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A58336 A divine looking-glass, or, The third and last testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ whose personal residence is seated on his throne of eternal glory in another world : being the commission of the spirit, agreeing with, and explaining of the two former commissions of the law and Gospel, differing only in point of worship : set forth for the tryal of all sorts of supposed spiritual lights in the world, until the ever-lasting true Jesus, the onely high and mighty God, pesonally appear in the air with his saints and angels / by John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton ... Reeve, John, 1608-1658.; Muggleton, Lodowick, 1609-1698. 1661 (1661) Wing R676; ESTC R35141 178,978 220

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if they acknowledge this rational truth without controversie when the light of the Sun is eclipsed from us it is through its near conjunction with the natural light or ruler of things of the night 58 And when the light of the Moon is eclipsed from us though it be in the night or early in the morning it is through her near 〈◊〉 Junction with the natural light or ruler of the day or a planetary fire answerable to his nature 59 My beloved spiritual brethren as for the time and effect of Eclipses I leave them unto the figurative Merchants of a Sun Moon and Stars which they rightly understand not because no man can truly know them but by inspiration from him that made them CHAP. VIII 1 Of the Heavens 2 How many were created 3 No more but three 1 A Throne of Eternal ravishing glories 2 A Throne of Natural perishing glories 3 An invisible spiritual Throne leading to Eternity AGain if there was but one heavenly firmament created in all some men may say unto me What is the meaning of that third Heavens in the Scriptures 2 From that light which cannot lie to this I answer The spirit of God speaketh of a third heaven in Scriptures that some men might be capable to declare unto his redeemed ones how many heavens there are and where those heavens are and what those heavens are 3 My spiritual brethren which have ears to hear hearken unto the pure light of life eternal There are three created heavens spo●en of in Scripture Records and no more no nor never was any more what ever vain men have imagined 4 The first is that third heaven of visible and invisible ravishing glories which are eternal this is that vast kingdom where the persons of the mighty Angels and glorified bodies of Moses and Elias do now inhabit beholding the face of that most excellent Majesty whose divine nature unto his elect is crowns of unutterable excellencies 5 This is that habitation third heaven throne or kingdom of ravishing glory above the starry heavens spoken of so frequently in Scripture Records which is needless to nominate unto you which are spiritual 6 But lest some vain glorious men should say Whe●e is the word of God for what I speak Seeing the letter is their God whom they adore in stead of the holy Spirit which spake them therefore to stop their carnal mouthes if it may be I shall write down two or three Scripture Records Heaven is my throne and Earth is my foot-stool Acts 7. O God thy throne is for ever and ever Heb. 1. That we have such an High Priest that sitteth at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens Heb. 8. 7 The second Heaven which the Lord created was not a spiritual but a natural therefore of necessity it must fade away 8 This Heaven is this visible firmament adorned with majestical lights above us and a fixed earth beneath us beautified in its seasons with variety of delights which is natures onely desired haven through the secret decree of the most wise God to manifest the variety of his most infinite wisdom unto elect men and angels in the creating of such natural glory to perish and the ●●gelical merciless rulers thereof after they have enjoyed their momentary glory 9 Give me leave to cite two or three Scriptures as a visible testimony to this second Heaven also It is written In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth 10 My beloved spiritual brethren you know that there could not be any beginning unto the Creator therefore it may be understood that saying did include that immortal throne above and this mortal world beneath as having a beginning was spoken for the capacity unto men or angels which knew their being was from another and understood also their continuance in those several heavens for a time or for eternity 11 In the first of the Hebrews it is thus written And thou Lord in the beginning hast established the earth and the heavens are the works of thine hands they shall perish but thou dost remain and they shall wax old as doth a garment 12 Again the third and last created heaven is that within the bodies of men or the first man Adam the which spiritual creation being in natural bodies and within this perishing Globe it is made capable through its union with changeable nature to enter into mortality that by the most secreet decree of the most high God after a moments tasting of silent death as he himself did it may quicken again through death it self spiritual bodies full of divine glories that as one man naturally as a flame of fire all the elect may as swift as thought ascend to meet their Lord in the air and with his divine person of bright burning glory enter into that prepared Throne of ete●nal pleasures 13 This created or inspired light in man you know hath variety of Scripture-expressions for the setting forth its excellencies that it shall enjoy in the life to come as namely the kingdom of heaven is within you Christ in you the hope of glory Know you not that the spirit of Christ is in you except ye be reprobates It is a true saying for if we be created together with him we also shall live together with him 2 Tim. 2 Thus God created the man in his image in the image of God created he him he created them male and female Gen. 1. 14 Thus briefly I have touched upon the three created Heavens nominated in the literal Records unto an invisible yet visible infinite being of all finite beings blessed for ever viz. a throne of eternal ravishing glories secondly a throne of natural perishing glories lastly an invisible spiritual throne leading them to eternity 15 From that spiritual Majesty by whom was formed the Heavens aforesaid and all in them I positively affirm against all mortals that ever were or shall be that though men have written or shall speak of more worlds then what is fore-written those additional heavens proceeded from their own imaginary confused reason and not from that holy Spirit of all heavenly order CHAP. IX An exact Scripture rule to prove the Man Christ glorified to be Father Son and Holy Spirit in one distinct Person MY beloved brethren which desire a right understanding of spiritual things in Scripture Records take special notice of this one thing and you cannot be deceived by all the wisdom or subtilty of men 2 I say again from the Lord take good notice of those Scriptures which speak positively concerning God or the highest Heavens or Angels or eternal Life or eternal Death or of a natural Heaven and all mortal things within its orb why because you may know that all privative Scriptures though never so eminent or numerous wholly depend upon positive Scriptures 3 My dear brethren for whom my soul is in continual travel until the pure truth be rooted in you some of you being weak of comprehension I shall
aforesaid 28 Again you that are spiritual do know that all men that do expect a glory to come in the invisible Heavens do confess that the spirit of the divine Majesty is infinite unchangeable immortal an eternal 28 If the Creators person is of an incomprehensible brightness which none can gainsay but angelical carnalities how then thinkest thou it possible for men or angels to be capable of the in-dwelling essence of the eternal Spirit 29 Though every man as aforesaid have little or much of the spiritual motions of God abiding in his soul yet take notice of this when he inspireth any light into sinful spirits that very light it self being distinct from the infinite Spirit and essentially one with mortality is made capable not onely to live but also to die together that it through death might be capable by the decree of that Spirit from whence it was produced to quicken and revive that mortality again into the glorious likeness of the eternal Majesty it self from whence it came CHAP. XXVI 1 Of the nature and place of the Reprobates torment 2 The last witnesses great confidence concerning the end of the world 3 Without a tongue no speech can be made by God Angels or men 4 God is visibly seen by spiritual bodies as Kings are by their subjects TAke notice of this also that in what soul soever this in-shining light hath appeared though he be preserved from despising a personal God if before he taste of death he doth not attain to understand this glorified Jesus to be the onely wise very true God upon the sight of so clear a discovery as this is then this will be his portion All the light at his death shall vanish and come to nothing and in the day of the Lords account by vertue of his decree that Luciferian Serpentine spirit which abhorred the simple plain truth because it discovereth its carnal deceits shall quicken and bring forth a body spiritually as dark as pitch and naturally as heavy as lead a body of thick darkness or blackness of darkness according to Holy Writ 2 Again it will be a body whose invisible spirit shall be a fire of such a dark envious nature that it shall burn more intollerably fierce than any fire in this world whatsoever through which it shall be tormented as if it were nothing else but a carcase or pillar of unsavory burning brimstone 3 In that very place where it doth appear upon this earth it shall either stand sit kneel or lie along neither seeing its own dreadful person nor no mans else 4 And the main ground