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A13025 A generall treatise against poperie and in defence of the religion by publike authoritie professed in England and other churches reformed. VVherein they that either want leisure to read, or that haue not iudgement to conceiue, or that are not able to buie the learned treatises of other concerning particular points of religion, may yet euidently see poperie not to be of God, and our religion to be acceptable in his sight. Very necessarie for these times, for the confirmation and strengthening of men in our religion, that neither by Iesuits, nor by any other, they may be drawne to poperie, or any other heresie or sect: and likewise for the winning of Papists and atheists to an vnfained liking and true profession of our religion. By Thomas Stoughton minister of the word Stoughton, Thomas. 1598 (1598) STC 23316; ESTC S113794 180,055 360

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loue abound more and more as the Apostle writeth vnto the Philippians and as our Sauiour himselfe Phil. 1. 9. commendeth the loue of the Church of Thyatira saying that her workes were more at the Rev. 2. 19. last then at the first This the Lord requireth of all but especially of such as himselfe hath most highly aduanced and made the sonnes of the Psal 29. 1. mightie yea this is the ende for which he doth thus aduance them and make them so mightie Ester 4. 14. Neither neede any man to feare any disgrace or dishonour by such forwardnes in zeale yea rather euery man is to hope the contrarie For God himselfe hath expressely promised to 1. Sam. 2. 3● honour them that shall honour him Therefore the Apostle hoped and fully assured himselfe that in Phil. 1. 40. nothing he should be ashamed but that Christ should be magnified in his bodie where by opposing his owne shame to the magnifying of Christ and the magnifying likewise of Christ to his owne shame he plainely teacheth that they that studie and bend their endeauours most to magnifie and exalt Christ neede not to feare any shame and disgrace of themselues Moreouer they that continue the honouring of him with that honour and according to that honour whereunto he hath exalted them shall build vp the surer house to their owne posteritie For as the Prophet speaking generally of the man that feareth the Lord and delighteth greatly in his commandements Psal 112. 1. 2. that his seede shall be mightie vpon the earth so more particularly the Lord promised to Dauid to set vp his seede after him which 2. Sam. 7. 12. should proceede out of his bodie and to establish his kingdome And this promise all men knowe to haue beene most amply performed Yea to Iehu a man not so according to God his owne heart as Dauid was did the Lord promise that because he had diligently executed that which was right in 1. King 10. 30. God his eyes c. though not with a perfect heart therfore his sonnes vnto the fourth generation should sit vpon the throne of Israel This promise also was performed vnto the full For Iehu himselfe beeing reckoned for one Zecharia the sonne of Ieroboam king of Israel was the fifth discent from Iehu And this honour was more then the honour of any other king of Israel after the diuision of the kingdome For no other king of Israel besides Iehu had aboue one or two at the most as seuerall generàtions of their owne stocke and line to succeede them in the kingdome Three indeede are said to haue succeeded Homri to wit Ahab Ahazia and Iehoram but this last was not the sonne of the middle but both Ahazia and Iehoram were brethren and the sonnes of Ahab and Iezabel Now to returne to the fruit of beeing zealous in honouring 2. King 3. ● and 9. 22. the Lord when the threede of all earthly honour shall be drawne to an ende so as that it can not possibly be lengthened one inch more then shall beginne the honour that is without ende Then shall Christ confesse them before the Mat. 10. 22. cōpared with Luke 12. 8. Father and before his Angels in heaeuen that haue confessed him before men in the earth He will not commit the proclaiming of their praise to any other as Ahashuerosh did the praise Ester 6. 11. of Mordecai vnto Haman but euen himselfe will be as it were the Herauld thereof Neither will he whisper the praise of such in secret but he will publish and proclaime it in the greatest and most honourable assemblie that euer was Yea this Iesus the king of glorie shall Math. 23. 35. Dan. 12. 3. Math. 22. 30. Philip. 3. 21. 1. Ioh. 3. 2. place them at his right hande and shall make them like to the starres yea to the sonne in firmament yea to the angels yea euen vnto himselfe Verily Right honourable this glorie though it should continue but one daie is more then all earthly glorie though it should continue a thousand yeares If Dauid saide the like of the courts of God vpon earth what may be Psal 84. 