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kingdom_n apostle_n heaven_n lord_n 1,799 5 3.4709 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20520 The Doctrynalle of dethe 1498 (1498) STC 6931; ESTC S1898 15,930 36

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haue ony holy relukes laye them vpon hym And whan ye se that he gyued vp the spiryte crye and bydde those whyche are aboute you crye the fader the sone and the holy goost helpe your seruaūt Jesu Jesu Jesu by the vertu of thy passyon helpe thy seruaunt blessed virgyn Marye and moder of mercy helpe thy seruaunt Jesu haue mercy of thy soule all the courte of heuen we beseke you in the charyte of oure lorde praye for his soule the grace of the holy goost and the merytes of Crystys passyon be with the Amen ALso yf ye thynke the tyme wyll serue therto it is expedient to shewe to the seke persone the temptacyons w t whiche cōmonly y e deuyl assayled y t soule at y t houre of deth y t it may be more stronger to resyste his malyce at that tyme for than he is moost ●erse to tempte them he woie well yf he gete them not than he shal neuer haue them wherfore with all his deceyte and sutelnes he laboured to dysceyue the soule and brynge it in dysperacyon yf he maye and specyally he wyll tempte them in theyr fayth and make them to beleue that it is false and therfore saye to them see that ye he faste in the fayth of Cryste for the denyll wyll tempte you therin and make you to byleue yf he can y e y t fayth that ye haue byleued on is false and that ye haue ben dysceyued all your lyfe therby for he knoweth that the fayth is the grounde of al vertue and that no man is saued without the fayth for this cause saye to them see y t ye be faste in the fayth of Cryst for your gostely enmye wyl now do that he may to make you to forsake youre fayth he wyl saye that ye haue ben disceyued all youre dayes in y e fayth for it maye not be that thre persones sholde be one god ¶ Also he wyl saye that Cryste was not very god and man that he was not borne of a virgin that he is not verely in the sacrament of the auter wherfore I exorte you in gode vnderstōdynge that ye may not be saued without fayth that ye kepe faste the fayth that ye haue taken at the foute stone defye the deuyll with al his falsehode and saye in your herte ye wyll dye in the fayth of Cryste whiche god hath declared with so many grete myracles propre to hym self that he hath shewed it true lyke as hymselfe is true therfore thynke that ye wolde suffre all y e martyrdomes paynes that the body of man myght suffre rather than ye wolde forsake the fayth whiche god hath ordeyned to your saluacyon wherfore put your hole confidence in god whose power is able to defende you agayne all the malyce of the deuyll and wyll not fayle his faythfull chylde and truste verely that your myghty fayth shal affraye the fende and with y e power of god and specyall assystence helpe of that fayth full virgyn whiche by the meryte of her fayth dyde cōceyue the sone of god without knowlege of man And with the helpe of saynt mychell your good angell with his felowes ye shall make the fende a ferde of you ¶ It passeth the power of the fende to compelle ony soule wylfully to erre in the fayth and what so euer temptacyon comed in your myn de contrarye to your fayth haue wyll to byleue as the chirche of god byleueth and as our sauyour Jesu Cryste teched the chyrche to byleue and all the false suggestyons of the deuyll and thoughtes contrary to the fayth shall noo thynge hurte you for there is neuer synne in the mynde dampnable excepte it come of the wyl nor in none other power of the soule Byleue fayhtfully suche techynge prechynge as ye haue had by the chirche and what so euer cometh contrary to that in your mynde thynke it is false and cometh of the deuyll fader of all falsehode Werfore I exorte you that lyke as ye haue begonne youre lyfe in the perfyte fayth of the chirche so ende it in perfyte fayth and obedyence for all the we le of your lyfe now hyngeth of the ende ¶ Yf they be lerned saye the crede afore them in latyn Yf they vnderstonde no latyn saye it in Englysshe after this fourme I byleue in god fader almyghty the maker of heuen erthe and in Ihesu Cryste the sone of hym our oonly lorde whiche by the werke of the holy goste was conceyued borne of the vyrgyn Marye and suffred passyon vnder Pylate and was crucefyed deed and beryed the thyrde daye he rose from deth to lyfe and ascended to heuen there he sytteth at y e ryghte honde of the fader almyghty and from thens he shall descende to Juge quycke dede I byleue also in the holy ghoste and in holy chyrche and in all y e sacrament therof also I byleue in foryeuenes of synne that euery man shal ryse from deth to lyf and that the good people shall haue euerlastynge lyfe and Ioye Amen ¶ And speke this with an hye voyce that it maye be well herde yf ye thynke y e tyme shal be suffycient afore the deth reherse the crede dyuers tymes that the seke maye be made stronge in y e fayth to confonde y e deuyll whiche loued not to here y e crede fleed from y e sonde of the voyce specyally whan it is sayd to the entente y ● it shold confunde the deuyll ¶ Also saye to the seke remembre y e grete fayth of y e Patriarkes Abraham Ysaac Iacob whiche they had in god our sauyour Cryst of whome they ꝓphecyed for theyr fayth they were specyally byloued of our lorde preserued from grete peryl after the passyon of our sauyour they were brought out of y e pryson called lymbo in to y e kyngdome of heuen Also remēbre y e faythe of y e apostles Peter Poule saynt Iames saynt Iohan w t all theyr felowes Also remēbre what paynes Innumerable martyrs dyde suffre bycause they wold not forsake theyr faythe in theyr martyrdoms our lorde shewed so many grete myracles y t y t enmyes of y t fayth were torned to y e fayth Also remēbre y e inumerable men wymē whiche haue keped this fayth truly in theyr lyf deyed therin for whom god dayly shewed myracles al those dyd plese god by fayth wtout fayth no soule maye please hym Remembre the profyte of y ● faith it opteyned al thynge of god proufytable to the soule as he sayth hymselfe all thynge are possyble to a faythfull soule ¶ The seconde temptacyon is agaynste y e vertue of hope by disperacyon WHan y e soule at the artycle of deth is troubled sore w t grete sekenes thā y e deuyl wyl put in theyr ymaginacion al y e grete syn̄es that it hath done and so in theyr grete trouble bodely ghostely he purposed that