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B11837 A hundred sermons vpo[n] the Apocalips of Iesu Christe reueiled in dede by thangell of the Lorde: but seen or receyued and written by thapostle and Eua[n]gelist. S. Iohn: compiled by the famous and godly learned man, Henry Bullinger, chief pastor of the congregation of Zuryk. Newly set forth and allowed, according to the order appoynted in the Quenes maiesties, iniuntions. Thargument, wurthines, commoditie, and vse of this worke, thou shalt fynd in the preface: after which thou hast a most exact table to leade thee into all the princypall matters conteyned therin.; In Apocalypsim Jesu Christi. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Daus, John. 1561 (1561) STC 4061; ESTC S107053 618,678 759

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Easte and Weste And to the intente I may note somewhat hereof and may rehearse for those that be ignoraunte in stories it is playne that vnder that Chylde of pardition Pope Gregory the .7 there were many most famouse churches in the Easte and that Patriarchall churches yet safe but whileste this Pope aboue all others dealte wickedly againste Christ the son of God and his holy church lyke as we read in the time of Salomon that after he had reuolted many enemies arrose against him and that moste cruell so in the wicked and tyrannicall raigne of Gregory the seuenth In the tyme of pope gregory the .7 euyls begā to ouerflo Solymanne the Turke inuaded Antioch at the whyche time the Emperours of Grece are sayed to haue ben dispatched of the East countrie And the Turkes marching forewarde are sayde to haue inuaded and vexed first the straits or ports of the Caspiane hilles and the countrie of Armenia aboute the yeare of our Lorde .764 Whereof there is nowe no time to speake After Solyman succedeth Belchiaroke the Turkyshe Prince whome others call Belzet which also inuaded Grece it selfe the Emperours of Constantinople dispised Alexius which then was Emperour is sayd to haue demaunded aide of the westerne men against the Turks And also one Peter an Heremite whō certē Historiographers blame most greuouslie not without cause comming oute of the Easte and running through oute the Weste crieth Alarme Vrbane the seconde whome some call Turbane and disciple of Gregory the .7 calleth a great counsell at Cleremounte in Fraunce The counsell of Cleremounte wherin he propoundeth a question of the recouering of the holy lande and deliuering the Lordes sepulture oute of the hands of the Infidelles That counsell putteth me in remēbraunce of that which is described in the .8 booke of Kinges the .22 chapter vnder Achab and Iosaphat for the recouering of Ramoth Galaad oute of the hands of the Syrians For ther was in this also a deceauing spirit there were Achabbes there were Iosaphats and many other thinges lyke And to the intente not to make many wordes a iourney is decreed against the barbarous infideles of the East This was done in the yeare of our Lorde .1095 In the meane time Peter the Heremite bestirred him a pase and gathered certen thousandes which he leadeth through Hongarie in to Asia And immediately after followe the vnlucky captaines Folkemar and Gottschalke priestes which by the way distroying all with fyre and sworde are slaine The fyrste voiage into the holy lande At the last Godfrey and Baldwyne most noble Princes with certen excellent Captaynes and Noble warriours with an innumerable multitude of men trāsported into Asia which they say was done in the yeare of our Lorde .1096 And within .4 yeares space at the moste or thre they had taken by assault or surrēdrie the Cities of Nice Heraclea Tarsus Antioch and Hierusalem The Abbot of Vrspurge reporteth that there was so much bloude shed in the Citie of Hierusalem that in the very temple it selfe the horses stode vp to the knees in the blud of the slayne there The same man telleth of a notable battayle foughten at Askalon A notable battayle in the which aboute fiftene thousand footemen and fyue thousand horsemen of Christians ouerthrewe and discomfited Solimanne of Babilon furnisshed with an hondreth thousande horsemen and four hondreth thousand footemen and that there were slayne in that battaile aboue an hondreth thousād men And this iourney of Godfrey was the first emonges the woorthy voiages of Syria or Asia 2. After this voiage folowed others mo and that beste furnished For whilest the victorie and good lucke of them that went firste into the East was highlie extolled and commended through out the West William Prince and Duke of Poictiers beinge put in greate hope leadeth also about an hondreth thousand footemen in to the Easte countrie The yeare of our Lord was accompted .1101 But of so great a nombre scarcely one thousande are written to haue retourned home in safetie 3. After in the yeare of our Lorde .1147 through the exhortation of Barnarde Clareualle Lewis Kynge of Fraunce and Conrade Kyng of Germanie and Fredericke Prince of Swaland toke their iourney in to the Easte which led with them an Armie almoste innumerable but the same died in a maner all scarcely the Princes lefte on lyue 4. In the yeare of our Lorde .1189 what time the Citie of Hierusalem was taken by the Soldane King of Persia where the Christians had kept it onely about .89 yeares The Emperour Fredericke surnamed Barbarousse Philippe Kynge of Fraūce Richard Kyng of England and other Princes most puissaunte leuied an exceding greate Armie of Christen people to recouer the Citie and Holy lande and very luckelye transported their Armie in to Asia but after had moste euyll lucke For the Emperour Fredericke was drowned and the whole Armie as Vrspurgens testifieth died of the plague 5. The fifte and that famouse indede voiage in Syria made the moste mightie Kinges Philippe of Fraunce and Richard of Englande surnamed Coeur de Lion The same was done in the yeare of our Lord .1191 Howbeit they retourned withoute any woorthy exploicte done wauntinge not a fewe of their menne 6. And Palmerius a Cronographer Henry sayeth he the sonne of the Emperour Barbarousse sent an Armie in to Syria which retourneth agayne the nexte yeare The Christians therefore being destitute of ayde in Syria loste vtterly all the dominion that they had lefte He seaketh these things in the yere of our Lorde .1198 7 Agayne in the yere of our lord .1213 Pope Innocent the .3 of that name sendeth his letters publicke to al the faythful of Christ wherein he exhorteth them to take armour agaynste the infidelles whiche possessed the holy lande Innocente the .3 as did Vrbane the 2. ringeth a larme Yf any manne haue leasure and liste to reade the letters he shall finde them in the Chronic. of Vrspurg And not longe after in the yeare of our Lorde .1215 he holdeth a generall coūsel in Laterane wherein warre is decreed agaynst the Easterlinges And also Honorius the .3 aboute the yere of our Lord .1217 treateth and confirmeth the same thinge Whereupon many christen Princes mette at Accon whiche some time was called Ptolemais and made mortall warre vpon the Easterlynges Wherein they toke the noble citie Damiata Yet nother the ende nor fruicte aunswered so great enterprises and costes perilles and losses 8 Therefore Fridericke the .2 and Emperour moste excellent hopyng to doe some good marcheth also with an enge and well furnisshed armie into the Easte whiche they saye was done in the yeare of our Lorde .1234 In the meane season whilest he doeth valeauntly in the Easte the Bisshoppe of Rome Gregory the .9 of that name takyng an occasion I vse the wordes of Vrspurgens of the absence of the Emperour sente a greate armie into Apulia The pope setteth vpon themperour in the west whilest he warreth in
Fraunce England Italy and of other Realmes or nations and generally to all the faithfull where soeuer they be abiding and lokyng for the cōmyng of Christe oure Lorde and Iudge THat this Apocalips was reueled of Iesus christ king of kinges and high Bishop our lord from the right hand of the Father and setforth by thapostolical spirite for the saluatiō of al faithfull chieflye of those that shall be in the latter dayes before the last iudgment both the matter it selfe whiche is treated right necessary to be knowē holsom and excellēt proueth And also the simple maner meane wherby it is handled being euident and plaine declareth I will speake of ether briefly Collectyng those thinges only which seme to be more profitable and more necessary Iohn .xvi. The Lorde had sayd in the Gospell how he wold ascende into heauen and frō thence wold send to his Apostles the holy Gost the comforter which shulde leade them into all truth and shew them the thinges that ar to come And that which he sayd he wolde do in wordes the same verely hath he also perfourmed in dede aboundantly The holy Gost beyng sent to his Apostles which induced them into all truthe and opened to them the thinges that were to come especially to the Apostle and Euangelyst S. Iohn who receiued this Reuelatiō exibited to him of Christ from the ryght hand of the Father by the mistery of an Aūgel in the holy Gost who also by Chryste his commaundement committed the same to wryting The summe and ende of the which wryting is this The summe ende of the Apocalipse That Christ Iesus our Lord wil neuer fayle hys churche in earth but will gouerne it with his spirite and worde through thecclesiasticall ministery But that the church it self whilest it remaineth in this worlde shall suffer many thinges and that for Chryst and the truthe of his Gospell professed And it openeth al and singular euils in a maner that the church shal suffer shewing how it must be exercised with common Calamities as warre plage famyne and suche other lyke What it shall priuately suffer of the false bretherne through heresies schismes and greuous and continuall stryfes contentions corruptions in the matter of religion Finally how terribly it shulde be vexed by the most cruell persecutions of tholde Romane Empire And laste by the wicked crafts extreme Tyranny of Antichrist Al the which thinges apperteyne to this ende that all the chosen being sufficiently warned before and prouided in all ages whilest this worlde shall indure may with true faith alone cleaue vnto Christ our redemer king and high prieste only and eternall and may purely and syncerely professe hym call vpon him in the innocencie of lyfe serue him and patiently attend after him commyng to Iudgemente and to delyuer and saue the godly But contrarywise that they dispise all superstitions and the worlde it selfe with those his sondrye religions felicities and pleasures and bewar of al vngodlines And chiefly that they flee Antichrist which shall com in th ende of the worlde vsurping to himselfe most vniustly the kingdom and Priesthod of Chryst and greuouslye persecuting the churche of Christ euen to the laste Iudgemente In the whiche at the laste he with all his adherentes shall be throwen downe hedlonge into Hell And. S. Iohn beginneth this holsome matter of Chryste hymselfe The fyrste Chapter of the Apocalips Lorde king and high Bishop whose wonderful and most goodly description after the Apostolicke maner he placeth in the very begynnyng as the foundation of the whole worke The same descriptiō dooeth so ●●ately setfoorthe the Lorde that all the churche may easely know What thinges are treated in this boke in what order dispersed throughout the whole worlde in Chryst oure Lorde all thinges to be accomplished what so euer he had sayd before shulde be fulfilled in him namely that he shulde be exalted one to the ryghthand of his father into all celestiall glory power and maiestie there to be kinge of kinges of all other most mightye and the true and only hygh Byshop Sauiour gouernour Lorde and generall defendour of the Catholycke churche For blessed S. Iohn not only saw him such him selfe but also exhibiteth him such to be sene of vs all in thys hys wryting so godly by a most bryght and goodly vision And moreouer to thintent it myght be knowne to vs all in what sorte our Lord Iesus Chryst king and priest sitting or working in Heauen on the right hande of his Father is neuerthelesse in the middes of the catholycke church wherof he hath a faithfull care how louingly and fully he preserueth it in best order gouerneth it S. Iohn sheweth in this his vision that Christ walketh amonge the seuen golden candlestickes holdeth in his right hande seuen starres And streyghtway declareth what thing he vnderstandeth by the candelstickes and starres calling the candelstickes churches and the starres Aungels of the churches That is to witte Seuen churches Messagers ministers and pastours For the Lord chose vnto him selfe seuen famouse churches in Asia with whom he treateth nowe generally and compendiously vsing S. Iohn for hys interpretour which he doth perpetually in all churches throughoute the world and will neuer cease to do tyll the worldes ende For the seuenth number whiche is most vsed in this boke Chap. 2 and .3 and is the numbre of fulnes comprehendeth in it all churches Wherfore S. Iohn doeth so propounde moderate and temper all thynges that he treateth with these seuen churches that they may be applied vnto all the Churches that shal be in the worlde vntyl the worldes ende for theyr learnynge and edifiyng And for the same cause these seuē churches may be exāples of all other churches For loke what thing then did please or displease the Lord in those seuen churches what tyme these thyngs wer reuealed the selfe same in all other churches shall please or displease him so long as the worlde shall laste And as he wolde haue those instructed and taught so wyl he that all and singular be instructed at all seasons Therefore in these seuen churches we haue examples of churches moste excellent in dede and of God derely beloued And agayne of moste corrupte meane also and finally mixed And in these al is shewed what is or shall be the disposition maners and vertues of all the churches in the whole world and of al tymes and seasons likewise the vices of them and remedies of the same Therfore the Lorde in these instructeth reproueth chideth threatneth exhorteth comforteth promiseth Wherfore in these we shall see as it were in a table set before vs what the true and ryght doctrine of the churche is And againe which is the false and the corrupt doctrine We shall heare and learne that the churche beloued of God must stande styll in the preachyng of the Gospell once receyued of the Apostles of oure Lord Iesus Chryst and muste loke for no new
emonges those ten hornes one other little horne should grow vp whiche shoulde strike of three and take their place and reigne wantonly crwelly and wickedly Wherefore the Popes Empire and those sondry kingdomes grewe vp in a maner aboute one and the same time The kings haue one minde He sheweth moreouer what maner of kingdomes those shal be and how they shal demeane thēselues towardes that latter beast namely towarde the church of Rome thei saieth he haue al 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one opinion they beleue al one thing be of the same religion He speaketh chiefly of the westerne kynges For they al receyue the decrees of the Bishoppe of Rome and honor them as most obedient childrē of the most sacred holy church of Rome They shal deliuer to the beaste 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their authoritie or kyngedome For they submitte themselues to the See of Rome Yf the church of Rome haue nede of an Armie or force of armes the kinges sende their power gladly to hym which the most noble kingdome of Boheme felte about an hondreth yeres sins though it were to no great commoditie and beautifull triumphes of the inuaders Yea morouer they acknowledge thēselues to owe homage and feaultie to the moste holy and supreme Bishop in al the world Hereunto chiesly apperteyneth that which Augustin Stewchus in his boke against Laurence valla concernyng the donation of Constantine in the .94 Section hath written on this wise Gregory the .7 vnto Geusa king of Hungarie we suppose it is not vnknowen to thee sayeth he that the kingdome of Hungarie like as other most noble realmes also ought to be in the state of his owne libertie nother that it ought to be subiecte to any kyng of an other realme saue to the holy and vniuersall mother church of Rome which hath her subiectes not as seruauntes but as children Hereunto addeth Steuchus thou hearest with what gouernement the church ruleth that she maye interteyne her subiectes not as seruauntes but as childrē She putteth not kinges out of their possession but permitteth them to reigne as her sonnes who reignyng she reigneth her selfe also Neuerthelesse she will be knowen for Quene and Lady Quene Lady Thou hearest how al the moste noble realmes be subiecte to the Apostolical See Euen there he sheweth that the moste noble kingdomes of Spaine Fraūce England Denmarke Russelande Croatie Dalmatia Arragonie Sardinia Portugalle Bohemia Sweuia and Norwaye be subiecte tributaries to the church of Rome In the Section .97 He addeth moreouer although the kinges reigned and continued in possession yet are they wonte to acknowledge her as Quene and trewe Lady and gyuer of their kingdomes And in the Sect. 105. The old monumentes of all Popes are full of highe authoritie A mouth verely speaking great thinges whereby they haue with their Empires gouerned the whole worlde hauing the rule and order of al landes which power and authoritie that impudente praiser of the Romishe See is not asshamed to call omnipotent or almightie And doubtles we see at this daye great Ambassades sent to Rome by the westerne kinges newely elected crowned to the intent to kisse the Popes fete or too of Antichrist and to offer dewe obedience as they cal it Therefore did he calle them before not kinges absolutely but as kinges For they acknowledge a superiour and be euen as it were seruauntes or wardes of the seruaunt of seruauntes Of whome he hath made proper verses The vulgare people brought from farre ende of the worlde The seruaunt of seruauntes O Rome is now thy Lorde Hereunto the Apostle addeth a thing yet more greuouse The fight with the lambe These Kinges I meane the confederates of the Pope and obedient children of the Church of Rome indewed with the spirite of the beaste shall fight with the Lambe Whereby is signified the tiranny which kinges and princes and certen other states of the Romane Empire do practise long haue practised agaynst Christ his gospel Concerning the lambe we haue already spokē enough before Iohn Baptist poinctyng with his fingar to Christ sayeth beholde the lambe of God which taketh awaye the sinnes of the world Therfore shal the Romish princes fight not agaynste Christ himselfe for they will be christians but agaynst the Lambe that is the sanctification iustification and satisfaction of Christ For yf any man saye at this daye that the sonne of God is most holy by whome alone sinnes are forgeuen and we are sanctified and saye not also that the Bisshop of Rome is moste holy also whiche purgeth by pardons graunted but shall saye rather that perdons are playne disceiptfulnes and the Pope most vncleane of all he shal doubtles nother be takē for right catholicke nother shal he be spared for confessyng the lambe of God Yf any man shal confesse that iustification is only in the sonne of God alone and that men are iustified by fayth only and not also by our workes and merites he shal be caried to death or to prison nother shal the confession of the lambe of God preuayle him any thing Yf any man shal say that he is fully purged through the only oblation of Christe on the crosse as of a lambe without spotte and sacrificed frō the beginnyng neyther that he nedeth any popish Masses wherby the shauelynges boaste that they make a dayly offering for the sinnes of the quicke and dead whiche in dede is both false and blasphemouse he is streight wayes hurried to prison and from thence drawen to the stake and brente We can not denye but that this is true seyng there be at this daie innumerable exāples of Romishe kinges and princes in this behalfe We shall not nede therefore to fetche our exposition farre of how these kinges which wholy depēde of the Pope shal fight with the lambe I speake here nothinge of others which cleaue whole vnto Christ And therefore for a comforte is consequently annexed and the Lambe shall ouer come them The lābe shall ouercome thē For albeit that Popish kinges and Princes seme to ouercome the Sainctes whom they burne murther and distroye yet Christ liueth for euer the redemption of Christe florissheth As moste godly that good poete hath songe Christ liueth yet and shal do still His trewth eke shall remayne Whilst al that doeth this world fulfill Shall perish and be vayne Kinges perish kingdomes perish or be chaunged but the trewth is neuer chaunged Christ perisheth neuer He adioyneth a most strong reason for he is Lord of Lordes and king of kinges Therfore shal they be made a fote stole for the fete of the Lambe as many as shall striue agaynst him You see agayne whie S. Iohn sayed before they receiue power as kinges For all kinges are vnder Christ whiche excelleth all lordes in the worlde For to him is geuen power in Heauen and in earth Let vs therfore be of bold courage For the lord is Emperour and our
A HVNDRED Sermons vpō the Apocalips of Iesu Christe reueiled in dede by Thangell of the Lorde but seen or receyued and written by thapostle and Euāgelist S. Iohn Compiled by the famous and godly learned man Henry Bullinger chief Pastor of the Congregation of Zuryk ¶ Newly set forth and allowed according to the order appoynted in the Quenes maiesties Iniuntions ¶ Th argument wurthines commoditie and vse of this worke thou shalt fynd in the Preface After which thou hast a most exact Table to leade thee into all the princypall matters conteyned therin Math. 17. ☞ This is my welbeloued sun in whom I take pleasure heare hym Anno. 1561 TO THE RIGHT HOnorable Syr Thomas Wentworth knight Lorde VVentworth Lorde Lifetenaunt of the Quenes Maiesties Countie of Suffolk c. Hys singular good Lorde and Master Iohn Daus his obedient Seruaunt wissheth health and peace in the Lorde with thincrease of honor and dignitye IF we waigh and consider aswell this present pece of Scripture intitled the Reuelatiō as also the whole body of the same Ryghte honorable and my singular Lorde we shall fynde that the trewe Churche of Chryst hath ben euer from the first creation of the world is now and still shall be to the consumation therof subiecte to greate aduersities persecutions and troubles out of the which notwithstanding the Lord when he seeth it good deliuereth and preserueth the same and suffereth her not to perysh Wherupon the Romish haue a trew saying that Peters ship may with billowes and waues of tempestuous stormes be ouer whelmed but can neuer be drowned which saying is doubtlesse most true although thei thē selues sayle not therein but rather seke to dround the same by ouerfraighting her with the heauy burthen of mens traditions For certēly the Shippe of Peter whiche is the figure of Chrystes Churche is in dede ofte tossed and tourmoyled with outragious stormes and tempestes but can neuer be drenched or swallowed vp of the same For Christ bothe Master and owner therof can and wyll for his mercy truthes sake appeace all rages at his pleasure Herin both the Papistes and Gospellers do agree But whether of them are the trewe Church● thys matter is yet in controuersie hangeth before the Iudg which this present worke shall discerne and put out of all doubt And to enter a little into the matter as it were with a certen preamble the true Churche of Chryste is not called the stony temple wherin we assemble to heare Gods worde receyue the Sacramentes and to praye in for suche are builded with handes and with handes are destroyed a 〈…〉 nether yet is it called the congregation of certen Byshops of al nations assembled in a generall Counsell for they all though in the firste lawfull and godly counselles were many good men and excellent mēbers of Christes Church yet were they not the whole church which could not erre and the which had authoritie to make new Articles of the faith but the Church is called the whole societie of people that acknowledge the Gospell of Christe and beleue in him And this Churche not to be of one time only but of all tymes ages as Adam with Eue hys wife his sun Abel his familie was the church Noah with his familie was the churche Melchizedec with his familie was the Churche Abraham also with his familie Likewyse Isaac Iacob Dauid the Prophetes and Apostles with theyr Auditours that beleued in the Gospell of Christ were the churche and where soeuer at this daye the Gospel of Christ is receyued and beleued there is also the church of Christ which by a figuratiue speache may be aptly called the Ship of Peter or Arcke of Noe. Now let vs consider the state of the churche vnder Adam wherof the chiefest member was righteous Abel but him doth his brother Cain persecute for Religion and slayeth hym And this was the beginning of the tempest that arose a-against the Ship of Peter the beginning I meane of the persecution of the church which shal last to the worldes ende Lykewyse dyd the churche vnder Abraham suffer persecution by Ismaell vnder Isaac by Esau vnder Moses of Pharao vnder Eli the high Priest the Arke of the Lorde was taken by the Philistines and then it was thought that the church shulde haue quyte perished vnder Achab and wicked Iezabel the Churche was not onlye afflicted and sore oppressed but also in a maner extinguished where the Prophet Helias complayned that he was lefte alone Vnder Ieremie the Citie of Ierusalem was destroyed of the Babylonians and the churche was not lyke then to perish but rather vtterly lost already when Christ the head of the Churche was crutified it was iudged that the churche had then ben cleane destroied We had thought say they that he shoulde haue redemed Israell what tyme king Pharao with his host had inclosed the Israelites that is to witte the churche betwene the mountaines and the Red Sea it was lyke that the churche shulde haue perished but Moses prayed the Lorde miraculously deliuered them Againe the churche semed to be in extreme daunger when Sennacherib spoyled the kyngdome of Iuda and ment to destroy Ierusalem but througe the prayer of Ezechias the Kyng God sent his Angell and distroyed the host of the Assyrians The church semed to tende vnto ruine when Herod had killed Iames with the sweard and minded also Peter but the congregation contynewyng in prayer the Lorde sent his Angel to deliuer Peter And to be short in those ten greuous persecutions which followed immediatly after the Apostles time the church many times semed brought vnto vtter decay but alwayes when God saw it good it was reuiued and as it were refreshed agayne What shuld I recite the persecutions of the churche in the time of Athanasius wherin the Arrian Bishoppes so preuayled that the Emperour and his whole Armye so persecuted Athanasius that the good Bishop was fayne to lye hyd in an holle where he saw no sunne by the space of sixe yeares And who wold then haue thought that euer the trew churche of Christ shulde haue flourished agayne I nede not here to reherse the cruell persecutions of the church vnder the Romish antichrist which neuerthelesse haue ben and be yet styll most tyranicall and blouddye For that the same shall in this present worke more clerely appere then that I nede to make any discourse therof only I wolde shewe briefely as dothe my Author at large that Christes trewe churche is alwayes subiect to persecutions To thintent therfore to passe ouer many thynges vntouched and to come nerer our fathers memorye in the tyme of the Emperoure Sigismunde there was holden a counsell at Constaunce wherein the Bishops so conspired to extinguish Christes veritie that contrary to thauncient libertie of a free and general Counsel and cōtrary to the Emperours saufconduit they not only burned there Iohn Husse and Hierome of Prage professours of Chrystes Gospell but decreed also that the bones of
189 Chosen affiāsed to the lamb 563 Chosen people lyuely temple of God 305 Christians worldly 124 Christ described 283.577 Christ hath all power c. geuen him .161.165 is king of kings and Lord of lordes .522.581 is owner of all kyngdomes .338 sunne of god .87 God mā 87 very God 168.661.675 is very mā 162 163.42 his power .43 is a lāb 162.440 greter thē Aungels saints c. 163.177 Lord of angels .16 was slain from the beginnyng .382 figured by Aungels .356 by Eliachim .43 is head of the Churche .36 prelat of the Churche .47 an aultar 197.236 a mighty Angel .284 236. offreth vp our prayers sitting on the right hand of God 237. of the same substanse wyth the father coequall .41.42.668 670. is not authour of corrupting the treuth thogh he opē the sixt seal .205 cast out of the church by the Pope Mahomet shall return with glory .283 is not fought against but the lāb 521 author of thapocalyps .688 very God lord of angels .689 author of saluatiō .218 begottē in vs .350 no creature .125 our best apparil .108 king priest 35. trew .112 holy .111 a lyuely foūtain .252 word of God .579 most necessari to be known 159 Christ hath charge of seuē cādles 50.51 receiueth things of the father how .166 shal be subiect to the father .339 must be honored 449. is not al or sufficiēt to sum 210. is set forth in thapocalyps 9. hath the kei of Dauid .112 is the trew māna .84 fiedeth leadeth quikneth 232 receiueth power reineth .340 openeth the bouk 158. knoweth our wurks 64. nieds no vicar .35 hys beginninge .125 his cumming of ij sorts .223 his cūming to iudgemēt .24 his image setforth 33 his body suffred .268 hys humain body in one place .34 godhed euery wher 34 Church descrybed .350 is the citie of God .121 is both mother and doghter .366 is figured by the moon .207 bi a womā 348 is belouid of God .116 dwels when Satās seat is .73 shal be in the midst of troubles .305 hydeth it selfe .209 flyeth into wildernes .353 is emong the gentils .365 shal be alwaies in the world .183 hath alwaies in this lyfe that may be reprehendid .79 traueleth and bringeth forth ij wais .350 remoued whē 57. the garnishinge therof .510 glorye therof is to cum .648 chief enemies therof .347 hystory therof discoursid 183 Churche old of Rome distinguisshed 542 Church of Rome church of Rom c. 496 Churchs fallible notz peas and tranquility 194 Churchs how they wer gouerned at the beginning 387 Circes of Rome 512 Citie great or heuenly 648. c. Citye great diuyded into thre 501 Citye great is the romish church 510 Citye of God and name therof 121 Cityes greatest commendacion 650 Citizens of the kingdum of God who 109 Clamitat in celis vox sang c. 198 Cleannes fygured by fyre 266 Clergye compared to locuste 256. Clergie innumerable 255 Clergie authors of warres 260 Clermont counsel 613 Clothed in whyt what they be 229 Cloud in the script 285 Columnz erecting 120 Comfort excieding in thapocalips 12 Comfort in tribulacion 27 Committing of hordum in the script 507 Commocions 524 Commotions and theyr causes 206 Commodities of thapocalyps 12 Condemned are iustly condemned 589 Confessing of beleuerz bp Chryst 109 Cōfessing of trespas is beginning of repentaunse 56 Confusion of Romishe Religion 512 Congregacions how they may be kept 115 Consolacion of the faithfull 305. 306. Consolacion in affliction 62 Consolation in the Apocalyps 12 Consolation foloeth humility 40 Constancy 73 Constantin emperour abhorred Rome 383 Constitucions of man nied not 299 Constancie and continans figured by a square 655 Constantinoples destructyon 275 Constans in faith 113 Constitucions of men 69. 100 Contemners of the blessed lyfe 232 Contencion for tryfles oght not to be 29 Contracting of matrimony 563. Conuersacion is our garment 108 Copz and gorgious things in the church 510 Corn prospering or perishing cūmeth by God 190 Coronacion of a Pope 511 Corrupt doctryns hystorie 234 Couetous ryche men are poore 128 Couetousnes of the Romains 393 Could nor hoot 126 Coulor pale sign c. 190 Counsel can not iudge the Pope 406 Councels generall iiij 268 Counsel holsum 129 Counsel of Clermont 613 Counsels of God insearcheable 380 Counsels to condemn impuritye nied not 80 Countenanse of Christ 38 Cowl of our lady 132 Creaturs al submit thē to Christ 178 Creatures are not to be worshypped 175.177.678 Creatures of Gods beginnyng 125 Croun 183 Croun of lyfe what 69 Croun token of a kyngdum 349 Croun for honor glory victory 118.110 Crosse foloeth Godes worde 303 Crueltie of Rome 508 Crueltie of Antichrist 324 Crueltie of the Romainns 369 Crueltie figured by Lyons tieth 262 Crying for vengeaunse 198 Comfort in persecution 204.333 326 Comfort gospellyk 234 Comfort againste Antechryst 285 Cumming of Chryst of ij sorts 223 Curius inquirie of Gods iudgements 144 Curiositie in serching Gods coūsels repressed 380 Curiosity repelled by reurrense submission vnto God 152 Curs banished 670 Cursing of the Pope 399 D Damnacion eternall described 455 Damnacion euerlasting 628 Damnacion eternall for seducing 584 Damned are iustly damned 589 Damned parsons 641 Dauid is called Christ 357 Day last or end of the world 575 Death of ij sorts .605 spirituall 103 Death after this death 70 Death for trewthz sake 69 Death of Christ 22.172 Death geues vp the dead 627 Dead ryse again 626 Decay and spiedy ruin compared to sand 367 Decius Traianus 194 Decretals .404 decrees and decretalles 100 Defectyue reason 277 Defence figured by egles wings 364 Degrees of punishment 585 Decking of the church 510 Delais of returning to God 224 Delay of Gods help 118 Deliuerans in persecutiō 364. c Deniall of God 460 Denyall of Christ and hys gospel many wayes 76 Denyall of Christs name 114 Derth and famin 189 Descending of Christ from heuē 284. Desert of man 248 Deuill author of ill .185 a sclaunderer .356 vanquished 591 bound .596 cast out how 595 608. where he reygneth .362 his four names .359 c. wourshiped 279 Dioces 403. c Dioclecian 194 Dionysius Alexandrinus of the authoriti of thapocalyps 6 Dianaz temple 48 Disciplin 133 Diseaseas of churches howe they shold be holpen 104 Dispair of ill men what causeth 210.211.212 Dispair remoued 278 Disposition or order of thapocalyps 347 Disputacions clamorus 264 Dissemblers .541.66 Iewls warm 126 Dissentiō in the church no news 52 Distroyers of the earth of diuers sorts 344 Distroyer Popes name 265 Destruction of reames thrugh reuolting from trewe religion 271 Diuersitie of opinions 98 Diuinitie of Christ 64 13● Do as ye would be doone vnto 383 Doctryn resembled by wynd by leuen 214 Doctryn holsum figured by air 253 Doctryn euangelicall shal be restored 297 Doctryn newe is not to be loukt for 118 Doctryn of Christ perpetual 99 Doctryn corrupted 205 Doctrin peruers figured bi smoke 253 Doctryn new 447
582 Polycarp pastor of Smyrna 63 Pope openeth hel 253. is made king 433. 434. is king of locusts 264. Lord ouer themperour 405. is both Pope emperour 419. is a Monarch 415. c. is Lorde of all lands 392. is almightie 521. giueth grace 399. giues the holi ghost 399. is called holy how worthely 111. is more feared then God 448. hath not Chrystes power giuen him 43. hath not the keis of Dauid 112. nor the gouernmēt of things 158. 159 holdeth anopē heresy of the souls state after this lyfe 604. is against 390. speaketh as the Deuell 391. is not against Christe but againste the lamb 521. is no head of the church 36 51. is aboue the coūsel 406. is vndouted Antichriste 504. is author of all persecuciō 323. is the cruelst murtherer of al. 643 was neuer without aduersaris 600. was resisted by many both emperors kings 408. was deposed 415. hath nothing to sel 131. he al papists arheithē 308. is to be preached against 425. he all papistes are to be dieply cōsidered not winked at let alone as sum would 426 Pope at the first had not so great power 409. wer vnder thobediens of themperor at the beginning 409. are omnipotent 521. are sorcerers 412. c. mouers of wars treason 484. wer thrie at on s 395. haue had deadlye wounds 395 Popes tytle 323. his talk lyk the Deuils 390. his power 44. his vsurped power 44. 404. 405. his pryd 417. his pryd against princes 400. his wars 250. his army described 259. his tyrāny against princes 416. his legats described 493. his kingdū passeth Mahomets 422. his cōfirmaciō of thēperor neglected 411 Popish church is the great citye 510 Popish doctryn concerning prayer 340 Popish priests ar Nicolaitās 81 Poperye how it oght to be fled 540. c. Poperie is not to be spared in sermons 506 Possessiō of the church entred by Christ 286 Power all is of God 370 Power vniuersally is submitted vnto God 153 Power haue we non of our self to good 135 Pouertie conforted 65 Preachinge rorynge of a Lyon 287 Praier is necessarye 301. belongeth only to God 340. how acceptable to God 169. it hath ij parts inuocacion and praise 170 Praiers and thankes geuing are the oblaciōs of saints 169. they are called sacrifice 237. are part of Godlye wourshyp 168. of Sayntes what they be 237. Praying to Saints 170 Praises of Saints 559. 562. c Preachers haue theyr original of Christe 314. are called stars 351. 208. 45. are called aungels 590. 446. are slain and reuyued 331. against Antichryste what they muste be and wyth what qualities furnyshed 300. they are in the hands of God 45. and defended by God vntill their hour be cum 322. their rewards 662. theyr victorye is spirituall 317 Preching directed by Chryste 183 Preachinge called prophecying 304 Preaching syncere is a chein to bynd the Deuel 608 Preaching prohibited 214 Preaching of Gods word oft restored 330 Preache to the good and bad why 681. friely and clearely 535 Precious stoons 658 Preface of thapolalyps 18 Preparans fit to meet Chryste 565 Presens and absens of Chryste 284 Priestes popish excommunicated 307 Priests popish ar Nicolaitās 81 Priestes popish pas our Ladye 263 Priests mo go to the Deuel then plowmen 585 Priests christen men be 24 Priestly garment 35 Primate forbodden 387 Princes aduertized not to stryue against the treuth 368 Princes all sunnes to the Pope 419 Priscilla and Maximilia prophetisses 91 Pryd figured by horses 260 Pryd figured by Romains 377 Printyng 287 Proceding of the holy ghost 146 Profession of God oght to be opē 671 Profession most noble when persecution is most hoot 77 Profession of religion openlye is necessary 76 Profyt of this Apocalyps 380 Prognosticacion for euer 181 Properties of God 376 Prophets are promised 312. are Gods messengers 1 Prophets fals are dogges 687. compared to a tail 274 Prophets doctrin of maners repentans and of Christ 1 Prophecy of iij. sorts 16 Prophecying for preaching 304 Prosperitie not of trew religion the world saith 374. 323 Prosperitie abused 546 Prosperitie of the popish kingdū 396. of the wicked 224 Prosperous succes of vice 282 Punishment prepared for the wycked 283. 686 Punishment seuer for vnclennes 83 Punishment is by degrees 585 Purgatory ouer thrown 461. 71 Q Quyet is non besyds Chryste 211 Quietnes in the church regarded 29 Quier casting oui 306 R Railyng vpon the faithfull 66 Rainbow 285. 142 Rain signify the grace of God 319 Reames all subiects to Rome 520 Reason defectiue is to be supplied 277 Rebellion against God repressed 153 Rebuking of vice hatefull 303 Rebuking of the Lord. 133 Reconciliaciō figured by the rainbow 285 Red colour 351 Redempcion chyefest verteu of Christs death 172. 173 Reentrie of Christ 286 Reformation leful 57 Reioysings of saints 559. 338. at the destruccion of Rome 553 Reign of saints 173 Religion must be firmly holden boldly confessed 76. in words wurks 271 Religion consisteth in true knoledge of the last iudgement 588 Religions patched 126 Religion trew corrupted 205 Reliks 572 Remembrans of God 624 Remission likned to a whyt ston 84 Repentauns 94. 129. 278. 55 Repentauns apostolik 105 Repentauns or penauns what it is 82. 56. 57 Repentauns shal be rewarded 83 Reprouing of the Lord. 133 Resurrection of the dead 626. 585. 342. 22 Resurrection first and secōd 605 Reuelacions new 97 Reuelacion from whense 14. of three sorts 16 Reuolting from Rome popery excused 542 Reward of faithfull preachers 332 Reward prepared for the godly 283. 120. 121. 122. for good ill 685. 686. for vertew 109. 108 462. for wourkes 342. for repentauns 83. for iniquitye 81. Rewl how we shall ascribe it to God 24 Rhadamantus 21● Riches 128. of the faithfull 131. spirituall 65 Righteusnes 565. effect of christ● death 173 Riuer of water of lyfe from whē● it springeth 668 Riuers for all kind of afflictions 365 Rod of irun 580 Rome old and new 508. is lady of all reames 520. is taken and spoiled 335. old destroid and burnt 525. taken thrys in ou● yere 529. seuen tymes with●● few yers 384. thrie hundre● yeres without an Emperour 386. 40● came to a Dukedu● 431. is not head of all churches 388. is no patrimony of s Peter 387. is Babylon 502. 45● is to be shūned 543. is the sea● of Antich ist 504. seat of S●tan 74. 75. is a hoor 506. 〈◊〉 cast down 431. the tythes th● rof 3●● Romains beast 37● Romain Empyre 368. blasphemus 371. is called a beast wh● 369. is chief enemi of the churc● 347. bestowed vpon straunger● 518. new ēpyre 385. now poo● and baar 403. decaieth 42● falleth 38● Romains pryd 377. power 380. Romish king confirmed by Pop● 405. Bishop star fallen from heuē 251. papistry a beast why 388. their new doctryn 453. theyr religion receiued in fraūs 435. sea chair of pestilens 396. crueltie and other vices 544 Romish church on s notable 250 set
