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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A54746 The new world of English words, or, A general dictionary containing the interpretations of such hard words as are derived from other languages ... together with all those terms that relate to the arts and sciences ... : to which are added the significations of proper names, mythology, and poetical fictions, historical relations, geographical descriptions of most countries and cities of the world ... / collected and published by E.P. Phillips, Edward, 1630-1696? 1658 (1658) Wing P2068; ESTC R14781 461,103 384

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Germ. from Bertulph Bargaret old word a Sonnet or Ballet Barkary a tan house or house where they put barks of Trees Bark the Forresters say a Fox barketh Bark-fat a Tanners tub Bark-man a Boat-man from Bark a little ship or boat Barm yest the flowring or over-decking of Beer also a lap Barm-cloath an Apron Chaucer Barn or Bern a Northern word signifying a childe Barnabas the proper name of a man signifying in Hebrew a son of comfort Baroco a Term in Logick being one of the moods of the second figure of a Syllogisme wherein the first proposition is a universal affirmative the two second particular Negatives Baron French a title of Honour as much as Lord Barons are of three sorts First by Dominion and Jurisdiction Barons of the King whose Baronies were Capitales Secondly Barons of the subjects holding not of the King but by mes●alty Thirdly Lords of Mannours 〈◊〉 a tax or subsidy of aide to be levied for the King ou● of the Precincts of Baronies Barre a Term in Common-law is when the Defendant in any action pleadeth a Plea which is a sufficient answer also place where causes are pleaded also a Term in Blazo● being composed of two equidistant lines drawn overthwart the Escutcheon and differeth from the Fesse in that it is not confined to the Fesse-point Barfee a fee of twenty pence which every Prisoner acquitted of Felony payeth to the Goaler Barratour French a Term in Common-law signifying a common wrangler one that setteth men at variance causing them to implead one another at the Barre of Justice Barren signes are Libra Leo Virgo Barricado Spanish a defence against an enemies assault made of empty barrels fill'd with earth Barriers French a certain martial exercise in Latin called palaestra of armed men fighting with short swords within certain limits or lists which sever them from the spectators Barrister a pleader at the Barre● those who after seven years study of the Law are admitted to plead and stand without the Barre are called utter Barristers but a Serjeant or Princes Attorny or any of the King● Councel are admitted to plead within the Bar and are called inner-Barristers Barsalona or Barcellona anciently called Barcino or Colonia Faventia the chief Citie of Catalonia in Spain Barter from the Latin word vertere to truck or change Bartholomew Hebr. a proper name signifying the son of him that maketh the waters to mount Bart●● a place to keep Poultry in from the Dutch word baert to bring forth and Ho●n a H●n Bar●let a Term in Heraldry the fourth part of a Bar. 〈◊〉 Spanish the language of a Countrey of Spain called Bi●cay Base the bottom or foundation of any thing also the foot of a pillar also the deepest part in Musick being the foundation of the rest also a kinde of fish called a Sea-wolf Base-Court a Term in Law any Court that is not of Record as Court-Baron Base estate or base fee is a holding at the will of the Lord. Baselards old word Daggers Wood-knives Basil an Herb so called o● a very fragrant smell also a proper name signifying Royal or Kingly Basilical Greek Royal Magnificent Basilick vain see vein Basilisk Greek a kinde of a Serpent called a Cockatrice also a long piece of Ordnance called in Italian Basilisco also a star called the Lions heart Basinet a little basin Basis see Base Baskervil the name of a very eminent family descended from a Niece of Gunora that famous Norman Lady they had their ancient seat at Erdsley a Town in Herefordshire Bassa a Commander over Souldiers among the Turks Bastard signifies in the Common-law one begotten out of Wedlock Bastardise to corrupt to adulterate to change out of its own kinde into a worse Bastile or Bastillion French a fortresse or fortification the chief fortresse of Paris is called la Bastile being also the chief prison of the Kingdom of France Bastinado Spanish a banging with a Cudgel Bastion French a Skonce or Block-house called also a Cullion head Baston French a Bat or Cudgel it signifieth also in the Statute Law one of the servants or Officers to the Warden of the Fleet that attendeth the Kings Court for the taking of such men to Ward as are committed by the Court. Bastonado see Bastinado Batavia a part of lower Germany scituate upon the River Rhene called Holland Bath a famous Citie in Sommersetshire so called from the hot Baths of Medicinal waters which are there by Antoninus called Aquae solis by Ptolomy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 some report them to have been found out by Bleyden a Magician others by Julius Caesar others by an ancient Brittish King Battail-field a place near Shrewsbury so called from the great battail fought there between King Henry the fourth and Edmund Mortimer Earle of March where Sir Henry Piercy called Hotsspur was slain Battalion French the main battle of an Army Battle-bridge a place in York-shire otherwise called Stanford-bridge where Harald King of England slew Harald Hardreak King of Norwey Battlements the Turrets of houses built flat Batt●logy Greek a vain repetition of words Battus a certain keeper of Mares to whom Mercury delivered several Oxen which he had stollen from Apollo keeping Admetus his heards and coming to him afterwards in another s●ape he corrupted him with gifts to deliver the Oxen but seeing his perfidiousnesse he turned him into a stone called Index Batune a Term in Heraldry and seemeth to be the fourth part of a bend Sinister onely it toucheth not the chief nor the base point Bavaria a great Dukedom in Germany Baubels old word Jewels Baucis the wife of Philemon who intertained Jupiter and Mercury See Philemon Baud a brave a Ruffian from the French word Ribaud Baudkin a kinde of tinsel or stuff that glisters like sparkles Baudon custody a word used by Chaucer Baudrick furniture also a sword-girdle also an old fashion'd Jewel Baulk old word to crosse Baulm a certain Herb called Beewort Bawsin old word bigge grosse Bay a stop for water a road for ships also a brown red colour being the colour of the Palm-tree Chaucer also useth it for a stake Bay-window a window that boundeth out in a round form B E Beacon from the Dutch word Bekennen to give notice a light fastened upon a high pole to give warning of an enemies approach Beaconage money paid for the maintaining of Beacons Beads from the Dutch word beden to pray a certain number of prayers at the end of which it is the custome to drop a bead Beadle from the Dutch word Bedel a Cryer one that waites upon a Magistrate with a white wand to make any Summons an Officer especially belonging to a University also an Officer of the Forrest that makes all manner of garnishments for the Court of the Forrest and makes all manner of Proclamations as well within the Court of the Forrest as without A Beadroll Saxon a list of such as Priests use to pray for in the Church Beakehead in Navigation is that which
towed along some Channel Halo Greek a circle about the Moon and others of the Stars Halonesus an Island in the Aegean Sea which was defended by women when all the men were slain To make Halt French to make a stop a term of War Hallyattes a King of Lydia and father to Croesus who was overcome by Cyrus Halymote see Healgemote Hamadryades Greek wood-nimphs Hamburg the cheif City of Lower Saxony so called from Jupiter Hamon there worshipped Hames two crooked pieces of wood which encompasse a horse-collar from the Ham of the leg which is crooked or the Latin word hamus a hook Hamkin a kind of pudding Hamling of dogs see expeditating Hamlet a dwelling house a diminutive from the Dutch word Ham i. home Hammocks hanging beds used in ships Hampton-Court a Palace belonging to the Kings of England standing in Middlesex upon the River Thames it was built in a very costly and magnificent manner by Cardinal Wolsey and finisht by King Henry the eighth Hankwit or Hangwit Sax. a theif escaped out of custody Hannibal a great Captain of the Carthaginians who having long made war with the Romans was beaten by Scipio and in the end poisoned himself the word signifies in the Punic tongue Gracious Lord. Hanno a Carthaginian who seeking to make himself master of Carthage was at length taken and had his eyes put out Hannonia or Haynault one of the 17 Provinces of the Low Countries Hanselines upper sloppes Chaucer Hanse-towns certain Towns in Germany as Hambourg Magdenbourg Lubeck c. being the principal seates of the Dutch Merchants Hans signifying in the French tongue a Society or Corporation of Merchants Hansel Dutch the first money that is bestowed with a Tradesman in a morning Hans-en-kelder a Dutch word signifying Jack in the Cellar it is commonly taken for a child in the mothers belly Hansiatick belonging to the Hanse Towns Hanten old word they use or accustom Haphertlet a kind of course cover●ed for a bed Haquebut French the same as Harquebuse Haracana or Herocane a violent whirlwind or tempest which hapneth once in 9 years Some say it comes from the Spanish word Arancar to pull up by the roots Harald or Herauld French quasi herus altus i. high-master is an Officer whose imployment is to denounce war or proclaim peace to judge and examine Gentlemens Arms to marshal the Solemnities at a Princes Coronation and such like Harangue French a Speech or Oration Harase French to tire out to weary to disquiet Harbinger from the Dutch words her benghen i. hither keep an officer in a Princes Court that alotteth those of the household their lodgings in time of progresse but vulgarly taken for any one that goeth before and provideth lodgeing Harbour a Hart is said to Harbour when it goes to rest Harelip a lip cloven like a Hares lip Harepipe a snare made of a piece of elder or cane to catch a Hare with Hariant or Hauriant in Heraldry is when a fish is represented standing upright Hariolation lat a southsaying Harlot or Arletta Concubine to Robert Duke of N●rmandy and mother to William the Conquerour in disgrace of whom all whores came to be called Harlots Harman a proper name of men signifying in Dutch the General of an Army answerable to the Greek Polemarchus Harmodius and Aristogeiton two famous conspiratours against Hipparchus the Tyrant of Athens Harmonia the daughter of Mars and Venus and the wife of Cadmus to her is attributed by some the first invention of Musical Harmony Harmonides a Trojan whom Minerva inspired with all kind of manufacture Harmonical or Harmonious full of Harmony i. musical consent or agreement Harold see Harald Harpalice the daughter of Lycurgus she was a great huntresse and hearing that her father was taken prisoner by the Getans rescued him by force of arms Harpe the name of the Fauchion wherewith Mercury slew Argos and P●rseus Medusa Harping-Irons certain Irons to strike great fish withal being at one end like a barbed arrow and having at the other end a cord Harpings the breadth of a ship at the bow Harpocrates an Image used in the ceremonies of Serapis and Isis made with one hand upon his mouth and called by the Aegyptians the god of silence Harpyes the three daughters of Pontus and Terra Aello Celaeno and Ocypete they were part women and part birds having claws like vultures Homer saith that upon Celaeno whom he calls Podarges Zephyrus begat Balius and Xanthus the horses of Achilles Hart in the Forrest Laws is a Stag of 5 years old if having been hunted by the King or Queen he escape alive he is called a Hart royal Hart-hall a place for Students in the University of Oxford built by Water Stapleton Bishop of Exceter together with Exceter Colledge in the time of King Edward the second who in imitation of him built Oriall Colledge and St. Mary Hall Hatches of a ship are trap-doors to let things down into the hold they are also called scutles Hauberk or Haubert French a coat of maile Havelock a certain Danish foundling of the Royal blood who as it is reported was fosterd by one Grime a Merchant and from a skullen in the Kings kitchin was for his valour and conduct in Military affairs promoted to the ma●riage of the Kings daughter Havering a Town in Essex an ancient retiring place of the Kings of England so called from the fabulous conceit of a ring delivered by a Pilgrim as sent from St. John Baptist to King Edward the Confessour Haunt a term in hunting the walk of a Deer or the place of his ordinary passage in French Enceinte Hauriant see Hariant Hauselines or Hanselines old word breeches or slops Haw a hedge from the French word Hay also an old word signifying black also a disease in the eye Haward or Hayward a keeper of the common Heard of the Town who is to look that they neither break nor crop hedges from the French words Hay a hedge and Garde custody Hawise a proper name of women See Avice Hawkers certain deceitful people that go up and down from place to place buying and selling old brasse or pewter which ought to be uttered in open market Hawlkes old word corners Hawten old word insolent Hawthorn white thorn from Haegdoren Haeg in Dutch signifying white Hazard or Hasard the ace of the dice metaphorically any doubtful event Hay a Town in Brecknockshire called in Brittish Trekethle i. a Town in a Grove of Hazel-trees it was formerly a very flourishing place till ruined and depopulated by that arch rebell Owen Glendowerdwy Hayboot signifieth in common Law a permission to take thorns to make or repair hedges Hayn old word hatred H E Headborow the chief of the frank pledge the same as Constable or Tithingman from heord i. head and borhe i. pledge Heafling Sax. a captive Heafod Sax. a head Healgemote or Halymote a Saxon word signifying a Court-baron or meeting of the Tenants in one Hall Hearse an empty Tomb erected for the honour of
the dead from the Greek word Arsis a lifting up Hebdoma●e Greek the number 7. a week which consists of 7 dayes Hebe the Goddess of Youth and daughter of Juno without a father she was for her beauty preferred by Jupiter to be his Cup●bearer but one time falling down and discovering her secret parts to the gods she was removed from her place Hebetude lat bluntness dulness Hebrews a name given to the Israelites because they spake the ancient Hebrew Language which continued in the Family of Heber after the division of tongues Hebrides certain Islands in the Deu●aledonian Sea called also Ebudae and the Western Islands they are 44 in number but the chief of them are Levissa Eusta Mula and Ila Hebrus a River of Thrace where the head of Orpheus was thrown after his body had been torn in pieces by the Bacchides Hecalius a name attributed to Jupiter by Theseus from Hecale an old woman who had devoted her life to Jupiter for his safe return Hecate the daughter of Jupiter and Latona and the sister of Apollo Some think her to be the same with Diana or the Moon also the name of a famous Inchantresse of Thrace Hecatomb Greek a sacrifice wherein a hundred beasts were offered at one time Hecatompolis an Epithet of the Island of Crete which is said to have had a hundred Cities in it Hecatompylae the name of a City of Aegypt otherwise called Aegyptian Thebes Heck the name of an Engin to take fish withal from the Dutch word hecken i. to pick or heck a bramble Heckled old word wrapped Hecktick feaver a feaver which is habitual and which inflames the solid parts of the body it comes from the Greek word Hexis a habit Hector the son of Priam and Hecuba he was accounted the stoutest of all the Trojans slew Protesilaus and Patroclus but was at length slain himself by Achilles the word signifieth Defender Hecuba the daughter of Dyamas the wife of Priam King of Troy it is feigned of her that after the taking of Troy she was turned into a bitch Hederal Crown a Crown of Ivy from the Latin word Hedera Heer and Hace old word hoarse and harsh Hegesistratus an Ephesian who was the builder of the City Elea in Asia Hegira the Epoch or computation of time among the Turkes Heinfare or H●nfare old word a departing of a servant from his master from Hine and fare passage Heire of blood in Common Law is he who succeedeth by right of blood in any mans Lands or Tenements in fee but heir of Inheritance is he that cannot be defeated of his inheritance upon any displeasure Heirloom signifieth all implements of a house which having belonged to the house for certain descents accrew to the heir with the house it self Loom signifying a frame to weave in Heighth a vertue in writing or speaking wherein the expressions are neither too inflate nor too creeping but observing a decent majesty between both Helchesaites a sect of Hereticks who held it no sin to deny Christ in times of persecution their first Teacher was one Helchesaus Helchysm the drosse and scum of silver Hele old word to cover Helena the daughter of Jupiter and Laeda she was married to Menelaus and brought forth Hermione afterwards being stole away by Paris and being demanded of Priamus by the Greeks the Trojans refused to send her back which was the occasion of a very great war and of the destruction of Troy The word signifieth in Greek pittiful Heliacal rising of a Star is when a Star which was at first hid by the light of the Sun afterwards appears from the Greek word Helios i. the Sun Heliades the daughters of the Sun and sisters of Phaeton who wept themselves into Poplar-trees for the death of their brother and their teares became Amber their names were Phaaethusa Lampelusa and Lampetia Heliconian belonging to Helicon a hill of Phocis sacred to Apollo and the Muses Helioscopie Greek the furthest point of the Suns course in his ascention or descention Heliotrope Greek the name of a plant commonly called Turnsole also a kind of pretious stone Helle the daughter of Athamas King of Thebes she with her brother Phryxus crossing over the Pontick Sea upon a golden Ram being frighted with the danger fell into the sea from which accident that sea was ever after called Hellespont Hellebore the name of a certain plant called also Melampodium which is good against madness Hellenistical belonging to Greece or the Greek Language from Hellas the ancient name of that Country Helme signifieth in Navigation a piece of wood fastned to the rudder in a ship or boat also the helme of State is metaphorically taken for the chief place in the government of a Nation Helmed in stark stowers old word defended in sharp assaults Heluation lat a playing the glutton a greedy devouring Helve old word a handle of anything Helvetia a Country invironed by the Alps and the Hill Jura the Rivers Rhene and Rhone it is now called Swizzerland Hemerology Greek a Calender or Book wherein are registred the passages of every day Hemicranie Greek a disease in the head called the Meagrim Hemicycle Greek a half circle Hemingstone a Town in Suffolk which one Baldwin le Pettour held of the King per Saltum sufflatum Bumbulum seu Pettum i. e. by this Tenure that on every Christmasse Day before the King he should dance puff up his cheekes and fart Hemisphere Greek half the compass of the heavens or so much as is visible above the Horison Hemlock a certain plant called in Latin Cicuta whose juice being poison used to be given to capital offenders Henares a River in Spain near to which stands a Town called Alcala di Henares Henbane in Greek Hyoscyamus an herb which is counted rank poison Henchman or Heinsman a German word signifying a domestick servant It is taken among us for a page of honour Hend old word neat fine gentle Hengston hill a hill in Cornwall where the Brittish Danmonii calling the Danes to assist them to drive the English out of Devonshire were by King Egbert●otally ●otally defeated and ruined Hengwit see Hankwit Hengest the name of him who led the first English men into this Isle the word signifies in the Saxon Horseman Heniochus vide Auriga Henry the name of seven Emperours of Germany eight Kings of England four Kings of France four Kings of Castile the word comes from the German Einric i. rich and powerful or Herric i. rich Lord or else is contracted from Honoricus Hent old word to catch Hepatical Greek belonging to the Liver Hephaestian mountains certain burning mountains in Lycia Heptahedrical Greek having seven sides Heptagonal Greek belonging to a Heptagon or figure of seven angles Heptarchy Greek a sevenfold government or government of seven men as that of the Saxon Kings here in England Heraclea a City of Narbon in France now called St. Gilles Heraclitus the name of a famous Ephesian Philosopher who used to weep as often as
word signifies in Greek softhaired Julius the sirname of Ascanius the son of Aeneas and his first wife Creusa he came along with his father into Italy and built the City Alba in the place where he found the white Sow with the 30 Pigs also the son of Ascanius who stood in competition for the kingdom of Alba with Silvius Posthumus the son of Aeneas by his second wife Lavinia the word signifieth in Greek the soft down appearing on the chin of a young man before he comes to have a perfect beard July the name of the fifth moneth from March which was heretofore accounted the first moneth of the year it was so named from Julius Caesar being in former time called Quintilis Jumentarious lat belonging to a horse or any kind of labouring beast called in Latin jumentum Juncture lat a joyning together also a joynt also juncture of time the very nick or moment of time June the fourth moneth of the year from March the first Some say it was so called from Juno as it were junonian moneth Others from Junius Brutus who begun his Consulship in that moneth it is called in Greek Hecatombaeon from the Hecatombs or Sacrifices of a hundred Oxen which used to be offered to Jupiter in this moneth Junke in Navigation is any piece of an old cable Juno the daughter of Saturn and Ops and both wife and sister to Jupiter to whom she brought forth Vulcan and Mars and a daughter called Hebe whom she conceived by eating of green Lettice she is called Juno a juvando i. from giving help also Lucina from causing men to see the light of the World being said to be present at the birth of all children that come into the World and to sit crosse-legged when any miscarry She is also called Sospita a Sospitando i. e. keeping in safety Juno's teares a kind of plant otherwise called Vervain Junto or Junta Span. a meeting together of men to ●it in council Ivory French the Elephants tooth being the finest and whitest kind of bone of which boxes and several sorts of things are made Jupiter the son of Saturn by his wife Ops born at the same birth with Juno and hid in the mountain Ida in Creet where he was bred up by the Curetes unknown to his father Saturn who intending to devoure all his male children his wife Ops gave him a great stone wrapt up in swadling clouts to eat instead of his son Jupiter who coming to age and understanding his fathers designs against him conspired against him and cast him out of his dominions and divided the government of the World between himself and his two brothers the Heavens he reserved to himself to Neptune he gave the Empire of the Sea and to Pluto the lower Regions of the Earth Jupiter Belus the second King of Babylon or as some say the first he was the son of Nimrod called also Saturn Juration lat a swearing or taking an oath Jurats French certain officers otherwise called Eschevins or Sheriffs Jurden or Jordon a kind of Urinal or Chamberpot also Jordan is the name of a River dividing Perea from the rest of Judaea Juridical lat belonging to the Law judicial or which will bear an action Jury in lat Jurati signifieth in Common Law a company consisting of 24 or 12 men empanelled and sworn to deliver a truth upon such evidence as shall be delivered them touching the matter in question there being three sorts of trials either by Assize or Jury by Battel or by Parliament In every general Assize there is both a Grand Jury consisting of 24 substantial men chosen indifferently out of the whole County and others called Petit Juries consisting of 12 to whom are referred such things concerning life and death as the Grand Jury have approved of Jurisdiction lat authority to make or execute Laws Also it is used for any kind of power or authority A Jurist a Lawyer Jurisprudence lat knowledge or skil in the Laws Jurn or Journchoppers the regraters or changers of yarn Juror one of the twelve men in a Jury Jury-mast is one made at sea in case of necessity by fastning several pieces together Jussel a minutal from jus signifying a dish made of several meats minced together Jussulent lat full of broth or pottage Justes French tikings or combats on horseback with Speares and Lances Justice or Justicer French an officer deputed by the King or Common-wealth to act by way of judgement Justice of the Kings Bench is the capital or chief Justice of England he is a Lord by his office which is most especially to hear and determine all pleas of the Crown that is such as concern offences committed against the Crown Dignity and Peace of the King as Treasons Mayhems and the like Justice of Common pleas is he who hears and determines all causes at the Common Law that is all civil causes between common persons as well personal as reall He is also a Lord by his office Justice of the Forrest or Justice in eyre of the Forrest is he that hath the hearing and determining of all offences within the Kings Forrest committed against Venison or Vert and is also a Lord by his office Justices of Assises such as were wont by special commission to be sent into this or that County to take Assises for the ease of the subjects Justices of oyer and terminer are Justices deputed upon some special and extraordinary occasions to hear and determine causes Justices in eyre those that were wont to be sent with commissions into divers Counties to hear such causes as were termed the Pleas of the Crown and were for the ●ase of the subjects who must have come to the Kings Bench if the cause were too high for the County-Court from the French word Erre a journey Justices of Goale delivery are such as are sent with commission to hear and determine all causes appertaining to such as for any offence are cast into Goale Justices of Nisi prius the same now adayes with Justices of Assises Justices of tryal baston or trayl baston were certain Justices appointed by Edward the first to make inquisition through the Realme upon all Officers as Mayors Sheriffs Escheatours c. touching extortion briberies intrusion into other mens lands and Barratours that used to take money for beating of men and they had power either to punish by death or to exact a ransome This term comes from two French words treille an arbour or form and baston a staff or pole to note that the Justices imployed in this commission had authority to proceed without any solemn Judgement-seat but wheresoever they could apprehend the malefactours Justices of peace are such as are appointed by the Kings commission to attend the peace in the County where they dwell whereof such whose commission begins Quorum vos unum esse volumus are called Justices of the Quorum Justicies a Writ directed to the Sheriff for the dispatch of justice in some especial cause wherewith
of his own authority he cannot deal in his County-Court Justiciable French subject to Law under authority Justicians a certain religious Order instituted in the year 1412 in the Abby of St. Justine at Padua by one Lewise Balus a Venetian Justification lat a clearing justifying or making good in Common Law it is a shewing a good reason why a man did such a thing as he is called to answer Justinianus a name by which two of the Roman Emperours were called The first was famous for causing the Civil Law to be reduced into the Pandects and the Code whence Students of the Civil Law are called Justinianists the second for the great wars he had with the Saracens and Bulgarians Justinopolis a City of Istria built upon the Sea side by the Emperour Justine it is now called Cabo d' Istria Jutties of houses are certain parts of a building which jut or stand out farther than the rest Juturna the daughter of Daunus and sister of Turnus King of the Rutuli she was by Jupiter in recompence of the losse of her maiden-head immortalized and made Nimph of the River Numicus Juvenility lat youthfulnesse lustinesse or vigour Juventas the Goddesse of Youth the same with Hebe Juverna an ancient name of Ireland I W Iwimpled old word muffled I X Ixion the son of Phlegyas he having slain his son in law Erioneus after he had long wandered up and down and could not be absolved either by gods or men at length Jupiter pitying him took him up into Heaven and expiated him but he after his purgation remaining among the gods fell in love with Juno and sollicited her to unchastity which she making known to Jove he formed a cloud in the shape of Juno and Ixion thinking it to have been the goddesse begat a race of Centaurs and being soon after sent down to the earth he boasted every where that he lay with Juno for which being struck down to Hell with a Thunderbolt he was condemned to be alwayes rowled on a wheele K A KAb or Cab an Hebrew measure containing three pints of our measure Kalends see Calends Karena the twentieth part of a drop a term used in Chimistry Karobe or Carobe a kind of fruit also an herb called St. Johns bread also a very small weight used by Goldsmiths being the 24 part of a grain Karos or Caros a certain disease in the head which causeth much drousinesse Katharine see Catharine K E Keel the lowest and first timber laid in a ship the botton of a ship also a vessell to coole new beer or ale in Keen or Kene old word sharp some think it comes from the Greek word a cone a whetstone Keeper of the great Seal of England is he under whose hands passe all Charters Commissions and grants of the King strengthned by the Great or Broad Seal without which they are of no effect He is a Lord by his office and one of the Kings privy Council Keeper of the privy Seal is also a Lord by his office and one of the privy Council under his hands passe all Charters signed by the King before they come to the Broad Seal Keeper of the Forrest is he who hath the principal government of all things belonging to the Forrest he is also called chief Warden of the Forrest Kele old word to coole Kemeling old word a Brewers vessel Within Ken within sight or view a term in Navigation and comes from the Saxon word Kenne i. e. to know or discover Kenchester a Town in Herefordshire built as some think out of the ruines of old Ariconium Kenhelm the proper name of a man signifying in Saxon defence of his kindred Kenneleth applyed to a Fox when he is in his hole A term in hunting Kenodoxy or Cenodoxy Greek vain-glory Kenotaph see Cenotaph Kerchief French Co●vrechef a kind of linnin dresse which women use to wear upon their heads Kerck or Kirk old word a Church Kern an old Brittish word signifying a horn Kern a kind of light-armed foot souldier among the Irish we use it also for an ordinary Country farmer also to Kern signifieth to powder or to salt Kernel lat Kernellare an old word signifying to embattle a house Kerry a County of Ireland in the Province of Mounster Kers or Cresses a kind of plant so called Kersie French a kind of cloth or stuff much used Kesar a word which the Brittains used instead of Caesar and is taken in the same sense at this day when they say King nor Kesar Kesteven see Holland Key of a River or Haven a place where ships ride and are as it were lock't in Some deduce it a quiescendo i. from resting or from the old Latin Casare i. to restrain Keynard old word a micher K I Kichel old word a kind of cake the same which is called in Latin Libum Kilderkin in Dutch Kindek●n a kind of liquid measure being the eighth part of a hogshead it contains about eleven or twelve gallons Kiles from the Dutch word keghel an Isicle certain pins to play withal commonly called Nine-pins Kildare two Counties of Ireland in the Province of Leimster Kilkenny two Counties of Ireland in the Province of Leimster Kinburgh Sax. strength and defence of kindred a proper name of women King from the Dutch word koning i. to know because he ought to be the most knowing of men or from Konnen to be powerful the supream Ruler of a Nation King of Harolds or King of Arms he is called Garter and is the same with Pater patratus among the Romans See in Harald Kingsbench the Court or Judgement-seat where the King was wont to sit in his own person and therefore it was moveable with the Court or Kings houshold and was called Curia domini Regis or Aula Regia Kings Silver that money which is due to the King in the Court of Common-pleas in respect of a license there granted to any man for passing of a fine Clark of the Kings Silver is an officer of the Common pleas unto whom every fine is brought after it hath been with the custos Brevium and by whom the effect of the Writ of covenant is entred into a paper book Kingston upon Thames a Town in Surry so called because Athelstane Edwin and Etheldred were here Crowned Kings in the open Market-place Kintal see Quintal K N Knap of ground a little rising hillock Knave Sax. Canapa signifieth originally a Lacquey or Waiting-man and cometh originally from the Hebrew word Gnavadh to serve Knees in Navigation are certain crooked pieces of timber used in Ships to fasten the beames unto the sides Knight Sax. Cnicht hath been taken originally for a souldier or horseman in war those that were wont to accompany and wait upon the Emperour in the wars were called in Dutch Knechts i. e. servitours or lusty young men It is also taken for a client or vassal but more especially one that holds his land by serving his Lord on horseback it is now grown to be a Title of great
in Hunting a setting of hounds in a readinesse where the Deer are likely to passe Release in the Common Law is an instrument whereby estates rights titles entrys actions and other things are sometimes extinguished sometimes inlarged sometimes transferred and sometimes abridged Relief in Common Law is a certain summe of money that the Tenant holding by knights-service grandsergeantry or other Tenure for which homage or regal service is due or by soccage for which no homage is due and being at full age at the death of his Ancestour doth pay to his Lord at his entrance Also a term in Architecture Releg●tion lat a sending or conveying away a banishing To Relent lat to grow soft it is also used metaphorically for to melt into pitty or compassion Relevation lat a raising or lifting up again Relict lat a thing forsaken or left destitute also the Widow of a deceased husband is called the Relict of such a one Reliquary French a shrine or casket where reliqnes i. something preserved either of the body or cloths of deceased Saints are kept Relo●i●in a returning to the same point again Reliquation lat remains or a being in arrearage Reluctation or Reluctance lat a striving wrestling or strugling against Remainder in Common Law signifieth a power or hope to enjoy Lands Rents or Tenements after the estate of another expired Remancipation lat a returning back a commodity into the hands of him of whom it was first bought Remembrancers three officers belonging to the Exchequer the first is called the Kings Remembrancer who entreth in his office all recognisanses taken before the Barons and maketh bonds for any of the Kings debts or for appearance or observing of orders and maketh proces for the breach of them The second the Lord Treasurers Remembrancer who puts him and the rest of the Justices in remembrance of such things as are to be dealt in for the Princes behoof The third is the Remembrancer of the first fruits and tenths who taketh all composition for first fruits and tenths and maketh process against such as pay not the same Remigation lat a rowing with oares Reminiscence lat a remembring or calling to mind Remisse lat slack negligent Remissible lat pardonable or to be forgiven Remitter in Common Law is a restitution of him that hath two titles to Lands unto that which is more ancient Remonstrance lat a declaring shewing or giving of reasons Remora a fish called a Sea-lamprey or Suckstone which stoppeth the course of a Ship also taken metaphorically for any delay or hindrance Remorse lat as it were a rebiting or gnawing again the sting of conscience or troubles of mind for former evil actions Remuneration lat a rewarding or recompensing for former good turus Remus the brother of Romulus who slew him that he might obtain the whole dominion to himself Rencounter French an unexpected adventure or meeting of two adverse parties Renavigation lat a sailing back Rendevous a word signifying in French render your selves a place where souldiers are mustred Rendlesham or Rendlisham a Town in Suffolk anciently the Mansion house of Redwald King of the East Saxons who being the first of that Kingdom that was baptized neverthelesse by his wifes seducement he had in the same Church one altar for Christian Religion and another for his old heathen superstition Renegado Span. a souldier that revolts to the enemy Renimed or Runningmead a famous meadow in the County of Middlesex where in the year of our Lord 1215 the Barons of England assembled in great numbers to claim their liberties of King John Renitency lat a resistance or striving against Renodation lat an unknitting or undoing of a knot Renovation lat a making new or fresh a renewing Rent in Common Law is a summe of money or other consideration issueing yearly out of Lands or Tenements Renversed French turned the contrary Renumeration lat a numbring counting or paying back Renunciation lat a bringing word back again Renvoy French a dismission or sending back Repandous lat bowed or bent back Reparation lat a mending or making up again Repast French as it were a feeding again a meale Repastination lat the altering of grounds with often digging Repensation lat a recompensing or making satisfaction Repentine lat sudden unawares unexpected Repercussion lat a beating or striking back Repertitious lat found by chance Repignoration lat a redeeming a pawn or gage Repletion lat a stuffing or filling full Replevy the bringing of a Writ called replegiari facias by him that hath his cattel or other goods distraind and putting in surety to the Sheriff that upon delivery of the thing distrained he will pursue the action against him Replication lat an unfolding also a second answering or making a reply Report in Common Law is a relation or repetition of a case debated or argued Reposition lat a putting back a setting again in his place Repository lat a storehouse or place to keep things in more peculiarly by the Architects such places as are built for the laying up of rareties either in picture or other arts are called Repositories Reprehension lat a blaming or reproving Representation lat a making the resemblance or likenesse of any thing Reprise French a taking back again also any deduction or duty paid yearly out of a Manour Reprisell French a seizing on for a pawn or prize See Law of Marque To Reprive in Common Law is to take back a prisoner from the execution or proceeding of the Law Reprobation lat a reproving also a rejecting or casting out of favour whence a Reprobate is taken for a wicked person or one cast out of gods favour Reptitious lat stealing or creeping on by degrees Repton a Town in Darbyshire famous in old times for being the burial place of King Aethelbald and also for the misfortune of Burthred the last King of the Mercians who was here deprived of his Kingdom by the Danes Republique lat a Common-wealth or Free-State Repudiation lat a refusing a putting away or divorcing Repugnancy lat resistance contrariety of one thing to another Repullulation lat a budding forth a springing up again Repumication lat a slicking or raizing with a pumice Reputation lat esteem reckoning or good opinion Request French a petition or desire also a Court of the same nature with the Chancery redressing by equity the wrongs that divers men suffer either by Law or otherwise at the hands of those that are more powerfull than themselves To sing a Requiem signifieth to sing a Masse for the eternal rest of the soules of those that are deceased the word Requies signifying in Latin rest Resceyt lat receptio in Common Law is an admission of a third person to plead his right in a cause between other two To Rescind lat to take away to destroy or repeal whence a Rescissorian Act is that which makes void a former Act or Law Rescissorian action lat an action that nulleth or maketh void Rescous in Common-law is a
