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A01704 The blessing of a good king Deliuered in eight sermons vpon the storie of the Queene of the south, her words to Salomon, magnifying the gouernment of his familie and kingdome. By Thomas Gibson, minister. Gibson, Thomas, M.A. 1614 (1614) STC 11841; ESTC S103127 203,984 514

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shops in lawe in physicke in mathematick●s c. Many knowe little some nothing or very weakely or vnperfectly In the matters of God how ignorant and senseles are we Nichodemus a great Docter in Israel cannot vnderstand or conceiue the doctrine of regeneration it is a thing incredible to him that a man should be borne againe The naturall man perceiueth not the things of God for they are foolishnes vnto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned yea the spirituall man himself though he discerneth all things that are reuealed to him by the spirit yet he hath not full and perfect knowledge in this life perfect felicitie is in the life to come and though wisedome be not that felicitie yet it is the way to attaine vnto it and the studie of it is sweete good and profitable it is as sault to season and as honie to sweeten all cares troubles and sorrowes whatsoeuer it is as a precious medicine to cure all maladies to comfort vs in the greatest distresse and dangers and though those which be ignorant and knowe nothing may seeme to be happie because of their ignorance and because they are free from the care and sorrowes of wisedome yet their cares and griefes are worse and greater they are in danger and know it not they cannot discerne good from euill and therefore let them remember this counsell let them lightē themselues with the light of knowledge before they goe out of the darkenes of this world lest they passe frō darkenes to darkenes yea to euerlasting darkenes Some may yet obiect How is there happines in wisedome whereas many which professe and preach it and are of great knowledge yet prophane without religion conscience or pietie their life most vngodly and wicked are these men happie We answere that they are farre from true happines and wisedome Salomon accounteth all men vnregenerated and wicked to be very fooles and so vnhappie wretches Ambrose teposeth a happie life in honestie that is in the tranquilitie of conscience and securitie of innocencie and therefore confuting the Philosophers of whom some placed a happie life in not sorrowing as Ieronimus some in the knowledge of things as Herillus some in pleasure as Epicurus some haue ioyned to this honestie as Calipho and Diadorus some in vertue as Aristotle and his sect But the Scripture sayth he placeth a blessed life in the knowledge of Diuinitie and the fruite of good working It is eternall life sayth Christ to know God and Iesus Christ whom he hath sent Dauid sayeth Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord and delighteth greatlie in his commandements so that innocencie and knowledge maketh men happie Againe wisedome hath no fellowship with vices it hath an inseparable coniunction with other vertues No man is wise which knoweth not God The foole not the wise man sayeth There is no God How is hee a wise man which knoweth not his Creator How is hee wise which feareth not God seeing the feare of God is the beginning of wisedome Onely that wisedome which is of God is wholesome and sauing which according to the definition of Saint Iames is both pure and peaceable for the wisedome of the flesh is voluptuous not pure the wisedome of the world is tumultuous and troublesome not peaceable the wisedome of God is first pure not seeking her owne but that which is Iesus Christs not doing her owne will but considering what is the will of God Secondly it is peaceable not abounding in her owne sense but resting more vpon the counsell and iudgement of others Againe the sunne doth not warme all whom it shineth vpon so wisedome doth not alwayes giue power to those whom it teacheth to doe that which it teacheth It is one thing to knowe riches another thing to possesse them It is not knowledge that maketh rich but the possession of it There be some which desire to knowe to that end onely that they might know and this is filthie curiositie and there be which desire to know onely to sell their knowledge for money for honor and this is filthie lucre and there be which desire to know that they themselues may be knowne and this is filthie vanitie and there bee that desire to know to edifie others and this is charitie and there be that desire to know to be edified of others and this is prudence The first wisedome is a laudable life and a pure minde before God whereby the pure are ioyned to the pure and the holie are coupled to the holie That is excellent wisedome not which flyeth in words but which consisteth in vertues so that happines consisteth not onely in knowing but also in working if you know these things saith Christ happie are you if you doe them Againe blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepeth it and the hearers of the lawe are not righteous before God but the docrs of the lawe shall be iustified And S. Iohn faith Blessed is he that readeth and they that heare the words of this prophecie and keepe those things written therein And S. Iames saith Who so looketh in the perfect lawe of libertie and continueth therein he not being a forgetfull hearer but a doer of the worke shall be blessed in his deed Indeed God bestowed vpon prephane men and very reprobates many great and excellent gifts they may haue the word of wisedome the word of knowledge a kind of faith gifts of healing operations of great workes and prophecie discerning of spirits diuersities of tongues the interpretation of tongues and these are the workes of Gods spirit and yet these may be vnhappie and cursed men and neuer partakers of true felicitie Saul prophecieth so doth Balaam so did Caiphas Iudas was a preacher and an Apostle but not euery one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth my Fathers will which is heauē saith our Sauiour Many will say to me in that day Lord Lord haue we not by thy name prophecied and by thy name cast out diuels and by thy name done many great works then will I professe to them I neuer knewe you Depart from me you that worke iniquitie God doth bestow such great gifts vpon wicked men that his power might be knowne in vsing such instruments to his owne glory to the good of others and to their cōdemnation so the Lord also maketh a differēce betwixt those gifts which he bestoweth vpon the wicked and such speciall graces as he doth giue to his owne children to these he giues the knowledge of saluation by remission of their sinnes through his tender mercy wherby the day springeth frō on hie visiting thē he giueth them light euē the Sun of righteousnes shining frō heauen to guide their feete in the way of peace that is to all true happines and felicitie These are his beloued which he hath chosen to saluation from the beginning sanctifying
opened her heart and so both she and her house was conuerted In the same manner was the Iaylor and his househould conuerted In an other place the word was of such power that the beleeuers came and confessed and shewed their workes and many also of them which vsed curious Artes brought their bookes and burned them before all men and they counted the price of them and found it fiftie thousand peeces of siluer which was of our money about 2000. markes so the word of God grewe mightily and preuailed Thus we see that the word hath beene heretofore of great power to winne soules to God Is it now become weake and feeble nay the fault is not in the word but in the ●tubbornnes hardnes of our harts which will not suffer it to enter nor giue it any place The word is the same it was it is the same seede but is now sowne in a bad soyle and therefore it will n●t nor cannot fructifie And that you may know whether the word hath this power in you or no for the conuersion of your soules remember this worthie excellent counsell for your instruction and direction When any is conuerted to the Lord the vaile is taken away therefore the cause of taking away the vaile is our conuersion to God From whence we may gather that whilst in reading the scriptures the vnderstanding of them is kept from vs and whilst that which is written is abscure and shut vp from vs we are not yet conuerted to the Lord for if we were conuerted no doubt the vaile would be taken away Let vs see what it is to be conuerted to the Lord. But that we may the more clearely knowe what is to be conuerted let vs first see what is to be auerted that is turned from the Lord. Euery one then that when the words of the lawe is repeated is occupied in common fables he is auerted Euery one which is bound with the cares of possessions with the desires of riches and of the glory and honour of the world he is auerted that is turned from the Lord He which seemeth to be estraunged from these things and sitteth and heareth the words of the law and is attentiue with his countenance eyes but his heart and thoughts are wandring he is auerted that is turned from the Lord. What is it then to be conuerted and turned to God If we cast all these things behind our backes and giue our selues in studie in deeds in minde and care to the word of God to meditate in his lawe day and night letting passe all other things let vs giue our selues to God Let vs be exercised in his testimonies this is to be conuerted to the Lord. If thou wouldest haue thy sonne to learne the liberall sciences dost thou not free him from other things for this cause thou dost prouide a schoolemaister and bookes and thou dost spare for no cost to haue thy purpose brought to passe Which of vs doth so giue himselfe to the studie of Gods lawe who doth with such studie and labour seeke for heauenly things as he doth for humane and earthly and why doe we complaine that we are ignorant of that which we learne not Some of you so soone as they heare that reiected which is read they straite goe away there is no inquisition of that which hath beene spoken no conscience no remembrance where as it is saide Aske thy fathers and they will tell thee Aske thy teachers and they will teach thee Some tarrie not so long till the lectures be ended some though they heare vnderstand not being in the lower parts of Gods house and occupied with fables of whom I dare say that when Moses is read there is not onely a vaile vpon their heart but there is a wall set betwixt them If he that is present which doth heare and is attentiue and doth enquire and discusse of those things which he heareth and that which he cannot vnderstand he doth aske the meaning of others and so learneth he that shutteth his eares least he should heare and turneth away his face from hearing how is the vaile taken away from his heart Let vs take heed then that when Moses is read when Paul is read there be not a vaile vpon our heart Certainely if we heare negligently and haue no care to learne and vnderstand not onely the scripture of the Lawe and Prophets but of the Apostles and Euangelists we are hidden and couered with a great vaile and I doe feare that by the negligence and foolishnes of our heart that the diuine volumes are not only hidden from vs but sealed as if a booke should be giuen into the hands of man to read and he answereth he cannot read or that it is sealed And therefore we must haue a care not onely to learne the scriptures but we must entreate the Lord by supplications day night that the lambe of the tribe of Iudah may come vouchsafe to take this sealed booke and open it And indeed it is Paul that planteth and Apollo watreth but it is God that giues the encrease he is the author of our ministerie the author of the word the giuer of all gifts and graces to his seruants Good seede is sowne in sundrie grounds but it doth not fructifie in all Man speaketh to the outward eare but God must speake inwardly to the heart or else the word will haue no power to conuert the soule The Gospell is heard saith a father some beleeue and some beleeue not They which beleeue they heare and learne from the father they which beleeue not they heare outwardly but they neither heare nor learne inwardly that is to them it is giuen to beleeue to the other it is not giuen So saith our Sauiour to the Apostles To you it is giuen to know the secrets of the kingdome of heauen but to others it is not giuen It is said in an other place As many as were ordained to eternall life beleeued when Paul Barnabas preached Though Prophets speake to vs though Apostles though Salomon though Iohn the Baptist though Angels and Christ himselfe speake yet they shall nothing auaile to conuert vs except God open our hearts The Lord raigneth both vpon the corne and vpon the thornes but hee sendeth Raine vpon the Corne for the barne and vpon the thornes for the fire and yet it is the same raine so the word of God is powred vpon all let euery one see what roote he hath let him see whether he draweth the good raine if he drawe it to engender thornes is the raigne of God to be accused before it come to the roote that is a sweete raine till it come to a bad heart Now that the word may haue more power in vs hereafter let vs cast off naturall blindnes carnall securitie our olde sinnes and worldly cares let vs come with hungrie and humble hearts denying our selues and desirous to learne let vs come with repentance for our sinnes
