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A49864 The ascent to the mount of vision where many things were shewn, concerning I. The first resurrection; II. The state of separated souls; III. The patriarchal life; IV. The kingdom of Christ: with an account of the approaching blessed state of this nation. Lead, Jane, 1623-1704. 1699 (1699) Wing L782; ESTC R215506 30,231 46

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substance and Lo there was a great Shaking and Trembling as if they were to be moved out of their places § II. Then of a sudden came a Flaming Blast out of this lofty Mountain which enkindled some of these Hills and from them ran circling about the rest Which made a great crackling noise among them Then there was a Voice heard as out of the Mountain Thus a Consumption is determinated upon the dark and dead Mold Then were they changed into a pure white Earth clear and transparent And after this did the Glorified Iesus stand upon the top of this Mount with innumerable Attendants and uttered a mighty Voice of Thunder saying Come behold and see and rejoice O ye Heavens in what I am going to Create an New Then immediately did there spring up in the room of the little Hills certain figurative Bodies first to the number Seven and then by the Multiplication of these to Seven times Seven Then came there several rays of Light from the Glorious Body which did enter into these Figures whereupon it was said the Lord from Heaven is now become a quickening Spirit By which they did stand up and move and walk § III. Then descended the bright Body from the Mountain and became their Leader conducting them to one side of this Mountain which had three Gates with Inscriptions on each of them directing the Inhabitants of the North East and West to enter that should flock hereunto Then several Persons appeared that had past through this Transfiguration and fiery Tryal being come out of great Tribulation some of which were known to me in Spirit and were linked together as so many precious Radiant Stones which the Lord did wear about him as his Girdle and so he entered into a Vaulted place within the Mountain all compacted like unto a City Where a great Body of Ancients did meet and Congratulate these Comers and with the Angel Trumpeters did give great Acclamations and prepared Festival entertainments for them Now the fame of this so went out into all parts of the World that there was a very great Flocking together some out of good Will Love and Zeal to get entrance here others out of envy and derision to have disturbed this peaceable Region upon which the mighty Lord and King of this City raised up a Flaming Wall for it's defence which many did attempt to break through but none could except such as were refined as Gold while others were smitten and driven back § IV. The Inscription upon this City was Salvation For that Saviours it was said were to come forth hence Who were led out by the mighty Prince and Saviour and stood with him upon this Mountain of Perazim Then were given Trumpets into the hands of these Saviours to a certain Number who were first designed to go forth and to call in the Nations from the North and East and West Then was it queried by the Person to whom this was revealed whether such Subordinate Saviours under the great Saviour should appear in this present Generation upon which there was shewn me a Square Golden Table in the Hand of the great High Priest which did contain the Record of so many Persons as Radiant Stones set in it who were nominated hereunto And it was exprest that some of these were to be raised up before this Generation should pass away and others in the succeeding Generations Moreover it was said thereneed to be no enquiry who they are for they will be turn'd into another Spirit after the Similitude of their Head and will be sufficiently manifested in Purity and Power And the Principal characters of these because of the deceivableness of the Times will be the 7 flaming Eyes which shall pierce so deep as to see through all false coverings and to make manifest Truth and soundness of Mind standing clear from all mixtures For it was said this will be the most necessary gift both in this present and in the approaching Age Whereby they may sit as Iudges from the Infallible Urim and Thummim This I was commanded to declare and to make known the mind of the great King and Saviour For that the time of his Kingdoms appearance is at Hand May. 25. 