10. saide of the highest court of God in the highest heauen what heart therefore would not be enflamed and set on fire with the knowledge and certen assurance of these things when Peter Iames and Iohn did see Christ Iesus in the mountaine with Moses and Elias in that glorious apparell for a while which one day they should put on for euer how were they affected there with Truly so that although they themselues were not one whit transfigured with Christ yet they could haue bin cōtent for euer to haue dwelt in that mountaine onely to haue enioyed this glorious sight of Christ Moses and Elias For what said they Peter speaketh for the rest as oftentimes he did for all not as beeing the head of all but as hauing the boldest spirit and said Master it is good for vs to be heare if thou wilt let vs make three tabernacles one for thee one for Moses and one for Elias Were these thus rauished with the bodily sight of the glorie onely of Christ and of two other and that vpon the earth and but for a time How then should the heart of euery Christian be rauished with the spiritual sight by faith of the euerlasting glorie of Christ Iesus of all the Saints generally and of himselfe particularly which one day they and himselfe shall haue for euer in the heauens and whereof in the meane time by the same faith they and he are as certenly assured as if they were alreadie in possession thereof How zealous also should euery the like Christian heart be of this our religion whereto onely this glorie is promised and whereby onely it is to be attained So great was the glorie of Moses hauing talked but a while with the Lord in the mountaine at the receiuing of the law that without a vaile the Israelites could not looke vpon him Exod. 34. 33. Was glorie so great at the giuing of the law vnto Moses How great then shall it be at the finall rewarding of the perfect obseruation and full satisfaction of the law by Christ Iesus was glorie so great after a while talking with the Lord how great then shall it be when we shall haue our whole conuersation and liue with God for euer was glorie so great in an earthly mountaine how great then shall it be in the high heauens was glorie so great vpon corruption how great then shall it be when that that is sowen in dishonour shall be raised altogether in glorie was glorie so great vpon weaknes how great then shall it be when that that is sowen in weaknes shall be applied in power Finally was glorie so great vpon a naturall bodie how great then shall it be when that that is sowen a naturall bodie shall be raised in a spirituall bodie I write not these
repentance before the Lord Iudg. 20. 26. Now the sinne of the Israelites for which they receiuing such a double foyle appeareth by the text to haue beene first too much confidence of the victorie in regard partly of the goodnes of their cause partly of their great multitude and secondly that although they sought vnto god in that behalfe yet they sought not in such humble and earnest manner as they should haue done and also did at the last when they had not onely warrant from God to goe againe to battell but also a promise of victorie Now if these sinnes be so dangerous to a good and iust cause what may be feared of great sinnes Thus much shall suffice to haue spoken concerning them that are of our religion THE FOVRTH VSE CONCERning Atheists and all those that are of no religion TOuching them that are not of our religion they are especially either Atheists and such as are of no religion or Papists By Atheists I meane not onely such as in deede and openly professe thēselues to be such not fearing plainly to denie God and all religion of which sort we hauee too many euen in our lande but also such as doe beare men in hand that they are of our religion but in truth are not For albeit they will goe to Church and performe other outward duties that our religion requireth yea will also sometime speake and doe something for our religion yet all is but in pollicie they practise onely the precepts of cursed Machiuel and therfore if any change should come which the God of heauen keepe from vs they are as readie for any religion as for this To this sort of Atheists I doe also referre many ciuill men that neuer knew or heard of Machiuel himselfe neither of his precepts which come also to Church c. and liue likewise vprightly as touching ciuill righteousnes and outward equitie amongst their neighbours which will also sometimes talke of religion both ours and poperie and yet in truth also are of no religion at all neither Protestants nor Papists Moreouer hitherto belongeth a great multitude of poore soules in this land that for want of instruction are so ignorant that they know not what religion is or any point of religion and which therefore make no difference