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A03691 An ansvveare made by Rob. Bishoppe of VVynchester, to a booke entituled, The declaration of suche scruples, and staies of conscience, touchinge the Othe of the Supremacy, as M. Iohn Fekenham, by vvrytinge did deliuer vnto the L. Bishop of VVinchester vvith his resolutions made thereunto. Horne, Robert, 1519?-1580.; Feckenham, John de, 1518?-1585. 1566 (1566) STC 13818; ESTC S104234 173,274 272

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Agbarus affirmeth that he was no infidel or idolatour saying Beatus es quòd in me credidisti cùm non videris me Agbare thou art blessed bicause thou hast beleued in me when thou hast not seen me Besides this your owne selfe haue affirmed oftentimes and so doth your Popishe tales declare that the three wise men that came forth of the East to worship the newe borne king of the Iewes were kinges and lie buried in the great doom at Colain as the Colonistes make men to beleue called yet amongst the vulgar Papistes the three kinges of Colayn If there be any credite to be geuen to the narracion of Eusebius and Nicephorus touching Agbarus king of Edessa and to the commonly receiued opinion of your Popishe Churche concerning the three kinges of Colayn these fower were kings in the time of Christes aboade here in earth and yet not idolatours nor infidels all the whole time of Christes aboade here but faithfull worshippers of Christ Whereby the former part of the matter in the antecedēt of your argument is disproued Neither is that true whiche you put in the seconde part that the Emperours and kinges cōtinued idolatours for y e space of 300. yeres after Christꝭ Assention For although for the moste part during that space they were suche yeat was there in that time some godly Princes that were otherwise geuen Eusebius in his Ecclesiasticall history maketh mention of one Philippus a moste Christian Emperour of whom and his sonne also being Emperour with him Abbas Vrspurgensis witnesseth that they were the first of all the Romaine Emperours that became Christians who also declared by their déedes and workes as Abbas saieth that they had in them the feare of God and the moste perfect Christian faith Constantinus also the Emperour father to Constantine the great did moste diligently of all others séeke after Gods fauour as Eusebius writeth of him He did prouide by his gouernement that his subiectes did not onely enioy great peace and quietnes but also a pleasant conuersation in holines and deuocion towardes God Idolatours and dissemblers in Religion he banished out of his Court and suche as confessed Goddes truthe he re●eined and iudged moste worthy to be about an Emperour commaunding suche to 〈◊〉 the guarde both of his persone and dominion He serued and worshipped the onely true God He condemned the multitude of Goddes that the wicked had He fortified his house with the praiers of holy and faithfull men and he did so consecrate his Court and Palaice vnto the seruice of God that his housholde company was a congregacion or Churche of God within his palaice hauing Goddes mynisters and what s●●uer is r●quisit for a Christian Congregation ▪ Polidor●● in his history of Englande affirmeth also of this Emperour that he studied aboue all other thinges to encrease the Christian Religion who after his death was rekened in the nomber of sainctes To these fewe adde Lucius a king of our owne countrey who although he was not in might cōparable to Constantine the mighty Emperour yet in zeale towardes God in abolishing idolatry and false Religion in winning and drawing his subiects by all meanes to the Christian faith in mainteining and defendinge the sincere Christianitie to the vttermoste of his power he was equall with Constantine and in this point did excell him that he longe before Constantine brake the Ise gaue the onsette and shapte a patern for Constantine to followe whereby to worke that in other partes which he had achieued within his owne dominiō This noble king of very loue to true Religion as Polydore testifieth of him Procured him selfe and his subiectes to be Baptised caused his nation to be the first of all other Prouinces that receiued the Ghospell pupliquely did drawe his people to the knowledge of the true God banisshed at ones all maner of prophane worshipping of Goddes and commaunded it to be lefte Conuerted the tempels of the Idolatours to be Churches for the Christians And to be short he emploied and did bestowe all his seruice and power moste willingly to the furtheraunce and encrease of the Christian Religion whiche he planted moste sincerely throughout his countrey and so lefte it at his death almoste an hundreth yeres before Constantine was Emperour and therefore vntruely sayed of you that Constantine was the very first Christian kyng that ioyned his sworde to the maintenaunce of Gods woorde Sithe this king Lucius so longe before Constantine did not onely these thinges that Polidore ascribeth vnto hym but also did them of his owne authoritie with out any knowledge or consent of the Pope Nor Eleutherius then Bishop of Rome to whome afterwardes king Lucius did write to see some of Caesars and the Romaine Lawe● was any thing offended with the kinges doinges but greatly cōmending him therein coūcelled him not to stand vpon the Romain lawes whiche saith the Pope might be reprehended but as he began without them so to go on draw Lawes alonely out of the Scripture which afterwardes more at large the Saxon kings as Iune Aluredus did The epistle of Pope Eleutherius to king Lucius is as followeth Peristis a nobis c. You haue desired of vs that the Romaine Lawes and the Lawes of Caesar might be sent ouer to you the whiche ye would haue vsed in your kingdome of Brytanie VVe may at al times reproue the Romaine Lawes and the Lawes of Caesar the lawe of God we can not For ye haue receiued of late by the deuine mercie in your kingdome of Brytanie the Lawe and faithe of Christe Ye haue with you in your kingdome both the olde and newe testament take out of