solid arguments of Verstegan and those that have writ most judiciously concerning the Original of the Brittains nothing seems to me more consonant to truth then that the Brittains anciently descended from the Gaules and that Brutus rather a Gallick then a Trojan Prince changed the name of Albion into that of Brittain but certain it is that of this ancient Brittish there remains scarsely any track or footstep in the language spoken at this day in the main part of England but hath remained intire from the Saxon Conquest to this very time in that part which is commonly called Cambro-Brittania or Wales to which being a mountanous Countrey and strong for defence and which onely of all the rest of the Island was left unconquered by the Saxons a great number of the Native inhabitants betook themselves by flight preserving both their ancient race and speech which from the Countrey Wales is now called Welsh In the same manner the Cantabrian or ancient tongue of Spain notwithstanding the frequent invasions of that Countrey by the Carthaginians Moors Romans and Vandals is yet preserved in Biscay Guipuscoa and Navarr● and in the Mountains of Granata called Alpuxarras the Arabick is still retained together with the off-spring of the Moors that in times past possessed the greatest part of Spain as also in Armorica or Brittany in France the old Gallick is spoken at this day which very near resembling the Welsh is a great argument of the ancient affinity of these two tongues From this so total a subversion of the Brittish Empire by the English-Saxons followed as total a subversion of the Brittish language and even of the very name of Brittain which from the ancient habitation of the Saxons near the Baltick Sea was named Anglia or England a thing which was neither effected by the Roman nor the Norman Conquest for neither the Provincial Latin could extinguish the Native Brittish nor the French brought in by King Williams followers the Saxon which was then in use for it is observable that where the Conquerours over-power the former inhabitants in multitude their language also by little and little prevails over that of the Countrey otherwise it wasts and spends it self till it be in a manner utterly lost like a small quantity of water thrown upon a heap of sand Since therefore these Saxons were a people of Germany and their speech very little if at all differing from the rest of the Germans it is hence evident that our language derives its Original from the Dutch or Teutonick which seems to be of greater Antiquity then any other language now spoken in Europe and to have continued the same without any considerable alteration and in the same Countrey where it was first planted through a long tract of many ages for not to urge the opinion of Goropius Becanus who affirmeth it to have been the first language of the world and spoken by Adam in Paradise it is certainly the common consent of most Authentick Writers that the Dutch tongue still in use and possessing a large compasse of ground is no lesse ancient then the very first coming in of the Teutones into Germany under the conduct of Tuisco which is no wonder if we consider that the Teutones or Germans being the very first people that ever inhabited Germany have continued in the possession of it to this very day uncorrupted unsubdued and as their language so themselves unmixed with any forraigne Nation Nor is the large extent of this language lesse considerable for as much as it is spoken throughout all Germany Denmark Norwey Swethland Belgia the Iland of Thule now called Iseland and divers of the Northern Iles besides those places into which it hath spread it self by conquest as into Gallia by the Franck's and by the Saxons into this Iland where it yet remaineth in a very great measure And though our English tongue hath of late ages intertained so great a number of forraign words that every age it seemeth to swerve more and more from what it was originally yet if we compare it diligently with the Dutch we shall soon finde that almost all the chief material words and those which are oftnest used in the most familiar and vulgar discourse are all either meer Dutch or palpably derived from the Dutch For example the most primitive and uncompounded words appellatives the names of natural things animals vegetals as Earth Heaven Winde Oak Man Bird Stone c. words that imply a relation as Father Brother Son Daughter Pronouns and Monosyllable Verbs as Mine Thine This What Love Give besides all our numerals particles conjunctions and the like Concerning these words it is very remarkable that most of them consisting but of one syllable neverthelesse the things that are understood by them are as significantly express't as the same things in other tongues are by words of two or more syllables as the word Good is as proper as either 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Greek or Bonus in Latin a matter of no small advantage for if that sentence be judged most praise-worthy that containeth most matter in fewest words why may we not commend that word which consisting of fewest syllables is yet of as great force as if it had more No lesse considerable is the proper and most pertinent signification of some words which are produced by the coalition or clapping together of two of these monosyllables into one as the word Wisdome which is compounded of these two words Wise i. e. Grave Sage Prudent and the old Saxon word Dome i. e. judgement or sentence since wisdome may most properly be said to be the result of a Grave and solid judgement By this that hath been said it is evident that the Saxon or German tongue is the ground-work upon which our language is founded the mighty stream of forraigne words that hath since Chaucers time broke in upon it having not yet wash't away the root onely it lies somewhat obscur'd and overshadow'd like a Rock or Fountain overgrown with bushes Whether this innovation of words deprave or inrich our English tongue is a consideration that admits of various censures according to the different fancies of men Certainly as by an invasion of strangers many of the old inhabitants must needs be either slain or forced to fly the Land so it happens in the introducing of strange ●ords the old ones in whose room they come must needs in time ●e forgotten and grow obsolete sometimes indeed as Mr. Cambden observes there is a peculiar significancy in some of the old Saxon words as in stead of fertility they had wont to say Eordswela which is as much as the wealth or riches of the earth yet let us not bewail the losse of them for this for we shall finde divers Latin words whose Etymology is as remarkable and founded upon as much reason as in the word intricate which coming from Tricae i. e. those small threads about Chickens legs that are an encombrance to them in their going
of many Learned heads Such an Encyclopedy I present thee Reader with from the Muses as it was delivered me from the forked top of their Parnassus for I shall ever acknowledge such peculiar aides as I received from severall Learned Persons otherwise I can faithfully assert for the building up of this Volume next to the use of grand Dictionaries I have onely been beholding to the imperfect remaines of a Gentleman who long since begun this Work First his sicknesse impeding and then impartial death cutting him short of finishing his Design the best Schollars that then perused his Labours did with one voice render him this honour That his Collections were choice That he had taken up nothing but what was Authentick and that the Learned themselves in some respects might be obliged to him for his Studies To conclude Courteous Reader this Volume which the so many years industry of my self and others hath brought to such a perfection is for thine and the general good now at last made publick I wish thee all happinesse in thy necessary search and use of it Farewell COurteous Reader faults are usual in the printing of Generall Tracts but in Dictionaries and Works of this kind I am truly sensible that as they will seem more strange to thee so they reflect more on the Authours credit to purchase thy more favourable construction I have collected an Alphabetical Index of the Capital Errata which is placed at the end of the Book THE NEW WORLD Of English Words Or a General Dictionary Containing the Terms Etymologies Definitions and perfect Interpretations of the Proper significations of hard English words throughout the Arts and Sciences Liberal and Mechanick as also all other subjects that are usefull or appertain to the Language of our Nation A. A. AAron the son of Amram and brother of Moses he was the first High-Priest of the Jews being chosen to that dignity by the budding of his Rod the word signifies in Hebr. a Teacher or Mountain of fortitude Aaron a great Emperour of the Saracens who leading into Asia an Army of 300000. men compelled Nicephorus the Greek Emperour to make peace with him on Ignominions and dishonourable terms A. B. Aba a Tyrant of Hungaria who being slain by his own subjects and buried in the next Church not long after was digged out of the earth again where being found with his winding-sheet and other cloathes uncorrupted and unchanged and all his wounds cured he was honoured with a nobler burial and his bones translated to a Monastery built by himself and there interred † Abaction Latin a driving or forcing away Abaddon an Hebrew word signifying a destroyer and used in the New Testament for the Devil Abae a Town of Phocis a Province in Greece which was not destroyed by Philip of Macedon because the people were known never to have committed sacriledge Abaea a Town in the Bay of Messena wherein was the most ancient Oracle of Apollo burnt at length by the Army of Xerxes Abagas Can King of the Tartars he having recovered the Dominion of the Turks and taken Parvana Governour of Turcia because he betrayed it to the Soldan of Aegypt cut him in pieces boyled him among his other viands and eat him Abalus an Isle in the German Ocean in which it is reported that there are Hills from which doth drop great store of Amber To Abandon Ital. to forsake also to resign one's self up wholly to any prevailing passion † Abannition Lat. a punishment inflicted by the Greeks upon the committers of Man-slaughter namely the banishing them for a twelve-moneths space Abantia● the Isle of 〈◊〉 near Boeotia in the Mediterranean Sea so called from the Abantes a people which coming out of Thrace inhabited there Abarimon a Countrey in Scythi● hear the Mountain Aemaus the people are very salvage and although their feet are ●everted or turned backward yet they are exceeding swift Abarstick old word insatiable Abas the son of Metanira whom Ceres turned into a Lizard because he laugh'd at those divine rites which his Mother instituted to her worship also the twelf King of the Argives being the son of Lynceus by his wife Hypermnestra he was the Father of Proetus and Acrisius Grandfather of Perseus that freed Andromeda To Abase Ital. to bring low Abast a term in Navigation when any thing is done or placed toward the stern in respect of any that are towards the ●tem To Abate to make lesse or diminish Abatement a term in Heraldry being an accidental mark annexed to Coat-armour denoting a stain in the bearer Abatos an Island in Egypt in the Marishes of Memphis where King Osiris was buried Abawed old word daunted ashamed Abbae a word used in holy Scripture and signifieth in the Syriack tongue Father Abbington see Abington To Abbord Italian to approach near the shore also to grapple with a ship Abbot a spiritual Governour over a religious house of Monkes To Abbreviate Lat. to abridge to make short Abdals a kind of religious people among the Persians who make profession of poverty and lodge in Churches they derive their name from Abdala father of Mahomet Abdalmatalis the Grand-father of Mahomet a Man of so rare a beauty and perfect composure that he wonne the admiration love of all the women that saw him Abdelmonus a King of Africa whose Father was a Potter to whom while he was a young man Aventumerth a famous Astronomer foretold that he should obtain the Kingdom and afterward assisted him in the compassing of the design Abdera a Town of Thrace where Democritus was born the people whereof were counted a foolish people Abdevenam the head of the twelf Mansion a term in Astrology To Abdicate Lat. to renounce or refuse Abdolonymus a certain Gardiner of Sydon by a long descent continuing of the bloud Royal whom Alexander the Great after he had taken that Citie caused to be proclaimed King thereof Abdomen in Anatomy signifies all that part of the belly that contains the natural bowels being composed of a skin fat eight muscles and the peritonaeum Abducted Lat. led away Abecedary belonging to the A. B. C. To Abedge old word to abide Abel the name of one of Adams sons and signifieth in Hebrew vanity also the name of a place and signifieth in Hebrew mourning Abent old word a steep place or hanging Hill * Abequitation Lat. a riding away Aberconwey q. the mouth of Conwey a Town in Caernarvonshire built upon the mouth of the River Conwey by Edward the first out of the ruines of an old Town called Caerhaen i. ancient Citie in Latin Conovium Aberfraw a Town in the Isle of Anglesey anciently a very famous place and the Royal seat of the Kings of Guineth or North wales Abergevenny or Abergenny so called because it is situate at the very meeting of the Rivers Vsk and Gebenny or Gobanny it is called in Latin Gobanium and is fortified with a very strong Castle which hath been the seat of many great Lords and
that went to the Trojan War he fought with Hector and had a contest with Vlisses for the armes of Achilles but Vlisses having gain'd them by his eloquence Ajax run mad and made a huge slaughter among a flock of sheep thinking Vlisses and Atrides to have been among them also the name of the son of Oileus King of the Locri who for vitiating Cassandra in the Temple of Pallas was slain with Thunder by the Goddesse whose Priestesse she was Aide French help also a subsidy or tax Aidoneus King of the Molossi he sent Theseus to prison because he and Pirithous would have taken away his daughter Proserpina not far from the River Acheron which gave occasion to the fable to say that he descended into Hell to fetch away Proserpina the daughter of Dis. Ailesbury a Town situate not far from the River Tame in Buckingamshire it was won by Cutwulph the Saxon in the year 572. and hath been famous in times past by being the habitation of St. Edith the daughter of Frewald Ailesford a Town in Kent not far from the River Medway it was heretofore named in the British tongue Saissenaeg-haibal from the great overthrow that was given by Vortimer the Brittain son of Vortigern to Hengist and his English Saxons in this place Aine besides one of the four Elements it signifies a certain distinction in the Garb and countenance between one person and another Ayry a nest of Hawks Akmanchester i. e. the City of Sick-folk a name anciently given by the Saxons to the Citie of Bath A. L. Alabandic a kinde of a Rose with whitish leaves Alabandine a kinde of blue and red stone provoking to bleed Alabaster a kinde of clear white Marble Alacrity lat chearfulnesse Alahab Arab. the Scorpions heart Alamae Arab. the left foot of Andromeda Alan a proper name signifying in Slavonish a Greyhound others contract it from Aelian i. Sun-bright Alastor the name of one of the sunnes horses Alata Castra the Citie of Edenborough in Scotland Alay a Term in hunting when fresh Dogs are sent into the cry Alazony Greek vain-glory Alba Julia the Citie of Westenbergh in Germany Alba Regalis a Citie in Hungary now called Stolwistenbergh where the Kings use to be Anointed and Crowned Albania a Countrey between Illyricum and Macedonia whose chief Citie is Dyrrachium now called Durazzo there is also another Albania in the East between Cholcos and Armenia from whence the people of the former Albania are said originally to spring also the Kingdom of Scotland was in ancient times called Albania Albanus a River in Armenia also a Lake in Italy called Lago di Castel Gandolf also the name of the first Brittish Martyr from the Lat. Albus i. e. white St. Albans a Town in Hertfordshire so called from the Brittish Martyr above mentioned whereas formerly it was called Verulam Albe a white Garment which the Priests were wont to wear Albeito Arab. the mouth of the Swan Albert a Saxon proper name signifying all bright Albion the ancient name of England by reason of the white Rocks upon the Sea-side or from Albion the son of Neptune or from Albina one of Dioclesians 50 daughters Albugineous lat belonging to the white of the eye or to any other white substance Albutius the name of a very covetous man who would beat his servants before they had committed a fault telling them that perhaps he should not be at leasure when they had committed any Alcaic verse a certain kinde of verse so called from Alcaeus the first Inventor consisting of two dactyls and two trochees Alcakengi a winter Cherry Alcander a young Lacedemonian who having put out one of Lycurgus his eyes yet being intertained by him as his near servant loved him afterwards with a great deal of respect Alcathous the son of Pelops who being suspected to have slain his brother Chrysippus fled to Megara where killing a Lion that had slain Euripus the son of Megareus he was by Megareus made his son in law and succeeded him in the Kingdom Alceste the wife of Adonetus King of Thessaly who willingly offered her self up to die for her husband Alchedi Arab. a Star in the goat Alchenit Arab. a Star in the right side of Perseus Alchobel see Reception Alchocodon is an Arabian word and signifies the giver of years and is plac't that he hath most essential dignity in the place of the Hyleg and with some aspect doth behold that place Alchorad Arab. a contrariety of the light of the Planets Alchimy Greek the art of dissolving metals to separate the pure from the impure Alcippus vide Damocrita A●cithoe a Theban woman who was turned into a Bat for contemning Bacchus his Org●es Alcmena vide Amphytryo Al●maeon the son of Amphiaraus and Eriphite he killed his mother for having betrayed Amphiaraus and afterwards runne mad but being cured by Phlegias he married his daughter Olphaestbae● giving her a Bracelet of his mothers but afterwards falling in love with one of Achetous his daughters called Callirhoe he promised her the Bracelet which he had given his former wife on condition she would marry him but going to fetch it he was slain by Temon and Axion Alphesibaeas brothers Alconor one of the 300. Argires who fought against the Lacedemonians onely he and Chromius being left alive and all his enemies killed excepting Othryades Alcoran Arab. the book wherein the Turkish religion is delivered first written by Mahomet the Turks great Prophet Alcyon dayes quiet times Alcyone the daughter of Nephtune the wife of Ceyx who sayling to the Oracle was drown'd by the way and chang'd into a bird called a King-fisher Alduas d●bis a River dividing the Helvetians from the Sequani called in French Leo doux Aldborrow see Isurium Aldingham a Town in Lancashire an ancient Hereditament belonging to the family of the Haveringtons or Harringtons unto whom it came from the Flemmings by the Cancefelds Aldebaran Arab. the south eye of the Bull. Alderanainim Arab. the right shoulder of Cepheus Alderanainim vide Pap. Alectryomancy Greek a certain kinde of divination among the ancients which was done by a Cock. Alectorius a precious stone of a waterish colour found in the maw of an old Capon Alectryon a young man who kept the door while Mars was familiar with Venus but Mars incensed that he was taken through his negligence changed him into a Cock. Alegement French ease releasment Aleger a Liquor made of sowr Ale Alembick lat a Still Alestake old word a Maypole Alexander son of Philip King of Macedon he overthrew the Persian Monarchy took Babylon Susa and Persepolis and after he had extended his Conquests as farre as India he returned to Babylon and there died the word signifies in Greek helper of men Alexandria a Famous Port Town of Egypt Alexipharmac Greek a Medecine against poyson Alferes Spanish an Ensign bearer Alfred a Saxon word signifying all peace Alfreton q. Alfreds Town a Town in Darbyshire built by King Alfred as some think the Lords whereof were called
whatsoever she desired she should have it whence Amalthean horn hath been taken for an embleme of plenty Amand lat to send one away Amanuensis lat a secretary one that writes for another Amaritude Lat. bitternesse Amassement French a crouding or heaping of several things together Amate to discourage Amazons certain warlike women of Asia that dwelt near the River Thermodoon who burnt off their right paps and killed all their Male Children that they might have no man among them their most renowned Queens were Mathesia Orithya Penthesilea whom Achilles slew coming to help the Trojans Menalippe and Hippolyta whom Hercules overcame and gave Theseus to wife Ambacti among the ancient Gauls were those servants and dependants which belonged to their chief Nobility Ambage Lat. a far-fetch't circumstance of words Amber a hard yellow Gum of which they make beads and bracelets some think it to be the Gum of Poplar Trees others the juyce of a certain stone that grows like Corral Ambergreece a sweet perfume or Aromatick juyce which some hold to be a kinde of bitumen rising from Fountains in the bottom of the Sea and becoming hard by floating upon the water Amb●anum the Citie of Amiens in Picardie Ambidexter Lat. one that useth both hands alike also a Term in Common-law signifying a Juror that taketh of both parties for the giving of his verdict Ambient Lat. encircling compassing round an Epithete properly belonging to the aire Ambifarious Lat. that which hath a twofold meaning Ambiguous Lat. uncertain doubtfull † Ambilogy Lat. an obscure saying a dark speech Ambition Lat. an excessive thirst of honour Amblothridium a Medicine provoking travel before the time Amblygone Greek a Term in Geometry signifying a figure that hath a blunt or obtuse angle Ambracia a Citie of Epirus vulgarly called Lacta Ambresbury q. Ambrose his Town a Town scituate upon the River Avon in Wiltshire built by Ambrose Aurelian here Alfritha King Edgars wife erected a stately Nunnery to expiate the murther of her son in Law King Edward in this Nunnery afterwards Eleanor widow of K. Henry the third devoted her self to God An Ambrey a cup-board Ambrose the name of an ancient Bishop of Milain and one of the fathers the word signifieth in Greek Divine or immortal Ambrosia an Herb called Artimisia Wood sage it is a word often used by the Poets to signifie the meat of the Gods Ambulatory Lat. a place to walk in Amburbial sacrifices were certain ancient sacrifices wherein the beast went about the Citie before he was sacrificed Ambuscado Spanish an ambush or men secretly so disposed as to rush out upon an enemy unawares Ambustion Lat. a singing or burning round about Amen a Syriack word signifying verily or so be it and therefore it is used after every prayer Amenity Lat. delightfulnesse pleasure Amenused old word diminish't Amercement or Amerciament a Term in Law a penalty or pecuniary punishment set upon the head of an Offender against the King or Lord in his Court. America the fourth part of the world discovered about the year 1492. by Americus Vesputius a Florentine and Christophorus Columbus a Genoese Amery in Lat. Almaricus a proper name from the German word Emeric i. alwayes rich and powerfull An Amesse a Priests hood or Cap which he weareth in the Quire Amethyst Gr. a precious stone so called because it is said to represse drunkness Amiable Lat. lovely Amicable Lat. friendly Amict see Amesse Amy in Fr. Aime i. beloved a name common both for man and women from Amadeus by which name many of the Dukes of Savoy have been called Amission Lat. losse Ammodite a creeping insect of a sandy colour and full of black spots Ammoniac a kinde of Gum which is brought from Lybia near the Temple of Ammon also a kinde of Salt like Allum which is found in Africa Amnesty Greek a burying in silence and Oblivion all former injuries and dammages Amnios the second Tunicle that enwraps the birth and covers it all over Amoebean Greek Amoebean verses are those which answer one another Amorist a lover an amorous man Amoroso Ital. the same Amort French dead whence one that is melancholy or in a dumps is said to be all Amort Amortize to kill a word used by Chaucer Amotion Lat. a removing out of the way Ampelite a kinde of pitchy cleaving and black earth wherewith they use to anoint Vines to kill the worms Ampelusia a promontory in Mauritania Amphiaraus the son of Oileus he was a great Prophet who was desired by Adrastus to go to the War of Thebes but he knowing he should not return kept himself private till being betrayed by his wife Eriphile who was bribed with a golden bracelet he was forced to go but the first day he came to Thebes he was swallowed up alive by the earth Amphibious Greek living indifferently upon both Elements land and water Amphibologie Greek see Amphilogie Amphictions Greek the Councel of Greece consisting of men chosen out of the twelve chief Cities for the making of laws and deciding of all controversies It was instituted by Amphyction the son of Hellen or as others say by Acrisius Amphion the son of Jupiter and Ant●ope who being married to Lycus and after vitiated by Epaphus was imprisoned by Lycus's 2. wife but being set at liberty by Jupiter she fled to the Hill Cytheron where she brought forth Twins Zethus and Amphion who to revenge their mothers injuries tormented Dirce by tying her to a wilde Bull 's tale but Bacchus pitying her changed her to a Fountain Amphion became so rare a Musician that he was said to build the Theban Walls by playing upon Mercuries Harp Amphiscians Greek those people that live under the Equator where the shadow 's are cast both wayes North and South Amphitheater a place made for the acting of stage-playes and publick spectacles differing from a common Theater as being more perfect and built in a full circle the other onely in a semicircle Amphitrite the daughter of Nereus and Doris the wife of Neptune she sitting at the foot of Atlas was brought to him by a Dolphin and made Queen of the Sea Amphitryo the son of Alceus Prince of Thebes who married Alcmena daughter of Electryon and Lysidice upon that condition that he should revenge the death of her brothers upon the Teleboans and Taphians but while he was in the War Jupiter coming to her in the likenesse of her husband and lying with her she brought forth Twins Hercules son to Jupiter Iphiclus to Amphitryo Amphiction a King of Athens the son of Deucalion he succeeded Cranaus in the Kingdom Amphora an ancient measure of liquid things the Italick Amphora contained five Gallons the Attick Amphora seven Gallons and a half Ampliation Lat. an enlargement also a deferring of judgement till the cause be better examined a word used in Common-law Amplification Lat. a making large or amplifying Amplitude Lat. largenesse also a Title of Honour used among the Latins Ampullous Lat. swelling like a bottle also puft up
Mediterranean-Sea lying West-ward it begins at the River Molucha and finishes at the promontory Ampelusia Atlas the son of Iapetus and Asia daughter of Oceanus who was faign'd by the Poets to support heaven upon his shoulders also a Mountain of Mauritania now called Anchisa by others Montes Claros into which the Poets faign Atlas King of Mauritania to have been turn'd Atmosphaere Greek that same Region of the aire where vapours and exhalations are ingendred Atom Greek a mote in the sun-beams also a word used in Philosophy being the smallest part of a body that can be imagined Atonement as it were a making at one a reconcilement or causing to agree Atramental Lat. belonging to Ink. Atrate Lat. made black also one in mourning Atrick an Usher of a Hall Atrocity Lat. fiercenesse Atrophy Greek a kinde of consumption of the body which is caused by the meat not turning into nourishment Attachment French a laying hands on in Common-law it signifieth a laying hold on by the force of a Writ it differeth from an Arrest which lieth on the body and from a distresse which is upon land and goods this being upon body and goods Attainder French a Term in law signifying the conviction of any person of fellony or any Crime whereof he was not convicted before Attaint try'd found out Attamed old word set on broch Attaque French an assault an incounter Attemperate Lat. to make fit to mix a just proportion An Attendant a servant Attenes old word at once Attentive Lat. diligently hearkning Attenuation Lat. a making lesse Atterly old word extreamly Attestation lat a proving by witnesses Atthis the daughter of Cranaus King of Athens she died unmarried and from her the Countrey was called Attica whereas it was formerly called Actica from Actaeus the first King thereof Attick neat elegant from Attica or Athens which was the Nursery of Eloquence An Attiring a dressing or apparelling from Tiara a Persian Ornament for the head also a Term in Heraldry Attoure old word towards Attournment French a Term in Common-law a turning Tenant to a new Lord. Attraction Lat. a drawing to an allurement Attraits French the same also those charming qualities which have power to draw the affections of men Artamenes Attrebatii the ancient name of those people that inhabited that part of England now called Bark-shire Attrectation Lat. handling also a wanton carriage towards a woman Attribute Lat. to give to impute Attrition Lat. a rubbing or wearing against another thing Attwitte old word to make blame-worthy Atwin old word asunder A V Available profitable Avant French forward also a Term of disdain as much as to say away out of my sight Avarice Lat. covetousnesse Avaricum a Town of Gallia Aquitanica now called Bourges by some Chasteauneuf Aubades French songs or instrumental musick sung or play'd under any ones Chamber-window in the morning from Aube the morning Auben●y or Albeney see D'anbeney Auctour Lat. an increaser also the same as Author Aucupation Lat. fouling also a greedy looking after gain Audacity Lat. boldnesse Audley see Awdley Audience Lat. hearing also a great concourse of people coming to hear any Oration delivered in publick Auditor Lat. a hearer also an Officer of the King or any other great personage appointed to hear and examin the accounts of all under Officers and to make up a general book which shews the difference between their receipts and allowances Audry the name of an English Saint the first foundresse of Ely Church some think it contracted from the Saxon word Ethelred Avenant agreeable Avenage French a certain quantity of Oates which a Landlord receives in stead of some other duties Avenio a Citie of Gallia Narbonensis which hath been the seat of divers Popes now called Avignon this Citie hath seven Palaces seven Parishes seven Monasteries seven Colledges seven Inn's and seven Gates Aventinus one of the seven Hills of Rome Avenue French a Term in fortification signifying the space that is left for passage to and fro in and out a Camp Garrison or Quarter Aver old word bribery Aver French affirm to justifie Average from the old Latin word Averia which signifies a beast it being a service which a Tenant does unto the Lord by horse or carriage of horse and so the Kings Averages are 〈◊〉 Kings carriages by horse or cart it is also a contribution that Merchants and others make towards the losses of those who have their goods cast into the Sea for the safeguard of the ship Averdupois French it signifies in Common-law a weight of 16 Ounces whereas Troy-weight hath but 12. also such Merchandizes as are weighed by this weight Averie a place where Oates or Provender for the Kings horses was kept or a Christian name signifying as much as given in wish from the Dutch Alberia Averment a Term in law when the Defendant offers to justifie an exception pleaded in abatement of the Plaintiffs act Avernus a Lake in Campania near Baiae whose vapours were so deadly that birds were kill'd as they flew over which made the ancients think it to be a descent into Hell Averpenny money contributed towards the Kings Averages Averruncation Lat. a Term in Husbandry it being a lopping off of superfluous branches Averrun●us a certain God among the Romans who was said to avert all evils as Hercules among the Greeks was called Alexicacus Aversion Lat. a secret hatred without any apparent reason it may be taken in the same sence as Antipathy Artamenes also a turning away Aufidena a Citie of Italy among the Caraceni which is yet standing Augeas King of Elis the son of Sol and Nauphridame he had a stable which held 3000 Oxen which Hercules cleansed by bringing in the River Alpheus but being denied his pay he killed Augeas and made his son Phileus King Augmentation Lat. an increasing the Court of augmentation was a Court erected by Henry the eighth for the increase of the Revenues of the Crown by the suppression of Abbies and religious houses Augre a Carpenters tool a wimble Augrim the same as Algorithme skill in numbring Augrimstones stones to cast account with Augurie Lat. South-saying Divination by the voices or flying of birds Augures-staff a certain wand which the Augures used to hold in their hand when they made their divinations August Royal Majestical Illustrious from Octavius Augustus ●he second Roman Emperour after whom 〈◊〉 the succeeding Roman Emperours were honoured with that Title also the name of the sixth moneth from March otherwise called Sextilis Augustal's Lat. feasts kept in honour of Augustus Augustan Confession Lat. the confession of faith made by the Protestants at Auspurgg in Germany in the year 1530. Augustin or Austin the name of one of the fathers who was Bishop of Hippo also a proper name of divers men from Augustus i. Majestical Augustin or Austin Fryers an Order of Fryers of the institution of St. Austin Augu●tinians a Sect of Hereticks otherwise called Sacramentaries who hold that Heaven Gates are not opened till the general Resurrection they
were instituted by Andreas Car●lostadius in the year 1524. afterwards confirmed by Augustin a Bohemian Aviary Lat. a great Cage or place where birds are kept Avice a womans name in Latin Hawisia or Helwisa contracted from Hildevig signifying in Saxon Lady Defence Avidity Lat. covetousnesse greedinesse of gain Aniso Spanish an advertisement or advice Aulick Lat. belonging to the Court. Aulis a Haven in Boeotia where the Grecian Princes met and joyned forces to go to the siege of Troy Aulnegeor French an Officer of the King who looks to the Assize of Woollen Cloath made throughout the land and hath two Seals ordained him for that purpose Aumener old word a Cupboard Aumer old word Amber Auncient demeasn a Term in Common-law signifying a publick Tribute by a Tenure whereby all Mannours belonging to the Crown in the dayes of Edgar or Saint Edward did hold Auntreth old word maketh adventure Avocation Lat. a calling away Avoirdupois see Averdupois Avouch French to maintain to justifie Avowable justifiable Avowry a Term in law when one takes a distresse for Rent and he who is distrained sues a Replevy now he that took the distresse justifying the act is said to avow Aurea Chers●nesus a Peninsula of India by some called Melepa by others Japan Aureat lat Golden Aurelia a Citie of Gallia Celtica so called from Aurelius the Emperour now called Orleance it is scituate upon the bank of the River Loir Aurenches the name of an ancient family who were heretofore Barons of Folkstone in Kent they are stiled in Latin Recordes de Abrincis Auricular lat belonging to the ear whence Auricular confession Auriferous lat Gold-bearing an Epithet belonging to the River Tagus Auriflamb the holy Standard of France which used to be born in the Wars against Infidels having on the top a purple Ensign it was lost in a battle against the Flemings Auriga a Constellation in the firmament upon the Horns of Taurus Aurigation lat the guiding of a Chariot or Coach Aurigia a Town of Hispania Boetica now called Arion Aurigraphy Greek a writing in Gold Aurney or Aurigney contracted from Alderney an Island in the Brittish Sea anciently called Arica Aurora the daughter of Hyperion and Thea mother of Lucifer and the windes she snatch't away Tithonus the brother of Laomedon whom when he was old she restored to youth by the virtue of Herbs and had Memnon by him Aurum potabile Gold made liquid and Medicinable Auscultation lat a hearkning unto or obeying Auses a people of Africa among whom the Virgins used to combat in honour of Minerva those that were killed were accounted no maids and she that fought most valiantly was carried in a Triumphant Chariot about the River Tritonis Ausones a very ancient people of Italy Neighbours to the Osci and Cir●eii being that part where now stands Beneventum they were so called from Auson the son of Vlysses and Capso who built Arunca thereabouts Auspical lat belonging to Sooth-saying Auspitious lat lucky happy from Auspices Sooth-sayers Austere lat sour crabbed stern Austral lat Southern Austrasia that part which contains Brabant and Lorrain it was anciently reckoned a part of France and was a Kingdom of it self having Mets for its chief seat there being anciently in France four Kingdoms Austrasie Soissons Orleans and Paris Austria a part of Germany by Danubius anciently called the upper ●annonia in this Countrey is seated the imperial Citie of Vi●enna Austromancy Greek a kinde of divination by observing the South-winde Authentick Greek allowed approved by good Authors Autoleon a Captain of the Crotoniates making war against the Lo●ri who alwayes left a room void for Ajax as if he had been present himself but Antoleon breaking into the empty place was wounded by Ajax his Ghost Autoli●us the son of Mercury and Telauge the daughter of Lucifer he received this gift from his father that whatsoever he stole he might change it into what form soever he would to keep himself from being deprehended he ravish't Anticlia the daughter of Sisyphus who being with childe was given to Laertes and brought forth Vlisses Autology Greek a speaking of or to ones self Autogeneal Greek self-begotten Autocrasie Greek self-subsistence Automatous Greek having a motion within it self Antonoe the daughter of Cadmus King of Thebes and Hermione she was married to Aristeus and brought forth Actaeon Autonomy Greek a living after ones own law Autoptical Greek self beholding Autremite another attire a word used by Chaucer Autumnal Lat. belonging to Autumne one of the four quarters of the year Auturgie Greek a self-working Avulsion Lat. a pulling away from Aux a Term in Astronomy the same as Absis see Absis A●xiliary Lat. aiding or assisting as auxiliary forces were such as were sent the Romans from other Countreys their confederates and ally's A●xilium ad filium militem faciendum c. a Writ directed to the Sheriffe of every County where the King or other Lord hath Tenants to leavy of them reasonable aid toward the Knighting of his eldest son or marrying of his eldest daughter Award judgement arbitration Awaite a watching circumspection also a tarrying Awaites ambushments Awdley end the name of a stately house in Essex once an Abby afterwards the dwelling house of the Aldethelighe's or Awdly's an ancient family it is now in the possession of the Earles of Suffolk Awhaped old word amazed Awhere old word desire Awning a sayl made of Canvasse which is spread over the ship above the deck to keep away the sun Awreketh old word revengeth Axillary Lat. belonging to the arm pit Axinomancy Greek a divination by hatchets Axiome Greek a position in a sentence a maxim in any art Axicle Latin a little board lath or shingle Axis Lat. an Axel-tree the Diameter of the world Axminster or Axanminster a Town in Cornwall famous for the Tombs of the Saxon Princes slain at the battle of Brunaburg Ay old word an Egg. Ayde the same as aid help succour also a Term in law signifying a subsidy lone or tax due from subjects to their Soveraign or from Tenants to their Landlord Aye old word for ever Azamoglans those that are destined to be Janizary's are so called before they are inrolled in pay Azebone Arab. a Term in Astrology the head of the 16th mansion Azimeck Arab. the starre called the Virgins spike Azemen degrees in Astronomy are those degrees which when the native is infected with any inseparable disease as blindnesse dumnesse c. or defective in any member are supposed to ascend at his birth Azimuth a Term in Astronomy the Azimuth Circles are those which meet in the vertical point and passe through all the degrees of the Horizon Azure a sky-colour a light blue it is most properly termed Azure in blazon or Heraldry Azyme Greek unleavened unmingled Azymes a solemne feast kept for seven dayes wherein it was not lawfull to eat leavened bread B BAal an Assyrian word signifying Jupiter or Lord. Ba●el or Babylon so called from the confusion of
