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A19858 A treatise of the Church VVritten against them of the separation, commonly called Brownists. Wherein the true doctrine of a visible Church is taught, and the Church of England, proued to be a true Church. The Brownists false doctrine of the visible Church is conuinced; their shamefull peruerting of the holy Scriptures discouered, their arguments to proue the Church of England a false Church answered. Darrel, John, b. ca. 1562. 1617 (1617) STC 6286; ESTC S117495 230,202 407

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the like case You answere thus M. Ainsworth Counterpoyson 229. The examples they alledge of reformation by the Kings of Iudah fit not their turnes for Iudah was a true Church though some corruptions had crept in as will easily doe into the best Ab●j●h the Predecessor of Asa maintained Gods true Religion and worship against idolatrous Israel both by word and sword So Asa found not his Kingdome a false Church as King Edward and Queene Elizabeth found England Afterwards when abominations had ouerspread the Land Hezekiah laboured a godly reformation and opening the doores of the Lords house he brought in the Priests and Leuites not the Chemarims or Baals Priests as the Popish Clergie were brought in or rather retained still in this Church 2. Chron. 30.6 Hezekiah sent ouer all the Land to conuert the people from idolatrie who laughed the messengers to skorne and mocked them howbeit diuers submitted themselues and came to Ierusalem Finally Iosiah purged the Land of idols and false worship and reduced his people vnto the true seruice of God Obserue this mans euasion and what shift he makes to help himselfe in a strait They will seeme to answere when they do nothing lesse For the iustifying of this That Christian Princes may and ought to command their subiects being Idolaters to forsake their Idolatry and worship the Lord and consequently to ioyne themselues to the true Church Wee alleage the examples and practise of certaine Kings of Iudah and namely of Asa Hezekiah Manasseh and Iosiah who did the like For answere to the first of these examples you tell vs that howsoeuer the Religion and worship of God was corrupted in Abijah his time the predecessor of Asa yet was it true Religion and worship that was then maintained and a true Church which Asa found when he came to the Kingdome but such was not our estate and condition when King Edward and Queene Elizabeth entred vpon their Kingdomes The case therefore is not alike But we desire you to proue That in the dayes of Abijah Iudah was a true Church and that Abijah maintained Gods true Religion and worship I confesse that in Iudah God had a Church people in Abijah his raigne who were of the true Religion and worshipped him truely yea I adde that at this time in Israel vnder Ieroboam the Lord had his Church and people that were of the true Religion and worship as is plaine by 2. Chron. 11.13 14 16. But I deny that Iudah was then a true Church and that Abijah maintained Gods true Religion and worship and affirme that Iudah was now Idolatrous as well as Israel whom your selfe calls and that truely idolatrous Israel though both these Kingdoms were not idolatrous in like degree That this is so it is plaine by the holy Story of these Kings and times For marke what Asa Abijah his sonne and successor is said to doe vpon his entrance into the Kingdome He tooke away the altars of the strange gods 2. Chron. 14.3 4 5. and the high places and brake downe the Images and cut downe the groues Heere is mention of the altars of strange gods of Images to wit of false gods of the high places where they offered to these gods and of the groues which were dedicated vnto them which Asa succeeding Abijah forthwith destroyed Doe not these things euidently declare that in the raigne of Abijah Idolatry was set vp and maintained in Iudah and therefore ABIIAH maintained not Gods true Religion and worship If you obiect that these Altars Images and High places were not erected and set vp by Abijah but by Rehoboam his father only through want of zeale he let them alone and did not abolish them and that this only was his sinne and the sinne of Iudah I answere the contrary is manifest 1. King 15.12 where thus we reade And Asa tooke away the Sodomites out of the Land and put away all the Idols that his Fathers had made By Fathers here must needs be vnderstood Rehoboam and Abijah If further you obiect that howsoeuer Abijah was an Idolater yet the Kingdome was not fallen to idolatry but the people generally worshipped God truly I answere this cannot possibly be true for euermore it went thus with the Iewes like Prince like People If the King were religious then the People and State embraced and professed true Religion and worship and if the King was an Idolater and false worshipper then generally the people were such Besides this obiection is answered and conuinced 2. Chron. 12.1 And heere I reason thus with you That King and people which set vp and maintaine the worship of a false god or gods is a false Church But Abijah and his people set vp and maintained the worship of false gods Therefore Abijah and his people were a false Church The Proposition none will gain-say and the Assumption is proued by the aforesaid testimonie of Scripture Againe that ABIIAH did not maintaine Gods true Religion and worship and consequently Iudah in his dayes was not a true Church it is confirmed by the fourth verse of the former Scripture 2. Chron. 