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A15506 The English martyrologe conteyning a summary of the liues of the glorious and renowned saintes of the three kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Collected and distributed into moneths, after the forme of a calendar, according to euery saintes festiuity. VVherunto is annexed in the end a catalogue of those, who haue suffered death in England for defence of the Catholicke cause, since King Henry the 8. his breach with the Sea Apostolicke, vnto this day. By a Catholicke priest. Wilson, John, ca. 1575-ca. 1645? 1608 (1608) STC 25771; ESTC S120085 181,492 404

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in great sanctity of life and working of miracles finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred fifty and one His body was afterward on this day translated to the Monastery of VValciodore aforsaid where the same is kept with great veneration of the Inhabitants THE same day in Brecknockshire of VVales the deposition or S. Keyna Virgin daughter to Braghan King of Brecknocke and great Aunt to S. Dauid Bish. of Meneuia who being in her infancy consecrated to God left her Countrey and came ouer the Riuer of Seuerne into England and there liued a most austere life in a solitary wood full of serpents into which no man durst enter for feare of death But by her prayers they were all turned into stones still retayning the shape of serpēts And after that she had liued many yeares therin without humane assisiance she returned againe to her friends and Countrey and built herselfe a little Cottage vpon a hill where in continuall prayer and abstinence clad in hayrcloth she serued her Lord Sauiour vntill her dying day And being ready to depart out of this world an Angell came downe from heauen and put vpon her a white garment wrought with gould bidding her to be in readinesse to enter into the Kingdome of her Celestiall spouse She departed to our Lord vpon this day about the yeare of Christ foure hundred and nynty and was buryed in the same Prouince where her memory hath byn famous euen vntill our dayes She is called in the British tongue Keyn-vayre that is to say Keyne the Virgin B The ninth Day AT Lincolne the deposition of Bl. Robert surnamed Grossa-testa Confessour and Bishop of the same Sea whose great sanctity of life and vertues ioyned with learning especially in the Hebrew Greeke and Latyn tongues hath byn very famous in the Church of Christ. Among other workes he translated the Testamentes of the twelue Patriarkes out of Greeke into Latin as also wrote very learned Cōmentaryes vpon the Psalter yet extant to be seene in wrytten hand in diuers Libraryes of Europe He was borne in Suffolke and in his youth trauayled into France where applying his studyes he attayned to great knowledge in Philosophy and Diuinity and at his returne backe was promoted first to the Arch deaconry of Licester and afterward to the Bishopricke of Lincolne which when he had gouerned most laudably for eighteene yeares he reposed happily in our Lord in the yeare of Christ one thousand two hundred fifty and three His body was most solemnly interred in a goodly marble Tombe in the south I le of his owne Cathedrall Church of Lincolne and there was wont to be kept with great reuerence and veneration euen vntill the dayes of King Henry the eight THE same day in the County of Hennalt in the Diocesse of Cambray the festiuity of S. Gislen Confessour who being an Irishman by birth went to Athens in Greece where he became first a Monke of the Order of S. S. Basil and thence returning by Rome came backe into the Lower-Germany and there built himselfe an Oratory in a Village three myles distant from Montz in Hennalt teaching and instructing the people of those partes in the Christian faith with great fruite and feruour of spirit vntill his dying day which happened about the yeare of Christ six hundred fourty His body is kept in a Monastery of his owne name in the forsaid Territory of Hennalt cōmōly called S. Gislens where it is honoured vntill this day with great veneration of the Inhabitants round about C The tenth Day AT Rochester in Kent the Deposition of S. Pauline Bishop and Confessour who comming into England with S. Augustine and his fellowes conuerted the Kingdome of the Northumbers togeather with Edwyn King of that Prouince and so became their Apostle He was ordayned the first Archbishop of Yorke but being thence expulsed after King Edwyns death he came backe againe into Kent and there gouerned the Sea of Rochester being then voyd where in great sanctity of life he finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare Christ six hundred fourty and fiue His body was with all solemnity buryed in the Cathedrall Church of S. Andrew in Rochester and there kept with great veneration THE same day at Birlington in Yorkeshire the deposition of S. Iohn Confessour Prior of the Monastery of Chanons-Regular whose godly life full of sanctity hath byn manifested sufficiently by the miracles he wrought both aliue and dead He desceased in the yeare of Christ one thousand three hundred threescore and nynteene and was buryed at Birlington D The eleuenth Day AT Barking in Fssex the deposition of S. Edilburge Abbesse sister to S. Erconwald Bishop of Lodon who by him was cōstituted Gouernesse of a new Monastery that himselfe had built by the forsaid towne of Barking vpon the Riuer of Thames where in all kind of sanctimony of life and Monasticall discipline she gaue vp her soule to her heauenly spouse in the yeare of Christ six hundred threefore and sixteene THE same day in Scotland the deposition of S. Canicke Abbot Cōfessour whose godly life and miracles haue byn famous throughout the Christian world but especially in Scotland where he was borne liued and died about the yeare of Christ eight hundred E The tweluth Day AT Rippon in Yorkeshire the deposition of S. VVil 〈…〉 ride Confessour and Archbishop of Yorke who being twice expulsed his Bishopricke by Egfrid King of the Northumbers went and preached to the Southsaxons where he conuerted the I le of VVight and first planted the Christian faith in that place And when he had thus laboured for many yeares in his banishment to the gayning of infinite soules to God being at last restored to his Bishopricke in all sanctity or life and miracles he finally rested in our Lord vpon the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and eleuen and was buryed in S Peters Church at Rippon aforsaid which himselfe had built on the south side of the high Altar Ouer whose tombe was engrauen this ancient Epitaph following VVilfridus hic magnus requiescit corpore Praesul Hanc Domino qut Aulam du 〈…〉 us pieta●i amore Fecit exi 〈…〉 o sacrauit nomine PETRI C 〈…〉 laues cali Christus dedit arbiter Orbis Atque auro ac Tyrio deuotus vestijt ostro Quin etiam sublime Crucis radiante metallo Hic posuit tropheüm nec non quattuor auro Scribi Euangel 〈…〉 praerepit in ordine libros Ac thecam è ru●ilo his con 〈…〉 ignam condidit auro Paschalis qui etiam solem 〈…〉 a tempora cursus Catholci adiustum correxit dogma Canonis Quem statuere Paires dubioque errore remoto Certa suae Ge 〈…〉 i ostendit moderam 〈…〉 na ritus Inque loc 〈…〉 stis Monachorum examina crebra Colligit ac monitis cauit quae regula Patrum Sedulus in 〈…〉 it 〈…〉 sue do 〈…〉 ue forisue Iactatus 〈…〉 mium
it His body was buried at VVinchester wherat many miracles by his merits are recorded to haue byn wrought B The three and twentith Day AT Mailros vpon the Riuer-banke of Tyne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the Commemoration of S. Boysill Confessour and Abbot of that famous Monastery wherin S. Cuthbert was brought vp and vnder whome he first put on his Religious habit whose great holynes of life and singular vertues especially in the gift of Prophesy haue byn famous in tymes past throughout our whole Iland And when he had for many yeares most exemplarly gouerned that Monastery being by an angell admonished of his death he ioyfully departed this transitory life about the yeare of Christ six hundred threscore and ten and was buryed in the same Manastery Cuthbert succeeding him in his office C The foure twentith Day AT Beneuentum in Italy the passion of S. Sophias Bishop Martyr who being a noble Britan by birth sonne to Guelleicus King of North-wales became first a mōke then Abbot of a Monastery which himselfe had built in VVales with his owne inheritāce and lastly hauing byn three tymes at Hierusalem to visit the holy sepulcher of Christ scauen tymes at Rome on pilgrimage was for his knowne vertues and innocency of life created Bishop of Beneuentum in Italy where stāding at the altar at Masse was by a wicked fellow in hatred of Christian beliefe thrust through the body with a lauce so receyued a crowne of Martyrdom about the yeare of Christ foure hundred nynty in the raigne of King Arthur of Brittany whose Kinseman he is said to haue byn THE same day in Monmouthshire the festiuity of S. Cadocke Martyr nephew to Bragham King of Brecknocke and Cosyn to S. Dauid Bishop of Meneuia whose memory is famous euen vntill this day in our Iland of Great Brittany especially in the forsaid Prouince of Mōmouth in South-VVales where there are yet remayning Churches Chappell 's dedicated in his honour He suffered about the yeare of Christ 500. D The