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A90952 An answer to Grifith Williams Lord Bishop of Ossorie his book, intituled, The great antichrist revealed, never yet discovered, and proved to be neither pope, nor Turk, nor any single person, nor any one monarch or tyrant in any polity. Pressick, George.; Williams, Gryffith, 1589?-1672. Great antichrist revealed, never yet discovered, and proved to be neither pope, nor Turk, nor any single person, nor any one monarch or tyrant in any polity. 1660 (1660) Wing P3294A; ESTC R182040 110,354 119

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Antichrist that changes Laws yea even the Law and Word of God utterly abolish the second commandement and making another Commandement into two assuming to himself an universal authority over all Churches as head thereof as if the whole state of the Church did hang so upon the Pope that if there were no Pope there were no Church or that if the Pope were not the Pope the Church were not the Church Page 27. He demands if they be rightly applyed Whether all Notes Acts Arguments and Testimonies of Scripture that are set down as marks of Antichrist are not all to be found in the long Parliament and Presbyterians c. And it is answered That they are not for the long Parliament and Presbyterians c. did never forbid Marriage nor 2ly they never commanded abstinence from Meat 3ly they did not exalt themselves above all that are called Gods as the Pope doth though they exalted themselves here yet not above other Emperors and Kings 4ly they did not delude with lying Miracles Signes and Wonders 5ly the key of the bottomlesse pit was not given to them to let out the Locusts 6ly they did not deny Jesus to be Christ in his three Offices of King Priest and Prophet 7ly they had not their seat and residing in the City built upon seven Hills or Mountains which reigneth over the Kings of the earth 8ly they could not properly be said to be the Beast that was and is not and yet is 9ly they were not the seventh head which John spake of saying five are fallen one is and the other is not yet come 10ly they are not the Beast that had the wound of a Sword and did live 11ly nor the Beast with seven Heads and ten Horns 12ly they did not shed the bloud of all the Saints and Martyrs as Revel 18.24 though I must needs say they shed too much but all these and many more are applycable to the Pope and cannot properly be applyed unto them That which the Apostle in the 2 Thes 2 calls a falling away or apostacy he perverts the Text and calls it a Rebellion and because he would excuse the Pope from being Antichrist where the Apostle speaks of an Apostacy before Antichrist should be revealed in his 34th page he saith We find no rebellion in the Church of Rome against their Governors but saith he the Leaders of the Church de●ive the Church and so her Apostacy is the more excusable and less abominable to God Observe here how he contradicts the truth and himself both for page 31. he speaks of the Heresies that was in the Church of Rome and he names the Nicolaitans the Ebionites Cerinthians Montanists Valentinians Arians Nestorians Eutyehians Pelagians Manicheans and Donatists and many others whom he saith rebelled against their Governors and here he saith there was no rebellion in the Church of Rome and I have in the former part of this book shewed that there was twenty times two Popes at once one rebelling against another and many times the pople rebelled and deposed one Pope and set up another Thus you see he shames not to write any thing so he might defend and excuse the Pope not to be Antichrist Besides take notice he saith The Leaders of the Church deceive the Church therefore their Apostacy is the more excusable I beseech you whether is the greater Apostacy of the Leaders of the people that should know the truth and teach others for them to apostatize and draw multitudes after them and for most part sin against the light of their own Consciences or for ignorant common people to apostatize and sin through ignorance is not the apostacy of the Governors of the Church the greater and doth the more mischief and leads the more astray and yet this Bishop saith the apostacy of the Governors of the Church is more excusable and lesse abominable in the sight of God It seems he thinks that God seeth as he seeth I will not say that this What less than Blasphemy and some other things we have spoken of are blasphemy against God and his Truth but I refer it to wise men to judge There is little more of account to take notice of until the 58th page where in a sort he contradicts himself in what was said last viz. that Governors apostacy are more excusable than others and here he tels us That the Church of Rome compelleth all men to submit unto her more with the Sword of the Magistrate than with Aarons Rod witnesse their cruelties to the poor Indians their massacres in France their