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A47247 The late history of Europe being a narration of all remarkable actions and other various affairs, both civil and military, that have happened in the several kingdoms and republicks : from the Treaty at Nimiguen in anno 1676 to the conclusion of the late peace at Res-Wick in September 1697 : which makes up a history of one and twenty years : accuratly and succinctly abridg'd / by Captain David Kennendy. Kennedy, David, Captain. 1698 (1698) Wing K290; ESTC R13952 122,066 192

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and the Court Treasurer about midnight to attack them himself following with the whole Army the Marshal accordingly attacks them and totally routed them An. 1687. taking above three Hundered Prisoners soon after the two main Bodies advanced and Engadged and after a short Fight The Tartars were routed and fled leaving a great many sl● in and many taken prisoners but not without loss on the Poles side several Officers and persons of Quality being killed particularly the Palatin Podos●ker after this the King Marched homewards and in this expedition acquired no great applause CHAP. XII Anno 1687. SECT 1. Sect. 1 We left off Affaires in England last year taking notice of the Kings kindnes to his Roman Catholick Subiects in Scotland England by his Letter to the Council in their Favours but now follows a more Generall Act of his to that end Tolleration of Religion for on the 12th of February he Issues out his Proclamation for a Tolleration of Religion unto all But for all this his trusty Tirconnill now cheife Governour in Jreland would scarce allow the benesite of this Proclamation to the Protestant Subjects there for he Succeeding the Noble Earl of Clarenden exerted his Authority to the hight Tirconnels proceedings in Ireland in his Proclamation the letter end of February he promised to defend the Laws Liberty and Established Religion yet he left out the preservation of the Act of Settlment and explanation resolving speedily to repossesse the Irish of their forfeited Estares The King goes on without any stop in making Popish Judges And King James's in England Justices Magistrats and deputy Leivrennants all England over The privy Council is filled up with Papists Popish Schools Encouraged in London and through all the Kingdom and four Forreign Popish Bishops as Viccars apostolical are allowed in Ecclesiatickal Jurisdiction over all England and Wales And further the Earl of Castlemain is sent Embassador to Rome to Tender the Kings Obedience to the Holy Apostolical See Earl of Castlmain sent Embaslador to Rome with great hopes of extirpating the Northern Pestilent Heresie in a short time And to secure the dispensing power Tirconnel sends him over a considerable Detachment of Irish Papists to strengthen his Army who are now become intollerably insolent SECT 2. Sect. 2 In Hungary this Campaign Hungary The Imperial Army Consisted of sixty two Thousand nine Hundred Fighting Men a third part whereof was to Act in upper Hungary under the Duke of of Bavarta Duke of Lorrain marches towards Esseck a nother third part in lower Hungary under the Duke of Lorrain and the third on the Frontiers of Cr●a●ta under General Dunewald The whole Army Rendevouzed near Barkin where the Duke of Lorram arrived on the thirteenth of May on the seventeenth of June the Duke of Lorrain advanced towards Esseck continuing there about for near three Weeks without any Considerable Action on the thirteenth of July he passed the Drave Passes the drave where the Duke of Bavaria Joyned him with his Forces as Dunewald had done a Week before with three or sour Thousand of his party so as a review of the Army being taken it was found to consist of fifty five Thousand Men. The Duke being informed that the Grand Visier with near eighty Thousand Men was Encamped near Mohatz repassed the Drave and Marched towards him the Dukes Army being Joyned on his March with eight Thousand Swabian Troops so he came near to Mohatz on the 29 of July where he spent some days indeavouring to draw the Turks to a Battle and finding them to decline an ingadgement he made a show of retireing towards Syclo● on purpose to draw them after him which had the wished effect for the Grand Vasier being animated with the Dukes Retreat on the 12 of August advanced and ordered ten Thousand Spaht's and five Thousand Janisaries to attack the Imperialists left Wing which they did with great furie but were bravely repulsed by General Dunewald Turks defeated at Mohatz 16000 killed and so both Armies intirely engadged the Turks observing better order in that Bartle then ever formerly the Fight continued for a long time with great courage on both sides But by little and little the Turks began to loss ground and at last took themselves to open flight The Christians persued closs and entered pel mel with them in their very Camp making a horrible slaughter in which Action the Christians lost not above seven Hundered Men but of the Turks there were killed on the spot and drowned in the Morasses and River few less then sixteen thousand The Christians got a very rich Booty in their Camp