1698 § V. THis Morning the Mountain that descended was set before me again and I was brought in Spirit to the Southside of it where were three Gates at each of which there stood an Angel which gave a call to the Nazarite Flock to enter into one of the Gates which open'd into the Paradisical Land Which was Richly replenisht with all that was pleasant and delightful to satisfie all the divine senses Then it was Queried Whether this might not be a place for Spirits departed out of their gross Bodies And it was answered by the Eternal new Adam that this was prepared for the Inhabitants as yet bearing Corporeal Figures but perfectly refin'd in Spirit and Mind for as there is a Paradise in the Higher Sphear of the Heavens so there is in this lower that answers to it in a Mystical and Spiritual manner where the offspring of a new Generation shall multiply herein from the Eternal Adam and his Virgin Spouse who will have their Children brought up in the Mysteries of all divine Sciences which shall make vastly to differ from the old Adam and Eve's Progeny who are under the Curse of Terrestrial Labour Toil and Sorrow from the which discharged these redeemed ones shall be § VI. Furthermore the Angel of the 2d Gate was commission'd to give a call to those who had a desire to be made skillful in the Theosophical Science and to be exercised in the divine Magia This was nominated to be the Principle of the divine Sophia who uttered her Voice and gave an Invitation to attend upon her Discipline and Counsel and as many as She should find willing and obedient they should possess the Treasures of her Land and thereby should become Stewards to dispense out of that Stock and Store Then through a Perspective Glass were shewn me some Persons that did willingly comply and offer themselves to this Noble and Worthy Employ Some of them as Principal Stones were made known to me To whom She did first give Rules of Faith as the Foundation they were to build upon that so whatever they set their hands to whether it were in inward or in outward Nature accordingly as they should hit the Mark by the Arrow of Faith so the work should be perfectly consummated Motives were multiplyed abundantly to those Magical Children as that hereby they would recover the lost Paradisical dominion and all the Properties and Immunities that would set free the Imbondaged Captivity A call there is for this to all that can make their escape out of the Worldly Principle and can pass through the Flaming Wall Here the glorious Lord will his Banner of Power and Strength spread over them and all sorts of Provision shall meet them Plentifully their cloathing shall be Munition-strength of everlasting
they may be Installed in that Dominion and Power where Mortality shall not supplant them of a true and unfadeable Felicity For know there is a new time approaching such as never was for the Kingdom and Dominion of Christ in Power and Authority has never yet had any establishment upon the Earth nor could indeed because this long Life and Age was not yet to be For by this length of Days there will be time given for the finishing Transgression and Sin and bringing in that perfection of Righteousness that shall have no end As there was folly in not improving that long State of Life by those before the Flood for which end God allow'd it them to try if they would recover their Angelical and Paradisical State and remove the Curse from the Earth for which end his Spirit did strive with them which being resisted God shortned their Days So now the eternal Wisdom of God provokes for the recovery of that lapsed Age again that a second proving may be made in this last Age of the World having now the assistance of the Spirit of Christ which shall now be poured forth as a Flood of Flaming Love to burn away all the compacted Matter and Mould of the Earthly Image so as in this day it shall be said Christ lives and walks upon the Earth in and among this selected Number upon whose Shoulders the Government of his Kingdom is to rest For the Spirit of God and of his Glorious Power shall rest upon them so evidently that all shall be forced to acknowledge that these are the Anointed ones as bearing the Royal Priestly Mark of their God and King For upon them the Heavenly Power shall descend for the Heavens that have been shut so long shall now open stand for a free recourse to our mighty Redeemers Princely Court that from that upper Kingdom Orders and Commissions may be brought down for the management of these lower Regions that they may run parallel with what is transacted among the Saints in the higher With whom in this State there will be a great Freedom and Familiarity so that a Council and Senate both of the higher and lower Court shall meet to determine what high Miraculous works shall be expedient to be wrought § XXXV Now it is already so far made manifest that whereas the confusion of Languages was a great Iudgment and Witness of God's displeasure against that Age of Time So that it caused a scattering and loss of thé one pure Language of Nature Which now in this new State and Kingdom will be restored again About which I had some inquiry in the Spirit of my mind how and by what means the Unity of Speech might be opned again for as it is in Mount-Sión above where Christ Reigns personally so it must be here on Earth where he is now to set his Reign ' up Spiritually They all that are above do Harmonize together in the pure Language of Nature And thus it is expedient that it should be in Mount-Sion here below For it was said this Gift should come upon such as were Principal Stones and Builders of that new