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A13569 The ballance of the sanctuarie shewing hovv vve must behaue our selues when wee see and behold the people of God in miserie and oppression vnder the tyranny of their enemies. Written by William Teelinck, minister of the Word of God at Midlebrough in Zealand. Teellinck, Willem, 1579-1629.; Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654.; Harmar, Christopher, attributed name. 1621 (1621) STC 23860; ESTC S118307 55,093 128

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of God done among the children of men for the most part are hidden from vs and incomprehensible yet that which our good God hath openly made knowne vnto vs in his word instructeth and inableth vs with speciall profit fruit and comfort to marke and looke into the workes of God It remaineth then that wee set downe and further speake of certaine notable fruits that grow out of that which wee haue before set downe which wee will doe in the Chapter following ⸪ CHAP. X. That without contradiction it appeareth by the aforesaia order of the workes of God done among the children of men that there shall bee an after reckoning made with all the children of men in the world to come SEEING that it is euidently knowne that God the Lord is a righteous Iudge For the workes of man shall bee rendred vnto him and he will cause euery man to finde according to his wayes Iob 34. 11. and that it is alwayes found that the Lord in this world maketh no euen reckoning with the children of men when hee suffereth a godly man all his life time to liue in great trouble and aduersitie and to dye therein and sendeth great riches and ioy to an vngodly man all his life long and they haue no crosses but their strength is firme Psal 17. 14. and Psal 73. 4. And also by experience in the common course of the world it is found that many of the deare children of God are persecuted and euilly dealt withall onely because they take Gods cause in hand are iealous of God honour seeke the spreading abroad of the Gospel and the prosperitie of his people and that it oftentimes fareth so with them that they are oppressed and lose their liues therefore as it happeneth also to many other Martyrs of God and faithfull witnesses of his truth Apoc. 2. 13. wee must of necessitie therefore hence conclude That God for certaine will make an after reckoning in the world to come for it can by no meanes stand with the righteousnesse and goodnesse of our God that hee should indure or suffer his owne children and his faithfull seruants who for the fulfilling of his will did not refuse to yeeld their liues into the enemies handes and to dye and that for his cause were shamefully handled cursed abased and slaine should not be reuenged Luke 18. 7. 8. Apocal. 6. 9. 10. 11. Could a iust and an vpright Prince endure that his trustie seruants and officers should be assayled persecuted and slaine by his subiects because they seeke to mainetaine and vphold his lawfull commandements and to see them executed without taking their causes in hand reuenging their blood and punishing the offendours as they had deserued Much lesse will the Lord suffer the hard dealing with and handling of his children that are slaine and murthered in this world to goe vnreuenged Therefore if there were no other reasons then that onely for which God should make a common reckoning with the children of men at the latter day yet were this cause enough for it So the Apostle setteth downe the necessitie of the last day of iudgement to consist vpon this That the godly are here oftentimes so cruelly oppressed by the vngodly and saith to the Thessalonians that it is a manifest token of the righteous Iudgement of God that yee may be counted worthie of the kingdome of God for which yee also suffer seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you who are troubled rest with vs when the Lord Iesus shall bee reuealed from heauen with his mightie Angells 2 Thess 1. 5. 6. 7. Then also it shall be made manifest though it bee neuer so much forgotten here in the world and how little regard or knowledg soeuer seemes to be taken of the godly and those that are righteous That God harkened and heard it and a booke of remembrance was layd before him for them that feared the Lord and thought vpon his name and accordingly it shall then also be knowne what difference there is betweene the righteous and the wicked betweene him that serueth the Lord and him that serueth him not Mala. 3. 16. 17. 18. Herewith the godly also must comfort themselues as the Prophet also witnesseth and take heede that they partake not with the vngodly of whom Salomon sayth Because sentence against an euill worke is not executed speedily therefore the heart of the sonnes of men is fully set in them to doe euill Eccl 8. 11. But they must rather seeing God here in this world permitteth things to passe in such manner bee thereby more certainely assured that hereafter there shall come a great day of judgement wherein all things shall be made right and set straight and euery one shall be rewarded according as hee hath done whether it be good or euill Act. 3. 21. and 2 Cor. 5. 10. And accordingly the more crossely and confusedly we see things done and executed here in this world the more must wee learne to make reckoning of the great day of Iudgement make full account thereof and prepare our selues for it holding for certaine as Salomon also in the aforesaid place witnesseth That though a sinner doe euill an hundred tymes and his dayes be prolonged yet surely I know it shall be well not with the vngodly but with them that feare God which feare before him Eccl. 8. 12. This therefore should moue all the godly to long for the last day the comming of the Lord when we shall not onely be reuenged for all their hard speeches which vngodly sinners haue spoken against him Iude 15 And all instruments that are formed against vs shall not prosper Esa 54. 17. But besides that all the partes and pieces of that great worke of the prouidence of God ouer the things of this world that here are so confusedly cast together vpon a heape shall be seene to be laid very orderly by the wise and powerfull hand of our God and from them wee shall see a most notable peece of worke to bee framed and brought forth wherein the vngodly with their wicked workes shall serue as shadowes Eccl 8. 13. to set more beautie and luster vpon the great glory of the Children of God who shall then glister like the Sunne Mat. 13. 34. As also the godly are to expect the same for this cause that howsoeuer they cannot here conceiue why this or that thing comes so to passe yet they may assure themselues when the Lord shall come to Iudgement to make all straight and to bee glorified in his Saints 2 Thess 1. 10. Hee will then bring forth so glorious a peice of worke and shew it vnto vs that wee shall alwayes reioyce therein and prayse and glorifie our God for the same world without end CHAP. XI That not all outward prosperitie is a signe that the Lord loueth that man to whom he sendeth the same SIth by all that which is said before it manifestly appeareth that God