with a Hundered and sixteen peice of Cannon The Duke of Bavaria had for his share the Grand Visiers Tent which resembled a Castle for bulk enriched wi●h Gold Pearles and Precious stones he got also all the I late Jewels and forty thousand Du●kats in Cash Butschin yealded From Mohatz the Duke detached General Dunewald with Forces to attack Butschin which lay between the Drave and the Save to which he laid Seige the 11th of September and followed it so vigorously as on the 14th the Aga who Commanded surrendered at discretion this strong Fortress being gained brought above a Hundered Villages about it under Contribution it covered Virovitz● and hindered the Turke of sending any succours to Sigeth and Camsia Esseck abandoned by the Turks The Garison of Ess●ck being allarum'd and daunted with the lofs of this Important place abandoned it on the 29th of September which General Dunewala hearing of sent Count de Lodion with a detachment thither who entered the same without any opposition finding in it fifty two peices of Cannon four Mortars and a vast quantity of Ammunition and other provisions After this the Turks surrendered Walpo at discretion and abandoned Possega the Capital City of Sclavon●a and some other smal Garisons Transilvanta revolts To return to the Duke of Lorram he understanding that Abafit Prince of Trans●invama had declared in favour of the Port notwithstanding of his Treaty made with the Emperour about the 15th of September passed the Theysse and Marched his Army directly towards Transilvama which he presently reduced under the Emperours Obedience and concluded an advantagious Treaty with Prince Abasts and the States of Transilvama Reduced by Lorrain And from thence he went to Presburg the Capital City of upper Hungary where the Emperour then was and who by this time had so settled all Affaires with the States of the Countrey Joseph Arch Duke elected King of Hungary and crowned as they were willing to accept of Arch-Duke Joseph the Emperours eldest Son for their King whose Coronation was performed on the 9th of December following with the greatest Pompe and Solemnity To all this good success is added the surrendry of Agria to Count Caraffa Agri● surrendered which was kept by Rustem Basha and four thousand Turks who were starved out of it only by
places of prosite and trust are Immediatly taken from him And soon after the Duke of York is sent down High Commissioner into Scotland Duke of York goes to Scotland Well the Parliament in England meeting the seventeen of October as was ordered by the King The first Compliment they met with The Parliament proroged 5 times in one year was a prorogation to the twenty sixt of January and from thence to the fifth of April 1680. and from thence to the seventeenth of May and again to the first of July and again to the twenty first of October graciously declaring they should then sit and do business The whole Nation being deeply greived with these strange proceedings especially that of hindering the Parliament to sit several Addresses were made by three or four Counties Addresses from several Counties to the King but all rejected humbly beseeching his Majesty to case them of their greivances but no satisfactory answer was given nor to be expected Things going on at this rate in England and the Duke ruleing all as he pleased in Scotland there could be no serious prosecution of the Popish Hot nay it was so ridiculed by Estrange The Plot ridiculed and others of the Court party as indifferent men began to doubt if any such thing was or no. While in the mean time the Popish Faction began to trump up a new Plott upon the dissenters King Charles finding himself weak at home King Charles makes Alliance with Holland and indeed having made himself so thought it necessary to strengthen himself by some Foreign Alliance And to that end sends Mr. Henry Sidney now Earl of Rumney Embassador to Holland to propose to the States the making a Treaty of Guarranty for the Peace Concluded at Nimeguen The French King hearing of this earnestly indeavours to defate the design and by his Embassador Monsieur D'avaux then resident in Holland proposes an Alliance with them the same being moved at the same time by Monsieur Colbert to the States Embassador in Paris Mr. Sidney gives in a Memorial against this motion with many insinuating Arguments which was answered by Count D'avaux but in more threatening Tearms The States haveing weighed the Arguments on both sides in the Scales of security and interest at last the ballance was cast in favour of England all the Provinces unanimously agreeing thereto except Gronningen and Ommelands who inclined more to the French but being over-ruled by plurality of votes Alliance with England is Concluded The Dauphing Married to the Duke of Bavaria sister The French King failing in this project proposes Alliance with the Duke of Bavaria by Marrying the Dauphin to the Dukes sister which is agreed on and soon-after Consummated SECT 2. Sect. 2 In February 1680. The Emperor and Empyr by several Letters and Memorials acquainted the dyet at Rattibone The Emperour complains of the French Kings breach of the late Treaty that