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A05808 The manuall of prayers, or the prymer in Englyshe set out at lengthe, whose contentes the reader by the prologe next after the kalendar, shal sone perceaue and there in shal se brefly the order of the whole boke. Set forth by Ihon late bysshope of Rochester at the co[m]aundement the ryght honorable Lorde Thomas Cro[m]wel, Lorde Priuie seale Uicegerent to the Kynges hyghnes.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Church of England.; Hilsey, John, d. 1539. aut 1539 (1539) STC 16010; ESTC S105269 116,690 240

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for his mercy endureth for euer But as for Pharao and his he ouerthrew thē in the reed see for his mercy endureth for euer Which led his people thorow the wyldernesse for his mercy endureth for euer Which smote great kynges for his mercye endureth for euer ●ee and slew myghty kynges for his mercy endureth for euer Sion kynge of the Amorites for his mercy endureth for euer And Og the kynge of Basan for his mercy endureth for euer And gaue awaye theyr lande for an heritage for his mercy endureth for euer Euen for an heritage vnto Israell his seruaunt for his mercy endureth for euer Which remembred vs when we were in trouble for hys mercy endureth for euer And hath redemed vs from our enemyes for hys mercy endureth for euer Which geueth foode vnto all fleshe for his mercy endureth for euer O geue ye thankes vnto the God of heauen for hys mercy endureth for euer O thanke the Lorde of all Lordes for his mercye endureth for euer Glory be to the father and to c. As it was in the begynnynge c. ¶ The antheme O Howe muche ought we to geue thankes to God which hath not spared his owne sonne but gaue hym for vs all and he borne of an immaculate virgyn was made man redemed vs frō our vayne conuersaciō whych we receaued by the tradiciō of theyr fathers not with corruptyble syluer and golde but wyth the precyous bloude of Christ as of a lambe vndefyled and wythout spot to hym therfore be continuall prayse whose mercy endureth for euer ¶ Matthew .i. Chapter THe Angell of the lorde appeared vnto Ioseph in a dreame sayenge Ioseph the sonne of Dauid feare not to take vnto the Marye thy wyfe for that which is conceaued in hyr is of the holy goost she shall brynge forth a sonne and thou shalte call hys name Iesus for he shall saue hys people from theyr synnes ¶ Thankes be to God ¶ The hymne LEt vs prayse the Lorde omnipotent Which on hys people is so tender Magnifye hym wyth harte diligent For due thankes we can not render From the heauens he descended In the wombe of a virgyne pure He shed his bloude our fautes to amende And of our sycke soules dyd the cure No thy chylde o mother make thy peticion Our infirmite hauynge in remembraunce That he by grace maye amende our condicion And thou by prayer to make intretaunce Now Christ which hast payde the pryce Of our synne and preuaricacion Se vs not dampned in ony wyse Whych thou hast bought by thy passion O vyrgyne Mary moost gracyous O mother of Christ incomperable To thy swete sonne praye for vs That he in deathes houre be fauorable Glory be to the sonne of myghtes moost That of a vyrgyn chast was bore Glory to the father and to the holy goost To them be praysynge for euermore So be it ¶ The versycle ¶ Grace in thy vysage encreaseth euermore ¶ The answere ¶ Thou hast ben blessed of God therfore ¶ The antheme ¶ O Lorde moost c. ¶ The songe of the blessed Mary Magnificat anima MY soule magnifyeth the Lorde And my sprete hath reioyced in God my sauioure For he hath loked on the lowe degre of his hande mayden beholde now from hens forth shall all generacions call me blessed For he that is myghtye hath done to me greate thynges and blessed is hys name And his mercy is alwayes on thē that feare hym through out all generacions He hath shewed strength wyth his arme he hathe scatered them that are proude in the ymaginaciō of theyr hartes He that put downe the myghty from theyr seates and hath exalted them of lowe degre He hath fylled the hongry wyth good thynges hath sent awaye the rych empty He hath remembred mercy and hath holpē his seruaunt Israell Euen as he promysed to our fathers Abraham to his sede for euer Glorye be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme O Lorde moost mercyfull God whyche of thy mere mercy hast chosen the blessed vyrgyne Mary to by the mother of thy sonne Iesus Christe whom thou so enkyndlest wyth thy loue replenyshedest hyr wyth grace that not onlye hyr mouth but also hyr soule dyd magnifye the o lorde set forth thy prayses Graunt vs Lorde to haue a feruent loue towardes the that fayned deuocion set asyde we maye also wyth our soules magnifye the and geue continuall thankes for the redempcion that we haue by Iesus Christ ¶ The versycle ¶ Lorde God heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And let my crye come to the. ¶ The prayer O Lorde whych by the annunciation of thy angell hast gyuen vs knowlege of the incarnacion of thy sonne Christ poure thy grace in to oure hertes that we trustynge in him through his passion and death maye be broughte to the glorye of the last resurrection By the same our lorde Iesus Christ whiche lyueth and reygneth one God with the father and the holy gooste worlde wythout ende So be it ¶ The memory of the holy goost ¶ The antheme ¶ Come holy spirite of God inspire thou the hertes of them that beleue in the and kyndle in them the fyre of thy holy loue ¶ The versycle ¶ Sende forth thy spirite and they shal be made newe ¶ The answere ¶ For so renuest thou the soule of man ¶ The prayer O God which hast instructed the hertes of the faythfull by the inspiracion of the holy goost graunt that we in the same spirite maye fauoure the truth and euermore reioyce in his holy consolacion By Christ our Lorde So be it ¶ A memory of the moost holy Trinite ¶ The antheme ¶ Delyuer vs saue vs iustifye vs O blessed Trinite ¶ The versycle ¶ Blesse we the father and the sonne wyth the holy goost ¶ The answere ¶ Prayse we hym and exalte we hym euermore ¶ The prayer ALmyghty and euerlastynge God whyche hast graūted to vs thy seruaūtes through confession of true fayth for to acknowlege the glory of the eternal Trinite and to honoure the one God in thy almyghty maiesty we besech the that through our stedfastnesse in the same fayth we maye be alwayes defended from al aduersitie whiche lyuest and reygnest one God worlde wythout ende So be it ¶ A memory of our Lady ¶ The antheme ¶ O glorious mother of god o perpetual vyrgyn Mary whych dydest beare the lorde of al lordes alone of all other dydest gyue sucke vnto the kyng of angels we beseche the of thy pytie to haue vs in remembraunce and to make intercession for vs vnto Christe that we beynge supported by his helpe maye come vnto the kyngdome of heauen ¶ The versycle O holy mother of God perpetuall vyrgyn Mary ¶ The answere Praye for vs vnto the Lorde Iesus Christe ¶ The prayer GRaunt we beseche the O Lorde God that thy seruauntes maye
of thy blessynge ¶ The answere ¶ The grace of the holy spirite Pourge and illumyne our harte and wyt ¶ The .iii. lesson Deut. v. THese are the commaundementes ordynaunces and lawes whych the Lorde our God hath commaunded that ye shuld learne thē and do them in the lande whyther ye go to possesse it that thou mayest feare the Lorde thy God kepe all his ordynaunces and commaundementes which I commaunde the thou thy chyldren thy chyldrens chyldren all the dayes of your lyfe that you maye lyue longe Heare thou o Israell and take hede that thou do thereafter that it may go well with the and the thou mayest multyply greatly as the Lorde God of the fathers hath promysed the a lande that floweth with mylke and hony Heare O Israell the Lorde our God is one God onely and thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God wyth all thy harte with all thy soule with al thy myght And those wordes whych I commaunde the thys daye shalt thou take into thy harte And shalt reherse them vnto thy chyldren and shalte talke of them when thou syttest in thy house whan thou walkest by the waye whan thou lyest downe and whan thou rysest vp thou shalt bynde them for a sygne vpon thyne hande they shall be a token of remembraunce before thyne eyes and thou shalte wryte thē vpon the postes of thy house and vpon thy gates Thou Lorde haue mercy on vs. Prayse we God ¶ The responce ¶ Heare o thou Israel the preceptes of thy Lord God and in thy hart wryte thē as in a boke and I wyll gyue to the a lande flowynge mylke hony ¶ The verie ¶ Take hede therfore and heare my voyce and I wyl be an enemy to thyne enemyes ¶ The repeticion ¶ And I wyll gyue the a lande flowynge mylke and hony Glory be to the father and to c. And I wyl geue c. ¶ The songe of Augustyn and Ambrose The deum laudamus WE prayse the O God we knowlege the to be the Lorde All the earth do worshyp the which arte the father euerlastynge To the crye forthe all angels the heauens and al the powers therin To the thus cryeth Cherubyn and Seraphyn contynually Holy art thou Holy art thou Holy art thou Thou art the Lorde God of hoostes Heauen and earth are fulfylled wyth the glory of thy maiestye The glorious company of the Apostles prayse ye. The goodly fellowshyppe of the prophetes worshyppe the. The fellowshyppe of the martyrs prayse the. The holy congregacion of the faythfull throughout all the worlde magnifye the. They knowledge the to be the father of an infinite maiestye They knowlege thy honourable and onely sonne They knowlege the holy goost to be a comforter Thou arte the kynge of glory O Christ Thou arte the euerlastynge sonne of the father