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A20414 A short explanation, of the epistle of Paul to the Hebrewes. By David Dickson, preacher of Gods Word, at Irwin Dickson, David, 1583?-1663. 1635 (1635) STC 6824; ESTC S109679 160,093 348

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conveyed so from Him falleth not vnder the Threatning 6. Hee marketh the Apostles certayntie of what they haue delivered vnto vs in that they were eare-witnesses of his Doctrine THEN The more certayntie the Apostles had from Christ of their Doctrine the surer is the ground-worke of our Beliefe and the greater is the contempt done to Christ in their Message by vnbeliefe Vers. 4. GOD also bearing them witnesse both with Signes and Wonders and with diverse Miracles and Giftes of the holie Ghost according to His owne Will 1. HEe sayeth GOD bare witnesse to the Apostles Doctrine by Signes and Wonders THEN 1. What the Apostles haue spoken from CHRIST they spake not alone but GOD with them witnessed with them 2. The proper vse of Miracles and extraordinarie Giftes powred out in the Apostolicke tymes was to testifie that the Apostles doctrine was divine Truth Those then must bee lying wonders which are alleadged for confirming anie doctrine beside theirs 2. The distribution of the Giftes of the holie Ghost was according to his owne will not as possiblie the Apostles would haue carved eyther to themselues or others in the nature of the gift or measure of it THEN The Apostles were so employed in the working of Miracles as it was evident even then that not they but GOD was the Worker of them whyle He was seene to follow His own Will therein and not man's carving in distributing His Giftes And the more GOD'S over-ruling Will was seene in the Miracles then the more confirmation haue we of that Doctrine now Vers. 5. For vnto the Angels hath Hee not put in subjection the Worlde to come whereof wee speake 1. HEe calleth the Worlde vnder the Kingdome of the Messias The Worlde to come first to put a difference betwixt the estate of the World considered as vnder Sinne and vnder the Messias For as it is vnder Sinne it is sayde of it Olde thinges are past away 2. COR. 5.27 Es. 43.19 The creature is waxing olde and running to ruine But vnder the Messias it is sayd of it Beholde I make all thinges new 2. COR. 5.17 The creature is lifting vp its head and wayting for the day of liberation from Vanitie and the manifestation of the Sonnes of GOD ROM 8.19 THEN The Kingdome of the Messias maketh another Worlde in effect of that which was of olde changing the holding and nature and vse of all thinges to His Subjectes For a man ere hee come in to Christ is GOD'S enemie and to him all thinges in the worlde are enemies the Hoste and Souldiours of his dreadfull Iudge But after a man is made Christ's Subject they turne all to bee his Friendes and his Father's Servantes working altogether for his good That is another and a New Worlde indeede 2. Next it ie called the Worlde to come because albeit this change began with the worke of Grace before Christ came yet was it nothing in comparison of the Worlde to come vnder the Messias And that which is now vnder the Gospell is little or nothing in comparison of that Glorious Change of the nature and vse of all thinges vnto Christ's Subjectes which is to bee revealed at his last comming THEN Whatsoever thing wee haue hitherto found to our good since wee knew Christ it is but little to what shall bee our Worlde is but to come 1. COR. 15.19 3. The Worlde is put in subjection to Christ that bee may dispose of it at his pleasure THEN Christ is twyse Soveraygne LORD of the Worlde once as Creator agayne as Mediator in his Manhead to make all the ereatures in Heaven and Earth serue ●ill they will they to farther the worke of full Redemption vvhich Hee hath vndertaken 4. Hee excludeth the Angels from this honour THEN In Christ's Kingdome the Angels are in subjection to Christ for the good of his Subjectes no lesse nor Sheepe and Oxen as the Psalme sayeth and not to bee adored with him as Soveraygnes over vs. Vers. 6. But one in a certayne place testified saying What is Man that Thou art myndfull of him or the sonne of Man that Thou visitest him Vers. 7. Thou madest him a little lower than the Angels Thou crownedst him with Glorie and Honour and didst set him over the works of Thyne Handes 1. BEeing to proue by Scripture his purpose bee citeth neyther Booke nor Chapter but the words which are of the eyght Psalme and fourth Verse THEN The Apostle will haue the Church so well acquaynted with Text of Scripture that at the hearing of the wordes they might know where it is written though neyther Booke nor Verse were cited 2. The Prophet looking on Man even on Christ's Manhead wherein hee was humbled hee wondereth to see man's nature so highlie dignified aboue all creatures THEN 1. The basenesse of man's naturall being compared with other more glorious creatures maketh GOD'S loue to vs aboue all other creatures so much the more wonderfull 2. Christ's Humiliation and Exaltation were both fore-seene and revealed by the Prophets Vers. 8. Thou hast