14 3 4. And Asa tooke away the altars of the strange gods c as is aforesaid and commanded Iudah to seeke the Lord God of their Fathers and to doe according to the Law and the Commandement In that Iudah is heere commanded by Asa to worship the Lord according to the Law and Commandement of God giuen in that behalfe for this is the meaning of the words thereby is insinuated that before and in Abijah his time they did not worship God after his Law and Commandement but otherwise euen after their owne inuentions which is idolatrie and false worship Lastly I reason against you thus Iudah was an idolatrous and false Church in Rehoboams time Therefore in Abijah his daies The Antecedent I proue by 1. King 14.22 23 24. compared with 2. Chron. 14.3 4. and 1. King 15.3 also by 2. Chron. 12.1 And when Rehoboam had established the Kingdome and made it strong he forsooke the Law of the Lord that is to worship the Lord according to his Law which is true worship and all Israel meaning all Iudah with him The consequence is corfirmed 1. King 15.3 And Abijah walked in all the sinnes of his Father which hee had done before him but his Father set vp and maintained a false Religion and false worship Therefore the sonne You tell vs that ABIIAH maintained Gods true Religion and worship against idolatrous Israel both by word and sword How can this possibly be true seeing Abijah maintained in Iudah a false Religion and worship as well as Ieroboam in Israel and was an Idolater as Ieroboam was Suppose there were now warre betweene the King of Spaine and the Pope about some Ciuill matter some Territories or other commoditie that each of them make claime to If because of this I should affirme that the King of Spaine maintaineth Gods true Religion and worship against idolatrous Rome
when he killed his brother rebelled against his father lay with his Concubines and vsurped the Kingdome of the Scribes and Pharisies traducing blaspheming mocking and putting to death the Lord Iesus and lastly of all the domesticall enemies of the Church who haue reuiled slandered imprisoned banished and murthered the Saints All these were of the visible Church and yet were none of these peaceably gouerned by Christs officers and lawes but were rebels against Christ transgressors of his lawes and despisers of his officers You speake therefore most vntruely when you say that the visible Church is a company fellowship peaceably quietly gouerned by Christ his officers laws Finally in requiring loue vnfained in all the members of the visible Church seeing this loue is an effect of faith vnfained as Paul sheweth 1. Tim. 1.5 Doe you not therein also require of them that be of this society that faith which worketh by loue 1. Pet. 1.9 euen the true and iustifying faith the end whereof is the saluation of mans soule Whereupon followeth that the visible Church is a company of faithfull indeed and consequently of such as shall be saued This that I inserre how false soeuer you feare not to teach saying They keepe the vnitie of faith in the bond of peace This loue vnfained they onely haue which loue the brethren not in word and tongue but in deed and truth as appeareth also by their quoting of Ioh. 13.34 But this loue whosoeuer haue are translated from death to life and thereof may assure themselues The whole company therefore of the visible Church hauing this loue as you teach are by this doctrine sure of life and saluation Doe you not blush to tell vs in effect that that loue is to be found in euery member of the visible Church which the holy Ghost doth giue vs for an infallible marke of the child of God and heire of saluation Another place of Scripture that in the margent is quoted for the proofe hereof is 1. Cor. 13. 4. Can that loue trow you the Apostle there speaketh of fal into the reprobate and be found in any but Gods elect cōsidering the heauēly effects it hath in whomsoeuer it is Among other things of this loue it is said that it thinketh not euill it reioyceth not in iniquity but reioceth in the truth and that it doth neuer fall away In which respect it doth excell faith and hope as is said in the last verse now abideth faith hope and loue but the chiefest of these is loue What meane you to require this loue which is proper to the elect in all the members of the visible Church of the which the most are reprobates Cain slew his brother Ismael persecuted Isaak of Esau it is said That he hated Iacob Cen. 27.41 because of the blessing wherewith his father had blessed him and therefore purposed to slay him How deadly Saul did hate Dauid and hunt after his life as one would hunt a Partridge the holy story maketh mention And as for the Scribes and Pharisies their extreame hatred against Christ and all that confessed him is manifest in the history of the Gospell their crucifying of Christ and persecuting of his members did shew the hatred that was in their hearts Hereunto we may adde the persecut●rs and murtherers of the Saints that haue beene in the Church almost in all ages many whereof were of the visible Church yet were they so farre from louing the brethren that they did hate them with a cruell hatred We see then men haue bin of the visible Church and therefore may be at this day who haue not this vnfained loue of the brethren nay are as far from it as hatred from loue and darknesse from light How then doe you truly describe the visible Church that it is a company of men who loue one another vnfainedly Thus in effect you teach that the visible Church consisteth of a company and fellowship of people who as they are at peace with God and among themselues so haue they vnf●ined loue one to another Wheras the most of the visible Church being reprobates wicked and vngodly men as they haue no peace with God according to that of the Prophet Isa 48.22 there is no peace saith the Lord to the wicked so neither are they nor can be at peace with men I meane the rest of the Church which are the elect Except you will haue peace betweene the Serpent and the woman and both their seeds The Scriptures tell vs there is and will be no peace nor loue Gen. 3.15 but perpetuall enmitie and warre betwixt these You tell vs in effect nay that these meeting together in the Church they are peaceable and kind louing vnfainedly one another you should adde as Ioab did Abner and Amasa 2. Sam. 3.27 and 20.10 whom vnder the pretence of brotherly loue he killed with the sword As Ioab kissed Amasa and Iudas Christ so vsually doe some members of the Church kisse some others Prou. 29.27 Salomon saith That the righteous are an abomination to the wicked and the wicked to the righteous but in the visible Church there are righteous and wicked men therefore in the visible Church there are some that abhorre and haue others in abomination You say nay they are all tyed together by the bond of peace and loue Iesus saith of himselfe That he came not to send peace into the earth Matth. 