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kingdom_n act_n king_n lord_n 2,428 5 3.6568 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01657 A godly inuectiue in the defence of the Gospell against such as murmure and woorke what thei can that the Bible shoulde not haue free passage, veray necessary to be red of euery faythfull Christian. Gerrard, Philip. 1547 (1547) STC 11797; ESTC S103091 27,823 80

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commendacion For this a man may well saye O mooste noble Iosaphat moost woorthily by this acte thou haste gotten perpetuall memorie and also the Heauenly kingdome where thou reygnest nowe in wonderfull ioye and felicitie O happie Lordes that in those daies obedyently wente on soo Godlye a message and lyke trewe Subiectes shewed your selfes earnest and faythfull hearted to accomplyshe the Kynges commaundement whiche emongest all actes of high kinges and princes is most woorthily celebrated and had in renoume as thou mayest reade in the notable history of Iosaphat set forth in the Bible yea this act was so wōderful vnto men so plesant in the eyes of God that by the reason therof al kynges princes feared vertuouse Iosaphat For he wrought most nobly folowīg his guide capitain the holy ghost whiche maketh all men feruent in the feare of the Lord Esaye the .xi. Yea alwaies be considered the great kyndnes giftes and benefites of God He knewe ryght well that who so deliteth in the lawe of the Lorde and exerciseth him self therein both day and nyght must needes prospere and dooe thynges acceptable before God Furthermore he being euer tēdre ouer the weale of his subiects and pretendyng most nobly to defend equitie and Iustice appoineted iudges in euery Citie and straightely bade them Feare the Lord dooe Iustice regard not one mā more then another take ye no rewardes of them bee couragiouse for the Lord wyll bee with the good Herken to noble Iosephat all christen princes whom God hath appoincted to guide and conduct his people in his holy testimonies and Godly preceptes And also other inferiour powers may take exaumple and learne of hym as of the comliest and noblest Prince that euer bare renoume His vertuouse actes would God they woulde humbly receaue and sette before their faces his wonderful Godly dooynges yea and learne nowe to promote the Gospel of Christ to stere thē to this so godly a worke the saiyng of Esay is a stronge perswasion a great encouragement to read the gospell assone as thy iudgementes are knowen vnto the world then the inhabiters of the earth learn rightwisenes Esay the .xxvi. whiche vndoubtedly is a thyng as necessary to be learned at this daye as any one thyng vnder heauen Yf men woulde weygh the handelyng of thynges and howe pitiefully the poore be oppressed of the ryche and for amendemente of this thyng Let vs all praye with the holy Prophete Esay Oh Lord nowe healpe for thou art the poore mannes healpe a strenghte for the nedefull in his necessitie Esay the .xxv. and to encourage vs all to minister vnto the nedye wee reade a Godly saiyng in the Prophet Dauid whereon resteth the summe and effect of our christianitie That is blessed is he that hathe a respecte vnto the poore and considereth his necessitie in the yl day the Lorde wyll freely deliuer him Here forsoth is a wonderfull Godly promise vnto suche as bee pitiefull and tendre ouer the poore And who so wyll not with heart and mynd geue vnto them thinges necessarye but tourneth his face from them and hautely ouer looketh them not willyng to offre vnto those liuely Images of God meate drinke raiment with other nedefull thynges he shall then bee appoincted into euerlastyng punishemente of Hell a place for the mercilesse ordeyned of God Verily this shal bee full iudgemente and perfecte sentence spoken of Goddes owne mouthe in that terrible day awaye ye wicked and mercilesse creatures into euerlastyng fire Then shal honour pompe and dignitie nothyng auayle then shall these great possessours of goodes pitiefully crye alas and bewail their infelicitie and great lacke of grace But now this to considre theyr heartes bee ouer hard Who doeth not see how pitiefully the poore be despised in euery place be not most men more ready to deuour them then to healpe them be they not hastyer to make them starke beggers then to succour to relefe thē in their necessitie truely ouer al that thus do there hangeth the vengeance of god wonderful Plages and myseries euen suche as hanged ouer the wycked Diues spoken of in the Gospell and lette all of his confederate feloweshyppe wherof forsothe the nomber is greate bee fully perswaded in this that it is not possyble that these impoueryshers of the poore shoulde alwayes prospere but that eyther they or theyr heyres shoulde falle in some myserye and sodayne decaye and moost commonly to spreade abrode their euel gotten goodes as thou maiest plainly read in the xij of Iob. Aand how to vse the poore all chrysten men maye nowe learne of that vertuouse man whose charitable saiyng should neuer out of our memories that is I deliuered the pore whē he cryed and the fatherles that wanted healp the .xxix. of Iob. Iob considred full well that God was none of them that vsed parcialitie no nor yet any acceptour of personnes and that made hī so plainly to affirme that god regardeth not the riche man more thē the poore Iob .xxxiiii. but verily the cause that many passe so litel to tread thē vnderfote with wicked oppression vtterly to vndoe thei care not how many is a certein greedy desire to accumulate riches to mainteine worldly pompe and dignitie and to haue the blynde prayses and vayne commendacions of this deceiptefull worlde as to be estemed very riche and as the common saiyng is he is one yf he liue that will proue a great riche man by his witte and policie he hath purchased thus muche Where this sensualitie reigneth vertue and Godlynesse must nedes be put a syde And by none other mean most cōmonly these great ryches and vaine tytles bee attaigned but by vsurye gyftes brybes and in disceauing the poore O thou most miserable and infortunate man that by this meane waxest riche Heare what a wonderfull plage hangeth ouer thy heade The fyre shal consume suche as bee greedy to receiue gyftes for they beare mischefe in their bodies bring forth deceipte The .xviii of Iob. Oh Lord dooeth not I pray you euē now the state of this woorlde declare yf you marke well that the sore threatenynges of God the reward of sinne as death Hell and eternall dampnacion to bee thinges nether thought vpō ne yet feared in mēnes conscience For yf they feared God and had the strength of his spirite all the ryches glory of this world could not moue them to thinke the contrary but that it were much better for them to helpe the poore and to be confourmable vnto Goddes commaundement then deuelyshely to treade theim vnder foote for wicked Mammon and filthy lucar sake Suffre not your eies thus to bee blinded with vanities it is seen daily that misers and vile abiectes euen suche as bee brutyshe both in mynd and body for their ryches sake to be highly estemed and pufte vp in pride The rude and gasyng multitude iudge all suche men to be in highe ioye and felicitie for their vncertain and transitory rychesse thynke thou them neuer a