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A13562 The valevv of true valour, or, The probation and approbation of a right military man Discouered in a sermon preached Iuly 25. before the worthy gentlemen of the military company. By Thomas Taylor Doctor of Divinitie, and pastor of St. Mary Aldermanbury, London. Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. 1629 (1629) STC 23857; ESTC S114873 16,295 38

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the chiefe Iudge or of the King for the time being So Moses as King in Israel commanded Ioshuah his Generall to presse and chuse out of euery tribe a thousand men to make vp an hoste of twelue thousand against Midian And great reason For 1. This is the most ancient order and most naturall The first battell that euer we read of was ordered by the Kings as the phrase Gen. 14. implyeth The time when Kings goe out to warre 2. The care of the Kingdome is committed by God to the supreame Magistrate to defend his people against the disturbers of peace either within by the sword of Iustice or without by the sword of warre Rom. 13. 1. 11. 4. 3. It belongs not to priuate persons to mooue warre for they may prosecute their priuate right at the publicke tribunall of Iustice Neither is it in their power to denounce a publicke enemy and none is to bee reputed a publicke enemy till hee bee publickely denounced by publicke authority Neither is it in their power to gather assemblies and multitudes together which must be done in warre Much lesse to kill and spoyle euen an enemy without publicke warrant for that is theft and murder except in sudden and reserued cases where the supreame Magistrate cannot be consulted or where the law of God and nature maketh a man a Magistrate in his owne case It is obseruable that Abishai might not by priuate reuenge defend the publicke and supreame Magistrate nor the publicke weale in him Hee must not reuenge Shemeis cursing of Dauid without Dauid Hence was it that Dauid shewed exemplary Iustice vpon him that brought tidings of Sauls death though he also brought him Sauls Crowne and his bracelets yet because hee confessed hee helped to kill him as it were to fauour him in putting him out of his paine Dauid slew him And the same iustice hee executed on them that slew Ishbosheth Sauls sonne who raigned in Israel against Dauid though by the fact the Kingdome was peaceably settled vpon Dauid yet because it was by their priuate spirit their pretence of loue and respect to Dauid in it secured them not but they must die for it We must remember our Sauiour his definitlue sentence Hee that taketh the sword shall perish with the sword Which wordes our Lord vttered not to diswade or dishonour this noble Military profession as the franticke Anabaptists pretend but to honour and heighten it as not belonging to priuate men or motions to weld and draw at their pleasure without the commaund or concession of the supreame power As Augustine most iudiciously doeth comment upon that Text. Whosoeuer saith hee by his owne priuate motion is armed against the life of another no lawfull power either commaunding him or giuing him leaue he shall perish either by the sword of man or else by the sword of diuine reuenge But if wee consult other places of Scripture we shall further obserue many passages wherein the Lord of purpose aduanceth the honour of this noble profession For 1. Hee hath by his owne word and appointment prest out his owne people to warre Both by commandement to fight and by giuing directions in fighting The learned obserue that the Iewes had two sorts of precepts and both from God concerning their warres The former they called Milcamoth Mitsvah Bella precepti that is warres of precept commanded warres As Num. 31. 1. 3. The Lord spake vnto Moses Reuenge Israel of the Midianites The latter they called Mitsvoth Milcamah Praeceptabelli the precepts or iniunctions concerning warre As Deut. 20. Are foure martial lawes concerning all their warres 2. Hee giueth his spirit to encourage men to fight as Gedcon Sampson Saul thus behaued themselues valiantly when the spirit of God came vpon them that is in an extraordinary motion and power 3. Hee teacheth mens hands to fight and their fingers to battell so as such as are entred into this military schoole are entred into Gods schoole and your proficiency heere is acceptable vnto God and seruiceable 4. Hee pleaseth himselfe in that frequent stile The Lord of hostes and calleth himselfe a man of warre that is an excellent warriour exercised in warre stout skilfull prudent victorious And this is not a title without the thing for himselfe is in the field and fighteth the battels of his people 2. Chron. 32. 7. With him is an arme of flesh but with vs is the Lord our God to helpe vs and to fight our battels Hee denominateth the warres against his enemies His owne battels So Abigail to Dauid Thou fightest the Lords battels and his owne worke Cursed is hee that doth the worke of the Lord negligently and cursed is hee that keepeth backe his sword from blood Yea he calleth the armies mustred his sanctified ones set apart by himselfe to military employment Isa. 13. 