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kingdom_n apostle_n heaven_n lord_n 1,799 5 3.4709 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06511 The last wil and last confession of martyn luthers faith co[n]cerming [sic] the [principal articles of religion which are in controuersy, which he wil defend & mai[n]teine vntil his death, agaynst the pope and the gates of hell drawe[n] furth by him at the request of the princes of germany which haue reformed theier [sic] churches after the gospel, to be offred vp at the next general councel in all their names & now published before that all the world may haue an euydent testimony of his faith if it shal fortune him to dye before there be any such cou[n]cel, tra[n]slated out of latyn beware of the pope & of his false prophetes and bissopes for thei wil come in shepys clothing and in angels facys but yet inwardly thei are ravening wolnys [sic]. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. 1543 (1543) STC 16984; ESTC S104350 31,138 66

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the vniuersal CHRISTEN church by the lawe of god wherupon it must nedes folow that he cōpareth yea preferreth him self vnto christ first he called hym selfe head of the church after that / lord of the church / thirdly supreme lord of the vniuersal world / and finally the god of the erth / in as moch as at length he wēt about to cōmand the angels of heauen And if the doctrine of the pope be tryed by the the scrspture wer cōpared therwith / we shal proue and fynd that his doctrine euen whereas it if best / was taken out of the cyuil and heathnissh lawe / ād that it geueth lawes ād perceptes of ciuyl matters and of cyuyl iudgemēts as his own decretals do testifye After ward his doctrine teacheth certen ceremomonys of temples / of garmentes / of choyse of meates / of difference betwene pristes and lay men and of such folissh things / iugglyng soteltys and fantastical trifles an infinyte nomber And in all these things there is no word nor mencyon of christ / of faith● or of the cōmandments of god Insumma● there is nothing in his doctrine but deuelisshnes / and his lyes of masses / purgatory / monasterys / workes and ceremonys all which be the very papistry he cōtendeth to set aboue christ god and against god / condemnyng / kyllyng / and persecuting al christen mē which wil not extoll honor this his abhomynable wickednesse aboue all things in heauen and erth for the which canse life as we can not fynd in our hartes to bowe to the deuel to honor him for our lord god Euen so life wise can we not suffre his Apostle the Pope / or Antichrist the supreme head lord in his kingdome For to lye to murder / and te destroy the soule with the body be the very natural propertys of the popys kingdome Now the councel shal fynd haue inough in these iiij articles / to condemne for thei neither can nor wil grant us the least part or poynt of them Of this thing we ought to dowt nothing at all / yea we must rather comfort our hartes with this hope and trust that Ihesus christ wil fight against his emnys and persecute them both with his spirite and also with his coming which thing god grant / Amen As for vs let us not loke that we shal not be suffred to stand before the emperor or any ciuyl iudge rueler / as we did at augspurg where the emperor did heare our cause and matter fauorably / But we must stand before the pope and the deuel him self which wil not heare any thing at all / But with out any cause wil iudge us condemne us to death / and compel us to Idolatry whether we wil or no / wherfor we wil neuer in our life kisse his fete nor say you arre my good and gracios lord / but we wil say as the Angel sait to the deuel in Zachary god pomissh the Satan / thou aduersary of god The third part of the articles Of the articles that folow it were better for us to entreat of them with lerned and wise reasonable men / or among our selues than with the pope which with his whole sect and faccyon with hym but riches / honor / pōpe powr are only in reputacyon with hym Of sinne In this article we are cōpelled to grant with S. Paul the v. to the romanes / that sinne entred in to the world by one mā Adam / thorow whose disobedience all men are made sinners and subiect to death and to the deuel Now the operacyons of this sinne / are euel workes such as be forbidden in the .x. commandmētes / as be these distrust in god / false faith / Idolatry / to be with out all feare of god / presumpcyon / desperacyon / blyndnes of hart / and to conclude in a somme / the ignorance and contempt of god After these / to lye / to sweare by the name of not to pray / not to call vp on god / to dispise or neglect the word of god / to be disobedient to parentes Item murder / flesshly lust / theft falshode This original sinne is so gret a corrupcyon of nature / that no maner of reason can see perceiue it / and therfor it must be byleued by the reuelacyon of the holy scripture / Psalm 51. Roma v. Exodi xxxiij Gene. iiij Wherfor it is a manifest error and a blyndnes repugnyng with this article / to say as the schole dyuynes or dūsys haue taught first that after the fall of Adam all the natural strengh of man doth remayne perfight vncorrupt And that man hath naturally a right reason and free wil / that he may satisfye fulfyll the lawe of god Secondorly That man hath free wil so that he may doo all good and eschewe all euel agayne on the contrary part / leaue that which is good and folow the euel Thirdly That a man by the proper strengthe of his own nature may satisfye and fulfill the whole lawe of god Fortly That a man of his own natural strenth can loue god aboue all thing / and his neihbor as him selfe Fiftly That if a man do performe so moch as he is able to doo / than shal he surely obteine gods fauor Sextly That it is not necessary for him that wil receyue the sacrament / to haue a purpose to lyue wel afterward But that it is ●ufficient if he haue not an obstynate and wicked purprse to sinne so good is our nature of it self / and so such efficacyte is the vertu of the sa●rament Seuently That it is not taught in the scripture that it is necessary for him that wil do any good worke / to haue the holy gost with his grace These such like errors haue sprong vp of blindnes and ignorance / because thei were ignorant both of sinne / also of christ our sauyor and thei be very heathnissh opinyōs which we can not suffer nor abyde for if thei were tue thā did christ dye in vaine / for as moch as ther is no corrupcyon nor sinne in man after their opynyon for the which christ nedyd to haue dyed Or els he must haue dyed for the body only not for the sowle / for the sowle is vncorrupt and the body only subiect to death after this opynyon Of the lawe In this article our iudgement is that the lawe was geuen by god to bridle refrayne us frō sinnyng partly with threatnīgs and with feare of ponisshment / partly with promises of grace / fauor and other benifites But all these do help but litle by reason of the corrupcyon and wickednes which sinne doth engender in man for hereby some which are emnys of the lawe are made worse for as moch as thei desyre more feruently to doo such thīgs as thei are forbidden to do by the lawe / and thei do not gladly such things as thei are commanded to do And thus in