inquisition in Spain and their unmerciful persecution in England in King Henry the 8th and Queen Marys dayes and the Gunpowder-treason and then he tels of the cruelty of the Arians against the Orthodox was more than barbarous they infected and afflicted the Church most grievously being armed with several weapons and he tels us that Novatus exceeded all the rest for he would neither give his Father bread when he was ready to starve nor bury his corps when he was dead he spurned his own Wife out of doors being with child and killed the child in her belly these are the Bishops own words but he saith above that 〈◊〉 prove it for as to 〈◊〉 growing 〈…〉 Apostacies are more excusable because they were guides of the Church Page 59. he saith The most learned of the Jesuits do confesse the Assirian Babylon to be the type and figure of the Italian Rome and is so understood by the Apostle 1 Pet. 5.13 The Church that is 〈◊〉 Babylon salute you I Answer If in this Text as is granted by Babylon Italian Rome is understood then we must in all those places in the Revelation where Babylon is spoken of understand Rome which if it be granted as the Bishop doth grant it here and saith that the most learned of the Jesuits do grant it then must Babylon which is Rome be the Seat and Throne of Antichrist which Rev. 1● 5 is called mistery great Babylon the mother of whoredom and abomination of the earth And Chap. 18.2 It is fallen it is fallen Babylon that great City the habitation of Devils and the hold of all foul spirits and a Cage of every unclean and hateful Bird for all Nations have drunk of the Wine of the wrath of her Fornication c. this notes out her utter ruine and destruction And this is Rome as Rev. 16.19 And that great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the Cup of the fierceness of his wrath Yet neverthelesse he hath said above that by Babylon is meant Rome so self willed and self-conceited is our Bishop that he flies off again page 61. and saith that what is said Rev. 17.18 cannot be understood of Rome without trope or figure for that it is said that in Babylon was found the blood of the Prophets and Saints and all that were slain upon Earth which cannot saith he be referred to any one City in the World but only
most barbarous cruel manner the space of 255 years and after them William the Conqueror slew of the English 66654 about the year 1264 was four bloudy battels in England between the King and his Barrons also between King Edward and the Scots was slain in two battels of the Scots besides English 57000 about the year 1295 and 1298. and was all this nothing with you was there none of your Orthodox Bishops in all these broils were they free from bloud and persecution What say you then to the Wars among the Popes and Emperors Pope Alexander the second and another Pope set up by the Emperor about the year 1062 they had two great Battels and many slain of both sides but the Pope brought it at last that he set his foot upon the Emperors neck an Pope Hildebrand by giving the Empire from the Emperor Henry to Rodolphus there was four bloudy Battels fought between their Armies and by means of Pope Pascalus there was two great Battels between Henry the 4. and his own Son in 1102. and about the year 1234 there was such Wars between Pope Gregory the 9. and the City of Rome that there was 30 thousand of the Cittizens slain in one battel and about the year 1251 the Sarazens slew of English French and other Nations 80 thousand also there was great War between the Pope and Fredrick the Emperor and in 1255 the Pope having Wars with the Apulians the Popes Army was utterly destroyed but only the Family of Marchisius in 1241 a great Army of Sythians invaded Europe in two places and at the same time an Army of five hundred thousand of Tartarians who spared neither sex nor age about the year 1409 King Henry the fourth of England wrote to Pope Gregory about the division between the two Popes which then had continued 29 years intimating to the Pope that he had received intelligence that there had been slain in the Wars between the two Popes two hundred and thirty thousand men and Pope Julius who died in the year 1513 it is related by Writers The Bishops mistake as to the Witnesses prophecying in Sackcloath that there was slain in his Wars two hundred thousand more and Sir is all these nothing with you that by the divisions of three or four Popes that four hundred and thirty thousand men should be slain besides all other Popes and Emperors Wars and these of your Orthodox Cloisterers c. and yet you are not ashamed to write and print that the Church was at this time at rest and free from any bloudy persecution for 1260 years together and could these murthers and slaughters banishment and riping of women with child as was in England c. be without persecution I could produce more the like if I were minded but I think here is enough to let