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A06347 An excellent and plaine discourse of the church, whereby the godlie may knowe and discerne the true Church, from the Romish Church, and all other false and counterfet churches, as well for matters of doctrine, as discipline, &c. Written in Frenche by M. Bartrand de Loque, a godlie minister of Dolphenine. And faithfully translated into English, by M.T.W. Seene and allowed; Traité de l'eglise. English Loque, Bertrand de.; T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1582 (1582) STC 16813; ESTC S103377 172,896 422

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bee counted worthie of the kingdom of God for the which yee also suffer For it is a righteous thinge with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you which are troubled deliuerance and rest with vs When the Lorde Iesus shall shewe him selfe from heauen with his mightie Angels This is a true saying 2. Tim. 11.10 that if wee die with Christe wee shall also liue with him and if we suffer with him wee shall also raigne with him Nowe out of these places wee gather a very great and singular comfort An exhortation to the faithful patiently couragiously to beare their Crosse For in the first place wee knowe that there is not any ignominie or shame in the persecutions and afflictions whiche wee suffer for Iesus Christes sake but that they are a good and sweete smelling sauour before God because hee approueth and alloweth our obedience when that by the Sacrifices of our selues wee doe most willinglye presente and offer our selues vnto him Moreouer our combat and fighting shall not bee without good hyre for rest quietnesse is set out vnto vs in our paine and trauell and eternall life in our death of which it is written Psal 116.15 Precious before the face of the Lorde is the death of his Saints And we are well assured that this our good God beholdeth frō aboue our good will the confession of his holy name whiche wee make and yeeld and that as he aideth our strength and power so also that he wil crowne our victorie and rewarde in vs all that which hee hath giuen to vs and will honour that which hee himselfe hath begun and made perfect in vs. In summe by these persecutions we aduaunce and thrust forwarde our selues to goe to the true and eternall dwelling places of the Martyres that wee may there clearely behold God and that there we may bee partakers of so excellent a glory as all the afflictions and sufferings of this present life euen as Saint Paule saith are not worthie of Rom. 8.18 Isaiah 6.4 1. Cor. 2.9 For the things which the eye hath not sene neither the eare hath hearde neither came into mans heart are they which God hath prepared for them that loue him Mat. 10.28 Wherefore let vs not feare them which kill the body but are not able to kil the soule but let vs rather feare him which is able to destroy both soule and body in Hell Mat. 10. 32.33 Whosoeuer shall confesse me before men saith Iesus Christe him will I confesse also before my father which is in heauen But whosoeuer shall denie mee before menne him will I also denie before my father whiche is in heauen Hee that will saue his life Mat. 10.39 shall loose it and he that looseth his life for my sake shall saue it Let vs knowe and vnderstand this that from the beginning of the worlde it hath beene thus ordeined and determined that all which will liue godly in Iesus Christ shal suffer persecution 2. Tim. 4. 12 And that by many tribulatiōs we must enter into the kingdome of heauen For at the beginning the righteous Abell was slaine and put to death and after him all the righteous persons the Prophetes and Apostles sent by God whereof some were deliuered and cast to wilde beastes others dyed in prison through famine others were hanged and strangled others digged into earth buried quicke therein others drowned burned beheaded broken and ground as it were to peeces dismembred rosted boiled singed and sawed flayed all aliue stoned whipped c. And is there any whiche is able to describe and set out all the tormēts which the tyrants as well vnder the olde as vnder the new Testament iudged the Christians worthie of Now the Lord Iesus hath set out vnto vs an example in himselfe teaching vs that none shall come to his kingdome but they which haue followed him by his owne way Mat. 16.24 Wherefore let vs not bee fainte hearted for the persecutions and afflictions whiche shall come vnto vs but let vs shewe ourselues strong and constant and let vs through a certaine spiritual power and force pursue and that euen to the ende the way into which wee are entred If the waues billowes and surges of the Sea of this worlde lift vp themselues to rise against vs to swallowe vs vp and to ouerwhelme vs if our enemies in great companies and bands compasse vs on euery side and assault vs Let vs crie with the Apostles Mat. 8. 