put all things in subjection vnder his feete For in that Hee put all in subjection vnder him Hee left nothing that is not put vnder him But nowe wee see not yet all things put vnder him 1. HEe proveth that Angels are in subjection to Christ because the Text of the Psalme sayeth All is put in subjection and so neyther Angels nor other creatures are excepted THEN 1. For vnderstanding of the meaning of Scripture it is necessarie to consider not onlie what it sayeth expresslie but also what it sayeth by consequence of sound reason 2. And whatsoever is rightlie deduced by evidence of sound reason of the wordes of Scripture is the meaning of the Scripture as if it were spoken expresselie 2. Hee sayeth There is nothing left that is not put vnder Christ. THEN Not good Angels onlie but all Spirites and all that they can doe also are subject to Christ and hee can make them ●ill they will they contribute to the furtherance of his owne Purpose for the good of his Subjects and hurt of his foes 3. Because Christ's enemies are still troubling his Kingdome hee moveth a doubt saying Wee see not yet all thinges put vnder him THEN 1. The troubles of Christ's Subjectes hinder the naturall mynde to perceaue the Glorie of Christ's Advancement 2. Carnall reason the proctor of miss-beliefe will admit no more of Divine Trueth nor it is capable of by sense Vers. 9. But wee see IESVS who was made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of Death crowned with Glorie and Honour that Hee by the Grace of GOD should taste Death for everie man 1. HEe answereth the doubt saying Wee see IESVS crowned with Glorie and Honour and so a course taken for putting all that oppose him farther and farther vnder him THEN ● The subjection of all thinges to Christ's Throne can not bee seene but in the Exaltation of his Person 2. When wee see his Person exalted to such high
and judge againe If prophane Despysers of holie SCRIPTVRE vvho disdayne to reade or obey what GOD commaundeth therein bee not to bee ranked in the same Roll. For GOD draweth so ●igh vnto vs in His Word speaking vnto vs as a king vnto his Subjects or a Master vnto his Servauntes that the obedience or disobedience which wee giue to His Speaches resolveth directlie and immediatelie vpon GOD HIMSELFE For vvhat is it else to heare and belieue and obey GOD but To heare and belieue and obey His Speaches And vvhat is it Nor to take notice of GOD to despyse and disobey GOD but Not to take notice of His Speaches not to reade His Wrytings and not to care for anie thing that Hee commaundeth promiseth or threatneth Therefore hath the LORD written the Great thinges of His Lawe vnto vs even to bee a Touch-Stone not onelie to trye all mens Doctrine there-by but also to trye all mens disposition towardes Himselfe and howe they stand affected to His Honour whether as Foes or as Friendes For What readier way is there to get evidence of a man destitute of the Knowledge Fayth Loue Feare and the rest of the partes of the Image of GOD than to finde him destitute of the Knowledge and Loue of the SCRIPTVRE What surer Signe of a man who for the present is enemie to GOD and to the enlargement of His Gracious Kingdome than to find him traducing the perfect Law of the LORD and marring to his power the free course of the Scriptures light which is the Scepter of CHRIST'S Kingdome Agayne What surer Signe of a Chyld of Promise begotten of GOD than to see him with DAVID PSAL. 119. making more of the Scriptures nor of a kingdome and powring out all his Affections vpon it as vpon the nearest Meane where-by GOD'S Spirit may be conveyed into his soule for perfecting of Holinesse and the readiest Chariot to carrie vp his spirite to dwell in GOD for perfecting of his happinesse Wee shall find also answerable to GOD'S Purpose of trying men by His Scripture His Wisdome giving a due meeting vnto men as they doe make vse of His Scripture Doe they not reade it or doe they reade and not consider it Doe they not weygh what is imported by it in sense and meaning It fareth with them as with those to whom CHRIST sayd MATTH 22.29 You erre not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God Doe they not loue it Behold their Plague 2. THESS Because they receaved not the loue of the Trueth that they might be saved for this verie cause sayeth the Text God shall send them strong delusion that they should belieue a Lie that they might be damned Doe they not steadfastlie belieue what they learne in Scripture In God's judgement with the foolish and vnstable they are suffered to wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction were they never so great wits 2. PET. 3.16 Doe they not studie to giue obedience vnto the knowne Trueth of it He dealeth with them as with Israell PSAL. 81.11 My people would not hearken vnto My Voyce and Israell would none of Mee Hee counteth Himselfe rejected because His Word was rejected But what followeth Vers. 12. So I gaue them vp vnto their owne heartes lust and they walked in their owne counsels But to such as will bee Christ's Disciples indeede Students seeking to grow in Knowledge Beliefe and obedience