Ierusalem the City wherein the Reign of the mighty God and King may begin § XXXVI While I was considering this thing there was a sudden opening of the Temple-Glory in the Heavens Which drew away my Spirit thereunto Where I did see in the Hand of a bright Body the Figure of a Heart clear as Crystal with Strings or Veins of Gold in the midst of which there was fixed a flaming Root from whence branched out Tongues as so many divided Flames by which I was answered that according to this figurative Representation it might be given me to understand that the Root of pure Speech must proceed from the pure Heart of the Tri-une Deity and so formed into Christ the Essential Word it self first going forth in pure Cogitation without sound or Voice whereby in this internal stillness God discourses with the Soul and the Soul with God out of the Flaming Centre of this Tri-une Heart and from whence it may proceed and form it self into outward Organical Speech Which will carry Tućh a fiery flaming Power and Efficacy as shall beget the same Native Language in others and open the Centres that have been shut up them that is to be understood of those that prepared and qualified to receive it through the Faith and expectation of these Gifts And it was said further when ye see this great gift put forth it will be a certain sign that the gathering in of all Nations from far will be to the beholding and admiring of the first appearance of Christ in his Kingdom and Reign Through these impregnable and extraordinary Gifts the Holy Ghost will be made apparently manifest that he is return'd in order to restore and Build up what has been laid Wast and Desolate here upon the Earth § XXXVII The next Gift that is to accompany this Blessed day is to find out and open the All-healing Pool where the Corrupt and Putrifactious Matter in the Body Elementary may through the continual rising Spring of this Water of Life receive Clarifying and Healing And where-ever these Waters of the Sanctuary do rise there every thing shall be healed and maintain'd in Life according to that Scripture Ezek. 47. 9. So that according to the long date of Life designed for this State this River for Life must never cease to run through the Corporeal Forms And whereas in the first appearances of this gift of healing in the Elijah Spirit as a Type fore-runing Christ and in the following Century of the Apostles it was appropriated to them to convey vertue out of themselves for healing which they could not command at all times for then they would have conquer'd all Sickness and Death in themselves But when this mighty Gift shall be restored again it shall go on to fixation and Conquest of all Maladies For the great evil of Sin will be taken out of the way and so the suffering must cease For the Inhabitants that live in this new planted Region shall not complain they are Sick For they shall be forgiven their Iniquity Isa. 33. 24. So that where Sin is taken out of the way Sorrow and the Curse which are the product of it must needs cease Also Zech. 3. 8 9 10. For behold I will bring forth my Servant the Branch c. And I will remove the Iniquity of that Land in one Day In that day saith the Lord shall ye call every Man his Neighbour under the Vine and under the Fig-tree For if there should not be an Antidotal Medicine provided against all Corruptibility it would be rather a Punishment than a Pleasure to live in such a Body as should not be free from Infirmities whereupon it was made manifest to be that each one who should be counted worthy to be numbered among the first Fruits of the Resurrection-State shall be as so many Trees of Life that shall
Righteousness § VII Now further there was a Trumpet Cry to the Adept Philosophers that have lain in obscurity in outward Nature and are shut up in it as having no vent to shew forth the Wonders of the Creator To you this Message and Call goes forth from the divine Imperial Wisdom that you make no longer delay nor halts in your way For know the time and season is come in which you are to be made manifest and join'd to those who are internally taught the Theosophical Art For the Tree of Faith hath spread forth its Branches and is ready to cast its Fruit and doth invite you thereof to come and Eat And as divine Artists such a Composition make of the Leaves thereof as may be for Medicine and Healing to all that Obnoxious to Corruption doth lie § VIII The last Gate of this side of the Mountain was the Apostolical Gate which opens into that Centre where the Holy Ghost will rest upon such as are Elected and Chosen hereunto that shall revive the Antient Miraculous Powers in such wise as they shall not be Transient but go forward on to Fixation and perpetual Duration § IX Now the third side of the Mount that lay Eastward was also described to me by the Guardian Angel that kept the 3 Gates that each Gate gave entrance into three several Courts The First was to be filled with Prophets and Prophetesses that were disciplin'd and train'd up there by the great Head Prophet Christ Iesus Who was