God of Israel ruled and gouerned the world and teacheth vs further that he suffereth it so to bee thereby the more to aduance his honour when hee once begins so to rise vp that his enemies are driuen backe and that he lifteth vp againe the heads of his people which before were deiected and cast downe Thus he witnesseth that for the same cause he suffereth his people of Israell to be humbled that afterward he might aduance them and that so all the world might see that it was neither their policie wisedome nor power but his blessings that had releiued and raysed them vp Deut 8. 9. Here what the Lord to this end sayth by the Prophet The earth mourneth and languisheth Lebanon is ashamed and hewen downe Sharon is like a wildernesse and Basan and Carmell shake off their fruits now will I rise sayth the Lord seeing my people are so much confounded and euery man thinketh that they are wholy ouerthrowne now will I be exalted now will I lift vp my selfe Esa 33. 9. 10. I haue a long time houlden my peace sayth he I haue beene still and refrayned my selfe now will I cry like a trauelling woman I will destroy and deuoure at once Esa 42. 14. the enemies of my people This is Gods purpose when he suffereth his people for a time to be ouer-run and mastred by their enemies which if we consider well we will no longer bee abashed thereat nor stumble at Gods workes though things goe neuer so crosse for a time with Gods owne people and that the enemies of the Gospell thereby seeme to growe strong When we reade of the prosperitie of Hammon the cruell and sworne enemy of Gods people and vnderstand that he proceeded so farre that all the people of Israell were iudged to die and that hee being their greatest and bitterest enemie had the execution thereof committed to him would not men therby conclude looking vpon the outward vntoward proceedings that the Lord had abandoned and forsaken his people of Israell yet we know in the end that the higher that Hammon the enemie of Gods people did clime the neerer the destruction of the Children of Israell seemed to be and the more the enemies of Gods people being disappointed of their purposes were confounded the more honor the Lord did then reap vnto himselfe by the deliuerance of his people So wonderfull is God the Lord in his workes wherby it appeareth that euen then when he suffereth the cause of his people in a manner to fall vnto the ground he still houldeth the rudder in his hand and hath an eye on them and a care that they shall not altogether be ouerthrowne And so all the mis-vnderstanding wrong iudging mis-construing stumblings at Gods workes consists herein that we onely looke vpon exterior things and neuer remember to goe into the Sanctuary of God to looke into the end of his wayes and what his secret meaning is therein Marke what I say Queene Ester that was a great friend to the people of God and sought what meanes she could to deliuer the people of Israell from that danger and to bring Hammon to confusion what course did shee take Shee inuited the King and Hammon with him to be her guests shee receiued and intertained him friendly and Hammon could perceiue no other but that he was very welcome to the Queene and boasted thereof to his friends And yet that was not enough Hester bad him to be her guest the second time and shewed him a fayre countenance from time to time Now what might the Iewes that knew not Queene Hesters meaning haue conceiued and iudged hereof might not they haue thought that Hester also consented with Hammon to helpe to root out and confound the Iewes But the meaning was cleane contrary shee sought to bring Hammon to confusion and to deliuer the Iewes from death the issue thereof sheweth it plainely Hest 5. 7. Thus the Lord our God many times worketh with the enemies of his people hee seemeth for a while to draw them on and to leaue his owne people to make them the more confounded and ashamed when vnexpectedly hee ouerthroweth them and deliuereth his people from them Touching these wayes of God therefore wee must attend Gods pleasure and in the meane time patiently expect his leisure And this God declareth vnto vs in his Word touching his strange workings aforesayd which to men seeme so offensiue yea which is more our good God sheweth vs yet more speciall and waightier causes wherefore at sometimes he suffereth his owne people to be oppressed by their enemies and letteth them fall into great miseries and troubles whereof some conceiue the enemies of Gods people others Gods people themselues Touching his owne people somtimes he suffereth them to fall into the hands of their enemies and by that meanes ladeth them with a heauie yoake because they did not endeuour themselues wisely and as it became them to beare his Fatherly yoake on their necks Heare what the Lord to that end sayth to his people Because that thou seruest not the Lord thy God with ioyfulnesse and with gladnesse of heart for the aboundance of all things therefore shalt thou serue thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee in hunger and in thirst and in nakednesse and in want of all things and he shall put a yoake of iron vpon thy necke and all this the Lord doth as hee himselfe also witnesseth that his people might know what difference there is betweene seruing of him and seruing the Kingdomes of his enemies 2 Chro. 12. 8. Therefore for that his people by the subtiltie of Sathan the temptations of the world imbecilitie and carelesnesse sometimes esteeme not of the sweete yoake of Christ and calme running water of Shilo as they should doe the Lord layeth a heauie yoake vpon them and bringeth them into deepe and many waters of oppression wherein what strange thing doth the Lord What doth he I say that should moue men in any manner to dislike When we vse to do the same and thinke and perswade our selues that we doe wisely with our owne Children that sometimes wee put to hard Schoole-maisters and cruell teachers for a tyme that they might learne and know how easie a yoake they beare on their shoulders in their Fathers houses which yet when we doe it is out of meere loue and for the good and profit of our Children On the other side touching the enemies of Gods people although then they seeme specially to bee happie and blessed when in that manner they get the vpper hand of Gods people and deuoure them like bread yet the truth is that no greater plague can happen vnto them then when they are permitted to oppresse and wrong the people of God and to wash their hands in their bloud which the Lord in his great wrath sometimes permitteth to be done when hee determineth to suffer them to fill vp the measure of their wickednesse and to hasten their Iudgement and vtter destruction