languages which was there caused it was anciently the chief seat of the Assyrian Monarchs being built by Nimrod and afterwards walled by Semiramis it is now called Bagadeth or Bagda Bablac a Town in Oxfordshire situate upon the River Isis where Sir R. Vere Earle of Oxford Marquesse of Dublin and Duke of Ireland being in great favour and Authority with King Richard the second was defeated by the Nobles forced to swim over the River and to fly his Countrey Babys the brother of Marsyas he committing the like insolency as his brother was also to have been flead by Apollo but that he was saved at the intercession of Pallas Bacchanals the feast of Bacchus Baccharach or Bachrag wines are those which we call Rhenish wines from Baccharag a Citie situate upon the Rhine Bacchus the inventour of wine he was the son of Jupiter and Semele who desiring to lye with Jupiter in all his glory was burnt up with Thunder and Bacchus being cut out of her Womb was inserted into Jupiter's Thigh untill the birth were mature he is also called Dionysius Liber Pater and Osiris Bacciferous Lat. bearing Berries Bacheler French an unmarried man also a Bacheler of a Company a Bacheler of Arts is he who takes the first degree in the profession of any Art or Science the second being licenciate and the last Doctor A Bacheler Knight vide Knight Backberond Saxon a Term in Common-law signifying a Thief that is taken with the manner being followed with huy and cry with those things he hath stollen whether it be money or any thing else it is by some taken for an offender against Vert or Venison in the Forrest Bactriana a Provice of Scythia beyond Assyria Badbury a Town in Dorsetshire where King Edward the Elder put to flight his Cozin Aethelwald who had conspired with the Danes against him Badge the same as Armes or Cognisance Badger a Carrier of Corn or like provision from one place to transport it to another Badinage French foolery buffonry Badonicus the ancient name of a Hill in Sommersetshire now called Bannesdown-hill where King Arthur defeated the English Saxons in a great battail Boetica a part of Spain formerly so called from the River Boetis now called Gnadalquivir Bagatel French a toy a trifle Baggeth old word disdaineth Baile French a Term in Common-law signifying the taking charge of one arrested upon action either Civil or Criminal under surety taken for his appearance at a day and place certainly assigned See Main-prize Baily or Bailiffe French a Magistrate appointed within a Province or praecinct to execute Justice to maintain the peace and to preserve the people from wrongs and vexations and is principal Deputy to the King or Supream Lord also the Officers of each hundred and of Towns Corporate are called Bayliffs there are also Bayliffs of husbandry belonging to private men who are Lords of Mannours Bailywick the Jurisdiction of a Baily Bain French a bath or hot house Bainards Castle a house in London belonging at this day to the Earles of Pembrock it was so called from William Bainard Lord of Dunmow whose possession formerly it was Baisemaines Fr. kissing of the hands Complementing Baiton Kaiton the belly of the Whale an Arabick word Baize a fine sort of Freeze from Baii a Citie of Naples where it was first made Balade French a Ballet or roundelay also a Dance Balasse a Saxon word signifying Gravel laid in the bottom of a ship to keep it upright Balatron Ital. a babler a prating knave Balcone Ital. a bay-window Baldwin Germ. a proper name signifying bold victor and answering to the Greek Thrasyn●achus Bale French a pack of Merchants wares Balefull sorrowfull woefull Balk Dutch a ridge between two furrows Ball French a dancing meeting Balladin French a dancer of Galliards A Ballance French a pair of Scales Ballast see Balasse Balliol Colledge a Colledge in the University of Oxford built by John Balliol of Bernards Castle in the Bishoprick of Durham and father of Balliol King of Scots Ballist Lat. an Engin to cast or shoot stones Ballon French a Term in Architecture signifying the round Globe of a Pillar also a great Ball. Ballotation a kind of casting lots or making election by Balls Ballustrad a Term in Architecture signifying a jutting out of a window or portal Balm the juyce or Oyl of a certain plant growing in Judaea otherwise called Balsamum or Opobalsamum Balmerinoch an Abby in Fife a County of Scotland built by Queen Ermengard wife to King William Balneary Lat. a bathing place Balthasar an Hebr. word signifying without treasure it was the name of one of the wise-men who came out of the East to worship our Saviour See Sands his Travels 181. Baltia an Island in the German Ocean by Xenophon called Lampsacenus now Scandia or Scandinavia from this Island the Baltick Sea derives its name which Philemon calls Marimorusa Hecataeus Amalchium Bambalio a faint-hearted fellow A Band French a Company of foot Souldiers Bandie French to follow a faction Banditi Ital. out-laws from Bando a Proclamation because they are condemned by Proclamation the Dutch call them Nightinghals and Free-booters Bandle an Irish measure of two foot in length A Bandog a Mastive Bandon French free Licence or liberty also a company or Sect. Bandore Ital. a kinde of Musical instrument Bane poyson destruction Banes French in Canon-law are Proclamations but more especially taken for the publick proclaiming of Marriage in Churches Bangle-ear'd having hanging ears like a Spaniel Bangue a pleasant drink used in the Eastern Countreys A Banker one who in forreign Countreys delivers forreign money for his own Countreys Coyn. Bankrout or Bankrupt a decoctor one that hath consumed his estate Bannavenna or Bennaventa a Town in Northhamptonshire anciently so called now Wedon in the street once the Royal seat of Wolpher King of the Mercians and by his daughter Werbury a holy Virgin converted into a Monastery Banner French a Standard or Ensign Banneret or Knight Banneret vide Knight Banneroll French a little Flagge or Streamer Baptisme Greek a Sacrament used in the Church for the initation of children into the Christian Religion it signifies a washing or dipping in water Baptist Greek a proper name first given to St. John who was the first that baptized Baptistery Greek a Vessel to wash in a Font to baptize in Barbara the name of a holy woman martyred under the Emperour Maximian the word signifieth in Latin strange or unknown Barbaria the chief part of Africk which is divided into four Kingdomes Morocco Fesse Telessina and Tunis Barbarisme Greek a rudenesse of behaviour a clownish pronunciation of words Barbe a mask or visard Barbel a kinde of fish a little Sammon Barbican French a Term in architecture and fortification an out-work in a building a bulwark a watch Towr Barbitist a Lutinist Barce the chief Citie of Lybia Bards the ancient Poets among the Brittains and the Gaules Bardes also or barbes signifie the trappings or caparisons of horses Bardulph
wood of trees growing by the sea side especially in the North parts of Scotland and the Islands thereabouts They are also called Claik-geese and Soland-geese Bernard from the Dutch word Beornhart i. e. beares heart the proper name of a learned Monk of Burgundy who entred into the Monastery of Cisteaux Bernard Colledge a Colledge in Oxford re-edified by Sir Thomas White Citizen of London and called by a new name Trinity Colledge as Durham Colledge was repaired by Sir Thomas Pope and dedicated to St. John Baptist. Bernardines an Order of Monks instituted by Robert Abbot of the above-named Monastery whereof St. Bernard was the chief they were also called Cistertian Monks Bernet a Town in Hertfordshire famous for the great battle fought between the two Houses of York and Lancaster where Rich. Nevil Earle of Warick was slain Berry a Saxon word signifying a dwelling house a Lord of a Mannours seat Berth convenient room at sea to moor a ship in Bertha a womans name signifying in the German tongue bright or famous Berthinsec or Birdinsec a law in Scotland whereby a man cannot be hanged for stealing a sheep or so much meat as he can carry upon his back in a sack but onely scourged Bertram an herb called pellitory of Spain also a proper name See Ferdinando Berubium a Town in Strathnahern in Scotland now called Vrehead Besant an ancient coin of Gold otherwise called Bisantine from Byzantium i. e. Constantinople where it used to be coined It is uncertain what value it is of some attribute to it the value of a Ducket It is also a term in Heraldry by which they understand plates of Gold containing 104 pound and two ounces of Troy weight in value 3750 pound ster They were round and smooth without any representation on them Besieging is when a Planet is placed between the bodies of the two malevolents Besestein or Bisestano the name of the chief Exchange or Market-place in Constantinople Besyen trouble Bet old word better also quickly Bete old word help boot Beten old word to kindle Bethlem see Bedlem Betle or Betre a kind of Indian plant called Bastard-pepper Betonie a medicinal plant so called having many soveraign vertues Betrassed old word deceaved Betreint old word sprinkled Betroth from the Dutch word Betrouwen to make sure to promise one in marriage Beverage French a mingled drink Bevy a troop a company The Forresters say a Bevy of Roes Bewreck old word revenged Bewryen old word bewray'd Bezill see Beasel Bezoar a pretious stone bred in the maw of a Goat B I Bialacoyl old word fair welcoming Biace or Bias French that which makes the boule to run obliquely Bibacity Lat. the immoderate love of drink Bibliopolist Greek a Book-seller Bibliotheque Greek a study of books a library Bice a certain blue colour used by Painters Bid a boon old word to desire a request Bid-ale the setting up of one decayed in his estate by the liberality of friends invited or bid to a Feast Bicipital Lat. having two heads Bicorp●real signes are those signes which represent two bodies or double bodied as Gemini and Pisces Biennial Lat. of two years continuance Bifarious Lat. twofold or that may be taken two wayes Biformed Lat. having two shapes Bifront Lat. having two foreheads Bifur●ous Lat. twoforked Bigamy Greek the marriage of two wives at the same time which according to Common law hinders a man from taking holy Orders or one that is a prisoner from having the benefit of his Clergy Bigat a certain silver coin among the Romans from Bigia a chariot drawn with two horses which was stamped upon it Bigot French a scrupulous superstitious fellow Bilanciis deferendis a writ directed to a Corporation for the carrying of weights to a Haven to weigh the wools that are licenc't to be transported By-laws Orders made in Court leets or Court barons by common assent farther than the publick law binds In Scotland they are called Birlaw or Burlaw Bilbilis an ancient City of Hispania Tarraconensis famous for the birth of Martial the Latin Poet now called by some Calatayn'd Bilboa or Bilbo a City of Biscay in Spain where the best blades are made The Bildge or Buldge of a ship is the breadth of the flooce whereon the ship doth rest when she is a ground Bilinguis Lat. double-tongued also a Common law term signifying the jury that passeth between an Englishman and Alien whereof part are English and part Strangers Binarie Lat. the number of two Binarchy Greek a government where two onely bear sway Bindeweed a certain herb otherwise called With-wind Binne old word a manger also a place to put bread in Bint old word bound Bipartite Lat. divided into two parts Bipatent Lat. open on both sides Bipedal Lat. two-foot long Biquintile is an Aspect consisting of 141 degrees thus C●aractered Bq. Brigandes a kinde of wilde Goose. Birlet old word a Coife or Hood Bisexons Lat. of both Sexes Bismare old word curiosity Bison French a wilde one great-eyed and broad-fac't Bisque a fault at Tennis also a compound dish Bissextile Leap-year which is every fourth year wherein one day more then ordinary is added to February having commonly but 28 dayes and that odd day they call dies Intercalaris Bisumbres see Amphiscii Biton and Cleobis the two sons of Argia the Priestesse who for want of horses drew their Mothers Chariot to the Temple themselves whereupon their Mother requesting of the Gods a reward agreeable to their piety they were both found dead the next morning Bitressed see Betrassed Bittazle a close Cubbard placed on the steerage before the tiller whereon the Compasse doth stand Bits two square pieces of Timber commonly placed abast the manger in the loof of the ship Bittour a bird so called a kinde of Heron which they say hath three stones Bitume a kinde of slimy clay almost of the nature of brimstone or pitch also a kinde of liquor flowing out of mare mortuum that burns like Oyl Bituriges a certain people of Gallia aquitanica whose Countrey is now called Berry and their chief Citie Bourges Bizantin see Besant B L Black book of the Exchequer a book which treateth of all the ancient Ordnances and Orders of the Exchequer Blacklow a Hill in Warwick-shire upon which Pierce Gaveston whom King Edward the second raised from a base Estate to be Earle of Cornwall was beheaded by the Nobles for his insolencie Blackmore Forrest a Forrest in Dorcetshire called also the Forrest of Whitehart from a very beautifull Whitehart which King Henry the third going thither a hunting and taking great care to spare was killed by T. de la Linde which so incensed the King that he set a perpetual Fine upon the Land which at this day is called Whitehart silver Black-rod the Usher belonging to the Order of the Garter so called from the Black-rod he carrieth in his hand he is also of the Kings Chamber and of the Lords House in Parliament Black buried gone to Hell A Blain a
Normandy where being detained he assured the Kingdom of England to Duke William Boss French a stud or knob Bosphorus the name of two seas so called from the passage of Jupiter over them in the shape of a Bull when he stole away Europa the one lieth near Constantinople and is called Bosphorus Thracius the other more northward and is called Bosphorus Cimmerius Botachidae a place of Tegea in Arcadia from Botachus the Nephew of Lycurgus Botanicall Greek belonging to herbs Botargo a kind of Saucedge from the Greek word Oa Taricha salted egges Bothna or Buthna a term used in the practick of Scotland signifying a Park where cattel are inclosed and fed Botin French a kind of boot or buskin Botolph a proper name signifying in the Saxon tongue helpful Bottom old word a blossom or bud Bovillae a Town near Rome where Claudius was slain by Milo Bovillon French a kind of boiled meat made of several ingredients A Boulter a seive to sift meal or flower Boun old word ready Bourchier contracted into Bowcer the name of a very great and ancient Family of this Nation stiled in Latin Records de burgo Chara whose chief seat in ancient times was Hausted a Town in Essex Bourd French to jest Bourges French a free Denison Bourn Dutch a head of a Spring or Fountain and those Towns that end in bourn as Sittinbourn c. are situated upon Bourns or Springs Bourrean French an Executioner Bourrough from the Dutch word Burgh a Town incorporate which is not a City whence Bourrough or Bourgomaster is the Bailiff Maior or Chief Ruler of a Town or Borrow Bourrough English or Burgh-English a term in law being a customary descent of land or tenements to the youngest son or brother A Bourser or Bouser French a Purse-bearer or Treasurer of a Colledge Boute-feu French an incendiary a sower of strife and sedition A Bow a Mathematical instrument to take heights The Bow of a Ship the fore part of it so called from the form A Bowge of Court a livery of bread and drink or other things of the Princes bounty over and above the ordinary allowance To bowlt a Cony term of hunting to start her out of any place where she lies Boxa a kind of drink made in Turky of a seed somewhat like mustard-seed Boy or Booy of an anchor Span. that which being tied to the Anchor swims uppon the water to give notice where the Anchor lies B R Brabantia the Dukedom of Brabant which is parted from Flanders by the River Scheldt it containes the Marchionate of the sacred Empire the Dukedom of Ars●hot the Earledomes of Hochstrat and Macklin Braccata Gallia that part of France wich is called Province Brace that which fastens beams in building also a Cable of a ship also a couple or pair from the French brace i. e. the armes Brachy-graphy Greek the Art of writing in Characters or short-writing Brackmans or Bramans a sect of Philosophers or Divines in India who live onely upon herbs and fruits Braggard or Braggadocio a bragging vain-glorious fellow Bragget a drink made of honey used in Wales it is derived from two Welch words Brag which signifies malt and Gots a honey-comb it is also a word used in Architecture signifying a stay cut out of stone or timber to bear up the Corbel Braid Albin otherwise called Albanie the most Nothren Country of Scotland commonly called the Highlands the highest part whereof is likewise called Drum Albin or Brun Albin Brake Dutch a snaffle for horses Brancher a young Hawk newly come out of the neast Brankursin see Bearesfoot Brand-iron a trevet an iron to set a pot upon Brandish French to make to shine with a gentle moving Branonium the ancient name of Wigornia or the City of Worcester Brant a bird called a Bargander or Soland-goose Brassets French armour for the armes Brast old word to break Brat old word a ragge Bravado Spanish a daring a making shew of an onset Bravery a going fine in cloths also a compleatnesse of behaviour Cleopatra Bravy old word a reward Brawders engraven work Brawl a kind of dance from the French word Bransler to move gently up and down Brayd old word to break out Brayed awoke arose also took Breck old word a bruise Brede old word a bredth also abroad Bredgen old word to abridge to shorten Breez a fresh gale or wind blowing off the sea by day Breetch a term in Gunnery the aftermost part of a gun Breme old word furiously also a kind of fish so called Brennus a Captain of the Gaules who overthrew the Romans at the River Albia and took Rome but was beaten out by Camillus afterwards he killed himself at Delphos Brent old word burnt Breve that which we call a writ is called in the practick of Scotland a Breve the several formes whereof will be seen in their order Breviary a compendious collection also a kind of Masse-book Breviloquence Lat. a short discourse a speaking in brief Brian French a shrill voice Briarius one of the Centimani and brother to Gyes and Caeus they were all three the sons of Vranus and Terra and were said each of them to have a hundred hands Bricolls certain Engins used in old time to batter the walls of Towns or Castles Bridgenorth a Town in Shropshire corruptedly so called for Burgmorf i. e. the Town near the Forrest of Morf it was built by Achelfleda Lady of the Mercians and walled by Robert de Belesm Earle of Shrewsbury who keeping the Town against King Henry the second was there besieged and taken A Brie or Brieze a kinde of fly called a horse fly or Gad-fly A Brief or Breve or Writ see Writ Brigade French a Term in Military Discipline a body of Souldiers consisting of three squadrons Brigandine French an ancient kinde of Armour with many plates and joynts like a Coat of Maile whence Brigand a foot Souldier so arm'd or a high-way Robber it signifieth also a kind of ship or Pinnace Brigantes the ancient name of those people that inhabited a great part of the North of England as York-shire Richmond-shire the Bishoprickrick of Durham Lancashire Cumberland and Westmorland Brig-bote or Brug-bote Dutch a contribution made toward the mending of Bridges also an exemption from that Tribute by a Charter from the King Brigidians an order of religious persons instituted by a Princesse of Suetia whose name was Brigidia there was also an Irish woman famous for sanctity who was called St. Brigit or Bride Brimstone a certain Mineral being the fat of the earth decocted unto his hardnesse Brionie a plant called otherwise white Vine Briseis the daughter of Brises she fell to Achilles his share at the taking of Lyrnessus and being afterwards taken from him by Agamemnon was the cause of his defection from the Grecian Army for a great while Britannia the name of this whole Island containing England and Scotland it is so called from the ancient name Brith i. painted and Tania which among the old Greeks
signified a Region Bristow the name of a pleasant Citie standing partly in Sommerset-shire partly in Gloster-shire it is so called as it were Brightstow which in the Saxon signifieth a bright or shining place in British it was called Caer Oder Nant Badon i. e. the Citie Oder in the Vale of Badon it was fortified by Robert Bishop of Constance against King William Rufus with a Wall which this day is in part standing Britomartis a Cretan Nimph the daughter of Jupiter and Charme she was the first Inventour of hun●●ng Nets being pursued by Minos she to aviod him threw her self into the Sea Broach a Term in hunting the next start growing above the Beamantler in a Stagg's head Brocado Spanish a kinde of Cloath wrought or mixed with Gold or Silver Broccarii a word used in the Scots practick signifies in the Statutes of Gild. Mediatours in any transaction or contract Brochity crookednesse especially of teeth Brocket a red Deer of two years old a spitter or pricket Brode-half-penny a Toll or Custome for setting up boards or Tables in a Market or Fair. Brond old word fury Brontes one of the Cyclops the son of Coelus and Terra and brother to Arpe and Strerope they had each of them onely one eye and that upon their forehead Brooklime an Herb so called Brooming a bringing of a ship aground to be trimmed or made clean Brotel old word brickle A Brouch a Jewel Brow-antler a Term among hunters the first start that grows next to the head of a stag and next to that is the beam-antler Browded old word imbroidered Browk old word to injoy Browse to feed as beasts on shrubs or roots of trees Bruges a famous Citie in Flanders encompass't with a fair wall and having above 60 Churches Brumal Lat. winterlike belonging to the shortest day of winter Brundusium a Town in Italy through which Caesar followed Pompey into Greece Brusk a Term used in Heraldry signifying a kinde of tawney colour otherwise called Tenne Bryke old word streight narrow Brymme when a Boar desires copulation he is said to go to the brymme B U Buccinate Lat. to blow a Trumpet Bucentoro a stately Gally or great ship wherein the Duke of Venice and the Senate go yearly in Triumph on Ascention day to espouse the Sea Bucephalus the horse of Alexander the Great he had the mark of a Bull 's head upon his shoulder being killed in the battle which Alexander fought against Porus King of India a Citie was built in the place where he was buried called Bucephala Bucheldians a Sect of Hereticks which are reckoned among the several sorts of Anabaptists Buck a Hare or Cony when they desire copulation are said to go to Buck. Buck-hurst the title of a Barony belonging to the Sackviles afterwards Eearls of Dorset Buckingham the chief Towns in Buckinghamshire so called from its fruitfulnesse in Beech-trees which the Saxons called Bucken Bucoliks Greek pastoral songs Buda the chief Citie of Hungary now called Offen not farre from the Banks of Danubius Budaris a Citie of Germany belonging to the Pals-grave now called Heidelbergh Budge Lambs furre Buffle a wilde Oxe Bulbous Lat. Bulbous plants are those that have round roots Buffoon French a Jester Bulgaria a countrey on this side Thrace † Bulimy Greek insatiable hunger A Bull a round Jewel hollow within also one of the Popes briefs or Mandates Bullion mony Gold or Silver in the Masse or billet also the place where such Gold or Silver is brought to be tried and changed for the King Bumbasin see Bombasin Bundles a sort of Records of Chancery lying in the Office of the Roll's as the Files of Bills and Answers in Chancery the Files of Corpus cum causa all Writs of Certiorare with their Certificates and divers others Buoy see Boy Buquan a County in the South-part of Scotland the people whereof were anciently called Taizoli Burgedala a famous Citie of France now called Bourdeaux where the Poet Ausonius was born Burel fine●glasse Burford a Town in Oxford-shire where Cuthred King of the West-Saxons vanquish't Aethelbald King of the Mercians and won his Banner whereon was painted the Golden Dragon Burgage is a Tenure whereby men of Cities and Borrows hold their Lands and Tenements of the King and other Lords for a certain yearly Rent Burganet French a kinde of Helmet Burgeon or Bourgeon to grow big about or grosse A Burgh see Bourrough Burgh-grave a title of Honour in Germany signifying a Count of a Castle or Garrison Burglary French from Bourg a Village and Larrecin theft according to the acceptance of Common-law is defined a felonious entring into another mans house with an intent to steal somewhat or to do some fellonious act Burgundia a Countrey of France the people whereof were anciently called Sequani and Hedui It is now divided into lower Burgundie which is called Burgundia Regia or the County of Burgundie and into upper Burgundy which is called Burgundia Imperatoria or the Dutchy of Burgundy Burled old word armed Burlesque French merry drolish Burlet French a coife Burly-brand old word a great sword great fury Burnet the name of a certain Herb also a word used by Chauser signifying woollen also a hood or attire for the head Burnish Ital. to make bright to polish also a word used by hunters when Harts spread their Horns after they are new rubbed A Burnisher a word used in graving or etching and signifieth a thing which they make use to smooth sweeten the work Burshoulder or Burrowholder see Headborough Buscum ducis one of the chief Towns of Brabant now called Hertogenbush Bush or holy water sprinkle a Term in hunting the tayl of a Fox Busiris the son of Neptune and Lybia the daughter of Epaphus who for his Tyranny was slain by Hercules with his son Amphidamas and Chalbis his cryer A Buskin a kinde of boot alse a Pump worn by Tragidians Bustard or Bistard a kind of great sluggish bird Butes the son of Amycus King of the Bebrycians he being deposed fled to Trepanum and falling in love with Lycaste a fair Curtesan he begat Eryx Buthus a famous Wrestler that used to devour a whole oxe in a day Butlerage of wines a certain impost uppon wines which the Kings Butler may exact out of every ship Butten a term among hunters the first part in putting up a Stags head Buttington a Town in Montgomeryshire wherein in old time the Danes taking up their winter quarters were driven out by Adhered Earle of the Mercians in the year of our Lord 894. Buttresse a word of Architecture the prop whereon the but-end of the building resteth Buttuck a term in Navigation the breadth of a ship right a stern from the tuck upwards Buxome or Bu●some from the Dutch word Booghsaem pliant flexible also blith or merry Buzzar a Market-place among the Persians Buzzard a kind of great Hawk or Kite B Y Byblus a Town of Phoenicia where Adonis had a Temple built in honour of him Byg old
thing into cinders especially metals Calcitrate Lat. to kick or spurn Calcule Lat. an accounting also a Ches-man or Counter Caleb a proper name signifying in Hebr. hearty Calcent a great Mart-Town in India situate upon the Indian Sea The Caledonian vvood a great vvood in Scotland whence Scotland it self hath been anciently called Caledonia or Calydonia Calefaction Lat. a heating or warming Calender a Term used by Linnen-drapers signifying to set a glosse upon cloath A Calender Lat. an Almanack Calends Lat. a word used among the Romans for the Computation of their moneths and signifies the first day of every moneth and if any number be added it stands for so many as precede the Calends Calenture a Spanish word signifying heat also a burning feavour Caletum a Port Town in France called by Caesar Portus Iccius by the Moderns Calis Calidity Lat. heat Caliduct a kinde of Furnace used by the ancients to convey heat from one room to another through certain pipes Caligation Lat. dimnesse of sight Caligula the fourth Emperour of Rome so called from certain Military Buskins which he used to wear named Caligae Caliph a Persian word signifying King or Emperour at first all the chief Princes of the Mahumetan Religion were called Caliphs as the Caliph of Aegypt c. Calisto one of Diana's Nymphs and daughter of Lycaon King of Arcadia she was got with Child by Jupiter and turn'd out of Diana's train Calked old word cast Callidity Lat. subtilty Calligraphy Greek fair or handsome writing Calliope the name of one of the nine Muses the mother of Orpheus she was believed to be the Inspiresse of Heroick verse Callipolis one of the Islands in the Aegoean Sea called Cyclades Callirrhoe the daughter of Phocus King of Boeotia she complaining to her Countrey-men against her thirty suiters who had killed her father they fled to Hippote a Town of Thebes but being pursued by the Boeotians the Town was taken and the murtherers burnt to death Calliver a kinde of great Gun or Arquebuse Callot an old Saxon word signifying a le●d or wanton woman Calour Lat. warmth also a heat of desire or affection Calpe a high hill in the uttermost part of Spain which is faign'd to be one of Hercules his pillars Calsounds a kinde of linnen drawers usually worn among the Turks Caltrope French certain instruments used in War being great pricks of iron four-square to cast in an enemies way when they would break in on the contrary side Calvinist one of the opinion of Calvin a famous reformer Calvity Lat. baldnesse Calumniatour Lat. signifies in Com-law him that in his accusation alleadgeth faults never committed Camarina a Lake in Sicily which when the people dried up contrary to the advice of the Oracle they were overcome by their enemies Cambel a famous Castle in Argile in Scotland from whence the great family of the Cambels derive their name Cambio Spanish a Burse or Exchange whence comes Cambsor a Banker or Mony-changer Cambles a King of the Lydians of so greedy an apetite that one night he devoured his wife Cambren a British word signifying a crooked stick Cambria the Countrey of Wales so called from Camber the son of Brutus Cambridge the chief Town of Cambridge-shire so called from a Bridge built over the River Cam In this Town hath flourished for many ages a famous University consisting of sixteen Colledges it hath been anciently reported that this Academy was founded by Cantabar a Spaniard 375 years before Christ and repaired by Sebert King of the East Angles in the year of our Lord 630. afterwards it was defaced by the Danes under Sueno but being restored again by the Normans it hath stood unviolated by War to this day Camelot a Town in the Shriefdom of Stirling in Scotland which seems to be the same with that which was called Corta Damniorum Cambyses King of Persia the son of Cyrus he added Aegypt to his Dominions he died of a wound which he gave himself as he was getting up to horse Cameracum a Citie of the Low-countreys now call'd Cambray where the linnen cloath we call Cambrick is made Camelion a beast like a Lizard that turneth himself into all colours and lives by the aire Camelopardal a kinde of beast half Camel half Pardal or Panther Camerade Spanish a Cabin or chamber-fellow Camerated Vaulted or Arched a Term used in Architecture Camisado Spanish a suddain assault or surprisal Cammock a kinde of Herb that hath a hard and big root Camois a British word signifying crooked Camomil an Herb of a fragrant smell which grows and spreads by being trampled on Campain French a plain field also a military word signifying an armies expedition or taking the field Campania a Countrey of Italy in the Kingdom of Naples called Terra del Lavoro whose chief Citie is Capua Campernulphs the ancient name of a great family of Cornwall Lords of the Town of Modbury they are commonly called Champernouns in Latin Records de Campo Arnulphi Campus lapideus a field of Gallia Narbonensis where Hercules fought with Alcion and Bergion the sons of Neptune but his darts failing him Jupiter sent him down a showr of stones wherewith he killed the Giants Campus Martius a field near Rome dedicated to Mars where the Romaus used to exercise and the people assembled to give their suffrages Campus sceleratus a place where the Vestal Nuns were punish't if they admitted of any familiarity with men Camulodunum or Camoludunum the chief Town of Essex in England vulgarly called Colchester or rather Maldon Camulus a name anciently attributed to Mars the heathen God of War Canace the daughter of Aeolus she was got with childe by her brother Macareus whence they use to call an Incestuous woman Canace Canachus a Fountain near Nauplia where Juno used to bath her self that she might recover her Virginity Canacus a high hill in Spain on the top whereof is a Well whose depth cannot be ●ounded Canariae certain Islands in the Adriatick Sea anciently called the fortunate Islands from thence it is that we have our Canary wines Cancel Lat. to rase to blot out from Cancelli Lattices or crosse-bars Canceline chamlet a word used by Chaucer Cancer one of the 12 signs of the Zodiack into which the Sun enters in the Moneth of June the word signifies in Latin a Crab. Candia an Island in the Mediterranean Sea anciently called Creet where Jupiter was born and Minos reign'd it is at present in the powr of the Venetian Candid Lat. white also innocent sincere Candida Casa the ancient name of a Town in Galloway in Scotland vulgarly Whithern the Episcopal seat of Ninian who first converted the Scottish Picts to Christianity it seemeth to be the same with Ptolomies Leucopibia Candidates Lat. were those among the Romans who use to stand for any place or Office of Dignity and were clad in white Robes Candiope the daughter of Oenopian and sister to Theodotion who going a hunting with her brother and being drawn into a Cave and
sentences were very brief whence Chilonick signifieth compendious Chimaera a Hill of Lycia on the top whereof were many Lions in the midst fed Goates and at the bottom were Serpents which Bellerophon made habitable Whence the Poets feigned that Bellerophon killed the Monster Chimaera who had the head of a Lion the belly of a Goat and the tail of a Dragon VVhence Chimaera's are taken for idle conceits Chimbe the uttermost part of a barrel Chaucer A Chime of Bells a pleasant tune rung upon the Bells Some say from the Latin word Cymbalum Chimin French a law-term signifying the Kings highway where there is free passage for him and his people Chiminage a toll for wayfarage or passage thorough a Forrest China a great Country in Asia which is all under one King whom they call Lord of the VVorld and Son of Heaven Chincherie niggardlinesse a word used by Chaucer Chione the daughter of Deucalion and wife of Paeonius the Epidaurian she being got with child by Phoebus and Mercury brought forth twins Autolycus to Mercury Philammon to Phoebus Chios an Island in the Aegean Sea between Lesbos and Samos It is 900 furlongs in circuit Chiragrical Greek having the gout in ones hands Chirking old word a chattering noise Chirographer a law-term signifying him who in the Common-pleas office ingrosseth fines acknowledged in that Court into a perpetual Record also he that giveth a bill of his hand Chirograph signifying in Greek ones own hand writing Chirologie Greek a talking by signs made with the hand Chiromancy Greek a divination by looking on the lines and marks of the hand This art is also called Palmestry Chiron the son of Saturn and Philyra who by reason that Saturn lay with Philyra in the shape of a horse had his upper parts like a man his lower parts like a horse he grew famous for physick brought up Achilles and Aesculapius and at length was placed among the Stars and called Sagittarius Chirrichote a Spanish word used in derision toward the Frenchmen Chirurgery Greek the Art of cureing wounds vulgarly called Surgery Chivalrie French horsemanship valour also a law-term signifying a tenure of land by Knights-service Chivauchie the same as Chivalrie Chloris the wife of Zephyrus she was called Flora or the Goddesse of Flowers also the daughter of Amphion and Niobe who married Meleus and brought forth Nestor Chocolate a compounded Indian drink whose chief ingredient is a fruit called Cocao Cholmondley a Town in Cheshire which gave name and habitation to the Noble Family of the Cholmondley's or Cholmley's by contraction Chorall a law-term one that by vertue of the ancient orders of the Clergy was admitted to serve God in the quire Chord a term in Geometry being a right line subtending an arch of a Circle Choriambick Greek a foot in Verse consisting of 4 syllables two long ones at each extream and two short ones in the middle Chorion Greek the outermost tunicle that enwraps the Birth Chorister Greek a singing-man of a quire Chorographer Greek a describer or decipherer of Countries and Kingdoms Chorus a company of Singers in a quire also that which is sung or played in a Tragedie or Comedy between every act Chrysmatory Greek a vessel wherein they put the holy ointment used by those of the Roman Church in the Sacrament of Baptisme which is called Chrism Chrisome Greek a white cloth put about a child newly christned in token of Baptism Christian a proper name of women first derived from the profession it self Christianism the profession of Christian Religion Christopher Greek a proper name of men signifying Christ carrier Chromatic Greek keeping its colour also pleasant delightful also a soft kind of musick which by the Ancients was taxed of effeminacy Chronical Greek temporal A Chronicle Greek a History of the times Chronodix Greek a certain kind of Dial or Instrument to shew how the time passeth away A Chronogram Greek a verse wherein the figurative letters being joyned together make up the year of our Lord. Chronography Greek a writing of Annals Chronology Greek a computation of years whereby is shown the coherence of Histories Chrysocol Greek a kind of green earth called Borax wherewith Goldsmiths soder gold and other mettals together Chrysolite a kind of pretious stone of a gold-colour Chrysopase another sort of precious stone of a greenish colour Chrysopolis a Promontory of Asia now called Scytary Chrysostomus signifying in Greek golden mouth it was the name of an ancient Bishop of Byzantium famous for his eloquence Chrystalline heaven it is the ninth heaven mentioned Gen. 1. which divideth the water from the waters Chyle Greek a white substance or milky juice into which the nutriment is converted by the heat of the stomack and which being there brought to that pefection passes thence away thorough Mesaraic veines into the Liver Chylification the act or faculty of converting nutriment into Chyle Chymistry the art of dissolving mettals and of extracting the quintessence out of any thing Chymere a coat or jacket also a Heralds coat of arms C I Cibarious Lat. belonging to meat Ciboire French a cup or box wherein the Sacrament of the Lords Supper is kept among the Roman Catholicks A Cicatrice Lat. a scar or mark which is left after a wound is healed up Cicely a proper name of women from the Latin word Caecilia i. Greyeyd Cicero the name of a most famous Oratour and Philosopher among the Romans whence Ciceronical is used for eloquent To Cicurate Lat. to tame Cid from the Arabick Caide which signifies a Lord or great man This word is used among the Spaniards for a valiant man or great Captain Cierges waxcandles lamps Chaucer Cilerie a term in Architecture signifying the draperie or leavage which is wrought upon the heads of pillars Cilicia a Country of Asia the Lesse now called Caramania or Turcomania Cilicious Lat. belonging to a Cilice or haircloath Cilinder see Cylinder Cimbick Lat. a niggard or peny-father Cimbrians a northern and warlick people anciently inhabiting that Country which is now called Denmark Cimeliark Lat. a Vestry also a place to put Jewels in Cimice a small red insect or worm A Cimiter see Scymitar Cimmerians a northern people whose Country by reason of its distance from the Sun is alwayes dark whence Cimmerian darknesse is taken for a very thick obscurity They live near a certain narrow sea which from them is called Bosph●rus Ci●imerius There is also a people of Italy so called living between Baiae and Cumae incompassed about with high hills Cinamon an Hebrew word signifying a kind of spice Cincantenier French a Commander of 50 men also the name of an Officer in Paris Cincture Lat. an encompassing with a girdle Ciniph Lat. a gnat Cinkefoile an herb called five leaved-grasse Cinnaber a red stone found in Mines which is used for a Vermilion colour Cinople or Sinople a kind of red-lead from the City Sinope whence it is digged Cinque-ports five Havens which lie toward France on the East part of England
there an Eremite whom Capgrave an old Writer affirms to have been the Emperours son of Constantinople Congiary a gift of a Prince or great man to the people Conglobation lat a gathering round into a Globe Conglomeration lat a rolling up into a heap a winding into a bottome Conglutination lat a fastning together with Glue Congratulation Lat. a rejoycing with any one for his good fortune Congregation lat an assembling or gathering of people together Congresse lat a coming together also an incountring Congruence or Congruity lat agreeablenesse Conical having the figure of a Cone Conjectural lat that may be conjectured or guess't at Conjugal latin pertaining to marriage belonging to man and wife Conjugates a Term in Logick signifying things of the same rank order or original Conjugation lat a deriving of things under the same order a coupling of verbs with their moods and tenses under the same theme Conjunction lat a joyning together also a Grammatical word one of the eight parts of speech Conjuration lat a conspiracy or plot also a compact or bargaining with the Devil or evil Spirits to know any secret or effect any purpose Conizee and Conizour see Cognisee and Cognisour Connacht see Conaught Connascency lat a being born together a springing together Conne to learn without book from the Dutch word Kennen to know or learn Connen old word can Connexion lat a knitting or joyning together Coninesborough a Castle in York-shire where Hengist after he had been vanquish't by Aurelius Ambrose rallied his forces but being again utterly defeated he was beheaded Connivence lat a faigning not to see a winking at a fault Connubial lat belonging to wedlock or marriage Conovium the ancient name of a Citie which flourish't in old time in Caernarvon-shire and took its name from the River Conovius now called Conwey Conq●●ssation Lat. a shaking together a dashing in pieces Conquest a Term used in the practick of Scotland and differs from heritage in this that ●eritage signifies Lands Goods pertaining to any person as general Successour to his father or any other predecessour Conquest signifies those which any one possesseth by his own private Title or by gift or by any other single contract Conquestion lat a complaining together Conradus Germ. Able counsel the name of several German Emperours Consanguinity lat nearnesse in blood kindred Consarcination lat a patching or sowing of several pieces together Conscention lat a climbing or mounting Conscious lat inwardly guilty privy to ones self of any fault or errour Conscription lat a registering or inrolling Consecration lat a setting apart to the service of any one Consectary lat that which follows from the demonstration of an argument Consecution lat an immediate following Month of consecution is a term in Astrology signifying the space between each conjunction of the Moon with the Sun Consequence lat that which followeth of necessity also a businesse of consequence is a businesse of weight and moment Consequent lat following also being taken substantively it signifies the last proposition of an enthymeme the first being called an antecedent Conservation lat a keeping or preserving Conservator of the peace signifieth in Common law him that hath a special charge by vertue of his office to see the Kings peace kept Conservator of the truce and safe conducts was an officer appointed in every Port of the Sea to inquire of all offences done against the Kings truce and safe conducts upon the main-sea out of the Countries and out of the Franchises of the Cinque Ports Conserves French fruits conserved or condited Considerable of no mean degree of more than ordinary quality Cleopatra Consideration lat an advising or taking heed also a term in Common law signifying the material part of a contract without which no contract standeth or bindeth Consideration is either expressed as when a man bargaineth to give a certain sum for any thing or else imply'd as when the law inforceth a consideration Consignation lat a signing of a bill with ones own hand Consimilarity lat a likenesse or agreeing together Consistence lat a being or setling Consistent an epithite belonging to dry bodies and opposed to Fluid Consistory lat an assembly of Prelates a Council-house of Ecclesiastical persons Consition lat a planting together Consolation lat a comforting or putting in good heart Consolidation lat a sodering strengthning or making solid also a term in Common law signifying a joyning of two benefices into one and in the Civil law a uniting of possession occupation or profit with the property Consomniation lat a sleeping or dreaming together Consonant lat sounding together or agreeing also substantively taken it signifieth a letter which hath no sound of it self but as it is joyned with a vowel Consort lat a fellow companion or mate also a set or company of Musitians Consound lat Consolidum an herb otherwise called Backwort or Cumfry Conspersion lat a bedewing or sprinkling Conspicuous lat cleer manifest Conspiracy lat a plotting or secret consultation but in Common law it is alwayes taken in the evil part and signifieth an agreement of such as bind themselves by covenant or other allyance that each of them shall assist the other malitiously to indite or falsely to move and maintain pleas also such as cause children within age to appeal men of felony and such as receive men in the Countries with liveries and fees to maintain their malitious enterprises Conspiratione a Writ that lies against Conspiratours Conspurcation Lat. a defiling fouling or polluting Consputation Lat. a spitting upon Constable quasi comes stabuli or Master of the Kings horse or as others say derived from the Dutch word Konnin-Stable i. e. prop and stay of the King This word is diversly taken in Common law either for the Constable of England a place formerly of great Dignity or for an office belonging heretofore to the Lords of certain Mannours and at length there came to be ordained others of an inferiour rank as Constables of Hundreds or Franchises who were appointed for the conservation of the peace and called high Constables and under these the Constables of every Town or Parish who are called pety-constables Constant Lat. standing firm to ones duty or principles Constantinople see Byzantium Constantinus the son of Constantius and Helena he was the first Roman Emperour that profess't Christianity and for his great deeds was called Constantine the Great Constellation Lat. a company of Stars embody'd together and representing some figure Consternation Lat. amazement or astonishment Constipation Lat. a close embodying together Constitution Lat. an appointing or ordaining also constitution of the body the state and complexion of the body Constraint French a forcing or compelling Constriction Lat. the same also a binding together Construction Lat. a placing or setting together also a term in Grammar signifying the right placing of words or sentences Constupration Lat. a ravishing or deflowring a Virgin Consubstantial Lat. of the same Essence with another Consuete or