they found themselves aggrieved that the French had already Contraveened the Peace in no less then twelve Material Particulars and that quite contrary to all the Treaties both of Westphaita and Nime●u●n And the dyet Examining the matter fully and finding it to be so intreated the Emperor in behalfe of himself and the Empyr by his Letters or Embassie to require reparation of the same from the French King But for all these Remonstrances he was so far from giving the proposed Satisfaction as he began to enlarge his limits in Alsatia And soon after a paper was published as was pretended by the French King bearing that in case the Dauphin were chosen King of the Romans most of the Towns detained from the Emperor should be restored that ane Army of sixty Thousand French should be maintained in Hungary against the Turks without any Charge to the Empyre and a Considerable Fleet should be imployed against the Turks towards the Dardanello's with many other plausible propositions but these being little taken notice of the French King incroaches severely on the Prince Palatine which makes the Emperor and Empyr complain in every Court where there was any hope of releif particularly the States of Holland were solicited to Employ their b●st Offices at the French Court that these Contraventions might cease and be abolished but the States finding that notwithstanding all the French Kings Caressess and fair promises that their addresses to him in behalfe of the King of Spain their Alli● had taken so little effect they thought it needless to expect any better s●ccesse in this and therefore they made no progress in it Flanders and Italy allarmed by the French Nor was i● Germany only that thought her self Injured for in the Spring the French made incursions in the province of N●mu● possessing themselves of above fourty villages and the Princes of Italy were Allarmed also by the French Troops marching to take Possession of Cass●l sold by the Duke of Mantua to the French King for four Millions of Livers SECT 3. Sect. 3 About this time King Char●es makes an Alliance with Spain as he had done with Holland And at the sitting of the Parliament which was on the twentieth first of October 1●80 As he had formerly promised he desires Money of them for the releif of Tan●●er and that they should not medle with the Succession of the Croun but to proceed to the discovery of the Hot and Tryal of the Popish Lords Bill of Exclusion by the house Commons The Parliament taking this into Consideration and finding no expedient for securing of the Protestant Religion while the Duke of York had any Prospect of the Crown they resolve on a Bill for his Total Exclusion which passed in the House of Commons the eleventh of November 1680. The bill of Exclusion is so universally known in these Kingdomes as I thought it but needless to insert it here Rejected by the Lords The Bill being presented to the House of Lords was by them rejected and after the first Reading a vote passed that it should not be allowed a second Reading which gave it such a dash as the House of Commons did not farther insist on it Lord Stafford executed And then the Parliament pr●ceeded to the Tryal of the Lord Stafford who being convicted was Executed on the seventh of December 1680 The next thing they fell on was the prosecuting and displaceing all Abhorrers of petitioning the King for the meeting of the Parliament the Chief of those were Sir Francis Withens Sir George Jeff●●yes Recorder of London Sir Thomas Iones a Judge of the Kings Bench Sir Richard Westone a Barron of the Exchequer and Sir Francis North Chief J●st●ce of the Common pleas who for his good service in Sentenceing to Death Steven Colledge at Oxford had the great Seal of England Committed to his Custody As to the Kings demand of Money for releife of Tangie● The Commons refuse m●ney to the King or what ever pretended occasion the Parliament altogether declined it giving in many
Wounded Men to be Hang'd and that with the Solemnity of Trumpets Drums and Bag-pipes making a noise all the time of their Execution And after all this Alerman Cornish a Worthy Honest Citizen of London is Apprehended Arraign'd Condemn'd Mr. Cornish Executed and Executed and that for no other Cause Realy but that being Sheriff of London at the Discovery of the Popish Plot he had appeared Active in prosecuting the Conspirators and this was the Demonstration of the Kings Clemency and tenderness towards his People which he so fairly promised first to the Privy Council and soon after to the Parliament SECT 3. Sect. 3 All things going so fair on in England with the King he begins to take Ireland under consideration and in the first place he begins to turn out some Eminent Protestant Officers as the Lord Shannon Captain Robert ●itzgerald Captain Richard Coot and Sir George St. George all Captains of Horse and fills up these Vacancies with Popish Officers Then he calls over the Duke of Ormond Collonel Talbot sent to Enland to no other end then that by divesting him of the Government of that Kingdom he might make way for the advancement of his darling Richard Talbot a bigot Papist whom he first makes a Collonel of