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A91909 The mystery of the two witnesses unvailed Wherein wee have a description of their persons time acts death and office. manner of prophecie. sufferings. resurrection. With the consequences that follow. Together with the seaventh trumpet, and the kingdome of Christ explained. by John Robotham, preacher of the Gospel in Dover. Robotham, John, fl. 1654. 1654 (1654) Wing R1732; Thomason E1469_3; ESTC R208689 148,859 409

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incendiaries to draw together all their strengths and powers to uphold the power of the beast which now is like to be broken and consumed These are the spirits of Devills being full of uncleannesse working miracles by some counterfeit spirituall actings or setting up some new invented formes of worship thus they gather the Kings of the earth to the great battell of God Almighty where God shall shew the greatness of his power in destroying of them for they are brought to Armageddon which signifies devoted for destruction that they are seduced and by ●uo●i●●ie brought together to be destroyed Baraks victory over Sisera was by the waters of Megiddo Judg. 4. 15. So all that give up their power to uphold the beast shall come to the great battell of God Almighty even to Armageddon where they shall assuredly be ensnared and broken in pieces Hitherto agrees the effect of the sixt seal Chap. 6. 12. c. And I beheld when he had opened the sixt seal and there was a great earth-quake a grea● feare and terr●ur fell upon all men great concussions and commotions should be on the earth And the Sun became blacke the glory of the state and Church of Antichrist turned into blackness mourning into great confusion and astonishment And the Moone became bloud all the invented ordinances of the man of sin were darkned and obscured And the Stars fell ●rom heaven as a figtree casteth her untimely figs Such as seemed to be Ministers and prof●ssors of Christ now appeare to be fleshly and carnall and fall from that appearance of heavenly light unto the earth cleaving now to an earthly power even like untimely figs that never come to maturity or ripenesse Then their State and Church which seemed to be as high as heaven departed as a scroll and all their mountaines of strength and confidence were removed out of their places And the Kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chiefe Captaiues and mighty men and every bond-man and every free man hid them selves in dens and in the rockes of the mountaines c. All sorts ranks and degrees of men from the highest to the lowest they now fly to the rocks and mountaines of their trust and confidence every one will fly unto his God unto that he trusts in the States and powers of the world will fly to the Church and hide themselves under religious formes of worship and the Church will fly to the earthly powers for shelter and protection and the people will run to those that seduced them for succour and reliefe but shall not be able to secure themselves from the wrathful countenance of the Lamb ●e being exalted upon the throne of his power in the great ●ay of his venge n●e when he shall reckon with the Antichristian powers that have shed the bloud of the Martyrs and rejected the testimony of his witnesses This at the rising of the witnesses Add hereunto the effect of the sixt Trumpet And the sixt Angel sounded and I heard a voyce from the four hornes of the golden Altar which is before God Chap. 9. 13. The voice and power of Christ prefigured by the golden Altar Exod. 30. 1. having hornes vers 10. signifying the power strength of Christ whereby the foure Angels that were heald in the river Euphrates were loosed The great multitude of Saints that were bound up by the strength and power of Antichrist are now set at liberty now they goe forth with great authority and hold forth the truth making glorious discoveries of the same These slay the third part of men for fire smoke and brimstone comes forth of their mouths the light and truth they hold forth as fire doth devour and as smoke doth darken all the light and glory of Antichrist And in their tailes or conversation they hurt by condemning the men of the world and of those that repented not of their deeds And in Chap. 10. Christ comes forth as a mighty Angel clothed with a cloud of darknesse obscurity that the world could not see him having a rain-bow or Covenant of grace on his head and the booke of the Gospel unsealed in his hand he set his right foot upon the sea of the common people and his left upon the earth or worldly powers And crying with a loud voice the seven thunders uttered a perfection of feare and amasement of dread and terrour falls upon the sea and upon the earth upon all the people and powers of Antichrist The seventh Viall was powred into the 7 Viall aire and there came great voyces out of the Temple of heaven saying it is done Chap. 16. 17. The very ayre that Antichrist lives and breaths in is now destroyed there is no longer breath spirit or life in any thing that Antichrist would live in or receive comfort from so that the whole worke is done the beast is quite destroyed and there were voyces and thunders and lightnings and great earthquakes such grievous concussions and earth-quakes as if heaven and earth were conspired together to destroy Babylon the work is done or Bah lo● undone though once it had a being now it hath none now it is divided into three parts as being torne to picces by the earth-quake and every Mountaine and Island fled away as things that could yeeld no protection And there fell great haile out of heaven upon men about the waight of a talent and men blasphemed God because of the plagues of haile for the plague thereof was exceeding great Here is an allusion to the great plague of haile that fell upon Aegypt Exod. 9. 22. This haile falls from heaven from the light and truth held forth by Saints in the middest of heavenly enjoyments these raine downe great and weighty haile-stones upon the state order and worship of Antichrist Compare hereunto the effect of the seventh seale And when he had opened the seventh seale there was silence in heaven about the space of halfe an houre Upon the opening of this last seale there is some respite or intermission and as it were for a time some rest and cessation of the Saints from persecu●ion and trouble Now is the full revelation of truth now is the kingdome of God come and now the Gospel goes forth without let or molestation now the servants of God have peace without and also a sweet tranquillity and quietnesse in their owne spirit● Add hereunto the seventh Trumper Chapt. 11. 15. And the seventh Angel sounded and there were great voyces in heaven saying The kingdomes of the world are become the kingdomes of the Lord and of his Christ c. Now the kingdomes and nations cast downe their crownes at the feet of Christ who will take his great power unto himselfe and raigne Thus we see how the Saints smite the earth with all plagues by powring out all the vialls of Gods wrath upon the State and Church of Antichrist Aiso you perceive that there is an agreement between the seals
rising of the Witnesses The Third and last woe comes quickly it speedily followeth and shutteth up the whole mysterie The death of the Beast is proclaimed under the sixth Trumpet and in the time of the second woe Chap. 10. 6. Time should be no more in which Antichrist should live and raigne Then at the sound of the seventh Angel the mysterie of God should be finished vers 7. The mysterie of Antichrist fully laid open and the mysterie and glory of Christs kingdom fully revealed This last woe is meant of those calamities mentioned in the last verse of this eleventh Chapter And there was lightnings and voyces and thundrings and an earthquake and great haile All which doth imply Gods heavy terrible astonishing and irresistable judgements upon the world hee will plague the earth as once he did Aegypt with haile Exod. 9. 25. This is the third and last woe that accompanieth the seventh Trumpet Observe That great and terrible woes Observe befall the world in the three last ages of Antichrist Here is three woes but the second that falls at the rising of the Witnesses is the greatest This second woe is a bitter one indeed it will fall like a milstone and grinde in pieces the inhabitants of the earth Great are the torments and vexations this woe brings upon the world all Famines Sicknesses Feares Warres and all sorts of evils weaknesse a●●rightments strange amazements this woe brings with it The present calamities upon the world that are occasioned by the Earth-quake throwing downe States Nations Governments Powers and shaking men of quality state wisdome and parts bringing wars feares famines deaths c. These and the like woes upon the world this day speak forth the rising of the witnesses And as the rising of the Witnesses is a work of time and is of a graduall product so also shall this second woe be a lasting woe and lasting woes are the worst of all The third woe followeth the second it comes quickly this brings it's sting along with it but 't is of a shorter dispatch then the former This last woe that immediately succeedes the second comes with the seventh Trumper and therefore is the last woe that befalls Antichrist This last woe is the reason of all those plagues as death mourning famine fire that God will destroy Babylon withall which shall cause the Kings of the Earth to lament her and the Merchants to mourn over her for shee is stript of her gold and silver of her precious stones and pearles of her purple and scarlet of all her sine linnen and cloathing and in one houre shall be made utterly desolate Thus we are come to an end of the Prophesie of the Witnesses resurrection and ascention with the great effects that followes namely the great Earthquake and the second woe which is the work of the first Trumpet Next followeth that of the seventh Trumpet and the state of Christs Kingdom after the full and perfect ascention of the Witnesses and the finall downfall of Antichrist VERS 15. And the seventh Angell sounded and there were great voyces in heaven saying the kingdomes of this world are become the kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ and hee shall raigne for ever and ever HAving spoken of the Prophesie Death Resurrection and ascention of the Witnesses with the effects of their rising namely the great earthquake that shakes the world which doth accomplish the second woe This being the first resurrection of the Saints from shame and sack-cloath from misery and affliction upon which the tenth part of the City falls and the little horne that thought to change times and lawes is subdued Dan. 7. But after comes a second Resurrection of truth and light of life liberty to the Saints in all nations when there shall be a universall ruine of Antichrist Then all Saints throughout all Nations shall come in to the enjoyment of internall and externall glory when all former persecution and shame shall be past away and they shall live raigne with Christ a thousand yeares and shall fully enjoy the immunities and liberties of the kingdome of Christ which shall be fulfilled at the sound of the seventh Trumpet And the seventh Angel sounded and there were great voyces in heaven saying The kingdomes of this world are become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ c. That which wee shall enquire from hence is to know what is meant First by the Trumpet sounding Secondly by the seventh Trumpet Thirdly by the voyces in heaven Fourthly the subject matter that those voyces doe proclaime and that is The kingdomes of this world are become the kingdomes of our Lord c. First a Trumpet is that with which men sound to give an alarme or a preparation unto the battell 1 Cor. 14. 8. Also to publish or proclaime a thing Joel 2. 1. The counterfeit Pharisees when they gave their almes are sayd to sound a Trumpet Mat. 6. 2. Alluding to the custome of the Jewes who when they would gather an assembly or proclaim a matter did use to sound a Trumpet So here by the Trumpet sounding is meant the Saints proclaiming and sounding forth the word of truth declaring the testimony of Jesus and extolling his praises This they doe either by preaching forth or declaring of the truth or by making profession thereof These Trumpets doe respectively follow the seales opening as the vials follow the Trumpets sounding The first seale first Trumpet first viall goe together and every one of these respectively in order follow each other The beginning is with the opening of the seals which is Christ opening and disclosing of heavenly and divine truth unto his Saints and accordingly as the seals be thus opened to them they by declaring and professing of the truth so discovered to them are said to sound forth the Trumpets each Trumpet in his season according as the seals are opened and heavenly light and knowledge is discovered unto them Secondly what is meant by the seventh Trumpet In Chap. 8. we read of the sounding of the foure first Trumpets And in Chap. 9. of the fift and sixt Trumpets sounding and here we have the seventh and last Trumpet So that there is a graduall and orderly sounding of the Trumpets answerable to the opening of the seals when the last seale shall be opened then the seventh Angel comes to sound the last Trumpet which is the highest and last declaration of the truth and excellency of God Seven is the number of perfection of rest and blessednesse the seventh Trumpet is the proclamation or declaration of the kingdome of Christ caused by the Saints sounding forth the highest and the last glory of Christs raigne and dominion Thirdly we have the effect of the seventh Trumpet and there were great voyces in heaven The most perfect and exact the most distinct and sweet note of musick is the tongue of man there is no sound so perfect and compleat as these voyces in heaven these are the