fiue twentith Day THE Conuersion of the glorious Apostle S. Paul by whome our Iland of great Brittany hath receyued no small fauour For that according to diuers ancient wryters in the fourth yeare of Nero the Emperour his raigne the Iewes being by his Edict banished Rome he personally came into Brittany and there preached the faith of Christ. Venantius Fortunatus a most holy and learned mā wryting aboue a thousand yeares agone of S. Paules perigrination saith of him Transijt Oceanum vel qua facit Insula portum Quasue Britannus habet oras atue vltima Thule After this he returned againe to Rome where at last both S. Peter and himselfe on one and the selfe same day receiued the reward of their labours by Martyrdome in the yeare of Christ threescore and nyne THE same day in Ireland the Commemoration of S. Eoglodius Monke and Confessour who descended of a noble parentage in that Kingdome and disciple to S. Columbe the Great came with him ouer into Scotland and was his coadiutor in teaching and preaching the Christian faith to the Pictes that then inhabited that Countrey where famous for sanctity of life and other vertues finally rested in our Lord about the yeare of Christ foure hundred fourscore and seauen E The six and twentith Day AT Barking in Essex the Commemoration of S. Theorithgid Virgin who descended of a very noble Brittish stocke became a Religious woman in the Monastery of the forsaid towne of Barking vnder the care of S. Edilburge the first Abbesse therof sister to S. Erconwald Bishop of London who had newly founded that Abbey where in great sanctimony of life and feruour of spirit she gaue vp her blessed soule to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ six hundred seauenty and eight vnto whome S. Edilburge appearing as she lay on her death-bed told her with most sweet and comfortable words that the tyme now drew neere that she should be deliuered out of the prison of this world into the ioyes of eternall blisse F The seauen twentith Day IN Scotland the Commemoration of S. Palladius Bishop and Confessour who being a Roman by birth was sent thither in the yeare foure hundred and eleuen by Pope Celestine to reduce that Nation from certaine errors and heresyes which Pelagius the Brittan had sowed among them where being ordayned Bishop and Primate of Scotland he instructed the people for many yeares in all good learning and other Catholicke cerimonyes according to the Roman vse and lastly full of venerable old age in great sanctity and holines of life he gaue vp his soule to rest about the yeare of Christ foure hundred and fourty G The eight twentith Day IN the I le of VVight in Hampshire the Commemoration of the Saintes called Arwaldi Brothers and Martyrs who being two noble yong men descended of the bloud Royall of the South Saxons brothers to the King of that Iland were taken prisoners by Ceadwall King of the Geuisses VVestsaxons who being but newly baptized were by him commanded to be slaine in the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore seauen Their bodyes were decently interred in a Church of that Prouince by S. Cymber Abbot of Redford in Hampshire by whome they had a little before byn baptized instructed in the Christian faith wherat in signe of their Innocency it pleased God forthwith to worke miracles A The nine twentith Day IN Cornwall the deposition of S. Gildas Confessor and Abbot of Bangor in North-wales who after he had written many famous bookes as well for the illustratiō of the Vniuersall as our Primitiue Church of Brittany became an Eremite lead a most strict and seuere kind of life in the mountaynes of Cornwall where full of venerable old yeares he rested in our Lord about the yeare of Christ 581. He is famous yet among the Cornishmen of Englād especially for his writings amgonst whome also there haue byn many Churches altars dedicated in his honour B The thirtith Day AT Fulda in the higher Germany the deposition of S. Amnichade Confessour who descended of a noble parentage in Scotland forsooke the world went ouer the sea and trauailing into Germany at last became a monke in the Monastery of Fulda which had byn founded by S. Bonisace an English-man for the Scottish nation where liuing a most Godly and exemplar life when he was ready to die a great light was seene and Angelicall voyces heard in his Cell the which continued a long tyme after at his Sepulcher and were heard of all that came to visit it He died about the yeare of Christ one thousand fourty and three and lieth buryed at Fulda in the forsaid Monastery C The one thirtith Day IN Scotland the Commemoration of S. Adaman Priest and Confessour who being Prefect of the Monastery of Nunnes in the towne
an Englishman by byrth became first a monke of the venerable Order of S. Benedict and was afterward sent into Palestine and made Prior of the Monastery of the holy Sep 〈…〉 er in Hierusalem And in the yeare of Christ one thousand one hūdred thirty he was cōsecrated the first Archbishop of Tyre in Syria which function when he had inioyed six yeares in all sanctity of life and vertuous conuersation he ended there his happy dayes in the yeare of our Lord one thousand one hundred thirty seauen THE same day in Breckneckshire of VVales the Commemoration of S. Canoch Confessor who being sonne to Braghan King of Brecknocke great Vncle to S. Dauid Bishop of Men●●ia was very famous for holines of life in those partes about the yeare of Christ foure hundred fourscore and twelue and whose memory is yet famous amongst the ancient Britans of our Iland especially in South wales He had a brother called S. Cadocke that was a Martyr a sister named S. Keyn● who liued about the same time in great opinion of sanctity as the Records of their liues yet extant do demonstrate A The twelfth Day AT Durham in the Bishopricke the Commemoration o● S. ●dilwald Bishop and Confessour who being first a m●n●e then Abbot of the Monastery of Mailros in the Kingdome of the Northumbers was lastly promoted to the Bishopicke of Lindisserne now translated to Durham and succeeded S. Edbert in that Sea which when he had gouerned like a worthy pastour of his flocke for almost fourty yeares in great sanctity of life and vertues therto agreeable full of venerable old yeares he finally reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ seauen hundred thirty and eight and was buryed at Lindisserne B The thirteenth Day AT ●ly in Cambridgshire the deposition of S. Ermenild Queene wise to VVulherus King of Mercia who after the death of her husband became a Religious woman in the Monastery of Ely vnder her owne Mother S. Sexburge who at that tyme was Abbesse therof and after her said Mothers descease she was elected in her place where famous for sanctimony and holines of life she gaue vp her soule to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ six hundredthreescore and eighteene ALso the same day at VVirtzburgh in Germany the Translation of S. K●lian Bishop and Martyr who descended of the bloud royall of Ireland for the loue he bare to his neighbour-Countreyes came thence with three other Companiōs into Flaunders so went into Germany where he was ordayned Bishop of VVirtzburgh which Sea when he had held for few yeares diligently attending to his flocke he was slayne togeather with his three forsaid Companions by the enemyes of Christian saith in the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore and seauenteene His body being buryed at VVirtzburgh was afterward on this day taken vp and translated to a more eminent place of the same Church where be●ore it lay but his principall festiuity is celebrated vpon the eight day of Iuly C The fourteenth Day IN Scotland the Commemoration of S. Con●●ane Confessour who borne in the 〈…〉 e Kingdome and des●●nded of a noble parentage d●spised all pleasures of this world retyring himself to a Monastery became a Religious man of the Order of S. Benedict in one of the Ilands of Or●ades neere Scotland where in all kind of exemplar good life learning and vertuous conuersation in a good old age ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred and fourty His memory hath by● famous euen vntill th●se our dayes throughout the whole Iland of Great Britany but especially amongst the Scottish nation amongst whome also diuers Churches and altars haue in tymes past byn erected and dedicated in his honour D The fifteenth Day AT Vexouia in Goth-land the deposition of S. Sigfride Bishop and Confessour who being Archdeacon of the Church of Yorke was sent by King Alfred of England into Gothia to preach to the pagan people of that Countrey whome he conuerted to the Christian faith togeather with their King Olaus and so became their Apostle He was afterward made Bishop of Vexo●ia and Metropolitan of Goth●a which Sea when he had gouerned most worthily for many yeares in great sanctity and holines of life full of venerable old age he went to rest in our Lord about the yeare of Christ one thousand and two and was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church of Vexouia where his body was kept with great honour and veneration of that nation for the myracles that were wrought therat vntill these later yeares of schismes and heresyes in those Prouinces E The sixteenth Day AT VVerdt in Cleeu-land the deposition of S. Tancone Bishop and Martyr who borne of a noble bloud