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B09348 A voice out of the wildernes, crying with many tears and strong perswasions to the world for repentance. Proving by undeniable grounds from the word of God, that the great day of his righteous judgment will certainly be in this present age, namely about the 45th. yeer after the ruine of Rome, in 1666. Wherein are unfolded many great and wonderful mysteries of God, foretold in his word to come to pass unto th' end of the world. This work consists of five small tracts: 1. To the church of Rome, printed first in an. 1588. 2. To Qu. Elizabeth, presented to her in an. 1589. 3. To the E. of Essex in her days, called, Babylon is fal'n 4. To K. James, being an exposition of the 11. 12, 13. ch. Apoc. 5. De fide, against Baro, since translated into English. / By T.L. sometime a student in the University of Cambridge in the daies of Q: Elizabeth. T. L. 1661 (1661) Wing L83A; ESTC R179227 116,012 190

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with a word of audience Behold the third woe will come meaning the great and terrible day of the Lord fore-denounced by his servants the Prophets in the which all Nations shall stand as Prisoners before him and receive every one according to the wayes wherein their heart hath walked And because the day of the Lords comming in glory and consummation of the world shall not lon● tarry after the determination and consumption ●● Antichrist as in the last verse of the thirteenth Chapter following shall be more fully declared the holy Ghost addeth the word quickly as a precise note of his speedy comming which our Lord also in another place confirmeth by a like word immediatly saying And immediatly after the tribulation of those dayes speaking of the tyrannous reigne of the Mat. 24. selfe same Antichrist they shall see the Son of man comming in the clouds of the aire VERS 15. And the seventh Angell sounded with a Trumpet andthere were made loud voices in heaven saying The Kingdomes of this world are made our Lords and his Christs and he shall reigne for ever and ever Amen TH' understanding of this verse dependeth upon the 8. Chapter where it is said And when he had opened the seventh Seale there was made silence in heaven c. And I saw seven Angells stand in the sight of God and there were given them seven Trumpets c. Where the holy Ghost meaneth by the Lamb the Son of God and by opening the seaventh Seale a more particular discovery of all such things as concerne the estate of his Church from his ascension to his comming in Majesty divided into seven acts declared by seven Trumpets sounded by seven Angels of which acts the sixth was the pageant of the de●olation of Antichrist the seventh and last is the comming of the Lord in the clouds of Heaven and consummation of the world uttered in these words And the seventh Angel sounded with a Trumpet and with a loud voice proclaimed the Kingdomes of this world so long time usurped by Monarchs and Antichrists which by right of Lordship and Inheritance did evermore belong to the God of Heaven and Prince of the Covenant shall how at length be restored to the right Lord and lawfull owner and of his reigne dominion and glory there shall be no end as the Spirit concludeth saying And he shall reigne for ever and ever Amen VERS 16. And the four and twenty Elders which sat on their seats in the sight of God fell on their faces and adoring God said We thanke thee Lord God Omnipotent which art which wast and which shalt come because thou bast received thy great power and brightnesse BY the foure and twenty Elders is meant the testimony of Moses and the Prophets who for that they spake by the seven-fold Spirit of Majesty which burneth night and day about the Throne of God are here said to sit on their seats in the sight of God And for that their judgements denounced from time to time agai●st Antichrist and his Worshippers are now just●●●●● upon them and the everlasting Kingdome of the Lord their God who hath stretched his wings from Sea to Sea and from the river to the end of lands is now set up for evermore therefore the Spirit saith that they fell on their faces and adoring the justification of God brake forth in praises and thanksgiving saying We thank thee Lord God Omnipotent c VERS 17. And the Gentiles were angry and thy wrath is come and the time of the dead to be judged and to render reward to ●hy Servants the Prophets and Saints and to the●●ha● feare thy Name little and great and to destroy the● that have corrupted the earth ANd all Ki●gdomes Nations and people which have evill intrea●ed Jerusalem and made a sport of the shame and affliction of Jacob shall now reap the fruit of their savage and hea●henish lives and mangre their fury shall endure the wrath and judgement of him who with justice judgeth and fighteth as the Spirit affirmeth saying And the Genti●● were angry and ●hy wrath i● come and the time of the dead to be judged And the Spi●it further ●estifieth that the Lord for whole glory that day was made shall render to every one their due hire or wages fo● so ●●e Origina●l importeth commonly inte●preted reward