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A08536 Theatrum orbis terrarum Abrahami OrtelI Antuerp. geographi regii. = The theatre of the vvhole world: set forth by that excellent geographer Abraham Ortelius; Theatrum orbis terrarum. English Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598.; Bedwell, William, ca. 1561-1632, attributed name.; W. B. 1608 (1608) STC 18855; ESTC S122301 546,874 619

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followes Ruremonde situate where the riuer Roer falles into the Maese It hath in my remembrance beene a Bishopricke Zutphen at the mouth of the riuer Berkel where it dischargeth it selfe into Yssel It beares the title of an Earledome It hath a rich College of Canons and is vnder the iurisdiction of the Bishop of Munster Arnhen stands vpon the banke of Rhijne This is the seat of the high Court of iustice and of the Chancery The Clergie of this towne are subiect to the Bishop of Vtrecht HATTEM a towne well fortified vpon the riuer Yssel ELBVRG on the shore of the Zuyder sea HARDERVVIIK vpon the same shore Heere likewise you haue WAGENING TIEL BOMMEL BRONCHORST DOESBVRG DOTECHEM SHEERENBERG gouerned by a peculiar prince vnder the name of an Earledome LOCHEN GROLL BREDEVORD GELRE which perhaps gaue name to the whole region STRAELEN VENLO a towne vpon the banke of Maese fortified both by arte and nature WACHTENDVNCK of ancient times the city of Hercules in the Dukedome of Iuliers Besides these there are other small townes of note which though now either by furie of warre or iniurie of time they are vnwalled yet they doe enioy the freedomes and priuileges of cities Their names be Keppel Burg Genderen Bateburg Monteford Echt Culeburg and Buren both which haue a peculiar Lord as Bateburg also Vnder Earle Ottho the third this region was mightily inlarged for he compassed with walles and endowed with priuileges the townes of Ruremond Arnhem Harderwijk Bemel Goch and VVagening which till that time had remained villages In the Chronicle of Iohn Reigersbeg written in Dutch I finde this region in the time of Carolus Caluus to haue beene called by the name of Ponthis and that it was by him in the yeere 878. erected to a Signiorie Then in the yeere 1079. this Signiorie of Ponthis was by Henrie the third adorned with the title of an Earledome and called the Earledome of Guelders and the first Earle thereof was Otto à Nassau It went vnder the name of an Earledome till Reinhold the second But whenas this Reinhold not only for his valour and mightinesse grew terrible to his neighbours but renowmed in regard of his iustice his piety and fidelity towards the Roman empire he was at Frankford in a solemne and royal assembly by Lewes the Emperour consecrated Duke in presence of the King of England the French King and the Princes Electours in the yeere of our Lord 1339. Some say that in the time of the Emperour Carolus Caluus towards that place where the towne of Gelre now standeth there was a strange and venimous beast of huge bignesse and monstrous crueltie feared all the countrey ouer which lay for the most part vnder an Oake This monster wasted the fields deuoured cattell great and small and abstained not from men The inhabitants affrighted with the noueltie and vncouthnesse of the matter abandoned their habitations and hid themselues in desert and solitarie places A certaine Lord of Ponth had two sonnes who partly tendring their owne estate and partly also the distresse of their neighbours assailed the beast with singular policie and courage and after a long combat slew him The said Lord therefore not farre from the Maese vpon the banke of Nierson for the perpetuall memorie of his sonnes exploit built a castle which he called Gelre because when the beast was slaine he often yelled with a dreadfull roaring noise Gelre Gelre from whence they say began the name of the Guelders Thus much out of the Chronicle of Henry Aquilius a Guelder borne More concerning this Prouince you may reade in Francis Irenicus but a most large description hereof you shall finde in Guicciardin GELRIAE CLIVIAE FINITIMORVMQVE LOCORVM VERISSIMA DESCRIPTIO Christiano Schrot Auctore The Bishopricke of LIEGE IT is a common and constant opinion that those which we now call Leodienses or Ligeois are a German people named of old Eburones A relique or monument of which ancient name remaineth as yet in the village Ebure a German mile distant from the city of Liege And this very place as I suppose is described by Dion lib. 40. vnder the name Eburonia Howbeit certaine it is that the iurisdiction of Liege stretcheth much farther than that of the Eburones did of olde Of the Eburones mention is made by Strabo Caesar and Florus Dion calles them Eburos and late Writers barbarously terme them Eburonates Themselues in their mother tongue which is a kinde of broken French they call Ligeois but in high Dutch Lutticher and Luyckenaren The deriuation of Eburones Leodienses whoso desires to know I refer him to the antiquities of Goropius Becanus and to a small pamphlet of Hubert Leodius This region taketh vp a great part of ancient Lorraigne for it containes vnder the name of the diocesse of Liege the dukedome of Bouillon the marquesat of Franckmont the countie of Haspengow and Loots and many Baronies In this region besides Maestright halfe wherof is subiect to the Duke of Brabant there are foure and twentie walled cities a thousand seuen hundred Villages with Churches and many Abbeys and Signiories The names of the cities are these following Liege vpon Maese the seat of a Bishop after which all the whole countrey is named Bouillon Franchemont Loots Borchworm Tungeren Huy Hasselt Dinant Masac Stoch Bilsen S. Truden Viset Tuin Varem Bering Herck Bree Pera Hamont Chiney Fosse and Couin as Guicciardin doth both name and number them Moreouer Placentius writeth that part of Maestright was added to this diocesse by the donation of Pori Earle of Louaine The territorie of this citie is called the countie of Maesland in the ancient records of Seruatius abbey built here by King Arnulphus in the yeere 889. Now this countie is vsually called Haspengow It is a region exceeding pleasant and fertile of all things especially on the North part where it ioyneth to Brabant for there it aboundeth with corne and all kinde of fruits and in some places it yeeldeth wine But on the South frontiers towards Lutzenburg and France it is somewhat more barren mountainous and ouerspred with woods here yet being some remainder of Arduenna the greatest forest in all France as Caesar writeth This is the outward hiew of the country but in the entrals and bowels thereof it is enriched with mettals and sundry kinds of marbles as also with sea-coales which they burne in stead of fewell and all these so surpassing good as in a common prouerbe they vsually say that they haue bread better than bread fire hotter than fire and iron harder than iron By their iron than which all the prouinces around vse neither better nor indeed any other they raise a great reuenue Nor with any other more forcible fire do the Smithes and Bearebrewers in all this part of the Low countries heat their furnaces than with these minerall coales of Liege which are of so strange a nature as water increaseth their flame but oile puts it out The smell of this fire or smoke
