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A12475 The communion of saincts A treatise of the fellowship that the faithful have with God, and his angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by H.A. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1607 (1607) STC 228; ESTC S118775 187,194 518

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words are plesant as the hony cōb sweetnes to y● sowl health to the bones which causeth thē to desire that they may dwel in his howse al their dayes to behold his bewty and alwayes they say Let the Bewty of the Lord our God be vpon vs. His other staff Bands conserveth the brotherhood of his people wherby they ar lincked togither in love labouring to be al of one mind one suffring with an other loving as brethren living growing togither as one tree or staff in his hand This brotherhood the Saincts are al exhorted to love and endevour to keep the vnitie of the spirit in the bond of peace being clothed with the bowels of mercies kindnes humblenes of mind meeknes long-suffring forbearing forgiving one an other even as Christ forgave them and above al these things having Love which is the bond of perfectnes 10. Sometimes God bringeth vnto his faith and church the governours great men of the earth whose authoritie and scepters are a great help to the conservation of true religion and outward peace of his people by their defence of the just and punishment of evil-doers These notwithstanding their high places yet are to have no haughty harts nor lofty eyes but behave themselves and compose their sowles like weyned childrē learning dayly from the ministerie and book of God to fear the Lord to keep al the words of his law that their harts be not lifted vp above their brethren They are with them to begin end the publick worship of God they may not take of the peoples inheritance nor thrust them out of their possession they are to conteyn as wel themselves as their subjects in the obedience of Christ to be foster fathers and nourses of the church vnto which they have brought their glorie and their honour expecting a better and an eternal glory with al Saincts in the kingdome of God For there is a covenant between them and their subjects that they wil be the Lords people yea thēselves are the foremost to make it to order al things in their kingdomes according to Gods word As that good king Iosiah in the assemblie of al his people both great and smal first covenanted himself to walk after the Lord and to keep his cōmandements his testimonies and his statutes with al his hart and with al his sowl that he would accomplish the words of the covenant written in Gods book and then caused al that were found in Ierusalem and Benajamin to stand to the same 11. But because in times of worldly peace many wil presse to enter into the church for cōpany favour or fashion sake which otherwise would never regard the same being profane idolatrous or irreligious the children of this world therfore care must be had that no such vnclean wicked persons be accepted For though the gates be open that the righteous nation which keepeth the faith may enter in yet seing it is sayd that the way shal be caled holy the polluted shal not passe by it that Ierusalem shal be holy no strangers shal goe through her nor a Canaanite be any more in the howse of the Lord of hosts ther must be seen in them the seed and foundation of religion before they be received namely repentāce fiō dead works faith towards God For this was the voyce of the crier that proclaymed the kingdom of heaven which they that obeyed wer baptised vnto remission of syns the residue were rejected as a viperous generation the same thing also Christ made the beginning and groundwork of his kingdome saying Repent and beleev the Gospel Vntil therfore such willingly receiv and confesse the truth renouncing their former evil wayes promising submissiō meeknes obediēce in the faith of the Gospel vntil the wolf have learned to dwel in peace with the lamb the leopard to lie with the kidd the bear to feed with the kow and the Lion to eat straw like the bullock we may not admitt them into communiō with vs for what part hath the beleever with the vnbeleever but refuse their proffered and pretended service as the fathers of Israel answered the like intruders It is not for you for vs joyntly to build an howse vnto our God but we our selves togither wil build it vnto the Lord God of Israel And as there were porters in the fowr winds or quarters of Gods ancient howse evē porters set that none that was vnclean in any thing should enter in and diligent watch and ward was kept at the gates of Ierusalem for fear of enemies so in this new and Christian Ierusalem though the gates therof be never shutt yet is ther such watch to be kept that no no vnclean thing may enter into it neyther whatsoever worketh abominatiō or lies but they which a● written in the Lambs book of life 12. The Saincts being thus gathered as a people that shal dwe● by themselves and not be reckne● among the nations for that the ar chosen out of the world separated from the same and being builded as a citie compact togither in it self and growing vp in Christ the chief corner stone vnto an holie Temple in the Lord are made the habitation of God by the spirit and do dwel alone in safetie in a land of wheat and wine also their heavens do drop the deaw For the graces of God by his word and spirit are as a river of water of life clear as chrystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb whose streames make glad this citie of God and moisten the trees planted in this gardein Yea God himself dwelleth here is in the middes of it therefore it shal not be moved As the good husbandman he purgeth every fruitful branch in this vine that it may bring forth more fruit for this his vineyard is before himself not let out to others he keepeth it watereth it every moment least any assayl it he keepeth it night day from injurie of enemies making the barres of the gates strong and in it self he setteth peace and this not in one but in al the churches of the Saincts amids whom he walketh visiting and knowing theyr works and all their wayes which churches though they be many in number yet are they one in vnitie To them al he hath given one faith order and canon to be kept for ever vnto the worlds end to every of them a like power and grace And as he guided his ancient Israel the twelv tribes by day in the pillar of a clowd by night in a pillar of fyre to giv them light that they might goe both by day night so hath he created according to his promise vpon every place