of His Word seeking to loue Him and keepe His Sayings Hee promiseth IOHN 14.26 to sende vnto them The Spirit of Trueth the Comforter the holie Ghost to teach them all things That is To perfect their knowledge more and more by His Spirit to fill their hearts with joye and comfort according to His Trueth and to make them holie more and more And why are all these styles given Even to show that such as will haue Christ's Spirit to worke anie of these must seeke Him to worke all of these joyntlie or not to haue Him for working anie of them at all Neyther Comfort without Trueth nor Comfort without Holinesse The same is it which Wisdome cryeth PROV Blessed is the man that heareth Me watching daylie at My Gates wayting at the Posts of My Doores For who so findeth Mee findeth Lyfe and shall obtayne favour of the Lord. But hee that sinneth agaynst Me wrongeth his owne Soule all that hate Mee loue Death Therefore howe thou doest hate Death and loue thyne owne Soule howe thou standest affected towardes GOD and the fellowship of the COMFORTER the holie SPIRIT the SPIRIT of TRVETH and towardes the enlargement of the Kingdome of CHRIST let thy affection TOWARDS the SCRIPTVRES more aboundant dvvelling in thy selfe and FOR the SCRIPTVRES more free course amongst others beare witnesse Fare-well THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE HEBREWES WHen Peter wrote his second Epistle to the scattered Hebrewes there was extant an Epistle of Paul to those same scattered Hebrews also received in the Church for a part of Canonicall Scripture distinguished from Pauls ●ther Epistles 2. Pet. 3.15.16 Therefore amongst other reasons this may bee one to make vs thinke this Epistle must be it For it is without reason to thinke that the Churches should bee negligent in keeping such a Iewell commended vnto them by the authoritie of two chiefe Apostles or lose Pauls Epistle and keepe Peters which maketh mention of it The summe of the Epistle BEcause the Hebrews were hardlie drawne from the observation of Leviticall Ordinances vnto the simplicitie of the Gospell and in danger of making Apostacie from the Christian Fayth by Persecution the Apostle Paul seueth before their eyes the Glorie of Iesus Christ in His person farre aboue men and Angels by whose Ministerie the Law was given not onelie as God Chap. 1. but also as man Chap. 2. and in His Office aboue Moses Chap. 3. Threatning them therefore if they should misbelieue Christs Doctrine Chap. 3.4 and aboue the Leviticall high Priest Chap. 5. Threatning them agayne if they should make Apostacie from Him Chap. 6. yea aboue all the glorie of the Leviticall Ordinances as Hee in whom all those thinges had their accomplishment and period of expyring Chap. Threatning them agayne if they should not persevere in the Fayth of Christ vnto which perseverance through whatsoever difficulties hee encowrageth them by the example of the Faythfull before them Chap. 10.11 and by other grounds of Christian comfort Chap. 12. That so in the fruitfull obedience of the Gospell they might follow vpon Christ seeking for that Citie that is to come and not for their earthlie Hierusalem anie more Chapter 13. The summe of Chap. I. IF you shall make comparison O Hebrewes the Ministerie of the Gospell shall bee found more glorious than the Ministerie of the Law For the manner of Gods dispensing His Will before Christ came was by part and part and subject to His owne addition not after one setled manner but subject to alteration and by the Ministerie of men the Prophets Vers. 1. But
2.7 and 2. SAM 7.19 But the Bodie of the Truth aimed at signified was Christ resembled by them as here wee see Whence wee learne That typicall speaches in Scripture haue not their perfect meaning neyther can bee fullie expounded nor truelie vnderstoode till they bee drawne to Christ in whome they haue their accomplishment and of whom they meane to speake vnder the name of the Types And therefore neyther could the olde Church of the Iewes nor can wee get comfort in anie of them till Christ in whome all the Promises are YEA and AMEN bee found included in them Vers. 6. And agayne when Hee bringeth in the first begotten into the worlde Hee sayeth And let all the Angels of GOD worship Him 1. HEe sayeth that is The Father sayeth PSAL. 97.7 Then The Scripture which elsewhere is called the Speach of the holie Ghost is also the Speach of the FATHER 2. Hee bringeth in his first begotten into the Worlde Then 1. The Father is the Author of Christ's Incarnation and of his Kingdome amongst Men and of Divine Glorie given to him in his Kingdome 2. Christ is the Father's first begotten both for the eternitie of his Person begotten without beginning before the Worlde was and for the excellencie of his Person beeing more glorious than all Angels or Men which get the name of Children eyther by Creation or Adoption 3. The Father commandeth Let all the Angels of GOD adore Him Then 1. The Father communicateth to Christ as his owne Nature and Godhead by Generation so also his owne Glorie by commanding the creatures to adore him 2. What the creatures adore they acknowledge by