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A17119 Daphnis polystephanos An eclog treating of crownes, and of garlandes, and to whom of right they appertaine. Addressed, and consecrated to the Kings Maiestie. By G.B. Knight. Buck, George, Sir, d. 1623.; I. W. S., artist.; Woutneel, Ioan, engraver. 1605 (1605) STC 3996; ESTC S104803 24,580 61

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ΔΑΦΝΙΣ ΠΟΛΥΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΣ An Eclog treating Of Crownes and of Garlandes and to whom of right they appertaine Addressed and consecrated to the Kings Maiestie By G. B. Knight Quod maximum optimum esse dicitur oportet esse Vnum ex Arist. Top. li. 7. AT LONDON Printed by G. Eld for Thomas Adams 1605. QVOD DEVS CONIVNXIT HOMO NON SEPARET Math. 19. Quatuor hasce cruces clypeo coniunxit in vno Quas ergò nemo separet ipse Deus INVICTO PACIF FOEL AVG. CHRISTIANISS FIDEI DEFENSORI IACOBO D. G. MAGNAE BRITANNIAE GALLIAE HIBERNIAE REGI DOMINO SVO CLEMENTISS HAEC STEMMATA DIADEMATA I. HAS GENEALOGIAE AVG. ET IMPERII BRITANNICI LEVES ADVMBRATIONES GEORGIVS BVCVS E Q. R. S P. C. L. M. D. D. MOST SACRED SOVERAIGN I haue aduentured to present your Maiestie not with a faire pourtrait but with a slight shadow of your imperiall greatnesse Which I began long since but then the end was in nubibus or in abeiance as our Lawyers say for I could not finish it according to my proiect vntill such time as he which should be sent Expectatio gentium Britannicatū should come who was ordained from aboue to weare all these crownes and garlands and to reduce this whole Isle with the hereditary Kingdomes and Prouinces thereof to one monarchie and entire Empire as they had been in the times of diuers ancient British Saxon and some English kings of the Norman or Danish race as it shall hereafter appeare The foundation of this great worke hath bin layd by many Kings your Maiesties ancestors I meane by alliance not by armes for those plots were frustrate but as lately by King Henry the eight when he mediated the mariage of his sonne the Prince of England with the Princesse of Scotland your Maiesties mother as also in this maner many ages before the good king Malcolm Cammoir proiected this worke and that with happy successe by the mariage of Margaret daughter of the Saxon Prince Edward Exul heire of the great Edgar out of which royall bride-bed your Maiestie is issued Likewise Alexander the first maried Sibilla eldest daughter of William Duke of Normandy king of England The first Dauid also king of Scotland maried Matilda daughter of the Earle Waldeof and of Iudith neece to the said King William King Alexander the second maried Ioan Plantagenet daughter of King Iohn King Alexander the third maried Margaret Plantagenet daughter of King Henry the third King Dauid the second maried Ioan Plantagenet daughter of King Edward the second King Iames the first maried Ioane daughter of the Duke of Somerset Grandchild to King Edward the third King Iames the fourth your Maiesties great Grandfather maried Margaret eldest daughter of King Henry the seauenth and of Queene Elizabeth Plantagenet daughter and heire of King Edward the fourth But these Princes maried onely but daughters of England but You most sacred Prince the great IACOB enthronized vpon the Patriarke Iacobs fatall stone and vpon Saint Iacobs Festiuall espoused solemnely faire England her selfe And all the former matches were but preparatiues as I said foundations of this great worke which your Maiesty whom I may now call an English man as well for being descended from so many English Princes as also for that your Maiesties Father was an English man and your mother Princesse and heire of England hath by diuine preordinance now finished and accomplished in plenitudine temporum and that by iust right for in your sacred person are iointly met and coalesced the royall blouds interests and titles not onely of all Great Britaine but also of France and Ireland Which to prooue will not require much search nor study for they are euident and I will for breuities sake but thus point at them For some of them namely Scotland the Crowne and Scepter whereof missa per innumeros auos your Maiestie hath borne from your infancy all men know and acknowledge your ancient royall right and estate therein And your Maiesties title to Ireland will be manifest in your Genealogie herein deduced from that great Plantagenet King Henry the second the first English Prince Lord of Ireland from his heroycall posteritie as well Marches as others who haue been continually seysed thereof vntill this day So likewise your Maiesties tytle to the Crowne of France sheweth it selfe clearly in the ancient possessions of these royall Plantagenets here presented your Maiesties Progenitors first Dukes of Normandy then of Aquitaine Earles of Poictow of Aniow of Maine of Touraine and of Britaine and after of Angolesme And lastly Kinges of all France in the right of Isabell or Elizabeth sole daughter and heyre of Philip le bel King of