3. I haue commanded my sanctified ones I haue also called my mighty ones for mine anger In a word the very Chronicle or Record of these warres he pleaseth to owne and call The booke of the battels of the Lord. The vse I will make of this consideration shall bee to excite and inflame your noble mindes both to come in and to hold on in this most worthy exercise so honoured of God himselfe Thinke not worthy Gentlemen that it is out of our element who are men of peace to excite you to these honourable exercises of Armes for in the Iewish Campes and marchings the Priests were by God himselfe appointed to sound the alarme with Trumpets And when they were to goe vpon a seruice one of the Priests was selected from the rest to stirre vp the hearts of the souldiers by a Sermon or hortatory oration and so encourage them to the seruice whom they called Meshiah Milcamah That is the annoynted of the warre Seeing therefore your desires haue appointed mee such a one at this time Let mee with your patience in a few words First Incite you Secondly Counsell you and so dismisse you 1. And first to incite and encourage you in this way consider that of Salomon There is a time of peace and a time of warre and not a more constant vicissitude of day and night of light and darkenesse then a continuall entercourse of peace and trouble The fairest day may haue his cloud at least is ended in a blacke and cloudy darkenesse And hence hath it euer beene reputed the wisedome of a state in peace to provide for warre and to breed vp such in peace as may bee vsefull in warre because preparations of warre are not both suddenly and happily prouided but being once well prouided beforehand not onely they preuaile in warre but that there bee no warre for who dare to dare or prouoke that people to warre which is knowne to be expedite and ready to reuenge whose same alone and tryed valour stinteth controuersies and quarrells 2. The most necessary vse and end
of a Kingdome or Army that onely such men were worthy to bee taken in vnto him Read for this the description of Sauls Military men 1. Chron. 12. 2. In Sauls time were choyce men of valour that could vse the right or left hand with stones arrowes and bowes And vers 8. There were appertaining to Saul of the tribe of Gad stout men and men of might but they were also exercised and by wit and industry made meete for the warre For their courage they had the faces of Lyons so for their actiuenesse and dexterity they were swift as the Roes on the mountaines Of these also were those seuen hundred Beniamits of Sauls own tribe who were so skilfull as that with their left hands they could cast stones out of slings at an haire breadth and not misse Well may a pious Prince in a iust quarrell promise himselfe successe and prosperitie who is attended with men so meete for the warre Thus much of Sauls probation Secondly concerning Sauls approbation or aduancement of them The Text saith Hee tooke them in vnto him The Hebrew word is diuersly expressed by Interpreters and includeth diuers degrees of honour which hee conferred vpon them As first Collegit ad se Pagnin that is hee gathered or prest them into his seruice to employ them Secondly Recipiebat●nd se Tremelius that is hee tooke them or receiued them into his pay to encourage and reward them Thirdly Sociabat cum sibi saith Ierom. That is hee tooke them neare about him as his companions and counsellors to honour and aduance them In all which hee setteth himselfe a patterne or coppy to all Princes and supreme powers that would prosper in their wars to draw into their fauour presence and honourable rewards men of worth and valour and to encourage grace and reward good deserts affording them such place in their affections and remunerations as the noblenesse of their spirits and atchieuments doe worthily challenge and deserue Thus Dauid then whom none euer prospered better in his warres had his Worthies in diuers rankes Hee had his three Worthies most honourable personages for valour and magnanimitie He had also his thirty very honourable persons although they attained not to the first three But they were all in great request with him and worthily aduanced by him Reason 1. Valiant Generals wel know that honorable rewards and respect put men vpon seruices not more noble then difficult and therfore Saul proclaimeth performeth a great reward to him that wil vndertake the combat with Goliah by which meanes Dauid came to the kingdome and Dauid himselfe afterwards being outbraued by the Iebusites propounded a most honourable reward to him who would first aduenture himselfe in that dangerous seruice Whosoeuer saith Dauid shall smite the Iebusites first shall bee chiefe and Captaine And so came Ioab to bee Dauids chiefe Captaine and Generall of his warres all his life The like we read of Caleb Iudg. 1. 