of all his unspeakable sorrow will arise from hence because its spirit is bar'd close prisoner in its own body from all kinde of former thoughts or motioning forth upon any spiritual comforts whatsoever through the total absenting in-shining presence of the Lord Jesus Christ the everlasting Father 5 Again all thy former pride envy covetousness lying lust and hypocrisie which thou with delight didst act towards thy innocent brothers ruine shall then be acted against thine own self it will be the eternity of thy condition that will increase thy sorrowes and shame O it will be in vain then to wish thou hadst never bin born or any thing else 6 Who ever thou art that shalt out of thy atheistical soul laugh these words to scorn and say these are but meer fancies of my own brain know this from the Lord of Glory when this whole world and all the beauty and natural glory thereof as namely the Firmament Sun Moon and Stars are become nothing but burning dust or dry sand and an utter Chaos of everlasting confused darkness then thou shalt remember thy despising things thou knewest not 7 Is not this answerable to Christs own words where he saith If that light in thee be darkness how great will that darkness be Again The Son of man shall send forth his Angels and they gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend and them that do iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of sire there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Mat. 13. Take notice of this record of Scripture and you shall find that he said these things should be done at the end of the world Again and when the Son of man cometh in his glory and all the holy Angels with him then shall he sit on the throne of his Glory and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats and he shall set the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left then shall the King say to them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father take the inheritance of the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world Then shall he say to them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels Mat. 25. 8 Here ye may see that the Lord Jesus doth not speak of cursing or burning up of sin in all men and eternal salvation unto all mens persons but maketh as clear a distinction as there is between sheep and goats of an eternal separation of two distinct generations 9 The one personal nation to enter into that most blessed estate or kingdom of the right hand of eternal ravishing glory with Christ and his holy angels and the other personal generation to be cast out into the left hand of the fiery burning kingdom of everlasting utter darkness with that devil Cain and his cursed generation being thereunto appointed from the foundation of the world 10 Again what ever men shall imagine or think to the contrary this was the very minde of Christ in those words of his concerning blessing elect Israelites to eternity and cursing Canaanitish reprobates for everlasting 11 Who shall dare open his mouth in that day to say why hast thou made me thus As sure as the Lord liveth and as certain as thou art a living soul and body this very thing will come to pass in a short season though men or angels should gainsay it 12 The Lord Jesus Christ neither can nor will be found a liar in this nor any thing else for all the cursed whimsies of men in this age or any other age though the persons of ten hundred thousand times ten Millions of men and women should suffer the vengeance of eternal fiery death in utter darkness O poor vain despiser of a personal God what acursed condition art thou in and knowest it not 13 In the next place I shall speak again concerning the Creators being an infinite personal Majesty unto which the visible forms of men and angels bear record as unto an incomprehensible glory from whence all their comprehensible things had their beings 14 Was there not an uncreated eternal Majesty alone when no creatures whether men or angels appeared in a sensible living being 15 Again seeing there was from
his where he calleth them Serpents and Generation of vipers and children of the devil and how should ye scape the damnation of hell and such like 39 Again concerning those words ye would not you that are spiritual may know that the divine will or pleasure of God in his Prophets did spiritually contend with the carnal spirits of the legal Jews answerable to their cursed imagination of having power in their own rational wills to do whatsoever he should command them 40 If the nature of the most purest reason be nothing but unsatisfactory weakness some men may say unto me why then doth the Scriptures call them Christs mighty Angels From the true light of life eternal to this I answer by a comparison If men are chosen by the greatest Monarch in the world for his society that they may be always ready to obey his will in whatsoever he shall command them when they have received a commission from his own mouth to execute vengeance upon Rebels their Towns Cities or Castles in his dominions you know they appear mighty or dreadful unto all his people as the King himself that sent them 41 So likewise you may know is is not in reference unto the purity of the Angels natures that they are called mighty Angels but because they were created not onely to stand in the personal presence of an infinite Majesty to behold his bright burning glory face to face but also to be ready to receive commissions from him to execute vengeance upon the Persons Goods Towns or Castles of Canaanitish Rebels that are left to despise his spiritual government or glorious truths declared through the mouths of his chosen Messengers 42 Again though those men that stand in the presence of the worlds Monarch are looked upon as the most mighty Nobles on this earth yet you know that the sight of them is not very dreadful to behold until men know they have received a commission of life and death from their mighty Lord and Master 43 So likewise though the holy Angels are called mighty because they stand in the personal presence of the most infinite Majesty of heaven and earth yet you may know that the sight of them are not very dreadful to behold until they have received a commission of life and death from their most mighty Lord of heaven and earth 44 Again you know that the servants of the most eminent Prince are not onely looked upon as honorable and mighty persons because they stand in the presence of so powerful a Prince but also because they inherit a temporal kingdom of such exceeding vastness with variety of honor beauty riches or pleasures 45 So likewise you may also know that the persons of Angels are not onely called Holy or Mighty because they stand in the visible presence of so infinite a Majesty but also because they inherit a kingdom of such infinite vastness and unspeakable fulness of all variety of ravishing honors beauties riches or pleasures which are eternal 46 Again you know that the servants of an earthly Monarch for the magnifying of their Lord and Master in the spirit of his subjects are cloathed not onely with or naments decked with silver gold precious stones or the like but their bodies also are anointed with precious odorus and fed with the finest delicacies 47 So likewise for exalting of the transcendent glory of the infinite God in the spirits of his obedient subjects you may know that the persons of the elect Angels doth not onely shine brighter then gold or any precious stones whatsoever but their bodies also are anointed with divine odours and their spirits are fed with glorious delicacies by vertue of a continual inshining brightness proceeding from the eternal spirit that made them 48 So much at present between the divine nature of the eternal spirit of undesiring satisfactory fulness in its own personal Majesty and the rational spirits of unsatisfactory desires dwelling in the spiritual bodies of the elect Angels and why they are called mighty Angels CHAP. XXIX 1 Of the creation of Adam 2 Why God spake in the plural number in the making of man IN the next place I shall treat of the Created purity of the first man and woman that ever were made that the heirs of immortal Crowns may the more clearer understand my ensuing discourse in the first and second Chapters of Genesis it is thus written furthermore God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the foul of the heaven and over the beasts and over all the earth and over every thing that creepeth and moveth on the earth thus God created the man in his image in the image of God created he him he created them male and female The Lord God also made the man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living soul 2 My beloved spiritual brethren I do not question your satisfaction concerning the Holy One of Israel being but onely one eternal personal Majesty because not onely the ridiculousness of three persons in the Deity is so fully discovered already in this Epistle but because the true ground why the God of glory calleth himself by a threefold title of Father Son and Holy Spirit is clearly manifested also 3 Before I write concerning what that image of God in mans creation was give me leave to reason a little upon those words let us make man in our own likeness 4 If thou which art so literally accute or exact do but soberly minde the first and last words of the three Scripture Texts together thou canst not possibly but be convinced of thy Trinitary error 5 Concerning those first words furthermore God said hath not those sayings relation unto the singular number onely 6 Moreover though God spake in the plural number let us make man in our image according to our likeness it doth not therefore follow that the Holy One of Israel can possibly consist of three personal beings in coequal glory as men vainly imagine 7 Again thou which little thinkest that University tongues keeps thee under spiritual darkness whether was it most proper for the glorious Creator to say let us make man in our image according to our likeness or to say I will make man in my image according to my likeness 8 Is not the word us in creation more emphatical or spiritual order then the word I in creation 9 What is thy natural wisdom but rational exactness whether words bear a good sence sound or language and from thence to imagine the Holy One of Israel to be three personal beings because he was compell'd to speak words in the plural number in reference unto the glory of his wisdom or counsel concerning the creating of man in his image or likeness 10 Again as in the foregoing words the creation of man was spoken in the plural number of trinitary expressions