Coralline a kinde of plant called Sea-mosse or Coral-mosse Coralyse chaffe or drosse of Corn. Corban an Hebrew word signifying a a gift dedicated to God Corbel or Corbet a Term in Architecture signifying a shouldering piece in Timberwork a jutting out like a bragget Corbets the name of a very ancient family in Shropshire who about the coming in of the Normans held divers Lordships by the service of Roger Mountgomery Corciousnesse old word corpulency Corck or Orchall a kinde of blue colour used in painting Cordage the tackle of a ship a word used in Navigation also stuffe to make ropes on Cordelier a Gray Fryer of the Order of St. Francis so called because he wears a cord full of knots about his middle Cordial latin comfortable to the heart Cordon an old English word signifying reward in like manner also the French word Guerdon is used by us Cordovan leather leather made of Goat-skins so called from Corduba a Citie of Andaluzia in Spain where the best sort of that kinde of leather is made Cordwainer or Cordiner French a shooe-maker Corinaeus one of the companions of Brutus whence Cornwall is said to have taken its denomination being in old time called Corinaea it is fabulously reported of him that he fought with a Gyant called Gogmagog and threw him down a steep Rock Corinth a Citie of Achaia in Greece in ancient time called Ephyre which after it had been destroyed was restored by Corinthus the son of Marathon or as some say of Pelops and by him called Corinth Corinthian order a Term in Architecture signifying an adornment of Pillars after the Corinthian manner there being five orders of pillars in Architecture Dorick Ionick Tuscan Corinthian and Composite Coritani a people anciently inhabiting that part of this Island which containeth Northamptonshire Leicestershire Rutlandshire Lincolnshire Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Cork a County of Ireland in old time reputed a Kingdom the people whereof were anciently called Vodiae Coriondi Cormorant a Sea Raven Metaphorically taken for a glutton Cornage is in Common-law a certain Tenure whereby in the North men used to hold their Lands which was to blow a horn when any invasion of a Northern enemy was perceived Cornalin a kinde of precious stone which some think to be the same with Corneol Cornavii the name of a certain people who in ancient times possessed that part of this Island containing those Counties which are at present called Warwick-shire Worcestershire Stafford-shire Shrop-shire Cheshire Corn-flowr a kinde of flowr called blue-bottle Cornelian the same as Corneol a kinde of precious stone also Cornelian Law was a Law made by Cornelius Sylla that any who would follow him in should be capable of Office before they had attained their full years Cornelius lat a proper name of men from Cornu a horn Cornel an old word signifying a corner also the fore-part of a house Corneol a kinde of precious stone apt to be ingraven and therefore much used for the making of seals It is also called a Sardy or Onyx Corneous lat of a horny substance Cornet French a kinde of black Taffata which Doctors of Physick or Law used to wear on the collar of their robes as an Ensign or badge of their degree also the Ensign of a Troup of horse so called because it was used to be made of that kinde of Taffata Cornice a Term in Architecture signifying the crests or flourishing work at the upper end of a pillar it is also called a frize Cornigerous lat wearing horns an Epithet of Bacchus Cornil-tree a Tree called a Horn-tree because its branches are hard like a horn Cornimuse lat a kinde of musical ininstrument which some take for a kind of Bag-pipe Cornix see Cornalin and Corneol Cornucopy a horn which Jupiter gave to Amalthea whereby she injoyed plenty of all things it is Metaphorically taken for plenty Cornuted lat horned Corody from the Latin word Corrodo it signifieth in Common-law a summe of money or allowance of meat and drink toward the maintenance of any of the Kings servants out of an Abby or religious house whereof the King is the founder Corodio habendo a Writ for the exacting a Corody out of an Abby or religious house Corollary an advantage above the ordinary measure also a gift bestowed on the people at publick feasts Corona by the Greeks called Halo that is to say a clear Circle appearing in a Cloud about the Sun or any other bright Star but especially about the Moon also a coelestial constellation upon the shoulder of Bootes Coronal Suture this is by Chirurgons called the formost seam of the skull passing from one bone of the Temples to the other Coronation lat a Crowning Coroner an ancient Officer belonging to the Crown and Common-wealth of England his Office is to enquire of every man that is slain or cometh to an untimely end and what Corn Cattel or freehold the Felon had at the time of the fact committed and to seize them to the use of the King or State there are four of these Officers in every County Coronet a little Crown or Chaplet Corporal lat belonging to the body also a Commander or band of ten Souldiers also the fine linnen wherein the Sacrament is put Corporation lat in the Civil Law signifieth a body politick authorised by the Kings Charter to have a Common Seal one or more head Officers and Members able by their common consent to grant or receive in Law any thing within the compasse of their Charter Corporature lat the form or constitution of the body Corporeal lat of a bodily substance Corporeity or Corporeature lat Philosophick Term Corporeature bodily substance Corps Fr. a carcasse or dead body Corps du guard French a Term in Military Discipline signifying a Company of Souldiers set to watch Corpulency lat fulnesse of body Corpus Christi a Colledge in Oxford built by Richard Fox Bishop of Winchester Corpus cum causa a Writ issuing out of Chancery to remove both the body and the record touching the cause of any man lying in execution upon a judgement for debt into the Kings Bench. Corr a certain measure containing two quarts Corrade lat to scrape together to extort Correction lat an amending also a chastising Correctour of the Staple a Clerk belonging to the Staple that recordeth the bargains of Merchants there made Correlatives lat a Term in Logick signifying things that have mutual relation one to another as Master and servant father and son c. Correption lat a snatching suddenly away Correspondency lat a holding mutual Commerce and familiarity an answerablenesse or proportion of one thing to another Corridor a Term in fortification otherwise called Cortina or Curtain Corrigible lat easie to be corrected or made better by correction Corrival a competitour one that makes suit in the same businesse Corroboration lat a strengthning or making firm To Corrode lat to gnaw to fret Corrosive lat having a gnawing or fretting quality it is spoken of
Bull of the Pope granting the sign the badge of the Crosse in an expedition of Christians against Infidels Croises Pilgrims also Knights of the Order of St. John in Jerusalem created for the defence of Pilgrims they were both so called from the sign of the Crosse which they used to wear on their garments Crome or Corm old word a crow of iron from the Dutch word Kromb crooked Crool old word to mutter Crosier a Bishops staff from the old word Croce a Shepherds crook or for that it bears the figure of a Crosse. Crosstaff a Mathematical Instrument wherewith the Altitude of any thing is taken Crostrees those crosse pieces of timber which are set on the head of the mast of a Ship Crotchet a measure in musick being half a Minim and a Minim is once down or up it signifieth also a humour or whimsy Crotells or Croteying term in hunting the ordure of a Hare Crouch old word Crosse whence to Crouch i. e. to blesse Crow is a celestial constellation and sits upon Hydra's taile she hath her Mansion in the austeral parts Crowland a Town in Lincolnshire which is reported to have been heretofore mightily haunted with spirits until such time as devout Guthlac lived there a Hermites life to whose memory Aethelbald King of the Mercians built a famous Monastery Crown of the several sorts of Crowns as Triumphal Civic Gramineal Mural and the like See Aulus Gellius cap. 8. Crown is also metaphorically taken for glory honour dignity Clark of the Crown in Chancery an Officer that attends the Lord Chancellour for special matters of State as Commissions of Lieutenancies Justices or such like with their writs of association and dedimus potestatem for taking of oaths also all general pardons writs of Parliament writs of special executions c. Clark of the Crown-office in the Kings Bench is he who frames reads and records all Indictments against Traitours Felons and all other offenders there arraigned Collens●earth ●earth a kind of colour used in painting Cruciate lat to afflict to torment Crucifie lat to fasten or naile to a Crosse. A Crucifix an Image which represents the crucifying of Christ. Cruditie lat rawnesse ill digestion of the stomack Cruet or Crewet a viol or narrow-mouth'd glasse to keep oil or the like in Cruife a word used in the practick of Scotland for a hogs-stye it is also called Creffera Crurall lat belonging to the thighs Crusible a pot wherein Chymists melt their mettals Crussell old word grisle Crustaceous lat crusted or covered with a hard shell Crutchet Fryars the same as crouched or crossed Fryars Cruzada see Croisada Cruzado a Portugal Crown of Gold Cryptology Greek a speaking in secret a whispering Crystall a very bright and transparent kind of Mineral which lookes like Ice or the clearest sort of glasse Crystalline Humour a white splendid and shining humour nor flat nor round seated in the center of the eye and is the first instrument of sight C U Cubbridge head a division made across the forecastle and half-deck with boords which in other places is called the Bulk-head Cube a Geometrical figure being a solid body every way comprehending six equal sides Cubebes a certain kind of Indian fruit Cubicular lat belonging to a Bed-chamber Cubite a kinde of measure reaching from the elbow to the end of the little finger Cuchaneale a little worm bred in the fruit of the Holy-oke of which is made a certain costly grain wherewith they dye Skarlet or Crimson colour Some say it comes from the Latin word coccinus Skarlet Cu●ullated lat having on a Monks coule Cucurbite lat a Gourd also a Cuping-glasse being a deep hollow glasse which Physitians apply to the body to draw out blood Cucuye a strange kind of bird in Hispaniola having eyes under the wings which in the night time shine very bright Cudweed a certain herb whose leaves are so soft that they are used for cotton it is also called Cotton-weed Cue an item given to Stage-players when any of them are to begin to speak Cuerpo Spanish a body also a corporation to walk in cuerpo is to go without a cloak Cui ante devortium a writ that a woman divorced from her husband hath power to recover her lands from him to whom her husband did alienate them during the marriage Cui in vita a writ of entry that a widow hath against him to whom her husband did alienate her lands in his life time Cuinage the making up of Tin into such a fashion as makes it fit for carriage Cuirassier French he that is armed with a Cuirase or Corslet which is a kind of armour for the brest and back Culdeis quasi ●ultores Dei a sort of religious people that were anciently in Scotland and Ireland Culerage French lechery also an herb called Water-pepper or Arse-smart Culinary lat belonging to the kitchin Cullers in Latin ●ves rejiculae sheep that are chosen out and separated from those that are good for meat Cullion-head the same as Bastion a Skonce or Block-house Cullis from Colare to strain the juice of boiled meat strained thorough a strainer Cullot from Cullus the taile a cushion to ride post with Culm from Culmen the top smoak or soot Culminate lat to get up to the top Culrach or Colrach signifieth in the practick of Scotland a pledge or cautioner which is left for the repledgeing of a man from one Court to another Culpable lat guilty faulty peccant Cultivation lat a manuring or tilling Culture lat the same Culver old word a pigeon or dove Culverine quasi Colubrine a piece of Ordnance so called Culvertaile a term in Architecture a fastning of boards with artificial joynts Cumble French full heaped measure Cumae a City by the Sea side in Italy near Puzzoli Cumfrey a kind of herb otherwise called Consound Cumulation lat a heaping up together Cunctation lat prolonging of time delaying Cuneglasus the name of a cruel Tyrant who succeeded Vortiporus in his government of the Britaine 's of Wales and Cornwale Cunicle lat a Mine or Hole under ground Cunobelinus an ancient King of the Trinobantes a people of the Eastern parts of Brittain he succeeded Mandubratius in the kingdom Cantey signifieth the same as the ordinary Jury or trial by the Country Cupidity lat covetous or lustful desire Cupping-glasse see Cucurbite Cupulo lat a term in Architecture a high arch in a building C●rebulli tann'd leather a word used by Cha●cer Curfew a law made by William the Conqueror that every one should put out their fire and light at the ringing of the eight a clock-bell which was called Couvrir le feu i. e. cover the fire Curia Ottadinorum an ancient Town of Northumberland See Corstopitum Curialitas Scotiae is equivalent to that which we call Curtesie of England Curlew a kind of foule so called Curranto French a running French Dance also a musical Aire of a more than ordinary swift time Curricurre a kind of East Indian Barge
of for the present but after more full examination is either to stand or fall Debet solet a Writ of right which hath those words in it as formal words not to be omitted when a man sueth for a thing now first of all denied him and which hath been injoyed by his Ancestors as suit to a Mill or common of Pasture or the like Debilitation lat a making weak or feeble Debito a Writ which lieth where a man oweth money upon obligation or bargain for any thing sold. Debonairity French curtesie mildnesse also sprightlinesse Debosherie or deboistnesse see Debaucherie Decade Greek the number of ten Decadency lat a declining or falling down Decagon Greek a term in Fortification and Geometry signifying a figure of ten Angles Decalogue Greek the ten Commandments imparted to the Jews from God by Moses Decameron Greek a book of Fables written by Boccace so called because it is divided into ten parts or books Decapit●●ion lat a beheading Decapolis a Country of Syria so called because it contained 10 Cities December one of the 12 moneths so called as being the tenth from March. Decempedal lat ten foot long Decemtales a law-term being a supply of ten men empannelled upon a Jury and not appearing which are to be like in reputation to those that were empanneld Decemvirates lat the Decemvir● which were ten Noble men among the Romans chosen to govern the Common-wealth in place of the two Consuls until the laws were fully establisht Decennial lat lasting or being of the age of 10 years Deception lat deceit fraud or beguiling Deceptione a Writ that lieth against him that deceitfully doth any thing in the name of another for him that receiveth damage thereby Decerption lat a cropping off or pulling away Decertation lat a striving for any thing Decession lat a going away or departing Decies tantum a Writ that lieth against a juror that taketh money for the giving of his verdict wherein there is recoverable ten times so much as he took The Decimal chain a certain Mathematical Instrument for the measuring of land which is to be divided into ten equal parts each of which containeth about 19 in length Decimation lat a gathering tithes also a punishing every tenth man by lot De decimis solvendis c. a Writ which formerly lay against those that had farmed the Priors aliens lands of the King Deciners or Doziners such as were wont to have the check of ten Friburgs for the maintenance of the peace the limits of whose jurisdiction was called Decenna Decision lat a determining of any businesse or controversie The Deck of a Ship the floor of planks on which the Ordnance is plac'd Declamation lat a crying out against any thing also an Oration made onely for exercise Declaration lat a shewing forth also in Common law it is the shewing in writing the grief of the Demandant or Plaintife against the Tenent or Defendant wherein he supposeth to have received wrong Declension or Declination lat a declining or bowing down also in Grammar it signifieth the varying of Cases and Tenses in Nounes and Verbs In Astrology the declination of a Planet is his distance from the equator and as he declines from thence either northward or southward so is his declination nominated either north or south Declinator a Mathematical Instrument to take the declinations of the Planets Declivity lat a bending downwards a steepnesse Decollation lat a beheading Decoction lat a boiling away it is applyed chiefely to medicinable things as herbs roots c. Deconate vide Faces Decoration lat an adorning or decking Decortication lat a pulling off the outward rind or bark Decorum lat good grace order decency Decrees or Decretals a volume of the Canon law composed by Gratian a Monk of the Order of St. Benedict Decrement lat a decreasing Decrepit lat weak and impotent with age Decress●nt lat the waining or decreasing Moon Decrustation lat a taking away the uppermost rind or crust of any thing Decum●ence lat a lying down Decumbiture is when a man is so violently taken with a disease that he is forced to take his bed and it is properly taken from the first lying down of the diseased and from this the Crisis is to be gathered Decuple lat tenfold Decurion lat the chief of a Decuria which signifieth a Band of ten souldiers or a company of ten Senators also an Alderman or Burgesse of a City Decussation lat a cutting acrosse or in the form of a figure of ten Decussion lat a shaking off Dedecoration lat a disgracing or dishonouring Dedentition lat a shedding of teeth Dedignation lat a disdaining Dedimus potestatem a Writ whereby commission is given to a private man for the speeding of some act appertaining to a Judge it is called by the Civilians delegation Dedition lat a rendring up Deeds signifie in Common law writings that contain the effect of a contract between man and man which the Civilians call literarum obligatio Deep seeline a small line with which Seamen sound in deep waters to finde ground Defaillance French a failing or defect Defatigation lat a making weary Defaulking French an abating or cutting off It is called in Latin defalcation Defeasance or defeisance signifieth in Common law a condition annexed to an act obligation or recognisance which being performed the act c. is made void Defecation lat a refining or cleansing from the dregs Defection lat a failing also a revolting or falling away Defeisance or Defeasance Defendant is in Common law he that is sued in an action personal as Tenant is he who is sued in an action real Defendimus a word used in Enfeofment or Donation binding the Donour and his heirs to defend the Donee Defendour of the Faith a Title heretofore proper to the King of England as Most Christian to the King of France Catholick to the King of Spain It was first given by Pope Leo the tenth Defensative a term in Physick a Medicine which diverts the humours from the place affected Deficiency lat a want or failing Definition lat an explication or unfolding of the essence of a thing by its genus and difference Deflection lat a turning away also a bending down Defloration lat a ravishing or deflowring Defluxion lat a flowing downward also in physick it is taken for a falling down of humours to any part of the body Deformity lat ugglinesse Deforsour in Common-law is one that casteth another out of possession by force whereas Disseisour is he that doth it without force Defray to make free also to pay anothers charges from the Dutch word freshen Defunct lat dead Degenerate lat to fall from a more noble to a baser kinde to go aside from the vertues of ones Ancestors Deglutination lat an unglueing Deglutition lat a greedy devouring in physick it is taken for a powr of the animal faculty which makes us swallow our meat and drink with an appetite Degradation lat a casting
applied to mettals Duction lat a leading Duell lat a single Combat between two from duo i. two and bellum i. war Duellona see Bellona Duilius a great Commander among the Romans who overcame the Carthaginians in a great Sea-fight and was the first that triumphed after a naval Victory Dul●arnon a proportion found out by Pythagoras for which happy invention he sacrified an Oxe to the gods in thankfulness which sacrifice he called Dulcarnon Dulcimer a kind of Musical Instrument otherwise called a Sambuc Dulcisonant lat sweetly sounding Dulcitude lat sweetness Dulc●ration lat a making sweet Dulocrasy Greek a government where slaves and servants domineer Dumosity lat fulness of bryers and brambles To Dun a word vulgarly used signifying to come often to importune the payment of any debt Dunbar a Town of Lothien or Lauden in Scotland where of late years a total defeat was given to the Scotch army under the command of Lesly by Crumwell General of the English Forces Dundee a Town of Angus a Province of Scotland called in Latin Taodunum by others Alectum Duni pacis See knots of peace Dunstan Sax. Most high Duodecimo a book is said to be in Duodecimo when it is of twelve leaves in a sheet Duplicity lat a being double or twofold Duplicate a second letter patent granted by the Lord Chancelour in a case wherein he had formerly done the same and was therefore thought void Duplication lat a doubling also a word used in Law signifying an allegation brought in to weaken the reply of the pleader Dura mater lat a term in Anatomy signifying the outward skin that infolds the brain Duration lat a long continuing or lasting Dures in Common Law is a plea used by way of exception by him who being cast into prison or hardly used by any is constrained to seal a bond to him during his restraint Durham the chief City of the Bishoprick of Durham built by Bishop Aldwin with the help of Vthred Earle of Northumberland Here the Monks of Lindis-farm sheltred themselves when they fled with the body of St. Cuthbert from the fury of the Danes It was anciently called Dunholm and Dunelmum Durham Colledge see Bernard Colledge Durity lat hardness Durnovaria see Dorchester Durotriges an ancient people among the Brittains inhabiting that part which is now called Dorcetshire Duskie obscure dark from the Greek word dascios shady Dutchie Court a Court wherein all matters belonging to the Dutchy of Lancaster are decided by the decree of the Chancelour of that Court. Duumvirate a certain Magistracy anciently in Rome Dwale a kind of herb called sleeping night-shade Dwyned old word consumed D Y Dyna a kind of East India coin valueing about 30 shillings Dynastie Greek Supream Government or Authority Dyrrachium a City of Macedon lying upon the Adriatick Sea now called Durazzo Dyscracy Greek a distemper of the body proceeding from an unequal mixture of the first qualities Dysentery Greek a disease called the Bloody-Flux Dyspathy Greek evil passion or affection Dyspepsie Greek ill digestion of the meat in the stomack E EAd or Eadith Sax. a proper name of women signifying happinesse It is writen in Latin Auda and by some Idonea Eaglestone a certain pretious Stone found in the nests of Eagles in Greek called Aetites Eadelman or Adelman a Saxon word signifying a Noble man Eadgar Sax. happy power Eadulph Sax. happy help Eadwin Sax. happy Victor Ealderman or Alderman the same as Eadelman Ealred Sax. all counsell a proper name Ean to bring forth young from the Greek word Odinein To Ear the ground to till or plough the ground from the Latin word Arare Earing a part of the bolt-rope which a● all four quarters of the sail is left open Earle Sax. a Noble man from Ehre i. Honour and Edel i. Noble Easell is a word used in painting being that frame upon which the Artist placeth his cloth either higher or lower as he pleaseth Easement in Common law is a service which one neighbour hath of another by charter or prescription as a passage thorough his ground or the like The Civilians call it servitus praedii Easter the time of the celebration of Christs Resurrection contracted from the Dutch word Aufferstand i. e. Resurrection or from Eoster an ancient Goddesse of the Saxons whose Feast they kept about the same time namely about April which was thence called Eoster-monath It is also called Pasca from the Hebrew word Pasach to passe over because about this time the Jews celebrated the Feast of the Passeover Easterlings people inhabiting the East part of Germany also Easterling money is that which we call Sterling or Currant money from a certain coin which Richard the first caused to be coined in those parts being held in great request for its purity Eastmeath a County of Ireland in the Province of Meath it is divided into 18. Baronies E B Eben-tree a certain tree which grows in India and Aethiopia it hath neither leaves nor fruit and the wood of it is black and very hard serving for many uses Ebionites a certain Sect of Hereticks who denied the Divinity of Christ and rejected all the Gospels but St. Mathews they were instituted by one Ebion in the year 71. Ebissa a certain Captain of the Saxons who with Octha came to aid Hengist against the Brittains Eboracum the second City of England commonly called York Ptolomy calleth it Brigantium from the Brigants an ancient people of that Country but it was called Eboracum or Eburacum from Ebrank a certain King of the Brittains or as others say from the River Vre Ebrack the Hebrew tongue a word used by Chaucer Ebriety or Ebriosity lat drunkennesse Ebulo the same as Ybel Ebullition lat a bubling or boyling up Eburnean lat made of Ivory Eccentrick Orb in Astronomy is that which moves at unequal distance from the Center Ecclesiastical Greek belonging to the Church Echen old word they increase also they help Echidne a Queen of Scythia who by Hercules had three Children at a birth whereof one of them named Scytha who onely was able to bend his fathers bow succeeded in the Kingdom and from him it was named Scythia Echo a Nymph that lived near the River Cephisus she dying for the love of Narcissus was fain'd by the Poets to be changed into that voice which is reflected back in Caves and hollow places Eclipse Greek a want or defect an Eclipse of the Sun is a depriving us of its light by the interposition of the Moons body between that and us whereas the Eclipse of the Moon is caused by the interposition of the earth Ecliptick line a line running through the midst of the Zodiack and 12 signes it is so called because the Eclipses happen under that line Eclogue or Eglogue as pastoral Poem or speech between two Sheapherds Ecstasie Greek a figure wherein a syllable is made long contrary to its proper nature also a trance or sudden rapture of spirit Ectype Greek a thing drawn from
for the great overthrow he gave to Hannibals Army was sirnamed Maximus Fabrication lat a making of a Fabrick or Building Fabulous lat full of Fables or invented Tales Facade French the outside or fore-front of a house Faces Decury or Deconate from the Greek word Deka signifying ten because in every Sign there are three Faces every Face consisting of ten degrees They are called Faces for that they are equivalent to Signs Formes and shapes by reason they shew the nature and inclination of the Planets in them as in their own houses Facetious lat wittily merry or pleasant Facility lat easinesse Facinorous lat belonging to high or wicked designs Factitious lat made like another counterfeited Factor lat an Agent for a Merchant beyond Sea Faculty lat the power or ability of performing any action as the Animal Vital and Natural Faculties in the body of man In Common Law it signifieth a priviledge granted to a man by indulgence or dispensation to do that which by the Law he cannot do It is also used sometimes for a Mystery or Profession Facundity lat Eloquence Faint pleader a false manner of pleading to the deceit of a third party Fair pleading a Writ upon the Statute of Malborow whereby it is provided that no fines shall be taken of any man for not pleading fairly or to the purpose Fairie a Goblin or Phantasm from the Dutch word Varelick i fearful Faith the Christian name of divers women the signification commonly known Faitours idle-livers from the French word Faitardise a sleepy disease Fall is an essential debility and it happens when a Planet is opposite to his exaltation whereby he is debilitated and very weak Falcation lat a mowing Falchon a short sword bending like a hook from the Latin word Falx Falcidian Law a Law made by the Romans in the time of the Consul Falcidius which treated of the right each Roman Citizen had in the disposal of his goods Falcon a great gun next to the Minion Falernian wine wine growing in Falernus a field of Campania in Italy Fall off in Navigation is when a ship doth not keep so near the wind as we appoint Fallacious lat full of deceit or craft Falouque French a boat or barge by some called a brigantine Falsification lat a speaking falsities or untruths Famagosta the chief City of the Isle of Cyprus Famigeration lat a divulging or reporting abroad Familiar lat acquainted also substantively for a Spirit or Devil Family of love a Sect or Heresie broached by Henry Nicholas Their chief Tenet is That Christ is already come in glory to judge Fanatick lat frantick inspired having vain apparitions Fane from the Greek word Phaino a a weathercock it is sometimes taken for a Temple Fannel French a kind of ornament anciently worn by Priests Fanus a certain Deity representing the year anciently worshipped by the Heathens Farandman in the practick of Scotland a Pilgrim or Stranger Farced lat stuffed Fardingdeal or Farundel of land the fourth part of an acre Farendon a famous Market Town with a strong Castle in Barkshire remarkable besides for the Fort raised by Robert Earle of Glocester against K. Stephen who notwithstanding won it by desperate assaults Farlie things yearly things Farraginous lat belonging to a farrago or mixture of several graines together which they call a maslin Farreation lat a ceremony anciently performed at Marriages Farrow to bring forth from the Latin word parere it is spoken of sows Farsang otherwise called Parasang a Persian word signifying a league which is 3 English miles Fascicular lat made into a fascicle which is a bundle or fardel Fascination lat an eyebiting or bewitching by the eye or by the force of imagination Fasciate lat to bind from fascia a swath Fastidious lat breeding a loathing Fastigation lat a making or growing sharp at the top like a pyramid Fastuosity lat insufferable pride Fatality lat unavoidable necessity or that which is appointed by Fate which is the order of affairs from all eternity Fatidical lat foretelling that which is to come Fatigation lat wearisomenesse Fatigue French the same Fatuity lat sottishnesse stupidity Faunus the son of Saturn civiliz'd mens manners built Temples and made Laws and was one of the ancientest Kings of Italy Favonian belonging to Favonius or the West wind Faust lat lucky Fautor lat a cherisher or favourer F E Fealty from the French word feaulte i. fidelity an oath taken at the admittance of every Tenant to be true to the Lord of whom he holds his land Feasible French easie to be done Febricitation lat a falling sick of an Ague or Feaver February so called of Numa Pompilius a februis expiatoriis or sacrifices for purging of souls for the second day of this moneth a Feast was kept and sacrifice was offered to Pluto for the souls of their Ancestours Februation lat a praying for the souls of any Fecial or Fae●ial lat a Herald or Embassadour of war among the ancient Romans there were 20 in number the principal of whom was called pater patratus Feculent or Faeculent lat full of dregs Fee in Latin feud●m is taken in Common Law for all those lands wh●ch are held by perpetual right Fee ferm in Common Law is land held of another to himself and his heirs for ever for a certain yearly rent Fee simple or absolute is land whereof we are seized with these general words To us and our heirs for ever Fee taile or condi●ional hath this limitation To us and the heirs of our body Feild is the whole surface of a sheild overspread with some mettal colour or fur and comprehendeth in it the charge A term in Heraldry Felicity lat happinesse Fellon a blister or wheal on the body from the Latin word fel choler Felo de se a self-murderer Felony in Common Law is any offence which is next to petty treason as murder theft rapes burning of houses c. Fencemonth the month wherein Deer begin to fawn which is about midsummer wherein it is unlawful to hunt in the Forrest Fends things hung over a ships side to keep another ship from rubbing against it Fennel a kind of herb so called Fenugreec an herb which hath been found growing in great abundance in several parts of Greece Feodary or Feudatary an officer belonging to the Court of Wards and Liveries who is to be present with the Escheatour at the finding of any office and also to survay and value the land of the Ward Feofment in Common Law is the gift or grant of any Honours Castles Manors c. unto another in fee simple by delivery of seisin either by word or writing Foeminine lat belonging to the Femal Sex Foeneration lat a putting out money to use Feracity lat fruitfulnesse Feral lat dangerous or deadly Feral Signs are Leo and the last part of Scorpio Fercost Ital. a kind of ship or boat Fere old word a companion Ferdfare an acquitment of a man to
Writers Forleten signifieth the same Forletten old word abandoned Formality lat outward shew precisenesse Formation lat forming or fashioning Formeth or seateth a term in hunting applied to a Hare when it squats in any place Formidable lat to be feared Form●sity lat beauty fairness Formulary lat belonging to a form also used in the substantive for a president or proceeding in Law Fornication lat whoredom Forenesse see Foreland Forses Gr. Catadupae waterfalls Forslegl●n old word slain Forspreak old word an advocate Fortitude lat valour or stoutnesse of mind Fortlet signifieth in Common Law a 〈◊〉 Fort or place of some strength Fortuitous lat accidental or coming by chance Fortuny a kind of Tourneament or running a tilt on horseback with Launces a sport much used here in old times Forwelked old word dried Forwyned old word withered Fosset a little long Coffer or Chest from the Latin word fossa a ditch Fosseway a highway digged out and made passable See Ikenild Fossion lat a digging A Foster contract for a Forrester Fother or Foder a twenty hundred pound weight Fotheringhay a Castle in Northamptonshire kept by William Earle of Aumart against King Henry the third when the Nobles of England revolted Fotion lat a cherishing Fougade French a kind of fire-work Foulk a proper name from the Dutch word Volg i. Noble Founes old word devises Fourche in French a fork signifieth in Common-law a delaying or putting off an action Fontegeld signifieth in the Forrest law an amerciament for not cutting out the balls of great Dogs feet in the Forrest it cometh from the Dutch word Fusz and Gelten to loosen Fownder is when a ship by an extraordinary leak becomes full or half full of water Fox stones an Herb so called from the likenesse of the Root F R Fracid lat rotten ripe Fraction lat a breaking also a dissention among parties in Arithmetick it is taken for a number having two denominations Fragility lat aptnesse to break brittlenesse Fragment lat a broken part or piece of any thing Fragrancie lat an odorousnesse or sweetnesse of smell Fraisheur French freshnesse coolnesse livelinesse Franck a French Coyn of about the value of two shillings Franchise in French signifieth liberty it is taken in Common-law for a priviledge or exemption from ordinary Jurisdiction also an immunity from tribute Franci a certain people anciently inhabiting a part of Germany who entred into Gallia under the conduct of Pharamond and conquered a great part of the Kingdom whence it came afterwards to be called France Francis a proper name of men or women from the German word Franck i. e. free not servile answerable to the Greek Eleutherius and the Latin Liberius Franciscans an order of Fryars instituted by St. Francis in the year 1198. they were injoyned chastity obedience poverty and many other strict rules of life and conversation Frank almoine French signifies in Common-law such Lands and Tenements as are bestowed upon those people that give themselves up wholly to the service of God for pure almes Franck bank such Copy-hold lands as the wife being espoused a Virgin hath after her husbands decease for his dowr Frank fee that which is in the hand of the King or Lord of a Mannour being ancient demesne of the Crown whereas that which is in the hand of the Tenants is ancient demesne onely Frank ferm is land wherein the nature of Fee is changed by Feoffement out of Knights service for certain yearly services Frank law is taken for a free injoyment of all those priviledges which the Law permits to a man not found guilty of any hainous offence Frank marriage a Tenure in tail special whereby a man hath Land with a woman to hir and the Heirs of his body without doing any service but fealty to the Donour Frank pledge a pledge or surety for free-men Frank ford a famous Citie upon the River Maenus being the chiefest Mart-Town in Germany Fra●c●●ia a Countrey in the East part of Germany called Frankenland F●antick Phrenetick Greek mad Fraternity lat a brother-hood also a company of men entered into a firm bond of society or friendship Fratricelli a sort of Hereticks instituted by one Hermannus in the year 1304. they preached Community among Christians and that it was unlawfull for them to be Governours one over another Fratricide lat the killing of ones brother Fratruels lat brothers Children Fraudation lat a defrauding or depriving Fra●dulency lat deceitfullnesse craftinesse Frea the same as Friga Frederick ●erm rich peace of this name there have been three Emperours of Germany for Frederick we commonly use Frery and Fery Frediswid Sax. very free a womans proper name Free●ooter a Souldier that makes inroades into an enemies Countrey for Cattel or any other commodity from the enemies Countrey it cometh from the Dutch words Frey i. e. free and beut i. e. prey the Italians call them Banditi Free Chappel a Chappel founded within a Parish over and above the mother Church unto which it is free for the Parishioners to come or not to come Freedstol i. e. the stool of Peace a certain Chair of stone erected by King Athelitan in honour of John de Beverly Arch-Bishop of York to which Offenders used to fly for sanctuary Free-h●ld free Tenure or Land which a man holdeth in Fee-tail or at the least for term of life Free-warren in Latin Libera Warrena the power of granting or denying Licence to any to hunt or chace in such or such Lands Fremund Sax. free peace a proper name Frendl●sse-man in the Saxon tongue signifieth an out-law Freob●rgh or Fridburgh the same in the Saxon tongue as Franck-pledge in French a surety for the peace or good behaviour Frery a proper name of a man contracted from Frederick which signifieth in Saxon tongue rich peace Frescades French cool refreshments against the heat of the summer To walk in Fresco Ital. to take the fresh aire also to drink in Fresco to drink fresh liquor Fresh disseisin in Common-law is that d●ss●isin that a man may seek to defeat of his own power without the help of the King or his Judges Fresh force a force done within fou●●y dayes Fresh shot is when any great River comes into the Sea so that it is fresh water for a mile or two Fresh sute is such an earnest following of an Offendour as never ceaseth from the time of the offence committed untill he be apprehended Fretrots a sort of Hereticks not much different from those which are called Adamites Friars minors Augustines Preachers and Carmelites which are the four principa● orders see in their proper places to these also belonging Fryars observants Conventuales ●apuchins Fric●sse French a kind of fried meat Frication Latin a rubbing or chafing Friga a certain Goddesse anciently worshipp'd by the Saxons under the form of an Hermaphrodite Frigate in Spanish Fragata a spial ship Frigefaction lat a making cold Frigeratorie lat a place to make or keep things cool Frigidity lat coldnesse Friperer French in
