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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72547 Three godly treatises [brace] 1. To comfort the sicke, 2. Against the feare of death, 3. Of the resurrection [brace] / written in French by Mr. I.D. L'Espine, preacher of the word of God in Angers ; and translated into English by S. Veghelman. L'Espine, Jean de, ca. 1506-1597. 1611 (1611) STC 15514.5; ESTC S5293 148,307 355

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The Apostle saith that they shal feele a feruentnesse of fire which shall deuoure them S. Iohn declareth that they shall bee cast into the lake of fire brimstone which is the second death For although they shal liue yet by reason of these incredible torments they ought rather to be called dead then aliue Now although that by all these similitudes it is demonstrated vnto vs that the damned shall be grieuously and euerlastingly tormented yet neuerthelesse man cannot thinke nor comprehend how great the euerlasting sufferings shall be no more then he can comprehend the ioy of the children of God Marc. 9. 1. Cor. 2 Hebr. 10. Wherefore with good cause the Author to the Hebrewes saith that it is a terrible and fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God For although that we should see one continually knawed with wormes and burnt with fire that torment should notwithstanding be as nothing in regard of that which is prepared for the wicked For besides that their bodies shall be horribly afflicted their soules shall be in incredible distresses and sorrowes This ought wel to stirre vs vp to watch and pray and to refraine from doing euill Reu. 3. Mat. 24. 1 Thes 1. Psal 25. 51. Iere. 31. Lamen 5. Cant. 1. Luc. 17. Ioh. 3. Wisd 4. 5. and to moue vs to serue God and to desire him with the Prophets and Apostles to change reuiue and increase our faith that so being made new creatures we may escape this place of torment and be numbred amongst the sonnes of God Which the Lord grant for the loue of his welbeloued Sonne our Sauiour to whom be all honor and glory for euer and euer AMEN A conclusion of this booke conteyning an exhortation to all estates to prepare themselues to die well for feare least the vncertaine howre of death should surprise them MOreouer my brethren friends it remaines that this booke be not onely in our hands but also in our hearts and if we haue any desire to amend ous liues let it not be deferred till to morrow for when to morrow shall come wee will yet referre all to the next day and so consequently the whole yeare shall passe yea our whole life If then at this present howre there bee some little good affection in vs let vs not suffer it to be quenched let vs not kill that grace which God hath giuen vs but to the contrary by all meanes which shall be possible to vs let vs endeuour our selues in such sort that from howre to howre it may not onely be confirmed but also augmented God is mercifull enough and liberall to grant vs our requests but he will be importunated not in his owne regard but ours for he knoweth how backward we are to pray and call vpon him and how soone we are weary of it although we should desire nothing more in this world for it is no small thing to speake vnto God And which ought yet more to moue vs is that he doth willingly hearken vnto vs and neuer puts backe those which come vnto him I speake this because I see not that by any other better meanes we can preuent confusion than by prayer Surely if euer men had need of this aide we are in great necessity of it in these last daies and olde age of the world for we must not doubt but that Satan now doth set himselfe in armes perceiuing well that the howre drawes neere that he shall not be able to doe that which hee hath done heretofore and that the Sonne of God must be manifested to all creatures and that then the perfection ought to come of the blessed and the finishing of their happinesse of the which hee knoweth well hee hath no part If then for his part he sets himselfe forth in his strength it remaines that we should do the like for vs that wee may be furnished with all celestiall armour and that we bee not daunted with all his plots and treacheries for surely the victorie is in our handes so that we fight against him and not with him as doth almost all the world at this day although that the most part thinke the contrary for so they haue the name of a Christian and be without reproch before men who are no better then thēselues they then thinke themselues very well assured Others thinke that they shall need but a good sigh as they say at the last howre for to blot out all the rest of their life passed and presently to transport them into the kingdom of heauen but who hath assured them that God will giue them the grace to make that sigh and to haue a true repentance of their sins at the howre of their death Where haue they had pattents and good assurance that they shall not die a sudden death Is not that to mocke God openly If that may serue verily St. Peter and St. Paul and the other Apostles should haue bene much deceiued to labour and to toyle so much and to beare so grieuous a Crosse if it were so easie a matter to enter into the kingdome of heauen I meane by the meanes which those Libertines doe pretend Let vs assure our selues that the way is straite which leadeth to saluation and that there are few that go therein These words are no lies but I pray God that we may not experiment the truth of them to our great paine and griefe I know well that the mercie of our God is incomprehensible and infinite but it is towards his seruants it is towards those that feare and reuerence him Besides I know that among the children and seruants of God there are many