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A54672 The original and growth of the Spanish monarchy united with the House of Austria extracted from those chronicles, annals, registers, and genealogies that yeild [sic] any faithful representation how the houses of Castile, Aragon and Burgundy became knit and combin'd by Thomas Philipot ... Philipot, Thomas, d. 1682. 1664 (1664) Wing P1998; ESTC R2459 116,519 274

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animated in that design by Soria who so managed and improved their increasing Hopes with Conquests and augmentation of Territory that about the year 870. he undertook the Command of Lord of Biscay and from him did the Title and Estate by the steps of several descents passe down to his Successor Lopez Diaz the third the first who assum'd to himself the Sirname of Haro borrowed from a Town of that name of that Foundation and from him did it descend to his Successor Nugno de Lara vvho determined vvithout Issue so that his tvvo Sisters and Coheirs Jean and Isabel vvere entitled to his Inheritance but vvere defrauded of the Possession by the forcible Intrusion of Pedro King of Castile Ferdinand the younger Son of Ferdinand de la Cerda King of Castile Matched vvith Jean Nugna the Edest of these tvvo Sisters and from this Conjunction Issued Jean Manuell espoused to Henry the second King of Castile likevvise and he had Issue John vvho vvas invested also vvith the Diadem of that Kingdome and he in Right of his Mother vvas planted in the Propriety of Biscay and from him did it devolve to his Successor Henry the fourth King of ●●●tile vvho dying vvithout Issue it came to confess the Title of his Sister and Heir Isabella vvho by Matching vvith Ferdinand King of Aragon placed the Propriety of it amongst those Flovvers vvhich adorned his Diadem vvhere it hath been so permanent and fixed that though several Revolutions have intervened in this Family yet still it acknovvledges it self to be an Appendage to the Crovvn and Scepter of Philip the fourth novv King of Spain GUIPUSCOA AS for the Fortunes of Guipuscoa they had this Aspect as they stood in their posture towards the Rest of Spain First the Vascones then the Cantabri subdivided into the Marbogi Caristi and other petty Colonies above-mentioned enjoyed the Possession of this Track and for sometime were disseised of the Propriety of it by the Invading Romans but having vindicat●● their Interest from their Encroachments they were at last forced to bow to the Dominion of the Goths and from them was it torne by the Moors and being again rescued from their Slavery by the Kings of Navarre it was link'd to that Kingdome and remained a Member of that Crown untill it was wrung from Sancho the sixth King of Navarre by Alfonso the first King of Castile about the Year 1079. by whom it was entrusted to the Managery and Sway of Lopez Diez de Haro Lord of Biscay But after the Decursion of some Time it was again upon following Capitulations surrendred to the Kings o● Navarre to whose Scepter it continued fastned untill the Year 1200. when the People of Guipuscoa having by a just and equal Resentment tasted of both Governments and rellishing that of Castile better than that of Aragon they by a voluntary Resignation bowed their Heads to the Command of Alfonsus the fourth King of Castile who without the least Decision of the Sword received this Country into a full Subjection and left it thus setled and confirmed to his Successor● the Kings of Spain in whose Demeasne and Revenue the Seignory of it is yet constantly treasur'd up GALLICIA GALLICIA or Gallaecia is bounded on the East with Leon on the South with Portugall from which it is separated by the River Minio on the North with the Cantabrian Ocean and on the West with the Atlantick The Ancient Inhabitants were the Gallaeci whence it assumed its Name broken into the several Tribes of the B●dyi Su●ri Cilini Capori and Lemavi It was one of the last Provinces which resigned themselves up to the Power of the Romans encouraged to this Noble Defence and asserting of their Liberties by that Chaine of Cantabrian Mountains with which this Country is almost interlaced out of which Consideration it was selected as a Refuge or Sanctuary by those afflicted Christians who groaned under the Conquest of the Moors It was in Times of an Elder Inscription a Limb of Hispania Tarraconensis after it swelled it self into the Estimate of a Province and had the Name of Gallicia imposed upon it being augmented with the Asturia's and some part of Portugall and the Old Castile In the Eclipse of the Roman Power the Suevi a warlike Nation of Germany accompanying the Vandals and Alani in their Eruptions invaded Spain and atchieved the Conquest of this Province But not satisfied with their new Acquists they assaulted the Silings a Collateral Tribe of the Vandalls then invested in