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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10153 Here begynnethe a lytyll treatyse whiche is called the .xii. profytes of trybulacyon; De XII utilitatibus tribulationis. English Peter, of Blois, ca. 1135-ca. 1212. 1499 (1499) STC 20412; ESTC S102933 24,239 54

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in prosperitee wherof sayth seynte Austyn that god sendyth tribulacyon to some men to stire hem to aske that he wolde graunte In the persone of suche seyth the prophete ¶ Ad dominum cum tribularer clamaui exaudiuit me Whan I Was in tribulacyon I cryed to oure lorde and he harde me And though all it happe that in prosperitee thou prayeste god that prosperite shulde not make the to slowe ¶ Yet neuertheles it maketh the some tyme bothe insolent and slowe so that thi prayer in prosperite is not spedeful as it is inaduercitee occupie soo moche thy herte that thou thynkeste that it hathe none entente ne deuocyon lyke as it had in prosperite yet that same aduersite makith thi prayer more precyouse And sothely all though tribulacyon oppresset the so moche that thou mayest not open thi mowthe to crye to god certynly this tribulacyon cryeth and prayeth to god for the so that thou haue pacyence for as seith a grete clerke Petir of lazer that as many woundis as he had so many prayers or cryers he had to god For whan lazer stillid wyth hys mouth his woundys cryed to god for hym wherof oure lorde seide to caym that had killid his brother abelle Genesis ¶ Vox sanguinis fratris tui abel clamat ad me de terra The bloode of thy brother abel cryeth to me fro the erthe Thus thenne it shewyth that tribula● 〈…〉 more precyouse the more acceptable to god Tribulacyons ben as it were a paymente for alettir selyd of delyueryng Wherof seyth Iob. ¶ Quis michi det vt ueniar peticio mea quod expecto tribuat michi deus qui cepit me ipse me conuertat soluat manum suam et succidit me et michi sit consolacio vt astligens me dolotem meum non percat ¶ Who shall yeue me myn askynge and who shall graunte me that I abyde god that began he conuerte me lose he his honde and kite me vp and that it be to my comforte that he tormentynge me spare not my sorowe Not well that that Iob that had loste his possessions his sonnes and his doughters and all his body was smyten with woundes or sepre from the soole of the soote vnto the ouerest parte of the hede And was repreued of his frendis and scorned of his wyfe and of his false frēdes He desired in no other thyng comforte but that god shulde not spare hym It thou askest what perteyneth to his delyuerynge it maye be aunswerid thus the askynge of his affeccyons or tourmentes ¶ For his tourmentys were paymentys of his leters as it is vsid in some place that whan a poure man drinketh in a tauerne and hath not wherofe to paye hys scote He asketh to be betyn and soo to be desiue If thou askist wherein was his comforte of thys Iob· ¶ Whan he asked to be turmentyd Saynt Gregory answeryth and sayeth ¶ That god sparyth some here in this worlde to tourmente they in afterwarde and some he tourmentyth here the whyche he wyll afterwarde spare ¶ The comforte of Iob was that he wyste well by presente trybulacyhe shulde escape euerlastynge dampnacyon For as it is sayde ¶ Non indicabit bis deus inidip̄m God shall neuer punysshe or deme twyse for one thynge And therfore this same Iob that asked that god shulde not spare hym here in this worlde asked in a nother place and sayde ¶ Parce michi domine Lorde spare me in tyme comynge suffre pacyently here in this worlde trybulacyon For tribulacyon saueth the soule as Iob sayde ¶ Ipse vulnerat et medicinat ¶ He woundeth he heleth For he woundeth the body and helyth the soule De vndecima vtilitate tribulacionis Caplm xi THe xi prouffyte of trybulacyon is that it kepyth and nourysshyth the hertē Sothely ryght as fyre is kepte in asshes ryght so the hertes of the frendes of god aren kepte in trybulacion Therfore oure lorde god commaunded Exodi ¶ Quod tabernaculum faccis cilicinis cooperietur That the tabernacle of god shuld de hyled wyth heiren sackes the whiche shulde the fende the presioꝰ curteynes of softe sylke and goddes ryche vesselles of golde or syluer ayenste wyndes and reynes In token that vertues of goddis seruauntes named menes ben kepte in aduersytee of trybulacyon For trybulacyon constreyneth the herte to thynke on the wretchydnesse of his owne Infyrmytee And so it constreyneth a man to be meke ¶ Whome worldly ꝓsperytee had haunsyd by vaȳglorye aboue hȳself Also trybulacyon