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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02442 The spiritual pilgrimage of Hierusalem, contayninge three hundred sixtie fiue dayes iorney wherin the deuoute person may meditate on sondrie pointes of his redemption. With particular declaration of diuers Saints bodies and holy places which are to be seene in the said-voyage: As also sundrie deuout praiers and meditations verie healpful to the pilgrimes: With licence.; Devote manier om geestelijk pelgrimage te trekken tot het Heilige Land. English Paeschen, Jan van.; R. H., fl. 1605. 1605 (1605) STC 12574; ESTC S115004 54,778 182

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and whatsoeuer ye shal binde ●n earth shal be bound in heauen The 141. day Meditate of the heauie newees which our Lord Iesus foretoulde vnto his Apostles ascendinge to Hierusalem how that he was to be betrayed mocked whipped and crucified from which when S. Peter disswaded him he said goe b●hinde me Satan for thou vnderstandest not the things which are of god but of men The 142. day Meditate how Iesus commanded his Apostles to imprint these wordes firmely in their hartes that the Sonne of man should be betraied in to the handes of sinners and how they should kisle him and that he would rise againe the third day and of the sorowe his Disciples had to heare tel of his death and departure The 143. day Meditate how Iesus went towardes the mount of Thabor and how he tooke with him Peter Iames and Iohn and ascended with them to pray how whilst he prayed he sequestred him self from al earthly cogitations You may Visite the Cloistre of Saint Ka●harin at the foote of the mount Sinai vvhere in the Church nighe the high Aultar is a Tobe of white marble vvith 〈◊〉 steps to ascende it vvhere in the bones of S. Katharin virgin and Martir lieth there is the sheete al bloody vvhere in the Angels lapped and caried the body of this blessed Martir there is also the wedhir holye head to the Pilgrimes now is it necessary that our pilgrime stirre vp his denotion and vvith al instamed affection inuocate the asistance of this blessed virgin and martir The 144 day Meditate how our Lord whilst he prayed was transfigured before his three Disciples and of the brightnes of his face which shined like the sonne and the whitenes of his garments as the snowe The 145. day Meditate how Moises and Helias appeared gloriously with Iesus vpon the mount Thabor and ●ould al his passion which he should suffer in Hierusalem The 149. day Meditate how Moises comminge from Limbo from the holy fathers and Helias from Paradice terrestre reioyced to see the Sauiour of the world our Lord Iesus Christ to be come and of the great compassion they had to see that glorious face how it should be defiled spitte on buffeted and mocked You may passe from the church of S. Katharin ●●to the mountaine of Moises at the Iron gate as you goe out S. Kath. church is the foūtaine of vvater vvhich issued forth of the Rocke vvhen Moises vvith his Rod strooke the stone The 147. day Meditate how Iesus on Mount Thabor shewed his diuinitie to his Disciples and how by diuine illumination they knewe Moises and Helias whom they neuer sawe You may visite goinge vp the hil of Moises the Cloistre where our lord appeared to the Mo●kes vvhen they fled from their Cloistres for feare of the sauage beastes The 148. day Meditate of the vehemencie of S. Peters wordes Lord said he it is good for vs to dwel here if it please thee let vs make three Tabernacles desierous that his master might continue stil in such glorie The 149. day Meditate how Moises and Helias departed awaye from Iesus and of the bright cloude that came and couered them and of the voice forth of the clowde sainge this is my welbeloued Sonne in whom I am wel pleased heare yee him You may visite descend●ng the mountaine the church of fortie martires in the valley vvhere the children of Israel daunsed about the goulden calfe and Moises brake the Table of stone The 150. day Meditate how the Disciples hearing that diuin● vo●ce from heauen fel downe to the ground for feare The. 151. day Meditate how Iesus came to his Disciples and sweetly saluted them and touched them saing arise and be not afraid and liftinge vp their eies they sawe none but Iesus alone and as he went downe from the mountaine he charged them to tel this vision to no man vntil he were risen vp from death If you passe from the Monkes of S Katherin● to the desert 〈◊〉 dayes Iourney longe prouide for store of victual The 152. day Meditate how Iesus descending the mountaine his Disciples asked him how is it that the Scribes say