the moneths of May Iune and Iuly and reape within six weeks after Concerning this region reade the booke of Iaques Morguez le moine GVASTECAN THis also is a region of North America and part of New Spaine The inhabitants are poore Along the sea-coasts and the bancks of riuers they liue for the most part of fish but in the inland with Guinie-wheat which they call Maiz. Otherwise they are a people gentle enough The Spaniards haue planted two colonies here the one is called Panuco of the riuer that runneth by it and the other S. Iames of the vallies Not farre from Panuco neere the towne called Tamatao stands an hill with two fountaines vpon it one whereof disgorgeth blacke pitch and the other red which is scalding hot The BRITTISH Iles. THE EMPIRE OF GREAT BRITAIN included within the parallels 49. and 63. and the Meridians or longitudes 9. and 26. bounded vpon the South by France vpon the East by Germany vpon the North West by the Vast Ocean disioined from the rest of the maine land as High Admirall of the seas comprehendeth that Iland which at this day conteineth the kingdomes of England Scotland together with Ireland ouer against it Westward the circumiacent iles the Orchades Hebrides Man Anglesey Wight the Sorlings many others of lesse note and were generally of the old writers with one consent called BRITANNICAE INSVLAE The Brittish Ilands taking their denomination as seemeth from the greatest of them commander of the rest which indeed is properly called BRITANNIA Brittaine So named not of that fained Brutus the bloody parricide as the fabulous historian Geffrey of Monmouth against all reason authority truth of storie hath hitherto made the world beleeue nor of the Welch word Prydain or Prydcain as the learned Britaine Humfrey Lhoyd hath thought but of Brit a Celticke word which signifieth Painted For these people as Caesar and other old writers report vsed to paint their bodies and therefore were called of the Gaules their next neighbours BRITONES as those people of the same nation who to auoid the slauery and seruitude of the Romanes and withdrew themselues into the North parts from whom they continually molested their colonies heere were of them for the same reason in their language called PICTI The Greekes called it also ALBION not of Albion Neptunes sonne which sometime sweied the scepter heere as some haue most fabulously taught but of Alphiων the white cliffes vpon the sea coast which first offer themselues to the eie of those which to this our land saile hither from France and indeed the Welch poets call it Inis win that is as Orphaeus the most ancient poet of the Greeks doth interpret it Nesos leu caessa and Leucaios Chersos The white I le or The whiteland The first Inhabitants which seated themselues heere not long after the vniuersall Flood and Confusion of Babel came hither from France as by Neerenesse of place Likenesse of language Maners Gouernment Customes Name is by the learned Clarencieux Camden the onely light of our histories in that his thrise renowned Britannia euidently demonstrated For to this day the ancient Britans the Welchmen do call themselues CVMRI not Cambri as come from Gomer the sonne of Iapheth called of the Latines Cimber from whom are descended the Celtae or Gaules The Romanes a second nation vnder the conduct of Iulius Caesar about the yeare before the birth of CHRIST 54. entered Brittaine and planted their colonies in diuers and sundry places of this Iland The Scottes obseruing the Roman legions to grow weake and their Empire to decline thereupon tooke occasion first to seise vpon Ireland then about the yeare of CHRIST 446. great trouble arising in France the Emperours were constrained wholly to withdraw their forces from hence and to leaue the Brittaines naked and open to the furie of the Pictes their enemies From hence ensued a double mischiefe for first the vnquiet and turbulent Pictes thinking that now the onely opportunitie was offered them to accomplish their desires thought to make sure worke called in the Scottes out of Ireland combined themselues together against the poore disarmed Britans whereupon the Britans were constrained for safegard of their liues and liberties to call in about the yeare of CHRIST 440. the Angles Saxons and Iuites a warlike people inhabiting along the sea coast of Germany from the riuer of Rhein vnto Denmarke to aid them against their violent enemies The Normanes lead by William the Bastard their Duke tooke possession of Great Brittaine in the yeare 1066. The Vandalles Norweis and Danes who by their piracies and robberies a long time and oft greeuously vexed these Iles neuer seated their Colonies heere and therefore I passe them ouer with silence The forme of Brittaine is triangular like vnto that figure which the Geometers call Scalenum or as Nubiensis the Arabian saith to the head and necke of Alnaama the ostrich and therefore it may aswell as Sicilia be called TRINACRIA The three-cornered I le The ancient Geographers did hold it and that deseruedly to be the greatest Iland of the Maine Ocean wherefore Solinus saith it may well deserue the name of ANOTHER WORLD and Matthew Paris for the same cause calleth it THE QVEEN or Empresse of the Isles of the Ocean In respect of which large compasse it hath been in former ages diuided into many seuerall iurisdictions and kingdomes in the time of the Saxons England the South-east part into seuen and Wales into three Great Egbert in the yeare 800. reduced the Saxon heptarchy into a Monarchy The Irish Princes Nobles and Commons after the incarnation 1172. vnited their Pentarchy to the crowne of Egbert and swore alleageance to Henry the second King of England Edward the first to these did knit in the yeare after the birth of Christ 1282. the triple crowne of the Pety Kings of Wales In these our daies the eternall wisedome of the Great King of Heauen and Earth hath cast all these together with the crowne of Scotland into one massie Emperiall Diademe and placed it vpon the head of our dread soueraigne IAMES lineally descended from those mighty Monarches and shall we doubt not in time adde to these whatsoeuer from them vnto his Highnesse do belong BRITANNICAE INSVLAE or the Empire of Great Brittaine conteineth Ilands Greater and often mentioned in histories BRITANNIA diuided by the Romans into Superior the Higher conteining ANGLIA England CVMERIA Wales Inferior the Neather now called SCOTIA Scotland HIBERNIA Ireland vpon the West of Britaine Lesser yet famous belonging to England from it South Close to the shore of Brittaine VECTA Wight Vpon the coast of France CAESARIA Gersey SARNIA Gernsey And many other lesser West From the point of Cornwall SILLINAE Silly anno 145. In the middest betweene England Ireland and Scotland MONOEDA Man Wales MONA called of the English Anglesey of the Welch Tirmôn Scotland lying from it West HEBRIDES The West isles in number foure and fortie North ORCHADES Orkney-iles about
city a TARGHIN are fourescore and ten miles This city Targhin riseth vp higher into the countrey about the space of ten miles From the city Targhin vnto the city b AGRIMES vpon the sea coast are fourescore miles From the city Giarnmouth aforesayd the sea bendeth all at once Northward in maner of a circle And from the citie Agrimes afore-named vnto the citie c EPHRADIK are fourescore miles This city is farre from the ocean sea hard vpon the borders of the iland of SCOTIA which is notwithstanding ioyned to the I le England From the citie Ephradik vnto the fall of the riuer of d VVyska are an hundred and forty miles e This WYSKA is a fortification vpon that riuer vp higher into the countrey from the sea twelue miles From the citie Agrimes before-mentioned vnto the city f NICOLA vpland are an hundred miles A g riuer diuideth this citie in the middest and runneth from it vnto the citie Agrimes and so vpon the South side of it falleth into the sea as we haue sayd before From Nicola an vpland citie vnto the city Ephradik are likewise fourescore and ten miles From thence vnto the citie h DVNELMA are fourescore miles Northward vpland and farre from the sea Betweene the coast of the Wild of Scotia vnto the coast of the I le i IRELAND are two dayes saile Westward From the coast of the I le England vnto the iland k DANAS but one dayes saile From the coast of Scotia Northward vnto the iland l ROSLANDA are three dayes saile From the coast of the I le Roslanda Eastward to the I le m ZANBAGA are twelue miles The length of the I le Roslanda is n foure hundred miles the bredth of it where it is broadest is but an hundred and fifty miles ANNOTATIONS by the Translatour vpon some particulars for the better helpe and direction of the Reader a THe Arabicke Geography imprinted at Rome in the yeere of our Lord 1592 set out by Baptist Raymund at the cost and charges of the most illustrious Prince Ferdinand Medices Graund Duke of Tuscane in Italie is but an Abridgement of a greater worke intitled _____ Nazahti'lmoshtak that is The pleasant garden as the authour himselfe in his Preface to that his worke doth plainly confesse which Abbreuiatour as he himselfe in the beginning of the fourth section of the first Climate testifieth was an African borne in Nubia For he there saith that in this Parallel there be two riuers called Nilus whereof the one which is vulgarly knowen by that name and is for difference sake called Nilus of Egypt runneth along by our countrey _____ Ardiana from South to North vpon whose banks almost all the cities both of Egypt and of the Iland are built and situate By many places of this his worke it is manifest that he was a Mussulman that is by profession a Mahometane He liued as I gather aboue fiue hundred yeeres since presently after the entrance of the Normans into England For at the second section of the fourth climate he writeth that when he wrote this his worke Roger was King of Sicilia but