Horse and afterwards Lord Deputy and General of all his Forces in Ireland and creats him Earl of Tirconnel who being cloathed with this Grandour and Power He disbands Protestants began presently to Exereise it he Disbanded whole Companies and Troops at once stripping them of their Cloaths and depriving them of their Horses and Accutrements all which they had payed for he turn'd off two or three hundered Protestant Officers And makes up the Army of Irish Papists many of Whom had purchassed their Commissions at a dear rate and in a short time turned out of the Army Five or Six thousand Protestant Souldiers most part of whom went a Begging and formed the Army entirely of Irish Papists with a mixture of some few French Officers all Papists King James being elated and animated with his Success hitherto The Kings speech to the Parliament in November 1685. both in England and Ireland and finding his Parliament so plyable to all his desires in the last Session at their meeting in November 1685 he layes before them the necessity of Encreassing the Army and of a continual standing Force to defend Him and the Nation from all attempts of their Enemies either abroad or at home and desires a supplie answerable to the necessary expence in that matter And in the next place he extolls the Loyalty and good services of many Popish Officers he had taken into the Army and declared plainly that he would not expose them to disgrace nor deprive himself of the benefite of their service if a new Rebellion should happen The Parliament taking thir motions into Consideration The answer of both houses the Lords Voted tho faintly and not unanimously that thanks should be returned to his Majesty for his Speech But the house of Commons went to work more Ingenuously and roundly for on the sixteenth of November they addrest the King That finding his Majesty not fully satisfied with the Militia in the late troubles they would take care to make them more usefull for the future but not on word of Encreassing the Army and for the Popish Officers they were preparing a Bill for indemnifying them from the penalty they had incurred by Law but because the continuing them in the Army without ane Act of Parliament might be thought a dispensing power with that Law they humbly prayed he would be pleased to give such directions therein that no Jealousies might r●main in the hearts of his faithful Subjects The consequent of this address was The Parliament dissolved ●ust a prorogation and then a dissolution of the Parliament And so the King is left at liberty to persue his designs by such methods as he thought fit SECT 4. Sect. 4 Tho it be a long stept From En●land to Hungary yet thither we go to enquire how affairs went there this last campaign Hungary On the the thirteenth of June 1685. The Duke of Lorrain arrives at the Imporial Camp Newheusel beseiged by Lorrain between Newheusel and Barkan where the Seige of Newheusel is resolved on thither the Duke marches and on the eleventh of July the Trenches are opened and the Seige carried on with great resolution till the end of july the beseiged making obstinate resistance Duke of Lorrain marches to releive Gran beseiged by the Turks The Duke having certain advice that the Scrasquier Basha had Beseiged Gran with an Army of near sixty Thousand Men resolved to leave a sufficient body for carrying on the Seige and with the greatest part of the Army to march to the r●leise of Gran The Emperour approving this resolution on the first of August The Duke began his march towards Gran and on the fourteenth Encamped very near the Enemy The Turks beleiving the Christian Army to be not above twenty Thousand attached them with great furie but were so warmlie received as they were soon convinced of their mistake and repented of it tho to late The Turks totaly routed at Gran. The Imperialist pursues them hotly even to their Camp making great slaughter and without any stop drove them from their Camp and gave them a total overthrow In this action the Turks lost sour Thousand Jamsaries and two thousand Spah's their Baggadge and all their Artillery being twenty three prices of Cannon and four Mortars The Christians lost not above an Hundered Men and of them no person of Note Vicegarde taken by the Turks But while the Serasquier lay before Gran where he lost near three Thousand in the attaches he detach't a partie to Vicegrade which after a whiles brave defence was forced at last to surrender carrying off their Arms and Baggage and came safe to the Imperial Army This small loss was a boundantly Compensed with the gaining the strong Garison of Newheusel which was thought invincible Newheusel taken by storme by the Duke of Croy and Caprara for the General Caprara and the Duke of Croy who commanded the Forces left at the Seige by the Duke of Lorrain having by great application and industry made their approaches so near as their Cannon had made a breach in one of the Bastions so broad that three Men might enter a breast resolved on a general Assault the next day being the ninteenth of August which accordingly was performed and carryed on with such incredible Resolution that notwithstanding the Vigorous resistance made by the Defendants they rushed into the Town and put all to the Sword only Hassan Basha who was ill wounded and ten Officers were saved They found in the Town seveny five peices of Cannon besides a great quantity of Warlike provisions This great loss of the Turks moved the Serasquier Ipradim to wri●e to the Duke of Lorrain offering some