accompanied with all the Antient Prophets as with Moses and Samuel Elias and all that were from the Foundation of the World to Christ's time Who took a Golden Horn and poured forth a Rich Oily Spikenard upon their Heads that ran down to the Skirts of their Garments of which it was said These are the Anointed of the Lord that shall bear Witness and Declare what is to be made manifest throughout all the approaching Ages of Time which relate to the Kingdom of the Emmanuel § X. The Second Court opened and thereinto desconded the great Melchizedeck with his holy Order Constituting and Ordaining a certain Number to enter upon this Holy Priestly Profession that were Dedicated Consecrated Inaugurated and made Ministers of this New erected Sanctuary and most holy place Where the Essential Furniture not the patterns only but the very Heavenly things themselves did here open and the Priestly intercessions did ascend up in a most Harmonious Celebration of Ioyful Acclamations passing through the high Order of the great Melchizedeck-Priesthood Whose Ministration from Petition was turn'd into a new Language of Triumph and Praises § XI The Account given of the third Court was this The Thrones out of the Heavens descended here and the King of Kings and in the Splendor of his Majesty with numerous Spirits that Crowned were to fill that Court with Princely Powers that were taken out of the two mention'd Courts and certain Numbers out of the two other sides of the Mountains were taken out and Crown'd and received Power and Dominion to Reign with Christ upon the Earth Thus shall the Kingdom of God in his Saints come to be made Manifest and Established so as to overtop all the Kingdoms of the Earth And this came as an Exeitement to wait and Believe and be found in all readiness for the Consummation of this Prophecy § XII On the Fourth side of the Mountain which lay Westward was the great Secrets of the Deceased the various Regions that they were lodged in and the Glorious Mansions that did appertain to such as departed in a high degree of Perfection with all the great Wonders of the great Weight and Glories of Eternity It was told me all of this was to be concealed yet and shut up from the Knowledge of the present Age of Time And was but only peculiar to some that should have a Light and discovery of these Marvelous things as they were capable to take them in Standing in the Passive meekness and pure Faith-expectation for the accomplishment of all what has been here declared For the time may be nearer or further off as we see the gathering into these Holy Courts may be so hasten then we may the Blessed approach of this Rising blissful Day as in the Golden knot of Love we tyed and knit together are Amen May 26. 1698. § XIII THis great Mystery and Secret of the various degrees of the Deceased and seperated Souls which opened on the fourth side of the Mountain being permitted me to disclose to the Worthy and Believing that defires to have so much of the Counsel of God made known as has been revealed herein to such as are weaned from the Mothers Breast of Tradition even to them it is given forth to know what is reserved for the latter Ages of time Now there were shewn to me seven States or Regions which were allotted to the Dead § XIV The first Order I shall mention is of those that have Lived and Died in a most Wicked and Diabolical Spirit without any Change or Repentance Such as Blasphemers Contemners of God Apostates c. These have their places in the Tormenting Anguishing Fire of the dark Luciferian Kingdom where they are to be Punished till the decreed Ages of Ages are expired within those Sphears or Circles Which is dreadful enough to endure to fright all from coming here § XV. The second is of those that have lived in the outward Birth after the Flesh but known nothing of being Born again from out of the Dead and Earthly Image Cleaving to this Worldly Principle and extend their delight and love no farther than to what is Temporary living wholly as without God in the World These have their places in the lower and grosser part of the Airy Region Where tho'they have not much Torment yet on the other hand they have but little rest and such lovers they are of their Bodies that many of them visit their dead Corps and abide sometime with them as finding more ease there than in that other place alotted them § XVI Now a third sort are of that Rank and Order that have been believing in God and Christ and under Conviction of their lost State without him and who have made some progress in the Heavenly Warfare Having gone so far as to live a Sober Rational Life but have come short of that more inward and Spiritual work of Renovation not having reacht to Mortification and self Abnegation but dying much short of it Yet their Mansion is more pleasant being in the upper part of the Airy Region annexed to Paradise Where they want not for Motives and Stirrings up to go on and recover what they omitted and lost while living in the Body § XVII As these Centers were opened and past before me it was much upon me to be informed out of that depth of the Eternal Wisdom that here opened it self what became of all the Children that died either in Infancy or Minority Then the Vision open'd shewing