in Grammar are certain parts of a Verb so called from bearing a double signification both active and passive Geryon a certain King of the Spanish Islands called Baleares who is fain'd by the Poets to have had three bodies and to have been killed by Hercules Gesamund Sax. assembled Gestation lat a carrying Gesticulation lat a making signs by gestures or motions of the body also a kinde of Morrice dancing Gestion lat a doing or carriage of any businesse Gests lat great actions or exploits performed Getealed Sax. numbred Gethild Sax. patience Getulians a certain barbarous people who were the first inhabitants of Aphrica Geules a Term in Heraldry signifying a red or Vermilion colour Gewgaws or Gugaws trifles for children to play with derived as some think from the Latin word gaudere to rejoyce G H Gheus an ignominious Term heretofore given to the Protestants in Flanders the word signifying as much as beggar G I Gibbosity lat a bunching out but more especially taken for a bunching in the back Gibe old word to mock from the French word gaber Gibellines see Guelphs Gibraltar see Gebaltarch Gibsere a pouch a word used by Chaucer Gideon or Gedeon Hebr. a Breaker or Destroyer Gifta Sax. Marriage Gifu Sax. Grace Gigantick big-bodied Gyant-like Gigantomachy Greek the ancient war of the Gyants against Heaven often mentioned by the Poets Giglet or Giglot a wanton woman or strumpet Chaucer Gigot French a kind of minced meat Gilbert a proper name of men signifying in the German tongue Gold-like bright answering the Lat. Aurelius or Aurelian others write Gislebert i. bright pledge Gilbertines a certain religious Order instituted by one Gilbert who for his great holinesse was Canonized for a Saint Gild see Geld. Giles a proper name of men contracted from Aegidious which some derive from the Greek word Aigidion i. a little kid Others derive Giles from Julius as Gilian from Juliana Gillet a womans name contracted in like manner from Aegidia Gillingham a Forrest in Dorsetshire where Edmund Ironside overthrew the Danes in a great pitch feild Gilthead a kind of fish so called from its golden colour Gimlet a piercer to pierce any barrel of liquor withal Gimmal see Gemmow-ring Gingreat to chirp like a bird Ginne a snare contracted as some think from Engin. Gippius a certain Roman who using to feign himself asleep while his wife lay with other men one time he started up and cryed non omnibus dormio I sleep not to all men whence it became a Proverb Gippon French a kind of short cassock or coat Gips a kind of chalk or mortar Girle a term in Hunting being a Roe-buck of two years Gironne a certain term in Heraldry Girthol in the practick of Scotland signifieth a Sanctuary Girvii a people in times past inhabiting the Fenny parts of Lincolnshire Cambridgeshire c. the word signifying Fen-dwellers Gisarms a kind of weapon with two pikes which some call Bisarmes Giste French a Couch or resting place also a writing which contains the names of the Towns or Houses where a King or Prince intends to lie in his progress Gite old word a gown G L Glaciation lat a freezing Gladiatour lat a Swordman or Fencer from the Latin word gladius a sword Gladin or Gladiole a certain herb whose leaf resembleth a sword Gladuse Brittish the proper name of divers women from Claudia Glandage French mastage or the season of feeding hogs with mast Glandulous lat full of kernels from the Latin word glans a kernel Glanoventa an ancient Town of Northumberland garrisoned by the first Cohort of the Morini so called because it stood upon the bank of the River Venta now called Wantsbeck Glastenbury a famous Abby founded by Joseph of Arimathaea near unto which in Wiral Park groweth a Hawthron which is reported to put forth leaves and blossomes upon Christmasse Day as fresh as in May also in the Church-yard there grew a Wallnut-tree which as some have affirmed did not put forth his leaves until St. Barnabies Feast Glaucitation lat a crying like a whelp Glaucus the son of Hippolochus he assisted Priamus in the Trojan war and taking Diomeds brazen arms for his own which were of Gold he was killed by Ajax and his body being carried into Lycia by the winds was changed into a River Also the name of a fisher who tasting of a certain herb leapt into the Sea and was made a Sea-god Glayve old word a kind of crooked sword or bill Glaze to vernish Glebeland land belonging to a Parsonage from gleba a clod or turf Glede old word a hot ember or coal also a puttock or kite Glee joy or mirth from the Dutch word glooren to recreate Gleire old word white Glimmering a glancing or trembling light Globosity lat a being round like a bowle or globe Globous lat round like a globe Globe vide Spheare Glocester the chief City of Glocestershire it was called by the Saxons Glevecester in Latin Glevum by the Brittains Caer-Glove i. fair City It is also called by some Claudia-Cestria from the Emperour Claudius who as it is fabulously reported married his daughter Genissa to Arviragus the Brittish King Glocester Hall a place for Students in Oxford built by John Lord Gifferd of Brimesfeild Glome old word a bottom of thread Glomeration lat a rolling or gathering into a round lump Gloomy old word dusky or dark Gl●se old word to flatter Glossator or G●●ssographer he that makes a Glosse or Comment to interpret the hard meaning of words or things Glutination lat a joyning together with glue Glycerium a Curtesan of Thespia who gave the picture of Cupid which she had of Praxiteles as a legacy to the Thespians Glyster see Clyster G N Gnarity lat knowingnesse experience Gnarr or Gnurre a hard knot in wood also a churle Gnathonichal playing the Gnatho i. e. a parasite or deceitful fellow Gnatsnapper a certain Bird called a figgeater in Latin Ficedula Gnavity lat a being industrious active or vigorous in any business Gnew old word gnawed Gnoff old word a churl or fool Gnomonick Greek belonging to a gnomon or pin of a Dial. Gnosticks from the Greek word gnosis knowledge a sect of Hereticks instituted by one Carpocras in the year 125 they assumed to themselves a great degree of knowledge denied the day of Judgement and held two Supream Deities one good the other bad Gnurre see Gnarre G O Gobonated a term in Heraldry as a bordure gobonated is when it is divided into two colours in such sort as if it were cut into small gobbets Go to God signifieth in Common Law to be dismissed the Court. Godard a proper name of men signifying in the German tongue Godly disposition Godfrey another proper name signifying Gods peace Godwin Germ. victorious in God Goetie ●reek Witchcraft Diabolical Magick Gofish old word sottish Gog and Magog signifying in the Hebrew tongue covered or uncovered are taken in Scripture for certain Nations that shall persecute the Church To be Agog
he thought upon the misery of the World Herald see Harald Herawdes old word feates of activity Herbage signifieth in Common Law the fruit of the earth provided by nature for the cattel also the liberty that a man hath to feed his cattel in another mans ground or in the Forrest Herbert a proper name of men signifying in Dutch famous Lord. Herbigage or Herborow old word lodging Herbalist or Herbary lat one that hath knowledge in the nature and temperaments of herbs Herbenger see Harbenger Herbert a proper name signifying in Dutch bright Lord. Herbipolis a City of Germany now called Wirtzberg Herbosity lat plenty of herbs Herbulent lat grassy full of herbs Hercinia a great Wood in Germany sixty dayes journeys in length and nine in breadth Herculean belonging to Hercules the cheif of which name was Hercules the son of Jupiter and Alcmena he being hated by Juno because he was born of a Concubine was by her ingaged in 12 very dangerous enterprises which are called Hercules his 12 labours all which he overcame to his great renown whence every great atcheivment came to be called a Herculean labour He is said to have built two pillars on Mount Calpe and Mount Avila as the utmost bounds of the Western World with the inscription of Nil ultra and at this day those places are called Hercules pillars This name Hercules signifieth in Greek Glory or Illumination of the Air. Here de Caesar a certain Epoch or Account from which the Saracens and Arabians used to compute their number of yeares as we do from the year of our Lord. It was also used in Spain for a great while the word signifieth as much as the Monarcy of Caesar. Hereditary or Haereditary lat coming by Inheritance Hereditaments signifie in Common Law all such things as descend to a man and his heirs by way of Inheritance and fall not within the compasse of an Executor as Chattels do Hereford the cheif City of Herefordshire anciently called Tresawith from the Beech-trees growing thereabout It was built as some say by King Edward the Elder in that tract of the Country called of old Ereinuc or Archenfeild out of the ruines of the ancient Ariconium the fame of this City was augmented by the Martyrdom of Ethelbert King of East England who going to wooe the daughter of Offa King of the Mercians was here forelaid and murthered by the procurement of Quendred Offa's wife Heremitage or Ermitage French a solitary place a dwelling for Hermites i. persons that devote themselves to a religious solitude Heresie see Haeresie Heresiarch or Haeresiarch Greek the principall Author of any Heresie or Sect. Heretog or Hertogh a Leader of an Army or a Duke from the Saxon words Here an Army and Toga to draw out Herility lat Masterly Authority Heriot or Hariot hath formerly been used to signifie a tribute given by a Tenant to the Lord of the Mannour for his better preparation toward war Here in the Saxon tongue signifying an Army but now it is taken for the best chattel that a Tenant hath at the hour of his death which is due unto the Lord by custom Herlaxton a Town in Lincolnshire near which was ploughed up a brazen vessel wherein a Golden Helmet beset with pretious Stones which was given as a present to Catherine of Spain wife to King Henry the eighth was found Herman see Harman Hermaphrodite Greek a word compounded of Hermes i. Mercury and Aphrodite i. Venus and signifieth one of both Sexes Man and Woman See the story of Hermaphroditus and Salmacis elegantly described in the fourth Book of Ovids Metamorphosis Hermetical Greek belonging to Mercury the messenger of the gods who is called in Greek Hermes or to Hermes Trismegistus the great Aegyptian Philosopher Hermione the daughter of Menelaus she was betrothed by her father after the end of the Trojan war to Pyrrhus the son of Achilles which Orestes to whom she had been before espoused by her Grandfather Tyndarus taking ill he slew Pirrhus in the Temple of Apollo Hermitage Hermite see Heremitage Hermotimus a certain man of Clazomena whose Soul used to leave his body and wander up and down bringing him news of things that were done a great way off his body lying in the mean while as it were asleep but at length his enemies finding his body burnt it so that his Soul had no habitation left to return to Hernious lat bursten bellied Herod sirnamed Antipater a King of the Jews created by the Roman Senate he destroyed the Temple built by Zorobabel and erected another more magnificient in its place he put his wife Maria●ne to death and his two sons Aristobulus and Alexander Heroick or Heroical Greek noble lofty becoming a Heroe whence Heroick Poem is a Poem treating of Heroic actions or persons Heroine a woman of a noble spirit and excellent virtues A Heron a kinde of bird called in Latin Ardea ab ardendo because its dung burns whatsoever it touches Herophila the name of the Erythraean Sibil who having asked Tarquin a very great price for her three books of Prophesies and being refused it she burnt 2. and afterwards received as much for that one that was left as she demanded for all the three Herostratus one that to purchace himself fame burnt the Temple of Diana Hersilia the wife of Romulus who after her death was worshipp'd by the name of Hora or the goddesse of youth Hertford i. e. the Ford of Harts the chief Town of Hertford-shire having a Castle upon the River Lea built as some say by King Edward the Elder and augmented by Gislebert de Clare who was Earle of this Town in King Henry the seconds dayes Bede treating of the Synode that was held here in the year 670. calleth it Herudford i. e. Redford Herthus a goddesse worshipt by the ancient Saxons in the same nature as Tellus by the Latins some think the word earth to be thence derived Hesione the daughter of Laomedon King of Troy whom Hercules having freed her from a great Whale gave in marriage to his friend Telamon after he had ransack't Troy because her father Laomedon performed not his promise to him Hesperus the son of Japetus and brother of Atlas who flying from his Countrey went and inhabited in Italy whence that Countrey came to be called Hesp●ria he had three daughters Aegle Arethusa and Hesperethusa called the Hesperides who lived in the Hesperian Garden whose Trees bare golden Apples that were kept by a watchfull Dragon whom Hercules slew it is also faigned of Hesperus that after his death he was changed into the Evening Star Hests old word commands or decrees Hete old word a vow offer or promise Heteroclite in Grammar is taken for a Nown that hath a different way of declining from other Nouns Heterodox Greek being of another opinion or judgement then what is generally received Heterogeneal Greek being of another or different kinde Heteroscians Greek people that live between the Aequator and the Tropicks whose
or one that maketh a false shew of Piety or Holinesse Hypogastrick Greek belonging to the Hypogastrium or lower part of the belly Hypoge Greek a cellar or place under ground Hypostatical Greek belonging to a Hypostasis or Personal subsistence Hypothenusal line a term in Geometry it is that side of a right-angled triangle which is subtended or opposite to the right angle Hypothetical Greek belonging to a Hypothesis i. e. a supposition also a Hypothetical Syllogism in Logick is that which begins with a conditionall conjunction Hypsicratea see Hipsicratea Hypsiphile the daughter of Thous and Queen of Lemnos she intertained Jason in his voyage to Colchos and had twins by him she was banisht out of Lemnos for saving her father when all the men of the Island were killed by the women and was intertained by Lycurgus King of Nemea Hyrcania a Country of Asia bordering southward upon Armenia Hyreus a Countryman of Boe●tia who desiring of Jupiter Mercury and Neptune whom he had intertained at his house that he might have a son and not marry the three Deities made water upon the dung of an Oxe which had been newly offered out of which when the tenth moneth was almost expired was borne Orion Hyrse a kind of plant otherwise called Millet Hysterical Greek as hysterical passion a certain disease in women commonly called Fits of the Mother Hysteron Proteron Greek a preposterous manner of speaking or writing expressing that first which should be last Hyttenia a part of Attica formerly called Tetrapolis because it had four chief Cities Probalynthus Oenoe Tricorythus and Marathon I A IAcchus one of the names of Bacchus from the Greek word Iacchein to cry out because his preistesses the Bacchae used in the celebration of his Orgies to make strange and unusual noises Jacynth the name of a certain pretious stone of a blewish colour also a flower called Hyacinthus see Hyacynthus Jacob Hebr. a supplanter or beguiler Jacobins certain Friars of the Order of St. Dominick Jacobites a sort of Hereticks instituted in the year 530. by one Jacobus Syrus they used circumcision and acknowledge but one nature in Christ. Jacobs staff a certain Geometrical instrument so called also a staff that Pilgrims use to walk with to James Compostella Jactancy lat a boasting Jaculation lat a shooting or darting Jambes French the side-posts of a door Jambeux French armour for the legs Iambick lat the foot of a verse consisting of two syllables one short and one long Jamblichus a famous Pythagorean Philosopher of Chalcis a Citie of Syria he was the Disciple of Porphyrius James the proper name of a man contracted from Jacob in Spanish Jago in French Jaques Jampnorum a certain Law-term used in Fines signifying certain Acres of Furze Janizaries Turkish foot Souldiers which are of the Guard to the Grand Signior Jane the Christian name of divers women mollified as some think from Joan. Jannock a kinde of Oaten bread much used in the North of England Jansenisme the opinion of Cornelius Jansenus Bishop of Tyre he was a great opposer of universal redemption Janthe a certain Virgin the daughter of Telessa who the first day of her marriage was transformed into a man Janus the name of an ancient King of Italy who intertained Saturn when he was banish't out of Creet by his son Jupiter and of him learn't husbandry and the use of the Vine he built a Citie called Janiculum from which all Italy was also called Janicula he is pictured with two faces and from him the first moneth of the year is called January Iapetus the son of Titan and Terra he married the Nymph Aria and begat Prometheus and Epimethe●s Japygia a Countrey upon the Borders of Italy called also Calabria and Magna Graecia the narrowest entrance of it reacheth from Tarentum to Brundusium Iarbas a King of Getulia See Dido Jargon the same as Gibbrish or Pedlars French Jarre of Oile an earthen pitcher containing twenty Gallons also the Order of Knights of the Jarre was instituted by Don Garcia King of Navarre who riding one day on hunting and entring into a Cave he saw an Altar with the image of the Virgin Marie and a Pitcher of Lillies at which sight being moved with devotion he founded this order Iarrock a kinde of Cork Iasion or Ias●us the son of Iupiter and Electra to him Ceres brought forth Pluto who was the first that brought men the use of money Iasmin or Iesemin a kinde of flowr so called Iason the son of Aeson King of Thessaly he was sent by his Uncle Pelias to Colchos to fetch the Golden Fleece and having overcome the Dragon and Brazen-footed Bull that were set to guard it by the help of Medea who was in love with him he brought her away with him and married her but afterwards falling in love with Creusa the daughter of Creon he left Medea who in anger burnt Creusa and her Palace together Iasper a precious stone of a green colour also the proper name of a man in Latin Gasparus Iaveline Ital. a kinde of Dart or Launce Iberia the ancient name of Spain Ibexe or Evick a kinde of a mountanous Goat in Greek called Aegoreros in Latin Capricornus Ibis a certain Lybian bird feeding upon Serpents formerly worshipped in Aegypt which with its long bill first taught the use of Glisters I C Icarius the son of Oebalus he being slain by the Sheapherds of Athens whom he had made drunk and being discovered by his Dog Maer● his daughter Erigone hanged her self for grief and was afterwards translated among the heavenly signs and was called Virgo the Dog also pined away and died and was translated among the signs Icarus the son of Daedalus who flying too near the Sun with his waxen wings which his father had made for him melted them and fell into the Sea which from thence was called the Icarian Sea Iceni a certain people anciently inhabiting those Provinces which are now called Suffolk Norfolk Cambridgshire and Huntingtonshire Ichdien a Motto or device heretofore belonging to the arms of the Princes of Wales it signifies in the old Saxon I serve Ichneun●on Greek an Indian Rat. Ichnography Greek a Description or Plat-form of any thing in writing according to which example it is to be made Ichthyologie Greek a Description of fishes Ichthyophagi a certain people who feed altogether upon fish which they catch with Nets made of the bark of a Palm-tree and build their houses with the bones of fish Icleped old word called or named Icond old word learned Iconoclastes Greek a breaker or demolisher of images a surname attributed to several of the Greek Emperours who were zealous against the worshipping of images in Churches from Icon an image and clazein to break Icorven old word cut or carved Ictericall Greek troubled with the overflowing of the gall a disease vulgarly called the Jaunders or the Jaundice from the French word Iaulne i. e. yellow because it maketh the skin to appear of a yellow colour I
D Ida a Mountain of Troas where Paris gave Judgement for Venus about the golden apple against Iuno and Pallas whence Venus is called the Idalian Queen Idas the son of Neptune he seeing Marpesia the daughter of Mars dancing in a wood which was sacred to Diana carried her away by force his father Neptune having given him very swift horses whereat Mars was so inraged that he threw himself into the River Lyco●ma but Apollo meeting Idas and fighting with him for Marpesia Iupiter sent Mercury to part them and Marpesia being left to her own freedom which of them she would choose made choice of Idas Idea the form of any thing represented to the imagination Identity lat a made Term much used in Logick and signifying as it were the samenesse of any thing Ides of a moneth are eight dayes in every moneth as in March May July and October from the fifteenth to the eight being reckoned backward in other moneths from the thirteenth to the sixth it comes from the old Latin word Iduo to divide Idiom Greek the peculiar phrase of any language Idiopathie Greek a peculiar passion Idiosyncrasie Greek the proper or natural temper of any thing Idiotical Greek private also belonging to an Idiote i. e. one born of so weak an understanding that the King by his prerogative hath the government and disposal of his Lands and substance and to that purpose a Writ de Idiota Inquirendo is to be directed to the Sheriff to examin the party suspected of Idiocie or Idiotisme Idolatrie Greek the worshipping of false gods but most properly an offering of Divine honours to any Idols pictures or images Idomeneus the son of Deucalion Grand-childe of Mino● King of Creet he returning from the Wars of Troy and going about to offer up his son who was the first that met him upon Land according to the vow he made to sacrifice whomsoever he met first he was driven out of the Kingdom by his subjects and arriving in the Countrey of Calabria he built the Citie of Salentinum Idoneous lat fit convenient Idyl Greek a kinde of Eclogue or Pastoral Poem such as was written by Theocritus Moschus and others I E Jearecapstern an Engin used in great ships to hoise the yards and sayls withall Ieat see Geat Iejunation lat fasting Iejunity lat hungrynesse also barrennesse shallownesse of judgement or stile Ienticulation lat a breaking ones fast Ieofail in Common-law is when a pleading or issue is so badly pleaded or joyn'd that it will be errour if they proceed it is contracted from the French words I'ay failli i. e. I have failed Ieopardy danger or hazard it comes from the French words jeu i. e. play and perte i. e. losse Ieremie a proper name signifying in Hebrew High of the Lord. Iesuati an order of Monks so called from their having the name of Jesus often in their mouths they were begun at Sen● in the year 1365. by Francis Vincent and John Columbanus Jesuites those of the Society of Jesu a certain religious Order instituted by St. Ignatius Loyola they had to the three vows of Chastity Poverty and Obedience the vow of Mission annexed which bound them to go whithersoever the Roman Bishop should send them for the propagation of the Faith and to execute whatsoever he should command them Jesus Colledge a Colledge in Oxford built not long since by Hugh Price Doctor of the Laws Jet old word a device Jetson the same as Flotson Jews-eares a kind of mushrome or excrescence about the root of the Elder-tree Jewsstone a kind of stone called also a Marchesite I F Ifere old word together Ifretten old word devoured I G Ignaro Ital. a foolish ignorant fellow Ignifluous lat running or flowing with fire Ignify lat to set on fire to cause to burn Ignipotent lat powerful in fire Ignis ●atuus lat a kind of slight exhalation set on fire in the night time which ofttimes causeth men to wander out of their way It is metaphorically taken for some trivial humour or phancy wherewith men of shallow understandings are apt to be seduced Ignition lat a setting on fire † Ignivomus lat fire spitting or vomiting out flames of fire an Epithet proper to Aetna and some other mountains of the like nature Ignoble lat of an obscure birth or of a base spirit Ignominious lat dishonourable full of shame or reproach Ignoramus is a word used by the grand Inquest empanelled in the inquisition of causes criminal and publick when they mislike their evidence as defective or too weak to make good the presentment which word being written upon the Bill all farther inquiry upon that party is stopped It is also taken substantively for a foolish and ignorant person † Ignoscible lat fit to be pardoned or forgiven J H S a certain character whereby hath anciently been expressed Jesus the proper name of our Saviour the middle letter being taken for a Greek E but more likely the three initial letters of these words Jesus Hominum Salvator i. Jesus the Saviour of man have been commonly used for brevities sake I K Ikenild street one of the 4 famous ways that the Romans anciently made in England It taketh its name from the Iceni so the people inhabiting Norfolk Suffolk and Cambridgeshire are called the other three wayes were termed Foss Erminstreet and Watlingstreet I L Ilcester contracted from Ivelcester a Town in Somersetshire it was assaulted by Robert Mowbray when the Nobles of England conspired against King William Rufus to set up his brother Robert Duke of Normandy in the Royal Throne Ilia the daughter of Numitor King of the Albanes who by her Uncle Amulius was made a Vestal but being got with child she brought forth twins Romulus and Remus of whom Mars was reported to have been the father Iliades Greek the Title of a famous ancient Poem writ by Homer concerning the destruction of Troy which was formerly called Ilium from Ilus one of the Kings thereof who inlarged it after it had been built by Dardanus the son of Jupiter Iliacal Greek belonging to the Ilia or small guts Iliac passion a certain dangerous disease caused by the wind getting into those guts Ilioneus the son of Phorbas a Trojan he went with Aeneas into Italy and being famous for his Eloquence was sent on all his Embassages Illaborate lat unlaboured or done without paines † Illachrymable lat pittilesse also unpittied Illaqueation lat an entangling or ensnaring Illation lat a conclusion or inference † Illatration lat a barking at any one † Illecebrous lat alluring charming or inticing Illegitimate lat Bastard of a base birth unlawfully begotten Illepid lat dull and unpleasant in conversation Illiberal lat niggardly without generosity Illicite lat unwarrantable or unlawful † Illigation lat a binding or wrapping within Illimitate lat unbounded having no limits or bounds Illiterate lat unlearned † Illucidation lat a giving light also an explaining or making clear Illumination lat the same Illusion lat a
cannot be done Impost French a tribute or tax but more especially we use it for the tax received by the Prince for such merchandizes as are brought into any haven from other Nations whereas Custome is for wares shipped out of the land Impostour lat a seller of false wares also any kinde of deceiver or jugler Impostume a word commonly but corruptly used for Aposteme Greek which is a gathering together of evil humours into any one part of the body Impotency lat an unablenesse or want of strength it is many times taken for an unap●nesse to generation Impoundage a confining or putting into a pound Impregnation lat a making fruitfull a filling or causing to swell Imprecation lat a cursing or calling down some mischief upon anothers head Impregnable lat not to be won or taken by force Imprese the same as devise it cometh from the Italian word Imprendere to undertake Impression lat an imprinting stamping or making a mark Imprest money is money paid to Souldiers before hand † Imprimings beginnings from the Latin Imprimis i. e. first of all a word used in the beginnings of Inventories or Catalogues of goods Improbation lat a disallowing or not approving Improbability lat a matter which can not be proved an unlikelinesse Improbity lat dishonesty wickednesse † Improcerity lat a lownesse want of talnesse or stature † Improcreability lat a barrennesse or unaptnesse to procreate † Improperation lat a making haste also an upbraiding any one with a fault Impropriation lat see appropriation Improvidence lat carelesensse or forgetfulnesse to provide want of foresight Improvement an advancing of profits a thriving a benefiting in any kind of profession Imprudence lat want of discretion or understanding Impudence lat overboldnesse shamelesnesse Impugnation lat a contradicting or resisting Impuissance French weaknesse distresse want of outward supports Impulsion lat a driving forward a thrusting on also a constraining Impunity lat a going unpunished an exemption from punishment Impurity lat uncleannesse Imputation lat a laying to ones charge Imputrescence lat a keeping from putrefaction or rotting an uncorruptiblenesse I N Inaccessible lat not to be come at Inachus the most ancient King of the Argives the son of Oceanus and Thetys and the brother of Aesopus concerning his daughter Jo see beneath in Jo from this King Inachus the chief River of Argia took its denomination Inaffability lat discurtesie unpleasantnesse in conversation Inaffectation lat carelesseness freeness from vain-glory Inambulation lat a walking from place to place Inamiable lat unlovely unpleasant † Inamissible lat not to be lost Inamorato Ital. a lover † Inaniloquution lat an i●dle or vain speaking from inanis empty and loqui to speak Inanimate lat having no life without a soul. Inanity lat emptiness or a being void of air or any other body It is a Philosophical term used by Dr. Charlton Inarable lat not to be plonghed † Inargentation lat a silvering over a covering with silver Inaudible lat not to be heard Inauguration lat an asking counsel of Augures or Soothsayers also the conferring of honours or preferment upon any one also a consecrating Inaurated lat covered with Gold gilded over Inauspicious lat unlucky ill-boding Inborow and Outborow in ancient times was the office of him that was to allow free liberty of Ingress and Egress to those that travelled between the two Realmes of England and Scotland This office belonged in King Henry the thirds time to Patrick Earle of Dunbar Incalescence lat a growing warm or lusty a taking heat Incandescence lat a being inflamed with wroth a growing angry Incanescence lat a growing gray-headed a waxing hoary Incantation lat an inchanting or charming Incapacity lat an uncapableness or being unfit Incarceration lat a putting in prison Incarnadin colour French a flesh colour or the colour of a Damask Rose Incarnation lat a making flesh to grow or a being made of flesh Incastellated French narrow-heeled Incendiary lat one that puts things into a flame or combustion a sower of division or strife Incense lat to inflame or stir up anger Incensory French a censing-pan or Church-vessel wherein they use to burn incense being a kind of rich Perfume or Gum distilling from a Tree of the same name and is also called Frankincense Incentive lat a stirring up or provokement a motive Incentor lat the same as Incendiary also Incentor Accentor and Succentor are three sorts of Singers in parts Inception lat a beginning or undertaking of any businesse whence Inceptour he that hath newly taken his degree in the University Incern lat to sift to examine strictly Incessant lat continual without ceasing Incestuous lat unchast committing incest which is an untying of the Virgin Zone or Cestus but it is commonly taken for a defiling one that is near in blood or kindred Inchoation lat a beginning of any work Incident lat hapning to or falling out of necessity It is also substantively taken in Common Law for a thing necessarily depending upon another as more principal as a Court-Baron is so incident to a Manor that it cannot be separated Incineration lat a reducing to ashes or cinders Incision lat a cutting deep into any thing a making a gash Incisure lat the cut or gash it self Incitation lat a stirring up or provoking Inclamitation lat an often calling upon Inclemency lat rigour sharpness a being without pitty or compassion Inclination lat a bending or leaning toward a disposition to any thing It is also taken in an amorous sense Artam Inclusion lat an inclosing a shutting in Inclusive lat containing Incoacted lat uncompelled Incogitancy lat a not thinking or minding rashnesse inconsiderateness † Incohible lat unrestrainable not to be restrained Incolumity lat a being free from danger safeness Incomity lat unsociableness want of civility in conversation Incommensurable lat holding not the same proportion or not to be measured with another thing Incommodious lat unprofitable or unfit Incommunicable lat not to be made common or imparted to another Incompact lat not close fastned or joyned together Incomparable lat without compare not to be compared with Incompatible lat not agreeing one with another not induring to be joyned together Incompensable lat uncapable of being recompenced Incompossible lat affirming what another denies A term proper onely to Logick Incomprehensible lat not to be taken hold of not to be conceived by the mind Inconcinnity lat ungracefulness a being ill disposed or placed out of order Incongealable lat not to be congealed or frozen Incongruity lat a disagreeableness an unfitness Inconsideration lat rashness unadvisedness Inconsolable lat not to be cheared or comforted Incon●tancy lat unstableness fickleness Incontinency lat a not abstaining from unlawful desires Incorporation lat a mixing together into one body or substance Incorporeal lat being bodiless or without a body Incorrigibility lat a being past correction Incorruptible lat never consuming or decaying free from corruption Incrassation
Dignity and Honour Of Knight-hoods there are many sorts but the most usual in this Nation are these Knight Bachelour the lowest but ancientest Order of Knight-hood and cometh from the Germans among whom it was an ancient custom that as soon as the State judged any of their young men fit to manage armes and weapons and allowed him sufficient for martial exercises then in the very assembly and council either one of the Princes the father or son of the kinsfolk of the young man did furnish him with a shield and a javelin as the Romans did the toga virilis or Virile gown to those whom they thought capable of publick imployment and thenceforth from a part of a private house he was accounted a member of the Common-wealth It was also an ancient ceremony to honour men with the Girdle of Knighthood which he who received was solemnly to go to Church and offerring his sword upon the Altar to vow himself to the service of God afterwards it came to be usual for Kings to send their sons to the neighbour Princes to receive Knighthood at their hands Then it was also that besides the Sword and Girdle Gilt-Spurs were also added for more ornament whence in Latin they are called Equi●es aurati the word Bachelours some derive from the French Baschevaliers as it were Knights of the lowest degree others from Batailler to battel or fight they are also simply and without any addition called Knights Knight Banneret from the Dutch word Bannerherr Lord or Master of the Banner is a Knight made in the field with the ceremonies of cutting the point of his Standard and making it as it were a Banner and is allowed to display his arms in the Kings army This Dignity was given at first by the Kings of England and France to such Gentlemen as valiantly carried themselves in two Royal Battels or to such as had ten vassals and means to maintain a Troop of Horses at their own charge Some say the first original of it was from Edward the third Knight Baronet is a new distinct Order erected by King James who for certain disbursements toward the Plantation in Vlster created divers into this Dignity and made it hereditary by his Letters Patents to be seen in the Rolles whereas before that time there were Baronets who were not Knights and these Knight Baronets were to have precedency in all Writings Sessions and Salutations before all Knights of the Bath and Knights Bachelours and Bannerets except those created under the Kings Standard in an Army Royal the King being personally present and the King was not to create any person into that degree of Baronet within the Kingdom of England above the number of two hundred Knight of the Bath an Order of Knights created within the lists of the Bath and girded with a sword in the Ceremonies of their Creation these Knights were wont to be created with a great many religious solemnities which usually belong to Hermites and other holy Orders Knights of the Carpet are another sort of Knights made out of the field and are so called because in receiving their order they commonly kneel upon a Carpet Knights of the Garter an order of Knighthood instituted by King Edward the 3d. some say upon occasion of good successe in a skirmish wherein the Kings Garter was used for a token others affirm that the King after his great successes abroad and at home dancing one night with the Queen and other Ladies took up a Garter that hapned to fall from one of them whereat some of the Lords smiling the King said that ere long he would make that Garter to be of high reputation and shortly after he erected this order of the blue Garter which consists of 26 martial Nobles whereof the King of England used to be the chief and the rest be either of the Realm or Princes of other Countreys there are also depending upon this order 26 poor Knights who have no other sustenance but the allowance of this house and are also called poor Knights of Windsor the site of this Colledge being the Castle of Windsor with the Chappel of St. George the Officers belonging to this Order are the Prelate of the Garter which Office belongeth to the Bishop of Winchester the Chancelour of the Garter the Register of the Garter who was alwayes Dean of Windsor the principal King of Arms called Garter and the Usher of the Garter which Office belonged to the Usher of the Princes Chamber called Black-rod Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem an Order of Knighthood erected in the year 1120. and had their first foundation and abode in Jerusalem afterwards they had their residence at Rhodes whence they were expelled by Solyman and ever since their chief seat hath been at Malta where they have done great exploits against the Turk there was one general Prior that had the government of the whole Order in England and Scotland but toward the end of Harry the eights reign they were suppressed in England for adhering to the Pope Knights of the Temple or Knights Templars an Order of Knighthood erected by Pope Gelasius about the year of our Lord 1117. these Knights in the beginning dwelling not far from the Sepulchre of Christ intertained Christian strangers and Pilgrims charitably and in their Armour led them through the holy land to view such things as there were to be seen and to defend them from the Infidels but because at the last they abounded in many Vices and many of them fell away from Christianity to the Saracens the whole Order was suppressed by Pope Clement the fifth and their substance given to the Knights of Rhodes and other Religious Orders Knights of the Shire two Knights or other Gentlemen of worth that are chosen by the freeholders of every County that can dispend fourty shillings per annum and be resident in the Shire formerly none but Knights were chosen to that Office Milites gladio cincti for so runneth the Tenour of the Writ when every one that had a Knights fee was constrained to be a Knight but now custome alloweth that Esquires may be chosen so that they be resident in the County Knight Marshal an Officer of the Kings house who hath the Jurisdiction and Cognisance of any transgression as also of all Contracts made within the Kings house and verge Knights of Calatrava in Spain an Order created by Alonzo the ninth King of Spain conferred upon certain Cavallero's who went in Devotion to succour Calatrava against the Moors their badge was a red crosse on the left side of their breast Knights of the Jar see Jar. Knights fee so much inheritance as is sufficient to maintain a Knight with convenient Revenue which was in ancient time about 800 Acres it is also taken for the Rent that a Knight payes for his fee to the Lord of whom he holds Knights service or Chevalry a certain ancient Tenure of Lands by which a man was obliged to bear Arms in