restreining and punishing the wycked And the holy ghost where he is but one Seuen spirites for the seuenfolde that is all maner of grace and giftes manifold is here called as I may say Septenarie or of the seuenth numbre And from the seuen spirites sayth Iohn that is from that spirite whiche is indewed with the seuenfolde grace Those diuerse giftes are after a sorte declared of Esay in the .xi. Chapt. and els where in the scriptures He is sayd to be in the sight of the throne that is before the throne of God ioyned verely in gouernement with the father and the sonne For the throne is many tymes vsurped for the kingdom The holy ghost therfore is of the same glory power and maiestie with God Now is he commen to Christ The description of Christ whom by his properties he describeth moste aboundantly You know that Iesus is the proper name of Christ which Matthew expoundeth a Sauiour Christ is the surname of his office and dignitie as you would say annoynted that is byshop and kyng 1 First he calleth Christ our Lord a faithfull wytnes Christ a faithfull witnes and that out of the .xlix. and .l. chapter of Esay For he was sent of the father to the world out of heauen an Apostle whiche should testifie the wil of God what he wold haue done with men To witte that he would saue the worlde by his sonne Math. 18. 2 Petr. 3 Iohn 3 Math. 7.1 by faith in him which is obedient to the law of God For he must do the will of his father This Christ is a faithfull witnes that is sure constaunt and trewe Of whose doctrine no man ought to doubt No man hath seene God at any tyme The only begotten whiche is in the bosome of the father Math. 17. 2 Pet. 1 he hath reuealed This therfore is the byshop and catholick d●tour of the church Who so euer dissent from him are to 〈◊〉 eschewed Heare him saith the father Christ is the first fruits of thē that ryse 2 He is the first begotten of the dead For he died for o●● sinnes verely and rose again from the dead was made t● first begotten of the dead Lorde conquerour of death I● whom we se that we shall also ryse again in what sorte 〈◊〉 whom the first of the Corinth xv And like as in the first pr●pertie he shaddoweth the humanitie of Christe wherin h● taught also his deitie in that he was the faithfull true ●●tholique byshop and is yet at this day So in the second th● articles of our belefe concerning the death of Christ and h● resurrection are confirmed To these also may be added t● article of the resurrection of the dead Christ is Prince of kynges 3 Christ is prince ouer the kinges of the earth a monar● verely and Lord of all rulers Whiche hath taken a name ●boue all names the Lord of aungels and of all creatures 〈◊〉 whom al things be subiect As thapostle expoūdeth Colos● Philip. 2. And he doeth not abolishe lawes Magistrat● which wil be king of kinges and Lord of lordes For if tha● wer no kings how shuld Christ be king of kings The mo● sacred Emperours Constance Constantine Theodose an● Iustinian knew them selues to be clientes of Christ Tha● kingdom was Christes they to be subiectes These Chri●● acknowledgeth for his by whō he gouerneth those he ha●● redemed with his bloud They that proudly rule ouer the people boast thē selues to be lordes of althings acknowled●● not Christ to be monarch ouer all be starke mad And her● are comprehended such thinges as we confesse in tharticles of our faith that Christ ascended into heauen sitteth on th● right hand of the father that is that he hath receiued high p●wer of al things in heauen and earth Ephe. 1. Act. 2. Christ loued vs. 4 Christ hath loued vs with incōparable loue For he hi● self saith greater loue hath no man than that a man shoul● leaue his life for his frēdes This loue the Apostle amplefiet● in the fift to the Romains And it was exceading great loue 〈◊〉 moued Christ to come downe from heauen and be incarna●● and to redeme vs by his death With a free loue he loue● vs prouoked by no desert of ours For as this same Iohn in his Epistle canonicall speaketh the same of the father In this is charitie not that we haue loued God but that he hath loued vs sent his son a propiciation for our sinnes So is it to be vnderstād of the son the he hath doth bear vs great good will not moued thereto through our loue wherewith we haue imbraced him And of the fre loue to mankinde he gaue him self vnto death washed vs frō our sinnes For streight waies is added by his bloud Christ washeth Where thre thinges seme of vs to be obserued First that Christ washeth purgeth purifieth or clēseth the faithful that most fully not partly He alluded to the washings of the law which he expoūded also For Dauid saith Pourge me with Hysope I shal be made cleane washe me I shal be whiter than snow The same phrase of speache repeteth Esay in the first chap. Micheas also sayth Miche 7. The Lord wil returne wil haue mercy on vs he wil treade vnder fete our iniquities And thou shalt throw into the depth of the Sea al their sinnes And the Lord saith Ezech. 36 I wil cast vpon you cleane waters and you shall be mundified from al your filthines The Lord Christ these thinges accomplishing washeth vs purgeth and clenseth throughly aswell from the falte as the paine He clenseth vs from our sinnes Christ washeth all synnes not from one but from al. The which thing is proued both by former testimonies again in the first second Epistle of S. Iohn Last the maner also of purifiyng is set forth by bloud For without the sheding of bloud no remission was made Therfore through the mediation of death and bloudsheding there was full remissiō of all sinnes obteined for the faithfull He washeth by bloud Hebr. 9 They that bring forth any other maner of forgeuenes of synnes ar iniurious to the death and bloud of the sonne of God And here we may se plainly set forth an article of the Apostolicall crede I beleue the forgeuenes of synnes In the fift place is shewed theffect of our redēption purifiyng For Christ hath brought to passe Theffect of Christs redemptiō in the faithfull that as many of vs as beleue in the father by the son of God shuld be kinges prists to God to his father Aretas the copie of complute reade not kinges but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is kyngdome the which is not red amisse For we be the kingdō of God for bicause God by his spirit not the flesh nor the worlde ought to reigne in vs And when we permitte the gouernment to
in thys worlde to be sene as is profitable 1 Iohn 2 and as our infirmitie may perceiue But this same is not litle or nothing but great and large and moste full of spirituall pleasure I meane if we beholde these misteries of God with a faithfull eye and mynde desyrous of Godly matters And doubtles they be thynges certayn and true that here are reuealed vnto vs. For they be reuealed by the very sonne of God Let vs not wysh than to se more or desyre greater thinges than these are But take pleasure in those which Christ hath graunted vs. And let vs knowe for certentie that a wonderful benefite of God is geuen vs in this vision For who would not couet to se Christ in glory sitting on the ryght hand of the father Who desyreth not to knowe what our Sauiour doth in heauen And home being in heauē is neuertheles present with his church in earth But this sacred and holy Image instructeth in all these poinctes all the faithfull of Christe moste fully Howebeit this Image of Christ is not to be set forth with colours synce that colours can not atteine to the maiestie therof but with the ecclesiasticall doctrine whiche hath the promesse of the spirite of Christe And is therfore more euident and only mete for the true expressing therof Let vs also prynt the same Image not vpon any dead table with colours that wyll peryshe and fade but in our hartes through the liuely spirite of God whiche may also kepe it in our myndes neuer to be ●wipt out And such thinges as are spoken in the seconde and third chap. Of this boke are deriued of this description● Christ that the maiestie of the thing might inuite vs to a s●●gular diligence The matter is very playne An aungell represēteth Christ First we are taught who it is whose Image is to vs ex●●bited Not the sonne of man him selfe in his own substaun●● but lyke the sonne of man The sonne of man after the phr● of the Gospell is called Christ hym selfe very God and m● Here he shewed not hym selfe to be sene of Iohn in his ou● substaunce but in the fourme of an Aungell that represent● Christ Whiche thyng is oftener then once founde in th● boke We shal therfore referre all these thinges vnto Chris● not to the Aungell whiche is the minister of Christ in th● mistery And we shall see Christ in his owne substaun●● what tyme our base body shall flitte from hence and bey● reysed from the dead shall be glorified In the meane ty● the soull from the death of the body tyll it ryse agayne sh● clearely haue the fruition of the sight of Christ Wherein 〈◊〉 I sayd before shall be the chief ioye and felicitie We sh● nowe therfore see Christ as it were in a glasse and so muc● as shall suffice vs. The Lorde open to vs the eyes of o●● mynde Where Christ is abiding He telleth moreouer where he sawe Christ in the midd● of seuen candelstickes By and by we shall perceiue that 〈◊〉 the candelstickes must be vnderstande the churches Chri●● is than in the middes of the churche He sitteth verely on● ryght hand of the father and after the proprietie of this ●●mane body he is but in one place and in no mo As S. A●gustin declareth aboundauntly in the .lvii. Epistle to Dor●nus Yet for as muche as he is also very God he is lykew●●● in the myddes of the churche as he promised in the Gosp●● Whersoeuer two or three be gathered in my name Mat. 18.28 the● am in the myddes of them And agayne behold I am w●●● you vnto the worldes ende Therfore by his power diui●● Christ remayneth and worketh in the churche present a● not absent Leaue therfore to inquire what Christ doth 〈◊〉 the ryght hand of his father whether he sitte continually And he is verely in the myddes of the churches fyxed to 〈◊〉 place but shewyng hym selfe indifferently to all egall as helpefull For he neyther accepteth persones nor slepe● He is not paynted he is not Idle nothyng regardyng matters of the churche But is chiefly and only attentiue to the saluation of the same Suche a one he promysed him selfe to be in the .14.15 and .16 of Iohn And seyng Christ is in the myddes of the churche what Vicar moreouer shall he haue Shall he haue that ennemy whiche is directly against hym Christ hath no vicar 2 Tessa 2. For a Vicar is in steade of one absent But Christ is in the middell of the churche present not absent In the text followyng Christ is described moste plentifully many thynges are ascribed vnto him And is declared in what sort Christ is in the mids of the church And first indede is shewed what garment he hath on To wit both priestly princely By the which thing is figured what maner of one Christ is in heauen in earth To wit bishop and king intercessour mediatour sacrifice a moste perfit sanctification iustification a redemer and deliuerer of the faithful to his father euermore working the saluation of his faithfull As S. Paul teacheth Roma 8. Hebr. 7. Poderes Poderes is found amōgst the apparell of Aaron and it is a priestly garment Whereof S. Hierome writeth to Fabiola of the priestly garmēt The second vesture of linnen is a coate downe to the fote of double launde Which Iosephus calleth Bissina And it is called in Hebrew ketheneth in Greke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This cleaueth iust to the body and is so narrowe and strayte sleued that there is no wryncle at al in the garment and came downe to the legges This was verely whyte and cleane Girdel or a belte For the Lorde Christ is an vndefiled Priest Hebre. 7. Neyther weareth he agayne a foule vesture as he did Zachar. 3. Nor a purple as in the .19 of Iohn But a bright one as he that hath obteyned a name aboue all names But his gyrdell or belte is worne of Souldiours and triumphaunt persones And it signifieth in Christ the dignitie roiall For Christ is king delyuerer and redemer of the faythfull His victory is ours He hath ouercome Sathan Helle synne and death But the belte or girdle of Christe is not set in the wonted place to wytte about the loynes For as Aretas hath also admonished ther ar no cōcupiscences to be restrained in Christ Therefore is he not gyrded after the maner of synners but about the pappes or brestes to thintent we should vnderstande by the girding that he is kyng of kynges voyd● of all affections Moste rightuous and holy in iudgements and gouernement But yet in the meane tyme furnyshed fo● the defence of his church as we haue red it written in the 9● Psalme The Lord hath put on strength girded hymself c. Christ might seme to haue girded him selfe not after the maner that priestes or kynges vse for that he hath obteyned 〈◊〉 more excellent priesthod and kyngdome induring for eue● To accomplishe
these thinges it behoued hym to vse a te●ple and palace not transitory but heauen it selfe Hebre. vi● and .ix. Yet in the meane tyme the effect pearseth in to th● church it selfe that so he may be present in the church also The head heares of Christ But the head of Christ appeareth hoare and his hea● whyte lyke moste pure wolle and whytest snow Suche a head is ascribed also to the father of our Lord Iesu Christ 〈◊〉 the seuenth Chap. of Daniel For they be of the same essen● And hereby is signified wysdome and age and also the e●nitie and deitie of Christ And by reason that Christ is Gi● therfore is he head of the church ministring to the body li● spirite wysdome and all giftes celestiall Ephes v. Ca●● Pope of Rome that moste wicked man of synne doe th● What an head is he than without lyfe without brayne● moste folyshe As he is described in the .xi. of Zacha. And is a shame that we will not se these thinges being blynd euer Christ is euerlasting omnipotent and that knoweth thing And he may be the health and head of the body I● in the beginning saith he was the word and the word 〈◊〉 with God c. Christ him self before Abraham was saith 〈◊〉 I am Therfore the Heretickes lye deniyng Christ to be●ry God of the same substaūce with the father He is the ●●●dome of God all thinges are subiect to hym Ephe. the 〈◊〉 And he him self fulfilleth all thinge after the same sort be● present with his churche The eyes of Christ Now are his eyes also not darkened nor blynde but fy● and bryght For Christ knoweth all thyng Christes eye● watchful nothyng is hyd from him he seeth all thinges 〈◊〉 are done both good and euyll And he seeth to the intent may iudge and require He is light in darknes and the si●●● of Christ is to good men ioyfull in perils Finally the iudgementes of Christ are rightuous The Prophet Dauid The eyes of the Lord sayth he vpon the iust and his eares are to their prayer Agayne The face of the Lorde is on them that do euyll And like as the head is not plucked from the body so Christ can not be absent from his churche And seyng that his eyes are quicke sighted and that the Lord forseeth al our thinges and hath the charge ouer vs how is he absent from his churche What nedeth there any vicar And the fete of the Lorde are of copper Brasē fete or lyke vnto brasse and frankensence burning in a fornace For Chalcolibaum is a worde compounded of brasse and frankensence Eusebius This noteth Erasmus and that Swidas sheweth also the same that there is a kynde of Copper more precious than gold which he sayth is made of Salt peter and of a stone Plin. in the xxxiiii and .ii. Chapter calleth it a kynde of brasse whiche is digged out of the vaynes of the earth in tymes paste had in price It should seme to me to be the same whiche in the first and tenth of Ezechiel is called Hasmal a present remedy against poysons For if wyne intoxicated be put into a cuppe therof it wil hisse And so is the death and poyson detected The moste cleane brasen and firy fete do signifie the conuersation and the wayes of the Lorde blameles his iudgements right iust And that he so walketh in the church and gouerneth al things that in the meane season al vncleanes be detec●ed and consumed but he him selfe remaineth always moste holy and pure For fire pourgeth God is a consuming fire But the voyce of Christ The voice of Christ is as it were the noyse of many waters not so muche for that all nations and people do commende and prayse him But for as muche as the Gospel and worde of God came into the whole worlde Whiche voyce also moste mightie kinges could lesse asswage and appease than they could do the gusshing of waters Rom. 10 or to stoppe the wyndes in sackes Therfore by the power of preaching the Lorde is always present in his churche The hand is an instrument of all instrumentes especially the righthande The right hand In this Christ holdeth seuen starres to wit seuen prelates or pastours of churches in Asia And euen all the byshops throughout the whole world Christ by his power geueth to vs as Pastours and instructeth comforte● confirmeth defendeth them to the end they should preac● his worde Wherby he may ioyne hym selfe to the churc● Christ worketh by them in the churche and preserueth th● A two edged sword out of Christ his mouth The same is more lyuely expressed in the wordes that f●lowe For a sharpe two edged sworde commeth out of 〈◊〉 Lordes mouth This swearde is the worde of God as 〈◊〉 ryght well declared in the sixt to the Ephes and fourth to 〈◊〉 Hebrewes And this word or sworde hangeth not vpon 〈◊〉 walle nor sticketh fast in the sheathe nor hangeth by the f● but cometh out of the mouth He sayth not it came foort● it shall come forth But it cometh forth as the thyng th● in continuall operation or perpetuall preaching through● the worlde And it is two edged sharpe and pearsing as● in the heart of the Godly vnto saluation as in the heart● the wycked to payne and condemnation And yet at 〈◊〉 day cometh out that sworde of the mouthe of Christ by mouthes of Ministers The worde of Christe is in dede ●temned of the world and is called of many a fable But 〈◊〉 a sworde and that a sworde out of Christes mouth All 〈◊〉 vnfaithfull do finde and shall fynde this howe soeuer 〈◊〉 resiste With this sworde Christ kylleth the wicked And effect of this sworde is greater than was the sworde of A●●ander Pompey Iulius Cesar or Marius Attille or ●merlane Neyther maketh it any skylle though the w● now acknowledge it not It shall doe in tyme to com● their greatest euyll Doubtles with this spirite of his m● the Lorde continueth alwayes to comfort and gouern●● churche so that he is neuer absent from the same Finally the countenaunce of Christ shineth as the 〈◊〉 doeth in his greatest strength about none when it is 〈◊〉 bryght clere and plesaunt by the countenaunce we 〈◊〉 men chiefly Therfore by the countenaūce we know C● The countenaunce of Christ is light Christ therfore is 〈◊〉 And that verely a diuine and eternall lyght lyghtyng a●● that they may also be made the children of light and tha● faces of saintes may shine in that day as bright as the si● and as the face of Christ shone Math. 13. and .17 And f● he doeth thus communicate this lyght vnto vs. Iohn 〈◊〉 and .1 Iohn 1. How is it to be thought that Christ should be absent from his churche Thou seest how he is present And so hath our Lord Christ exhibited hym selfe to vs to be sene vnto saluation and hath opened hym selfe wholy vnto vs as he is what he doeth for vs
.xcvii. yeare would● God all Pastours would set before their eies this good Policarpus to be followed of whome there remayneth a not●ble Epistle to the Philippians After againe is the authour of the Epistle Thauthor of the epistle declared whic● is set forth with two titles taken out of the fourmer visi●● of Iohn and descriptiō of Christ Thus saith the first and 〈◊〉 last c. Wherby is signified the eternall diuinitie of Christ● which wanteth beginning and ending And of him selfe is ●uerlasting There is added that he was dead liueth again● that is to witte hath rysen from the dead And this begi●ning accordeth right well to the matter For they perceiu● that whosoeuer are afflicted for Christ his Gospell of m● mightie kinges and princes haue a Lorde and patrone m● mightie and more faithfull whiche in no wyse can be ou● comen Who can also in death kepe his lyke as he reysed 〈◊〉 Christ from the dead to the intent we myght haue an op●● testimony that we shal liue with Christ euen in death it se● Christ knoweth the workes of his And now cometh he to the matter it selfe and the whic● thing he repeteth in al Epistles he sayth here also I kno● thy workes to witte both good and euill Thinke not that 〈◊〉 neither know nor care for thy matters Thou art verely ro●ten out in my handes I know see and care for thee and 〈◊〉 thine And these thinges boeth prouoke vs maruelously vertue when we knowe that we haue God a loker on 〈◊〉 hath a care of vs And also comforte vs greatly which vnd●●stande how he that loueth vs and in no matter neglecte● hath vs alwayes as it were before his eyes And here particularly he declareth what he knewe A● first in dede the afflictions Afflictions which verely they suffered in t●● present persecution of the Emperour Domitian And aff●●●tion is as it were a generall worde to the foure kindes fo●wyng For he rehearseth touching their substaunce the s●●ling of their goodes and their pouertie In their name 〈◊〉 estimation cōtumelies reproches or blasphemies In bo●● imprisonment and bondes yea and death also For 〈◊〉 these afflictions Godly men are exercised for the truth sa● of the wicked And in these may be cōprysed al other kindes of tribulation The whiche the Epistle of Iesus Christ reciteth in a Godly order There is nothinge therfore of these matters whiche the Lord Christ knoweth not Pouertie hath the first place The pouertie of the faithfull Neither ought we to take it here spiritually for the modestie and humblenes of mynde although it be certaine that the churche of Smyrna wanted not the same vertue But there was pouertie and lacke of all things by reason of the spoiling of their goodes For in time of persecution by vertue of kings proclamatiōs the goodes of the faithful professours of Christ ar cōfiscated to the kings vse or permitted to the soldiours nobles or promoters to take at their pleasure The faithful thrust out of their houses ar either driuen into exile or go a begging would God we wanted examples therof at this day Let vs herof learne to beare suffer paciently the like chaunces also being perswaded that God knoweth our necessitie And because it is an hard thing ●or an honest man to honger and want with his familie for a ●omfort and consolation he addeth but thou art riche This to the world semeth a paradoxe or incredible Spiritual ryches What wyll they say is he ryche that hath nothyng and is brought ●o the state of beggars There be doubtles goodes and ry●hes of the mynde muche better than corporall substaunce For this may be had without the true felicitie of ryche men ●f this worlde that liue a moste miserable lyfe Agayne you ●hall see a poore man concerning worldly goodes but fur●ished with the rychesse of the mynde for this cause only to ●e happy and moste blessed He coueteth nothyng he is con●ent with his vocation Neither would he chaunge his state with moste welthie and ryche kynges Contrariwyse you ●hall see ryche men but of an euyll conscience and therfore ●houghtfull and burthened with cares and neuer mery You ●hall see poore men but with mery hartes to leade a ioyfull ●●fe Why than shoulde it seme maruell yf he that is spoy●ed of his worldly goodes for Christe and inriched with the ●iftes of the minde is glad and reioyseth in God and taketh a good parte al chaunces and for the same cause is iudged ●o be verely ryche Doubtles the wyse men of this worlde ●we also that the only wyse man is trewly ryche Which is gallauntly discoursed of Cicero Aretas sayth in spiritual matters hauing a treasure hidde in the fielde of thy harte which is Christ by reason of whō thou art ryche also Sinn● thou hast him thy protectour who also when he was ryche for vs became poore c. Blasphemie agaīst the faithful In the second place is recited blasphemie by the which● we vnderstande all maner of raylinges and sclaūders whe●by the name and estimation of the faithfull is hurte Of th● whiche sorte are these They be heretickes and Schismatic● so many as be fauourers of this religion They be wicke● people dispisers of God and his saintes the ennemies of 〈◊〉 Gods seruice and therfore the plages of the commō wealt● which if they be suffered the common wealth must nedes 〈◊〉 distroyed And these thinges in dede many times vexe go● men more greuously than the losse of their goodes For w● wyll not set more by a good name than by great ryche● Therfore the Lorde in Gospell of S. Math. the .10 Chapt● With many wordes healeth this disease And exhorteth 〈◊〉 that for the auoyding of that infamie they should cōmit● thing vnworthy the name of christians What their persecuters be In the meane tyme he declareth also what moued the ●thours of this mischief whome he blameth also exceadyn● to thintent that the godly shuld vnderstād how greatly th● ennemies of all Godlines are of God misliked And the● might also care the lesse for their hatred and persecutiō T● saye in dede that they be Iewes where they be nothing 〈◊〉 Thus also S. Paul handled the Iewes in the .ii. to the ●mains The Iewes are called confessours honorers and faithful seruaūts of God But these blaspheme Gods na● they impugne the true faith and oppresse them that prof● and worshyppe God Therfore be they not Iewes W● than The Synagoge congregation or assemblee of Sa●● Thus the very sonne of God plucketh of the viserne fr●● these varlettes to the comforte of all those that suffer pe●cution of them that set forth them selues with stoute titles the ende it shuld neuer greue them that they are condem● of suche harlottes the children of the Deuill Christ att●●teth to them the true title and calleth them not the o●● holy and catholicke Churche of God but the conspir●● and schole of Sathan as in whome not the spirite of
〈◊〉 after the maner of men to haue a boke of life or of his electe What that boke is and whose name is red in the same none of vs can tell sins none hath loked therein We must learne of the scriptures who be the citezēs of the kingdome of God For that theyr names be written in the boke of life no man nede doubt And S. Iohn sayeth so many as haue beleued he hath geuen them power that they maye be made the children of God S. Paull saieth He that hath not the spirite of Christe he is none of his And the spirite crieth in the mindes of the godly Abba father The same Apostle sayeth God hath predestinated vs that he might adopte vs for his children through Iesus Christe Moreouer he hath chosen vs in Christ before the foūdations of the world were layde Therefore are al beleuers written in that numbre celestiall Who so euer therefore beleue not or perseuere not in the faith eyther they are not written in the boke of life or els they be put out againe of the boke of lyfe Finally the sonne acknowledgeth the beleuers and such as perseuer in the true faythe before his heauenly father and his Aungelles And here he repeteth theuangelicall doctrine out of the 10. chapt of S. Matth. and 8. of S. Marke And doubteles it is a greate matter in that vniuersall iudgement to be knowen of the sonne of God of the highe iudge to be saluted and frendely spokē to of him and that to our greate prayse If any Prince would in a great assemble of people knowe thee yea imbrase and cōmende thee howe happie and fortunate woldest thou thinke thy selfe But then shall imbrase thee the very sonne of God king of kinges and lorde of lordes Let vs thinke of these thinges in time and amende our maners For that all these thinges apperteyne to vs that laste and wounted acclamation of S. Iohn proueth let him that hathe eares heare c. Wherof we haue spoken els where To the Lord be prayse and glory ¶ The Lord cōmendeth the vertues namely the constancie of the congregation of Philadelphia c. The .xvij. Sermon ANd write vnto the Aungel of the congregation of Philadelphia this sayeth he that is holye and true which hath the keye of Dauid whiche openeth and no man shutteth And shutteth and no man openeth I knowe thy workes Beholde I haue sette before thee an open dore and no manne can shutte it for thou hast a little strength And haste kepte my worde and haste not denied my name Beholde I shall geue some of the congregation of Sathan whiche call them Iewes and are not but do lie Behold I wil make them that they shal come and worship before thy feete the church is not blamed but yet is it not therefore perfit 1. Iohn 1. Rom. 3. In al other congregations the Lord at the leest foūd some faulte in the only churche of Philadelphia he blame●h nothing not that any man is founde in this flesh so perfit that he hath not nede of the grace of God For Dauid crieth out enter not Lord into iudgement with thy seruaunt for no mā liuing shall be iustified in thy sighte But S. Iohn and S. Paull also make all mē subiect to sinne which thing also S. Austen discourseth learnedly agaynst the Pelagians Therfore that blameth nothing in this congregation it is not to be vnderstand as though it were not defiled with dayly faultes but therfore he imputeth nothinge for because the sinceritie and integritie of faithe couereth hideth what vice so euer there be For there is no cōdemnation to them that are graffed in Christe Iesu And albeit that other churches haue also the right faith yet this excelleth especially c. It might be referred chiefly to the Bisshop of the same Churche In this sixte epistle he cōmendeth the sincere faith and cōstancie of faith and admonissheth to perseuer propounding ample rewardes And it hath muche learning and diuerse whiche shall appere in the treatise therof And the lord herin followeth the same order which we see he hath followed in others For it is one the same kinde of doctrine with all churches and in al times Firste therfore is shewed vnto whom the epistle is written or dedicated to the pastour and whole cōgregation of Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia was a citie of Lydia neither very famouse nor yet obscure We reade how it hath bē oft shakē with earthquakes and repared againe Strabo mentioneth therof in the 12. boke of Geographie and so haue other authours also Yet it made it self famouse by vertues After is the Lorde Christ signified to be Authour of this epistle who at other times also hath tolde S. Iohn what he should write And to Christ are attributed three things or rather Christ attributeth three things to him selfe that he is holy true hath the keye of Dauid The which he hath borrowed of the Image of the first Chapt. Christe is holy Christe holy because he is pure cleane from al filthines from al vnrightuousnes very God a cōsuming fire doyng no man any wrōg hauing nothing at all that may be blamed For to him the Seraphin sayng rightly holy holy holy Lord God of Sabaoth Esaye 7. Christe the Saincte of Sainctes Christ is also the holy one of the Sainctes a sanctification I saye that sanctifieth all that be sanctified The same loueth holines in sainctes Christ therfore is moste truely called Antichrist the Pope hath taken vpon him this title and so filthy sitteth on this beaste as if you should call a priuie or a Iakes a Rosier Spitte vpon that vile and filthy beast whiche suffereth him self to be called the most holy father and worship Christ the holy one of all holy vnlesse you had rather vnderstande by that holines not euery holines but pope holines that is to witte stinking swimming full of al abominations Christe is like wise called trewe Christe is true because he is eternall and faithfull euermore constaunt and incorrupte He can neyther disceiue nor be disceiued The same moste constantly kepeth his promesses All his wordes be vndoubted and trewe Albeit that fleshe that can abide no delaye begin many times to doubt yet no one poincte or iote of them falleth awaye The trueth of the Lorde indureth for euer Thou standest vpon a moste sure foundation if thou leane vnto Christe whiche in the 14. of Iohn also calleth him selfe the veritie The keye of Dauid Laste he addeth whiche hath the keye of Dauid I spake of the keye in the firste chapter He alludeth to the 22. Chapt. of Esaye Wherby is signified the diuine almightie power of Christ by the which he bringeth vs purified into the kingdome of heauen whiche worke verely nother deuilles nor any power can let The same casteth doune the vncleane into hel nother is there that can deliuer or differ the same He sayeth therfore aptely and expressely he hath
be and be called the sonne not of kyng nor Emperour but of the liuing God But this same noble grace the Lorde graunteth to thē that ouercome In the first of Iohn the .iii. and .v. Victours be citezens of the citie of God Chap. Secondly to the ouercomers is inscribed the name of the citie of God that is to say the Godly man is wrytten in the nōber of the citez ns of the citie of God and is verely a citezen of the citie of God I saye euen of the citie of God It was a great matter in tymes past to be a citezen of Rome But it is farre greater to be a citezen of the citie of God The citezens inioye all priuileges and commodities finally the glory of the citie the church is described what i● is But this is greater and more than that it can be declared at fewe wordes But the churche is the citie of God And the citie of God is the churche Whiche is here set forth with thre epithetes or titles of the whiche it is easy to iudge what the churche is or what we shuld thinke therof The church is the citie of God For lyke as the citie is the fellowship of citezens Euen so is the churche the communion of sainctes The Prince of thē is Christ the head of the churche The rounde worlde it selfe was a figure of this churche and the very setting vp of the tentes in the middes wherof was sene the Tabernacle a token of the deitie present as it were a cohabiter c. For the Lorde is in the middes of the churche As we haue red in the xxvi of Leuit. And in the .2 to the Corinth the .6 Secondly the churche is called new Hierusalem For the olde was a figure of the newe This corporall churche is new Hierusalē that is to say spirituall Whiche S. Paul also affirmeth in the iiii to the Galath For in the thirde place is expounded that newnes It is not builded of men but cometh downe from heauen aboue For vnlesse we be borne from aboue of spirite and of sede immortall to witte the word of God we can not be members of the churche And we are borne by a spirituall regeneration the children of Christ of the church Wherof the Lorde himselfe discourseth at large in the .iii. of Iohn 1. Petri. 1. And S. Paul the first to the Corinthians the .iii. iiii There shall be more sayd of the new Hierusalem in th end of this boke But of these ye vnderstande what is the churche of Christ the fellowship of the faithfull regenerated by the worde of God c. The viccours get a new name Finally in them that ouercome is wrytten a new name and that in dede the new name of Christe Not only that they should be called Christians of Christ but because the name is a brief description of euery thyng and nature and a newe name is promysed It followeth that we should vnderstande that men shall be renewed chiefly by glorifiyng He promyseth therfore a glorifiyng to the Godly Wherof is spokē els where in the .xvii. of S. Math. 1. Cor. xv Phil. iii. And the first of Iohn the .iii. These most ample rewardes the sainctes may verely loke for if they fight that they may ouercome Hereunto is annexed the wonted acclamation by the whiche both this doctrine is applied and communicated to all churches through out the worlde And is declared that it came not of men as vayne but of the very spirite of God moste true This spirite the Lorde graunt vs. ¶ The Lorde blameth sore the churche of Laodicea The .xx. Sermon AND vnto the Aungell of the congregation which is in Laodices write This saith Amen the faithfull and true witnes the beginning of the creatures of God I know thy workes that thou art nother colde nor hoat I would thou were colde or hoate So then because thou art betwene both and nother colde nor hoate I wyll spew thee out of my mouth Because thou sayst I am riche and increased with goodes and haue nede of nothīg And knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable poore blinde and naked The seuenth and last Epistle of our Sauiour Christe The argument of the epistle to the Laodiceās is written by the hand of S. Iohn to the Byshop of Laodicea The same is a great reproche of that people in nothing commendable And neuerthelesse a faithfull admonition or exhortation to repentaunce And after his accustomed maner he signifieth to whome he wryteth and from whom the Epistle procedeth The Epistle is indited of Christ to the Byshop of Laodicea and to the whole congregation Therfore some thing is to be said of the Laodiceans wherby the reste may the better be vnderstande and considered Laodicea the chiefe citie of Caria after Strabo Plinie standeth by the riuer of Lycus Antiochus Theos Laodicea builded the citie and named it after his wyfe It was the welthiest citie of Asia Whiche Vadiane also hath noted in his Epitome It had by makynge of wollen clothe a moste plentifull gayne Vnto whome S. Paule semeth also to haue preached the gospel For he mentioneth of Laodicea from whence also some men thinke he wrote the first Epistle vnto Timothee Colos 4 Certenly it appereth that the Laodiceās had receiued the gospel euen by this Epistle but corruptely For they went about to matche the worlde and the churche together and to ioyne together Christ and Mammon And as it is sayd at this daye The sinne of the Laodiceans Therfore they layd not aside their auarice and their immoderate trafficke to vse moderatly the trade of marchaundise without disceptfulnes no religion doeth forbid and exceading great riot and pride neyther semed they to wante any thing but to haue and seme to haue all thinges for that they were riche Against these mē the Lord inueigheth greuously declaring them to be very miserable and more than nedy plaine beggars For as in the churche of Philadelphia he blamed nothing so in this he commendeth nothing at all Laodicea a figure of many churches at this day You shall finde at this daie many lyke to whome this is common and euer in their mouth I haue learned both to be a gospeller and to be a souldiour to drinke to play the whoremonger and liue at pleasure You shall finde like churches seruing both Christ and Mammon or marchaundise Bacchus Venus and God of battel Both they and al these here are confuted and are called to repentaunce Which argueth that the mercy of God is greatest not forsaking nor reiecting so corrupt churches and men full of so great filthines Wo be to them that cōtemne this vnmeasurable mercy and goodnes of God and long suffering and continewe in their mischiefe The description of Christ Christ is here againe most plentifully described who he is as in the fourmer titles Certes it may be gathered of al that this is the best and moste perfit
