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A04902 Lectures of John Knewstub, vpon the twentith chapter of Exodus, and certeine other places of Scripture Seene and allowed according to the Queenes maiesties iniunctions. Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624. 1577 (1577) STC 15042; ESTC S106684 202,339 374

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of words and sparing of no paines therein yet are they farre from this persuasion required of necessitie vnto true and faithfull prayer They receiue hope and are confident by reason of the laboriousnesse of their paynes in the multitude of prayers and other doinges of their owne deuising they knowe not what the mercie of God meaneth whiche onely worketh hope in his and maketh them humble euen in the doinge of those thinges that are commanded of him because it is the mere mercie and good will of God that hath wrought them in those that be his and that doth accept them and take them in good part at their handes The ende and marke that the seruauntes of God should sette before them in their prayers and petitions is to haue the Lorde glorified by perfourming that vnto his whiche he hathe promised to haue his mercie and power to come vnto the eyes and eares of men so euidently perfourming the trueth of his word that they may see and be forced to confesse that he ruleth here in earth Whē we are readie to pray either for good thinges to be giuen vs or for euill things to be taken frō vs the care to haue God his mercies magnified his goodnesse promised towards his to be seene come to light thereby to the credite name and glorie of the Lord ought principally to prouoke vs and to be the chiefe thing that should moue vs to make suite either for any good thing to bee giuen vs or to be eased of any affliction And therefore are we taught in this his prayer which is a paterne vnto all our prayers to begin them with the desire that his name may bee hallowed and his kingdome may come In the whiche petitions by the consent of all the godlie learned we ought to haue our mindes and senses wholy shut vpp within the desire that hee mighte haue a wonderfull name and be seene and knowen to reigne as a king in performing the trueth of his word here vpon earth And notwithstanding our good and benefite bee not diuided from this his glorie but moste neerely ioyned therevnto yet must we flie ouer the care of that in our thoughts and beginne our requestes in the earnest desire to see the tryall of his mercies and power promised vnto his experienced and made knowen in trueth and in effect Therefore you shall not looke for at my handes any seuerall declaration what particular things are conteined vnder the hallowing of his name or the comming of his kingdome for that were infinite in asmuch as there is no trueth promised in his worde perfourmed but in that same his name is hallowed and his kingdome commeth And I tolde you euen now that it was the desire of his name his glorie that must send vs to prayer and go before all our owne priuate commodities and respectes whatsoeuer When wee doe pray that his will may bee doone in Earth as it is in Heauen we are admonished in that petition that the glorie of his name and the power of his kingdome are not fundered from his will and worde It may not once enter into our thoughts that the Lord will be glorified in shewing foorth the greatnesse of his power and goodnesse any otherwise then as hee hath declared in his word whiche is the true wittnesse of his will. Wherefore whensoeuer wee are truely touched with the glorie of God his name or the aduauncement of his kingdome we are desirous to haue some thing perfourmed whiche in his word he hath approued In this petition wee haue warrant to pray vnto the Lord for any thing that in his word he hath promised to bestowe vppon his therfore are we taught to inquire at his mouth I meane euen at his word what his wil and pleasure is For to presume to aduaunce his glorie otherwise then he hath shewed vs in his worde is to tempt the Lord and to imagine to glorifie him or to purchase praise vnto him with that which by his word cannot be approued is not to honour but to dishonor the Lord for he hath coupled the glorie of his name the honour of his kingdome to the doeing of his wil. It was declared of late that notwithstanding the glorie of God and the comming of his kingdome be not diuided from the commoditie of his seruants yet ought his seruantes to cast their eyes vpon his glorie alone in the recital of those petitions In like man̄er ought we to iudge of this petitiō where we do craue for the doing of his wil that the in requesting of any thing agreable to his wil we ought not so much to loke vpon any commoditie cōming to vs therby as