stability Of such an Earth-quake we reed Amos 1. 1. And the like appeared when Christ arose from the dead as it 's recorded Mat. 28 2. But here we are to understand a mysticall and spirituall Earth-quake a shaking of Kings Kingdomes States Powers Formes Goverments and the very dignities orders strengths and comforts of men The same Earthquake is meant Chap. 6. 12. And Ch. 16. 18. Thus the Lord saith He will shake the Heavens and the Earth and the Sea and the dry land all nations Hag. 2. 6. This was partly fulfilled when Christ came in the flesh the heaven of Ceremonies and shadows and of all the Jewish worship was shaken and abolished and also the earth was shaken both Sea and dry land all the whole earth was full of great commotions and ruines But this is again to be fulfilled yet once more will the Lord shake heaven and earth The heaven of Antichrists worship Church forme order and government And the earth also all those worldly powers that have engaged to uphold and manage the cause of the Beast these powers dominion authorities and states shall be shaken also Thus we see what wee are to understand by this Earth-quake the great commotions and troubles that shal even rend tear the earth in pieces all its order power government and dominion both in Church and State shall be broken all shal be turned upside down by these violent breakings forth that shal happen upon the world at the rising and ascending of the Witnesses In the third place we have the consequents of this great Earth-quake in these words The tenth part of the Citie fell and in the Earth-quake were slaine of men seven thousand and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of Heaven This first consequent in order is this The tenth part of the Citie fell Whereof we are to take notice of three things viz. what is meant First by the City Secondly by the tenth part Thirdly by the fall thereof First this City is great Babylon mentioned in Chap. 17. 5. which is meant of the whole universall power dominion and territories of the Antichristian Church and State The nations combined together and gathered into a Church worshipping the Beast and his image submitting to his rule and government this is the great City Babylon of which we have spoken already from vers 8. Though Rome it selfe hath mystically ruled over the Nations hath been the rise of abominations and therefore in some sense is meant by the Citie yet it cannot be taken so restrictively but it takes in the whole State and Church of Antichrist that is called this Citie the mother of Harlots that hath corrupted the earth with her abominations Secondly the tenth part of the Citie the principall thing here to be enquired after is variously interpreted Some would have the tenth part to be meant of the Levites part such a part as was offered to the Priests under the Law as a maintenance of the legall Priest-hood So that hereby the lot or portion of the Priest-hood the chiefest and most devoted part should fall that the tribute of Tythes on tenths whereby the Antichristian Ministry was maintained should fall and utterly be withheld at the rising and ascending of the Witnesses But by the tenth part of the Citie we may understand of the tenth part of the Nations and Peoples that were devoted to the service of Antichrist In Chap. 17. 13. Ten kingdoms give up their power and strength to the beast to serve and worship him Now the tenth part of those Kingdomes Nations or Peoples that have wholly given up themselves to Antichrist and have resigned up their rule and authority their worship and service to the Beast these are here called the tenth part of the Citie Thirdly this tenth part shall fall by with-drawing themselves from the yoake and bondage of the service of Antichrist as it 's foretold of them in Chap. 17. 16. These shall hate the whore eate her flesh and burne her with fire Those tenne kingdomes or nations that had formerly given up all their strength and power to the Beast and did formerly support Antichrist now they shall withdraw themselves again now they shall with one consent prepare themselves for her destruction For God hath put into their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and give their kingdome unto the beast untill the words of God should be fulfilled Chap. 17. 17. The Lord in justice gave over the nations to be servile to Antichrist for an appointed time untill he had executed all his cruelties and enjoyed his dominion and tyranny over them so at the end of his determined time God will put it into the hearts of the nations to consent and agree to rise up unto the destruction of all Antichristian dominion and power And though these nations shall not fully wholly thus rise up to effect this great worke to hate the whore eat her flesh and burne her with fire untill the last seale be opened the last Trumpet sounded and the last Viall powred out when there shall be a finall and totall destruction of Antichrist's power and raigne yet there shall be a tenth part of the nations that God will raise up to begin this worke God will honour some nation or nations first to withdraw their power and authority from the service of the beast and to oppose his tyranny and oppression and that at the opening of the sixt seale the founding of the sixt Trumpet the powring forth of the sixt Viall at the time in which the witnesses shall begin to rise and ascend Now these nations that the Lord shall first begin withall to raise up to oppose the power of the beast I say this nation or nations is meant here by the tenth part of the Citie For before that all Nations shall hate the whore and cast her off and burne her flesh with fire there shall be some particular nations that God will honour with the first of his worke and this is called the tenth part of the Citie that should fall not onely by withdrawing their owne power and assistance but also opposing and suppressing the dominion and power of Antichrist The second consequent followeth in these words And in the earth-quake were slaine of men seven thousand In the opening hereof it will be necessary that we consider of three things concerning those here that are sayd to be slaine First the persons Secondly the manner Thirdly their number The persons here slaine are expressed by an elegancy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The names of men put for men of name that is of power greatnesse of office or dignity of some place or eminency The Hebrews expresse men of honour or renowne by men of name Gen. 6. 4. So here names of men being put for men of name are meant men of note and quality such as are of place and dignity men of worth and greatnesse These men here slaine by the earthquake are not of the
the beast as is declared vers 13. to serve his ends and designes And though it be true that all this while Christ hath intermedled with all the affaires of the Nations their policies and governments that all occurrances therein hath tended at least by degrees to advance his own kingdome and to bring about his owne ends yet these kingdomes and policies and governments have served Antichrist and it hath been their worke and businesse to oppose the kingdome of Christ and suppresse and persecute his people and truth so that these kingdomes of the world have not served Christ though Christ hath served himselfe by them but they have been devoted unto Antichrist and served him Thirdly How doth Christ recover these againe into his owne hand And that is by breaking and scattering the powers of the world he will shake all Nations Hag. 2. 6. when the Lord shall cast aside these oppressing tyrants of the earth he will come forth in the ministry of his owne people and by them administer righteousnesse and peace unto the world The Lord will dash in pieces all the powers of the earth that have oppressed his people and will so come forth in his owne people to administer to the world that the earth shall be at rest and quiet when violence shall be no more heard in the Land but our officers shall be righteousnesse and our exactors peace And how shall this be See what the Lord saith by the Prophet Esa 24. 21 22 23. And it shall come to passe in that day that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high and the Kings of the earth upon the earth and they shall be gathered as prisoners are gathered in the pit and shall be shut up in the prison and after many dayes they shal be visited or found wanting as the margent reads it Then the Moone shall be confounded and the Sunne ashamed when the Lord of host shall raigne in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his ancients gloriously or as the Margine renders it There shall be glory before his ancients The meaning of these words take thus The great and mighty Kings of the earth who have opposed the kingdome of Christ and have undertaken all power ecclesiasticall and civill to rule in Church and State to determine all spirituall causes by temporall power and civill sanction God will so advance his Saints by his spirituall appearance in them that they shall oppose and punish these Kings of the earth not onely by the sword of the spirit but also with a temporal sword the Kings of the earth upon the earth they shall be able to overcome those that did enslave and rule over them He that kills by the sword shall be killed by the sword here is the patience of the Saints Revel 13. 10. This is the fruit of all their patience in all their former sufferings And after many dayes they shall be found wanting men shall after a time be willing to beare the losse of Kings and great ones without trouble or vexing when the Moone shall be confounded and the Sun ashamed viz. all civill ecclesiasticall powers governments orders and rulers shall be broken Then the Lord shall raigne in Mount Zion to wit in his Saints and people as before his ancients in whom he shall gloriously appeare to administer righteousnesse peace unto the world By these ancients are meant no more then the twenty foure Elders mentioned Revel 4. 4. who sit in white clothing having Crownes upon their heads as raigning in royall state glory and tr●umph So that the Lord will no longer come forth in and by the men of the earth to raigne by Kings and Potentates but he will come forth in his glorious appearance in his Saints and thorow them will administer righteousnesse to the world Sutable hereunto is that Scripture Dan. 7. 22. where it is sayd that the little horne should make war with the Saints and prevaile against them untill the Ancient of dayes should come and then judgement was given to the Saints of the most high and the time came that the Saints possessed the kingdome Christ himselfe shall inherit all Nations and he will put his people in possession of all power riches rule and dominion When the Lord shall take away power and dominion from the men of the earth Then the kingdome and dominion and the greatnesse of the kingdome under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high whose kingdome is an ever lasting kingdome and all dominions shall serve and obey him vers 27. All that 's good and excellent that 's rich and beautifull that 's noble and honourable shall be given to the Saints The forces of the Gentiles and their Kings shall be brought to them Esa 60. 11. And they shall eat the riches of the Gentiles and boast themselves in their glorie Esa 61. 6. All Dominions and States shall serve them strangers shall stand and feed their flock and the sonnes of the alient shall be their plow-men and vine-dressers dressers vers 5. So then when the Lord shall take the power riches dominion and authority from the great ones of the earth and invest his Saints with the same when all power rule shall be brought under the feet of Christ who will come forth in the appearances of his people then Christ doth take to himselfe his great power and raign Thus the Lord doth recover the kingdomes and nations into his own hand stripping the men of the earth with their strength riches glorie rule and conferring of the same upon his people and so will administer no longer by Kings and Nobles but by Saints and faithfull ones He will raigne among his Ancients gloriously Fourthly By what right or title Christ will lay claime to the kingdomes of the world and that is by his owne native and proper right These kingdomes shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ The originall right and propriety of all the kingdomes of the world are the Lords they are his right and he will maintaine his owne priviledge and prerogative he will take to himselfe and possesse all they of right belong unto him and he from the beginning did possesse all It is true the Lord did intrust Kings and great ones of the earth to be his Substitutes and Stewards he committed the care of these to them as his Servants or Deputies but when the Lord will cast these Stewards out of their places dispossesse the Kings and Nobles of the earth then presently the kingdomes of the world returne to him whose they were from the beginning But these kingdomes of the world are so the Lords as they are Christ's also Christ the anointed one of the Lord he shall raigne he is son over his owne house Heb. 3. 5. He hath right and propriety with the Father by vertue of Sonship and anointing The actuall administration is put into his hand he being