others see your mistake if you will not see it your self I could add to this the burning and martyrdom of many hundred thousands more in England Scotland France Spain Germany Tholose Piedmond Waldensea Albe●ences and many other Countries in Alsatia one hundred ●artyred in one day for defending the truth and much more might be said to prove the direct contrary to what you 〈◊〉 said to be true namely that the 1260 years of the ●●●nesses prophecying in Sackcloath that it was a mournfull time of the persecutions of the true Church of Jesus Christ and not a time of freedom and liberty of the Churches enjoyment of the Ordinances of Jesus Christ in their purity and that with protection and defence against all their opposers as you pretend In the 24. page he compares the light that was held forth to the Church of Christ by the ministery of the 12 Apostles but to the light of 12 stars but after the year 382 spoken of before the ministery held forth by Hierom Ambrose Augustine Basil Gregory Nazianzen Epiphanius and Cirillus he saith was as the light of the Sun in the firmament I answer we need not now so much wonder at the corruption of the Church of Rome who equal their Mass with the Gospel of Christ and the Popes unwritten traditions with the Canons of the Scripture The Bishop saith the Ministery of the Apostles was 〈◊〉 the Stars and the ministery of the ●ncient Fathers as the Sun when our Bishop so much undervalues the doctrine and ministery of the Apostles who had an imediate call from God to their ministery and were guided by the Holy-Ghost in their ministery and what they writ was left unto us as the athentick Word of God for our istruction and testified by the Apostle Peter 2 Pet. 1.20 that it is not of any privat interpretation but holy men of God spake as they were endowed by the Holy-Ghost and yet that these servants of Jesus Christ that their ministery should be but compared to the light of the Stars and the ministery of Herom Ambrose c. should be compared to the light of the Sun so far exceeding the ministery of the Apostles as the light of the Sun exceeds the light of the Stars for that is the meaning it is such a Doctrine as I think was never taught by an English or Irish Bishop before that ever I read of nor I hope the like will never be taught again a man would think that upon a review of what he hath don he should own his mistake for if these be not mistakes I know not what is but I must correct my self and remember what he confesseth of himself before as to the freedom and liberty of the Orthodox Bishops in their cloisters and Monasteries the 126 years which he further speaks of in his 44. page and saith that the two Witnesses were furnished with a larger measure of Gospel-light to enlighten the Church being fled into the Wilderness from the face of the Dragon and to govern the Church in a far better manner than ever they did or could do before but this is strange if it could be so in their Sackcloa●● and mournful condition and he further saith that when Phocas the Traytor the murthering Emperor granted the pre heminency to Pope Boniface the third to be universal Bishop then the Sword of Satan he saith had neither edge strength nor abilitie to suppresse the Word of God nor to abate one jot of the power of the Witnesses but that the Church was freed from all fear and tyranny c. this I confesse is true understanding it of the Pope and Papist Church which I never knew any but Papists yet that ever took it in that sence as the Bishop doth for as is shewed above that time of the Church being in the Wildernesse was the time of the Churches affliction and persecution and Phocas granting that power to the Pope instead of blunting Satans Sword it sharpened his Sword and made it cut both waies so that he ceased not until he had gotten both Civil and Ecclesiastical Government into his hands and suppressed the Word of God as is shewed above
of Popes who doth exercise both Civil and Ecclesiastical power and jurisdiction and so is the eighth and yet one of the seven because of his double authority the Angel speaking of these seven Heads that five were fallen before John writ and one is which was the government of the Heathen Emperors that was the fixth he doth not say and the seventh is not yet come for that might have implyed that the seventh should have been a Civil Head only as the other six were but he saith and the other or another is not yet come implying that he should be another of a divers nature differing from all the former Kings for they only were Civil Governors but this seventh should be of a mixt kinde he should be both a Civil and an Ecclesiastical Governor in respect of which Ecclesiastical Government he is said to be the eighth and one of the seven as the Ecclesiastical and Civil Governments are both included in one person therefore the Christian Emperors cannot be understood to be the seventh head because