first to his Saints and servants and all that ove come their hi●e and wages which by promise and for his own● Name sake is due unto them Next to all ex●cra●le Atheists blasphemous Catholicks incredulous Heathen liers Hereticks carnall Gospellers and all other brazen and unregenerate Ch●istians the hire and wages wh●ch to their works and deeds an● merits ●s due ●s the Sp●rit concludeth saying And to render reward unto thy servants the Prophets and Saints and to them that feare thy name little and great and to destroy them that have corrupted the earth But concerning this seventh age wherein the Lord shal come in Majesty to judge the quick and the dead the Holy Ghost deferreth yet a while to speake mo●e particularly thereof and resumeth more exactly to intreate of the terme and pers●cution of Antichrist and his a●complices against the Church and Spouse of Christ that so the glory of his justice in thei● just refuration and judgement may bee more bright and manifest CHAP. XII 1. A confirmation of the Prophecy following 2. The description of the Church and of her Primitiv● fruit 4. The Chur hes first persecution raised by Ethnick Rome by whose immanity it came to passe that her beauty was no more seen in her visible and eminent graces but lived here and there dispersed and scattered over the face of the Earth 8. The great battell betweene Christianisme and P●ganisme Christ and his Truth overcommeth Jupiter and hi● profenation 18. The Emperour re●oveth his Throne pretending to stop the float of th' Enemy but intending to root out the dispersed remnant of the Church VERS 1. And the Temple of God was opened in heaven and the A●k of his Covenant was seen in his Temple and there was made lightnings voices thunders earth-quakes and great haile TH ' Apostle having drawne in the former part of this Prophesie a slight draught as it were and designment of Antich●ist doth now in the Prophecy following revisit and perfect the discovery of the Beast and hang him up to the view and discerning of heaven and earth And to the end that this his worke of manifestation may carry in it faire and uncontrollable credit the Apostle in this Verse assureth us that he revealeth no other word concerning the Church and her pressures here on earth during the personall absence of her Lord then that which he heard at the Councell table of God which he delivereth in a manner of speech usuall with the Prophets And the Temple of God was opened in Heaven and the Ark of his Covenant was seen in the Temple alluding to the Temple of Jerufalem and ●ignisying thereunder that the words
and goddesses of their owne forging must be resigned now to the true Lord and owner of all who hath taken his place at the right hand of the Father and hath deposed for ever from their usurped titles of deitie all gods and goddesses phantasmes made of worms created and divified by th'inventions relations consecrations and canonizations of the Dragon his Taile and successors as the spirit discovereth in saying Neither the place of them was found any more in Heaven VERS 10. And that great Dragon was throwne downe the old Serpent called the Devil and Satanas which seduceth the whole world and he was cast into the earth and his Angels were throwne downe with him ANd the great and prophane power of the Roman Monarchy which had so long time oppressed and corrupted the earth was now at length detected and thereupon disseized of and from her usurped claim of heaven for ever as the Spirit discovereth in saying And that great Dragon was throwne downe And for that the Devil did corporally dwell as it were in her spreading the beams of his wickednesse at full in all idolatry impietie and presumption against God and in all oppression injustice and immanitie towards man the Spirit crowneth her with the cognoments of her Sire calling her for her malice to the truth a Serpent for her crimination of the Saints a devil and for hostility to God and his Saints Satanas speaking therein after the manner of the Lord himselfe who calleth his treacherous steward a Divel though he were a man because the fullnesse of Satan did dwell in him filling his heart with●such a perfect hatred of his innocent Lord and ●amentable love of his guilty penie that he sold Ca●aan for Egypt heaven for hell and God for silver And because th' impietie of Governors is not onely their owne decay by evil doing but also by enforcement and evil example the ruine of their people the Spirit layeth the seduction of the whole earth to the charge of the Dragon for ruling it after the level and prescription of Rome saying which seduceth the whole world and thereupon giveth just judgement and sentence of death against him namely that as in his beginning he crept out of the earth and by the scale of his wickednesse ascended so high as to presume to thrust his haughty head into heaven and build his nest above the stars as did his antecefsors Assur Beltassar Darius Alexander and the rest of their compeers so by a like power of sword and cruelty he shall shortly returne to his friends againe and be made even with the earth from whence his stock and first estate was borrowed