them the Lawe by the grace of God through the councell of your kingdome and by it through Gods sufferaunce shallye rule youre kingdome of Brytanie for you are the vicar of God in your kingdome according to the Prophet kinge The earth is the Lordes and all that therein is the compasse of the worlde and they that dwel therin And againe according to the Prophet king Thou haste loued righteousnes and hated iniquitie wherfore God euen thy God hath anointed thee with the oile of gladnes aboue thy fellowes And againe according to the Prophet king geue the king thy iudgement O God and thy righteousnes vnto the kings sonne For it is not geue the iudgemēt and righteousnes of Caesar for the Christian nations and people of your kingdome are the kinges sonnes which dwel and consiste in your kingdome vnder your protectiō and peace according to the Gospel euen as the henne gathereth together her chickens vnder her winges The nations in deede of the kyngdome of Brytanie and the people are yours and whome beinge deuided you oughte to gather togeather to concorde and peace and to the faithe and to the Lawe of Christ and to the holy Churche to reuoke cherishe mainteyne protecte rule and alwaies defende them both from the iniurious persons and malicious and from his enemies VVoe be to
was Goddes Religion Seruice whiche had been decayed and neglected longe before in the tyme of king Saul For the better perfourmaunce whereof as the supreame gouernour ouer all the estates bothe of the Laytie and of the Clergie in all maner of causes after consultation had with his chief Counsailours he calleth the Priestes and Leuites and commaūdeth appointeth and directeth them in al maner of things causes apperteining to their ecclesiasticall functions offices He prepareth a seemely place for the Arke in his own Citie He goeth with great solēpnitie to fetche the Arke of the lord He commaundeth Sadoc Abiathar the priestes and the chief among the Leuites to sanctifie them selues with their brethren than to cary the Arke vpon their shoulders vnto the place appointed He comptrolleth them that the Arke was not caried before on their shoulders according to the Lawe and therfore layeth to their charge the breach that was made by the death of Vsa He commaundeth also the chief of the Leuites to appointe among their brethren Musicians to playe on dyuers kyndes of instrumentes and to make melodie with ioyfulnes He sacrificeth burnt and peace offringes He blessed the people in the name of the Lorde He appointeth certeine of the Leuites to minister cōtinually before the Arke of the Lord to reherse his great benefites to the honour prayse of the lord God of Israel And for that present tyme he made a Psalme of Gods prayse and appointed Asaph his brethren to prayse God therwith He ordeyned the Priestes Leuites singers and Porters and in som he appointed ordered all th officers offices required to be in the house of the Lord for the setting forth of his seruice Religion Salomon deposed Abiathar the highe Priest and placed Sadoc in his rowme And he builded the Temple placed the Arke in the place appointed for the same Hallowed or dedicated the Temple offred sacrifices blessed the people directed the Priestes Leuites and other churche officers in their functions according to the order before taken by his father Dauid And neither the Priestes nor Leuites ▪ swerued in any thing perteining to their office from that that the king commaunded them Iosephat hath no small commendation in the Scriptures for that he so studiously vsed his princely authoritie in the reformation of Religion and maters apperteining therunto He remoued at the first beginning of his reigne all maner of false Religion and what so euer might be cause of offence to the faithfull He sent forth through his kyngdome Visitours both of his Princes and also of the Priestes Leuites with the booke of the Lawe of the Lorde to the ende they should instruct teache the people refourme all maner abuses in ecclesiastical causes according to that booke After a whyle he made a progresse in his own persone throughout al his countrey and by his preachers reduced and brought againe his people from supersticion false Religion vnto the Lorde the God of their fathers He appointed in euery towne throughout his kingdome as it were Iustices of the peace suche as feared the Lord and abhorred false Religion to decide controuersies in ciuill causes and in like sort he appointed and ordeined the high Priestes with other Priestes Leuites and of the chief rulers among the Israelites to be at Hierusalem to decide and iudge cōtrouersies of great weight that shuld arise about matters of Religion and the Lawe He did commaunde and prescribe vnto the chief Priestes and Leuites what fo●●me and order they shoulde obserue in the ecclesiasticall causes and controuersies of Religion that were not so difficult and weightie And when any token of Goddes displeasure appeared either by warres orother calamitie he gaue order to his subiectes for cōmon praier and enioyned to them publiqu● faste with earnest preaching of repentaunce and sekinge after the wyll of the Lorde to obey and folowe the same Ezechias the kyng of Iuda hath this testimony of the holy Ghost that the like gouernour had not been neither should bee after hym amongest the kynges of Iuda For he cleaued vnto the Lorde and swerued not from the preceptes whiche the Lorde gaue by Moses And to expresse that the office rule and gouernement of a godly kyng consisteth and is occupied accordyng to Gods ordinaunce and precept first of all in matters of Religion and causes Ecclesiastical the holy ghost doth commende this kyng for his diligent care in refourming Religion He toke quite away saith the holy ghost al maner of Idolatry superstition and false Religion yea euen in the first yere of his reigne and the first moneth he opened the doores of Goddes house He calleth as it were to a Synode the Priestes and Leuites be maketh vnto them a long and pithy oration declaringe the horrible disorders and abuses that hath