in Scotland was first a monke and then Abbot of a Monastery in the same Kingdome called Amarbaricke and being very desirous to help his neighbour-Countreys for their soules health went ouer into Flaunders and thence into Cleeu-land and there was made Bishop of VVerdt where preaching continually and propagating the Christian faith he was at last slayne by the barbarous and incredulous people of that Prouince in hatred therof about the yeare of Christ eight hundred His body was buryed at VVerdt F The seauenteenth Day AT Lindisferne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the depos●tion of S. Finan Bishop and Confessour who being first a monke of S. Columbes M●nast●ry in the Iland of Hoy by Scotland was ordayned Bishop of Lindisferne and succeeded S. Aidan that Sea where in all kind of godly conuersation sanctity of life he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred and threescore He is called the Apostle of the Mercians or middle Englishmen by whose endeauours in preaching a great part of that Kingdome was first conuerted to Christian faith togeather with their Prince Peda sonne to the notable persecutor Penda who with many great Larles Lords of Mercia was at the in●●ance of holy King Oswyn of Northumberland by him baptized at Barwicke as S. Bede and other English Historiographers do recount There are many Churches both in England and Scotland dedicated in his honour G The eighteenth Day AT Saltzburge in Bauaria the Commemoration of S. Iohn Confessour Bishop of that Sea who being a monke of an old Monastery neere VVinchelsea in Sussex went ouer into Germany to S. Boniface Archbishop of Mentz with whome he remained for a tyme and after going to Rome was by Pope Gregory the third created the first Bishop of Saltzburge and sent thither which sea when he had most worthily gouerned and preached the Christian faith for fourteene yeares togeather and brought many thousands to the true worship of God in great sanctity of life and venerable old age he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred fifty and seauen and was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church of Saltzburge
and descended there of a noble parentage became in that Kingdome first a monke of the Venerable Order of S. Benedict and thence went ouer into France to S. Gallus Abbot that then was famous in those partes of whome being throughly instructed in all kind of Monasticall discipline was at last ordayned Bishop of Constance where after many yeares of most approued vertue and sanctity of life he happily reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ six hundred fifty and foure and was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church of Constance B The seauen twentith Day AT Lichfield in Staffordshire the Commemoration of Blessed Sexulfe Bishop and Confessour who being the first Abbot of the Monastery of Medshamsted now called Peterburrow by whose persuasion VVulferus K. of Mercia had newly founded the same was ordayned Bishop of Lindisserne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers and afterward translated to Lichfield in the place of VVinsrid that was deposed by S. Theodore of Canterbury In both which Seas he most worthily behaued himselfe in teaching and instructing his flocke for many yeares And at last full of venerable old age ioyned with sanctity of life he departed to our Lord about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred THE same day in the Prouince of the Eastangles in the Diocesse of Ely the Cōmemoration of S. Alnoth Martyr who being heardsman to S. VVereburge Abbesse of the Nunry of Ely became an Anchoret leading a most strict and seuere recluse life for the loue of God whome when he had so serued for some yeares he was slayne by certaine wicked theeues in hatred therof and so receyued his crowne of Martyrdome about the yeare of Christ 670. C The eight twentith Day AT Yorke the deposition of S. Oswald Bishop Cōfessour nephew to S. Odo Archbishop of Canterbury who being first made Chanon of VVinchester then Bishop of VVorcester was lastly promoted to the Archbishopricke of Yorke whose godly vertues and innocency of life was afterward declared by the manifold miracles wrought at his body Amongst other works of Charity he was wont euery day to giue dinner to twelue poore men or pilgrims seruing them at table with his owne hands wash their feet giue them money in almes and alwayes at Easter to giue them new apparrell He died on this day in the yeare of Christ nyne hundred fourscore and twelue and was afterward translated to VVorcester vpon the fifteenth of October on which day his principall festiuity is celebrated in our Catholicke Church of England of whome also in that place we haue made a large Relation THE MONETH OF MARCH D The first Day AT Meneuia in Penbrookshire the deposition of S. Dauid Bishop and Confessour sonne to Xantus Prince of VVales and Vncle to the valiant King Arthur who was so famous for working of miracles in his life tyme that he became a great pillar and vphoulder of the British Primitiue Church especially in extinguishing the Reliques of the Pelagian heresy He translated his Bishopricke which was at Carleon vpon V. ske vnto Meneuia now called in the British tongue of his name Twy Dewy in English S. Dauids where finally after he had built twelue Monasteryes and replenished the same with monkes being of the age of an hundred fourty six yeares he ended his blessed dayes was buryed in his owne Church about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred fourscore twelue It is recorded by the British antiquityes that by his prayers he obtayned the heate and vertue that the waters of Bath in Somersetshire haue in curing and asswaging many deseases though others do assigne it to haue byn found out long before He was afterward canonized for a Saint by Pope Ca 〈…〉 us the second THE same day at VVerdt in Cleeu-land the deposition of S. Suitbert Confessour and first Bishop of that Sea Sonne to Sigebert Earle of Nottingham who going ouer into the lower Germany and thence into Saxony Frizland with S. VVillebrord and his company to preach the Christian faith was there elected Bishop of VVerdt and sent backe into England to be consecrated and then returning to his Sea after much fruite wrought in that haruest in great sanctity and holines of life he reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ seauen hūdred seauenteene His body is kept at VVerdt where he died with great veneration of the inhabitants He was canonized by Pope Leo the third E The second Day AT Lichfield in Staffordshire the deposition of S. Chad Confenour and Bishop of that Sea whose most exemplar life togeather with working of manifold miracles is yet famous throughout England The Cathedrall Church or Minster of that Citty is dedicated to our Blessed Lady and S. Chad. There is also a VVell neere to the same Church commonly called S. Chads VVell In the bottome whereof lieth vntill this day a cleere great marble stone wheron S. Chad was wont to kneele and pray in his Oratory the water of which Well is very wholsome soueraigne for many diseases He died in the yeare of Christ six hundred threscore and foure and lieth burved in his owne Cathedrall Church of Lichfield THE same day at VVerdt in Cleeu-land the deposition of S. Willeicke Abbot and Confessour who going out of England with S Switbert and his company to preach the Christian faith to the Pagans of the lower Germany and Saxony was constituted Abbot of a monastery at VVerdt which S. Switbert had newly founded where after the reaping of a fertile haruest in the conuersion of infinite soules to God full of sanctity miracles reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ 727. F The third Day AT Tauracum in little Britany the deposition o● S. VVenlocke Abbot and Confessour who descended of the royall bloud of o● Great Britany and nephew to Francanus Viceroy of that Kingdome went ouer into litle Britany and was ordayned Abbot there of an ancient Monastery called Tauracum whose li●e replenished with sanctity and miracles was famous aswell in our Kingdome as in France and Flanders about the yeare of Christ foure hundred and fourscore about which tyme also he reposed in our Lord. His body was afterward translated to Gaunt in Flanders in the Normā persecution and there is kept vntill this day with great veneration of the Inhabitants for the oftē miracles that haue byn wrought therat G The fourth Day AT Perone in Picardy the deposition of S. Eurseu● Abbot and Confessour sonne to Philtan King of Ireland who cōming into England to Sigebert King of the Eastangles built there a goodly Monastery and filled the same with monkes wherof himselfe was ordayned Abbot And then after a while leauing the care therof to his brother Foillan he went ouer into France and built another Monastery at Perone where in most godly and saintly exercise of life he died on this day about the yeare of Christ six hundred thirty and six