The Mystery of the two WITNESSES UNVAILED Wherein wee have a Description of their persons time acts death and office manner of prophecie sufferings resurrection With the Consequences that follow TOGETHER With the seaventh Trumpet and the Kingdome of Christ explained by JOHN ROBOTHAM Preacher of the Gospel in Dover LONDON Printed by M. S. for G. and H. Eversden at the Greyhound in St Pauls Church-yard 1654. TO HIS EXCELLENCY the Lord Generall CROMWELL c. MY LORD IT is not for any worth performed on my part that I have taken the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or boldness here to prefix your name but rather from the subject matter of this ensuing Discourse it being an Exposition of the mystery of the two Witnesses wherein we have a description of their persons and prophesie their time and actions their death and resurrection together with the consequences that follow thereupon all which I humbly conceive may be very suitable for you As well for the greatnesse of your place and imployment as it 's necessary to be retained in your knowledge and judgment Therefore in the first place I present this to your Excellency as unto a choise faithfull witness of the Lord and after to all those that give forth their testimony for the truth and authority of Christ against the falshood and usurpation of Antichrist It 's most certain as the Apostle doth affirme that Antichrist shall be destroyed by the brightnesse of Christ's coming which is no other then his coming forth in the bright beames and glorious rayes of divine light shining forth in his people The Saints of the most High by the testimony they give forth are the rod of his mouth and the breath of his lips Whereby he will bruise his enemies and breake them in pieces Thus the true Spirit of Christ in the Saints shall darken and dry up that counterseit and corrupt Spirit of Antichrist that is abroad in the world But not withstanding the power and authority of the Beast shall be dissipated and broken as it were vi armis And hence it is that in these times the Lord hath appeared among us as a mighty man of warre clothed with his zeale as with a garment and hath indued his people with such masculine vertue strength that their hornes have been as iron and their hoofs as brasse whereby they have threshed the Mountaines and the hills as Chaffe And this they have not done by power or might but by the Spirit of the Lord. It was the glorious appearance of GOD in the midst of his people that hath subdued these three Nations Now though Dutch Dane and French should combine against us yet shall the arme of the LORD awake for his people and shall as in former dayes cut Rachah and wound the Dragon he shall dry up the sea and the waters of the great deep It 's not an arme of flesh can doe this but a divine presence with an Army with whom are the hearts affections prayers and spirits of the Saints with a sweet complyance gathered up into and going along with them This causes the shout of king to be in the midst of us though the king in his person be taken away yet the everlasting King lives and shall take to himself his great power and raigne It 's a most undeniable truth that the sword hath been the originall of all kinds forms of government in the world it 's the mother of all power protection and preservation When any disturbance doth arise in a kingdome or Common-wealth whither do they run but unto a military power for succour and defence as not being able to subsist untill they do as it were resolve into their first principles And though the sword in it's selfe be a dark and sad dispensation eating flesh and drinking bloud it 's proper worke being to wast and destroy yet when t is accompanied with wisdom righteousness goodness and justice it becom good and desireable My Lord I have but three words more to speake The first is of you The second to you The third for you That of you is That the Lord hath so far honor'd you as to make you an instrument of glorious atchievements and hath made you head of your brethren and hath given you a name with the great ones of the earth but above all he hath bestowed on you the spirit of his Son which makes you most acceptable to himselfe and precious in the eyes of his people It 's a true saying Honor est in potestate hono heart and make it suitable to your worke that your will may be drawn forth to the extent of the divine will that your soule may have a true sympathy with God that your heart may be fortified against all stormes without feares within and that you may cast down your wisdome valour honour succeste at the feet of Christ so shall you take all up againe with unspeakeable advantage What ever you expend sor Christ in Christ you shall finde it againe Now that you may enjoy all in Christ spend all for him is the desire of him who shall indeavor to be in all faithfulnesse Your Excellency's humble servant JOHN ROBOTHAM To the Reader THe importunity of diverse Friends caused me to suffer these notes to passe abroad into the world they were taken by writing from my mouth my time and occasions would not permit to cast them into such a forme as would have best becomed the presse therefore thou shalt meet with truth coming forth in it's owne nakednesse without the clothing of humane Eloquence As for the matter it 's mysterious and therefore if in any thing wherein I may possibly be mistaken thy candour and ingenuity is desired to passe it by If thou art Criticall and thy aime be onely to espie out the faults either of the Writer Printer or Preacher I suppose thy time would be more advantagiously spent to search out the defects of thy own heart If thou wilt accept of it as it 's presented to thee with the right hand it 's all that 's desired by him that shall remaine thine in any office of love JOHN ROBOTHAM The Contents of the following Treatise concerning the principall things therein contained SIx things from the Book of the Revelation observed 1. The Author who indited it Pag. 2. 2. The Messenger who brought it idem 3. The Pen-man which writt it p. 3. 4. The forme into which it is cast id 5. The matter that is containes p. 4. 6. The parties unto whom it 's directed id The summe of the whole Chapter p. 5. From verse 1. we have 1. Johns call to measure p. 6 7. 2. His qualification p. 8. 3. The things to be measured 1. The Temple p. 9. 2. The Altar p. 10. 3. The worshippers p. 11. Observations from the words 1. Ob That the Lord doth suitably prepare his people to receive such things as himselfe doth impart unto them p. 12 13 14. 2. Ob
taketh with himselfe seven other spirits more wicked then himselfe and they enter in and dwell there c. Something of the workings of iniquity doth appeare from this Text. The uncleane spirit cast forth of man is the spirit of open and gross prophannesse the naturall conscience being in some measure convinced cannot any longer content it selfe in such palpable wickednesse but by some outward profession or externall reformation this Devill is cast forth as not to be born with any longer But what comes of it This same evill spirit comes againe makes a reentry dwells there and in what appearance doth he shew himselfe He finds the heart emptie swept garnished with some externall forme of religion and is now exercised in some excellent performances of prayer preaching hearing fasting and the like and here the soule takes much satisfaction in comparing it's present actings with it's former courses Yet here is seven worse spirits or the very perfection or mystery of iniquity for though these garnishings be never so beautifull and glorious though the outward profession be painted over and much adorned yet the evill spirit dwells within the perfection of wickednesse within the perfection of wickednesse the mystery of iniquity remaines still in the heart and this is the highest deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse the very spirit of Antichrist and inward actings of the man of sin Then while we looke abroad in the world and strike here and there at the externall formes and images of Antichrist let us behold the spirit of Antichrist within us having it's throne and seat in our hearts continually acting of it's parts in all our duties and performances in all our worships and services all the blindnesse deceit self-love and hypocrisie that lies wrapt up in our hearts proceeds from this corrupt principle Therefore it will not be enough that we cut off the top-boughes of outward prophanenesse but that we lay the Axe to the root of the Tree and destroy that spirituall wickednesse that lies hid within our owne breasts Thus much for the spirit and mystery of Antichrist Secondly We have the forme and appearance of Antichrist Now though the spirit of Antichrist or that corrupt principle in mans heart be the very sourse and root of all evill yet it doth not onely lurk privily in mans heart but puts it selfe forth into the world openly and visible to the eye and that in many severall formes and figures in many shapes and appearances Hence it 's said There be many Antichrists 1 Joh. 2. 18. that is there be many shapes and appearances in which Antichrist shall come forth to act his part Concerning these variable shapes of the man of sin I shall now endevour in some measure to demonstrate These forty two moneths notes the various and changeable images of the beast which terme of time is the same in proportion with the three dayes and halfe mentioned in vers 9. being the time the witnesses should he dead and slaine I shall make use of that terme of three dayes and halfe in stead of the forty two moneths and shall shew how in each day and halfe day we have a changeable forme in which Antichrist doth shew himselfe The first terme of time or day of Antichrists visible raigne was in the shape of a Dragon mentioned in Revel 12. 3. By which we have represented to us the Romane Emperours who usurped authoritie over the Church and Saints of Christ being very much corrupted were exceeding great persecutors and tormentors of all that professed the name of Christ This great red Dragon is said to have seven heads ten hornes and seven Crownes which doth import the largenesse of his Dominion the greatnesse of his power and strength And for his carriage 't is Pharaoh-like who sought to destroy the first-borne of Israel and as Herod sought to destroy Christ as soone as he was borne so this beast was ready to devour the child that the woman was to bring forth The spirituall Church is compared to a woman as being espoused to Christ and likely to bring forth some excellent and worthy instrument as Constantine who was sought to be destroyed by Galerius but God taking this child into his own bosome and prorection and preserving the woman in the wildernesse from the fury and rage of this Dragon at last raising up Constantine here called Michael which spiritually is meant of Christ to fight against Maxentius Maximinus and Licinius and overcame them that they ruled no more in the Roman Empire Thus those wicked and persecuting Emperours that did so much vex and oppresse the Saints are now cast out of heaven as not retaining their usurped authority of the Church Now the subtilty of the Serpent put forth in the cruelty of the Dragon or corrupt Magistracy acting in such grosse and abominable wickednesse is now detected and cryed downe for bloudy tyranny and oppression so that Antichrist could no longer continue in this forme this his first day being ended and he being cast to the earth is forced to seek some other habit or disguise to appeare in under some fair shew or pretence of Religion The second day of Antichrists powerfull raigne or new forme that he comes forth in is in the likenesse of a beast like unto a Leopard as appeareth from Revel 13. 1. This beast doth prefigure the universall Bishop of Rome or Popish Empire Now this universall Bishop came in like an Angel of light pretending religion and reformation but intended nothing but hypocrisie and abomination This beast ariseth out of the sea or Nations round about having had seven heads and ten hornes as the former beast had and ten Crownes ten kingdomes being subjected to the Popish Empire his likenesse was like unto a Leopard fierco and cruell his feet like the feet of a Beare devouring and ravenous and his mouth as a Lion powerfull and mighty And received the seat and authority of the Dragon Now this beast being exalted in dignity and greatnesse and all begin to submit themselves to his service and formes of worship crying Who is like unto the beast but now what doth he Notwithstanding at the first he pretended to sanctifie and reformation yet now by degrees he comes to blaspheme God his name Tabernacle and people making warre against them by subduing and slaying them And thus did this beast trample upon the Temple of God and upon the holy Cities in his moneths and seasons while they were given into his hand But the Lord having raised up many eminent instruments as Hush Luther Melancton Wickcliff Calvine and Bede with many others that have respectively according to their light given forth their testimony against this beast laying open his hypocrisie and deceit his filthinesse and abomination whereby hee hath received such a deadly wound that it never will be recovered and therefore is ever since upon the declining hand So that now Antichrist is forced to cloth himselfe in some other dresse and come forth in some new habit