betwixt our religion and poperie All these I wish seriously to consider of my former arguments and thereby to prouoke themselues to make more account of religion generally and secondly of our religion onely then euer they haue done As they haue heard our religion to be of God and acceptable vnto him so let them know that they cannot please God in any other waie but onely in our religion How miserable therefore wretched and fearefull is their estate and condition Let all such therefore lament this their miserie heartily thanking God that they vnderstood it before their ende and whilst it is called to daie let them not harden their hearts but heare the voice of God yet calling them to his true religion and knocking at the dore of their consciences to be entertained with his truth Let them seeke the Lord whilst he may be found and call vpon him whilst he is neare Esa 55. 6. least neglecting his grace offered vnto them the Lord remooue his kingdome and depart himselfe as it were out of their hearing and so withdraw his mercies from them and poure out his iudgements vpon them that they stretch out their hands and the Lord hide his eyes they make many praiers and the Lord heare not Esa 1. 15. they seeke and there be none to be found to helpe them Ioh. 7. 34. yea least notwithstanding their seeking they die for all that in their sinnes Ioh. 8. 21. Let such as now laugh at and make as it were a Maie-game of all religion and the professours thereof weepe mourne in time for their such laughing least the Lord also doe laugh them to scorne in their miserie Psal 73. 13. and doe mocke thē when their feare commeth Prov. 1. 26. bringing such heauines vpon them that they cannot laugh though they would yea and in the ende casting them into the place of vtter darknes feare horrour where is nothing but weeping and g●ashing of teeth Math. 8. 12. that is in hel fire that neuer shall be quenched where their worme dieth not and their fire neuer goeth out Mark 9. 43 44. Those also that hitherto haue beene secure and careles regarding no religion let them likewise in time better regard such meanes as whereby they may be drawne to our religion THE FIFTH VSE CONCERning weake and ignorant Papists TO Papists also I saie the same especially to such as are Papists in a kind of conscience that is to such as are not of that religion of any obstinate and wilfull minde but because in ignorance they are perswaded their religion to be the right waie and ours to be a wrong or by-waie I doubt not but that there are many such in the land Yea I hope that many Papists are such This I doe hope of such Papists as bring not forth those fruits that poperie approoueth of whereof I haue spoken in my sixt argument before which are also mercifull and readie to doe good not to them onely of their owne religion but also to other These I hope to be rather ignorant then wilfull Papists therefore I haue also some good hope of their conuersion in time especially if it might please God to mooue their hearts to haue regard of the perfect law of god which conuerteth the soule Psal 19. 7. And truly in the Christian loue that I beare vnto these and in the pittie and compassion I haue of their soules as I see them full of pittie and compassion towards the bodies of other and likewise to haue many other excellent commendable things in them I haue the rather set penne to paper for the writing of this treatise to trie if it might please my good God to blesse my labour vnto their good euen to the winning of them to our religion For I protest vnto them and God knoweth I speake the truth of my heart and lie not neither dissemble that I so desire their saluation that I would be gladder thereof then of all worldly wealth and good whatsoeuer In the meane time me thinketh that howsoeuer they be commended for many excellent things indeede not very common yet all their commendation is very defectiue and lame for want of commendation touching true religion Yea certenly when a man hath saide all that he can in commending such persons and then saith that these were excellent men or worthie women were it not for one thing that is for their religion this one thing wanting is more then all they haue For this one thing concerneth God all the other for which Papists are commonly cōmended concerne but men And our Sauiour saith that the great and first or chiefest commandement is to loue the Lord our God c. Math. 22. 38. yea