His body is preserued yet in the same Monastery with great veneration for the frequent miracles that haue byn wrought therat A The fifth Day IN Northumberland the Commemoration of S. VVilgise Confessour a noble man of that Prouince and Father to the famous S. VVillebrord who casting from him the cares of this world became an Eremite leading a solitary seuere life in the Kingdome of Northumberland where he built him a little Cottage or Oratory in honour of S. Andrew the Apostle in which when he had l●ued many yeares in continuall fasting watching and prayer full of sanctity of life and venerable old age he finally went vnto our Lord about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred thirty and six S. Alcuine Maister to Charles the Great wrote his life in Elegiacall verse as himsel●e witnesseth in the li●e of S. Willebrord where also in the end therof he recounteth a miracle wrought by S. VVilgise about the mu●tiplication of wyne B The sixt Day AT Secking on the Rhene in the lower Germany the deposition of S. Frodoline otherwise called Winsred Abbotand Confessour sonne to Conranus King of Scotland who going ouer into Flaunders and Germany for the conuersion of those people to Christ was ordayned Abbot of a Monastery called Secking situated vpon the riuer-banke of Rhene where after he had conuerted many thousands to the faith of Christ in all kind of vertue and sanctity of life he ended his venerable aged dayes about the yeare of our Lord fiue hundred threescore and foure THE same day at Dormundcaster two miles from Peterburrow in Northamptonshir● the deposition of the Saints Kinisdred and Kiniswide Virgins and sisters daughters to Penda K. of Mercia who being dedicated to God euen from their infancy despised all worldly preferments and entring into a Nunry at the forsaid towne of Dormundcaster there only studied how to serue their Lord in all kind of vertuous conuersation and Sanctimony of life vntyll their dying day which happened about the yeare of Christ six hundred thirty and foure Their bodyes were afterward translated to Peterburrow where S. Ethelwold Bishop of of VVinchester built a goodly Monastery in their honour about the yeare of our Redemption nyne hundred and fourscore C The seauenth Day IN North-wales the Cōmemoratiō of S. Deifer Confessour who borne of a noble British stocke contemned the vanityes of this world and became an Eremite leading for many yeares a solitary and seuere kind of life in all vertue and humility in the North of Wales where among other miracles which he wrought one is recorded that by his prayers he raised out of the ground a fountayne of cleere water very soueraigne for many diseases He died in great sanctity and holines about the yeare of Christ six hundred threescore and foure about which tyme also S. Wenefride was famous in those partes for the miracles wrought at her body and with whome this holy man Deifer had byn very conuersant whilst she liued D The eight Day AT Dunwich in Suffolke the deposition of S. Felix bishop Confessor who comming out of Burgundy where he was borne was by S. Honorius Archbishop of Canterbury sent to preach the Christian faith to the Eastangles where he cōuerted the whole Prouince togeather with their King Sigebert so became their Apostle and last of all was ordayned Bishop of an old Citty called Dunmocke otherwise Dunwich which at this day is more then halfe consumed by the sea This holy man founded in that Prouince Monasteryes Schooles and Churches And after a most Saintly life full of miracles he finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred and fifty was buried in the Abbey of Soam in Cambridgshire foure miles from Ely from whence in the Danish persecution he was translated to the Monastery of Ramsey E The ninth Day AT Yorke the Commemoration of S. Bosa Confessour and Bishop of that Sea who being a monke of the Monastery of Strenshalt in the Kingdome of the Northumbers was at the instance of Egfride King of that Prouince ordayned Bishop of Yorke and placed in that Sea in the roome of S. Wilsride who then liued in exile in the I le of Wight being expulsed the Dominions of Northumberland by the forsaid King which when he had gouerned most worthily for nyne yeares in all kind of good learning and vertue and S. Wilsride restored againe he willingly returned to his Monastery there in great sanctity of life and heauenly contēplation he spent the rest of his dayes and finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred F The tenth Day AT Vissenaken in the lower Germany the deposition of S. Himeline Confessour who borne in Ireland and there descended of a noble bloud and allied to the famous Bishop S. Romwald of that Nation despising this transitory world went ouer into the lower Germany and there led an Eremiticall life in the Montaynes neere vnto Thene in the Duchy of Brabant where he was very famous for sanctity of life and other vertues the same being manifested afterward by the manifold signes and miracles at his death which fell out about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and threscore His memory is vntill this day very famous in the forsaid towne of Vissenaken where his body remayneth and is greatly honoured by the frequent concourse of such as dayly come to visit the same G The eleuenth Day AT Tyn-mouth in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the Translation of the venerable body of S. Osuyne Martyr and King of the Deires in the same Prouince who being impiously slayne in hatred of Christian faith by Osway King of the Berniciās it pleased God to manifest his innocency by the wonderfull miracles wrought afterward at his body which being on this day found out was taken vp and with great solemnity and veneration translated to a Church of our Blessed Lady in an old towne of the same Kingdome now called Tyn-mouth where afterward was a godly Monastery erected in his honour and where his principall festiuity was wont in Catholicke time to be celebrated on the twētith of August on which day he was Martyred in the yeare of Christ six hundred fifty and one A The tweluth Day AT Rome the deposition of S. Gregory Pope and Doctor who for his admirable workes and labours in Gods Church was surnamed the Great He sent S. Augustine with other Monkes into England for our Cōuersion who landing in the I le of Thanet and intertayned by King Ethelbert of Kent of blessed memory within a while conuerted that Prouince to the saith of Christ togeather with the said King Ethelbert and by little and little the whole Realme of England The memory of which our Apostle S. Gregory hath byn very famous in former tymes in our Countrey whose feast was wont to be kept holyday in diuers partes of the Land where also are many goodly Churches and
of the Order of S. Benedict in the Monastery of S. Martins at Cullen and afterward at the forsaid towne of Fulda in an Abbey which S. Boniface Archbishop of Mentz had sometimes founded for the Scottish nation where in great holines and sanctity of life he reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ one thousand and threescore and raigne of K. Edward the Confessour of England He wrote many learned bookes which he left behind him to posterity and are extant to be read in diuers libraryes of Europe The Catalogue wherof yow may see set downe by diuers Catholicke writers in print C The eighteenth Day IN the Marches or borders of Scotland the Commemoration of S. Oswyn Confessour who descended of a noble British parentage contēned the vanityes of this world became a monke in an ancient Monastery called Lesting which S. Chad of Lichsield had sometymes founded in the Kingdome of the Northumbers where giuing himself to continuall fasting prayer and other bodyly pennāce famous for sanctity of life and miracles he departed this transitory world and reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred threscore and ten whose name and holinesse haue byn very memorable in former tymes in our iland of Great Britany especially among the Northerne people and borderers of Scotland D The ninteenth Day AT Green-wich in Kent the passion of S. Elphege Bishop and Martyr who being first Abbot of an ancient Monastery neere Bath in Somersetshire was thence promoted to the Bishopricke of VVinchester after to Canterbury And when the Danes came to inuade his Church of Canterbury and demaunding of him three thousand markes of money he like a good Pastour of his flocke manfully resisted refusing to giue the said summe from his Church Wherfore after seauen moneths imprisonment and diuers kinds of torments he was finally stoned to death at the forsaid towne of Green-wich by the enemyes of truth in the yeare of Christ one thousand and twelue whose body was first brought to London and afterward translated to Canterbury About this tyme also as it is recorded were slayne by the said Danes for the Christian faith six and thirty monkes of S. Augustines Monastery in Canterbury and eight thousand of the lay people in other places of England E The twentith Day AT Rome the deposition of Blessed Ceadwall King of the VVestsaxons and Confessour who before he was yet a Christian himselfe so much reuerenced the Christian Bishops and Clergy of the Church of England that when he had subdued the I le of VVight being Pagan he gaue the fourth part therof to S. VVilfride at that tyme expulsed from yorke wherin he caused him to preach plant the Christian faith afterwards wēt himselfe to Rome was there baptized by Pope Sergius where within a few dayes being yet in his Albes he departed to our Lord on this day in the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore and nyne His body lieth buryed in the entrāce of