might be published which was done At St. James's about Sixty Peers Sign'd an Association and meeting with the Commons at Westminster on the 25. of December they Sign and present an Address to the Prince desiring him to take upon him the Administration of Affairs both Civil and Military till the Meeting of a Convention the 22d of January which he agreed to And so we conclude this Year with the Death of one of the most generous and bravest Princes in Europe An. 1689 Elector of Brandenburg his Death the Elector of Brandenburg who dyed the 10. of May the Sixty Ninth Year of his Age. CHAP. XIV Anno 1689 SECT 1. Sect. 1 The Convention of Parliament meeting the 22d of January fall presently to their work The Commons Vote the Throne Vacant and the first Vote passed in the House of Commons is as followeth Resolved That King Jame the 2d having endeavoured to subvert the Constitution of this Kingdom by breaking the Original Contract between King and People and by the Advice of Jesuites and other wicked persons having violated tho Foundamental Laws and having withdrawn himself out of this Kingdom hath Abdicated the Government and that the Throne is thereby Vacant Debeat about the word Abdicate This was sent up to the House of Lords who not liking the word Abdicated Erazed it and put in the word Deserted This alteration the Commons would on no terms allow This occasioned a stiffe debate between the Two Houses for several days at last on a inutnal conference held on the 5th of February the Lords agreed to the Vote in the first Terms Voted by the Commons The next thing taken into consideration WILLIAM and MARY Voted and Declared King and Queen was the Form of Government to be established and after Mature deliberation a Declaration is drawn up wherein all King James's Enormities and Miscarriages in Government are fully held forth for which Reasons and because of his Abdicating the Government the Throne is Vacant And finally It is resolved and finally declared that WILLIAM and MARY Prince and Princess of Orange shall be King and Queen of England with the Dominions thereto belonging dureing Their Lives and the Life of the Surviver of them And after their Deceases the Crown and Royal Dignity to be succeeded to by the Heirs of the Body of the said Princesse And for default of such ●ssue by the Princess Ann of Denmark and the Heirs of her Body And for default of such Issue to the Heirs of the Body of the said Prince of Orange And the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons do Pray the said Prince and Princess of Orange to accept of the same accordingly And that the Oaths hereafter mentioned be taken by all persons of whom the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy might be taken in Law in stead of them And that the said Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy be abrogated The Oath of Allegiance I A. B. Do sincerely Promise and Swear That I will bear Faith and true Allegiance to Their Maj●sties King WILLIAM and Queen MARY So help Me GOD. Oath of Abjuration I do Swear That I do from my Heart Abhor Detest and Abjure as Impious and Heretical this Damnable Doctrine and Position that Princes Excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or any Authority of the See of Rome may be deposed or Murthered by their Subjects or any other whatsoever And I do declare that no Forreign Prince Person Prelate State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction Power Superiority Preheminence or Authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this Realm Soon after the King and Queen are proclaimed and so take peaceable possession of the English Crown SECT 2. Sect. 2 A Convention of the States of Scotland met about this time and the Throne is declared Vacant there also Act of Recognition in Scotland and an Act of Recognition is drawn up which is so generally known as I need nor here repeat it Only the substance of it was to declare the now King and Queen of England c. to be King and Queen of Scotland also And the same Oath of Allegiance as was Sworn in England to be Sworn in Scotland also William and Mary declared King and Queen of Scotland This Act being past The Earl of Argyle Sir John D●lrymple and Sir Robert Montgomery of Skermurly are sent up Commission●rs and on the 11 of May tendered the Coron●tion Oath to Their Majesties who holding up their Right Hands repeated it word by word after the Earl And immediatly the Convention was turned into a Parliament Castle of Edinburgh surrendered On the 13. of June the Duke of Gordon Sur rendered the Castle of Edinburgh And on the 16 of July there was an Engagement between Major General Mckay Dundee killed and the Lord Dundee at Ki●licrankie where the former was defeated and the latter killed in the Field After whose Death King James's