that we feel in this world when for his sake we are killed al the day long are counted as sheep for the slaughter doe bear about in our body the dying of the Lord Iesus and are alwayes delivered vnto death for Iesus sake that the life also of our Lord Iesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh these serve for furtherances of our sanctification by being partakers of his holines and make vs as sacrifices and a prey for the ravenous fowles whiles we liv strangers here on earth the land that is not ours as did Ahrahams seed Thus ar we named the Priests of the Lord and hav authority in every place to offer incense vnto his name and a pure offring both we and our works our spiritual sacrifices being acceptable vnto God in Christ Iesus 17. To illustrate and seal vp more assuredly our communion with Christs Priesthood We ar washed with water for a signe assurance of the forgivnes washing away of our syns and to be as the laver of our regeneration new birth wherby we ar also baptised into his death and buried with him by baptisme that like as Christ was raysed vp from the dead by the glory of the Father so we also should walk in newnes of life our old man being crucified with him that the body of syn might be destroyed and our selves be dead to syn but alive to God in Iesus Christ our Lord whom by this symbol we have put on and doe bear his name vpon vs with the name of the Father and of the holy Spirit And after this Christ often feedeth our sowles with his own body blood which was broken powred out for our sakes figured out vnto vs by bread wine hereby cōfirming the former grace of remission of syns and a further growth in Christ continually into whom we ar incorporate have so neer a communion with him vnder these visible earthly elements which we looking past by the eye of faith seeing and feeding vpon Christ have our life by him doe dwel in him he in vs and shal by him be raysed vp at the last day vnto life eternal 18. Having seen how Christ being our Prophet informeth vs in al the wisdome of God and by the Law sheweth vs our syn wretchednes by the Gospel our justice happines and being our Priest Sacrifice hath by himself purged vs frō al syn given vs the gift of justice and sanctitie to present vs pure blamelesse before God his Father it remayneth that we also consider how he conserveth and mainteyneth this our blessed state against al enimies by his mighty power and soveraignty which as Lord and King he hath over al. 19. This soveraigntie is set forth by divers titles of honour and dignitie given him in the scriptures as when he is named Messiah the Governour Captaine or Fore leader the Ruler that is having dominion right and authoritie to govern and guide his people Michael the great Prince the Captaine of the Lords host a mayster or Commander to the peoples a Potentate or Mighty one the king of kings Lord of Lords and Prince of the kings of the earth the Lord of all vnto whom is given al power in heaven in earth an everlasting dominion honour and kingdome that al peoples nations and languages shal serv him And he the true Melchisedek king of Salem shal reign as king in justice and sit as Prince of Peace vpon the throne of David vpon his kingdome to order it to stablish it with judgement with justice frō henceforth even for ever 20. This kingdome of Christ is no earthly Monarchie nor of this world but spiritual and heavenly and therfore is more mighty then the kingdoms of the earth able to beat down break in peeces grind to pouder al adverse power and domination whither of this world or the spiritual wickednesses which are in the high places 21. Therfore also is the manner of administring this kingdom no● worldly nor pompous but a● Christ the king himself came vnto vs poor and riding vpon an asse● and he the Lion of the tribe o● Iudah the root of David was fo● to see to like a killed Lamb s● menageth hee his kingdome stil● neyther by an army nor a Power but by his Spirit that it cometh not with observation for men to say Loe here or loe there but is with in vs wielded by the spiritual scepter of his word the Gospel of the kingdom and by the almighty working of the Spirit and therefore conteyneth in it mysteries or secrets that can not be vnderstood but by the gift of God 22. Our Lord himself hath subdued and dayly subdueth al his foes the world he hath overcome syn he hath condemned and put-away Death he hath abolished the Divil that had the power there of he hath destroyed neyther shal these or any of these ever have dominion over him but he shall reign til he hath put all his enemies vnder his feet and death and hel be cast into the lake of fyre 23. This his power regiment he cōmunicateth with his Saincts two manner of wayes First by applying vnto them for their benefit and salvation al that himself hath done and doeth as the Lord sayth by his prophet I wil camp about mine howse against the army against him that passeth by and against him that returneth no oppressor shal come vpon them any more And as for their sakes Christ sanctified himself so for their comfort he overcame the world to take away their syns did he appear when in himself ther was no syn for the children of the people Israel standeth this Michael the great prince fighteth against the Dragon and casteth him out of heaven wher now is salvatin and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ the accuser of the Saincts being cast down Wherfore the Lord being king the earth may rejoyce and the multitude of the yles be glad because he preserveth the soules of his Sainctes he wil deliver them from the hand of the wicked hee will judge the people of God in justice and his poor with equitie that the mountaynes the hils shal bring peace to the people by justice and in his dayes the righteous shall flourish and abundance of peace shal be so long as the moon endureth For the charets being cut off from Ephraim and the horse from Ierusalem the bow of the battel shal be broken and he shal speak peace vnto the natiōs but in y● mornings he wil destroy al the wicked of the land smiting the earth with the rod of his mouth and slaying the wicked with