or if they come to the Sermon their mindes are at home they are like Idols that haue eares and heare not eyes and see not they doe not consider and marke nor beleeue those things which are spoken of the contempt of this world against couetousnesse oppression and deceit If they be somewhat neerely touched they gruntle like Swine they barke like Dogges such as are learned and haue knowledge beeing delicate and dainetie they thinke the plaine and simple stile of preaching agreeing to the Scripture to haue small sweetnesse or delight in it they stand vpon eloquence and mans wisedome it is grieuous to them to heare a plaine simple Preacher though he speake with power of the spirit Great persons men of state and countenance which are scarcely accounted men but halfe Gods they thinke it a discredit to heare many sermons I am afraid saith a Father that the Queene of the South comming frō the farthest part of the world to heare the wisedome of Salomon that she shall iudge men of this age and the men of Niniuie repenting at the preaching of Ionas shall condemne those which despise a greater then Ionas so many among the people shall condemne many Ministers in the Church withdrawing themselues from their Ecclesiasticall dutie and doing those things which doe not beseeme● a Minister yea they doe not beseeme a simple Christian An other complaineth both of Ministers and people saying Wo● be vnto you Scribes and Pharises hypocrites which shut the kingdome of heauen before men By these words the Lord will shew that the Priests of the Iewes did all things for couetousnes and who knew by the scriptures that Christ was come and they considered because Christ was beleeued and receiued that the custome of sacraficing and offering would cease and that the sacrifice of righteousnes would preuaile but they did shut the doore of truth when they decreed that if any should say he was the sonne of God he should be shut out of the Synagogue so now hereticall ministers they doe shut the doore of truth for they know if the truth be made manifest the Church would leaue them and they should be cast downe from their places What then is the ignorant people to be excused No for if thou wouldst buy thee garments thou seekest to sundry Chapmen and where thou maist haue the best garments and the easiest price those thou takest and therefore thou must seeke and search for teachers and enquire where truth is and where is error It is not forbidden to know the confessions of all men and to choose that which is best according to the saying of the Apostle Proue all things and hold that which is good If for worldly busines thou wouldest goe to a place thou knowest not thou dost not cease from thy purpose because thou knowest not the way but thou doest trie this and that way thou dost aske seek and enquire and so findest the right way If thou wilt enter into the truth of the scriptures sometimes pray sometimes search the scriptures sometimes seeke by good workes sometimes enquire of this minister sometimes of that that so thou maist see who they be that haue the keyes of knowledge If these things be not done it is because the word of God is not beleeued nor the promise of blessednes desired nor the last iudgement feared Where is this care of searching and the truth to be found where is that diligence of inquiring Men are readie to heare receiue and beleeue any thing like children they are carried away with any kinde of doctrine they are still ignorant and fall into many errors because with this woman they will not diligently and carefully seeke for the truth where it may be found All others are carefull and painefull to learne and seeke the true knowledge and skill as much as they can of their trades and sciences onely Christians are idle careles and ignorant in their profession Harken I pray you saith the same father is it not an absurd thing that the Physition the Shoomaker and Weauer and generally all workemen striue for the profession of their Arts but a Christian cannot bring a reason of his religion those Artes being neglected are but the losse of money the contempt of religion is the losse of the soule and yet we are so madde that we imploy all our care and thoughts that way and we make no account of the necessarie defence of our soule for this cause the heathen knowe not their error but take offence and mocke vs for they being in error doe all things for the defence of their errors We being professors of the truth can say nothing for defence of it and for this cause the very heathen doe condemne our doctrine of weakenes they suspect in vs some fraude and foolishnes and so they speake euill of Christ as of a liar we are the cause of this blasphemie Saint Peeter commandeth vs to be readie to giue a reason of the faith that is in vs to euery man that asketh And S. Paul doth exh●rt vs That the word of God may dwell plentifully in vs. But what say the foolish people to this they say blessed is the simple soule and he that walketh simplie walketh boldly this is the cause of all euill that many cannot rightly and truly applie the scriptures for by the simple is not meant the foole but he that is honestly and vprightly minded for if it were so vnderstood in vaine were the saying of Christ Be wise as serpents and innocent as doues Let vs blush and be ashamed that the Samaritan woman was so carefull in learning that her worldly busines could not hinder her from the doctrine of Christ We enquire nothing in the knowledge of heauenly things but are carelesse and neglect all things Which of vs I pray you when we come home doth any thing worthy of a Christian who doth search repeate or remember the scriptures The scriptures are giuen not onely that you should haue them in your bookes but also in your hearts I doe not forbid to get you bookes nay I doe admonish you and entreate you that you get them yet so that you doe oftentimes repeat both the letters and the sense in your minde that by it that may be made pure For if in whatsoeuer house the Gospell of Christ is the diuell dare not enter how much lesse shall the diuel ore sinne touch that soule which is familiar with the diligent reading of it therefore sanctifie thy soule and sanctifie thy body this shall come to passe if thou haue alwaies in thy minde and tongue the Gospell of Christ Seeing therefore there is such ignorance impenitencie prophanenes disobedience and vnthankfulnes amongst vs not onely the former examples but many others shall rise vp in iudgement against vs in the last day The G●ecians shall condemne vs in that day for they reuerently esteemed and heard their Philosophers disputing doubtfully of vice and vertue but wee
with other mens pouertie immortall with other mens death Wherefore one being asked how a man might be free from enuie answered if he had no great and worthy gifts or did nothing famous or praise worthy non ●ola miseria care● invidia Onely miserie is free from enuie This sinne is almost common in all One Prince enuieth the glory of an other One rich man the wealth of an other One minister the gifts of an other And the meanest sort the better state of an other But loue enuieth not but reioyceth at the prosperitie of others Enuie saith one is the daughter of pride But this mother pride cannot be barren wheresoeuer she is she doth continually bring forth Suppresse the mother and there will be no daughter This woman is so full of loue and humilitie that though Salomon doth farre excell her in wisedom in glory in wealth yet she grieueth not at it but reioyceth praysing and blessing God for it And if she doe thus reioyce for the gouernment of Salomon how much more cause haue we to praise God continually for the gouernment of Christ for his kingdome of grace and glory And if Salomons subiects and seruants whe● he was annoynted King reioyced with such great ioy that the earth range with the sound of them How are we to reioyce● for the spirituall and heauenly kingdome of Christ Dauid praying for the prosperous state of the kingdome of Salomon who was but a figure of Christ concludeth thus Blessed be the Lord God euen the God of Israel which onely doth wondrous things and blessed be his gloriou● name for euer and let all the earth be filled with his glory so be it euen so be it Dauid being a long time reiected of Saul of the people at length obtaining the kingdome he exhorteth the people to ioy and thanksgiuing saying The stone which the builders refused is become the head of the corner this is the Lords doing and it is maruellous in our eies This is the day which the Lord hath made let vs reioyce be glad in it Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lord we haue blessed you out of the house of the Lord. Praise yee the Lord because he is good for his mercy endureth for euer Dauid was a figure of Christ that place is a plaine prophecie of Christ was most liuely fulfilled in him And therefore the subiects of Christ are most hartily to reioyce for the gouernment of their Lord and King Christ Iesus Reioyce greatly ● daughter Syon saith the Prophet shout for ioy ô daughter Ierusalem behold thy King commeth vnto thee he is iust and saued himselfe poore and riding vpon an asse and vpon a colt the fo●le of an asse This prophecie was fulfilled in our Sauiour Christ when this King Christ Iesus hauing righteousnes saluation in himselfe for the good of his Church he came I say very porely basely to the Citie of Ierusalem yet the multitude spread their garments in the way others cut downe branches from the trees strewed them in the way And the Disciples began to reioyce and praise God for all the great workes that they had seene Saying blessed be the King that commeth in the name of the Lord peace in heauen and glory in the highest places Hosanna the sonne of Dauid Hosanna thou which art in the highest heauens The fathers Patriarkes Prophets Ioyed greatly with the desire and expectation of his first comming Abraham reioyced to see his day and he sawe it and was glad yet he sawe it but in figure He sawe it a farre off with the eyes of faith Olde Simeon being iust man waited for the consolation o● Israel And when he sawe Christ in the flesh he tooke him vp in his armes and praysed God Nay not onely he but all the faithfull reioyce at Christs cōming as Zacharie and Elizabeth Iohn the Baptist in the wombe The Virgin Marie the wise men the Shepheards and Angels reioyced exceedingly at his comming La●ding and praysing God And this is a sure signe of our loue to him to looke wai●e for his second comming then shal we haue fulnesse of Ioy when this our King shall haue fulnesse of glory When he shall sit 〈◊〉 the throne of God at the right hand of his father with all the Angells Saints and blessed soules and all his enemies shall be trod vnder his feete then shall we be glad and reioyce and giue glory vnto him because the mariage of the lambe is come and his wife hath made her selfe readie Now let vs come to the causes of this womans Ioy and thanksgiuing The first ●s that Salomon was King set in the throne of God And here she secretly admonisheth Salomon and Israel to be thankfull to God for if she a stranger blesseth God for Salomons preferment how much more ought Salomon and Israel to do the same she sendeth them to the fountaine of all graces bestowed vpon the King and subiects she acknowledgeth God the chiefe Monarch and disposer of Crownes And herein she speaketh diuinely according to the scripture in diuers places By me Kings Raigne saith wisedome and Princes decree in iustice By me Princes rule and the nobles and all the iudges of the earth And Daniell saith it is God that changeth times and seasons He taketh away Kings and setteth vp Kings Elihu saith in Iob His eies are with Kings in their throne where he placeth them for euer and thus are they exalted And Hanna an other holy woman can teach vs thus much The Lord maketh poore and maketh rich bringeth lowe and exalteth he raiseth vp the poore out of the dust and lifteth vp the begger from the dunghill to set them among Princes and to make them inherit the seate of glory For the pillars of the earth are the Lords and he hath set the world vpon them And Dauid saith that preferment promotion commeth neither from the East nor from the West but God is the iudge he maketh lowe and hee maketh high CHRIST sayeth to Pilate Thou couldest haue no Power ouer mee except i● were giuen thee from aboue And the Apostle saieth The Powers that are they are ●● God The true God saith Augustine giueth the heauenly kingdome only to the godly but the earthly kingdomes both to good and bad as himselfe liketh Whose pleasure is all iustice he is to haue all power of giuing or taking away Soueraignetie ascribed to himselfe alone and no other For though wee haue shewed some things that he pleased to manifest vnto vs yet farre is it beyond our power to penetrate into mens merites or scanne the deserts of kingdomes aright Hee that gaue Marius rule gaue Caesar rule He that gaue August●● it gaue Nero it Hee that gaue Vespasian rule or Titus has sonne both sweete natured men gaue it to Domi●●an that cruell blood-sucker And to be briefe He that gaue it to