Thou whan thou shuldest take vpon the oure nature to delyuer man dyddest not abhorre the vyrgyns wombe Vvhan thou haddest ouercome the sharpnes of death thou opendest the kyndome of heauens to them that beleued in the. Thou syttest on the ryght hande of God in the glory of the father We beleue that thou shalt come to be our iudge Wherfore we praye the helpe thy seruauntes whō thou hast redemed with thy precyous bloude Make thē to be nombred with thy sayntes in ioye euerlastynge O Lorde saue thy people blesse thyne heritage Gouerne also lyft thē vp into blysse euerlasting We prayse the euery daye and we worshyppe thy name euer worlde wythout ende O Lorde let it be thy pleasure to kepe vs thys daye wythout synne O Lorde haue mercye vpon vs haue mercye vppon vs. O Lorde let thy mercy lyghten vpon vs euen as we truste in the. O Lorde I trust in the let me neuer be confoūded ¶ Betwene Septuagesima Easter this psalme followynge is sayde in the stede of Te deum ¶ The .li. psalme Haue mercye vpon me c. Seke it in the seuen psalmes it is in the fourthe psalme ¶ Thys worde laudes is as much to saye as prayse And the seruyce followynge is called so because it contayneth onely the mere laudes and prayse of Christ and the vyrgyn his mother ¶ The versycle ¶ Holy mother of God make thy petycion ¶ The answere ¶ That we maye deserue Christes promyssion The laudes O God bende thyselfe in to my helpe Lorde hast the to helpe me Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is now and euer shal be So be it ¶ The Ciij Psalme Benedic anima mea PRayse the Lorde O my soule and al that is wythin me prayse his holy name Prayse the Lorde o my soule and forget not all hys benefytes Whiche forgeueth all thy synnes and healeth all thyne infyrmytes Which saueth thy lyfe from destruction crowneth the with mercy and longe kyndnesse Which satisfyeth thy desyre wyth good thynges makynge the yonge and lusty as an egle The Lorde executeth ryghteousnesse iudgemēt for all them that suffre wronge He shewed his wayes vnto Moses hys workes vnto the chyldren of Israell The Lorde is full of compassion and mercy long suffrynge and of great goodnesse He wyll not alwaye be chydynge nother wyll he kepe his angre for euer He hathe not delte wyth vs after our synnes nor rewarded vs accordynge to our wyckednesse For loke how hygh heauen is in comparyson of the earth so greate is his mercy also toward them that feare hym Loke howe wyde the east is from the west so farre hath he set oure synnes from vs. Yee loke as a father pytyeth his owne chyldrē euē so the Lorde is mercyfull vnto thē that feare him For he knoweth wherof we be made he remembreth that we are but dust That a man in his tyme is but as grasse flouryssheth as a floure in the felde For as sone as the wynd goeth ouer it it is gone and the place therof knoweth it nomore But the mercyfull goodnesse of the Lorde endureth for euer euer vpon thē that feare hym and his ryghteousnesse vpon theyr chyldrens chyldrē Such as kepe his couenaunt and thynke vpō his commaundementes to do them The Lorde hath prepared his seate in heauē and hys kyngdome ruleth ouer all O prayse the Lorde ye angels of hys ye that be myghty in strength fulfyllynge hys commaundemētes that mē may heare the voyce of his wordes O prayse the Lorde all ye his hostes ye seruaūtes of his that do hys pleasure O speake good of the Lorde al ye workes of his in euery place of hys dominion O my soule prayse thou the Lorde Glory be to the father and to the sōne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The songe of thre chyldren PRayse ye the Lorde al his workes paryse and extoll hym for euer Ye angelles of his prayse the Lorde ye heauens prayse the Lorde
theyr names Greate is our Lorde and great is his power yee his wysdome is infinite The Lorde setteth vp the meke and bryngeth the vngodly downe to the grounde O synge vnto the Lorde wyth thankes geuynge synge prayses vpon the harpe vnto our God Which couereth the heauē wyth cloudes and prepareth rayne for the earth whych maketh the hey and grasse to growe vpon the mountaynes to the seruyce of men Which gyueth foder vnto the cattell and fedeth the yonge rauens that call vpon hym He hath no pleasure in the strength of a horse nether delyteth he in any mans legges But the Lordes delyte is in them that feare hym and put theyr trust in his mercy Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnyne and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ The Lorde is mercyfull yee so mercyfull that the earth is full of his mercy by the whyche he hathe sente his sonne borne of a womā and made bonde vnto the law to redeme them that were vnder the lawe ¶ The versycle ¶ O Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And let my crye come to the. ¶ The prayer O Lorde whych by the annunciation of thy