2. Now from this phrase of dropping we may argue that both Moses and Ezekiel had their prophesie from the Lord. For looke as the clouds from whence raine descends to mollifie the earth and to cause grasse and flowers to spring have not their water originally and natively in themselves but from the Sea and moistned places of the earth exhal'd and drawn up by the heat of the Sun so have not the Prophets a spirit of prophesie whereby they of themselves are able to discover divine mystery and revelation but it is drawne out of a full sea of that excellent knowledge and wisdome that is in God himselfe Then the Prophets must of necessity receive their message originally from God himselfe But Secondly They receive prophesie mediatly from Christ unto whom the Lord hath committed the whole administration of all things concerning his Church and kingdome And we have that passage 1 Sam. 3. 21. The Lord revealed himselfe unto Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord. By the word of the Lord is here meant Christ the eternall word by whom the Lord doth reveale himselfe as in Joh. 1. 18. So that Christ is brought in by way of mediation as by whom the Lord should reveale himselfe Suitable unto this is that passage in Genes 19. 24. The Lord rained upon Sodome and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven The Lord raining brimstone by the Lord is meat that the Lord did administer judgement by Christ as Mediator Christ is here brought forth acting in the office of his mediatorship though according to his divine nature he acts immediatly from himselfe without such dependance or subordination yet I say as Mediator he receives from the father and so communicates what he receives unto his Saints Thus you see from whom these Prophets receive power to prophesie and that 's from the Lord himselfe First from God originally Secondly from Christ as Mediator Secondly by what meanes the Lord doth thus impower these Prophets and that is first by his word Secondly by his Spirit First It is by the word that these Prophets are enabled to give forth their testimony Christs Commission to his Disciples was to preach the word Matth. 28. 19 20. And Christ is sayd to ride prosperously on the word of truth Psal 45. 4. John beares record of the word of God Revel 1. 2. The Saints were slaine for the word of God Revel 12. 11. This word is the sword that proceeds out of Christs mouth Revel 1. 16. The word being called the sword of Christ imports that it is full of efficacy and power of great force and prevalency discerning the thoughts and subduing the imaginations of the heart This is that spirituall weapon whereby the Saints are able to encounter with their enemies and to overcome the evill one to testifie against Antichrist Secondly by the Spirit which gives life and power unto the word The Gospel is called the ministration of the Spirit 2 Cor. 3. 8. because the Spirit joynes it selfe with the word and makes it a quickning and powerfull word And therefore it is that Christ saith My words are spirit and life Joh. 6. 63. Christs word doth not go forth as a dead thing but as a quickning power not as a killing letter but as a powerfull spirit So that the word cannot be separated from the Spirit nor the Spirit from the word they both joyntly concur and agree in one The word is the habit or clothing of the spirit and the spirit is the life and power of the word by these meanes namely the word and spirit are the witnesses impowered to prophesie Secondly the title given unto those that testifie against Antichrist they are called witnesses This appellation is given to Christ being called the faithfull witnes Revel 1. 5. And the true witnesse Chap. 3. 14. Likewise he was promised to be given as a witnesse to the people Isa 55. 4. Therefore he tells Pilate that he came into the world to beare witnesse of the truth Joh. 18. 37. In like manner are the Saints called Witnesses as being called forth to testifie of the will minde of God before the world Thus it was sayd of John Baptist that he was sent as a witnesse of the light Joh. 1. 7. And to him meaning to Christ gave all the Prophets witnesse Act. 10. 43. The Saints that suffered for Christ suffered for the witnesse of Jesus Revel 20. 4. There is one place where by the Prophet both Christ and the Saints are brought in as joynt witnesses where the Lord speaking of his people sayth Ye are my witnesses and signifying of Christ farther saith And my servant that I have chosen Esa 43. 10. So that as Christ doth receive a message from the Father he doth truly and faithfully give forth his testimony as appeares in Joh. 3. 32. So also the Saints that receive his word and declare their testimony of his truth do set to their seal and witnesse of the truth as it is in Jesus and doe give forth testimony thereof before the world Thirdly The number of these witnesses and they are two Some say that there are onely two eminent persons here meant not exceeding the number expressed Others that thereby are meant the two Testaments so make the Scripture to be the witnesse here spoken of or else two in regard of their types which are presented to us by paires as Zerubbabel and Joshua the two anoynted ones and Moses and Elias that caused fire to come downe from heaven Also Moses and Aaron by whom the water in Aegypt was turned into bloud as we shall understand more in the sequell Or more especially they are called two witnesses in proportion to the Law that would not take an accusation unlesse asserted by two witnesses Matth. 18. 16. So here because there shall be a sufficient testimony given forth against Antichrist by the faithfull witnesses of Christ they are called two as most compleat and answerable to the Law Deut. 17. 6. Thus you have their number they are two Witnesses Fourthly Their office and employment follows They Prophesie Now in that they are stiled Witnesses and doe Prophesie wee are to consider two things First What we are to understand here by Prophesie Secondly What is the testimony they give forth By Prophesie wee may understand three things First to prophesie it is to foretell things to come to declare things that shall come to passe according to that saying in Esa 42. 9. Behold former things are come to passe and new things doe I declare before they spring forth I tell you of them Now though this be chiefly meant of Christ yet it is foretold by the Prophet as being first revealed to him So that prophesie is a dlvine prediction or a foretelling of things to come by a heavenly revelation Secondly to prophesie sometimes is meant of understanding the mystery of prophesie or of such things as are forespoken of as to open and declare the mystery
ministration of all things should be in the hand of Christ and that himselfe should continually minister in the holy things of God Then without question Zerubbabel the chiefe governour and Joshua the high Priest these anointed ones were eminent types of Christ who was the anointed King and Priest over his Church into whose hands God hath put the judgement and administration of all things Fourthly and lastly These two olive trees are said to stand by the Lord of the whole earth Now there is none that stands by the Lord of the whole earth but Christ himselfe as appeares by that place Dan. 10. 21. The Lord speaking by an Angel to Daniel saith I will shew thee that which is noted in the Scripture of truth and there was none that boldeth with me or strengtheneth himselfe in these things but Michael your Prince The Lord had threatened to fight with the Prince of Persia and therefore saith to Daniel I will shew thee that which is noted in the Scripture of truth this being a figurative speech doth mean the determinate counsell and minde of God and that none strengtheneth himselfe but Michael the Prince as if he had said There is no humane force or power whereby I will sustaine my selfe but by Michael the Archangel Jesus Christ the Prince Leader and chiefe Conductor of his people To stand by the Lord of the whole earth notes these four things First Dignity and honour that is peculiar onely to Christ according to that of the Apostle where he saith God hath exalted him and given him a name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 above every name Phil. 2. 9. Christ in taking our nature made himselfe of no reputation or as the word signifieth he evacuated himselfe he did as it were exhaust and draw himselfe dry denuding and stripping himselfe of all his glory but now in his exaltation standing before the Lord his excellency and glory doth shine forth Secondly It notes power and strength for to stand before the Lord is all one with sitting at Gods right hand mentioned Heb. 10. 11. Gods right hand in Scripture is taken Metonymically for strength whereby Christ is enabled to uphold and protect his people and to dissipate and scatter all his enemies as having all things subjected under his feet Hence it is said He standeth before the God of the earth God is called the God of heaven Dan. 2. 18. Here he is called the God of the carth noteing that though Antichrist seemeth to bear all the sway in the world yet Christ hath the rule and world yet Christ hath rule and power of things in the earth and he rules in the kingdomes of men and that he interposeth and meddles in all secular affaires in order to his owne kingdome and to the preservation of his owne people Thirdly It notes the actuall administration of the kingdome of God to be put into the hands of Christ for the Father hath loved him put all things into his hand Joh. 3. 35. And in respect of the dispensatory part of the kingdome of God the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgement to the Son John 5. 22. And hath appointed him over his owne house Heb. 2. 8. So that Christ by standing before the Lord is impowered to subject the hearts of men to himselfe captivating the thoughts and imaginations of his people to counsell and direct to govern and protect them and also to tread upon the necke and power of his adversries confounding their plots and destroying of their persons Fourthly To stand before the Lord of the whole earth acceptation and delight to be as it were alwayes in the eye and heart of God and this priviledge is eminently attributed to Christ in Prov. 8. 22 23 24 c. The Lord Possessed me in the beginning of his way before his workes of old the phrase of beginning is put for eternity a parte ame as we say as if Christ should have said even from eternity before the creation of the world I was my fathers darling for when he made the heavens girded the sea and gave the unresistible decree that it should keepe it's bounds I was as one brought up with him I was as a child with the father I was daily his delight The Hebrew word is in the plurall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 number delights intimating that Christ was the greatest delights of the father he was variety of delights unto him in so much that while God was making of the world he took such delight in him that he made all things by him that is he made all things as bearing some analogy or proportion of him So that every creature hath some Character some inscription or shadow of his excellency upon it Againe he addeth I was alwayes rejoycing before him In the Hebrew it is sporting greatly the phrase being a metaphor or simile taken from little children that sport and play before their parents Thus Christ is alwayes standing before the Lord being his continuall delight his joy and rejoycing as alwayes in his eye and favour Thus we see plainly who is meant by the two olive trees namely Christ who standeth on the right side and on the left side of the Candlestick emptying oyle out of himselfe being the anointed one of God standing by the Lord of the whole earth Now it followeth that we shew who are meant by the two Candlesticks The two Candlesticks doe represent unto us the Saints and servants of Christ the whole number of Churches and beleevers and this will appeare if we consider some particulars in relation to these Candlesticks First These receive oyle into themselves as the olive trees doe emptie oyle out of themselves so the Candlesticks receive in oyle into themselves As it was said of Aaron that the oyntment powered upon his head ran downe to the skirts of his garment Psal 133. 2. Alluding to that fragrant oyntment made of so many precious ingredients mentioned Exod. 30. 23. So Christ being filled with heavenly and divine anointings that all his members receive of his fulnesse Joh. 1. 16. They receive an unction from the boly One I Joh. 2. 20. There is in Christ plenitudo redundantie a fulness of redundancy and everlasting spring of heavenly grace continually flowing forth upon all his people whereby they are filled with the fullnesse of God Eph. 3. 19. and are replenished with a perfect supply of light and life Thus the Saints are made the anointed ones of God by receiving the golden oyle into themselves though it be true they receive it as it were at second hand as through a Mediator Christ having first received of his father all fullnesse of divine grace doth abundantly communicate to all that are his Secondly These Candlesticks were sayd to be made of pure gold Revel 1. 12. According to the description we finde in Exod. 25. 31. which denotes the purity and righteousnesse of the Saints Christ himselfe is sayd to be a head of gold Cant. 5. 10.