adoration to bee GOD so GOD esteemeth 3. And Christ is the Angels GOD because they must adore Him Vers. 7. And of the Angels Hee sayeth Who maketh His Angels Spirits and His Ministers a flame of fire Hee maketh his Angels Spirits c. PSAL. 104 5. THEN 1. GOD made not the Angels to get anie parte of Christ's rowme in the Churches worship but to serue Christ as lowlie as anie of the meanest creatures 2. And the Angels indeede are as readie to doe so and as swift and actiue in their service as the Windes and fire-flaughts Vers. 8. But vnto the Sonne Hee sayeth Thy Throne O GOD is for ever and ever a Scepter of Righteousnesse is the Scepter of Thy Kingdome Vers. 9. Thou hast loved Righteousnesse and hated Iniquitie therefore GOD even Thy GOD hath anoynted Thee with the Oyle of Gladnesse aboue Thy Fellowes 1. BY this place cited out of PSAL. 45.7 it is evident that the PSALME 45. is a Song of the mysticall Marriage of CHRIST and his Church and in this Passage a number of notable Doctrines concerning Christ are poynted at 1. Hee is called GOD and so is fit to reconcile vs to GOD able and all-sufficient to accomplish our Salvation a Rocke to leane vnto 2. A King enthroned not onelie over the Worlde but in a gracious manner over the Church which hee marrieth to himselfe in this PSALME and therefore shall his Church haue Lawes and Direction and Protection from him 3. Hee hath a Throne for ever and ever and therefore shall his Church which is his Kingdome endure for ever and ever 4. Hee hath a Scepter to rule with and therefore power and authoritie to take order with his Subjectes and with his enemies also 5. His Scepter is a Scepter of Righteousnesse because hee can not abuse his power to doe wrong to anie but will doe right to all yea and leade on his Subjects to Righteousnesse of Fayth to justifie them before GOD and Righteousnesse of Conversation to adorne them before Men. 2. Hee loveth Righteousnesse and hateth Iniquitie And therefore 1. His Scepter can not bee sweyed but righteouslie 2. And so must his subjectes set themselues to doe if they will please him 3. Therefore Christs God hath anoynted him with the Oyle of Gladnesse aboue his fellowes Then 1. As Christ is God himselfe so also is hee Man vnder God in regarde of his Manhead and Office therein 2. And God is his God by Covenant Christ as Man is confederate with God 3. And hee hath FELLOWES in the Covenant that is others of mankynde with whome hee is part-taker of flesh and blood Fellow-brethren and Coheyres Shares-men in all the Fathers Goods with him 4. Hee is anoynted with the Oyle of Gladnesse furnished with the Spirit that bringeth joye vnto him and all his subjects who get conveyed vnto them by Christ Righteousnesse and Peace and joye in the holie Ghost 5. Hee is anoynted aboue his fellowes The rest of the confederate Saynctes are anoynted also yet by measure receiue they the Spirit But Christ is anoynted aboue them the Spirit is not given to him by measure but to dwell bodilie or substantiallie that wee of his fulnesse may all receiue Grace for Grace 4. Because hee loveth Righteousnesse c. Therefore hee is anoynted Then The righteousnesse of Christ is the procuring and meritorious cause of this joye to him and his Subjectes Fellowes in the Covenant Vers. 10. And Thou LORD in the beginning hast layde the Foundation of the Earth and the Heavens are the Workes of Thyne Handes Vers. 11. They shall perish but Thou remaynest and they all shall waxe olde as doeth a Garment Vers. 12. And as a Vesture shalt Thou folde them vp and they shall bee changed but Thou art the same and Thy Yeares shall not fayle 1. ANother Testimonie of Christ from PSAL. 102.25.26 wherein hee is expresselie called 1. IEHOVAH GOD in essence the same GOD with the Father and the holie Ghost who giveth Beeing to the creatures and Performance to the Promises 2. Who layde the Foundation of the Earth c. and so Creator of Heaven and Earth 3. And by consequence who can create in vs a right Spirit and make vs of naughtie sinners Sonnes 2. They shall perish waxe olde and bee changed Then The Heavens and the Earth nowe subject to corruption shall both not continue and yet they shall not vtterlie bee abolished but changed into an incorruptible estate for mans cause Rom. 8 21. 3. Christ remayneth and is the same and his Yeares fayle not Then 1. CHRIST is eternall and our Mediator can not bee amissing can not die 2. Constant and immutable and can not change his purpose of loue to his called Ones whatsoever changes befall them And this is the Rocke of the Churches Comfort when shee looketh to her owne frayltie and changeablenesse Vers. 13. But to which of the Angels sayd Hee at anie tyme Sit on My Right Hand vntill I make Thyne Enemies Thy Foote-stoole Psal. cx 1. TO which of the Angels sayde hee Hee asketh for Scripture to show what is due to Angels Then 1. The Scripture must determine what is due to Angels and other creatures what is to bee thought of them and done to them also 2. And no word in Scripture doeth countenance the giving of the glorie of the Mediator to