vnto this that therby his wil and pleasure taketh place and he is sene plainly perceiued to be iust true in his word and so by that meanes his kingdome is truely acknowledged his name hallowed We do confesse that he ruleth according to his word but whē we see the experience therof that whiche before was faintly in the mouth is now strongly conceiued in the hearte And who soeuer he be that hath the greatest portion of faith and most assured persuasiō of the good wil power of God that it watcheth alwayes for the perfourmance of his wil reuealed in his word he hath neede notwithstanding to haue his faith strengththened by experience and tryall of the mercies of God visibly performed in the gouernment of his church The Sainctes and seruantes of GOD are desirous alwayes to haue his honoure aduaunced and his kingdome acknowledged by the ordering and gouerning of things here in earth according to his word therfore after that Solomon had made an end of intreating the Lord to heare the prayer of his seruaunts in their seuerall necessities according as they are recited in the booke of Kings he rendereth a reason why hee would haue the Lord to graunt their petitions That sayth he all the people of the earth may knowe that the Lord is GOD and none other This is the cause why the seruantes of God are desierous to haue their petitions and prayers which they make according to his wil to be heard and graunted euen that the glorie of his name may be aduaunced that it may be seene that hee ruleth and none other and that experience may iustifie the gouernement of God after his word Heere we see that blinde and ignoraunt prayers what deuotion and good meaning so euer be pretended are no prayers that euer the Lorde will accepte of and that suche as doe not serue the Lord after his word are cut off from all hope to haue their prayers heard to any benefite or comforte of theirs because the Lorde hath ioyned his mercie and power wherein hee will bee glorified to the performaunce of his will for the comfort and good of those that doe serue him after his worde Therefore doeth the Prophet Dauid make his seeking out of the preceptes of God a persuasion that he shall
be heard Saue me sayth he for I haue sought thy preceptes And in the same 173. verse Let thy hand saue mee for I haue chosen thy preceptes Likewise in the last verse of that Psalme hee sayeth these wordes I haue gone astray like a loste sheepe seeke thy seruaunt for I doe not forget thy commaundementes And not in this verse alone but in many other through-out this Psalme hee conceiueth hope of beeing hearde in his Prayer because the Lord had giuen him a carefull heart to the keping of his word wherin his glorie doth consist In asmuch therfore as he was careful of his glorie he conceiueth hope that the Lorde will not be vnmindefull of him but is bolde in a godlie hope to say Beholde mine affliction and deliuer me for I haue not forgotten thy lawe And sometimes in this intreating of the Lorde to heare him he promiseth in time to come that he will keepe the statutes and commandements of the Lord as it appeareth in the 145. verse of the Psalme in these wordes Heare me O Lord and I wil keepe thy statutes These authorities from the Prophet are vttered to this end that we shuld not put those things a sunder which the Lord hath coupled together For the Lord his glorie is not parted from his wil reuealed in his worde whensoeuer we haue in purpose to sanctifie his name to get praise vnto him and to aduaunce his kingdome here vpon earth we must proceede no otherwise then according to his word being assured that it hathe allowance and probation from the same these three petitions do not so much note what seueral things are to be asked as with what minde those thinges that we aske according to his wil are to be desired that is euen with a hartie longing desiring to see his name sanctified his kingdome established and that whiche is to his good liking and will accomplished here vpon earthe by bringing something to passe whereof he hath declared his liking apparantly in his word If we shal craue any grace of him whereby to haue our life bettered and our conuersation amended the care of his kingdome the desire of his name the longing to see his wil and pleasure take place ought to bee the thing that should moue vs therevnto Our petitions also for temporall blessings or to haue euils remoued from vs ought in like manner to be made in the care and desire of his kingdome and glory who hath promised in his worde that he will be nigh vnto his that call vppon him in in trueth and that hee will heare the prayers of his that attende vppon his commaundementes bothe in blessing them with good things also in turning euil things from them Such things