THE BLESSING OF A GOOD KING Deliuered in Eight Sermons vpon the storie of the Queene of the South her words to Salomon magnifying the gouernment of his familie and kingdome By THOMAS GIBSON Minister Eccles 10. 17. Blessed art thou ô Land when thy King is the sonne of Nobles AT LONDON Printed by Tho Creede for Arthur Iohnson Dwelling at the signe of the white Horse in Pauls Church-yard 1614. TO THE RIGHT HOnourable the Lord Harington Baron of Exton Thomas Gibson wisheth all true happines both in this life and in the life to come MY purpose Right Honourable in the dedication of these sermons was to haue ioyned your Honourable father with that worthy Citie whereof he was a principall member and had speciall command and authoritie which place he much respected and loued and where he was againe much respected and honoured The ioy and ornament of the Citie was his name and countenance the very report and newes of whose decease was the cause of many a watrie eye and of many a heauie heart But their speciall comfort and ioy is that the Lord hath in mercy prouided so gratious an heire so worthy a successor so vertuous a fauourer as of all that are honest religious so most of all such as haue beene the faithfull friends and intire louers of your Honourable father who himselfe was a louer of all learning religion and of all good men a true worshipper of God zealous in the truth a sincere professor friend of the Gospell a fauourer of faithfull Ministers a worthie member both of Church and common-wealth a faithful dutiful seruiceable and rare subiect like Moses in faithfulnes in meekenes and in zeale against Idolatrie like Iob a iust man fearing God and eschewing euill like Nathaniell a true Israelite without guile Finally a man full of grace pietie curtesie humilitie temperance and other both morall and christian vertues I am not able to commend him according to his deserts that requires a larger discourse and it would perhaps proue an increase of sorrow which is rather to be abated then renewed I will therefore bend my selfe to administer comfort for so great a losse a losse so generall to Church and common-wealth Friends and followers Tenants and seruants and for my owne part I cannot but beare a part in sorrow for the losse of so kind a Patron and Benefactor both to me and mine Yet this is the vse of the prayses of the dead not onely for imitation of their vertues but also for the cōfort of friends aliue And is this a small comfort Right Honourable that you had such a father yea a comfort and blessing it is to be of the seed of the righteous It is a further comfort that you enioyed him so long till your selfe came to ripenesse of yeares that he died in a good age full of daies few of his Auncestors liued longer and howsoeuer he left this life in a strange countrey yet no doubt he died in the true faith of Iesus Christ which he sincerely professed all his life and in the honourable and faithfull seruice of his gratious Soueraigne the Lords annointed It is no wonder that old men die rather it is a wonder in these latter daies that any liue so long Moses in his time made account of mans ordinarie age to be threescore yeares and ten Now the world decayes and the daies of our life is shortned We heare daily of the death of Infants children young men yea Princes taken away in the prime and strength of their yeares what maruell then though the ancient ●ie when the apple is ripe it must needs fall when the candle is spent the light must needs goe out This vse we are to make of the death of young or old to remember alwaies our mortall state and the vncertaintie of our life to be alwaies readie and prepared not to regard but contemne the lusts of the flesh the lust of the eie and the pride of life pleasures honours riches and the vanities of this wicked world Many moe comforts we haue against excessiue and immoderate sorrowe for the death of our best and dearest friends as to consider what they leaue a miserable world and whither they goe to the hauen of happinesse The best sort of the Heathen vsed three remedies against such kind of sorrow First to consider that death is common to all and vnauoydable Secondly that it is the end of miserie and hauen of rest Thirdly that it is likely that the soules liue and are blessed We haue the same and more sure comforts We know that our Redeemer liues and that wee shall see him as hee is Wee know not onely the immortality of the soule but the glorious resurrection of the body and that those that dye in the Lord are blessed Nothing comes to passe without Gods pouidence who is wise and mightie We pray that his will may be done both of vs and in vs. It will nothing auaile vs to torment our selues we are borne to dye many thousands are gone before vs and we must follow Pardon my boldnes right Honourable in presuming to put you in minde of these thinges which both by your own priuate reading and publicke heauing of many worthy men you doe already know and vnderstand sufficiently Yet in my loue to your Honour giue me leaue to adde some further instruction It hath alwaies beene the endeuour of Sathan the common aduersarie of mans saluation by all means possible to draw all sorts degrees and ages of men from the true care and studie of religion and vertue to the effecting whereof hee hath from euery estate his pretended colours and faire pleasing shewes of perswasion alluremēt perswading the elder sort that it is a thing vnseemely vnbefitting their grauitie to become schollers in Christs schoole seeing their heads are filled with other matters namely of the Common-wealth and affaires of this world Hee can tell the middle sort which are in the prime of strength and witte that it is against all equitie and reason that such should bee depriued of the pleasures and delights of the flesh and the world And as for the younger sort hee will easilie make make them beleeue that it is not yet time to serue God that the points of religion are too high for them and able to dull and trouble their tender wits buzzing into their eares that wicked prouerbe A young Saint an olde Diu●ll Thus by his will he would haue none religious because he would haue none saued but rather that all should perish and come to vtter ruine and destruction It is a torment and vexation vnto him to see any well disposed in religion but if wee hearken to the counsell of God in his word wee shall soone finde Sathan herein a lyer a murtherer a seducer For the Lord chargeth all sorts and degrees of men to giue themselues and that betimes to religion and vertue commaunding his law to bee read and published to men women and
grace this woman would haue the courtiers and seruants of Salomon to cōfesse that blessing which she had found in hauing so wise a gouerner and teacher Seuenthly she reioyceth and blesseth God for Salomons instructions so that is the dutie of good hearers as to be thankefull to the men and meanes of their conuersion so much more to God the author and giuer of all good as Dauid blessed Ab●ga●l so first of all he blessed God for her counsell And the same Dauid saith to the Lord I will praise thee with an vpright heart when I shall learne the iudge●ments of thy righteousnes And againe seauen times a day doe I praise thee because of thy righteous iudgements And in another place he exhorteth Ierusalem to praise God as for peace and plentie so chiefely for that he had shewed his word to Iacob his statutes and iudgements to Israel he hath not dealt so with euery nation saith he neither haue they knowne his iudgements praise ye the Lord. Our Sauiour himselfe reioyceth in his spirit and giueth thankes to his heauenly Father for the good successe of the Gospell when Phillip preached in Samaria with great power profit there was great ioy in that Citie the Infidel being conuerted by the preaching of the word blesseth God Eightly good hearers after this royall example are to be bountifull and thankefull to their teachers she giues vnto Salomon abundance of gold sweet odours exceeding much as you may see in the next verse following this our text It may be some will say that Salomo● had no need of such gifts hauing such abundance of wealth and riches It is true yet he doth accept it and requiteth her kindnes with precious presents and gaue her whatsoeuer she asked so that she went home richer then she came richer I am sure in grace and diuine wisedome yet in giuing Salomon such precious gifts she shewed her thankefulnes thinking nothing too deare for such a teacher And though the ministers be not able to requite the kindnesses and liberalities of men yet God is able to doe it and he hath promised to blesse and reward all true friends and benefactors to his seruants And yet the people must knowe that they receiue from good ministers more gaine and profit then they doe from them the ministers they offer and deliuer heauenly misteries the Iewells and treasures of the word the spirituall foode of the soule which is more precious then thousands of gold and siluer they receiue from the people onely earthly and outward maintenance prouision and substance for this bodie and life and therefore the people haue no cause to grudge the maintenance of good ministers seeing if they make their accounts aright the gaine is theirs The Apostle saith Such as labour in word and doctrine are worthie of double honor That is of reuerence and munificence And againe Let him that is taught in the word make him that hath taught him partaker of all his goods they that sowe spirituall things are worthie to reape temporall things And the Lord hath ordained that they that preach the Gospell should liue of the Gospell It is the law of nature equitie and thankfulnes that such should be maintained being spirituall pastors fathers and souldiers and spending themselues as a candle for the common good The good Shunamite is kinde and liberall to Elisha the Prophet not suffring him to want either foode or lodging Holie women in the Gospell ministred vnto Christ and maintained him of their owne substance Cornelius kindly entertaineth Peter L●dea euen constrained Paul and his companie to come to her house And the Iaylor conuerted refresheth Paule and Sila● his prisoners And thus you may plainly see in this worthie example eight notes and markes of good hearers Some before this Texte some in this text and some after and these notes doe containe and comprehend the whole storie of this worthie Queene And now because this whole text is a praise and commendation of Salomon let vs learne from hence that vertue and wisedome is to be commended in whom soeuer we finde it A man saith Salomon● shal be commended for his wisedome and not only great