10.34 Luk. 12.49.51 but rather debate and a sword nay fire and what is his desire but that it be kindled Is not this sword and fire the seperation also and enmity that our Lord further speaketh of which commeth through the preaching of the Gospell to be found in the Church and betweene the members thereof But only betwixt them that are in the Church and those that are without If any be thus fondly conceited let him looke backe to the premisses and his error will be corrected As the aforesaid members of the visible Church Ismael Esau Saul the Scribes and Pharisies had not this loue vnfained so neither had they the other essentiall properties which you require in all them who be of a true visible Church They were not faithfull and holy indeed nor yet holy in the face and outward appearance which you require at least nor otherwise faithfull and holy then the most open wicked of our Land They had not Christ to be their King Matth. 1.21 Priest and Prophet They were rebels and none of Christs subiects or people all which he will saue The Diuell was their father and king and they his children and vassals doing the lusts of him their father in stead of the wil of God As he was a murtherer from the beginning so were they all murtherers in their times The like may bee said touching Christ his not being their Priest nor Prophet Worshippers of God they were indeed but hypocriticall not true and sincere worshippers of many of them Iesus said Yee worship
would not you and all men laugh at me for my folly and falsitie No lesse ridiculous and false is that you affirme of Abijah True it is that Abijah had warre with Ieroboam King of Israel but Religion was not the cause thereof but this Abijah being valiant would haue brought backe againe the Kingdome of Israel which Ieroboam had taken as Abijah said to the whole armie of Israel by rebellion from his father REHOBOAM a childe and tender hearted and one that could not resist him as Abijah saith of him Abijah his loue then and desire after the Kingdome of Israel was the cause of this warre as is plaine by 2. Chron. 13.5 6 7. and not his zeale for the true Religion and hatred of the false as your words pretend A man that readeth these words of yours would likewise imagine that Abijah was religious and worshipped God truly whereas in truth he was a notorious hypocrite and grosse idolater In the shutting vp of your answere touching Asa you say that ASA found not his Kingdome a false Church as King Edward and Queene Elizabeth found England This also is very vntrue Nay ASA found Iudah worse then they did England For Iudah in Abijah his raigne worshipped false gods whereas England in the daies of King Henry and Queene Mary worshipped the true God though after a false manner But suppose that Iudah in Abijah his time was not a false Church and that Asa found it a true that lets not but that in Iudah there might be idolaters at the same time worshipping either a false God or the true God after a false manner as the Papists at this day in England doe Nay wee cannot but acknowledge that such there were indeed considering this is said of Asa in the very entrance into his Kingdome 2. Chro. 14.3 That hee tooke away the altars of the strange gods and the high places and brake downe the Images and cut downe the groues Vers 4. And commanded Iudah to seeke the Lord God of their Fathers and to doe according to the Law and the Commandement Now these idolaters that in their high places offered to strange gods did ASA command to forsake their idolatrie and to worship the Lord God of their Fathers after the manner hee had commanded as is plaine First By the coherence and dependance of the two verses aforesaid Secondly ASA needed not to giue this commandement to them who did already worship God truely but to the idolaters that were in Iudah that eyther worshipped strange gods or the Lord after their owne inuentions and not as he had commanded Is it not then plaine in the example of Asa That Christian Princes may and ought to command their subiects being idolaters to forsake their idolatrie and to worship the Lord and consequently to ioyne themselues to the true Church say it were true that the Church of Iudah was then not a false but a true Church Yes verily euen al one as if the Church in Abijah his time had been a false Church as indeed it was Specially if hereunto we adde that which is set downe in the second verse That herein Asa did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord. But grant we that the dissimilitude you speake of would helpe you against the example and practise of Asa yet is it no answere to the other two examples of Hezekiah and Iosiah seeing they found the Church of Iudah euery whit as false a Church as King Edward and Queene Elizabeth did the Church of England Yea false in a higher degree worshipping false Gods whereas England in King Henry the eight Nay England enioyed the true worship of God part of King Henry his raigne especially during the time of Queene Anne and before the sixe bloudie articles were vrged Act. and Mon. 999. and 1000. 2. Chron. 