therefore we should also desire euen for the establishing of his name credit and kingdome here vpon earth according as the seruants of God haue done as appeareth in many places of the scripture Helpe vs oh God of our saluation saith the Prophet for the glorie of thy name deliuer vs and bee mercifull to our sinnes for thy names sake Wherefore shoulde the heathen say Where is their God beeing moste of all carefull least the wicked should triumphe ouer the Lotd if that he should not stand by his according as he promised in his worde but lay them open to all iniuries and reproches of the wicked without hope of deliuerance from him Nowe let vs pray vnto our heauenlie father that we may so be touched with the glorie of his name the care of his kingdome and desire that his wil may take place as may comforte vs in the assured hope to haue our prayers heard when we call vpon him c. ¶ The xvj Lecture vppon the 11. verse Giue vs this day our daily bread WHen Solomon had made request vnto the Lord for the people of Israel on the dedication of the temple that hee woulde vouchsafe to hear their prayers when any of those seuerall occasions whiche there he maketh mention of should oppresse them in the end of his prayer he requesteth the Lord that he would defend the cause of his people Israel alwayes as the matter should require that what soeuer necessitie or extremitie time should bring vpon thē he would haue a fatherly regarde vnto them in that time of their necessitie releeue them This is that which is ment by daily bread that the Lorde would graunt vs euery day whatsoeuer shal be the necessitie of that day giuing alwaies the thinges of the day in his day For those be his words in that place according to the truth of the Hebrue text In this petitiō we haue warrāt to call vnto God for temporall benefites that we shall stand in neede of whatsoeuer The seruāts of God haue gone before vs by their example in applying the Lorde with prayer when soeuer the want of any thing did vexe them In the booke of Psalmes we shall see that Dauid in all distresses flyeth vnto God by prayer cureing all his griefes whether of minde or body with no other plaster then prayer That booke of psalmes being well perused let vs see the manifold vse and wonderful successe of prayer for somtime the Prophet cureth the griefe and languishing of his heart with prayer sometime he recouereth the helth of his body by prayer in other places he putteth all his enimies to flight with no other weapō then this of prayer to be briefe he maketh of prayer a medicine for all maladies speedeth so wel with it in all his necessities that we may not onely say in bare words that it is a salue for all sores but euen write vpon the head thereof Probatum est for it is tryed to haue cured all griefes and vexations of what kinde soeuer In the Psalme the Prophet declareth that hungrie and thirstie soules wandering in the wildernesse and calling vnto God by prayer are satisfied of him and sent away replenished with good thinges In the same Psalme he declareth in like manner that men beeing in prison bound fast with chaines and yron without all hope of help calling vpon the Lord in their prayers are heard of him their prayers graūted they deliuered The same psalme maketh mentiō of mē pyning away with sicknes or heauines of heart yet by calling vpon him in prayer to haue ben cured to haue recouered that dangerous estate To cōclude in the 13. verse of the same psalme the mariners that call vpon God when the tempest doth threten death vnto them are reported there to haue their prayers heard of the Lorde to be deliuered from that daunger and to bee brought to the land that they longed for What man not well instructed would once haue conceiued hope to haue these or the like thinges holpen by prayer What man not well instructed in the worde of God would not take it to be a casuall thing that commeth as it is said by fortune when faire wether commeth after a
necessitie whatsoeuer indureth longer then they wishe or increase vpon them after their suite made for deliueraunce because the Lord wil worke a more glorious worke in their deliuerance for the comfort and increase of their faithe notwithstanding it be some long time after shall we say the Lorde hathe reiected their prayers because he hath delayed so long God forbidde For the Lorde according to the good counsel of his will hath not iustified the innocencie and good causes of his sometimes no not before their death And as it hath bene said of the time so likewise is it to be thought of the meanes maner of helping relieuing vs if that hath ben other then we coulde haue prescribed shall we denie the Lord to haue hearde our suites because the helpe that we haue had hath not beene in the same