the breath of his lips woūding kings treading down peoples in the day of his wrath Therefore the poor shall committ themselves vnto him and triumph in his salvation saying The Lord is king for ever and ever the hethen are destroyed forth of his land the kingdomes of this world are our Lords and his Christs and he shal reign for evermore 24. Secondly he cōmunicateth with his Saincts this grace to be Kings also with him and to reign on earth that as himself sitteth ruleth vpon his throne is a Priest vpon his throne and the counsell of peace is between them both so they whom he hath made kings Priests vnto God his Father being a kingly priesthood even a kingdom of Priests and an holy nation having part in the first resurrection the second death may hav no power over them but being the Priests of God and of Christ and reigning with him the terme of yeres limited at last whē they have overcome may sit with Christ in his throne even as he overcame sitteth with his Father in his throne 25. This spirituall kingdome wherby the Saincts reign on earth is first over their own syns and corruptions for they are careful to be vpright with God and to keep themselves from their wickednes and the Lord subdueth their iniquities that syn shal not have dominiō over them because they are freed from it and made servants vnto God having their fruit in holynes and the end everlasting life And this victorie whereby they overcome themselves is greater thē al earthly conquests according to the true proverb He that is slow to anger is better then the Mighty man he that ruleth his own spirit is better then he that winneth a citie Secondly it is over the world which also they set themselves against as knowing that it lieth in wickednes the wisdom thereof is foolishnes cometh to naught the pleasures of it are vanitie and vexatiō of spirit the sorowes of it work death and the amitie thereof is the enmitie of God therefore flee they the corruption that is in the world through lust walking before God as strangers pilgroms on earth not loving the world nor the thinges that are in the world which have neyther satisfying nor fruit in thē but being crucified vnto it it vnto them they keep thēselves vnspotted of it free frō the bondage servitude of the same they vse it as though they vsed it not they bear with patience al the reproches injuries that it offreth yea though they be made the gazing stock as the filth of the same yet are they more then conquerours through him that loved thē and do fulfil that which is written All that is born of God overcometh the world this is the victorie that overcometh the world evē our faith Thirdly the conquest of the Saincts is over Satan himself the prince of this world and worker of all mischief Him also they resist stedfast in the faith and doe overcome him by the blood of the Lamb by the word of their testimonie and love not their lives vnto the death so that wicked one fleeth from them and toucheth them not for they keep themselves because they are begotten of God who wil tread that adversary vnder their feet shortly with him shal be destroyed the last enemy Death And as now the Saincts doe reigne with Christ on earth by faith and patience so then having judged the world and even the Angels they shal reign with him in glory in heaven for evermore 26. To teach vs this Communion with Christ we have in the scripture many doctrines similitudes as that he will make his church a roller a new threshing instrumēt having teeth for to thresh the mountayns and bring them to powder make the hils as chaff that he giveth strength and power to his people making their horn yron their hoofs brasse themselves as his bewtiful horse in the battel that they shal be as the mighty men which tread down their enimies in the myre of the streets in the battel for the Lord of hosts shal defend them they shal devowr and subdue their foes That Christ shal make his children Princes throughout all the earth as himself hath many Crowns vpon his head so will he cōmunicate them with his Saincts as the crownes of his figure Iesus son of Iehozadak the high Priest were to Helem Tobijah and others for a memorial in the tēple of the Lord. That as Christ is the head corner stone vpon which whosoever fal shal be broken on whomsoever it fal it shal grinde them to powder so Ierusalem his church shall bee made a heavie stone for al people al that lift it vp shal be torne though al the people of the earth be gathered togither against it That as Christ shal crush the nations with a scepter of yron and break them in peeces like a potters vessel so he that overcometh and keepeth his works vnto the end to him will he give power over nations he shal rule them with a rod of yron that as potters vessels they shal be broken even as he received of his Father so will he give to that man the morning starre 27. To illustrate this Cōmunion between our Saviour and vs we have the similitude of an humane bodie the mēbers wherof by their due joynts and synewes ar joyned to the head receiv from it life and motion and government in al the actions and affayrs so Christ is the head of the body of his church communicateth with al the Saincts his members life and grace and al good things for their conservation Also of a vine or Olive tree whose branches ar made partakers of the juice sap and fatnes that is in the root stock so we abiding in Christ the true vine doe by the juice moysture of his grace live and bear fruits to the prayse of God Agayn as the husband and wife ar not two but one flesh the first woman builded of the rib of man was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone and so did love live togither partaking ech with others wel fare in like manner are we joyned to the Lord made one spirit he that made vs is our husband and we are maried to him in faith wherevpon he nourisheth cherisheth vs for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones and this is a great Secret as the Apostle sayth which they that would behold had need be caried in Spirit as was Iohn to a great an high Mountain there to be shewed this Spowse adorned with the