and the power of his Cesars counsell of his Senators sophistry of his Sorcerers which with such indurate and obstinate minds stood for th' honour and worship of Devils should be no longer able to uphold the reverence of their Jupiter Capitolinus who was now detected for a Rogue and by the voices of Michaels Angels as by whips and pasports was sent home againe to the place of his birth namely the earth from whence his mortall and vile genealogie was taken and with with him also were Cesars undivified and for all their Senates proud relations were made to take up the grave for their latter end and shame for their same and wormes for their heritage as the Spirit soretelleth saying And be was cast downe unto the earth and his Angels were throwne downe with him VERS 11. And I heard a great voice in heaven saying Now is made salvation and force and Kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ because the accuser of our brethren is cast downe who accused them before the sight of our God day and night NEither was this famous victory obtained in ● corner or spoken in the ear but as the Spirit reporteth so valourously gotten and so audibly proclaimed that all the world heard the repo●● thereof witnesse the records of those times at whi●h the holy Ghost pointeth in these words And I heard a loud voice in beaven saying and sounding the victory of Christ and Christianisme against the Dragon and his Angels his sorcerers and their prophane and ●dolatrous paganisme in these devout and divine notes Now is made salva●ion and force and the Kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ and yieldeth a reason of this so pious and triumphant joy because the folly and fury of the Dragon and his Ang●ls which so continually accused the Saints and servants of God for pestilent fellows movers of sedition maintainers of sects polluters of the Temple teachers of new Gods enemies to Caesar word-sowe●● babblers blasp●emers is now upon setting and going downe for ever Which death and downfall of their spiritua●l whoredome the holy Ghost di●closeth in saying Because the accuser of our brethren is cast forth And for the greater comfort of the Church and judgement of her enemies concludeth that there is a perfect Court-roul kept as well of the sufferings of the Saints as of the slanders of their soes so openly ●ommitted in the face of the Court and before a ●udge of so clear a fight and eternall memory as that they shall never be discharged or forgotten which the Spirit inferreth in saying Who accused them before the ●●ght of our God day and night VERS 12. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives even unto the death LAst of all the holy Ghost discovereth the spirituall armour and weapons wherewith the Angels and servants of Michael obtained this famous victory over the Dragon and his Sectaries and saith that they were tempered of these two divine vertues faith and patience For by the shield of faith which the Spirit by a metonymie calleth the blood of the Lamb and with the sword of his two witnesses and by the word of their testimony they overthrew all forces and arguments drawne from reason or reading which the Spirit observeth in these words And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and all such arguments as were drawne from the block as fire sword persecution interdiction and such like the Children of the Church quenched them with tears prayers patience and martyrdome as their Lord had given them charge and left them example which the Spirit uncovereth in saying And they loved not their lives even unto the death VERS 13. Therefore rejoyce O Heavens and you that dwell in them Wo to the Earth and to the Sea because the Divel is discended to you having great wrath knowing that he hath but a little time AS after victory followeth division of spoile so the Spirit shuts up this heavenly conquest with tri●mph and joy inviting thereunto all the Saints and ●ervants of God which have from time to time main●ained and defended th' honour of his Name against the Dragon his sorcerers and sorceries And be●ause by their good profession and godly conversation
to their use of honour and dishonour when he shall come in glory to judge and reward the world separate the stranger from the child the goa● from the sheep the sinner from the just and this is the Kingdome whereof it is written Many are called Lords of Sodome may it then plea●e your dead and dry eyes to consider that in this great company of hearers two speciall differing companies are commended unto yee th' one that hearing the voyce obeyeth and doth it th' other that hearing transgresseth and doth not called in Scripture Ha●ed bond forsaken cast out children of evill vessells of wrath and such like compared to a Man who built a house and laid no foundation and when the day of reckoning the day of tempest came the building fell and the fall thereof was great and lamentable for ever But they that hea●ing the Commandements of God observe and do them are called in Scripture beloved free chosen beautifull children of promise vessells of mercy Israel Jacob his people his heritage a holy Nation