France mother of King Edward the third who made a most renowned and happy entry vpon that his royall inheritance hee his great heires were not onely titulare Lords but also actuall possessors of France many yeares and yet to this day in token of that ancient right haue seysine of a part of that kingdome notwithstanding that counterfeit hethenish law Salica maintained by all the power of France many ages against them Your Maiesties tytle and descent from the ancient kings of great Britaine and which is least knowne may thus redily be deriued The Welsh Bardes as also our best heralds record that Rhese ap-Gruffith surnamed Atgluid prince of Southwales about the yeere of our Lord 1196. and issued from Cadwallader the last British King had a daughter named Gwenlhian maried to Edneuet Vachan Lord of Bransencle and chiefe Iustice of Wales and bare to him a sonne called Grono this Grono had Tedor Tedor had Grono Grono had Tedor Tedor had Meredith Meredith had Owen Which Owen maried Catherine widow of king Henry the fift and daughter of the French king Charles the sixt by whom hee had Edmond creaeted Earle of Richmond by King Henry the sixt his brother vterine And this Edmond was father of King Henry the seauenth who was father of Queene Margaret your Maiesties great granmother c. But some deriue your Maiesties British race from a namelesse a good namelesse daughter of Gruffith ap Leolhin a Prince ●f Wales about the yeere 1051 vpon whom as they pretend Fleanchus thane or Steward of Abria flying into Wales for suc●our begat vnlawfully a sonne who should be ancester to all the ●hiefe Stewards to this day But this being not acknowledged by ●he best Scotish Historiographers the thing not honourable I may well pretermit it Lastly to finish all these your Maiesties natiue titles to these many Diadems mentioned in this Poësy I haue inserted a Genealogy of the Saxon Kings drawne from the first vniter of the heptarchye and the Godfather of Anglia King Egbert vnto Matilda the Empresse daughter and heyre of King Henry the first and mother of this great Plantagenet King Henry the second ancester of all the
of Edmond Ironside King of England Anno Dom. 1016. This Edmond was sonne and heyre to King Etheldred who in ancient charters is written Totius Britanniae rex quod nota because a late Anonymus in a little booke dedicated to his Maiesty affirmeth that neuer any Prince was king of this whole Isle vntill now But he is deceiued for besides Constantius Chlorus and his sonne our countriman Constantine the great Constans Aurelius Ambrosius Vter others which were Lords of all great Britaine Edgar also the father of this King Etheldred was absolute Monarke of this Isleland and so puissant in forces both by land and sea as hee was surnamed the Great and was stiled Totius Albionis basileus Anglici orbis basileus as G. Malmesburiensis Florentius Wigorniensis witnesse Whereupon to note also by the way some thinke that the word Anglia was sometimes vsed for the whole Isle and which Ion Lidgate disertly asseuereth in King Arthurs complaint in these words Great Britain now called England so likewise doth Geffrey Chaucer in the Franklins tale viz. In England that Clepid was Britain And Ranulfus Cestrensis a grauer Authour peremptorily affirmeth that King Egbert after his conquests ordained and commaunded that the Saxons and Iutes should bee called Angles and that Britain should bee called England But I leaue this to be discussed by antiquaryes And to returne to the ancient Saxon Kings progenitors of this Henry and also possessors of this whole Isle as I will shew for the better confirmation of that which I haue said against the opinion of this Anonymus In diuers ancient records and charters of donations of these kings to Monasteries and to Cathedrall Churches and in other ancient monuments I haue obserued these seuerall stiles Ego Athelstanus rex Anglorum anno Dominicae incarnationis D. CCCCXXX r●gni verò mihi gratis commissi VI. Indictione III. Epactae xviii Concurrente iiii Nonis mensis Aprilis iii. Lunae rotigerae vaga tionis i. per eiusdem omnipatrantis dextram totius BRITANNIAE regium solio sublimatus c. Ego Eadmundus rex Anglorum ceterarumque gentium in circuitu persistentium Gubernator et rector An. Dom. 945. Ego Edredus rex terrenus sub imperiali potentiaregu seculorum aeternique principis magnae Britanniae temporale gerens imperium c. An. Dom. 948. Ego Edgarus totius Albronis monarcha c. An. Dom. 966. And in another Ego Edgarus totius Albionis finitimorumque regum basileus An. Dom. 974. These three last stiles I finde in the history of Ingulfus Abbot of Croyland transcribed by him from the Charters of that Monastery And the other two before going are copyed out of the records of the Cathedrall Church of Chicester as also these three next following Ego Eadwis basileon totius Albionis c. An. Dom. D. CCCC.LVI imperii autem 1. An in another Ego Eadwin rex gentium Albionis c. And in the date of a charter of Bishop Brighthelmus Anno 2. imperii Eadwin totius Albionis