One of Israel may see in some measure what is meant by the two Scripture seeds the Angelical devil first became a man-childe the Angelical God afterwards became a man-childe 33 Thus the most Holy God abased himself in the very womb of a woman that he might first or last destroy the power of that Serpentine reason or lying imagination in all his elect Israelites CHAP. XXXIII 1 What form the devil was of before he tempted Eve 2 Spiritual bodies do not change their forms but their glories 3 Spirits can take up no bodies but their own 4 The forbidden fruit was not an apple or any other fruit that could be eaten with the teeth IT is written But God giveth it a body as it pleaseth him even to every seed his own body 2 My spiritual friends according to the truth of the letter you may see that by the decreed word of the Creator every seed or spirit naturally bringeth forth its own body or likeness in its season 3 Thus it was with the Serpent Angel when he tempted Eve he was not a homely beast as men vainly imagine from their beastly reason 4 But he was a spiritual body and appeared unto Eve in form like unto a glorious God or man 5 For this I would have you to understand whose souls are fixed upon a substantial glory to come though the spiritual bodies of God or Angels be transmuted into natural bodies or though the mortal bodies of men be changed into immortality yet the form of their persons are never altered but the beauty of glory of them onely 6 But some men may say unto me is any thing hard for the Lord or can he bot appear in any form or transmute his creature into any shape whatsoever after he hath formed him 7 To this I answer from the truth it self The Creator can do whatsoever his divine wisdom seeth sit 8 Now in his wisdom he foresaw that his infinite power and wonderful glory would most apparently be seen by elect men and Angels in a comely ordering the things that he should make 9 So that all creatures from eternity appeared most amiable in his eyes that in time were to bring forth their own bodies according to their kinde 10 Whefore when any monster is born you may know it is either through unnatural mixing of seeds together or it is some judgement answerable to some wicked act or else it is a forerunner of some strange or dreadfull thing that is to fall upon the heads of monstrous minded men or women which abhor the very name of a personal Majesty 11 For our God is the God of all spiritual and natural order and not of Magical confusion 12 This truth will be an eternal witness in the consciences of all Canaanitish lying devils which say When the body of man turns to its dust the soul is swallowed up into the eternal Ocean or else it appeareth in some other form as namely a horse or an asse or a dog or a root or a flower or such like 13 My beloved spiritual brethren from whence think you proceedeth this and all such like errors truly onely from some secret lusts men are in bondage unto which are as dear to them as their very lives 14 Therefore they are afraid of appearing again in the bodies of men lest they should reap the fruit of all their former filthiness Blessed are the purified spirits for they shall see their God eternally face to face 15 Again it is written that she gave also to her husband with her and he did eat that is being full of natural lust from that serpent within her she by her Angelical speeches did intice her husband to lie with her and so he was defiled also with her 16 But it may be objected that the woman was made for that very end for procreation of mankinde therefore it seemeth something strange that natural lust should be that sin of eating the forbidden fruit or tree of knowledge of good and evil 17 To this I answer 'T is truth the woman was formed for that very end and in her seed was the very law of generation 18 But she was defiled in spirit and body by another to her own knowledge before she was capable to know what it was to desire her own husband 19 And the truth is as aforesaid she immediately desired him to hide her known rebellion against her Creator 20 Besides all this knowing her self first in the transgression her conscience told her that she ought not to have ensnared her innocent husband to hide her folly 21 But to have waited for the issue of her own doings I mean the birth of that Serpentine cursed Cain in her womb before she had desired the lawful knowledge of her own husband 22 Again if you that are sober do but seriously ponder it in your spirits you cannot be so weak as to think that the law of eternal life and death depended upon the eating of an apple from a natural tree 23 For you know that the Lord caused the earth to bring forth all variety of fruit to be eaten by the mouth principally as a superfluity of delight of the taste of man onely 24 Therefore how can sober men imagine or think that the souls and bodies of all mankinde should be so venomed through the eating of an apple 25 As sure as the Lord liveth it was such a devilish apple that was eaten by Eve that it hath and will bring forth many Millions of Serpent Dragon Devils in forms of men and women unto eternal condemnation 26 Again you know it is written that Christ said unto his Apostles perceive ye not yet that whatsoever entreth into the mouth goeth into the belly and is cast into the draught but those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart for out of the heart cometh evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false testimonies slanders these are the things which defile the man Mat. the 15. 27 My spiritual brethren I hope ere this you see that it was not a natural apple eaten by Eves mouth and so passing through her belly into the draught that defiled her whole man 28 For if our God and onely Savior be all truth as he is and cannot possibly lie then that which is eaten by the mouth of man goeth into his belly and is cast into the draught without defiling his soul so that without controversie that fruit or apple taken and eaten or received by Eve and Adam through which they were wholy defiled shamed and fearfully tormented never came into their mouths or teeth as literal wise men vainly imagine 29 But as beforesaid it was a spiritual eating of the Serpent Angel in the innocent mouth of Eves soul by her unlawful lusting after her innocent husband that knew nothing of the thing that he might cover her iniquity or when she was called to an account help to bear her burthen 30 Again it is written the Kingdom of Heaven
spirits 31 Then indeed and not till then mans soul that was averse to all spiritual good by that divine light is made willing to choose the better part 32 Because then he certainly knows that there is an eternal life and glory for some and an everlasting death and shame for others 33 Therefore you that are truly spiritual cannot but know that though men speak a language like unto Angels or the divine Majesty himself as the Angelical Serpent seemed to do in the beguiling of Eve yet it is utterly impossibly they should possess any true understanding of the spiritual things of the everliving Jehovah or Jesus until their souls are firmly established with an undoubtable assurance of their own personal glory in a world to come 34 So much at present concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil or seed of the woman and seed of the Serpent O blessed and happy are those men and women in themselves already that enjoy this distinguishing light of life eternal in the purity thereof CHAP. XL. 1 Concerning Christs coming to judgement 2 The vanity of that opinion that believes Christs personal raign upon this earth BEcause of many opinions of Christ and the ignorance of most men concerning his coming to judge both the quick and dead therefore in the next place I shall treat of this most needful point from certain sayings of himself in the 17. Chapter of Matth. the words are these for as the lightning that lightneth out of the one part under heaven shineth unto the other part under heaven so shall the Son of Man be in his day and as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man they eat they drink they married wives and gave in marriage unto the day that Noah went into the Ark and the flood came and destroyed them all likewise also it was in the days of Lot they eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but in the day that Lot went out of Sodom it raigned fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all after these ensamples shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed 2 My beloved spiritual brethren you know there is a twofold appearing of Christ unto the sons of men the one spiritual and seen onely by the invisible eye in the soul and the other is personal and seen onely by the visible eye of the body 3 Also you know Christ being the divine rock of all ages he hath spiritually manifested himself unto his blessed Abels from the beginning of the world till now but as for his visible appearing in a body of flesh whereby men might be able to behold the face of their God in the similitude of a man and live you know that he did but once so appear onely for a few years 4 Again in the 25. Chapter of Matthew it is written thus And when the Son of Man cometh in his glory and all the holy Angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats 5 It is also