places wher they become yet is it most lively seen in their Assemblie and there he is very terrible For this cause did his people love the habitation of his house desired to dwel there al their dayes that they might be hold his bewtie and being absent from it their sowles thirsted for God saving when shal we come and appear before the presence of God for they knew his promise which had sayd In every place where I shal put the remembrance of my name I wil come vnto thee blesse thee they knew God was in the mids of his sanctuary it should not be moved he would help it very early But of this holy societie more is to be spoken particularly in another place CHAP. XII Of the Communion that we have with Iesus Christ our Mediatour IEsus Christ being God manifested in the flesh is given of the Father to be the onely mediatour between him and vs and he hath given him power to execute judgmēt in that he is the son of Man He is the head of the body of the Church in him all the buylding coupled togither groweth vnto an holy Temple in the Lord and we all are built togither in him to be the habitation of God by the Spirit he is the way the truth the life no man cometh to the Father but by him And of him and his mediation this Oracle was spoken of old to the Saincts that their Noble-ruler should be of thēselves their Governour Christ should proceed from the mids of them God would cause him to drawe neer and approach vnto himself when he should ascend and sit at his right hand to make intercession for vs for who is he els that warranteth his hart to come vnto me sayth the Lord And ye shal be my people and I wil be your God 2. As we are made the people and portion of God by Christ brought by him vnto the fellowship and glorie of his Father so is there a special fellowship and cōmunion that we have with Christ being caled therevnto of the Father as it is written God is faithful by whom ye are called vnto the communion of his Son Iesus Christ our Lord. And that this hath alwayes been the chief end and scope of God in al his Oracles since the world began to draw men vnto Christ so vnto himself is before shewed 3. The summe of the grace given vs through communion with our Lord Iesus is cōprised in those words of the Apostle saying that Christ is of God made vnto vs Wisdom and Iustice and Sanctification and Redemption These things he is vnto vs by vertue of his Mediatorship which consisteth in the three functions or offices of Prophecie Priesthood Kingdome committed vnto him by the Father For frō the in most holy place and from the bosom of the Father is he come to declare God vnto vs he is a Prophet raysed vp of the Lord to speak vnto vs al that he cōmanded him and him are we willed for to hear the yles are to wayt for his Law And as he being worthy obteyned to open the book that is in the right hand of him that sitteth on the throne to loose the seven seales thereof because all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge ar hid in him so having made knowen to vs al things that he heard of his Father having declared and stil declaring his Name by his word and spirit he is the Power of God and the wisdom of God vnto vs. And the things which he hath declared are two 1 the Law to shew vs our syn and the evils due for the same 2 the Gospel to shew vs our righteousnes by grace from God with the blessings that flow therfrō He also being our great high priest or sacrificer hath taken away our syns and al the evils accompanying them hath redeemed vs from the Curse of the Law finished wickednes sealed vp sins made reconciliatiō for iniquitie brought the gift of righteousnes or Iustice so by his obedience we ar made just grace shal reigne by justice vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord whose blood doth also purge our consciences from dead works to serv the Living God and by the same hath he sanctified his people and contineweth a Priest for ever and is both our Iustice Sanctification Finally this our redemtion from evil and restauration vnto happines he conserveth maynteyneth by his mighty power frō al enemies whō hee hath subdued vnder his owne feet wil also subdue vnder ours and is therfore named our King whom al kings shal worship al nations shal serv who wil redeem our sowles from deceit violence wil giv vs also the redemption of our bodie and cause our last enimy Death to be swallowed vp in victorie so wil be our ful Redemptiō for ever ever at his appearing with glorie in the day of Redemptiō 4. More particularly touching his Prophesie and our communion with him therin as God gave him for a witnes to the people for a Prince and a Commander vnto them so shewed he himself to be a faithful and true witnesse in that he spake to the world the things which he had heard of the Father This he did in his own person whiles he walked with mē teaching the true meaning and end of al his Fathers Law and vrging the syncere keeping of it in Love freeing it also from the false glosses and leaven of the Pharisees and cutting down their traditions for the Lord to this end had made his mouth like a sharp sword that by the breath of his lips he might slay the wicked He also taught the glad tidings of the Gospel vnto the poor therby healing the broken harted preaching deliverance to the captives recovering of sight to the blind and the acceptable yere of the Lord that whosoever should hear his word and beleev in him that sent him should hav everlasting life and not come into condemnation but was passed from death vnto life So he hid not his Fathers righteousnes within his hart but declared his truth and his salvation he conceled not his mercy and his truth from the great congregation but preached peace and comfort to his people For God had given him a tongue of the Learned that he might know to minister a word in time to him that is weary grace was powred in his lips and they they were like lillies dropping down pure myrrh and his mouth was sweet things 5. As in his own person so did he by others publish the will of his Father vsing hereto the ministerie both of men and Angels He gave and stil giveth the gifts of ministery vnto many men above al other he furnished his