the passion of Christ and therfore to reste now vnder the Aultar Christ For they that are pertakers with him in passion doe cōmunicate also with him in glory The aulter and bosom of Abrahā For like as the bosome of Abrahā is called a receptacle and that porte and hauon of Saluatiō into the whiche the soules of thē are receiued which had the faith of Abraham so do we vnderstande the aultar to be a place of blessednes in heauen wherin they rest which with true faith haue acknowledged Christ the aultar propiciation sanctification and satisfaction and haue moreouer in suffering offered them selues to God in Christ through patience an acceptable sacrifice to God Vnder this Aultar was gathered the first martyr Abel and after as many as haue died for religiō and shal begathered who so euer in bearing the crosse through tribulation enter with Christ into glory The saītes crye vnder the Aulter Now is also declared what they do vnder the Aultar The very martirs I saye crye not the beastes as they haue done hitherto and they crie out with a lowde voyce No man shal Imagine that the blessed soules in Heauen doe complayne be sorowfull doe accuse and be troubled These thinges are fayned to an other ende to the intent we should gather therof that God forgetteth not his that he putteth not out al reuengement that he seeth feleth and regardeth the iniuries and deathes of his seruauntes Where the vengeaunce followeth not immediately God is thought of many to slepe and to haue no respect vnto his We heare therfore that the holy Martirs crie and that with a lowde voyce He appereth to haue alluded to that same in the .4 of Genesis The voyce of thy brothers bloud crieth vnto me to witte for vengeaunce Crying sinners For the Diuines call certen sinnes criyng as those whiche are red in the Scriptures to crie vnto God as is at this present the shedyng of bloud the sinne of Sodome in the .9 of Genes the oppression of widowes and orphanes in the .22 of Exodus wages for worke deteyned Deuteron 24. and Iames the .5 How longe so euer therfore God differreth vengeaunce be it neuer so many yeres yet is not the bloud of the iuste forgotten before God S. Paule in the .12 to the Hebrewes crieth out and sayeth that the bloud of Abell speaketh In the .18 of Luke the Lord sayeth that the afflicted do crie bothe daye and nighte for deliueraunce Would God they would wayegh these thinges whose feete are swifte to shede bloud God would not in times paste be mercifull to his people for that much innocent bloud was shed emonges them by the meane of Manasses theyr kinge as appereth in the .4 boke of Kinges Therefore dere bretherne let vs consider wel at this daye what we doe and let vs not shede rashly innocent bloud Certenly the wordes are expressed of S. Iohn Whether the Saincts in heauē desire vēgeāce whiche the Martirs cried to the Lorde howe longe saye they Lord whiche arte holy and trewe c. They put God in remembraunce not as ignoraunt or inconstaunt but as knowyng and moste stedfastely mindefull of holines and trueth For in asmuche as the Lorde is holy he hateth all prophane and vncleane persones and spareth them not For as muche as he is true he maynteyneth and defendeth his chosen and punnissheth and oppresseth his enemies as he hath promised by his worde Sins therefore thou arte suche saye they O God why doest thou not iudge and auēge our bloud of them which in earth as in their kingdome exercise tiranny and oppresse euery good man Al this signifieth none other thing than that God for his owne sake whiche is holy and true will neuer forget the iniuries of his seruauntes Therefore we vnderstande these thinges to be spoken by a figure called Prosopopeia that is the fayning of a persone not that the Sainctes in Heauen do expostulate with God but that we by suche a figure might vnderstande that God hath care of Martirs because he is holy and true S. Austen in the .68 question vpon the newe Testamente Seynge the Lorde sayeth he hath taught vs to praye for our enemies what is the cause that the soules of those that are slayne crye out as doeth the bloud of Abell and require that they maye be auenged And he maketh aunswer Sainctes be not impatient that they should vrge that thing to be done now which they know shal come to passe in the time prefixed which neither can be preuented nor yet delayed but by this saying he woulde shewe howe God will auenge the bloud of his seruauntes leest bycause he semeth now so patient that wicked warre shuld be thought vnpunished which is made against the Sainctes that both he might driue a feare into them that persecute the seruauntes of God and might also exhorte the sufferers vnto patience Thus sayeth he And this in dede semeth the playnest sense of al others especially if we consider the things that follow in the lordes aūswer and it was sayed vnto them that they should rest c. Primasius Bishop of Vtica expoundyng this place of S. Iohn Sainctes not incensed with carnal vnderstāding it is not to be thought saieth he that the Sainctes are incensed with a carnall vnderstanding and stoutenes to be auenged sins we knowe that through the aboundaunce of charitie the very enemies are of thē also in this case beloued but it is euident that they prayed agaynst the kingedome of sinne and to haue ernestly desired the other thinges of that kingdom wherof we saye thy kingdome come For it is not lawful to thinke that they woulde couet any thinge agaynst the pleasure of God sins their desires depende vpon his wil c. And S. Gregory what is it sayeth he that the soules make request of reuengement but that they desire the laste daye of iudgement and the resurrection of bodies slayne Aretas noteth here also out of the commentaries of S. Andrew bishop of Cesaria moreouer the Sainctes appere hereby to wisshe for the ende of the worlde Wherfore they are commaunded patiently to abide vntill the accomplishement of their bretherne Hebr. 11. leest they should be fulfilled with out them after the holy Apostle Vēgeaūce is desired two waies Howbeit Thomas of Aquine in the exposition of the Apocalipse sheweth that vengeaunce is required of god two waies First in dede with an euil and malliciouse affectiō which the Scripture doeth vtterly represse Secondely by a Zeale of rightuousnes and after the wil of God is iudgement required agaynst them that be vncurable After he annexeth this therfore do the blessed soules require vengeaūce of their enemies albeit they intende it not chiefly bicause of a Zeale of rightuousenes and affection of godly loue they grudge as also doeth god him self at the wickednes of the persecutours who impugne God him self and seke to hinder his religion and tourment suche as worshippe him wherfore they would
Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Simeon were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Leui were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Isachar were sealed .xii. M. Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Ioseph were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Beniamin were sealed .xii. M. After this I behelde and lo a great multitude whiche no man coulde numbre of all nations and people and tunges stode before the seate and before the Lambe clothed with lōg white garmentes and Palmes in theyr handes and cried with a lowde voice saying Saluatiō be ascribed to him that sitteth vpon the seate of our God and vnto the lambe And al the Aungels stode in the compasse of the seate and of the elders and of the foure beastes and fel doune before the seate on their faces and worshipped God saying Amē Blessing and glory wisedome and thankes and honour and power and might be vnto our God for euer more Amen We haue hearde bretherne the sixte seale beyng opened A pestilent matter shadowed by fearfull parables that the Sunne was made blacke the Moone blouddy the Starres to haue fallen from Heauen to the Earth and the reste that we haue rehersed by all the whiche was signified the corruption of doctrine A sorrowful and a feareful matter was shaddowed with moste sorrowful and most terrible parables We hearde how there followed in the worlde a most great tourmoile of thinges and with many a most greuouse dispaire and that the windes also were restreyned that they should not blowe But we haue experienced howe greate a griefe it is yea and distruction also to waunte the ayre or winde in so much that with out breathing and cooling men muste nedes wither and be quesomed and choked vp But with so great an euil are thei vexed which are destitute of the preachyng of Gods worde Some man here might saye Whether the whole worlde do peryshe in errours than the whole worlde perissheth in heresies in the Alcorane in Papistrie and other corruptions In what case thinke you than are our forefathers do you thinke they be al damned S. Iohn preuenteth these thinges and with a vision al together Euangelicall that is to wit with a cōsolation moste profitable sheweth that God hath an innumerable multitude of them whiche euen in the middes of those antichristian times or difficulties are made safe and that of the mere grace of God through the intercession of Iesu Christ of whom alone is saluation that is to saye whom alone they that are saued may thanke for their saluatiō We haue at this present what to aunswere to menne of a contrary faction alwayes obiectyng An argument of the example saluation of our elders eyther our Elders are damned altogether it were wicked to condemne all they be saued therefore But they haue not hearde of that our newe doctrine but kepte the olde in the olde therfore shall we also be saued To this we make aunswer that our elders were saued we graūt gladly beleue it also but we adde of the free grace of God as we shal by by more playnly vnderstāde and not by popish superstitiō neyther therfore shalt thou by the same be saued but thou muste also be saued by Christ if thou wilt be saued But rather seyng at this daye through the singular goodnes of God the gospel is preached and is preached euen to thee to the whiche thou shewest thy selfe a rebell thou declarest thy self to be none of the nūbre of gods children Ia. 8.15 which heare the worde of God with ioye and kepe it Neyther shalte thou haue any cloke or pretense wherwith to excuse thy sinne Yf thy forefathers had had the like oportunitie which thou neglectest good God what a space wold they haue runne afore thee Therfore thou both willing and witting speakest against God wilfully throwest thy selfe into distruction Dye therfore through thine owne faulte By the grace of god many ar saued at al times in the most corrupt religion Neither doeth this place only testifie very many to be saued by the grace of God from corruption in the true faith euen than what time in mans iudgement there appere none or very fewe to be faithfull and euen very fewe or none to be saued by reason of the exceading great corruption of euery time We haue also hearde and red in the .3 boke of kinges the .19 chapt that Helias complayning most greuously of the scarsetie of the faithfull vnderstode that God had reserued yet seuē thousand men which had not boughed theyr knees before Baal The lord therefore hath euermore his chosen whiche in the middes of destruction and perdition by grace through Christ are saued Chryste is authour of saluation And the Authour of this saluation and preseruatiō is first declared to be an Aungell ascendyng from the risyng of the sunne to witte the Lord Christ that sunne of rightuousenes rising vp in those most thicke antichristian darknes to those that seke God and lighting them the darkenes driuē away For Christ is the trewe light of al times lighting al so many as be illumined He geueth his people also preachers whiche by the worde maye defende Gods people that they be not distroyed with that comon distruction Of the Seal of the lyuing God For it is diligently expressed that this Aungel had a seale that not a seale only but the seale of God euen of the liuing God For Christ which is the Image of God vnsene that is to say the printe or expresse Image of his substaunce in whom we know as he him self sayeth vnto Philip the father hath a seale which is an instrument wherwith we seale such thinges as we wil haue sealed saued confirmed discerned from that which is counterfet kept safe against disceipte But the Lorde hath no suche seale as we haue in this world but so by a figure is called the spirit of god with whom he inspireth his faithful by whō he geueth also a liuely faith by the word of the liuing eternal God This seale therfore is the seale of the liuing God the spirite of life and liuely faith Ephesi 1 herof thapostle S. Paul speaking we also trust in Christ after the word of trueth hearde the gospell of your saluatiō wherin after ye beleued ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promesse c. These thinges are not diuided For faith is not without the worde nor both these without the holy ghost in the faithful For Christ worketh with mē by a lawfull ministerie by mē inspiring certen that maye teach admonish men vnto whō he geueth his faith spirit sealing theyr mindes Christ therfore doeth prohibite the ministers of Sathan that they in restraining letting the free preaching of Gods worde should not procede to hurte men before the mindes of the chosen be sealed that is to say teacheth how soeuer the veritie
corrupte that place and vtter it so as though it mente that the prieste should sacrifice the real body of Christ for the quicke and the dead But the holy Bisshop of Lions knew this filthie errour Away with them and their sophistrie whither they are worthie I haue spoke also befor something of the same matter And that it might clerely appere vnto all menne the smoke of the odours ascendeth that the prayers of the faythfull offered to God through Christ are pleasaunt and acceptable ther is added and the smoke of the odoures ascendeth that is to saie the prayers of the faithful were of God accepted Therfore let vs offer dilligently our prayers vnto God through Christ For he heareth vs and deliuereth vs from euill And the scripture many times calleth our prayers an acceptable sacrifice to God The pla●es are in Osee 14. in the .50 Psalme And in many other places In the .141 the prophet sayeth Let my prayer be directed as incense in thy sight the lifting vp of my handes an euenyng sacrifice Primasius expoundyng this place sayed how Christ is sayed to haue taken of the prayers of Sainctes For bycause through him the praiers of al maye come swetely vnto God Hebrew 13 Herof the Apostle by him we offer vp alwayes a sacrifice of prayse vnto God that is to saye the fruicte of lippes confessyng his name Agaynste praiyng of Sainctes Herby is cōfuted the opinion of them which suppose that the Sainctes in heauen be the intercessours of the faithfull which should cōmende their prayers vnto God make the waye open to God For what nede haue they to procure to thēselues other intercessours or aduocates what lacke finde they in Christ or whom maie they preferre or compare with Christ what shal we say that euē at this present the odours are offered vp by the hande of the Aungel The celestial sainctes were present with the Lorde and were sene aboute the seate but which of them taking the censer and gathering the prayers of the faithfull offered them vnto God It tourned Ozias or Asarias the king to displeasure that he toke in hand the censer minding to sacrifice and to execute the priestes office the same would be worse for the heauēly dwellers naye they should not remayne in Heauen in case they toke vpon them the office of the only Bisshoppe c. He filleth the censer with fire sendeth it into the Earth After this we haue heard that Christ filled the censer with fire taken from the Aultar and sent it downe into the Earth By the whiche narration he retourneth agayne to finish the exposition of the trompettes This fire is the grace of the holy ghoste That is put into the censer is taken of the Aultar is sent doune into Earth For Christe toke the fulnes of the spirite as S. Iohn sheweth in the ● and .3 chapt Christ is Aultar and censer Of the Aultar here is takē fire For the holy ghoste is the spirite of the Father and of the Sonne Whom sayeth he I will sende you from my father Him he sente into earth vnder the shape of firie tounges he sendeth him also at this daye into the hartes of the faithfull that he maye inflame them This is the same fire which the Lord in the gospell of Luke sayeth Luke .12 that he will sende into the Earth and would that it should burne Moreouer the effecte of this fire followeth immediately For there were made thonderinges and voices and lightninges and Earthquake By the voices of the Gospell the woundes of sinners are healed and the hartes of men lighted by the illumination of the holy spirite c. Of the whiche thinges we haue spoken also in the .4 chapt and .24 Sermō Of the preaching of the Gospell as Haggeus also prophecied it should come to passe insewed a wonderfull commotion of all nations c Sathan also was stired whiche reysed vp his ministers through out the worlde agaynst holesome preachyng of the Gospell For there sprange vp sectes whome the mayneteyners of the veritie resisted fightynge with them Whereof nowe he wil reason at large The Lord geue grace that these thinges maye bothe be spoken and hearde with much fruicte ¶ Of the seuen Aungelles trompetters and of the trompettes and of the first .ii. and .iii. trompet The .xxxviij. Sermon ANd the seuen Aungels which had the seuen trompettes prepared themselues to blowe The firste Aungell blewe And there was made hayle and fire which were mingled with bloud and they were caste into the Earth and the thirde parte of trees was burnt and all grene grasse was brēt And the second Aungell blewe and as it were a great Mountaine burnyng with fire was caste into the See the third part of the See tourned to bloud and the third parte of creatures whiche had life died and the thirde parte of Shippes were distroyed And the thirde Aungell blewe and there fell a great starre from Heauen burnyng as it were a cresset and it felle into the thirde parte of the Riuers and into the fountaines of waters and the name of the starre is called Worme wood and the thirde parte of the waters was tourned to Worm wood And many menne died of the waters because they were made bitter Our lord Iesus Christ hath kindeled in earth a bright and holesome fire which the Apostles and men Apostolical haue euery foote more and more inflamed But contrary wise sathan seketh to quenche this holesome fire not only to corrupte and depraue this doctrine of saluation but also to abolish it and ouerwhelme it with lies The meaner and maner herof is at this present described and euen paynted out gallauntly to none other ende but that the faithful beyng warned and fully taught might be wel ware of that pestilent infection For the scope or ende of this boke is to preserue the church safe and sounde from corruptions or at leest to repare the same beyng corrupted The seuen Aungelles stande in the sighte of God S. Iohn therefore sawe seuen Aungels stande in the sight of God To stande signifieth to minister and compriseth the faith and diligence of Ministers Seruauntes stande before kinges ready to do seruice and to execute al theyr commaūdementes We reade in the .1 chapter of Iob. The sonnes of God came and stoode before the Lord and Sathan came also into the middes of them The blessed Aungelles are called the children or sonnes of God They come to doe seruice before God Sathan preaseth in emongs them forasmuch as he is also the minister of God for the executiō of those things whiche apperteyne to the wrath and indignation of God agaynst the wicked Al elementes be Gods ministers and finally al the creatures of god For he is the lord of Sabaoth the God of hostes whiche for the saluation and iudgement of men vseth wel and rightly all his creatures euery one accordyng to his nature and disposition For he vseth the ministerie of Aungels
vnderstand that is to saye al that same time that is rekened frō the fatall yeres .666 wherof is mentioned in the .13 chapt of thapocalipse vntil the last iudgemēt And whie I do expounde a certen time by an vncerten these be the causes First for asmuch as the same nombre of monethes is put here in the .13 chapt And is ascribed to the olde Romane Empire verely that in their tribulations the Sainctes might vnderstand comfort themselues that there is an ende appoincted to their tirāny which is knowen of God and that the Sainctes should no more be sorrowful than if they should be cōstreyned to abide their tiranny a fewe monethes only Otherwise if ye should accompte from the firste yere of Iulius Cesar and bring the course of time vntil that yere wherin Odacer at Rome al emperours of the weste beyng takē awaye was acknowledged for King you shal not finde only three yeres and an half but about fiue hondreth and .xvii. yeres Yf you shal bring the accompte from Iulius to the empire taken awaye and geuen to the pope you shal finde about .767 yeres The later cause for that Daniel the Lorde Christe and the Apostle S. Paule agreablely do saye that the persecution of Antichrist should last vnto the iudgemēt But who shal rekē vnto vs the yeres and dayes of the last iudgement And therefore must the nōbre certayne be expounded by the vncerten and must thinke that al thinges are nombred prefixed in the counsel of god which neuer neglecteth his faithfull To him be glory for euermore Amen ¶ Of the two prophetes fightyng manfully agaynst Antichrist and of their power The .xlvij. Sermon ANd I will geue power to my two witnesses thei shal prophecie a M. cc. and .lx. daies cloted in sacke cloth These are two oliue trees two cādelstickes stādyng before the God of the Earth And if any man wil hurt them fire shal come forth of their mouth deuour their enemies And if any man will hurt thē this wise must he be killed these haue power to shut heauē that it raigne not in the dayes of their propheciyng and haue power ouer waters to tourne them to bloud and to smite the earth with al maner plagues as oftē as they will These thinges apperteyne also to the consolation of the faithful Prophetes are promised For the lord promiseth that he wil sende prophetes that is preachers whiche shall mayneteyne and defende the veritie of the Gospel and glory of Christ assayle Antichrist and distroye his kingdome and auaunce the saluation of the faythfull In the fourmer chapt 8. and .9 was described the fight of Antichrist and heretikes agaynst God his Christ and against his church now at fewe wordes is set agaynst the same the cōtrary fight the army of Christ is munstred Two prophetes And he bringeth forth two Prophetes that is preachers not for that there shal be two only but for that he wil so signifie that the power of Christ in the worlde should be and seme to worldly men small as I shal tel you anone in the meane time he vnderstandeth al faithful preachers and pastours of al times whiche offer themselues to resiste Antichrist and heretikes There be that expounde these thinges of Enoch and Helie which shal come corporally before the iudgemēt Howbeit S. Hierome in the epistle to Marcella doeth referre that opinion to Iewish fables signifiyng that these thinges must de spiritually expounded of those prophetes as are also the most things of this boke And in maner al expositours with great concorde doe interprete all these thinges of these Prophetes spiritually and not corporally after the lettre I suppose that for two causes there be two Prophetes only here rehersed First for that he would allude to the olde Historie or prophecie of Zacharie which is in the .4 chapt It was thought than also to the people of Israel retourned from Babylon that the reparyng of the Tēple was vnpossible for that they had many and mightie aduersaries and they were weake and fewe and their gouernours Zorobabel and Iehosua contemned but through the mightie hande of God and his faithful ayde it came to passe that the power of their aduersaries vanisshed awaye as vayne and they indespite of hell gates buylded vp their Temple right so the Lorde sayeth it shal be in that later age that the ministers most contēptuous and very fewe in nombre shal buylde vp Christ his temple and repare it shake the most mighty power of Antichrist Herunto I suppose belongeth that saiyng of Daniel and when they shal fal they were holpen with smal ayde c. Secondely for this cause chiefly he accompteth only two witnesses for that it is red written in the Lawe in the mouth of two or three witnesses euery worde shal stande It is iudged therfore a full testimony whiche shall be confirmed with the agreable declaration of two Where therfore the lord sayeth that he wil geue two Prophetes it is asmuch to saye as that he wil geue so many ministers as shal suffice which shal both builde vp his church and also plucke downe and rēt a sonder the kingdome of Antichrist There be of the expositours which thinke that by two witnesses are vnderstande two testamētes Howbeit we see that the Lord speaketh here of witnesses not of the thing testified or to be witnessed which neuerthelesse we separate not from the witnesses The Apostles and Apostolicall men are called witnesses euery where in the Gospel and in the .1 Who be witnesses chapt of the Actes of Apostles Witnesses are ordeyned in iudgement that they should faithfully vtter that whiche they haue sene or hearde that they should forge nothing of themselues to the things that should be testified should nother adde or put any thing nor take awaye any thing So likewise are placed of God in the church of God the witnesses of God that is to saye ministers and of them is required that they Imagine nothing of their owne braine nother put to nor take away any thing from Gods worde but simply declare to the church of God the thinges they haue sene in the story of the Gospell and hearde of the prophetes and Apostles Therfore are thei false witnesses nother worthie to be called the witnesses of God and of Christ which bryng not the Gospell They be rather the Popes witnesses whose decrees decretalles they bring forth and beare witnes of them to the folish people Therefore shal those two prophetes be witnesses of Christ and shal bryng witnes for Christ out of the most trewe Scriptures And the beginnyng of them is here referred to God and to his Christ as the original of Antichrist is reduced to the deuil him self The original of prophetes I wil geue sayeth the lord to my two witnesses and they shal prophecie Christ sendeth preachers geueth to them also that they can preach The which is a wonderful comforte For like as
to these wordes of Zachary The eyes of the Lorde loke ouer the whole earth And these be the two childrē of oyle which stande before the gouernoure of the whole earth And these thinges comforte exceadingly the faythful preachers which se that god hath a care of them I meane God the Lord of al. Agayne they be nother Olyues nor candlestickes shewing the light of the Gospel so many as of Antichristes parte esteme dregges and doung of men in the place of the oyle of the holy ghost and power them also into the candle nother shewe they any lighte but darkenes and opinions of moste corrupte men Against these S. Iohn reasoning these things haue I written to you sayth he of these which disceiue you And the vnction which you haue receyued of him abydeth in you and you haue no nede that any man shuld teach you but lyke as the very vnction teacheth you of al thinges so is it trewe and no leasinge Nowe are also the weapons of these preachers descrybed The armure of the prophetes wherewith they may defend their cause and fyght againste their enemies Yf any man will hurte them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fyre esseweth out of their mouthe and deuoureth their ennemies And this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth with a pretensed mallice and against iustice to hurt or to iniurie and first he sayed to hurt Yf any therfore of the champions of Antichrist shall assayle those preachers and shall blame their doctrine and ministerie streight waies shal they bring forth of the holy scriptures Gods worde so shal represse and ouercome their enemies For that these thinges maye not be expounded after the letter that same chiefly proueth that by and by we shall heare that those prophetes shal be vaunquisshed and put to death of Antichrist to witte corporally Who than can not gather herof that the victory of preachers is spiritual that their aduersaries vanquisshed of the veritie may liue in dede bodily but through the vertue of the veritie they maye seme to be ghostly slaine Fire goeth out of the Prophetes mouthes And therefore as it were by an interpretation is added and if any wil iniurie thē so must he be slayne So I saye by fire verely whiche goeth out of their mouth And who will saye that materiall and naturall fire should come forth of a mans mouth And S. Paul also expounding these thinges taking the maner of speaking of Esaye reasoning of Christ of Antichrist whome he shal kill sayeth he with the breath of his mouth Beholde S. Paule calleth it the breath of the mouth whiche S. Iohn named fire We reade also in the .xxiii. chapt of Ieremie is not my worde as fire and as a mallet breaking the rocke And againe in the .5 chapt In as muche as you speake this worde beholde I will make my wordes in thy mouth fire and this people wood and it shall consume thē Of Helias we reade in the .4 of Kinges .1 chapt that callyng downe fire from heauen he bodily burnte the kinges seruaūtes Which example where the disciples Iames and Iohn alledged the lord forbadde them that he might admonish them of their function to witte that they muste fight with long suffering and with the word of the veritie Which thapostle in an other place cōmaundeth expressely to wit in the .2 Timoth. 2. Wherby we are plainely taught that Antichrist must not be vanquisshed with corporal weapōs by th● ministers but with spiritual For he must be slaine with the gospel with that most sharpe sword fal downe and die in the brestes of men that he may be vtterly contemned knowen to be Antichrist And where many cōfounde the ministerie of the word the power of the magistrate for the same cause take the sworde out of his handes cōmaunding that in this case he may not strike heretikes and blasphemers affirming that they ought not otherwise to be punnisshed than by the word let them learne to discerne better betwixt offices not to geue that libertie to blasphemers to all maner of seducers to such as hauing ben a thousand times cōuicte of heresie cease not to infect innumerable bring them into perditiō vnlesse they be straitely pūnisshed by the magistrate Let euery one therfore applie their owne office herein follow the rule of veritie and equitie than shal thinges be in better order They haue power to shut heauē Furthermore he addeth more expresse things concerning their power ministerie euen herein alluding also to sondry tipes of the scripture For first he sayeth they haue power to shut heauen that it rayne not in the dayes of their propheciyng And he alluded to the story of Helias which is red in the 3. of Kinges the .17 chap. And they must be spiritually applied to this our busines For like as Helias through the power of God did prohibite that it shuld not raine so shal the preachers of the gospel frō the disobedient or such as wil not heare the word but had rather be seduced with popish abominations shut vp heauen it self that is shall assuredly testifie that it is shut of God for asmuch as through Christ alone as the only gate that waie is opened vnto heauē whom they not withstanding do contēne shal tel thē also sharpely that the grace of God is denied thē which is only graūted by Christ For the prophetes are authours that raine doeth signifie the grace of god fruictful watering sent downe frō heauen Therfore al the time of their prophecie thei shal cōstātly testifie that thei are through their greatest deserte their own faulte depriued of that celestiall grace light life so many as had rather haue the Popes dragges than the true bread from heauē And againe we vnderstād that thei haue power geuen thē to open heauē to the beleuers Wherof here is now no place to speake For the things are more manifest which are writtē in the gospel cōcerning the keies of the kingdom of heauē herunto chiefly belōg than that I shuld nowe rehearse thē sins I haue both at other times before also in this same boke spokē of them at large Secondly he alludeth to the story of Moses sayeth thei tourne waters into bloud that power is geuē to these prophets to tourne waters into blod which discordeth nothing with the fourmer mēbre For the water of godly wisedome is a figure of the grace and reliefe of the spirite Bloud betokeneth offence and punnisshment For that sentence of the lawe and of thapostle is wel knowē your bloud be vpō your owne head Therfore shal these prophetes testifie that God hath verely sent his worde of saluatiō to saue al beleuers but that this shal be to the vnbeleuers through their owne faulte vnto condemnatiō For they that heare the preachyng of Gods word and beleue it not heare it to their owne condēnatiō And so is the gospel at this daie preached to many
out of this life But contrarywise the Lord here pronounceth and declareth euerlasting rewardes to be for them prepared For theyr soules deliuered from their bodies are streight waye taken vppe into heauen and their bodies reysed at the last iudgement ascende into heauē also that there they maie reioyce with Christ for euermore But to the intent that this godly promesse of the euerlastyng and inestimable rewarde might be of more authoritie and credit with al men the Lord propoundeth it not simplely but most gallaūtly decked and ●●rnisshed for he setteth before that a voyce was sente to the prophetes and that from heauen morouer great or lowde For great is the consent of Patriarches Prophetes and Apostles with the very sonne of god in most assured doctrine wherupō we beleue vndoubtedly that those which suffer for the confession of Christ are saued both body and soule And that doctrine was brought frō heauen that there is no place lefte for doubtfulnes There be testimonies in the scriptures both manifest and many as in .26 of Esaye .12 of Daniel .10 and .16 of Matth .14 of Iohn and diuerse others What shuld we saye that at this present is brought an expresse testimony hereof for a voice soundeth from Heauen ouer the afflicted with the tiranny of Antichrist Come vp hither come vp hither That is asmuch to saye as I see the lewdenes and crueltie of the Antichristians to be such that there is no place lefte you in earth They tourmoyle and persecute you as plagues and vnworthie to liue on the earth come ye therefore hither to me into the heauenly palace whither I my selfe came also after the crosse and opprobriouse death We reade in the Gospel that the iudge shall saye to the godly come the blessed of my father c. They wēt vp into heauen in a clowde Furthermore leeste any man should thinke these wordes to be vayne the lord adioyneth by S. Iohn and they ascended into heauen not for that the resurrection is made already but for the vndoubted certentie of the thing he speaketh of the thing to come as if it were paste of the which sorte are founde many lyke phrases euery where in the Prophetes Helias in times past ascēded into heauē both soule and body as we reade in the .4 boke of Kinges the .2 chapt by the same miracle he shewed than also what rewarde the Lorde hath prepared for the faythfull preachers of Gods worde nother is there any other thing here nowe repeted He addeth how they went vp in a clowde For a clowde toke vp Christe our head from the eyes of the disciples and we shal be also taken vp in a clowde to mete the Lord in the ayre as the scripture reciteth in the .1 of the Actes and the .1 to the Thessalonians the .4 chap. Albeit therfore that preachers those which beleue the preachers be excōmunicated of Antichrist through open and shamefull punisshmentes should seme to be sent to the Deuill yet Christ receiueth them deliuered from al euils vnto him into the palace of Heauen Vnto this he addeth an other thing also and their enemies sawe them Their enemies sawe them They saw I saye with an horrible feare for whilest they shall see them whom they haue condēned for gods enemies as the trewe and honorable frendes of God to be in glory therof they shal gather that they themselues shal be deputed into the fellowship of Deuilles Reade herof a plentiful cōmentary in the .3 .5 chapt of the boke of wisedome Albeit therfore that the preachers of the Gospell in this present worlde be iudged and seme and appere before the world as damned yet in that same daye wherin all men shal be assembled so many as euer haue ben be now or shall be vnto al it shal be manifest that these be the most dere frēdes of God and that their cause is best And herewith wil the lorde haue them comforted which are persecuted condemned dispised and spurned for the preachyng of Gods worde By these thinges he prepareth establissheth the mindes of the faithful that thei be not discouraged with the rebukes reuilinges and oppressions of Antichrist and his limmes Finally the Lorde addeth also certen thinges of the miseries of the Antichristians The calamities of the Antichristians wherwith the rightuouse Lord beginneth to punnish them to interrupte their wicked ioyes that at the last in an other world he maye put the same to tourmētes that neuer shal haue ende In that same houre sayeth he the same time doubtles wherin they shall afflicte the prophetes shal be made a great Earthquake the tenth parte of the citie shal fal And the tenth part we vnderstād to be great yet so that the more parte shal remaine in errour As S. Peter prophecied should come to passe in the .2 of Peter the .2 And the Lord him selfe also in the .7 of Matth. And he semeth to recite two euilles which hāge ouer them calamities and reuoltinges For S. Iohn him selfe semeth to adde an exposition and to saye and there were slayne in the Earthquake the names of seuen thousande men And the residewe were affrayed and gaue glory to God of Heauen Therfore I suppose by the Earthquake to be signified excedyng greate alterations Seuē M. men slaine with the earthquake commotions seditions warres slaughters and distructions And he sayed the names of men after the Hebrewe phrase for a nombre of men And he put 7000. a nombre certayne for an vncertayne as where it is sayed to Helias I haue lefte me seuen thousande men which haue not boughed their knees to Baal For if it signifieth a great multitude Likewise he signifieth here also that no smal nombre of Antichristians shal be dispatched out of the waye by slaughter and sondry or all kindes of calamities Agayne he signifieth that the tenth parte of the world that is to saye the adherentes and fauourers of the Romisshe churche shall reuolte not a fewe of them from the same church beyng feared with the preachyng of God his worde and with plagues inflicted to the enemies of God his worde and so they shal forsake the Romisshe churche that they shal geue all glory to the God of Heauen The tenth part of the citie falleth Hitherto being abused with the Romish trifles and sophisticall opinions they haue not geuen all glory wholy to the trewe God creatour of heauen end earth and the inhabiter and geuer of heauen whilest they haue attributed more vnto creatures mens inuentions and to errours than to the veritie and communicated the glory which they owe to God alone vnto sainctes also and to the workes of their handes but now beyng instructed with the preachyng of the gospel they wil depende of God alone and wil ascribe al glory vnto him through Christ Nowe if ye conferre herwith histories not olde for wherunto shoulde I moleste you with a long rehersall but lately made that with in
signified to vs vnder the tipe of Michaell We know by the scriptures as many of vs as be learned that Michael as also Gabriel be the names of good Angels of god Michael signifieth who as God And who I praye you is such as God but in whome thexpresse Image of the fathers substaunce which is the Image inuisible and worde of the father from the beginnyng I meane the very sonne of God Iesus Christ Michael in the .10 .12 chapt of Daniel is president protectour Patrone of the Iewish nation And it is plaine that the people of Israel had from the beginning non other tutour and patrone but Messias him selfe the blessed sede This appereth in the .7 of Esaye were we reade that the lord spared the people of Iuda and the princelicke Citie for Christ In an other place he sayeth moste openly I will defende that citie for my selfe and for my seruaunt Dauid And Dauid is called Christ in the .34 of Ezechiel Christ is therefore in very dede gouernour of his people whiche neuerthelesse in defendyng and deliueryng his vseth the ministerie of Angelles who also attribute nothing to themselues but all glory to God alone Morouer that excellent victory cā not with out offence of godlines be ascribed to Michael the archangel For so omitting our Messias Christ we should cōmende Angels being made worthie to be called Angelical rather than Christians In the lawe was written the sede of the womā shal breake the serpentes head But the lord neuer toke the nature of an Angel but the sede of Abraham and by sinne hath condemned sinne There shal followe anone in the songe Now is saluation and power c. And there is added for the Deuil is cast out And this saluatiō hath Christ alone accomplisshed wherfore it is necessary that Christ the conquerour of Sathan be signified by Michael And the Dragon fought hande to hande agaynst the lord The dragō his Angels fight not only matched with him in the deserte but also neuer ceased to tempte and assayle him so longe as he liued here on earth he stired vp also agaynst him the Phariseis Princes of the people kinges and the Romane gouernour and so at the laste brake the lordes heele This was the greatest fight of the Dragon The same Dragon inspireth now kinges and Princes wicked Priestes and cruel men his Angelles which maye warre vpon the churche And all these verely do persecute and vexe the churche in the power of the red Dragon Stories declare the same to be done before Christes time the same testifie and experiēce proueth the like to be done from the ascension of Christ into Heauen vnto this present daye and vnto the worldes ende Now is also declared with what lucke they fought with what lucke they sought on eyther side to witte most luckely concernyng Christ most vnluckely as touchyng the Deuill or red Dragon And in this fight as also in the songe immediately following is cōteined the whole fruicte of this disputatiō For herof al godly may learne that Sathan our enemie is vnarmed and that Christ in this conflict is on our syde as our Emperour captayne at all tymes by whome all the godly maie easely in all conflictes ouercome Therfore this matter of battel and victory is set by and by after the beginning of the moste daūgerouse battaile wyth Antichriste and Antichristians whych are the broode or tailes and scales of the serpent and champions of the Dragon for a comfort and consolation And the naturall order is here altered which treateth nothyng of the successe of the battaile til he hath set forth al the conflicte before But this battaile shall be continewed hereafter in the reste of the 12. and all the .13 chapter Christ ouer commeth and christianes ouercome also He declareth at thre wordes first the victorie of Chryste secondly of al christians The first is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they preuayled not they had no strength Doubtles the force of the deuyll is greate if God permitte and clerely greatest in consideration of the iuste iudgement of God as also appeareth in Iob that he is able to slake breake the strongest thinges But the Lorde sayth in the gospel Ihon .14 Math. 16 The Prince of this world came and against me he hath nothing Again in the gospel The gates of Hell shall not preuayle againg her the rocke I meane and secondly againste the church Although therfore the Deuyl make an horrible vprore and cruelly rage against Christ and his church yet is he without force For the vertue of Christe preuayleth The seconde parte is nother was theyr place any more founde in heauen which maner of speach signifieth no other thing than that the reprobate Angell is put from al dignitie glory power moreouer that he hath no more any place in the church or emonges the electe of God not that the deuil should not retourne or should not tempte or renewe warre but because he hath no place parmanent Herunto apperteyneth that the Lord so ofte repeateth in the Gospel and now the Prince of this worlde is caste oute in the .12.14 and .16 chapters of Sainct Ihon. Moreouer by other places of the Scripture it is manifeste that the Deuyll is shut out of heauen And it shall be easie for vs to shutte him oute which being cast out by the sonne of God hath no place in vs vnlesse we our selues geue place to him Which we shoulde not do the Lord admonisheth vs dilligently that we should watch The story is knowen in the .12 of Matth. of the Deuill pourposing to retourne and therfore toke vnto him seuen worse spirites But wherefore doest thou heare him whie doest thou obeye him whome thou seest shut out of Heauen Notwithstanding that herby is signified also that the Deuil was so fully vanquished of Christ that he was also driuen to forsake the place of the battayle For the thirde membre Sathan cast downe to the earth as it were expoundyng the seconde addeth and he was caste to the Earth For they that are throwen to the groūde are iudged to be ouercome Therfore a full victory and perfit conqueste is signified Howbeit he was ones most valeauntly throwen to the Earth Of our lord Iesus Christ in the misterie of our redemption and in the vertue of the same is dayly cast to the Earth of the faithfull And like as the Deuill hath no place permanent in heauen nor in the chosen so verely doeth he inhabite all earthly that is to saye menne sauouring the earth and contemnyng heauenly thinges Yea and we heare that his Angels are cast out with him For the Lord in the gospel of S. Iohn the .16 chapt sayeth In the world you haue afflictiō but be of good there I haue ouercome the worlde And S. Iohn in his Canonical epistle you are of God little children sayeth he 1. Iohn .4 2. Iohn .5 and you haue ouercome them for he is greater that