written in the Thessalonians thus when the Lord Jesus shall shew himself from heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire rendring vengeance unto them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 6 If you that are spiritually sober do but compare these three places of Scriptures together then you may clearly see what Christ meant by that day of his personal appearing 7 After his suffering and glorification he shall appear like lightning from one part under heaven to the other he shall appear in his glory with all his holy Angels 8 Behold ye blessed of the most high God what kinde of appearing of Christ in his glory like lightning or a flame of fire is this is it not the visible appearing of his fiery glorious person with the glittering persons of his mighty Angels under the whole heavens or in the air 9 If it be not so how shall all nations be gathered together before him that he may make an eternal separation between them according as he hath spoken 10 It hath been long imagined by men of rare parts in the account of many people that before the general judgement day Christ would come again personally to raign a thousand years on this earth with his Saints 11 And their opinion is grounded partly upon the 20. Chapter of the Revelation which was long since fulfilled as I shall demonstrate in due season 12 But first I shall prove by Scripture Record the failing off this opinion in the 3. Chap. of the Acts it is thus written when the time of refreshing shall come from the Lord and he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you whom the heaven must contain until the time that all things be fulfilled which the Prophets have foretold since the beginning of the world what think you then of Christs personal raign on this earth a thousand years with his Saints is it not point blank against the truth of this plain testimony of Holy Writ 13 In the 14. Chapter by Saint John you may finde it thus written Let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me in my fathers house are many dwelling-places if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto my self that where I am there may ye be also 14 In this place of Scripture you see that Christ did not speak in the least to his Apostles of his coming again personally to raign upon this earth a thousand years 15 But of the contrary he told his heavy-hearted Disciples that he was going to prepare a place for them or he was going into the highest heavens or prepared place of eternal glory appointed for them with himself after they had suffered with him on earth and he would come again in his glory with his holy Angels and receive them into his fathers house or heavenly kingdom where he now is that they might with his mighty Angels Moses and Elias everlastingly behold his bright burning glory even face to face 16 What is this personal raign of Christ with his Saints a thousand years that supposed wise men have so much talked of 17 Is it any thing else but a temporal heaven at the best if spiritually examined 18 Moreover is it not a very unlikely matter that the infinite divinite Majesty should come again personally to remain upon this bloody earth a thousand years with his Saints having suffered here already and ascended upon the throne or right hand of transcendent glories yea far above all heavens as it is written that he might fill all things 19 Furthermore do not all personal
Lord Jesus Christ to this I answer All the angels were equally created under one Law the which moral Law was written in their angelical natures motioning in them that all obedience was properly due unto their Creator which had made them such marvellous creatures 19 Again you that are spiritual may know that no created being was capable to be formed in a lawless condition 20 Why because there is nothing uncapable of being made under a law from another but that divine being onely which was eternally in or from it self You may also know that those very words of creation or creatures includes a Creator and a command of all obedience due unto him 21 Also you know that no creature could acknowledge any kinde of obedience to be due unto a God unless he were guided thereunto by 〈◊〉 light or law from him that formed him 22 My spiritual brethren from the divine voyce of God himself I affirm that the uncreated Godhead it self is unto the created beings of angels or men either a law of perfect faith and pure burning love in them towards God and man unto life eternal 23 Or else a fiery Law of unbeleeving burning envy them against God elect men and angels unto death eternal 24 Not that any sin or evil could possibly proceed from the holy spirit of the Creator into the nature of the cr●atures either in his creating of them or after they were formed by him 25 You know that was impossible because his divine nature in it self is nothing else but all variety of ravishing purities to himself or elect men or angels 26 Moreover you spiritual ones may know that though the spirits of angels were created perfectly pure in their kinde and measure yet if they were not continually ●●pplied with inspirations from that divine glory which gave them their beings in stead of continuing in their angelical brightness their spirits would become nothing else but a bottomless pit of imaginary confused darkness of aspiring wisdom above the Creator 27 For the elect angels spirits being onely pure reason the very nature of them is to desire after the knowledge of that incomprehensible glory which gave them their beings and it is the variety of his divine excellencies flowing into their desiring natures which is that heavenly food that is prepared for their eternal preservation 28 My beloved brethren if you look into the first Epistle of St. Peter you may see that the elect angels are of a desiring or prying nature into the secret mysteries of our God when he manifested himself on this earth in a body of flesh the words are these Searching when or what time the spirit which testified before of Ch●ist which was in them should declare the sufferings that should come unto Christ and the glory that should follow the which things the angels desire to behold 29 Furthermore I am perswaded in my spirit the the forming of angels was not very long before the creating of Adam and Eve 30 Because you know that the elect angels were not onely made for the personal society of the Creator in his heavenly throne or kingdom of Glory but they were appointed also for ministring spirits unto the heires of salvation in this world according to that in the first of the Hebrews 31 Moreover you that are spiritual may undoubtedly know that it was utterly unpossible for man or angels to be void of all Law in their creation 32 Because the Creator himself became subject to his own law when his divine Godhead was transumted into pure man-hood 33 T is truth that the uncreated eternal God was above all Law and so uncapable of any ki●● of Law before he descended from his infinite glory into the womb of a woman 34 But that he might be capable of the condition of a servant for the manifestation of this his infinite wisdom power and glory in a body of flesh unto elect men and angels therefore he transmuted his unchangeable Godhead into the likeness of sinful mortals for a season that he might become the heavenly pattern of perfect obedience to his own Law in the visible sight of elect men and angels 35 And that from thence by vertue of his sufferings at the hands of cursed Canaanites he might also become a purchaser from himself of a twofold infinite ravishing glory to himself and elect men and angels the which his spiritual body was uncapable of untill it became suffering flesh blood and bone 36 Therefore whosoever saith that any other body ascended into glory but that very same body of flesh and bone that suffered death upon the Cross he is an Antichrist in utter spiritual darkness let him be the perfectest literalist or naturalist in the whole world 37 Moreover you that are truly spiritual do know that it was utterly impossible that heaven and earth with all the wonderful works in them should be from eternity as godless Atheists would vainly imagine becaus● they cannot attain to know what the holy One of Israel is by their own natural reason 38 For alas if no mortal man can give a being to one hair of his head though he be Lord of all other creatures under the Sun how should he possibly be from eternity 39 I hope these overwise men will not say that men were brought forth by Earth Air Water Fi●e Sun Moon Stars or any such like weak means as those are because the spirit of man far exceeds all such creatures 40 You may know that though those creatures have life in them according to their kind yet man being a sensible living soul to it self and being capable in some measure to comprehend the nature of those creatures aforesaid must of necessity be a more eminent living being then they all 41 For alas you know though the Sun Fire Water Wind or Air are powerful in their natures oft times destroying mankind yet when they have done it they are no way capable in themselves of any sensible joy or sorrow for what was done by them no more then the stones in the street 42 Therefore seeing all these creatu●●s were formed for mans use and are in measure known by man and yet are all uncapable of any sensible knowledge of themselves or of man either and seeing no man by his natural reason can perceive how any spirit bring forth its own body unto matu●ity neither how it by degrees passeth away into its dust or non-being again nor no creatures worth naming were ever seen by men to have a beginning in any other way but that of generation onely 43 How can any ration I wise man possibly imagine or think that man or any other living formes ●hould ever appear to be without a glorious Creator to give them their be●ngs at the first 44 Furthermore my spiritual Brethren can any of you be so weak after a sober consideration to imagine or think that a formless God gave being to all these marvellous living forms 45 How is it possible for that which hath