been in Religion the causes and what euils folowed to the whole Realme thervpon He declareth his full determination to restore and refourme Religion according to Gods will He commaundeth them therfore that they laiyng aside all errours ignoraunce and negligence do the partes of faithfull ministers The Priestes Leuites assembled togither did sanctifie them selues and did purge the house of the Lorde from al vncleanes of false Religion at the commaundement of the king concerning thinges of the Lorde That done they came vnto the kyng and made to hym an accompt and report what they had done The kyng assembleth the chiefe Rulers of the Citie goeth to the Temple he commaundeth the Priestes and Leuites to make oblation and sacrifice for whole Israel He appointeth the Leuites after their order in the house of the Lorde to their musicall instrumentes and of the Priestes to play on Shalmes according as Dauid had disposed the order by the counsell of the Prophetes He and the Princes commaundeth the Leuites to prayse the Lorde with that Psalme that Dauid made for the lyke purpose He appointed a very solempne keaping and ministring of the Passeouer whervnto he exhorteth all the Israelites and to tourne from their Idolatry and false Religion vnto the Lorde God of Israel He made solempne prayer for the people The kyng with comfortable wordes encouraged the Leuites that were zelous and had a ryght iudgement of the Lord to offre sacrifices of thankes geuing and to prayse the Lorde the God of their fathers and assigned the Priestes and Leuites to mynister and geue thankes accordyng to their offices in their courses and tournes And for the better continuance of Gods true Religion he caused a sufficient and liberall prouision to bee made from the people for the Priestes and Leuites that they myght wholly cheerfully and constantly serue the Lorde in their vocations These doynges of the kyng Ezechias touchynge matters of Religion and the reformation thereof sayth the holy ghost was his acceptable seruice of the Lorde dutifull both to God and his people Iosias had the like care for Religion
and vsed in the same sort his princely authoritie in refourming all abuses in all maner causes ecclesiastical These godly kynges claymed and toke vpon theim the supreme gouernement ouer the ecclesiasticall persons of al degrees and did rule gouerne and direct them in all their functions and in all maner causes belonging to Religion and receyued this witnes of their doinges to wyt that they did acceptable seruice and nothing but that whiche was ryght in Gods sight Therfore it foloweth well by good consequent that Kynges or Queenes may clayme and take vpon them suche gouernement in thynges or causes ecclesiasticall For that is ryght sayth the holy ghost they should than do wrong if they did it not You suppose that ye haue escaped the force of all these and such lyke godly kynges which do marueilously shake your holde and that they may not bee alledged against you neither any testimony out of the olde testament for that ye haue restreignes the proufe for your cōtentation to suche order of gouernement as Christ hath assigned in the Ghospell to be in the tyme of the newe Testament wherin you haue sought a subtyle shift For whyles ye seeke to cloke your errour vnder the shadowe of Christes Ghospel you bewray your secrete heresies turnyng your selfe naked to be seen of all men and your cause notwithstandyng left in the state it was before nothyng holpen by this your poore shift of restreynt So that where your friendes toke you before but only for a Papist now haue you shewed your selfe to them playnly herein to be a Donatist also When the Donatistes troubled the peace of Christes catholique Churche and deuided them selues frō the vnitie thereof as now you do The godly fathers trauailed to confute their heresies by the Scriptures both of the olde and newe Testament and also craued ayde and assistaunce of the Magistrates and Rulers to refourme them to reduce them to the vnitie of the Churche to represse their heresies with their authoritie godly lawes made for that purpose to whome it belonged of dutie and whose especial seruice to Christe is to see care and prouyde that their subiectes be gouerned defended mainteined in the true and sincere Religion of Christ without all errours superstitions and heresies as S. Augustine proueth at large in his epistle against Vincentius a Rogatiste in his epistle to Bonifacins and in his bookes against Petilian and Gaudentius letters Against this catholique doctrine your auncestours the Donatistes aryse vp and desende them selues with this colour or pretence that they be of the catholique fayth and that their churche is the catholique church Which shifte for their defence against Gods truthe the Popishe sectaries do vse in this our tyme being no more of the one or of the other than were the Donatistes and suche lyke of whom they learned to couer their horrible heresies vnder the same fayre cloke that the seculer Princes haue not to medle in matters of Religion or causes ecclesiasticall That God committed not the teaching of his people to kynges but to Prophetes Christe sent not souldiours but fishers to bring in and further his Religion that there is no example of such ordre founde in the Gospel or new Testamēt wherby it may appeare that to secular Princes it belongeth to haue care in matters of Religion And that as it semeth by that S. Augustine by preuention obiecteth against them they subtilly refused all proufes or examples auouched out of the olde Testament as ye craftely do also in bynding me onely to the new Testament which S. Augustine calleth an odious and wicked guyle of the Donatistes Let your friendes nowe whom ye wil seeme to please so muche when you beguyle them moste of all weigh with aduisement what was the erronious opinion thouching the authoritie of Princes in causes ecclesiasticall of the Donatistes as it is here rightly gathered forth of S. Augustine and let them consider wysely these foule shiftes they make for their defence