me a very pleasant Flowery and delightful Sphear with a wonderful bright Light that covered it as a Firmament and the word said this is the Childrens Sphear and Kingdom It appeared like a little World fill'd up with them from the Womb to the Stature of about 12 Years This was inferiour to Paradise but was appropriated to Wisdom to be under her Government and Dominion who appointed here several ministring Angels to Discipline and Educate them in the Faith of Iesus For being stained with original Sin they were to believe in and receive the Lamb of God as their Redeemer And so by Union with him they become Virgins without Spot or Blemish Hereby it was said that Wisdom did make out her self in the Fathers new-created Wonders in these Children being transplanted out from the Earthly into the Divine and Spiritual Orb of Light § XVIII Now the Three other Regions to wit Paradise Mount-Sion and the New Ierusalem I have already given an account of in the Book of the Eight Worlds I must pronounce Happy and Blessed are they that dye so fitly qualified as immediately to pass through all these before-mention'd Regions that none of them may detain them but that as an Arrow swiftly they may fly into this more high degree of the Paradisical Sphear for they shall not long rest here before their Ascension shall be where they shall see the King of Mount Sion stretching out the Golden Cord that shall draw them up to sit with him upon his Throne which he has prepared for them and so to rise from one Glory to another till in the fullness of the Fathers Glory Christ shall install them jointly with himself The everlasting Gates of the New Ierusalem here open and wide do stand Which properly does belong to the high and lofty Majesty as his Principal Seat or Manision-house Which he will in the concluding part of all Scenes make to descend to fill the whole Creation with the Splendor of it's Glory Even so Amen § XIX But for caution let none think they can reach to these two last degrees at the passing out of the Body but as Christ in them shall come to be grown up in a perfect Stature covering them all over with his divine Nature Which we hope and believe may be wrought out effectually by the same Power that gave a Resurrection to his dead Body and an Ascention to Glorification in the Faith of which we wait and pray for this perfect Day Iune 30. 1698. § XX. I was Considering and Recollecting with my self the manifold Mysteries that among the Dead lay yet hid which in these Ages past were to be concealed and shut up but as the nearer approach is of the finishing of the fulness of Redemption the Word of the Eternal Wisdom has been pleas'd to make known what is beyond the present belief of the World but to the Impartial seekers and Worthy inquirers the secrets that appertain to the States of seperated Souls may be communicated § XXI In the first place we are to consider how these three Ranks of such as have departed this World short of Redemption shall come to recover the Regeneration or Remaining part of the Work which they might possibly have attained in this Life for which end the Mediatorship of Christ was establisht by the Father and continued in the Melchizedeck-Order And as Souls are daily Dying in this imperfect State so Christ is daily renewing the Efficacy of his Blood that must still attone for them It is also further made manifest that the great Saints that are made Kings and Priests as they have Thrones so they have Seats of Iudgment and are also made Saviours with their high Prince and Saviour being of the same Merciful and meek Nature as joined and made one Spirit with him And their intercession with him is of acceptation and efficacy for these their fellow Members that have la●'d behind and lost their time either in this Life or in other Centres So that is laid for a Foundation-truth that the great Saints may help the less whether In the higher World or the lower Now as it was queried in my self so it may be by others how those that are departed shall be brought to Repent and believe in Christ for Salvation It was here shewn to me that there were There Prophets Pastors and Teachers that did exercise their Function and Office as well as in these Regions below For it is well to be understood that this Converting and Regenerating work is to go forward on till that which is perfect do so enter into every Member that they come to be in Congruity with their perfect Head who must see the full Fruit of the Travail of his Soul throughout the whole Creation For Christ the Head does not account himself perfect till every Member be co-joined with him Therefore also the high Saints do Sympathize with the groaning Creation because till all are brought in their Ioy cannot be full If it be asked What Scripture is there for this I recommend the same that was open'd to me from the Revelstions Chap. 5. 