12. Whosoeuer shall smite Kiriathsepher and taketh it to him will I giue Achsah my daughter to wife And Othniel Calebs younger brother took it and with it Achsah for his wife Thus as the sea in it owne nature is calme yet is raised vp and mightily stirred by violent windes so are calme spirits raised and transported beyond themselues vnto noble designes if incited by the hopes and full gayles of honourable respect and recompence 2. The God of heauen will not haue the faithfull seruice of men in any kind forgotten Nay himselfe hath recorded in his owne booke the valour acts and faithfulnesse of many worthies of ancient ages neuer to bee blotted out from the eyes and memorie of posteritie And by the same most oculate prouidence the names memorie and vndying fame of infinite numbers more liue in other ciuill Records and Chronicles of particular and seuerall ages and nations and so are likely to doe till time shall bee no more Whereby what else can more fitly bee inferred then that inferiour and earthly gods the Princes and Potentates of the world should not digresse from so wise and vnerring a patterne but rather study and set themselues some way to remunerate and promote euery noble seruice and seruant according to his worth and desert 3. Experience of all ages ancient and moderne witnesseth that it neuer fares so well with Church or Common wealth as when true valour is aduanced by the State and men of desert are aduanced and graced according to their worth Whereas all things decay and the politicke body is in an apparant consumption when honours are cheape and places of command are carried according to fauour flattery affection yea or Nobility it selfe without merit or desert 4. It were an vnthankefull neglect of men of worth who vnder God are the safest guard both of King and Kingdome whose fortitude and faithfulnesse putteth them vpon any noble seruice neuer so difficult at the becke of their Prince Such as those three hundred Romans whom Scipio Africanus shewed to a friend of his exercising their Armes neare an high steepe Tower leaning ouer the Sea There is neuer a one of all these three hundred saith he but if I bid him climbe vp that steepe Tower and from the top of it cast himselfe downe into the Sea but he will readily doe it Adde hereto onely this that no wise or martiall Prince can neglect his walles and fortresses he will not suffer them to moulder or decay but will seasonably strengthen and fortifie them for his and his peoples safety But men of valour and seruice are the strongest wals and rampart of the Kingdome Of whom we may say as Abigails seruant of Dauids souldiers These men are a wall vnto vs by night and by day So as the neglect of a valiant man is as the neglect of a breach in the wal of the kingdome or to passe carelesly a breach in the sea either of which is an inlet to destruction Now hauing opened the words and shewed the iust reasons of Sauls triall and choyce of his military men I will propound and prosecute but one obseruation from them which I conceiue proper not onely from the words but for this our errand and meeting namely to shew what honour God himselfe hath put vpon this military profession as appeareth both in this text and in many other passages of holy Scriptures Here in that he hath deputed no other to oder it then his own chiefe vicegerent vpon earth For it is Saul that by Gods appointment ordereth all the designes and matters of warre 1. Sam. 9. 16. I will send thee a man out of Beniamin to be the gouernour of my people and to saue my people Plainely implying that the indicting and proclayming of warre the choyce of men and the designing them to their seuerall places and offices belongeth onely to the supreame Prince or Magistrate And thus were the wars of Israel euer at the command of Moses or Ioshua or of
of military discipline enforceth it selfe vpon generos spirits Because nature brings forth but few meete martiall men but industry and institution breedeth many neither can there bee any exercise for young and able men either more noble then to bee disciplined in the vse of armes to bee skilfull in their Postures in their Marches in their Rankes and readinesse for euery Command or more vsefull seeing the skill and dexterity of armes both keepeth in awe the neighbour nations without and preserueth the peace at home which next to his peace with God euery good man and patriot must by all good meanes aduance whereas contrarily the neglect of this discipline is pernicious both at home and abroad For when men at home waste their time in wanton base and esfeminate exercises by which they eneruate and emasculate their spirits from manly atchieuements being called abroad to seruice are sit for nothing but either to maime the publike designes or else to mischiefe themselues or their followes by their lazinesse and vnskilfulnesse in the vse of their armes 3. For your further incitation you want no examples nor companions in your military exercises If you could looke into heauen you might see the Angels great in power and skill those heauenly souldiers neuer out of the sield nor their rankes But you may looke vnto heauen and see the starres the hoste of heauen fight in their courses and orbes against the Lords enemies If you looke lower to the heauen vpon earth the whole Church vpon earth is in armes in the great military yard of the world and is therefore