vpon the woman For God neuer fayled his afflicted churche In so much which a man may maruayle at that the earth opened her mouth and swallowed vp the floude powred oute of the serpents mouth This earth dranke vp in oulde time and couered the bloud of Abell And here is signified that the godly abyding persecution haue helpe from whence they loke not for as Dauid in times past is red to be deliuered by the help of the Palestines thinking nothing les than to delyuer Dauid oute of the handes of King Saule but yet whyleste they go aboute an other thing they bring to passe that which semed good to the Lorde which can turne the euil counselles of euil men to the profyte of the godlie And doubtles we see many tymes in the Actes of the Apostles that the earth hath swallowed vp a floude of euylles that is to say that earthly and worldly men doing in the meane tyme an other thing haue procured peace to the church So doeth that Towne clarke or recorder of Ephesus pacifie the multitude of the Ephesians which were all on a roare and worse than madde Lysias the head Captayne taketh away Paule out of the blouddy handes of the Iewes so doth the Centurian defend Paule that he shoulde not be slaine of the souldiours in the shipwreake The ciuile warres begonne immediatelie after the death of Nero gaue peace vnto the church vntyll the Empyre of Domitian But the oulde Serpent that can neuer reste attempteth newe warres For nowe beyng wood madde with the church he goeth to make warre against the remnaunt of the womans seede which verely is to be borne vntyll the iudgement of the church by the worde And so maketh way to the Romayne persecutions which folowed incontinentely after the tyme of Saincte Ihon in the Empyre of Rome and the Antichristiane persecutions reysed after the Empyre subuerted Whereof shall be spoken in the .13 chapt c. the church begetteth Galath 4. Neuerthelesse hereof it appeareth chiefely what Saincte Ihon vnderstandeth by the woman the same verely which engendreth the seede of God The church is called both the Mother and daughter The daughter because she is engendred by the worde preached in the church The mother for that by the worde she bryngeth soorth spirituall chyldren to Chryste For the seede of God and the seede of the woman be all those which kepe the commaundementes of God and haue the testimonie of Iesu Chryste They kepe the commaundementes of God which make much of Gods lawe and frame all parts of theyr lyfe according to the same They kepe not Goddes commaundements which sette nothyng by the lawe or worde of God nother frame theyr lyfe after the same Of this matter is spoken at large in the fourtenth The testimony of Iesu Christ is nothing els but the gospell of Iesu Christ preaching vnto vs the free remissiō of sinnes They haue this which possesse it by fayth And where he sayeth The dragō stādeth on the sea sand that the Dragon stode on the Sea sande it is a preparation to thinges that followe for by by he sayeth how the beast the principall instrument of the dragon came out of the Sea by the deuilles meanes And it hath a consolation that the dragon is sayed to stande on the sande and not on the rocke For it signifieth that the furies of Sathan shall not longe indure agaynst the church and that the kingedome of the Deuill shal be rumouse and fall to decaye whose foundations are layde vpon the sande ¶ He exhibiteth a noble instrumente of the Dragon to be sene the olde Romane Empire which describeth what maner a one it is c. The .lv. Sermon ANd I sawe a beast rise out of the see hauing seuen heades The .13 chapter and ten hornes and vpon his hornes ten crownes and vpon his head the names of blasphemie And the beaste whiche I sawe was like a Cat of the Mountane and his fete were as the fete of a beare and his mouth as a lion And the dragon gaue him his power his seate great authoritie I sawe one of his heades as it were wounded to death his deadly wounde was healed and al the world wōdered at the beast and they worshipped the Dragō which gaue power to the beaste Instrumēts by the whiche the deuil hath wrought worketh S. Iohn procedeth to describe by the reuelatiō of Iesus christ the notable instrumentes of the deuill wherby he hath afflicted the church of Christ with continual most greuouse persecution And he speaketh of the olde and the newe Romane Empire S. Iohn could not without excedyng great daūger vtter much lesse describe those thinges a man not furnished with any mans helpe and therto bannished and driuen into exile For the Romane Empire was takē for godly inuincible most sacred and euerlastyng Neuerthelesse the Apostle both speaketh and writeth hereof in such sorte that it semeth that he can not eschewe the title of a seditious person and offende against the holy maiestie both of the emperour and Empire But what I praye thee woldest thou do God cōmaunding thee so to speake and write The vnpatientnes boldenes of the world against the crewth Math. 21. The world also rageth at this daye when they heare realmes and policies chastised by Gods word for sinne and wickednes cōmitted and lordely enough some Princes set forth proclamations commaundyng that no such thing be hearde any more But the Lord sayeth in the gospell yf these holde their peace stones shall speake signifiyng vtterly that the trueth muste be preached nother that it can be oppressed or quenched with any decrees threatenynges force of Armes or punnishmentes Therfore if they should at this daye kepe silence vnto whom the office of preachyng is committed the lord wil stire vp other preachers which though al the world saye naye wil beare witnesse to the trueth Therfore I would counsell princes that thei vexe not themselues in vayne with those their sondry attēptes agaynst Gods trueth For they shal not preuaile The veritie shal vanquish For he that then furnisshed Iohn agaynste the Romane Empire that time most florisshyng and puissaunt the self same also at this daye reuealyng his trueth to the world nowe broken and waxen olde wil ouercome doubtles Wo to those stifnecked natures which loue to seduce Let al preachers learne by the exāple of the Apostle S. Iohn to vtter frely such things as they haue receiued in commaundement and to feare no man He is greater which is in vs as the same S. Iohn saied in the .1 Iohn 4. than he that is in the world The beast is the Rom. Empire And the beast he calleth the Romane Empire of great authoritie and as it were godly notwithout most weightie cōsiderations For the lorde kepeth still the phrase of the scripture imitatyng Daniel which in the .7 chapt attributeth the name of beaste to the Romane Empire And S. Hierome expoundynge the
Prophecie of Daniel by the beaste vnderstandeth the Romane Empire and supposeth that therfore it is not called a Lion nor a Beare nor Libarde but a beaste that what crueltie some euer ye canne Imagine in beastes by the same ye maye vnderstande the Romanes doubtles in maners they haue shewed themselues beastes Mithridates the moste renoumed kynge of Pontus speakyng of the Romanes in the .xxxviii. booke of Iustine As they themselues reporte sayeth he that their founders were nurrisshed by suckyng of a Wolfe so haue all that people Wolues mindes neuer satisfised wyth bloud of rule and Riches Hongry and emptie And nowe howe filthy beastes many Romane Princes haue ben theyr owne wryters testifie chiefely Suetonius and others that haue written of the Emperours liues And that the people of Rome were also of beastely maners the .1 chapt of the Epistle to the Roma proueth You will saye I knowe well The good godly are excepted sins S. Iohn comprehendeth vnder this Image the whole body of the Romane Empire shal we cal Conustant Constantine Theodosius and other godly Emperours beastes I saye howe the Scriptures vse this maner of speakyng and by beastes in dede vnderstande Empires all though they calle not all those that dwell in those Empires beastes with out any difference therfore we vnderstande them exempted in all Empires that liue a life to God acceptable and know assuredly that nother Daniel nor S. Ihon woulde haue defiled with wordes suche innocent men and al prayse worthie Yea in all this treatise of the Empire and of Antichrist we excepte alwayes such men as are innocent and excelle in vertue Wherof we shal happely speake more hereafter And firste he sheweth the beginnyng of this Empire The original of the Empire A beaste commeth out of the Sea on the sande whereof standeth the Dragon and in the .17 chapt it is sayed howe the beaste came out of the botomlesse pitte Therefore the beginnynge hereof is referred to Sathan Notwithstandyng we muste here take dilligent hede that we take awaye nothing from the lorde our God the whiche he chalengeth to him self The Scripture in sondry places but chiefly by two moste excellent witnesses by Daniel in the .3 chapt and S. Paule in the .13 chapt to the Romaines hath set forth that kyngedomes and Empires are of the Lorde and that he setteth vp deposeth kinges There is no power sayeth thapostle Nowe the Rom. Empire is of God of the dragō but of God And hitherto in dede thapostles cōmaunde to obeye Princes and magistrates Howe is it than that we heare that the Romane Empire came out of the botōles pit sins the Apostle speaketh of the same doubtles the Romane Empire is not absolutely of the Deuil For God is the authour of Monarchies and preserueth realmes and policies geuing therunto certen faithful seruaūtes But sathan medleth with mens matters and corrupteth both kinges kingdomes and so long they be of the Deuil The Christianes in all politike matters obeyed Emperours but cōmaundyng Idolatrie they obeied them not 3. Kings 11 Certaine it is that God did institute the kingdome of Israell or of ten tribes by the prophet Ahiab yet neuerthelesse the lorde crieth out in an other prophet Amos. 8. they haue reigned in dede but not by me For the lord would haue had those kinges to haue framed al thinges after his word and to reigne in the feare of God and where they did not so but followyng the instigation of Sathan ordered al thinges after their owne luste they are rightly saied to reigne not of God but of the deuill Therfore haue the godly obeyed kinges but they obeyed them not cōmaundyng wicked thinges although they toke them for their kinges God had instituted the order of priestes not withstandyng Christe calleth the doynges of the same priestes the workes of darkenes And S. Peter sayeth we muste rather obeye God than men So verely the Romane Empire which was of God came also out of the Sea as Daniel sayeth also out of the troublesome world and euen out of Hell beyng made great through slaughter murther seditiō and treason For the people of Rome with the moste parte of Emperours regarded the Deuil and the world and not God The Rom. Empire of seuē heads And what the empire of Rome is at this daye he figureth now also it hath seuen heades ten hornes and euery horne had his crowne signifiyng verely that by hornes are signified kingedomes Nother doe we here bring in any newe or farre fetched exposition In the .17 chapt the Angel expoundeth him selfe and sayeth that by seuen heades are signified seuen mountaines or hilles and euen kinges also In Rome are accompted many hilles but there be seuen notable For there is mounte Palatine Capitoline Auentine Coelius Esquiline Viminalle and Quirinalle Propertius expoūding the same in one verse whiche I haue expressed in two sayeth Septem vrbs alta ingis toto quae praefidet orbe A citie set alofte on seuen hilles Whose people rule the world at theyr owne willes And therfore is called of the Grekes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of seuē hilles And verely the citie is taken for the whole Empire So haue there ben also many kinges Emperours which are cōprised in the seuenth nōbre but yet is it certayne that the seuēth nombre of kinges also is exactely founde in the historie For at the beginning whē Rome was first builded there reigned seuē kinges in order Romulus Numa Tullus Hostilius Aucus Martius Tarquinius Priscus Seruius Tullius Tarquius Superbus who expulsed by reason that Lucrese was rauished of the kinges sonne they were ruled by confulles by ten men by Dictatours vnto the time of Iulius Caesar who first vsurped to him selfe againe a kynges crowne after whome reigned Antony Octauian called Augustus Tiberius Caius Claudius and Nero againe seuen In Nero thempire receiueth a plage From thence againe are accōpted seuen Ottho Galba Vitellius Vespasiane Titus Domitian Nerua From him was the Empire deuolued to Vlpius Traiane a Spaniarde Therefore the Romane Empire could not by plainer markes be expressed To this Empire also Daniel attributed ten hornes aswel for that it was collected of many kingedomes as also that it was disparsed agayne into many Wherof shal be spoken in the .17 chapt And it is a comon thing to the Scriptures by hornes to signifie kingedomes and power And to this kingdome the lord Iesus ascribeth open wickednes ye he calleth it blasphemouse For he addeth The Romane Empire blasphemouse and vpō his heades the name of blasphemie that is to saye what plasphemie so euer may at any time be any where diuised al that same shall be founde manifeste in this Empire and chiefely in the heades For yf ye beholde the hilles of Rome chiefly the Mounte Capitoline ye shall finde it called of Cicero the mansion place of the Gods verely for that it conteyned in a maner the Images of all the Goddes For on
Emperour shal he haue Rome shal he haue Italie the oulde seat of the Empyre shal he haue Fraunce Spayne Hongarie Germanie For although Germanie be nowe taken for the seate of the Empyre yet hath shee her owne Princes her owne free Cities and the which inioye their Priuileges although they be called Emperiall Theodorycke of Niem a Germayne and a familiar friende of certen Popes which wrote also the lyues of certen Byshoppes of Rome which were last before the counsell of Constaunce in the thyrde booke the .xliii. chapt of his Stories Of what magnificēce sayeth he the Romaine Empyre is at the leestwyse openlye sene in Germanie For you shal haue there an Archbyshop or a Byshop which hath of yearely reuenewes twyse so much more The pouerty and barenes of the Romayne Empyre as the Kyng of Romaynes receyueth in all his dominions And agayne a temporall Prince that hath more landes than hath the Emperour And so forth Moreouer in the ould Empire ther was some mightie monarke which vsed full Aucthoritie and was honoured of all men as a God in Earth As Caius Domitian Dioclesian and others His Image representeth the Pope Byshoppe and Kynge and as it were a certeine God terristrial the greatest Monarke with fulnesse of power Furthermore Rome or the oulde beaste had a mooste honorable Senate So hath the Byshppe of Rome also a Princelyke Senate of prowde purpled Cardynalles For they bee in maner all Princes The booke of the Romayne gouernementes reciteth the Vicar or Lieutenaunte of the Diocesse of Asia a Diocesse in Greke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a disposition administration dispēsation gouernemente or iurisdiction the Vycar of the Diocesse of Thracia and of Pontus So was there a noble man president of the gouernementes in Italie He had manye Diocesses vnder And no fewer had the Lieutenaunt of Fraunce And lyke as the Counte of Strasbourgh the Captayne generall of the soldiours at Spires and the General of the soldiours at Woormes ded acknowledge the Duke of Mentz a Proconsull So at this daye the Byshoppes of those Cities are subiectes to the Archebyshoppe of Mentz The Byshoppes therefore seme by the Popes ordinaunce to succede in the place of the Romayne gouernementes Certeinelie you shall see the moste parte of these Byshops called not onely moste reuerend fathers in Christe but also most Noble myghty Dukes and Princes of the Empyre And this is also manifeste that the Emperour of the oulde beaste had his legions the Romaine Egles or enseignes and moste expert and puissaunt Captaynes of warre But the high Bishop and kyng of Rome hath in that Imagerie Empyre obedient children kinges and Princes in Europe not to be dispised Tharmies and power of the Popes sworde whom he may cōmaunde yf nede requyre to stretch foorth the secular power For so thundreth Boniface the .8 in the firste boke de Maior Obedient doubtles sayeth he whosoeuer denieth the temporall sworde to be in the power of Peter he vnderstandeth a misse the worde of the Lorde sayeng put vp thy swoorde into thy sheath howe subtiilie and howe aptelie Therefore are both swords in the power of the church to wit both the spiritual and materiall sword but this must in dede be exercised for the church the other of the church The spirituall by the prieste the materiall by the hande of kinges and soldiours but at the will and patience of the high prieste c. The oulde beaste had his lawes written and published daylie in a maner newe Decretals The Popes therefore after the imitation of the emperiall lawes haue written decretalles and many tymes make newe lawes Yea moreouer they saie howe the voice precepts or cōmaundemēts of the pope are aswel to be receiued taken as the words of our Lord Iesus Christ the son of God and Apostle S. Peter They adde moreouer these things also that we muste stand to the popes determinatiō That where the pope is there is the generall counsell Where the Pope is there is our common countrie He is compelled or reproued of no man althoughe he be called an heretike He hath all lawes in his breast or in the scroll of his breaste he may interprete or expound all thinges The same doth ratifie no sentence and it is in him alone to take away one mans right and geue it to an other He maie take awaye priuileges and at his wyll and pleasure not onely to chaūge bishops but also to depose the emperour himselfe and to declare no sentence of themperour All the world is the Popes diocesse and the pope is the ordinarie of al hauing fulnes of power aswell in spiritual matters as tēporall For he is Lord of Lordes and hath the righte of the King of Kinges ouer all subiects For he hath no pere and is all thinges and aboue all and it is necessarie to saluation to be vnder the byshop of Rome For ther is one consistorie or iudgement seat of God and of the Pope These thynges haue I taken oute of their owne books to witte of their Decretalles and gloses There is a boke of Antony Russell of Aretine of the power of the Pope and the emperour where in you may read innumerable things of the same sort But of these thinges which I haue noted hitherto I suppose it be made playne enough how the Pope which is here also called the false prophete hath sette vp the Image of the beaste Hereunto Ihon addeth an other thyng And he had power to geue a spirite to the Image of the beaste that the empyre thus establyshed and all thynges sette in order the beaste or false prophete doeth moue all that weighte and putteth lyfe into the Image so that it can speake to witte the same that the false prophete hath geuen it to speake For excepte the pope do confyrme the election of the Kyng of Romaines he shall not be thoughte worthie of the name of Emperour .22 quest .5 de forma in the glose thēperour sweareth to the pope as the Client to his Lord. The same maiste thou reade in the firste boke the .9 title de iure iurando in Clementinis Moreouer who seeth not how aswell the Emperour as other Princes are inuironed wyth a cōpanie of Byshoppes whych inspyre them what they shoulde speake or doe and howe they shoulde behaue themselues in all thinges For this cause are sent also the Legates that are called Legati a latere And it is not vnknowen that in all Princes counselles for the moste parte the spirituall haue the chiefe rule They be for the most parte Chancelours Secretaries Ambassadours and what not And their Pope King sayeth openlie howe he ought to iudge al men but to be iudged of no man Yea and his creatures also vsurpe the same vnto themselues Yf ther be any assemblee there the Byshop of Rome commonly ruleth by his spirite and gouerneth the chiefeste matters especiallye matters of religiō For vnlesse the decrees please the fathers
that in Charles the greate through the meanes of Pope Leo the thirde thempire in the weste decayed was renewed and that thus the image of the beaste that is to witte of the Romane Empire was erected And albeit that at this time thempire decayed in the weste was restored by the Pope yet is it euidēt that the Popes in the beginning of this Empire by certen donatiōs and giftes much in riched did not as yet vse so greate power as they vsurped to themselues afterwarde when they had ouerthrowen and deposed certen Emperours For al though the donatiō seme to be made by king Pipine and the pope is red than to haue receiued the beginning of his kingdome yet that he was subiecte to Emperours and kings with the Citie of Rome also this same emōges other thinges proueth that in the French Cronicles of the Actes of king Charles in the yere of our lord eight hōdreth and one thus it is founde written afterwarde hauyng set in order the matters of the citie and Bishoppe of Rome and of al Italie therefore did Italy than also obey the Emperour not only publicke but also marke ecclesiasticall and priuate for all the winter themperour did nothing els departing frō Rome with his sonne Philip he came to Spolet The same authour in the Actes of the yere eight hōdreth and 16. Stephen sayeth he elected in the place of Leo the .3 taketh as greate iourneyes as he could to come to the Emperour sendyng in the meane time two Ambassadours which might treate with themperour Ludouicus pius for his consecratiō So likewise in thactes of the yere eight hondreth and .17 is shewed howe Paschalis beyng chosen sente an Ambassade to Lewis the Emperour In thactes of the yere .823 the same Bishop stode at the examination and iudgement of themperour You maye finde in thactes of the next yere that themperour Lotharie establisshed the matters of Italy and Rome Yet doeth the same authour againe make mention of the donation of King Pipine which gaue to S. Peter Rauenna and Pentapolis and all the gouernemente Yet doeth he make no mention of the donation other of Charlemaygne or of Ludouicus pius The .43 distinct maketh mention thereof I Lewis c. in the glose is written thus There Lewis geueth Rome and diuerse other thinges to S. Peter and to Paschale the Pope All historiographers in maner make mention of the donation of the Kinges of Fraunce An Abridgement of all gathereth out of the librarie Dolaterane in the third boke of Geographie in the actes of Pipine and Charles Wherby ye maye easely coniecture what maner of Canon is set forth in the .96 distinct in these wordes Constantine the Emperour hath geuen and graunted to the Apostolical See the Crowne and all the Emperiall dignitie is the Citie of Rome and in Italy and in the weste partes Which by and by after he discourseth with a longe exposition out of the life of S. Siluerster wrytten as they saye by Gelasius in the chapt followynge But Antony Bysshoppe of Florence denieth in his History that this donation doeth remayne in any olde bokes Cusanus and Laurence Valla haue impugned the same nother hath Ottho Bisshoppe of Frisyng in the .3 chapt of the .4 booke of his storie nor Marsilius Pataninus in the defence of peace nor Raphael Volaterane allowed the same nor many mo that I coulde reherse Moreouer in the Cronicles of Kinges of Fraunce set before the story of Paulus Aemilius of the actes of Kinges of Fraunce in the yere 755. thus you maye reade Pipine agayne entred into Italy and Aistulphus subdued he gaue giftes to Maximus Bisshop of Rome also the Dukedom of Rauenna of very great lādes leeste any man should vnthankefully vniustely take awaye this larges from the French Kinges ascribyng to themperour Constantine which Pipine gaue to the church of Rome agaynst the wil of the Greke Emperour affirming the same possessions to be the right of the Empire From thence Pipine first receiued and brought into Fraunce the Ecclesiasticall rites of the Romanes and ceremonies of songes Thempire conueyed from the Frenchmē to the Germenes c. Howebeit the gouernement of thempire Charles posteritie was not very stable and permanent For from the firste yere of Charles wherein he was created Emperour vnto the seuenth yere of Conrade whiche was Nephewe to Lewis the .3 by his Brother the laste of the house of Charles are accompted aboute an hondreth and .19 yeres For Charlemaigne reigned Emperour .14 yeres Lewis .26 Lotharius .15 Lewis the seconde .21 Charles two yeres Caluus surnamed the seconde Charles .3 Crassus .12 Arnulphe .12 Lewis the .3.10 Conrade .7 Conrade liyng on his death bed nominateth Kinge Henry Duke of Saron surnamed Falconer And thus was the Empire translated to the Germanes This Henry called the firste came neuer in Italy neuer was consecrate or crowned of the Pope His Sonne Ottho the firste of that name sente for in Italy is red to haue gone thither with a greate Armie beyng receyued at Rome and saluted of the people Emperour and Auguste Ottho Frisinge in the .6 boke of Histories the .17 chapt affirmeth out of the decrees that Pope Leo the .8 of that name did cōsecrate this Ottho the firste King of Germanes For his father Henry refused it Albert Krantz in the .10 and .11 chapt of the fourth booke of Saxon matters affirmeth that Pope Leo made a surrender of all suche thinges as the Popes had receyued of the kinges of Fraunce and the authour defendeth this surrender made to be trewe Howebeit the keper of the Librarie testifieth that Ottho confirmed the donatian of the kinges of Fraunce Pipine Charles and his sonnes There remayneth morouer in the decrees a copie of the othe the .43 distinct wherby kyng Ottho bindeth him self to the Pope that he shall intermeddle with nothyng that cōcerneth the Pope and the Romanes secondely that he shal restore al the landes of S. Peter that shal come into his handes Which thing let the reader iudge what they are Shortely after this time about the yere of our lord .996 Electours They saye how by the decree of Pope Gregory the .5 and by the consent of Ottho the .3 Emperour the seuē princes Electours were assigned vnto whō the defence of the church as sayeth Wimpelingius and the Romane Empire was committed In the whiche thing all Historiographers and wryters doe agree and that of the Italianes Blondus Platina Sabellicus Volaterane Egn●tius and others of Germanes Albertus Nauclerus Carion Functius and certen others diuerse haue made no mention of this ordinaunce Wherefore Auentinus in the .5 booke of Cronicles Folio .510.707 sayeth that he knoweth I can not tel how certēly that after the death of Fridericke the .2 the Electours were instituted and confirmed of Gregory the .10 But how so euer that matter standeth certayne it is that there hath ben many amonge the seuen princes electours both feruent and earneste in true religion and
parte of the nobles of Germany of Italy There was also a Counsell assembled at Wormz where Kinge Henry beyng presente all the Germane Bishoppes excepte they of Saxonie deposed the Pope from his function The Epistles and fragmentes of these Coūselles are founde in the Cronicles of Verspergens -chiefly He is accused by these openly of all wickednes and vngodlines of Hypocrisie and crueltie We haue rehersed a little before what Cardinall Benno a wryter of his time hath committed to wrytinge There remayne also testimonies of Sigisbert an olde wryter concernynge this Pope Who so will maye reade the .5 booke of Auentinus from the .162 and so forth And also the preface of the .6 booke The same Authour in the .7 booke reportynge the wordes of Eberharde Bisshoppe of Salisburge had in the Counsell of Regenspurge Hildebrande sayeth he 170. yeres sins vnder pretence of religion layde firste the foundation of Antitichristes kingedome This wycked warre he him selfe firste beganne whiche by his successours is continewed hitherto Firste they haue excluded the Emperour from the Popes election and referred the same to the people and priestes of Rome After they also mocked thruste out they goe about now also to bring vs in subiection bondage to thintent thei might reigne alone And the things that follow But the thing it self declareth that there haue not liued many Popes more bolde and impudent than this whiche haue auaunced more highly the maiestie of the seate He excōmunicated themperour Henry the .4 and depriued him of the dignitie imperial moreouer he stired vp his subiectes agaynste hym and absolued the rebelles and traytours from their othe of fidelitie and he him selfe like a Monarke gaue the Crowne of the Empire vnto others at his pleasure The powre therefore and Treasoure of the Empire hath be so worne and wasted what wyth ciuile and what wyth foreyne warres that these many yeres nowe the kinges of Almaigne haue neyther ben able to recouer their force nor yet to resiste the most arrogaunt tiranny of Popes And thus at the laste the Pope is become a Monarch and Emperours Kinges and and Princes are made their Clientes and wardes When Gregory the .7 was dead there succeded .4 Mōkes of Hildebrandes secte and faction of his maners kankred nature as it were heires and sonnes that go nothing out of kinde Victor the .3 Vrbane the .2 Paschal the .2 And Gelasius the .2 Anno. 1119 Paschalis caused the sonne Henry the .5 oh wicked and detestable parricidie to warre agaynst the father that miserable Henry the .4 And shortely also Gelasius the .2 and Callistus the .2 do excōmunicate also Henry the .5 And cease not to vexe this prince also till they had wronge out of his hādes the gifte or electiō of Bisshopperickes The gifte of Bishoprikes takē frō themperours And that to the great and inestimable profit of the See of Rome and to the vnrecouerable losse of Germany c. These thinges are described more at large of Vrspergens in the Cronicle of the yere .1122 In the times followyng the audacitie power of Popes increasing hourely the Germane kinges haue resisted them stoutely enough but yet with small successe Where in the meane season we must remembre the wordes of the Lord vttered by Daniel saiyng and there shall arrise a Kinge of a shameles face and vnderstanding propositions his strēgth shall be fortfied but not in his owne force and it can not be beleued howe he wil distroye al thinges and he shal prosper and do c. the tirāny of Popes against emperours Anno. 1178 I wil touche therfore in fewe wordes what thinges in the times followyng Popes haue attempted agaynste kinges and boldely done for the establisshyng of their Empire and Monarchie Pope Alexander the .3 did excommunicate Fridericke the .1 called Barbarousse trode him vnder his fete And where the good Prince sayed how he sheweth this obedience to S. Peter the beaste exclamed settyng him selfe also before Peter and sayed both to me and to Peter and stamped on him Pope Innocentius the .3 coulde not abide much lesse allowe Philippe the sonne of Fridericke Anno. 1189 created Emperour but commaunded the electours to chouse an other I meane Ottho Duke of Saxon whome notwithstandyng shortely after he excommunicated also That proude beast sayed that he would take from Philippe the emperial crowne or lose his Apostolicke Miter Vnto this Innocent are ascribed those most proude wordes which are red in the decretal of Gregory the .9 de Elect. in the .6 title .34 chapt on this wise that the princes haue right and authoritie to chouse a king and afterwarde to auaūce him to be Emperour we acknowledge as we ought as to whome of righte and auncient custome it is knowē to appertayne especially sins that such right and authoritie came vnto them from the Apostolicall Seate which translated the Romane Empire frō the Grekes to the Germanes in the persone of greate Charles See howe thei vsurpe all power to themselues Howbeit the Princes must know agayne that the right and authoritie to examine the person chosen kyng and to be promoted to the empire belongeth vnto vs which do annoincte consecrate and crowne him c. The same in the first boke the .33 Titl de maior obedient Wryting to the Emperour Constantine So much diuersitie sayeth he as there is betwixte the sunne and the Mone so great a difference is there betwene Popes and Kinges in Gods name But the Emperour Fridericke the .2 Fridericke the .2 well langaged Nephewe to Barbarousse an excellent prince many Popes did excommunicate Honorius the .3 Gregory the .9 and Innocentius the .4 And in dede Gregory the .9 whilest Fridericke that excellent Prince made warre in Syria for religion with the Soldane inuaded and kept the prouinces of Fridericke An. 1227. 1228. 1247. There were most cruell warres and discordes betwixte the Popes and this Fridericke The same Innocentius the .4 excommunicateth Conrade the .4 of that name and Sonne of Fridericke the .2 and stireth vp the Prince of Thuringe agaynst him And when the Emperour Conrade was dead the Pope obteyned the good willes of the Neapolitanes to yelde themselues to the See of Rome Conrade had lefte a Sonne and heire Conradine and Manfrede his bastarde brother whiche would be called king of Sicilie Wherefore Pope Vrbane the fourth some haue Clement the .4 agaynste Manfrede sente for Charles brother to kinge Lewis the Frenche kynge Erle of Prouince and of Saunte to come with an Armie into Italy Anno. 1263 and called him King of both Sicilies Who ouercome and slewe Manfred at Beneuent receiued the kingdomes of Sicilie of the Pope to do him homage But Conradinus Duke of Swauelande accōpanied with Fridericke Duke of Austrich leadeth out of Germany a right wel furnished Armie into Italy against Charles for the recoueryng of his olde and fatherly kingdome But vanquisshed of Charles at the lake
Fucine he was taken with duke Fridericke Anno. 1266 There were slaine as it is saied .12 thousand The occasion of so greate an euill were the Popes chiefly Clement the .4 which beyng demaunded of Charles the worthie Prince what he should do with his prisoners aunswered so that the Frenche men vnderstode that they must suffer Therfore he put them both to the sworde In whome the house and posteritie of the moste noble Dukes of Austriche and Swauelande is sayde to haue failed Paulus Aemilius discourseth this gere more at large in the .7 booke of Frenche Actes and Auentinus in the .7 booke But yet might not the Ire and furie of those moste holy fathers be so pacified conceiued hereof that the most noble Dukes of Swauelande had for gods glory and the comon welthes sake most godly and most constantly resisted the Romish Bisshoppes Wolues I would haue saied Thempire made desolate But these Parricidies and blouddy warres displeased all good mē euery where and chiefly the wise and godly Princes so that they vnderstode how they must eschew that Empire and flee from it as from the plage as the which was not only but a shaddowe but moreouer would vtterly consume his yerely reuenewes and treasour which should receiue the office For now was it knowen through out the world what the moste valeaunt and excellent Princes of Germany had nowe about .119 yeres from Henry the .4 to the Sonnes of Fridericke the .2 suffered of the bolde ambition and vncredible mallice of the Popes and that many of them had loste both their liues with their auncient kingdomes and their ●ibertie most excellent of all And here was thempire with out any Emperour for certē yeres which I am wont to cal a desolation of the kingdome or Empire For the Popes with their inuincible and intollerable pryde and tyrannie had so weakened the force of the Emperours that the empire semed subuerted destroyed nother coulde there any be easely founde which ded set by it or thoughte it worthie to be desyred At the laste at the commaundement of Gregory the .10 which helde a Counsell at Lions was chosen Counte Rodulph of Abspurg which although he forsoke not the thing offered yet being oft requested to come to Rome is sayed to haue aunswered the waywarde steppes of fete do feare me sore meaning by this dixaine that he trusted not the Popes which by their craftes had destroyed both many Prences of Germanie and also innumerable people comming to Rome And this Rafe is red to haue ben crowned Kyng in the yeare of our Lorde .1273 the .200 yeare after Gregory the .7 And so longe time lasted the fight of Popes and Emperours A little whyle after whyleste Alberte the sonne of Rafe was chosen Emperoure and the election was referred to Boniface the .8 of that name he stoutely reiected the same and shewed by and by in word and dede that he was both Pope and Emperour which by right had both swordes Which I expounded in the .58 sermon the same doth Albert Krantz declare excedingly well in the .8 boke .36 ch of Saxon matters In the place of King Albert was substituted Henry Prince of Lucemburge But what authoritie ouer him thempire chalēged Clement the .5 pope he that list may know of the Clemētines For there is a long treatise therof in the .2 boke .9 tit I could also rehearce many other lyke things of pope Ihon the .22 and of others if I ded not thinke it superfluouse For of these things which I haue rehersed hitherto The proprietie of kingdomes is the popes but the vse of Kings and Princes it appereth sufficiētly that the popes thēselues by a mischeuouse boldnes haue takē to thēselues thempire do boast thēselues for monarkes do abuse the seruice ministerie of kinges as their wards cliētes yet to pretend the name of sōnes to the intent thei may haue them the more obediēt For so in times past wrote Gregory the .7 to Geusas king of Hongary which place read in the .17 chap. of this boke the sermō .75 yet vnderstād we in the meane time that the gretest part of Princes Nobles haue not knowen the same beast but haue rather impugned him therfore not to come in the nombre of the beast but in asmuch as they lyued vnder the Empire yet estraunged farre from the beaste By this I woulde haue them aunswered which wyll exclame and saie who can take it in good parte to haue the holy Empire called the Image of the beast and so many noble Kings and Princes Cities and people praise worthie But I nother oughte nor wyll chaunge the manner of speakinge which the scripture vseth They be the Lordes woordes all which Daniell in oulde tyme and nowe Ibon haue reuealed to vs but I maie excepte and excuse such as are excused by the testimonie of scripture The way is ready briefe whosoeuer wyll be free from the beaste let him take hede that he be not inspired withe the Popes spirite and that he speake not and doe that the Pope commaūdeth against godlynes Let him rather be ruled with the spirite of Christ and so shal it come to passe that dwelling in the middes of Babilon he shal not lyue after the iniquities of Babilon but in the Kingdome of Christe They that shall not worship the beaste shal be slain It foloweth and the beast shal cause that whosoeuer shal not worship the Image of the beast shall be slayne And it is all one offence to worship that oulde beaste and to worship the Image of the newe beaste Of the worshipping of him I haue spoken a little before Therfore doe they worshippe the Image of the beaste which admitte the decrees and those ordinaunces of the seate and Empire speaking the inspiration of the beaste which allowe the Romish religion which fall to the kyssing of the fee●e and shew themselues in all things obedient chyldren of the seate and are faithfull to the popish Empire Nowe yf any wyll not be suche a one and woulde be content with Christianitie would abhorre Rome the seat of the beast and detest the Image of the beast he lyke a church robber and traytour is iudged vnworthie of lyfe There is a Canon in the .5 boke of Decret the .7 tit of heret Wherein withoute any circumstaunce of wordes Lucius the thirde of that name determyneth playnelye that heretykes are strycken with an euerlastinge curse whosoeuer beleue and teache otherwyse of the Sacraments than the church of Rome beleueth and teacheth He commaundeth moreouer that such beynge depryued of all dignitie shall be committed to the iudgement of the secular powers to be punished with dewe correction But yf the temporall maiestrate wyll not punish so defend the church that than he shal be also depriued of al honour c. But why do I tary in rehearsyng these thinges All men at this daie knowe and see what thynges are done daylie They are