25. Master or Lord saue vs and he will deliuer vs out of all dangers If death feare vs let vs remember that Iesus Christe in dying hath brought this to passe that death is not death vnto vs but a very ready way to guide leade vs to life eternall glory If the world continue his assaultes against vs yea doubleth them and trebbleth them as you would say Mat. 10.22 ● Tim. 2.5 let vs cal to our remembrance that hee which indureth vnto the end shal bee saued and if any mā striue for a masterie Mat. 28.20 Mat. 10.28 2. Tim. 1.12 Psal 112. 6. he is not crowned except hee striue as he ought to do The sonne of God is our protector and defender who hath promised vs to be with vs alwaies euen vntill the worldes ende If wee die for him and for his sake he will keepe our soules Pro. 10.7 and that which wee haue committed vnto him shall bee very sure in his handes euen vnto the last day Hee will keepe the remembrance of vs for euer Psal 34.20 that it may not bee any maner of way fading away or darkened Hee will keepe our bodies to the very bones thereof Iob. 19.25 againste the day of the resurrection of all fleshe and will at the last crowne vs with eternall life which hee him selfe hath purchased for vs by his owne blood O death then 1. Cor. 15.55 where is thy sting O graue where is thy victorie Certainely wee haue very much wherewith to comforte our selues by the consideration of these thinges and when wee heare that Iesus Christe saith vnto vs If any man will come after mee Luke 9 2● let him deny him selfe and take vp his crosse dayly and followe mee We ought to learne howe and after what sort it behoueth vs to beare afflictions For first by these wordes Let him take vp his crosse Iesus Christe meaneth that wee shoulde willingly bowe downe our shoulders vnder the burthen of the Crosse and shoulde subiect our selues with a free heart and courage to beare the same yea that wee shoulde bee glad and reioyce if in this respect and behalfe wee could yeeld and perfourme any seruice to God Acts. 5.41 Rom. 5.3 according to the examples of the Apostles and the doctrine which they taught Secondly when hee addeth daily hee declareth that wee are neuer at the ende of our striuing vntill we depart out of this worlde and
GOD. It followeth then that Saint Peter was not an vniuersall Apostle nor a soueraigne and high bishoppe ouer all the Churche Otherwise Saint Paul shoulde haue done yll in so limiting and hedging in as it were the charge and office of his Apostleshippe yea that eighteene yeares after the death of Iesus Christ But I woulde wishe the Romish Catholikes to take some better viewe of and heede to this reason For if their Pope snatche and take vnto himselfe the primacie for this reason because hee is Saint Peters successour he must then exercise his primacie or popedome ouer the Iewes and preach vnto them the Gospell that he may gaine them and drawe them to Iesus Christ leauing vnto him whosoeuer he be that will take vppon him to be called the successour of S. Paul primacie ouer the Gentiles The fourth reason One wife hath but onely one husband which is her head But the Church is the spouse of Christ 2. Cor. 11.2 Ephe. 5.22 Reue. 21.9 2. Cor. 11.2 Ephesians 5.22 Reuelat 21.9 The Church then hath none other but Christe alone for her husband and head The fifth reason It is certaine that Saint Peter vsed the power and authoritie which Iesus Christe gaue him for otherwise hee shoulde haue neglected his charge and hidden his talent in the ground and so by consequent haue disobeyed his Maister not seruing him purely and faithfully But so it is hee neuer vsurped any primacie ouer the other Apostles or ouer the Churche for hee maketh him selfe equal to the other pastors naming himselfe a Pastor and an Elder with them 1. Pet. 5.1.21 c. and hee hath saide also that it is not lawfull at any hand for any man to haue Lordshippe ouer the Lordes inheritaunces Then it followeth that he receiued not any primacie or Lordshippe from Iesus Christ ouer the church of God The sixth reason Act. 8.14 Saint Peter was sent together with Iohn into Samaria by