called militant And wee her ministers are all in our rankes the Lords souldiers in a most hazardous sight against all your and our spirituall enemies If you looke round about you all the creatures are called the Lords armies and from them himselfe is called the Lord of hosts aboue two hundreth and thirty times in the Scripture so as he must be out of all ranke that affecteth not this noble exercise 4. You of this worthy society haue with you and before you beyond other bands the high Commander in earth of vs all Our Great Charles defender of our persons and of our faith who hath vouchsafed to become your Generall and noble Patron You hath he specially honoured by giuing you your colours and by calling you his Company You hee yeerely encourageth with royall remembrance for the honour of your annuall feast and meeting His Highnesse hath taken you in vnto him to encourage to honour to employ you on occasion because hee hath seene you strong men and meete for the warre Where will you find a more Royall Leader Seeing now that the encrease and flourishing of this military society in number in honour and in gracefull exercises is the honourable desire of his Maiesty Is there any braue spirit that would not satisfie his Prince in so noble and easie a desire If Dauid shall but wantonly desire water out of the well of Bethlem his three worthies Iosabam Eleazar Shammah will breake through an whole Army of Philistims and vnbidden attempt a most desperate seruice with extreame hazard of their liues But here is no such hot seruice nor to so little purpose nor without the leaue and leading of the King himselfe Who vouchsafeth to goe before you 5. Wee the subiects of the Kingdome honour you as a strong buttresse of our wall Wee esteeme euery one of you worth so many men as in time of seruice and necessity euery one of you are able to lead We looke not on you as common souldiers but as Commanders when euer any of you shall bee commanded Wee take you in to vs as wee doe gold not by bulke or bullion but by weight and worth esteeming euery graine of your valew and valour at the due rate and estimate Wee are more willing to behold a seemely appearance in your exercises marching vnder your colours in the field then to see you marching to a feast All which layd together may be as sharpe and steeled spurres to quicken euen dull spirits to affect and vndertake this so noble and necessary an exercise wherein whosoeuer is wanting if ability and opportunity bee not wanting he may be sentenced to bee wanting both to his owne reputation as also to the honour and safety of his countrey and to bee an offender against nature it selfe the light whereof denounced them to bee enemies who were wanting to the Common wealth So did Great Pompey esteeme them enemies that hauing power and opportunitie failed the publicke 2. But ●ow forbearing to presse that point further Let mee adde a word or two of counsell and let it I pray you bee acceptable vnto you I will commend you to God when I haue commended a few precepts vnto your consideration 1. The first of them is that seeing God and man doth honour you you must also aduance your owne honour both the honour of your persons and the honour of this Society Dishonour not your persons by vices or disgracefull lusts feare basenes swaggering swearing quarreling drinking rioting and the like Remember that sinne and shame are by God tyed together with an adamantine chaine and waite one on the other as the shadow on the body and what God hath ioyned you cannot sunder the act of sinne as a wound is transient but the scarre remaineth Dishonour not this society by negligence idlenesse or slacknesse in your appearances but giue your presence attendance at your times appointed which is the sinewes and strength of your company Vphold the grace of your exercises and better them and your selues by them for to what purpose are you a company or were your company if it were not for your exercises I haue heard that your worthy founder left you but two speciall rules and directions for the aduancing of the honour of your company The former for the encrease and vpholding of your Band and society by your weekely diligent appearance without fayling in your set exercises The latter for the vpholding of the band of loue and vnity among your selues auoyding carefully such jarres and quarrels as might disioynt you or make you fall off one from another I haue heard also that both these rules haue beene forgotten amongst many of you and especially by fayling in the latter you haue almost ouer thrown the former Yea my selfe haue beene an eye witnesse of your slender appearance and sundry others to their griefe and the dishonour I had almost said the disbanding of your company which made me thinke of the complaint of Vegetius concerning the neglected military discipline of his time But now amongst vs saith he the field discipline I will not say languisheth but is dead neither is it euill but none at all So I may say but in no other respect but of your want of appearance your discipline hath many times beene not faint but dead not euill but none at all