the Possession of Boetica whom they subdu'd and by a successful Province extorted that Province from them animated to this Conquest by the presence of Richila their second King They not long after improved their Victories by the Addition of Lusitania but their farther progresse was intercepted by Theodorick the second King of the Goths by whom they were discomsited and shut up within the Recesses of Gallicia which they enjoyed untill their final Suppression and Subversion by L●u●igild King of the Goths about the Year 858. and then this Province was linked to the Gothish Scepter In Times subsequent to this it was incorporated into the Kingdome of Leon being Conqueted by retaile and in pieces from the Intruding Moors by the Kings of that Province It was first erected into a Kingdome by Alfonso the third sirnamed the Great Anno 886. and given to Ordogno his second Son who upon the Decease of his Elder Brother Garcia was entitled to the Crown of Leon likewise and so Gallicia became once more united to Leon but so as by particular Compact it was beheld as an independent distinct Realme of it self But this Connexion was not very permanent for in the Year 955. the Gallicians resenting with regret the ill Government of Raymir the third elected Veramund for their King who was Son of Ordogno the third and had the most manifest Title to the Diadem who being advanced to the Crown of Leon on the Death of Raymir once more incorporated the two Realms under one Scepter but it was torn off once more from Leon by Ferdinand King of Castile and Leon who gave it unto Garcia his youngest Son Anno 1067. But it was again reduced under the Sway and Dominion of Leon by Sancho eldest Son to Ferdinand above mentioned by whom the Forces of Garcia were broken and he himself made Captive in the Year 1081. never since broken off from Leon and Castile but when Leon was rent from Castile being still involv'd with Leon in those Distinctions till that dis●nion of Leon and Castile was sodered together and Cimented in the Person of Ferdinand the second in the Year 1230. And being thus entwined they are by Successive Descent brought down to confesse the Diadem of Philip the fourth now King of ●Spain CORDUBA CORDUBA as it stood when it vvas by Conquest rent from the Moors by the Spaniards vvas thus environed On the Fast it vvas contiguous to Murcia and the Mediterranean on the West to Portugal and the Ocean on the
the ancient Inhabitants of some part of it though others upon as possible Grounds assert it was extracted from the Catalauni an ancient People of Languedoc a Province of France divided by no considerable distance from this Province But the Affirmation of those is certainly the most proportionate to Reason who deduce it from Gotholonia which by depravation of Dialect and a more easie pronunciation was melted into Catalonia This Province having been adopted into the Name of Gotholonia by the Goths as having been one of the first Provinces of Spain on which that Nation made their violent and successeful Eruptions The ancient Inhabitants of this Province were the Castellani Auxitani Indigites Cosetani with part of the Ilercones and Jaccetani all of them Possessors of that distribution of Spain which was styled Hispania Tarraconensis but when the Glory of the Roman Empire began to suffer her Eclipse and umbrages and wand into a visible Declension this was rent from that great Body by the Alani who not long after were subdued and disseised by the Goths but when a general ruin was super-induc'd on Spain by the power of the Moors this sunk in that general Shipwrack and was forc'd to stoop to receive a yoke from the Hands of Infidelitie from them after many signal struglings it was rescued by the Magnanimity of Charles the Great who having reduced the City of Barcelona about the Year 801. settled it on one Bernard a Frenchman with the Title of Earl and he managed the Affairs of this Province for that Emperour as Gothofredus his Successor did for Lewis the Godly But Gothofredus Son to this Godfred having acted some exemplary Service which obliged Charles the Gr●● to some grateful acknowledgement he to expiate this Engagement made him Proprietary of it with this Limitation reserved that the Year of the Kings of France as was accustomed to be performed by his Predecessors should be Inscribed and used in all Records and Instruments of publique Cognisance and from him it was transported to his Grandchild Gothofred the Second who dying without Issue his Uncle Borellus entred upon the Possession of this Earldome and in his Line was it so successively fixed untill by an even Clew it descended to Raymond the Fifth who by Matching with Petronilla Daughter of Raymir the Second King of Aragon was by the Authority of that Alliance invested with the Diadem of that Kingdome and knit by a future Combination this Earldom to the Patrimony of