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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A88564 Two speeches of the Lord Chancellour of Scotland: the one, to the King at Newcastle; declaring, that if His Majesty refuses the advice given him, he will lose his friends, cities, and all England joyn against him; whereas, if he hearken to their councell, they will sacrifice their lives and fortunes for establishing of his throne. The other, at a conference with a committee of both Houses of Parliament; in answer to certain votes in Parliament; and giving the reasons, that the kingdom of Scotland have an equall interest to the person of the King; and that he cannot be disposed of, without the advice of that kingdome. And, that they cannot in duty nor honour deliver him (without his owne consent) to be disposed of, as the two Houses of Parliament shall think fit. Loudoun, John Campbell, Earl of, 1598-1663. 1646 (1646) Wing L3093; Thomason E361_3; ESTC R201202 5,246 9

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our eyes And the granting of our desires wil revive our fainting spirits refresh our sad harts which are over-whelmed and like to break with sorrow and wil turn the prayers and tears of the many thousands of your people in praises to God and make them embrace your Majesty with acclamations of joy The Lord Chancellour of Scotland his Speech at a Con●e●ence in the Painted Chamber with a Committee of both Houses October 10. 1646. My Lords and Gentlemen THis day I hope will bring our Conference to some results to be reported to the Houses and therefore I shall frame my Discourse and Arguments with that succinctnesse as may bring us soonest to a close At our first meeting the subject of our debate was whether the Right Power of disposing the Person of the King is solely in the two Houses as they shall thinke fit or in the two Kingdomes and at our last meeting we had some arguing about the same question but your Lordships did still assert the Vote of the Houses and we say in respect of the interest and relations which both Kingdomes have equally to the King especially in the present juncture of affaires when both Kingdomes are entred in the same League and Covenant have jeoparded their lives in the same War are labouring under the same danger are seeking the same remedies and stand in need of the same peace and security and both Kingdomes are bound by our Covenant to preserve unity and are obliged by Treaty that none of us shall make any peace cessation or agreement whatsoever without mutuall advice and consent of both That the Person of the King cannot be disposed of without the joynt advice and consent of both Kingdomes But as we do acknowledge that England hath parity of interest with Scotland so do we still offer that they shall have parity of power in disposing of the King and we do affirme That the Person of the King who is King of Scotland as well as of England and is Head and Monarch of both Kingdomes cannot be disposed of by any one of the Kingdomes alone but what ever is to be done concerning his Majesties person ought to be done by joynt advice and common consent of both as may serve most for the Peace security and happinesse of the Kingdomes which wee did prove by severall Arguments To which there was nothing answered in effect but that the King being within England his Person was to be disposed of as the two Houses shall thinke fit and that the King being with the Scottish Army and they being paid by the Parliament of England he is in effect in the power of the Houses ought to be at their disposing in the ●●me way as if he had come to the Army of Sir T. Fairfax or any other of the Parliaments Armies To which we shall not need to make any reply other then we have made already That the Kings present residence in England nor no locality can take away the reality of our relations formerly mentioned by us far lesse can it take away the ingagements and stipulations betweene the Kingdomes and though the Scottish Army paid by the Parliament of England yet they are the Army of Scotland raised for pursuance of the ends of the Covenant and are to be ordered and directed by the Parliaments or Committees of both Kingdomes And therefore they cannot with conscience duty nor honour deliver the person of the King without his owne consent to be disposed of as the two Houses shall thinke fit but we have declared and do still declare That we are content that the person of the King be disposed of the word Disposed being taken in a right sense as may serve most for the peace safety security honour and happinesse of the King and both Kingdomes and did offer to your Lordships consideration his Majesties comming to or neere London as the most probable meanes for a speedy and well-grounded Peace And seeing your Lordships have done us the honour to meet with us in this free and brotherly Conference we do expect that you will concurre and assent to this Proposition or propound a better expedient for the good of both Kingdomes But if the honourable Houses will not admit of this Proposition our