whether this Roger were Roger the father sonne of Tanchred the Norman who draue the Saracens from thence or Roger his sonne who in the yeere after Christs incarnation 1103 tooke vpon him the gouernment of that kingdome it is vncertaine and for ought I know not to be learned out of his words ANGLIAE REGNI FLORENTISSIMI NOVA DESCRIPTIO AVCTORE HVMFREDO LHVYD DENBYGIENSE Cum Priuilegio c _____ Alinkalaterra as the Spaniards Italians and French do call it that is England or The Angles land so named by Egbert king of the West-Saxons about the yere of our Lord 800 is of the three the greatest most fertile flourishing kingdome of this whole ile and therfore it is hereby this our authour in this place by a figure put for Great Britaine the part for the whole Neither is this any strange thing not vsed by any other for Raymundus Marlianus that adioyned those Alphabeticall descriptions of Cities Places Mountaines and Riuers to Caesars Commentaries doth put Angliam Insulam and Angliae Insulam The Ile England and The I le of England for Britanniam Britaine Such is the maruellous greatnesse of this Iland that when it was first descried by the Romans they thought it almost well woorthy the name of ALTERIVS ORBIS Another world And he that made the Panegyricke oration to Constantius writeth that Iulius Caesar who first discouered it to the Romans ALIVM se ORBEM TERRARVM scripserit reperisse tantae magnitudinis arbitratus vt non circumfusa Oceano sed complexa Oceanum videretur did write vnto his friends that he had found Another World supposing it to be of that wonderfull greatnesse that it could nor possibly be inuironed round on all sides of the sea but rather that it contrariwise did enclose the sea And for that it lieth so farre remote from the South like as Thule it was by poets and other ancient writers intituled Vltima Britannia Great Britaine the farthest part of the world Northward d _____ Alnaama In Auicen is a fowle called of the Latines Struthium an Ostrich as Gerardus Cremonensis his interpretour vnderstandeth the word and indeed the South part of the I le the sea falling in betweene Wales and Cornwall doth represent the necke and head of such a like fowle with the mouth gaping wide open Liuy and Fabius Rusticus did liken it Oblongae scutulae vel bipennt To aswingling stocke or sword which those vse that dresse hempe and flax to a twall or twibill a kinde of warlike weapon vsed in fight by some nations And indeed the whole iland being triangular triquetra they call it but of vnequall sides which kinde of figure the Geometers call Scalenum may also aswell as Sicilia be named TRINACRIA For from Taruisium a promontory or forland in Scotland now called Howburne all along by the shore vnto Belerium the cape of Cornwall are 812. miles from whence to Cantium The Forland of Kent are 320 miles from thence againe to Howburne in Scotland 704 miles So that by this account the circuit and compasse of Britaine is 1836 miles which commeth much short of that account of Pliny and is somewhat lesse than that of Caesar e The first inhabitants which seated themselues heere presently after the vniuersall floud in the dayes of Noe came hither from France as Necrenesse of place Likenesse of maners Gouernment Customes Name and Language doe very demonstratiuely prooue and euince And thereupon they call themselues Cumro as come from Gomer the sonne of Iapheth called of Historiographers Cimber from whom are descended the Celiae or ancient Gauls the inhabitants not only of France but generally of all the Northwest parts of Europe What thinke you then of that story of Brute Mary I thinke he wanted honesty that first inuented that fable and he wit that beleeueth it But Iohn Wheathamsted sometime Abbat of S. Albans a graue learned man and of good
to wit the Irish of the which the Euboniae the West iles commonly of the Historians called Hebrides are The reuerend Beda and Henry Huntington in that they write it Menauia do seeme to allude to the Welsh name Manaw but this is it which we would haue thee diligently to obserue that none of them do call it Mona By these arguments and testimonies it is manifest that Mona is that iland which the inhabitants as I haue shewed before doe at this day name Mona or Mon acknowledging no other name and is that which of the English is called Anglisea but the other which Polydore Virgil and such as doe loue with him to wallow in the mire rather than to seeke for the cleere streames doe call Mona is of Gildas called Eubonia of Henry Huntington Menauia and of others Mania Here I will conclude this discourse with this one testimonie which may indeed woorthily stand for many to wit this of Syluester Girald a Welsh man borne a man no lesse famous for his learning than for his noble birth For he was descended from that noble house of the Giralds to whom the Kings of England are beholding for that footing which they haue in Ireland Moreouer he was greatly beloued of Henrie the second King of England and was afterward Secretarie to King Iohn his sonne whose name also is very famous and oft mentioned in the Popes Decretals For being but bishop of S. Dauids in Wales he did notwithstanding contend with the Archbishop of Canturburie about the prerogatiue primacy This man I say in that his booke which he intituled Itinerarium Balwini Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis crucem in infideles per Cambriam praedicantis The Iournall or trauels of Baldwin Archbishop of Canturbury when as he preached the Gospell and crosse of Christ against the Infidels thorowout all Wales whose company he neuer forsooke in all that peregrination writeth thus of the I le MONA On the morrow we passed by the castle of Caer-aruon and from thence thorow the valleys and steepe hilles and mountaines we came vnto Bangor where we were most kindly enterteined of the bishop whose name was Gwian who was almost constrained to take vp the crosse of Christ with a great lamentation and shout of all sorts of people both men and women From thence crossing a vety narrow arme of the sea we passed ouer to MONA an iland lying about two miles off from the maine land Here Rothericke the yonger sonne of Owen came very deuoutly with all the people of that I le and of the countreys round about him to meet vs. There they making as it were a theater of the craggie rocks by the preaching of the Archbishop and of Alexander the Archdeacon of that place many were wonne vnto the crosse and to beleeue in Iesus Christ but certeine yong men lustie-bloods of the seruants and followers of Rothericke which sate oueragainst vs would by no meanes be drawen to beare the crosse Of these some within a little while after following certeine theeues or free-booters being slaine outright others hurt and dangerously wounded did of their owne heads lay a worldly crosse one vpon anothers backe Rothericke was married to Prince Reese's daughter who was allied to him in the third degree her by no admonitions he could be made to put away from him hoping that by her meanes he should the better be able to defend himselfe against his brothers children whom he had disherited and put by their lands and possessions notwithstanding it fell out contrary to his expectation for within awhile after they recouered all againe out of his hands This Iland hath three hundred three and fortie villages or farmes yet it is esteemed but at three Cantreds Britaine hath three ilands lying not farre off from it all almost of like quantitie and bignesse VVight vpon the South Mon vpon the West and Man vpon the Northwest The two former are very neere to the continent the armes of the sea by which they are seuered from England being but very narrow and not farre ouer The third which is called Man lieth mid way betweene Vlster a prouince of Ireland and Gallawey of Scotland Mona or Mon of the inhabitants by reason of the great plenty of wheat which it yeeldeth ordinarily euery yeere is called The mother of Wales And a little beneath the same Authour writeth thus of this iland Hugh Earle of Shrewsbury and Arundell with Hugh Earle of Chester entring this iland by force did shut dogs all night in the church of Fefridanke which the next morning were found all starke madde and he himselfe afterward by the inhabitants of the Orkeney iles comming thither as pirats and sea-robbers vnder the leading of Magnus their captaine being shot in the eye which part of his body only was vnarmed and subiect to the enemies weapon fell stone dead from the decke of the shippe into the sea which Magnus beholding cried out in the Danish language Leit loope that is as much