that Scepter whose Successor was James the First King of Aragon and Lord of Catalonia for so the Records of Spain seem to insinuate his Style was used in Coins and other Inscriptions to whom St. Lewis King of France by Resignation and Surrender released that Vassalage and acknowledgement which was due from his Predecessors to the Diadem of France in the Year 1260. and this King James to ballance and poize the Merit of so great an Obligation by a proportionate Compensation at the same time devested himself by a general Release of all his Right and Title to Carcassan B●ziers Nismes and some other considerable pieces in France in Tim●● of el●er Inscription relating as Appendages to the Revenue of that Crown Thus have I represented in Landskip how Catalonia became twisted into the Demeasne and Royaltie of Aragon where it constantly reposed it self untill the Year 1638. and then that Defection from the Crown of Spain which was occasion'd by the Invasion of the Liberties of the Catalans as was pretended by the Spaniard though those pretences were improv'd inflam'd and aggravated by the Arts and cloudy Stratagems of Cardinal Richelieu having torn it off from that Scepter it was by the Inhabitants modelled and fashioned into the shape of a Common-wealth but with a Reservation that it should still be under the Patronage and shelter of the Crown of France and in this Capacity it remained untill the sucbesseful Sword of Don John of Austria the Marquiss of Cerra and the Marquiss of Mortara so vigorously asserted the Interest of Spain that they wrung all Catalonia from the hands of the French and although this Nation by the concurrent Aid of the Catalans did retrive Puycerda Castiglione and some other pieces from the Spaniard yet the more principal part of Catalonia doe●●et after all these vast Concussions acknowledge no other Scepter but that which is swayed by the Hand of Philip the Fourth King of Spain ARAGON ARAGON is fettered in on the East with the Land of Roussillon and the Pyrenean Hills on the West the two Castiles on the North Navarre on the South and South-East Catalonia and some part of Vanlentia The ancient Inhabitants were the Celtiberi who spread themselves over a very considerable part of Spain styled Hispania Tarraconensis but originally had their Rise and Extraction from the Celtae an ancient People of France who being clogg'd and surcharg'd with superfluity of People advanced over the Pyrenean Hills and mingled with the Iberi the old Possessors of Aragon yet there were other Inhabitants of lesse importance as namely the Jaccetani the Lacetani with some part of the Editani and Ilergetes or Ilurcones that had their Concernment in this Province and thrived under the protection and shadow of the Nobler Colonies And in this posture it remained until the Carthaginians endevouring to enlarge their Territories made it bow to their Government but here it had not long been resident when the power of the Romans growing paramount to theirs it was forced to submit to the more predominant strength of that Empire and to their Interest it was subservient untill it was ravished away by the prevailing Arms of the Goths whose Acquists here attended the Fate of Spain and was surrendred to the Moors in that publique Calamitie which was complicated with their Conquest But about that time when the Foundations of the Kingdomes of Leon and Navarre were established one Aznarius a Person of an unbroken Courage disdaining any longer to lye panting under that load of Slavery which the Moors had cast upon him disengaged himself of the pressure and by many generous Conflicts with the Moors wherein he exhibited many Symptomes of an inexpugnable Courage he invested himself in the Possession of some Lands on the Banks of the River of Aragon but because he found his Power was too infirm and crazie to support his new Acquists without some collateral supply he put himself under the Protection of the King of Navarre about the Year 775. And that Monarch both to excite and cherish so worthy a Vertue with some exemplary Guerdon dignified him with the Title of Earl of Aragon and from him it devolved by Descent to his Lineal Successor Fortunio Ximines in whom the Male Line determined so that Fortunio the Second King of Navarre in Right of his Mother Urraca who was his Sister and Heir was entitled to Aragon supported by this Alliance annexed this Province to Navarre and from him the Clew of Descent transmitted it to Sancho the Great