28.2 3 4. and 23. and 33.2 3 4 5 9. and Queene Maries dayes worshipped yet the true God though after a false manner By the Scripture it is manifest that in the daies of Ahaz and Amon Predecessors to the aforesaid godly Kings Iudah walked in the wayes of Israel made molten Images and set vp altars for Baalim sacrificed vnto the gods of Damascus and of Aram and worshipped all the Host of heauen and serued them nay it is said Iudah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem did worse then the Heathen whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel This you knew well enough and saw but would not see for then you had answered your selfe which you had no desire to doe And this appeareth by your owne words for you acknowledge that IOSIAH purged his Land of false worship 2. That he reduced his people vnto the true seruice of God therefore before Iosiah his raigne in Amon his daies they had the false seruice and worship of God established among them Marke also how Master Ainsworth vsing many words concerning HEZEKIAH his reformation passeth smoothly both by this that Iudah in his entrance to the Kingdome was a false Church and that hee in his said reformation vsed his regall commandement and authority sent forth his proclamation throughout all Israel and Iudah and that by postes for the more speedie dispatch thereof We haue not a word of these things that make as directly against you as can bee and for the iustifying of Queene Elizabeths proclamation in the beginning of her raigne which you spurne against so much But in stead thereof you say That he opened the dores of the Lords house brought in the Priests and Leuites and sent ouer all the Land to conuert the people from idolatry who laughed at the messengers mocked them It may seeme by these messengers you vnderstand or at least would haue your Reader vnderstand certaine Prophets Priests or Leuites That such were sent by the King throughout all Israel and Iudah to preach for the gathering calling and conuerting of this people to God But the Reader must know that these said Messengers were the Postes that carried the Kings proclamations or as it is said 2. Chro. 30.6 went with letters by the commission of the King and his Princes throughout all Israel and Iudah and with the commandement of the King the summe of which proclamations or letters is there set downe Who would euer imagine that they whom the King sent to conuert the people from idolatrie for these be your words were only certaine Postes that carried the proclamations of the King Thus by cunning you deceiue the simple In like manner you deale as touching Iosiah You tell vs that he purged the Land of Idols and false worship and reduced his people vnto the true seruice of God But in the meane season you omit how that to the end he might bring this to passe 2. Chro. 33.16 hee commanded Iudah to serue the Lord God of Israel This which maketh to the very point in hand you passe by and in stead thereof mention that which is nothing to the purpose
Let the Christian Reader iudge of this kind of dealing But let vs heare more of your answere These examples we acknowledge all Christian Princes should follow hauing equall power with these Kings of Iudah Counterpois 230. to abolish all idolatrie within their dominions yea and to punish obstinate idolaters and not suffer any superstitious worship among their subiects but to procure their conuersion by the word yet not to compell them to be members of the Church because they cannot giue them Faith and Repentance which is the onely doore into Christ Kingdome and cannot be opened to any but by God alone And a little after Your people should haue yeelded their owne willing consent which they neuer did but were and still are compelled by law and penaltie to bee of the Church and Religion established Replie If Christian Princes haue equall power within their dominions with that the Kings of Iudah had in theirs then are they not onely to abolish all idolatry within their dominions which you confesse but also to command and by law and penaltie to compell their people to be of the true Religion and to worship God according to his word that is to professe true Religion and worship for further then the outward profession man cannot goe which maketh a member of the visible Church But the former of these is true by your owne confession therfore the latter The consequence of the proposition is grounded vpon this that the Kings of Iudah proceeded thus farre when they reformed the Church as appeareth by the premises and namely by the 2. of the Chro. 34.2 which Scripture is singular to this purpose And Iosiah did that was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God 3. For he tooke away the altars of the strange gods and the high places c. 4. And commanded Iudah to seeke the Lord God of their Fathers and to doe according to the Law and the Commandement 5. Therefore the Kingdome was quiet before him Here we see that Iosiah did not only abolish idolatry and all false worship but besides commanded his people to worship the true God called here the God of their Fathers according as he had commanded which is that wee call true worship And it is euident that therein he did well First because this is rendred for a proofe or instance of that which is generally said of him in the second verse And Asa did that was good and right in the eyes of the Lord for he tooke away the altars c. And commanded Iudah to seeke the Lord c. that is to serue the Lord in that manner he had commanded Secondly because for this very act of his God blessed him with outward peace as vers 5. Therefore the Kingdome was quiet before him Are Christian Princes only to abolish idolatry within their dominions and to punish obstinate idolaters and not to compell their subiects any further Then belike they may let their people be of no Religion euen Atheists and not punish them so long as they be not idolaters But why may not Kings compell their subiects to professe true