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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16278 The fortresse of fayth defended both by the Scripture, and doctors / gathered by the learned German Bodonius ; and translated out of Latine into English by Edward Crane. Bodonius, Stephanus.; Crane, Edward. 1570 (1570) STC 3195; ESTC S1817 30,160 80

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my saluation neither yet commeth my helpe from the hilles or of the hilles But from and of the liuing God that made both Heauen and earth ¶ Augustine in Opere imperfecto vpon Mathi. Capite 32. TEll me O thou foolysh priest is not the Gospell of Christ dayly preached to the people in the Churchches and is it not daily tought then if being tought them it doth not profitte them how can it saue them being hanged about their necks Father whether is the strenght and operation of the Gospell in the figures of letters or in the vnderstanding of the sences if it be in the figures then is it wel hanged about their neckes But if it be in vnderstanding then is it better to put it into thy harte then to hange it about thy necke other meaning to shew themselues more iust do hang the Gospell about the hems and skertes of their garment or at their heyre or lookes O detestable impietie vngodlines which will rather shew godlines in their garments outwardly then in the precious bodye of Christ For he that is not saued by eating and receauing his bodye wil be saued by the holines of the hemes of his garments despairing in the great mercies of his goodues doth put his trust in the coote or gowne of a Temperall or wordly man But what will they saye O dyd not Paule giue his handkercher and gerdell to heale the weake Yes certainly before the knowledge of god was knowne in man it was necessary reason that by the godlines of man Gods power might be knowne But now it is madnes sith that now we knowe the power of God what is it necessary that we should know it by the power of man another doth thus interpretate this place saying By the obseruations of times and dayes delatinge at large their wordes and earnestly teaching that by conuersasion of health and saluation of whom Christ spake in vaine they worshippe me teaching the precepts and doctrine of man for they magnifie the hemmes and seames of their clothes For when they prayse the superfluous obseruations of their owne righteousnes to be pleasing vnto God they do as it weare magnifie the seames of their clothes Exodus 20. THou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor y likenes of any thing y is in heauen aboue nor in y earth beneth neither in the waters vnder the earth for I am the Lord thy God strong Ielous I am the Lord your God you shall not make to your selues any Idole or grauen Image neither shal you set a stone in your land to worshippe it You shall ouerthrow their Alters and breake downe their pillers cut downe their groues burne their grauen Images with fyer for thou art an holy people v●thy Lord thy God. Cursed be the man that maketh an● carued or molten Image an abhomination vnto the Lord the worke of the hand● of the hole craftes man and putteth in 〈◊〉 secret place in like case these places which are too many to reherse 3. Para. 33. Psalm 105. Psalme 96. Esai 30. Deut. 6. Deut. 32. 1. Reg. 7. Mala. 3. ¶ Iohn Chrisostome vpon Math. Homelie 45. Cap. 23. HOw will you flye the iudgement 〈◊〉 Hell damnation By the building your graues or Sepulcres of the saintes or rather by purging your hartes from rancour and malise wyll God iudge as man iudgeth man iudgeth man by worke but God iudgeth the harte What righteousnes is this to honour the saintes and holy men and to contemne sanctitte and holines The first degree of godlines is first to loue godlines then the godly for the saints were not before sanctitie or holines but holines was before the saints Therfore wel do they honour y righteous or iust that doth tread vnderfoote or spurne at iustice or righteousnes how will you escape will the saintes whose graues and moniments you adthorne and decrée deliuer you the saintes cannot be frendes to them to whom the Lord is enemie for can the familie or houshold be inquiet if the Lord or master be against it Howe will you escape will paraduenture a bare or vnfrutefull name deliuer you because you do seme to be the people of God what doth it profite that harlot if she be called a chast woman and is not so shall it nothing auayle the sinner