a holy City a kingly holy Priest-hood his house his Temple his Tabernacle Saints Sion Hierusalem from above the pillar and upholder of truth his vine his Church his Body his Spouse and such like compared to a Builder that digged deep and laid his foundation on the Rock whose work endured the day to come and gave glory to the worker to a Graine of Mustard-seede whose great increase for his little body is marvellous compared with other hearbs to Leaven which seasoneth the whole wherein it is hid to a Pearle of price for which the Jeweller adventureth by Sea by Land by fire by water to attaine to a Field wherein lyeth hidden a treasure of such quality that the possessor selleth all he hath to make a purchase thereof to a Seede prospering from Blade to stalk from stalk to head the Lord of the ground neither sleeping nor waking knowing how And this is the generation of them that seek him the portion and Kingdome whereof it is written But few are chosen And of this company and no other speaketh the Scripture which saith Where two or three be gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them And againe And behold I am with you from day to ever even to the worlds end And againe Feare not little flocke for it hath pleased your Father to give you a Kingdome And againe And I will intreate the Father and he shall give you another Comforter who shall remaine with you for ever And againe But when the Spirit of truth commeth he shall leade you into all truth And this is the City and house spirituall built upon the head of the corner which through the strength and glory of the foundation remaineth and liveth for ever as it is written And upon this Rock will I build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevaile against her And this is the Church and Sanctuary of God the stones of life and glory everlasting disdained and trodden under of worldly builders prepared notwithstanding from above and appointed to serve for his Tabernacle and place of his dwelling for he that is highest dwelleth not in Temples made with hands as testifieth the Prophet Heaven is my seat and earth is my foot-stoole what place of rest will yee build unto me saith the Lord O house of Israel These things had yee understood then had yee beene wise and learned Scribes and like unto the housholder which bringeth forth of his store and provision as time and occasion serveth old and new And this is she which erreth not dissenteth not for all her Children are endued with a tongue and taster of truth all are prepared with one and selfe-same water all are purged by one and self-same fire all are Servants to one and self same Lord who by the sweet and accepted Sacrifice of his owne body hath sanctified and made them of sinners Sonnes of God as it is written He that sanctifieth and they which are sanctified are all of one And this is shee which prepareth her selfe for the Wedding arrayed in a white and righteous garment which her Lord the Bride-groome giveth her with Lamp watching night and day waiteth and attendeth his comming whose modest countenance whose chast and comely steps walk in our streets and the world regardeth not for her name is hidden written in the heart not in the skinne and the light of her beauty is in the spirit within not in the 〈◊〉 without whose praise is not of men but of God And yet thou sayest let me see her behold he that writeth testifieth before the Throne of God and all his holy Angells that he knoweth not any one this day after the flesh that taketh part with him what then shall I say I am left alone God forbid for I see and heare with th' ears and eyes of my soule the groans the chains and tears of seven thousand whose obedience is greater then mine and of which number I am the least and as a poore and miserable and borne out of time am not worthy to be one of them And this is she who once Balaam walkt in thy streets and all th' earth was filled with her beauty untill thy Father lifted up his sawcie head pursuing her blood and generation for there is enmity betweene him and her her seed and his for ever but she laid her Babe before the Throne of God whose eye defended it from all his teeth and fury And in those dayes her Lord the Bridegroome gave her two wings whose Feathers were made of the word of truth and she flew into the Wildernesse where she had a rest provided from the face and feare of her enemy a time and times and halfe a time and there remaineth shee her houre her day her moneth and her yeare eating no other thing then that which God giveth her And thy Father fell heavy exceeding wroth thereat and sat him downe by the Sea side in a Throne newly erected to th' honour of his name mourning and pining that the woman with her Boy had scap't his hands so And calling his powers and counsell about him devising found out a way t' appease his wrath namely to be reveng'd but on the remnant of her seed which shee left behind and while he sat in Consistory seeking best means t' accomplish his purpose thou liftedst up thy Nose out of the many waters and presently his dump was turn'd to a dance thy heads and hornes were so like his owne that he rejoyced wholly to see thy unhappy day and having nothing greater to shew his love parted with thee his Kingdomes and glory thereof planted thee in his old and ancient Throne where once his name was honoured and gave into thy hand his great power and chiefest of his hoast Wonders Lyes Murder and bad thee warre and have no feare for it was appointed the third borne among the Sons of men should be subdued unto thee And it pleased