8. Where the 24 Elders were in Office to receive the Golden Vials of the Prayers of the Saints and to pour them before the Throne Whereby it is implyed that the Prayers of the Saints of a lesser degree may pass through them that are of a higher Then another Scripture I shall superadd is that 1 Cor. 15. 29. Where you find the Living did enter into the Covenant of Baptism for the Dead as being capable of helping them forward in their Process to Christ by Concurrence and Union of Spirits with them And had we more of this Concurrence of Spirits one with another the Kingdom of our Lord had not been so long detained and kept back but a quicker dispatch might have been made but we are in hopes that as the day-Star shall more Universally arise in Hearts this Light shall so spread it self as that the knowledge of these great Mysteries shall find more kind entertainment in the World that lyes Buried in so much Ignorance and Darkness Then there will be less to do in those other Regions because there will not so many dye in an imperfect State and the Kingdom of Satan will be weakened and diminisht thereby who shall not be able to hold his Dominion either in the invisible dark Sphear or the visible Principle I shall now conclude this Point with this Acclamation Rejoice ye Heavens and shout ye lower parts of the Earth for the Lord God Omnipotent is about to do Marvelous things which shall be seen and admired by such as do long for and Love his Appearance Which approaching is still nearer and nearer Even so come Come O Lord in thy Kingdom Power and Glory Amen Iuly 10. 1698. § XXII II was further discovered that the Elders before the Throne did receive Commission from the Supream King and Lord as being his most near Privy Counsellers for to put into Office and
Government such in the upper Worlds as might be as the Nobles and Principalities of high degree in the Heavenly Court these had Power and Command given them to govern and manage the Affairs of the lower Regions of the Deceased who had reference to them on all occasions For these matters are transacted and agitated in various manners unknown to Mortals according to the manifold Wisdom that is understood there For the increase and bringing all into Subjection and Obedience for the bringing in and perfecting of Christ's Kingdom There For Christ must Reign till all in those Centres be made to know his Superiority Nay the Extent of this Government of the Saints reaches to the Binding and Chaining up of Lucifer and those that are yet under his Iurisdiction Otherwise they would make strange disturbances and commotions by invading of the Priviledges which are above his Sphear This was made known to me in order that I might understand better what was the purpose and design of the great Ierusalem King as to the putting of this lower World into a new Model of Government beyond what has been since Christ's time Hitherto the Diabolical Spirit and the Worldly Spirit have had the Superiority but it has been signified to me that the time of this Reign of the Beast and of the Dragon is very near expiring When Christ will bring down his Court and all Powerful Government here upon Earth And it shall be managed by such as he shall Depute by impowering with his own Spirit expressly by which he will act in them as if they stood in his very Person It was further proposed to me that some who are alive in this present Generation should be Anointed and Seal'd with Power here for and taken into his secret Counsel At first a small known Number but which should dilate and increase till they were Numberless Then was it pronounced in my Ears from the Heavens Blessed are those that are the first Fruits that go forth to enlighten and bear Rule over all the degenerated Plants that are not yet ingrafted into the true Vine § XXIII Then was it queried in me because there was yet so little appearance of this how long it might be before This would come to effect The soft springing Word replied that there was already a seed of Light sown and an united Golden Grain of Faith which would assuredly put forth their Heads that the time of the Lily may be known One full Circle of a thousand Years is already run out and when the full point of the seventh Hundred Year shall be superadded to it then the Thrones and Dominions here below shall begin to bow and stoop to That Reign and Kingdom which shall by the Spirit in meek and Holy Souls be set afoot For knowledge shall have a wonderful encrease so that the Princes and Kings of the Earth shall be taken hold of thereby to promote the Reign of Christ and to throw their Crowne at His Feet And a Solomon's Heart shall revive again whereby hands will be put to Build up such a Temple as shall never be made desolate § XXIV As I was still considering of this great Revolution how it should be brought about there was a Lamp descended from the seven Lamps before the Throne and put into the Hand of a certain Person which did at first sight burn but dimly Then came the Angel of the Love that poured in a