them outwardly by kingdome priesthood and prophesie he gave them also his good Spirit to instruct them and Iesus Christ his Son the Angel of his face or presence saved them yet they both envied Moses and Aaron the holy one of the Lord and often provoked grieved tempted God himself and limited the Holy one of Israel they rebelled vexed his holy Spirit the Spirit of the Lord which had given thē rest therefore was he turned to be their enimy and fought against them In these last dayes of the Gospell we are also taught how some that have tasted of the heavenly gift were made partakers of the Holy Ghost yet fall so away that they cānot be renewed vnto repētance So that even wicked men and reprobates do often receive the gifts of the Spirit whereby they do many great works yet are not benifited hereby vnto salvation for they have not the grace of God to sanctifie those gifts seal thē vp vnto the day of redemption therfore God taketh his holy Spirit from them and sometyme sendeth his evil spirit in sted thereof to vex them as he did vnto Saul this worthily seing there are of these wretches that do even despite the Spirit of grace 7. But the Saincts elect of God have an other manner cōmunion with the Holy Ghost for their help comfort and sanctification in this life and assurance of life eternall For because they are sons God sendeth the Spirit of his son into their harts which crieth Abba Father so they are no more servants but sons and heyrs also of God through Christ who hath obteyned of his Father this Comforter to abide with them for ever even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receiv because it seeth him not neyther knoweth him but they know him for hee dwelleth with them shal be in them their bodies are the Temples of the Holy Ghost 8. The communion which the Saincts have with the Spirit is in many particulars and that from the beginning of their dayes vnto the end For Ieremiah was sanctified and Iohn Baptist filled with the Holy Ghost even from their mothers wombs And we all that are born of God have our regeneration and new birth of the Spirit according to his mercy are saved by the washing of the new birth the renewing of the Holy Ghost 9. The word of God which it the immortal seed whereby we are begotten hath alwayes been vttered explayned and vnderstood by means of this Spirit David testifieth of himself that the Spirit of the Lord spake in him his word was in his tongue our saviour Christ and his Apostles doe witnesse also the same concerning him so the things that he spake we must receiv as the sayings of the Holy Ghost The like is to be minded for Isaias Michaias and al other Prophets by whose hands the Lord protested among his people by his spirit for Prophesie as the Apostle saith came not in old time by the wil of man but holy men of God spake as they wer moved by the Holy Ghost the Lord Iehovah his Spirit sent them Yea Christ himself had the Spirit of God put on him that hee might shew judgment to the Gentils and was anoynted with the Spirit that he might preach the Gospel to the poor and vnto the Apostles whom hee had chosen gave he cōmandements through the Holy Ghost who also having received the Spirit which is of God spake the things that were given them of him not in the words which mans wisdome taught but which the holy Ghost did teach them so preached they the Gospel vnto the Saincts by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven 10. Vnto this Gospel of salvation first preached by the Lord and after cōfirmed by them that heard him God bare witnes both with signes and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost For to one as the Apostle sayth was given by the Spirit the word of wisdom to an other the word of knowledge by the same spirit to an other Faith by the same Spirit to an other the gifts of healing by the same Spirit to an other the operations of great works to an other Prophesie to an other discerning of spirits to an other diversities of tongues to an other the interpretatiōs of tōgues and al these things wrought even the self same Spirit distributing to every man severally as he would 11. But these spiritual gifts though they were powred out vpon many yet are they not neyther ever were given vnto al as it is written Are al doers of miracles have al the gifts of healing doe al speak with tongues doe al interpret Agayn to al that have them they ar not seals of the adoption of Sons for if men have prophesie and know al secrets and al knowledge if they have al fayth so that they can remove mountayns and have not Love they ar nothing Yet is this manifestation of the Spirit given to every man to profit withall as the Apostles were Gods witnesses concerning the things which they sayd so was the holy Ghost whom God gave to them that obeyed him the Spirit was one of the three witnesses on earth as the Apostle Iohn sayth 12. As the mysterie of Christ was reveled to his holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit they preached the Gospel vnto others by the Holy Ghost sent down frō heaven as the ordinary permanent officers of the Churches are made Overseers by the Holie Ghost to feed the Church of God so by the hearing of Faith preached do men receive the Spirit which God openly shewed when while Peter yet was speaking the Holy Ghost fel on all them which heard th●● word And as by the work of the Spirit the word is received and beleeved so is the same also obeyed kept and reteyned through the Holy Ghost that dwelleth in us The Sacraments also have by him their effects in vs as it is written by one Spirit are we al baptised into one body whither Iewes or Greeks whither bond or free and have bene a●● made to drink into one Spirit 13. And having thus our new birth caling vnto and stablishing in the faith by the work of the holy Ghost we ar further by him confirmed comforted emboldned assisted in al our spiritual battels against Satan this world and our own corruptiōs For wear strēgthned by Gods Spirit in the inner mā being armed with the word of God which is the sword of the Spirit we stand fast and though the enimy come like a flood yet the Spirit of the Lord shal chase him away as sayth the Prophet And in rebuking the world he vseth great boldnes convincing them of syn of righteousnes and of judgement so