capable of a divine throne then he which sate thereon 12 Furthermore he began to imagine a new creation of his own for he thought if he had bin the Creator by a word speaking he could have formed more glorious creatures then those angels were without any dust or any other matter whatsoever 13 Or if he must have had some materials to form things withal he imagined by his word speaking or thinking onely he could have produced matter of a more excellent nature for creation then a little dry dust out of which he conceited he could have created creatures all glorious and yet have retained his divine glory within himself distinct from them all 14 Furthermore he imagined that he could have created as many spirits as he saw fit without any bodies at all 15 Or if he saw good he could have formed spiritual bodies that might be transformed into any other nature or form after he had created them and not to continue onely in one nature and form always 16 For he thought it want of wisdom or power in a Creator yea and a veyling of his infinite glory over the things which he had made if they might not be transmuted into any condition whatsoever at his pleasure that formed them 17 Wherefore in the midst of these and such l●ke creative con●usions his irrational wi●dom of imaginary impossibilities so elevated his out-cast spirit that secretly he utterly abhorred that the Creator or any other creatures should remain in being unless he onely might bear rule over them all 18 Wherefore when the secret pride and envy of this angelical reprobate was at that height of unthroning the Creator or else a dissolution of all then the most wise God revealed his spiritual cruelties unto his holy angels and answerable unto what he would have done for a Creators throne in the visible sight of his elect angels he condemned him to be cast out of his personal presence and heavenly throne or kingdom for everlasting 19 And immediately like unto lightning he was thrown down into this perishing world where his desired kingdom of godlike government was prepared for him and his lineal angels in another way 20 And so having left their first estate they are reserved in everlasting chaines of darkness or unbeleef untill the judgement of the great day then to give an eternal account of their divellish government over God elect righteous Abels on this earth which was so exalted by him in the highest heavens beforesaid 21 My beloved spiritual brethren you may know that then and not till then all the elect angels in glory were filled with variety of new spiritual praises in their mouths of honour power praises glory majesty wisdom councel dominion faith love mercy patience peace meekness justice righteousness or any divine excellency that can be named to their glorious Creator for his electing free love unto them eternally to abide in their created purity to behold his glorious face 22 And for his wonderful wisdom in creating such angelical perfection unto an everlasting rejection of desperate burning envy in utter shame 23 Mo●eover you which expect crowns of immortal glo●y may know that in the downfal of the angelical reprobate his spiritual form remained 24 But the nature of his spirit was onely changed as beforesaid and so after our first parents were deceived by him answerable unto his filthy n●ture of impure reason or lying imagination 25 In Scripture Records you know the Lord is pleased to call him by such like titles as these namely Devil a Dragon an Enemy a Wicked one a Murderer a Liar a Theef an Envious man an Hypocrite a Lucifer a Beelzebub or a Prince of the Air or Satan or Reprobate and such like 26 O ye blessed ones of the most nigh God! with astonishing admiration it behoveth you not to flight but seriously to ponder Gods wonderful wisdom in the creating of angels and man why because in it is hid all spiritual secrets which are appointed to be revealed to elect men and angels unto eternity 27 Again I humbly beseech you which have really been possessed with that spiritual new birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in glory is there any light or life or love or any kind of divine excellency in the glorious spirit of our Creator 28 Again had he any power over himself or over any creature which he had formed either to fill them with glimpses of his most excellent glory or wholly to retain them to himself 29 If you grant him this his royal prerogative the which no spiritual one can possibly deny then without all controversie unless the most wise and holy Creator had formed two vessels of several spirits to remain onely for a season in their created purity 30 And at the decreed time leave them both to their own created strength and so withholding that heavenly Manna of divine inspiration from them both by which they stood that in order to their charge they might unite their spirits and bodies unlawfully together for producing of two several generations of mankind on this earth for the manifestation of his ravishing glories unto the one and retaining the heavenly splendor of his divine excellencies wholly from the other for the demonstration of his divine justice will or pleasure 31 Would not all his heavenly wisdom divine power or ravishing glory have been vailed from men and angels And must they not either have been all Creators or creatures like unto sensless stocks or stones to all eternity in reference of any knowledge of the various wisdom power and glory of the Creator as abundantly beforesaid 32 Again in that pure distinguishing spirit of all divine truth I humbly beseech you which are delivered from the power of all natural notional or literal witchcraft and in the room thereof are endued with a good measure of spiritual unders●anding in the things of eternity can there possibly be any distinction between the unchangeable Creator and changeable creatures without variety of distinct natures and names to manifest the difference between them 33 As namely since the outcast condition of the angelical reprobate and fallen estate of the man Adam 34 Can there now be any Creator or God at all unless there be a devil or devils also 35 Or can there be any light or life and no darkness in death 36 Or can there be any eternal immortal glory for some men and no eternal shame and misery for other 37 Again can any man from any kind of faith or truth possibly imagin or think that any one of these can be without the other 38 Doth not the one give an absolute being unto the other Can any man therefore think that if one of them should be dissolved that the other could continue to be 39 Thus you which enjoys that true distinguishing light of eternal life in you may cleerly see that immortal heaven or glory must of necessity be essentially distinct from hell or shame or else there can be no perfect heaven
then most men 3 Usually they will talk of one pure being within all men onely also if they branch forth this their pretended God unto their deceived hearers you shall hear them utter these or such like expressions Brethren be not so carnally minded as to think of a God in the form of a man sitting in a Heaven above the Stars but minde that spiritnal God in the invisible Heaven of your hearts Again they will say that spirit of the Father within you is that God of love beauty vertue with all variety of glorious perfections whatsoever if you were but once acquainted with it wherefore if fears of eternal damnation seize upon you they are apt to say it ariseth from your ignorant conceivings of a God and a Heaven at a distance Again for mannaging of this their sophistry that their deceit might not be perceived they will treat upon these and such like Scriptures Christ in you the hope of Glory know ye not that Christ is in you except ye be reprobates as he is so are we in this present world the Kingdom of Heaven is within you at that day shall ye know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you that they all may be one as thou O Father art in me and I in thee Even that they may be also one in us he that is born of God sinneth not 4 Thus they wrest these literal Scriptures to hide their fleshly glory and subtile Hypocrifie that their eternal vengeance may exceed all mens in this age at the visible appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ with his mighty Angels 5 You that are endued with a gift of spiritual distinguishing between perishing glittering words and glorious things which are eternal if you observe these sorts of golden sophisters you shall finde that whatever scripture they treat upon they carry it in an allegorical notional mistery of nothing but meer empty words onely As for example if they speak of the persons of Cain and Abel or of the persons of the bond-woman and her son and the free-woman and her son they will bid you look within you and you may see them all there in seeming contrariety onely 6 Again if you observe these men you shall seldom or ever hear them speak of any thing after this life but they will tell you of a death and resurrection of man in this life but as concerning this mortal soul and body of ours entring into the grave or death and quickning again a new and glorious life by raysing this mortal body into a glorified condition in the visible sight of it self and presence of a personal God elect men and Angels in a kingdom of eternal glory these are riddles or uncertain things at a great distance 7 It is not a God or Christ or throne of eternal glory above the Stars which no mortal man can make visible unto mens eyes that will cloth men in plush-Jackets and feed their bodies with dainty delicacies no no the infallible truth concerning a bodily resurrection of a purified spirit unto eternal Glory and a personal appearing of an impurified soul unto everlasting shame will yeeld no such Peacocks feathers nor Dives dishes as those are the Apostles and those of the same faith with them