party dwindeled away doing nothing considerable thenceforth For soon after Leivtenent Collonel Cleland with the Earl of Augus's single Regiment engaged with near Four thousand of them at Dunkel and gave them an entire overthrow where the Leivtenent Collonel a very brave Man was unfortunatly killed SECT 3. Sect. 3 Tho matters went backward with King James's party in Scotland Tirconel was Active in Ireland Tirconel Active its Ireland leaving a great many Regiments of the Irish and with all possible Dilig●n●e Arming them and training them up in Martial Exercise to make them capable of Service when ever the late King should h●ve use for them The late King bemoaning his Ca●amity to the Emperour Craved his Assistance Who Answers him with many pertinent and reasonable Ex●uses Emperors Letter to the late King why he could not be serviceable to him at that time his circumstances being considered and withal gives him a modest but sharp Reprimand for the bad measures he had taken in putting his whole confidence in France and rejecting the offers of such Allies as would have been more freindly and faithfull to him But though the late King had small encouragement from the Emperour Ireland or any other Prince except the French King being informed of Tirconnels diligent endeavours in Ireland The late King goes to Ireland thither he goes with about a Thousand eight hundred French Auxiliaries and landed the 12 of March 1689. and found a great number in Armes for him and almost all the Countrey at his Devotion save a f●w in the North who for want of Encouragement and Aid from England were unable to make any considerable debeat and on the 14 of March were defeated by Livetenant General Hamilton at Drumore most of them flying to Londonderry and Inneskillin where they defended themselves with great Bravery till relieved by Collonel Kirks Arrival in the Lough where he lay seven or eight Weeks before he gave any relief to Londonderry being hindered as he alledged by cross Winds though a worse cause was
IV. The Most Christian King promises upon the Faith and Word of a King not to disturb the King of Great Brittain in the fice possession of all or any of His Kingdoms Dominions c. nor aid or assist any of the saids Kings Enemies who shall offer to disturb or n●olest Him directly or indirectly the King of great Brittain being engaged to perform the same Freindship to the Most Christian King V. That there shall be a free Commerce and Trade between the Subjects on all sides without any stop or molestation as their was formerly in time of Peace VI. That the Administration of Justice shal be restored and set up through all the Kingdoms of both Kings to which the Subjects of either may have recourse for reparation if any Damnage or In●thy shall be offered to them VII The saids Kings do mutually promise to deliver up to each other all Countries Islands Forts and Colonies wheresoever situated which were po●●est by either of them before the Declaration of this present War VIII Commissioners shall be appointed on both sides to adjust and determine the Pretensiions which either of the saids Kings hath to the places situated in Hud●ons-bay The saids Commissioners to meet in London within three Moneths and to determine the matter within six XI That all Letters of reprisal and marque shall be made null and void and shall not be granted hereafter by either of the saids Kings against the Subjects of the other unless it be first made manifest that right was required and denyed X. Provision is made for preventing any Disputes which may arise concerning the restitution of Ships Merchandises c. which either party may complain of ●aken and detain'd from the other in remo●e places after the Peace is concluded and before it be notified there XI That if by Imprude●ce● any Subject of either of the Kings shall commit any Act any where contrary to the present ●reaty that Act shall not infringe or make vo●d the said Treaty only the said person shall Answer for his own Fact and receive ●unishment for the same according to the custom and Law of Nations XII If War happen to break out again betwixt the two ●ings which God forbid t●e Goods of the Subjects on either side shall not be con●●scated or stop● but six Moneths shall be allowed for removing and carrying off the same XIII The Most Christian King promises in reality to the King of Great Brittain the ●rincipality of Orane● and all ot●er Lands and Dominions belonging to the said King conform to the separat Article of the Treaty of Nimeguen concluded between the Most Christian King and the States General of the united ●rovinces the 10th of August 1678 together w●th all the ●r●fits and Interest due to him ever since he was dispossessed of the same in t●e time of the War which was ended by the Trea●y of Nimeguen XIV The Most Christian King ratisies all the Articles made between him and the late Elector of ●r●nde●burgh at St Germans in Laye the 29th of June 1679. XV. He ratifies also the Treaty and Agreement made between him and his Highness the Duke of Savoy on the 9th of August 1660. XVI Both the saids Kings allow to be comprehended in this Treaty all who shall be named by