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kingdom_n apostle_n heaven_n lord_n 1,799 5 3.4709 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02885 The catechisme, or manner how to instruct and teach children and others in the Christian faith appointed to bee read in all the lands and dominions of the late right and mightie prince, Frederike, countie palatine of the Rhein, one of the electors of the Holy Empire, and duke in Bauier / newly translated out of Latin and Dutch into Englishe.; Heidelberger Katechismus. 1578 (1578) STC 13029; ESTC S3764 26,578 74

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Onely they that repent and are verie sorie that they haue angried God with their sinnes and yet trust that they are forgiuē them for Christes sake and that the rest of their weakenesse and vnperfectnes is couered with his deth passion who also desire to goe forwarde and growe more and more in holy life conuersation But hypocrites false feigners of holinesse and they that repente not and will not amende their liues eate and drinke their owne damnation Question Ought we also to allow them to this supper which shewe themselues to bee faithles and vngodly both in their own confession and naughtie life Answere No for so is the couenaunt of God vnhallowed and the wrathe of God is stirred against the whole Churche Wherefore the Church of God according to the appointment of Christe and his Apostles vsing the keyes of the kingdome of heauen ought to hold back such from the Lords supper vntill they repent and amend their manners Question What are the keyes of the kingdome of heauen Answere The preaching of the Gospell and correction or discipline of the Churche whereby the kingdome of heauen is opened to them that beléeue and is shut vp against them that beléeue not Question Howe is the kingdome of heauen opened and shut by the preaching of the Gospell Answere Where at the commaundemente of Christ we openly declare and shew that all and euerie mans sinnes are forgiuen them by God for the onely deseruing of Christe as often as they receyue with a true faith and beléeue the promise of the Gospell Of the contrarie parte it sheweth vnto all them that beléeue not and to all hipocrites feigners of holynesse that are wicked within that the wrath of God and euerlasting damnation hangeth ouer their heads according to which witnesse of the Gospell God will iudge as well in this life as in the life to come Question Howe is the kingdome of heauen shut to or opened by the correction or discipline of the Church Answere When as according vnto the commandemēt of Christ they the are Christen men in name but shewe themselues both in learninge and life farre from Christe after that they haue beene certaine times brotherly warned to forsake their errours and leaue their euill déeds and are presented or shewed to the Church or to them that are appointed of the Churche vnto that office and will not obey their warning they are shutte out by the same from the vse of the sacraments and from comming to the felowship of Christes Church from God himselfe and the kingdome of Christe But againe if they promise to amende their liues and doe so indéede they are receiued into the Church againe as mēbers of Christ and of the Church The thirde part is of thankefulnesse Question WHen as we are deliuered from all our sinnes and wrechednes without any deseruing of vs by the onely mercie of God for Christes ●●●e why shoulde we then doe good workes Answere Because that after Christ hath bought vs againe with his bloude and maketh vs newe men by his holy spirit like vnto the image of himselfe that we hauing receyued so many good turnes shoulde shew our selues all our life time thankful to God and that hee may bee honoured After that we euerie man may be assured of his faith by his fruits Laste of all that we may win other vnto Christ by our honest and sober life or good example of liuing Question Can they then not be saued which d ee vnthanksfull and abide still carelesse in sinne and are not turned to God from their wickednesse Answere In no case for the scripture beareth witnes that no vnchast persons neither worshipper of straunge Gods neither horemaister or aduoulterers neither couetous men neither Théeues nor drunkardes neither scolding raylers neither robbers shal enter into the kingdō of god Question In what part standeth the turninge of a man to God Answere In the killing or putting downe of the olde man and the quickening and raising vp of the new man. Question What is the killing of the old man Answere It is truely and with all thy hearte to be sorie that thou hast angred GOD with thy sinnes and euerie day more more to hate them to flye from thē Question What is the quickening or raysing vp of the ●ewe man Answere True gladnes or God through Christ and an earnest and readie desire of a man to order his life according to the will of God in doing of all manner of Good workes Question What are good workes Answere Onely they the are done in faith according to the lawe of GOD and are wrought for that ende that God may be honoured therby and not they that are deuised by vs and in our opinion without the worde of God séene to be good Question Which is the lawe of God Answere God hath spoken all these wordes The tenne Commandementes I. I am the Lorde thy God whiche hath brought thée out of Egypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue no other Gods in my sight II. Thou shalt make to thée no grauen image nor the likenes of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath nor in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not bowe downe to them nor worshippe them for I the Lorde thy God am a ielouse God and visite the sinnes of the fathers vppon the children vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate mee and shewe mercie vnto thousandes in them that loue me and kéepe my cōmaundements The III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vaine for the Lorde will not hold him giltles that taketh his name in vaine The IIII. Remember thou kéepe holye the Sabboth daye Sixe dayes shalte thou labour and doe all that thou haste to do but the seuenth day is the Saboth of the Lorde thy God in it thou shalt do no maner of worke thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy man seruaunt and thy maide seruant thy cattell and the straunger that is within thy gate For in sixe dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea al that is in them and rested the seuenth day wherefore the Lorde blessed the seuenth day and hallowed it The V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy dayes may be long in the lande whiche the Lorde thy God giueth thée The VI. Thou shalte doe no murther The VII Thou shalt not do aduoutrie The VIII Thou shalt not steale The IX Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour The X. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house nor his wife not his seruaunt nor his maide nor his oxe nor his Asse nor ane thing that is his Question Howe are these commaundementes deuided Answere Into two tables of the which the former teacheth in it foure commaundements how that we shall behaue our selues towarde god The seconde