that day falleth downe dissolved into water beseecheth him to looke upon his Lord and Redeemer in him and for his sake to cover his fault and offence committed calling him to witnesse unto his poor and dryed soul how that the Sun hath not gone down upon his anger that day and seing the weaknes wherein he dwelleth the power and pride of unrighteousnesse wherein he 's as with a Garment mantled in great and strong teares cryeth unto his God and Father to deliver him from th' Aegypt and wounds of th' enemy that no temptation may lead him to commit evill in his sight And therewithall in quietnesse and sure trust reclineth himselfe upon th' arme of his Heavenly Father knowing in it dwelleth all strength Kingdome and power to save and deliver the soul that putteth trust in him And thus and so prayeth he in forme and manner as his Lord hath taught him Thou watchest and risest early like him that waiteth innocent blood and comming forth bowest thy selfe before the tran●gression and abhomination of th'Heathen and not considering the Sunne is darkened openest thy bold and filthy mouth blaspheming his Tabernacles which are in Heaven setting them up as did thy Fathers in the Wildernesse Moloch and Repham gods of Aegypt to grieve th' ears of the Holy Ghost For as betweene God and the sinner there is but one Mediator and Reconciler Jesus Christ the righteous so there is but one onely Advocate and Intercessor betweene God and the beleever namely the Spirit which proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne whose right hand dwelleth in the bosome of the Redeemer and left in th' heart of the beleever and lifting up from hand to other his poore and broken voices pointed with teares placeth them before the Throne of God and giveth them such grace through his presentation that they stand among his holy Angels beholding his face day and night depart not his eye nor memory till all their requests be granted And this is the great and honourable Advocate whose i●tercession so farre excelleth in power in worthinesse in grace in glory th' intercession of the mother of Christ his brethren his sisters his Prophets his Apostles his Servants his Saints and Martyrs as is the blood of the Lamb of God more excellent and precious then is the blood of Abel And this is the high and holy one that beareth record with his poore servant which wrote these things and we know that his record is true thereunto bearing witnesse thousand sighes and tears and that it might be confirmed under three the love of God diffused in his heart the Garment dipt in the blood of the Lamb cryeth out unto yee testifying with him these things are true And being compassed with testifiers in number so sufficient in quality so honourable yet have yee not received our witnesse and behold on earth there are none to be found that have or may or shall beare witnesse to the truth but these three alone Murtherers may yee compare your pilgrimages with his behold thou goest from Citie to Citie from one place to another and weariest thy selfe in wayes and labours which no man requireth at thy hands and when they say unto thee Goe into the wildernesse to this or that Hermites Cave there shalt thou see the life and imitation of the Lambe and of his servant John or come to this grave goe to that here at Loretta there at Compostella there shalt thou see the powers of God and of his holy one thou ●not caring no● considering they are the comman●ements of abhomination that ●itteth in the place ●here he ought not goest beleevest adding to thy ●lasphemy scorne and derision offering to the High●st the labour and stinke of thy feete for the sinne ●f thy soule This man all the dayes of his life are the dayes of his pilgrimage wherein like the childe that be●aileth the death of his Mother covered with darke ●nd mourning colours wandreth the desarts of this ●ife in an assured hope one day to come to a Citie ●romised whose walls are made of everlasting stones whose foundation is the strength of God whose tow●r's his glory And if any voyce say to him goe into ●he wildernesse to this or that Fremites denne there ●halt thou see Christ to these or to those dead bones ●here shalt thou see his works of wonder he abhor●eth it for he remembreth the commandement of his Lord. But goe not beleeve not take heed behold I have fore●old yee all Murtherers may vee compare your fastings with his Behold thou eatest fish once and twice a weeke to honour God withall Egyptians who hath required this honour at your hands careth he whether thou eate the flesh of fish or the flesh of Beasts hath he not made meat for bellies bellies for meats and shall he not destroy both it and them And knowest thou indeed that which entreth