infirmities euen a great imperfection in all vertue and iustice and which endures till death but there is a great difference between your life O worldlings and the life of the elect of God The iust man sinneth seuen times a day but he shall be raised seuen times Now you continue in your euill and goe to bed with your sinne as with your friend and companion Men will say an Aue Marie beat themselues on the breast or perhaps will haue some distaste of their sinne and wickednesse But if we neerely looke into all we shall finde that it is nothing but meere hypocrisie If our friend or kinsmen dies if we loose our goods if wrong or iniury be offered vnto vs if our good name be taken away if we be stricken or hurt behold we are presently in choller or very extremely sad our hearts euen closed vp with melancholy but if our spirit dies and if we loose the euerlasting riches by our transgression we make no account of it we are not moued with it we grieue more for the losse of this world which is nothing then we doe for the losse of God which is all In seeing all which cannot such men yet feele their griefe can they not yet know how much the opinion which they haue of their vertue and prudence is vaine and friuolous Can they not see how farre they are from their reckoning Certainly the world is full of such people that haue no feeling of their sinne but the prophesies must needs be accomplished to the end when the Sonne of man shall come he may finde no faith vpon the earth Verily this howre commeth on a pace the signes thereof are very manifest But because we should not bee dismaid seeing such a danger round about vs let vs be sure that the Lord will bee with vs till the end of the world prouided that our Lampes be burning and in steed that the wicked euery day shall be worse and worse for our parts let vs endeuour to goe forward in all holinesse and iustice I know well that they will mocke at vs and at our simplicity that we shall be cast out of their companies But we shall be exalted of God and receiued of the most blessed assembly VVherefore let vs with all patience waite for the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ and let vs labour that so we may be found of him without spot and without reprehension Surely that day ought to be very fearefull to the wicked but as for vs we ought so much the rather desire it knowing for a certaine that there is no cōdemnation for those that are in Iesus Christ knowing well the great goodnesse and kindnesse of him which is to come with whom God grant wee may liue for euer and euer Amen A Prayer vnto God on the same subiect ALas when shall wee come before the face of God our Father and when shall we haue a dwelling in his house and vntill when shall we be in this exile wherunto by sinne we haue bin regenerate But how shall the sinner cōsist before this great God How shall this poore flesh be able to go vp into this heauenly euerlasting Paradise O how vncertaine should our hope be if we had not the true promises of our God how miserable should we be if we did relie vpon our selues But O great God thou wilt that all things be possible to beleeuers for the beleeuers do trust only thy promise in thy mercy Do not then O Lord regard so many sins which are in vs. Remember rather that we are thy creatures the worke of thy hands VVe are vnworthy to be called thy children but it pleaseth thee to be our Father It was thy will that thy Sonne Iesus should come downe to vs here beneath to make that we should go vp to thee We feare not death O Lord for thou hast promised to bee with vs death lost her strength when thy deere Sonne died so that when our bodies shall be knawne with wormes in the sepulcher our soules shall reioyce in heauen with the holy Angels We desire then to die to see thy amiable and glorious face to liue with Iesus Christ out head O our God open vs then the gates of thy Kingdome Cause vs to heare that sweet speech which was spoken to the poore theefe vpon the crosse which is This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Alas Lord we are vnworthy of it but thy mercy and thy promises do giue vs assurance Giue vs also O heauenly Father the strength to perseuer and desire the immortall and glorious life to come which thou hast purchased for vs through thy Sonne Iesus Christ to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all honour praise and glory for euermore So be it FINIS
weapons wherein he trusted that is to say sinne death and the law leading euen with him captiuitie captiue Eph. 4. when he ascended into heauen so that the diuell being so disarmed hath no more meanes to hurt vs neither by our sins which Iesus Christ hath washed away in his bloud neither by death which he hath swallowed vp dying neither by the law vnto the which he hath fully satisfied accomplishing at and submitting himselfe for vs to the curse which in it was ordained for vs. And albeit that he be alwaies our aduersarie and that for the hatred that he beares vs and the desire which he hath to hinder vs and let vs from attaining to the felicitie from whence he was put away by his pride he walks like a roaring Lyon round about vs seeking whom he may deuoure neuerthelesse we may resist him being strong in the faith 1. Pet. 5. and abiding ancred in the perswasion which wee haue of the remission of sinnes which is euerlasting as is the vertue and efficacie of the death of IESVS CHRIST by the which it was obtained for vs it is the freedome of the Church in the which all that are faithfull ought to retyre themselues to bee in safetie when they are pursued by their owne consciences and the other Sergeants of the iustice of God VVhereunto Dauid also exhorteth vs. Let Israel then boldly In the Lord put his trust