defence of his Countrey Knighten Guild a certain Guild or Company in London consisting of 19 Knights it was founded by King Edgar who gave them a portion of void ground lying without the Citie now called Portsoken Ward Knipperdollings a certain Sect of Hereticks who lived in Germany about the time of John of Leyden they were so called from one Knipperdolling who was the first founder of that Sect. Knolls of Peace certain Mounts cast up by mans hand in the Sherifdom of Sterling in Scotland called in Latin Duni Pacis K U Kunigunda or Cunigunda the wife of Henry the second Duke of Bavaria and Emperour of Germany she to free her self from the aspersion of inchastity that was cast upon her caused certain Plough-shares to be heated red hot and placed at a little distance one from the other and went over them blindfold without receiving any harm whereby she cleared her self from all suspition the like was reported of Edward the Confessours wife and this tryal afterwards became oftentimes in use upon such like occasions and was called the tryal of fire Ordeal K Y Kyle a County in the South part of Scotland by Bede called Campus Cyel i. e. the field Ciel this with other Territories Eadbert King of Northumberland annexed to his Kingdom Kyrie Eleison a form of solemne invocation used in the Liturgy or Service book and signifieth in the Greek tongue Lord have mercy upon us L A LAbarum Greek a military streamer or flag also a Church Banner or Ensigne Labda the daughter of Amphion of the Race of the Bacchidae she being lame and despised by the rest of the Bacchidae married Aetion to whom she brought forth Cypselus so called from a certain Corn measure wherein his mother hid him from the ten men whom the Corinthians by a publick decree ordained to kill him because it had been foretold by the Oracle that a son of Labda should invade the Tyranny of Corinth Labdacisme see Lambdacisme Labdanum or Ladanum a kinde of sweet Gumme taken from the leaves of a certain small shrub called Cistus Ledon Labefaction lat an enfeebling or making weak Labels Ribbands hanging down upon Garlands or Crowns made of flowrs also little pieces of parchment cut out long-wayes and hanging upon Indentures or other kinde of writings also in Heraldry they are those lines which hang down from the file in an Escutcheon Labeons lat blaber-lipped persons Labienus one of Caesars Captains who did very famous actions under him in Gallia but when the Civil wars broke out fled from him to Pompey's party Labile lat slippery apt to slip or fall Laborariis the name of a Writ that lieth against such as having not wherewith to live do refuse to serve † Labori●sity lat laboriousnesse painfulnesse Labour a ship is said to Labour in the Sea when she rowles and tumbles very much either a Hull or under Sail. Labyrinth Greek a Maze or place made with so many turnings and windings that a man once entered in cannot finde the way out whereof the two most famous were that built by Miris King of Egypt and that which Daedalus built for Minos King of Crete it is also by Metaphor used for any kinde of intanglement or intricate businesse Lacca a kinde of red Gumme issuing from certain Trees in Arabia Laceration lat a tearing or dismembring Lacert Latin from Lacerta a Lizard from Lacertus the brawny part of the arm Lacession lat a stirring up or provoking Laches in Common-law signifieth negligence from the French word Lasche i. carelesse or slothfull or Lascher to loosen Lachesis the name of one of the Destinies Lacken old word contemned also extenuated Lachrymation lat a weeping or shedding tears Laconisme Greek a speaking briefly or after the manner of the Lacedemonians Lactary lat a Dairy house or place where they keep Milk or make Cheese Lacteal or Lacteous lat milky milk white or made of milk Lactucina a certain goddesse among the Romans see Matura Lacunation lat a making holes Ladanum or Laudanum see Labdanum Ladas a Page of Alexander the Great he ran so swift that the print of his foot could not be discerned in the sand Ladon a River of Arcadia where Syriax was turned into a Reed Laghslite a Saxon word from Lah Law and Slite a breach signifying a Mulct for breach of the Law Lagophthalmie Greek a disease in the eyes which causeth one to sleep like a Hare with the eye-lids open Lai●al lat belonging to Lay-men or such as have not to do in the Ministerial function Laines courses or ranks laid in the building of stone or brick-walls a Term in Masonry Laire a Term in hunting the place where a Deer harbours by day Lais a woman of Sicily who going to dwell at Corinth became a very famous strumpet and exacted excessive rates for the prostitution of her body afterwards removing to Thessaly she was in such high request among the men of Th●ssaly that the women out of envy killed her in the Temple of Venus it was by her instigation that Alexander the Great caused Persep●lis to be burnt Laius the son of Labdacus King of Thebes and the father of Oedipus see Jocasta or Oedipus Lake a kinde of red colour used in painting Lambith q. Lomehith i. e. a Lomy or Clayish rode a Town in Surry famous for a stately Palace belonging to the Arch-bishops of Canterbury first built by Arch-bishop Baldwin in the year 1183. in this place Hardy-Canute the Danish King of England giving up himself wholy to luxurious banquettings costly intertainments expired suddenly in the midst of his debauchery and excessive Cups Lambdacisme Greek a pronouncing the letter L. which is called in Greek Lambda with greater force then it should be Lamdoides the hindermost seam of the skull Lambert the proper name of a man signifying in Saxon fair Lamb or as others will have it Far famous Lambition lat a licking a lapping with the tongue also a going over a thing with a soft touch Lamiae lat certain Female spirits or apparitions by some called fairies there was also one Lamia a Concubine of Demetrius to whom the Thebans built a Temple under the name of Lamia Venus Lammas day the first of August so called as some say because the Priests on this day were wont to gather their Tithe-Lambs others take it from the Saxon word Laffmess i. Breadmass it being kept as a feast of Thanks-giving for the first fruits of the Corn it is also called Gule or Yule of August see Gule of August Lampadios a constellation in the head of Taurus Lampasse vulgarly called the Lampreys a disease in the mouth of a Horse so named because it is cured by burning with a Lamp or a hot Iron Lampetia see Neaera Lampoon a kinde of Drolling Poem or Pamphlet wherein any person of the present age is mentioned with reproach or scurrility Lamprey or Suck-st●ne a kinde of fish called in Latin Muraena Lampsacus a Town upon the Hellespont near
Lawn see Laund A Lax a kinde of fish without ●ones Laxation lat a loosening easing or setting free Laxity lat loosenesse Lay French a song Lazaret Ital. an Hospital a spittle for Lazers or Lepers Lazarus Hebr. Lords help Lazule a kinde of Azure or blewish stone much used in Physick L E Leach old word a Physitian A league a certain proportion of ground in length onely consisting of about two or three miles it is called in Latin Leuco from the Greek word Leucos i. e. white because formerly the end of every league used to be noted with a white stone whence ad primum aut secundum lapidem ab urbe at the first or second stone from the Citie was as much as to say one or two leagues from the Citie League is also derived from the Latin word Ligare and signifieth an agreement Pact or Covenant Leafdian or Hleafdian Sax. a Lady Leam a line to hold a Dogge in it is also called a Leash Leander a noble youth of Abydos a Town in Asia situated upon the shore of the Hellespont he being in love with Hero one of Venus Nuns who dwelt in Sestos a Town of the opposite bank used to swim over to her in the night time which having done several times without danger at length in his passage over he was orewhelmed by a storm and drowned in the Hellespont Learchus the son of Athamas King of Th●bes and Ino the daughter of Cadmus he was slain by his father who in a raging madnesse took him for a Lyons whelp whereupon Ino fled with her other son Melicerta both of them cast themselves into the Sea and were changed into Sea gods and called by the Greeks Leucothea Paloemon by the Latins Matuta Portumnus Lease a word used in Common-law and signifieth a demising or letting of Lands or Tenements or right of a Rent unto another for term of years or of life or for a Rent reserved if it be in writing it is called a Lease by indenture if by word of mouth a Lease Parole the party that letteth the Lease is called the Leassour the party that taketh it the Leassee being derived from the French word Laisser i. to leave or permit Leash see L●am Leasungs or Leasings Sax. lies Leaveret French Diminutive a young Hare Lecanomancy Greek a divining by water in a Bason Lectern a kinde of Desk used in Churches Lectistern lat the setting out and adorning of a bed for a Compotation or Banquet a custome used by the ancients at their solemne feasts who also used to rear the images of their Gods upon the Pillow 's Lecturer or Lectour lat a publick Professour a Reader of Lectures i. e. certain portions of an Author or Science read in the publick Schools Leda the wife of Thestius and the daughter of Tyndarus King of Laconia she being got with Childe by Jupiter who to deceive her transformed himself into a Swan brought forth two Eggs out of one of which was born Pollux and Helena out of the other Castor and Clytemnestra Ledors French reproaches reviling Terms Leed or Lide an old word signifying the moneth of March whence Cow-hides are called Lide pilles Leeds a Castle in Kent which Barth●lomew Lord Baldismer fortified against King Edward the second who had freely given it him whereupon he lost his life also a place in York-shire where Oswy King of Northumberland overthrew Penda the Mercian The Leer of a Deer a Term among Hunters the place wherein he lies to dry himself after he hath been wet by the dew Leero see Lyrick Leet Sax. a Law-day whence Court Leet is a Court or Jurisdiction containing the third part of a S●ire and comprehending three or four wapen-takes or hundreds the Leets were called by the Romans Fasti wherein the Praet●r might lawfully keep Court and administer Justice which was not done without the speaking of these three words Do Di●o Addico i. e. I give viz. way to actions and suites I speak viz. the Law I Judge viz. matters and men Legality lat lawfulnesse an observing of the Law Legatary lat one to whom a Legacy is bequeathed Legation lat the sending of a message or embassage Legate lat an Oratour or Ambassadour to any Prince Legend or Legendary French the Title of a book containing the lives of the Saints also words graven about the edge of a piece of Coyn. Legeolium the ancient name of a Town in York-shire vulgarly called Castleford where in old times the Citizens of York slew many of King Ethelreds army Legerdemain French as it were light of hand cousenage or jugling tricks Legion lat a Company of Souldiers among the ancient Romans consisting of three or four thousand foot and three or four hundred horse afterwards being increased to six thousand foot and six hundred horse every ordinary foot Legion consisting of ten Cohorts every Cohort of three Maniples every Maniple of two Centuries each Century of a 100 men likewise every horse Legion contained six Turmae or Troupes every Troup ten Decuries and every Dec●ry ten men also there are in every Legion four Orders of Souldiers the Triari● the Principes the Hastati or Spearmen the Velites or light-armed Legionary lat belonging to a Legion Legislative lat having authority to make or give Laws Legislatour lat a Law-giver Legist lat a Lawyer Legitimate lat lawfull done according to Law and right Leguminous lat belonging to pulse Leicester the chief Citie of Leicestershire called also Legeocester Leogora and Leg●cestria this Citie was besieged by King Henry the third when Earle Robert rebelled against him and the Wall round about it utterly demolish't Leinster a Province in Ireland containing these following Counties Kilkenny Caerbogh Queens County Kings County Kildare Weshford Dublin Leman a Concubine or Catamite Pullus Jovis Latin some say it comes from the French word L● mignon or Leyman as it were ly by man Lemannus the Lake Leman upon which stands the Citie of Geneva Lemnos an Island in the Aegean Sea famous for the fall of Vulcan who by reason of his deformity being thrown down from heaven as soon as he was born hapned to light in this place whence he was called the Lemnian God this Island was originally known by the name of Hipsipylaea from a daughter of Thoas of that name who was Queen thereof Lemster a Town of Herefordshire so called q. Leonminster from a Lyon that appeared to a certain religious man as some have fabled others more probably derive it from a Church of Nuns built by Merwalck a King of the ●ercians for those which we call Nuns the ancient Brittains termed Leans some there are that derive it from Line whereof the best sort groweth there this Town is now adayes very famous for Wool which is called Lemster Ore it was defaced by W. de Breosa Lord of Brecknock when he revolted from King John Lemures lat certain spirits or apparitions vulgarly called Hobgoblins Lenity lat mildnesse softnesse gentlenesse Lenitive or
Lenient lat softning of an asswaging or pacifying power Lenitude lat the same as Lenity Lennox a County in the south part of Scotland so called from the River Levin which Ptolomy calleth Letanonius Lenonian lat belonging to a Pander or Band. Lentigenous lat belonging to Lentills which are a kind of round and flat pulse growing in hot Countries also full of little pimples or freckles resembling Lentills Lentisk lat a kind of tree called the Mastick-tree from which there is taken a Gum of very great vertue Lentitude lat slacknesse slownesse or negligence Lentour lat stiffnesse or clammynesse Lent-season in Lat. Quadragesima a Fast of fourty dayes instituted by the Church and first appointed to be kept in England by Ercombert a King of Kent It comes from the Dutch word Lente i. Spring because it ever happens to be about the beginning of the Spring time or as others say from length because about this time the dayes begin to lengthen Leo the name of several Roman Emperours reigning at Constantinople also the name of several Popes of Rome also one of the 12 Signes Leocorion a Monument erected by the Athenians in honour of Leo the son of Orpheus who when no body else would permit their daughters to be sacrificed to the gods to divert a great pestilence which then raged in the City willingly consented to the offering up of his three daughters Pasithea Theope and Eubule Leodegar or Leger a German proper name signifying a gatherer of the people Leodium a famous City of Germany anciently called Ebur num Augusta and is said to have been built by Ambioriges a King of Germany who also called it Legia from the cutting off of a Roman Legion in a valley near unto it at this day it is named Luttich or Leige Leofstan i. most beloved a Saxon name Leofwin i. Winlove Leoh Sax. light Leonard the proper name of a man signifying in Dutch popular disposition as Lipsius will have it but as others say Lion-like disposition answering to the Greek name Thymoleon Leonidas a famous Captain and King of the Lacedemonians who defending the Streights of Thermopylae against the whole Army of Xerxes was himself slain together with all his men Leonine lat belonging to or like a Lion Leopard or Libberd a certain African beast otherwise called a Panther this beast is all over full of streakes or little spots and is begotten between a Pard and a Lionesse Leopold q. Leodpold the proper name of a man signifying in Dutch Defender of the people being in imitation of the Greek names Demochares i. gracious to the people and Demophilus i. a lover of the people and Laodamus i. tamer of the people the chief of this name was Leopoldus Arch-Duke of Austria Leorning ●night Sax. a disciple or scholar Lepid lat neat jocund pleasant in speech or behaviour Leporine lat belonging to a Hare Leprosie Greek a kind of disease which causeth a white scurfe to run all over the body it is also termed Elephantiasis from the roughnesse of an Elephants skin which it resembleth Lerna a Lake near the City of Argos where the Serpent Hydra was slain by Hercules Lesbos an Island in the Aegaean Sea which in old time obtained the Empire of all Troas It is now called Metelin from the chief City thereof Mitylene the rest were Er●ssos Ant●ssa Portus Methymna Lesinage Ital thriftinesse sparingnesse good husbandry from Lesina which signifieth a Coblers aule Lesion or Laesion lat a hurting or endamaging Lessee and L●ss●r see Lease L●sses the dung of a Boare Lessian diet a moderate temperate diet from Lessius a famous modern Physitian who wrote divers rules for the keeping of an exact and temperate diet Lestage see Lastage Lestrigones or Lae●trigones a certain barbarous people and of a vast Giant-like stature that anciently inhabited Formiae a City of Campania and were said to live upon Human flesh their King Antiphates oppos'd Vlisses with all his might when he landed on that coast and tore one of his companions in pieces with his teeth Letanie Greek the Book of Divine-service used in Churches from Liteuo or Lissomai i. to pray and supplicate Lethality lat deadlinesse or mortality Lethargick Greek sick of a Lethargy i. e. a disease which causeth an excessive drousinesse and sleepinesse Lethean lat forgetful from Lethe a River of Hell which the Poets feign to be of that nature that the water of it being drunk causeth oblivion or forgetfulnesse Lethiferous lat bringing death deadly Letifical or Laetifical lat making glad or joyful Letter missive lat an Epistle or Letter sent from one party to another from the Latin word Mittere i. to send Letters of Atturney writings whereby an Atturney or any friend made choice of for that purpose is appointed to do a lawful act in anothers stead from which warrants of Atturny differ in this that besides being sealed and delivered before sufficient witnesse they must also be acknowledged before a Justice or Serjeant Letters of Mart or Marque are Letters which authorize any one to take by force of armes those goods which are due by the Law of Marque See Law of Marque Letters Patents are writings sealed open with the Broad-Seal of England whereby a man is authorized to do or injoy any thing which of himself he could not from the Latin word patere i. to lie open Lettice a Christian name of severall women from the Latin Laetitia i. joyfulnesse mirth Lettice a kind of plant called in Latin Lactuca because in women that eat of it it breedeth milk Levament or Levation lat an enlightning easing comforting also a lifting up or causing to rise Levant and Couchant French terms used in Common Law when the beasts or cattel of a stranger come into another mans ground and there have remained a good space i. rising and lying down Levant is also taken for the Eastern Countries Levari facias the name of a Writ directed to the Sheriff for the levying of a sum of money upon the lands of him that hath forfeited his Recognisance Leucophlegmatick Greek troubled with a disease called Leucophlegmaty i. a Dropsie caused by the abounding of white flegme Leucothea see Ino. Leucothoe the daughter of Orchamus King of the Babylonians with whom Apollo being in love transformed himself into the shape of Eurynome her mother pretending private businesse with her he re-assumed his former shape and won her by fair speeches to consent to his desires whereupon Clytia who was in love with Apollo growing extreamly envious declared the whole businesse to Orchamus who in a great fury caused his daughter to be buried alive whose death Apollo grieving at transformed her into the Frankincense-tree and Clytia seeing her self contemned of Apollo pined her self away and was turned into a Marygold Leuctra a Town in Boeotia where the Thebans under Epaminondas gave the Lacedemonians so total an overthrow that they could never after recover themselves Level-Coil French is when he that hath lost the game sits out
within his fee. Man of War in Navigation is taken for a ship of War by the figure Metonymia Manqueller old word a murderer Mansion lat a remaining an abiding also a Manor-house or the Lords chief dwelling house within his fee. Manslaughter in Common Law is the unlawful killing of a man upon some sudden occasion or falling out without premeditated malice Mansuetude lat gentlenesse tractablenesse meeknesse Manteleth a term in Faulconry for when the Hawk stretcheth one of her wings along after her legs and so the other It is said she Manteleth Mathematicks Arts taught by demonstration which comprehend four of the liberal Arts Astronomy Arithmetick Musick and Geometry Manticore Ital. a kind of Indian beast faced like a Man and bodied like a Lion and having three rows of sharp teeth Manticulation lat a doing a thing slily a carrying on a businesse closely Mantle or Mantile lat a kind of long robe also in Heraldry it is that flourish which proceeds from the wreath and helm and descends on each side the Escutcheon Mantua a City of Italy situate upon the River Po and built by Ocnus who called it so from his mothers name Manto a Theban Prophetesse the daughter of Tiresias she after the death of her father fleeing from the tyranny of Creon King of Thebes went first into Asia and built the Temple of Apollo Clarius afterwards she came into Italy where being got with child by Tiberinus she brought forth Ocnus Manual lat belonging to the hand filling the hand it is also used substantively for a book of a small volume which may easily be carried in ones hand Manubiary lat belonging to the spoil or prey Manucaption lat a taking by the hand Manucaptors lat Sureties or Bailes Manuduction lat a leading by the hand a guiding Manuel in Common Law signifieth that whereof present profit may be made Manufacture lat handy-work Manumission lat an Enfranchising a making free a slave or bondman which in former time was performed with divers ceremonies before a Magistrate Manure from the French word Manouurier to work and labour the earth with the hand Manuscript lat a thing onely written with the hand Manutenentia a Writ used in the case of maintenance † Manutention lat a holding by the hand Marria or Mar the name of a Country in the North part of Scotland Marathon a Town of Greece about ten miles distant from Athens famous for the Victory of Theseus over the Marathonian Bull and of Miltiades over Darius his Army consisting of above 100000. men Maravedis a kind of Spanish coin of very small value 34 of them amounting but to a Royal which is about 6 pence of our money Marcellus a great General of the Romans who overcame the Captain of the Gaules in a single Duel vanqvisht Hannibal after he had given the Romans several great overthrows took Syracuse and at last was circumvented by Hannibal and slain Marcessible lat apt to putrifie or corrupt Marcgrave Dutch a Count or Earl of the Marches i. e. the Frontier of a Country whence the title of Marquesse seemeth to be derived also those Noblemen which from the Marches i. the limits between England and Wales or between England and Scotland were heretofore called Marchers and injoyed private Laws to themselves which now are worn out March so called because it was dedicated to Mars by his son Romulus Marchesite or Marquesite Span. a certain kind of stone intermingled among mettal and partaking of the nature and colour of the mettal it is mixt with it is by some called a firestone Marcheta a certain Law made by Eugenius King of Scotland which was that the Lord of the land should have the first nights lodging with every married woman within his jurisdiction the word signifying as some think the first carnal copulation with a woman but this law was abrogated by Malcolm the third Marchpane French a kind of Sugered paste made into little cakes it is called in Greek Saccharites in Latin Panis dulciarius also Sagunculus from Saguntum a Town in Spain where the best are made or Panis Martius because it had wont to be consecrated to Mars having towers castles and such like on it Marcidity or Marcour lat a withering away rottennesse Marcionists a sort of ancient Hereticks so called from one Marcion a Stoick they denied Christ to be the Son of God Marcus the praenomen of divers eminent Romans as Marcus Curtius who for the publick good devoted himself to the infernal powers and rid compleatly arm'd into a monstrous gap with which the earth opened and others See Regulus Salinat●r c. Maremaid see Syren Mareotis a great Lake in Aegypt on the south side of Alexandria having a large and commodious Port. Margaret Greek pearl the Christian name of divers women contracted Marget Margaritiferous lat bringing forth Margarites i. pearles which are found in Oysters and other kind of shell-fish Margery a Christian name of divers women some think it to be the same with Margaret others derive it from Marjora a kind of flower Marginal lat belonging to the margin or margent i. the brink or brim of any thing also written in the margin of a book which is the extream or uttermost part of a page which terminates the lines Mariandunum a Country of Asia famous for the Acherusian Den through which the Poets feign that Hercules went down into Hell Mariets French a sort of violets called also Marian violets some think from Maria the name of a woman who first discovered them Marigold a kind of flower of a yellow or golden colour called in Latin herba solaris in Greek Heliotropium because at night it contracts it self and at sun-rising opens and dilates it self Marine lat belonging to the Sea whence Mariner a Sailour a Seafaring-man Marital lat belonging to Wedlock or Mariage Maritime lat belonging to the Sea or being along the Sea side Marius a stout Roman born at Arpinas he overcame Jugurth King of Numidia and led him in Triumph before his Chariot after he had had five Consulships together conferred on him by the Romans being the sixth time Consul with Catulus he overthrew the Cimbrians in Gallia and the Teutones in Italy at length being overcome by Sylla he hid himself by the Lake Minturna from whence he fled into Africa but was recalled by Cinna and made Consul the seventh time Mark Hebr. high or from the Latin Marcus which name according to Varrow was given to those that were born in the moneth of March but according to Festus it signifies a hammer or mallet Mark a sort of coin or money valueing with us about thirteen shillings and four pence but a Mark of Gold is counted about eight ounces or thirty three shillings and four pence Marcab the pinion of the wing of Pegasus Marleborough a Town in Wiltshire seated upon the River Cunetio or Kenet so called from Marga or Marle because it standeth upon a chalky ground Alexander Necham calleth it Merlebrigia from
the Tomb of Merlin the Prophet this Town is famous for a Parliament in old times assembled here who made a Law for appeasing tumults called the Statute of Marleb●row Marlin a kind of Hawk called in French Esmerillion Marling a term in Navigation being a small line made of untwisted hemp to sease the ends of ropes from farsing out Marmaduke the proper name of a man from the Dutch Mermachtig i. more mighty Marmalade Ital. a kind of conserve made of quince which is called by the Italians Marmelo Marmorean lat like Marble or made of Marble Marmoset a Monky from the French word Marmotter i. to mutter Maronean wine a sort of wine made at the City Maronea of great vertue and strength Maronites were a sort of Christians dwelling in Mount Libanus they received the Catholik religion from Pope Clement the eighth and were a branch of the Jacobites having a Patriarch of their own who was alwayes called Peter Marpessa called also Alcyone the daughter of Euenus and wife of Idaeus the comliest man of his time she was so loved of her husband that when Apollo carried her away he pursued the god with his bow and arrows he had by her a very fair daughter called Cleopatra who was married to Meleager Marque see Letters of Mart or Marque Marquesite see Marchesite Marquetry a kind of chequer'd or inlaid work made with wood of divers sorts or colours into the shape of knots flowers or other things Marquisate French the title and jurisdiction of a Marquesse who is a Noble man next in Dignity and account unto a Duke from the Dutch word March i. a bound because originally they were the Prefects of the borders of some Countrey A Marrow French a companion or fellow also a beggarly rascal Mars the son of Juno who without the help of Jupiter proved with child by eating of a flower which grew in the Olenian fields according to the advice of Flora and brought forth Mars who was called the god of War he being in bed with Venus was discovered by Vulcan her husband who throwing an iron net over them exposed them to the view and laughter of all the gods but at the suite of Neptune they were set free Also the name of one of the 7 Planets Marshal in Latin Mariscallus was anciently no other than a Master of Horse from the Dutch words Mar i. a horse and Scalc i. a servant but of late there are several officers of that name as the Marshals belonging to the several Courts of Law the Marshals of each Regiment in an Army but the highest officers that bore this name among us were the Lord Marshal of England whose power consisted chiefly in matters of war and armes and Marshals of the Kings House whose office was to hear pleas of the Crown and to punish faults committed within the verge Marshalsee as it were Marshals seat the Court of the Marshal Marsyas a certain Musitian of Phrygia instructed by Minerva he provoking Apollo to a contest in Musick was overcome and flead for his presumption and from his name the River Marsyas whose streams were augmented by the tears of the Nimphs that bewailed him took its denomination Marternes or Sables a kind of rich Fur being the skin of a little beast called a Marten Martia the wife of Cato Vticensis whom he gave to his friend Hortensius and after he was dead about the beginning of the civil wars took her again Martial lat born under the Planet of Mars also warlike or valiant whence the Law of Armes is called Martial Law Martichore see Manticore Martin the proper name of a man from the Latin Martius The first of this name was St. Martin the Military Saint Bishop of Tours Martinet or Martelet a kind of bird called in Greek Apus because it wanteth the use of its feet Martingale see Cavechin Martnets a Term in Navigation the small lines which being fastned to the legs on the leetch of a sayl come down by the mast to the deck Martyrologie Greek a discourse treating of the lives and sufferings of Martyres Marullus Pomponius the greatest Grammarian and Critick of his age who reprehended Tiberius for speaking improper Latin and gave Ateius Capito the lie for vindicating it Mary Hebr. exalted Mascarade French a mask or pompous representation Mascle in blazon is a short lozenge having a square hole in the midst from the French word Macle i. e. a spot also the mash or hole of a Net Masculine lat manly or of the male kinde Massagetae see Scythia Masse in latin Missa the Liturgy or Divine service performed by the Roman Catholicks is also called from the Hebrew Missah l. sacrifice or oblation Massicot a kinde of Oaker made of Ceruse or white Lead Massilia a Town of Gallia Narbonensis which after it had been destroyed was rebuilt by the Phocences who flying from the Tyranny of Cyrus seated themselves in this place the Arts and Sciences flowrish't here at that heighth that it was accounted a second Athens it is vulgarly called Mar●eiltes Massinissa a King of Numidia who from an inveterate enemy of the Roman name became a faithfull friend and allie he was a man of that strength and vigour of body that at 90 years of age he begat a son Massorets a sort of Jews which corrected the false written words of the Scripture noting them wit a little o. for they made a scruple to blot them out and setting down their corrections in the Margin Mastication lat a chewing between the teeth Mastick a kinde of sweet Gum distilling out of the Mastich or Lentiske Tree Masticot a kinde of yellow colour used in painting Mastigophore Greek an Usher that with stripes makes way in a croud Mastruke French a kinde of winter Garment made of Wolves and Deers skins together Mastupration lat lascivious violence offered to a man Matachin French a kinde of French dance Matagot French a kinde of Ape or Monky also a Hypocrite Match a Term in Hunting when a Wolf desires copulation he is said to go to his match or to his mate Mateotechny or Mataeotechny Greek the vanity of any Art a vain Science Mate Saxon daunted also consum'd A Mate or Checkmate a Term used in the Game at Chess is when the Game is brought to that passe that there is no way left for the King to escape from the Italian word Motto i. foolish and inconsiderate or the Spanish Matar i. to kill Matelotage the Hire of a Boat or ship from the French word Matelot a Saylour or Shipman Material lat consisting of matter or substance also being of some weight or importance Materiation lat a ●elling of Timber for building Maternal lat motherly on the mothers side whence maternity motherhood Mathematician lat one that is skilfull in the Mathematicks that is those Sciences which are understood by demonstration of these there are four in all Arithmetick Geometry Astronomy and Musick Matthew Hebr. Gods gift Mathurins certain Fryars of the Order of the holy
also a kind of Dance which seemeth to be the same with that which the Greeks call Pyrricha we vulgarly call it the Morris Dance as it were the Moorish Dance Morkin a term in Hunting a Deer that dies by mischance or sicknesse Morling or Mortling the wool which is taken from the skin of a dead sheep Morology Greek foolish speaking talking like a fool Morosity lat peevishnesse frowardnesse waywardnesse Morphew a kind of white scurfe upon the body from the French word Mort-feu i. dead fire because it lookes like the white sparkes that fall from a brand extinguished Morpheus the minister of sleep used also metaphorically for sleep it self Morta the name of one of the three Destinies according to the Latins See Parcae Mortal lat deadly bringing death Mort d' ancester is a Writ that lieth where a mans father mother brother or Uncle die seised of land and a stranger abateth or entreth the land Mortgage French a pawn of land or goods bound for money borrowed to be the Creditours for ever if the money be not repaied at the time agreed on Mortiferous lat bringing death Mortification lat as it were a making dead a quelling or subduing but it is peculiarly used in Divinity for an humbling or bringing down the flesh by fasting and prayer A Mortise French a term in Carpenters work being a fastning a piece of wood as it were by biting into another piece Mortmain French signifying a dead hand is in Common-law an Alienation of Lands or Tenements to any Corporation or Fraternity and their Successours with the Licence of the King and the Lord of the Mannour Mortresse a kinde of made dish of meat consisting of several ingredients A Mortuarie lat a Funeral a burying place also a gift left by a man at his death to his Parish in recompence of his Tythes not duely paid in his life time Mosaical Musaique or Musive work a kinde of curious work in Architecture consisting of small inlayed pieces of stone glasse sundry coloured shells or other materials Moscovia a large Countrey of Europe otherwise called Russia bordering upon Tartary it is governed by the great Duke of Muscovie called also Emperour of R●ssia Moses Hebr. drawn up A Mosque the same as Meskite A Mosstick a word used in painting being a round stick about a yard long which the Artist doth rest upon when he paints Mot or Motto French and Italian an Emblem Impresse or devise as it were a a short sentence comprised in a word also a certain note which hunts-men wind on their horn Motet French a verse in Musick a stanza of a song also a short posie Mouch old word to eat up Mougnon French the brawny part of the arm also the brassel or that part of a Coat of Armour which covereth the Arms. Mound q. Munimentum a Fence or Hedge Mounster a Province in Ireland containing these following Counties Kerry Desmond Kork Waterford Limmerick Tipperary Mountain of piety a certain stock or bank of money which used to be raised out of voluntary contributions and treasured up to be lent upon occasion to poor people who were ruined by the usury and extortion of the Jews Mountebank from the Italian word Montimbanco because he monts upon some high bench or form a Drugseller or one that buys Drugs of Apothecaries and by much boasting of their vertues sells them again for choice Medecins He is called in French Charlatan from his great talking and bragging A Mowe from the French Amas i. ● heap a pile or stack of corn or hay M U Mucilaginous or Mucculent lat full of snotty or slimy substance Mucidity or Mucour lat mouldiness hoarinesse filthinesse A Muefor Hawks a kind of cage or aviary where Hawks are kept when they change their feathers it comes from the from the French word Muer to change whence that place called the Mues near Charing-crosse came to be so called it having been anciently appointed for the keeping of the Kings Hawks Mufti the chief Priest among the Turks who is created by the Emperour himself Mugwort a kind of herb which being carried about a man taketh away wearinesse it is called in Latin Artemisia from Artemisia the Queen of Caria or from Artemis i. Diana Mulato Span. one whose father is a Blackmore and his mother of another nation or contrarily Mulct lat a fine penalty or amerciament Muleto Ital. a beast called a Moile or great Mule made use of in some parts for the carrying of Sumpters Muliebrity lat womanishnesse softnesse effeminacy Mulier in Common Law is a word taken contradistinct to a bastard as if a man have a son by a woman before marriage and then marrying the mother of that son who is called a bastard have another son this second son is called Mulier and being compared together they have this addition Bastard eldest and Mulier youngest but the most proper signification of Mulier is a woman that hath had the company of man Mullar in French Mulleur the upper stone wherewith Painters use to grind their colours Mullet in Latin Mullus a kind of fish called a Barbel also a term in Heraldry being like a spot falling from above and divided into five ends Mulse lat a kind of wine mingled with honey Multifarious lat of divers sorts divided into many parts Multifidous lat having divers slits cleft into several parts Multiformity lat a having divers forms or shapes Multiloquous lat talking much of many words Multiparous lat bringing forth many young ones at a birth Multiplicious lat manifold consisting of divers wayes or things Multiplication lat an increasing a making much or many Multipotent lat having much power able to do much Multiscious lat having much skill or knowledge Multisonant lat sounding much making much noise Multivagant lat straying or wandering much Multure in Common Law is a toll that a miller taketh for grinding of corn Mumme a kind of Dutch Beer made originally at Brunswick Mummery French a personating of any one in a mask Mummy lat a kind of pitchy substance arising from the moisture which is sweat out of dead bodies that have been embalmed with divers sorts of spices and is called in Greek Pissasphaltus Muncerians a sort of Anabaptists that made a great insurrection in Germany so called from their Ringleader Muncer Mundane lat worldly belonging to the world Mundification lat a making clean purging or purifying Muneration lat a recompencing or rewarding Municipal lat injoying a freedom or the right of a free City Munificence lat bountifulnesse liberality Muniment lat a Fence or Fortress also a house of Strength where the Deeds or Plate of a Colledge are kept Munite lat fenced made strong Munkseam a term in Navigation a kind of sowing the canvasses of sails the edge of the one over the edge of the other Murage lat a toll to be levyed for the building or repairing of publick walls Mural lat belonging to a wall Mural Crown a Crown which among
