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A19758 The historie, life, and miracle, extasies and revelations of the blessed virgin, sister Ioane, of the crosse, of the third order of our holy Father S. Francis. Composed by the Reuerend Father, brother Anthonie of Aca, diffinitor of the prouince of the conception, and chroinckler [sic] of the Order aforesaid. And translated out of Spanish into English, by a father of the same order Daza, Antonio.; Bell, James, d. 1643. 1625 (1625) STC 6185; ESTC S115421 144,091 328

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and being in prayer they said vnto me that a certain person came to the coffer where the holy Hoste was and so I will forth with performe my obedience and that which the Angells command me and receiue my Lord and so kneeling on her knees with many teares and much deuotion she receiued the most holy Sacrament her Angell administring it vnto her THE VIII CHAPTER Of the familiaritie wherwith the B. Ioane treated with the Angells especially with her Angell keeper and of the deuotion shee ●ad to the glorious S. Antonie of Padua 1 WHo shall heare tell in the holy scripture that the Angell Raphaell serued the yong Tobias in a long iorney and that another carried the Prophet Habacuc by the haire from Iudea to Babylon to giue D●niell to eat who was shut vp in the lake of lyons and will not admire when he shall heare that which passed betwixt blessed Ioane with the Angells and in especiall with her good Angell with whom shee treated so familiarly and frendly as one frend doth with another wherwith she gott that Angelicall condition which shee had whence she communicated such a sauour to the things which shee touched and to the habitt and cloathes she ware as no odor vpon the earth could bee compared to it for it was a heauenly smell from whence intruth shee was herself more then from earth and so it was no maruell that shee shold smell all of heauen and haue the sauours therof shee who so much communicated with the Angells not only with her Angell keeper but also with many others especially with those which kept particular prouinces and kingdomes who often times visited her prayed her she wold obtaine of our Lord that he would moderate such or such a tempest of thunder hayle or lightening which he was to send vpon the earth They told her their names and offices and sometimes the things which fell out in the kingdomes or prouinces which they kept as well thinges present as that were to come 2. Being one time with the other nonnes ready to communicate the Angells snatched her away from before their eyes and they ●awe her no more vntill after they had communicated she appeared in the middest of them with no small admiration to them all who as much admiring the fact as desirous to knowe it prayed her to recount it to them and shee for their edification sayde vnto them Because you busied your selues in thinking on me when you shold haue treated only with God his diuine maiestie wold that his Angells shold carry me on highe from whence they and I adored the most holy Sacrament and I sawe you all communicate how much your Angells keepers reioysed themselues with those who communicated holily and purely and how they turned their faces and departed a little way from those who did not communicate with entire deuotion Wherfore shee perswaded the nonnes they shold be very deuote to their good Angells because they not only keepe vs alwayes and acompanie vs but also when we fall they take vs vp and if we be cold in deuotion they inflame vs. They are those that teach vs in our doutes defend vs in our dangers sustaine vs in our labours and at the houre of our death with particular vigilancie doe assist acompanie our soules and present them to God they visit them and comfort them in purgatorie Finally in our laboures and perills they ayde and defend vs. And that you may know how certaine this is said the holy Ioane to her nonnes this other day I sawe the mother vicaresse ringing the bell of the communitie that the religious might come together being they did not all forthwith repaire thither the Angell keepers of those which were wanting came to do the obedience for them 3. Another time this holy virgin being Abbesse reprehending two yong religious in presence of the others she sayd vnto them A little while since I being in prayer our Lord shewed me your disobedience and that you would not sweepe that which the mother vicaresse had commanded you for the which you lost two crownes which your good Angells brought for you and God commāding them they gaue them to the good Angells of two other sisters that they might put them on them because they had obeyed for you This God shewed to me children and I speak it for your confusion and amendement and to teach you that the bell whatsoeuer signe of obedience is the voice of God to whom we must obey if wee will please and serue him 4. With these examples and others which shee recounted to her nonnes shee made them very deuote to their Angell keepers Of her owne shee told