Psal 30. Hee is the God of mercy That his deliuer must For hee it is that must saue Israel from his sinne And to all such as surely haue Their confidence in him And else where Psal 51. The heauie heart the minde opprest O Lord thou neuer doest reiect And to say truth it is the best And of all sacrifice the effect And Iesus Christ who is the soueraigne medicine of our soules and who came into the world but to seeke those that were lost and to heale that which was sicke and as saith the Prophet to beare our infirmities Isa 53. can he take more pleasure then to see vs comming towards him to be discharged for our sinnes did he euer reiect a Publicane or sinner that came to present himselfe before him as saith the Prophet Psal 103. The Lord is kind and mercifull When sinners doe him grieue The slowest to conceiue a wrath And readiest to forgiue We may plainly see it in the examples of the Publicane of the woman sinner of the prodigall of the good theefe of Dauid of St. Peter Mat. 16. of St. Paul and of the seruant that was indebted tenne thousand Talents to his master which were acquitted him as soone as hee had confessed the debt and had requested and prayed his master to haue pitie on him Ha to what end hath the father sent hither his sonne why was he annointed by the holy Ghost Is it not to declare vnto the captiues that hee came from heauen to pay their ransom and to draw them out of captivity Isa 61. and to the prisoners that he is come to open the prison for them and to the indebted that he is come to acquit them and to the sicke for to heale them And the Apostles which he hath sent throughout the world as he was sent of his Father what charge had they was it not to publish the Gospell that is to say the remission of sinnes to all creatures in the name of Iesus Christ If then that their labour be not in vaine and that likewise of the faithfull Ministers which came after them we must assure our selues of the remission of our sinnes There is yet more that if they were not pardoned vs in beleeuing him the Birth the Death the Resurrection the Ascension the Intercession Briefe all the mysterie of Iesus Christ should be as nothing barren and fruitlesse 1. Cor. 15. and our faith altogither vaine Item how could we beleeue him to bee our Iesus and our Emanuel Mat. 1. if he did not saue vs from our sinnes Isa 59. Heb. 8. Iere. 3. and carry away by that meanes the enmities that are betweene him and vs which turne away and hinder him that hee cannot associate with vs What assurance would wee haue more then that the new alliance which hee hath contracted with vs was confirmed and ratified by his death and the blood which he hath shedde if hee had not forgotten all our iniquities and did not write his lawes in our hearts by his holy Spirit seeing that they are the promises and conditions vnder the which it hath beene conceiued and yeelded What fruit would come vnto vs of his Priest-hood and of the Sacrifice which he hath offered to his Father for our redemption if we remaine in our sinnes 1. Iohn 2. If also it were not purposely for our sinnes and not only for ours but also for those of the whole world How could we assure our selues that he is our Mediator and Aduocat and vnder that assurance goe to the throne of grace to obtaine mercy to finde grace to be aided in time of neede Wee must not then doubt the remission of sinnes And as saith Dauid Psal 103. God doth remoue our sinnes from vs And our offences all As farre as is the Sunne rising Full distant from his fall And how can we doubt of it seeing wee carry it printed and sealed not only in our hearts and consciences but also in our bodies with the two great seales of the Chancellor of the Kingdome of heauen to wit Baptisme and the Lords Supper Let then the sicke assure themselues that beleeuing the remission of his sinnes hee obtaine It presently For hee dealeth with vs according to our faith And S. Ambrose writes that all that we beleeue we obtaine for we cannot beleeue but what God hath told and promised vs who is so faithfull and true in his promises Rom. 3. that euen the vnbeleefe and infidelity of men cannot abolish his truth And although that the wicked reiecting and contemning the word and promise of God hinder that by their contempt and obstinacy it doth not bring forth his effect in not shewing the vertue which it should haue to saue them if they did beleeue it neuerthelesse that cannot preiudice others that receiue and obey it nor hinder that beleeuing in it and by faith receiuing it into their hearts but they shall be quickened Simil. euen as a man that should close his eyes against the light and flie from it cannot hinder but he that openeth his eyes shall enioy and bee enlightened with it For the light and colour are the obiects of the eye which being opened whole and well disposed apprehends them presently Also is the promise of God the obiect of the faithfull which causeth that man receiueth it so soone as it is denounced vnto him and that he hath heard it published prouided that by the spirit of God his heart be before hand prepared For otherwise if it should continue in its