the ballance goes downe when the other goes up so the honour prosperity dignity of these witnesses and of carnall men are inconsistent one with the other Then this amazement falls irrisistibly upon worldly men fearfullnesse and astonishment doth surprize them all palenesse of face and sadnesse of heart strikes the men of the earth when they thought they had slaine these Saints so that they should never rise more they thought they had made an utter riddance never to heare of them never to see them more unlesse their dead bodies and carkases to make merry withall but now that these should revive and live againe the sight of this nay the very thought hereof is like a milstone that breaks them in pieces and doth make their hearts to melt and their spirits to faile within them VERS 12. And they heard a great voyce from heaven saying unto them come up hither and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld IN the former verse we heard of the witnesses resurrection here in this verse we come to treat of their ascention wherein we have an evident allusion to the resurrection and ascention of Christ And they heard a great voyce from heaven saying Come up hither c. In which words consider First the cause of the witnesses ascention They heard a voyce from heaven c. Secondly the ascention it selfe And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud Thirdly we have a speciall Adjunct of their ascention And their enemies beheld them We are no more to understand this ascention of theirs in the letter then we did of their resurrection but as we understood before a mysticall resurrection so now understand a mysticall ascention also Their killing was mysticall as being slaine in their testimony so of necessity we must understand their resurrection and ascention to be mysticall This having been formerly inculcated and now also premised that we are to enquire after a mysticall ascention We proceed to speak of the first thing viz. the cause or meanes of their ascention And they heard a voyce from heaven saying to them come up hither In these words observe First a voyce Secondly from whence it comes Thirdly to whom it speakes Fourthly what it speaks The first thing to be taken notice off is the voyce This voyce is no other then the very call of God the appointment of the Lord. The great voyce of his spirit 'T is not like the still voyce in which God did impart his minde to Eliah or the voyce speaking behinde his people but a great and mighty voyce like the sound of a Trumpet as it 's expressed in Revel 4. 1 2. This is a translating voyce changing the Saints into the voyce it selfe they are such as the voyce is as John confesses immediatly saith he I was in the spirit This voyce is the breathing forth of the spirit of God the spirit of the Lord appointing calling enabling directing the witnesses to ascend up to heaven and accordingly they doe ascend Secondly the place from whence this voyce cometh that 's from heaven that shews it is a most eminent powerfull and certaine voyce It 's the voyce of righteousnesse revealed from heaven it 's full of certainty the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it it 's full of excellency coming from the excellent glory it 's powerfull and full of majesty it comes from heaven and brings the power of heaven along with it it prevailes in the thing unto which it was sent it commands all it carries all before it All the power of the earth is not able to withstand this great voyce Thirdly take notice unto whom this voyce is sent it speaks unto them namely the witnesses and faithfull servants of the Lord. This voyce speaks onely to the holy ones of God none else can understand it's language Those that accompanied Paul in his way to Damascus in Act. 9. heard a voyce but saw no man neither did they understand the meaning of the voyce that was spoken to Paul So the men of the earth may heare the outward sound of this voyce but they understand it not neither is it spoken to them it 's onely spoken to the witnesses and they heare it it 's directed to them and they onely understand it Fourthly what direction doth this voyce give forth it calls the witnesses to ascend saying Come up hither As if the Lord had said Come my people you have been clothed in sackcloth and ashes you have been made the reproach of the world and the Gentiles have trampled you under their feet you have lived upon the authority and opinion of men you have lived much below in the earth you have lived too far and remote from my selfe you have mourned as in the absence of the bridegroome but now you shall live so no longer Come up hither live in me in my glory in my spirit in my strength in my kingdome you shall have liberty peace and joy in me come up to me from under the captivity of Babylon from under the oppression of Egypt from amidst the filthinesse of Sodome come now enjoy my selfe my wisdome my strength my kingdome you shall now live upon my holy mountaine and there shall be no destroying beast you shall not be destroyed by your adversaries neither shall the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomles pit be able to make war w th you to overcome and kill you any more Here is the voyce of the Lord powerfully calling the bosome of the Lord opened in goodnesse and love the face of God shining forth in beautie and sweetnesse the hand of the Lord effectually reached out here are the gates of the new Jerusalem and of the kingdome of Christ set wide open and all comprehended in this most excellent and precious in this most transcendent and glorious voyce of the Lord expressed in these words come up hither Thus we see by what means the witnesses are made to ascend The mighty voyce of the spirit of the Lord enabling calling and directing them It comes from heaven having the majesty power certainty of heaven with it It speaks to the witnesses only because they onely understand it therefore directed to them And the glorious direction it gives forth it calls up the poore despised servants of the Lord to live in the power and kingdome of Christ saying Come up hither We now goe on to that which follows The second thing to be considered is the ascention it selfe And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud In the consideration hereof wee may consider three things First their action they ascend Secondly the place whether that 's up to heaven Thirdly the manner of their ascention It 's in a cloud Their action is to ascend which signifies some greater accession of honor dignity greatnesse and prosperity When Nebuchadnezzar once said I will ascend up to heaven I will exalt my selfe above the clouds Isa 14. 14. it's meant that he would in his heart be greater in
hope it trembles and quakes the root of all humane life strength wisdome policy is cut in sunder at once The foundation of all power ecclesiasticall and civill is shaken the very stability of Church State Religion order government shakes and falls downe unto the earth And needs must it be so for the witnesses are the very basis and pillars of the earth they were the strength and stability of the world like unto the two pillars in Solomons Temple the one called Jachin the other Boaze 1 King 7. 21. that is as much as to say stability and strength which indeed did prefigure the stedfastnesse and strength of the Saints These two Witnesses while they lived below in the earth they were the strength and succour of the world but when they arise out of the earth and ascend to heaven then the strength and stability of the earth ascends with them The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved I beare up the pillars of it saith the Lord Psal 75. 3. The Lord holds up the earth by these pillars namely his witnesses and when he calls them to heaven to his kingdome to live in the liberty and glory thereof then the very pillars of the earth are removed therefore the earth must needs quake and tremble This sore judgement is so terrible and amazing that there is no shelter or succour nothing that man hath or doth enjoy can be secure it is the most sweeping and affrighting evill it pitties nor spares none but carries all before it As Sampson carried away the gates of the Citie upon his shoulders so these two witnesses when they arise from the earth and leave the world they carry away with them the strength the peace the comfort the order the power of the earth and so leave the world and Antichrist in confusion and distraction The whole interest that the world hath in all it's enjoyments is but borrowed from the witnesses and when these are taken away and raised up above their former station the world falls into ruine and confusion Secondly from the time of this earthquake The same houre c. observe That 2 Observ all the time of this great earthquake the witnesses are rising ascending The same houre and time yea and all the time of these great commotions and stirres upon the world the witnesses get ground and ascend higher and higher though the world neither know it nor perceive it This great earthquake that this very day doth shake Kings kingdomes States Churches rules and dominions doth plainly demonstrate that the witnesses are now in rising that they begin to shake off their sackcloth and mourning they stand upon their owne feet and doe not any longer depend upon other mens shoulders they ascend above the oppression and powers of their adversaries into the glorious priviledges and liberty of Christs kingdome Know that thorow this thicke and darke cloud that God hath drawne over the earth and in the midst of these nationall stormes and earthquakes the Lord will shine forth more and more and the Sunshine of his favour and love shall display it's beams upon his Saints in working out their salvation and liberty God by the plentifull showers of divine grace and by his distillings of his spirit upon his people will burne up that drosse and fleshlinesse in them which God doth manifest in some already And by this great earthquake will so shake the powers of the world that they shall not be able to oppresse the Saints any longer O that we could with faith and patience waite a while and we shall behold within a few yeares yea in a very short space what desolations and devastations God will make in the earth and what unexpected salvations and deliverances he will worke for his people farre above what his enemies feare or his people hope for Therefore I say wait but a while stand still and see the salvation of the Lord the Lord will come and will not tarry for in this very day of the great earthquake in the very time now of these nationall stormes and commotions are the witnesses rising above their adversaries and ascending up into the heavenly enjoyments immunities of the kingdome of Christ Thirdly from the first consequent of this great earthquake and the tenth part of the Citie fell observe That nation 3 Observ that shall first of all shake off and disclaime the power of Antichrist God will honour that nation first of all in raising up his witnesses in it There is a tenth part of the nations that have formerly given up their power and authority to the beast that shall fall off and disown that man of sin that shall withdraw themselves from the yoke and bondage of Antichrists service and that in this earthquake under the sixt Trumpet and that before the ten hornes shall hate the whore and burne her flesh with fire Now I say that nation or nations that shall first shake off the yoke of the oppressor and the burden from off their shoulder are the tenth part of the Citie that here is sayd to fall in the earthquake The power and dominion of Antichrist that this nation or tenth part of the Citie did once yeild and submit unto now that authority and rule is wholly dissolved and abolished Now I verily believe that England is this tenth part of the Citie or take England Scotland and Ireland as being united together into one as being subjected under one dominion and government to be the tenth part of the nations that shall first withdraw from under the raigne of Antichrist for the tenth part is not tied to one nation but to the tenth part of the nations that were brought under the power of Antichrist And if the tenth part should be meant of one nation onely yet this tenth part is but that nation that the Lord doth begin his worke in he will carry his designe from nation to nation untill the ten hornes are all brought to hate the whore and to burne her flesh with fire This indeed is the full accomplishment when the forty and two moneths shall be ended and the word of God fulfilled the whole ten kingdomes shall joyne together to make war with the beast to give up their power to the service of Christs kingdome But the Lord doth first begin with a tenth part that shall first withdraw it selfe from under the dominion and power of the beast And I believe that this Island with the nations adjoyning to it will be the first fruits of the world that here shall appeare the new Jerusalem and the nations of them that be saved shall walke in the light thereof for many nations shall be joyned to the Lord upon the coming downe of the new Jerusalem and finall downfall of Antichrist Now if it be demanded why Germany or some of the reformed churches abroad may not be meant the tenth part of the Citie to which I answer thus That though those called the reformed churches have