condemned exiled excomunicated shut vp in prisons vexed with sondrie tourments at the length also cruelly slayne whosoeuer shall refuse to worshippe both the beaste and his Image The Lorde Iesus the true Kyng and Byshoppe of his church succour vs and restrayne the crueltie of the vngraciouse beaste Amen ¶ Of the marke and numbre of the name of the beaste The .lxj. Sermon ANd he made all both smal and great rych and poore free and bonde to receyue a marke in their ryghte handes or in their foreheads And that no man might by or sell saue hee that hath the marke or the name of the beaste eyther the numbre of his name Here is wisdome Let him that hath witte count the numbre of the beaste For it is the nūbre of a man and his nūbre is sixe hondreth threscore and sixe He annexeth the rest wherby Antichrist may be knowen and shunned And verely he maie chiefly be knowen of these thinges that folowe And he speaketh of the subiectes of Antichriste The subiects of Antichriste and of this newe Kynge and Byshoppe He wyll procure to hymselfe saieth he an infinite multitude of al kynd of men of al states and degrees For his Kyngdome shall be ample and large Therfore doth the Lord resite here certeine kynds and states of men And vnder the same vnderstandeth whatsoeuer is of the same state in the whole world The Romish Antichrist brought vnder his subiection smal and great rich and poore free to witte nobles and bond For we see that Emperours Kynges Dukes Marquesses Earles and Baronnes Realmes Countries Cities Patriarches Archbishops and Byshops Prelates Doctours Clarks and Laie men obey him also men of greatest power riches wisedom together with the poore people There is none such a kingdome so diuersly cōpacte in the world no not emonges the Mahometistes And al these verely willingly are subiect to the seate yea thei haue perswaded with thēselues that thei cannot wel liue that they cannot be saued vnlesse they be subiecte to the See of Rome The marke of Antichr And lyke as Princes discerne their subiects seruauntes by culloures and cognisaunces and the common people also their cattell by seueral brands and marks wherby thei may be knowen whose they are or whom they serue For euery man hath his cullours he white and blacke he red blewe an other white red some blacke yelow which they geue their soldiours seruauntes to weare thei professe thereby to be reteined to him or him And as they marke their horses with their brand and set their marks vpon household vessel So shall Antichriste doubtles haue also his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to wit his marke whereby he may both bynde wen to him and so boūden shal marke that they may be discerned from others and by this meane maie weare the badge and as it were the cullours of their Lorde and Maister And he wyll geue his marke on the right hand or on their foreheades The mark in the right hand or foreheades Aretas and Primasius finally all expositours agreablie do expounde it the confession of the mouth and studie and operation of a good woorke We haue hearde verely howe Christe in the seuenth chapt ded imprinte on the foreheades of his seruaunts faith by effectual charitie And in very dede the signe of Gods children is fayth and loue that cometh of the same fayth So do the writings of the Euangelistes and Apostles testifie Neuerthelesse Christ hath also the externall marke of his seruauntes those holesome Sacramentes of the church Baptisme and the Lordes Supper Howebeit yf any be baptized at this day and be partaker of the Lords supper cal vpō God the father with the Lordes praier and vtter his faith by a sincere cōfession of thapostels Crede morouer confesse those to be good workes which are done in faith after the rule of the ten cōmaundementes and besides this doe shine in good workes shall he be taken for a true catholicke and right christen mā In olde fime doubtles al men would haue imbraced him for a Brother But what shuld he be at this daye in the Popes kingdome Thou shalt seme by al these things to haue confessed nothing at al of the true faith except thou plainely professe that thou beleuest after the faith tradition of the church of Rome that thou doest acknowledge those for good workes whiche the churche of Rome hath approued Vnlesse thou beleue professe on this wise in vaine shalt thou confesse al the fourmer matters No though thou saiest moreouer that thou beleuest the lawe the prophetes the gospel Apostles They will like thee a great deale better if thou sayest thou arte an obedient childe of the Apostolicall See and church of Rome than if thou shouldest saye that thou arte the childe of God a christen manne that thou puttest thy whole truste in the sonne of God whiche is the only saluation and rightuousenes Yea ye shall finde thē which wil by and by at these wordes crie out that they smell of heresie a minde infected with poyson I fayne nothing experience it selfe wil witnesse that I saye trewth And thus doeth the Pope marke his men both in the forehead righthande Thus are the Romishe whelpes discerned from other faythfull as it were by markes Besides this there is an other thing Al papist●s do plainely testifie that vnlesse a man be marked in the forehead with Chresme by the Bishoppes hande he is no christian how so euer he be baptised beleue in Christ Iesus Whereof it followeth that they attribute more to their confirmation annoincting of the Bishop than to the christen faith Reade the boke called Summa angelica in the title of confirmation This therefore is a sealyng of the Popisshe religion the Christen markes of Christ are sufficient The Pope also by an other waye imprinteth his marke in the righthande of mē by he●ting of vowes perfourming of othes as they terme it For they that make a vowe in entryng into any religion as they call it as it were by a stipulation made do binde themselues to the Pope and See of Rome Furthermore Antichrist the Pope by othes also to be perfourmed by the holdyng vp of the right hande doeth binde and bring in daunger to him Emperours Kinges Archbisshoppes Princes Bishoppes Doctours Vniuersities and all states They promesse that they will attempte nothing agaynst the church of Rome nor agaynst the high Bisshop thereof nor yet agaynst the priuileges and statutes of the See There remayne the maner of othes in the decrees and decretalles I touche these thinges briefly They see more that shutte not their eyes And al men beholde how the Pope hath set his marke on the righthand and forehead of men He forbiddeth that no man bée nor selle There followeth againe of the fierse crueltie and blouddy tiranny which Antichrist practiseth agaynst the Christians that is to saye agaynste them whiche will not receyue
kinges Howebeit whilest these kinges considered how they might beste in large their kingedomes and put downe and expulse others full craftely the Bisshoppe of Rome played his parte also For he obteyned the supremacie ouer all Bisshoppes And so gote him great authoritie with Kinges and realmes yea and linked himselfe in league and amitie with Kinges and Princes Whereupon quickely and sodenly or as the Martir of Christ prophecied vpon the sodayne he starte vp and at laste vsurped a kingedome to witte of Rome For by his iudgementes falsely taken for Apostolicall he put downe kynge Childericke of the lignage of Merouinges the lawefull king of Fraunce and auaunced Pipine than Captaine of the French garde to the crowne And so he ouerthrewe or plucked downe one horne and bounde vnto him a most mightie Kinge by whose power afterwarde he was a terrour to the kinges of Grece and Lumbardy Of thexarchate of Italie For aboute the yere of our lorde .269 the Emperour of Constantinople expulsing the Eastegothes did institute a newe gouernement in Italy But sins this kinde of rule and gouernemente is not knowen to all menne I will briefly recite what and howe greate it was by the wordes of Nauclerus the Historiographer ex generat .20 Than beganne sayeth he the Citie of Rome and Italy to haue a newe maner of gouernemente by the whiche they loste more the dignitie glory and feare ouer all the worlde than of all the calamities whiche these .160 yeres haue afflicted them and at the laste had lefte Rome to be inhabited of wilde beastes For Longinus brought in a newe name of dignitie thexarchate of Italie that is the high Magistrate Whiche kepyng still at Rauenna went neuer to the Citie of Rome And in the gouernement of Italie and of Cities he kepte firste this order that the president should not gouerne the prouince or region but euery Citie had their Magistrate to gouerne them whome he called Dukes Wherefore making Rome egall with other Cities and Townes in this thinge only he honoured the same that he called the Magistrate place in Rome presidēt But they that did succede him were called Dukes as they were afterward many yeres so that it was called the Dukedome of Rome as the Dukedome of Narnia and Spolet Nother after Narset and Basill had it any more eyther Consulles or Senate lawefully assembled but by a Duke of Grece whome the highe Magistrate sente from Rauenna the comon welth of Rome was gouerned a long time Thus much he I suppose any manne maye hereby without any difficultie perceyue the Prophecies to be fully accomplisshed Rome vtterly caste downe and the Romane Empire to haue fallen into asshes For shee that had ben the moste mightie Lady of the worlde is sene nowe to bee made a vile gouernemente neuer a deale more excellent than that of Spolet and Narnia c. And here is to be knowen that this Exarchate in Italy was the thirde Lordeshippe instituted sins Augustulus was slayne in whome the Histories saye that the Empire of the weste was finisshed and ended For first when Augustulus was slayne the Germanes vnder their king Odacer possessed Rome Afterwarde the Eastegothes by the conduicte of theyr Duke Theodoricke of Verona Odacer expulsed and slayne reygned at Rome and in Italy Laste of all the Eastegothes by the Lumbardes expulsed and slayne this Exarchate was instituted And Lumbardes beyng called into Italy of the Grekes agaynst the Gothes woulde no more goe out agayne for that they sawe the lande fertile and Riche pleasaunt and aboundyng with sondry pleasures The Lumbardes Warynge therefore of greate power in Italy they subdewed to themselues many Cities and people of Italy establisshyng nowe the fourth domion whiche they called the kingdome of Lūbardes They had most puissaunt kinges Howbeit that exarchate of Rauenna although they layde dilligent awayte for it wente about to inuade it yet coulde they neuer extinguish it till the Bisshop of Rome put to his helping hande pretendyng the sinceritie of religion The mainteyning of Idolatrye maketh of the Bishop of Rome a king Historiographers accompte sixtene Exarches in order which reigned aboute an hondreth foure score yeres The 15. of thē was called Paulus Nauclere in the .25 generat Leo the .3 sayeth he Emperour of Constantinople cōmaunded that they that were subiecte to the Romane Empire should plucke downe al their Images breake them and burne thē Contrarywise the Pope some will haue him Gregory the .2 some the .3 wrote to the whole worlde that they should not obeye these so wicked cōmaundementes of the Emperour Platina sayeth more in the life of Gregory the .3 Gregory by consente of the clergie of Rome depriueth Leo the .3 Emperour of Constantinople bothe of the Empire and also of the communion of the faithfull for that he had plucked downe Images Nauclerus sayeth moreouer But so great authoritie at that time had the Popes decrees that first they of Rauenna and after the people and soldiours of Venise made an open rebellion agaynst the Emperour and thexarche in Italy And the treason increased dayly For Marinus Spatarius Duke of Rome and his sonne Adriane passing through Chāpania were slaine of the Romanes In whose stead they created Duke of Rome one Peter They of Rauenna also whilest some helde with the Emperour and some with the Pope in a tumulte made slewe Paule thexarche and his sonne Thus writeth Nauclere The frēch mē are sent for into Italy by the Pope In these cōmotions the Lumbardes supposyng the occasion so long wisshed for to be nowe offered through the conduite of Luitprande their king inuade the lādes of thempire and besege also Rome it self But Pope Gregory the firebrāde of al the sturres in Italy the soldiour and practicionar of the same and like no priest nor preacher sendeth for Charles Martell king Pinines father with his French chāpions into Italy against the Lumbardes Howbeit this Charles perswadeth the kinge of Lumbardes frendely to departe from the Citie But yet not long after Aistulphus kinge of Lumbardes spoileth againe the lādes of Rauëna reneweth the Italian warre and winneth Rauenna it selfe and demaundeth tribute of the citie of Rome But Stephen the .2 Pope which aspired to the gouernement of Rauenna wisshed the Lumbardes distroyed of king Pipine of Fraunce vnto whō not long sins pope Zacharie by his wrongeful iudgement as many suppose had geuen the kingdome required ayde and deliueraunce as it were offering him the kingdome Therefore are the Frenchmen in armure couetyng also to winne Italy Whilest king Pipine entred into Italy he met with the Ambassadours of the Emperour of Constantinople whiche required that he would restore Rauenna and thexarchate and landes thereof to the Empire whose of righte it was and not the Pope or Romanes Pipine aunswered howe he warred for S. Peter and the pope and to go aboute that the Lumbardes shuld not vexe the church And that he would take from them thexarchate and other
rules of Italy and deliuer them to the pope whiche he perfourmed in dede For he ouercame kinge Aistulphe toke from him the gouernement of Rauenna and deliuered it to the Bisshop of Rome Herein maye all men see The kings ouerthrowen the Pope him selfe is made a kīg vnlesse it be those which will see nothing how this contemptuouse Bishoppe and very smal horne hath at one pusshe ouerthrowen two hornes For he hath put themperour of Constantinople frō the gouernmēt of Italy and hath put downe the King of Lumbardy caused his people to be driuen out of Italy For a fewe yeres after the Pope by the force of Charlemaigne put downe Desiderius the last king of Lumbardy and distroied withall the whole people of the Lūbardes And thus starte vp the Pope became as it were king of olde Rome of the chiefe parte of Italy And now ar the beginnings of the kingdome laied but as yet he reigned not with full authoritie as is declared before Eberardus therfore Bisshoppe of Salisburge whose wordes I recited in the preface of this boke extendeth these things further But I suppose this our exposition to accorde with the prophet with the thinges times And the pope gaue to king Pipine for so great a donatiō a title as Platina sheweth in the life of Stephen the .2 that al kinges of Fraūce shuld be called moste Christen Afterwarde was the Image of the Empire bestowed vpon Charles whereof is spoken before And leest the Pope should seme to haue receiued nothing whilest king Pipine gaue him therarchate the stories reporte thus The Pope made a most mightie king thexarchate was diuided into two regiones in Pentapolis and Aemilia Pentapolis had fiue cities Rauenna Cesena Classe Forum liuij and Forum popilij In Aemilia were Bononie Rhezo Parma Placence and all the lādes that lie from the borders of the Placentines and Ticinians vnto Adria and frō Adria to Arimine c. But he that liste maye reade the Donation of Ludouicus pius in Volateranes Geographie where he nombreth the kynges of Fraunce We saye nothing yet of this that afterward he vsurped to him self power ouer kings and realmes finally ouer all churches and soules so that we must confesse that a more maruelouse prince neuer liued Thou hast here a briefe and compēdiouse story declaring how the Pope hauing hūbled ouerthrowē three kinges he him self began to be made a king But let vs now apply herunto the nōbre of the name of the beast The popes power augmēted both in spiritualties in temporallies to th ende it maye so be knowen to the whole world that there is no other Antichrist to be loked for than the bishop of Rome that is comē which in dede laied the foundatiō of his kingdom vnder thēperour Phocas did builde it vnder the kings of Fraūce and inlarged the same vnder themperours Henrickes Friderickes finally hath establisshed it vnder themperours followyng reigneth in our time and hath done certen ages already paste c. The supputation of .666 yeres must be rekened from the time wherin S. Iohn sawe the reuelation Ireneus sayeth It was sene no longe time sins but in a maner in our dayes about th ende of the reigne of Domitian And Eusebius in his chronicles saieth that it was in the yere of our lord .97 Therfore there remayne yet thre yeres to accomplish an hondreth yeres from the birth of our lord Adde therfore to an hōdreth yeres The fatall yere of our lord .763 these yeres of the nōbre of the name of the beast .666 substracte those three yeres of the first hondreth and thou shalt haue the yere of our Lord .763 whiche was the .13 yere or there aboutes of king Pipines reigne and the .7 of Pope Paul Notwithstandyng that there be wryters of stories and times which attribute to Paull but one yere c. Now muste we not loke only what thing happened in the very instaunt of the yere .763 but what chaūced in the nexte yeres fourmer and following Whereof I will recite a fewe thinges oute of the writers of stories and tymes Nauclerus in the .16 generat In the yeare of our Lord. Wōders Monsters 750 saieth he vnder Pope Zacharie and vnder themperour Constantine the .5 began the .26 generatiō in the which was made an alteration of the Kingdome of Fraunce an abolyshment of the Kyngs of Lumbardie and a translatiō of the Romane Empire from the Grekes These so greate alterations the wonders dyd happly pourtend which hapned at this tyme. In Mesopotamia the Earth roue a sunder by the space of two myles and a Mule was sayed to haue spoken with a mans voyce Ashes fel downe from heauen Ther were wonderful Earthquakes Crosses appered vpon mens garmēts These things wrote Nauclerus The lyke are red in the storie of Eutropius in the .22 boke vnder the yeare of Cōstantine the .6 moreouer in the Historicall glasse of Vincent in Fasciculo temporū In the yere of our Lord .751 Pipine is made King through the coūsell of Zachary the Pope Pipine the master of the Kyngs household oppressing his lord Hilderych king of Fraūce began to reigne and reigneth .18 yeres This writeth Aemilius in the .2 boke of kings of Fraūce And in the yere .755 Pipine entreth into Italie with an Armie vanquisheth the King of Lumbardes and geueth the whole gouernemente of Rauenna to S. Peter The exarchate is geuen to the Pope against the wil of the Emperour of Constantinople Vespergensis in chronicis You see howe in stead of the Emperour the Pope beginneth after a sort to reigne at Rome and in Italie the hornes be shaken of according to the prophecie Mathew Palmer in his chron vnder the yeare .756 the Romane Empire sayeth he reuolting a pace in the Easte The begynninges and preludies of the Empyre translated and the Emperour persecuting the Christians Idolaters he shoulde haue termed them Pope Stephen gaue to the kynges of Fraunce the Emperiall titles and dignities and cōfirmed Pipine and the successours of his stocke onely for their kyngs al others vtterly excluded and in the name of the people of Rome called hym Patricium Hitherto Palmer Ihon Functius in his Chron. In the yeare of our Lord .756 the rites and ceremonies of the church of Rome The Romish religion obtruted were caried into Fraunce first receiued In the yeare of our Lord .757 Paule is made Pope and immediately followeth that fatall yeare of our Lord .763 as the middle poinct betwixt the yere 750. .770 or .773 Wherein these thinges haue all together chaūced which both geue the name to Antichrist and whereof as euery thing els is knowen by his name so hath he also his name and is knowen In the yeare of our Lorde .768 Stephen the .3 helde a counsell at Rome in the church Laterane of the byshops of Fraūce of Italie Idolatry is confirmed and decreed that none
shuld be ordeined bishop of Rome but a Cardinal He condemned moreouer the Greke counsell of the Emperour Cōstantine against Images which he cōmaunded both to be had and worshipped These things writeth Antoninus in Chron. tit 14. Cap. 1. .5 After this that great Charles the sonne of Pipine sent for into Italie by pope Adriane Charles cōfyrmeth al thinges taketh Desiderius King of Lumbardes and putteth downe the Kyngdome of Lumbardes This was done in the yeare of our Lorde .773 and also the two hondreth fourth yeare after that the Lumbardes were arryued in Italie And he confirmed and augmented the donatiō of Pipine his father As many Historiographers make relation Ihon Functius in Cron. addeth that through out the whole Realme of Fraunce Euen so was the masse obtruted to the Germaines at the cōmaundement of Charles the Ceremonies of the Romish church were instituted We haue nowe than the name of Antichrist of the nombre .666 We knowe who he is and whome we shoulde beware of I can not here omitte but at fewe wordes muste note the supputation of Sibilla concerning the originall of Antichrist to my iudgement very agreable to the fourmer accoumpte For the .8 bokes of Sibelles oracles taken out of the librarie of the honorable cōmon welth of Auspurg were set forth by the moste godly and learned man D. Xistus Betuleius in the yeare of our Lorde .1545 and that in Greke And this Sibilla Erythreae or whatsoeuer she were prophesieth in the .8 boke that Rome shal fal and be burnt with fier The wordes of Sibelle in Greke are to this effecte The plague of God vpon the ones shall fall Prowde Rome vnto the grounde thou shalte be caste Vnto thy foes made first captiue and thrall And than with flaming fier be burnt at laste And this thing was accōplished at what time Totilas Kynge of Gothes fyred the Citie as we haue rehearsed before And shortelie after in the same Oracles are these annexed When Emperours that haue the worlde oppreste With bondage great from the east vnto the weste The numbre haue fulfilled of fiftene A King shall come in white hatte to be sene Which vnto Ponti his name shall nere annex As he that shall be called Pontifex To worldelie pleasures geuen shall he lyue And with his wicked fote rewardes will geue and the residue which are read there She byddeth accoumpte from the burninge of Rome fiftene Kinges After whome shall come a newe Kinge whome she describeth And it is manifest that Rome was taken spoyled and burnt vnder the Emperour Iustinian After ar accoumpted from Iustine the yonger to the Emperour Theodosius 15. After Theodose succedeth Leo the .3 whose name was Isauricus she calleth those kings delicatos that is geuē to pleasures Because the most parte of them were not very valiaunt but vnder Leo .3 Italie reuolteth from themperour And shortlie also the gouernement called the Exarchate was geuen to the pope of Kinge Pipine againste the Emperours mynde We se therfore that the supputations do agree For we haue also brought to kinge Pipine the yeares .666 And so a newe kynge ariseth whome Sibille nameth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 notable by reason of his whyte hat or myter For so she noteth the Byshop which in oulde tyme dyd weare on their heades whyte miters that shuld be a king She geueth him a name also For she sayeth how he hath a name nere vnto Ponti For adde to the worde Ponti fex and you haue Pontifex She annexeth certen notes or marks also that he shall regard earthly things and not heauenly and that he shal also prouide 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and geue rewardes with his vngraciouse fote And that is rightly spoken sins that after Domitian and Dioclesian none of all the Kynges saue the Pope hath offered his fote to be kissed whereby fooles thinke they receyue greate rewardes But omitting these thinges let vs retourne into the waye The blessed marter Ireneus speakyng of this Kyng in the same .5 boke In the beast comming sayeth he ther is made a recapitulation of all iniquitie and of all deceipte to the end that al Apostatical power concurring and concluded in him Antichriste is the sinke of al vngodlyn●sse and wickednes might be throwen into a fournace of fyer And that he hath spoken this thing by the spirite of prophesie all men wil confesse that haue red the lyues of the Byshops of Rome but especially of Siluester the .2 Benedictus the .9 Gregory the .6 Gregory the .7 Vrbanus the .2 Paschalis the .2 Alexander the .3 Innocentius the .3 Gregory the .9 Boniface the .8 Clement the .5 Ihon the .22 to speake nothing of diuers others What in our dayes haue done Iulies Clemētes Leos and Paules Spayne Fraūce England Hōgarie and Germanie and other Realmes speake which haue ben set together by the eares and intangled emongs thēselues with most cruel wars The bloud of martirs shed speaketh which crieth vnto the Lord. What remaineth therfore but that we shuld take hede to our selues beware of this man of sin and cleaue to our redemer Christ our Lorde beseching him that he wold come shorty and delyuer vs from all euyll Amen Amen ¶ Christe standeth vpon Mounth Sion hauynge his churche and is deserbed by notes which and what shall be the shepe of Christe The .lxij. Sermon The .14 Chapter ANd I loked and lo a lambe stode on the moūt Sion and with him 144000. hauing his fathers name written in their foreheads And I heard a voice from heauen as the sounde of many waters and as the voise of a great thonder And the voyce that I hearde was as the harpers that play vpon their harps And they soung as it wer a newe song before the seat and before the foure beastes and the elders and no man coulde learne that song but the hondreth and .xliiii. thousand which were redemed from the earth These are they which were not defiled with wemen for thei are virgins These followe the Lambe whither so euer he goeth These were redemed from men beyng the first fruictes vnto God and to the Lambe in their mouthes was founde no gyle For they are without spotte before the trone of God Like as he hath hitherto mixed ioyefull thinges with sorrowfull A consolation and preachyng of the gospel and annexed a consolation to moste harde cruell chaunces so nowe he adioyneth also to the tirannie of the Romane Empire an exposition hauing bothe a consolation and an exhortation moste graue and weightie Vndoubtedly by the description of the Romishe tiranny and reigne of Antichrist it might haue semed that the Church and the preachynge of the Gospell had ben vtterly loste and that vngodlines should haue triumphed for euer he declareth therefore by a most excellent vision howe Christ shall reigne notwithstandyng in his chosen and shal ouercome and shal haue his churche continually and that righte famouse He describeth what the electe shal be He addeth
wrath of God and the wine fat was troden without the citie And the bloud came out of the fatte euē vnto the horse bridelles by the space of a thousande and sixe hondreth furlonges The vengeaunce of god agaīst the Antichristians Now goeth he to the description of gods iudgement especially agaynst the Antichristians and agaynst al the vngodly This parte might be ioyned with the matter followyng and chapters followyng as that which is of the same argument And it apperteyneth to the consolation and confirmation of the faithfull persecuted of Antichrist There be that thinke how there shal neuer be any iudgement Howe so euer therefore thei oppresse their neighbours they thinke neuer to fele any displeasure of that matter Moreouer the faythfull are tēpted also whilest they see the wicked florish and thēselues to wither dayly Therefore they thinke also that the lorde carieth ouerlong Ye more they expostulate with the lorde and saye whā shal there be an ende of iniuries if Christ wil come to iudgement whie doeth he differ it so longe and to so great molestyng of his The lord therefore sheweth nowe that the iudgement shal certenly be and shall be than what time all thinges shal be ripe to witte whē the iniquities of the Amorrheans shall be complete and the measure of iniquitie filled When wicked menne therefore are waxed ripe the Lord will come to iudge In the meane time we muste abide in cōstancie and patience As husbande men tary for haruest and vintage If any through impatiencie reuolte he is not allowed of the Lorde as the Apostle alledgeth out of the Prophete in the .10 chapt to the Hebrewes And as we maye haue a desire and a longyng after haruest and vintage so maye we not expostulate with God because he tarieth longer thā our wishe is likewise we ought not to contende with the same whie he cometh so late vnto iudgement And like as haruest and vintage are certenly loked for and come so without all doubte God will punnish the wicked and saue the godly And these are verely as it were tastes of all that followe plentifully and are more expressely declared and are annexed to the fourmer matters for that they apperteyne to the consolation of the godly And to the intent al thinges might be more manifeste by parables brought in be setteth forth al thinges to be sene before our eyes And he vseth in dede two parables borrowed out of the Prophetes and doctrine of the Gospell For the prophetes ful oft do figure the iudgemēt of God by haruest and vintage Certes in the .3 of Ioel the lorde sayeth I will sitte in the vale of Iosaphat to iudge al natiōs Thruste in the sickle for haruest is ripe c. And it is also most knowē what is red touchyng the same matter in the story of the Gospell We muste therefore wryte out these thinges more inwardely into our hartes and feare God and abide his redemption in patience First is treated the parable of haruest than the parable of vintage Haruest bothe two shewe that the Lord wil be iudge and that in his moste dewe time agaynste all those whiche eyther thinke there shall be no iudgemente or expostulate with the Lorde that he commeth so slowely and late c. And firste in dede is described the owner of the haruest the Lord him selfe and iudge Iesus Christ He is sayde to be like vnto the sonne of manne not for that he is not now the very sonne of man and for that he shall not come vnto iudgement in the very humane nature whiche he hath ones taken of vs and neuer put it of for he is verely the sonne of manne The description of the Iudge Iesus christ and remayneth on the right hande of the father and shall verely come in the humane nature to iudge the quicke and the dead but he semeth to haue alluded to Daniel to haue expressed his phrase of speach saiyng I loked in the mightly vision and lo there came one in the clowdes as it were the sonne of manne c. Where we reade also the description of the iudgemente agaynst the beaste And therefore he hath here made mention also of a clowde and I sawe a white clowde and one sitting on the clowde c. Moreouer the Aungelles in the actes saie so he shal come as ye haue sene him goe vp into heauen And they sawe him taken vp and a clowde to receyue him and conueye hym out of theyr sight Therefore shall he come agayne in a clowde vnto iudgement We reade oftentimes in the Psalmes that God sitteth on a white clowde By the waye therefore is signified the deitie of the iudge Therefore is this iudge very God and very manne the Sauiour of the faythful the reuenger and iudge of the infideles We are sent therefore by S. Iohn to the .7 chapt of Daniel A golden crowne on his head Then he weareth a Golden crowne on his head not that there is any corruptible golde in Heauen but for corruptible men so he speaketh that they maye vnderstande their iudge to be the hygh kynge and maye gather thereof that no man is able to resiste the power of this kyng For otherwise our Lord hath no nede of any corruptible golde A sharpe sickle Finally our lord here hath a sickle and that right sharpe Wherby is signified his iudgement excedyng strayte and distruction of the wicked In the .3 of Matth. The iudgemente of the Lord is cōpared to a fanne of blessed Iohn He addeth that the axe is layde at the roote of the tree wherby he signified that certaine iudgement was at hande or rather destruction Corne ripe to the sickle Now followeth an expositiō of the proceding of the iudgement he perseuereth in the parable For he speaketh as if a seruaunt retournyng home out of the feldes did shewe vnto his Maister whiche loked for the houre of haruest that the Corne was now ripe the hardenes of the grayne is a token of rypenes and that it is time to be reaped For els it is no nede to admonish him that knoweth al thing of any thing that he remēbreth not much lesse of the howre of iudgemēt which none of thaungels knoweth but the father alone Therefore we ascribe this wholy to the parable and we vnderstād that a certen houre of iudgemente is appoincted whiche when it shal come the godly with out delaye shall be deliuered the vngodly condemned An other Angel sayeth he came forth For before we hearde how diuerse came forth This crieth with a lowde voice as one that wil tel of a matter most greate and certayne to be declared in the church with excedyng great out cries to the cōforte of the faithfull which ought nothing to doubt of the iudgemēt to the terrour of the wicked which seme to contēne the same And this criyng angel cometh out of the tēple For we hearde before that S. Iohn sawe a temple
thursted for bloud drīke blud in so moch that being drowned in their owne blud vp to the chin thei may seme to bath them in their owne bloud And here we must remēbre the horses prepared to battaile of whō we spake in the .9 chap. shal be drowned in euerlasting tormēts Thus thus at the last wil the lord auenge himselfe vpon his enemies Let vs call vpon him and abyde patiently and valeauntly The Lorde graunte vs his grace ¶ The Angels of seuen plagues are brought forth Moreouer the triumph and prayse of Christes holye Maritrs is described The .lxvij. Sermon The .15 Chapter AND I saw an other signe in heauen great and wonderful Seuen Angels hauing the seuen laste plagues For in them is fulfylled the wrath of God And I sawe as it were a glassye sea mingled with fyer and them that had gottē victory of the beast and of his Image and of his marke and of the nombre of his name stand on the glassy Sea hauing the harpes of God and they sung the song of Moses the seruaunt of God and the song of the lambe sayeng great and maruelouse are thy works Lord God almightie iust and true are thy wayes thou King of Sainctee Who shal not fear O Lord and glorifie thy name For thou onely art holy for all gentiles shall come and worshippe before the for thy iudgementes are made manifeste The argument of the fifte parte Vpon occasion of harueste and vintage expounded in the laste parte of the fourmer vision is annexed the fifte parte of this godly worke which represēteth vnto vs the fourth visiō of this worke whiche some make the fifte The same is of the iudgemēts of God it hath two parts wherfore it might also be deuided into mo visiōs but we had rather vse fewer For first he discourseth most largely of the paynes or tourments prepared of God to be executed vpon Antichrist his membres and all the vngodlye here is treated of the iudgement of the whore of Babilon of the destinies and ruine of Rome and the church of Rome of the reioicing and song of saincts of the comming of the iudge vnto iudgement of the payne and euerlasting destruction of all wicked And these are intreated in the . and .20 chap. Than also he reasoneth most excellētly of the reward of saincts and of the euerlasting filicitie thorow out the whole .21 chap. and a good part of the .22 euery where is set open hel it selfe and heauen it selfe And is geuen vs in maner to loke in this fleshe mortall euen into very hell it self into the very palace of Heauen Nother shal you finde any where in all the Scriptures with a continual treatise so plenteouse a disputation of the iudgementes of God of the tormentes of the wicked of the felicitie and ioyes of the godly as in this presente And ful necessarie is this treatise especially in this our last and vngraciouse world A most plētiful dilligent treatise of the iudgemēts of God wherein men neglectyng the spirite of God are become like brute beastes altogether carnall regarde the flesh and wholy depende thereof Happy are al the victoriouse welthie honorable and gloriouse Antichristians miserable are the pore and dispised trewe christians and subiecte to the iniuries persecutions of al men Therfore do the carnall men esteme al thinges of the present fortune and crie it out that their religion and conuersation pleaseth God and the Christiās to displease The godly are here also greuously tempted as they were also in times past reade Psalm 73. and the .1 chapt of Abacucke The vngodly promise themselues that they shal reigne for euer at the length also they contēne the iudgementes of God nother thinke they that euer it wil come to passe that they shal be punnisshed The talke of punnishementes to be diuised of melancholicke persones and to be vttered of mallice and therfore they saye and thinke them not to be regarded but to be mery in this worlde Therefore it behoued the place of Gods iudgementes to be most largely and dilligently decided and to be set as it were before the eyes of the hearers to the ende al might rightly vnderstāde what should be assuredly the ende of good and euill But the punnishmētes of the vngodly are diuerse to witte of this life present and to come And the punnishmentes of this present life are almost innumerable and the tourmentes of the life to come are eternall and vnspeakeable and as there is no comparison betwixte the paincted and trewe fire so is there none betwixte the punnishementes of this present life and that to come But in case men would ernestly beleue that vnspeakeable ioyes and euerlastyng tormentes are prepared of God for good and euill doubtles al would sinne lesse serue God more dilligently But let vs see nowe what is the treatyse of S. Iohn concernyng the same The originall of the doctrine of the iudgementes of God First he sheweth the original of al things that follow not to be earthly but heauenly For he seeth an other token in heauen He saieth an other for that in the .12 chapt we heard that mention was made of an other certen signe And he calleth that a signe or token which signifieth an other thing and therefore not to be considered of it selfe but in asmuche as it bringeth into knoweledge an other certen thinge and that much greater thā it sheweth at the firste sight He calleth this signe that is to witte that same visiō great and maruelouse For the iudgementes of God are greatest and moste wonderful Whilest thei are executed the vngodly maruel which had thought such thinges should neuer haue comen to passe the godly also maruell at the great power of God his moste iuste rightuousnes and his ripenes and faythfulnes in deliuering and sauing his people Than he declareth what signe was shewed him in Heauen and by that celestiall vision he sawe seuen Angels hauyng in seuen cuppes plages That is he perseyued God prepared and furnisshed with power diuine wherewith he both might and would sende plages and condigne punnishementes aswell vpon Antichrist him selfe as vpon his membres and all the vngodly men in Earth for their wickednes committed agaynst God Seuen angelles seuē plages And as we haue many times warned you in this boke the seuēth nombre is the nōbre of fulnes Wherefore God hath ministers enough and enough by whose seruice he maye plague and distroye the vngodly And therefore seuen plagues are all maner of plagues Temporall plagues are aboundantly recited in the 26. of Leuit. and .28 of Deuter. Riche is the Lord and in euerlastyng plagues of most diuerse kindes also For the Scripture in certen places reherseth a gnawyng worme a fyre vnquenchable weping and gnasshing of teth outwarde darkenes and many other of like sorte But these seuen plagues he calleth the laste and immediately sheweth the reason for in them is the wrathe of God