to say in English Let him leape Moreouer Henry the Second going into North-Wales with an armie of men ioyned battell with the aduersarie at Caleshull in a narrow straight betweene two woods and withall sent a saile of ships into Mona which spoiled the foresayd Church with other places there wherfore they were almost all slaine taken dangerously wounded or put to flight by the inhabitants of that I le There were in this company two noble men and his vncle which wrote this story with other mo sent hither by the King to wit Henry the sonne of Henry the First and the vncle of Henry the Second begotten of the honourable lady Nesta daughter of Reese Theodore's sonne borne in the confines of South-Wales I meane in the skirts of it next vnto Demetia or West-Wales and the brother of Steuen brother to Henry by the mothers side but not by the fathers a man that first in our dayes breaking the way for others not long after this attempted the entrance and conquest of Ireland whose worthy commendations the prophicall history doth at large set foorth Henry being too venturous and not being seconded in time was killed at the first encounter with a pike But Robert distrusting his owne strength and doubting whether he should be aided or not fled and being sore wounded very hardly recouered the shippes This iland outwardly appeareth as if it were barren rough and ouergrowen like as the countrey of Pebidion neere Menauia doth although indeed it be very fertile of many things in diuers places Thus farre Gyraldus What could euer be spoken or written more plainly and euidently of the name situation fertility and valourous inhabitants of Mona as also of the situation and name of that other iland The same authour in his description of Wales thus speaketh of this Iland In North-Wales betweene Mona and Snowdon hilles is Bangor the bishops sea As of all Wales the South part about Cardigan shire Cereticam regionem he calleth it but especially euery where in West-Wales Demetia
called S. Iohns-toun is the onely towne in Scotland that is walled about Of the wood Caledon whereof Ptolemey and other ancient writers haue recorded There is scarcely any mention to be found onely about the towne of Sterling there remaineth some shew of the name Thus farre of the kingdome of Scotland now it will not be amisse to speake somewhat of the ilands that lie round about the same and do belong vnto that crowne The HEBRIDES commonly called the West-iles both for bignesse and number do excell the rest Hector Boëthus saith that they be in number 43. But heere he reckoneth vp the I le of Man as one of them which is not subiect to the kingdome of Scotland but is vnder the allegeance of the King of England neither do I thinke that it was euer accounted of the ancients among the Hebrides The first of the Hebrides is Aran otherwise called Boëth then Hellaw and Rothes Not farre from these is Alize where are great plenty of Barnacles which they call Soland-geese The greatest of all and the most famous is Ile a fertile soile for corne and rich for veines of mettall Then Cumber and Mule Neere vnto these is Ione memorable for the tombs of Kings long since buried there Next vnto this is Lewis last of all is Hirth situate in the 43. degree of latitude Thus Boethus calleth them But Iohn Maior the Scot nameth them thus Argila Aranea Awyna Butha or Rothsaya and Leuisora In these ilands are those geese which they call Clakes Gyraldus calleth them Bernacles which Boëthus affirmeth to breed of the sea and of rotten wood and not to grow vpon trees as the common sort beleeue and haue published in their writings For if you shall cast saith he a peece of wood into that sea in continuance of time first wormes do breed within the wood which by little and little become to haue heads feet wings at the last being fledge and growen to their full growth to the bignes of a goose they attempt to flie and do somtimes swim and sometimes vse their wings as other Sea-foule do Beyond the Hebrides are the ORCHADES or the Orkeney iles of which the best is Pomona famous for the Bishops-sea a goodly Church and two strong castles One of these Iohn Maior calleth Zeland which is 50. miles in length In these grow no manner of trees nor any wheat and yet otherwise of all other sorts of graine they are very fertile It breedeth no serpent or venimous beast In Scotland they buy the barrell'd butter the inhabitants hauing abundance of Barley whereof they make a most strong kind of drinke and are very great drinkers yet as Boëthus saith you shall neuer see a drunken-man or madde man one bestraught or a naturall foole amongst them The same authour affirmeth the like of the inhabitants of the iles of Scetland but this is no wonder amongst them that drinke nought but water All the wealth and commodities of these Scetland-men consist in Stockfish and hides of beastes In the Hebrides they vse the Irish tongue in the iles of Orkeney they speake the Gottish language M. Iordanus in his mappe of Denmarke saith that the Orchades are subiect to the kingdome of Denmarke yet we know them to belong to Scotland vnder the title of a Dukedome But se what we haue written of this in the discourse to the mappe of Denmarke Of Scotland and of the ilands adioining thou maist read more at large in Hector Boëthus Iohn Maior and Iohn Lisley Scottish-men which haue written the histories of this their country SCOTIAE TABVLA Miliaria Scotica Cum Priuilegio Of ENGLAND THe South part of the Iland of Britaine is as we haue said before diuided into two parts That part which is toward the East abutting vpon the German Ocean is of the Angles a people of the Saxons which seated themselues there in their language called ANGLIA or England that is the Angles land The West part which is seuered from that other by the riuers Seuern and Dee and doth vse the ancient Brittish tongue is of the same Angles or Englishmen called WALLIA or Wales yet the Brittan or Welshman calleth himselfe Cumro and his country Cumria the English Saissons and their country Lhoëgria neither do they know or at least they will not acknowledge what England or an Englishman doth meane So great difference there is betweene the languages of the seuerall nations of this Iland All this South part England I meane and Wales hath their proper king vnto whom many Dukes Marquesses Earles Barons and great Noblemen are subiect and obedient It is a countrie at all times of the yeare most kind and temperate The Aire is thicke and so it is much subiect to windes clowdes and raine and therefore in regard of thicknesse of the aire it is neither opprest with too much heat or too much cold For it is found true by experience that although it be more Northerly than Brabant Flanders and other forrein countries yet heere the winter is neuer so bitter nor the frost so eger as in those parts It hath euerie where many hilles without wood and water which notwithstanding do bring forth very small and short grasse an excellent feed for sheepe and therefore infinite flockes of sheepe do bespread them which either by reason of the kindnesse of the aire or goodnesse of the soile do yeeld most soft wooll farre finer than those of other countries And for that this country breedeth neither woolues nor any rauenous beast you shall see in diuers places flocks of sheepe vpon the hilles and dales greene pastures commons fallowes and corne fields into which after the crop is off euery man by a certaine ancient custome doth put in his cattell in common to wander heere and there without a shepheard This indeed is that Golden fleece in which especially the riches of the inhabitants doth consist for an huge masse of gold and siluer is by Merchants which thither flocke from all quarters for such like wares yearly brought into the Iland and there doth continually rest for that it is by proclamation forbidden that no man may carry any money out of the Realme It aboundeth also with all sorts of cattell except asses mules camels and elephants There is in no place of the world greater and larger dogges nor better The soile is very fatte and fertile and naturally bringeth foorth beside all sorts of corne and pulse all maner of things onely the firre-tree and as Caesar saith the beech tree although that now it hath in diuerse places plenty of beeches The ay-green Bay tree doth in these Northren countries no where thriue better Such abundance of Rosemary heere doth grow in all places and that so high that they oft times do fence their gardens therewith Wine they haue none for the grapes seldome heere do ripen and is amongst them planted rather for shade and pleasure then for his fruit and profit There is in no country in Christendome more