lightned it and the Lambe is the candle thereof and of thousands of Angels and of the assembly of the first borne which are written in heauen and to God which is the Iudge of all 2. Cor. 11. Col. 1. Eph. 1. Reu. 19. and to the sanctified soules of the iust and to IESVS CHRIST their head and their Spouse mediator of the new alliance and of the bloud shedde preferring better things then that of Abel then with all this company and all the other Saints with whom they shall be fellow Citizens being domestickes of God and with Mary and the other Saints they shall bee called to the nuptiall banquet of the Lambe and shall enioy the Kingdome of God their Father Reu. 19. the felicity which Iesus Christ by his death hath conquered for them in whom they haue put their whole trust Heb. 2.5.9 10. Gal. 3. 4. Rom. 4 5 Eph. 1.5 Rom. 5.9 10. Ioh. 12.14 17. for the which also they shall not be confounded as he himselfe promiseth saying Father I will that those which thou hast giuen mee bee with mee and see my glory which thou hast giuen me and then I dispose the Kingdome vnto you as the Father hath disposed it vnto me to the end you may eate vpon my table in my Kingdome The Apostle saith Luc. 22. if we die with him we shall liue with him and if we suffer with him we shall reigne with him and shal be glorified with him 2. Tim. 2. Rom. 8. Of these promises the children of God neede not doubt for seeing that the Lorde when hee died gaue Paradice to the theefe can hee not more easily giue it to those to whom hee hath promised it when hee shall come into such great glorie and Maiesty Now being with him Luc. 23. and seeing him as hee is 1. Ioh. 3. they shall haue a much more greater ioy then had the Disciples seeing him transfigured they shall be so vnderstanding Mat. 17. Marc. 9. Luc. 9. that they shall know all the Saints that euer haue beene and euen those with whom they haue conuersed in this world ioyfully and according to God For if it be so that in the transfiguration of our Lord which was but a little demonstration as well of the glory of the body of Iesus as of the estate and condition in the which the children of God shall be in heauen for their meanenes and infirmity could not haue beene able to see the incomprehensible Maiesty of the Lord without being destoyed the Apostles although they had neuer seene the body of Elias and of Moyses neuerthelesse they knew them How much sooner shall the elect know themselues when they shall be endued with this perfect knowledg and intelligence of the image of God which shall be in them That if Adam in his first estate which was a great deale lesse why shall not that of the sanctified by Christ 1. Cor. 13. Did hee know the beastes which God brought before him 1. Cor. 1. and did properly impose a name to each one and euen knew Eue to be bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh Gen. 2. although that the Lord tooke the ribbe from him without his feeling it shall not we in this admirable glory haue more wisedome to know each other Luc. 16. Now this knowledge shall be disrobed of all carnall and corrupt affection for the elect shall not be knowne for louing the one more then the other or hating one reprobate more then another in calling to minde the iniuries and displeasures which they may haue receiued in this world But they shall loue directly without respect of persons those which God loueth and shal hold in abhomination those which God shall detest For then all Paternity brotherhood and mariage shall be abolished and there shall be but God alone Father of all whose children we shall be and brothers and sisters one to another the children of God shall be made partakers of the diuine nature Marc. 12. Eph. 4. 2. Cor. 6. 2. Pet. 1. 2. Thes ● for God shall be glorified in his Saints and shall be made admirable to those that haue beleeued Wherefore seeing God will communicate his glory vertue and iustice to his elect imparting himselfe vnto them let vs know that this benefite containes the soueraigne good of man which all desire which the wisdome of man could neuer comprehēd And indeed when by all the similitudes which the Scripture doth teach vs we shall haue said and learned much of the excellency of the children of God it is almost nothing in comparison of that which shall then appeare then the Apostle with the Prophet hath good reason 1. Ioh. 3. hauing tasted in spirite the inestimable glory of the elect in the heauenly life to say the things which eye hath not seene nor care hard and which is not come into the hart of man are those which God hath prepared for them which loueth him which are vnspeakeable it is not possible for man to tell them 1. Cor. 2. Isa 64. 2. Cor. 12. For although Adam was created in a very noble estate yet so it is that if the elect were to re-assume that estate they should be miserable in regard of the soueraign excellency in the which they shal be set Gen. 2. 1. Cor. 14. 1 He had an earthly sensuall body the elect shall haue spirituall celestiall bodies 2 He had a liuing soule they shall haue a quickning spirit 3 Hee could faile and render himselfe subiect to death they shall not be able to faile 1. Cor. 15. nor fall in danger of death the which then shall be abolished 4 Sathan had power to tempt him and to make him to fall but he shall not haue power of eyther of both to them 5 He was husbanding in an earthly Paradice they shall be in rest and enioy the heauenly Paradice 6 He had command ouer the birds of the ayre Gen. 2. the fishes of the Sea the beastes of the earth they being in greater power shal condemne Sathan all the wicked and the holy Angels shall be their companions Mat. 22. shall haue power in the kingdom of their Father 7 Adam had such great wisdome that he named euery beast according to their property 1. Cor. 9. Rom. 2.3 5. 1. Pet. 3. 2 Cor. 1. Rom. 15. Rom. 3. 4. Mat. 3. et 17 they shal be endued with such wisdom filled with such a perfect knowledge that they shall be ignorant of nothing Briefe we ought to be much moued and stirred vp to worship and serue God who without any desert of ours will for the loue of his welbeloued Sonne so admirably vnfolde his incomprehensible goodnesse vnto vs. The estate of the reprobate NOw this day shall surprise the wicked and reprobates which are in darknes Rom. 2. 9 whom the Lorde hath borne and suffered with great