into the belly goeth out into the draught and du●st presume t' honour him with either one or other wherefore thus saith the truth the sacrifice and fasts of Hierusalem shall ●ise in judgement against th'offerings and fish-fasts of Babylon and had yee knowne what that Scripture meaneth No man drinking old Wine will straight way commend the new for he saith th' old is better then had ye never condemned the new and true fast t' establish a fast more vile and filthy then was the fast of Pharisies This man all the dayes of his pilgri●●ge are a continuall fast night and day fasteth he his bread is become affliction his wine is turned to trouble because the Bridegroom is taken from him and his Lord whom he loveth so is gone into a farre Country And as concerning meates and bellies this man is taught of God that besides the person of a Christian in which respect all the creatures of God are clean unto him received in godlinesse moderation and thankesgiving he sustaineth the person of a Citizen and knowing his King his Governours or State whereunder he is placed for good and probable causes tending to the peace and maintenance of the many which God especially will have preserved have authority to command and forbid in meates in drinkes in cloath in dayes and such like so eateth so drinketh so weareth so keepeth he as his Prince commandeth giving to his Prince th' obedience that to a Prince belongeth and honoureth his God with th' honour which to God appertaineth Murtherers may ye compare your almes and mercy with his Behold thou devourest the widdow and waterest the seed of adulterie and sayest thou feedest Orphans arrayest thy selfe with the spoile of Kingdomes and nourishest Dragons egges of Serpents and every unclean bird and sayest thou feedest the sonnes of Prophets Foole how canst thou give a drinke of cold water to a Prophet thy selfe being none of the generation of Prophets Balaam doest thou know him that wrote these things or hast thou considered his hunger and his wants as thou regarding passest by like one of the dead and rotten graves of Sodome
also two Candlesticks which carry in them the light of my truth and power of my Spirit the great Moderator of heaven and earth VERS 5. And if any man will hurt them fire shall come forth of their mouth and devoure their enemies and if any man will hurt them so must he be slaine ANd if any man shall wrest their word from the aime and intention of their meaning saith the Lord or turne their Prophesie out of the way by perverting or clipping the honour or purpose of their word the fire of my wrath denounced by the the mouth of these my two Testaments for though they be two yet they have but one mouth shall surely judge and execute those lovers and makers of lies and for the more assurance of this sentence against them the Lord doth iterate the curse and vengeance of his heavy displeasure saying And if any man will hurt them so must he be slaine meaning I say by hurting all manner diminishing of the words of their testmonie by fals blasphemous and lying expositions as some have done VERS 6. These have power to shat heaven that it raine not in the dayes of their Prophesie and they have power over the waters to turne them into blood and to smite the earth with all manner of plagues so often as they will FOr the Lord hath touched the mouth of these his two Prophets as he did the mouth of Jeremy the rest of his servants of whom he saith Behold this day have I set thee over Nations and Kingdoms to plu●k up root out destroy and thro● down build and plant And in another place Therefore have I cut them downe by my Prophets and slaine them by the words of my mouth Such priviledges the Lord hath given to these his two Testaments that if they once shut the heavens that it raine not in the dayes of their Prophesy that is to say if they denounce a famine of the bread of li●e to wit the word and knowledge of God or pronounce a sword to come upon a Nation Kingdome or People which the Lord here signifieth by turning waters into blood or if it pleaseth them to Prophesie which the Lord here calleth to strike of any Pestilence Earth quake or other judgement to come such power is given them that if they say the word it is done as it is written Heaven and earth shall perish but the words of their Prophesie shall not passe till all be fulllfiled VERS 7. And when they shall have finished their testimony the beast which ascendeth from the depth shall wage battell against them and kill them ANd when his servants the Prophets and Apostles shall have fulfilled their course and be translated from the land of their labours to the land of rest leaving to the world the inheritance as it were of their ministry sealed up in the two Testaments of God to preserve the feare of his Name and the knowledge of his pleasure among the Sons of men which the holy Ghost calleth finishing their testimony Ant christ the Beast whose proper p'ace whence he is and whither he must is here described by the name of the depth shall not onely hurt and wound them by slanderous and lying Expositions as his Clerks and Assects doe but shall set his feet upon