therefore they are of the English Nobility for seruice preferred before the English Yet of late heere they haue vsed themselues to dwell in cities to learn occupations to trade as merchants to go to plough and to do any maner of businesse good for the common-wealth as well as the English nay in this thing they excell them that there is no man so poore amongst them but for a while will set his sonnes to schole to learne to write and read and those whom they find to be apt they send to the Vniuersities cause them for the most part to giue their minds to the study of the ciuill law Heere hence it is that the greater part of those which in this kingdome doe professe the Ciuill or Canon law are Welshmen borne You shall find also very few of the common and meaner sort of people but can read and write his owne language and after their fashion play vpon the Welsh harpe Now also they haue the Bible and common praier booke printed in their owne tongue a language as we said vsed of their ancestors and wholly different from the English And as in old time long since being a people as Tacitus reporteth impatient of the least wrongs that might be offered they were alwaies together by the eares and cutting one anothers throates so now for feare of law to which they are more obedient then any other nation they will wrangle and contend one with another as long as they are worth a groate These few obseruations we haue gleaned out of Lhoyd to whom we send the Reader that desireth more of the particulars of this country Syluester Gerrard a Welshman hath described VVales in a seuerall treatise Read also the Iournall of VVales Moreouer VVilliam of Newbery in the 5. chap. of his 2. booke hath many things of the nature of this country maners of the people To these you may adioine Polyd. Virg. those things which Robert Caenalis hath written in the summe of his 2. booke de re Gallica This Cymri or as the English call it VVales belongeth that we may heere by the way say something of this by an ancient decree to the King of Englands eldest sonne or daughter if he faile to the Kings heire I meane who is to succeed next after him and he is called assoone as he is born The Prince of VVales and that in the same sense as in Spaine and Portugall they call the Kings heire The Prince and in France The Dolphin Ieffrey of Monmouth writeth that in these parts of VVales neere the riuer of Seuern there is a poole which the country people call Linligune This saith he when the sea floweth into it enterteineth the waters like a bottomlesse gulfe and so drinketh vp the waues that it is neuer full nor euer runneth ouer But when the sea ebbeth the waters which before it had swallowed do swell like a mountaine which then do dash and run ouer the banks At which time if all the people of that shire should stand any thing neere the poole with their faces toward it so that the water shall but dash into their clothes and apparell they shall hard be able to auoid the danger but that they shal be drawne into the poole But if ones backe shal be toward it there is no danger at all although he should stand vpon the very edge of the same This is the story I haue nam'd the authour let him approue the truth of the same Of Mona the iland vpon the shore of this country thou hast the opinion of Humfrey Lhoyd in his epistle which we haue adioined to the end of this booke Of this also Iohn Leland in his Genethliacon of Edward Prince of VVales thus writeth This Iland saith hee being conquered by the English changed the name and was called Anglesey that is the iland of Englishmen Polydore Virgill a man of great reading and good iudgement in many matters is of another opinion Hee laboureth with all his forces to proue Menauia to be Mona If the name which yet it retaineth If the citie Caernaruon which is ouer against it vpon the maine do take his denomination from hence and is called Aruon for Ar-mon If that same very short cut ouer of which the Roman writers do speake If the nesse or promontorie Pen-mon that is as the word signifieth The head of Mon If the huge bodies of trees and rootes couered ouer with sand which daily are digged out of the shore of Tir-mon If the firre-trees of maruailous length which in squally grounds are heere and there found within the earth in this Iland do not sufficiently proue that that was anciently called Mona which now we call Anglesey I know not what to say more then that I haue read this in the 14. booke of Cornelius Tacitus his Annales Excisique luci saeuis superstitionibus sacri c. Felling the woods consecrated to superstitious seruices c. The same Leland in another place hath these verses of this Iland Insula Romanis Mona non incognita bellis Quondam terra ferax nemorum nunc indiga siluae Sed Venetis tantum cereali munere praestans Mater vt à vulgo Cambrorum iure vocetur c. Tyr-môn in former times thus witnesse writers old was full of stately woods but now li'th bleake and cold The soile is passing good of corne it yeeld'th such store That Welsh-mens nurse it 's call'd as we haue shew'd before c. CAMBRIAE TYPVS Auctore HVMFRE DO LHVYDO Denbigiense Cambrobritano Aliquod Regionum huius tractus synonyma prout Latinè Britannicè Anglicè etiemnum appellanture Cambria L. Cambrÿ B. Wales A. Venedotia L. Gwÿnedhia B. Northwales A. Demetia L. Dÿfet B. Westwales A. Ceretica L. Ceredigion B. Cardigan A. Pouisia L. Powijs B. Dehenbart B. Sutwales A. IRELAND IRELAND which the Greekes and Latines call HIBERNIA others IVERMA and IERNA the Irish themselues call Eryn From hence strangers taking it from the mouth of the English which pronounce e the second vowell with the same sound that other nations do sound i the third vowell haue made as it seemeth Irynlandt compounded as is apparent of the Irish Erin and the Saxon or Dutch Landt which afterward was contracted for more commodity of speach and roundnesse of pronunciation into Irland from whence the Latines framed IRLANDIA The first inhabitants which seated themselues in this Iland came hither as may be easily demonstrated from Brittaine or England not from Spaine as some most absurdly haue written For the abridgement of Strabo doth flatly call these ilanders Britaine 's and Diodorus Siculus saith that Irin is a part of Britaine wherefore it was iustly of all old writers called INSVLA BRITANNIA One of the Brittish iles About the yeare of CHRIST 400. in the daies of Honorius and Arcadius the Emperours at what time the Roman Empire began to decline the Scottes a second nation entered Ireland and planted themselues as Orosius writeth in the North parts whereupon it was
salt made which is carried hence in carts to the neighbour countries and yeelds great reuenue to this region SCODINGA situate in a long streight valley extending in length betweene a double ridge of high mountaines which beare vines in such places as are most open to the Sunne it is exceeding strong being fortified with two castles and diuers loftie turrets ARBOIS seated in a most pleasant soile and abounding with all necessaries especially with excellent and durable wine It hath large suburbs on all sides It is enuironed with ditches but such as they make gardens vpon Round about it are mountaines of most beautifull prospect watered with cleare springs and clad with fruitfull vines and sightly woods It is called Arbois ab Arboribus because it is so planted with trees POLIGNY a faire towne fortified with stately walles and towers the castle called Grimonia lying within it and on the one side it hath mountaines of woods and on the other side hilles set with vines the wine whereof is principall good PONTARLIER situate in a low valley betweene two mountaines on the bancke of Dubis Not farre hence stands the strong castle of Iura or Ioux on the top of an exceeding high hill so that for situation it is impregnable NOZEROY founded vpon an open hill in the very nauell or midst of this region All the houses in a maner are built of stone the Prince of the countrey hath here a castle called The Leaden castle because it is couered with lead Here is a Faire kept foure times in the yere In times past this towne before it was walled was named Nucillum of the abundance of hazel-nuts that grew round about it CHASTEL CHALON built and named by the Emperour Charlemaine both pleasantly and strongly situate MONTMOROT vpon a steepe mountaine planted with vines ORGELET abounding with merchandise The inhabitants are industrious and painfull and exercise themselues in clothing Their fields are barren for they are full of hilles