manner that we haue conceiued to be best This one thing we haue often to call to remembrance that before the request of these outward necessities there is the desire of doing his will here in earth to teach vs that the Lord is thus helpful in outward necessities oppressing them vnto the prayers of suche as haue not onely the knowledge of his will but also the desire to do it For that goeth before the other in our prayer therfore in our desire in as much as true praier goeth not without the desire of the hart vnto the request of the tongue Those therfore that looke for these outward blessinges when they call vnto the Lord must learne both to know what his will is reueled in his word also to haue a desire to doe the same For vnto those that thus worship him the Lord hath promised to incline his eare according as it is written in these wordes We knowe that God heareth not sinners but if any man be a worshipper of God doth his wil him heareth he putting them in hope of beeing heard that be worshipers of him making those the worshippers not that do vnto him whatsoeuer liketh them but that are doers of his liking wil which is opened to vs in his word To the confirmation of this may be added that which is written in the first Epistle of S. Iohn in these wordes whatsoeuer we aske we receiue of him because we do those thinges whiche are pleasing in his sight By this it appeareth that witches sorcerers whiche wil haue the name of wisemen and wise women who are thought to do so many things with prayer cannot preuaile with the Lorde to obteine these outward thinges of him in fauour and goodwil for of all people they are the most ignorant of his will therefore of his worship But as euen nowe it was proued if any man be a worshipper of God and a doer of his will him heareth he Those are they to whō the Lord hath made promise that he wil be mercifully inclined vnto in their prayers petitions he is nighe vnto al that call vpon him in trueth he wil fulfil the desire of thē that feare him he wil heare their crie and will saue them The Lord preserueth all them that loue him saith the holy Ghost It may so fal out that the prayers of witches such like may be instrumentes of his iustice for the punishment of sinne in others and for the hardening of their own harts but it is as sure as the lord liueth that they neuer obteine any thing by their prayers to their good in fauour good liking of the lord But as for the seruants of God they are in assured hope to haue their prayers heard whē they shal cal vpon the Lord in their outward distresses for they are persuaded as the truth is in deede that it standeth vpō the name glorie of the Lord to stand by his in their necessities for to succour and help them as the matter shall require Wherefore they require it as a part of his owne glorie as an argument and assurance that he reigneth here in earth as a matter that is agreeable to his good pleasure and will according as they haue learned out of his word whiche giueth them an assured hope of beeing heard and maketh them bolde to call vppon him knowing that his owne glorie the renoune of his owne kingdome and a matter that is agreeable to his owne good liking and will is in hande while their distresses wants are brought before the Lord to be holpen relieued by him A manifest confirmation proofe of this is to be found in the Psalme In the whiche place the prophet speaketh much in the beginning of extolling the name of God of meditating the beautie of his glorious maiestie of shewing foorth the glorie of his kingdome and speaking of his power after this it followeth that the Lorde vpholdeth all that fall that he fulfilleth the desire of them that feare him that he wil heare their crie and will saue them as if the glorie of his name and renoune of his kingdome were seene in this to lift vp his that fall to heare their crie and saue them And no doubt the Lord will haue it knowen here vpon earth that he is Lorde ouer all true faithfull in his word by the helpe and defence that he will graunt vnto his whensoeuer in their distresse they shal by faithful prayer resorte vnto him His meaning is to leaue manifest and plaine profe that he ruleth herein earth euē by that mercie that he hath to bestowe vpon his who cal and crie vnto him in their necessitie with an assured hope of being heard For the glorie of his name the honour of his kingdome and the good pleasure of his will go ioyntly together with the hearing regarding of their cause according as they are set before this petition in this fourme of prayer that is prescribed by the lord Where before we make mention of daily bread there is request made for the halowing of his name the comming of his kingdome and dooing his wil because euen then when he relieueth