their Government is only Civil therefore cannot properly be said to be the eighth and one of the seven neither had they their seat at Rome the seven hilled City where the former six Governed from all these Prophecies that I have touched upon and opened in a slender manner yet as well as I can I think it will evidently appear to the impartial Reader that the succession of Popes is the Beast and great Antichrist and Man of sin and Son of perdition that exalts himself above all that is called God c. and is the great Antichrist that was to come into the world much more might be said but I hasten to another business The ANSWER to part of Bishop Williams his Book called The great Antichrist revealed before this time never discovered By GEORGE PRESSICK IN the 6 first pages of his Book he endeavours to possess the Reader that the persecution in these late daies of the Long Parliament c. did exceed in cruelty the persecutions in King Henry the eighth and Queen Maries daies I answer and do confess that in reference to his Majesty both King Charles the first and King Charles the scond it did exceed the former for King Henry and Queen Mary were not persecuted but they were the chief causers of the persecutions but what he saith to the persecution of any others I think moderate men that are not oversway'd with prejudicate opinions they will say that the persecutions that was in these late daies was much inferiour to that in King Henry the eighth and Queen Mary's daies when the Bishop of Canterburie Bishop Ridley Bishop Hooper Bishop Latimer and Bishop Farrar of Saint Davids all five Bishops were burned to ashes also long time after their death the bones of Martin Bucer and Paulus Phagius were taken out of their Graves and burnt and the body of Peter Martyrs Wife taken out of her grave and baryed in a dunghil by Cardinal Poules order the year One thousand five hundred fifty seven bloudy Bonner himself in three years condemned three hundred Christians to the fire what was there then in all parts of the Kingdom it would amount to some thousands did ever any man before you except he were a Papist say as you affirm in your fourth page that these Bishops and other Martyrs in King Henry and Queen Mary's daies were used after a far better manner and were more justly proceeded against and more fairly handled and less cruelly dealt with than others were by the Long Parliament c. these it is true plundered and cast out of part of their estates but the others suffered flames of fire and their whole estates confiscate c. mistake me not I come not in the least to excuse them for it is granted they were too cruel but my aim is if you will not be made sensible of your own mistakes yet to endeavour to make others sensible of it because I would not have all nor any thing that you have written in excuse of the Pope the great enemy of God and of his Church to be believed for if you had not excused the Pope I had held my peace and should not have troubled my self nor others In the seventh and eight pages he saith that the prevalent faction of the Long Parliament did move him to settle his thoughts to search the Scriptures that foretold of the coming of the great Antichrist and to pray most earnestly night and day for the help of Gods grace and Spirit to guide him in the true understanding thereof and by reading the best Authors to help him in the same I answer I will not say much of what force his prayers might be but the Tree is known by the fruit and when men obtain the thing prayed for or somthing equivolent to it they have ground of comfort that their prayers are heard but as I said in the beginning som men are like Iohanan c. 42. of Ier. that resolv beforehand that thus and thus they will do and then they go and pray though they intend not to alter their Resolution for though he prayed to understand the meaning of such Texts by reaping the best Authors yet in his 24th page he says Mr. Mead Doctor Hamond the Magdeburgenses Calvin Beza and in another place the Author of the Revelation unrevealed and saith he found many good and probable arguments produced by them and Luther Iuneus Chytreus Tilenus Mouresius Powel Whitaker Tomson Brightman Downham and many others whom he saith do unanimously affirm Rev. 17.5 that Text mysterie that great Babilon the mother of Whoredom and Abomination of the earth is the same with 1 Pet. 5.13 the Church that is at Babylon and is interpreted-by the Ancient Fathers to signifie Rome as Papius Eusebius Tertullius Adversus Iudeus S. Hierom Augustin and divers others of late Writers Here you see the names of above twenty Authors and saith them and divers others besides that he hath read and finds many probable arguments from them all and prays that by reading of Authors he may be helped in his work yet observe the fruit of his Prayer for he saith he must crave leave to dissent from them and all others as he saith in the 43d page of the second part of his book and that you may know what his Opinion is and wherein he dissents from all men I will set down his own words in that place When saith he by the Wars of Alaricus The Bishops dissent from all other Authors and in what in the year 410. and of Attalas in 451 and Gensericus in 455. Heathenism and Idol-worship was fully destroyed in Rome and Christianity became victorious I desire the Reader to consider what truth can there be in what he here saith that Heathenism and Idol-worship was fully destroyed in Rome and Christianitie was victorious at this time when Rome was in the hands of bar barous Heathen Idolaters as the Goths Vandals and