anie Angell 2. The Father hath sayde to Christ Sit Thou on my right hand vntill I make thyne enemies thy Foote-stoole THEN 1. Christ's Kingdome will not want enemies 2. Yea his enemies shall bee such as there shall bee neede of divine wisedome and power to overcome them 3. GOD professeth himselfe Partie agaynst all the enemies of Christ's Church and Kingdome 4. GOD will put them at vnder piece and piece and altogether at length 5. Their opposition and overthrow shall serue to glorifie Christ's Kingdome and Governament they shall bee his Foote-stoole 6. In the meane time of this Battell Christ in his owne Person shall continue equall in Glorie and Majestie with the Father beholding the Victorie brought about and bringing it about with the Father vnto his Souldiours comfort Vers. 14. Are they not all ministring Spirits sent foorth to minister for them who shall bee Heyres of Salvation 1. THE Angels are all ministring Spirites THEN 1. Angels are not bodies but their substance is invisible 2. They are all of them even these that are called Arch-Angels the greatest of them but servantes to Christ and none of them must haue their Master's honour that is anie religious worship of prayer or invocation made to them 2. They are sent foorth for Service or Ministring THEN Their employment is about God's Children to attende vs and serue vs at Christ's direction not to bee served by vs by anie devotion 3. Christ's Subjects are called Heyres of Salvation THEN 1. They are Sonnes 2. And what they get is by Heyrship by vertue of their Adoption and Sonneship not by merit of their workes 3. And they shall surelie get Salvation as an Heritage never to bee taken from them The Summe of Chap. II. FRom the former Doctrine hee inferreth seeing Christ is so glorious let his Gospell bee steadfastlie believed Vers. 1. For if the disobedience of the Law given by the Ministerie of Angels was punished Vers. 2. Farre more the disobedience of the Gospell so gloriouslie confirmed Vers. 3.4 For Christ is greater than the Angels even as Man and hath all thinges in subjection to him Vers. 5. As David witnesseth speaking of elected Men with their Head the Man Christ Vers. 6.7.8 And albeit wee see not that subjection yet fullie accomplished Vers. 8. Yet it is begun in Christ's personall exaltation And for his short humiliation vnder the estate of Angels by suffering wee must not stumble For it is both glorious to himselfe and profitable for vs Vers. 9. For God's glorie requyred that our salvation should bee wrought by sufferinges of the Mediator Vers. 10. And to this ende hee behoved to bee part-taker of our nature as was foretolde Vers. 11.12.13 That hee might take on our due punishment that is Death Vers. 14. And deliver his owne from the feare thereof Vers. 15. And herein wee haue a Priviledge aboue the Angels in that hee tooke on our nature and not theirs Vers. 16. And by his sufferinges a ground of so much greater Comfort in Him Vers. 17.18 The Doctrine of Chap. II. Vers. 1. Therefore wee ought to giue the more earnest heede to the thinges which wee haue heard lest at anie tyme wee should let them slip 1. THerefore wee ought to giue heede c. From the Excellencie of Christ's Person hee vrgeth the Beliefe of his Doctrine THEN 1. CHRIST must bee esteemed of as becommeth the Excellencie of His Person 2. The way howe CHRIST will bee respected of vs is by respecting His Doctrine And the Excellencie of His Person should procure our reverend receiving of His Word and steadfast holding of it 2. Hee will haue vs to take heede lest wee should let it slip The word is borrowed from rent and leking Vessels or sandie ground THEN 1. The Gospell is a precious Liquor worthie to bee well keeped And wee of our selues are as rent Vessels readie to let it slip when wee haue heard it or lyke sandie ground which keepeth not the rayne 3. For this wee ought to giue the more earnest heede THEN The Conscience of the worth of CHRIST and His Gospell and of our owne vnfitnesse to retayne it should sharpen our Vigilancie and Attendance to keepe it else wee will doubtlesse let it slip 4. Hee sayeth not lest shortlie but lest at anie tyme. THEN It is not sufficient to belieue the Word for a whyle and for a whyle to remember it but wee must gripe it so as never to quyte i● by misregarde or misbeliefe For Fayth and loue of the Trueth is the good memorie that speciallie hee requyreth heere Vers. 2. For if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and everie transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward 1. HEe reasoneth from the Law spoken by Angels THEN The Angels were employed in giving of the Law they did blow the Trumpet they from GOD vttered the Word to Moses 2. The word spoken by them was steadfast THEN What GOD delivereth by the Ministerie of Messengers is authorized and ratified by GOD. 3. Everie transgression was punished THEN The punishment of transgressours of His Law is a proofe of GOD'S authorizing the Doctrine 4. Hee calleth the Punishment a just Recompense THEN There is no evill befalleth sinners more than they doe deserue None hath cause to complayne of injustice Vers. 3. How shall wee escape if wee neglect so