S. Peters old Church at Rome as the ancient Tables and Records therof do declare wherof you may read S. Bede more at large in his history of England where he setteth downe two Epitaphes engrauē ouer the forsaid Kings tombe the one in verse the other in prose in memory of so famous an act to all posterity That in verse is this Culmen opes sobolem pollentia regna triumphos Exuuias proceres mania castra lares Quaeue Patrum virtus quae congesserat ipse Ceadual Armipotens liquit amore Dei. Vt Petrum Sedemue Pe●ri Rex cerneret hospes Cuius fonte meras sumeret Almus aquas Splendificumue iubar radianti carperet haustu Et quo viuisicus sulgor vbiue sluit Percipiensue alacer rediui●ae pramia vitae Barbaricam rabiem nomen inde suum Conuersus conuertit ouans Petrumque vocari Sergius Antistes iussit vt ipse Pater Fonte renascentis quem Christi gratia purgans Protinus ablutum vexit in arce Poli. Mira fides Regis Clementia maxima Christi Cuius consilium nullus adire potest Sospes enim veniens supremo ex Orbe Britanni Per varias Gentes per freta perue vias Vrbem Romuleam vidit Templumue verendum Aspexit Petri mystica dona gerens Candidus inter o●es Christi socialibus ibit Corpore nam tumulum mente superna tenet Commutasse magis Sceptrorum insignia credas Quam Regnum Christi promeruisse vides THE same day at Ersord in the higher Germany the Translation of S. Adlar Bishop and Martyr who being an Englishman by birth and a monke in the Kingdome of the Northumbers went ouer into Germany with S. Boniface to preach the Christian faith to that Pagan Nation where being consecrated Bishop of Erford he was togeather with S. Boniface and fifty others slayne by the barbarous people at a towne called Dockum in Frizland for the defence of Christian faith in the yeare of Christ seauen hundred fifty and foure His body was afterward on this day translated to Ersord and there is kept with great Veneration of the Inhabitants F The one and twentith Day AT Canterbury the deposition of S. Anselme Bishop Confessour who borne at Augusta in Burgundy came thence into Normandy to the Abbey of Becke and there became first a monke then Prior and lastly Abbot of the said Monastery And being afterward promoted to the Sea of Canterbury gouerned the same most laudably vntill the tyme of King VVilliam Rufus by whome he was banished the Realme but againe restored by King Henry the first He celebrated two famous Councells at London And after a most holy life ioyned with great piety learning full of venerable old age he ended his blessed dayes in the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred nyne and sixteenth yeare of his Gouerment and was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church of Canterbury at the head of his predecessour Lanfranke at whose body it hath pleased God to worke many miracles G The two and twentith Day AT VVinchester in Hampshire the Commemoration of S. Birstan Confessour and Bishop of that Sea whose godly life and miracles haue much illustrated our Iland of Great Britany There is a story recorded how on a tyme after his death he appeared to S. Ethelwold his successor in the Sea of VVinchester togeather with S. Birine and S. Swithin all in great glory told him That he who was made worthy of so great glory in heauen had no reason to be de●rauded of his honour on earth After which tyme S. Ethelwold caused his body to be kept with more veneration reuerence then before He died in great sanctity and holynesse of life about the yeare of Christ nyne hundred forty and foure and was buryed at VVinchester A The three and twentith Day THE Celebrity of S. George Martyr whose feast for that he is Patron of England hath alwayes byn kept holy and serued
among the Welch-men And in Cornwall there is yet a Village and Hauen of his name commonly called S. Senans A The thirtith Day AT London the deposition of S. Erconwald Confessour and Bishop of that Sea sonne to Offa King of the Eastsaxons who being first Abbot of Chertsey in Surrey which himselfe had built was thence promoted to the Bishopricke of London wherin he so excelled in all sanctity and holines of life that it pleased God to manifest the same to posterity by the wonderfull miracles wrought by him both aliue dead He deseased in the yeare of Christ six hundred threescore and fiue and was buryed at London He founded another goodly Monastery of Nunnes at Barking in Essex wherof he ordayned his owne sister Edilburge Abbesse The feast of his Translation was wont to be kept in our Countrey in Catholicke tymes with great solemnity vpon the fourteenth of Nouember in which place we haue againe made mention of him especia●ly in the Diocesse of London where it was appointed holy-day as the ancient Recordes of S. Paules Church do declare THE MONETH OF MAY. B The first Day AT S. Assaphs in Flint-shire of VVales the deposition of S. Assaph Confessour and first Bishop of that Sea who of a monke and disciple of S. Kentigerne Abbot of Glasco in Scotland was ordayned Bishop of an old towne in Northwales named Elgoa but afterwards called S. Assaphes of his owne name where he excelled in all kind of vertue and singular holines of life vntill his dying day which happened in a venerable old age about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred fourscore and sixteene THe same day at Fossis in the Territory of Namures in the lower Germany the deposition of S. Vltan Abbot and Confessour sonne to Philtan King of Ireland brother to S. Furseus and S. Foillan who going ouer into France and Flanders built a Monastery or hospitall for the intertaynment of poore pilgrims at a place called Fossis in the forsaid Territory of Namures which he obtayned of S. Gertrude Abbesse of Niuelle And after infinite workes of piety and deuotion in that kind he there finally went to our Lord about the yeare of Christ six hundred and threescore and was buryed at Fossis C The second Day IN the lower Germany the festiuity of S. German Bishop and Martyr who being an Englishman by birth went ouer into the low Countreyes to preach the faith of Christ where finally for his reward he receyued a Crowne of Martyrdome His life is to be read at large in wrytten hād extant in a Monastery of the Low-Countreyes as testifieth a Reuerend Priest of the Society of Iesus whose festiuity he appointeth on this day in his booke intituled Fasti Sanctorum c. THE same day at Padstow in Corn-wall the Commemoration of S. Piran Confessour who borne in Ireland of a Kings bloud for the loue of God contemned the world and became an ●●●mite in that Kingdome leading for many yeares a very str●ct and seuere kind of life in so much that it pleased God to worke by him many miracles Among which one is recorded that with the flesh of three kyne he sus●ayned ten armyes of nē for eight daye as also raysed diuers dead men to life And after all this he came ouer into England and liued at Padslow in Corn-wall where in great sanctity of life he finally reposed in our Lord and where in like manner his body hath byn kept with great solemnity and veneration in a Chappell of the forsaid towne o Padslow which Chappell is there to be seene vntill this day D The third Day AT Mailros in the Kingdome of Northumberland the deposition of S. Wal●er Abbot and Confessour sonne to Dauid King of Scotland who forsaking the dignities and honours of the world and refusing the Archbishopricke and Metropolitan Sea of S Andrewes in the same Kingdome became a monke and afterwards Abbot of the goodly Monastery of Mail●os situated in the Marches of Sco●land in the Kingdome of the Northumbers where in very great sanctity of life and working of miracles he ended his blessed da●es about the yeare of Chri●● one thousand and one hundred His memory is yet famous throughout the whole Realme of Sco●land where many Chappell 's and altars haue in Catholicke tymes byn dedicated in his honour but now quite destroyed and defaced by the enemyes of Gods truth to the great lamentation of the Christian world E The fourth Day AT Bardney in Lincolnshire the Commemoratiō of Blessed Ethelred Con●essour and King of the Mercians or middle Englishmen who after he had ruled that Kingdome most laudably for thirty whole yeares togeather left the same to Cocured his Nephew contemned the world and tooke the habit of a monke in the Monastery of Bardney of the venerable Order of S. Benedict and afterward became Abbot of the same p●ace where he so greatly excelied in all kind of vertue and sanctity of life that his name was very famous in those dayes throughout England He died about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred and ten and was buryed in in the same Monastery F The fifth Day AT Shepton in Warwickshire the Commemoration of S. Algi●e Queene mother to King Edgar of blessed memory and Monarch of England who so greatly excelled in piety deuotion and other eminent vertues whilst she liued that her body in the yeare of Christ nyne hūdred threescore and fourteene which was some thirty yeares after her death being miraculously reueyled at Shepton it pleased God to worke many miracles therat in testimony of her holinesse increase of deuotion in our Iland of Great Britany THE same day in Ireland the Commemoration of S. Scandalâus mōke Confessour disciple to S. Columbe the Great of that Nation who comming ouer into Scotland with a dozen other Companions in company of the forsaid S. Columbe for the Conuersion of the Pic●es who then inhabited that Kingdome was famous for sanctity and holines of life about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred and four score about which tyme also he reposed in our Lord. G The sixt Day AT Lindis●erne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the deposition of S. Edbert Confessour and Bishop of that Sea who taking vp the venerable body of S. Cuthbert eleuen yeares after his death and finding it altogeather vncorrupt put the same into a new coffin and said Happy were that man who might lye in the old and within a few dayes after full of sanctity and holines of life he being called out of this world was himselfe layd therin according to his wish At whose body it pleased God to worke many miracles in token of the innocency of his life This happened in the yeare of Christ six hundred fourscore and eighteene THE same day at Landaffa in Clamorganshire the Translation of S. Dubritius Bishop and Confessour who being somtime Archbishop of Carleon vpon Vske and Metropolitan