personages but the poorest are to be commended for vertue Better is a poore nise childe saith Salomon then an olde and foolish King which will no more be admonished And againe Better is Wisedome then strength Yet the wisedome of the poore is despised And in an other place Better is the poore that walketh in his vprightnes then he that peruerteth his wayes though hee be rich Saint Iames reprooueth this parcialitie in men who esteeme highlie and magnifie rich men bee they neuer so wicked and despise poore men such as are chosen of God rich in Faith and heyre● of the Kingdome Those that honor mee shall be honoured saith the Lorde and those that despise mee shall be despised God himselfe commendeth and praiseth such He saith of Iob that he was an vpright and iust man one that feared GOD and eschued euill Christ commendeth Iohn the Baptist saying There was not a greater Prophet amongst womens children Zacharie the Priest and his wife Elizabeth are said both by the holie Ghost to bee iust before God and to walke in all the commandements of God without reproofe And Simeon is saide to bee a iust man fearing God and wayting for the consolation of Israel And Christ writing to the seuen Churches Though hee hath something against most of them worthie of blame and reproofe yet hee commendeth anie good thing in them Yea he especially commendeth the church of Smyrna though in persecution and pouertie accounting it rich in grace and spirituall treasures So that it is lawfull and it is our dutie to commend and praise vertue and goodnes in anie the behauiour of good men is such as deserueth draweth loue and praise And this doth incourage them to go forward in goodnes and doth prouoke others to follow their example as the shadow doth follow the bodie so Honor and praise doth follow vertue sometime the wicked doe praise their vertues and are forced to commend them and though they doe it not yet righteous men commonly will praise them and the more godly wise that men are the more praise they deserue and we must take heed that our praise be moderate iust and without flatterie aboue all things we must take heed that we praise not without cause and desert that we neuer iustifie nor commēd the wicked remembring that there is a fearefull woe pronounced against them that speake good of euill euill of good The vse of this doctrine is for the reproofe of many as of those that are so blind and senseles that they cannot see and discerne the grace of God in men others are so dumbe and vnthankfull that though they be partakers of many graces from others which they must needs see
cleare cristall hauing the foundations of the Walles grarnished with precious stones the gates of Pearles which hath no need of Sunne or Moone to shine in it because the brightnes of GOD shal be the light of it and the Lambe himselfe shall be the Candle of it no defiled thing shall enter into it Oh how happie shall the Citizens been that shall liue in such a Citie And thus S. Iohn by the description of the most rich and precious things of the world layeth out vnto vs the value glorie and maiestie of the felicitie prepared for vs in heauen In this miserable life full of sorrowes and cares all sorts of men yea most wicked men haue many commodities pleasures and delight What happines and ioy then shal the friends of God and all good men haue in that life of all true ioy and happines Heerevpon saith a Father in the secret speech of his soule with God O Lorde If thou for this vile bodie of ours giue vs so great and innumerable benefites from the Firmament from the Aire from the Earth from the Sea by light by darknes by heate by shadowe by deawes by showers by windes by raines by Byrdes by Fishes by beasts by Trees by multitude of hearbes and varietie of Plants and by the ministerie of all the Creatures O sweete Lord what manner of things how great how good and how innumerable are those which thou hast prepared in our heauenly countrey where we shall see thee face to face If thou doest so great things for vs in our prison what wilt thou giue vs in thy Pallace If thou giuest so many things in the worlde to good and euill men together what hast thou layde vp for only good men in the worlde to come If thine enimies and friendes together are so well prouided for in this life what shall thy onely Friends receiue in the life to come If there be so great solace in these dayes of teares what ioy shall there bee in that day of marriage If our Iayle containe so great matters what shall our countrey and kingdome doe And as there is no ende of thy greatnes nor number of thy wisdome nor measure of thy benignitie So is there neither end nūber nor measure nor nūber of thy rewards towards thē that loue fight for thee We may sooner set downe what that felicitie is not then what it is there is no death no sorrow no wearines no hunger no thirst no pouertie no infirmitie no corruption all is good and greatly and excellently good yea and surely and contially good All offices and callings both of Church and cōmon-wealth do there cease there is an end of our Faith hope patience prayer sacraments there is an end of originall actuall sin of all miseries both of bodie soule of naturall life the meanes of it God shal be vnto vs King Prince Father riches life glorie yea all things and such a heap of happines that as sundry vessels cast into the middest of the Sea are full of water so as they cānot neither want nor haue more So the Sea of the Deitie being all things in all vs we shall be filled and satisfied with life and glorie so as wee can neither want nor receiue more Then shall wee not onely taste how sweete our God is but wee shal be filled throughly satisfied with his most wonderful sweetnes A chiefe part of our felicitie shall be then to see Christ our brother head and Bridegroome exalted in his diuine Maiestie and brightnes This is their happines that they may be with him and behold his glorie this is the fulnesse and perfection of their ioy O heart humaine poore and needie ô hart exercised with miserie almost cōsumed of them what should thy ioy be if thou hadst the full enioying of the abundance of these good things Aske of thy soule if thou were capable of the ioy which thou shuldst feele of one such felicitie but if besides anie other whome thou louest as thy selfe should enioy the same happines with thee surely this superabounding ioy which thou shouldst feele of thy own happines should it not be twise doubled for the glorie and ioy of him whome thou louest as thy selfe and for whose hahpines thou shouldst be as ioyfull as for thine owne Now if there were two three yea a great number enioying the same happines with thee whom also thou louest as thy selfe thou shouldest feele as much ioy for the happines of each of them as for thine owne what shall this be in this perfect Charitie when wee shall loue all the blessed Angels and the Elect louing euery each one of them euen as our selues and being no lesse ioyfull of the felicitie of eache of them then of our selues Surely if neuer a one of the Elect shall be capable of his owne Ioy for the greatnes of it how shall hee be capable of so many ioyes for the happines of so many of the Elect for whome he shall feele as much ioy as for his owne What a Ioye shall it be to see such an honourable and innumerable companie in ioy with thee As Angels Archangels Patriarkes Princes Prophets Apostles and Disciples of CHRIST Martyrs and Saints of God but yet the greatest ioy of all is to behold the glorie of Christ whom wee shall loue more then all these Yea more then our selues wee shall then see him and know him as he is and so loue him according as hee is Oh blessed and glorious societie ô holy Feast ô delectable dainties where there is no loathing but all satietie and fulnes Hee whome wee shall see is wholie sweete wholy healthfull wholy pleasant and to be desired In him the fulnes of graces is the vniuersalitie of mercies the foūtaine of Pietie which cannot be dried vp O Veritie Charitie Aeternitie ô blessed and blessing Trinitie O Veritie the countrey of Pilgrimes the ende of banishment Thou art true libertie thou art Life thou art Glorie thou art sufficiencie thou art perfect blessednes whollie ioye and the rest of all blessed Spirits O Ioy aboue all Ioyes passing all ioy and without which there is no ioy When shall I enter into thee when shall I enioy thee to see my God that dwelleth in thee O euerlasting kingdome and Kingdom of all Aeternities O light without ende O peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding in which the soules of Saints doe rest with thee and euerlasting ioy is vpon their heads they possesse ioy exultation O how gracious a kingdome is thine ô Lord wherein all Saints doe raigne with thee adorned with light as with Apparell and hauing crownes of precious stones on their heads O kingdome of euerlasting blisse where thou ô Lord the hope of all Saints art and the Diademe of their perpetuall glorie Reioyce them on euery side with thy blessed sight in this kingdome of thine their infinite ioye and Mirth without sadnesse health without sorrowe life without labour light without darkenes felicitie
wise sonne ouer this mightie people And by his power and helpe he furthereth and helpeth Salomon in building a house to the name of the Lord his God The learned doe obserue That in this King is prefigured the vocation of the gentiles who should helpe to build the spirituall Temple of Christ and indeed he speaketh religiously reioycing when he heard Salomons words and blessing the true God for him as great tokens of calling and conuersion if not greater are apparant in this woman If she amongst others be a figure of the calling of the gentiles then it must needs follow that she her selfe was also called for though God made a separation betwixt Iewes and Gentiles and chose to himselfe for a time the seed of Abraham so that the generall calling of the Gentiles was not before Christ his comming in the flesh yet God had alwaies some amongst them as King Hyram Naamon the Syrian Iob this Queene and others She seekes for true wisedome from Salomon and finds it The Church seekes for the treasures of all knowledge comfort and ioy from Christ She commends and magnifies Salomon the Church magnifieth Christ accounting him as her well beloued husband She pronounceth Salomons followers seruants to be blessed the Church accounteth them happie who heare and receiue Christ in this life and them more happie who behold his glory for euer in the life to come She giueth Salomon precious gifts the Church giueth Christ the best things she hath euen her body and soule as a liuing sacrifice louing Christ aboue all and forsaking all for his sake as Abraham forsooke his owne countrey the Apostles their nettes and Paul accounteth all thing● drosse and dung in comparison of Christ And as in this woman we haue a figure of the calling of the Church of the Gentiles so in Salomon we haue a tipe and figure of Christs Salomons kingdome a figure of Christs kingdome his wisedome a figure of Christs wisedome his glory a shadow of Christs glory his riches a tipe of Christs spirituall riches his Temple a tipe of Christs Temple And as Salomon doth kindly accept the gifts and presents of this woman though hee had no neede of them so doth Christ as kindly accept the seruice of his Church And therefore this should encourage vs to giue him the best things we haue with willing and chearefull hearts seeing he is as willing to accept of them a● Salomon doth the gifts of this Queene Againe Salomon bestoweth on her euery pleasant thing which she asketh Christ giueth to his whatsoeuer they aske in his fathers name he giueth vs better thing● then Salomon should giue this Queene namely hee giueth to vs himselfe his body and blood his spirit his word all spirituall graces yea life eternall For howsoeuer there is some resemblance betweene Salomon and Christ yet he is more excellent then any Patriarke Prince Prophet or Saint whatsoeuer Salomon a King of the earthly Ierusalem Christ the King of the spirituall and heauenly Ierusalem of the militant and triumphant Church Salomon a King of peace of outward and earthly peace Christ the King of inward and euerlasting peace Salomon excelled all Kings of his time in wisedome and knowledge Christ the founder and treasurer of wisedome Of his fulnes haue we all receiued grace for grace for God hath not giuen him the spirit by measure