many great things that his beautie and comelinesse exceeded all that men can imagine that he was more bright then the sunne and his garments more white then the snowe that he had winges of excellent fairenesse and on his sacred head a crowne most pretious diademe sett with rich stones and on his fore-head the signe of the Crosse with this motto Let all Angells confesse that Christ is the King of Angells And on his breast this The grace of the holy Ghost lighten our senses and our hartes And on the sleeue of his right arme of pretious stones ●he signe of the holy Crosse with this saying Behold the Crosse of our Lord flye you aduerse parties And on the left arme the same deuise of the Crosse with the nailes and other ensignes of the sacred passion and this saying Sweet wood sweet nayles And on his feet of pretious stones this motto How beautifull are thy paces And on his knees another which sayde In the name of Iesu let euery knee bow And a little aboue these words Of celestialls of terrestrialls and of infernalls And in his h●nd he is wont to beare a faire banner with all the ensignes of the passion 5. After this manner she recounted of her Angell so many and so great things The Angells are painted with wings as S. Dennis sayth in his booke of the celestiall hierarchie and the 15. chap. for their swiftnesse speed with which they repaire to the succoure of men And for this and that which the B. Ioane saith of the beautie and habit of the Angells we must not thinck that they are corporall for they are not so nor haue they any body bu● they take it that they may bee seene of men as the Counsells do say and the saintes Concil Lateran 2. cap. 1. 5 Dionis de coelest Hierarch cap. 1. 2. 7. and S. Augustin lib. de spiritu anima cap 13. 15. Thomas 1. p q 50. a. 1. 2 sent D. 8. 5. Bonauenture lib. 2. sent D 8. and Scotus in the same place as she stirred vp in the nōnes such deuotion and desire to know his name that thy might commend themselues vnto him and they besought her that she wold aske his name of himself And vnderstāding that he was called saint Laruel
of whom from her infancie she was so tendered and fauoured in all her laboures that in each occasion he was her singular patrone and aduocate Being one time in prayer asking of our Lord mercy for her owne and for other soules the glorious Saint appeared to her and saide Daughter who pleaseth her sweetest espouse so much as thou dost please him may demand much of him And the saint contemplating the beauty of that most sweet childe which S. Antonie brought in his hand beganne to speake to him such louing speaches and so sweet that she stood so a great while vntill the same saint sayed to her Turne away my daughter thy face and be sorrowefull for thy sisters and for their necessities And turning her face a little aside she sawe two soules in great necessitie and with the great loue she bore to the child Iesus shee begged for them saying with great humilitie and confidence Lord I will not arise from these thy most holy feet vntill I obtaine this fauour The which our most pious Lord moued by her clamoures and begging did forthwith bestowe vpon her And giuing thancks to his diuine maiestie for the pardon which he had giuen to those soules saint Antonie stretching out ouer her his hande and giuing her his benediction sayde Here resteth in his espouse diuine Iesus the true espouse of soules This rapt endured long time and the saint returned out of it with so great mirth and splendor in her face that shee caused great admiration to all the religious which sawe the same 13. Another time the B. virgin making an end of doing a certaine worck of charitie to the benefit of one of the religious of the house she remayned with some discomfort seeing her wāt of other necessities for her soule and this griefe encreasing in her because the spirituall necessitie of her sister encreased fetching a great sigh shee called vpon S. Antonie saying ô my Father S. Antonie help me nowe and be my intercessor to the diuine maiestie that he will deliuer this my sister This she saide with so much charitie and loue of God that at the same instant the saint appeared and said to her beloued espouse of my Lord Iesus Christ what doost thou aske me what is that thou woldest haue for thou shalt obtaine it of his diuine maiestie To the which with most profound humilitie the blessed woman answered my Father S. Antonie I find my selfe so vnworthie that I dare not appeare before my most sweet Iesus but only by thy intercession Then the glorious Father strerching out his blessed hand gaue her his benediction and the child Iesus which he held in the other hand sayde to her with many shewes of loue I will help thee in thy necessities and that which now thou demandest for thy sister is alreadie granted thee who within one moneth shall passe out of this temporall life to the eternall pardoning her many yeares of Purgatorie by thy intercession and prayers And giuing many thancks to God for this mercy with great alacritie of spirite she went to the religious and bad