will one day personally appear again to bear record unto this truth 8 My brethren what difference is there between those men which glory of a God Christ Heaven Word Ordinances and Salvation without them and are ignorant of the teachings of the Holy Spirit within them and those men which glory of all these heavenly things within them and yet are ignorant of that glorious personal Majesty and Throne of immortallity without them 9 Are not these men those hypocritical Pharisees and Atheistical Sadducees which indeavored to cover their nakedness with inward and outward leaves of rational words onely 10 Do not all men which confess a Creator conclude that his spirit is infinite immortal unchangeable and eternal 11 Doth not every man possess a distinct living spirit in his own body 12 Is not every man a sinner and subject to all manner of loathsome diseases of mortallity 13 Wherefore if this one pure spirit of God himself was dwelling in the body of any mortal man whatsoever is it possible think you that that man could be desirous after carnal copulation or subject unto any kind of putrifaction whatsoever 14 Who art thou then poor vain perishing clay which boasteth of possessing of a most holy immortal spirit within thee and yet canst not enjoy any life of peace in the least without a continual supply of fleshly carnalities without thee 15 Again art thou capable of possessing an infinite eternal spirit which art but a finite piece of fading dust 16 Art thou so vain in thy imagination as to think that such a changeable piece of confusion as thou art can possibly be capable to bear about thee that bright burning glorious spirit of the unchangeable God whose glory is above all heavens at whose power of a word speaking all kinde of lights within this Creation are immediately subject to enter into silent darkness as if they had never had any being 17 Again is not the glorious body of Jesus Christ in the Throne of the Father the eternal Son of God 18 And is not all the divine Godhead of the everlasting Father living and raigning in him bodily 19 And is this spirit any more then one spirit united unto that one body of glorious flesh and bone of our Lord Jesus Christ 20 And is not all the treasures of wisdom hid in this Jesus onely and is it not from his fulness that we all receive grace for grace 21 If we have any true light at all ruling in us if this be truth which none can deny but notional Atheists or bloody minded Formallists what art thou then but that outcast angellical Reprobate which doth not onely divide the Godhead spirit of Christ Jesus our Lord but impudently affirmest that thou and all of thy opinion do possess the very Godhead spirit within you 22 And not onely so but like a Devil incarnat as thou art thou cursest those that discovereth this thy horrible blasphemy 23 Again thou which carriest thy God about thee where ever thou art when thou hast breathed out thy sinful Soul and all thy light or life into silent dust or death where then is thy inward God and self become 24 But it may be thou wilt reply and say thy soul is immortal and cannot die to this lying conceit of thine I answer by way of Quere 25 Dost thou indeed believe any truth in Scripture Records 26 If thou reply thou doest then my Q●ere is this whether thou thinkest that the soul of Christ when he was in a body of flesh on this earth were not as immortal as any other mans is or rather immortal alone and all others mortal besides him 27 Well then if I prove that the soul of Christ died and
was buried canst thou then be convinced that thy sinful soul is mortal and must die also 28 In the 53. of Isaiah it is written he poured out his soul unto death Again it is written that his soul was heavy unto death Again it is written that his soul was made an offering for sin Again in the first of Revel it is written I am he that was dead and am alive and behold I live for evermore Again it is written in St. John I lay down my life of my self no man takes it from me I have power to lay it down and power to take it again Christ therefore died and rose again and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and the quick In the second of the Acts of the Apostles it is written thou wilt not leave my soul in grave nor suffer thy holy One to see corruption 29 Behold is it not as clear as the light in these Scripture Records that the pure soul of Christ himself died and was buried in the Grave for a moment and doest thou think thy sinful soul is immortal and shall scape death 30 Again thou canst not be so fortish as to think that the spirit of Christ was buried alive in the grave neither canst thou possibly prove by these Scriptures that his soul was not buried with his body in the grave how then canst thou or darest thou say that thy polluted soul is immortal and cannot die 31 Again did that spotless soul that was uncapable of the least motion of folly enter into death and dost thou think that thy soul shall scape death which naturally is become so full of folly that it is utterly uncapable in it self of all kinde of purity whatsoever 32 If no sinful man be capable of the in-dwelling of the Spirit of God some men may say unto me What is that spirit light or life of Christ spoken of in the Scriptures which all men are made partakers of except they be reprobates 33 From a divine gift of the Eternal Spirit to this I answer The elect of God being endued with the vertues fruits or effects of the most Holy Spirit these heavenly graces or motions in the minde proceeding from the glorious Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ are called by the divine Titles of God himself because they are of the very same nature operating the very same effects of immortal glory in the end of the world as it did upon Christ himself 34 Again you know it is written in Scripture The fruits of the Spirit is love peace gentleness goodness faith long suffering brotherly kindness and such like against which there is no Law Also it is written That men were made partakers of the divine nature and that Christ did live in mens hearts by faith And that Christ said He was the Vine and his Apostles or Believers were the Branches and his Father or Spirit was the Husbandman Again it is written Let the same minde be in you that was even in Christ Jesus Likewise it is written There were diversity of gifts or operations of the Spirit of God in men 35 My spiritual brethren which wait for a Crown that fadeth not away if you compare Scriptures with Scriptures you may see then that no sinful mortal did or possibly could possess the in-dwelling essence of the Spirit of God himself but onely the in-shining motions operations voices vertues fruits or effects of that most glorious Spirit 36 Again it is written That Christ is the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world and why so Truly because there is no other Father Spirit Creator or God at all but Christ Jesus alone to give light unto men or angels that is all men which are enlightned with the true light that leadeth unto life eternal receive it only from the glorious Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ 37 Again though it is said that Christ is the Light of the world or that he giveth light unto every man that cometh into the world yet it doth not therefore follow that all men are partakers of the light of Christ in them unto life eternal 38 Furthermore I confess there is so much light of Christ in the most wickedst of men to convince them of sin but not to restrain them or convert them from evil 39 Again there is a two-fold light of Christ in men the one is literal and the other is spiritual 40 Now you that are truly enlightned from above may understand that there is naturally so much light of Christs Law written in every sensible mans spirit to convince him of good and evil and to cause him oftentimes to confess the truth and to wish that he could love it or do it or that he might die the death of the righteous like unto Baalam 41 But though this legal light of Christ in men be never so great in measure yet no man was ever capable by it to be made inwardly obedient unto the spirit of Christ our Lord Jesus 42 Therefore who ever thou art which sayest that all men have so much light in them as will make them happy if they will thou knowest not as yet what it is to possess that spiritual new birth of true light unto life eternal 43 That light of Christ which doth not onely convince a man of inward Rebellions and convert him from the ruling power of them may also be called by a two-fold name either a created light or a renewed light 44 This light of Christ in man is that invisible image of God which doth not onely purifie the inward filthiness of flesh and spirit but doth also in some measure present unto the understanding the certain truth of an eternal personal glory or everlasting shame of a life to come 45 Again you know it is written that except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven Also it is written From his fulness we all receive and grace for grace 46 My spiritual brethren if a mans understanding is not capable to comprehend any thing of the invisible and visible things of the Kingdom of Glory except the eternal Spirit of Christ Jesus convey a new and shining light into him what then think you will become of those men which say there is so much light of Christ planted in every mans spirit that is sufficient to make him eternally happy if he will but hearken unto it 47 If all men which are begotten and brought forth by the spirits of sinful parents were naturally endued in the womb with such a measure of the light of Christ in them that will safely conduct them into the Kingdom of Glory if they will what need then would there be of any new birth at all from the Lord Jesus Christ Or what man would want any further light from the Holy Spirit of the onely everliving God 48 Again it is written When Christ ascended on high that he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men 49 My