if he be called or name the seruaunt of God In the end how wil you auoyd or escape the punnishment of Hell fyer which do build Churches and yet do not followe the fayth of the eclesiasticall truth Which read the Scriptures and yet do not beleue them which name the Prophets and Apostelles and Martirs and yet do not imitate the Martirs nor follow their confession Neither haue you hard him that saith not euery one that sayth vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kyngdome of Heauen but he that doth the will of my father which is in Heauen For as all that do call on the Lord are not the Lordes so not all that name the Apostelles and Martirs are true worshippers of them but they do truly worshippe and honour them that imitate and follow their workes and fayth I am thy Lorde God and Sauiour worshippe none other God but me Do not turne vnto Idoles neyther make you fayned Gods for I am the Lord your God. Among the Gods there is none lyke vnto the Lord and there are no workes lyke vnto thy workes all nations that thou hast created shall come and worship before the Lorde and shall glorifie thy name because thou art great and doinge great thinges and thou art the onely God and God alone Manoah sayd vnto the Angell of the Lord we will kepe thée still vntil we haue made ready a kydd and haue set it before thée And the Angell of the Lord sayd vnto Manoah though thou make me abyde I will not eate of thy bread and if thou wilt offer a burnt offering thou must offer it vnto the lord c. And I wyll speake my iudgementes with them c. Hast not thou sene what he hath done Cursed be the man that trusteth in man. He that loued vs and wasshed vs from our sinnes Their is but one God and one mediatour c. Though their be many Gods and many Lordes yet to vs is there but one God for the better vnderstanding of the case Read these places at large and you shall find the wordes most playne ¶ Iohn Chrisostomes Homelie of the profect of the Gospell Thom. 6. THe woman of Canaine came and praied vnto Christ for her daughter which then was possessed of a deuel crying after him with a loud and shryll voyce and sayd haue mercy vpon me Lord for my daughter is sore vered of a Dyuell Behold the strange Barberus woman and an outcast from the lawe of the Iewes what was she otherwise then a dogge such a one as was not worthy to
the continuall memory therof and nothing maketh man more to flye euill therfore let vs perswade our selues that we haue sinned and let not onely our tongue pronounce it but let also our conscience confesse it and let vs not only say we be sinners but let vs call to accompt and well remember euery sinne particularly I do not commaund thée that thou shouldest openly shew thy selfe and accuse thée to others but I will that that thou shouldest obey the prophet which sayth Reueyle and open thy lyfe to the Lorde therfore before God confesse thy sinnes and before the true iudge with prayer pronounce thy faultes not with the tongue but with the memory of thy conscience and then trust that thou shalt obtayne mercy if continually thou dost beare in minde and memory thy sinnes thou shalt neuer pretend or thinke euil to thy neighbour ¶ Chrisostome vpon the Psal. Miserere Home DEclare and open thy sinnes that thou mayst wash them awaye if thou béest ashamed to tell them to any man then dayly repeate and record them in thy minde I do not commaund thée to tell them to thy seruaunt which will shame thée with them but to God which healeth thée to them if thou dost not confesse thy sinnes dost thou thinke that God doth not know them will he demaund of thée whether thou hast offended when thou didest he was present when thou committest thy sinne he knoweth it thou wast not ashamed to sinne and offend yet thou art ashamed to confesse thyne offences therfore in this lyfe confesse thy sinne that in the lyfe to come thou mayst haue rest ¶ Ambros of the repentaunce of Peter th'apostle 46. Sermond PEter burst out a wepinge yet with his mouth he sayd nothing I finde that he wept but I find not what he sayd I read of his teares but what satisfaction he made I read not truly Peter wept held his peace for that which is repented is not excused yet that sinne which cannot be defended and mayntayned may be washed awaye for teares do wash away the sinne Which to confesse in wordes weare shame therfore teares are sinnes of repentaunce and forgiuenes neither do they shame the demaunder but purchaseth his request inwarde