Golden Oyl that sent forth a mighty strong Odour which immediately made the Lamp burn with such a Blaze dropping Flakes of Light into the Oyl that caused many more Lamps to spring which made a good part of the Earth look as a bright Heaven Then was it said to me This shall be the fore-runner whereby the Foundation shall be laid for the bright Sun of Righteousness to appear and shine forth in his Temple Body which is his Spouse and Bride who shall not want to be accomplished with all manner of Gifts and Powers much more radiant and great than whatever yet has been known and declared All this is to confirm the Vision of the Mountain of Perazim that open'd towards the four Corners of the Earth and tho' somewhat was for a time to be shut up from the Unworthy yet as this Blessed day shall approach nearer permission is given to make the States of the Deceased in the invisible Regions more publickly manifest For the Seals that are upon the Book of God's wonders must have their Day of breaking open For there is a wake full time in which those that lye in a dead Sleep shall hear the Thunder-cries that are now upon their uttering forth which shall magnifie the Powerful day of the Holy Ghost The visitation of which has been already known to some Which is a binding Law for such as have received of this Unction to stand in a readiness all these Prophetical sayings to obey From which O Lord let not any of thy elected Stones herefrom Swerve But that they may hold fast their Crown in him who is the Yea and Amen Iuly 21. 1698. HEre follows another Manifestation given forth which I did not apprehend at the Writing of the former that it would be so fully and suddenly open'd unto me But an occasion was given hereto by some Queries of a choice and elect Stone sent to me concerning the swallowing up of Mortality in Immortality Whether or no such a time might not be expected wherein this vile Body might know a Translation even in this Life § XXV Which gave me occasion to introvert and sink into the deep Centre of Wisdom where I met with various Discoveries hereupon from that Intelligence that appeared to me in the Figure of a white and bright Dove having three Eyes from each of which went forth sparkling Flames They were placed one on the Breast and one under each Wing Immediately this Word was given out Behold here is the triune Eye Denominated from the Father with the Eternal Wisdom and the Son concurring in the Holy Spirit In whom has been treasured up what is now to be open'd and revealed concerning the great things that are to be brought forth in this latter Age of the World For in whatever Heart and Mind this holy Dove shall find entrance and reception it shall be as the Heavenly Court and Council wherein the divine Wisdom shall unfold the greatest of Secrets as upon the day approaching hereunto they shall be expedient to be known There was a Prophecy run through me in this sense What is to be established for the Foundation structure of the Temple Body is to have each Stone this threefold Eye of the Dove for their seeing and enlivening so that by sending forth these bright Raies they may draw in such Stones as lye yet dead and Buried in the Earth For the chief and elect Stones that are already Cemanted together as in one accord they abide shall generate and multiply Spiritual live Stones numerously So that herefrom may be
put forth the Golden Leaves for Medicine to themselves Which shall be as a constant Imbalming to render their Bodies durable and Incorruptible O Blessed and highly Marvelous and Wonderful will this great Appearance of Christ in his Saints be in its Time For which it is only required of this Generation that they gird up in the Faith and be found in waiting and Preparation for it § XXXVIII Now I do see in Spirit some Footsteps are already taken in order to this translated State An Election has been hereunto from the Eternal Court and Council in the Heavens for the gathering such as shall be steady Pillars to bear up the Mountain of Holiness upon which shall be written Emmanuel liveth and resteth here But let it be known that this Ascent to the height of this Majestick Reign of Christ and Arrival to this length of Days will not be all at once but rising by Degrees There will be several Signs that will fore-run it The Messengers for this end must go forth to Preach up the Faith and to draw forth an expectation of it in such as shall be Selected hereunto So that there will be some Bright Stars that will rise and go forth as Lightning upon the Earth receiving special Endowments and Spiritual gifts and in an eminent manner the Gift of discerning Spirits piercing into the very thoughts and intent of the Heart As Peter perceived the perverse design of Ananias and Sapphira the Spirit of God within him opening it unto him And so in the same manner will these things be made manifest again For as the World in Age grows old so the Mystery of iniquity will wax greater by putting on and Counterfeiting the very Robe of Christ's Innocency and Truth and also by a breaking