their Necks and tread downe their divine authority by the advancing of his cursed keyes and the beauty of his whorish Church above them which the Spirit calleth waging battell inhibiting them to Prophesie or teach the words of their testimony vulgarly And not onely putting them to silence but also reproving condemning them for corrupters seducers and sowers of heresies among the people which presump●uous blasphemy and murder the Spirit discovereth in saying that he shall overcome them and kill them VERS 8. And their carkasses shall remaine in the street of the great City which is spiritually called Sodome and Egypt where their Lord also was crucified ANd the letter or text of their testimony which the Spirit calleth their corps or carkasses shall remaine in their Ho●ses Cels Temples hang at their girdles through all the Cities and Kingdomes where the Beast and his Church is adored which in regard of their number be here named the great City so in respect of their execrable worship and adulterous service contrary to God and his holy City they are here called also spiritually Sodome meaning that as Sodome her Sister did for sake the lawfull use and prescription of nature and wrought filthinesse against nature so these loathing truth and loving lies should erect strange oblations and propitiations as contrary to the offerings and satisfactions of the Saints as was the sin of Sodome opposire to nature And the Spirit further calleth them by the name of Egypt for that in blindnesse and hardnesse of heart they every way match the presumptuous and indorate Egyptians still pursuing and persecuting the truth as Pharaoh did Israel till the God of Israel destroy them by the Spirit of his mouth as he did Pharaoh and his hoast by water And in further detestation of the cruell murther and immanitie of this Beast and his adherents the holy Ghost layeth the blood of the Prince of the Covenant to thei● charge also as cunningly as they think to convey his murther and post it over to Jerusalem For as the Lord doth lay the blood of his servant Abel to the charge of the Scribes and Pharisees of his own time although he were slaine long before those Pharisees were borne or Jerusalem builded because they were the very image and lively imitation of his brother that murthered him so the holy Ghost doth here lay the innocent blood of the Lord of glory to the Charge of this Crucifier and his Citizens because they are the Children and Generation of that high Priest and those murtherers which cryed Away with him crucifie him crucifie him And that we should not marvell thereat the holy Ghost in another place goeth further and saith In her shall be found the blood of the Apostles and Prophets also and all that ever for the testimonie of the truth were staine on earth VERS 9. And there shall of the tribes and people and Gentiles see their dead bodies three dayes and a halfe and shall not suffer their corps to be laid in monuments ANd all Nations and Kingdoms where the Beast is worshipped whom the holy Ghost for their prophanation in life and Religion calleth Gentiles shall have handle and gaze upon the letter and corps of his two witnesles three days and a halfe that is to say the time times and halfe a time wherein the Beast shall Reigne and persecute even three propheticall yeares and 〈◊〉 accounting as in Ezekiel all dayes 〈◊〉 Neither shall they suffer the word of 〈◊〉 Pro●●efie to be read opened understood and ●●d up in the hearts of the people the true and naturall monuments and sepulchers wherein the testimonie of their words ought to be interred VERS 10. And the inhabitants of
or other creature of strange shape as some have vainly phantasied the Spirit calleth him a man saying For it is the number of a man comprehending by a Synecdoche under the word Man a successive state and Kingdome of men after the speaking and stile of the Prophers for so the Lord informed his servant Moses to speake Let my sonne goe that is let my Exod. 4. Dan 7. Dan. 8. People of Israel depart and so in Daniel under the forme and name of foure singular Beasts a●e designed foure severall Monarchies most of them containing a long succession of many Monarchs The Ramme which thou sawest are the Kings of the Medes and Persians after which ma●ner of speaking the Spirit speaketh also in this place and under the name of a man presenteth unto us the whole race and succession of men of sin●e whose totall summe is one Antichrist the bounds and limits of whose dominion and ty●anny the holy Ghost imp●leth within the circuit of a certaine sure prefixed period and determinate number of yeares saying And the number of him is six hundred sixty six Wherein many as well ancient as late writers as in the rest have vainly imagined that Antichrist is one singular person which must suddenly start up and after three civill yeares and a halfe depart againe and that he must bee by birth a Iew and of the Tribe of Dan when notwithstanding those cursed Scatterbags have neither Tribe nor shadow of Tribe left amongst them and that he must reigne in Ierusalem of which Citie and Temple there is not any one stone left upon another