great Salvation which at the first began to bee spoken by the LORD and was confirmed vnto vs by them that heard Him 1. HOw shall wee escape The Apostle joyneth himselfe with them in the Threatning THEN So should Preachers threaten their people as willing to vnderlye the same punishment except they flee the sinne for which they threaten others 2. Hee reasoneth from the punishment of the Law breaking to proue the punishment of misbelieving the Gospell THEN 1. The not-embracing of the Gospell is a greater sinne than the breach of the Law The despysing of Forgiuenesse is much worse nor the making of the fault 2. Examples of judgement vpon Transgressours of the Law are Evidences of greater judgementes to come on the misregarders of the Gospell 3. Hee calleth the Gospell so great a Salvation because of the free Offer of Remission of sinnes and eternall Lyfe in it THEN The greatnesse of the Benefit to bee gotten by the Gospell aggreageth the sinne of the misregarders of it 4. Hee sayeth not If wee reject denye or persecute the Gospell but if wee neglect THEN The neglect of the Doctrine of the Gospell the carelesse receiving of it the not-studying to know it is sufficient to draw downe heavier judgementes than ever fell on the breakers of the Law albeit a man bee not an Vnder-myner or open Enemie to the Gospell 5. Hee descrybeth the Gospell to bee that Doctrine which Christ himselfe preached and his Apostles from him THEN Wee are not bound to belieue anie more for Gospell than that which is made cleare vnto vs by His Apostles word And the misregarding of other doctrine which is not
giue Perfection which is CHRIST Vers. 11. And so both the Priesthoode and all the Ordinances thereof are abolished by the MESSIAS who behooved to bee of another Trybe than LEVI Vers. 13.14 And of another Order also Vers. 15. Bodilie shadowes were in the Priesthoode of LEVI but endlesse Trueth in CHRIST Vers. 16. As DAVID'S words doe prooue Vers. 17. By which also it is prophesied That AARON'S Priesthoode shall bee disannulled vvhen CHRIST'S Priesthoode is come because it was not able to doe mens turne vnder the Law as CHRIST'S doeth vnder the Gospell Vers. 18.19 And GOD obliedged not Himselfe to make AARON'S Priesthoode stand as Hee sware to establish CHRIST'S Vers. 20.21 And so the Covenant vnder the MESSIAS is declared to bee better than vnder LEVI Vers. 22. Agayne the Priesthoode of LEVI had sundrie Office-bearers but CHRIST hath none in His Priesthoode with Himselfe nor one after Himselfe Vers. 23.24 Therefore Hee is able alone to worke out our Salvation throughlie Vers. 25. For such a Priest haue wee neede of who needeth not offer vp daylie His Sacrifice for Hee hath offered one and never more Vers. 26.27 And no wonder for vnder the Lawe mortall men might bee Priestes but vnder the Gospell onelie the Sonne of GOD is Priest and that for evermore Vers. 28. The Doctrine of Chap. VII VERS 1. FOr this Melchisedek King of Salem Priest of the moste High GOD who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kinges and blessed him BY saying FOR hee giveth a reason why hee calleth CHRIST a Priest after the Order of Melchisedek because such a one was Melchisedek His type therefore such a one behooved CHRIST in Trueth and Substance to bee as the type imported Hee should bee 1. Hee repeateth from GENES XIV 18.19.20 as much as served to resemble anie thing in CHRIST but never a word toucheth bee of Melchisedek's bringing foorth of Bread and Wyne to Abraham THEREFORE He did not account this anie typicall action having anie resemblance of that which was to bee done by CHRIST his Anti-type for then should hee not haue fayled to marke it seeing hee observeth the mysterie of his name and place of dwelling which is lesse 2. Melchisedek and the Church in Salem where Melchisedek was Priest were not of Abraham's Familie THEREFORE Albeit GOD did choose Abraham's Familie as the Race wherein hee was to continue the ordinarie Race of his Church yet had hee Churches and Saynctes beside 3. This meeting of Abraham and entertayning him and his companie with Bread and Drinke being the exercyse of an ordinarie Vertue SHOWETH That it is the duetie of all men and namelie of Kinges Great men and Church-men to countenance and encowrage according to their place and power those who hazard themselues in GOD'S Service and good Causes 4. To come to a particular Comparison of the Type and the Trueth 1. As Melchisedeck was both King and Priest in his Kingdome So is CHRIST King and Priest in his Kingdome to care for the Religion and outward conversation of his Subjectes to see to the Weall of their Soules and Bodies both amongst men and towardes GOD in this lyfe and heere-after 2. As Melchisedeck is the blesser of Abraham the Father of the Faythfull in the Type So is CHRIST in Trueth the Blesser of Abraham and all the Faythfull the Fountayne of all Blessing in whom alone everie one is blessed who getteth Blessing Vers. 2. To whome also Abraham gaue a tenth parte of all first beeing by interpretation King of Righteousnesse and after that also King of Salem which is King of Peace 1. TO goe on