20. the which was so fully executed by Iehu according to the word of the Lord that they paid most deerely for Naboth his vineyard 2. King 9. 27 33. 10. 6. Though Ioash king of Iuda committed many sinnes after the death of good Iehoiada the high priest yet his putting to death of the Prophet Zechariah the sonne of the same Iehoiada is onely mentioned as the chiefe cause why his owne seruants conspired against him and murthered him 2. Chron. 24. 25. Though Haman had not fully effected his bloodie purpose against Mordecai and the other Iewes yet we know that the same measure by the righteous iudgement of God was measured vnto him that he had onely intended to haue measured vnto Mordecai Est 7. 10. 3 Here especially let vs remember how God dealt with the Amalekites onely for withstanding the Israelites as they came out of the land of Egypt Exod. 17. 8. First although the Lord did discomfort them before the Israelites at the praier of Moses whē they first came out against Israel yet did not the Lord satisfie himselfe with their ouerthrow of that daie but presently he spake further against them vnto Moses vers 14. saying Write for a remembrance in the booke and rehearse it to Ioshua for I will vtterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from vnder heauen and again v. 16. The Lord hath sworn that he will haue warre with Amalek from generation to generation Afterward also the Lord opened the mouth of Balaam whome Balak sent for to curse Israel the Lord I saie opened his mouth with a curse of destruction against the Amalekites Nomb. 24. 20. Yea but perhaps these were but words Words indeede they were but yet afterward when that generation of the Amalekites which then liued and foure other at the least were dead and rotten those words were fulfilled For as long after this as before we heard that God remembred the kindnes of the Kenites for their good the same God also remembred that sinne of the Amalekites to their ouerthrow For he sendeth Samuel with this mandate and commission to Saul against Amalek 1. Sam. 15. 2. I remember what Amalek did to Israel how they laide waite for them in the way as they came vp from Egypt now therefore goe and smite Amalek and destroy all that pertaineth vnto them and haue no compassion on them but stay both man and woman both infant and suckling both oxe and sheepe both camell and asse This was foure hundred yeares after the former sinne committed A man therefore would haue thought that God had not nowe any more thought vpon it for all his former note of remembrance But the Lord remembereth when men forget and thinke also all to be forgotten Yea the Lord did so remember this sinne and doth so remember other the like sinnes as that if he forbeare the punishment for a time yet at the last he commeth in also for arrearages For in the former commission giuen to Saul we see with what seueritie the Lord will haue Saul to proceede against the Amalekites Yea afterward in the same chapter when Saul had beene too remisse in the execution of that commission the Lord raised vp Samuel to doe or see that to be done against Agag the king of Amalek that Saul had neglected 4 If therefore there shall be any such Papists or Atheists as by no meanes will be reclaimed and drawne to our religion in this treatise commended and prooued to be of God and acceptable vnto him yet at the least let them take heede and beware of speaking the least word and doing the least deede against it or against any that loue and maintaine the same for louing and maintaining thereof Let them not flatter themselues God is the same now that euer he was And the more himselfe hath spoken or done for commendation and iustifying this religion the more that others raised vp and also directed by him haue spoken written or done in the same behalfe the greater shall be the iudgement in the ende of all such as shall not regard the same 5 Now the successe of all that I haue written in this cause I commit to him that is onely able to giue a blessing thereunto The Lord therefore make vs all that doe alreadie professe this religion thankfull vnto him for that he hath in his abundant mercie vouchsafed vs the glorious light the rich benefit and the sweete comfort thereof The Lord confirme and strengthen vs to continue therein vnto the ende The Lord enrich vs more and more daily with the faith knowledge loue and feare of God with the righteousnes mercie and all other vertues touching God or men that it commendeth The Lord fill the hearts of all great persons with more zeale to speake and doe more for the aduancing it especially any speciall opportunitie beeing offered The Lord thereunto animate incourage and inable all his owne Worthies to defend it against all aduersaries thereunto with all honourable successe The Lord preserue aduance and honour them that haue aduanced and honoured it Especially O Lord preserue aduance and honour thy seruant our dread Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth yea O Lord as thou hast set her higher then all other in her kingdomes so stil magnifie thy mercy towards this Church and other Churches which as it were sucke of her breasts that neuer gaue suck in making her elder then any of her owne