either Party with mutual consent before the exchange of ratification or within six Moneths after Especially the Serene and Mighty Prince Charles King of Sweden sole Mediator in the Grand Treaty XVII And Lastly Both the foresaid Kings appoint that this agreement and Alliance made in due form shall be delivered on both sides and mutually and duly exchanged at the Royal Palace of Reswick in the P●ovince of ●olland within three Weeks from the day of the ●ubscription or sooner if it may be In ' Testimony whereof the former Articles were Signed by the English and French Embassadors and by the extraordinary Ambassador Mediator INDEX ABdicat debated in Parliament 77 Ackmet Sultan dyes 146 Addressis to King Charles 25 And Rejected Ib. Act of Parliament in England against a Pop●sh King and Qu●en 87 Act of Recognition in Scotland 79 Aeth taken by the French 157 Agria yeilded to Count Carassa 65 A brim Battle 114 Alba Regalis and Lippa yeilded to the Emperour 70 Alliance between the Emperour Pole and Venice 36 Altercations about the Basis of the Treaty at Reswick 159 Argyle Earl of convicted of high Treason 31 Makes his Escape 32 Lands in Scotland is taken and Beheaded in Edinburgh 45 He dyed piously Ib. Argos Battle 147 Asoph taken by the Ozar of Moscovie 157 Athlone taken by General Ginkle 113 Ausburg League 35 Auxiliaries Names for the Empe●our against the Turks 39 BAden Prince of takes Five Churches Syclos c. 57 Burns ●sseck Ib. Beates Count Teckley out of Transilvania 1●7 Comes to England 133 Ganonades the Fyench Camp at Newstad● 1●2 Barkan Batt●e 39 Bavaria El●ctress dyes 127 Belgrade taken by Storm by the Duke of Pavarid 71 Retaken by the Turks 107 Beseiged by the Duke of Croy 132 Berkley Lord of attaques Brest and comes off with loss 134 Bombards Deip c. 136 And St. Malo's 142 And Calais and St. Martins 152 Beverning adjusts the Peace with France 4 Censured for it 12 Bishop of London Suspended 53 B●shops Seven refused to Read King James's Declaration 69 They are Imprisoned tryed and acqu●tted Ib. Bill of Exclusion rejected by the House of Lords 27 Bonne taken by the Duke of Lorrain and Brandenburgh 84 Boyle Robert Esq dyes 127 Boyn Battle in Ireland 92 Brandenburgh Flector of his Letter to the French King 16 And to the States of Holland 18 His Death 77 Battle at Br●d 71 Bouster takes Cochein 83 Brussels b●mb'd by Villeroy 142 Butschin taken by Dunewald 64 Buda beseidged by Lorrain 41 Seidge raised lb. Bese●dged again by him and taken by Storm 56 C. CAlamburg Battle 38 Cambray Citadel yeilded to the French 3 Cambrun Battle 116 Carricksergus taken by the Duke of Schomberg 81 Carignan Battle 103 Carmagnola yeilded to the French 117 Retaken by P●●nce Fugine 118 Castlemain Earl of sent to Rome by Ring James 63 Castlenovo taken by General Cornaro 66 Catalonia Insurection 102 Catalonia a Conflict 152 Canissa yeilded to the Emperour 105 Casal yeilded 145 Cessation of Armes betwen France and the Confederates 6 Cessation between the Emperour and the Turks 60 Charles King joins with the Dutch 7 His new Councellors after the Popish Plot 22 Makes Allyance with the Dutch 25 His Death and Character 44 Charter of London made void 32 Charters of all Towns of England questioned 34 Charleroy yeilded to the French 131 Ciclut and Cobluch taken by General Delphino 138 Cochein taken by Bouslers 38 Col●●dge Steven Executed 31 Colo●n Elector made Prince of ●●●●●ge 135 Commission High by King James 35 Commons House voted the Crown vaccant 77 Com●● prodigious 29 Couinsmark defeats the Turks and takes new Novorino 59 Con●●ess at Nameguen 1 Cor●●th Sparia Athens taken by Mo●osini 67
the Ent●●nchments where they stood the Enemies Fire and charged in the same manner as the Foot which perhaps was hardly ever seen before they alighted from their Horses and passed the moat on the bodies of the sl●in M●n In the me●n time the Germans on the left wing cut off the Turks way to the Bridge whereon followed a most horrible slaughter A terri●le slaughter as well in the Trenches as upon the Bridge and a great many were drowned in the River endeavouring to escape the Sword the Germans giving no quarter no not to Basha's nor General Officers though they off●red gr●at ransoms for their Lives so eag●● the Sould●ers were on Hood from whence it came to pass so few were taken ●●isoners The Night put an end to the Battle The gallant Conduct of the Officers and the Courage of the Soldier cannot be express nor sufficiently praised But above all the great skill and dexterity of Prince Engenius is to be highly extolled who being far inferior to the Enemy in number was so critically watchful of his opportunity falling upon them whilst divided so as the one part could not relieve the other The Grandsignior fled in great consternation to Temeswaer being pursued thither by a Body of Horse within half a Mile of the Town A great many were killed in the next dayes pursuit The computation of the slain being at last made besides the Grandvisier the Aga of the J●nisaries Twenty seven Basha's and many other Officers there were said to be killed above Twenty thousand Men Grandvisier Aga and 27 Ba●ha's killed and Ten or Twelve thousand