the other Apostles Nowe if hee had beene the head of the churche and had had rule and authoritie ouer the Apostles it had apperteined vnto him to sende others and not others to sende him The seuenth reason If Saint Peter had had the right of primacie to what ende woulde he haue suffered himselfe to haue beene reproued by S Paule and that before the people In sext decr de con cap. Licet distinct 19. ca. si Roman in Glossa de conces prae tit 8. ca. pro. posuit alibi for this was done euen then when hee both might and ought to haue shewed his authoritie and rule As at this day the Pope who saith that hee is aboue right neither is helde or bound by lawes that he may preferre through his interpretation equitie vnwritten before lawe written that wee ought to allowe or disallowe all that he alloweth or disalloweth that he is not subiect to any censure hauing all lawe and right in the coffer of his breste and stomacke Nowe Saint Peter did not alledge any whit or parte of all these blasphemies but tooke in good woorth Saint Paules censure and reproofe acknowledging himselfe his companion and fellowe and one that was ioyned with him and the other Apostles in felloweshippe of office yea inferiour to the whole bodye and subiect to the admonitions and censures of his brethren Luk. 22.24 c. The eight reason So it was that among the Apostles in the time that our Sauiour Christ was bodily conuersant with them there was a controuersie whiche of them shoulde bee esteemed or iudged the greatest but Christ laboureth to bring them to humilitie and to take from amongest them all ambition saying thus The kinges of the nations beare rule and they which exercise authoritie ouer thē are called Gratious lords but ye shall not bee so But let the greatest among you be as the least and the chiefest as hee that serueth And afterwardes hee setteth himselfe foorth for an example For who is greater he that sitteth at Table or he that serueth is not be that sitteth at the table And I am among you as he that serueth and yee are they which haue continued with mee in my temptations Lastly he concludeth Therefore I appoint vnto you a kingdome as my father hath appointed to me These are our principall reasons to declare that Saint Peter was not appointed Lorde ouer the Church and that hee had no more authoritie or preheminence in it than the other Apostles his companions and fellowes had Nowe let vs heare the contrarie reasons which the Romishe Catholikes make The first is this Iesus Christe hath saide to Saint Peter Thou art Peter Mat. 16 18. and vpon this rocke I will builde my Church It followeth then that Saint Peter is the foundation of the Churche and by consequent the heade thereof I aunswere that the holy spirite is not contrarie to it selfe but hee hath spoken plainely to the Corinthians That Iesus Christe alone is the onely foundation of the Church 1. Cor. 3 11. and that none can lay any other then that which is laide alreadie Therefore hee affirmeth not in that place of S. Matthewe the contrarie to this And mark this indeed Iesus Christ hath not said and vppon thee O Peter I will builde my Church but and vppon this rocke I will builde And what meaneth this vpon this rocke Let vs heare S. Augustine August in Iohan. tract 124 cap. 21. The Church sayth he is founded vpon the rocke of which rocke Peter hath taken his name for the rocke is not so called of Peter but Peter is so named of the rocke as Christ hath not taken his name of Christiās but Chhristians of Christ Therefore the Lord saith vpō this rocke I will build my Church because that Peter had confessed thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God He saith therfore vpon this rocke which thou hast confessed I will build my Church For the rocke was Christ vpō which foundatiō Peter also himselfe was builded Marke what S. Augustine saith S. Ambrose and S. Chrysostome vnderstande this to be spoken of the faith which is in Christe not as the Pope doth of the person of Peter Amb. in epl ad Ephe. cap. 2.20 S. Ambrose saith thus Iesus Christ saide to Peter vpō this rock I wil build my church that is to say vpon this confession of catholike faith I will establisshe the faithfull vnto eternall life Chrysostome sayth also Chryso Ser. 21. de Pentecost Iesus Christ saith Thou art Peter and vppon this rocke I will builde my Church Hee saith vppon this rocke and not vpon Peter For he hath founded or set his Church not vppon man but vpon the faith and confession of Peter And what was this fayth and confession Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God The seconde reason is Mat. 16.19 Iesus Christe hath giuen the keyes vnto Peter he hath therfore appointed him head of the Church I denie the consequent For by
