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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03080 The triumph of the Church over water and fire. Or A thankfull gratulation for that miraculous deliverance of the Church and state of Great Britaine, from the Romish Tophet: or, that barbarous and savage Powder-plot As it was delivered (for substance) in a sermon at Blacke Fryers in London on the fifth of November. 1625. By Theodor Hering, minister of the Word of God.; Triumph of the Church over water and fire. Herring, Theodore, 1596-1645. 1625 (1625) STC 13204; ESTC S104029 27,216 53

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flame so vnsatiable it is that nothing but the heart-blood of the Lambe will content those rauenous Woolues Consider their cruelty as for craft they are foxes and for subtilty Serpents so for cruelty roaring ramping Lions that will leaue no designe be it neuer so barbarous vnattempted but will prosecute it to the vtmost of their power Consider their sedulitie as the Devill their Master himselfe goes about continually seeking whom hee may deuoure so his Impes they compasse Sea and Land to make a Proselite of their owne and to render him ten-sold more the childe of the Devill Their Enemies are many their name is Legion their enemies are mighty Ephe 6.12 they fight with Principalities and Powers which are in high places no marueile if their troubles be many and mighty Their enemies are many and mischeiuous cruell and barbarous needes must their tryals be many their case grieuous their estate dangerous Finally they may thanke themselues for it their sinnes are many their sinnes are mighty many sinnes cause many afflictions mighty sinnes procure mighty troubles Lay not the blame then on Religion but on thy Corruption Gods dearest children will venture on noisome meate and hurtfull poison they will drinke downe the very gall of Aspes they will be walking neare Hels mouth their Father therefore takes them by the heeles and makes them belieue he will throw them in They will bee dallying with the fire no marueile if they be scorched with the flame they will be running into the water no marueile if they be drenched in the waues they will be laying the Serpent in their bosome no marueile if they be stung with that Scorpion They defile them selues with grosse sins and therefore must haue much washing they take in the deadliest poison and therefore must haue working Physicke while coruption is so strong let them looke for it many and mighty corruptions will procure many and mighty afflictions Vse 1 The emprouement is made by the Apostles 1. Pet. 1.7 chap. 4.13 thinke it not strange concerning the fiery tryall so Peter Count it great ioy when you fall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into divers temptations so Iames. Iames 1.2 If wee passe vnder seuere sharpe corrections and be forced to drinke of gall and wormewood this is no new thing Those whom hee loues most hee corrects most and if wee feele not the rod at all Heb. 12.8 well may we suspect we are bastards not children when wee reade of the troubles of David when we heare of the afflictions of Ioseph when we heare or see or reade of the calamities of our Brethren let it not dismay vs too much What though the Churches in Bohemia in the Palatinate in the Low-Countries be now floating in the midst of the water What though in the midst of the fire in thee furnace What if that fire which was kindled in Bohemia which flamed in France which hath burnt vp and deuoured the Palatinate some sparkles thereof should fly ouer-sea quod omen Deus avertat which God forbid why should they or we thinke much to pledge our Sauiour in that cup which he began to vs hee dranke the very lees and dregges of that mixed wine we doe but sip and tast the top of it Let our troubles be neuer so many Christs were more neuer so great Christs were greater He went through the water when he sweat drops of blood he went through the fire when like that good Phoenix he continued on the crosse fluttering his winges ouer the burning coales of his Fathers indignation till by suffering the extremitie of it he quenched that flame with his owne blood which els had burnt to the bottome of Hell Vse 2 This secondly affoords Comfort as to all the members of Christ in particular who 〈◊〉 are baptized whether Baptismo sluminis or baptismo slaminis with this Baptisme of fire or water so especially to these our Churches and this our State of Great Britaine in Generall If the mightie God of Iacob had not called vs by name and given to this Ioseph that parti-coloured coate the livery of his loue the Covenant of grace wee should neuer haue beene so maligned by