people especially then any of thine and he● aduersaries The Lord open both the eyes of such as haue not regarded our religion to see the glorie of it and also their hearts to embrace it Finally touching such as be incurable the Lord restraine them from doing that to the hindrance thereof which Satan by them endeauoureth and in the ende doe with them and to them that which shall be right in his owne eyes Amen AN ADDITION OF CERTAINE DAINties of Poperie collected partly out of their popish seruice bookes and partly out of the writings of some princi pall Doctours of speciall account in the popish church when poperie it selfe was at the highest HAuing in my former generall treatise against poperie and in defence of our religion charged poperie to be a religion maintained and vpheld by vnlawfull means and whereof both matter and forme are contrarie to that religion which the Scriptures commend to be acceptable vnto God yea to be a religion maintaining open blasphemies against God and Christ Iesus and wherein there is scarse any worship of God at all Hauing also charged it to be a religion wherein nothing is done to God his glorie but all things almost referred to the glorie of the Pope of Saints of the woodden stonie golden or painted crosse c. of reliques of saints of men c. Hauing affirmed it to be a religion that teacheth no obedience to the ten commandements of almightie God but that alloweth disobedience vnto euery one of them and that therefore it is a religion altogether licentious loose and full of carnall
place where now it is honoured with hymnes After this they sought for the olde man but neither was he seene to goe forth neither did they finde him there 2 In the translation of Thomas Becket many blasphemous praiers and some other Many blasphemous praiers in the translation of Thomas Becket thinges are in the same booke mentioned First of all thus they pray vnto God Deus qui nobis translationem beati Thome martyris tui atque pontificis celebrare concedis te supplic●● exoramus vt eius meritis precibus a vitijs ad virtutes a carcere transferamur adregnum that is O God which grauntest vs to celebrate the translation of blessed Thomas thy This Thomas as our Chronicles testifie was put to death for treason yet see how they honour him martyr and bishop we humbly beseech thee that by his merits and praiers we may be translated from vice to vertue and from prison to a kingdome After that they saie apparuit ei dominus dixit Thoma Thoma glorificabitur in sanguine tuo ecclesia mea that is the Lord appeared vnto him and said Thomas Thomas my church shall be glorified in thy blood In the sixt lesson for his translation they S. Thomas 〈◊〉 miracles speake of many miracles that he did namely that he restored sight to the blinde hearing to the deafe speach to the dumbe and life to the dead Then they praie againe Iesus Christe per Thome vulnera quae no● ligant relaxa scelera c. Iesus Christ by the wounds of Thomas loose the sinnes which doe binde vs. Then they say in further commendation of him Felix locus felix ecclesia in qua Thome viget memoria felix terra que dedit presulem felix illa que fouet exulem Happie is the place happie is the church wherein remaineth any memorie of Thomas happie is that land which gaue him for a bishop and that likewise entertained him a banished man Againe Thome cedunt parent omnia pestes morbi mors demonia ignes aer tellus maria Thomas mundum All things obe● Thomas and he filleth the world with glorie repleuit gloria Thome mundus prestat obsequia All things giue place and obedience vnto Thomas pestilences sicknesses death and the deuills The fire the ayre the earth and the seas Thomas hath filled the world with glorie The world yeeldeth humble seruice vnto Thomas Then follow the eight nine lessons for the said Thomas B●ckets day the summe of which lessons is this A certaine man desirous to visit his shrine for praiers sake meeting with a carre vpon Kainford 〈◊〉 Thomas sa●eth a man frō drowning bridge by London was throwne into the water He remembred therefore Thomas and praied vnto him that he might not be drowned Now although he suncke fiue times to the bottome and still came vp againe yet he did earnestly protest that he felt no griefe either in his mouth or in his nostrills but that onely in his falling he tooke a little salt water He also added that when he began to be drowned a certaine bishop supported him that he could not be drowned Then they note that the translation of Thomas was cōsummated ann 1220. in the nones of Iuly about three of the clocke but whether in the morning or euening they tell vs not in the 40. yeare after his suffering After they say Aqua Thome quinquie● varians calorem that perhaps should be colorem in lac s●mel trans●●t quater in cruorem The water of Thomas fiue times changing