a signification of the divine nature and form of a something that is infinite 10 It is as clear as the purest light it self unto you that are experimentally spiritual that it is not names words or titles proves God or Man to be any living beings at all except they be distinct persons to manifest their honorable names as proceeding from comprehensible somethings and not from incomprehensible nothings 11 If the God of Glory in Scripture Records should be called not onely by three divine titles but by threescore thousand holy names also yet all the men in this world or Angels in that world to come can never prove him to be an infinite spirit without a body or prove him to be any more then onely one distinct glorious person also 12 You heavenly ones may also know that the divine Majesty is called in Scripture Records by three divine titles that as beforesaid that the most learned prudent men in this world might never attain to a right understanding of the very true God and the spiritual mysteries of his everlasting kingdom by all their rational study in the Scripture Records or any other ways and that was the very cause that the Lord Jesus Christ said unto his own spiritual power represented by Angelical Moses and Elias I thank thee Father that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them to babes and sucklings 13. Concerning that threefold title of Father Son and Holy Ghost in stead of three persons as of long time by blinde guides have been imagined doth it not rather stand to better sence that the word Father hath reference unto the Godhead Spirit eternally united unto Christ Jesus our Lord. 14 And that the word Son hath relation unto the glorious body of the everliving Emanuel which is visibly seen by elect Angels Moses and Elias 15 And that word Holy Ghost hath reference unto a divine word of light life or power proceeding from the invisible Father through the glorious mouth of the visible Son into the invisible spirits of elect mankind to the inlightning of their dark understandings and purifying of their fleshly mindes 16 Thus you which are truly enlightned from above may clearly see what that threefold heavenly Record signifieth of that onely distinct personal Majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ God alone blessed for ever and ever Amen 17 It is also as clear to you that are spiritual as the light it self that the holy one of Israel could not possibly be three distinct persons or spirits in one Godhead being or any such like confused deities 18 You know that wheresoever the Scriptures exactly make mention of the Holy One of Israel it attributes all honor praise and glory unto him always in the fingular number as unto one distinct personal Majesty or glorious being and not in the plural number of three distinct persons or spirits in one body as hath been long imagined by deceivers of the whole Christian world so called which are in bondage to their confused God and invented formalities 19 You know that in the conclusion of many several things the Scriptures run in such a line as this to the onely wise God or unto God onely wise or though there be that are called many Gods or many Lords yet unto us there is but one God or the holy one of Israel and such like 20 You know because there is none above a King or head Magistrate in his own kingdom or equal with him upon an extraordinary occasion he will swear by himself or by the faith or word of a King 21 Thus it was with that Holy One of Israel because there was none above him or beside him or equal with him in Heaven or Earth he swore by himself concerning the transmutation of his uncreated glory and everlasting spiritual Priesthood into a pure body of flesh blood and bone 22 Before the God of Glory was descended into the Virgins Womb you know he had many holy names attributed unto him wherefore you may also know from all eternity he was a distinct divine person and not an infinite formless spirit as most men blindly imagine 23 You spiritual ones may also know before he was clothed with flesh it is not the holy names of Creator infinite Spirit Jehovah Ancient of dayes mighty God Lord of Hosts Redeemer Holy One of Israel King of Glory or everlasting Father or any glorious expressions that can be uttered by the tongues of men or Angels that can prove any God at all except he was a divine person distinct from Heavens Earth Waters Angels Men and all things else 24 That the one personal infinite Majesty may remain in the heavenly center of his own uncreated glory and all beings that he hath formed to live in his sight may continue in their own creaturely stations for an everlasting distinction between the glorious Creator and poor changeable creatures 25 Thus by a free gift received from the Holy Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ upon the Throne of Glory in simplicity of spirit and plainness of speech in a small measure I have declared the minde of the Holy One of Israel in those literal expressions for there are three which bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one CHAP. XXI Of a threefold Record of natural witnesses proceeding from the blessed person of Christ at his death I Shall write a little of a threefold Record in that most pure natural body of Christ when he was on this earth in relation unto the threefold record of his spiritual body in the invisible heavens before said in the 53. of Isaiah it is written He poured forth or out his soul unto death and in the 19 Chap. by S. John you may finde it thus written but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side and forthwith came there blood and water here you that are spiritually discerning may clearly see a threefold Record of natural witnesses proceeding from that blessed person of our onely God and Savior at his voluntary death 2 As namely blood water and spirit wherefore his most precious soul pouring forth it self unto death that was the witness of the death of the everlasting Father in flesh 3 The issuing forth of the unvaluable blood that was the witness of the death of the eternal Son in flesh 4 The flowing forth of the water that was the witness of the death of the erernal spirit in flesh on earth 5 These sayings are not onely hard but intollerable to be born by cursed Oanaanites which understand nothing truly of the power of an infinite Majesty 6 Nevertheless unto you which are made to understand the deep and hidden mysteries of the most wise and powerful Creator doth not this answer these Scriptures sayings 7 I and the Father are one and from Jesus Christ which is that faithful witness and that first begotten of the dead and that Prince of the Kings of the
of Gods essentially being in all things 20 Again if the eternal spirit should consist of so great a bulk how then can there be any God at all but nature onely 21 Or how can it possibly be an infinite spirit when it is not distinct to it self but is compelled to have its being in finite things onely this unknown bodiless God is much like unto the Star-gazers monstrous Sun and Moon aforesaid 22 Is not this infiniteness indeed for all the spirits of elect men and Angels to be filled with variety of divine glories with one word speaking from so small a fiery glory as this is 23 Who ever thou art that shall be left to despise this little spark of immortal Crowns which essentially raigneth in the man Christ Jesus alone it is because there is no true light of life in thee CHAP. XLIV 1 Of the great white Throne which John saw Revelation 20. 2 A mark of a Reprobate to desire miracles to make him believe the truth of a commission IN the 20. of the Revelation it is thus written And I saw a great while throne and one that sate on it from whose face fled away both earth and heaven and their place was no more found My spiritual Brethren though mens earthly mindedness and heavenly conceitedness will flye away and be no more found● when the true light of life eternal is throned in their spirits yet from the unerring spirit I positively affirm that this place of Holy Writ had reference onely unto Christs personal appearing in his glory with his mighty Angels to make an eternal separation between the just and unjust 2 My Christian friends why did John call it a great white Throne which he spiritually saw It was because of the glorious brightness of the Judges face or person and his Angelical attendance and also because it was the dreadful general appearance of mankinde to receive their eternal dooms 3 You know when Christ was transfigured upon the Mount through which his face shone and his garments glittered the Texts saith that Moses and Elias appeared to him in glory 4 So likewise you may know that John called it a great white Throne as beforesaid because of the transcendent brightness of Christs person 5 What heaven and earth was that which fled away from his glorious face what ever men imagine to the contrary you that are spiritual may know that it was the dissolution of that heaven and earth that had a beginning as if it had never had any being I mean this visible firmamental heaven and earth and all light or life in them 6 Therefore where John saith their place was no more found that was spoken in reference unto their former natural brightness vertue beauty power or glory being translated into a Chaos of everlasting confusion 7 Again besides the glorious brightness of Christs person and his Angelical Host give me leave to write a little more of that great white Throne which John saw 8 You that are truly spiritual cannot be so grosly ignorant as to think that Christ hath no other Throne to inhabit in but his peoples spirits and this natural world onely why because that error ariseth out of the Atheistical hearts of fleshly men that hath no faith in the truth of Holy Writ 9 Moreover if mens spirits be but rationally sober though at present they be never so atheistical they may be convinc'd that there is another world besides this which is of a higher nature