And then compare your opinion and guylefull defences thereof to theirs and they must needds clappe you on the backe say to you Patrisas ▪ if there be any vpright iudgement in them demyng you so lyke your great grandsier Donatus as though he had spit you out of his owne mouth But for that S. Augustines iudgement and myne in this controuesie is alone as your opinion herein differeth nothyng at all from the Donatistes I wyll vse no other confirmation of my proufes alledged forth of the olde Testament for the reproufe of your guylful restraint thē Christes catholique Church vttered by that catholique Doctour S. Augustin against al the sectes of Donatistes whether they be Gaudentians Petilians Rogatistes Papistes or any other petit sectes sprong out of his loynes what name so euer they haue S. Augustine against Gaudentius his second epistle affirmeth saiyng I haue saith he already heretofore made it manifest that it apperteined to the kinges charge that the Niniuites should pacifie Goddes wrath whiche the Prophet had denounced vnto them The kinges whiche are of Christes Churche doo iudge moste rightly that it apperteineth vnto their cure that you Donatistes rebell not without punishement against the same c. God dooth inspire into kinges that they shoulde procure the commaundement of their Lorde to be perfourmed or kept in their kingdome For they to whom it is said and now ye kinges vnderstande be ye learned ye Iudges of the earth ferue the Lorde in feare doo perceiue that their authoritie ought so to serue the Lorde that suche as will not obey his will shuld be punished of that authoritie c. Yea saith y e same S. Aug. Let the kings of the earth serue Christ euē in making lawes for Christ meaning for the furtherance of Christes religiō How then doth kinges saith S. Aug. to Bonifacius against y e Donatistes serue the lord with reuerēce but in forbidding and punishing with a religious seueritie such thinges as are done against the Lordes cōmaundemētes For a king serueth one way in that he is a man an other way in respect that he is a king Bicause in respect that he is but ● man he serueth the Lorde in liuing faithfully but in that he is also a kinge he serueth in makinge Lawes of conuenient force to commaunde iust thinges and to forbidde the contrary c. In this therfore kinges serue the Lorde when they doo those thinges to serue him which they could not doo were they not kinges c. But after that this began to be fulfilled which is written and all the kinges of the earth shall worship him all the Nations shall serue him what man being in his right wittes may say to kinges Care not you in your kingdomes who defendeth or oppugneth the Churche of your Lorde Let it not apperteine or be any part of your care who is religious in your kingdome or a wicked deprauer of Religion This was the iudgement of S.
Augustine or rather of Christes catholique Churche vttered by hym againste the Donatistes touching the Seruice authoritie power and care that kynges haue or ought to haue in causes spirituall or ecclesiasticall the whiche is also the iudgement of Christes catholique Church now in these dayes mainteined and defended by the true mynisters of the same catholique Churche againste all Popishe Donatistes with the force of Gods holy woorde bothe of the olde and new Testament euen as S. Augustine did before Who to prooue and confirme this his assertion to bee true against the Donatistes did auouche many mo examples than I haue cited out of the olde Testament As of the kyng of Niniue of Darius Nabuchodonozor others affirmyng that the histories and other testimonies cited for this matter out of the olde Testament are partly figures and partly prophecies of the power duety and seruice that kynges should owe and perfourme in like sorte to the furtherance of Christes Religion in the time of the new Testament The Donatistes in the defence of their heresy restrayned S. Augustine to the example and testimony of such like order of Princes Seruice in matters of Religion to be founde in the Scriptures of the new Testament meanyng that it could not be found in any order that Christe lefte behynde hym as you also fantasied when you wrote the same in your booke folowyng yea going euen cheeke by cheeke with them But S. Augustine maketh aunswere to you all for hym and me bothe Who rehcarsing the actes of the godly kynges of the olde Testament taketh this for a thyng not to be denied to wytte That the auncient actes of the godly kinges mentioned in the Propheticall bookes were figures of the like factes to be doon by the godly Princes in the time of the newe Testament And although there was not in the tyme of the Apostles nor of long tyme after any kynges or princes that put the same ordinaunce of Christ in practise all beynge infideles for the most part Yeat the seruice of kinges was figured as S. Augustine saieth in Nabuchodonozor and others to be put in practice when this of 71. Psalme should be fulfilled and all the kinges of the earth shall worshippe Christ and all nations shall serue him c. As yet in the Apostles time this prophecy sayth he was not fulfilled and now ye kinges vnderstande be learned ye that iudge the earth and serue the Lorde in feare with reuerence VVhen the christian Emperours and Princes saieth this catholique father shall heare that Nabuchodonozor after he had seen the marueilous power of almighty God in sauing the three younge men from the violence of the fire walking therin without hurt was so astonied at the miracle that he him selfe being before this but a cruell Idolatour began forthwith vpon this wonderous sight to vnderstande and serue the Lorde with reuerent feare Doo not they vnderstande that these thinges are therefore writen and recited in the Christian assemblies that these shoulde be examples to them selues of faith in God to the furtherance of Religion These Christian rulers therfore minding according to the admonition of the Psalme to vnderstande to be learned and to serue the Lord with reuerent feare do very attētiuely giue eare