voyces of A●llel●jahs and praises to God And of these voyces here mentioned we may note three things First they are great voyces they are mighty and powerfull voyces God once spake to Elijah in a low still voyce so he hath done unto his people while they prophesied in sackcloth but now upon the great and various discoveries of God the Saints are made to sound forth mighty declarations of his truth glory It is said in Psal 29. 3 4 c. The voyce of the Lord thundereth upon many waters it 's powerfull and full of Majesty breaking downe the Cedars of Lebanon dividing the flames of fire and making the wildernesse to shake c. So these voyces of the witnesses risen are so great and powerfull that they shake the wisedome glory strength riches power and excellency of the world The appearances of God in former time have been faint and low in his people they have seene things at a great distance and have as it were whispered in a low private voyce of the things of the kingdome of Christ but now they shall publish them on the house-top and as John Baptist could say Behold the Lamb of God so shall these cry aloud with boldnesse and confidence with assurance and liberty and say the kingdomes of this world are become the kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ There is no eare but shall heare and no heart but shall tremble at this voyce Hell and Devills all the glory of flesh and power of the world shall be affrighted and consumed before this great and mighty voyce Secondly These voyces are sayd to be in heaven The witnesses are risen and ascended up into heaven to live in heavenly discoveries and enjoyments to walke in the light and to act in the glory of God These voyces come from the excellent glory like the voyce that came unto Christ at his trans●iguration The Saints that lived in a poore earthly condition before under the oppressing power of the earth are now raised up into heaven and there doe rejoyce over that vengeance that the Lord executeth upon the earth Therefore in respect of Babylons destruction the Saints are thus called upon Rejoyce over her thou heaven and ye holy Apostles and Prophets for God hath avenged her Revel 18. 19. Nothing but songs of praise and glorious voyces of deliverance are heard of those that live in heaven who live in the spirit of God and in the glorious discoveries and divine manifestations of the Lord. There can be no voyce from heaven but it must be full of excellency and glory the voyce of joy and gladnesse the voyce of praise and triumph These voyces are heard round about the throne of God and they sound forth nothing but the power throne dominion and glory of God Here is heaven opened the glory of God manifested and Saints under those heavenly dispensations singing Allelujahs saying The kingdomes of this world are become the kingdomes of Christ Now they can say the Lord lives the Lord raigns When the Lord shall raigne before his Ancients gloriously Esa 24. 23. The Saints of God called the twenty-foure Elders vers 16. are meant by the Ancients before whom the Lord will raigne upon whom the glory of God shall shine Now the Ancients or Elders being raised up by the Ancient of dayes to sit with him in heavenly places will abundantly Trumpet forth the glory of God and sing from heaven his wonderfull praises Thirdly These were voyces in heaven not one single voyce but voyces a plurality of voyces and those not a few but many here are a multitude of voyces now at the rising of the witnesses the Saints are multiplyed they are not now as a poore few scattered people but they increase to thousands of thousands here are multitudes of hearts enlarged and multitudes of voyces sounding in heaven They shall not be a poore despised remnant who are accounted the off-scouring of all things but now abundance of the Sea shall be converted and a little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong Nation Esa 60. 5. 22. There shall be a miraculous increase and multiplication of Saints that shall utter their voyces together and yet they shall all sing with one voyce with one tune all these voyces sound one and the same thing they all concentre in one they all sound forth the praise and glorie of Christ's raigne and kingdome Now before I proceed to speake of the subject matter that these voyces do proclaime viz. the glory of Christ's raigne and kingdome I shall give you some observations of what hath been already spoken from this verse First From the succession of Trumpets or the Saints declaring the glory and truth of God observe That the 1 Observ Lord hath alwayes had a people to declare his truth unto the world There was alwayes some that did proclaime and professe the truth of Christ though in weaknesse yea the first Trumpet hath it's time of sounding as well as the seventh In every age according as the Lord made a discovery of his truth there were some ready to give forth a testimony thereof before the world When the Prophet Elijah thought in his owne judgement there was none left in Israel besides himselfe there was seven thousand left that the Lord reserved to himselfe that had not bowed the knee to Baal So in the saddest and darkest times of Antichrists raigne there have been those that have according to their measure given forth their testimony of the truth Every Trumpet sounding did in some measure hold forth the glory of the Lord and every such declaration of truth hath caused a viall of wrath to fall upon the man of sin Secondly observe That the Lord hath 2 Observ manifested his truth by degrees or in a graduall way hath caused his Saints to declare it The seventh Trumpet doth imply six other Trumpets that went before and so every one is brought forth in it's time and order untill that of the seventh cometh to sound The Lord opened one seale after another letting light breake forth Minutatim by little and little and as it were by piecemeals drop by drop untill at last he comes to open the seventh seale by making a perfect and compleat discovery of his truth The Saints in sackcloth in the midst of Antichrists raign were under much dimnesse and darknesse but the Lord in every age respectively hath made severall advances of truth and hath by degrees brought up his people from the state of bondage and darknesse by making a more full manifestation of his truth unto them So the Saints hold forth the truth of God by degrees and proceed gradually from the sounding of the first Trumpet untill they come to the seventh It is with the Saints in this case as it 's said of the waters of the Sanctuary Ezek. 47. That these waters did increase and arise first to the ancles then to the knees afterwards as high as a mans loyns
at last the waters arose to that height that they became a mighty river wherein a man might swim and without which he could not passe over them So that the Saints under the first second third Trumpets did all hold forth a profession of the truth and according to their measures did give a testimony thereunto though but in some small weake and faint discoveries of it and more in the letter then in the spirit These were glorious lights also in respect of the darknesse of those ages and generations they lived in but yet in respect of that light discovered and that declaration of the truth made out by the Saints under the sixt and seventh Trumpet they were under much darknesse and weaknesse not being come up to that degree of light that the Lord hath of late discovered and will make knowne unto his people Thirdly observe There shall be a most 3 Observ compleat and glorious discovery and declaration of truth made out by the Saints under the seventh Trumpet The seven Trumpets are all comprehended in one the last Trumpet includes all the former Seven as you heard is the number of perfection and rest So all the Trumpets are involved and wrapt up in this last The seventh seale is the highest revelation of truth the seventh Trumpet is the highest and most perfect declaration by which the Saints do proclaime and make it forth Suitable unto this is that Prophesie Esa 30. 26. Moreover the light of the Moone shall be as the light of the Sun and the light of the Sun shall be sevenfold as the light of seven dayes So that here is seven dayes brought into one day and one day shall have the light of seven So that the last and highest discovery of truth shall comprehend all the former The seventh and last Trumpet signifies the highest declaration of the glory of God the truth and kingdome of Jesus that ever the Saints publish or sing forth it is the breaking forth of the highest praises and greatest glory of God In this great and last dispensation the Saints obtaine a fuller measure of the spirit then ever they are now sevenfold more enabled to proclaime the glory power and kingdome of Christ then ever they could doe in former time Fourthly from the great voyces heard in heaven observe That the Saints 4 Observ fully risen and ascended up into heavenly injoyments at the finall destruction of Antichrist shall with one harmonious and sweet consent sound forth the praises and glory of Christ'● kingdome Indeed the Saints could alwayes sing while they prophesied in sackcloth but it was like David when he sung of his deep waters so it was of their afflictions and sufferings as Paul and Silas sung in prison they had weake and faint joy in the middest of their sufferings But now the Saints in heaven they cry out they sing aloud and shout for joy These voyces be full of power and authority the world and it's strength and foundation trembles to heare them the riches the strengths the powers the governments of men are shaken by them So great and powerfull are these voyces that as it was said of Israel of old The voyce of a King is among them they sing forth the grace the excellency the authority and glory of Christ's kingdome saying The kingdomes of this world are become our Lords c. The Saints are sayd in Revel 15. 3. To sing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. As Moses sung forth the praises of God for delivering his people Israel and destroying their enemies the Aegyptians Exod. 15. so his people shall sing forth the praises of his power and greatness for delivering them from Antichrist's yoke and tyranny And the song of the Lamb who worketh great and marvellous things to the destruction of Antichrist whose cruelty and oppression he had long suffered They shall extoll him as being King of Saints and shall acknowledge him just in his judgements punishing Antichrist and in his wayes true in performing all his promises made unto his people Having given you the observations from the former part of the verse namely from the seventh Trumpet and the voyces heard in heaven I now proceed to speake of the subject matter of these voyces The kingdomes of this world are become the kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall raigne for ever and ever These words containe a glorious proclamation or declaration of the kingdome and raigne of Christ wherein we may take notice of these six particulars to be enquired into First What is meant by the kingdomes of this world Secondly How these kingdomes have been detained from Christ Thirdly How Christ will recover these kingdomes to himselfe Fourthly By what right Christ shall possesse them Fiftly The manner or nature of Christs raigne Sixtly The time and duration of his raigne Concerning the first thing namely what is meant by the kingdomes of this world we may easily perceive what they are by opposing them to the kingdome of Christ for these kingdomes of the world are diametrically opposit and contradistinct to the kingdome of Christ The kingdome of Christ is of a heavenly and spirituall nature Rom. 14. 17. It 's King Laws government and subjects are all spirituall it 's set up and advanced by no humane force or power but by that which is meerly divine Dan. 2. 45. Now the kingdomes of this world are called the kingdomes of men consisting of externall glory riches strength government policy that men by humane power have set up and doth act by In a word all the wisdome and policy all rule and government all power and strength all Constitutions and Lawes all the riches and glory of men of these are made up and formed the kingdoms of this world called the kingdomes of men Dan. 4. 25. consisting of worldly greatnesse externall glory humane policy outward strength advanced into the forme of rule government acted and brought forth by man this is the state glory and kingdome of the world Secondly How these kingdomes have been detained from Christ and that 's thus whereas Christ hath given forth his power by earthly men as by Kings and Princes of the earth according to that place in Pro. 8. 15 16. By me Kings reigne and Princes decree justice by me Princes rule and Nobles even all the Judges of the earth These have been the substitutes and deputies of Christ having received all their wisdome their strength their authority and dominion from him the Lord hath by these administred unto the world even by carnall fleshly wicked men by the Kings of the earth the Lord hath not administred by his people but by those that have raigned as Kings and Princes of the world Now this being so these Kings of the earth have committed fornication with the whore Rev. 17. 2. having mixed and joyned their power with hers and have with one consent and minde given up their power and strength unto