that the Helias must come before the Sauiour of the world and Iesus answered Helias is come meaninge S. Iohn Baptist but they beleeued him not but did vnto him whatsoeuer they would and so shal the sonne of man also be crucified The ●53 day Meditate how Iesus deliuered many possesed with diuels restored them whole to their frēdes and parents The 154. day Meditate how the disciples demanded of Iesus why the diuels went out so hardly and would not obey them sometimes and how Iesus answered if yee had as much faith as a graine of mustard seede you should commande this mountaine to remoue and it shoul● obey you and if you beleeue noth●ng● shal be impossible vnto you The 155. day Meditate how Iesus is come in to this world for the loue of thee the hundred sheepe which was loste and straied away forsakinge the .99 which at the Angels in heauen he is come to seeke sinners to cal them to repentance and gladly to cary them on his proper showlders by mercie and grace in to the kingdome of heauen and that there is greater ioy in heauen vpō one repentant sinner then of .99 iuste The 156 d●y Meditate of the parable of the prodigal sonne of his conuersion returninge to his father and his receauinge in to fauour againe The 157. day Meditate how Iesus taught his disciples to forgiue their enimies and S Peter demandinge how often Christ said I say not .7 times but .70 times .7 times The 158. day Meditate how the younge man asked our Sauiour what he ought for to doe to obtaine the kingdome of heauen and Iesus answered keepe the comandements The younge man replied that he had kept them al from his youth demanding what more ought to be done and Iesus answered if thou wilt be perfect goe and sel al thou haste and giue it to the poore and come and followe me The 159. day Meditate deuoutly of the three counsels of the holy ghoste 1. voluntarie pouertie 2. perfect obedience 3. chastitie and perpetual continencie The. 160. day Meditate of volūtarie pouertie how S. Peter said for him self and his bretheren Lord we haue forsakē al what re-ward shal we haue Iesus answered verely yee that haue forsakē al and followed me yee shal sit on xij seates and iudge the xij tribes of Israel and shal receaue a hundred foulde in this life and in the world to come life euerlasting The 161. day Meditate now Christ compared the kingdome of heauen like to a good husbādman ●ho hiereth workmen into his vineard for apenny a day to labour vntil the sittinge of the sonne which sheweth this life is to be led in Pennance of vs vntil our d●ath The 162. day Meditate how Iesus councelled al men to make them frendes of their Mam̄on of iniquitie that when they are gone hence they
may receaue him in to euerlasting Tabernackles The 163. day Meditate how spiritual and deuoute persons may doe their Almes by preachinge teachinge and prayinge for others who are in aduersitie or in Purgatorie The 164 day Meditate how ten lep●rs came vnto our Lord Iesus and liftinge vp their voice said Iesus Master haue mercie on vs Iesus answered them goe shew your selues to the Preistes and how one being a Samaritane and perceauing that in the way he was made whole he retourned and gaue thankes to god Whom Iesus recommended The 165. day Meditate how Iesus said many are called but fewe are chosen Seneca saith no man cometh to death more gladly then he who prepareth him selfe for death The 166. day Meditate how the A●nte of Iesus the mother of the two sonnes of Z●bedee asked of Iesus that one of hir sonnes might sitte on his right hand the other one his left hand when h● came in his kingdome and of the answere our Lord gaue vnto hir At Hebron vvhich standeth in the valley of Mambre there you may see Abrahams house vvhere sittinge vnder the Oake he saw three parsons cominge to warde● him Tres vidit vn●● ad●rauit he savv h●er vvorsh●ped one and h●w he receaued the Angels into his house Iosua first came to Hebron vvhen he vvent to be we the land of promise before that the children of Israel entered kinge Dauid also did reignein Hebron vij yeare and a halfe In Hebron are the sepulchers of Abraham Isaac and Iacob and of their vviues Lot also is buried there The 167. day Meditate how Iesus taught his Disciples to flie from al pride sainge the kinges and Princes of the world beare rule ouer them and they are caled Benefici but amonge you it shal be otherwise and he that wil be greatest shal be seruāt to the others like as the sonne of man is not come to be serued but to serue al. You may visite Hiericho vvhich vvas a stronge Citie and vvas miraculously taken by Procession vvhere Rahab and hir family vvas saued The 168. day Meditate of the