Salomon a Prophet a Preacher Christ as the King of all Kings so the Prince of all Prophets and Preachers Salomon and all the rest spake by him Salomon but a man Christ both man and God Omnipotent Creator of all things Salomon a greeuous sinner Christ pure vndefiled without sinne the Sauiour of repenting sinners meriting life for them and making his word effectuall in them And now let vs further note from this religious woman that religion belongeth to women God is their Creator and therfore they are to serue him The first woman was created in the image of God which is true wisedome holines and righteousnes which was lost by the fall of their first parents and they must seeke to recouer it in Christ who died for them as well as for men They are partakers of both the sacraments they haue soules to saue as well as others they are the weaker vessels and sooner ouercome of Sathan they haue many speciall infirmities they are partakers of many blessings and deliuerances from God Therefore religion the feare of God and diuine wisedome appertaineth to them Besides these reasons we haue plentie of holy examples in the scripture as Euah Sarah Rebecca Debora Marie and Elizabeth with many other holie and religious women If then religion belong to women then much more to men As they excell in place and power so they should excell in grace and wisdome They should be examples of zeale and pietie and teachers of their wiues and families This serueth for the confutation of the Papists who locke vp the scriptures from men and women teaching that doth not belong to them to search the scriptures This also maketh against prophane and carelesse women who are altogether negligent in the matters of religion as though it did not belong to their Sexes at all Here are also reproued wicked and prophane husbands who doe not further but altogether hinder their wiues in the exercise and zeale of religion And most cursed are all Athiests carnall men who scorne and deride any profession or shew of religion in women And finally here is comfort and incouragement for all forward and religious women this may be to stirre them vp to proceed go on in the way of godlines hauing so many both reasons and examples set before them mouing and enforcing them to the zeale of religion And as it appertaineth to all men and women in generall so more especially to Gentiles Nobles Lords Ladies Kings and Queenes as they excell and shine before others in diet in apparell in possessions and dignities so should they goe before them in spirituall graces As they haue receiued more blessings from the Lord so are they more tied and bound to him againe and more zeale pietie and thankefulnes is required at their hands according to the saying of our Sauiour To whom much is giuen of him much shall be required Their places and honours should be inducements to pietie as Samuel said to Saul The Lord sent me to annoynt thee King ouer Israel now therefore obey the words of the voyce of the Lord. As if he should haue said because God hath honoured thee thou art bound to obey him It is their chiefe honour to honour God Those that honour me I will honour saith the Lord. The examples of great persons doth most good or most hurt If they be godly they are a meanes to winne many soules to God by their good examples to drawe them to the exercise of true religion If they be wicked they infect dr●we many to destruction with them Therefore religion
Constantine the Christian he gaue it to Iulian the Apostata All these did the true sacred onely wise God dispose and direct as he pleased And if the causes be vnknowne why he did thus or thus is hee therefore vniust His meaning is that God is iust in the disposing and placing Kings or Kingdomes An other cause of this womans ioy and thanksgiuing is Because she saw the loue of God to Sa●omon and to Israel in placing such a king The cause of all blessings and fauors is not any merit in vs but the loue of God The Lord chose Israel aboue other nations not for any worthines in them but because hee loued them All things come from God to his childdren in loue blessings honors riches crosses c Nothing to the wicked in loue their blessings are ioyned with a Curse they are giuen with his lefte hand Except wee haue true Religion Faith and regeneration we cannot be assured of Gods loue And hence we learne That it is a testimony of loue to be chosen to great places either in the Magistracie or M●nistery so that wee be made willing and fit to discharge such places else not The Apostle counteth it a blessing to be made an able minister of the New Testament Againe hee counteth it a mercie of God to be called to the Ministerie But Salomon saith as snowe in summer and raine in haruest are not meete so is honour vnseemely for a foole Now let vs see the manifold testimonies of Gods loue to Salomon Before he was borne God chose him to build his house preferred him before his father in that worke and promised to establish his kingdome So soone as he was borne he was called Iedidiah because the Lord loued him He had a good father Dauid a good mother Bethseba and Nathan the Prophet as his tutor and teacher While his father liued he was annoynted King with ioy and consent of his father and people He was a yonger brother therefore had no right to the crowne by birth yet was chosen extraordinarily to be King by God himselfe in like sort was both Saul and Dauid chosen but afterward Kings were created by election or blood God appeared twise to him and spake familiarly with him He gaue him his desire and more too He was King not of heathen or infidels but of Israel Gods chosen of Ierusalem that holy Citie He built a most glorious Temple prefiguring the true spirituall Temple of God He had peace in all his countries from Dan to Bersheba The Amorites Hittites Perezites Hiuites Iebusites which the children of Israel were not able to subdue he made them all tributaries and bondmen He had wisedome and vnderstanding exceeding much and a large heart euen as the sand that is on the Sea shore being wiser then any man and hee was famous throughout all Nations round about and there came of all people of the earth to heare his wisedome and hee exceeded all the Kings of the earth and all the world both in riches and wisdome and all the world sought to see Salomor to heare his wisedome which God put in his heart So that whatsoeuer God promised to Sal●mon he performed faithfully to the full that none either before him or after him were or should be like him Wee thinke him famous whose ●ame passeth but through a coūtrey or kingdom but his passed through the world and that not lightly but with such a power that not onely his subiects but strangers Infidells Kings and Queenes came from the farthest part of the world to see admire him As this Queene in this place But some may obiect and say Is Salomon aboue all men and kings was he wiser then Adam or Moses I answere these were not Kings neither had they that kinde of glory and power that he had But was hee more wise then the Egipti●n kings or more mightie and wise then his father Dauid or more powerfull glorious and worthie then the Babylonian Persian and Macedonian Kings Was hee more famous then Alexander the Conqueror of the world or mightier then Iulius Caesar or Augustus or richer then Croesus Hee is compared onely with the Kings of Israel He had not onely wisdom not onely glorie not onely power but all those together and herein is no king comparable to him what should we say more his felicitie was admirable vnspeakable and is largely set out in this chapter and in the former chapters of this book So that he had sundry singular testimonies of Gods loue towards him But some will say why did God loue him or how could hee loue him and why did he bestow so many gifts vpō him to his own ruine destruction as it may seem For into what horrible mōstrous sinnes did he fall as we may see in the next chap of this book thus it is written of him King Salomon loued many outlādish womē both the daughter of Pharaoh the women of Moab Ammon Edom Sydon Heath Of the nations wherof the Lord had said to the children of Israel Goe not you in to them nor let them come to you To them I say did Salomon ioyne in loue And he had seuē hundreth wiues that were Princesses three hūdreth concubines And his wiues turned away his hart after other Gods so that his hart was not perfect with the Lord his God as was the hart of Dania his Father And his Idolatrie in following diuers gods is after described also the anger of God against him threatning to rent his kingdome and stirring vp diuers aduersaries against him to vexe him a long time one after another and rent his kingdome and gaue away ten Tribes from him to ●eroboam to the great trouble discredit and vexation of Salomon Wee haue spoken much already of Salomons great felicity but now all is turned into miserie his wisedome into folli● his honor into shame the great ioy that many had of him is now no doubt turned into generall sorrow and lamentation What a fearfull fall is this of such a great person of such a King a Prophet a Preacher and that in his olde age euen then he falleth into follie and vncleannesse euen then his heart was turned from the Lorde after other Gods The loue of out-landish women drewe his heart from the loue of God His sinnes are directly against the writtē law of God against his owne doctrine he is most vnkinde vnthankful to God who had twise appeared vnto him and had bestowed so many priuiledges excellent graces vpon him And therefore the Lorde is iustly angrie with him and grieueth him and vexeth him with diuers aduersaries all the daies of his life He troubled and vexed the Lord therefore the Lord vexeth him Hee diuided Gods worship and therefore the Lord diuided his kingdome This fall of Salomon is most fearfull horrible and lamentable Nay it is incredible that such a man hauing spent his younger time in building Gods house in
wise so that hee preferred the loue and good will of a woman before the word of his God So Aaron knewe well enough that there was no Godhead nor diuine power in the golden Calfe yet fearing least the people should stone him he yeelded to their furie he made an Idoll and promulgated the feast of it In like manner Salomon knowing Idols to be nothing yet being ouercome with the flattring inticements of wicked women he graunted to them diuers kindes of Idolatrie It is dangerous for any Prince to suffer and tollerate any Idolatrous worship for the loue or fauour of any be they neuer so neere or deare vnto them Nay we must all learne generally not to harken to the voyce of our dearest friend though it be our owne lawfull wiues if they goe about to drawe vs to any kind of sinne whatsoeuer This was the cause of Adams fall as we heard euen now This was the cause of that ruine of Ahab and his house because he harkned to the voyce of his wife Iesabell and being perswaded by her most vniustly tooke away Naboths vineyard and also most cruelly tooke his life away from him No naturall affections should cause vs to sinne against God or offend his diuine Maiestie our loue to him should bee greater then to any mortall creature whatsoeuer The Heathen could say Amicus Plato amicus Socrates sed maior amica veritas Plato is my friend Socrates my friend but truth is a greater friend So may wee say Our fathers our mothers our brothers and sisters our wiues children are neere and deare friends vnto vs but yet Christ is our greatest and best friend he hath done and can do most for vs And therefore nothing should draw vs from his loue And touching Idolatrie it is most odious and abhominable in the eyes of God It is a spirituall whoring from God A denying and forsaking of his Maiestie it hath beene the ruine of many Nations and Kingdomes And therefore in no case to bee suffered nor tollerated for the loue of any Therefore the Lord saith to his people The grauen Images of their gods yee shall burne with fire and couet not the siluer and gold that is on them nor take it vnto thee least thou be snared therewith For it is an abhomination before the Lord thy God Bring not abhomination into thy house least thou bee accursed like it But vtterly abhorre it and count it most abhominable And in another place we are forbidden to hearken to the Prophet that doth perswade vs to goe after other gods and that such a one being conuicted and condemned by the Iudge is to die the death Nay though