the necessities of his that call vpon him his name is hallowed his kingdome commeth and that is perfourmed which is agreeable to his will. This cannot but minister hope and comfort vnto vs in all our necessities that his honour and glorie is after a manner darkened in our distresse and as it were suffereth in the same which the lord God cannot but erecte and aduaunce and therefore fauour our distresse wherevnto his owne honour is so neerely ioyned Nowe let vs pray c. ¶ The xvij Lecture vppon the 12. and 13. verses 12 And forgiue vs our debts as we also forgiue our debters 13 And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs frō euil for thine is the kingdome and the power and the glorie for euer Amen IN this petition we do require the forgiuenesse of our sinnes wherein wee are to vnderstande that by this worde sinne is not onely ment the guiltines that we haue brought in
our face c. But the godliest man that euer liued was neuer free from all those punishments that there are appointed for the transgressours of the lawe nor yet blessed with all those blessings in all thinges which are promised to them that keepe the lawe and therevppon we may safely conclude that the godliest man that euer liued did neuer fulfill the lawe For then surely the Lorde woulde haue stoode stedfast to his promise both to haue procured all these blessings promised vnto him and also to haue kept euerie part of those punishments from him whiche are appoynted for the transgressours of the commaundements of God. In this manner dothe the Apostle proue that righteousnesse commeth by the mercies of GOD taken holde on by faythe bycause the wrath of GOD is reuealed from heauen againste all vnrighteousnesse and vngodlinesse of men withholding the truth in vnrighteousnesse proceeding to the punishment of the Gentiles ▪ to declare what did befall them declaring also as concerning the Iewes that the name of GOD was euill spoken of for them that calamitie was in their wayes and that they had not knowne the way of peace taking his ground from the punishments that light vpon them to proue that they did holde the truth in vnrighteousnesse that their obedience did not aunswere vnto their knowledge whiche they had of GOD that they coulde clayme nothing in respect of their deedes whiche the Lorde from heauen had reproued by punishmentes brought in vppon them And therefore hee doth strengthen his former affirmation that the iust man shall liue by faythe which was his purpose to proue vnto them and vnto the whiche ende he directeth all his speache in those foure chapters In like manner the Apostle proueth to the Romanes that all men had sinne euen children that did neuer committe any actuall offence bycause death which is the punishment of sinne did take holde vpon all This one punishment therefore if there were no other may suffice to proue that no man euer did keepe the lawe bycause death whiche is a punishment for transgressing the lawe dothe seaze vpon all men of what estate degree or yeares so euer It is the reason of the Apostle in that place that bycause all had sinned therefore death came vpon all prouiding by the dealing of GOD against man in punishing of him that man had dealt against GOD in transgressing of his lawe and commaundements nay prouiding which is yet more that bicause GOD punished al men therefore euerie man hathe offended against him in transgressing his lawes and commaundementes so that there is no man that can say hee hath or doth fulfill the lawe For if it might in trueth be vttered of any man that hee were able to fulfill the lawe it might in like manner as truely bee affirmed and hoped for that the same man should neuer dye or chaunge this corruptible estate Wherefore then serueth the lawe May it stande with the righteousnesse of GOD to commaund any thing that we can not doe Or to make promises of lyfe for the keeping and obseruing of that which hee knewe assuredly wee coulde not perfourme Firste that the Lorde might righteouslye require that kynde of obedience at our handes though it were not possible for vs to perfourme it may bee proued heereby bycause we should haue had power to haue perfourmed it if wee had continued in that estate that he had lefte vs in Oure sinne therefore and weakenesse by the meane of sinne whiche is our owne offence can not nowe make that vnrighteous in GOD whiche before was righteous Our vnrighteousnesse and sinne can not make vs lesse indebted vnto GOD then before we were Is it not blasphemie to say that bycause we had offended more therefore the iustice of GOD should bee lesse then before it had beene Wee confesse it was iust before the fall of man to require all these duties at our hands bycause he had giuē vs power and abilitie to be able