the kingdome And what should I speak of al the Iudges as of Othoniel of Gedeon of ●ephte of Samson vpon whom the Spirit of the Lord came clothed them strengthned them and prospered vpon them whereby they went boldly vnto great battels overcame their enimies and ●ent the wilde beasts that roared vpon them The Prophets also Apostles were caried and guyded by the Spirit in their wayes words and works taught whom for to goe to and from whom to refreyn and had great intelligence of things for to come and in every citie the Holy Ghost witnessed such thinges as Gods wisdom saw good to revele So that the help which the Spirit ministreth to the Saincts is infinite and incomprehensible and they may saye to the Lord with the Prophet whishal I goe from thy Spirit for loe the wisdom of God powreth out her Spirit vnto them maketh them vnderstand her words this Oyntment they have from him that is holy do know al things through the power of the Holy Ghost they abound in hope by the comfort of the Holy Ghost they and the Churches of them are multiplied and by him the offring vp of the Gentils by the ministery of the Gospel is sanctified and whatsoever good thing is done among Gods people is not by an Army nor strength but by the Spirit of the Lord of hosts without which no man can say that Iesus is the Lord. 19. Thus ar the Saincts of God advanced to honour dignitie above al peoples on the earth being themselves the Temple of God having his Spirit dwelling in them injoying a most holy and happy cōmunion with the Father and with his son Iesus Christ and with the Holy Ghost the grace and peace and comfort whereof passeth al vnderstanding and can no way be sufficiently expressed by the tongue or pen of man And this holy cōmunion with his people God shewed of old by his prophet in these gracious words I am with you sayth the Lord of hosts with the Word by whom I covenanted with you when you came out of Aegypt and my Spirit remayning among you Fear you not Al thy works prayse thee ô Lord thy Saincts blesse thee Psal. 145. 10. CHAP. XIIII How the fores●yd communion and peace between God and his Sainsts is somtimes interrupted by their syns what vnrest trouble they then feel in themselves and how their ancient peace is renewed B●cause ther is no man just in the earth that doeth good and sinneth not and whiles men dwel in these howses of clay they be compassed about with their own infirmities tempted of their own concupiscences and besett with Divils that alwayes lie in wayt to entrap and devour it falleth out that the Saincts of God ar not only assaulted but oftētimes foyled by their enemies and do fal into snares and loathsome trespasses wherby God is dishonoured the Divil delighted their own harts wounded and distressed 2. For our knowledge in this life is but in part so that through error ignorāce we oft do amisse neyther can any man vnderstand or discerne those errors Our affections lusts are not fully subdued but do yet warr in our members the flesh lusteth against the spirit and these lusts fight against the sowle ar as a law in our members rebelling against the law of our mind and captivating vs to the law of syn which is in our members Our strength is infirme and though we would do good yet find we no means to performe it Our enemy Satan is both subtile and strong and seeketh dayly to circumvent vs often prevaileth through our weaknes and vnheedines that in many things we syn al no man can say I hav purified my hart I am clean from my syn 3. Sometime the pleasures of the flesh do bewitch and drawe vs into greevous offences drunkennes adultery fornication murder and idolatrie it self sometime the blessings of God vpon vs do make vs prowd our harts are lifted vp we commit vainglorious actions forgetting our selves and God that begate vs even forsaking the Rock of our salvatiō sometime our affections are so stirred that we fal into intemperance both in word work not onely against men but even God himself somtime feares doubts dangers threatnings and afflictions do daunt and discourage vs making the hart to faint the tongue to deny and forswear the truth the hands to work impietie our faith to quaile that we forsake Christ and flee away Yea Gods children have in error and blind zele persecuted the truth and professors thereof even killed Christ himself crucified the Lord of Glorie as the example of Saul sondrie other elect Israelites doth manifest These and many like greevous syns do the Saincts sometimes fall into through their infirmities God withdrawing his hand leaving them to themselves besides their ignorances defaults which multiplie dayly so as they surmount in number the hayres of their heads And many times such mē lie sleeping in their syns long forgetting themselves in their voluptuous delights til God awakeneth them of his grace least they should sleep the death and perish for ever 4. He awakeneth vs somtime by the sound of his word knocking at the door of our harts and by his Spirit wherewith he striveth in vs somtime by corrections punishments for our misdeedes inflicted vpon our bodies sometime by striking our consciences with dread dismay and terrour for our syns and withdrawing the cheerful light of his countenance from vs so as we feel not the joy of his spirit neyther have peace in our selves but the comfortable cōmuniō betweē his Majestie vs seemeth quite to be disanulled brokē 5. For he withdraweth his face and favour from vs kindleth his anger against vs coūteth vs as his enemies the horror of his wrath is as fyre sent from above into our bones the curse written in the law is powred vpon vs and is as the arrowes of the Almightie the venim wherof drinketh vp our spirit He setteth our iniquities before him self our secret syns in the light of his countenance he setteth them also in our own sight and our syn is before vs continually with his hand he bindeth the yoke of our transgressions with them being wrapped layd vpon our neck he maketh our strength to fayl bitter things doth he write against vs make vs to inherit the iniquities of our youth so as ther is nothing found in our flesh because of his anger neither is ther rest in our bones because of our sin our wounds stink and ar corrupt our reynes ar ful of burning our hart is as waxe it melteth in the mids of our bowels our bones are parched like an