it bee our sonne or daughter or wife or brother wee must not consent to him nor pittie him nor shew him mercy but thou shalt kill him sayeth the Lord thy hand shall bee first vpon him to put him to death and then the hands of all the people And this is the direct law of God Hee that offereth to any gods saue the Lord onely shall bee slayne There must bee then no sufferance at all of any kinde of Idolatrie This was Salomons sinne and therefore it is sayde that his heart was not perfect with God as the heart of his father Dauid was For howsoeuer hee sinned in adulterie and murther and in numbering the people yet he repented presently and neuer did the like againe and he had alwaies this sinceritie and perfection of heart that he neuer defiled himselfe with Idolatrie neither did hee suffer the true worshippe of GOD to bee corrupted in his Kingdome but kept it sincere pure and sound Hee alwayes hated and detested all false worshippe his soule hated Idols as lame and blind guides therefore hee taketh them away at the beginning of his raigne And hee caused the gods of the Philistims to bee burnt with fire The sorrowes saith he of them that offer to another god shall be multiplied their offerings of blood will I not offer neither make mention of their names with my lips It hath beene a blot and blemish vpon many good Kings because they suffered the high places to remayne and it is the chiefe commendation of good Iosiah that he tooke away all the abhominations out of all the countries that perteyned to the children of Israel and compelled all that were found in Israel and compelled all that were found in Israel to serue the Lord their God This blessed King a worthie president of full and perfect reformation he tooke away not onely grosse Idolatrie but all Reliques and remnants all occasions prouocations appearances shewes of Idolatrie One thing more very necessarie and pertinent wee are to learne by Salomons fall namely Not to be offended though we doe see Christian Princes learned Preachers and great professors men of gifts aboue others to be seduced and drawne into great and grosse sinnes wee are indeede to be grieued and much to lament when wee see or heare such things but yet wee must not bee discouraged in our profession and in the trueth of religion Men of greatest gifts haue beene subiect to great sinnes As Adam Noah Lot Abraham Moses Aaron Dauid Sampson and Salomon Sathan doth most enuie such hee standeth at the right hand of Iehosua Hee will winnow and sifte to the very branne the Apostles of CHRIST as hee himselfe warneth them Indeede the bad liues of Preachers and professors are scandalous and offensiue and hinder many in the way of saluation and maketh the worde and profession ill spoken of by many yea loathed and reiected as the sonnes of Elie by their wickednesse made the offering of the Lord to be abhorred In seeking and receiuing counsell saith one the honestie of life and the prerogatiue of vertue doth much preuaile Who will seeke for a fountaine in a dunghill who will drinke of filthie water for where there is luxurie intemperance and other vices whoe will thinke any good to bee drawne from thence how can I take him to bee my superior in counsell whom I see inferior in manners And can I thinke him fitte to giue mee counsell that cannot giue it to himselfe he that giueth counsell to others he must shew himselfe an example of good workes in integritie and grauitie that his speech bee sound and vnrebukeable his counsell profitable and his life honest He that liueth wickedly in the sight of the people as much as in him lyeth he killeth him that looketh vpon him hee that followeth him perhaps dyeth he that followeth him not liueth but as much as in him lyeth he killeth both Examples are stronger then words and it is a more full teaching by workes then by word The house and conuersation of a Preacher is set on a hill all see it and looke vpon it it is as it were a guide and teacher to others whatsoeuer hee doth others thinke that they may doe the like that word is willingly receiued of the hearer which is vttered from the
are made better by weedes the plantes and seedes are hidden choakt but the good husbandman is carefull to plucke them vp so by good lawes men are made better and the wicked which hinder hurt others are restrained suppressed and as husbandmen haue many things to hinder their planting and sowing as wild beasts tempests haile floods drought so haue gouernours hinderances and enemies to their gouernment which they will carefully auoyde as well as they can This comparison of husbandrie as it setteth out the necessitie and excellencie of gouernment so it sheweth the great care and labour that is ioyned with it for who is more carefull and painefull then the husband man let therefore magistrates be humbled in consideration of the vertues and duties of their great calling and yet for their further humiliation let them remember their owne infirmities and wants to performe their dutie as they ought Let them remember that they are subiect to the temptations of the diuell of the flesh and the world and let them knowe that they are subiect to the common miseries of this life and to other miseries and crosses incident and peculiar to their calling and let them in no case forget that they must giue account to the great Iudge and gouernour of all the world how they haue behaued themselues in their places and callings It shall be said to them to euery one of them Come giue account of thy stewardship thou mayest be no longer steward And for their further humiliatiō they must knowe that they cannot tell how long they shall enioy those places of honour and dignitie being subiect to death as well as others and they cannot tell how soone they may be taken away Agathon had wont to say that a magistrate must alway remember these three things First that he ruleth men secondly that he must rule according to lawes and thirdly that he shall not alwaies rule The consideration of this latter poynt of the shortnes and vncertaintie of this life that we must certainely die and we knowe not how soone is able to humble the mightiest potentate in the earth The highest of them all may say I my selfe am also mortall and a man like all other and am come of him that was first made of the earth and in my mothers wombe was I fashioned as others are and when I was borne I receiued the common ayre crying and weeping at the first as all others doe I was nourished in swadling cloathes and with cares For there is no king that hath any other beginning of birth all men haue one entrance to life and a like going out Dauid calleth death the hie way of all the earth and he himselfe putteth gouernours in minde of their mortall state for howsoeuer he saith that God standeth in the assemblie of gods he iudgeth among gods And againe I haue said yee are gods and yee all are children of the most high this he speaketh of magistrates magnifying and extolling their office and giuing them three times in that Psalme the glorious and sacred titles of Gods yet least they should be puffed vp with the excellencie of their callings presently he telleth them ye shall die as a man and you Princes shall fall like others He would haue them remēber that though they be gods yet they are but mortall gods of this mortall state of Princes we to our great discomfort haue had wofull experience not long since in this our Land A worthie young Prince of great hope the flower and Iewell of our land the comfort of his parents and of all good Christians and subiects the heire apparent of sundrie kingdomes how soone hath the Lord taken him away in the prime of his tender young and flourishing age happie no doubt is he that is so soone taken away from a miserable world but vnhappie are we whose sinnes hath caused the Lord to take such a Iewell from vs it cannot but prognosticate some heauie iudgement to this our nation and countrie and great cause haue all christian hearts amongst vs to mourne and lament for such a great losse This Church may say as Naomi said vpon the death of her husband when they called her Naomi she answered them call me not Naomi that is beautifull but call me Marah that is bitter for the almightie hath giuen me much bitternesse Why call you me Naomi seeing the Lord hath humbled me and the almightie hath brought me to aduersitie Wee may mourne and say with Dauid mourning for the death of Ionathon Tell it not in Gath nor publish it in the streetes of Ashkelon least the daughters of Philistimes reioyce least the daughters of vncircumcised triumph And as he saith in an other place after the death of Abner there is a Prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel But blessed be God who is still more mercifull to vs then we deserue and in iudgements remembreth mercy who though for our sinnes hath cut off so precious a branch yet the blessed tree is yet aliue and standeth and flourisheth and also some sweet branches to our great comfort and hope Now the Lord of mercy blesse them all and multiplie and encrease them and continue them and theirs if his will be to the end of the world to their owne comfort the shame of their enemies and to the common good of this Church and common-wealth yet let vs not forget that heauie iudgement but so remember it that it may drawe vs to true repentance for that is the true vse of all iudgements and let vs learne to depend wholy and onely on God and not vpon any mortall man Remembring that counsell of Dauid put not your trust in Princes nor in the sonne of man for there is no helpe in him his breath departeth and he returneth to his earth then his thoughts perish blessed is he that hath the God of Iacob for his helpe whose hope is in the Lord his God which made heauen and earth the sea ' and all that therein is which keepeth his fidelitie for euer And let this and the like examples of the death of great persons put all in minde though they be neuer so high of the mortall state of all the children of men of what state or conditions soeuer they be And thus though gouernours and magistrates take occasion by the dignitie of their places yet both this and many other causes may moue drawe and induce them to true humilitie And now let vs drawe neerer to the description of the seuerall duties required of Christian gouernours both in this and in many other places of scripture the Lord doth not onely in his word set downe generally the rules of all christianitie but also the seuerall duties of all states degrees and callings as of fathers children maisters and seruants husbands wiues kings subiects wherein we may see the fulnes equitie of scripture applying it selfe and speaking to all sorts of men Againe we learne this