to performe them And can our sinne so pull in the iustice of GOD that nowe it shall no longer bee lawfull for him to keepe the same rule of equitie which he did obserue before Moreouer who can lett the Lorde who is indebted vnto no man to promise eternally lyfe vnder what deedes or couenauntes so euer seeme good vnto him Shall it be vnlawfull for a man who hath some portion of lande to sell to saye vnto a poore man who is not able to gyue halfe so muche as hee dothe offer to sell it for and as it is woorth in deede Thus muche I meane to haue for it of him who so euer shall inioy it Is it vnlawfull thus to price it bycause the pore man is not woorth so muche as will purchase it Dothe his pouertie make the lande of lesse value eyther else make it vnlawfull for him to require any thing like as the goodnesse of the ground doth deserue No man will thinke this to haue any equitie or right in it No more surely hath this other that our pouertie and want shoulde make it vnlawfull for the Lorde to esteeme the treasures of his kingdome aboue all the obedience that wee can perfourme and to set them at a greater price then this pouertie and want that wee are in shall euer bee able to reach vnto If it bee further demaunded what meaning the Lorde had in promising lyfe vnto vs for doing of that which hee knewe wee neuer coulde perfourme and bring to passe it is to bee aunswered that the Lorde did it to let vs who are so well persuaded by the nature of our owne abilitie see clearely into our pouertie and wante howe great it is that wee might haue true triall within our selues howe greatly wee are beholden vnto the free mercies of GOD in Iesus Christe When wee shall haue seene plainely by the lawe howe vnable wee are to perfourme that there is required to bee done of so many as hope for wages by reason of their woorke and that if wee will lay clayme to the mercyes of GOD for our woorkes wee remaine accurssed for euerie sinne and offence against the law committed by vs bycause it is the written sentence of the lawe that Hee is curssed that continueth not in all thinges that are written in the booke of the law to do them Then not from the bare speeche of our mouth but from the true tryall of our heart wee are sente to the mercies of GOD alone to stick wholy vnto them acknowledging all our goodnesse to proceede from thence alone and are compelled by the sense and feeling of our owne wantes made knowen vnto vs by the law to let passe all that opinion of our owne workes which we before were so well persuaded of As if some impotent and lame childe that were in deede able to doe nothing towardes the earning of his liueing beeing chargeable to his father not onely for him selfe but also for one that should giue attendaunce vnto him should in the foolish persuasion
we haue so often heard of before when he prayeth that the people of God may haue their punishmentes remoued when they call vppon him there is alwayes added the condition of turning from their sinne either in expresse wordes or else in wordes that necessarily importe the same As to take one example for many in that Chapiter hee hath these wordes When Heauen shall be shutt vpp and there shall be no rayne because they haue sinned against thee and they shall pray in this place confesse thy name and turne from their sinn when thou doest afflict them then heare thou in Heauen and pardon the sinne of thy seruauntes and of thy people Israel when thou haste taught them the good way wherein they may walke so that the turning from sinne is necessarily required of them that doe looke for the forgiuenesse of sinne And then especially when the Lorde shall testifie against vs from Heauen by punishments laide vppon vs wee haue to call to minde our former sinnes and ceasse to be carelesse and secure therein For when the Lord forgiueth sinne hee also cureth sinne not suffering vs any longer to sleepe in the same beeing snared with the baytes and allurementes thereof but begetteth in vs a new care to shake it off and a new watchfulnesse ouer it There is added to the end of this petition For thine is the kingdome the power the glorie for euer which doeth admonish vs of sundrie profitable instructiōs for by it we are taught what shuld be the end of our petitions why we would haue thē graunted euen that his kingdome power glorie may be aduāced For as we haue learned before while that the Lord frameth his to the obedience of his wil giueth good things vnto thē remoueth euil thinges from them his name is halowed his kingdome cōmeth his wil is done here in earth for by dealing thus with his seruaunts he will be knowen to rule and reigne here vpon earth be glorified in the same This desire therefore to haue him glorified should bee bothe at the beginning