many people should provoke one another to go vp to the mountayn and howse of God wher he would teach them his wayes and they would walk in his pathes because the law was to go forth of Sion the word of the Lord from Jerusalem Wherefore Christ often visited the Temple and synagogues as did also his disciples to shew how he regarded the assemblies of his people in which he vttered so many gracious words and wrought so many great miracles And after that he had gathered a new people to himself they also vsually met togither for the food of Gods word and other holy things in the churches or assemblies where Christ had given gifts vnto men in the persons of his officers for the gathering togither of the Saincts edification of his body Then the nations walked in the light of Ierusalem there the Lord gathered his sheep into their folds wher they might grow and encrease set vp shepheards over thē which should feed them he fed them in good pasture they lay in a good fold he brought them to their rest reduced that which was driven away bound vp that which was broken and strengthned the weak by the doctrines of his gospel There God is very terrible in the mysterie of the Saincts whiles by the fyre of his spirit he causeth on earth in his heavēly tēple lightnings and Voices and thundrings and earthquake and much hayl For the words that his wise men there speak given by him the One pastor are like go●ds to excite and stir vp our dul nature that being pricked in our harts we may be drawn to repentance like a fyre to devour the adversaries like a two edged sword to execute vengeance like a ●āmer to break the stone like mighty weapons of war to cast down bulwarks and whereby the wise goeth vp into the citie of the mighty and casteth down the strength of the confidence thereof Again there are vttered the words of life which qui●ken the hearers and bring thē o● of the graves of syn the words o● reconciliation which make peac● between God and the conscience are as flagons of wine and comfortable apples to refresh the si● sowl even the words of salvation and of eternal life These Chris● putteth in the mouthes of his ministers and by the oyl of his spirit causeth the seven lamps of the golden candlestick of his law to give light continually in his tabernacle With these waters he moystneth the garden of his church and the several roots and brnches of the same wherevpon such as are planted in the Lord howse do flou●ish in his courts stil bring forth fruit their leaf fadeth not neyther doth their fruit fayl because their waters run out of the sanctuarie 7. A third reason of the Saincts gathering togither is that they might the better resist the cōmune adversaryes For ther is warr continual between the serpents seed and the church and they band themselves togither to bese●t the ●ents of the Saincts and the beloved city Against that kingdome of darknes God gathereth and setteth a cōtrary kingdome a band of Christian soldjers or heavenly warriours the host of the Lord who standing fighting togither vnder the banner of his gospel by the conduct of his Spirit and Christ their captaine are an help strength and comfort one to another These come willingly at the time of assembling Christs armye in holy bewty among them ar guids and leaders the overseers of the Churches as the charrets horsmen of Israel they ar al furnished with the armour of God having his word for asword his faith for a shield his salvation for a helmet vpon their heads These weapons of their warfare ar mighty through God and here are more shields targets thē hung on Davids towr the trumpets of the Lord do sound an alarme against the enemies and in their conflicts the people of God do help one another as need requireth wherby they ar emboldned and comforted among themselves ar terrible to their foes as an army with banners and having fought togither the good fight of faith do get the victory over the Dragon and his Angels by the blood of the Lamb through many afflictions so at last doe triumph in glorie 8. A fourth cause and benifit of this societie is the mutual ayd strengthning and consolation one of another in al other Christiā duties both publick private For as the several members of a mans body ar serviceable to the whol and each to other so ar the Saincts among themselves having every one their mesure of faith their diversity of gifts and graces from God that what is wanting in one may be supplied by an other And as the eye cannot say to the hand nor the head to the feet I have no need of yow so cannot the least member in the church of Christ be refused as vnnecessarie but may be beneficial to the greatest For as yton sharpneth yron so doth man sharpen the face of his friend And hence doe arise the mutual exhorting and building vp one of another in the faith labouring together vnto the truth admonishing the vnruly comforting the feble minded bearing with the weak considering one another to provoke vnto love and good works rebuking for syn trespasse confessing of faults one to another praying one for an other bearing one anothers burden rejoycing with them that rejoyce weeping with them that are in trouble communicating to the afflictions and distributing to the necessities one of an other visiting them in sicknes mourning labouring together in prayer for thē with many other offices of like nature for the refreshing of soul bodie al which ar found and felt in this holy communion and body wherin if one member suffer al suffer with it if one be had in honour al rejoyce with it so neer a conjunctiō doth Gods spirit work in the hartes of the faithfull which maketh them to look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others 9. For these and the like reasons hath the communion aud societie of the Church bene alwayes praysed sought for loved and estemed For as God though he love his people and hath al his saincts in his hand yet loveth the gates of Sion above al the habitations of Iakob so his people likewise hav loved the habitation of his howse desired this one thing of the Lord that they might dwel in the same al dayes of their life to behold the Lords bewty and to inquire in his temple esteming a day in his courts better thē a thousand other where lamenting their lot when they were exiled therfrō powring out