vocation of good Zacheus of the words which he had with our lorde and our lorde with him That the sonne of man is come to saue that which is loste In Hiericho You may see the house of this Zacheus vvho vvent vp into a vvilde ffiggetree to see ●esus into vvhose house our lorde vvent bere Pilgrimes vvere vvonte to rest The 169. day Meditate how vpon the mountaine by Hiericho Christ healed the blinde man who sate begginge by the way and cried Iesus sonne of Dauid haue mercie one me The. 170. day Meditate how God the father declared that in Iesus his Sonne was his delighte and the fulnes of al grace which we ought to aske to remember our promise in Baptisme that Christ baptiseth with the holy ghoste Hic est filius meus dilectus ipsum audite this is my welbeloued Sonne heare yee him You may visite the Riuer of Iordana vvhich deuideth Galilee from Idumea and Basan faleth vnder the grounde and riseth in Eueldame vvhere is the sepulcher of Iob and thence is the end of it into the dead Sea vvhich is the place vvhere the fiue cities Sodome Comorah c stoode vvhich vvere burned vvith fier and brimstone from heauen On the right side of the riuer ●oth vvife vvas turned into a Piller of Salt thereby is th● Ch●rch of Saint Iohn Baptist and there by Iesus vvas baptised in Iordane where the Pilgrimes comonly do vvashe them selues There god vvas heard speake from heauen and the holy Gh●ste vvas seene come downe in the likenes of a Doue and al the holy Trinitie vvas present in that place The children of Israel passed drie foote through the bottome of the vvater Helt also did strike the vvater vvith his Clo●k and rassed thorough the bottome d●footed and Helizeus also Naaman the Sirian vvas he I him seauē times in the riuer and vvas healed of h●s Leprosie The. 171. day Meditate of our Sauiours fastinge prayers teares watching and lyenge on the ground many nightes solitarie without consolation or comfort of any man amonge the wilde beastes for thy loue and iustruction haue compassion of him therfore ioyne thy harte to his and followe his steppes by austeritie of life In this desart vvhere our lord fasted 40 Dayes and 40. nigh●es caled the mountaine of Quarantine vvhere the Diuel tempted him there vvas an Heremitage and there is the vvater vvhich vvas made sweete by the prayer of Elizeus The 172 day Meditate how the Angel saluted the glorious virgin Mary of hir Conception and how after she nourished our Lord in Narazeth of his humble conuersation with al men how beinge kinge of heauen he vouchsafed to be caled Iesus of Nazareth and beinge the Sonne of god was named the Sonne of a Carpenter At the mountaine vvhere the diuel caried our lord h● winge him al the kingedomes of the vvorld and sainge he vvould giue them al to him if he would fal downe worship him Th●ee thorough the coutries vntil yee come to Silo vvhere god appeared first to Samuel in Heli his dayes and so to Suhar by vvhich is the fountaine of Samaria one of Hieroboams goulden Calues vvere erected thereby at Bethel In this Citie of Suhar Dina the daughter of Iacob vvas rauish●d by occasion where of Iacobs sonnes s●●we al the inhabitants of Sichem The mountaine of Garizen isthereby vvhere the Samaritanes vvere wonte to pray On Garizon Abraham offered his sonne Isaac to god In the plaine is the Cesterne in to which Ioseph vvas th●owen before his bretheren soulde him And thence is the vvay to Samaria vvhich vvas the seate of the kinge of the ten Tribes of Israel and is now caled ●●baste Saint Iohn Baptiste vvas buried ●here but he vvas beheaded at Macherouda Iulian the Apostata caused his body to be burnt and his ashes to be hurled in to the riuer of Iordane but the finger vvher vvith he pointed sainge behould the lambe of god remayneth yet entire Saint ●ecla caried his finger beyonde the Alpes The Emperour caused the head to be taken frō●ebaste vvhere it vvas inclossed in a vval found al bloody vvrapped in a ●●●ete caried to Saint Sil●●sters church in Rome the hinder parte of the head vvith the neather lawe and Chinne and some of his ashes and the dishe in vvhich his head vvas carried Thence by diuers to ●●●es of Galilee vntil you come to Nazareth vvhere the Angel saluted our blessed Lady The 17● day Meditate how our lord Iesus called his Disciples and on the sea of Gallie taught them preached to the people and caused Peter to walke on the water At the montaine of T●abor ther is a place caled the schoole of god where Christe taught his Disciples There Christe vvas transfigured before his Disciples At the foote of Thabor Melchisidec kinge of Salem vvhich is Hierusalem met Abraham vvhen he had ouercome the 5. kinges and