Religion and to submit themselues to the true worship of God which maketh them members of the visible Church Because they cannot giue them faith and repentance which is the only dore into the Church and cannot be opened to any but by God alone It is true indeed that Princes though their power is great yet are too weake hereunto But we must know that profession of faith and repentance sufficeth to the making of a member of the visible Church and thereunto the Magistrate can compell That which you say of the visible Church is true of Heauen faith and repentance is the only dore into it and God in Christ only can and doth open it But is very vntruely said of the visible church especially considering your quoted Scriptures for confirmation thereof require faith and repentance indeed and speake of true repentance and sauing faith It greeueth me to see how many places of Scripture are heere peruerted by you as namely Ioh. 6.44 No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him and I will raise him vp at the last day And againe vers 65. No man can come vnto me Note heere their abuse of holy Scripture except it be giuen vnto him of my Father That which is heere spoken of the members of the inuisible Church when they are inwardly and effectually called and indued with faith in Christ Iesus That it is God and he alone who giueth them to beleeue meant hereby by comming vnto Christ you ignorantly vnderstand of and apply to all of the visible Church whereof the most haue only the externall calling and will by these Scriptures proue that no man can be of the visible Church except God call him and draw him and by his Spirit perswade him Counterpoys 134. Cant. 1.3 For which purpose also as I remember you alleage elswhere that speech of the faithfull Draw me and we will runne after thee He that seeth not this your abuse of Scripture it is because he wanteth some of that eye-salue mentioned Reu. 3.18 to anoint his eyes with The rest of your quotations for breuity I passe by together with this your doctrine the falshood whereof shall hereafter be made euident in a more conuenient place You tell vs that Christian Princes are to punish obstinate idolaters yet not to compell men to be of the Church First Because in such a case they must yeeld their owne willing consent Secondly Because they cannot giue them faith and repentance which is the only doore into the Church and cannot be opened to any but by God alone Suppose I. N. an idolater by the Kings authority be for his idolatry punished with imprisonment or losse of goods or some such like punishment and that he remaining still an idolater in the loue to his liberty or goods pretendeth great hatred to idolatrie and loue to the true worship of God whereupon after profession of his faith and repentance made he is receiued into the Church Yee cannot deny but that this man is a member of the visible Church for against such a one you cannot shut the doores of the Church and all in the Church are members thereof Tell me now First whether this man became not a member of the Church by compulsion and whether by punishment men are not after a sort compelled to doe the contrary to that for which they are punished and whether this is not intended and aymed at in punishments And so heere that I. N. being punished for his idolatry should forsake that and worship God according to his Word which makes one a member of the visible Church Secondly whether this hypocrite and deepe dissembler doe this of his owne willing consent or rather against his heart and will compelled thereunto by law and penalty Thirdly I demand whether this man hath faith and repentance and hath passed
there are none of the diuels children for the diuell raigneth in all his children But you say in the visible Church there bee none in whom the Prince of this world the deuill raigneth for it is a company seperated from all such Therefore in the visible Church there are no children of the diuel and so by consequent are all the children of God by faith in Iesus Christ But these things you knowe and acknowledge to be false that therefore from whence they are inferred which all of you stiffely hold and maintaine to wit that the visible Church is a company of people seperated from the world is likewise false This generaall doctrine of theirs he thus applieth to vs. Answere to a censorious Epistle pag. 5. Which seperation the church of England neither hath made nor doeth make but stands actually one with all that part of the world within the kingdome without seperation for which cause amongst others we haue chosen by the grace of God rather to seperate our selues to the Lord from it then with it from him in the visible constitution of it Answere It is true we neither haue made nor goe about to make a seperation from the men of this world and betwixt them whom Christ by his spirit ruleth and them in whom the Prince of this world raigneth This passeth our skill and power and is such as is vnpossible to be performed by vs. Our Lord Iesus onely can and will doe this by the Angels in the day of his glorious comming to iudgement And where you say that wee stand actually one with all that part of the world within the kingdome it is false and slanderous For we onely stand actually one with all those in the kingdome that professe the same religion with vs which the Pap among vs who be not a few with whatsoeuer other hereticks or schismatiks do not except it be in hypocrisie which we cannot hinder but must leane to God therfore I say we stand not actually one with all in the kingdome except there be in our land no Papists no Heretickes or Schismaticks If you obiect heere our Church Papists and say that we receiue Papists into our Church and communion with vs. It is answered already and I adde They professe to be of the same Christian Religion with vs and to forsake poperie in comming to our