Saturn and Ops in the division of the world among Saturns sons the Empire of the Sea fell to him by lot Nereides the Nimphs of the Sea the daughters of Nereus and Doris among whom was Amphitrite the wife of Neptune Domitius Nero one of the ancient Roman Emperours who killed his mother Agrippina his wife Octavia the Poet Lucan and Seneca his master Nerve lat a sinew also by metaphor force or strength of body Nervosity lat a being full of Nerves or Sinews i. certain organick parts of the body which cause strength and motion it is also metaphorically taken for strength or vigour Nescious or Nescient lat ignorant or not knowing Nesh old word tender Nessus one of the Centaurs whom Ixion begat upon a cloud formed into the likenesse of Juno he was slain by Hercules for attempting to ravish his wife Deianira Nestor the son of Neleus and Chloris he came with 50 ships along with the Grecian Army to the wars of Troy and was famous for his prudence and eloquence and the great age he lived to Nestorians a sort of Hereticks so called from Nestorius their first founder their chief tenet was that there were two persons as well as two natures in Christ. Nettings a term in Navigation those small ropes which are ceased together with roap yarnes in the form of a Net with Mashes Nevin a Town in Caernarvonshire where in the year 1284. the Nobles of England triumphed over the Welsh with solemne Justs and Turnaments wherewith they celebrated the memory of King Arthur Nevosity lat fulnesse of Warts or Moles Neustria a region of Gallia Celtica vulgarly called Westrich Neutral lat indifferent inclining to neither side Newark a pleasant Town seated upon the River Trent in Nottinghamshire it is so called as it were the new work from a stately Castle built in King Stephens time by Alexander Bishop of Lincoln In this Town King John ended his dayes Newcastle a noted Town in Northumberland situate upon the River Tine which maketh a very commodious Haven for ships It derived this name from the new Castle built by Robert son to William the Conquerour Some think it to have been that Town which was anciently called Gabrosentum Newcolledge a Colledge in the University of Oxford built by William Wickam Bishop of Winchester Newyears-gift a gift presented to friends or great persons the first day of January a custom derived from the ancient Romans who used to offer Presents to the Emperors in the Capitol though they were absent In Italy it is the custom for the greatest persons to give to the meanest whereas here the meanest give to the greatest Nexible lat easie to be knit N I Nias hawk a term in Faulconry a Hawk newly taken out of the nest and not able to prey for her self also metaphorically taken for a Novice Nicaea a City of Bithynia famous for the great Synod or Council which was kept there by the appointment of Constantine the Great consisting of 318 Bishops Nicia a Christian name of women in Greek Victorious Nicias an Athenian Captain who together with Demosthenes being sent against the Syracusians was repulsed with a very great overthrow by Gylippus the Lacedemonian who was sent to aid the Syracusians Niches or Ni●es a term in Architecture the hollow places in a wall wherein Statues or Images are set Nicholas Greek Victorious over the people Nicholaitans a sort of Hereticks who held it lawful to have their wives in common so called from Nicholas of Antioch who was created by the Apostles one of the 7 Deacons Nicomedia a City of Bithynia wherein Constantine the Great died having in his sicknesse been baptized by Eusebius Bishop of this City a maintainer of the Arrian Heresie it was anciently built by King Nicomedes and is at this day called Nichor Nicodemites a sort of Hereticks in Switzerland so called from their imitation of Nicodemus who made profession of his faith in private Nicopolis as it were the City of Victory a City of Epirus so called from the great Battle at Actium which is near this City where Augustus overcame M. Antony and Cleopatra It is now vulgarly called Gallipoly Nicostrata the mother of Euander she was otherwise called Carmenta Nicotian a certain plant vulgarly called Tobacco it was called Nicotian from one I. Nicot who first brought it from France into Portugal Nictation lat a twinkling with the eyes Nidgeries French trifles fooleries Nidification lat a building of a birds nest A Niding an old English word signifying a base-hearted fellow a coward Nidisdale a Country in the south part of Scotland q. the dale upon the River Nid Nidulation lat the same as Nidification Nief see Neif Nightertaile Saxon by night Nigrefaction lat a making black Nihil dicit in Common Law is a failing to put in an answer to the plea of the Plaintiff by the day assigned whereupon judgement passeth against him as saying nothing Nil the sparkles that fly from mettals tryed in a furnace it is called in Greek Pompholyx or Spodium Nilling old word unwilling Nilus a River running through the midst of Aegypt and Aethiopia counted the chiefest and the father of all other Rivers and as some say taketh its name from Nilus an ancient King of Aegypt This River is famous for overflowing the Country every year and making the soil fruitful and for falling into the Sea within seven mouths in he figure of a Greek Δ. Nimbiferous lat bringing tempests or stormy showers Nimbot French a dandiprat a dwarf Nimious lat excessive overmuch Ninus an ancient King of the Assyrians the son of Jupiter Belus he very much enlarged the Assyrian Empire overcame Barzanes King of the Armenians Pharus King of the Medes Zoroaster the King of the Bactrians the first inventour of Magick and Sabarius King of the Sagae at length he was secretly made away by his wife Semiramis whom he had taken from Menon the Prefect of Syria who conspiring against his life succeeded him in the Kingdom Niobe the daughter of Tantalus and sister of Pelops she was married to Amphion and by him had 6 sons and 6 daughters whom Juno prevailed with Apollo to kill with his Bow and Arrows because their mother had adventured to preferre her self above the goddesse and Niobe her self while she was railing against Juno was carried by a whirlewind into Asia and there changed into a stone Niphates a Hill parting Armenia the greater from Assyria from this Hill the River Tigris springs Niseus a Tyrant of Syracuse who being admonish't by the Augurs that he had but a short while to live spent the remainder of his life in excesse of luxury and revelling Nisi prius a Writ judicial that lieth where the Enquest is panelled and returned before the Justices of the bank the one party or the other making petition to have this Writ for the ease of the Countrey Nisus a King of the Megarenses against whom war was made by Minos a King of Crete to revenge the death of
Astrology it is when two Planets are in houses opposite to one another it is 180. d. distance or six signes and is thus Charactered o o. Opprobrious lat reproachfull upbraiding or reviling Oppugnation lat a fighting against an assalting or laying siege unto also a violent opposing Ops the daughter of Coelus and Vesta the wife and sister of Saturn Opsimathie Greek a learning late Opsonation lat a catering a purveying or buying of meat Optation lat a wishing desiring or looking for Ophthalmie Greek a certain disease in the eye occasioned by the inflammation of the annate Tunicle Optick Greek belonging to the sight also substantively used for that science whereby the reason of sight is known Optimacie lat a governing of the Common-wealth by the Nobler sort of persons Option lat election choice wish or desire Opulencie lat riches wealth plenty Opuscle lat a little work or labour O R Or French a Term in Heraldry expressing the colour of Gold Orache or Orage a certain Pot-herb of an insipid taste called in Latin Atriplex Oracle lat an answer or Counsel given by God a foretelling of things to come by Divine revelation a saying whose truth is unquestionable Oracles were anciently very frequent among the Gentiles but they all ceast immediately after the coming of Christ. Oral lat belonging to the mouth face or visage Oration lat a praying also a speech Oratory lat eloquence also a Chappel or place dedicated to prayer Oratorians an Order of Fryars so called from the Oratory of St. Hierom in Rome where they used to pray they were instituted by St. Philip Nerius a Florentine Orbation lat a bereaving depriving or making desolate Orbe a body contained under one round superficies those Orbs that belong to the coelestial firmament are either with or without Stars that without Stars is the primum mobile the other are all stellified either with fixed Stars or Planets Orbicular lat round in fashion of a Ball or Globe Orbity lat the lack of Parents or Children generally any want Orbona a certain goddesse among the ancient Romans to whom Parents or Children used to pray against Orbity Orcades certain Islands in the Brittish Ocean thirty in number vulgarly called the Isles of Orkeney An Orch or Ork. a monstrous fish vulgarly called a whirle-pool also a Butt for wine or figs. Orchall see Corck Orchamus see Leucothoe Orchanet Arab. Alcanet a certain Herb called in Spanish Buglosse or wilde Buglosse in Greek Anchusa Orchel or Orchal a certain stone like Allum wherewith Dyers use to colour red in some old Statutes it seemeth to be the same thing with Cork Orchester Greek that part of the Scene in a Theater where the Chorus useth to dance it is also sometimes taken for the place where the Musicians sit Orcus a River of Thessaly flowing out of the Lake Styx whose waters are so thick that they swim like Oyl upon the top of the River Peneus into which it flows it is oft times taken by the Poets for Hell Ordeal a Sax. word signifying judgement a kinde of purgation practised in ancient times whereby the party purged was judged free from Crime it is called in Common-law purgatio vulgaris of this purgation there are several kindes as Camp-fight wherein he that overcame in single Combat was judged to have the right on his side Fire-Ordeal i. a passing blindfold with bare feet over red hot plough-shares and Water-Ordeal i. e. a putting ones arms up to the elbows in seething water Ordinary lat in the Civil-law signifieth any judge that hath authority to take knowledge of causes in his own right as he is a Magistrate and not by deputation in Common-law it is usually taken for him that hath ordinary Jurisdiction in Causes Ecclesiastical also in Heraldry Ordinaries are those charges that by a certain property do belong to that art and are of ordinary use therein they are also called proper charges Oreads Greek Nymphs of the Mountains Oredelf ore lying under ground also a liberty whereby a man claims the ore found in his own ground Oreford a Town in Suffolk where in the reign of King Henry the second a certain hairy creature perfectly resembling a man in all parts and proportions was taken out of the Sea by fisher-men in a Net who after he had been kept awhile secretly slipt away into the Sea and was never seen after this Ralph Cogeshall an old Writer recordeth Orestes the son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra he was preserved from Aegisthus by his sister Electra and sent to Strophius King of the Phocences where he remained twelve years after which returning disguised to Argos he slew Aegysthus who had murthered his father Agamemnon together with his mother Clytemnaestra with whom Aegysthus had lived in adultery he also with the help of Macarus the Priest slew Pyrrhus in the temple of Apollo because he had taken away Hermione the daughter of Menelaus who had been first espoused to him for which crimes being strucken with madness he was cured at the Altar of Diana being brought thither by Pylades who was so faithfull a friend to him that when Thoas King of Taurica had designed to sacrifice Orestes he affirmed himself to be Orestes that he might die for his friend but Orestes slaying Thoas freed both himself and Pylades with the help of his sister Iphigeneia who had been made the over-seer of those sacrifices at last he was bitten by a Viper in Arcadia at a place called Orestion of which wound he died and his body being digged up was found to be seven Cubits in length Orewood a kinde of Sea-weed Orfgild a restitution made by the hundred or County of any wrong done by one that was in Plegio Orfraies French a certain frisled Cloath of Gold much worn heretofore in England both by the Clergy and Kings themselves Orgal the lees of wine dried used by Dyers Organical Greek belonging to or consisting of Organes i. instruments also the substantial parts or Members of the body Organie a kinde of Herb growing much upon the Mountains called in Latin Origanum Orgeis a word used in some old Statutes signifying the greater sort of North-sea fish Orgies lat certain feasts and revels instituted by Orpheus to the honour of Bacchus Orial Colledge a Colledge in Oxford built by King Edward the second Oriental lat belonging to the Orient i. the East or that part of the world where the sun riseth Orifice lat the mouth or utmost brim of any thing the outward hole of a wound Oriflambe French the great and holy Standard of France having on the top a purple Flag or Ensign born at first onely in the wars against infidels Original lat a beginning or fountain also a stock or pedigree also a first draught Orisons French prayers Orion the name of a great hunter who vaunting himself to be of that strength of body that there was no wilde beast that he could not kill the earth brought forth a Scorpion which stinging him
signifying the season wherein hens lay egges An Ouch a collar of Gold a Jewel or Tablet it is also caled a brooch Oviary lat a flock of sheep Oviparous animals lat those creatures that bring forth egges or spawn Ounce a certain weight being the twelfth part of a pound Troy weight but in a pound aver du pois it is the sixteenth part also a kind of spotted beast called a Lynx Ounding old word rising like waves Ourage French work or labour Outborow see Inborow Outfangthef see Infangthef Outlawry in Latin Vtlagaria the losse or deprivation of the benefit belonging to a subject of the Kings protection and the Realm Outparters a sort of theeves about Ridesdale that ride about to fetch in such cattel or other things as they can light on O W Owelty of services an equality when the Tenant paravail oweth as much to the Mesen as the Mesen doth to the Lord Paramount Owen in Latin Audoenus the proper name of a man being the same with the Latin Eugenius as appeareth by severall Records O X Oxford the chief City of Oxfordshire which some say hath been anciently called Caer Vortigern and Caer Vember as being thought to have been built by Vortigern and Memprix but the Saxons called it Oxenford corresponding to Bosphorus among the Greeks from a foard of Oxen. Leland deriveth it from the River Ouse and supposeth it may have formerly been called Ouseford It is chiefly famous for its University which Cambden calleth Our most noble Athens the Muses seat the Sun the Eye and the Soul of England This University was begun as most Authors agree in the year of our Lord 806. three Colledges being built by the learned Aelfred who then reigned Oxgang of land see Bovata terrae Oxygon Greek a term in Geometry being a Triangle having three acute Angles Oxymel Greek a certain kind of potion made of honey vinegar and water boyled together being good to attenuate grosse phlegmatick humours O Y Oyer and terminer French signifieth in Common Law a Commission granted to certain men for the hearing and determining of one or more causes O Z Ozene Greek a kind of disease or putrified stinking sore in the nostrils P A Pabular or Pabulatory lat belonging to forrage provender or fodder for cattel Pacation lat a stilling or appeasing Pace a measure of two foot and a half or the distance from the toes of the fore-foot to the heels of the hinderfoot but a Geometrical pace consisteth of 5 foot a thousand of which paces make up a mile Pachynum a Promontory of Sicily lying toward the Peloponnesus Paciferous lat bringing peace Pacification lat a making peace an asswaging or appeasing Paction or Pact lat a bargain covenant or agreement also a truce in war Pactitious lat done by bargain or upon condition Pactolus a River of Lydia rising out of the hill Tmolus the gravel whereof hath been said to be of a golden colour ever since Midas washt himself in the streams Paddock from the Dutch word Padde a toad Padelion a kind of plant otherwise called great Sanicle in Latin Pes leonis Padua a famous City and University of Italy now under the jurisdiction of the Venetian It was anciently built by Antenor the Trojan and called Antenorea Paduentage French common of pasture in one or more Parishes Padus a famous City of Italy rising out of the Hill Vesulus it is now called Po. Paean Greek a certain Hymn which the ancient Greeks used to sing to Apollo Paedagogue Greek a school-master a bringer up of youth in learning Paeonia a part of Macedon was formerly so called from Paeon the son of Endymion Paganical lat belonging to country villages whence Paganals i. Wakes Country-Holidayes Ploughmens Feasts also belonging to a Pagan i. a paynim Heathen or Gentile Paganism heathenism gentilism also the manner or fashion of the Country Paginal lat belonging to a page i. the side of a leaf in a book Pagod a kind of Idol Paigles a sort of flower otherwise called Oxlips Paillardise French lechery whoredom Pain fort dure signifying in Common Law an especial punishment for those that being arraigned of felony refuse to put themselves upon the ordinary trial of God and the Country and thereby are mute and dumb Paisage French the discription of any part of the Country in painting or drawing See Landskip Palamedes the son of Nauplius King of Eubaea he was the occasion of Vlisses being forced against his will to go to the Trojan wars but was himself by a forged accusation of Vlisses stoned to death by the Graecian Army He is said to have been the first that accomodated the year to the course of the Sun he is also said to have found out the use of weights and measures and to have added to the Greek tongue these 4 letters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Palate lat the roof of the mouth being the uppermost hollow part wherein the sense of tasting lies Palatinate the Country or chief Seat of a Count Palatine or Paladine i. a Supream Officer in a Sovereign Princes Palace but it is more especially taken for one of the Electors of the Roman Empire called the Palsgrave or Prince Palatine of the Rhene also certain Knights of this Island in ancient times called Knights of the round Table were called Paladines also Palatine signifieth adjectively belonging to a Princes Palace Palaemon the son of A●hamas and Ino called also Melicerta See Ino. Pale a term in Heraldry being an Ordinary consisting of two lines drawn perpendicularly from the top to the bottom of the Escutcheon Pales the goddesse of Shepherds to whom certain Feasts were consecrated called Palilia Palestine a Country of Syria thought by some to have been that Country called Phoenicia whereof Cadmus was King it containeth Judea Samaria and Galilaea Palestrical or Palaestrical Greek belonging to wrestling Palfray French a horse of state for a Princesse or great Lady Palici or Palisci two twins the sons of Jupiter and the Nimph Thaleia whom he ravisht by the River Simethius when she was with child she wished that the earth would open and hide her from the wrath of Juno whereupon the earth immediately opened and received her within its bowels and as soon as she was delivered it opened again and let out the two twins into the World Palindrome Greek a certain verse or sentence which being read forward or backward the words and sense are the same as Sator arepo tenet opera rotas Palingenesie Greek regeneration or new birth Palinode or Palinody Greek a recantation or unsaying what one had spoken or written before Palinurus a Promontory of Lucania so called from Palinurus the Pilot of Aeneas who sleeping fell into the sea and being taken up and rifled by the inhabitants of this place had a Grove consecrated and Cenotaph built unto him to appease his ghost Palisado Span. a defence made with stakes posts piles c. to keep out an enemy Pall lat a certain robe or long
the other Churches being either Cathedral that is where the Bishop hath his chair or seat and conventual consisting of Dean and Chapter or of regular Clerks professing some order of Religion Parisyllabical Nounes a term in Grammar those Nounes which consist of equal syllables or those Nouns that have not more syllables in one Case than in another Parity lat equallity or evennesse Park an Inclosure or place fenced about for the keeping of Deer or any other sort of wild beasts it seems to be derived from the Latin word Parcus which Varro useth in the same sense Parliament Ital. q. parlar la mente the chief Assembly and Council of a Kingdom met together to make or correct Laws and to debate matters touching the Common-wealth in this Kingdom it used to consist of the King and the three Estates of the Realm i. the Lords Spiritual Lords Temporal and Commons Parmacety a pretious and very excellent confection so called from Parma a City of Italy between Placentia and Cremonia or because it is made of the seed of the Whale which is called Sperma Ceti Parmesan an inhabitant of Parma also a sort of cheese so called because it is made in that City Parnassus a Mountain of Phocis in Greece sacred to Apollo and the Muses who are thence called Parnassides it hath two tops whereof one is called Tithorea the other Hyampeus A Parnel a pretty woman-lover Parochial see Parish A lease Parole in Common Law is a lease made onely by word of mouth also when a prisoner of war hath liberty given him upon his word to return at such a time he is said to go upon his Parole which in French signifieth a word or saying Paros an Island of the Aegean Sea one of the Cyclades it is so called from Paros the son of Jason in this Island there is an excellent sort of Marble called Parian Marble Paroxysme Greek the accesse or fit in an Ague or Feaver Parrells a term in Navigation those things made of trucks ribs and ropes which go about the mast and are at both ends made fast to the yard Parrhasius a famous Painter the first that painted by the life he drew the picture of a linnen Tablecloth so admirablely that Zeuxis looking on it bid him take away the cloth that he might see the picture underneath it Parsimony lat sparingnesse frugality good husbandry Partage French a partition sharing or dividing Parthenian Greek belonging to Virgins or Virginity Parthenope the name of one of the Syrens that indeavoured to insnare Vlisses and his companions also the ancient name of a famous City of Italy now called Naples Parthia a Country of Asia whose inhabitants were anciently a very warlike people it is now called Arach Partiality lat an inclining more to one part than to the other Participation lat a being partaker a giving or taking part with any one Participle lat one of the parts of speech in Grammar so called because it partakes both of the Noune and of the Verb. Particle lat a parcel a small part or portion Partile aspect when two Planets are both in the same number of degrees and minutes either by conjunction or aspect Partition lat a parting sharing or dividing Partisan French a partaker or partner also a leading-staff or javelin Partlet a word used in some old Statutes signifying the loose collar of a dublet to be set on or taken off by it self without the bodies also a womans neckercheif Partners those timbers which are bolted to the beams and do compass the shoot in the mast at the deck Parturient lat travelling or being about to bring forth Parvity lat littlenesse smallnesse Pas a pas French leasurely Pascage French grazing or feeding of cattel Paschal lat belonging to the Pasche i. the Jewish Passeover also the Feast of Easter Pascuous lat belonging to pasturage or feeding of cattel Pasiphae see Minos Pasquil or P●squin a certain statue or image in Rome whereon all Satyricall invectives were wont to be fixt and father'd as the Author whence it is commonly used for any slanderous libell or defamatory book Passade French an alms or benevolence given to a passenger also a posture in the management of a horse Passant French going or passing by a term in Heraldry A Passartdo a rope wherewith we hale down the sheat-blocks of the main and fore sails when they are haled aft the clew of the main sail to the cubbridge head of the main mast Passe-flower a certain kind of flower otherwise called Pulsatil Passenger a kind of small trained hawk called in French Pellerin Passeport French q. passer le port a licence made by any that hath authority for the safe passage of any man from one place to another a passe or safe conduct Passibility lat an aptnesse or ableness to suffer Passion lat a suffering also an affection of the mind also in Poems and Romances it is more peculiarly taken for the passion of love Artam Passive lat suffering or bearing Pastill lat a lump of any kinde of paste made up into a little long rolle also woade Pastern the huckle bone of any beasts foot Pastilication lat a making any thing into the form of a pill or round ball Pastination lat a digging or delving of ground Paston a Townlet in Northfolk giving sirname and residence to an honourable Family of this County Pasture lat a feeding Pastophories Greek the most honourable order of Priests among the Egyptians Pastoral lat belonging to a shepherd or rural life whence a pastoral Song Pasvolant French one that is foisted by a Captain into his Company on a muster-day whence it is taken for a hireling or base fellow Pataque French a Neapolitan com worth a hundred quadrins Patart a Dutch coin five whereof amount to six pence Patee a term in Heraldry as a crosse Patee i. e. a crosse whose ends are broad and opened Patefaction lat a making open also a discovering or making manifest Patelena see Matura Patelin French a flatterer cogger or deceiver Paten a kind of wooden shooe from the Greek word Pateo i. to tread under foot also a little flat saucer used by the Priests with the chalice at Masse Letters Patents see Letters Patency lat a being uncovered a lying open Paterguardian a title given to the chief of the Franciscan Fryars in their Monasteries Paternal lat fatherly belonging to a father Pathetical Greek apt to perswade or move the affections Pathology Greek that part of physick which treats of the causes and differences of diseases Patible lat to be suffered or indured Patibulary lat belonging to a gallows Patin lat a kind of platter charger or bason Patonce a term in Heraldry as a crosse Patonce i. e. whose ends are both broad and as it were three wayes hooked Patration lat a doing any thing a finishing any work Patriarchate lat the estate dignity or chief seat of a Patriarch i. the first father of a Family or Nation Patricians lat
name of men contracted from Rodulph i. help counsell Ramagious French wilde belonging to Ramage i. boughs or branches Rambooz a kinde of compound drink Ramberge French a kinde of swift Gally or long ship Ramist a follower of Ramus a modern writer famous for reducing many of the arts into a handsom method and abridgement Ramosity lat fulnesse of branches or boughs Rampant a Term in Heraldry being spoken of a beast climbing or rearing up his fore-feet Rampier or Rampert French a Term in fortification the wall of a bulwark or fortresse Ramsey a famous Abby in Huntingtonshire so called as it were Rams Island it was built in the time of King Edgar by his Kinsman Ailwin sirnamed Healf-Koning i. half King and inlarged by Bishop Oswald Rancidity or Rancour lat mouldinesse rottennesse mustinesse also malice or inward grudging Randal Sax. a proper name from Ranulph i. fair help Ransome French contract a redemption a summe of money paid for the redeeming of a Captive or for the pardoning of some hainous Crime Rapacity lat ravenousnesse extortion greedinesse Rapes certain divisions of the County of Sussex as Kent is divided into Wapentakes these Rapes are six in all namely of Chicester Arundel Brembe Lewise Pevensey and Hastings Raphael a proper name signifying in Hebrew the physick of God Rapidity lat swiftnesse quicknesse hastinesse Rapine lat Robbery Pillaging a taking a thing by open force or violence Rapsodie Greek a contexture or joyning together of divers verses or sentences Rapture lat a snatching away by violence also an Ecstasie or Transportment Rarity thinnesse it is by the Phylosophers opposed to Density and that body is said to be rare whose quantity is more and its substance lesse Rarefaction lat a rarefying or making thin Raskail old world trash Raspatory French a Butlers instrument wherewith he chips bread Raspis a kinde of fruit growing on a shrub called in French Framboise as it were a wood Strawberry Ras-Algense a Star in the Twin Ras-Alden the head of Junonius Rasure lat a shaving or scraping Ratiocination lat a reasoning arguing or discoursing Ratification lat a ratifying confirming or making sure Rational lat reasonable indued with reason it is also substantively taken for a certain Priestly attire among the Jews Ravage French havock spoyl ransack Ra●city lat hoarsnesse Ravenna a famous Citie of Italie where anciently the Exarchs belonging to the Emperour of Constantinople had their residence it is situate upon the Adriatick Seashore Ravishment or Rape the violent deflouring of a woman also in Common-law it is used for the taking away either of a woman or an Heir in Ward Raunge Fr. the Office of a Raunger who is to drive back the wilde beasts of the Forest as often as they Raunge out of the same into any of the Purlues Ray French a beam of the Sun or any other Star also Metaphorically taken for the lustre of any glorious object Cleopatra R E Reach a Term in Navigation the distance of any two points of Land which bear in a direct line one towards another Reading the chief Town in Bark-shire so called from the River Rhea or from Brittish word Redin i. Fern which groweth thereabout in great plenty here anciently the Danes fortified themselves and made a Rampier between Kenet and Tamis when they were defeated by King Aethelwolf Read or Rede old word councel advice help Real Span. a kinde of Spanish Coyn valuing about six pence of our money Ream a certain measure of paper consisting of twenty quires Reasonable aid in Common-law is a duty that the Lord of the fee claimeth holding by Knights service or in soccage to marry his daughter or make his son Knight Rebate see Chamfering Rebate a Term used among merchants to allow so much as the interest of any summe of money amount to for the time of antepayment also a Term in Faulconry vide to Bate Rebecca Hebr. fat and full a proper name of women Rebeck an old Trot Chaucer also a certain Musical instrument of 3 strings called in Latin Sistrum or Fidicula Rebellion Lat. as it were a rewarring a second resistance of such as being formerly overcome in battel by the Romans had yielded themselves to their subjection Rebus the expressing of any name conceit motto or devise by a picture see Camdens Remains Rebutter a Term in Law is when the Donnee by virtue of a Warrantry made by the Donour repelleth the Heir Recalcitration lat a striking back with the heel Recantation lat a revoking or unsaying what was said before Recapitulation lat a brief Repetition a summing up the heads of a former discourse Recargaison French a lading of a ship homeward a backfraught Recede lat to retire to go back Recent lat fresh new lately done Recension lat a rehearsing reckoning or numbring Receptacle lat a place fit to receive or contain any thing a ware-house or store-house Reception when two Planets are in each others dignity then they are said to receive one another and it is manifold by house by exaltation by triplicity term or face Recesse lat a recoyling or going back a place of recreat or retirement Recheat a certain lesson which Hunters wind on their Horn when the Hounds have lost their Game Recidivous lat falling or sliding back to the same passe as it was before Reciprocal lat mutual or interchangeable whence Reciprocation Recision lat a cutting away Recitation lat a reciting or rehearsing whence Recitative stile in Musick is a kinde of singing wherewith Heroick or Dramatick Poems are rehearsed upon the stage Reck old word to care Recluse lat shut up retired cloyster'd up in a solitary place Recognisance Fr. signifieth in Common-law a Bond of Record testifying from the Recognisour to the Recognizee a certain summe of money which is acknowledged in some Court of Record before a Judge or other Officer of the Court. Recognition lat a revising re-acknowledging or calling to minde Recollects a certain Order of Fryars Recommendation lat a commending any one to another Recopilation Span. a picking or choosing out the best from among a great many things Record French in Common-law signifieth an authentical or uncontroulable testimony in writing Recordation lat a remembring or calling to minde Recorder one whom the Magistrate of a Town doth associate unto him for his better direction in matters of Justice and proceedings according to Law Recovery in Common-law signifieth an obtaining of any thing by Judgement or Tryal of Law Recourse lat refuge or retreat Recoyle French Reculeer as it were retrahere culum i. to draw back the tail to retire or go back Recreant French fainthearted not standing to ones challenge also treacherous Recreation lat as it were a making or creating anew a refreshing reviving or restoring Recrement lat the drosse scum or dregs of any thing Recrimination lat a retorting back a fault upon the accuser Rectangle lat a right or streight angle or corner which is made by the falling of one line
vessels Tasck an old Brittish word signifying as much as Tribute from whence haply cometh our word Task which is a duty or labour imposed upon any one Tassel French a Term in Falconry the Male of any Hawk Titus Tatius a Captain of the Sabines who after great Wars with the Romans at length concluding a peace with them was received as a sharer in the Government Tavistoke or Teavistok a Town in Devonshire so called from the River Teave it hath been famous in times past for the Abbey built by Ordolph the son of Ordgare Earle of Devonshire in the year 961. he being admonished as some say by a Vision from Heaven this Abby was destroyed by the Danes but afterwards flourish'd again and in it Lectures were instituted of the English Saxon tongue Tawnton or Thonton a Town in Somersetshire so called as it were a Town watered by the River Thone here I●a King of the West-saxons built a Castle which Desburgio his wife rased to the ground after she had expelled from thence Eadbritch King of the South-saxons Taurine or Taurean lat belonging to a Bull. Taurinum a Citie by the Alps in Piedmont vulgarly called Turin Taurus a very great ridge of mountains stretched out a mighty length through divers Countreys and called by several names as Imaus Parapomisus Circius Taurus Cau●asus Sarpedon Ceraunius c. also the name of one of the twelve signes of the Zodiack the word signifying in Latin a Bull. Tautologie Greek a repeating of one thing several times over in different expressions Taximagulus a petty King of Kent one of those that opposed Julius Caesar when he made War with the Brittains Taygetus a very steep Hill by the Citie of Sparta T E Team or Theam Sax. a Royalty granted by the Kings Charter to a Lord of a Mannour Teasels a kind of Plant called in Greek Dipsacus in Latin labrum veneris Technical Greek artificial done by Art Tectonick lat belonging to a building Tedder a tying of any beast in a roap that he may graze within a certain compasse Tediferous lat bearing a Taper or Torch Tegea a Town in Arcadia whose inhabitants having great Wars with the Phaeneatae it was decided in a Duel between the three sons of Rherimachus for the Tegeans and the three sons of Demostratus for the Phaeneatae like that of the Horatii and Curiatii Tegment lat a covering or cloathing Teifidale a Countrey in the South-part of Scotland so called as it were a Dale by the River Teif Telarie lat belonging to a Weavers Web. Teliferous lat carrying or bearing darts Tellers of the Exchequer four Officers appointed to receive all monies due to the King and to give a Bill to the Clark of the Pell to charge him therewith Telamon the son of Aeacus King of Salamis he was the first that got upon the Walls of Troy when Hercules besieged it whereupon he gave him Hesione the daughter of Laomedon Telegonus the son of Vlisses and Circe who slew his father at Ithaca not knowing him afterwards going into Italy he built Tusculum Telephus the son of Hercules and the Nymph Auge who being exposed to the Woods by his Grand-father was brought up by a Hart afterward becoming King of Mysia he was wounded by Achilles whom he denied passage through his Countrey going to the Wars of Troy but at length was cured by the same dart that wounded him Telescope Greek a certain Mathematical instrument by which the proportion of any thing is discerned at a great distance Tellus the goddesse of the earth and oftentimes taken for the earth it self Temerity lat rashnesse unadvisednesse Tempe certain pleasant fields in Thessaly five miles long six miles broad watered by the River Pen●us which makes them so ever green and flourishing that all delightfull places are by Metaphor called Tempe Temperament lat a moderate and proportionable mixture of any thing but more peculiarly of the four humours of the body Temperance lat moderation and abstinence a restraining the violence of a mans affections or passions Temperature lat the same as temperament Tempestivity lat seasonablenesse due or convenient time Templars or Knights of the Temple see in Knight Temporaneous or Temporary lat belonging to time done suddenly or a certain time Temporalities of Bishops such Lands or Revenues as are added to Bishops Sees by great persons of the Land Temporize to live according to the times to comply with the times Temulency lat drunkennesse Tenacity lat an aptnesse to keep or hold fast Tenderlings a Term among Hunters the soft tops of Deers Horns when they begin to shoot forth Tendons lat certain small ligaments or chords in which the muscles do end Tendrells the young branches of a tree and chiefely of a vine Tenebres certain divine Services performed among the Catholicks some dayes of the week before Easter Sunday in representation of our Saviours Agony in the Garden there being put out of the 15 lamps which they light one at the end of every Psalm they repeat untill all the lights are extinguished Tenebrion lat one that lurks in the night to pilfer or steal also a night-spirit Tenebrosity lat darknesse or obscurity Tenedos an Island in the Aegaean Sea between Lesbos and the Hellespont hither the Greeks retired while the Trojans received the great horse Tenerity lat tendernesse or softnesse Tenne a kind of tawny colour a term used in Heraldry Tenon a term in Building a piece of a rafter put into a mortisehole to bear it up Tenor lat the effect or purport of any thing also a rule or proportion also one of the five parts in Musick Tensil lat easie to be bent or stretcht out Tensity lat stiffnesse or a being stretched out hard Tent among Jewellers is that which they put under table Diamonds when they set them in work it signifieth also a Pavillion also a Chirurgions Instrument to search wounds with Tentation lat a tempting trying or proving Tentorian lat belonging to a Tent or Pavillion Tenuity lat smallnesse thinnesse slendernesse whence Tenuation a making thin or slender Tenure in Common Law is the manner whereby Tenants hold Lands of their Lord. Tepefaction lat a making luke-warm Tepidity lat lukewarmnesse Tercera one of the Isles which the Spaniards call Acores Terebinthine lat belonging to Terebinth i. the Turpentine-tree as also a certain Gum issuing out of that tree Terebration lat a boring through Tereus see Philomela Tergeminous lat three born at a birth also threefold Tergiversation lat a turning ones back a flinching or withdrawing also a non-suit in Law Terminals lat certain Feasts made in honour of Terminus an ancient god among the Romans called the god of bounds because after the banishment of Saturn he used to decide the controversies of Husbandmen falling out about the limits of their grounds Termination lat a limiting ending or bounding Ternary or Ternion lat the number three Terra Lemnia an exceeding red earth of the Island of Lemnos digged from a red