fulfilled For on those laste and most corrupte ages the Lorde wil powre out his plague and that the plagues of his iuste wrath and shall powre them out most fully to the ende and shall execute his ful wrath against the vngodly for euermore Yet now he suspendeth a while that narration begonne of the Angelles masters of the plagues The ioyes triūphes of the godly and placeth or sendeth before the greate ioyes of the blessed Martirs triumphes songe of praise reioycynge and thankes geuynge And this Ioye is interlased here in the treatise of punnishementes for the consolation of the faithful that they should knowe themselues deliuered from punnishmentes And if it fortune whilest the wicked are punnisshed that any displeasure touch thē also as it can not be chosen but the wicked beyng plaged some discōmoditie must also arrise vnto the faithful that thei maye vnderstande yet that the daungers of the discōmodities must with the excellent aboūdaunce of ioyes be recompensed For hereby is signified how the godly reioyce whilest the lord executeth his iustice To be also the chaungeable course of thinges that those that haue ones wepte in the world should now be glad and ioyefull accordyng to the saiyng of our sauiour in the .16 of Iohn Morouer it behoued by the testimony of all Sainctes to be declared to the Sainctes that dwell in Earth that the iudgementes of God be rightouse and true whiche thing vnderstande questions and sondry mutininges agaynst God do cease First he seeth them which ouercame Antichrist and haue had nothing to doe with him as we saye in dutch for this I suppose be signified by that plentiful rehersal of certen membres the declaration wherof is setforth before in heauen not in some dortour or no where as some men gather He sawe I saye in heauen the blessed soules stande vpon a glassy See A glassy See mixed with fire mixed with fire And in an other place I haue tolde you that the See figureth the worlde by reason of the rage and vnstablenes therof Certenly Daniel so taketh in the .7 chapt And it is called glassy because of the frailetie and bricklenes For worldely thinges shine but they are soone broken Whereupon it is sayed that wordely things are as brickel as glasse whiche whilest they shine breake And not with out cause is fire mixed with worldely thinges For the Sainctes whilest they be conuersaunt in Earth fele alwayes in a maner the fire of affliction Whereof spake S. Peter 1. Pet. 4. And they stande vpon a glassy See mingled with fire For cōquerours treade vpon the worlde and vpon al the tourmentes mockeries of the world as triūphyng ouer all worldely thinges The Prophet in the .66 Psalm bringeth in the Sainctes singyng a ioyeful songe vnto God and emonges other things saiyng thou hast brought vs into snares thou hast layde tribulations vpon our backe thou haste set men in our neckes We haue passed through fire and water thou hast brought vs out into a place of reliefe Therefore do there followe alterations in an other world Wherfore Aretas expoūdyng this place the glassy See sayeth he semeth to intimace nothyng els than by the Sea verely the multitude and by the glasse the brightnes by fire the puretie of them which are worthie that blessed life And certenly the same wordes in diuerse respectes maye signifie diuerse thinges and make the sense agreable Hitherto we haue hearde that the sainctes are in heauen where they triumphe ouer the world vanquisshed but nowe we shal heare more clerely what they do in heauen and how they singe vnto the lord a songe of thankes prayses which fully agreeth with the Psalm 66. The harps of God And he attributeth to the blessed martirs harpes as he did to the Elders These he calleth of God as you would saye diuine and celestiall mete to set forth the prayses of God For a celestial Iubeley is signified whereof is spoken in the .5 chapt He addeth moreouer to expresse the musicke and they singe And declareth also the maner of their singyng The songe of Moses the lābe the songe of Moses the seruaunt of God and the songe of the Lambe Therfore this songe of the Sainctes is reioycyng ditty triumphaunt and of thankes geuyng For like as in times paste Marie with the cōpany of virgins Israeliticall at the appoinctement of Moses sange a songe when the Israelites were deliuered out of the bondage of Aegypte and Pharao was drowned in the red Sea with his whole armie whereof you maye reade more in the 14. and .15 chapt of Exod. So the blessed soules in Heauen prayse God whiche hath deliuered them from Sathan Antichrist and the worlde And the songe of the Lābe is the christiane thankes geuing by the which the vertue of Christ and his redemption is praysed of the Sainctes For like as the olde fathers after the eatyng of the Paschalle lambe made a iubiley gaue God thankes So the blessed Sainctes nowe infraunchised with the full libertie of the children of God geue thankes vnto Christ theyr deliuerer Finally reciteth the order and fourme of their songe Kinge of Sainctes God is highly commended herein which is called the Lord God almightie Kynge of Sainctes as for whome the Sainctes warre by whome also they be gouerned and whiche defendeth mayneteyneth and kepeth the Sainctes And he is called holy in whome is no spotte no iniquitie And before all thinges they prayse his workes whiche they call greate and maruelouse These are manifest in Heauen and in Earth They declare the power wisedome iustice of God Therefore they inferre by and by that the wayes that is the considerations of God which he followeth in gouerning and doyng of thinges be trewe and iuste For he disceaueth not he doeth no man wronge Therfore God is iuste in punnishing the Antichristiās and deliueryng his For although he seme to neglecte his yet kepeth he fayth to the godly as a kynge that neuer neglecteth his Now they alledge what it becometh all men in the Earth to do also it is reoson that al men feare thee and glorifie thee in all thinges nother to accuse and murmure at thy iudgementes There is added an other reason for he alone is holy without sinne and with out spotte None of all the creatures hath this Although many gentiles nowe cōtemne God yet shal they ones come and worship shal knowe their owne filthines and the holines and rightuousenes of God For the iustice and iudgement of God whiche are not yet reuealed and therefore are contemned shal be ones reuealed that all the godly of al natiōs may attribute glory to the rightuouse God These thinges verely prepare also the reader and hearer to the treatise nowe followynge concernynge the iudgementes of God and pūnishmentes of the vngodly The lord open the eyes of our mindes that we maye see these thinges with fruicte plentifull ¶ The seuen Angelles are described coming forth to execute the seuen
aboundauntly which neuerthelesse in the meane season persecute Christes church moste greuousely The Lorde sende peace And nowe where the godly might maruell ¶ God is righteouse in his iudgementes why God so suffereth the worlde to be shaken and tourmoyled with mutuall warres the Angelles preuent the marueling and complainte and shewe not onlie the cause but also praise the iustice of God in these iudgements And he bringeth in two Angels as mete and sufficient witnesses of this businesse Angels gouernoures of things The one he maketh ruler of waters the other speaking out of the aulter He semeth here in to followe Daniell which also in the tenth chapter sayeth that Angelles as gouernours were set to rule ouer Prouinces Not that God doeth not worke and gouerne al things in waters in all elements and Regions but for that he vseth the trauell of Angelles as his ministers But where the Papistes gather hereof that Sainctes rule ouer elements diseases limmes cities and euery part in man it is folish and superstitious and smelling of Idolatrie For the maner of Angelles and of blessed soules is cleane diuerse moreouer the Scripture attributeth vnto them farre other things than it doeth to these Thou shalt read nothing of the blessed soules as hauyng any thyng to do with men here in Earth in the whole Scripture But in sondry places of the Scriptures you shall reade that Angelles are set to be mens kepers and to serue them with dyuers ministeries Agayne ye read not that the godlie haue for this cause geuen any godly honour to the Angelles no we shall heare in this booke howe Saincte Ihon woulde haue worshipped an Angell but was prohibited of the Angell ones or twyse Chap. 19. and .21 Moreouer here the Angell rendreth a reason why the water is tourned into bloude and commendeth here in Gods iustice For turning his talke vnto God thou art inste sayeth he O Lord which arte and which wast c. He pronounceth him righteouse as he that will do no man any wrong and therefore calleth him also holy In the mean time he signifieth his euerlastingnes and that he geueth being vnto all thinges where he sayeth which arte and which waste c. Of this phrase of speache is spoken in the first chapter And the true righteousnes geueth to euery one his Therefore the Angell sayeth Therfore Lord thou arte righteouse and declareste thy righteousnes to the world in that thou hast geuen them bloude to drinke which haue shed the bloude of the Prophetes that is of preachers for preaching of the truth And not their bloud only but haue shed also the bloude of thy holy faythful I meane whom for the true professing of the faithe they haue vexed and at laste slayne Therfore are they worthie that they thēselues shuld agayne drinke the bloude of them and theirs that is shulde fall by mutuall warres tumultes and slaughters verely before recited The Angel speketh oute of the ault●r These thinges are confirmed by an other Aungell which speaketh from th aulter and not without cause from the aulter For we heard before in the .6 chap. that vnder the aulter the soules of them that are killed crie out and say how long is it that thou auengest not our bloud on them c. Therfore nowe is the talke vttered out of the Aultar to the ende we should vnderstāde that God forgetteth not the bloud of his sainctes but reuēgeth it in iuste and dewe season Now here in also cōmended as it were by the waye the omnipotēcie of God that the vngodly maye vnderstande howe in the time of affliction and vengeaunce there shal be no power able to resiste the almightie To him alone be glory Amen The .iiii. and .v. Angelles shed theyr vialles The .lxx. Sermon ANd the fourth Angell powred out his vialle on the Sunne power was geuen to him to vexe menne with heate of fire And the men raged in great heate and spake euill of the name of God whiche had power ouer those plagues and they repented not to geue him glory And the fifte Angell powred out his viall vpon the seate of the beast his kingedome waxed darke they gnewe their tungues for sorrowe and blasphemed the God of heauen for sorrowe payne of their sores and repented not of their dedes The godly esteme not their afflictiōs sent by the iuste iudgement of God as the punnishmētes of sinners The afflictions of the godly and vngodly but as exercises of the fayth how so euer they acknowledge themselues to be iustely afflicted for their sinnes committed yet here they commende neuerthelesse the grace of God conuertyng the punnishementes of sinners into the exercises of fayth To the vngodly punnisshementes are plagues whiche nother they can suffer patiently nor glorify God but rather blaspheme him suppose that they suffer vnworthely Therfore are the plages of god to thē most greuouse where neuerthelesse much more cruel things are for thē prepared to wit that they should suffer in an other worlde euerlastyng damnation Therefore the plagues of this worlde infli●●ed to the vngodly are as it were certen preparatiues and preambles of more greuouse tourmentes Drought the iiii plage The fourth Angel poureth out his viall on the sunne and to the same was geuen power to plague men with heate or fire This plage do many expounde allegorically vnderstandyng by the sunne Christ exhilaratyng the consciences of the faithfull and the fame to be darkened in the mindes of men chosing rather the darkenes of Antichriste than the light of Christ and therefore do the consciences erryng and seduced with errour burne with sondry lustes desperations wherby they be driuē at the length to sondry blasphemies Which exposition as I do not vtterly reiecte so after my iudgemēt the sense shal be more playne yf we vnderstande the fourth plague to be an heate and great drought a barrennes of the Earth and scarsetie of Corne finally an intollerable thurste afflictyng both men and beastes and laste bredyng and ingēdring hoate diseases For so we haue red in the threatenings of the lawe I will geue an heauen of brasse and an earth of yron In the time of Helias for contemnyng and reiectyng the worde of the lord God plaged Israel with a sore drought as you maye see in the .3 boke of Kinges the .17 and .18 chap. Ieremie also describeth the like drought and heate in the .14 chapt Agayne the lorde defended Israell with a pillar of a cloude by the daye and a pillar of fire by night Moreouer we haue hearde heretofore in the Apocalipse the sunne shall not fal vpō them nother any heate And iustely is this world plaged with burnyng heate as the which offendeth greuously burneth with sondry lustes and also by wicked proclamations prohibiteth the coulyng refressyng of Gods worde Theffecte of this plague is greate For the effecte of this plage followeth And mē sayeth he burned with great heate At the first
deuiles workyng miracles to goe out to the kynges of the earth of the whole worlde to gather them to the battell of the great daye of God almightie Beholde I come as a thefe Happy is he that watcheth and kepeth his garmentes leeste he be founde naked and men see his filthines And he gathered them together in a place called in the hebrewe tunge Armageddon The sixte Aungell powreth out his viall on the great riuer of Euphrates ●he drying vp of Euphrates y● sixte plage th ende of this sheding is that the waie might be opened for the kynges of the Easte that is that Babilon might be taken This plague chiefly apperteyneth to Rome and the Romish church The speach hath an allegorie or a secret comparison and allusion vnto olde Babilon We reade in the .5 chapt of Daniel that Babilon was taken the same night wherein Balthazar king thereof had prepared a sumptuouse banket and loked for nothing lesse than for destruction Herodotus and Xenophon reporte howe the kinges of the Easte Darius Priscus who is also called Medus and Cyrus of Persia besieged the citie rounde aboute but where there was no hope to winne it Cyrus let out Euphrates by ditches so that the Army might wade ouer the riuer and so was the citie layde open and taken on the same side where it was fensed with the riuer Euphrates therfore fortified Babilon and brought vnto it many other cōmodities and pleasures Here therefore are signified by Euphrates richesse munition pleasures cōmodities tributes and customes which the romisshe churches call sacred or of the holy church These commodities and pleasures I saye are dimished of the kinges of the Easte of trewe christians whom the scripture calleth the Kinges and Priestes and deriued and putte to an other vse Wherefore the power of the Romane churche beginneth to decaye to the intent that at the length it maye be taken and abolisshed of the Lorde Christ him selfe Doubtles the trewe Christians vnderstāde Howe Euphrates is dried vp beleue and professe that Christ alone is the Sauiour nother that there is saluation in any other And that this is geuen freely that they be madde and committe Simonye and sacriledge whiche in this case practise and make marchandise Reade the .55 chap. of Esaye and the 8. of the Actes finally the .1 and .2 chapt of S. Paule to the Coloss Wherin most dilligently is declared illumined and set forth that by Christ alone we are absolued and in him alone haue al fulnes And what time the common people do heare this to witte that by those romish trifles fayres of pardons and other craftie iuggelinges they are disceaued and robbed of their substaūce they shutte by and by and make faste their chestes their purses their cellars and garners And so drieth vp the riuer of welth and pleasure it drieth vp also when the godly denie to geue other customes as tenthes palles firste fruictes and suche other like thinges So I saye is the waye prepared for the kinges of the Easte so beginneth Rome the seconde Babilon to be taken and come to naught It followeth furthermore Howe Antichrist behaueth him for the preseruyng of euphrates how Antichrist wil fight against the faythfull and godly labouring to drie vp Euphrates for the mayneteynaunce and increase of his kingdome where he might briefly haue saide he shal sende forth ambassadours vnto al kinges and princes to stire them vp agaynst the gospellers for the defence of the priuileges rightes reuenewes of the See of Rome he had rather moste dilligently describe those Ambassadours and shewe their destruction It forceth very muche to haue knowen the Popes legates For they are maruelouse pestilent to the churche of God for we haue not only experience of it at this daye but also by the reading of all stories that great euilles The description of the popes ambassadours called legate a latere and all calamities in a maner haue ben brought into the church and are also at this daye through the instigations of those legates I touched a little before what mischiefe Cardinal Iulian Cesarine the legate of Pope Eugenius wrought in Germany Boheme Pole and Hungary What is done in our time and hath ben done in our fathers memorie it were to longe to reherse Yf our elders had by the doctrine of Iesu Christ reuealed to the church by S. Iohn vnderstande knowen the nature of the Popes legates they might easely haue eschewed wherewith they haue vndiscretely intangled themselues and suffered greate losse hinderaunce I speake nothing here of Ambassadours and ambassades of kinges and cōmon welthes vncorrupted First he sheweth dilligently the original of legates to the intent we might vnderstande Thoriginal of legates that they be led with a wicked sprete and that their vocation is not godly but deuillish He sheweth a threfolde originall where in very dede they maye al be reduced to one deuelish vnitie He saw sayeth Primasius expounding this place one spirite and for the nombre of the partes of one body he sayeth three that al the nombre of the wicked might be vttered to be led with one deuelishe sprete Therfore the first denne that the legates breake out of he calleth the dragons mouth Of the dragon is spoken in the .12 chap. nother is there any that vnderstādeth not that it signifieth the deuil him self They come forth therfore frō the deuil For al the affaires of their ambassade cōsisteth in lies craftes practises finally in corruptyng the veritie and sincerenes of the gospell and also in factions and dissentions in slaughter and bloud And the deuil was from the begynning a liar and murtherer as the lorde him selfe sayeth in the .8 of Iohn And hitherto they be of the Dragons mouthe The selfe same arrise also out of the mouth of the beaste For they come furnisshed with the Popes authoritie legates laterall with full power Of the beaste I haue spoken in the .13 chapt finally they come out of the mouth of the false prophete The trewe prophet and pastour high and only of the church vniuersal is Christ the sonne of God Antichrist is that false prophet chiefe seducer of the whole world as is sayed in the .13 cha Therfore come the legates sente from the Pope which hath put into their mouthes wordes or instructiōs or cōmissions that they should speake those thinges which are of false prophecie Three vncleane sprites Howbeit he expoundyng himselfe more playnely declareth of what sorte the legates shall be to witte three vncleane spretes An vncleane sprete is euery where in the scripture called the deuill or Sathan verely of naturr and effecte For as the spirite of God is called holy so this cōtrarywise vncleane For he him self is of nature or rather of his owne corruption and reuoltyng from God impure and authour to mē of all impuretie and vncleanes He signifieth therfore that those legates shal be men of a deuelish vncleanes And in dede if you laye
harlot and for that cause was called an harlot Furthermore olde Rome had power to do these thinges She s●teth vpō many wat●rs for she sate vpon many waters that is had dominion rule ouer many people and sondry nations Ye al●o the kinges of the Earth haue cōmitted whoredome with her wh● lest they haue submitted themselues to the Romanes bonden themselues in leage The princes ●●mi●te whoredom and receyued of them superstitions and Idolatrie For the children of Israell were also sayed to haue committed whoredome wyth the Aegiptians for that they had ioyned amitie with them and were become fellowes in prophane religions And so newe Rome the Popes kingdome stretcheth farre and wide and the Kinges and Princes of the Earth committe whoredome with her Therefore doeth the worde of the Lorde calle it filthye whoredome whiche the Romisshe name an holy bonde and obedience There is added and they that dwell vpon Earth are made dronkē For he signifieth that beyng infected with errours yea rather asotted cleane out of their wittes they haue ben madde in Idolatrie and yet rage in their superstitions like drōkardes and can not for furie receaue the preaching of the gospel Touchyng this wine of fornication and whoredome and of that dronkennes I haue spoken in the .14 chap. And it is aptly spoken that dwellers vpō Earth are made dronkē not so much for that menne dwellyng vpon Earth are made dronken as for that earthly mē and choked with earthly desires shall become faithfull worshippers of the Romish See Thirdely he expoundeth the maner of the vision The maner of the vision thus I was caried awaye in sprete Wherfore with his body remayning in Patmos in spirite he sawe a womā sittyng on a beast and distroyed with fire Such be many visiōs and sightes in the prophetes And he noteth also the place wherein he sawe the beaste not in heauen nother in the temple or tabernacle or in a fruictful place The beast in the wildernesse but in the wildernesse Esaye calleth the gentiles and heythenes wildernesse And verely tholde Romanes and newe with their superstitions haue had no place in the church but are without the church God forbidde thā that we should acknowledge the churche of Rome to be head of al faithful churches And at this daye many of them which are called most holy and most reuerent differ nothing from the gentiles their titles and hipocrisie only excepted Wherof is spoken before in the .11 chapt Fourthly and laste he exhibiteth this vision or tipe of olde and newe Rome and the ruine and destructiō of them both and with all describeth most dilligently the wickednes of eyther of them And first must the beaste be considered after the woman sittyng on the beaste The beaste representeth the figure of olde Rome the woman of the newe and of Poperie And the woman sitteth vpon the beast For the image of the beast hath succeded and hath placed her seate in olde Rome For Daniel also affirmeth that Antichrist shal pitche his seate or palace betwixte two Seas The beast is rose coloured to witte the Hadriatical Sea called commonly the goulfe of Venise and the Tyrrhene or Tuscane Sea And the beaste is rose coloured it is of a red and bright colour like Crimosine For Rome hath ben moste cruell and blouddy and swimmyng altogether in the bloud of al mē but especially of Christians How much bloud shed Marius Sylla Pompey Iulius and others after histories Plinie hath reported Rome hath with sworde fire distroyed the whole world The ten persecutions of Christians before the Empire of Constantine are most commonly knowen Howe the beaste was full of the names of blasphemie I shewed in the .13 chapt Rome abounded with chapelles and Idolles Dayly it blasphemed God Christe the gospell and rente the church a sonder Of the .7 heades and ten hornes is spoken also in the .13 chapt And certen thinges shall followe in this same chapter playne enough And thus muche hitherto of the olde beaste here followeth of the woman sittyng vpon the beast ¶ The same matter is yet still treated of and the vision is expounded The .lxxiiij. Sermon ANd the womā was arayed in purple and rose colour decked with gold preciouse stone and pearles and had a cup of golde in her hād ful of abominations and filthinesse of hyr whoredome And in hyr forehead was a name written a misterie great Babilon the mother of whoredome and abominations of the Earth And I sawe the woman dronken with the bloud of Sainctes with the bloud of the witnesses of Iesu And when I sawe her I maruailed with a greate wonder And the Angel sayde vnto me wherefore maruailest thou I wil shewe thee the misterie of the woman and of the beaste that beareth her whiche hath seuen heades and ten hornes The beast that thou seest was and is not and shall ascende out of the botomlesse pitte and shal go into perditiō and they that dwel on the earth shal wonder whose names are not written in the booke of life from the beginnyng of the worlde when they beholde the beast that was and is not And here is a minde that hath wisedome He describeth excedingly well and liuely and setteth forth to be sene of the eyes of all men that same woman before named the great whore About th ende of the chapter he expoūdeth himselfe sayeth and the woman which thou sawest is the great citie The womā is the greate citie lady of kinges great verely as she that beareth rule ouer the kinges of the Earth He meaneth therefore the very citie of Rome and euen the popish and Romish church and the pope himself with al his creatures and chapplaynes whiche make a great and strong citie rulyng ouer al kinges and princes of the Earth For who knoweth not that Rome the prelates of the church doe rule euen aboue magistrates and princes consider what is done in the courtes of kinges princes and by whose aduise and counselles the princes of the Earth are chiefly gouerned And in callyng papistrie a woman he alludeth to the .5 and .7 chapt of the Prouerbes of Salomon who also likeneth craftie disceiptful philosophie worldly wisedome to a faire woman full of sondry craftes and giles The apparell of the woman And now also he painteth out gallauntly and euidētly the apparell or clothing and very whorish behauiour of this woman She is furnisshed with no good qualities inwardely wherby she maye cōmende her selfe to the world to her louers therfore she excelleth in outwarde deckyng of herselfe where she is inwardely full of all abominations for all the world like vnto the Phariseis and hipocrites whom the lord saieth are without li●e shinyng tumbes of marble but within replenisshed with all corruption and filthines and euen stinkyng And hereby is signified chiefly that the church of Rome and kingdome of Antichrist setteth forth it self altogether with worldly furniture to witte
with golde siluer preciouse stones al costely arraye These thinges are founde in the olde people beyng vnder the discipline of the lawe they are founde also emōges the gentiles which suppose not god to be rightly honoured but with the preciouse things of this world But we know that the leuitical priesthood is abrogated with al the outwarde araye that now the church decketh her self with vertues hateth and abhorreth outwarde garnisshing Lactantius confuteth at large the externall deckyng in religiō or godly worshippyng in his boke of Institut de vero cultu c. Moreouer all olde writers shewe that God is not worshipped of the christians with golde siluer but with faith charitie rightuousnes What wil ye say that Daniel in the .11 chap. sheweth that Antichrist shal worship God with golde siluer precious things which thing he cōdēneth reiecteth And doeth it not appere here plainely The Pope paincted forthe is shewed to the world that the lord Iesus himself hath setforth to vs the Pope or Antichrist painted as it were in a table For he appereth altogether such in such like apparell he sheweth him selfe to be sene of all men as the whore of Babilō is decked with at this present And he chalengeth to him selfe this apparell by a certen right For the Papistes bring forth a false fained donation of Constantine emonges other thinges pronouncyng thus in the Distinct 96. The donatiō of Cōstantine fained We geue and dimise to blessed Siluester and to all his successours the palace laterane of our Empire moreouer the Diademe to witte the royal crowne of our head whiche the Pope calleth a kingdome hath made it triple and also our purple robe and coate of Crimosine and all our imperiall araye c. I can not here omitte but must nedes wryte out a fewe thinges of Platina the Popes secretarie de vitis pontif For describyng the life of Clement the .5 at the Popes coronation sayeth he were present Philippe kyng of Fraūce and Charles his brother Iohn Duke of Britaine which ouerwhelmed with the fallyng of a walle dieth see the diuine and iust iudgement of God with many others whilest the pompe of the Coronation as the maner is was led through the citie Kyng Philippe also by the same ruine was sore hurte and lamed the Pope stricken of his horse loste a Rubie out of his myter that coste sixe thousande Ducates This he This whore moreouer drynketh to all nations of the cup of Circes whiche the lorde calleth of Golde She drinketh to thē carouse And it signifieth doctrine For to geue drinke is to teache Ezechiel .34 Golde betokeneth sincerenes and purenes of doctrine Doubtles vnder pretence of sincerenes and veritie diuine Rome hath easely perswaded all people to receyue the doctrine of the Romish Sea For the Pope hath both named him self Apostolicall and the church of Rome also Apostolical And in the Canones hath lefte wrytten right so are all the lawes of the See Apostolicke to be taken as though they were confirmed by the godly mouth of S. Peter him selfe Distinct 19. Reade the .20.21.22 Distinct Therefore the more simple sorte of the world haue supposed that they receiue the very worde and lawes of God what time they receyued the decrees and doctrine of the church of Rome But our lorde Iesus Christ doeth here declare vnto vs what hath ben and what is euen at this daye their doctrine and sayeth ful of abominations and vncleanes of her filthie luste And the scripture calleth abomination Idolatrie Deuter. 7. chapt Moreouer the false worshippyng of God superstition and suche other thinges like The vncleanes of whoredome in the Prophetes is nothing els but peruerse doctrine and peruerse religion not attributing al good things to God alone by his sonne but rather diuiding the harte and appliyng them bothe vnto creatures to wicked worshippynges But suche is the doctrine and religion of the Romish See Therefore is her great sinne here recited that she hath with her euill and venemouse doctrine seduced and infected al nations and euen nowe also reteyneth them in superstition and Idolatrie A lyke place is in the .16 chapt of Ezechiel And I suppose that our lorde Iesus Christ vsed here now wordes very filthy to the intent he might plucke awaye from the Romish decrees and Canons their authoritie and viserne that their filthines mighte appere vnto al men and be knowen and eschewed Furthermore leeste any shoulde be ignoraunt what the same woman were A name written in the forehead which may open the mistery or vnderstandyng whiche is here setforth to be sene and that all might flee that greate witche Circes he wryteth her owne name in her very forehead that al men might reade it and that she might by no meanes be vnknowen For he calleth a misterie the vnderstandyng or signification of a secret for by a trope is Rome called Babylon Wherof I haue spoken before And after the true signification of the worde Babel soundeth confusiō And Rome hath brought an exceding greate confusion into the church For like as the primatiue church of Rome set forth the gospell in the weste countrie so the first simplicitie and purenes ones extinguished the later Bisshoppes regardyng more ambition and couetousenes than humilitie liberalitie and godlines haue brought into the whole world al maner of Idolatrie and superstition Certenly she is called of the Lorde expressely the mother of the whoredomes and abominations of the earth For we maye thanke the church of Rome for all the corrupte doctrine and vngodlines that is in the church She is the original of idolles Masse and other abominations Therfore is she moste worthie to be punnisshed with moste greuouse tourmentes And this verely is the moste worthie title of the Romish churche Others calle her Apostolicall diuine chiefe and of all moste holy The Lord Christe calleth her Babylon and that great a moste common harlot and euen the mother of the abominations and whoredomes of the whole worlde fightyng agaynst God and his annoyncted Therefore lette al the holy and obedient children of God the father flee from her I wil not here make rehersal how she is also the mother of al abominatiōs and whoredomes euen after the flesh For whilest the church of Rome hath prohibited lawful mariages and of God permitted to ecclesiasticall persones it hath opened the gates to fornications adulteries whoredomes lustes abominable There nede no wordes the thing it self speaketh Vnto these he annexeth a crime of al other most greuouse Dronken which the bloud of Sainctes dronkennes tiranny and parricidie And here also he vseth an amplification For he sayeth howe that greate Circes the moste venemouse witche and Sorcerer is not sprinkled or imbrewed or wette but dronkē with the bloud of saincts I meane of holy martirs which haue borne witnes to Iesu Christ by preachyng of the gospell and ascribyng al thinges of saluation to Christe alone But howe many
the .x. hornes which thou sawest ar .x. kings which haue not yet receyued the Kyngdome but shal receiue power as kings at one houre with the beaste These haue one mynde and shal geue their power and strength to the beast These shal fight with the lambe the lambe shall ouercome them For he is Lorde of all Lords and King of al Kings and they that are on his side ar called chosen and faithful The Angell expounder of misteries procedeth to declare to sainct Ihon the misterie of the beaste exhibited and of her iudgement that by partes And at this present vttereth thre thinges what is signified by seuen heades Whie he sayed of the beaste he was and is not and what the ten hornes do betoken He expoūdeth seuē heads two wayes first by seuen mountaynes vpon which the woman sitteth 7. Heades ar .7 hilles whom in the ende of the chapter he calleth the great Citie to witte great Rome which all surname Septicolle as standing vpon seuen mountaynes Moreouer the beaste hath seuen heades because be had many times seuen Kinges Whereof I spake also in the 13. chapt At this present he rekeneth so the seuen Kinges that there is no doubte but that it is Rome whereof he speaketh Which I suppose be the Lordes chief intent in these matters For he coulde not speake more expresselie vnlesse he should haue expressed the name of Rome also but the name of Babilon we hearde expressed before Fyue sayeth he are fallen to witte syns the deadlie wounde was geuen in the death of Nero in the space of .14 peares For immediatlie after Nero beganne Galba to reygne who beyng slayne Otto reigned which after he had kylled himselfe Vitellius succedeth which was also kylled of the Flauianes For after him Flauius Vespasiane was Emperour after whome Titus the beste Prince of all And these fyue fell with in .xiiii. yeares He addeth and one of those is that is to witte reigneth nowe verely the sixt in order Domitiane the son of Vespasiane and brother to Titus a moste vngraciouse man which persecuted the faithful and had cōdemned S. Ihon into exile An other sayeth S. Ihon is not yet cōmen namelie Cocceius Nerua For after he came to the Empire and lyued most vertuously and most righteouslye ordered the Empire he taried not long For when he had reigned one yeare thre monethes and nine daies he died And thus moch hytherto of the seuen Kynges and of the seuen heades of the beaste These thinges so certayne appertaine not so much to the expositiō of this place as to the consolatiō of the faithful which here may clerely perceaue how Empires consist in the hand and prouidēce of God almightie which knoweth his and hath a care of the godly although thei may seme by reason of their greuouse persicutions and cruel tourmentes to be of God neglected The beast was and is not Consequently he expoundeth wherfore he saied of the beast he was and is not verely for the eight king of Romanes Vlpius Traiane For he is the eight from the Empire wounded in Nero Traiane was of the seuen that is to say was adopted of Nerua the seuenth Emperour And hytherto the Romane Empire was gouerned firste in dede of Caesars after of the noblest Citizens of Rome But of this Traiane which succeded Nerua the writers of Histories say that he was the first straūger that ruled the Empire For he was a Spanyarde The Empire therfore was or hath ben in the handes of the Romanes nowe it is so nomore For a Spanyard succedeth so that the Empire nowe semeth that it might be called Romish Spanish And for as moch as Traiane persecuted Christ and his membres he also went into perdition And let no man thinke that this was the only and sole cawse wherfore S. Ihon sayed howe for Traiane it was sayed he was and is not For he hath pronounced expressely and he is the eight as though he shoulde signifie that there be other causes also for the which it was saied that the Romane Empire was and nowe is not whereof is spoken before Ten hornes are ten Kinges Hereafter foloweth also the exposition of the ten hornes And the same hornes are here resited which are spoken of in the seuenth of Daniel and in the .13 of the Apocalipse Nother is there any cause whie ye shulde superstitiously sticke to the tenth numbre For in the .14 of Num. the Lorde sayeth how he hath bene nowe tempted ten tymes of the Israelites for many tymes Here is signified therefore how the Romane Empire shall be dispersed into many Kingdomes For whether you saye kynges or kyngdomes the matter is all one Doubtelesse the Romane Empire beginning to fal to decay there sprang vp kynges in the East and Weste which inuaded the Romane Empire Persians Gothes Vandalles Lumbardes and I wote not what others at the last in Spayne Fraunce Hongarie I speake not of Affricke and Asia were founde diuerse kinges the Romane monarchie ceased Of these kinges the Angel warneth vs for diuerse causes These sayeth he haue not yet receyued the kingdome For whilest S. Iohn wrote the Apocalipse Domitiane ruled and the Romane Empire was yet mightie and stronge and so remayned stille certen ages When therfore dyd they receaue their kyngedome They receaue sayeth he power as kynges at one houre with the beaste namely the seconde For these thinges can not be vnderstande of the first and olde Romane Empire And Primasius expoūding this place admonisheth The kings receyne power with the beast that an houre here is taken for a time present Therfore at the same time the beast that newe Empire groweth vp and increaseth and the kynges receyue might and power For the decaye of the olde Empire was the strength of kinges and of the newe Popishe Empire And in dede themperour Phocas commaunded the church of Rome and the Bisshop therof to be head of churches Whiche gaue a certen beginnyng to the Popes dominion as also in the .13 chapter I haue recited which he obteyned at the lēgth more fully vnder king Pipine and other Princes of Fraunce and Germany but Nauclerus speakyng of the Empire of Phocas in the .21 Generation The enemies sayeth he of the Romane Empire by the slougthfulnes and cowardise of Emperours made stronger had taken awaye in the Weste countrie with the Ilandes Germany Fraunce Spayne Hungary Slauonie and a good parte of Italy and thereto a greate parte of Affricke and in the East partes Cacannus of Thracia King of Hunnes inuaded the Iberians Armenians Arabians Dardanes and the middle partes of Macedonie and Grece And the Persians in a maner possessed all Assiria the Sarracens destroyed Egipt fye for shame our strength hath so fayled vs through riot couetousenes and voluptuousenes that the Romane Empire stode than only in name Hitherto he The same thinges haue we discoursed more at large in the 13. chapter of this worke 2. Thess 2. And verely Daniel sheweth howe