where being finally slayne by certaine P●gan theeues in hatred of his Religion he happily attayned to the palme o● Martyrdome His body is buryed in the forsaid Village of Nassoin belonging to the Abbey of S. Huvert in a Church which himselfe had there somtyme bu●lt and is kept with great veneration o● the Inhabitants of that place E The ninteenth Day AT Oxford the Depositiō of S. Frideswide Virgin and Abbesse daughter to Didan Duke of Oxford who being so●licited by one Algarus a noble yong man to yield vnto his ●ust escaped miraculously his violence he being on the suddaine stroken blynd by Gods Iustice for offering the same She was afterward made Abbesse of a Monastery erected by her Father in the same Citty which Monastery in the tyme of King Henry the first was conuerted to a Priory of Chanous Regular and so continued vntill King Henry the 8. when as Cardinall VVolsey obtayned the same of the Pope towards the founding of Christs-Colledge which is now built in the same place She died in all sanctimony and holines of life about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred thirty and nyne There is an ancient Chappell yet to be scene dedicated in her honour in a Village of Artoys ca●led Bomy some foure leagues di●tant from the Citty or S. Omers where her festiuity is kept with due veneration of the Inhabitants THE same day at Maestricht in Brabant the Translation of S. VVillebrord the first Bishop of that Sea and Con●essour who being borne in Yorkeshire went ouer into the low Countreyes with a dozen other Companions all holy men and conuerted the greatest part of those Prouinces to the Christian faith and so became their chiefe Apostle He died in all sanctity and holines of life about the yeare of Christ 736. and was afterward on this day translated to Maestrcht and there is kept with great honour and veneration as principall Patron o● that Diocesse where also his feast is celebrated with an Office of nyne lessons ALso the same day in Ireland the Deposition of S. Ethbyn Abbot and Confessour whose godly life and miracles haue in tymes past byn famous through the Countreys round about He died about the yeare of Christ six hundred and ten F The twentith Day AT Toleys in France the deposition of S. VVendelyn Abbot Con●e●sour Sonne to the King of Scotland who forsaking all temporall preferments and his owne inheritance to that Crowne and Kingdome went ouer into France and there became a Religious man and afterward Abbot of the Monastery of Toleys where famous for sanctity of life and Miracles he reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ seauen hundred twenty and there lieth solemnly intombed Ouer whose body is also built a goodly Chappell which for the cōcourse of people that come thither on deuotion to visit the same and the miracles that are dayly wrought therat the Towne is now cōmonly called by the name of S. VVendelyns G The one and twentith Day AT Cullen in the higher Germany the Passion of S. Vrsula Virgin and Martyr daughter to Dionocus King of Cornwall who togeather with an eleuen thousand other British Virgins as ancient Authors do recount being shipped at London to passe ouer into France to be maried there to two Legions of British souldiers vnto whome Maximus that was by them chosen Emperour had giuen the Countrey of Armorica were by a contrary wynd driuen downe to the mouth of the Riuer o● Rhene and there neere vnto Cullen were all slayne by the barbarous Hunnes and Pictes in defence of their Virginity about the yeare of Christ three hundred fourscore and three Most of their bodyes were brought to Cullen and there interred with great honour and veneration and their memoryes celebrated vpon this day throughout the Christian world There was afterward a goodly Church built in Cullen in their honour called the Church Of the holy Virgins which alwayes hath byn had in such reuerence among the Inhabitants that they neuer buried any other body there Neyther will the ground or earth of that Church receyue any other body no not the corpes of yong Infants newly baptized but as if were vomiting them vp againe in the night they will be cast aboue ground as hath oftentymes byn tried A The two and twentith Day AT Roane in France the Deposition of S. Mellon Bishop and Con ●●●ou● who being a noble Britan by byrth and sent to Rome in the tyme of Valerian the Emperour to pay Tribute for the Kingdome of Britany was by Pope Stephen instructed in the Christian faith and baptized and after created the first Bishop of Roane and sent into France to his Bishopricke where in all kind of sanctity o● life miracles he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ two hundred and fourscore His body is kept vntill this day at Roane in the Cathedrall Church of that Citty neere to the body of S. Nicasius with great honour veneration of the Inhabitants THE same day at Cullen the passion of S. Cordula Virgin and Martyr one of the eleuen thousand that suffered with S. Vrsula who being terrified the first day with the slaughter of her companions hid herselfe but on the morrow repenting her therof discouering herselfe to the Hunnes was finally also crowned with Martyrdome about the yeare of Christ 383. Aller●us Magnus caused her body to be brought to Cullen where the same is kept with great honour ALso the same day at Fesuli in Tuscane the Deposition of S. Donatus Bishop and Confessour who borne in Scotland and descended of an honourable family was created Bishop of F●s●li where famous for sanctity o●●●fe and miracles in a good old age he happily rep●sed in our Lord. His feast is kept at Fes●li a orsaid on this day with great solemnity and deuotion of the Inhabitants B The three and twentith Day AT the Monastery of Brige neere Paris in France the Commemoration of S. Syra Virgin daughter to K. Eugenius the fourth of Sco●land who reiecting all worldly pōpe preferments in her tender yeares went ouer into France with her brother S. ●i●ker where the receyuing the holy veyle of Cnastity became a Religious woman in the forsaid Monastery of Brige vnder S. Phara Abbesse therof where excelling in all kind of sanctimony of life and godly conuersation especially in the vertue of humility she gaue vp her pure soule to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ six hundred and thirty and was buryed in the same place C The foure twentith Day AT Paris in France the festiuity of S. Maglore Bishop and Confessour who being a noble Britan by birth and kinsman to S. Sampson succeeded him afterward in his Bishopricke of Dole in little Britany and last of all became an Ermite in France where leading a strict and austere kind of life famous for miracles he finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ
eighteenth Day AT Santo-Padre a Village in the Kingdome of Naples the Commemoration of S. Fulke Cōsessour who being an English-man by byrth and descended of a noble family in our Iland tooke vpon him for the loue of Christ a long peregrination to visit the holy Sepulcher at Hierusalem And as he returned homeward by Italy the plague at that tyme sorely raging in those partes in very great sanctity and holines of life he receyued the reward of his labour and ended his blessed dayes in rest His body is vntill this day kept with great honour and veneration in the forsaid Village called by the Italiās Santo-Padre for the manifold miracles that are dayly wrought therat wherby the same place is now become a pilgrimage of deuotion to visit his body especially among the Neapolitans and people of Calabria A The ninteenth Day IN Kent the festiuity of S. Ermenburge Queene and Abbesse daughter to Ercombert King of Kent and wife to Merualdus King of the Mercians or midle Englishmen and mother to the three famous Virgin-Saintes Milburge Mildred and Milwyde who hauing built a goodly Church and Monastery in Kent in honour of her two kinsmen Ethelbrit and Ethelred Martyrs gathered togeather seauenty other Virgins and holy women and with consent of her husband entred into the same as Abbesse and Gouernesse of the rest where in all sanctimony of life and vertuous conuersation she ended her blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred fifty and foure and was buryed in the same place B The twentith Day AT Hexam in