minde dotage stupidity Vectarious lat belonging to a Waggon or carriage Vection lat a carrying To Veer in Navigation to put out more rope or more sheat Vegetable Vegetal or Vegetive Lat. living after the manner of Plants and Minerals indued with vigour moisture and growth Vehicular lat belonging to a Vehicle i. a Cart Wagon or Coach or any thing whereby another is carried or conveyed A Vein is defined by Anatomists to be a common Organ of the body round and oblong apted for the conveyance of bloud and natural spirits through all the parts and according to the several parts it passeth through it taketh several Denominations as the Basilick vein that which passeth from the Liver through the inward processe of the arm the Cephalick the head vein the Coeliacal that which runs into the blinde Gut the Cystick that which runs up toward the Neck of the Gall the Epigastrick the flank veins Gastroepiploick that which spreads it self through the bottom of the Ventricle Intercostal those which run through the upper Ribs Port vein that which is rooted in the Liver and from thence passeth into the Ventricle Mesentery and other parts Ranular that which ascends from the Throat to the tongue Salvatel that which from the Liver runnes through the wrist into the hand Saphaena that which runnes through the inward part of the Legge to the Ankle Subclavicular a branch of the hollow vein which runnes under the Neck bone Thymick a branch of the Subclavicular Torcular that which ascends by the inside of the scull to the brain Velification lat a hoising of sayls Velites lat the light armed Souldiers among the Romans see Triani whence Velitation a light skirmishing Velivolent lat flying as it were with full sayl Vellication lat a plucking twitching or giving a sudden pull In Physick they are said to be certain convulsions that happen in the Fibers of the Muscles Velocity lat swiftnesse Venality lat a setting to sale a being saleable Venatick or Venatorious lat belonging to hunting or chacing Vendible lat saleable fit for sale Vendication a challenging to ones self a claiming Venditation lat ostentation a bragging or vain setting forth of ones self Vendition lat a selling Venedotia the ancient name of all that part of Wales which is otherwise called Guinethia or N●rthwales Venefick or Veneficious lat belonging to Venefice i. the art of making poysons also witchcraft or sorcery Venenous lat venemous or full of poyson Veneration lat a reverencing or worshipping Venereal or Venereous lat given to Venery i. lust or carnal desires Venereal disease lat Morbus Gallicus or Lues Venerea a certain virulent and contagious disposition of the body contracted by immoderate Venerie or coupling with unsound persons it is vulgarly called the French Pox. Venetiae a famous Citie of Italy built in the year 421. upon certain Islands of the Adriatick Sea 60 in number by the inhabitants of Aquileia and Pavia who fled thither for fear of the Huns it is now become a great Common wealth and hath large Territories both in Italy and other places Venew in Common-law is taken for a a neighbouring or near place Venial lat worthy of pardon or forgivenesse whence in Theologie they make a distinction between mortal sins and Venial sins Vent lat a winde or breath also a place for aire to come in and out at Venta Belgarum the ancient name of Winchester a pleasant Citie in Hantshire called by the Brittains Caer Guente by the Saxons Windanceaster and by the vulgar Latins Wintonia Venta giveth name also unto two other Towns Caster in Northfolk called Venta Icenorum and Caerwent in Monmouthshire called Venta Silurum Ventelet Dimin a small gale of winde Ventiduct lat a conveyance of winde by pipes or otherwayes Ventilation lat a fanning or gathering of winde also a winnowing of Corn. Ventosity lat windinesse Ventricle lat the stomack it is also taken for any round concavity of the body Ventriloquy lat a speaking inwardly or as it were from the belly Venundation lat a buying or selling Venus lat the goddesse of love pleasures and delights whom the Poets faign to have sprung out of the foam of the Sea after that the Testicles of Caelus had been cut off and thrown in by Saturn whence she was called Aphrodite also the name of one of the seven Planets or wandring Stars Ven●station lat a making handsome or beautifull Veracity lat a saying truth Verbal lat consisting of words or delivered onely in words Verbatim lat word for word Verbeia a certain goddesse among the ancient Brittains to whom the Captain of the second Cohort of the Lingones erected an Altar near Ilekly in York-shire she is thought by Cambden to have been the Nymph or goddesse of the River Wherf which was also anciently called Verbeia Verberation lat a beating or strikeing Verb●sity lat a being full of words Verecund lat shamefaced modest bashfull Verdant lat green fresh flourishing Verderer lat Viridarius a judiciall Officer of the Kings Forrest who receives and inrols the attachments of all manner of trespasses of the Forrest of Vert and Venison Verdie or Verdea a kinde of rich Italian wine Verdict the answer of a Jury or Inquest made upon any cause Civil or Criminal committed by the Court to their consideration or tryal Verdigrease lat Aerugo a green substance taken from the rust of Brasse or Copper Verditure a green colour among Painters Verdoy a Term in Heraldry when a bordure is charged with leaves fruits and flowrs and other the like vegetables Verdure French greennesse Verge French a rod wand or Sergeants Mace also the compasse about the Kings Court that bounds the Jurisdiction of the Lord Steward of the Kings houshold and of the Coroner of the Kings house and is accounted twelve miles compasse also a rod whereby one is admitted Tenant holding it in his hand and swearing ●●alty to the Lord of the Mannour and for that cause is called Tenant by the Verge Vergobert French a chief Officer or Magistrate among the ancient Hedui Veridical lat telling or speaking truth Veriloquent lat the same Verisimility lat the probability or likelyhood of a thing Vermiculate lat worm-eaten also imbroidered with several colours Vermillion French a ruddy or deep red colour Vermination lat a certain disease wherein worms are bred and cause a griping of the guts Vermiparous lat breeding or bringing forth worms Vernaccia a kind of Italian Wine Vernaculous lat proper and peculiar to a Country Vernal or Vernant lat flourishing or belonging to the Spring Vernility lat servilenesse or slavery Verona a famous City of Italy built as some say by Brennus the Gaul heretofore governed by the Family of the Scaligeri and now under the jurisdiction of the Venetians Verrey a term in Heraldry the same as Varry i. Fur consisting of Or and Azure or Or and Vert. Verrucous lat full of warts or little excrescences of the flesh Versatile lat apt to be wound
bloudy battel Egbert King of the West-Saxons overcame Beorwulf King of Mercia in the year of our salvation 821. here also about fifty years after King Aelfrid joyning battel with the Danes was at length put to the worst Wimple a plaited linnen cloath which Nuns wear about their necks also a flag or streamer Wimund Sax. sacred peace a proper name Winchester see Venta Windlasse a piece of Timber placed from one side of the ship to the other close abast the stem Windsore a Town in Bark-shire by the Saxons called Windleshore haply from the Winding-shore it is famous for a most stately Castle built by King Edward the third who in this Castle held prisoners at the same time John King of France and David King of Scots he also founded that Noble Order of the Garter of which see more in the word Knight there is likewise a magnificent Church begun by the same King and consecrated to the Virgin Marie but finisht by King Henry and Sir Reginald Bray Winefrid the name of an ancient Brittish Virgin Saint of whom it is reported that after her head was cut off by Cradacus there sprung up in the same place the Well which at this day is called Saint Winefrids Well and that Benno the Priest joyned her head again to her body it is also the proper name of divers women the word signifying in the Saxon tongue an obtainer of peace Winwidfield a place near Leeds in York-shire so called from the great victory which Oswy King of Northumberland had over Penda King of the Mercians wherein Penda was utterly overthrown Wippedfleed see Tanet Wisard a witch a cunning man one that telleth where things are that were lost some think it comes from the Saxon word Witega i. a Prophet Wiseacre the same from the Dutch words Waer i. truth and Sagen i. to tell it is vulgarly taken for a fool Witchcraft a certain evil Art whereby with the assistance of the Devil or evil Spirits some wonders may be wrought which exceed the common apprehension of men It cometh from the Dutch word Wiechelen i. to divine or guesse it is called in Latin Veneficium in Greek Pharmaceia i. the art of making poysons Withernam from the Dutch words Wider i. again and Namp i. a taking is in Common Law when a distresse is taken and driven into a hold or out of the County so that the Sheriff cannot upon the replevin make delivery thereof to the party distreined W O Woad a certain herb wherewith cloth is dyed blew it is called in Latin Guadum Glastum or Pastellum Woden a certain Idol worshipt by the ancient Saxons and thought to be the same with Mars or the god of Battle whence the fourth day of the week came to be called Wodensday or Wednseday Wodensburgh q. the Burgh or Town of Woden the abovenamed Idol a village in Wiltshire where in the year 590 Ceaulin King of the West-Saxons was in a bloody battle vanquisht by the Brittains and forced to end his dayes in exile Wolds Sax. mountains or hills without woods whence that part of Leicestershire lying Northward beyond the Wreken is called the Wold or Would of Leicestershire as being hilly without woods Wolfetchsod Sax. the condition of an Utlary upon whose head the same price was formerly set as on a Wolfs head to whomsoever should kill him Woodstock Sax. a wooddy place a Town in Oxfordshire where King Ethelred assembled the States of the Kingdom and enacted Laws here King Henry the first built a very magnificent Royal Palace in which King Henry the second that he might keep his Paramour Rosamund Clifford concealed built a Labyrinth with many intricate turnings and windings which was called Rosamunds Bower but it is so utterly effaced that at this day it is not to be discerned where it was In this Town Geffery Chau●er a most famous English Poet was brought up Woodward an officer of the Forrest whose function is to present any offence of Vert or Venison done within his charge and if he find any Deer killed or wounded to give the Verderer notice of it Woolwinders those that wind up fleeces of wool into a kind of bundle to be packt and sold by weight Worcester see Wigornia Wormatia a famous City of Germany built upon the River Rhene it is vulgarly called Worms and hath been sometime an Arch-Bishops See W R Wreath in Heraldry is that which is between the Mantle and the Crest called also a Torce also a Boares tail so termed among Hunters Wreck Fr. Varech Lat. Veriscum naufragium is when a ship perisheth at sea and no man escapeth alive in which case whatever goods are cast upon land belong to the King or the Lord of the soile but if any person come to land or if either dog or cat escape alive the goods return to the owner if he claim them within a year and a day Wreedt Dutch angry fierce furious whence the word wroth is commonly used by us for anger or fury Writ Lat. Breve because the intention of it is expounded in few words signifieth in Common Law the Kings precept whereby any thing is commanded to be done touching the suit of action as a defendant to be summoned a distresse to be taken c. It is called by the Civilians Actio or Formula W U Wulpher Sax. helper the proper name of a King of Middle-England it answers to the Greek names Alex●as or Epicurus Wulfrunes Hampton from Wulfrune a devout woman who inriched the Town a Town in Staffordshire vulgarly called Wolverhampton X A XAnthi a certain people of Asia who were utterly destroyed by Cyrus his Lieutenant Harpagus Xanthippe the wife of Socrates a woman of a very froward and petulant disposition insomuch as Alcibies told Socrates that he wondred how he could indure to live with her to which he answered that he kept her to exercise his patience at home that he might the better bear the petulancy of others abroad Xantippus a famous Captain among the Lacedaemonians who assisting the Carthaginians overcame the Romans in a great battle and took Regulus the Consul prisoner Xantho one of the Sea-Nimphs the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys Xanthus a River of Troas called also Scamander X E Xenocrates a famous Chalcedonian Philosopher who succeeded in the Academy of Speusippus he was a man of a very strict and severe conversation Xenodochy Gr. an Inne or Hospital a place for the receiving of Pilgrims Strangers and Travellers Xenophon the son of Gryllus a famous Athenian Philosopher and expert Captain he went with an Army of 10000 men along with Cyrus into Persia and after Cyrus was slain brought back his Army with little losse through many strange Countries and divers great difficulties and dangers He was for his Eloquence stiled the Attick Muse and writ many choice and elegant books Xeriff the title of a Prince or Supream Ruler in Barbary Xerophthalmie Gr. a certain disease in the eyes which causeth a rednesse or sorenesse without
Cause at second hearing being a full answer to their Tenets 5. Re-assertion of Grace Vindiciae Evangelii or the Vindication of the Gospel a reply to Mr. Anthony Burghess Vindiciae Legis and to Mr. Ruthford by Robert Town 6. Anabaptists anatomized and silenced or a dispute with Master Tombs by Mr. J. Crag where all may receive clear satisfaction in that controversie the best extant Octavo 7. A Glimpse of Divine Light being an explication of some passages exhibited to the Commissioners of White Hall for Approbation of Publique Preachers against John Harrison of Land Chap. Lancash 8. The zealous Magistrate a Sermon by T. Threscos Quarto 9. New Jerusalem in a Sermon for the Society of Astrologers Quarto in the year 1651. 10. Divinity no enemy to Astrology A Sermon for the Society of Astrologers in the year 1643. by Dr. Thomas Swadling 11. Britannia Rediviva a Sermon before the Judges August 1648. by J. Shaw Minister of Hull 12. The Princesse Royal in a Sermon before the Judges March 24 by J. Shaw 13. Judgement set and Books opened Religion tried whether it be of God or Man in several Sermons by J. Webster Quarto 14. Israels Redemption or the Prophetical History of our Saviours Kingdom on Earth by K. Matton 15. The Cause and Cure of Ignorance Error and Prophanesse or a more hopeful way to Grace and Salvation by K. Young Octavo 16. A Bridle for the Times tending to still the murmuring to settle the wavering to stay the wandring and to strengthen the fainting by J. Brinsley of Yarmouth 17. Comforts against the fear of death wherein are discovered several Evidences of the work of Grace by J. Collins of Norwich 18. Jacobs Seed or the excellency of seeking God by prayer by Jer. Burroughs 19. The sum of Practical Divinity or the grounds of Religion in a Chatechistical way by Mr. Christopher Love late Minister of the Gospel a useful Piece 20. Heaven and Earth shaken a Treatise shewing how Kings and Princes their Governments are turned and changed by J. Davis Minister in ●over admirably useful and seriously to be considered in these times 21. The Treasure of the Soul wherein we are taught by dying to sin to attain to the perfect love of God 22. A Treatise of Contestation fit for these sad and troublesome times by J. Hall Bishop of Norwich 23. Select thoughts or choice helps for a pious spirit beholding the excellency of her Lord Jesus by J. Hall Bishop of Norwich 24. The Holy Order or Fraternity of Mourners in Zion to which is added Songs in the night or chearfulnesse under afflictions by J. Hall Bishop of Norwich 25. The Celestial Lamp enlightening every distressed Soul from the depth of everlasting darknesse by T. Fetisplace Admirable and Learned Treatises of Occult Sciences in Philosophy Magick Astrology Geomancy Chymistry Physiognomy and Chyromancy 26. Magick and Astrology vindicated by H. Warren 27. Lux Veritatis Judicial Astrology vindicated and demonology confuted by W. Ramsey Gent. 28. An Introduction to the Teutonick Philosophy being a determination of the Original of the Soul by C. Hotham Fellow or Peter-House in Cambridge 29. Cornelius Agrippa his fourth book of Occult Philosophy or Geomancy Magical Elements of Peter de Abona the nature of Spirits made English by R. Turner 30. Paracelsus Occult Philosophy of the Misteries of Nature and his Secret Alchimy 31. An Astrological Discourse with Mathematical Demonstrations proving the influence of the Planets and fixed Stars upon Elementary Bodies by Sir Chr. Heydon Knight 32. Merlinus Anglicus Junior the English Merlin revived or a Prediction upon the Affairs of Christendom for the year 1644. by W. Lilly 33. Englands Prophetical Merlin foretelling to all Nations of Europe till 1663. the actions depending upon the influences of the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter 1642. by W. Lilly 34 The Starry Messenger or an Interpretation of that strange apparition of three Suns seen in London the 19 of November 1644. being the Birth-day of King Charles by W. Lilly 35. The Worlds Catastrophe or Europes many Mutations until 1666. by W. Lilly 36. An Astrological Prediction of the Occurrences in England part of the years 1648 1649 1650. by W. Lilly 37. Monarchy or no Monarchy in England the Prophesie of the white King Grebner his Prophesie concerning Charles Son of Charles his greatness illustrated with several Hieroglyphicks by W. Lilly 38. Annus Tenebrosus or the Dark Year or Astrological Judgements upon two Lunary Eclipses and one admirable Eclipse of the Sun in England 1652. by W. Lilly 39. An easie and familiar Method whereby to judge the effects depending on Eclipses by W. Lilly 40. Supernatural Sights and Apparitions seen in London June 30. 1644. by W. Lilly as also all his Works in a Volume 41. Catastrophe Magnatum an Ephemerides for the year 1652. by N. Culpeper 42. Teratologia or a discovery of Gods Wonders manifested by bloody rain and waters by I. S. 43. Chyromancy or the Art of divining by the lines engraven in the hand of man by dame Nature in 198 Genitures with a Learned Discourse of the Soul of the World by G. Wharton Esq. 44. The admired Piece of Physiognomy and Chyromancy Metoposcopy the Symmetrical Proportions and Signal moles of the Body the Interpretation of Dreams to which is added the Art of Memory illustrated with figuers by R. Sanders in Folio 45. The no lesse exquisite then admirable Work Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum containing several Poetical Pieces of our famous English Philosophers who have written the Hermitique Mysteries in their own ancient Language faithfully collected into one Volume with Annotations thereon by the Indefatigable industry of Elias Ashmole Esq. illustrated with Figures Excellent Treatises in the Mathematicks Geometry of Arithmetick Surveying and other Arts or Mechanicks 46. The incomparable Treatise of Tactometria seu Tetagmenometria or the Geometry of Regulars practically proposed after a new and most expeditious manner together with the Natural or Vulgar by way of Mensural comparison and in the Solids not onely in respect of Magnitude or Demension but also of Gravity or Ponderosity according to any Metal assigned together with useful experiments of Measures and Weights observations on Gauging useful for those that are practised in the Art Metricald by T. Wibard 47. Tectonicon shewing the exact measuring of all manner of Land Squares Timber Stone Steeples Pillars Globes as also the making and use of the Carpenters Rule c. fit to be known by all Surveyors Land-meters Joyners Carpenters and Masons by L. Digges 48. The unparallel'd Work for ease and expedition intituled the exact Surveyor or the whole Art of Surveying of Land shewing how to plot all manner of Grounds whether small Inclosures Champain Plain Wood-Lands or Mountains by the Plain Table as also how to finde the Area or Content of any Land to Protect Reduce or Divide the same as also to take the Plot or Cart to make a Map of any mannor whether according to Rathburne or any other
cap. 3. It is written Commoiths 4 Hen. 4. cap. 17. And is used for a gathering made upon the people This last is Comorth a word of different signification from Commote and ought not to be confounded with it Count But Countors by Hoens Mirror of Just. lib. 2. cap. des Loyers 〈◊〉 such Serjeants skilful in the Law which serve the common people to defend their Actions in Judicature for their F●e whose duty if it be as is there described and were observed Men might have much more comfort of the Law than they have This our Author transcribed from Cow●ls Interpreter and is one of those irreverent reflections upon the Common Law and Lawyers of this Land which among other mistakes in points derogatory to the supream Power of the Crown of England and Fundamental Constitutions of Parliaments caused that Book to be prohibited by the Kings Proclamation bearing date the 25th day of March 8 Jac. Anno 1610. Yet our Author in his Preface takes the boldness to say That the Ground-work upon which he builds is Cowels Interpreter an excellent Book b●●h as to its matter and composure and did not deserve that severe arraignment that is hath of late suffered Courratier A French word signifying a Horse Courser ● Inst. fol. 719. Cou●ratier Is a Hors-courser but our Author hath found a new way of dividing one word into two to make up his Centuries Cuth otherwise Uncuth Privatus vel extraneus Cuth signifies known and Uncuth unknown yet here they are both coupled in one yoke as Synonima Custos Brevium There is also a Custos Brevium retulorum in the Kings Bench who Fileth there and Warrants of Attorney This is of the same complexion with the rest Demurrer West calleth that likewise a Demurrer in Chancery when there is question made Whether a Parties Answ●r to a Bill of Complaint c. be defective or not and thereof Reference made to any of the Bench for the examination thereof and report to be made to the Court. West Symbol part 2. tit Chancery sect 29. There is no such words to be found in the Author and place cited nor is it probable ●o learned a Writer as West could be guilty of so erroneous an Interpretation of this common word Demurrer in Chancery Donative Is a business meerly given and collated by the Patron to a Man So if it be given to a Man to be a Plagiary that is a Donative from his Ingenuity Dum non fuit compos mentis Is a Writ that lieth for him that not being of ●ound memory did Alien any Lands or Tenements in Fee-simple Fee tail for term of life or for years against the Aliens F. N. B. fol. 202. Can it be imagined that the learned Fitz-Herbert would be guilty of such an absurd Explication Enquest The Jury findeth the fact thus then is the Law thus and so we judge for the Enquest in Criminal Causes See Jury The learned will see he writes thus then is the Law thus That they will judge him a blind Interpreter Farding or Farthing of Gold Seemeth to be a Coyn used in ancient times containing in value the fourth part of a Noble viz. Twenty pence in Silver and in weight the sixth part of an ounce of Gold that is of Five shillings in Silver which is Three pence and somewhat more Our Author is very unfortunate in his Additionals for these contradictory words which is Three pence and somewhat more are superadded to what the Law Dictionary says Ferrure The Shooing of Horses See Bouch of Court In Bouche of Court there is nothing at all of Ferrure for our Author curtailed my Citation not regarding this Reference Filicetum A bracky ground Ubi salices crescunt See Domesday Filicetum or Filictum Is a Ferny ground so says my Lord Coke 1 Inst. fol. 4. b. I suspect it not to be found in Domesday Foreigne Forinsecus may be derived of the French word Exterus and in Law is used The French word Forain may as well be a Latine word as Exterus French Fortlet Cometh near the French Fortlet Yes as near as Four pence to a Groat but the French word is Fortelet Frank-pledge Franciplegium Is a Compound irregular of two Languages It is irregularly said for the words are both French Frustrum Terrae Domesday tit Haritisc Rex Abedestone I dare affirm there is no such title as Haritisc In Domesday Gaynage In the Explication of this word He tells us of Spokeman and Spokemen for it seems he did not like the word Sokeman Gardeine del Esglish In English Church-Wardens and they may have an Action for the Goods of the Grounds and divers other things they may do I would have our Author do any thing hereafter rather then interpret hard words Gleabland The quhilke suld be free fra payment of any Feinds Skene This s●ould be Teinds a Scotish word signifying Taxes Instead of which our Author brings in Feinds God bless us or Evil Spirits Hankwite Of the Saxon words Haginan Pendere and Wite mulcta By some it hath been interpreted Mulcta pro homine injusti suspenso There is no such Saxon word as Haginan nor true Latin in the rest Haratium As in the Law Dictionary If our Author had been a Master in this kind of Learning he might in this word have shewed his skill and my mistake For Haratium from the French Haras signifies a race or breed of Horses which is the onely material error besides those of the Printer which I have hitherto discovered in my Book Heres●ita From the Saxon here Exercitus sliten to depart Though this be taken by our Author out of my Lord Cokes 4 Inst. yet it is certainly a mistake haply of the Printer there being no such Saxon word as sliten to depart but slitan dissolvere● Herpsac See Frodmortel Where there is not a word of Herpsac for he omitted my citation there and so Herpsac stands as an insignificant nullo without interpretation Hinefare Si quis occidit hominem Reges facit heinfaram dat Regi xx Domesday The Law Dictionary hath it plainly and truly thus Si quis occidit hominem Regis facit Heinfaram dat Regi xxs. Hominatio It may be called Dominatio Domesday He may as well call it Somniatio for the word in Domesday signifies a mustering of men what then hath Dominatio to do with it Hondpeny Sint quieti de Chevagio Hond-peny c. But there is a Declaration made what is intended by it Ideo quaere Here he was in the humor of adding somewhat to the word more then he found in the Law Dictionary But still with ill success He omitted the Author of the Latine and added the nonsensical English Hue and Cry In this word he hath many errors the French Huier for Huer Flagiture for Flagitare Oyer for Oyes Men slain secundum legem consuetudinem Regni is a pretty position Ignoramus It hath a resemblance of that ancient Roman where the Judges where
even from fair printed Books and it seems understands not the Saxon Characters The Law Dictionary begins the Letter Q. with Quadragesima Sunday but our Author was not willing to begin so lest it should look too much like alter-idem Therefore prepones Quadrans and Quadranta terrae and so poor Quadragesima has lost his due place in the Alphabet but Quack had he thought on 't would have done his work better and been as able a Law-word as Quadrans Quietantia Assisarum super Assisam Quod non ponantur in Assisis jurat nec magis Assisis For Juratis nec magnis Assisis Realty Sometimes it is taken for Royalty Never for they are two different words Recordare facias It seems to be called a Recordare because the form that it commands the Sheriff to whom it is directed to make a Record Of our Authors mistakes Renegeld infra hundred de Maulestria There is not such a Hundred in all England Rescyte As if Tenant for years brings he in Reversion comes in and prays to be received The Tenant it seems may bring what he will Rogus Constabulario Castri de Divis Custodi Forestae de Cippeham I see our Author by his writing it does not understand this Divis which should be Divisis or Divis. with a Period for the Divizes in Wiltshire Scandalum magnatum And hath given name to wit granted to recover damage thereupon Then it seems to give name is to grant Scyre-gemot In this word Seldens Titles of Honor is misquoted Sea-rover See Privateer Anno 16. Car. 2. cap 6. Quere if not the same with Pyrate You must know all this except the Learned Quaere is in the Law Dict. where Privateer was misprinted for pirate but our Author neither makes Errata's to his own Works nor reads others Selda In the conclusion he adds to what the Law-Dict saith thus Selda also in Doomsday signifies a Wood of Sallows Willows and Withyes Which addition had been better omitted the word being no where used in Domesday for a wood of any kind as I confidently believe and our Author cites no place Serjeanty Serjeantia signifies in Law a Service that cannot be due from any Lord to his Tenant but to the King only This is a new Service due from a Lord to his Tenant Severance Is the singling or serving of two or more that are joyned in one Writ here Severance is Permittance Nor is this any better sence Soke Clamat cognitionem Placitorum infra suum 40 s. Suum for Summam Solidata terre Breve Regis Johannis vicecomitatus Angliae This Vicecomitatus for Vicecomitibus was an Errata in the Law-Dict and noted at the end of the Book but out Author did not design to correct but augment Errors Sullings In Domesday Book according to Mr. Agars interpretation are taken for Alders I have so great a respect for Mr. Agar that I am not satisfied this Interpretation is his no question but it is the same with Swolings i. e. Carucatae Plough-Lands Team With their Childrens Goods and Chattels in his Court So it is in the Law Dictionary but in the Errata he might have seen it thus corrected With their Children Goods and Chattels Tenure What may make a Tenure and what not See Perkins Revelations 70. Perkins the Learned Lawyer had no Revelations that I ever heard of Theft These from the Prison or in presence of the owner is properly called Robbery Prison for Person makes a wide difference Thwertnick Absque alieno capiendo pro executione facienda For absque aliquo Tolsester Though this Word lay fair before him in the Law Dictionary yet he hath committed three Errors in transcribing six lines Trial He concludes with Pat. 3 R. Joh. m. 3. In fidelitate Leulini Omitting what follows in the Law Dictionary and is most to the purpose viz. In fidelitate Leulini statuitur de triatione differentiarum dicti Leulini c. Tylwith Familia tribus Doctor Davy's Welsh Dictionary from whence he had this word would have furnished him many more as able Law-words as this Uassal Skene verbo Lignantia saith Skene hath no such word in his Book as Lignantia Uerdetor Uindarius Is a Judicial Officer of the Kings Forest Both the words mistaken for Verderer Viridarius Ui laica removenda Vntil the Bishop of the Plea where such Church is hath certified Any one may certifie this to be nonsence Uillaine Our Villains Regardant to Mannors were Glebae Abscriptitii tied to Turk What had our Villains to do with the Turk Walkers There are Foresters assigned by the King who are Walkers within a certain space of Ground to their care Somewhat omitted to make it sence Warscot Immunis liberi quieti For Immunes liberi quieti Westminster Epist. ejus ad din Edwardum For divum The word in mine is abbreviated thus ad Div. Edw. which our Author it seems did not understand IF our Author have any further occasion to make use of the Law Dictionary he may take notice of these Additional Errata's In Chron. Table of Hen. 8. for 1059. read 1509. Gleab read vel terra dele a Gildable for aliqui read aliorum qui. Grossome for Titles read Tiles Harratium read from the Fr. Haras a 〈◊〉 of Horses and Mares kept for breed Honor for Mardstone read Maidstone Kings Swanherd read Cignorum Miskening for Mistzeninge read Miskening Prepensed dele yet Stoc read Malefactor pro Tassum read duobus Tassis Tolt for Juris read Curiae Wardwite read Castro Xenia read omnia FINIS * In his Etymologicon Linguae Angl.
those things which are used in physick to gnaw or eat into any part of the body Corrugation lat a contracting together a drawing into wrinkles Corruption lat a tainting or depraving Corruption of the blood signifyeth in law an infection of the blood growing to the estate and issue of a man tainted with treason whereby he looseth all to the Prince and both he and his heirs are made ignoble Corsary French a Courrier Corse praesent law-term the body of a beast or some such like offering given to the Priest out of a dead mans goods It is also called a Mortuary Corslet Ital. the same as Cuirasse in French armour for the back and brest Corsure or Courser old word a Broaker Corstopitum the ancient name of a Town in Northumberland mentioned by Antonine Some think it to be the same with Ptolemies Curiae Ottadinorum now called Corbridge Corticated lat covered with a bark or rind Corven old word carved Corvine lat belonging to a Crow or Raven Corviser see Cordwainer Coruscation lat lightning a flashing or glimmering of light Corybantes the Priests of Cybele who used to celebrate the Feasts of Cybele with dancing and ringing of Cymbals they were thought to be the same with the Curetes and Idaei Dactyli Coscinomancy Greek a divination by a seive Cosenage a Writ that lieth where the father of the Great grandfather is seized in his demesu as of fee at the day of his death of certain lands and tenements and he dying a stranger entereth and intrudeth Then shall his heir have this Writ of Cosenage Cosh or Cotterel old word a Cottage Cosham a Town in Wiltshire in ancient times the Mansion house of King Ethelred Cosier old word a Botcher called also a Sowter Cosmical Greek belonging to the World Cosmical rising of a Star is a term used in Astronomy signifying a Star rising at the same time with the Sun Cosmography Greek a description of the World with the Climates and Circles marked upon the Globe and in Maps Cosmometry Greek a measuring of the World by degrees and minutes being a part of Geography or Cosmography Cost a term in Blazon being the fourth part of the Bend or half the Gartier Costive from the Latin word Constipatus having the belly bound Costmary an herb called Balsamine or Alecoast Costrel old word a wine-pot Cote a kind of refuse or clotted wool also a cottage or sheepfold Coteswold old word a company of sheepcotes and sheep feeding on hills A Cottager signifieth in Law he that dwelleth in a Cottage or house without land or at most having but 4 acers belonging to it Cotterel see Cosh Cotton a kind of stuff otherwise called Frize or Bombasin Couchant French lying or squatting close to the ground a word often used in Heraldry to expresse that posture Covenable or Convenable old word suitable or convenient Covenant French a bargain pact or agreement also Covenant in Law is that which the Law intendeth to be made though in words it be not exprest also the name of a Writ that lyeth for the breach of any Covent see C●nvent Coventry a famous City in Warwickshire so called from a Covent of Monks that was anciently there The first Lord of this City is said to be one Leofric who imposing heavy taxes upon the Citizens remitted them at last at the earnest intercession of his wife Godiva upon condition she would ride naked thorough the chief street of the City which she performed but so covered with her long hair that no body could discern her Covercle or Coverkill old word a lid or cover Covert French an ombrage or shady place for Deer or other beasts Coverture in Common law is the condition of a married woman who by the Laws of England is under Covertbaron and so disabled to make any bargain without her husbands consent Coughton a place in Warwickshire the principle Mansion of the Throgmortons a very ancient Family Covie French a term in fouling signifying a nest or brood of Partridges Covin fraud from the Latin word Convenire it signifieth in Common law a deceitful agreement between two or more to the prejudice of another Coulant French flowing or gliding along Couldray French a hazel grove Coule a vessel to carry water in also a roab which Fryers use to wear called in Latin Cucullus Coulter Lat. a plough-sheare Councel with a c. lat Concilium an assembly of Counsellours Count French an Earle also a Law Term coming from the Latin word Computatio and signifies the Original declaration in a processe chiefly in real actions Countercomponed a Term in Armory as a bordure countercomponed is a bordure compounded of two colours counterly placed Counteurs or Conteurs are those which a man setteth to speak for him in Court as Advocates whereas Plaideurs speak as Counsellours at law for one who is present himself Countenance French the face or visage also estimation or credit also a Term in Law signifying the favour that is shew'd to poor men that will swear they have nothing whereof they may make fine Counter a Trades-mans chest where he puts his cash or money also a prison in London where men are put for debt from the French word Compter or from the Dutch word Cantor a secluded place also Counters are certain little things to cast account with Counterfeit French to feign Countermaund French a revocation of a former command Countermure a word in fortification a Wall or Bank opposite to the Town Wall Counterpain one of the Copies of a pair of deeds or indentures so that one party may keep one part and the other the other Counterplea signifieth in Common-law that which the demandant alleadgeth against a Tenant in courtesie or in dowr who prayeth in aid of the King or him who hath the reversion for his better defence Counterpoint opposition also a Term in Musick being a composing of parts together by setting points one against another also a Term in Needle-work called back-stitch or quilt-stitch Counter-round a Term in Military Discipline signifying a certain number of Officers going to visit the Rounds or the Sentinels Counter-scarf a Term in fortification that side of the moat which is opposite to the Fortresse Counter-tail or Counter-tally one of the two tallies or pieces of wood whereon any thing is scored whereof one party keeps one piece and the other the other piece Countervail French to be of equal price County or Shire a certain portion or circuit of the Realm into which the whole land is divided County-court a Court held every moneth by the Sheriffe or his Deputy the under Sheriffe Coup old word a piece cut off or cut out Coupant French cutting or lopping Couple-close a Term in Blazon being the fourth part of a Cheveron Courfine old word fine heart Courser French a horse of service Court the house where a King hath his present residence also a place where justice is judicially ministred from the Latin curia or from the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i.
e. a Lord. Courtbaron a Court that every Lord of a Mannour hath within his own precincts Court of requests a Court of Equiry of the same nature with the Chancery onely this Court instead of a Subpoena useth a privy seal Courtesie of England is a certain Tenure whereby a man marrying a woman seized of Land in Fee-simple or Fee-tail general if he have a childe by her which cometh alive into the world though she and the childe die immediately yet if she were in possession he shall hold the land during his life and is called Tenant per legem Angliae or the courtesie of England Courtilage in Common-law is a Garden or piece of void ground lying near a message from Curtis a mansion house and legere to gather Courtisan French a Court-lady it is also commonly taken for a strumpet Courtlasse or Coutelasse a short sword Couth quasi K●nnouth knew from the Saxon word Ken to know Coutheutlaugh Saxon he that receiveth cherisheth or hideth an out-law Cowde old word a gobbet Cowre to kneel to fall down for fear from the Italian word Covare Cowneer the hollow arching part in the ship stern Coy or Coyen old word nice dainty also to quiet to flatter C R Crabbat French handsome comely also substantively taken it signifieth a a Gorget for women or a kinde of riding band for men Crach a crib or rack for beasts Crabs eye a stone found in a Crab which resembleth an eye Cranage money paid for the use of a Crane to draw up wares Crank old word lusty blith jovial Crank-sided when a ship will bear but small sayl a Term in Navigation Crany lat the skull Crapulent lat glutted with meat having taken a surfet Crasie sick distemper'd from the Greek word crasis temperature Crask old word fat Crasse lat thick heavy dull lumpish Crassitude lat thicknesse grossenesse Crater is a sign in Heaven called the bottom of the pitcher in Virgo it riseth about the sixteenth of the Calends of March. Creance French trust confidence credit Creansour Law Term a creditour Creast-tile a roof tile which is made to lay upon the ridge of a house Crebrous lat often usual Credible lat that may be believed Credit trust belief also esteem Creditour lat he that lendeth or trusteth out money Credulity lat aptnesse to believe Creed a set form containing the artiticles of Christian religion Creek from the Dutch word Kreaken to make a noise a part of a Haven where any thing is landed or disburthened from the Sea Crenelle a Term in Heraldry being a line dented like the notch in the horn of a bow Creon the son of Menatius King of Thebes he was brother to Jocasta the wife of Laius and mother of Oedipus who unfolded the riddle of Sphinx and married Jocasta not knowing her to be his mother and by her had Eteocles and Polynices who succeeded in the Kingdom and were to reign by turns every other year but they having killed one another in civil Wars Creon regained the Kingdom but behaving himself with much cruelty he was overcome by Theseus and slain Crepitation lat a creaking noise Crepuscul lat the dawning of the day Cressant French the figure of a half Moon a term in Heraldry Cresses a kind of plant called in Latin Nasturtium Cresset old word a Lantern a Beacon Crest French a part of a helmet also the upper part of a Scutchion in armo●y Crestmarine an herb called Rock-samphire Crete an Island of the Mediterranean Sea heretofore called Hecatompolis by the Greeks because it had a hundred Cities it is now called Candie and is a great part of it in the possession of the Turks Cretism or Creticism Greek a forging of lyes falshood or perfidiousnesse Crevequeurs the name of an ancient Family in Kent who built Leeds Castle in that County they are stiled in ancient Records de crepito corde Crevet or Cruset from the French word Creux hollow a Goldsmiths melting pot Creusa the daughter of Priamus and Hecuba and wife of Aeneas by whom he had Ascanius she following her husband out of Troy when it was set on fire was not minded by him till he came out of the City by reason that he led his son in his hand and carried his father on his shoulders through the flames but going back to seek her he could never hear what was become of her Criminal lat guilty blameworthy Cleop. Crined having hairs from the Latin word Crinis it is a word used in Heraldry Crinisus a River of Sicily near to the City Segesta of which it is related that when the Trojan Virgins were to be exposed to the fury of a Monster whom Neptune sent to destroy the Country because of Laomedons perfidiousnesse Hippotes a noble Trojan committed his daughter Hegesta to the wide Sea and she being by fortune carried into Sicily Crinisus fell in love with her and turning himself into a Bear ravisht her whereupon she became with child and brought forth Ac●●tes who was afterwards King of Sicily Criplings a term in building short spars on the side of a house Crisis Greek a judgement or discerning into any thing also a term in Physick denoting the sudden change in a disease tending either to recovery or death Sir Crispins Launce an awle from Crispin who was the Patron of the Shoomakers Crisped lat frisled curled Crithology Greek a gathering in of the first fruits of corn Critical Greek of a nice judgement apt to censure Also Critical dayes in a disease are those dayes wherein a disease comes to its Crisis and they are the odde dayes as the third fifth seventh and so on but the most critical are counted the fourteenth The Crisis in acute diseases is judged by the Moon but in Chronick diseases the Crisis is judged by the Sun Criticisme Greek a playing the Critick a learning which consists in the curious and nice examining of Authors Cro or Croy signifieth in the Scotch Acts of Parliament a satisfaction which the Judge is to pay unto the nearest of kin to a man that is slain in case he minister not justice as he should do Croce old word a Shepherds staff or crook Crocolana the ancient name of a Town in Lincolnshire now called Ancaster Crocute a certain beast imitating the voice of a man and ingendred of a Hyaena and a Lionesse it cometh from the Aethiopian word Crocottas Croesus a King of the Lydians who abounded in riches he was overcome in war by Cyrus and put upon a pile to be burnt and calling out Solon Solon Cyrus demanding the reason he acquainted him how that Solon having formerly been asked of him who was the happiest man told him none could be happy till his death and that the greatest riches could not keep a man from misery whereupon he was freed and made one of Cyrus his Counsellers Croft from the old word Creaft i. e. handy-craft a little Close joyning to a house it being lookt to with more than ordinary care Croisada a