the heat or rather S. Thomas his water turned into milke and blood the colour was turned once into milke and foure times into blood Then they adde Ad Thome memoriam quater lux descendit in sancti gloriam cereos accendit For the remembrance of Thomas light descended foure times and lighted the waxe candles vnto the glorie of the saint Then they praie Tu pro Thome sanguine quem prote impendit fac nos Christe scandere quo Thomas ascendit For the blood of Thomas which for thee he did spend cause some of vs O Christ to clime thither where Thomas did ascend And after that to Thomas himselfe they praie thus Opem nobis O Thoma porrige rege stantes iacentes erige mores actus vitam c●rrige in pacis nos viam dirige Reach forth thy helpe O Thomas vnto vs gouernevs standing raise vs vp lying correct our manners our workes our life and direct vs into the way of peace Afterward they salute Thomas thus Salve Thoma virga iustitie mundi iubar robur ecclesiae plebis amor cleri delitie salue gregis tutor ecclesiae salue tue ga●dentes glorie Good morrow Thomas the rodde of iustice the sunne-beame of the world the strength of the Church the loue of the common people the delight of the cleargie Good morrow O gouernour of the flocke thy Church saue them that reioyce in thy glorie Besides many foolish and ridiculous things in these wordes that I haue noted concerning the foresaide Thomas who seeth not also many horrible and outragious blasphemies in that that many thinges proper onely to God and his Sonne Christ Iesus are attributed vnto him whereby he is made euen equall with God and with Christ Iesus In the feast of relikes first reading these wordes Matth. 5. at that tim● Iesus seeing the multitude went vp into a mountaine and when he was set his disciples came vnto him Then they make this glose vpon them Mons in quo sedit dominus mystice significat maiora precepta iustitiae quia minora erant queiudeis data sunt c. Mystice etiam sessio domini incarnatio eius est c. that is the moūtaine in which the Lord did sit doth mystically signifie the great precept of iustice because they were the lesse which were giuen vnto the Iewes The sitting also of the Lord is mystically his incarnation Is not this clerkly done 3 In the fift and sixt lessons of S. Margarets day there is this historie in effect S. Margaret being in close prison for the christian faith praied vnto God that cum inimico latente facie ad faciem haberet conflictum that is shee A notable fight of S. Margaret might fight face to face with the secret enemie Arising therefore from praiers shee saw a terrible dragon readie to swallow her vp with his iawes but by making the signe of the crosse he brake in the middes After shee saw an other deuill sitting like a blacke man and hauing his handes bound to his knees but shee tooke him by the haire and laid him all along vpon the earth and set her right foote vpon the crowne of his head Then shee praied and suddenly light shined from heauen in the prison and the crosse of Christ was seene euen to heauen and a doue sitting vpon it say Blessed art thou O Margaret the gates of paradise doe looke for thee Then giuing
patient and which beare much aduersitie patiently Fifthly that with vertues shall be placed the peacemakers and they that as much as in them lieth haue peace with all men Sixthly they with dominions shall be made blessed prelates as well ecclesiasticall as secular Beatificabūtur prelati tam ecciesiastics quam seculares Seauenthly that with thrones shall be placed they that perfectly for saking the world shall obserue wilfull pouertie Eightly that with Cherubims shall be placed the wise teachers of soules which shall not onely liue well themselues but shall also by their wisdome and doctrine bring other to eternall life Ninthly that with Seraphims shall stand they that shall be perfect in burning loue aboue all other as the Apostles and other like vnto them When shee had heard all this shee said further Et ego fili in quo ordine collocabor And in what order O sonne shall I be placed He answered because thou art perfecter then all the former therefore thou shalt not be in any of the former orders but shalt be exalted aboue all angelicall spirits Nam due cathedre sedes fulgentissime sunt nobis preparate in celo c. for there are two chaires and seates most fulgent or bright prepared for vs in heauen One for me wherein I shall sitte as king of heauen and an other for thee at my right hand wherein thou shalt sitte as the Queene of Angels and of all the Saints which was figured 3. King by Bathsheba 1. King 2. Salomon c. These things are much more largely set downe by him in his booke then by me in this place because I hasten to an ende Now who seeth not the vanitie and follie of these mysteries 15 In the first sermon of her coronation leafe 381. thus he writeth O igitur regina nostra serenissima c. that is O therefore our The virgins kingdome vniuersall and euerlasting most excellent Queene thou truly maist say Ezr. 1 that The Lord hath giuē me all the kingdomes of the earth And we may say vnto thee that Tob. 13. Thy kingdome is throughout all ages and psal 144. Thy kingdome is for all ages Psal 145. 