forth of the dark Magick as the more true and divine by way of Miraculous Working is coming forth Therefore the Tri une Council in Heaven foreseeing this will raise up such as shall be of quick-sight and sound Iudgment to detect and countermine what would make the true thing questioned and invalued Therefore the Lord will see it necessary to set his own Stamp first for Immaculate purity and next for great Powerfulness to do and act in such a manner as none of the false Magicians shall be able to imitate or stand before them Thus the Lord will move himself step by step And for length of Days at first it may not arrive to above a Hundred Years and so in every Generation there will be an Increase as they grow stronger in Spirit and work themselves more out of the Gross and Elementary Life for there will be skill and understanding given to draw in from the one pure Element And there will also be outward Medicines discovered that have not yet been that will have a wonderful Efficacy for the preserving and fortifying Nature and recovering the lost Paradisical Body There is a Vein of Gold in Eternal Natures Garden that has not yet been pierced into which when the Divine Artists shall be sent forth shall be broken up and run most free as the true Elixir appropriated and reserved for this Age and a Soveraign help and Blessing to the Inhabitants of this new Kingdom Now who would not rejoice to see the Dawnings and first breakin gs forth of this most Wonderful time for which end these Discoveries and Manifestations of the approaching time have been given out through one that has been upon the Watch-Tower Who has received Commission to declare what is here Written for inviting and exciting all the Unbelieving as well as the Believing the Ignorant as well as the Knowing of what Name or Profession soever they be but especially the Philadelphian-Flock that they may all take good notice of the present Season or the Beginning of the Love-Reign Wherein the true Philadelphian-State will be better understood known and established The Foundation whereof is already laid whereby as flaming Stones of Love the Fountain-Heart of God's love they will reach to multiply therefrom as numberless Golden Sands and Drops of Love as Seeds to overspread the Earth For Lovesday shall now bear the Dominion over all the wrathful Properties which shall all sink away as this day of the Lords shall in Mortals Reign § XXXIX One considerable thing I have more to open which is concerning the great Wonder seen in Heaven mentioned by St. Iohn of the Woman Cloathed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet of which there have gone forth many Interpretations and Calculations of the time of her Travail and bringing forth the Man-Child Now as to this it is made manifest that her coming forth out of the Wilderness will signify this great day of Dominion and Power over the Earth as has been here made mention of For there can be no Soveraignty of Rule and Command till she has brought forth that Man-Child that is to Rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron Now this Wilderness-State according to the Spiritual and Mystical sence thereof is to be understood of a quiet Retirement shelter and defence from the fury of the Dragon where she is fed and nourisht with the true Manna and Eternal Word of Life having free entercourse as St. Iohn had in the Isle of Patmos with the superior Heavens for communications and discoveries for such a time and season As also that holy Birth that hath proceeded from her is to remain in the Heavens till the number of Time shall be finished Who shall come forth in the Male strength of a Godhead-might in some Persons both Males and Females that shall be fitly Qualified to bear rule and to manage the Rod of Power according to that Type of the Rod put into Moses hand by which he did all those great Miracles For thus the Regency will be with a Superiority over all the outward Constellations and changeable motions of the Planets all Sublunary things being put under their Feet For the united Number of these High-born Spirits will have their cloathing from that Sun whose fixation is in the one unchangeable Element unto which all other Elements must bow and be made Subject Tho' there will not be wanting after all this attempts by the Satanical Spirit and Kingdom who will encompass and encamp against the Lamb and his Bride But this will be permitted for that end that the Omnipotent Rod put into their hands may be more signally stretched out to break all Combinations and bring to nought all that would deal Treacherously against those whose Persons the God-man hath taken up to magnifie his great Reign and Power in over all Nations of the Earth And so that saying may be made good Micah 4. 8. And thou O Tower of the Flock the strong hold of the Daughter of Sion unto thee shall it come even the first Dominion the Kingdom shall come to the Daughter of Ierusalem § XL. Now 't is given me to declare that this is not only in future expectation but that there has been