and end of our prayers whether our suit be for spirituall graces or for tēporall blessings By this also our faith is strengthened in the hope to obteine our petitions because the Lorde cannot neglect the glorie of his name and the honour of his kingdome whiche dependeth vpon the perfourmaunce of his mercies towardes his seruauntes that call vpon him therfore our hope cannot deceiue vs beeing ioyned so neere vnto the glorie of our God. Moreouer in this we are admonished that it is not the worthynesse of our selues nor yet of any other but the honour of his name that commendeth our suites and petitions vnto the lord Finally heerein we are admonished of a speciall worshippe and seruice which is thanks giuing vnto GOD when soeuer wee receiue any benefite of what kinde soeuer For we acknowledging in our prayers not onely that hee hath the disposing of these benefites but also that his kingdome glorie honour consisteth in the rewarding of his with the same shall be found traytors to the crowne of his kingdome if after benefites receiued wee doe not by thanks giuing confesse and acknoweledge the same This giuing of thanks is a speciall worshipp and seruice of God in somuch that the Lorde reiecting sacrifice placeth his honour in thanksgiuing Will I eate the fleash of Bulles or drinke the bloude of Goates sayth the Lord by his Ptophet Offer vnto God praise and pay the vowes vnto the moste high and call vppon mee in the day of thy trouble so will I deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me And in the laste verse of that psalme it is said that he who offereth praise vnto the Lord doth glorifie him Whereby it appeareth that the Lord esteemeth thanksgiuing as a speciall worship and seruice of him whiche may well bee perceiued in sundrie places of the Scripture but especially in the booke of the Psalmes It is in deede a seruice of God peculiar and proper vnto the children of god For the wicked are not acquainted with it they see not the Lord his arme in their deliuerances they see not through the instruments that God vseth to helpe thē by into the especiall goodwill and fauour of GOD from whence the godly take those healpes to come as a plaine profe therof Therfore doth the Prophet say The voice of ioy and deliuerance shal be in the tabernacles of the righteous saying the right hand of the Lorde hath done valiauntly Hee maketh it the peculiar worke of the righteous to reioyce in the Lorde and in heart to prayse him For notwithstanding all people taste liberally of his benefits yet the feeling of his fatherly goodnesse whiche procureth giuing of thanks in deed is proper onely vnto the children of God. It is a singular priuiledge that he doth vouchsafe his elect alone when he giueth such a sweete taste vnto his benefites as driueth their heartes to reioycing and giuing of thankes not onely in the comfort of the present benefite but also in that hauing receiued an assured token of his fauour they peaceably passe ouer the course of their life assuring them selues that they are had in especiall reckoning and account with the lord Therefore the Prophete is bolde to haue this speech of them Blessed is the people that reioyce in thee they shall walke in the light of thy countenaunce O Lorde they shall reioyce continually in thy name and in thy righteousnesse shal they exalt them selues He maketh it no common matter to reioyce in the Lord but matter belonging onely to the electe and blessed people of God how greatly it pleaseth the Lorde The Apostle wittnesseth in the Epistle to the Corinthes where hee requireth the prayer of the church of God for him in his affliction that when his deliueraunce is obteyned by the prayers of many many persons may giue thanks vnto god Which notably declareth how acceptable a seruice it is to giue thanks vnto God when the afflictions of the children of God serue therevnto and are beecome a speciall ende of the same As wittnesseth in like manner the Prophet The Lorde hath looked downe from the height of his Sanctuarie that hee might heare the mourning of the prisoner and deliuer the children of death that they may declare the name of the Lorde in Hierusalem and his praise in Sion Now if it be demaunded why the sacrifice of thanks giuing is so acceptable a worship and seruice of the Lord The answere is ready because it ascribeth the gouernment and distribution of all benefites vnto the Lord denying them to come by casualtie or chaunce as doe the vngodly whatsoeuer they say in that they are neither comforted truely in them nor yet thankfull for them Moreouer it acknowledgeth God not to be a dead thing and bare name that regardeth not men that serue him in the obedience of his will but that in trueth hee hath a care of his Church helpeth