insulae imperantis I finde also in Asser Meneuensis Aelured or Aelfred a more ancient Saxon King then these written Omnium Britān insulae Christianorum rector An. Dom. 872. And Edward surnamed Pius and Confessor was from the yeare of our Lord 1050. King of this whole Isle if there be any credite to be giuen to our stories and was stiled rex Albionis as Ion Twine auoweth out of his charters giuen to the Abby of Abingdon And that same King Etheldred before cited was stiled in the charters of Glastonbury Aetheldred Anglicae nationis caeterarumque gentium triniatim intra ambitum Britān insulae degentium c. basileus and another K. in old inscription Britanniae Anax and many such more which were too long to recite And some kings of the Norman race which is more rare haue been so stiled For the Lord Bishop of Bristow voucheth a coine of King Ion wherein is stamped Ioānes rex Britonum but that coine which his Lordship shewed to me had the armes of little Britain vpon the reuerse but his grandchild King Edward the firsty after him king Edward the third were greater monarkes here then he But this great Henry Plantagenets Empire extended beyond the bounds of the Britannish world and his greatnes so farre exceeded all other kings his ancesters that he was stiled Maximus Britanniae regum as I will shew by and by and by good right for besides this his great Britain and Ireland he was possessed of a great part of France and by these titles He was Duke of Normandy by right of inheritance from his granfather King Henry the first Duke of Normandy c. He was Duke of Aquitain that is Gascoin and Guien sometimes a kingdome and Earle of Poictow by the mariage of Queene Elianor daughter heire of William Duke of Aquitain and Earle of Poictow whose wife Ieanne was daughter of Dauid king of Scots he was Earle of Aniow seminary of kings of Touraine and of Maine his natiue country by right of enheritance from his father Geoffrey Le Bel Earle of them all He swayed all in litle Britain which authority he acquired partly by the mariage of Constance daughter and heire of Conan Earle of Britain with his third sonne Geffrey Earle of Richmont but chiefly by his swoord as it appeareth by Gu Neuburgensis who then liued and thus writeth Cum a potentioribus in Britannia inferiores premerentur regis Anglorum auxilium expetentes eius seditioni spontaneè subdiderunt c. ipsosque potentes viribus subegit sicque in breni tota Britannia potitus est He also conquered Auuergne and thus much for his possessions in France and now to Ireland He twise inuaded that kingdome and by armes seconded with the letters of fauour of his good friend Pope Adrian an Englishman hee brought the discording Princes there to submit theyr differents and their tytles to him and so obtained the possession of the Isle And as for those parts partyes in this our great Britain viz of Engl. Scotl. and Wales which did not acknowledge his souerainty hee reduced them in good time to the ancient subiection and obedience which they owed to the British Saxon kings his progenitors The Welshmē in their stories acknowledge this in their loyalty dueties as the English liuely expresse it euery day But for the other if any doubt be made G. Neuburgensis veridicus autor as Polidore Vergill obserueth him will thus satisfie him speaking of this K. Henry of Dauid K. of Scots his prisoner being then both at Yorke Occurrit eirex Scotorum cum vniuersis regni nobilibus qui omnes in ecclesia beatissimi apostolorum principis regi Angliae tanquam principali domino hominium cum ligeantia id est solemni cautione standi cum eo et pro eo contra omnes homines rege
To weare a wreath of ech tree in the wood Wise valiant iust in briefe indued with all Vertues Christian and heroicall 20. To him his neighbour potentat's shall bend The Polare princes shall his vassalls bee Afrik and Iude to him shall pręsents send Aesteeming those the happiest wights alone Which league contract with him or amitee Fortunes dearling Pieties champion Successor and heire in all by right To great King Artur Iesu's faithfull knight 21. Thus said the King the Prophet and the God Which I must credit as my blest beleefe And here he made his parting Period But that thou may'st the better bear away This Oracle I will declare in briefe What worthies haue bene graç'd vnto this day By bearing branches of this happy tree As diuers haue and hearken now to mee 22. You see Damaetas that the Gods decree Admitts but one to weare the complet ghirland But some whose fame hath scal'd a high degree May beare a branch and some a chappelet Th' Empress Matilda's sonne who conquerd Irland The greatest Britanne King which hath beene yet Must by good right now lead this royall band Of the triumphant worthies of this land 23. A prince form'd of the true imperiall mould Hee was as valorous as politike Hee could well win what he wan could hould And fortune follows such men in their traine Westria was his he rul'd in Armorike And raignd in Albion and in Aquitaine In breef a soueraign hee did raigne