angell hast gyuen vs knowlege of the incarnacion of thy sonne Christ we besech the poure thy grace into oure hertes that we trustynge in hym throughe his passion and death maye be broughte to the glorye of the last resurrection By the same our lorde Iesu Christ which lyueth and reygneth one god wyth the father and the holy goost worlde wythout ende So be it ¶ A memory of the passion of Christ ABoute thre houres after the sonne ganne sprynge All the Iewes cryed Iesus to crucifye And in skorne they him clothed with purple clothing And in stede of a crowne on his head they dyd tye A crowne of thorne that prycked cruelly And had hym forth to a place where he dyed And with a howghe crosse on his sholders they layed ¶ The versycle ¶ We worshyp the Christ with prayse benedictiō ¶ The answere ¶ For thou redemest the world by thy holy passiō ¶ The prayer O Lorde Iesu Christ the sonne of the lyuynge God whych from the bosome of the father from heauens dydest descende to the earth and on the woode of the crosse dydest suffre fyue woundes and shed thy precious bloude for the remission of our synnes we mekely beseche the that in the daye of iudgement we maye be on the ryght hande heare thy swete sentence Come ye blessed of my father enioye ye the kyngdome prepared for you from the begynnynge of the worlde In the which kyngdom thou lyuest reygnest God wyth the father for euer So be it ¶ The glorious passion of our Lorde Iesu Christ delyuer vs from sorowfull heuynesse and brynge vs to the ioye of paradyse So be it ¶ A memory of our Lady HOly mother of God whych hym haste conceyued That of all the worlde coulde not worthely be receyued Thy sonne beseche thou with humble intercession Vs for to purge of oure transgression That by thy sonne redemed we maye to the place ascende Where thou dwellest with hym world without ende ¶ The versycle ¶ Holy mother of God make thy peticion ¶ The answere ¶ That we maye obtayne Christes promyssion ¶ The prayer O God whyche woldest thy sonne to be incarnate of the wombe of the blessed vyrgyn Mary graunt to thy meke peticioners that we whych beleue her verely to be the mother of God by her prayers before the we maye be helped By the same our Lorde Christ So be it ¶ The gloryous passion of the vyrgyns sonne Brynge vs to the blysse of the fathers kyngdom So be it O God bende thyselfe into my helpe Lorde hast the to helpe me Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ Prayse ye the Lorde ¶ The hymne COme holy goost O creatoure eternall In our myndes to make vysytacion And fulfyll thou wyth grace supernall Our hartes that be of thy creacion Remembre Lorde authour of saluacion That somtyme of a vyrgyne pure Wythout helpe of mans operacion Thou tokest vpon the our frayle nature And as thou of thy clementie and mere mercye specyall Aboue her desertes hast chosen amonge all other And toke her to such fauour and grace supernall That thou woldest be her sonne and she to be thy mother So we beseche the Christ moost tender Graunt that thy seruauntes with a deuout moode Maye oftymes swetely remember The effusion of thy precyous bloude O vyrgyn Mary moost gracious O mother of God incomperable To thy sonne praye for vs That he after death be fauourable Glory to the Lorde of myghtes moost That of a vyrgyn was bore Glory to the father and to the holy goost To them be prayse for euermore So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ Taste and se howe frendely c. ¶ The .xxxiij. psalme Benedicam dominum I Wyll alwaye gyue thankes vnto the Lorde his prayse shall euer be in my mouth My soule make her boost in the Lorde the poore oppressed shall heare therof and be glad O prayse the Lorde with me and let vs magnifye hys name togyther I sought the Lorde and he hearde me yee he delyuered me out of all my troubles Drawe ye nere vnto hym and be ye lyghtened your faces shall not be ashamed Thys poore man cryed vnto the Lorde and he herde hym yee and delyuered hym oute of all hys troubles The angel of the Lorde pytcheth his tent rounde aboute them that feare hym and delyuereth them O tast and se how frendly the Lorde is blessed is the man that trusteth in hym O feare the Lorde ye that be his sayntes for they that feare hym lacke nothynge The ryche shall wante suffre hunger but they whiche seke the Lorde shall wante no maner of thynge that is good Come hyther O ye chyldren herken vnto me I wyll teache you the feare of the Lorde Who so lysteth to lyue and wolde fayne se good dayes Let hym refrayne his tonge from euell and hys lyppes that they speake no gyle Let hym eschewe euyll and do good let hym seke peace and ensue it For the eyes of the Lorde are ouer the ryghteous and his eares are open to theyr prayers But the face of the lorde beholdeth them that do euel to destroye the remembraunce of them out of the earth When the ryghteous crye the lorde heareth thē and delyuereth them out of al theyr troubles The Lorde is nye vnto them that are contryte in herte wyll helpe such as be of an humble spirite Great are the troubles of the ryghteous but the Lorde wyll delyuer them out of all He kepeth all theyr bones so that not one of them is broken But mysfortune shall slee the vngodly and they that hate the ryghteous
Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it ¶ The C.xliiii Psalme Exaltabo te deus I Wyll magnify the o my Lorde and kyng I wyl prayse thy name for euer and euer Euery daye wyll I geue thankes vnto the and prayse thy name for euer and euer Greate is the Lorde and merueylous worthy to be praysed ther is no ende of his greatnesse One generacion shall prayse thy workes vnto an other and they shall declare thy power They shal be talkynge of thy worship thy glory and shall shew forth thy wonderous workes So that mē shall speake of the myght of thy merueylous actes and tell of thy greatnesse The memoryall of thy abundaunte kyndenesse shal be shewed and men shall synge of thy ryghteousnesse The Lorde is pacient and mercyfull longe sufferynge and of great goodnesse The Lorde is louynge to euery man and his mercy is ouer all his workes All thy workes prayse the o Lorde and thy sayntes gyue thanke vnto the. To shewe the glory of thy kyngdome and talke of thy power That thy power thy glory myghtynesse of thy kyngdome myght be knowen vnto men Thy kyndome is an euerlastynge kyngdom and thy dominion endureth thorow out all ages The Lorde is faythfull in all his promyses holy in all his workes The Lorde vpholdeth all such as shulde fall and lyfteth vp all them that be downe The eyes of all wayte vpon the and thou gyuest them theyr meate in due season Thou openest thy hande and fyllest al thynges lyuynge with plenteousnesse The Lorde is ryghteous in all his wayes and holy in all his workes The Lorde is nye vnto all thē that cal vpon him ye all such that call vpon hym faythfully He wyll fulfyl the desyre of thē that feare hym he wyll heare theyr crye and wyll helpe them The Lorde preserueth all thē that loue hym and wyll scatter abrode all the vngodly My mouth shal speake the prayse of the Lorde let all fleshe gyue thākes vnto his holy name for euer and euer Glorye be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ The Lorde is nye vnto all them that call vpō hym yee all suche that call vpon hym faythfully wherfore to the O Lorde faythfully wyll I praye ¶ The versycle ¶ O Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And let my crye come vnto the. ¶ The prayer LOrde whyche by the annunciacion of thy aungell hast gyuen vs knowlege of the incarnacyon of t●y sonne Iesus Chryste poure thy grace into oure hartes that we trustynge in hym through hys passyon and death maye be brought to the glory of the last resurrection By the same our Lorde Iesus Christ which lyueth reygneth one God with the father and the holy goost worlde wythout ende So be it ¶ A memory of the passion of Christ OUr mercyfull Lorde Iesus Gods sonne Callynge vnto his father almyghty Yelded vp his soule and full vpon noone The sprete departed frō that blessed body The sonne waxed darke the earth quoke wondersly Great merueylous thynges to beholde and heare And yet a knyght perced his herte with a spere ¶ The versycle ¶ We worshyp the Christ with prayse benedictiō ¶ The answere ¶ For thou redemest the world by thy holy passiō ¶ The prayer ALl thy passions and thy affliccions moost mercyfull Lorde Iesu Christ helpe vs and defēde vs from all trouble and anguyshe from al sorowe and heuynes from al perylles and wrethchednesse from all synne and harte vnclennesse frō al sclaunder and infamy from euyll dyseases of soule and body from sodeyne death from all persecuciō of our enemyes vysyble and inuysible for we well knowe that by thy passion we shal be saued Therfore with a confydence of the large and inmesurable pytie we beseche the moost mercyfull sauyour for thy moost benyngne and holyest passyons that thou wylte protecte vs by thy gracious helpe and kepe vs from all euyll and gyue vs grace that as we thus do remembre thy passion and death in the whyche thou dydest slee our synne in thy bodye so we maye also mortifye our synnes in our bodyes and on oure backes take thy crosse and folow the whych lyuest and reygnest worlde without ende So be it ¶ The glorious passion of our Lorde Iesu Christ delyuer vs from sorowfull heuynesse and brynge vs to the ioye of paradyse So be it ¶ A memory of our Lady O Mother of God moost gracyous To whom Christ Ihon dyd commende Sayenge mulier ecce filius tuus Thy sorowes that he wolde amende Then shortely after he sayde To Ihon beholde thy mother Thus in hym the trust was layde To comforte the aboue all other Wyth lyke pytye comforte vs In thys vale of