king almightie immortall and inuincible He wil come shortely in the clowdes of thayre to iudge the quicke and the dead c. Moreouer victory is promised assuredly to vs that be seruauntes of Christe Called chosen faythfull And they that be with him or on his side called chosen and faithful We be chosen in Christ before the foundations of the world were layde that we should beleue in him be saued the first to the Ephes Hereunto we be called by the preachyng of the gospel Reade the .2 to the Thess the .2 chapt And we ought to geue thankes vnto God for euer c Let vs holde faste these thinges be in the troubles of this world constant and without feare To God be glory ¶ Agayne this vision is more fully declared and the punnishment of the beast is shewed The .lxxvj. Sermon ANd he sayde vnto me the waters whiche thou sawest where the whore sitteth are people folke and natiōs and tunges And the tē hornes which thou sawest vpō the beast are they which shall hate the whore and shal make her desolate and naked shall eate her flesshe and burne her with fire For God hath put in their hartes to fulfill his will and to do with one consente for to geue her kingdome vnto the beast vntil the words of God be fulfilled And the woman whiche thou sawest is that great citie whiche reigneth ouer the kinges of the Earth The Angel sent of the lord Christ vttereth to Iohn and the whole world the misterie of the beast reuealed but especially her iudgement or punnishement for her heynouse crimes Which he wil pursewe also in the chapt followyng And nowe he expoundeth the signification of waters ouer the which the whore ruleth to witte the Romish power Waters signifie Waters vpon waters the whore sitteth kingdomes dispersed through out the world Which he expoundeth after his maner altogether propheticall as was also noted before by three vocables For in namyng people folke nations and tunges he comprehendeth as it were innumerable natiōs distincte with sondry langages and maners But where nothing is more mouable or vnconstaunt than waters and when they be ones stired vp more furiouse and outrageouse the cōmon folke or people are rightly compared to waters whiche are also for their vnstablenes called mouable or vnconstaunt and for their rage both furiouse and madde Cōmotiōs Therefore not without cause al wise men haue greuousely condemned seditions which we are wonte to calle tumultes or vprores as by the whiche are assembled many naughtie natures and occasion is geuen them to breake out at their luste and to hurte But seyng that so many natiōs were subiecte to the Romane Empire and haue erred neuerthelesse in the trewe fayth what shall it preuayle hereafter to reken vp many and sondry kingdomes which should consente in any religion as though the sincerenes veritie of religion should depende vpon a multitude of men agreyng in the same The iudgemente of God agaīst Rome Nowe followeth the iudgement of God agaynst blouddy Rome which is the chiefest thing in this vision the some of al is Rome shal be rent in pieces and burnt with fire as we hearde also in the .13 chapt like as she hath done to others so shal be done vnto her And these thinges are to be expoūded first of olde Rome and after of new and in the same must the wordes be firste considered than a conference of stories must be had out of the whiche the trewth of the prophecie maye appere Ten hornes signifie kynges which haue risen of the tearyng a sonder of the Romane Empire The hatred of ten hornes against the whore suche as were the kinges of Westgothes Eastgothes of Germaynes Frēchmen Lumbardes Hunnes Vandalles c. These nations serued ones the Romanes and toke their wages they fauoured them and to their owne losse brought their matters to passe no otherwise than as an erneste louer serueth some one harlot from whome he can by no meanes be withdrawen as whom he loueth moste feruently but at laste perceyuing her vntrewe dealyng he beginneth to hate the same most deadly So these nations and others beganne so to persecute the name of Romanes that they would haue no monumētes or fote steppes of them any where to abide or remayne All the prouinces of the Romanes were filled ful of Romane posies Images pillers tittles and writinges but in the same especially in Germany the borders therof how many I praye you of so great plentie remayne The cities wherein the Romanes had their garnisons ar vtterly destroied that scarsely there appere any fote steppes therof at this daye And like as an honeste man hauyng a whore to his wife a shameles strompet doeth not only hate but also forsaketh the same troubleth her tourneth her naked hauyng plucked from her al her wifely apparell and ornamentes Ezech. 16 Osee 2. for so God in his prophetes threateneth to doe vnto his people for their vnfaithfulnes so nations reuolted from the Romane Empire distroyed and impouerished the same spoyling the riches thereof which the Romanes had heaped together by the robberie of al nations They shal eate her flesh they spoyled euery where also the Romane prouinces And where it is sayed that those kinges shal deuoure the flesh of the beaste it is to be vnderstande of the maner of speakyng For so are we wonte to saye what time we signifie extreme crueltie and mallice without mercy therfore like as Rome hath ben moste cruell towardes all nations euen so shal al nations most cruelly teare her and finally shal burne her with fire Nowe let vs compare with these thinges the historie A story of the destruction burnyng of Rome and see how they were fulfilled in tholde Rome and maye be yet fulfilled in the newe And first we will speake of olde Rome after of newe And verely olde Rome grewe many yeres and practised robberies through out the whole worlde and distroyed the Sainctes of the most highest wherfore it was worthy that the punnishment thereof should extende and indure many yeres and so as it were by degrees to descende to the last burnyng and destruction thereof There be gathered the yeres of her punnishmentes about .136 in the whiche she beyng impenitent was vexed and tourmoyled with continual calamities slaughters and vexatiōs And herof I compiled an abridgement in the .57 Sermon of this worke the. 13. chapt And here I will repete a fewe thinges and will reherse certen other things more playnely and at large As the Lorde in punnishyng the Niniuites and Hierosolomitanes declared his longe sufferyng and clemēcie and also his streight iustice right so in procedyng slowely to distroye Rome he lefte them mercifully space to repente in which seyng thei refused to do he wasted and destroyed them terriblely as impenitent He gaue therfore to Rome excellent good Princes Constaunce Constantine Iouiane Valentinian Gratiane Theodose c. By whose
and fraternities of Sainctes vnlesse they had ben the Apostles of that great abominable Antichrist The testimony of Iesus Christe Moreouer the Angell him selfe expoundyng agayne his owne wordes sheweth what is the testimony of Iesu Christ For the testimony of Iesu is the sprete of Prophecie And the sprete signifieth reuelation or vnderstandynge and prophecie the propheticall and Apostolical doctrine And therefore the sense is the testimony of Iesu Christ is no other thing but the reuealyng of the doctrine of prophetes and Apostles in the minde of the godly through the holy ghost and fayth And therfore the Apostles in the gospel are called witnesses and the gospell a testimony And to testifie is to preach Of the whiche exposition such an argument maye be gathered the cause of thy worshippyng Iohn is doubtles that excellent reuelation and prophecie vnto thee by me reuealed But yf I should therefore seme worthie to be worshipped for that there is in me an excellent sprete of Prophecie by the like reason shalt thou worship al thy bretherne in whome is the same sprete of prophecie to witte the testimony of Iesu the true fayth But where thou seest and thy selfe art compelled to graunt the same to be very absurde I perceiue it to be absurde if thou shouldest worship an Angell The laste and strōgest reason Worship God whie he would not be worshipped is this worship God It is taken out of the authoritie and Lawe of God perpetuall and immutable reuealed in the .6 of Deuter. and repeted of our sauiour Christ in the .4 of Matth. if we would obeye the lawe of God al culte and worshipping and inuocation of Sainctes had ben long sins bannished and exiled out of the church Furthermore ther be other places also Angels are not to be worshypped nor called vpon which commende the ministeries and vertues of Angelles teachyng neuerthelesse to honour and call vpon God himself Reade the goodly Psalmes .34 and .91 And yf any man liste to haue also the consente of the fathers let him reade S. Austen sayeng that Angelles must nother be worshipped nor called vpō nother ought there sacrifice to be made vnto them nor churches erected The chiefe places be of the true religion the .55 chap. against Maximine an Arriane Bishop first boke leafe .77 De ciuit dei .8 boke laste chapt 10. chapt 16.19.20 To God be the glory ¶ The description of Christe the Iudge commyng to the laste iudgement The .lxxxv. Sermon AND I sawe heauen open and beholde a white horse and he that sat vpon him was called faithful true and in rightuousenes dyd he iudge and make battaile His eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crownes he had a name written that no man knewe but him selfe And he was clothed with a vesture dipte in bloud and his name is called the worde of God And the warriers which were in heauen followed him vpon white horses clothed with white and pure silke And out of his mouthe went a sharpe sworde that with it he should smite the heythen And he shall rule thē with a rod of yron and he trode the winefatte of the fearecenesse and the wrath of almightie God And hath on his vesture on his thighe a name written kynge of kinges and Lorde of Lordes Hitherto we haue hearde many thinges of the sondry pūnishementes of the vngodly Of the last iudgemēt and because it is manifeste that God taketh punnishment of the mischeuous and wicked at sondry times and diuersely but most fully and most seuerely in that same laste iudgement and from thence forth euermore and S. Iohn hath ones twise thryse begonne to treate of the laste iudgement as in the ende of the .11 and .14 chapt And yet hath euer differred suspended and reserued to an other place at the last thinkyng it time to set before al mens eyes a description chiefely necessarie at the length he taketh it in hande and nowe finissheth it vp as a matter of all other greateste He annexeth therefore to a plentifull treatise of the tourmentes of the vngodly a moste full and euident description of the iudge moste rightuous and greatest and of that laste iudgement and moste straite of all others wherein moste fully and seuerely the paynes shal be executed vpon al Antichristians and vngodly for euermore This place which is the fourth of this chapt and this treatise stretcheth vnto the .21 chapter The elocution is great smellyng of the propheticall maiestie and Apostolicall perspicuitie and efficacitie You shall finde not a fewe of this sorte in the prophetes especially in the .24.25.26 and .27 chapt of Esaye And verely this doctrine is very profitable and necessary to be learned and vnderstande moste dilligently of all and singular faythfull A profitable necessarie doctrine of the laste day of iudgemēt as the whiche with muche dilligence and moste plentifull abondaunce was set forth to this ende of the Prophetes and Apostles but chiefely of the Lorde Iesus Christe him selfe bothe in the Gospell and also in this moste godly reuelation For vnlesse thou be kepte in thy duetie for feare of the iudgement and Iudge to come it is no maruell though thou runneste madde and perisshe with this folishe and wicked worlde In the treatise of the laste iudgement is sene the ende of al menne life and death felicitie and miserie payne or tourment and vnspeakable and heauēly rewarde He that remembreth these thinges well abhorreth wickednes and walketh in holy feare before God And we haue learned of the doctrine of the Gospell That daye is knowen to no man that the same daye of the restoryng of all and oppression of the vngodly and also of all vngodlines is knowen to no mortall man but to the father alone and therefore to inquire of the houre and momente thereof to be most folishely done much more wickedly Notwithstandyng the good Lord hath shewed and signified tokens whiche when we shall see to be fulfilled and accomplished we might lifte vp our heades knowyng that our redemption draweth nere Beholde your redemption sayeth he not your tourment For he speaketh of the godly lokyng for their redemption frō heauen at the retourne of our sauiour and redemer our lord Christe whiche shal also inflicte to his enemies reuēgement as S. Paule sayeth in the .2 Thess the .1 Therfore let vs not here be curiouse which search for things vnsearchable but rather let vs watch and praye after the holesome precepte of our sauiour iudge and reuenger let vs haue our loynes gyrded and let lightes burne in our handes let vs loke for him stedfaste in faith and and soūde in holy hope Let vs rather take hede that the care of this world possesse not our hartes and beware of drōkennesse and surfettyng and that we be not of the nombre or cōuersation of them whiche in the dayes of Noe and Loth regarded worldely thinges only dispised heauenly laughed them to skorne
the Lorde himselfe saieth in the gospel no man hath knowen the sonne but the father nother hath any man knowen the father saue the sonne and to whome the son hath pleased to reueale Besydes this we se here vnperfitly and the glory of the diuine maiestie is so great as euen nowe I sayed that mannes capacitie is vnable to conceyue such a glory No man therefore saue God alone knoweth his name 6. The vesture of our Iudge was sprinckled with bloude A blouddie garment Whereby is signified victory and slaughter of his enemies which shall anone be added aboute the ende of the chap. And he toke this note of our iudge out of the .63 chap. of Esay He alludeth to cōquerours returning from battayle whose garments armours are imbrewed with the blud of the slaine And betokeneth the iuste seueritie of the Iudge and greate slaughter of the enemies 7. The name of the iudge is nowe expressed The name of the iudge the worde of God which is vtterly vnknowen to the vngodly And the Iudge is called the worde of God For the son is the word and speach of God the expresse marke of the diuine substaūce in whome the father himselfe is expressed and of whome as of the worde the true messager of the hart we vnderstand the wyll and mynd of the father These holy wordes of the gospell are knowen In the begynnyng was the worde 1. Ihon. Hebre. and the worde was with God c. Therefore Christe the worde was made fleshe the Lorde God and Iudge of all 8. To the Iudge is added an Army not of Angels only The Army of the Iudge is whyte with whom he ofte repeted in the gospell that he wold come vnto iudgement but of al the faithful or saincts which at no time no not here ar sequestred from their head For first at the soūde of the trumpe blowē vp the Archangell the Sainctes arryse and the liuing also with the dead are chaūged and are taken vp to mete Christ in the Ayre Here here in the clowdes and bryghte Ayre appeare with Christe the happye and blessed victours By and by the vngodly ryse also and those that lyued at that day are chaunged with them that ryse agayne to payne and confusiō But they se the Saincts with Christe in heauen and in glory and fele incontinently vnspeakeable tourmentes They come to passe doubtlesse and are fulfilled which thinges are described it the .3 .5 chapt of Wysedome Saincte Ihon therfore sayeth that this Armie is in Heauen not in Earth He sayeth howe they followe Christe For the same sayed the Apostle also in the firste to the Thessalonians the .4 Moreouer he addeth that they wer clothed and appeared not naked and expresseth the kynde of garment They were clothed sayeth he in silke whyte and cleane For sainctes in Christe obtayne righteousenesse and glory are made cleane and are glorified Sanctifieng glorifieng And this sense hath Sainct Ihon himselfe a little before opened to vs sayeng silke is the iustifications of Sainctes 9. Oute of the Iudges mouth procedeth a two edged and sharpe sworde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A sworde oute of the iudges mouth which cutteth on eyther syde It is not sharpe on one syde and blunte on an other it cutteth on both sydes indifferently Whereby is signified a iust sentēce pronounced of Gods mouth againste the wicked For againste them the sentence of God is a sworde pearsing euen to their heartes Wherefore it is also called sharpt The iudgemente of our iudge is streighte and seuere but yet iuste and righteouse What that sworde is in the gospell is declared verely that heauy and immutable sentence get you hence in to fyre euerlasting Math. 25. Whereupon it foloweth in the words of the Euangelist that with the same he may stryke the heathen to witte that he may damne and put to perpetuall tourmentes all vnbeleuers ¶ He shall rule them with an Iron rod. 10. And he shall rule them with a rod of Iron By the same kynde of speach in a maner he sayeth the same that he sayde before For they that woulde not receyue or acknoweledge with repentaūce the staffe of instruction and discipline postorall shal fynde in iudgement and fele the Iron sceptre wherwith he shall breake them all to shyuers lyke potters vessell Nother shall any power resist or preuayle againste him And this maner of speaking is taken out of the Psalme .110 For Saincte Ihon vseth gladly the wordes of Scripture to the ende to make his booke more cōmendable or more pleasaūt and acceptable 11. He treadeth the wynefatte of the wyne of wrath c. Agayne he sayeth the same that he ded before He nedeth the winefa● but by an other parable nowe vttered the same taken out of the scriptures to witte out of the .63 chapter of Esaye The effecte or some is he wyll powre out his wrath vpon the vngodly and punnyshe them moste extremely with his almightie hande whereunto all things geue place geuing their heads a blow See what is sayed here of in the .14 chapter of this boke 12. Againe is shewed the name of this iudge ¶ King of kings and Lorde of Lordes in the name is maiestie power of all others greatest He hath the name written on his garment and on his thigh By these is declared the true humanitie of Christe after the which he is exalted as the Apostle saieth in the second to the Philippians And to him is geuen a name which is aboue al names Here he is called King of Kinges and Lorde of Lords very God Lord monarke and iudge of all men For so do the other Apostles speake also in the .2 .17 of the Actes And there might seme in this name of the Iudge as it were a cawse to be shewed wherefore he is here appoincted Iudge ouer all Because he is Kyng and Lord of all To whome be glory for euer Amen ¶ The description of the iudgement wherin punnishment is taken of Antichristians and vngodly The .lxxxvi. Sermon AND I sawe an Angel stand in the Sunne and he cryed with a loude voyce sayeng to al the foules that fly by the mids vnder the heauen come gather your selues together vnto the supper of the great God that you may eate the flesh of Kyngs and of high captaynes and the flesh of mightie men and the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them and the fleshe of all free men and bonde men both of small and great And I saw the beast and the Kinges of the Earth and their warriours gathered together to wage battayle against him that sat on the horse and againste his soldiours And the beast was taken and with him that false prophete that wrought miracles before him with which he deceaued them that receyued the beastes marke and them that worshypped his Image These bothe were cast quicke in to a pond of fyre burnyng with brimstone and the
sins prepared the same is also prepared for the kynge whiche he hath made bothe wide and depe the inwarde parlour therof is fire great store of wood which the blaste of the lord or streame of sulphur setteth on fire Not muche vnlike things are red in the .66 chapt in the gospel of Iesu Christ Marke the .9 Matth. .25 and in other places in maner infinite And the plague of Sodome is knowē to all men Genes 19. The laughynges therefore of the vngodly sknorners dispised the godly had rather beleue these thinges than to proue them For here is helle set open as it were for vs to loke into it Let vs feare And two here are singularly named These two are cast into the ponde For sins they haue ben authours of all euilles of right they muste be chiefe in paines or tormentes For the wise man also hath sayde terriblely and sodēly wil he appere vnto you for it shal be a most harde iudgement to thē that beare rule Sapiēt ● and the mightie shal suffer mightie tormentes For the Scripture also sheweth in an other place that there be degrees of punnishement after the qualitie of the crime And let vs not thinke here that the head is punnished with out the membres For the whole body of Antichrist shal be condemned to tormentes Al vngodly shal be punnished as hereafter shal be more plainely and in the ende of the .20 chapt declared But that same is also especially to be noted They are caste into the po●●● quicke that it is saide howe they shal be caste quicke into helle For so is signified the resurrectiō of the dead Here is signified that in the iudgement the world yet remayning shal be taken in the flesh not as yet dead but liuyng whiche S. Paule expresseth liuely .1 Thessal 4. And we pronounce openly in the crede saying frō thēce he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead not only the iust and vniuste but the dead to witte remaynyng in the flesh and liuyng Antichrist therefore shall liue at the daye● iudgemēt shal not be extinguished before The persecution of Antichrist shal indure with all vngodlines euen to the last daye And like as Chore Dathan and Abyron and the reste of the conspiratours were taken in the very crime of rebellion and swallowed vp quicke with their tabernacles and all their thinges of the Earth openyng so at the daye of iudgement Helle gapyng wide shall receyue and swallowe vp all the vngodly but chiefely the Antichristians The which many now beleue not but in that daye shall so finde it with vnspeakeable paynes and horrour incredible and al we shal see it with these our eyes Euery one putteth truste in his owne secte and hopeth to obteyne saluatiō in his superstition But the thinges that we here at this presente are tolde vs of the iudge him self Christ as most certayne and vndoubted and after a sorte are set forth to beholde And the rēuaunt are slaine with the sworde And what shall be done at that iudgemente with the residewe of the vngodly and impenitent shall the Antichristians only be damned for Antichristianisme S. Iohn addeth and the remnaunt are slayne with the sworde c. For in the 25. of Matth. is pronounced by the mouth of the iudge go into fire euerlastyng prepared for the deuill and his Angelles For I was hōgrie and ye gaue me no meate so forth For if they be to be damned by the iuste iudgemēt of God which when they might haue done good to men haue not done it what I praye thee shal come of them whiche not only haue shewed no liberalitie to the nedy but haue moreouer spoiled suche as had honestly and were liberall of their goodes and they afterwardes haue spent the same in liuyng riottousely and so haue brought them that were of honest substaūce into extreme miserie and by this meane haue robbed the pore also which were wont to be holpen through their liberalitie of their helpe succour here are also comprehended heretikes Iewes Gentiles Mahometistes and all other like ¶ And all foules are filled At th ende is repeted that all foules are filled with the flesh of the damned The whiche we vnderstande to be repeted by a figuratiue speache and yet not to be expounded after the lettre but by that maner of speakyng to be signified that all vngodly and impenitent persones shal be punnisshed moste aboundantly Primasius expoundyng this place we ought not sayeth he to vnderstande it so carnally that we shoulde beleue the Sainctes for by birdes he expoundeth Sainctes to be satiated with the flesh of the wicked but the equitie of Gods iudgement beyng to the Sainctes reuealed by the which redemyng the ful nomber of the chosen the residewe he hath decreed to be damned they are saide to be filled with this knoweledge of rightuousenes whiche in this life a man maye honger or thirste fore but not perfitly comprehende And Esaye also speaking of the vngodly and thei shal be sayeth he for the fulnes of sight vnto al fleshe here I suppose to be set the foresayde fulnes of soules And by and by and the foules maye be taken in the euill parte for the Angelles that transgressed whiche after they haue brought their followers to destruction their euil desire accomplisshed they are sayde to be filled with the fleshe of the condemned takyng satietie of their damnation vnto whome they were Authours of errours Thus muche Primasius But for my parte as I doe not mislyke these things which are doubtles spoken truely so thinke I that the same are not to be sifted so nere whiche spoken figuratiuely and after the propheticall imitatiō seme to intimate no other thynge but as I sayde a little before that all the vngodly should be distroyed by the great power of God and extreme tormentes Therfore let vs feare God to whom alone be glory ¶ Of the bright veritie of the gospell which by the ministerie of the Apostles was spred abroade through out the whole world by a thousande yeres The .lxxxvij. Sermon AND I saw an Angel come downe from heauen The .20 chapter hauyng the keye of the bottomlesse pitte and a great chayne in his hande And he toke the Dragon that olde Serpent whiche is the deuill and Sathanas and he bounde him a thousande yeres and caste him into the bottomlesse pitte And he boūde him and set a seale on him that he should deceaue the people no more till the thousande yeres were fulfilled And after that muste he belowsed for a little season The greatest force of religiō consisteth in the knowledge of the laste iudgemēt Seyng the greatest poinctes of religiō and true godlines consiste in the true knoweledge and vnderstandyng of the laste iudgement as I ofte admonish to our great commoditie S. Iohn discourseth with so much dilligence the treatise of the laste iudgement And after his accustomed maner to the intent all thinges that
he toke the Dragon c. And he repeteth the names of our enemie out of the .12 chapt where euery thing is expounded Where you maye also loke for the same And the Aungell did binde Sathan whiche is the ende and vse of the chayne verely that he should not be stirre him and inuade and distroye the faythfull Moreouer there followeth an other thinge yet more vehement and he sente him into the bottomlesse pitte to witte he caste him headlonge into the botome of hel that he should not murder the faythful There followeth an other thing yet more greuouse and he shutte him vp that he shuld not come out agayne This is the ende and vse of the keye Furthermore he set a seale vpon him But letters prisones graues are wonte to be sealed and that for truste and credit leest any manne shoulde vndoe them but that they mighte remayne shutte sealed and safe And all these thinges signifie a full and most perfit victory which we haue obteined through Christ by the worde of the gospell preached vnto vs and cōmunicated through fayth For euē for vs he ouercame ouerthrewe bounde locked vp and sealed the enemie that we might be safe and sure from him Finally it followeth which may declare al and singular partes hereof That he shoulde no more disceaue the people to the ende he should deceaue the people no more to witte by such meanes as he dyd seduce them before the victory of Christe before the gospell preached through out the worlde For they were all thinges full of vngodlines and errours Tēples of Gods or Idolles were euery where Idolles were worshipped the same gaue oracles Aultars smoked with the bloud of men beastes All wickednes raigned Arte magicke witchcrafte parricidies whoredomes were practised without punnisshemente No man can easely expresse not in a longe oration how shamefully Sathan had disceaued the worlde howe assuredly be raigned and with what intricatenes he hath boundē vnto him mankinde like a bondeslaue Let him loke who so liste vpon Grece Italy and Asia in the same Corinthe of Grece Rome of Italy and Ephesus the head citie of Asia He shal finde abominations abominable and will saye that the deuil hath raygned in them wholy and had dayly with newe giles bewitched the sely wretches But after that Paule alone I will speake nothing now of the other Apostles came to Corinth Ephesus and Rome and there had preached Christe who can not see howe truely S. Iohn here sawe the Deuill bounden and faste shutte vp I am the briefer in this matter most plentifull for that I thinke I haue done enough yf I shewe only some fotesteppes wherein goyng ye maye come to a muche more ample consideration of these thinges Hereunto appertayne those diuine wordes of S. Paule which are red in the 26. of the Actes spoken before king Agrippa and the princes of Syria and Festus proconsull there For this intente haue I appered vnto thee sayeth the lord to S. Paule that I mighte ordeyne thee a minister and a witnesse both of suche thinges as thou hast sene and also of such wherin I shall appere vnto thee after this deliuering thee from the people and nations whereunto I nowe sende thee that thou mayest open their eyes that they maye tourne from darkenes to light and frō the power of Sathan vnto God that they maye receiue forgeuenes of sinnes c. In the .1 chapt of the Epistle to the Colossians as also in diuerse other places S. Paule sheweth that Christ hath ouercome Sathan and that the same Christ hath redemed vs brought vs out of the kingdome of darknes into the kingdome and light of the sonne of God Christ hath bounden Sathan Therfore where the Apostles and ministers are here saide to binde and shute vp Sathan it is by the waye of their ministerie to be vnderstande Euery man also maye iudge of the thinges that haue ben treated hitherto whether he haue profited in the doctrine of the gospel which he hath a longe time hearde in the temple For in case thou thy self be as yet bounden stil with the chayne of the Deuill thou haste not yet hearde the gospell as apperteyneth but if thou felest that the Deuill is bounde with the chayne and that thou rulest the Deuil and the Deuill not thee the matter goeth well Crie vnto God Lorde confirme this and increase that thou haste wrought in vs c. And cōcerning the time of this most shining trewth of the gospel A thousād yeres it is sayde how it shal indure in the world a thousand yeres For he saieth expressely he boūde him for a thousande yeres And againe that he shuld no more deceaue the people til the thousande yeres were fulfilled I know that the opinions of thexpositours touchyng these thousande yeres be diuerse I know how the heresie of the Chiliastes or Millenaries by Papias Authour hereof as Eusebius reciteth in the .3 boke of the Ecclesi historie was taken hereof I will not here stāde aboute to confute the opinion of others which also would be ouerlong and tediouse and not of so great profit I wil only vtter my owne to be wayed of the godly readers than will I leaue it free for euery man to followe that thinge which he shall thinke moste agreable to the treweth and profitable for the godly And I vnderstande playnely and simplely that S. Iohn speaketh of a thousande yeres whiche ranne on by continuall course from the time of Christ vntill the laste corrupting of the Euangelical preachyng and church of Christ Nother am I very scrupulouse in searchyng out the terme of the supputation of these thousande yeres The beginning of the accōpte of a thousāde yeres Simplely I appoyncte the beginnyng of the rekening in the open preachyng of the Gospell and what time the worde beganne now to be receyued and was nowe receyued of the Gentiles I suppose therefore that there maye be three termes or times appoyncted whiche neuerthelesse shall come all to one rekenyng differyng little or nothinge emonges themselues or hauynge smalle diuersitie not passynge halfe a yere more or lesse Ye maye therefore yf ye please beginne the supputation of the thousande yeres from the .xxxiiii. yere of Christes birth wherein Christe also ascended into heauen and Paule beyng called to the ministerie and drawing the gentiles into the felloweshippe of Gods people by the preachyng of God his worde began to restrayne Sathan And thou shalt come to the yere of our Lord .1034 and to the Bishoprycke of pope Benedicte the .9 whiche after he clome by vnlaweful meanes into the chayre of Saincte Peter as they calle it practysed arte magicke was ioyned in leage with the deuil of whom he was caried away also what time he had solde his bisshoprike before the Pope Gregory the .6 Reade the storie of Cardinal Benon whereof is mentioned before in the .13 chap. and let reade other stories Certayne it is that the Deuill at those
kinges But of these celestial seates we must conceaue greater diuine and spiritual matters They sitte in thē not for that they doe nothing els but sitte on a cusshion but they raygne triumphe rest liue and haue fruitiō of the comforte ioye and glory euerlasting This I saye is the maner of the soules and spirites to sitte He addeth moreouer howe to those soules was geuen iudgement verely for that they ar exempted from iudgement and come not into iudgement euen as our sauiour sayeth but haue passed frō death to life It is also declared in an other place in what sense the saincts are sayed to sitte vpon the seates and iudge the world where it is manifeste in dede that all the iudgement of God is geuē to the sonne It is euident therfore by this vnfallible place of scripture that the soules of saincts slepe not after the death of the body vntill the laste iudgement but to liue in Heauen with Christe But at the iudgemente they shall retourne to their bodies reysed agayne and together with their bodies shal be receyued into blessed seates And this is the state of the faythfull From this hope lette vs neuer suffer ourselues to be withdrawen In my Decades I haue discoursed more at large of the soules separated from their bodies and haue shewed that they do not slepe A towle errour of Iohn the 22. pope And here I can not refrayne but must nedes set forth and recite that whiche D. Iohn Funceius a learned man dilligent and one that hath red much sheweth in the .10 booke of his Chronologie vnder the yere of our Lord .1332 in these wordes aboute this time the moste holy father Pope Iohn the .22 of that name felle into this heresie which also he professed opēly and taught that the soules sawe not God before the laste daye For so had his father taught him deceaued by the visions of Tantalus which were cōmonly caried abroade in writyng And Pope Iohn sent two preachers to Paris to witte a couple of Freres one of the order of preachers an other Minorite whiche might professe his errour there But one Thomas a preacher of Englande resisted the Pope stoutely whome the Pope committed to pryson And the Kinge of Fraūce called a Synode in his palace in the foreste Vitinian where all that were assembled subscribed agaynst the Pope Than the kinge sent Ambassadours to the Pope exhortyng him to recante his errour and that he would deliuer Thomas out of prison Which inlarged the prisonier and also as it is sayde following the admonitiōs of his frendes at the houre of death repented So much Funccius It is a shame therefore for some which at this day in so great light of the gospel dare renewe that moste folishe errour affirmyng that soules separated from their bodies lie snoring I know not in what dormitorie or dortour nother to fele any thing till at the daye of Iudgement they be ioyned agayne to their bodies and rife agayne The remnaunt of the dead liued not againe S. Iohn addeth and the remnaunt of the dead liued not agayne til the thousande yeres were accomplished Not that they liued afterwarde but that they reuiued neuer at all As the Scripture speaketh in an other place Michol Dauid his wise remayned barren vntill the daye of her death not that she had childe after her death But whom doeth he meane by the rēnaunt of the dead surely all we that descende of Adam are dead As S. Paul right wel declareth in the .5 chapt to the Romanes But we haue hearde how some through faith haue receyued Christe and so beyng quickened haue shed their bloud for Christ and would not worshippe the beast nor his Image Now is added to this membre but the remnaunt of the dead whiche are nother regenerated through fayth nor would bestowe their life for Christe but had rather worship the beast and his Image these I saye for their vnbeliefe liued not For without faith there is no trewe life in this worlde A double life double death We speake nothing here of the vital or naturall life And we saye that life is double or of two sortes to witte the one spiritual which is of faith and of the sprete of God and of Christ whiche is by fayth receyued and liueth in the hartes of his and his life in him For the Lorde him selfe sayeth he that eateth me he shal liue also for me Thother life is euerlasting to witte of an other world in the whiche we shal see God as he is and shall be as he is liuyng in God and with God for euermore Cōtrariwise death is of two sortes spiritual wherby wauntyng Christe and his sprete and voide of fayth we liue in sinne The Apostle speakyng of this death sayeth that a widdowe liuyng wauntonly beyng a liue is dead And the Lord also to the disciple that wold retourne home and burie his parētes sayeth suffer the dead to burie their dead There is also a death euerlastyng that is euerlastyng wretchednes and miserie whiche followeth the spiritual Yet see what we haue sayde of double death in the .3 chapt of this boke in expoundyng the Epistle to them of Sardis Wherefore S. Iohn here signifieth that there shall be many in these thousande yeres which shuld not receyue the gospel with a liuely faith and therfore should remayne in death as the Lorde sayde in the .8 of Iohn Therfore they erre shamefully which suppose that al nations in the whole vniuersal world shal come ones to an vnitie of fayth and most assured peace in this life And S. Iohn himself agayne expoundyng himself sayeth This is that firste resurrection Whiche I praye you by the which menne receyue Christ by the true fayth Of the firste resurrectiō and the seconde and rise from sinne in the newnes of life Of this thapostle speaketh muche in the .6 to the Romanes The same to the Ephes out of Esaye awake sayeth he that slepeth and rise from the dead christ shal shine vnto thee Therfore be they not pertakers of the first resurrection so many as nother acknowledge their sinnes nor be regenerated nother are quickened by fayth in Christ nor rise againe with Christ in the newnes of life The seconde resurrection is that vniuersall resurrection of al flesh wherein shall all menne arrise in dede but with vnlike state for the faithfull rise vnto life euerlastyng the vnfaythfull to death euerlastyng Whiche the Lord him selfe also hath repeted out of the .12 chapt of Daniel in Iohn the .5 chapt Theffecte of the first resurrectiō And he sheweth by occasion and after an Apostolicke maner a threfolde fruicte or effecte of the first resurrection First sayeth he blessed and holy is he which is pertaker of the first resurrection He is bleste sayeth he happy and heyre of celestiall and eternall life Holy that is to saye purified sanctified and iustified For fayth in Christe doeth sanctifie and make blessed Than in such
the Easte and toke awaye the landes of the Emperour Whiche was absent in the seruice of Christe whiche is moste wicked to be spoken and kepte them thus subdued to his owne vse and by no meanes wold suffer those whiche had taken the holy crosse that is to saye whiche should go a warfare to the Emperour to take shippyng or passage but letted them to his power aswel in Apulia as in Lumbardie And more such stuffe whiche they maye reade that haue leasure in the same Wherefore themperour constreyned his matters there lefte vnperfit to falle to a cōposition with the enemie retourned that he might recouer such thinges as the Pope had taken from him 9 And no longe time after to witte in the yere of our Lord 1248. Lewis Kinge of Fraunce with his bretherne Roberte and Charles and a moste puissaunt army sayleth into Syria where Robarte is slaine and Charles taken of the Soldane is hardely deliuered at the laste and with a fewe escapeth The same king Lewis of Fraunce in the yere of our Lord 1270. imbarketh himself with his three sonnes at Marselles to sayle into Affricke The plague light vpō his Armie in the enemies lande wherwith both the father and the sonne died and the whole Armie receyued an excedyng great calamitie And agayne although they had but euill fauoured lucke in the warres against the Barbarians yet was it neuerthelesse treated agayne in the counsell of Lions vnder Gregory the .10 about the yere of our Lord .1273 of recouering the holy land But Palmerius in the yere of our Lorde .1291 Where many thousandes of the Christians sayeth he were slaine in Syria by the Saracenes al the reste for feare fled out of the countrie And the Chronicle of kinges of Fraūce Aemilius sayeth he made here an ende of the holy warre to witte in the yere of our Lord .1291 Ptolemais in the Easte beyng destroyed by the Soldane It is manifeste therefore that this Barbarous and gogical warre hath lasted aboute .195 yeares So longe time as I knowe no other warre in the world that euer was made with such obstinate mindes with so great armies and so muche shedyng of mans bloud We see in the meane time the tentes of sainctes and the citie of God beloued to witte the faithful church through out the world in the Easte especially and in the west also to be most greuousely afflicted and more than oppressed and destroyed a fewe smal remnauntes only remaynyng that not with out cause we maye perceiue that the lord sayed in the gospell but when the sonne of man shal come shal he finde any fayth in the Earth Here is a place of Daniell treated by the waye 11. chapt The moste holy and wise Prophet of God Daniel semeth to haue foresene and prophecied al those thinges as he did al the reste concernyng Antichrist which after he had spoken at large of the power of Antichrist worshippyng of the God Mayzim against the Apostles institution he adioyneth in the 11. chapt And in the time of the ende to witte the ende of the world and laste iudgement approachyng shal sette vpon him namely vpon Antichrist the king of the South and the king of the North shal fall vpō him like a whirlewinde with charettes and horsemen with a strong and greate Nauie and shall inuade his realmes he shall ouerflowe with armies to witte innumerable and he shal passe through that is to saye he shal ouercome all like a conquerour doyng what he liste For we haue perceyued that the armies sent into the Easte by the counselles and motion of the Bisshop of Rome haue molested by Sea and lande the turkes and also the Soldane of Babilon Aegipte What will ye saye that Daniel poincting as it were with his fingar the war called holy addeth He shal come also into the chosen lande and inuade the lande of desire namely Iewrie whiche some time was called the chosen delectable and pleasaunt lande And many shal falle in the warre verely that shal be made for the recoueryng of the holy lande It followeth in Daniel these shal be deliuered out of his hande Aedom and Moab the Princes of the children of Ammon For those nations are not red to haue ben so destroyed as the reste were by the Saracenes and after by the Turkes for that they framed themselues to them in time Daniel annexeth and he shal laye his handes vpon realmes nother shal the lāde of Aegipte escape For it is euident that the same also was possessed of the Soldanes princes of Babilon and of themperours of Turkes It followeth and he shal haue the rule of the treasures of golde and siluer and all the preciouse thinges of the Aegiptians By the whiche the prophet hath signified the inestimable treasures and richesse and excellent maiestie of the Soldanes and Turkish Emperours All the whiche thinges euen so as the Prophet hath sayde experience proueth to haue ben and as yet to be fulfilled The Prophet addeth finally the Libians and Aethiopians shal be in his iourneyes Which tholde trāslatour hath tourned He shal passe also through Lybia and Aethiopia or as others haue trāslated it they shal be in his waye And he meaneth that those regions shall be open to those Barbarous Soldanes and emperours of Turkes by leage vicinitie and amitie S. Hierome expounding this place when Aegipte sayeth he was taken those landes were also affrayde Wherfore he sayeth not that he toke them but passed through Lybia Aethiopia Whether sense of these so euer thou chousest t●ou shalt not erre as I thinke frō the trewth And Daniel addeth the brute from the Easte and frō the North shal trouble hi● in so much that he shall goe forth in a great furie to distroye and kill many The whiche S. Hierome sheweth muste be vnderstāde of Antichrist The Pope of Rome affirmeth that the seates Patriarchall are subiecte to him as Hierusalem Antioche and Alexandria and the holy lāde to be his right And he heareth out of the East and out of the North that al those partes are possessed of the Soldanes and Emperours of Turkes he calleth therefore great counselles and decreeth warre against them He heareth moreouer that Cōstantinople is taken that the Rhodes is wonne Dalmatia subdued Bulgarie and Hongarie vanquissed c. Agayne therefore he sommoneth coūselles he armeth kinges he leadeth forth soldiours he moueth warre and decreeth that warre shall be made for the recouering of the holy lāde and to roote out the Turkes So verely this Gogmagog warre is not yet ended or appeased at this daye Whereby it cōmeth to passe that an infinite multitude of men are slayne on eyther side Furthermore at the ende of this Prophecie the prophet sheweth and as it were with his fingar poincteth the palace or seate of Antichrist by Antiochus figured before leeste any manne should not know The seate palace of Antichrist where Antichrist were to be founde And he shall plante sayeth he or sixe the