Hungars a People of Scithia wandering in Sarmatia Europaea and not tied or fixed to any certain abode to his support and Assistance and they so generously crushed the Attempts and repulsed the Assaults given to the Emperour and his Armies that to reward so signal and generous performances Arnulphus Invested them in the Possession of Pannonia and by a grateful elevation advanced Casala their Leader to the Title of Duke of this Province and he to perpetuate to Posterity the Memory of this Magnificent Donation discarded the Ancient Name of Pannonia and imposed that of Hungary an Appellation extracted from the People above mentioned upon it and from him it came down to his great Grandchild Stephen the fourth Duke of Hungary in whom that Title ceased and was improved to the more eminent Dignity of King which Office by the transmission of Descent passed along to his Successor Stephen the fourth of that Name King of Hungary and he determined in Mary his sole Heir who by Matching with Charles the I ame Son of Charles K. of Naples linked the Crown of Hungary to his Patrimony and in his Descendant Line it resided until the Scepter of this Kingdome came to be grasped by his Successor Ludovicus or Lewis who concluding in Daughters and Coheirs Mary the eldest being Wedded to Sigismund the Emperour brought this Crown about the Year 1387. to acknowledge his Scepter and Seignory and he left Issue Elizabeth Daughter to them two and she by Espousing Albert of Austria planted the Crown of Hungary on his Temples and from him it devolved to Elizabeth his Daughter by this Alliance who was Affianced to Ladislaus the second Son of Casimir the fourth King of Poland who in her Right was justly entitled to the Hungarian Diadem and left it to his Son Ladislaus or Lewis infortunately slain at the Battel of Mohats by the Turks about the Year 1526. upon whose Decease without Issue Ferdinand Brother to Charles the fifth in Right of Anne his Wife who was Sister and Heir to Lewis above-said was Invested with the Crown of Hungary and from him the Scepter of this Kingdom was transported by the Devolution of several Descents to Ferdinand the third Emperour of Germany who upon his late Decease hath left it to be weilded by his Son and Heir Leopoldus Ignatius who now is placed on the Hungarian Throne Croatia CROATIA is bounded on the East with Bosnia on the West with Carniola on the South with Contado di Zara anciently Named Liburnia on the North with Windischland The Reason why the Name was imposed is not obvious in Authours only it is generally asserted it was fixed on it by the Sclaves when they made their first Eruption on this Country when they disseised the Goths who supplanted the Romans who had before rooted out and dislodged by several multiplied Conquests the ancient Inhabitants call'd the Liburni and Illyrij mingled with some allay of the neighbouring Nations or rather Colonies of the Japodes the Scirtari the Mazai the Peruistae the Derrij Ceraunij Daursii Vardae Siculotae Sardiotae and others of more despicable Estimate But long the Sclaves had not setled in this Province but their Disorders unsetled them for by their Mutinies and Rebellions against their Governours which concluded still in their slaughter and Ruin they fill'd the State with Anarchie and Vicissitude and were never calm or fixed until the several Tribes to allay this Distemper had Princes who succeeded one another in a more Regular Method under the Title of Kings of Croatia and in this Capacity it remained until the Year 970. when having worried and harrassed their Neighbours by Pyracies and other acts of Devastation the Venetians inflamed by these Affronts to expiate their Depredations with a just Revenge in several Conflicts so embased and retrench'd their Power that Zelamirus the last King Deceasing without Issue bequeathed the Kingdome to his Wife and she by a willing Donation transferr'd her Interest to her Brother Ladislaus the Saint King of Hungary so that it hath had its Title ever since so involved and wound up in the Fate and Fortune of Hungary that by Ann the Sister and Heir of K. Lewis who perished in the Ruin of the Battel of Mohatz it accrued to Ferdinand the first Emperour of Germany and from him by the Traverses of several Descents did it passe along untill at last it is now come to confess the Soveraignty of Leopoldus Ignatius now Emperour of Germany VVindischland VVINDISCHLAND is chained in on the East with part of the lower Hungary on the West with Carniola or Karnt on the North with the River Dravus on the South with Croatia It was anciently esteemed a Limb of Pannonia Inferiour as in more modern Times a parcell of the Province of Savia The ancient Inhabitants were the Winithi or Vendi who being swallowed up in the frequent mixtures of their Confining Neighbours the Sclaves were esteemed a Branch of that Powerful and spreading Nation but still to preserve the Name of their first Original the Denomination of Windischland was imposed on this Province which since by the Sale and conveyance above mentioned made by Zelamirus to Uladislaus the Saint hath been so linked with Croatia that as it hath had still the same Successours so at this instant it owns no other Scepter but that of Leopoldus Ignatius now Emperour of Germany FINIS