Iesus Christ saith Luk. 10. 16. He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent mee And Saint Paule writing to the Corinthians declareth right well in what authority reuerence and account wee ought to haue the ministerie of the worde when he saith That GOD hath committed vnto the Pastors and ministers of the Church 2. Cor. 5.18 the embassage or ministerie of reconciliation And writing to the Thessalonians 1. Thess 2. 13 Wee thanke God without ceasing that when yee receiued of vs the word of the preaching of God yee receiued it not as the word of man but as it is indeede the word of God which also worketh in you that beleeue It is for the verie self same reason that speaking vnto the Romanes of the word preached by the ministers hee saith Rom. 8.18 That the Gospell is the power of God to saluation to all that beleeue And to the Corinthians that Though the worde or preaching of the crosse be to them that perish foolishnesse 1. Cor. 1 1● yet it ceaseth not to be the power of God to vs which obtaine saluation Nowe the preaching of the word is so called by Saint Paule because it is the powerful and effectuall instrument which GOD vseth to saue vs. And for this cause it is called also by Isaiah Isa 53. 1. The arme of the Lorde In summe wee ought diligently to take heede to and to regard that which S. Paule saith vnto the Corinthians 1. Cor. 3 9● We together are Gods labourers yee are Gods husbandrie and Gods building in so much that wee alwaies set before vs two things when the question or dispute shal be touching the ministerie that is to say on the one side the minister that shal speake and preach vnto vs and minister the Sacrament vnto vs and on the other side God who worketh inwardly in our hearts and indeed accomplisheth and fulfilleth in vs that which the minister speaketh vnto vs and doth outwardly represent and shew vnto vs. As we haue a notable example thereof in the 16. of the Acts where it is said Act. 16. 14. that as S. Paul preached the word of God to Lydia a seller of purple God was hee alone which opened her heart that shee attained vnto and vnderstoode the things which Paule spake CHAP XI Of the holinesse of the Church VVE haue seene and heard heretofore that the Church is the companie of faithfull people which is also called the communion or fellowship of the Saints holy ones The Church therfore is holy because it is compacted or made of Saints or holy ones But here wee must marke foure points The first is howe and in what sense wee are called Saints or holy ones it is not as the idiots or ignorant people vnderstande it who by Saintes meane none other but those which are alreadie dead and so canonised by the Pope or els the Priestes and Friers clad in white or blacke and girded with a rope But by saints wee vnderstande them who being elected from before all euerlastingnes of time are in their time that is to say in the time which God hath appointed them before the foundations of the worlde were laid sanctified by GOD through Iesus Christ and clothed with true faith Now such are all true Christians and faithfull people The seconde that it is not of our selues that wee are Saintes or holy ones Psa 51.5 c Gen. 8.21 neither of our owne nature for by our owne nature all wee are altogether corrupted and the children of wrath But wee are saints Rom. 8.6 c Ephe. 2.3 Ioh. 17.19 because Iesus Christe hath sanctified vs as hee him selfe saith in Saint Iohn For their sakes I sanctifie my selfe that they also may be sanctified through the truth Nowe hee hath sanctified vs by the vertue and power of his holy spirite which by reason of this effecte is called the spirite of sanctification Rom. 1.4 And this is that which Saint Paule meaneth when hee saith Ephe. that Iesus Christe hath redeemed his Church and hath sanctified it that hee might make it vnto him selfe a glorious Church Nowe this sanctification of holinesse is brought to passe first by the imputation or account of Christes righteousnesse vnto vs for hee was giuen vnto vs by the Father 1. Cor. 1. to be our sanctification Secondly by the purging or cleansing of our filthinesses that is to say by the forgiuenesse of our sins in the blood of Iesus Christe as Saint Paule declareth it in the