and marke what Nabuchodonozor after said for he saieth the Prophet made a decree or statute for all the people that were vnder his ●beissance that who so euer shuld after the publicatiō thereof speake any blasphemy against the almighty they should suffer death and their Goodes be confiscate Now if the Christian Emperours and kinges doo know that Nabuchodonozor made this decree against the blasphemers of God surely they cast in their myndes what they are bounde to decree in their kingdomes to witte that the selfe same God and his Sacramentes be not lightly set by and contemned Thus farre S. Augustin By whose iudgement being also the iudgement of the catholique church it is manifest y t the order rule and gouernement in Ecclesiasticall causes practised by the kynges of the olde Testament beynge figures and prophesies of the lyke gouernement and seruice to be in the kynges vnder the newe Testament is the order of gouernment that Christ left behynde him in the Ghospell and newe Testament and so directlye confuteth your erronious opinion Nowe I wyll conclude on this sorte that whiche I affirmed namely that kynges and Princes ought to take vpon them gouernement in Ecclesiasticall causes What gouernement orde and dutifulnes so euer belongyng to any God hath figured and promysed before hande by his Prophetes in the holy Scriptures of the old Testament to be perfourmed by Christe and those of his kyngdome that is the gouernement order and dutifulnes set foorth and required in the Ghospel or newe Testament But that faithfull Emperours Kynges and Rulers ought of dutie as belongynge to their office to claime and take vpon them the gouernement authoritie power care and seruice of God their Lorde in matters of Religion or causes Ecclesiasticall was an order and dutifulnes for them prefigured and fore promysed of God by his Prophetes in the Scriptures of the olde Testament as S. Augustine hath sufficiētly witnessed Ergo. Christian Emperours Kynges and Rulers owe of dutie as belonging to their office to clayme and take vpon them the gouernement authoritie power care and seruice of God their Lorde in matters of Religion or Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall causes is the gouernement order and dutifulnes set forth and required in the Ghospell or newe Testament This that hath been already sayd myght satisfie any man that erreth of simple ignoraunce But for that your wilfulnes is suche that you delight only in wranglinge against the truthe appeare it to you neuer so playne and that no weyght of good proufes can presse you you are so slippery I wyll loade you with heapes euen of suche proufes as ye wyll seeme desirous to haue The holy Ghost describing by the Prophete Esay what shalbe the state of Christes Church in the time of the new Testament yea now in these our daies for this our time is the time that the Prophet speaketh of as S. Paule witnesseth to the Corinthians addeth many comfortable promises amongest other maketh this to Christes Catholique Church to witte Kinges shalbe Nourshing Fathers and Quéenes shalbe thy nources Nourishing Fathers saith the glose enterlined In lacte verbi In the mylke of the woorde meaninge Goddes woorde Lyra addeth This prophecy is manifestly fulfilled in many Kinges and Queenes who receiuing the Catholique Faith did feede the poore faithfull ones c. And this reuerence to be done by Kinges saith Lyra was fulfilled in the time of Constantine and other Christian Kinges Certainely Constantine the Emperour shewed him selfe to vnderstād his owne duety of nourishing Christes Church appointed by God in his Prophecy for he like a good tender and faithful Nourcefather did kéepe defende mainteine vpholde and féede the poore faithfull ones of Christ he hare them beinge
the kingdome whose kinge is a childe and whose Princes banquet earely a kinge I name not for his smale and tender age but for folly and wickednes and madnes according to the Prophet king bloudthirsty and deceitful men shal not liue out halfe their daies By banqueting we vnderstand glotonie through glottony riotousnes through riotousnes all filthy and euill thinges according to kinge Salomon wisedome shall not enter into a froward soule nor dwel in the body that is subdued vnto sinne A king is named of ruling and not of a kingdome so long as thou rulest wel thou shalt be kinge whiche vnlesse thou doo the name of a king shal not cōsiste in thee and thou shalt lese the name of a king whiche God forbidde Almightie God geue vnto you so to rule your kingdome of Brytany that ye may reigne with him for euer whose vicar ye are in the kingdome aforesaide VVho with the father c. Thus it is made manifest that bothe your argument faileth in truthe of matter and you your selfe were beguiled through ignorance by wante of reading But put the case that your antecedent were true yet is it a faulty fallax made à dicto secundum quid ad simpliciter and the consequent followeth not for that there is more conteined in the conclusion than the antecedent doth comprehende whiche is suche an euill fauoured forme of argument that yonge studentes in the scholes would be ashamed thereof The Donatistes made the like obiection against the catholique fathers wherto S. Augustine maketh this answere The state of the Apostles time is otherwise to be thought of than this time al thinges must be doon in their time In the Apostles time this prophecie was yet in fulfilling wherfore do the Heathen rage and the people muse vpon vaine thinges The kinges of the earth set them selues and the Princes consult together against the Lorde and his Christ As yet that was not in hande whiche is spoken a litle after in the same psalme and nowe ye kings vnderstand be learned ye Iudges on the earth serue the Lorde in feare and ioy in him with reuerence Therfore seyng that as yet in the Apostles time kinges serued not the Lorde but still did deuise vaine thinges against God and his Christ that all the foresayinges of the Prophete might be fulfilled than truely impieties coulde not be inhibited by princes