and rule From Pyren mountaines to the frozen Thule 24. With slipps of Broome he decked next his cap Whose valiant zeale whose chiualry diuine Made in the pagan kingdomes such a gapp As all the Christian hosts mought enter in He tooke Acon and Ioppe in Palaestine And did besides the realme of Cyprus win He warr'd with men and slew the Austriak Lyon And made a peace with GOD and went to Zion 25. Next rides king Ion to whom stout Caledoun Solemly vow'd to be loyall leege-man To him the King and heyrs of his Crowne And by his auspices the Brabant Knight From rebell Lords their ile of refuge wan By him great Themses bridge so exquisite Which did before in woodden modells lurke Became of Europe the most stately woorke 26. Then comes his sonne with other architects Not to build Babels and Castles in the ayre But hee a holy house for GOD proiects The which he doth at Westminster performe A temple high magnificent and faire A princely pile as well for vse as forme And shall remaine to all posterity A glorious tropheè of his piety 27. Now add the foremost two which bore his name Who of the saint desguis'd a ring receaued To th' one some giue a Hammer for surname Bycause he bruis'd Gaiothel in his wroth And him of Iacobs stone and chaire bereaued But Iacob soone shall repossesse them both Th' other Edward the templars did expell Of whom I can no more say to say well 28. Behold him next who in a doome supreme Pouuoir aboue an Estre did aduance For he was offred Coesars diademe But follow'd boons forbod and downe anon Cuts with his mothers sword the flowrs of France and plants them in his fields of Albion And puts them in his royall Lions guard For so quoth he Dieu mon droit award 29. Right gentile too was that conceit of his When hee the Garters order did ordaine A noble pledge of princely grace it is Happy are they which therewith gird their knee Thrise happy hee and ay so may remaine Who doth protect both that and them and hee Which saith not so ill come to him and worse Then Hōni soit qui mal y pense's curse 30. Philipp the famous Macedonian Had not a sonne of higher worth then hee For where the prince black Edward went hee wann This honors comete first did faire appeare At Crecy field which Nauaret did see After more bright then Mauors in his sphere But Poitiers cheifely where hee tooke King Ioan For there a double victory he wann 31. Two Richards more succeed the one a Prince Whose goodly presence men to woonder moued And was as bountifull as any since Fame hath been sharp to th' other yet bicause All accusations of him are not proued And hee built Churches and made good law's And all men held him wise and valiant Who may deny him then his Genest plante 32. But Henry Bolinbrook me thinks dooth frowne That Glo'ster here should next to Burdeaux come Bycause he from his cousin tooke the crowne Mistake not Henry for by right for neither Of yee in these triumphall car's is roome But best of all ye may be match'd together Yet doo I grant thou wert a princely Knight And patrone of the bloody rose by right 33. But to thy sonne the Dolphins strange repeyre Swimming in post vp to the royall port Foretold that hee was born the Lillies heire This signe was soon by sequels verified Dolphin hee was by right or swords effort And he in France victorious liu'd and died Whom Azincourt so nobly did receaue At Vincienne parke of all he takes his leaue 34. Henry his sonne surnamed of Windlesore Who was in London and in Paris crowned Most worthily a Plant of Genest bore But not by scepters sole his praise began His christian vertues made him most renowned For he was deem'd a very holy man And had been made a Saint and long since shrin'd But that the vice-saint maker was vnkind 35. I must omitt that proud Plantagenet Who in high parlament the king defi'de But I may not his gallant sonne forget Who twice did winne the royall gole by armes And was the father of the happiest bride That euer Camber compassd in his armes She made the losse the lighter of that sonne Whose raigne then ended as it was begonne 36. She and her Richmont on'd by sacrament Refus'd the golden offer of Colône Foreseeing that the riches and the rent Would hardly counteruaile the keepers care And had besid's a secret reed that one Who should hereafter set in Arturs chaire Should fetch the fleece when he occasion saw And hold the golden monark in his awe 37. This Richmont was a very prudent prince And therefore was surnamed Solomon The world hath seen great works accōplish'd since Which were proiected by this Theodore This man of GOD did happily atone The ciuil feud which long had been before Betwixt the Rose which first grew in the wood And that which Venus colour'd in hir blood 38. These happy Plants haue ouerspreed this I le By Henry and more fruitfull Margaret But Henry's branches florish'd but a while She is the roote of the immortall seed Whence Iames the wise a new Plantagenet did spring and was hir father who did breed The great Polystephane as shall appeere When they are past which come