Corinthians when hee saith 1. Cor. Bee not deceiued neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor wantons nor buggerers nor theeues nor couetous nor drunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall inherite the kingdome of God and such were some of you but yee are washed but yee are sanctified but yee are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirite of our God And indeede Saint Paule in an other place sheweth that filthinesse is opposed and set against sanctification and holynesse when he saith to the Romanes Rom. 6.19 As you haue giuen your members seruants to vncleannesse and iniquitie to commit iniquitie so now giue your members seruauntes vnto righteousnesse in holines Also to the Thessalonians 1. Thess 4. ● God hath not called vs vnto vncleannesse but vnto holinesse The thirde pointe is That the holinesse of the Churche is not at any time perfecte so long as shee trauelleth and fighteth in this worlde whiche maior I prooue thus First if the Church were without spot in this world in vaine hath our Sauiour Christ taught it alwayes to pray Mat. 6.12 forgiue vs our trespasses and sinnes But the Lorde Iesus hath not without good cause giuen vs such doctrine and instruction wherefore it followeth that the Churche is not in this worlde without spot yea rather that shee hath continuall need alwaies for to pray vnto God that shee may bee more and more sanctified and obteine the forgiuenesse of all her sinnes Secondly these which are without spot and wrinckle haue nothing to doe with any washing because they haue no neede thereof But the faithfull although they bee washed haue notwithstanding neede yet of washing still as Iesus Christ himselfe declareth it vnto vs Ioh. 13.10 when hee saith Hee that is washed needeth not saue to washe his feet For by the washing of the feete hee meaneth a continuall sanctification It followeth then that the faithful are not in this world without spot 1. Cor. 1.2 Thirdly Saint Paule ceaseth nor to adorne and bewtifie the Corinthians with the title of the Church who notwithstanding greeuously abused the holy supper of the Lorde and had amongest them diuisions and partakings which are not smal faultes yea indeede they were in doubt also touching the resurrection of the dead Gal. 1.2 Also he nameth the assembly of the Galathians the
Churche although that poore people were deceaued by false Prophetes and carried away to another gospel contrarie vnto that which he had preached vnto them These places doe manifestlye declare that the Church is neuer so pure and perfect in this worlde but that it hath alwayes neede to bee more and more purged and sanctified Which thing Saint Paule sheweth yet more plainely and openly when hee writeth vnto the Thessalonians For hee calleth them the Church 1. Thes 1.1 1 Thes 5.23 and yet hee prayeth vnto God for them that he would sanctifie thē throughout True it is that the Nouatians Donatists and Anabaptistes who doe not agree with vs in this point are not without their replies For first they alleadge vnto vs that which S. Paule writeth vnto the Ephesians That Iesus Christ gaue himself for his church EPhe. 5.25 26. 27. that he might sanctifie it and cleanse it that he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious church not hauing spot or wrinckle but that it shoulde bee holy and without blame But wee want not an aunswere also Saint Paul considereth the Churche not in her selfe but in Iesus Christe her heade whiche shee taketh holde of by faith So shee is said to bee without wrinckle and vnblameable by reason not of her owne righteousnesse but of Iesus Christes righteousnesse whereof shee is made partaker because it pleaseth God to impute and reckon the same vnto her for whiche cause also it is in another place 1. Cor. 1.30 that Iesus Christe is made of God the father vnto vs wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Moreouer wee might saye that S. Paule speaketh of sanctification or holinesse promised and which is not yet full accomplished as though hee called and saide the Church to bee without spot not that it is so here below on the earth but bicause that one day it shall so bee aboue in heauen And after this sort Saint Augustine vnderstandeth it August lib. de nuptiis concupisc cap. 34. Iesus Christe saith hee cleanseth his Churche by the washing of Christians to make it vnto himselfe without spot or wrinckle not in this worlde but in the world to come They alleadge moreouer that whiche