Lawes but rather be mainteyned For suche was the order of the times that both the Iewes shoulde kill the preachers of Christe thinkinge to doo God good seruice therein as Christ had forspoken and also the gentiles shoulde rage against the Christians that the martirs might winne the victory thorough pacience But after that this began to be fulfilled whiche is writen And al the kinges of the earth shall woorship him and all the nations shal serue him what man onlesse he be not well in his wittes will say that Kinges ought not to haue a speciall regarde for the Churche of Christe and all manner godlines amongst their subiectes You frame an other reason vpon S. Paules woordes vnto the Bishops of Ephesus whereby to prooue that all gouernement in spirituall or ecclesiastical causes belongeth to Bishoppes and Priestes and not to Princes and Ciuill Magistrates thus you argue The holy ghost appointed all spirituall gouernement of Christes flocke vnto Bishops Priestes as the woordes spoken by S. Paule doo make full and perfecte declaration Ergo Kinges Quéenes and Princes may not claime or take vpon them any parte of Spirituall gouernement much lesse take the supremacie and chiefe parte of spirituall gouernement from them For answeare I denie this argument for it is a naughty and deceiptfull Sophistication called Fallacia aequiuocationis There is equiuocacion in this woorde Priestes and also in these woordes to gouerne and rule the Church of God This woorde Priest hath diuerse significacions which are to be obserued least the simple readers be confirmed or brought into errour thorough the equiuocation therein The Scripture speaketh of a priesthood after the order of A●ron after whiche order you will not confesse the Apostles and the Bishoppes their successours to be Priestes an other kinde of Priesthoode is after the order of Melchisedech and Christe onely without any successour in y ● Priesthood was the alone Priest of that order The thirde kinde is an holy and princely Priesthood of the which order not onely the Apostles and their true successours but also Kinges Quéenes Princes al manner of faithfull Christians are Priestes There is in cōmon opinion amongst the Papistes a fourth kinde which is a massinge sacrificing priesthood after which order Christes Apostles the true mynisters of his Church were neuer priests for y e order belongeth onely to y e Apostolical Clergy of y e Romishe Antichrist Yf your meaning therfore be y e Christ left any kinde of gouernment or rule of his Churche to Bishops Priestes after this popishe order your opinion is hereticall your assertion vtterly false Therfore where I shall afterwardes in my speaking cal the mynisters of Christes Churche Priestes I geue you to vnderstande y t I doo therin but follow y e vsuall accustomed kinde of speache which is impropre although in longe vse Likewise to gouerne and rule the Church of God is of twoo kindes sortes the one is by y ● supreme authority power of the swoorde to guide care prouide direct ayde Gods Church to further mainteine setfoorth the true Religion vnitie quietnes of Goddes Churche to ouersée visit refourme restraine amende correct all manner persones with all manner errours superstitions heresies schismes abuses offences contēptes enormities in or about Gods Churche Which gouernment rule apperteineth onely to Kinges Quéenes and Princes and not to the Apostles Bishops and Priestes wherof S. Paule speaketh nothinge at al in this sentence by you alledged to the Bishops of Ephesus The other sorte is to féede the flocke of Christ with the Spirituall foode of Goddes woorde which is the onely rule and gouernment that belongeth to the Apostles Bishops Mynisters of Christes Churche of none other manner rule speaketh S. Paule to the Bishops of Ephesus which he maketh most plaine both by y t expresse woordes of y e sentence auouched also by the whole circumstaunce of the same place The woorde y e S. Paule vseth doth proprely signifie to féede as the sheapeherde féedeth his shéepe by a figuratiue speach to guide gouerne or rule therefore if you would haue dealt plainly and haue vttered S. Paules meaning according to his propre speache where you say To gouerne and rule doubling the woordes as it were to amplifie the matter that the truth might lesse appeare you ought to haue saide to feede the Churche of God for that is the Apostles propre saying so the olde translatour of Chrysostome doth translate it vpon the Epistle to y e Ephesians also expoūding this same
Frenche kynge prouing them to be as in deede they were no other but temporall neuerthelesse not standinge muche about the name nor taking them all away from their iurisdiction he onely said he would reforme them Neuerthels for certeine daies there was muche disputing to and fro whether they belonged to the kinge to reforme or no till the king by his foresaide procuratour gaue them the kinges determinat aunswere declaring vnto them howe that they ought not to be troubled bicause the kinges intention was to keepe those rightes and customes of the Churche and Prelates which were good and reasonable but by reason of their faults the iudgement whiche were good and reasonable apperteined not vnto thē to determine but to the king Bicause the Decree Nouit c. saieth that the kinge of Fraunce in matters de Facto hath not his superiour c. VVhereuppon hee concluded that the kinge woulde heare all the informations And those Customes of the whiche he shoulde be fully enfourmed that they were good and reasonable he woulde make onely to bee obserued In cōclusion the Prelates made such importune labour that the forsaide attourney aunswered them for the kinge that if the Prelates themselues would amende those thinges that were to be amended and corrected the king would abide till the feaste of the Natiuitie next to come within whiche terme he woulde innouate nothing but if within the saide terme the Prelates had not amended those thinges that were to be amended and corrected that then the kinge would put to suche remedy as should be