her prepare her selfe for in very short time God wold receiue her to his rest The sister asked her how soone her departure shold be and shee was answered that within one moneth And it pleased our Lord to giue her at that instant great contrition and sorrowe for her sinnes and within the moneth tooke her from hence to himself THE IX CHAPTER How the seruant of God was chosen Abbesse and of one dead which she raised to life and of other miracles which she did 1 ALthough the B. Ioane was very yong to vndertake the office of a Prelate the Nōnes not relying so much on her little age as on her great virtue demanded her sometimes for Abbesse of their conuent But the superiors considering that she was not but fiue or six twentie yeares of age the first time that they would haue made her Abbesse hindered it And when in another occasion the office was voide they besought the diuine maiestie that he would be pleased to put his seruant into the same who now was full 27. or 28. yeares of age Our Lord heard them and the prouinciall comming to the conuent to make the election beganne to cōceiue some scruple for hauing contradicted it before when the religious would haue chosen her Although yet it seemed doutfull to him to place one for Abbesse who for the most part of the time was rapt in prayer he thinking it a great aduenture so to do for offices and busines be they neuer so holy are wont oftentimes to distract the persons The prouinciall being doubtfull and combated with diuers thoughts and with the instances the religious made vnto him the hand of our Lord came vpon his seruant and she beganne to speake eleuated as she was wont to be addressing her speeche to the prouinciall who was a Biscaner she spake to him in the Biscay tōgue cōmanding him that he should make her Abbesse for he might securely All the Nonnes gaue their voices wi●hout wanting one and the Prouinciall confirming her said Sisters I giue you not this Abbesse but the holy Ghost who commandeth it and recounted that which hath beene saide 2. The Nonnes could not containe the ioy they conceiued to see themselues subiects to so blessed a Superiour who for the space of seauenteene yeares that she was so performed things of very great importance in the seruice of God and augmentation of the monasterie which was so poore and needie when she beganne to gouerne that it had only a fewe little landes wheron they sowed a little miserable quantitie of wheat and nine reales of rent euery yeare But God wold forthwith by the merits of the holy Abbesse that the conuent should encrease and be augmented not only in great perfection of sanctitie and virtue but also in the edifices and other things necessarie for humane life For Lordes and Grandes of the kingdome gaue vnto it certaine great almes The Lord Cardinall freer Francis Simenes much deuoted to h●r was very notable herein the great capitaine Gonsalo Fernandes of Corduba ga●e vnto it fiue hundred thousand Marauadis at one time a great almes for that time with which the seruant of Go● built one quarter and the best dormi●orie that the conuent hath And for the diuine seruice she made many ornamentes vessells of gold and siluer and she encreased the house in rents fiftie bushell● of wheat and fiftie thousand marauadis euery yeare aboue all being markable in sanctitie and in good gouernment of the house 3. She ordained that the Nonnes shold be encloased for vntill then because they were very poore they did neither keep it nor yet promise it but went abroad like to the freers to demand almes of the neighbour places Shee was so much beloued of them that they held themselues for blessed in taking her benediction kissing her hand or touching her habit Besides this the tender loue the nonnes
of the spirit of our Lord in all the reuelatiōs which he communicated to this virgin as although her life be so full of them as it might be called a continual reuelation yet would I write this chapter of reuelations in regard that God communicating them did it for the profit of many as the Angell tould commanding her to write them And this was the end that the extaticall virgin had in manifesting them and the end which now we haue in bringing them to light that the sinner reading them may be cōforted considering the mercies of God which do so much shine in them as shall be seene in one which shee related to her religious in these wordes following 2. My holy Angell carrying me on Saint Marie Magdalens day to visite the Church wher her holy body is for to gaine the pardōs which there are granted and passing by a certain citty of Castile I sawe in a field many people round about a bonfire from the which betweene the flames and the smoake went out a soule more bright then the sunne with two Angells which carried it in the middest of them and another which went before with a Crosse in his hand all going a great pace towardes heauen and my holy Angell saide to me That thou maiest see what the mercy of God can doe and how great the force is of true cōtrition This example is more for to trust in the