compassing this Globe round about and yet it is not global as this is onely there is no elementary Firmament Sun Moon nor Stars in it but it is an open place City Throne or Kingdom of infinite vastness in length breadth or height answerable to the person of an infinite Majesty 10 Also it is a Throne of exceeding whiteness or Sun-like brightness suitable unto the transcendent brightness of the Kings person that sits thereon and his glorious companions 11 Though the joy and glory of an earthly Prince consists chiefly in the greatness of his person power vast territories and honorable subjects for his safety yet for all this you know that his palaces are deckt with embroidered Ornaments of gold silver precious stones and such like for the further setting forth the mortal glory of his Princely Majesty 12 So likewise it is with the divine Majesty for though the variety of his infinite Godhead joy and glory principally is within his own person and Princely power over so innumerable a company of kingly companions 13 Yet you may also know that he hath a great Throne or Palace for the further setting forth of his visible glory decked with Ornaments of spititual brightness or immortal glittering whiteness as beforesaid 14 Do not all men that acknowledge a Creator whether they understand him to be a spirit or a person confess him to be boundless immortal unchangeable and eternal 15 You know this global world is not boundless in length height breadth or compass but is is surrounded with a firmamental heaven as with a brazen wall to keep it within its own station 16 Moreover if the eternal Majesty be infinite or boundless as he is I would fain know of any man how it is possible for a glorified infinite spirit or person to be contained in a finite bounded world 17 Though the Doves of divine glory are compelled for a season to live among the Tyrannical Serpents of this perishing world yet I would have you to understand that if an infinite or boundless God with his mighty Angels should have no other Throne to solace themselves in but this then in stead of spiritual liberty they would all be in natural bondage 18 If you ask me the reason of it you may know that the glorified person of God or Christ is of a motion swifter then thought and the persons of Moses Elias and the mighty Angels are of motion as swift as thought 19 Therefore no inclosed place can contain them but they must of necessity inhabit a Throne or Kingdom of infinite vastness for ascending or descending at the divine pleasure according to their motional swiftness 20 Again you spiritual ones may undoubtedly know that there is such a throne as I speak of why because this world cannot possibly contain our thoughts but they nimbly pierce through the heavens and in a weak measure they comprehend an infinite or boundless God and a Throne or Kingdom of an infinite circumference 21 If our bodies were answerable to our thoughts this world could not possibly contain them but they would ascend through the natural heavens to see whether there were such a vast kingdom of eternal glory as they had apprehended 22 I know all fleshly Atheistical minded men are apt to say unto me If they could see this infinite personal God and glorious white Throne I talk so much of then they could believe it 23 O how fain would finite carnal eyes behold infinite spiritual glories 24 Moreover they may say unto me
consists not in meats and drinks also it is written whatsoever is sold in the shambles eat making no question for conscience sake Furthermore it is written there is nothing unclean in it self but as it is so esteemed for the earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof in these and many such like Scripture sayings is it not as clear as the light it self that whatsoever was made might freely be eaten so that it were moderately taken 31 So likewise whatsoever was created at the first for mans eating with his mouth was absolutely pure and very good for that end it was made but of the contrary that fruit or tree of knowledge of good and evil eaten of by Eve was not onely full of tormenting spiritual venom to her former peace of soul but it caused her very body also to be subject unto all maner of mortal diseases 32 Besides a secret fear of eternal death which was worst of all until the voice of God in the garden of her soul quieted her wounded spirit with a gracious promise of a glorious deliverance through his appearance in a body of flesh in that saying the seed of the woman shall break the Serpents head CHAP. XXXIV 1 The tree of knowledge of good and evil was no natural tree 2 What it was 3 Whence the originality of sin came IN the first Chapter of Genesis it is thus written And God said behold I have given unto you every herb bearing seed which is upon all the earth and every tree wherein is the fruit of a tree bearing seed that shall be to you for meat and God saw all that he had made and lo it was very good 2 If thou which readest this point dost but view this place of Scripture with sobriety of spirit thou canst not then but be convinced of the gross absurdity of the learned men of this world that have long imagined the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil to be a natural tree bearing apples or such like fruit 3 Again if every green herb upon all the earth and every tree wherein is the fruit of a tree bearing seed were given unto Adam and Eve for their food according to what is here written and that God that gave it them saw all that he had made to be very good how then can any sober man possibly imagine or think that the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil could be of this creation though it appeared unto Eve upon this earth seeing all the trees that God had made in this earth was very good in his sight as aforesaid 4 This I would fain know from the Learned whether this earth was capable of any curse or any natural thing that grew in it before Eve had eaten of the forbidden fruit 5 If the earth was blest and all that was created in it until Eve had rebelled against the Creator then without controversie what ever venemous creatures trees or herbs there are or any thing else that is hurtful to the nature of man upon the account of eating with the mouth they had no being in this creation until Eve had transgressed 6 Therefore that Tree of Life in the midst of the Garden and the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil could not possibly be trees bearing natural Apples as hath been long imagined 7 But they were trees of higher concernment then of eating their fruit with the mouth and casting of it into the draught 8 Do not all men that have any true light in them look upon the tree of Life from the beginning of Genesis unto the end of the Revelation to be nothing else but the spiritual person of that Lord Jesus Christ who is the onely ever-living God from whence floweth all living waters into the Garden of Eden who are the spiritual trees of eternal glory 9 Do not those men that are of a sound judgement in the things of eternity look upon that tree of Knowledge of good and evil to be the out-cast unclean person of that Serpent Dragon Devil which through essential union with Eve become that murthering lying cursed Cain through which the spirits of the elect Israelites are all defiled as well as the Cananitish reprobate trees of eternal death until they are watered anew from the glorious Tree of life eternal as beforesaid 10 But alas in this confused age of seeming lofty light in stead of a true understanding of the spiritual trees of eternal life and the carnal trees of eternal death spoken of in Scripture-records do not many Atheistical minded men in these our days endeavor with all their might to convert the glorious truths of the everliving Jesus into nothing but brain fancies of notional lying vanities 11 Is it not become a second nature unto them for silver or honor to deceive their own souls by flattering their poor deceived brethren lying under the power of many filthy lusts that all their sins shall be burnt up but their souls shall be swallowed up into the eternal Being 12 Suppose the forbidden fruit had been an natural Apple the Creators nature being all purity it self and the soul of Eve being of his divine image if the forbidden tree was pure in its nature also before it was touched by Eve whence then came that sin upon the spirit of Eve seeing all things that was made in this creation was very good at the first as is clearly proved by the Scripture Records already 13 This I am sure of that no man that is sober neither will nor dares say that that evil proceeded from the Creators forbidding her to touch the tree or its fruit neither could that sin possibly proceed from the soul of Eve because it was of the divine nature in its creation 14 And if that tree and its fruit eaten of by Eve were of this creation how could there possibly be any evil in its nature either seeing every thing and tree that was formed in this world was made very good at the first in the pure eyes of the Creator as abundantly beforesaid 15 But some men may say unto me Though the eternal Spirit of the divine Majesty was uncapable of the least motion of evil through the infinite purity of its spiritual nature yet sin being but a defect of nature may it not originally rise out of the soul of Eve though it was purely created and for want of a Creators infinite power in it self for its own preservation 16 From the light of life eternal to this I answer As for the originality of sin it is both granted and clearly demonstrated already in that secret of the creation of Angels beforesaid that the root of all evil sprung from the nature of the unsatisfied Angelical reprobate through the absenting of the Creators inspiring glorious excellencies to him 17 But on the contrary it is against all spiritual or rational truth that is sober that the least motion of evil could possibly have its original from the divine spirits of Eve or Adam 18 Therefore