in that laste iudgement shal be caste out Dogges and the residewe whiche are recited in the register of the condēned The vocable of Dogs is not alwayes taken in the holy Scriptures in the euill parte but yet for the moste parte Abner the Prince of kyng Saulles warres am I the head of a Dogge sayeth he to Isboseth whiche defende the house of Saull agaynste Iuda Signifiyng that he had incurred the displeasure of the tribe of Iuda for that he had reteined ten tribes yet in their duetie and vnder the dominion of the house of kinge Saule Els where as in the .15 of Matthewe the gentiles or heythen or estraunged from the people of God seme to be called Dogges As some at this daye call the Turkes namyng them Turkish do good that is to saye turkish infidelles Now also the prophet Esaye calleth the false Prophetes dogges shamelesse rauening vnsatiable not able to barke and defende the lords Shepef●lde or els vnwillyng and slepie After the same signification the Apostle sayeth to the Philippians beware of dogges beware of euill workers c. Moreouer in the holy Scriptures are called dogges angrie men fierse cruell contemners of godly thinges barkers at the trewth sclaunderers and persecuters thereof and blasphemers For in the .22 Psalme Dauid a figure of Christ the lorde crieth Dogges haue inuironned me rounde aboute the counsell of the malignaunt hath compassed me Whom he now calleth Dogges by and by he nameth malignaunt And when Semei cursed Dauid Abisai the sonne of Zaruia sayeth whie doeth this dogge that shall die curse my Lorde the kynge Math. 27. And the lorde in the Gospell forbiddeth to caste that is holy to dogges or pearles to Swine Finally they are called dogges these filthie men vncleane without repentaunce wallowyng themselues in the dungehill of sinne and wickednes For S. Peter calleth suche dogges retournyng to their vomite And the lord prohibiteth 2. Peter 2. that no man bring the price of a strompet or dogge into the Temple For euen therfore the Iewishe Priestes refused the price of bloud offered of Iudas Therefore vnder the name of dogges we vnderstande heythen or infidelles false Prophetes or deceauers cruell men blasphemers persecuters of the veritie cursed speakers contemners of the trewth vncleane and filthie c. And as for the membres that followe haue ben expoūded before to witte in the .9 chapt and about the beginnyng and in the ende of the .21 He loueth maketh lesinges chapt To a lie he addeth here he that loueth and maketh For many make them not opēly but they loue fauour and auaunce them Many both loue and make them They loue a lesyng chiefely whiche mainteyne liyng learnyng and delighte therein But hereof moste purposely Primasius Bishoppe of Vtica to all these thinges sayeth he must be geuen not dilligence of expoūding but carefulnes of auoyding the euils The lord Iesus saue vs frō al euill Amē ¶ Christ is shewed agayne to be Authour of this booke how great he is here Here is also declared the desire of the church wisshyng for the commyng of Christ and the liberall promesse of the Lorde The C. Sermon I Iesus sent mine Angell to testifie vnto you these thinges in the cōgregations I am the rote and generatiō of Dauid and the bright mornyng Starre And the spirite and the bryde sayde come And lette him that heareth saye also come And let him that is a thirste come And let who so euer will take of the water of life free The Authour of this booke Christ The tenth place of this conclusion sheweth againe the authour of this worke to be Iesus Christ whiche is brought in here of S. Iohn speakyng to the intent the thing that is spoken maye haue the more authoritie and credit be geuē more easely of the Auditours to the whole worke Wherefore nothing is to be ascribed to S. Iohn but the writing of the worke that is to wit that he first saw al these thinges indited committed them to writing And the maner also of the reuelation is repeted Christ himselfe came not downe into the earth or into these lower partes but sent forth his Angel which from Christ in Christes name opened shewed these thinges to S. Iohn The ende also of the Angelles sendyng or reuelatiō is specified that he should testifie these thinges in congregations and to you al that are in the world vnto th ende of the world And we learne of those fewe wordes that credit muste be geuen to this boke as that which is propoūded of the very sonne of God by his Angel and Apostle and that in dede propounded to all that are in the church Agayne that Iesus Christ is very God the lord of Angelles as S. Paule also affirmeth in the .1 chap. to the Hebrewes Christ very God Of the which thing is spoken also before And these moste clere testimonies of the scripture ought to moue the faithful more thā al the dotages of Seruetus the Spaniarde and Seruetanes playing the Arrians and Iewes Let vs obserue moreouer that Christe sente his Angell not to Iudge or to teache but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The holy writinges are Authēticall that is to testifie Testimonies lawefully taken or committed to wryting and sealed it is not lawefull to speake agaynst For they are altogether taken for Authentical But all this boke was written by S. Iohn and is a witnes or the testimony of the Angell of God Therefore is it vnlawefull to doubte any thynge thereof And also ought to haue the same opinion of all other bookes of the olde and newe Testamente For the Prophetes and Apostles are called the witnesses of God and the Gospell and doctrine of the Prophetes and Apostles the witnes or testimonie He is madde that thinketh not the Canonicall Scripture to be of it selfe Authenticall vnlesse it be first made authenticall by the approbation of the church and Counselles Moreouer we vnderstande that the doctrine of this whole boke belongeth not only to the seuen churches of Asia but to all dispersed through out the whole worlde and therefore to apperteyne chiefely and singularly vnto vs whiche liue at this daye at Zuricke or in Swycerlande Englande Fraunce or Germany Aretas Bisshoppe of Cesaria that he should testifie saieth he that is to saye that ●e should proteste not priuely nor obscurely but in the audience of all Churches dispersed in all the worlde that no man pretendynge wilfull ignoraunce shoulde remayne vncorrected And incontinently the Lord him selfe also sheweth and declareth Christe is the roote stocke of Dauid who and howe greate he is and what we faythfull haue layde vp in store in him And he vseth agayne parables and allusions for the more perspicuitie And firste he calleth him selfe the roote and generation of Dauid that is to saye a trewe and naturall man For we hearde before that he was very and naturall God And he cutteth of from al Heretikes deniyng and impugnyng the
trewe flesshe of Christe all Senewes moste strongely prouyng that he after the fleshe is of our owne nature Whereof he is called also in the Scripture the fruicte of the wombe of Dauid and he that is rysen of his loynes Moreouer it is sayed to the Dauidicates virgin and mother of God thou shalte conceaue in thy wombe and bryng forth a sonne Therefore he calleth him selfe also both the roote and generation of Dauid And the phrase of speache is to be marked For the like is red in the .16 of Ezechiel Thy roote and thy generation is of the lande of Chanaan that is to saye thy birth is of the Chananites or thy of sprynge is of people polluted yet semeth here neuerthelesse also an other certen thyng to be signified For the rote beareth a tree and nurrisheth or quickeneth the same The roote is not borne or nurrisshed of the tree and Christe the Lord is the foundatiō and preseruation of the house of Dauid and Churche of the faythfull That Dauid is preserued that the ofspryng of Dauid is not rooted out whiche ofte times hath deserued to be it is done in respecte or merite of Christe the Lorde Christe hath saued them the same saueth also so many as are saued as he that is of al the promesses made vnto Dauid the head vertue add some and euen perfection as in whome is perfit saluation and all fulnes as the clere testimonies of the Prophet Esaye beare witnes in the .7 and .37 cha and els where also in the 3. of Osee 34. 37. of Ezechiel And not a much vnlike place is in the .3 boke of Kinges the .15 chap. Iohn also the .1 Christ is the bright morning starre chap. of this boke named Christ the rote of Dauid c. Agayne the Lorde calleth hym selfe a Starre and that not obscure but shynynge and brighte and euen the mornyng Starre When he called hym selfe a Starre he had respecte to the moste auncient Oracle of Balaam that most wise Prophet in the Easte He prophecied that a Starre shulde arryse out of Israell that is to say a celestial starre and euen the very sonne of God shoulde be borne of a woman And that the same starre did arrise the magiciens being also of the Easte testifie in the .2 chap. of S. Mathew And it is called bright because Christe is the light illumining all men that come in to the world Of the which matter the same S. Ihon hath treated much in the first eight and nynth chapt of his Euangelicall story The same our Lorde is also the morning starre so called of S. Peter 2. Pet. 1. And of this our S. Ihon in the .2 chapt of the Apoca. For lyke as Lucifer arrising draweth the daye starre after him so Christ shyning in the hartes of the faithfull doth lighten them more and more in this present world also and in the lyfe to come doth cloth them whole with the light celestiall Thomas of Aquine expounding this place the morninge Starre sayeth he is to witte the messager of the day that is the euerlasting felicitie through his resurrection And these thynges haue we hearde hitherto of the mouth of Christe concerning Christe who and howe great he is and what treasures we haue layde vp in store in him He is very God and man was incarnate for vs that he might be our roote vertue lyfe light and saluation Therfore haue we reposed in him all fulnes of Saluation And so we see agayne that this boke is written with the Apostolicall spirite which spirite verely so ofte as occasion serueth reasoneth excellently of Christe and preacheth his saluation and commendeth the fayth in him vnto all the faithfull The same spirite therfore hath inspyred eyther booke both of the Gospell and Apocalipse of Saincte Ihon and caused them to be written of the same Authour 11. In the eleuenth place is brought in speaking the church The desire of the church for the cōmyng of Christ wyshing the comming of Christe vnto iudgement For sins our Lorde Iesus Christe is so good so benigne and holsome whome all this booke hath promysed to come and to delyuer the church of Sainctes afflicted in this worlde nowe is resited the desire of the same his church wyshing and calling the Lorde sayeng come For anone we shall heare the Lorde promising and saieng be it I come quickely And the church agayne reporting Amen Euen so come Lord Iesu And that the spirite within our body crieth busily to the Lorde for our deliueraūce and glorifieng the Apostle mentioneth much in the .8 to the Romanes Notwithstanding that by the spirite may be vnderstand euery spirituall man also And therefore Aretas he nameth them spirite sayeth he which are accompted worthie of the spirituall mariage And the bryde the church it selfe Thus sayeth he Of the bryde we haue spokē many times in this worke so that we nede not to be tediouse in repeting the same Howe be it with a wonderfull desyre all the godly couet that the Lorde wolde come vnto iudgement To the wicked that daye is terrible abhorred to the godly moste ioyfull and wysshed for For the godly perceaue that they shall ones be deliuered from all euylles and plentifully rewarded with all good thynges that the glory and veritie of God shall be auaunced and established that all vngodlynes shall be abolished and the wicked by the iust iudgement of God tormented Wherupon S. Peter in the .3 chapt of the Actes calleth this day the restoring perfourming of all such things as God hath at any time spoken by the mouth of his Prophets In that same day therfore shall all the promesses of God euen of the greateste matters be fulfilled througely Therfore sayeth the Lord in the gospell lifte vp your heads for your redemption draweth nere They that mourne and are desperate like cast downe their heads The Lord biddeth vs lifte vp our heades to be cherefull and of good hope For we shall certenly be delyuered and glorified which haue ben in the world a laughing stocke and had in derisiō of all men Therfore muste the places be expoūded fyguratiuely which pourport the exceding great lamentation and howling that shall be in that day For the wicked for anguyshe and payne and vtter desperation shall crye oute and teare themselues The godly shall reioyce in him whome they see comming shewynge the woundes wherewith they are redemed Lyke as therefore the desyre of Sainctes was greateste when the first commyng of our sauiour approched nere as in Symeon alone appeareth Luke the second right so at the second comming of Christe vnto iudgement all Saincts with vncessable voyces shall crie and continually do crye come Lorde Iesu come and delyuer vs come and maynetayne thy glorie and church almoste broughte to naught come our redemer and Sauiour so wished and loked for dispatch vs from euilles graunt vs the good thinges promised c. Wherfore the things that follow Come may be referred eyther to the
Iohn Wickleffe sumtime Person of Lutterworth here in Englande shuld be taken vp and brent whose bestiall crueltie of raging against dead men our popishe prelacie of late dayes rightly Imitatynge as the children of one father that was a murtherer frō the beginning practysed lyke tyranny with the bones of Martin Bucer and Paulus Fagius at Cambridge Such raging surges of late dayes did beate against the Ship of Peter Blessed be the Lorde Iesus that hath sent vs a goodly caulme accordyng to the saying of the Prophet Dauid The Iuste shall suffer muche tribulotion but the Lorde delyuereth them out of all And this is verely the argument sum of this boke that Chrystes churche shall suffer greuous persecution but shall neuer be left destitute For where the dragon fighteth on the sand the Lambe Chryst like a conquerour standeth on Mount Sion right hable to succour all his to the great comfort and consolation of his chosen whiche of necessitie muste suffer with Chryst yf with him we will be glorifyed And as Christ him selfe when he was rayled vpon gaue no euil words again So is the true church of Christ knowen in this that it suffereth persecution and doeth not persecute agayne Wherfore lyke as wise kinge Salomon iudged her to be the true mother of the childe which had suche compassion on it that she had rather forgo the whole then haue it diuided and dismembred the other to be the harlot that had ouerlayne her childe whiche had also consented to the death of thother Right so maye we discerne euidently the whorish churche of Antichrist by her bluddy persecutions from the true churche and spouse of Chryst the one with sweard and fyre seketh alwayes to quenche the treuth the other through the sperite of lenitie to winne men to the same the one by compulsion and violent oppression thother by perswasion and meke intercessiō the one by the sworde the other by the worde the one goeth aboute to peruert and depraue the other seketh all meanes to conuerte and saue But lest I shulde excede here the iuste measure of an Epistle and through prolexitie be to your honour tediouse which cā as the prouerbe sayeth discerne a Lion by his clawes I will breake of the thred of my discourse notwithstāding that the matter is so ample large that it wold require an other worke wherin it is harder to fynde an ende then it was a beginning contented by these fewe examples of sondry tymes to haue signified not to your Lordship which knowe them much better then I And haue red this present work in Latin as you do all others right diligently But through your ientil patience to the plaine English Reader that the true church of Chryst hath ben in all ages persecuted and that this present worke written vpon the Reuelation of S. Iohn into an hundred Sermons digested declareth no lesse and is as it were an Ecclesiastical History of the troubles and persecutions of the Churche especially from the Apostles tyme vntill the last day wherin Chryst the head of the same shall come a righteous Iudge to condemn Antichrist and all Antichristian hipocrites bluddy persecutours But to receyue his electe people and to crowne them with glory And shall deliuer vp his kingdome to his Father God shall be all in all Which worke vnderstanding right well that it shuld to your honour be acceptable I dedicate and consecrate to your name as you best haue deserued Which in this and other like enterprises haue ben to me a golden spurre that by you all others may receyue commoditie therof to the glory of God and saluation of theyr owne soules The Lorde Iesus with his principall spirite strengthen and confirme youre good Lordeshyp in all youre Godly desires From Ipsewich the kalendes of March Anno. Do 1561. A Sixain touching the contentes of thys booke WHo list to moue his lippes and hereon loke and rede In thys Apocalyppes these thynge shall fynde in dede What Antichrist first is who and where he doth dwell And that his comming is from the depe pitte of hell Then what is tholde Serpent the Dragon and the rest And also what is ment by the Image of the beest That Roome is Babylon the beastes with her heades all The whore sitting theron is Pope that downe shall fall The three foule sprets like frogs are Legates of the syde And shal haue parte with dogges though now Prelates of pride The Locustes to declare as flies in Summer ryfe The Popish clergie are a people full of stryfe Theyr songe is nothing els but alwayes coaxe coaxe Holy church holi masse holi bells holy bread holy oyle holy waxe By the marke of the Beest they may both by and sell And as they saye at least redeme soules out of hell Theyr wayres yet shall decaye and perishe in an houre All shall be take away their oyle wyne and fyne floure And Rome shall downe be cast and drowned in the depe 〈…〉 marchaunts then at last 〈…〉 ll wayle and wepe The Dragon and the beast Sathan that Serpent olde Antichrist and the rest in paynes shal aye ben holde All ye that Godly be from Rome quickly depart or els with her you see of plages ye must haue parte Thys booke shall eke declare of Sunne Mone and of starres Candelstickes what they are of battell and of warres Whiche Antichryst shall meue against Christes church to fight And those that will beleue in Christ to death will dight But Chryst on Sion Mounte the Lamb shall aye preuayle Of his maketh accompte and will them neuer fayle The sealed are the elect whom God hath chosen free All others are reiect and condemned shall be The Raynebow and white cloude and maruels many one Thaungels crie aloude blessed be God in trone Thangels and spretes holy thelders and Beastes foure Prayse God continually so shuld we euermore The elect with good intent praye come Lorde Iesu comes vnto the last Iudgement to iudge both all and summe They that dye in the Lorde streyght waye do passe to blysses This scripture doth recorde where ioye and glory is The troumps that Angels sound and vialles of Gods ire Declare God to confounde that withstande his desire The Haruest and vintage do playnely signifye That sinne is ripe of age and ought of right to die The woman clad with sunne with starres eke crowned bryght The church is and her sunne our Sauiour Christ a ryght The newe Ierusalem of Chryst the spouse so pure The churche of faithfull men in ioye shall styll indure In it no temple is no Sunne no mone at all for Chryste her glory is and God is all in all Then Reader by thys boke thou shalt thee not repent yf thou wilt heron loke nor mony better spent 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 THE PREFACE OF Henry Bullinger vpō the Apocalips of Iesu Christ setforth by the Apostle and Euangelist s Iohn vnto all thexiles for the name of Christ in Germany and Swyserland of
congregation Of Charitie is spokē els where most abondātly as in the gospel and epistle of S. Iohn Secondly he praiseth Diaconian Ministerie 2. that is the Ministerie The whiche maye be expoūded two wayes For either he vnderstandeth as Aretas supposeth ministeries towardes the poore and nedy that is to wit dueties and paynes taken about the poore by lēding relieuing succouringe speaking faythfully in theyr cause in geuing them meate drinke clothing and visiting them For so this worde Diaconia is vsed in the 2. epistle to the Corinth c. Or els he meaneth the ministerie of the woorde by the whiche in teachyng exhorting comfortyng and rebukinge we auaunce very muche gods glory and the helth of soules The Thyatirenians were doubtles diligēt in either of both And accuse vs greuousely whiche addicte to our owne affaires do neglect our poore bretherne who finally make the ministerie of Gods woorde odiouse by our raylinge and sclaundering especially with them that be ignoraunt as yet and haue hearde nothyng of gods worde Fayth 3. He cōmendeth also faith in the Thyaterians Thomas of Aquine in his cōmentary vpon this boke admonissheth that faith cōmeth not of Charitie because it is foūde set here in the first place but that Charitie good workes spring of faith And the Iohn hath recited charitie before faithe for that faith hath her estimation of Charitie workes Howbeit howe so euer it is faith semeth here not so much to be takē for trust in God as for fidelitie trueth promisse kepte For faithfulnes beautifieth all other giftes Admitte that thou haste men seruaūtes maide seruaūtes that are lucky enough in doing of their things but imagine that the selfe same be in the meane time vntrustie slipper and disceiptefull what shall auayle I praye thee that they be furnisshed with sondry giftes Imagine againe that a preacher or Senatour be not so furnished with wisedome experience of matters but yet to be neuertheles faithfull and with all his harte to doe all thinges vprightly and to fauoure the iust cause shall not fidelitie here supplie his want Great therfore is faith that is fidelitie and veritie That not with out cause the Apostle required this of the ministers in the .14 chap. of the first Epistle to the Corinthians saying That same is chieflye required of Stewardes that a man be found trusty This faith is also required of vs at this daie this faith good brethrē is rare And therfore haue euils ouerflowed euery where Let vs hartely praie to the Lorde that he wyll graunte vs the same and that we maye expulse out of our brestes vnfaithfulnes and disceiptfulnes Hereunto is added patience Patience 4. whiche is praysed also in the fourmer churches Which is a necessary vertue For impatientnes causeth vs to murmur and grudge against God that we stande not strong in the confession of faith whilest we refuse to suffer patiently suche thinges as the ennemies of faith threaten to put vs to But why defilest thou thy selfe with thefte Why runnest thou into the warres of a forein prince Why doest thou practise vsurie and bawdrie For because thou lackest pacience in thy pouertie which thou wilt releue with wicked doynges To be short the Lord now reciteth al maner of good works To abond in good workes 5. Wherin he chiefly commendeth that many tymes they excelled them selues in doing more and greater thinges And this is a worthy praise For the husbandman that is to saye the heauēly father pourgeth and cutteth the vines that they may bryng more plentiful fruite It becometh not the Godly to stande still at a stay and not to procede in Godlines And moste shame of all it is to be euer the longer the worse As the finger the longer the lesse Whiche is obiected to children in scholes that learne nothing Let vs be ashamed of our sloughtfulnes c. Let vs I say way these thinges dilligently in our myndes and thinke oft that God alloweth them requireth them and that they be the true seales of the faithfull walking in the veritie and of suche as boaste of faith only a vaine name without the thing If thou fele thy selfe not to be vtterly voyde of these giftes prayse God and knowe that none of all these thinges is of thy selfe but of grace And pray for the increase of these giftes If thou be destitute of these vertues mourne and lament before the Lorde humbly axe hym forgeuenes and require the aboundaunce of Gods giftes What thīgs are reprehended in the same churche In the second place he reproueth some things in the same congregation namely that they permitted Iezabel to teache c. That same he calleth small not that the doctrine of Iezabel of it selfe is litle but forasmuch as though it be founde in others rather then in the churche yet did the church suffer it more gently that is to say did not persecute it with greater seueritie But of this phrase of speache I haue spoken also before Permissiō and cosent We allowe not the shameful actes of Iezabel nor cōent not to the same But when we might let thē by more seuere punishment we permit thē to abound increase Albeit therfore there be many goodly giftes in vs Yet hath the Lorde the same against vs that we suffer vngodlines to reigne But in case the Lord blameth that same permission howe muche more blame worthy suppose we the wickednes it selfe to be I meane the Iezabelisme Whiche how vile and filthie it is I wyll briefly declare Cataphrygians or Mōtanist In like case as before by the example of Balaam alledged out of the scripture he cōfuted the Nicolaitās euen so at this present he bringeth forth the example of Iezabel therwith to confute the Cataphrygians or Montanistes Aretas vnderstandeth the whole place of the Nicolaitās which I dare not agre to by reason of that whole cōpositiō of the epistle I graūt that the Mōtanistes were partakers in filthines with the Nicolaitans But Iezabel hath a peculiar thing by her selfe The story of Iezabel Iezabel as the sacred History testifieth in the .iii. and .iiii. boke of Kinges the .xvi. and .xvii. Chap. c. Was the daughter of Hethbahal king of Sidon whiche maried to Achab brought in the worshipping of Baal into the kingdom of Israel building a goodly tēple in Samaria founding a great college of Baal his priestes For Helias is red to haue slain of Baalites .450 euen of the kinges chapplains as it were Canons or prebendaries and .400 ministers or countrie chaplains that serueth in hilles woodes groues Thesame woman therfore founded this religion seketh to gouerne the propheciyng at her pleasure For poursewing sore after Helias she slewe very many of the Prophetes Verely for that they would not teache after the womās appetite Moreouer through Baal his religion was augmented whordome all vncleanes King Iehu obiecteth to king Ioram her sonne the whordoms of his mother So Iezabel
also augmēted the eating of meates offered vnto idols all idolatrie throughout the whole kingdom Euen than also what time the lord in a solemne sacrifice by miracle in mount Carmel through the ministery of Helias had declared to that whole Realme that the religion of Baal was moste vaine false that the religiō of thonly God of Israel was most sincere true For Iezabel neuerthelesse persecuted the truth and established falshod Yea moreouer she toke vpon her gouernemēt in ciuile matters For she vsurped the kings seale countrefetied letters sent them in the kinges name to put Naboth to death a right good and innocent man Such in dede was filthy Iezabel Now after thexample of this defiled woman Women Prophetes that is heretikes were womē in the church of Thyatira which chalēged to thē selues a prerogatiue in the religion teaching in the cōgregatiō taking vpon thē the spirite of prophecie wherof they taught in dede but corrupt doctrine seducing thē whō God by his doctrine had prepared to be his seruaūts But these false prophetisses corrupted their mindes brought forth a new doctrine prophecie many thinges not set forth in the scriptures but fetched out of their own deuelish dreames disceiptfulnes And amōgs other things thei cōmunicated with the Nicolaitans in whordō participating of meates offred to idols Wherof hath ben spokē before And the lord semeth plainly to speake of the Cataphrygiās or Mōtanistes whose foundatiō being laid in the time of S. Iohn after in processe of time especially in thempire of Antoninus .lx. yeares after the Apocalipse set forth brake out more strongly plentifully They say howe Montanus had prophetisses Priscilla Maximilla whiche had visions brought in wōderful reuelatiōs into the church Of whom Eusebius treateth at large in the fift boke of theccles story Chap. 16. And Epiphanius in the .48 heresie in Panario Certes Iohn or Christ him self by Ihon going about at the first beginning to pluck vp distroy the rotes of this heresie by thexample of that wicked woman Iezabel hath cōdemned that same heresie The scripture also elswhere prohibiteth a womā to rule teache or minister in the congregatiō By and by the Lorde hym selfe wyl confute the new prophecies when he shall admonishe vs that he will reueale none other new kinde of doctrine besides that whiche he hath cōmitted or deliuered to his churche Nowe also fornication the eating of meates offered to Idolles are condemned els wherein the scripture moste seueeely as before is sayd But since that those thinges so afflicted and troubl●●he churche of God in the time of the Apostles it is not hard to gether how vndiscrete they be whiche at this daye as I shewed you before for the hatred of the true religion restored accuse it of sectes whiche boyle vp in suche plentie as though that filthines did proue that the Gospel that we preach were not the Gospell For the Gospell that was preached of Iohn and the reste of the Apostles was the moste true and moste pure Gospel how so euer of the false Gospellers crept vp the Nicolaitans Cataphrygians and other sectes innumerable Where neuerthelesse the Gospell impugneth and condemneth all suche maner of sectes and mainteineth the Christian veritie and vnitie of the catholique church Prayse be to the Lorde our God Amen ¶ The Lorde threatneth sore the impenitent as he that rendreth to euery man after his workes The .xiij. Sermon ANd I gaue her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not Behold I will caste her in to a bed and them that commit fornication with her into great aduersitie except they tourne from their dedes And I will kill her children with death And all congregations shall knowe that I am he whiche searcheth the reines and hartes and I will geue vnto euery one of you according to your workes To the fourmer errours and sinnes of Iezabell he addeth an other sinne nothing light to witte The abuse or contēpt of Gods longanimitie the abuse and euen the contempt of God his long suffering God doeth not by and by and out of hande destroy such as be in errour and sinnes also moste greuous But sinners are wonte for the most part to abuse that long animitie of God vnto the occasiō and pretence of sinning more impudētly saying If god did so much abhorre these offences he had distroyed vs long or this But now he norisheth vs benignly therfore doth he not so greatly mislike it But this is an abuse of Gods long suffring For the Lorde saith at this present I haue geuen Iezabell a tyme to repent her and to leaue her fornication and tourne to the Lorde Howbeit she hath not conuerted Which thing the Lorde taketh in moste euill parte that his grace shoulde be verely dispised and set at naught Wherfore S. Paul to the Romains Whether doest thou contemne the ryches of God his goodnes long suffering and lenitie knowing not that the goodnes of God prouoketh thee to repentaunce c. If than the Lorde hath not sodenly in our sinnes oppressed vs let vs not therof take vnto vs a libertie to sinne but let vs rather amende S. Peter saith the Lord is patient towardes vs whilest he wil destroy none but receiue all to repentaūce ii Petri. iii. Certes Iezabel her self when after the death of her husband Achab and the mortal fal of her sonne Ocosias she did not amende nor within the .xii. yeares of her sonne Ioram wherin he is red to haue reigned did repēt her Felt the wrath of God so muche more greuouse for that it was long or it came And in the text followyng the Lord Iesus in dede threateneth moste greuously the Iezabelines that is to witte Sore threateninges the Cataphrigians or Montanistes vnlesse they wyll yet repēt in tyme. For he openeth againe the gates of his grace to the penitent reciting how he will plage the impenitēt Wherby verely he assayeth to driue them into repentaunce by threateninges For in reciting the kyndes or degrees of punishementes he sheweth also diuerse kindes of them that be in errours and declareth to euery one his iudgement which they may by repentaunce eschewe And he is thought to haue rehersed those kindes for this cōsideration least any man happely should thinke him selfe giltles and free in case he be neuer so litle partaker with Iezabel Iezabel shal be cast into a bed First the Lord threateneth Iezabel her selfe that he wyll cast her into a bed He speaketh of the first authours of the euil and of the heresie vpon whom he menaceth to send a sicknes For the bed in many times in the scripture taken for the very diseases wherwith they be vexed that lie in bed And we Germaines say that he is taken with a moste greuous and deadly disease And the Lorde plageth the archheretickes with sicknes of body soul In the meane seasō also he weakneth the force of therrour to
that gaue them good counsell till the wrath of God was kindled and fell vpon them when they leest loked for it We see al tokens that are sayde shuld come before the daye of our Lord to be fulfilled Let vs watche therefore and these thinges on this wise cōsidered let vs see and heare with great and dilligent attentiuenes what maner of iudge of al shal come and what that iudgement shal be of the godly most wished for to the vngodly horrible and with trēbling to be feared Heauen open First S. Iohn in the vision seeth heauen open For by a vision to the ende all thinges might be more euident he not only telleth so great a matter but setteth it also before that eyes to beholde and that he sayeth he sayeth of the reuelation of Iesu Christ leest any should obiecte and saye arte not thou a madde fellowe to talke thus of matters vnknowen For what is he that knoweth who or what that iudge shal be or els what that iudgement shall be Therefore he telleth these thinges from the iudge Christe himselfe and by an heauenly reuelation For other places of the Scripture shewe that the Lord shal come in glory and Maiestie therefore with a great and most shining brightnes of light with fire and excedyng great clerenes For so it is sayde in the .24 .25 of S. Matth. in the .7 of Daniel And the .2 Thess 1. chapt Therefore by the openyng of heauen is signifsed that the whole world shal be lightned with glory and brightnes and that the same daye shal be most shining and clere Others vnderstande that the iudgement can not be fully perceyued but of the celestial reuelation Whiche as I confesse to be moste true so thinke I heare some greater matter to be signified The iudge commeth forth from iudgemēt Than followeth the description of the iudge as of a noble and stoute warriour consisting of many partes The godly vnderstande hereby that the kepar watcheman reuenger of the church slepeth not whom the wicked belie not to perceiue what wrong thei do to the godly nother to care for the superstitiouse Christians as they terme thē They see moreouer that they erre if they thinke Christ at any time ouer fauourable and to winke ouer long at the calamities of his seruauntes For now he commeth forth a iudge and reuenger There be many excellent descriptions of Christ in this boke as in any other but this is most elegaunt liuely whiche I haue accordyng to my smalle talent expounded by partes Thou shalt euer thinke of greater thinges til it shal be geuen to beholde them presently with our eyes Our iudge cōmeth on horsebacke that on a white horse He rideth on a white horse not that he nedeth the helpe of corruptible horses in heauen but thus he speaketh after the maner of men that we might imagine greater thinges Cōquerours ride on white horses Here is signified therfore that our iudge shal be a cōquerour a triumpher Others suppose by the white horse to be signified his most pure humanitie I vnderstand rather the white clowde For the same toke him vp from the eyes of his disciples what time he ascended into heauē of mounte Oliuet In the same he shall come agayne to iudge And like as Kinges are caried on horses and charettes so the Psalmiste ascribeth to God clowdes as horses and charette 2. Our iudge is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 faitful true Faithful Faithful 〈◊〉 true to his faithful True in al his promesses towardes the godly vngodly They are disceaued shall see themselues to be disceaued at the iudgement so many as haue contemned the promesses threatening●s of God as vaine esteming thinges after the successe of this world iudge the wicked to be happy and fortunate and the godly to be wretched and miserable Hereof hath the Prophete Malachie reasoned in the .3 and .4 chapt And seyng the iudge is faythful true he iudgeth and fighteth in rightuousnes to witte geuyng euery man his owne rewardes to the good and punni●hmentes to the euill This kyng doeth not iudge and fight as the kinges of this world are wont followyng vanitie and corrupte affections And Christ is saide to fight when he rewardeth the vngodly after their demerites thapostle we must al sayeth he be manifest before the iudgement seate of Christe that euery man maye receiue such thinges as he hath done by his body according to that he hath wrought be it good or euill .2 Corinth 5. His eyes like a flame of fire 3. The eyes of the Iudge are like a flame of fire For as no man can escape or hide him from the iudge or iudgement as he searcheth the secretes of all nother can there be any thing hidde from his sight so are his eyes terrible and fearefull against the vngodly Psal 16. Rom. 2. The godly agayne are by the sight of the lord fulfilled with all pleasure ioye and gladnes Flamyng and firie eyes are attributed also to Christ in the first vision where you maye see more And the Scripture euery where testifieth that the iudge knoweth al thinges euē the secrettes of hartes Thou doest folishly therfore whiche thinkest thou hast wonne the felde and to haue sinned vnpunnisshed whē thou haste escaped the knowledge and iudgement of man There remaineth an other iudgemēt wherin al the doynges of the wicked shal to their vtter shame and cōfusion be reuealed before all the world The sinnes of the godly are couered by him through whose benefite thei be iustified Rom. 4. and absolued from payne and crime also 4. Our Iudge hath very many crownes vpon his head for he alone gouerneth al realmes nations As also Daniel hath signified in the .7 chapt He alone might trewely be called Affricanus Europeus and Asiaticus Parthicus Persicus Germanicus Gotthicus and others Whiche our kinges haue ful fondely chalenged to themselues affectatyng so the Monarchie where Christe alone is the true Monarke for euer This iudge mightie Prince shal strike of the triple crowne from the head of the Bisshop of Rome More there shall be none so mightie a king in the whole worlde that shal be able to resiste him and make warre agaynst him A name vnknowē 5. Our iudge hath a name writtē which no man knoweth saue he himselfe This shal be more playnely opened anone Christe hath a name vnspeakeable for he is the true God eternal incomprehensible and Almightie This name knoweth no man but him selfe For firste the Maiestie of God is greater than that it maye be comprehended of any creature agayne the name of God is agreable to no man but to him alone for the name of God in this signification maye not be cōmunicated For he is very god besides him none which thing Esaye repeteth ofte He is the Sauiour Kynge Monarch and Iudge which thinges al belong properly to him alone and are not common to others Moreouer