mercy of God then for to imitate by reason of the danger which penance differred to the hower of death bringeth with it De hoc videatur D. August lib. de vera fals● poenitentia S. Greg. cap. 27. in Iob S. Ambros. lib. de poenitentia S. Hierom. tom 4. in epist. Eusebij ad Damasum Episcopum That soule which thou hast seene goe from the flames vp to heauen accompanied with the Angells is of an old man a most grieuous sinner who dwelt in mortall sinne all his life and that so abominable and so filthie as not only he merited the flames of that temporall fire but to be burned in hell The iustice apprehended him and he confessed plainely his sinne demanding of God mercye for it protesting that he willingly desired to suffer for his fault in this life the most cruell death that could be deuised and although he might haue saued his life if he would yet he chose to dye and to suffer that paine in satisfactiō of his fault and so after they had strangled him they burned him in that fire out of which and o● the body in this instāt the soule departeth goe●h streight to heauen accompanied with th●se Angells as thou seest Which I am glad that thou h●st seene that thou maiest know that whilest the soule is in the body place is to be found for the mercy of God euen betwene the rope and the neck 3. Being one day in prayer our Lord shewed her how to an Eremite of holy life who did penāce liuing solitarie in the desert the diuell appeared in figure of Christ crucified saide vnto him Adore me for I am thy God who for thy sake suffered my selfe to be nailed on this Crosse and am here come to assure thee that thy prayer and penance much pleaseth me The Heremite did so and being in adoration on his knees at the foot of that false crucifix many other diuells came saying Prince of darcknesse returne to thyne infernall kingdome for the Angells destroy vs the Angells of him that was crucified what will this profit vs sith thou knowest that their God doth hould him selfe well appayed with the good will and that he accepteth that of this Hermite as if he trulie adored the God of heauen leaue therfore these vaine adorations which so little profit thee and returne by and by to thy miserable kingdome which much more importeth thee Our Lord would haue the Eremite to heare these things In such cases God accepteth the will for the worcke S. T. 1. p. q. 64. a. 2. ad 3. and 1. 2. q. 20. a. 4. and 5. and 3 p. q. 68. a. 2. ad 3. S. Bonau de prefect religiosor lib. 2. cap. 23. to enlighten him in this this way saide the seruant of God and that I should tell them to you that you may knowe the craftes of the enemie and may keep your selues from his deceptes which are greater then men thincke of 4. Another time it hapned that this seruant of God vpon the day of S. Lucie being eleuated in prayer and her spirit in that celestiall place where God was wont to put it shee sawe as another Prophet Esaias the Lord of Hoste seated in a throne of most great maiestie and glory compassed with infinite Angells and Saints who gaue rewards and commanded that that Feast should be made to the glorious Saint Lucie for hauing suffered on that day and shed her bloud for the honour of his name She confidering these things and how well God rewarded the laboures suffered for his loue our Lord himselfe seemed to say to her with so shrill and strong a voice as it were the noyse of a great water Wilt thou not my daughter haue as much as I nowe giue to this my seruant The humble and deuote virgin with great confidence and loue after she had adored him said I rendre immense thācks to thy maiestie for so soueraigne a fauour and I hope to receiue no lesse of thy most powerfull and liberall hād for these giftes Lord do not fill me nor do these Iewells and feastes satisfie me because the hunger of my soule can not be satisfied with lesse thē drinking of this fountaine of life and vntill I get and obtaine it I will not ceasse to make supplication to thy diuine maiestie for it 5. Another time being in a most profound rapte there came to visite her the glorious Saint Barbara to whom she was particularly deuoted and reasoning with her saide You well knowe Lady how much this your vnworthie seruant desireth to serue you Yea I know it well sister answered S. Barbara and I would also that you should knowe I loue you in our Lord and hold you for my singular and deuoted frend With this the B. virgines ended their talke which scarcely was ended when the soule of a childe which had newely expired did appeare vnto her praying her to speake to her mother to chastise her children for she should giue a strict account to God our Lord for their euill breeding and I giue his maiestie many thancks for hauing brought me to his holy kingdom in so tender age for if I had come to be great I had beene damned by the ill education of my mother Bid her looke to my brothers and chastize them before they be greater and come to be lost My mother is called such an one and liueth in such a place and is the wife of such an one With this the seruant of God sent to call her and recounted all that had passed with such assured signes