acceptable to God and the people Whiche in conclusion the king was faine to do by a sharpe seuere Lawe whan he sawe howe the Prelates dallied him of with faire wordes and therefore he him selfe Composuit rem sacerdotum did set in order the matters of the Priestes In England at this time many abuses about Ecclesiasticall causes were reformed although the Pope his Clergie did earnestly mainteine them by king Edwarde the. 3. who wrote his letters to y ● Pope admonishing him to leue of his disordered doinges whan that woulde not serue he redressed them by act of parliament and as Nauclerus saith he commaunded that from thenceforth no body shoulde bring into the Realme any kinde of the Popes letters vnder the paine of drowning and expelled all persones out of his kingdom that weare by the Pope promoted to any benefice Next to Lewes was Charles the. 4. chosen Emperour who helde a councel at Mentze with y e Prelates Princes in the yere of the Lorde 1359. wherein he much reproued the Popes Legate for his disorders and commaunded the Archbishop of Mentze to reforme his Clergie and the disorders amongest them for otherwise he woulde see to it him selfe The Popes Legate seyng howe the Emperour tooke vpon him gate him to his shippe and saylled to Colayn as one that fledde awaye With whiche doynges the Emperour became very famouse for he was a man of great workes who dyd lyghten the kyngdome of Boheme bothe with the the settinge foorth of Religion and with the discipline of Lawes and good manners At this time wrote Nilus the Bishoppe of Thessalonica declaringe the onely cause of the diuision betwéene the Gréeke and the Latine Churche to be for that the Pope will not suffer frée and generall Councelles to be called by the Emperours accordinge to the auncient custome that his authoritie is not by the Lawe of God but by the positiue Lawes of Princes graunted onely because that than Rome was the greatest Citie in the worlde and hath no prerogatiue of Christ or Peter more than any other Bishoprike Kinge Richarde the. 2. called a Councell at VVestminster saith Polydore wherein it was thought good to the Kinge and the Princes for the weale of his realme of Englande if a parte of the Popes authoritie were bounded within the limites of the Occean sea he meaneth that it were driuen out of the Isle of Britaine wherfore it was decreed that hereafter it shoulde be lawfull to no man to trie any cause before the Bishop of Rome nor that any man be publikly pronounced wicked or enemy of Religion that is to wit as the common people terme it be excommunicate by his authoritie nor that if any man haue any suche commaundement from him they execute the same The penaltie ordeined to those that violate this lawe was that losinge all his goodes he shoulde be caste into perpetuall pryson The Churche of Rome at this time was maruailously torne in sunder with an horrible Schisme whiche continued about xl yéeres hauinge at ones thrée heades callinge them selues Popes euery one of them in moste despitefull wise calling the other Antichrist Schismatique Heretique tiraunt thiefe traytour the sonne of perditiō sower of Cockle the childe of Belial c. diuerse learned men of that time inueighed against them all thrée as Henricus de Hassia 10. Cerson Theodorych Nyem secretary before this to Pope Boniface who prooueth at lardge by good reasons by the woorde of God and by the Popes decrées that the refourmation of these horrible disorders in the Churche belonge to the Emperour and the secular Princes Sigismunde the noble Emperour vnderstandinge his duetie herein amongest other his notable actes called a Councell togeather at Constantia and brought againe to vnitie the Churche deuided in three partes whiche Councell saithe Nauclerus beganne by the Emperours commaundement and industry in the yeere 1414. To the whiche Councell came Pope Iohn before the Emperours comminge thinkinge to haue outfaced the Councell with his pretensed authoritie till the Emperour came who geuinge to all men in the Councell free libertie to speake their mindes a great companie of horrible vices were laide streight way to his chardge To the whiche when he was not hable to answeare he was deposed and the other twoo Popes also and an other chosen chiefly by the Emperours meanes called Martyn the. 5. After these thinges finished they entred into the communication of a reformation bothe of the Cleargie and the Layty to whiche purpose the Emperour had deuised a booke of Constitucions and also willed certaine learned Fathers there but specially the Bishoppe of Camera a Cardinall there presente to deuise what faultes they coulde finde and how they shoulde be redressed not sparinge any dégrée neither of the Prelates nor of the Princes them selues Whiche the Bishoppe did and compiled a litle booke or Libell entituled a Libell for reformation of the Churche gathered by Peter de Aliaco c. and offered to the Churche rulers gathered togeather in Constaunce Councell by the commaundement of the Emperour Sigismonde c. In this Libell of reformation after he hath touched the notable enormities in the Pope in the Courte of Rome in the Cardinalles in the Prelates in Religious personnes and in Priestes in exaction in Canons and Decretalles incollations of benefices in fastinges in the diuine seruice in Piaures in