publike assembles and pertaking with vs there in the holy things of God If they doe this hypocritically what is that to vs But especially marke that this is one cause of their seperation yea a principall cause thereof as he saith in another place In these two respects principally Answere to a censorious Epistle pag. ● your Babilonish confusion of all sorts of people in the body of your Church without seperation and your Babilonish bondage vnder your lords the prelates we account you Babylon and flee from you And speaking of this want of seperation Ibid. 43. and confusion else where he hath these words It is not by our sequestration but by your confusion that Rome and hell gaines Your odious commixture of all sorts of people in the body of your Church in whose lap the vilest miscreants are dandled sucking her breasts as her naturall children is that aduantageth hell Wee see how this man condemneth the mixture of good and bad godly and vngodly in the Church calling it an odious commixture confusion and Babilonish confusion that principally for this and one other cause they account vs Babylon and flye from vs. And yet hath this commixture of all sorts of people beene euer in the Church as hath beene manifested out of the sacred Scripture What age then could these men haue liued in wherein they might not for this cause as iustly haue seperated from the Church and haue accounted it likewise Babylon It cannot be denied but that in Sauls raigne there were most vile men dandled as you tearme it in the lap of the Church considering he himselfe the head of that people was so vile Nay by the booke of the Psalmes it is euident that in Dauids time there were store of leawde and vile men in the Church Psal 12. 69. And so were there in the dayes of Isaiah Ieremiah and other of the Prophets Yea what say you M. Robinson to the age wherein Christ Iesus liued and his Apostles The Scribes and Pharisees then were most vile miscreants and they being princip●l members in the Church as the eyes re in the body it must bee confessed that they did sit in the lappe of the Church and sucked her breasts as if they had beene her naturall children No lesse vile were those that had crept into the church of whom Iude speaketh Yet notwithstanding this commixture and Babilonish confusion as you call it did neither the Prophets nor Iesus nor his Apostles seperate from the Church but had religious communion with this confused society consisting of all sorts of people The commixture then in our Church you speake of is no iust cause of seperation and why you should account vs Babylon But r●turn● we to M. Robison Ibid. 4. The seperation wee haue made in respect of our knowledge and obedience is indeede late and newe yet is it in the nature and causes thereof as auncient as the Gospel which was first founded in the enmitie which God himselfe put betwixt the seede of the woman and the seed of the serpent G●n 3.15 Which enmitie hath not onely ben successiuely continued but also visibly manifested by the actuall seperation of all true churches from the world in their collection and constitution before the Lawe vnder the Lawe and vnder the Gospell Gen. 6.1 2. 7.1.7 with 1. Pet. 3 20.21 12. Leu 20.24.26 Neh. 9.2 Ioh. 17.14.16 Act. 2.40 19.9 1. Cor. 6.17 A●swere If we speake of practise among vs your seperation is as auncient as Browne who first caused or at least greatly furthered that seperation and schisme from our Church where vpon you are called Brownists But if you speake of the doctrine August Tom. 7 contra Cresco Gram. lib. 2. cap. 34. then is it as auncient as Donatus after whom some were called Donatists or rather as some schismaticks in Cyprians time of whom Austen writing against the Donatists maketh mention That the visible Church is not a mixt company consisting of good and bad but is a company seperated from the world that is from the men of the world or a seperated company of righteous men which all of you doe hold this I say is neither founded of the Lawe nor Gospell nor any part of Gods word but in the bottomles pit by the diuell the father of lyes I meane of all lying and false doctrines and was long since publ shed August Tom. 7 Coll●ti●n●bus cum Donatists and contended for by the former heretickes specially the Donatists who for this cause seperated from the Church of God in their times and is now after many hundred
church inuisible Of them therefore onely Peter here speaketh The Proposition is confirmed by your owne vvords The Assumption is so cleere that it needeth no confirmation Thus vve see that this scripture also maketh not for but against you As the Lord hath not made a couenant or promise of saluation with the vis Church and cons●quently with the members thereof but with them onely of the inuisible Church as we haue heard so neither hath he made to the vis church and members thereof a promise of peace For then there should be peace between God and the wicked seeing a great part of the vis Church are vvicked which there is not as witnesseth the Prophet Isai 52.22 There is no peace saith my God to the wicked This promise also belongeth to them of the inuisible Church and they onely of this societie haue this peace Then being iustified by faith which the elect onely are wee haue peace with God Rom. 5.1 saith Paul denying hereby this peace to all those that want iustifying faith The Lord saith I haue hated Esau Mal. 2.3 This is true of all Reprobates of whom he was a fi●ure Seeing the vis Church consisteth for the most part of Reprobates and but few therein that are chosen it cannot be that to this societie God hath made a promise of loue bu● rather to the company of the elect and Church inuisible where of Iacob was a figure of whom God saith I haue loued Iacob therein restraining his loue to the elect And as for the promise of God his protection Pro. 2.7.8 Mat. 10.30 compared with ver 16. The