Northumberland the Passion of S. Edmund King and Martyr who being a Saxon by bloud borne in the Citty of Noremberge in that Prouince and nephew to Ossa King of the Eastangles was by him adopted successour and heyre of that Kingdome And when had most Christianlike gouerned the same for fifteene yeares was in the first Danish persecution vnder the Captaines Hinguar and Hubba for the Confession of Christ first whipped sorely and then tied to a tree and his body shot full of arrowes was finally beheaded Whose head the Danes carrying into a wood neere by cast among briars and bushes And when the Tyrants forsooke those partes and the Christians seeking for the same lost themselues in the forsaid wood and one calling vpon another asking with a loude voyce VVhere art where art where art the blessed Martyrs head answered Heere Heere Heere By which miraculous voyce they found out the same He suffered in the yeare of Christ eight hundred and seauenty TH● same day and same place also the passion of S. Humbert Bishop and Mart●● who being Counsellour and companion to the ●orsaid King Edmund in the administration of his Kingdome deserued to be made partaker with him of his martyrdome so obtayned a crowne of glory in the yeare o● our Lord aboue mentioned C The one and twentith Day AT Bobia in Lombardy the deposition of S. Columb● Abbot and Confessour who being an Irishman by byrth and first a monke then Abbot of the Monastery of Benchor in the fame Kingdome went ouer into France there founded a Monastery at Luxouium and thence passing into Italy he there also founded another at Bobia by the helpe of Agilulph King of the Lombards of which himselfe became Abbot And after all these and diuers other labours and toyles taken for the aduancement of Christian Religion in Gods Church full of wonderfull sanctity of life and miracles he ended his venerable dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred and fourteene and was buried in the forsaid Monastery of Bobia D The two and twentith Day IN France the Cōmemoration of S. Osmane Virgin descended of the Bloud Royall of Ireland whose parentes being Pagans she notwithstāding in her tender years was priuately instructed in the Christian faith But afterward being to be espoused to a Noble mā of the same Kingdome but an Ethnicke forsooke both Countrey and friends and fled secretly ouer into France accompanied only with a mayd-seruant that wayted on her called Aclitenis where in a wood neere to the Riuer of Loyre she liued a very austere life being clad with a coate made of bulrushes and feeding her hungry body only with hearbes It chanced one day that a wild boare being chased in that wood by the hunters came running to her as it were for succour The huntesmen eagerly pursuyng the beast stroke him with their speares with all their force but could not once pearce his skynne Heerupon the Virgin being discouered was suspected to be a witch being brought to the Bishop and found to belieue in Christ was by him baptized had a little territory assigned her a Gardener appointed to cultiuate the same for her bodily reliefe and sustenance who being on a tyme deluded by the diuell to attempt some thing against her was by diuine iustice suddainly stroken blynd wherof he repenting himselfe was by her prayers againe restored to his sight And so she perseuering a longe tyme in that holy conuersation full of sanctimony of life was finally called thence vnto Christ her spouse whome she had so entyrely loued and serued E The three and twentith Day AT Chepslow 〈◊〉 Mōmouthshire of VVales the Cōmemoratiō of S. Tathar Confessour and Eremite● who being descended of a noble British lynage cōtemned the world became an Ermite in the Mountaynes of Monmouthshire in the raigne of Cradocke King of South-wales about which tyme also in great sanctity of life and miracles he ended his blessed dayes He built of his owne inheritance a goodly Church in the forsaid Towne of Chepstow togeather with a fayre Schoole for the education of youth in learning and vertue for which his memory is yet famous in our Iland especially among the ancient Britans of South-wales F The foure twentith Day AT Strenshalt in the Kingdome of the Northumbers the Commemoration of Blessed Eanslede Queene daughter to Edwyn and wife to Oswy Kinges of Northumberland who after the death of her Lord and husband setting aside all worldly pompe and pleasure tooke a Religious habit and became a Nunne in the Monastery of S. Peter at the forsaid place of Strenshalt vnder the care and Gouernement of her owne daughter Ethelfred that then was Abbesse of the same Where in all kind of profound humility sanctimony of life and other vertues she ended her blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred and fourscore G The fiue twentith Day AT Landaffa in Clamorganshire of VVales the Commemoration of S. Telean Martyr and second Bishop of the same Sea whose rare life learning other eminent vertues haue in tymes past byn famous throughout England especially among the ancient Britans of our Nation where his memory is fresh euen vntill this day He was very nobly borne and brought vp vnder S. Dubritius Archbishop and Metropolitan of VVales togeather with S. Dauid And a little after his comming
His feast is very solēnely celebrated with Octaues at Chure aforsaid as is to be seene in the Breuiary of that Diocesse wherin the whole story of his li●e is recounted at large THE same day at Dorcester in Dorcetshire the deposition of S. Birine Confessour and first Bishop of that Prouince who conuerted the VVestsaxons to the faith of Christ togeather with their King Kinegilsus and so became their Apostle He died in the yeare of Christ six hundred and fifty and was buryed at the forsaid towne of Dorcester but afterward translated to VVinchester by S. Hedde Bishop of that Citty and there with great solemnity and veneration being placed in the Cathedrall Church of S. Peter and S. Paul deserued to be honoured with this Epigram of an ancient Poet that wrote his life in verse Dignior attolli quàm sit Tyrinthius heros Quàm sit Alexander Macedo Tyrin hius hostes Vicit Alexander mundum Birinus verumque Nec tantùm vicit mundum Birinus hostem Sed sese bello vincens victus eodem IN like manner the same day in the Territory of Liege in the Lower Germany the deposition of S. Eloquius Priest Confessour who borne in Ireland went ouer the sea with diuers other Companions to preach the Christiā faith to the Netherlanders where after much fruite reapt in great sanctity of life he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ six hundred fifty one whose body was afterward translated to the Towne of VValciodore and there is kept with great veneration as Patrone of that place B The fourth Day AT Salisbury in VViltshire the deposition of S. Osmund Confessour and Bishop of the same Sea who being a Norman of noble birth came into England with King VVilliam the Cōquerour by whome he was first made Chancellour of the Realme and Earle of Dorset and afterward for that he was a most vertuous and learned man he was elected Bishop of Salisbury which Church being begon by his Predecessour he finished adding therto a goodly Library which he furnished also with many excellent bookes And when he had most laudably gouerned his flocke for sixteene yeares in great sanctity and holines of life he happily reposed in our Lord in the yeare of Christ one thousand fourscore and nynteene and was buryed in his owne Cathedrall Church of Salisbury at whose body it pleased God to worke miracles He was canonized for a Saint by Pope Calixtus the third two hundred and fifty yeares after his death THE same day at Triuis in the Territory of Chure in the Prouince of Heluetia in Germany the festiuity of S. Emerita Virgin Martyr sister to King Lucius of Britany who going into Germany with her said brother was by the pagā people of that Coūtrey for the confession of Christian saith put to death ending her glorious martyrdome by fire about the yeare of Christ one hundred fourscore and thirteene The whole story of her life is set forth at large in the Breuiary of the Diocesse of Chure aforsaid in her Office on this day C The fifth Day AT VVinchester in Hampshire the Commemoration of S. Christine Virgin and Abbesse daughter to Prince Edward surnamed the Out-law and sister to the famous S. Margaret of Scotland who togeather with her mother Agatha entred into the Monastery of VVinchester and there became a Religious woman first and afterward Abbesse of the whole house In which dignity she perseuering in all kind of exemplar sanctimony of life and Monasticall discipline gaue vp her soule at last to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ one thousand and fourscore and in the raigne of King VVilliam the Conquerour D The sixt Day IN Ireland the Commemoration of S. Congellus Abbot and Confessour who being a most venerable Monke of the Order of S. Benedict and liuing with S. Malachias at that tyme Bishop of Connerthen in Ireland was by him ordayned Abbot of an ancient Monastery neere to the forsaid Bishops Sea in the same Kingdome where in very great sanctity of life miracles he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred and fourty THE same day at Cullen in Germany the Commemoration of S. Florentina Virgin and Martyr who being one of the number of the eleuen