indued with all power in heaven and earth Matth. 28. 18. Christ hath not onely propriety in the holy Citie but the ends of the earth are his possession Now all the Saints are the anointed of the Lord gathered up into that one anointed and therefore shall raigne with Christ as it 's sayd He hath made us Kings and Priests to our God and we shall raigne on the earth Revel 5. 10. The Lord shall raigne and his Chirst must raigne and all the Saints the anointed ones of the Lord these being all comprehended in the one anointed Christ these shall raigne with the Lord. As the Lord comes forth in Christ Christ in his Saints so the Saints shall ascend into Christ and Christ into the Father and so all in one they raign in the glory of God whereupon the speech of Christ shall be eminently fullfilled in Joh. 14. 20. At that day ye shall know that I am in the Father and you in me and I in you The power of God falls upon Christ and Christ becomes a quickning spirit in all his Saints that he might by his power put forth in them rule over the Nations So that we see the right of all Nations belongs to the Lord originally and to Christ his anointed and to all Saints as being the anointed ones of the Lord they all making up the fulness of the anointed one of God These have right to all the glory power riches excellencies of the earth it 's theirs they shall possesse the power and strength the riches and glory of the earth these shall raigne and the earth shall be filled with the glory of God Then there are none have right unto the kingdomes of the world but the Lord and his anointed all other are but pictures and images of government and rule their power and authority was lent them from the Lord and now he will take it againe to himselfe whose owne it is now he will cast forth the men of the earth and shake them from the seat of greatnesse and dominion and now the kingdomes of the world shall be given to the holy ones of God to the anointed of the Lord and they onely shall raigne First the Manner of Christ's raigne is that to be spoken off in the next place that Christ shall raigne in and by his Saints for they having overcome shall sit downe upon Christ's throne as Christ hath overcome and is set downe upon his Fathers throne Revel 3. 21. The Saints shall judge the world and Angels 1 Cor. 6. 2. That is they shall not onely judge poore low earthly things but things of an Angelicall and most excellent nature It 's the Lord through his Saints that shall judge the Nations with righteousnesse and governe the people with truth Psal 67. 4. 7. This glorious dispensation of Christ shall be administred by his Saints the Saints or the Lord in them shall judge the world that is they shall fust of all destroy and throw downe all confusion and disorder and afterwards save and governe the world they shall give settlement in the Nations by a right ordering of all things civill and spirituall Now as for the personall and fleshly reigne of Christ that is asserted by many Godly men whom I love and honour I shall not at all undertake either to affirme or deny that opinion but I shall say with them the kingdome of Christ is at hand I dare not say it is a far off though I cannot describe the manner of it but of the spirituall raigne of Christ which none deny I shall speake off from these foure reasons First The spirituall reigne seemes to me to be the most glorious appearance and manifestation of Christ unto his people and hence the Apostle did not desire to know Christ any more after the flesh 2 Cor. 5. 6. And therefore I believe that Christ by the spirituall manifesting of himselfe in and through his Saints will first break downe the powers of the world and then administer righteousnesse unto the earth Secondly the spirituall raigne of Christ doth most of all besuite the glory spirituality of his kingdome Christ tells Pilate that his kingdome was not of this world that is it was not fleshly or carnall but of a spirituall nature and quality Christ coming in the spirit to his Disciples did more enlighten comfort and spirituallize them then his fleshly presence did In Esa 11. 2 3. It 's sayd of Christ that he should not judge after the sight of his eyes or the hearing of his eares c. That is he shall not judge according to outward appearances but according to righteous judgement The glory of the Saints in the latter dayes shall be spirituall their knowledge spirituall their comfor●s and joys shall be spirituall yea Christ shall raigne by his divine presence in his people of whom shall be made up his spirituall kingdome Thirdly It is by the spirituall appearance of the Lords brightnesse and glory that he will destroy Antichrist 2 Thes 2. 8. What is the word of Christs mouth and the brightnesse of his coming but the word of the witnesses testimony and the bright shinings forth of spirit life knowledge and righteousnesse in his people whereby the iniquity of the man of Sin is detected and laid open whereby Antichrist is destroyed as by fire wasting and consuming him to nothing Now by the same appearance as in his people will the Lord administer righteousnesse and goodnesse to the world as that whereby he doth destroy Antichrist Fourthly and lastly all the glory that is spoken of Christ and his kingdome that shall be in the latter age doth amount but to thus much that the Lord will eminently manifest his gracious and speciall presence with his people As in that 37 Ezek. latter end The Lord speaking of the glory he will bring upon his people saith I will Tabernacle with them and I will set my Sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore c. The Lords presence and glory shall most of all appeare in the midst of his people he shall so manifest himselfe as to be admired in his Saints So what doth all the glory of the coming down of the new Jerusalem mentioned in Revel 21. imply but onely thus much Behold saith God I will Tabernacle with men and I will dwell with them Intimating thereby that as the Lord made the Tabernacle a signe pledge of his presence with his people so now in his last and most glorious discovery of himselfe it should be by the manifestation of his divine presence in his Saints by erecting the Tabernacle of his owne spirit life and glory in the middest of them And so much for the manner of Christs reigne It followeth Sixtly and lastly we are to consider the time and duration of Christ's reigne and that is expressed for ever and ever The raigne of Christ is an everlasting raigne he receives a kingdome that cannot be shaken there shall be no end of it his
Throne endureth for ever and it shall never expire let the enemies thereof use what craft or policie they will they shall never destroy it The God of heaven saith the Prophet shall set up a kingdome which shall never be destroyed neither shall it be left to other people but it shall stand for ever Dan. 2. 44. If that of the Apostle be objected where he saith that Christ shall deliver up the kingdome to God even the Father 1 Cor. 15. 24. I answer that this doth nothing at all impeach the everlastingnesse of Christ's kingdome for the meaning of it is this that when Christ shall have finished his worke destroyed all his enemies and have compleated his worke upon his Saints then he shall cease to raigne any longer as Mediator he shall cease to administer according to his present dispensation and office then God shall be all in all God shall be all to his Saints by the immediate and glorious communication of his light and glory and Saints shall enjoy the all of God his wisdome his goodnesse his love and the like So that however the Mediatorship of Christ shall cease when he hath finished his worke and office and the dispensatory part of his kingdome shall cease yet in respect of the nature and being it shall be for ever and ever The raigne of God shall be to eternity and Ch●●st shall raigne in the Father and Saints in Christ so that God and Christ and his Saints shall raigne for ever and ever The Apostle doth stile Christ to be a King eternall and immortall 1 Tim. 1. 17. Christs kingdome is immortall because it is not subject to succession it 's not liable to be devolved and rould downe to after-comers which Daniel expresseth thus His kingdome shall not be left unto other people that is it shall not be translated from man to man and at last quite dissolved And the Apostle doth not onely call Christ an immortall King but also an eternall King his kingdome shall hold on constantly throughout all Centuries and ages of the world there is no period of time that shall cause it to expire give up the ghost but it shall attaine to it's full beautie and perfection it shall never decline or decay but shall last beyond all ages and times it shall endure for ever and ever But now concerning the glorious raigne of Christ upon the downfall of Antichrist the time expressed to be a thousand yeares Revel 20. And it 's prophesied of Christ in Esa 60. 15. that he should be the joy of many generations both this expression of many generations and of a thousand yeares are an indefinit number to expresse the very large and spacious time wherein Christ shall rule in and by his Saints when he shall appeare before his Ancients gloriously and all the Elders before his Throne shall worship him If it be objected from Revel 20. 4. That those that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and the word of God c. These lived and raigned with Christ a thousand yeares this being the first resurrection and the rest of the dead lived not againe I answer that it cannot be meant that the persons of those that were beheaded for Jesus and refused to worship the beast or his image should bodily raigne with Christ but that God will raise up a people of the same spirit with those that suffered for the testimony of Jesus Thus Elias was sayd to come againe in John the Baptist And thus the Lord tells Daniel that he should stand in the lot at the end of the dayes when his prophesie should be fulfilled All Saints gathered up into one spirit they make but one And thus we have the Prophet speaking And the Lord my God shall come and all the Saints with thee Zech. 14. 5. When the glory of God shall appeare more glorious in the Saints in the time of his spirituall raigne the glory of all the former Saints shall be gathered up in them and appeare most gloriously The resurrecteon here spoken off is meant of a resurrection from shame and reproach the witnesses rising from their sadnesse and sackcloth and ascending into the glory of Christ's kingdome And when the seventh Trumpet shall sound and the glory of the Lord be fully discovered and layd open then all that heare the glorious sound of the everlasting Gospel shall live but the rest of the dead that heare not the voyce of the seventh Trumpet or that great proclamation of the truth and glory of Christ they shall not live untill the thousand yeares be past Againe if it be objected from Ezek. 37. 21 22 23 24 25. That the Lord hath promised to call the Jewes and gather them into their owne Land and make them one Nation and David their King shall raigne over them I answer this prophesie is of a spiritual and mysticall interpretation for the land of Messiah are the Saints of whom the land of Canaan was a type for if we take it litterally that the Jewes should rebuild Jerusalem and dwell peculiarly in the land of Canaan then also it must be meant that David and not Christ should be King over them But we know that the promise doth onely borrow expressions from the state of the Jewish Church but it shall be fulfilled in spirit for he is a Jew which is one inwardly Rom. 2. 28. The Jewes shall be called when the fulnesse of the Gentiles shall come Rom. 11. 25. which is not meant as if God would first finish his work among the Gentiles and then call the Jewes as a peculiar people but that the Jewes should be brought in with the fulnesse of the Gentiles when Antichrist shall be ruined and that which letteth be taken out of the way and the everlasting Gospel goe forth with freedome in the fulnesse and abundance of the Gentiles shall the Jewes finde acceptance also Now from all that hath been said of the kingdome and raigne of Christ observe That Christ will come and raigne Obser gloriously in his people subduing all his enemies advancing his Saints unto the glory and dignity of his owne kingdome Christ will take to himselfe all power rule strength riches glory peace joy and whatsoever is good and will bestow it upon his owne Satan and wicked men have reigned long but now they shall cease to reigne any longer The whole earth shall be filled with the righteousnesse goodnesse and glory of God and the anointed ones of the Lord shall reigne and the Saints shall reigne with him for ever as it 's sayd Revel 5. He hath made us Kings and Priests to our God and we shall reigne on the earth The strength glory riches of the Gentiles shall be given unto us we shall no longer be subject to Satan and wicked men but we shall be brought into the glorious libertie of the sons of God and shall live in the new heaven and new earth wherein dwells righteousnesse our habitation shall be