3. and Dan. 2. A kingdome which shall neuer be broken Come therefore and take thou the kingdome ouer vs. Iudg. 9. for of thy kingdome may that be said psal 105. And his kingdome shall rule ouer all and Luc. 1. And of his kingdome there shall be none ende c. 16 In the second sermon of her coronation O how much adoe is there of the great singing in heauen by the angels and saints c. euery one hauing a seuerall antheme leafe 386. Afterward he telleth vs that shee was crowned with three crownes as the Emperours are wont to be crowned One crown is of iron in signum fortitudinis in token of her fortitude and strength the second was of Her three crownes siluer ratione purit at is in regard of her puritie the third crowne where with shee was crowned was of gold ratione superioritatis sufficientie in regard of her superioritie and sufficiencie In the same sermon leafe 391. he saith that in glorie shee doth as much excell the nature of angels and men both beeing ioyned together as the circumference of the firmament doth in greatnes exceede his center that is to speake more plainely that her glorie is as much greater then the glorie of the angels and of men as the whole highest heauen is greater then the earth In the same lease thus he speaketh vnto her O femina ab omnibus super omnia benedicta c. An heape of the virgins titles that is O woman of all and aboue all blessed Thou art the nobilitie and preseruation of mankind Thou art the breadth of merit and the perfect power of all things created Thou art the onely mother of God Thou art the Ladie of the whole earth and the Queene of the world Thou art the dispenser of all graces Thou art the cōsummation of the whole world and the beautie of the holy Church Thou art out worthie satisfaction before the giuer of all gifts Thou art the incomprehensible greatnes of all vertues gifts and graces 17 It were infinite to note the cithe onely of the foolish and blasphemous speaches concerning the virgin Marie contained in that one booke so highly allowed by the Popes holines To omit therefore the gathering of any more out of this Bernardine I come now to the sermons of Saint Vincent THE SIXTH PART THis Vincent was no obscure person but like wise of great account in the Romish Church For he is not onely called by the name of a Saint but also in the beginning of his Estivall sermons he is called Divini verbi preco interpres professor subtilissimus that is a most subtile or sharpe preacher interpretour and professour of the word of God In the ende also of the same booke he is called Iluminatissimus acutissimus sacre theologie professor a most illuminated and acute professour of sacred diuinitie Let vs therefore see what pretious ware this great marchant hath in his shoppe 2 First it is to be obserued that as Bernardine did so doth this man also beginne all or at the least most of his sermons with a deuout salutation of the Virgin Touching the speciall matter of his sermons it is as followeth In his first sermon for Easter daie he noteth chiefly and principally three points wherein consisteth as he saith all the practise of the blessed resurrection of Christ These three points he setteth downe thus Resurrectio Christi fuit celebrata affectuose demonstrata gratiose publicata virtuose The resurrection of Christ was celebrated with great affection shewed with great grace published with great power or vertue In the same sermon speaking of the virgin Marie he saith that shee had prepared against the resurrection of Christ cameram a chamber and Camara is vsed for a cham●er by the same author ●erm 2. pro Dominic 1 post fe●●●●●nnitatis cathedram a chaire and that she said Hic sedebit filius meus hic loquar et Here shall my sonne sit and here will I speake vnto him What word is there of any such thing in the Scripture Then he addeth that when Christ and his mother met and Christ was set in the chaire he told his mother what he had done in hell how he had bound the deuill shewed her the holy fathers which he had taken from thence who did to the virgin great reuerence Then he setteth downe particularly the words of Adam and Eve of the Prophets and Angels c. to the virgin Marie 3 In his sermon for the fourth holy day of Easter hauing read his text which he saide was the gospel for that daie and hauing saluted the virgin he addeth these words In sacro euangelio sunt quatuor moralia circa apparitionem quam fecit Christus discipulus suis scilicet Occasio necessilosa Operatio