mysery And praye to thy sonne Iesus To brynge vs to eternall glorye ¶ The versycle ¶ Holy mother of God make thy peticion ¶ The answere ¶ That we maye obtayne Christes promyssion ¶ The prayer O Lorde Iesu Christe whiche beynge amonge men were founde as man hauynge the experyence of all oure myseryes only that thou lackest synne for that exceadynge charyte whych so farre ouercommed the take pyty on vs graūt vs by the intercessiō of thy gloryous mother whō so interely thou dydest loue to be voyde of all the mysery of synne and al other worldely aduersytes wyth the pacyently to suffre whyche lyuest and reygnest God worlde without ende So be it ¶ The gloryous passion of a vyrgyns sonne Brynge vs to the blysse of the heauenly kyngdom So be it The euensonge ¶ What is ment by thys worde Euensonge ¶ Lyke as the seruyce that we be daylye accustomed to say in the ●ornynge is called Euēsonge Euen so is the seruyce vsed to be sayde or longe towarde ●nynge called Euensonge O God bende thyselfe into my helpe Lorde hast the to helpe me Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is now and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ O howe much ought c. The C.xi. Psalme Beatus uir qui timet Dominum BLessed is the man that feareth the Lorde and hathe great delyte in hys commaunmentes His sede shal be myghty vpon the earth the generacion of the faythful shal be blessed Rychesse and plenteousnesse shal be in hys house and his ryghteousnesse endureth for euer Vnto the godly there aryseth vp lyght in the darkenesse he is mercyful louynge and ryghteous Well is he that is mercyfull and lendeth gladly and pondreth his wordes with dyscrecion For he shall neuer be moued the ryghteous shal be had in an euerlastynge remembraunce He wyll not be afrayde for any euel tydynges his harte standeth fast and beleueth in the Lorde His harte is stablyshed he wyll not
shrynke vntyl he se his desyre vpon his enemyes He hath delte abrode and gyuen to the poore hys ryghteousnes remayneth for euer hys horne shall be exalted with honoure The vngodly shall se it and it shall greue hym he shall gnashe with his teth and consume away the desyre of the vngodly shall peryshe Glorye be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it The C.xii. Psalme Laudate pueri dominum PRayse the Lorde O ye seruauntes o prayse the name of the Lorde Blessed be the name of the Lorde frō this tyme forth and for euermore The Lordes name is worthy to be praysed from the rysynge vp of the sonne vnto the goynge downe of the same The Lorde is hye aboue all heathen and his glory aboue the heauens Who is lyke vnto the Lorde our God that hathe his dwellynge so hye which humbleth hymselfe to beholde that is in heauen and earth Whiche takest vp the symple out of the dust and lyftest the poore out of the myre That he maye set hym amonge the prynces euen amonge the prynces of the people Whiche maketh the baren woman to kepe house and to be a ioyfull mother of chyldren Glory be to the father and to the sōne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it The C.xiij. Psalme Inexitu Israel de Aegypto WHan Israel came forth of Egypte and the house of Iacob from amonge the straūge people Iuda was made hys sanctuary Israel his domynyon The see sawe that and fled Iordan tourned back The mountaynes skypped lyke rammes and the lytell hylles lyke yonge shepe What ayled the O thou see that thou fleddeste and thou Iordan tournedest backe Ye mountaynes that ye skypped lyke rammes ye lytell hylles lyke yonge shepe The earth trembled at the presence of the Lorde at the presence of the God of Iacob Which tourned the harde rockes into a stondyng water and the flynt stone into spryngyng welles Not vnto vs o Lorde not vnto vs but vnto thy name gyue the prayse for thy louynge mercy and faythfulnesse Wherfore shall the Heathen saye where is nowe theyr God As for our God he is in heauen he dothe what so euer it pleased hym Theyr ymages are but syluer golde euē the worke of mennes handes They haue mouthes and speake not eyes haue they but they se not They haue eares and heare not noses haue they but they smell not They haue handes and handel not fete haue they but they cānot go nether can they speake in theyr throte They that made them let them be lyke vnto thē and lyke all such that put theyr trust in them But let the house of Israel put theyr trust in the Lorde for he is theyr socoure and defence Let the house of Aaron put theyr trust in the Lorde for he is theyr socoure and defence They that feare the Lorde let thē put theyr trust in the Lorde for he is theyr socoure and defence The Lorde is myndefull of vs and blesseth vs he blesseth the house of Israel he blesseth the house of Aaron Yee he blesseth all them that feare the Lorde bothe small and great The Lorde encrease you more you and youre