and that he must kill Enoch and Elias who are to appeare about the Kalends of Greece with divers other such legendary phantasies never meant nor sent from God so in this point also concerning the number of Antichrist they have given up an account so far from the audite of truth as nothing can be more And as men that thought it worth the labour to find a knot in a rush so by a conceited framing and anagramming of letters they have endeavoured to find out such a name as by characters might express the number 666 and withall might something square either with the name nature blasphemie or residence of the Bishops of Rome as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Remiith Adonikam filius perditionis c. whereunto also may be added the conjectures of John Wickliffe John Bale Francis Junius men otherwise of good and worthy memory in the Church of God as also the conjectures of others as worthy and honourable as they that have reserred the number of 666. to the time of Antichrists revealing and yeare of rising when notwithstanding it is a strange voyce and not knowne to the eares of the Scriptures for the word number to be used for the beginning and rising of any terme of time limited and predicted by the Prophets but onely for the end period and determination thereof But if it were lawfull to smile in so grave an inquisition amongst all phantasticall charmes and cabalisticall conjectures upon this word number there is none more ridiculous then that which most pleaseth our Rhetoricall Rhemists who by a rare supputation of characters have as roundly found out the Beasts number as the Sodomites did the doors of Lot in the name Luderus which in the Almain tongue is the name of Luther and although we are sure they cannot so much as think upon the poor Frier Luther but for very feare they stinke all the world over yet this device so tickleth the Clergy of Antichrist that they pretend to laugh for joy But as for their prefixed time of three naturall or civill yeares and a halfe which they allot to the reigne and rage of their Antichrist it doth so unevenly square with Luther or Lutherans continuance that these miserable Sardonians are faine to eat their word and to endure the foolish world to laugh at them whiles as dying they faine would seem to laugh at it But to leave these cursed leaders of the cursed blind and returne againe to those that have thought to calculate and find out the mystery of Antich●ists number 666 in a word at a word we say they are de●eived and erre not knowing the power and construction of the Scripture For fi●st by the word name delivered in the former verse in these words Or the number of his name is meant the very existence and person of the man of sin by a propriety of speech common to holy Scriptures as Acts 1. 15. Apoc. 3. 4. 11. 13. where by an Hebraisme names signifie men and are converted with the parties and persons themselves as the name of God in holy Scripture is often taken for God himselfe and therefore as in the former verse the Scripture calleth it the number of his name so in this verse he calleth it the number of a man understanding by a man as is aforesaid the totall sum of that succession of beastly men which make and constitute the existence and person of one Antichrist and by the word number is meant the fatall end and finall determination of their reigne and government for so the finger of God speaketh to Belshazzar God hath numbred thy Kingdome that is God hath ended and fin●shed the dayes of thy Kingdome so that the number of his name or the number of the man is nothing else but the period and finall determination of the usurped tyranny and domination of Antichrist which the Lamb the Lord and preserver of Israel for the glory of his name consolation of his Church and confusion of her foes with a mighty and outstretched arme shall bring to passe in the yeare which shall be 666. For forasmuch as the egge of Antichristianism was laid in the daves of Innocent the first successo● to Anastasius the first also of that name in the yeare of salvation 406. as is before delcared and that by expresse commission there was furthermore granted to the Beast his heirs and successors 1260. years for the hatching fostering and perfecting this child of perdition and mystery of iniquity which being added to 406. by rule of true audite must needs verifie this admirable judgement which the Spirit of God hath here denounced and determined to make good upon him in the yeare which shall be 1666. In which account and discovery of his end the holy Ghost of purpose leaveth out the millenary number as not onely knowne perfect and immutable for that these vile and evill dayes shall not exceed more thousands then one but as respecting also the common use of all Nations as well Hebrews ās Gentiles who in their stiles for brevitie sake do no lesse often speak and ●rite by th'●mperfect number omitting the ●illenary then after the perfect adding the millenary as Munster well observeth And in that year my Lord of Rome shall lay down his Vide Calendarium Hebraicum Sebastiani Munsteri proud waves● and although he fortifie never so strong