next desire is that it may appeare no lawfull and possible meanes are left unassayed which may procure a happy agreement betwixt the King and his Parliaments and for our further exoneration That Commissioners may yet once more be sent from both kingdomes to his Majesty to shew the meaning of our Propositions and to assert them and to heare the Kings doubts and difficulties and desires who may further intimate that if his Majesty shall not give a satisfactory answer to the Propositions then both kingdomes will without making any such further application to him take such course as they shall judge fittest for the peace and security of the kingdomes And as at the opening of this Conference I did begin with an humble lawfull and laudable desire for unity in relation the King and amongst our selves so shall I close in the same dialict for the first of Religion if we do remember our vowes to God to performe them and uniformity according to our Covenant we may certainly expect that God will crown this great work wherin he hath honored us to be actors with his blessing but if in place of uniformity which we are obliged to endeavor there shall be a toleration of all Sects and sores of Religion and if we neglect to build the house of God and become insolent upon our successes although we could mount up with Eagles wings and build our nests as high as the starres and had an army who for valor and strength could march to Constantinople God shall lay our glory low in he dust and suffer the work to fall in our hands like the confusion of Babell And whatever hath been moved by us concerning the King we desire it may be rightly constructed as proceeding from such as have not wavered from their first principles for when the King was in the height of his power we did not and I hope never shall flatter him and when the enemy was in the height of their pride and strength Scotland did feare no colours and now when the King is at his lowest ebb and hath cast himselfe into our Army for safety we hope your Lordships will pardon us from our sense of honour and duty to be very tender of the person and posterity of the King to whom we have so many neer relations and not like the worse of us that we cannot so farre forget our allegeance and duty as not to have an antipathy against the change of Monarchicall government in which we have lived through the descent of so many Kings and under which both Kingdoms have been governed so many ages and flourished in al● happinesse And now my last word shall be for constant unity between the Kingdoms which as it hath been the chiefe meanes to pr●mote the great worke wherein both kingdoms are so deepely engaged so there is nothing can make us so informidable to our enemies nor so much ayding one to another as the cherishing and continuing thereof and I dare say that no man would divide the one from the other but such as desire to fish in troubled waters and are reall enemies to both God hath blest the ioynt endeavours of both Nations both are in one ship and are come through a very great storme and now when we are come into the harbour it would be great shame to both to split upon the rocks of division devorato bove deficere in cauda and your Lordships may be confident that Scotland who have esteemed no hazard too great for setling of Religion and love to their Brethren will stick so fast firmly to you so ●ong as you hold the principles of your Covenant as no feare nor favour will ever be able to divide them from you and we do expect that reciprocall amity which may perpetuate our un●ty FINIS
TWO SPEECHES Of the Lord Chancellour of SCOTLAND THE ONE To the King at Newcastle declaring that if His Majesty refuses the advice given Him He will lose His Friends Cities and all England joyn against Him whereas if he hearken to their Councell they will sacrifice their lives and fortunes for establishing of His Throne THE OTHER At a Conference with a Committee of both Houses of Parliament in answer to certain Votes in Parliament and giving the reasons that the Kingdom of Scotland have an equall interest to the Person of the King and that He cannot be disposed of without the advice of that KINGDOME And that they cannot in Duty nor Honour deliver Him without His owne consent to be disposed of as the Two Houses of PARLIAMENT shall think fit London Printed for T. H. Novemb. 9. 