the publike Magistrate God speaketh thus to his people Israel saying These words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart and thou shalt rehearse them continually vnto thy children and shall talke of them when thou tarriest in the house and as thou walkest by the way and when thou lyest downe and when thou risest vp This is a generall commandement to all Gods people whatsoeuer and much more to the Magistrate this dutie of household gouernment is most ancient commended and commanded of God Euery Christian householder is to be as a King Priest and Prophet in his owne house As a King to rule as a Priest to pray and as a Prophet to teach Their care must be that the wise be the spouse of Christ their seruants to be Gods seruants their children the children of God Most are carefull to see their owne busines and workes followed in no case neglected why should they not be as carefull to see the workes of God his seruice busines duly performed in their families They carefully prouide for all necessarie proui●iō for the maintenāce of their bodies so farre goeth an Infidel and the like care they haue also of their beastes but Christians must goe further and see that the soules of their families be fed and prouided for and so they shall find much fruit and profit to themselues for this is the way and meanes to make painefull faithfull and conscionable seruants and also by this meanes true religion is continued to our posteritie whereas if we faile in this dutie religion may decay and die with vs for any thing that we doe For the continuance and propagation of it most are carefull specially great persons men of power and wealth that their names riches and houses may continue if they could for euer And shall not we haue as great a care for the preseruation and continuance of Gods true worship and seruice to the ages to come To moue vs to this dutie let Magistrates and others 〈◊〉 set before their eies the examples of holy worthie mē in scripture how 〈◊〉 they were in teaching and 〈…〉 their families Our first 〈…〉 Adam had a 〈◊〉 of this and therfore he taught his two sonnes how to sacrifice to the true God Abraham is commended of God and he promiseth to blesse him for it because he commanded his so●nes and his household after him that they keepe the way of the Lord to do righteousnes and iudgement Iacob said to his householde and to all that were with him Put away the strāge gods that are among you and change your garments After the example of Iacob let others cleanse their houses as of Idolls so of ignorance of prophanes of bl●sphemie of filthie speaking and of all vncleannes and wickednes For these and such like doe infect pollute and defile both houses and kingdomes And let euery one say with good Ioshua I and my house will serue the Lord. And as Hannah gaue her sonne Samuel to the Lord so let euery one giue and dedicate their families to God And as Iob euery day sanctified his sonnes by praying to God for them so let euery one sanctifie themselues and their whole familie by good instructions and sweete prayrs to God The example of Dauid is most worthie to be imitated of all and especially of Magistrates he professeth his care both in ruling himselfe and his familie the whole Church and kingdome he professeth his pietie to God the vprightnes of his owne heart and the wisedome that he had in discerning and separating the good from the euill both in his ●wne house and countrey Hee will suffer no wicked person in his house hee will reforme both Church and Common-wealth he will not bee partaker of other mens sinnes nor suffer the blood of them to cleaue to his soule Worthie also is the example of Cornelius a Captaine yet a deuout man one that feared God with all his household and he had souldiers fearing God And sending for Peter for further instruction when he was come he sayde that both hee and all his were there present before God to heare all things from the mouth of Peter that was commaunded him of God I will alledge but one example more of two householders the man and the woman persons of no greate account in the world but yet religious and religiously gouerning their household 〈◊〉 meane Aquila and Presilla Aquila the husband a Tent-maker Presilla his wife Saint Paul sayeth of them Greete Presilla and Aquila my fellow helpers in Christ Iesus likewise greet the Church that is in their house It is sayd of these two in another place That they taught Apollos a learned and eloquent man yet they taught him the way of God more perfectly then he knew before S. Paul confesseth they were helpers to him in the Lord and that they had a Church in their house His meaning is that in their house there was such instruction reading hearing prayer conference and other diuine exercises that their household was as a little Church If these poore and priuate persons had such religious care of their familie how carefull ought Gouernours and Magistrates to bee for the gouernment of their families which are to bee directions and examples to others One example more I must needes ayme and poynt at I cannot auoid it it lieth in the text that is the example of Salomon commended vn to vs by this woman as in this verse shee commendeth the gouernment of his kingdome so in the former verse she admireth and magnifieth the gouernmēt of his house she saw such good order amongst his seruants such diuine wise instructions by Salomō that she bursteth out into these words Happy are thy men happie are these thy seruants which stand euer before thee and heare thy wisedome his house was so wisely gouerned that she accoūteth them blessed who dwell and liue vnder his gouernment but vnhappie are many seruants and children who haue cause to curse both parents and maisters who by their follie carelesnes and bad example doe leade them to hell and to euerlasting destruction The Courts of Princes and great mens houses they should not be sinkes of sinne nor yet cages of follie and vncleannes but they should be patternes of pietie of wisedome and religion of temperance and all other vertues patternes I say to the inferior sort whose cies are vpon them and are readie to follow them in good or euill That which the Apostle applieth to the minister that may be applied also to the Magistrate he saith that the Minister must be one that can rule his owne house honestly hauing children vnder obedience with all honestie for if any cannot rule his owne house how shall he care for the Church of God THE SEVENTH SERMON VERSE 9. And made thee King to doe equity and righteousnesse IT is the duety and part of good Gouernours as wee haue heard already to begin
are preserued and established Therefore Dauid exhorteth his son Salomon To walke in the Waies Statutes and Iudgements of God that so hee might prosper in all things he went about The Lord by Ieremy declaring how happy Iosiah the father had bene and how cursed Iehoiakim the sonne should bee and why the one did speed so well and the other so badly saith Shalt thou raigne because thou closest thy selfe in Cedar Did not thy father eate and drinke and prosper when hee executed Iudgement and Iustice when hee iudged the cause of the afflicted and the poore hee prospered was not this because hee knew mee saith the Lord but thine eies and thy heart are onely for thy couetousnesse And therefore the Lord threatneth in the next wordes to destroy him This iustice is profitable to the whole Common-wealth both to the good and the bad Therefore the Lord commanding the rebellious sonne to bee put to death So saith hee thou shalt take away the euill from among you that all Israel may heare it and feare Where Iustice is neglected sin raigneth Because sentence against an euill worke saith the Wise-man is not executed speedily therefore the heart of the children of men is fully set in them to doe euill On the contrary it must follow that where there is true execution of Iustice there the hearts of men are drawne and terrified from euill The blewnesse of the wound serueth to purge the euill and the stripes within the bowels of the belly Againe To the Horse belongeth a whip to the Asse a bridle and arod to a Fooles backe His meaning is that by such sharpe correction foolish men are stayed and kept in order And in another place Smite a scorner and the foolish will beware Meaning that simple and ignorant men will bee warned when they see the wicked punished they will take heed by others mens harmes And the Lord hath ordained iudgements for the scorners and stripes for the backe of fooles To this duty of Iustice the example of God may incite and moue all Christian Magistrates they are in his steed and therefore are to follow his example in punishing offenders Hee is a most iust and seuere Iudge and a very consuming fire against sinne and wickednesse Hee is a God that loueth not wickednesse neither shall euill dwell with him the foolish shall not stand in his sight hee hateth all them that worke iniquity Againe The Lord will try the righteous but the wicked and him that loueth iniquity doth his soule hate vpon the wicked hee shall raigne snares fire and brimstone storme and tempest this is the portion of their cup. And in another place Surely God will wound the head of his enemies and the hairy pate of him that walketh in his sinnes Most fearefull examples of his iustice and iudgement wee haue vpon the first world vpon Sodom and Gomorrah yea vpon his owne people Israel What kind of offenders wee ought to punish more seuerely wee may haue direction from the Law of God that those whom hee appointed to die should not bee spared for wee must not make our selues more mercifull then God is himselfe wilfull murther is death by the Law of Princes and it is death by the Law of God Yea before the Law written it was said to Noah Who so sheddeth mans bloud by man shall his bloud bee shed for in the Image of God hath hee made him And in the Law Written He that killeth any man hee shall bee put to death And Adultery also is death by the Written Law of God The man that committeth adultery with another mans wife because hee hath committed Adultery with his neighbours wife the Adulterer and the Adulteresse shall die the death Theft was not so seuerely punished but they were to make restitution and restore foure-fold that which they had stolne Theft in our age is more seuerely punished it is certaine that Theft is a grieuous sinne against the Law of God against Equity and Iustice but I see no reason why the Theefe shall dye a shamefull death and the Whore-maister escape with lesser punishment seeing that Salomon compareth the Theefe and the Whore-maister together sheweth in diuers respects that Adultery is a greater and more grieuous sinne then Theft because the Theefe may make restitution and so can neuer the other This is the corruption of Nature that men make more account of money and goods then of religion or honesty and Adulterers being spared and left aliue many questions are raysed and propounded which can hardly bee answered Namely whether the innocent party or nocent party may marry whether they may be reconciled againe or no. Let the Adulterer and Adulteresse according to the Morall Law of God die the death and then these questions will bee idle and superfluous And as Magistrates may punish Murtherers by the same reason they may as well punish Heretickes Idolatours false Prophets for indeed these they murther mens soules they runne a whoring from God and they rob him of his honor We heard partly before that false Prophets and Idolatours were to die the death and wee haue examples of good Kings and Rulers which haue put such to death and if the Magistrate bee the keeper of both the Tables then hee is to punish the transgression of the one as well as the other and if the transgressions of the first Table bee more hainous and grieuous then the transgressions of the second Table there is no reason why they should bee lesse and more slightly punished Moses said to the children of Israel after they had worshipped the golden Calfe Thus saith the Lord God of Israel put euery man his sword to his side go to and fro from gate to gate through the Host and s●ay euery man his brother and euery man his companion and euery man his neighbour so the Children of Leuic did as Moses had commanded and there fell of the people the same day about three thousand men For Moses had said consecrate your hands vnto the Lord this day euen euery man vpon his sonne and vpon his brother that there may bee giuen you a blessing this day Iehu slew all the Priests of Baal burnt their Images destroyed the image of Baal and threw downe the house of Baal and made it an house of all filthinesse and vncleanesse Iosiah putteth downe the Idols killeth the Priests the Chemerimes hee burneth the groues brake downe the house of the Sodomites hee defaced the High places hee tooke away them that had familiar Spirits and other abhominations and compelled all that were found in Israel to serue the Lord. The like power hath all Christian Kings Princes and Gouernours in their owne Kingdomes and Dominions The Prophet Prophecieth of the latter times saying as from the Lord I will cut off the names of the Idols out of the Land and they shall no more bee remembred And I will