shewed me his paternitie being present with other religious And I sawe it and touched it many times And that those that were in the Church might see it Father Pro●inciall lifting it vp in his armes and I with him wee shewed it to all two or three seuerall times vested and dressed as she was so that she seemed a liue religious And one thing I noted worthie of much consideration that the blessed virgin being so stiffe and cripled when she dyed for with the force of her doloures all her members were wrested and gathered together euen so yet now her holy body remaineth wrested drawē together retaining that most sweet sauour which it had when she died being a celestiall sauour that comforteth entire without any thing wanting to it sauing the little toe of one foote which as hath beene saide the most reuerend Father Generall tooke away for his owne deuotion As also for our sakes who were there Father Prouinciall tooke away the veile from her head which was diuided amongest all and with the part that fell to his owne lot and was put vpon his head was taken from him a very strong ache which he had And a Lady of Toledo was healed of a great pai●e of her head with the same peece of veile although taking it from her the paine returned But yet our Lord would to haue the miracle more manifest that putting it on her againe the paine should be wholly taken away by the intercession and merits of the blessed Ioane whose historie so miraculous and diuine written with great desire that God may be glorified endeth heere leauing many other things which in the aboue mentioned originalls and other manuscriptes I haue found as not finding them very authenticke and to auoide prolixitie it seeming to me that these spoken do suffice to the end that those who hitherto haue not had so much notice of this seruant of our Lord may know some of her sanctitie and of the many marueiles which dayly God worketh by her intercession and merits And those who nowe haue it may be confirmed in their de●otion All to the greater glorie and honour of our Lord Iesus Christ who liueth and raigneth world without end IESVS MARIA The Approbation of the Readers in Diuinitie The Readers in Diuinitie of S. Francis of Valladolid who heere set downe our names haue seene by the command of our Father Fr. Louis Velasquez Minister Prouinciall of this Prouince of the Conception the booke of the life and miracles of the glorious Mother Saint Ioane of the Crosse composed by the Father Fr. Antonie Daça diffinitor of the same Prouince and generall cronicler of the order and all which in it is conteyned is Catholique and the reuelations of the Saint are admirable and most conforme to the sacred scripture and doctrine of the Saintes teaching the way of heauen with notable sweetnesse and spirit of our Lord whereof they are all full For the which the said booke may and ought to be imprinted hoping with much confidence that it shall be for the honour and glorie of God and vtilitie and profit of the faithfull And this is our opinion in the said Conuent of S. Francis of Valladolid the 8. day of Iulie of the yeare 1610. F. Alonso de Herrera Fr. Francis Aluarez Licence of the Order Free● Louis de Velasquez of the order of our seraphicall Father S. Frācis Minister Prouinciall in this Prouince of the Conception and visitor of all the religious women thereof by these presentes doe giue licence to the Father Fr. Antonie Deça Deffinitor and Father of the ●ame Prouince that he may imprint and publish a booke which he hath composed of the life and miracles of the Virgin Saint Ioane of the Crosse Religious which was in the monasterie of the Crosse of the holie Prouince of Castile considering that by our commission learned persons of the Prouince haue seene and approued it keeping in the rest which the customary lawe of these kingdomes doe dispose of concerning the impression of bookes giuen in our Conuent of S. Francis of Valladolid the 22. of Iulie of the yeare 1610. Fr. Lewis de Velasquez Minister Prouinciall Approbation of the Vicar of Madrid By commission and commandement of the Lordes of the councell I haue caused this booke of the blessed Ioane of the crosse composed by the Father Fr. Antonie Daça Diffinitor of the Prouince of the conception and cronicler generall of the order of Saint Francis to be visited Being a booke of much learning and deuotion and of much profit for those that shall reade it contayning nothing contrarie to faith nor to good maners and so licence may be giuen him to imprint it Dated in Madrid on the 4. of August 1610. Doctor Gutierre de Cetina his Approbation By particular commission of your Highnesse I haue seene and read this booke intituled the historie life and miracles of the blessed Ioane of the Crosse composed by the Father Fr. Antonie Daça Diffinitor and chronicler of the sacred order of the seraphicall Father and I wish as saith Saint Hierome writing the life of Saint Pa●la that all the members of my bodie might become tongues to set out