drowned in the Thy●sse Six thousand Wounded and but few taken ●risoners In the Camp they got the Grandsigniors Tent and all the rest 160 peices of Cannon 5●0 Drums as many Cullors 47 pair of Ket●le Drums Account of Men s●ain a Coach with six Horses wherein were Ten Women of the Seraglio All their Baggage and Provisions 6000 Wag●ns loaden with Amuniti●n c. 6000 Camels 6000 Horses 12000 Oxen And of the Spoil with a great number of other Rich Spoiles The Grandsigniors T●nt being valued at 40000 Florins Next Morning a Transilvanian Commissary brought to the ●rince the Grandsigniors Seal a curious peice of Workmanship which confirmed the Grandvisiors Death he being bound to cary the Seal always about his Neck This Victory was the more Glorious and happy to the Imperialists because they got it with the loss of so few Men as they did not so much as condescend upon a definite number The Battle was fought on the 13th of September 1697. The only unhappiness of the Imperialists was that this Victory fell so late in the year as they had not a convenient opportunity of following the blow and all they could do the short remainder of the Campaign was to make an incursion into Bosnia from whence they returned with a considerable Booty And so we shall return to make a Conclusion of the Negotiations of the Peace SECT 3. Sect. 3 About the time the late Treaty w●s Signed several Embassadors of the Alies Princes and States of the Empire waited upon our King at Loo where notwithstanding the Conclusion of the foresaid Treaties an Offensive and Defensive Alliance was whispered to be entered into or rather renewed between the Allies Here again the Emperours Embassadors begin to complain how they were injured by an immature Treaty To which it was Answered that it was much their own fault by delaying to put in their Complaints in time Emperors Embassadors sign the Peace whereto they had so often been advised and withal the thing being done it could not be done overagain So the Imperialists seing it in vain to complain applyed themselves to adjust the remaining points in controversie with France And after several altercations and fruitles strugles of the Imperialists at last they accorded and on the 30 of October being but 2 days before the time limited by France to accept her offers the Treaty was Signed The Protestant Princes m●ve for favour to the Protestants The particulars whereof if the Reader know them not or be curious to know ●e may find them as easily as these of the rest of the Confederats Towards the Conclusion of the Negotiation the Protestant Princes shewed their Zeal in moving earnestly by the Mediator that some favour should be shown and priviledges and Immunities granted to the Protestants of Stras●urg and other Cities of Allatia Took no Effect which belonged to the French King how the matter was managed amongst them is not well known but the motion was so little regarded as it took not the effect wish't for SECT 4. Sect. 4 My Author reflecting on the whole Negotiation and the Conclusion thereof and taking notice of the vast Concessions and Surrendre is the French King has made determines the advantages of the Peace very great on the Confederats side And so he returns to King William in Holland who stayed there till the whole work was perfected and having justly and Honourably payed off all the Forreign Troops who are now on their March towards their Respective Homes after the fatigue of this tedious War He returned to England and upon the 16 of November at the Citizens request he made his publick entry through London King William returns to England being attended by all the Men of quality in very great state And never in one day in all his Life His solemn Reception in London saw so many People and all his own Subjects And in whose affections ●e triumphed as much as ever he had done at any time over his Enemies And may he alwayes do the first and never have occasion for the second but may we long live under the benigne influence of his happy Reigne who hath rescued our Religion and Liberties out of the Jaws of Hell and Destruction has lo intrepidly fought our Battles for us And at lengh restored unto us the Comforts and Blessing of a Firm and Honourable Peace Postscript HAving given a breif account of the Articles of agreement betwixt the Emperour and his Confederates on the one part and the French King and King of Sweden c on the other Concluded at Nimeguen in Anno 1676 I thought it fit to subjoin the Heads of the Articles betwixt the King of Great Brittain c. and the French King Concluded on at Reysweck in Anno 1697 for the Readers greater satisfaction which are as follows Article I. AN universal perpetual Peace is Concluded betwixt these two Mighty Princes their Hebs and Successors and all their Subjects on both sides II. That all Acts of Hostility by Sea and Land between the saids Princes and their Subjects shall cease after the Signing of the Articles of Peace III. That an Act of Oblivion shall presently be made of all damnages mutually sustain'd by the Subjects on either part dureing the late War and no Act of Hostility to be done or offered by either Party on that account