nunquid iustum videtur si cedat spiritus carni si à terrenis caelestia superentur si diuinis praeferantur humana Sed patienter quaeso accipite libertatem nostram Scio te ouem esse gregis mei scio te intra sacra altaria cum veneratione subijci manibus sacerdotis c. And by this Prophete Ezechiel almighty God saith Ve pastoribus Israel quod infirmum fuit non consolidastis quod aegrotum non sanastis quod confractum non alligastis quod abiectum non reduxistis quod perierat non quaesistis Into the vvhiche maledictions and curses the Bishoppes and Priestes muste needes encurre if they haue no Iurisdiction ouer their flocke if they may not visit them if they may not refourme them if they may not order and correct them at all times as they shall see cause Chrysostomus Homil. 5. de verbis Esaiae vbi sacerdotem ast●uit esse medium inter Deum Hominem nullumque honorem in terris illius honori posse conferri And therefore here to conclude this my obiection vnto your L. aunsvveare I shall here finishe the same sayinge vvith the blessed martyr Ignatius S. Iohn the Euangelistes disciple Quod nemo praeter Episcopum aliquid agat eorum quae ad Ecclesiam pertinent And so to adioyne hereunto the sayinge of S. Augustine vvho in speaking Contra Iulianū ait de doctoribus Ecclesiae quod credunt credo quod tenent teneo quod docent doceo quod praedicant praedico istis cede mihi cedes c. The B. of Wynchester In all this parte there is not one sentence that can be drawen by any force to helpe your cause It suffised you to heape vp a sorte of testimonies togeather to make a shew although nothing to the purpose Yea the woordes spoken to the Prophet Hieremy maketh plainely against you For they shew that the mynisters in Gods Church haue authoritie to plucke vp by the rootes and to destroy euilles and the kingedome of Satan to plante good thinges and to edifie the Churche as the glose enterlined hath it or all maner wicked and false doctrine and what so euer the heauenly Father hath not planted as the glose ordinary expoundeth it But the meanes whereby this iurisdiction and authority is exercised is limited and appointed in these woordes Beholde I haue put my woordes in thy mouth saithe God to Hieremy So that other iurisdiction ouer people kingdomes than the preachinge of Goddes woorde Hieremy had not Hieremyes mouth is touched saith y ● glose ordinary and the Lordes woordes are geuen to him that he shoulde receiue boldenes to preache Of this holdenes to preache the woorde of God speaketh Gregory Nazianz. in the place by you alledged After he had comforted his hearers he tourneth his speache to the Princes and suche as were in authority muste wee spare you saithe he bicause of your power as though we feared or were ashamed of the libertie geuen vs of Christe Christes lawe hath made you subiect to my power and to my iudgement seate He speaketh of a spirituall subiection by faith obedience to the mynister exhortinge comfortinge and edifiyng to eternall life by the woorde of God And he addeth more expressedly what maner of rule or empyre he challendgeth namely suche as bringeth the fleashe to be subiect to the spyrite suche as maketh earthly thinges subiect to Heauenly And the subiection he requireth is none other than such as the spiritual shéepe oweth to the spiritual pastour whose rule and subiection Christe vttereth in this sentence My sheepe heare my voice and follow me I know saith Nazianzene to the Emperour that thou arte a sheepe of my flocke and thereupon he concludeth that he muste boldely preache the woorde to the Emperour that he on the other side is subiect therto ought to obey And this is the propre Iurisdiction that belongeth to the Bishoppes Priestes the whiche if they exercise with all possible diligence faithfulnes they shall escape the curses that the Prophete Ezechiel menasseth As cōtrarywise if they vse neuer so princely your popish or rather pompous Canon Lawe iurisdiction whiche consisteth in Courtly consistories Forinsecall iudgements farre disagreynge from the right iurisdiction of true and Christianlike Prelates they shal not in y e ende escape the deserued maledictions and curses threatned to such by the Prophet Ezechiel Chrysostome in the homily by you cited condemning the presumptuousnes of the kinge Ozias in enterprising to offer incense whiche belonged by Gods cōmaundement onely to the Priest doth compare the obiect or matter of bothe their Mynisteries togeather affirminge that the Priestly dignity respectinge the matter whereabout it is exercised whiche is heauenly and spirituall doth farre excéede the other for y t the matter thereof is but earthly and outwarde His woordes maketh his meaninge plaine The kingly throne saith he hath the administration of earthly thinges and hath not beyōde this power any further authority But the throne of the Priest is placed in heauen and he hath authority to pronounce of heauenly businesses who saithe these thinges the kinge of heauen him selfe what so euer yee binde vppon earthe shalbe bounde in heauē also and what so euer ye lowse on earth shalbe lowsed in heauen also what may be cōpared with this honour Heauen taketh of the earth principall authority to iudge For the iudge sitteth in the earthe the Lorde Christe followeth the seruaunt and what so euer this seruaunt iudgeth in the inferiour partes that same he Christ approueth in Heauen Therefore the Priest standeth a meane or mediatour betwixt God and mans nature bringyng vnto vs the benefites that comme from thense from Heauen c. These woordes of Chrysostome if they haue not an indifferent interpretour that will make his woordes by iuste circumstaunce to serue his meaninge and not to binde his meaninge to his bare woordes will make Heauen to receiue authoritie of the Earth will proue Christe to be inferiour to the Prieste and the Priest to haue the mediation betwixt God and man by meanes whereof wee may receiue the Graces that cummeth from Heauen whiche mediation belongeth onely to Christe Now sith in al these obiections hitherto ye haue brought foorthe nothinge at all that eyther made not againste your selfe or that maketh any whitte for you it is more then time yée drawe to Conclusion and bycause no good Conclusion can followe of euill premisses yée were dryuen to conclude finishe vp your obiection with the like patchinge wrestinge and falsifiynge your Authours as yee did before and therefore in the Conclusion like to him that hauinge no right to any claymed all to obteine somewhat at the least Euen so you to prooue that your Bishops and priestes haue al iurisdiction Ecclesiastical alleage a peece of a sētence out of Ignatius which barely by it selfe recited géeueth not onely all that vnto the Bishop but al thinges belonginge to the Church besides and that no man may