and craggie rocks whereupon is grounded a common prouerbe which saith That Orgelet hath fields without grasse riuers without fish and mountaines without woods and groues The cities of Dole are first DOLE it selfe the head citie of the prouince a nurse of all learning and especially of the ciuill law most pleasantly situate vpon the riuer Dubis adorn'd with bridges walles and inuincible forts The houses churches and schooles both for greatnesse and curious building are most delightfull to the beholders QVINGEY a most ancient towne situate vpon the bancke of Louë ORNANS standing also among high mountaines by the riuer Louë LA LOY a most ample village ROCHFORT a pretie litle towne VERCELLES with ruinous and deformed walles In this countie stands BESANÇON a citie Imperiall and Metropolitan of both Burgundies the description whereof because I cannot condignly expresse in this page being exactly performed by Gilbert Cognatus Paradine and George Bruno in his volume of cities I cease here to speake any farther For sith their books are so easie to be had I referre all students to them To these also you may adde Robert Caenalis It were to be wished that Cognatus had not frustrated the hope of students for he promised in a booke to restore and bring to light ancient Burgundie together with a particular Map and the olde and new names of places But we haue hitherto expected him in vaine Howbeit not long since Lewis Gollusius published concerning this Countie in French a great and peculiar volume BVRGVNDIAE COMITATVS Hugo Cusinus sive Cognatus patriam suam sic describebat 1589. Cum Privilegijs Imp. Regis et Brabantiae ad decennium The Dukedome of BVRGVNDIE THat part of France which the Aedui whilome enioyed is now called The Dukedome of Burgundie It is limited North by Champaigne and Gastinois West by Niuernois and Burbonnois South it borders vpon Lionnois and East the riuer Rhosne diuides it from Sauoy and the county of Burgundy The head citie in times past was Augustodunum but now Diuio or Diuionum as Gregory Turonensis in his third booke calles it or as the inhabitants Digion hath gotten the superiority for here the supreme court of Parliament for the whole Dukedome is holden It is seated on the bancke of Oscarus commonly Ousch a riuer abounding with fish in a fertile and plentifull soile the mountaines adiacent yeelding strong and excellent wines as the said Turonensis reporteth who most learnedly describes it Some thinke it was built by the Emperour Aurelian but others affirme it to be much ancienter It is a citie both by arte and nature most strongly fortified against all hostile attempts certaine new forts being lately added Belna commonly Beaulne is the second citie of the Dukedome famous for the wines of Beaulne which all men commend This Citie is fairely built being impregnable in regard of a Castle which Lewis the twelfth erected here It hath an hospitall comparable for building to any Kings Palace Here also is the seat of the high court of Chancery In the territorie adiacent was built by Duke Otho about the yeere of our Lord 1098. the abbey of Cistertium in a woody and clammy soile which some thinke was so called in regard of certaine Cisternes there digged Vnder the iurisdiction of this Monasterie Belleforest reporteth that there are 1800. other Monasteries of Friers and as many of Nunnes Next followes Augustodunum which some though vpon no sufficient grounds of antiquitie suppose to haue beene called Bibracte now Auttun That this citie of ancient times was most large and populous it is euident out of sundry authours and especially out of Caesar Here are yet extant mightie ruines of a Theater of Statues Pillars Water-chanels Pyramides and many other monuments of antiquitie Likewise here are dayly digged vp coines little vessels and other such ancient fragments This citie hath endured two memorable ouerthrowes one by Caesar in his French warres and the other about the time of Galienus the Emperour But it was afterward reedified by Constantine the sonne of Claudius as the Panegyrick of Eumenius calling it Flauiam Heduorum doth testifie And at this very day it is adorned with stately temples and other buildings for publicke vses Then haue you Matiscona Caesaris or Matisconense castrum Antonini where he placeth in garrison the tenth Roman legion It is now called Mascon Of olde it was graced with the title of an Earledome It ioyneth the bancks of Araris by a bridge Here the Lords day of the Christians began first to be hallowed as Paradine reporteth out of the Edict of Guntram The relation of the citie of Mascon Philip Bugnonius hath elegantly and briefly set downe Cabilonum now Chalon vpon the bancke of Araris also anciently called Orbandale as reporteth Peter Sanjulian By Antoninus the foureteenth Roman legion was here put in garrison It was of olde the royall seat of Guntram which notwithstanding afterward Lotharius sonne to Ludouicus Pius so destroyed and abolished with fire as he left no mention at all of a citie yet now it is very
well deserueth the title of the Royal or princely castle For it resembleth rather a city then a Castle filling vp so great a roome with the wals and buildings Of publique edifices the Church built by King Charles before mentioned and the Castle erected by K. Vladislaus late deceased are the most memorable And as Prage of all their Cities hath the preeminence so hath Elbe called by Tacitus renowmed and famous of all their riuers Howbeit concerning the fountaine of this riuer Tacitus writeth skarce soundly namely that it springeth in the region of the Hermonduri For it ariseth not among the Hermonduri but rather out of certaine Bohemian mountaines lying open to the North vpon the frontiers of Morauia which the ancient Bohemians call Cerconessi From which mountaines this riuer refresheth and watereth the greater and better part of Bohemia and then hauing augmented his streames by the influence of Vultawa Egra Satzawa Gitzera and Misa his neighbour-riuers continueth his course and name through Misnia and Saxonie to the maine Ocean being all that way enriched with abundance of Salmons But the smaller riuers and freshets of Bohemia yeeld in some places graines of gold and in others shell-fishes containing pearle Heere also you haue certaine hot bathes both pleasant and medicinable And all the whole countrie so aboundeth with graine as it affoordeth plenty to the neighbour-regions Wines there are no great store and those of the countrey so weake as they last but a very small time Howbeit they haue saffron of the best excelling both in colour smell and moisture three principall properties to chuse that commoditie by There are siluer-mines so exceeding rich that were it not for some small quantitie of flint that insinuates it selfe into the veine you should haue nothing but perfect siluer whereas in other countries those mines are esteemed of high price that hold a quarter or a fift part or at the vtmost one halfe of good siluer They find also plenty of gold-ore in certaine mines which take their name of a place called Giloua It is reported that the Kings of Bohemia haue had graines of pure gold brought from thence weighing tenne pound a piece Neither are they destitute of baser metall namely tinne lead copper and yron And sometimes they finde in those mineral rockes the carbuncle the Saphyre and the Amethist Next vnto their mines there is nothing of greater account to the Bohemians then their waters replenished with carps which I haue declared more at large in a peculiar booke treating of fish-pondes Now let vs decypher the disposition of the inhabitants In briefe therefore both in maners habit and stature of body the Bohemians resemble the Lion king of beasts vnder whose constillation they are subiect that is to say if you consider either the largenesse of their limbs their broad and mightie breastes their yellow shag-haire hanging ouer their shoulders the harshnesse of their voice their sparkling eies or their exceeding strength and courage The Lion carries a kind of contempt and disdainefull pride ouer other beastes and hardly shall you vanquish him if you assaile him by force Neither doth the Bohemian in this respect degenerate but soone shewes his contempt towards other nations both in word and deed and discouers his arrogancie both in his gate gesture and pompe Being set light by he growes impatient in any enterprize he is as bold as a Lion and most firme and constant till he hath brought it to execution but not without a touch of ambition and vaine glory Moreouer like a lion he is greedie of his meat and very