the extraordinarie fauours which God hath communicated to this blessed Saint but the author fulfilleth what he promiseth explicating her miracles extasies and reuelations with so great erudition doctrine and truth treated with a delicate and acute wit authorized with the sentences and sayings of the Saints manifested Catholiquely and piously therefore hold for certaine that it shall be much esteemed and with edification read of all and of manie imitated And so I iudge that the licence which he requireth ought to be giuen him Dated in this Conuent of the most holie Trinitie in the street of the Atocha of Madrid on the sixt day of August in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred and tenne The Presentado Fr. Iohn Baptista Approbation and licenc● I Doctor Galipiēzo first Reader of sacred Diuinitie by cōmission of the most excellēt most reuerend Lord Don Francisco Virgilio Bishop of Lerida and of the counsell of his Maiestie haue seene and with attention read this present booke whose title is The life and miracles extasies and reuelations of the blessed Virgin sister Ioane of the Crosse wherein there is nothinge which contradicteth the holie Catholique faith nor good customes rather there are great motiues to serue God particularly for religious persons for the manie graces and fauours which of his diuine hand they receiue who with feruour do serue him as is seene in the blessed Ioane of the Crosse and so is verie iust that it come to light and therfore haue signed it with my hand on the seauenteenth of Iune one thousand six hundred and thirteene Doctor Antonie Galipienzo Approbation To the Catholique Maiestie of our Lord the King Don Philippe the third Because the little offering is properly of him that can little although in the eyes of a prince it
cōmunicated himselfe largely and most liberally S. Aug. lib. 18. de ciuit Dei Witnesses are of this truth the auncient Sybillas so esteemed of the Saints for S. Hierom. lib. contra Iouinian saith of them that God gaue them the guift of prophecie in reward of the virginitie which they kept reuealing to them many things of the future state of the church and of the comming of the Messias with other misteries of his death and passion resurrection and glorious ascension to heauen The reuelations of S. Brigitt are approued by the councels of Constance and Florence Clem. Alex. lib. storm lib. of the reuelat of S. Brigit and those of S. Hildegarde by S. Bernard and by Pope Eugenius 3. In the beginning the generall chronic of S. Benet Tom. 1. centuria 1. cap. 1. Martyrol Rom die 17. Trithem de viris illustrib ordinis S. Benedict lib. 3. cap. 222. And by the councell of Treuers those of S. Gertrude Saint Matildis and Saint Elizabeth Abbesse of the monasterie of Esconaugia daughter of the King and a person of great sanctitie graue authors doe write that her Angell keeper did reueale to her great misteries and commanded her in the name of God to write them Marc. Marul lib. 3. which is the same that passed with our blessed S. Ioane And the reuelations of Saint Angela of Fulgino haue bene very much esteemed of the learned spirituall men of the world legenda de beata Angela de Fulgino Those of the blessed Mother Teresa of Iesus in our time haue beene so admirable as profitable The booke of the life of S. Teresa of Iesus The thinges of the glorious S. Catharine of Siena in her time ouershadowed the world and stayed not vntill Vrbanus Sixtus the Pope commanded her to preach before him and his Cardinalls that she might perswade the peace of the church as at another time she had done in presence of Pope Gregory the eleuenth his predecessor Anton. 3. p. hist titulo 23. cap. 14. § 17. And besides al this remaining in extasies rapte of her sences she made speeches and marueilous orations of the which Freer Marck Briganus composed a booke which goeth with this title Incipit liber diuinae doctrinae datae per personam aeterni patris intellectui loquentis admirabilis almae Virginis Catharinae de Senis Iesu Christi sponsae fidelissimae sibi sub habitu Beati Deminici famulantis conscriptus dictante ipsa vulgari sermone dum esset in extasi siue raptu actualiter audiente quid in ealoqueretur ipse Dominus corampluribus reserente Chronicle of S. Dominic lib. 2. cap. 51. and 45. And in the booke of the epistles of the same Saint which by order of the most excellent Lord Freer Francis Ximenez Archbishop of Toledo Cardinall inquisitor generall of Spaine was translated into Spanish there goe imprinted some of the orations exhortations which this holy Virgin made being in extasies and abstract from her sences and one with this title The fifth oration which the holie Virgin made in Rome on Friday the 18. of Februarie in the yeare 1573. being in abstraction after hauing communicated Another saith the eleuenth oratiō which the same holy Virgin made in Rome on the day of the annunciation of the most B. Virgin Marie our Ladie the which she made in abstraction Another saith thus the 22. prayer made in rapte of eleuation of the holy spirit