teares are after a sorte prayers which although by outward request they demaund not for giuenes yet they deserue it they tell not there cause and yet they do obtayne mercye and teares are more profitable then babling with the lyppes for talking may erre But teares vnfayned cannot erre wordes oftentimes doth not declare the hole cause fully but weping doth fully declare the affection and therfore Peter dyd not speake with wordes by which he dyd sinne by which he dyd abanden and forsake fayth left vsing them in his confession syth he had vsed them in his denial he should not be thought to haue confessed aright from the harte and therfore he dyd rather confesse his sinne by teares and lamentation then by outwarde wordes therfore when we do sinne we must first lament and bewayle our sinnes and then praye faythfully so that by this example we do learne how to confesse our faultes so that the Apostells denyinge of Christ is profitable vnto vs and his amendment twise more profitable for our learninge and instruction ¶ S Hieron vpon Math. Chappiter 16. ¶ And I will geue the keyes of the kyngdom of Heauen to thee c. THis place the Bishops and priestes not vnderstandinge dyd somewhat ascribe vnto themselues of the pride of the Pharisies so that they thought they coulde both damne innocents and saue themselues being sinners wheras before God there lyfe is called to accompt and not the sentaunce of the priest We read in Leuiticus of leapers wher they be commaunded to shewe themselues to the priestes Not that the priest coulde chuse the Leoprosye But that by his knowledge he could desarne who was a leaper who was not ¶ Ambrosius lib. of Cayine and Abell SInnes are remitted by Gods worde wherof the Priestes and Leuites are interpreters onely ¶ Iohn Chrisostome Tom. 6. Sermond vpon repentaunce and confession NOw it is not necessarye to confesse onr selues to present witnesses and in thy cogitation and thought make confession of thy sinnes without any witnesse and let God onely behold thy confession for he will not ayde thée with thy sinnes But if thou dosse confesse them he geueth remission therof ¶ The same To. 7. Ho. 9. of Repentaunce THis is a place of medicine and not of Iudgement it giueth not punishment but the remission of sinnes that thou sholdest only confesse thy faults and offences vnto God aboue ¶ Ciprian lib. of the fall of man. THe seruaunt cannot remitte that that is committed against the Lord and Maister Turne to the Lord leaue thy sinnes and praye before thē face of the Lord and so shalt thou lessen thine offences turne to God and flye from thy selfe and from thine owne righteousnes c. ¶ Augustine vpon Iohn tract Et tibi dabo claues Regni THe Rocke was not called Petra or a Rocke of Peter but Peter toke his name of Petra That is to saye a Rocke euen as Christ taketh not his name of a Christian but a Christian of Christ therfore the Lord sayd vpon this Rocke will I build my Church because Peter sayd thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing Therfore vpon this Petra and Rocke which thou hast confessed I will build sayth Christ my Church and the Rocke was Christ ▪ vpon the foundation Peter also himselfe dyd build and no man can laye other foundation then that that is alredye layde which is Iesus Christ c. Augustine vpon the Lords words in Math. Sermond 13. THou sayth he arte Peter and vpon this Petram or Rocke which thou hast confessed I vppon this Rocke which thou hast acknowleged sayinge thou arte Christ the sonne of the liuing god Will I build my Church as who woulde saye I will build thée vpon me and me vpon thée for men buildinge on themselues sayd I am of Paule I am of Apollo I am of Cephas he is Peter But others which would not be builded vpon Peter sayd I am of Christ and the Apostle Paule when he hard that he was chosen and Christ forsaken is sayth he Christ deuided Is Paule crucified for you And are you Baptised in the name of Paule Wheras it is not so in Paule neither in Peter But in the name of Christ that Peter the man might be builded vppon Petram thy Rocke and not Petra the Rocke vpon Peter the man c. As farther he sayde Lorde if it be thou commaund me to come vppon the waters to thée for I cannot do this in my selfe but in thée he dyd confesse what his owne strenght was of himselfe and what he was of him by whose will he dyd beleue he could do that that infirmitie weakenes of mans nature could not do therfore if it be thou commaund me which when