in the Comparison As Melchisedek the Type was honoured by Abraham's paying of Tythes vnto him So is CHRIST to bee honoured by all Abraham's Children by giving of their Substance and worldlie Goods what is sufficient to mayntayne the honour of his Kingdome amongst them 2. Praesuppose the Type were layde asyde yet this thankefull Meeting that Abraham gaue to the man whose Office was to blesse him in the Name of the LORD doeth TEACH All the Faythfull Abraham's true seede a duetie of Thankfulnesse to GOD'S Servantes set over them to blesse them in the Name of the LORD even to honour them by giving of their Goods for their sufficient mayntaynance 3. As Melchisedek the Type is by interpretion King of Righteousnesse So is CHRIST in Trueth King of Righteousnesse 1. For the personall Righteousnesse in himselfe 2. Because hee is the Righteousnesse of his Subjectes made of GOD vnto vs Righteousnesse by imputation 3. Because hee frameth his Subjectes piece and piece vnto a righteous Disposition by sanctifying them 4. As Melchisedek the Type is King of Salem that is King of Peace So is CHRIST in Trueth King of Peace to his Subjectes by reconciling them to the Father by giving Peace of Conscience within themselues by making all the creatures at peace with them and all thinges turne together for their Good and by working still on their eternall Welfare and Blessednesse vntill hee perfect it 5. As Melchisedek was first King of Righteousnesse and then King of Peace in the Type So is CHRIST in Trueth in this Order First King of Righteousnesse to his Subjectes to take away their sinnes and to giue them Righteousnesse And then King of Peace because hee giveth them his peace as the Fruite of Righteousnesse This is the Order of his Kingdome Righteousnesse and Peace and Ioye in the holie Ghoste Vers. 3. Without Father without Mother without Descent having neyther beginning of dayes nor ende of lyfe but made lyke vnto the Sonne of GOD abydeth a Priest continuallie MELCHISEDEK certaynlie was a verie man King and Priest in such a Citie if wee consider him in his naturall beeing But if wee consider him in his Scripturall beeing as hee standeth in Scripture vnder this name hee hath neyther Father nor Mother beginning nor ende There is no more mention of him what hee was or of whome hee came or of his death but these three Verses of Genes XIV As then hee is in typicall beeing in Scripture So is CHRIST in Trueth in his personall beeing as GOD without Mother as Man without Father as GOD without beginning as GOD and Man without ending of lyfe 2. As Melchisedek looking howe hee standeth in his Scripturall beeing abydeth a Priest continuallie so that where-so-ever hee is named in Scripture there hee is ever found a Priest also and never a worde of his laying downe of the Priesthoode Even so is CHRIST'S Priesthoode vnseparable from his person hee abydeth a Priest continuallie in reall accomplishment 3. By saying hee is made lyke vnto the Sonne of GOD HEE GIVETH VS TO VNDERSTAND That GOD'S Purpose was in those particulars so to descrybe him as hee might resemble the Person and Offices of the Sonne of GOD And so is a Type of GOD'S owne appoyntment 4. And if he was made a lyklie Type of CHRIST in his Office of Priesthode then it followeth as Melchisedek had neyther anie
former tymes towards others Vers. 9. Bee not carried about with diverse and strange Doctrines For it is a good thing that the heart be established with Grace not with meates which haue not profited them that haue beene occupied therein THat they may bee steadfast in the Fayth hee warneth them to beware that they bee not carried about with diverse and strange Doctrines THEN 1. Doctrine which agreeth not with the Worde of GOD vncouth and strange Doctrine which the Apostles did not acknowledge and recommende vnto vs must bee rejected 2. There was such vncouth Doctrine beginning to creepe into the Church even in the Apostles tyme. 3. Apostolicke Doctrine such as they acquaynted the Church with must bee steadfastlie believed and stood vnto and not looselie layde holde vpon lest wee lye open to the winde of false Doctrine 2. Hee bringeth in for example the Doctrine of Distinction of Meates wherein the Iewishlie affected did place some holinesse and helpe to Salvation and yet they who moste leaned to the same were least profited there-by THEN 1. To place some holinesse in Distinction of Meates and to count the observation thereof helpfull to Salvation is an olde Errour which even in the beginning did trouble the Church 2. Never man got profit by leaning anie thing to the observation of Distinctions of Meates For vnder the Lawe Distinction was commaunded for the leading of men to some Dueties signified there-by but never did GOD giue way that men should esteeme of this observation as a thing conferring anie whit to the purchase of Salvation 3. To keepe out this Errour of leaning to Ceremoniall Observations hee opposeth the Doctrine of Grace where-with hee will haue the heart established and not with Meates THEN 1. The ground of devysing and vrging of Superstitious Ceremonies is the vnquyetnesse and vnstablenesse