the new Jerusalem the holy Citie Now all the services of formall professors and carnall Christians shall be disowned of God Esa 43. 20 21. And humane ministrie shall be abhorred vers 27 28. And Jerusalem shall be a burthensome stone breaking in pieces Kings and Kingdomes States and powers that shall take upon them to judge of spirituall things that shall intermeddle with Church-work or shall any wayes goe about to interpose between God and the spirits of men Because none can none shall reigne over the Saints but the Lord himselfe Man hath had his time of power and dominion but now he is to give account of his Stewardship and reigne no longer The riches the glorie the strength the dominion of the world are Christs he hath let out these to man to be imployed but the men of the world have abused them these have been used in opposition to Christ therefore Christ will recover these to himselfe againe he will come and redeeme these from Antichrist from Babylon from the power of darknesse and all these kingdomes of this world shall immediatly become the kingdomes of our Lord and his Christ The Lord shall take all owne all possesse all and his Saints shall possesse all i● him he must raigne and they shall reigne with him The whole earth is the Lords and he will put his people into possession of all that 's good excellent and glorious All the kingdomes of the world shall become our Lords and his anointed ones I shall now proceed to shew the effects that follow in which I shall give you a briefe Paraphrasticall sence of the following verses and so conclude Because the Lord raignes and we shall reigne with him what is the issue VERS 16. And the foure and twenty Elders which sat before God on their seats fell upon their faces and worshipped God IN this Verse observe three things First the title given to the servants of the Lord his anointed ones they are called Elders because the Lord doth appeare with them and in them with much gravity and majesty by his glorious indwellings of his everlasting Spirit These be his Ancients as the Prophet calls them Esa 24. 23. before whom the Lord doth appeare Saints taken up into the Ancient of dayes living in the eternall spirit these are called the Ancients the Elders of the Lord. Secondly Their number twenty-foure The number of the Apostles were twelve but here is the number of twenty-foure answerable both to the twelve Tribes and also to the twelve Apostles Suitable hereunto is that place Revel 21. 12. 14. In the description of the new Jerusalem it 's sayd That upon the twelve gates thereof were the names of the twelve Tribes and upon the twelve foundations the names of the twelve Apostles which doth demonstrate that the Spirit of God shall appeare in a double measure twice as much as in the Apostles these shall have a fuller measure of the Spirit The names the vertues the gifts the graces both of the twelve Tribes and twelve Apostles shall be engraven upon these anointed ones These shall enjoy a double measure of the Spirit they shall not appeare as twelve but as twenty-foure Elders before the Lord. These are they which sat before God as having rule and dominion with him Thirdly We have their posture and action they fell upon their faces and worshipped God 1. They fell on their faces that sheweth their humility and selfe-deniall as disclaiming all fleshly glory and excellency they doe as it were put their faces in the dust as abhorring their own beauty and excellency 2. They wership God the time was they did worship men and meanes they adored selfe creature but now they cast off their idols of Gold and their idols of silver which they made each one for himselfe to worship to the moles and to the bats as the Prophet speakes Esa 2. 20. And now they exalt the Lord alone they worship him and him onely The voyce of praise follows VERS 17. We give thee thanks O Lord God Almighty which art and wast and art to come because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast reigned HEre likewise three things are considerable First The praises of the Saints we give thee thankes c. They sing the song of deliverance and joy of triumph and victory saying we thanke thee O Lord not to us not to man not to creature be the praise but to thee O Lord thou onely deservest all praise O Lord God Almightie therefore we will praise thee onely The Saints exalted into the liberty and glory of Christs kingdome they sing the song of Moses and of the Lamb Revel 15. 2. They give thankes for deliverance and salvation-Their hearts and their mouths are full of divine praises they sound forth Halelujahs and sing aloud the glory of the Lord. Secondly They praise him who is the everlasting and eternall being which art and wast and art to come Here we have the very circle of eternitie that is most comprehensive and doth comprehend both the beginning and end of all things The Lord was before all creatures and shall abide alwayes though all creatures should perish from him all creatures had their being and to him they are referred as their utmost end Therefore the Lord is worthy of all praise being before all things by whom all things are and to whom all things tend the Lord is the beginning being and end of all things meeting and concentering together Thirdly The ground of their praise Because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast reigned As if they had sayd Lord thou hast given thy power to others thou hast let Satan Antichrist and wicked men reigne on the earth but now thou hast taken thy power to thy selfe again and hast wrested it out of the hands of earthly men that have abused it and thou wilt use it thy selfe The men of the earth have reigned by wisdome policy by plots carrying on their own designes but the Lord will reigne in truth and righteousnesse It must needs be matter of great joy unto the earth that the Lord will reigne for while man reigned there was nothing but oppression on the earth but the Lord rules reignes with deliverance and salvation It followeth VERS 18. And the Nations were angry and thy wrath is come and the time of the dead that they should be judged and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the Prophets and to the Saints and them that feare thy Name small and great and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth FRom these words take notice First how the adversaries vex and fret and doe even rage in furie and madnesse and good reason they have so to doe for the time of their dead was come that they should be judged all dead power rule and authority all dead ordinances and services all the dead wayes and practises of Antichrist these must all be judged condemned and destroyed all things that have
not the spirit and life of God in them all these must be judged well may the world then vex and rage and gnaw their ●ongues for paine This is the reason of all that bitternesse malice sury and madnesse that is in the hearts of men at this day what makes them vexing and fretting but that all things they set up maintaine enjoy and take pleasure in are judged and condemned for dead power dead ordinances dead gifts all things of man are judged to be dead When the Lord comes to judge the earth confusion and a consuming fire goes before his face Psal 97. 2. which must needs make that judgement very dreadfull and terrible to all formall powers and fleshly actings especially because the Saints shall judge the world yea and Angells also 1 Cor. 6. 2 3. They shall judge men and things of highest principles and places those things that carry a civill or spirituall excellency upon them shall be judged by the Saints What follows Secondly The Saints are rewarded and advanced And that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the Prophets and to the Saints and them that feare thy Name small and great As the portion of the world is vexing fretting cursing and wrath so the portion of Saints is love goodnesse blessings thankesgivings The dreadfull day of doome and darknesse of judgement and confusion unto the world is a day of light and joy of comfort and reward unto the Saints The worlds trouble and ruine is the Saints peace and salvation Though the Lord come in fire and wrath to destroy Antichrist yet he comes in love and mercy to save Sion and therefore when he comes forth and a devouring fire burning up his enemies round about Psal 97. 3. Yet Sion heard and was glad and the daughter of Judah rejoyced because of his judgements vers 8. The Saints have been a long time under oppression shame and persecution now the Lord will reward them and give them light for darknesse strength for weaknesse glory for shame they shall now receive reward and praise for all their former sorrow and sufferings The Saints shall rejoyce in heaven for the vengeance powred out upon Antichrist Therefore rejoyce over her thou heaven and ye holy Apostles and Prophets for God hath avenged you on her Revel 18. 20. When the Kings of the earth and Merchants mightie and rich men shall weep and wayl and cry alas alas then shall the Saints here called the holy Apostles and Prophets rejoyce and sing because the ruine and fall of these shall be their joy and reward Thirdly The Lord will not onely judge the dead principles practices ordinances and powers of Antichrist and give reward unto his servants but also will destroy the Antichristian partie And shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth The word translated destroy signifies corrupt that is Those that have managed the cause of Antichrist have corrupted the earth according as it 's said in Revel 19. 2. The great whore did corrupt the earth with her fornication That is by her sosseries and fornications she hath corrupted the minds of the men of the earth drawing them aside from the Lord by the intoxicating wine of her fornication she hath blinded the mindes adulterated the affections and polluted the hearts of the men of the world and have made them to serve Satan the God of this world These that have managed the cause of the beast and have thus corrupted the earth shall be destroyed This destruction is not so much meant of a bodily destruction as of place and power these that have by their power rule by their deceit and falshood corrupted the earth these in their dignity office rule and authoritie shall all be slaine It followeth VERS 19. And the Temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen in the Temple the Arke of his Testament and there was lightnings and voyces and thunderings an earthquake and great hail COnsider three things from these words First The Temple of God opened The time was it was shut up as once the Temple of Jerusalem was under Ahaz 2 Chron. 28. 24. So this spirituall Temple was shut up when it was measured in vers 1. When the outward Court or visible face of things were in the hands of the Gentiles vers 2. The Church was driven into the Wildernesse for many yeares into desert places there to be nourished for a time from the face of the Serpent that sought to devoure her But now the Temple is set open as of old it was by Hezekiah 2 Chron. 29. 3. Thus it 's said of the new Jerusalem that the gates should not be shut Revel 21. 25. And the reason is because there shall be no night nor danger the gates shall stand open continually This noteth the free accesse for multitudes of Saints to enter in to the new Jerusalem without impediment or stop Not as in times of persecution when they sought to worship the Lord in corners but they shall come and enter freely and boldly and that without let or molestation So that the woman shall no more be driven into the Wildernesse and shut up there but the Temple of God shall be set open and there shall be a free and great accesse unto it Secondly That which appeared in the Temple was the Arke of his Testament As the Temple was opened so the Arke was made visible which was shut from the eyes of men under the old Testament 1 King 6. 19. It was very seldome seen and that by the high-Priest onely the Arke was a pledge of Gods presence with his people and denotes unto us the mysteries of truth which formerly lay hid but now are made manifest The great high-Priest hath opened the Temple and made visible the Arke by making knowne the mysteries of truth In former time the Church was in the Wildernesse the Gentiles possessed the outward Court le ts of truth were discovered onely something was hinted out by a few choise instruments but now the Saints have a Temple opened a full and free accesse and now they have an Arke made visible or the hidden mysteries of God revealed not onely to a few called Clergie men but generally to all Saints the knowledge of the truth is revealed Thirdly The close of all And there were lightnings and voyces and thunderings and an earth-quake and great hail Earth-quake hail and lightning set forth Gods judgements most terrible and irresistible Esa 30. 30. Of an earthquake wee have spoken before from vers 13 of this Chapter Hail-stones was one of the plagues of Aegypt that destroyed their trees Exod. 9. 25. And by which the Amorites were destroyed in Canaan Josh 10. 11. By these judgements wee have the finall destruction of Antichrist This is the third woe that shall accompany the seventh Trumpet and is agreeable to the plagues of the seventh Viall by which Antichrist shall be wholly destroyed and should blaspheme God because of the plague of the hail that was exceeding great By this last and great judgement the mysterie of iniquitie is discovered and the power of Antichrist wholly broken at which his partie shall vex and fret gnaw their tongues and blaspheme God for all their paines sores whereby they shall be utterly ruined and consumed Thus we have the Effects of Christs kingdome and reigne layd open wee see for what it is that the Elders doe so exceedingly praise the Lord for that he takes to himselfe his great power and doth reigne by which he doth offend the Nations and reward his servants The Temple is no more shut up under restraint but free accesse is given the Arke is no more hidden but the mysteries of salvation made evident And the Lord by his sweeping judgements will wholly consume Antichrist both in his policy and power Hence it is that the Saints shall thus triumph and rejoyce How can the daughter of Sion but rejoyce when he● King cometh the redeemed of the Lord must needs triumph And besides the whole world shall rejoyce when the oppressor shall cease when violence shall be no more heard in the Land when our Exactors shall be righteousnesse then I say the world will sing and rejoyce because the who●●●●●th shall be at peace and be quiet Esa 14. 4. 7. When Christ shall come to reigne in his appearance in his Saints b● shall judge the Nations with righteousnesse and governe the people with truth Psal 67. 4. 7. Therefore when the Lord shall come to reigne to set all things in order to governe and give settlement to the Nations well may Antichrist vex and fret and all oppressing powers be angry but the Saints shall rejoyce and sing and all the world besides shall be glad because of his righteous judgements So much to be spoken of the Effects of Christ's reigne and so I end this whole Discourse FINIS