thousand holy British Virgins martyred with S. Vrsula was for defence of her Chastity there put to death with the rest of her fellowes about the yeare of Christ three hundred fourscore and three herselfe afterward miraculously reueyling her name E The seauenth Day AT Durham in the Bishopricke the Cōmemoration of S. Odwald Abbot and Cōfessour who of a Monke of wonderfull Innocency and godly conuersation was elected Abbot of the monastery of Lindisserne in the Kingdome of the Northumbers where in ad kind of holines of life and Monasticall discipline full of miracles he reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ eight hundred and six and was afterward buryed at Durham aforsaid THE same day in Scotland the Commemoration of S. Gallanus Monke and Confessour who borne in Ireland and descēded of a noble bloud in that Kingdome came ouer into Scotland with S. Columbe the Great whose senoller and disciple he was where teaching preaching the Christian faith to the Pictes that in those dayes inhabited Scotland famous for sanctity of life and miracles he departed this world about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred and fourscore F The eight Day THE CONCEPTION of the most glorious and immacusate Virgin MARY mother of God by the grace and power of her Sonne that preserued her from all inquination of synne which feast being first of all begun to be celebrated in our Iland of Great Britany in the tyme of S. Anselme Archbishop of Canterbury and King VVilliam the Conquerour about the yeare of Christ one thousand threescore ten by the Monkes of the Venerable Order of S. Benedict to the honour and glory of the blessed Virgin was afterward confirmed by our Mother the holy Roman Church and cōmaunded to be kept holiday throughout Christendome to the increase of deuotion towards so mighty a Patronesse THE same day at VVinchester in Hampshire the Commemoration of Blessed Agatha Queene daughter to Salomon King of Hungary and wife to Prince Edward of England surnamed the Outlaw and Mother to the two famous Saintes Margaret and Christine who when after the death of her husband she saw her Sonne Edgar to whome the succession of the Crowne of England by right belonged to be iniustly depressed and molested by the inuasions of King Harold first and after of the Conquerour and therby frustrated of the recouery of the Kingdome she with her two daughters resolued to take their iourney backe towards Hungary by sca but being driuen by tēpest into Scotlād they were very honourably receyued by King Malcolme who tooke the forsaid Margaret to wife And after a while
bloud in the same Kingdome became a disciple first to S. Columbe the Great of that Nation and afterward comming ouer with him into Scotland was his coadiutor in the Cōuersion of the Pictes to the Christiā faith that in those dayes inhabited that Kingdome where after the reducing of many soules from their errours to the knowledg worship of Christ famous for sanctity of life grace of Miracles he finally reposed in our Lord about the yeare of Christ 588. B The fiue twentith Day IN the Monastery of S. Meginhard in the higher Germany the Commemoration of S. Gregory Priest and Confessour Sonne to King Edward of the VVestsaxons surnamed the Elder and brother to the holy Virgin S. Edburge of Wilton who being admonished by an Angell forsooke both Countrey and friends in the troublesome tyme of his Fathers raigne and incursions of the Danes and went ouer into Germany to S. Eberhard a monke then famous in those partes both for sanctity of life and gift of prophesy vnto whome he associating himselfe in the forsaid Monastery of S. Meginhard became a Monke in the same place where in very great holines of life he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ nyne hundred fourty and fiue C The six and twentith Day AT VVhitby in Yorkeshire the Commemoration of Blessed Ethelfrede Virgin daughter to Oswy King of the Northumbers who contemning all worldly pompe and trāsitory glory tooke a Religious habit togeather with the holy veyle of Chastity in a Monastery of the same Prouince called afterward VVhitby which her said Father had there newly founded where vnder the Gouernment of S. Congilla that was then ordayned Abbesse therof in all humility sanctimony of life she made a holy end and gaue vp her soule to her heauenly spouse about the yeare of Christ six hundred and seauenty D The seauen twentith Day AT Gallinaro a Village in the Kingdome of Naples the Commemoration of S. Gerard Confessour who being an Englishman by byrth and descended of a a worthly parentage in our Iland tooke vpon him for the loue of God a long peregrination to visit the holy Sepulcher of Christ in Hierusalem which when he had performed and returning backe by Italy where at that tyme the plague sorely raged in very great sanctity of life gaue vp his soule to rest in our Lord. His body is vntill this day kept with great honour and veneration in the forsaid Village of Gallinaro wherat in testimony of his holy life miracles are yet daily wrought So as the place is therby become a great pilgrimage especially for the Neapolitans people of Calabria E The eight twentith Day AT Canterbury the Translation of S. Elphege Bishop and Martyr who being first Abbot of a Monastery neere vnto Bath in Somersetshire was thence promoted to the bishoprick of VVinchester lastly to Cāterbury He was slayne at Greenwich in Kent in the second Danish persecution by those barbarous people in defence of his Church of Canterbury and for not deliuering them three thousand Markes of money belonging to the said Church in the yeare of Christ one thousand and twelue His body was first brought to London and afterward on this day solemnely translated to Canterbury and there placed in his owne Cathedrall Church of that Citty where it was wont in Catholicke tyme to be kept with great honour and Veneration F The nine twentith Day AT Canterbury the Passion of S. Thomas Archbishop of the same Sea Legate Apostolicall and Primate of England who for defence of the liberties of the Church being many wayes iniured by King Henry the second was forced to appeale to Pope Alexāder the third of whome being acquited of all the calumniations and slaunders laid to his charge was againe restored to his Bishopricke but within a while after being violently oppressed by some of the forsaid Kinges seruants to wit Syr VVilliam Tracy Syr Reynold Fitzvrson Syr Hugh Moruill Richard Breton and others was slayne in his owne Church of Canterbury in the tyme of Euensonge before the high Altar in the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundred threescore and eleuen Whose martyrdome is heere described in these old verses Richardus Breton nec non Moruillius Hugo Guillelmus Tracy Reginaldus Filius-vrsi Thomam Martyrium secêre subire beatum Fortis inuictus his quattuor ensibus ictus Primas Anglorum Thomas petit alta polorum His body was shortly afterward put into a goodly shrine beset with costly iewells pretious stones and placed in his owne Cathedrall Church of Canterbury wherat infinite miracles were wrought and so continued vntill the tyme of King Henry the eight by whose commandement the said monument was vtterly destroyed and his sacred Reliques burned to ashes in the yeare of Christ 1538. G The thirtith Day IN the Abbey of Flay the Commemoration of S. Eustach Abbot and Confessour who for his singular vertue and innocency of life being first a Monke was ordayned Abbot of the forsaid Monastery of Flay In which dignity he so excelled in all kind of profund humility charity to poore Orphans and other eminent vertues especially in the exercise and obseruance of Monasticall discipline that his name deserued to be famous throughout our whole Iland in former Catholicke tymes He died about the yeare of Christ one thousand and two hundred At whose body it pleased God afterward in testimony of his holy life to worke miracles A The one thirtith Day IN Scotland the Commemoration of S. Eternane Monke and Confessour Nephew to S. Columbe the Great of Ireland who contemning all worldly honours and prefermentes tooke a Religious habit and became a Monke of the Order of S. Benedict in á Monastery in the Iland of Hoy by Scotland vnder the gouerment of his forsaid vncle S. Columbe where in all kind of sanctity of life he ended his blessed dayes about the yeare of Christ fiue hundred fourscore and eighteene Whose memory hath continued famous both in Scotland where he liued and in Ireland where he was borne euen vntill this last age Laus Deó Beatiss Virg. Mariae AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF THE SAINTES NAMES CONTEYNED in the former Martyrologe A AAron Martyr 1. Iuly Acca B. 19. Feb. Adaman Ab. 2. Sept. Adaman Confess 31. Ianuar. Adelme B. 31. Mar. 15. May. Adalbert conf 25. Iune Adelhere Mart. 5. Iune Adlar Mart. 20. Apr. 5. Iune Adrian Abbot 9. Ianuar. Adrian Priest 1. April Adolph Mart. 5. Iune Agatha Virgin 12. Iune Agatha Queene 8. Decem. Agnes Virg. Mart. 28. August Aidan Bishop 31. August Alban Protomart 16. Apr. 16. May 22. Iune Albuine Bishop 26. Octob. Albuine Abbot 19. May. Alkmund Mart. 19. March Alexander Conf. 6. August Alfred K. of Northūb 15. Ian. Alfred K. of Westsa 28. Oct. Algiue Queene 5. May. Alice Prioresse 24. August Alnoth Mart. 27. Febr. Alred Abbot 16. March Alricke Ermite 2.