Satan so hated of the world so persecuted by Sea and Land so driven through fire and water wee should never haue beene hated so mortally handled so cruelly butchered so barbarously plotted against so divellishly If any Nation vnder the Cope of Heauen can apply this prophecie this promise to themselues wee may challenge it and finde it verified literally spiritually euery way of these Churches of this State wee haue gone through the fire Psal 129.1.2 and through them water Many a time haue they afflicted me from my youth vp may England now say many a time haue they afflicted mee from my youth vp Remember Edom may England cry remember Edom O God which said Downe with it downe with it even to the ground wee will raze out their name and memoriall from vnder Heaven True indeede while wee carried the marke of the Beast in our foreheads while wee bare like Balaams Asse that Balaam of Rome and suffered his intolerable exactions giuing vp our selues our states goods soules as slaues and vassals of Antichrist who but the English Who more favoured at the Court of Rome While our treasure was inexhastus puteus as that Pope scoffingly a Mine that could not be dreined that which the Indies are to Spaine that was England to Rome now wee were his Holines white Sonnes he our Ghostly father what blessing had we from him What Immunities What red hattes What Indulgences What not the Devill smiles while he is pleased but ever since the time of Reformation so couragiously attempted by King Henry the eight so devoutly prosecuted by that Noble Iosias whose early holines King Edward the sixth and timely seeking of the Lord deserues an everlasting Monument so happily seconded promoted after some interruption by our famous Deborah that late match-lesse peere-lesse Queene of ever blessed memory Queene Elizabeth so constantly perpetuated consummated and to this day continued by our most wise and Renowned Soueraigne Lord King IAMES Ever since wee haue shaken off that thousand times worse then Egyptian bondage ever since wee brake off that iron yoke of Babel that so long held vs vnder the Devill hath shewed himselfe in his likenesse what Buls haue roared from Rome What Excommunications What Anathema's haue bin Thundred out by that Man of sinne What cursings with Bell Booke Candle How haue wee beene adiudged for Heretickes sentenced to flames reputed worse then Infidels then Dogges Vide Dr Hall One of their Iesuites giues vp himselfe for damnd if such Heretickes as wee can be saued How is it made a meritorious Act a worke of super-errogation to murther our King to blow vp our State to desolate and depopulate our Kingdome Many haue beene our Troubles many and great many secret conspiracies many open incursions many forraine attempts of enemies abroad many
intestine insurrections of bosome vipers at home How long haue wee carried fire in our bosomes and doe not our feete yet tread vpon Scorpions As many so great haue beene our Troubles Great enemies were stirred vp mighty Princes the most potent and puissant Kings of the earth friends to the Beast Psal 2. how were they enraged How did they bandy together against the Lord and against his Annointed Great Stratagems were laid even as deepe as Hell to the vtter ruination both of Church and State to the finall extirpation of our name and memoriall from vnder Heaven How oft hath the knife beene at our throate What treasons What conspiracies were hatched in the dayes of our late Queene Elizabeth that wonder of Women and mirrour of her sex No sooner was the fire quenched in one corner but it breakes forth in another place no sooner was one wound closed but another bleeds afresh Many a time were wee at the pits brinke and knew it not destinated as sheepe to the slaughter our Land quartered Dr Hall in his Panygericke or Doome prophecied When that Snow melts as they gaue it out triumphantly wee shall see a floud and pointed to the Gray-hayres of that then liuing Empresse But aboue all two especiall dangers never to be forgotten did threaten this Nation never any people vnder Heaven were put to the like straits You cannot forget that famous Climactericall yeare Eighty-Eight That Senacherib of Spaine how confident was he to haue swallowed vs vp quicke at one morsell How did he presume to command with his Invincible Navy Sea and Land How did he presume to put a bridle and make a bridge over the Ocean to over-run this spot of earth in one instant Now I trow you were in the midst of the waters This fifth of November mindes vs of another pinch as great if not greater then the former there wanted but the kindling of a match to haue set this Cittie all in a flame of fire this Country and Kingdome all in a flame