whole 91. Psalme it is in the Scriptures restrained to them that feare the Lord and put their trust in his mercy that make him their hope and fortresse and the most high their refuge to the righteous that is the godly and to them that walke vprightly and therefore to the inuisible Church and the members thereof And when this promise is made to the v●sible Church it is for their sakes that are therein of the inuisible Church Apology 44. And where you say that a true visible Church and consequently the members thereof hath assurance of the promises of Gods presence and blessing to appertaine vnto them I demand what assurance a man can haue of enioying Gods grac●ous presence he●re on earth and glorious presence in heauen wherein consists our happinesse by being a member of the visible Church considering so many of the visible Church are sinners and that sinne doth seperate betweene God and man This is presumption and not an holy assurance and to build on the sands which house tempests at one time or other will blow downe and not on the rocke that standeth vnmoueable He that hath no other assurance of Gods presence and blessing then this that he is a member of the visible church may peraduenture bee as farre from enioying Gods presence as they which are in hell from entring into heauen and from being blessed of God as they vpon whom this sentence shall be pronounced Goe ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the Diuell and his Angels The Papists might well reiect our assurance and certaintie of saluation had we no better ground for the same then this Yet let no man so vnderstand mee as though I denied that God was present with and did protect the visible Church For I know that our Lord partly for the elect that are in the visible Church and partly for his owne glorie and names sake that is called vpon among them is in the midst of the seuen golden Candlestickes Reuel 1.13 protecting them by his Almightie power CHAP. V. The titles which the Separists ascribe to the visible Church are to be vnderstood of the invisible Church onely AS the description these men giue of the visible church and that which they say is the matter and forme thereof is not a description nor the matter and forme of the visible but rather of the inuisible Church militant euen so it is with sundry titles they giue to the visible Church It is called say they a kingdome of Priests a royall Priesthood the sheepe of the Lord Appologie 44. communion of Saints 248. 470. Descrip of the visible Church pag. 1. the Temple of God a chosen Generation an holy Nation the peculiar people yea Christ his Sister his Loue his Spouse and his Body These titles which in the holy Scriptures are vsually giuen to the inuisible Church militant and company of the faithfull and if at any time to the visible it is because and with respect had to the elect and Church inuisible to whom alone properly the aforesaide titles doe belong they ignorantly apply and vnderstand of the visible Church and company of professors with diuers more of the same kinde which for breuitie I omit But let vs briefely and in order consider of these or the most of them If the visible Church be a kingdome of Priestes and royall Priesthood then all of this Church company are Kings and Priests vnto God but the last is false therefore the first To the proposition you as willingly subscribe as wee The assumption which is this All of the visible Church are not Kings and Priestes vnto God with open mouth you deny which thus I prooue All that be Kings and Priests vnto God shall raigne and offer to God the sacrifice of praise for euer in heauen But all of the visible Church shall not raigne and offer to God the sacrifice of praise for euer in heauen Therefore all of the visible Church be not Kings and priests vnto God The assumption is in it selfe cleare The proposition is euident by Reuel 5.6 Thou wast killed and hast redeemed vs to God by thy blood out of euery kindred and tongue and people and Nation And hast made vs vnto God Kings and Priests and we shall raigne on the earth Heere wee learne that these Kings and Priestes shall raigne and inherite the kingdome and besides who be these Kings which shall thus raigne not the visible Church as these men teach but those whom the lambe hath redeemed to God by his blood out of euery kindred and tongue and people Confession of Faith 29. and nation which are the Elect or inuisible Church as they themselues confesse This is further confirmed and made more euident in the first of the Reuel where Iohn saith that those whom Christ Iesus loueth and washeth from their sinnes in his blood are Kings and Priests vnto God But this Christ doth onely to the Elect and Church inuisible for them alone hee loueth their sinnes onely hee washeth away therefore they onely are this kingdome of Priestes or Kings and Priests vnto God 1. Pet. Peter telleth vs that the faithfull are this royall Priesthood and calling them also an holy Priesthood he saith that they offer vp spirituall sacrifice acceptable to God by Iesus Christ But the inuisible Church of which societie