of mount Sion the church vnder the Gospel vpon the assemblies thereof a clowd smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fyre by night that al Christiā churches have frō him their directiō protectiō whiles in the ministerie of his word spirit he speaks vnto thē as in the clowdy pillar is their shelter against the tēpest their shadow against the heat For which grace praise ye God in the Assemblies even the Lord ye that are of the fountain of Israel 13. Thus every Church is like mount Sion fair in situation the joy of the whol earth the citie of the great king in the pallaces wherof God is knowen for a refuge which he wil stablish for ever and where his people wait for his mercie in the mids of his temple And as the howse of Iaakob walketh in the light of the Lord which shineth in the face of Christ in which light they beleev that they may be the children of the light so also they even al nations and people which are saved walk in the light of the church which it hath fi ō the Lord who is her light everlasting her sun shield in whose light she seeth light This is y● citie of truth the mount of holines the secret and congregatiō of the righteous which looketh forth as the Morning fair as the Moon pure as the Sun terrible as an armie with banners It is the howse of the living God the gate of heaven the pillar ground of truth al the limits therof roūd about ar most holy the Lord hath stablished it the poor of his people wil shrowd thēselves in it the glorie and honour of the nations shal be brought vnto it vpon al the glorie shal be a defence it shal be a quiet habitation a tabernacle that cannot be removed a kingdome that cannot be shakē and the nation or kingdome that wil not serve it shal perish but the people that dwel therein shal have their iniquitie forgiven and from the day that this citie is builded the name thereof is THE LORD IS THERE The Lord blesse thee ô habitation of 〈…〉 holy mountaine Ier. 31. 23. CHAP. XVIII Of the cōmunion that the Saincts in al Churches have in things spiritual NOW as the faithful are thus cōpact like living and precious stones in one holy Temple and mēbers of one bodie so havethey fellowship togither in all Christian offices spiritual and humane ech with other do willingly cōmunicate the manifold graces of God Their spiritual communion may be considered in three things First in al duties from themselves towards God as be prayses thāksgivings prayers supplications c. which they powr out one with for an other Secondly in all graces given them of God as are the words of his covenant the cōforts and seales of the same opened and applied for the helping forward and assurance of their salvation Thirdly in al duties among themselves one towards an other as counsels deliberations exhortations consolations admonitions rebukes censures and such like al which for the honour of God and their mutual good they carefully togither doe keep execute 2. Their cōmunion in the Worship of God is when at time and place appointed they al come togither to serve confesse and prayse the Lord and cal vpon his name For which as Israel of old had their assemblies wher the ministers of God publickly and solemnly vttered his prayses discoursing of al his wonderful works and giving vnto him the glory of his name made also their requests vnto God for their wants vnto al which al the people sayd Amen and praysed the Lord so also in the Apostles dayes Gods people had still their places of prayer for which holy exercise the Christians assembled in which they continued with one accord both men women Where the ministers of Christ gav themselves vnto this busines that minding the publick state of the church they might for with the same make requests giv thāks in the eares vnderstāding of the people which thervnto answered Amen These now ar not the praiers or praises-of him alone that speaketh but of the whol assēblie which attēd w th their ears assēt with their harts seal with their lips that part of publick administratiō cōfirming it also by signes and gestures beseeming such an action In these whither ordinarie or extraordinarie with fasting and humiliatiō of sowl vpō special occasiōs ther is a cōmuniō harmonie among the Saincts that with one mind one mouth doe praise God and their prayer cometh vp vnto heaven to his holy habitatiō And as the publick assemblies of the whol church so the more private meetings in families or of other friends for special causes is both comfortable to themselves and acceptable to the Lord for he had promised that wher ther is a sy●phonie or agreemēt but of two o● his togither in earth to desire anything it shal be given them so much he respecteth the fellowship vn●nimitie of his people and the● gathering togither in his name 3. But when through distance of place or other just occasion they cannot or doe not come togither as also in their private prayers which they powr out before the Lord eyther some few togither o● ech one apart the faithful hav yet spiritual communion and benefit by praying one for an other while they remember and make mention of their brethren vnto God rejoycing and giving thanks for his blessings vpon thē desiring things that may benefit comfort them praying for deliverance from bāds or other afflictions for strength stabilitie in the truth for remission of syns or for other graces as the necessities of the Saincts do require for al whō we are exhorted to pray with al manner prayer and supplication in the spirit and for special persons to make more earnest suit to strive or wrastle togither with them by prayers to God for them This fellowship is comfortable to all that know the vse of prayer how much it prevaileth with God if it be fervēt Wherfore the Apostles did not only performe this dutie for others in their absence but themselves so earnestly desired it at the hands of al and trusted for help by it Also the Saincts that were before thē knew well and nourished this communion whiles they requested their brethren to pray vnto God for thē especially the prophets whose petitions were exceeding beneficial not onely to the church mem bers therof whom they sometime saved from death by this means but also for strangers so effectual with the Lord is the prayer of the Saincts and the odour therof as sweet incense before him and a token it was of