if I giue sentence contrary to law Solon said that the safety of the Common-wealth consisteth in these two points that rewards be distributed after the desert of vertue and punishments after the quality of the offence Iustice saith one knoweth not father knoweth not mother but knoweth the truth accepteth no person but followeth God God is a iust Iudge against wicked persons and if any do stay Iustice and Iudgement through bribes or rewards their sinne and corruption is the greater and a Iudge may be ashamed to say to any offender What wilt thou giue me to shew thee fauour or doe thee Iustice Is not this as if it should bee said What wilt thou giue me to deny my selfe to loose my Office and to sell God himselfe There bee three things saith one which hinder Iustice the fauour of friends flattering praise and receiuing of rewards But this latter is of greater force then the two other There may be causes why punishments may be delayed or lessened some offenders are greater then others and are ring-leaders to wickednesse these deserue more sharpe punishment Others are seduced and fall by occasion these are more mildly to be dealt withall But the inferiour Magistrates can do nothing in such cases without the direction and counsell of the superiour As there be differences of offenders and offences so there be differences of lawes against the which they doe offend Some lawes haue their ground warrant from the law of God and Nature to the transgressers of these there should bee granted no fauour or remission There be other positiue written lawes of the countrey concerning lesser and smaller matters in these the Magistrates haue power sometimes vpon good occasion to remit and pardon so that it be not against the glory of God To this agreeth the words of his Maiesty to his gracious sonne There be some horrible crimes saith he not to be pardoned as Witch-craft wilfull murther incest poyfoning false coine and so hee concludeth that fauour is to be shewed in lesser matters and specially in such as concerne our owne priuate causes But see here the corruption of our nature we are more seuere in our owne causes then in Gods cause wee striue and contend and make a stirre for our riches possessions glory and credite if any goe about to diminish and impaire them how violent cruell and implacable are we But if it be the cause of God how modest how gentle and milde are we Is not this to preferre our selues before God The children of Israel contrary to Gods commandement suffer the Cananites and the Moabitish women to liue Saul spareth Agag and the remnant of Amalecke And another King of Israel spareth Benhadad contrary to Gods commandement And thus men are willing to spare where God would not haue spared and where they should bee most patient and kinde there they are cruell Whereas in our own causes we ought to be patient and mercifull but as for the cause and glory of God we are to be in it most zealous and seuere And there bee some offenders whom the Lord will haue cut off in all seuerity without any fauour pitty or compassion He saith of Amalecke I will vtterly put out the remembrance of Amalecke from vnder heauen Yea the Lord sware that he would haue a warre with Amalecke from generation to generation And he chargeth his people Israel that when they had rest from their enemies and possessed the good Land hee had promised them that then they should not forget to execute these his iudgements on those people and roote them quite out The reason why God did so hate and pursue this people was their hard and cruell dealing against the children of Israel and therefore long after when Saul was King hee giueth him this charge saying Goe and smite Amalecke and destroy all that pertaines vnto them and haue no compassion on them but slay both man and woman both infant and suckling both Oxen and sheepe both Cammell and Asse But Saul vpon a foolish pitty spared Agag the King and some of the fattest beasts but the Lord did not spare him but thrust him out of his kingdome for his disobedience And Samuel said to Agag As thy sword hath made women childl●sse so shal thy mother be childlesse amōg other women And Samuel being a Iudge hewed Agag in peeces before the Lord in Gilgall Ahab a King spared another King whom God would not haue spared but the Lord said to him Because thou hast let goe out of thy hands a man whom I appointed to dye thy life shall goe for his life and thy people for his people These be fearefull examples for Kings and Princes that they take warning by them how they spare any vpō any sinister respect whom God in his iust iudgement would haue smitten with the stroke of death and this is no cruelty to follow the example and commandement of God himselfe Hee saith to a wicked and rebellious people If I whet my glistering sword and my hand take hold on iudgement I will execute vengeance on mine enemies and will reward them that hate mee I will make mine arrowes drunke with bloud and my sword shall eate flesh for the bloud of the slaine and the captiues when I begin to take vengeance of the enemy And the people pray thus to God against the seede of Esau because they conspired with the Babylonians Remember say they the children of Edom ô Lord in the day of Ierusalem which said Raze it to the foundation thereof O daughter of Babel worthy to bee destroyed blessed shall he be that rewardeth thee as thou hast serued vs. Blessed shall he bee that taketh and dasheth thy children against the stones No pitty nor mercy is to bee shewed to such as bee sworne enemies to the Church and their owne Countrey to bloudy Babylonians grosse Idolaters And yet as there must bee vpright iustice in all good Magistrates so to this also there must bee ioyned clemency and mercy there is vse and place of both and Iustice and Mercy both of them may bee abused but true Mercy and Clemency is an excellent vertue to all Christian Princes and Gouernours They are in the place of God who is full and rich in mercy and compassion and whose mercie is ouer all his workes they are to follow the example and nature of God whose Image they represent and carry they gouerne and rule not beasts but men and therefore all humanity is to bee vsed towards them they are to punish with griefe and compassion A Physition giueth to a patient his friend some bitter potion which hee could bee content in loue to cast away but onely that hee knoweth that it will bee for the good and health of his friend And thus Magistrates are to thinke of punishments as of medicines whereby the guilty may be amended and others by their examples terrified When the guilty is to be condemned the Magistrate is to thinke
walles in a Citty which are for beauty and defence but a Citty may stand without wals it cannot stand without Lawes such good Lawes of equity and righteousnesse they are the very Life and Soule of a Citty or Kingdome To Lawes there must bee ioyned of necesssity Iudges and Officers which giue vigour and life to Lawes the Office of these is to doe Iudgement and Iustice that is to know Causes and then to pronounce sentence accordingly that so euery man may haue right this is properly Gods Office they are in his place therefore to deale vprightly Worthy is that counsell of Moses to the Iudges in his time saying Heare the controuersies betweene you brethren and iudge righteously betweene euery man and his brother and the stranger that is with him yee shall haue no respect of persons in iudgement but shall heare the small as well as the great yee shall not feare the face of Man for the Iudgement is GODS The like counsell giueth good King Iehosaphat to his Iudges saying Take heed what yee doe for yee execute not the iudgements of man but of the Lord and hee will bee with you in the cause and iudgement Wherefore now let the feare of the Lord be vpon you take heed and do it for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God neither respect of persones nor receiuing rewards And remember that counsells Consider the matter consult and giue sentence Iudgement must proceed from the light of reason and not from Passion both parties must be heard euery one must haue freedome to speake that there may bee true and vpright iudgement the corruptions of Iustice are these negligence and want of skill vnnecessarie and vniust delaies desire of gaine respect of friends and kindred foolish pitty and sometimes slauish feare but all these and such like hinderances of Iustice good Magistrates must auoide and cast off To Lawes and Iudgement there must be added Execution for what are Lawes without of Execution but euen like bels without clappers Lawes are like vnto young children and Infants which are left desolate without parents and yet haue portion and patrimony but would soone consume it or others would deceiue them of it except they haue faithfull Tutors and Guardians to guide and protect them so haue Lawes need of faithfull Patrones and Keepers or else they will bee brought into contempt by the forgetfulnesse negligence and corruption of some and the malice of others For what better is it to haue Law-makers and faithfull Intepreters of the same except they bee carefully kept and defended Therefore due punishments to offenders are to bee iustly and rightly executed To this purpose saith Salomon A King that sitteth on the throne of Iudgement chaseth away all euill with his eyes Againe A wise King scattereth the wicked and causeth the wheele to turne ouer them And in another place Take the drosse from the siluer and there shall proceed a vessell for the finer take away the wicked from the King and his Throne shall bee stablished in righteousnesse The Apostle saith If thou do euill fear for hee beareth not the sword for nought for hee is the Minister of God to take vengeance of him that doth euill This is one speciall end of the Magistrates calling to punish to restraine and represse the wicked The Magistrate is a minister of Iustice and Law the iudgements is the Lords and not his the impunity of the wicked is hurtfull to themselues by this meanes they runne into further sinne and they do encourage others to do the like it were better to turne loose wilde Boares Beares and Woulues amongst the people then such pestilent men by the punishment of such the Common-wealth and the Church is freed from the note of infamy and it is no small honour to God And by this many others are terrified from sinne and are brought to repentance and so to saluation yea the danger of infection is remoued and taken away a little leuen sowreth the whole lumpe and a few wicked men do much hurt in drawing seducing and infecting others yea by such execution of Iustice the wrath of God his heauy iudgements vpon a Land are stayed remoued When Achan was put to death for taking the excommunicate thing which was commanded to bee destroyed when hee I say was stoned to death then the Lord turned frō his fierce wrath which before was kindled against his people The Prophet Dauid saith thus of the people of Israel That they ioyned themselues vnto Baal Peor and did eate the offrings of the dead thus they prouoked him to anger with their owne inuentions and the plague brake in vpon them but Phinies stood vp and executed iudgement and the plague was staied and it was imputed to him for righteousnesse from generation to generation for euer When disobedient Ionas is cast out of the Ship stormes and tempests cease the sea is quiet the Ship and those that are in it are safe Magistrates do punish because God by these examples will bee knowne to bee a God who descernes betwixt things vniust and iust and is iustly angry with sinne and because hee would haue these momentary punishments vpon few to forewarne all of iudgements to come and of eternall punishments and by this meanes also hee prouideth for the commodity of others for the wicked are taken away so that they can hurt no more And this part of Iustice is for the credite and honour of the Magistrate Therefore saith Salomon Hee that saith to the wicked thou art righteous him shall the people curse and the multitude shall abhorre him but to them that rebuke him shall be pleasure and vpon them shall come the blessing of goodnesse Againe They that forsake the Law raise the wicked but they that keepe the Law set themselues against them Wicked men vnderstand not iudgement but they that seeke the Lord vnderstand all things Againe This Iustice is a sweete sacrifice pleasing to God it is the Magistrates sacrifice it is more acceptable then other sacrifices Therefore saith the wise man To do iudgement and iustice is more acceptable to the Lord then sacrifice And the Lord saith thus to hypocrites that abounded in sacrifices but neglecting Iustice I hate and abhorre your feast daies and I will not smell in your solemne assemblies though you offer mee burnt offerings and meate offrings I will not accept them neither will I regard the peace offrings of your fat beasts take thou away from me the multitude of thy songs for I will not heare the melody of thy Viols and let iudgements runne downe as waters And in another place to such hypocrites as abounded with plenty of sacrifices it is said He hath shewed thee ô man what is good and what the Lord hath required of thee surely to do iustly to loue mercy to humble thy selfe and to walke with thy God By this Iustice the states of Citties and Kingdomes