on the day of the conuersion of S. Paule and they are full of most high misteries and of many places of the sacred scripture which the Saint most highly declared being eleuated Neither is it against this to say that these are Saints canonized for some of them be not so and none of them were when these merueills were written of them for S. Antoninus and Saint Raimūous who wrote the things of Saint Catharine of Siena died hundreds of yeares before she was canonized and the same is also of almost all the rest rather these same thinges which were written of these Saints and went about the world with so much edification of the Christian people were the most efficacious motiue to deale about their canonization and to effect it and the same I hope in our Lord shall succed to our blessed Ioane And neuerthelesse the title of the saide chapter hath beene changed from whence it was before how the holy Ghost spake thirteene yeares by the mouth of S. Ioane now it is how by the diuine virtue the seruant of God spake for the space of thirteene yeares and that which was taken away is the same which was put in realtie of truth but hath another apparāce of those which haue not studied Fourthly it seemed also to those a thing worthie to haue beene kept in silence the miracle of the Angel hauing caried to heauen the rosaries and to bring them downe againe blessed by our Lord being a thing vnheard of and so extraordinarie but it is a correction without ground First because that which is related of the miracle was manifest by the testimonie of a whole conuent and the tradition of the same hath bene so continued for the space of so many yeares and confirmed with the sanctitie of the seruant of God and with so many and so famouse miracles and againe because it is not a case without an example but there are many in thinges which shall bee seene for they descended from heauen or howsoeuer it be wee enioy them by the ministerie of Angels And setting aside some of that which the scripture treateth as the Manna the sword or holy Knife which Hieremias brought to Iudas Machabeus 2. Mach. 15. there are manie others which the Christian people venerate as the Crosse of the Angels which is kept in the holie church of Ouiedo and that of Crauaca the Casula of S. Ildefonsus the peece of the veile which the same Saint cut from S. Leocadia the christall viol in which appeared inclosed the miracle of the Eucharist which is conserued in Santaren the habit which our blessed Lady the Virgin brought to S. Norberte wherwith she vested him when he was to institute his religion Surius Tom. 3. And the same passed with other founders of religions And Philip Proculus the most holie Martyr celebrating Masse the Angels lifted vp the chalice and carried it to heauen after two howres brought it him againe and said Christ hath consecrated it do not thou consecrate it againe but receiue it and so he did all admiring who were present S. Antonin 3. p. hist tit 24. cap. 13. Aquilinus lib. 1. cap. 15. And Nicephorus Calixtus wrireth in his ecclesiasticall historie lib. 19. cap. 20. the excellencies of the glorious Amphilochius Bishop of Iterana and among other things relateth how the Angels did consecrate him Peter Sanchez lib. of the Kingdome of God cap. 4. Num. 34. And very graue are the histories which affirme to haue descended from heauen the three lilies of gold called floure-delis which the Kinges of Frāce beare
of S. Peter but to do a seruice to our Lord God or to his most holy Mother in obsequie of S. Peter who will so much be pleased that his deuotarie doe serue God and his Mother So that the sayings of these seducers are vaine aggrauations And the truth being made cleare they haue neither substance nor apparance of ground as is manifest More I could say vpon this but I leaue to enlarge me and to applie that hath beene said not to hitt vpon a knowen action in this matter euery one shall take what toucheth him it sufficeth to say that the veneration to these beades and to those touched at them is very holy and the comparation of their virtues verie sufficient and the doubt whether they be certaine or not of no substance when with the same good faith we worship reliques and other pious thinges in which the Christian people hath more neede of spurres then of a bridle when it is not founded vpon fandy things without ground or with suspicion of fiction But the thinges of this seruant of God are founded vpon a most pure life most approued and clarified and vpon a glorious death vpon infinite miracles and vpon veneration of the faithfull so knowen and vpon the vncorruptibilitie of her holie bodie so euident and vpon tradition of all this of so many yeares and so continued and approued So neither the greatnesse of the fauours which God hath done her maketh them lesse credible nor saying that the holie Ghost spake by her mouth hath indecencie nor noueltie and much lesse the miracle of the beades but rather of all is drawen much profit for the greater glorie of our Lord and honour of of his Saint Brother Francis Bishop