of Combustion Were wee not now in the midst of the fire If the Lord had not beene with vs that water had overwhelmed all if the Lord had not beene with vs that fire had beene kindled and wee all had perished in that flame And thus are wee fallen suddenly from the danger to glance at the Deliverance blessed be That Iehovah that hath linked them so together that wee cannot speake of the one but wee must acknowledge the other Now since I am fled into this pleasant field I will not step backe but entreate you to follow me with your attention and as you haue tasted of the bitter so now close your Stomacks with the sweete which I haue reserved for the last as being the best and chiefest matter intended for this dayes discourse and most sutable to the occasion of our present meeting Hitherto you haue heard onely of the troubles now followes the triumphs of the Saints wherein was offered to our consideration as wee found in the resolution of the Text. 1. The victory it selfe which is acquired The flouds shall not over-flow thee the flame shall not kindle vpon thee 2. The Author of this victory to whom the glory of the day must be ascribed in those words I will be with thee The Conquest is further commended from the time When thou c. It shall come seasonably opportunely when they were in their greatest difficulties in their greatest perplexitie then even then I will be with thee c. The afflictions of Ioseph are neuer so many neuer so great but they shall find an evasion The Church can never be so straitned but first or last it shall be enlarged the Church can neuer be so distressed but sooner or later it shall be relieued Her case is oft dangerous never desperate Let her walke in the valley of the shadow of death with David Psal 23.4 let her be cast into the Denne of Lyons with Daniel with Ieremy Dan 6.16 let her be plunged into the deepe dungeon let her be projected with the Hebrew babes as was noted into the midst of the waters with the three children and with those innumerable troupes of Martyrs into the midst of the fire what though the members of her body with Isaiah passe vnder the Saw with Iames are cut off by the sword let their carkasses be mangled and chopt into pieces their bodies scorched burned racked rosted come what can come Premi potest ecclesia opprimi non potest Psal 30.5 Psal 112.4 the Israel of God may be pressed cannot be oppressed though sorrow may befall them in the euening ioy shall arise in the morning Vnto the righteous ariseth light in darknesse This is the Close as David had learned in the Schoole of Affliction Many are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord delivereth them out of all delivered they are not from one or few or many but from all Marke the end of the vpright man his latter end is Peace there may be stormes in the way but in the end there will follow an eternall Calme This Shippe may be tossed cannot be drowned Psal 112.6 this Mount Sion may be moved cannot be removed Reason Shee hath the word of Iehovah to secure her a word more firme then Heaven The Lord of Hoasts will come in to her succour He comes with salvation vnder his wings He comes in seasonably to helpe at a dead lift Mans greatest extremitie is Gods fittest opportunitie when no hope in earth then exspect helpe from Heaven then the Almightie comes riding on the Clouds and commands deliverance for his Iacob let the Sea worke and rage and boyle and foame and swell vp to Heaven his word makes all husht But what doe I preventing my selfe Let vs leaue dilating on this Subject to his proper place and now make application of the point and grow to that cōclusion which this day doth witnesse and proclaime to the whole world Looke backe my Brethren remember those Marian dayes that bloudy Quinqueinium Nero his Quinqueinium famous for those sparkles of humanitie that of Q. Mary contrary what a desperate pinch were wee brought to in time of that persecution What massacring What butchering What Bonnering What burning of those chast Virgins that would not prostitute their soules to that Whore of Babylon that would not licke vp their filthy vomit disgorged in the dayes of King Edward What streets did not flame with fires What faggots did not fry the bones of those mis-called Heretickes What Citty What Towne What Village was not watered with the blood Sanguis Martyrum semen Ecclesiae enlightned with the flames of those constant crowned Martyrs The mercies of the wicked are cruell as the wise King obserues as those barbarous savage Tygertyrants made it too true who to shew themselues more mercilesse then the mercilesse Elements fire and water retorted that Infant into the Mothers flames Fox in his Acts Mon. which the