curious in the dressing and seasoning thereof And their neighbours the Saxons haue taught them to carouse both day and night And by reason of their neighbourhood the Bohemians differ not much from the Germans in other qualities Hitherto Dubrauius by whom also the originall and ancient dwelling place of this nation is described They brew excellent ale in this countrey calling it Whiteale They speake the Sclauon tongue calling themselues Czecks and the Germans Niemecks Vnder the stile of this kingdome are also comprized the regions of Morauia Silesia and Lusatia Likewise in the yeare 1315. the city Egra became the warehouse or principall mart towne of the Bohemians Concerning the region it selfe you may read more largely in Aeneas Siluius and of the people in the first booke of Martinus Cromerus his Polonian story Vnto these you may adde Munster Rithaimer Crantzius in his description of Wandalia and Sabellicus En. 10. lib. 2. Panthaleon Candidus wrote of late seuen books entitled Bohemaidos Prage the head citie of this Kindome is peculiarly described by Georgius Handschius The Map it selfe we borowed out of the Table of Ioannes Crigingerus published at Prage 1568. The diuers appellations of certaine cities in this Kingdome we thought good here to put downe out of Munster For the names of all their cities are by the Bohemian pronounced after one maner and by the German after another Bohemian names German names These cities are immediatly subiect to the King Praha Prag Plzen Pilsen Budiciowize Budwis Kolim Coeln Cheb Eger Strzibre Misz Hora Kuttenberg Tabor Taber Zatetz Satz Litemierzitze Leitmiritz Launij Laun. Rockowinck Rakowinck Klattowy Glataw Beraim Bern. Most Bruck Hradetz Gretz Auscij Aust Myto Maut Dwuor Hoff. Laromiertz Iaromir Bohemian names German names These cities are subiect to the peers of the kingdome Dub Ath. Piela Wiswasser Gilowy Gilaw Krupka Graupen Loket Elbogen Hanzburg Hasenburg The riuer Albis is called by the Germans Elbe and by the Bohemians Labe. The Bohemians call the riuer Molta by the name of Vltawa REGNI BOHEMIAE DESCRIPTIO Bohemiae longitudo latitudoque peuè par nam retundam faciem ex circumiacientibus montibus accipit cuius diametrū trium dierum itinere expedito absoluitur quorū montium quae ad Septentrionalem plagā vergunt Sudetae appellantur ardui sane ac praecipites vbi Gabrita silua ingens extenditur qui montes cum alijs Danubio proximis vnde Albis fi se proripit in coronam cocunt quos vndique profundissima nemora latissimè occupant Hercinia enim silua vniuersā Bohemian compraehēit SILESIA JOhn Crato one of the Emperours counsellers and his principall Physician hath for the benefit of the studious in Geography out of his relations of Silesia imparted thus much vnto vs. That we may not be scrupulous about the name of the Silesians nor as some haue done deriue it from the Elysian fields we are out of ancient writers to vnderstand that the same region which they now possesse was formerly inhabited by the Quadi For Quad in the Saxon or old German tongue hath the same signification that Siletz hath in the Polonian or Sclauon For they were a people that resorted hither out of sundry places more addicted to warre than peace destroyers rather than builders and impatient of all superioritie The first King that bare rule ouer them was Boleslaus a Polacke He was borne in the yeere of our Lord 967. his
dignity did choose rather tyrannouslie to shew their force and power at home against their kinsfolke friends subiects and best men of all sorts then abroad against the publicke enemy and disturber of the state These men by all maner of vnlawfull meanes succeeding one another at last the Empire and managing of the common-wealth was onely in the hands of Tyrants and Vsurpers neither was there any man now that euer would once trouble himselfe to defend the same from the furious assault of the raging enemy and no maruell For euen the Empire it selfe and whatsoeuer did of right belong vnto the same was by the souldiers bought and sold for money or giuen for fauour and affection While all things stood thus in the Roman Empire ODOACER king of the Hunnes with a mighty army inuadeth the same and in all places wheresoeuer he became ouerthroweth and beateth downe the Romane forces and garrisons for at this time in the idle and dissolute souldiers there remained neither strength nor true fortitude AVGVSTVLVS the Emperour hearing of these newes being smitten into a great feare flieth and that he might the better escape vnknowen in the flight throweth off his imperiall robes and ornaments In the meane time Odoacer speedeth himselfe toward Rome besiegeth it taketh it and within a few daies after he was wholly and quietly possessed of it changeth the name of it and after his owne name caused it by proclamation to be called ODOACRIA but together with the ancient name this city leaueth the former beauty and lusture there is nothing now heere to be seene but miserable destruction and ruine This prosperous successe and easie inuasion of the city of Rome by Odoacer within foureteen yeares after giueth occasion to THEODORICVS king of the Gothes who was then in Thrace to attempt the same Therefore mustering his men with many thousands of Goths he entreth Italy driueth Odoacer out of Rome and again the second time neere to Verona setteth vpon him and putting him his forces to flight followeth him to Rauenna where he besiegeth him continually for the space of three yeares together but at length being forced to yeeld the city he was by him taken and put to death Neither did this satisfie frowning Fortune that Rome was thus once or twise taken sacked and consumed with fire except the LONGOBARDI Lombardes a strange and cruell people do also inuade Italy to deface and ouerthrow all things whatsoeuer the former enemies had left vntouched and standing All things are now deformed and cast downe whatsoeuer in former times were most beautifull and glorious the Romane citizen is compelled to forsake that ancient and famous title so long enioied by them and by meanes of this so irrecouerable a dammage the name of an Emperour was for euer banished out of Italy The case thus standing with the Romanes destitute of all helpe at home and in vaine expecting the same from the Greeks who for their Empire contented themselues only with Constantinople the Pope of Rome for defence of the Church was forced in this great distresse to entreat aid of Charles king of the Frankes who afterward was sirnamed CHARLES THE GREAT This good king pricked on forward with a godly zeale for the maintenance of Christian religion passing with a great army ouer the Alpes putteth the Lombards to flight taketh their king Desiderius with his wife and children vtterly ouerthroweth their kingdome and cleane extinguisheth that impious race The Pope obseruing his inuincible courage and his siugular loue that he bare to the Church and religion with the generall consent and admirable applause of all men in the yeare after Christs incarnation 801. crowneth him with the Imperiall diademe and giueth him the title of AVGVSTVS and GREAT EMPEROVR of the West This king was the first that of the Dutch was called Emperour and that translated that dignity from the Greekes vnto the Germanes He valiantly assailed the Hunnes and at last with continuall wars so afflicted them that they were neuer after able to gather head againe The Normanes Freises Danes Angles Saxons and others molesting the Empire he wonderfully vexed and weakened Hauing on all sides greatly enlarged his Empire and for the space of fowreteene yeares swaied the scepter quietly at home void of tumults and noise of warre he committed the gouernment of the same to his sonne Lewis sirnamed the Religious and ended his life at Aquisgran After the reigne of this Charles the digni y and title of the Empire remained not amongst the Germanes without continuall warres and bloudshed diuers kings coueting to annex the same to their crowne and nation by dint of sword assaied by all meanes to bring their purpose to passe To seat it amongst the French Charles the Bald spareth no cost ventureth life and limme and setteth all the world together by the eares yet the Germanes valiantly fighting for the Imperiall ti le and dignity do after many sore conflicts quite and cleane driue him out of Germany Lewis the Fourth most furiously setteth vpon Berengarius an vsurper lately proclaimed Emperour in Italy ouercommeth him in the field and forceth him to betake him to his heeles The Italians oft desired that this dignity once lost might againe be restored to them and no