chyldren For ye are the blessed of the Lorde whyche made heauen and earth All the whole heauens are the Lordes but the earth hath he geuen to the chyldren of men The deed prayse not the O Lorde nether all thē that go downe into sylence But we that are alyue wyll prayse the Lorde frō thys tyme forth for euermore Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnyng and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it The C.xxxiiii Psalme Laudate nomen domini O Prayse the name of the Lorde prayse it o ye seruauntes of the Lorde Ye that stande in the house of the Lorde in the courtes of the house of our God O prayse the Lorde for the Lorde is gracyous o synge prayses vnto hys name for it is louely For why the Lorde hath chosen Iacob vnto hym selfe and Israell for his owne possession For I know that the Lorde is great and that our Lorde is aboue all goddes What soeuer the Lorde pleaseth so doth he in heauen and in earth in the see and in al depe places He bryngeth forth the cloudes from the endes of the worlde he tourneth the lyghtenynges vnto rayne Bryngynge the wyndes out of theyr treasures which smote the fyrste borne of Egipte both of mā and beast He hath sent tokens and wonders into the myddest of the o thou lande of Egypte vpon Pharao and all his seruauntes Whych smote dyuerse nacions and slewe myghty kynges Sion the kyng of Amorytes Og the kynge of Basan and all the kyngdomes of Canaan And gaue theyr landes for an herytage vnto Israell his people Thy name o lorde endureth for euer so doth thy memoryall o Lorde from one generacion to another For the Lorde wylauenge his people and be gracyous to hys seruauntes As for the ymages of the heathē they are but syluer and golde the worke of mens handes They haue mouthes speake not eyes haue they but they se not They haue eares and yet they heare not nether is there ony breth in theyr mouthes They that make them let them be lyke vnto them and all they that put theyr trust in them Prayse the Lorde ye house of Israell prayse the Lorde ye house of Aaron Prayse the Lorde ye house of Leui ye that feare the Lorde prayse the Lorde Praysed be the Lorde of Syon which dwelleth at Ierusalem Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it The Cxxxv. Psalme Confitemini domino O Geue ye thankes vnto the Lorde for he is gracious for his mercy endureth for euer O geue ye thankes vnto the God of all goddes for his mercy endureth for euer O thanke ye the Lorde of all Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer Which onely dothe great wonders for his mercy endureth for euer Which by his wysedome made the heauēs for his mercy endureth for euer Which layde out the earth aboue the waters for his mercy endureth for euer Which hath made the great lyghtes for his mercy endureth for euer The sonne to rule the daye for hys mercye endureth for euer The mone and the starres to gouerne the nyght for his mercy endureth for euer Which smote Egypte with theyr fyrst borne for his mercy endureth for euer And brought out Israell from amonge them for his mercy endureth for euer With a myghty hande stretched out arme for his mercy endureth for euer Which deuyded the reed see in two partes for hys mercy endureth for euer And made Israell to go thorow the myddes of it
thou refreshest me thou shalt stretche forth thyne hande vpon the furyoufnesse of myne ennemyes and thy ryght hande shall saue me The Lorde shall make good for me yee thy mercy O Lorde endureth for euer despyse not then the worke of thyne owne handes Glorye be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be ¶ The antheme ¶ Haue mercy on me Lord and heare my prayer ¶ The Chapter THe benignite and humanite of God oure sauyour hath appeared not for the dedes of ryghteousnesse which we wrought but after hys great mercy he saued vs by the fountayne of the newe byrth and renuynge of the holy goost which he shed on vs abundauntly thorowe Iesus Christ our sauyour ¶ Thankes be to God ¶ The hymne O Lorde of the worlde the sauyour Which hast thys daye saued vs In thys nyght be our protector And in all tymes be gracious Mercyfully helpe vs nowe And spare vs to the prayenge Our synnes awaye also do thou And our darknesse thou lyghten Thou of our sense the renuer Wyth harty desyre we do praye That wyth chast mynde and pure From our beddes ryse we maye O vyrgyn Mary moost gracyous O mother of Christ incomperable To thy sonne praye for vs That he in the houre of death be fauourable Glory be to the Lorde of myghtes moost That of a virgyn chast was bore Glory be to the father and to the holy goost To them be prayse for euermore So be it ¶ The versycle ¶ Kepe vs Lorde as the apple of the eye ¶ The answere ¶ Vnder the shadowe of thy wynges defende vs. ¶ The songe of Simeon Nunc dimittis seruum tuum domine LOrde nowe lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace accordyng to thy promysse Lorde my eyes haue sene thy sauynge helthe Whych thou hast prepared before the face of all people Lyght to be shewed vnto the Gentyles and to the glory of thy people of Israell Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme O Lorde saue vs wakynge and kepe vs slepynge that with Christ we maye wake and quietly to rest in peace ¶ The versycle ¶ O Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And gyue hearynge to my clamoure ¶ The prayer LOrde whyche by the annunciacion of the aungell hast gyuen vs knowlege of the incarnacyon of thy sonne Iesus Chryste poure thy grace into oure hartes that we trustynge in hym through hys passyon and death maye be brought to the glory of the last resurrection By thesame our Lorde Iesus Christ which lyueth reygneth one God with the father and the holy goost worlde wythout ende So be it A memory of the passion of Christ THe hope of our lyfe euer to endure Of Iesu the noble and blessed body At cōplyne tyme was brought to sepultur Spyced and adorned fragant and swetely Of scripture complete was then the mystery Therfore Iesu graunt me thy woundes tender And thy death busely styll to remember ¶ The summe of the whole or fynall prayer O blessed Christ these houres canonicall To the I offer with meke deuocion For as thou hast suffred those paynes all In thy greuous agony by lyke season So by the remembraunce of thy passion Make me accordynge to thy busynes Partener of thy crowne and glory endles ¶ The versycle ¶ We worshyppe the Christe wyth prayse and benediction ¶ The answere ¶ For thou redemest the worlde from all afflitiō ¶ The prayer O Lorde Iesu Christ in whose power al thynges are put and there is none that cā resyst thy wyll which dydest vouchsafe to be borne to dye and to ryse by the mysterye of thy moost holy body and by thy fyue woundes and by the effusion of thy moost precyous bloude haue mercy on vs euen as thou knoweste to be necessary for oure soules and bodyes delyuer vs from the temptaciō of the deuell and from all thynges with the which thou knowest vs to be troubled with and kepe vs and strength vs in thy seruyce vnto the ende and geue vs true amendemement and space of true penaunce and of our synnes also graunte vs remission and make vs brethren and systerne frendes and enemyes to loue together and wyth all thy sayntes in thy kyngdome wythoute ende to haue ioye Whyche lyuest and reygnest God wyth God the father and the holye gooste worlde withoute ende So be it Let vs prayse the Lorde And geue hym thankes wyth one accorde The gloryous passyon of our Lorde Iesu Christe delyuer vs from sorowfull heuynes and brynge vs to the ioyes of paradyse So be it ¶ A memory of our Lady The rodde of Iesse hath floryshed Replenyshed with the holy goost Which vpwarde to go vs hath monyshed In passynge the hylles to Zacharies coast ¶ The versycle Holy mother of God make thy peticion ¶ The answere That we maye obteyne Christes promission ¶ The prayer WE beseche the Lorde Iesu Christ that the most holy vyrgyn Mary thy mother may praye for vs vnto thy holy mercy nowe in the houre of deathe whose soule in the houre of thy blessed passion the swearde of sorow perced tho rowe which yet in thy glorious resurrection excedynge gladnesse made ioyfull whyche lyuest and raygnest for euer ¶ The dolorous passion of the vyrgyns sonne Brynge vs to the blysse of the fathers kyngdome So be it O mercyfull father haue pytie therfore On vs poore wretches myserable and thrall Seynge thy sonne that vyne cluster pressed sore And from the pestylens of death eternall Kepe vs by voydynge the fende infernall And ioyne vs wyth them whych rewarded be With eternall lyfe seynge the deytie ¶ The versycle ¶ We do praye the do praye the father of Christe moost mercyfull ¶ The answere ¶ That thou intende and defende vs from death that is moost sorowfull ¶ The prayer GRaunt vs we besech the father almyghty thy grace that we whych of the incarnacion natiuity passion glorious resurrecciō and meruelous ascencion of the sonne of the commynge also of the holy gooste wyth reuerence do make a remembraunce by the grace of the same holy goost we maye ryse from the death of the soule wyth the lyfe an eternall lyfe by Iesus Christ our Lorde So be it ¶ A prayer of Christ oure sauyoure HAyle heauenly kynge father of mercye oure lyfe our swetnes our hope all hayle vnto the do we crye which are the banyshed chyldrē of Eua vnto the do we sygh wepynge and waylyng in the vale of lamentaciō come of therfore our aduocate cast vpon vs those mercyfull ioyes of thyn and after this our banyshment shewe vnto vs the glorious lyght in thy heuenly kyngdome o mercy full o holy o swete sauyoure ¶ The prayer ALmyghty eternall God whych by the operaciō of the holy goost dyddest wonderfully prepare the body and