the faithfull are onely doth and can offer such sacrifices Therefore the inuisible Church are this royall Priesthood or kingdome of Priestes and not the visible Church If I should haue saide nothing M. Ainsworth himselfe wil suffice for the conuiction of this error Communion of Saints 248. They whom Christ hath made Kings and Priests vnto God his father being a Kingly Priesthood euen a kingdome of Priestes and a holy nation hauing part in the first resurrection the second death may haue no power ouer them but sit with Christ in his throne euen as hee ouercame and sitteth with his Father in his throne From your owne words I argue thus against you They who are this royall Priesthood that is Kings and Priests vnto God haue part in the first resurrection the second death hath no power ouer them but sit with Christ in his throne But the inuisible Church onely and company of the Elect haue part in the first resurrection the second death hath no power ouer them Ergo the inuisible Church is this royall Priesthood The proposition your owne words doe prooue The assumption needes no proofe And againe in another place hee conuinceth himselfe and his friends Seeing then saith he we haue receiued such grace from God Communion of Saints 487. 488. so many as beleeue in the name of his sonne Christ as that we are through his mercy made a chosen generation a kingly Priesthood washed from all our sinnes in the blood of Christ and raigning with him on earth by mortifying and subduing our earthly members what remaineth then but that we purge our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and Spirit From hence I inferre that either the visible Church and consequently all the members thereof are washed from their sinnes mortifie and subdue their earthly members which no man will affirme or else the visible Church is not that royall Priestood whereof the Scripture speaketh for they that are this royall Priesthood are washed from their sinnes by your owne confession Iudge now thy selfe Christian reader whether this that M. Ainsworth writeth heere doeth not conuince that he saith else where Communion of Saints 470. And now that all Christians are made Priests vnto God euen a Kingly Priesthood to raigne vpon earth and to haue their power of Christ to iudge all that are within the Church and cast out the wicked from among them they ought to reteine and vse their power By Christians he meaneth here the members of the visible Church and of all them he affirmeth that the are Kings and Priests vnto God And to increase his sin after his and their accustomed manner he alleadgeth three places to prooue this his error namely 1. Pet. 2.9 Reu. 1.6 5.10 For the conuincing of which errors their are no testimonie in holy Scripture more excellent as we may appeare by the premisses Whereby it is euident they are strangely blinded in their vnderstanding seeing in the middest of a glorious light they see not the light but grope as men in palpable darkenesse And heere fitly I returne that vpon you M. Ainsworth which you falsely apply to vs. The Reader may see how your right eye is blinded to bring Scriptures so plaine against your selues Besides the three former testimonies you alleadge one another that likewise maketh not for but against you If you will heare my voyce indeede Counterp 79. Exod. 19.5 and keepe my couenant then you shall bee vnto me a kingdome of Priests but the Elect onely and they which are of the inuisible Church doe this which the Lord heere requireth Therefore they onely are the kingdome of Priests here spoken of Againe the visible Church these fewe excepted in it which are of the inuisible Church doeth not heare Gods voice indeede but contemne it doeth not keepe but breake his couenant and therefore is not a kingdome of Priests to God For what though this speech was spoken to the visible church They therein of the inuisible Church onely could did keepe the condition heere required They therefore alone make this Kingdome of Priests Thus your owne sword helpeth to pierce your side Neither is that so fit a title for the visible Church the sheepe of Lord seeing in the Scriptures specially of the new Testament ordinarily by sheepe are ment the Elect and Church inuisible I am the doore of the sheepe Ioh. 10.7.15 Matth. 25 33. I lay downe my life for my sheepe when the Sonne of man commeth in his glory he shall set the sheepe on his right hand and the goates on the left In a word If wee would knowe who indeede are the sheepe of the Lord and rightly so to be called Christ himselfe telleth vs againe in the 10. of Iohn saying Vers 27. my sheepe heare my voyce and I know them and they follow me and I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish Thereupon M. Ainsworth saith well such were not of Christs sheepe for then he would haue giuen them life eternall and for confirmation therof he quoteth this place of Iohn Communion of Saints 58. Wherby he imployeth that all Christs sheepe shall haue life euerlasting From whence it followeth that this title Christs sheepe or the sheepe of the Lord appertaineth to the elect and inuisible church and cannot rightly be saide of the visible Church except all the visible Church shall be saued A great part of the visible Church are so farre from being like to sheepe that they may more fitly be compared to wolues Mat. 10.26 Luke 10.3 Behold I send you as sheepe in the middest of wolues These whom Christ calleth wolues were the visible Church of the Iewes In which Church were but a fewe sheepe You teach further that the visible Church is in the Scripture called the Temple of God and this you will proue by 1. Cor. 3.17 Knowe yee not that you are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you 17. If any man destroy the Temple of God him shall God destroy for the Temple of God is holy which yee are I would desire no better place for the confutation of this error then this you alleadge for probation thereof See you not that the Spirit of God dwelleth in all those who be this Temple of God now God his spirit dwelleth onely in the Elect They are of the Elect therefore and inuisible Church who are the Temple of God That God breatheth his Spirit onely into the Elect it is manifest by Rom. 8.14 as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sonnes of God And by Gal. 4.6 And because yee are sonnes God hath sent foorth the Spirit of his sonne into your hearts which cryeth Abba Father Againe the Temple of God is heere saide to be holy which must needes be because the Spirit of God dwelleth in him that is this Temple and it is holy which is therefore called the holy Spirit and the holy Ghost ●●to o●e●y