 8.3 4 5. probably the Angel of the Covenant had made intercession for the faithful Christians under those four first Trumpets with much Incense with the Prayers of the Saints there