nourysshyth the herte as a norys she her chylde For as the moder wyth the chyld cheweth harde mete the whiche the childe may not chewe and draweth it in to her body where that mete is turned into mylke to nourysshynge of the childe Soo cryste that in holy wryte is cleped oure moder for the gretnesse of his tēder loue that he hath to vs He chewed for vs bytter paynes harde wordes re preues and sclaundres wyth bytternesse of his passyon that suffred for vs to nourysshe vs and strey neth vs goostly by ensample of hym to suffre trybulacyons and aduersytees of this worlde As wyne that is clensed thoroughe a bagge fulle of spyces chaungeth his owne sauoure drawynge to hym the sauoure of the spyce Soo a man suffrynge trybulacyons and aduersytees of thys worlde oweth to clēsynge by the blessyd body of oure lorde Ihesu consyderynge the passyon that he suffred for hym And so it shall wexe swere and tollerable that to foresemyd full bytter and intollerable ¶ De duodecuna vtilitate tribulationis Capitulum xii THe .xii. prouffyte of trybulacyon is that trybulacyon is a certeyn token of loue that god hath towarde hym that it is sente to Wherof he sayde ¶ Quos amo arguo et castigo ¶ Hym that I loue I vndernymme and chastyle And also Salamon sayde Ecclesiastici ¶ Qui diligit fililiū assidua et flagella· He that loueth his son he scourgyth hym ofte tyme. ¶ Wherof sayde saynte Ierome ¶ Summus pater Ihesus Christus filios suos semper sub aliquo flagello vel virga retinet vt quando eripiuntur ab vno sub alio capiuntur ¶ Oure souereyne lorde Ihesu cryste kepyth euer his chyldren vnder a scourge or a rodde And whan they ben deliuered of one they ben caughte vnder a nother But oure gode meke fader and lorde sente not alle his scourgis at ones to geder but one after a nother knowynge oure freelte For he wyl that noo man perysshe but he wyll all men be safe But euyll men and vnkynde that byleue hym not ne louen hym the whiche lyuen here wythoute scourge of of trybulacion Whome noo correccyon of chastysȳge maye wythdrawe from theyr errours god shalle punysshe wyth all his arowes of vengaunce For sothely all tourmentys that now ben departed aboute in all the worlde thenne shall be gadered togyder and abyde as in her owne place As oure lorde sayde Deutrononni xxxii ¶ Congregabo suꝑ eos mala et sagitas meas complebo in eis ¶ I shal gader togyder euyll thynges vppon euyllmen ¶ And I shall spende all myne arowes of vengaunce amonge hem ¶ Therfore thou good soule yf thou wylte be beloued of god wyll thou not putte awaye trybulacyons For they shewen to the tokens and wytnes of the loue of god But perauenture yf thou sayste the goddys chyldren taken of hym bothe good thynges euyll thynges Why is the takynge of euylle thȳges shewȳge or token of the loue of god more thā the takynge of gode thȳges To this maye be answeryd that god yeuith many gode thynges and grete to his spyrytuell frendis and bytter and gretter to theym that he louyth more But the blessyd fader of heuen loued wythoute comparyson more his blessid sone oure lorde Ihesu criste than all the worlde and yet he sente hym here many anguesshes pouertees tribulacyons aduersytees repreues and scornynges betynges bydynges scorgynges many woundes and cruelle dethe but fewe temporell goodis Thenne is the yefte of aduersitee more shewinge token of loue of god than the yefte of temporelle prosperitee Also ferthermore oure lorde Ihesu criste goddis sone that leued here in this worlde as a wyse marchaūte chose good marchaundyse and refused the badde For whan they wolde haue made hym kynge of Iude he refusid it and chase rather to I lee in to deserte And whan they soughte hym to tourmente hym and to slee hym he fleddee not but he chase rather for to deye and sayde ¶ Ego sum I am he whom ye seke Thenne yf criste was wyseste ī chesynge the whyche chase aduersitees they ben moche foles that dispisen tribulacyon and aduersy tees and chesen worldly prosperites that may not delyuer hem in tyme comynge from the hondes of her enmyes the cruell fendis Suffre thenne pacyently wyth criste here tribulacyons that thou maye take afterwarde the crowne of lyfe in the blysse of heuen For sothely otherwyse thou mayste not come to the blysse For the apostle sayth ¶ Per mulcas tribulaciones oportet nos intrare in regum celorū ¶ It behouyth vs by many trybulacyons to entre in to the kyngdome of heuen He brynge all vs that suffred dethe oure lorde Ihesus AMEN ¶ Thus endeth this treatyse shewynge the .xii. ꝓfytes of trybulacyon Enprynted at Westmyster in Caxtons hous By me Wynkyn the worde