maruell seeing that euery nation doth account it a most honourable thing to haue the name of an Empire resident amongst them Yet maugre all externall spite this dignity for many ages together remained in the hands of the Germanes the Princes of this country manfully defending and preseruing it by force of armes from all iniuries and forren inuasions whatsoeuer Vntill at length the forenamed Princes foreseeing what was best for the state and good of the Empire did chuse for their Emperor Otto the Fourth the naturall sonne of Otto the Third a yong man brought vp at Rome had been somtime in the custody and tuition of Henry Duke of Bayern This Emperor perceiuing that it would not be an easie thing to appease and end the warres and controuersies that did arise about the election and choice of the Emperor except by some other meanes order this choice were made did therefore inuent a certaine order and maner of election whereby heereafter all cause of dissention and tumult was wholly taken from all men and by which for euer it might quietly be retained amongst the Germanes This order is heere expressed in this Mappe and is in effect thus much In the first ranke are the Seuen PRINCE ELECTOVRS and Officers of the sacred Romane Empire instituted by Otto the Third whereof the Three vpon the right hand are Ecclesiasticall persons or Churchmen to wit the ARCHBISHOP OF TRIER a city situate vpon the riuer Moselle chiefe Chancellour for the Empire in the kingdome of France The ARCHBISHOP OF COLEN vpon the Rhein Chiefe Chancellour in Italy and the ARCHBISHOP OF MENTZ Chiefe Chancellour in Germany The other Foure vpon the left hand are Secular or Lay men the First is the KING OF BOHEMIA
the Cup-bearer the Second is the COVNTY PALATINE of Rhein the Sewer the Third is the DVKE OF SAXONY the Sword-bearer the Fourth is the MARQVESSE OF BRANDENBVRG the Lord Great Chamberlaine to the Emperour In the Second ranke doe follow first the Foure Dukes of the Empire to wit the DVKE OF SVVITZERLAND the DVKE OF BRVNSVVICKE the DVKE OF BAYERN and the DVKE OF LOREIN Then vpon the left hand the Foure MARQVESSES videlicet the MARQVISSE OF MEISSEN the MARQVESSE OF MORAVV the MARQVESSE OF BADEN and the MARQVESSE OF BRANDENBVRG In the Third and last ranke do follow the Eight EARLES of the Empire whereof the LANDTGRAVE OF DVRINGEN the LANDGRAVE OF HESSEN the Earles of LVCHTENBVRG and of ALSATIA are Earles Prouinciall the other Foure MEIDENBVRG NVRVBERG RENECK and STOMEBVRG are Earles Marshall or of the field ORDINES SACRI ROMANI IMP AB OTTONE III INSTITVTI Of the FOVNDATION and ORDER of the GERMANE EMPIRE in the West THE SECOND MAPPE OTTO the Fourth or as some haue written OTTO the Third of whom wee haue spoken in the former Mappe vnderstanding that Gregory the Fifth Pope of Rome whom he had not long since promoted to that dignity was driuen out of his Sea and Crescentius a Consul or Alderman of Rome by the Romanes made Emperour passeth the Alpes with a great power furiously assaulteth Italy forceth the Romanes and any other cities that had stood out against him for the aduerse part to set open their gates and to yeeld themselues to his mercy Crescentius when he heard that the enemy was receiued into the city was exceedingly amazed and therefore betaketh himselfe with Pope Iohn the vsurper which he had promoted to that dignity vnto Adrians castle which not long before he had fortified and repaired for their last refuge and succour But being not able to sustaine the batterie and violent assaults which dayly the Emperours souldiers made against him at length yeeldeth the castle and himselfe to Otto who presently commandeth Crescentius the authour of this commotion to haue his eies put out his nose cut off and to be caried on horsebacke round about the towne with his face to the horsetaile This being done his iudgement was to haue his hands and feet to be cut off and at the townes end to be hanged vpon a paire of gallowes where before he was altogether dead the souldiers do pitifully wound and mangle him from top to toe Moreouer Pope Iohn the vsurper being displaced Gregory vpheld and maintained by Otto the Emperours authority climbeth vp againe into the Papall throne from which before he had most iniuriously by Crescentius beene expelled Then Gregory to requite the kindnesse of the Emperour and his Germanes and withall that he might sufficiently reuenge himselfe of the Romanes for the intolerable wrongs that they had done vnto him consulteth with the Emperour about a new law and forme of election of the Emperour to be made by the Princes of Germany that this choice might only and for euer remaine in their power and againe that they should alwaies choose one of their corporation or body as it were vnto that dignity which custome remaineth euen to these our daies duely kept and obserued By vertue of this their choice he is by and by vpon that their election to be called only CAESAR and KING OF THE ROMANES but hauing receiued the Imperiall diademe from the hands of the Pope he was euer after to beare the title of IMPERATOR AVGVSTVS But before these ordinances were published Otto calling together the Princes and States of Germany shewed them how confusedly and disorderly the choice and election of the Emperor had hitherto beene made and how many there haue beene which haue assaied by all meanes possible to preferre their friends and kinsfolke vnto that dignity which thing cannot but in continuance of time breed great dissention and danger to the Christian common-wealth and that it were therefore good that some of the Princes of Germanie were chosen which might haue the whole power and authority of this election and withall admonisheth them that the fewer there were of those Electours so much lesse the contention would be that should arise about the choice Moreouer he endeuoured to perswade them that these Electours might bee appointed and taken out of the Peeres and Officers of the Empire for that they of all other best knew what was good for the body and state of that kingdome and empire All men generally liking of that course and counsell by him proposed the Emperour and the Pope nominated vnto them first Three ecclesiasticall Princes bishops of Germany which they wished might be the Lord Chiefe Chancellours of the Empire to wit The bishop of Mentz for all matters in Germany The bishop of Colen for Italy The bishop of Trier for France To these they adioined Foure Secular Princes which should in all things aid the Emperour attend vpon his person and that should acknowledge him for their Lord and Monarch of the World viz. The Duke of Saxony Sword bearer to his Maiesty signifying that hee is the fountaine of Iustice The Marquesse of Brandenburgh Lord Great Chamberlaine The County Palatine of Rhein Sewer and The K ng of Bohemia Cup-bearer these were to attend vpon the Emperour and to gard his person By these the King of the Romans was chosen the Caesar or he that was next to be Emperour was appointed in their hands the whole right interest and authority of choosing that king resided lest any man heereafter as heeretofore had beene vsuall should challenge this dignity vnto himselfe as due by inheritance from his ancestours Charles the Fourth many yeares after this comprised this instrument or act into a bullion or tablet of gold which to this day is extant wherein hee explaned euery particular more expresly and significantly It is reported that this ordinance was decreed vpon and made in the yeare of Grace 1001 and did much discontent the Frenchmen who tooke it heinously as a great indignity offered vnto them Yet beside these there were then and afterward in succedent ages were made many and sundry other ordinances and decrees in the Romane Empire and diuers other Offices appointed and erected for the state and greater maiesty of the Empire For beside these seuen Electours there were appointed Foure Dukes Foure Marquesses Foure Landtgraues Foure Burggraues Foure Earles Foure Barons Foure Knights of the field Foure Cities Foure Villages and Foure Yeomen or Rusticks all which offices we haue expressed in their true characters in these two mappes appointed for that purpose only Notwithstanding other Emperours following not content with these constitutions and ordinances haue daiely made new Dukes and Earles yea and many that were but Earles before they haue aduanced to the title and honour of Dukes To these forenamed dignities that they might as much as was possible strengthen the state of the Empire they haue adioined certaine other new officers to wit these which follow Foure HIGH MARSHALS as