that born and saith that Antiochus is the most lively type of Antichrist that is in all the Scriptures which he applies to the Parliament coming to this Kingdom I Answer first That if this Argument of his were of force we might easily prove the Pope to be Antichrist the Bishop himself confesseth Page 72. That many of the Popes came to their dignity by the destruction and ejection of other Popes The Bishops arguments prove the pope Antichrist Yea I have shewed that twenty times there were two Popes at once until one was overcome but the Popes got not their dignity only by the destruction of other Popes but by the destruction of Emperors and Kings Pope Gregory the 7th called Hildebrand because the Emperor Henry the 4th opposed him the Pope in his Emperial dignity which he claimed over Emperors and Kings sought his destruction and after twice excommunicating him and making him take a long Journey in frost and snow barefoot and stand three dayes and nights barefoot at the Popes gates to beg pardon while the Pope was playing with his Dallilah Pope Constantine deposed the Emperor Philipicus and caused his eyes to be put out Pope Zechary caused the Emperor to kisse his foot Pope Adrian deposed Deserius the Lombard King and took his kingdom to the patrimony of Peter was not Childrick King of France deposed by the Pope and Pipin his Servant set up in his place and Phocas murdered the Emperor his Master and made himself Emperor What murthers and deposing of Emperors and Kings did the Popes exercise untill they got the Temporal Imperial dignity into their hands as well as the Ecclesiastical by bloud and murther Histories are full to this purpose so that if this were a sufficient argument to discover who is the Antichrist it were an easie matter to prove the Pope to be the Antichrist 2ly I must tell you that many godly and able Divines takes Antiochus to be rather a type of the kingdom of the Turks than of Antichrist and Mr. Brightman saith upon the 11th of Daniel that many men are in doubt whether the things there spoken of belong to Antiochus or to some other King and saith that Calvin doth avouch that it can by no means be referred to Anticchus for how should he do what he list against God when the ships of Shittim limited him verse 30. we will not deny but as you say he was for a time one of the cruellest enemies to the Jewes that ever the Church had and a Blasphemer of God but that doth not prove him neither to be the fourth Beast to whom the ten horns belong nor the little horn that sprang up amongst them What is meant by the little Horn. for the fourth Beast is the fourth Monarchy which is the Roman Monarchy which Anti●chus had nothing to do with and the ten hornes in the seventh of Daniel and those ten hornes in Revelations 17. signifie 〈◊〉 and the same thing which is the Roman Monarchy onely 〈…〉 Daniel mentions another little horn that sprang up among the ten and which should be diverse from the first and therefore I think it may rather be referred to Antichrist the Pope who is diverse from all that were before him because of his double government and he sprang up among the ten hornes that is in the Roman Monarchies the which Antiochus did not and it is true in the Pope which you apply to Antiochus page 71. that he was at first but a very little Horn and had no right to the Kingdom and Jurisdiction and Authority that now he exerciseth for both his Civil and Eoclesiastical power is usurped but he grew up to such dignity that as Daniel saith verse 20. His looks were more stout then his Fellows for what Emperor or King was there in Europe but a few years since that he did not look over with such stoutnesse that he had them all at his beek none durst oppose him for he had a mouth that spake great things for he calls himself Universal Bishop and Christ's Vicar and Peter's Successor And speaks great words against the most High and wear out the Saints speaking presumptuously of his Apostolical Authority and power to forgive sins which is against the most High for none can forgive sins but God only I could inlarge my self much in these things but I strive for brevity Moreover this little Horn is to continue till the antient of dayes sit verse 9 11. I beheld because of