1646. The Lord Chancellour of Scotland his Speech to the Kings Majesty at Newcastle YOur Majesty was pleased on Monday last to call the Lords of your privie Councel of Scotland and the Committee to acquaint them with the Propositions and told that before the delivery of your answer you would make the same known to them the time assigned for the stay of the Commissioners is so short and the consequence of your Majesties answer is of so great importance either for the preservation or ruine of your Crown and Kingdoms as we could not be answerable to God nor to that trust reposed in us unlesse we represent to your Majesty how necessary it is as the condition of affaires now stand and in so great an extremity that your Majesty should assent to the Propositions that the danger and losse of your refusall will be remedilesse and bring on sudden ruine and destruction I shall begin first with the last which is the danger and shall next speak a word of the remedy The differences between your Majesty and your Parliament which no man knowes better then your Majesties self are grown to such a height that after many bloudy battels there is no cure but a present peace otherwise nothing can be expected but certain destruction The Parliament is possest of your Navy and of all the Forts Garisons and strong Holds of the kingdome They have the Excise Assesments and Sequestrations at their disposall haue authority to raise all the men money in the kingdom and after many victories and great successes they have a strong Army on foot are now in such a posture for strength and power as they are in a capacity to do what they will both in Church and State And some are so afraid others so unwilling to submit themselves to your Majesties Government as they desire not you nor any of your race longer to raign over them Yet the people are so wearied of the wars and great burthens they groan under are so desirous of peace and loath to have Monarchial government under which they have lived so long in peace and plenty changed that such as are unwearied of your Maj. Government dare not attempt to cast it totally off till once they send Propositions of Peace to your Majesty lest the people without whose concurrence they are not able to carry on their design should fall from them And therefore all the people being desirous that after so great wars troubles that they may have a perfect security from oppression arbitrary power The houses of Parliament have resolved upon the Propositions which are tendred to your Majesty as that without which the kingdome your People cannot be in safety and most part of the people think that there cannot be a firme peace upon any other tearms Your Majesties friends and the Commissioners from Scotland after all the wrestling they could were forced to consent to the sending of those Propositions or to be hated as the hinderers of peace and to send no Propositions at all And now Sir if your Majesty which God forbid shal refuse to assent to the Propositions you will lose all your friends lose the city and all the country and all England will joyn against you as one man and when all hope of reconciliation is past it is to be feared they will processe and depose you and set up another Government they will charge us to deliver your Majesty to them and to tender the Northern Garrisons and to remove our Army out of England and upon your Majesties refusing the Propositions both kingdoms will be constrained for their mutuall safety to agree and settle Religion and Peace without you which to our unspeakable grief will ruine your Majesty your Posterity And if your Majesty reject our faithful advice who desire nothing on earth more then the establishment of your Majesties Throne and lose England by your wilfulnesse your Majesty will not be permitted to come ruine Scotland Sir we have laid our hands upon our hearts we have asked counsel and direction from God have laid our most serious thoughts about the remedy but can find no other as affaires stand for the present to save your Crown Kingdomes then your Maj. assenting to the Propositions We dare not say but they are higher in some things if it were in our power option to remedy it then we do approve of But when we see no other means for curing the distempers of the kingdoms closing the breaches between your Maj. your Parliaments our most humble faithfull advice is That your Maj. would graciously 〈◊〉 to assent to them as the best way to procure a speedie happy peace because your Maj. shall thereby have many great advantages You will be received again in your P●rl with the applause and acclamations of your people By your Royal presence your friends will be strengthned your enemies who fear nothing so much as the gra●ting of the Pr●positions will be weakned Your Maj. wil have a fit opportunity to offer such Propositions as you shall in your wisdome judge fit for the Crown kingdom All Armies will be disbanded and your people finding the sweet fruits of your peaceable government your Maj. wil gain the hearts affections which will be your strength glory and will recover all that your Maj. hath lost in this time of tempest trouble And if it please God so to encline your Royall heart to this advice of your humble faithfull servants who next to the honour of God esteem nothing more precious then the safety of your Person Crown our actions shall quickly make it appear to all the world that we esteem no hazard too great for your Maj. safety that we are willing to sacrifice our lives and fortunes for establishing of your Throne And now Sir we prostrate our selves at your Maj. feet in the lowest posture of humility do beg that your Maj. may in end grant the sute of your most humble servants faithful subjects who have no private aims but only the glory of God safety of your Maj. Person Posterity and Crown before