of Canaria The petition of Father Anthonie Daça giuen to the councell of the holy generall inquisition before the most excellent Lord Cardinall of Toledo inquisitor generall and those of his councell in Madrid The 19. of August in the yeare 1610. Most powerful Lord Brother Anthonie Daça diffinitor of the holy Prouince of the Conception and Coronist generall of the order of Saint Francis doth say that for as much as I haue composed a booke of the life and miracles of the blessed Ioane of the Crosse religious of the same order the which although it be perused by the councel of iustice and by their commission seene and approued by the ordinarie of Madrid before al these approbations haue gone those of the lectors of Theologie of our order by commission of the same religion and the councell hauing seene them and the informations and originall papers from whence the said booke hath beene taken and composed for greater qualification and authoritie thereof the said councell will haue the approbation of your hignesse to whom humbly I make supplication that you command it to be giuen and your censure for in the same shal be done to our Lord great seruice and to me a most great fauour For the which c. Brother Anthonie Daça The answere of the Councell Let the Abbot of Fitero ouerloke this booke and giue his censure informing first thereof the most excellent Lord Cardinall inquisitor generall Michaell Garcia de Molina The opinion and censure of the M. F. Don Ignatius of Iberus Abbat of the monasterie of Saint Marie the regall of Fitero qualificator of the holie office of the inquisition and one of those which assist at the meeting which is made in this courte of his Maiestie for the new catalogue and expurgatorie of the prohibited bookes I the Maister ●reer Don Ignatius de Ibero Abbat of the Monasterie of Saint Marie the regall of Fitero qualificator of the holy office of the inquisition c. doe lay that by commandement of the moste excellent Lord Don Bernardo de Roias and Sandouall Cardinall of Toledo inquisitor general in the kingdomes and Lordships of the King our Lord and of the councel of state of his Maiestie and of the Lords of the holy and generall inquisition haue seene and read with particular attention a booke intituled the historie life and miracles extasies and reuelations of the blessed Virgin sister Ioane of the Crosse of the third order of our Father Saint Francis composed by the most learned and very expert Father freer Anthonie Daça diffinitor of the holy Prouince of the Conception and Coronist generall of his order for to giue my opinion censure concerning the same And not only I haue not found in it any thing which may be cēlured or which is worthy to be noted but rather it seemeth to mee that the booke will be of much profit and vtilitie for all those that wil make vse therof especially for deuout people and those that treate of spirit and that all which therein is written is doctrine very good and very app●oued and most conforme to that doctrine which the Catholike Church our Mother reacheth and her holie Doctors And because it hath beene commanded mee that besides giuinge my opinion and censure of all this booke yet that I rather also tell in particular all what I thinke of i● and of the miracles and reuelations which are written in it I shall be more large in this my writinge and relation For the which I haue also read besides that which this booke cōteineth the authenticall informations which of the things in the same conteyned haue beene made at diuers times the originall booke from whēce these were drawen which is that which a disciple wrote of this seruant of God who liued in her time called sister Marie euangelist to whom as the informations which of this haue beene made and the tradiditions of that Monasterie doe say that miraculously to this effect our Lord gaue grace of knowledge to write and reade and it seemeth to mee that in as much as hath beene possible for mee I haue auouched to be certaine and true that which in the history is written of the life miracles and sancti●ie of this seruant of God which is the first thing which ought to be presupposed in writing the liues of the Saints and that which the holy councel of Trent commandeth to the Pastors and Prelates that they looke much to it when they are to bring to light and publish histories of the miracles and liues of Saints to the end that with truth the meruailes of God and his omnipotencie be published Sess 25. in decreto de purgatorio § de inuoc veneratione Sanctorum For being that with these thinges God discouereth how admirable he is in his Saints it is greatly to his seruice that with thinges certaine and true we praise him and magnifie his omnipotencie and infinite greatnesse without telling fictions or vncertaine things for as saith holy Iob. Iob. 13. there is no necessitie of them for that which God pretendeth I hold then all this historie for most true and I vnderstand in as much as I can atteine to with probability and humane saith that al that which heere is written passed