Saint Iohn saith 1. Iob. 3.6.9 Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not Whereunto I aunswere by a distinction Those that are borne of God that is to say the faithfull sinne not that is to say serue not sinne or rather sinne doth not raigne in them because they doe withdraw themselues as muche as they can or are inabled from sinne and with all their hearte giue them selues to holinesse of life that they may glorifie GOD. And in this sense Saint Iohn taketh it and speaketh it Again they that are borne of God sinne that is to say can not doe liue so holyly but that oftentimes they stumble fall into sinnes For although they bee sanctified yet for all that by reason of the reliques and remnauntes of nature corrupted whiche yet resteth and remaineth in them euery day they turne aside from the right way and sinne In this sense Saint Iohn ment not that which he saith that whosoeuer is born of God sinneth not for so he should speake against him selfe hauing before saide 1. Ioh. 1.8.10 If wee saye wee haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues and truth is not in vs yea wee make God a lyar and his worde is not in vs. So it is then that though there seeme to bee some contrarietie betweene those two to say that wee are sinners and sainctes bothe together yet all agreeth together very well for euerye man if wee consider him in his owne nature according to which he is called the childe of wrath hee is a sinner worthie of death and eternall damnation but if wee consider him in Iesus Christ as a Christian and faithfull man hee is holy so that he sinneth not that is to say serueth not sinne and his imperfections are hidden and couered because that they are not imputed vnto him and moreouer the Lorde Iesus maketh him partaker of his righteousnesse And so beeing a sinner in respect of his owne nature hee is notwithstanding reputed and accounted holy iust before God But that which we haue hitherto spoken toucheth or concerneth the members of the Church particularly Wee may also well say touching the Church considered in her owne bodie that it shall neuer here be purged from al filthinesses because that so long as shee shall bee on earth there shall bee in her wicked ones mingled with good ones Which thing Iesus Christ hath declared in the Gospel by two similitudes Mat. 13.24.25 c. In the first hee saith that the kingdome of heauen that is to say the Church is like vnto a man which sowed good seede in his fielde but while men slept there came his enemie and sowed tares amongest the wheate and went his way And when the blade was sprong vp and had brought foorth fruite then appeared the tares also Then came the seruaunts of the housholde and saide vnto him Master sowedst thou not c. And woulde presently haue gone and gathered them vp but the Lorde woulde not suffer them least while they went about to gather the tares they plucked vp also with them the wheate Therefore hee willed that they might both growe together vntill the haruest and in the time of haruest the reapers shall gather the tares and binde them in sheaues to burne them but they shall gather the good corne into the Lords barne Afterwards he expoundeth the saide similitude saying Hee that soweth the good seede is the sonne of man and the fielde is the worlde Mat. 13 3● c. the good seede are the children of the kingdome the tares are the children of the wicked and the enemie that soweth them is the Diuell the haruest is the end of the world and the reapers be the angels As then saith he the tares are gathered and burned in the fire so shall it be in the end of the worlde The sonne of man shall send foorth his Angels and they shall gather out of his kingdome all things that offend and them which do iniquitie and shall cast them into a furnace of fire there shall be wayling gnashing of teeth Then shall the iust men shine as the Sunne in the kingdome of their father In the seconde similitude hee saith Mat. 13.47 48. That the kingdome of heauen is like vnto a drawe net cast into the Sea that gathereth of al kind of things which when it is full the fishers draw to land on the shoare and put the good by them selues into their vessels and cast the bad away And afterwardes hee giueth the exposition thereof So shall it bee saith he at the end of the worlde Mat. 13.49 50. The Angels shall goe foorth and seuer the wicked from amongst the iust and shal cast them into a furnace of fire where shall bee wayling and gnashing of teeth By these two