of mens heartes wanting satisfaction in GOD and His Ordinances and therefore seeking to supporte themselues by meanes of their owne devysing 2. It is the Doctrine of Iustification by Grace onelie and nothing of our doinges which giveth true rest to our heartes and quyet setling to the Consciences Vers. 10. VVee haue an Altar whereof they haue no right to eate which serue the Tabernacle SVch as pertinaciouslie did pleade for the standing of the Leviticall Service and Ceremonies thereof hee secludeth from the enjoying of IESVS CHRIST who is our Altar THEN Such as mayntayne the Leviticall Ceremonies and doe vrge them on the Christian Church doe cut themselues from Right to CHRIST 1. Because they denye in effect that Hee is come seeing they will haue those Figures to remaine which did serue to praefigure His comming and will haue His Church still vnder Ceremoniall Pedagogie as it was vnder the Lawe 2. Because they joyne vnto CHRIST their owne Devyses as if eyther IESVS were not sufficient for Salvation or His Ordinances were not sufficient for meanes to attayne therevnto 3. The Observation of the Distinction of Meates is a poynct of serving the Tabernacle for so doeth the Apostle reckon 4. Such as will eate of IESVS and bee part-takers of Him must beware to serue the I●wish Tabernacle by keeping on foote and continuing the Ceremonies and appertaynances annexed there-vnto such Feastes such Iubilies such Altars such Sprinklings and holie Water such Priests and Vestementes c. as LEVI had 2. Hee calleth CHRIST by the name of the Altar because HEE is the thing signified by the Altar and by the Sacrifice and by the rest of the Leviticall Ceremonies THEN 1. Those Ordinances of Leviticall Service were Figures of CHRIST some in one parte and some in another and Hee is the Accomplishment of them even the Trueth of them ALL The true Tabernacle the true Priest the true Sacrifice the true Altar c. 2. CHRIST'S Selfe is all the Altar that the Christian Church hath Our Altar is Hee onelie and nothing but Hee The Apostle knoweth no other 3. In that hee sayeth they haue no right to eate LEARNE 1. That IESVS is our Foode who belieue in Him by whom our Soules are kept alyue and mayntayned everie day Spirituallie as the Priestes were mayntayned by the olde Altar bodilie 2. That before a man attayne to eate or drawe Benefite from CHRIST hee must haue a Right vnto Him There is a Possession following the Right and the Right tendeth to the Possession 3. Hee who loveth to haue the Right must take the Course which CHRIST praescrybeth without mixing anie thing there-with Vers. 11. For the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the Sanctuarie by the high Priest for sinne are burnt without the Campe. HEE showeth that this was praefigured in the Lawe For LEVIT 16.27 the Sinne-Offering was burnt and none of the Priestes the servantes of the Tabernacle did eate thereof TO SHOW 1. That such as adheared to the Tabernacle and Leviticall Service a● needfull to their Salvation speciallie after CHRIST the Sinne-Offering that was offered should not bee part-takers of Him Againe The Sinne-Offering was offered without the Campe to showe that such as would bee part-takers thereof must forsake the Iewish Synagogue and come out of it towardes CHRIST vvho will not haue His Church mixed with the formes of the Iewish Church Thirdlie The bodies of the Sacrifices of Sinne were then taken from the vse of the Priestes of the Tabernacle when the blood was now brought in to the Sanctuarie To showe That CHRIST should bee taken from them who after His Bloode was shed and had made Attonement within the Sanctuarie of Heaven should not relinquish the Iewish Tabernacle and the shadowing Figures there-of Vers. 12. VVherefore IESUS also that Hee might sanctifie the People with His owne Bloode suffered without the Gate ANOTHER ende of the burning of the Sinne-Offering without the Campe hee showeth first To be The praefiguration of the ignominious vsage of CHRIST'S Bodie casten out of the Citie of Hierusalem 2. Agayne Lyke as the Sinne-Offering how-be-it the bodie thereof was burnt without the Campe yet the bloode of it was brought within the Sanctuarie to make a Figuratiue Attonement Even so howe baselie so-ever men did vse CHRIST'S Bodie in casting of it without the Citie yet was his Bloode in high esteemation with GOD made Attonement for the People and sanctified them Vers. 13. Let vs goe foorth therefore vnto Him without the Campe bearing His Reproach HENCE hee draweth an Exhortation To bee readie to renounce the Worlde and to take vp our Crosse and followe CHRIST Wherein hee TEACHETH VS 1. That CHRIST'S Sufferinges without the Citie represented the state of His Mysticall Bodie and Kingdome thrust foorth and contemptiblie rejected of the Worlde 2. That such as will bee part-takers of CHRIST must resolue to bee so handeled also and must sequestrate their affections from the Worlde and must bee contented to bee crucified vnto the Worlde with our LORD and Master CHRIST IESVS 3. That what reproach is suffered for CHRIST'S sake is not the man's but CHRIST'S reproach for whome it