the voice of the presumptuous words which the Horn spake and I beheld till the Beast was slain Here the Horn is called the Beast as Antichrist is in the Revelations by the antient of daies sitting I conceive is not meant the day of the last Judgment but the determined time appointed that God will judge Antichrist the Pope of Rome at the pouring forth of the fifth Vial upon the Throne of the Beast and that will when God shall put it into the heart of the ten Horns that is ten Kings belonging to that Monarchy or that did belong unto it which hitherto hath given their Kingdoms to the Beast that is their aid and assistance to maintain uphold the Pope in his Kingdom until the Word of God be fulfilled as Rev. 17.13 17. for v. 16. the ten horns are they that shall hate the whore c. for God is strong that judgeth her and so may well be made for the conversion of the Jewes for when the antient of daies shall fit and Judgment shall be given Dan. 7.22 in the Saints behalf and the time come saith the Text that the Saints possessed the Kingdom as verse 26 and 27. Judgment shall sit and they shall take away his Dominion that is Antichrist's the little horn to consume and destroy it unto the end that is it shall never recover again and the Kingdome and Dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdom under the whole Heavens shall be given to the Saints of the most High his Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all Dominions shall serve and obey him that Nation and Kingdom that will not serve the Lord shall perish yea those Nations shall be utterly wasted Isa 60.12 Take courage all ye that truly fear God for such a time is not far of it bastens greatly though to the outward appearance it seems contrary I believe every tittle of Gods word shall be fulfilled for as soon as that blasphemous Horn is cut off there will be a gathering of the Saints for these things belong to the little Horn which is Antichrist and not Antiochus for the effects of the little Horns working you see by Dan. 7. and Rev. 17. must continue untill Antichrist be destroyed I refer the consideration of this to the godly wise whether Antichrist or Antiochus be meant by the little Horn. Page 77. he saith That the tricks and fallacies of the Antichrist to get Proselites and Followers after him to effect his wickednesses are six-fold First A feigned
and dissembling sanctity to be well thought of by all men Secondly Smoothnesse of Language and fair speeches to gain love and favour Thirdly Wit and Eloquence to perswade men to aid and assist him Fourthly Large promises and great gifts to win them unto him Fifthly Signs and wonders all pretended to be done from God to draw men to a good belief of all his actions and if all these cannot serve the turn to make men become his Adherents and Assistants then Sixthly Terrors and Tortures shall do the deed Whence it is demanded if this six-fold Art was not most exquisite in the Presbyterians and the prevalent Faction of the Long Parliament And the Question is Answered and proved that these six Arts as you call them are more exquisitly to be found in Antichrist the Pope of Rome then they are to be found in these you name or any others in the World besides First Antichrists faigned and dissembling sanctity appears in making above fourscore holy daies in a year besides Sabbath daies which are kept and observed with no less reverence and devotion than the Lords day and also his faigned dissembling holy water Crosses Crucifixes Agnus Dei beads baptising of Bels consecrating of Altars Garments the corporal body of Christ the Chalice the Linnen to cover the Altar the Eucharistical the Sensor Incense the Chests or Coffers wherein the Saints bones are kept Crosses Images Easter Tapers Fonts First-fruits salt Church-yards all these things are consecrated and these are but a part of Antichrists faigned dissembling sanctity Secondly His smoothness of language and fair speeches appears in that he calls himself Christs Vicar and Peters Successor a Father to the Church and the people are his Children and bears his name Papists from the name Pope he tells them that he is the servant of all Christs servants which if he were so indeed as they believe him to be this were sufficient to make him to be as well thought on by all men as he is by all his followers Thirdly His wit and Eloquence to perswade men to aid him appears in his insinuating himself into the affections of Emperors and Kings and Clergy c. calling them his most honourable and obedient Sons as Pope Julius to the Synod of Constantinople salntes them thus In that your charity my most honourable Sons doth yield due reverence to the Apostolical Chair therein ye get unto your selves much reverence for although it belong unto us especially to sit at the Helm which we have taken upon us to govern in that holy Church where the holy Apostle sate as Doctor yet we acknowledge our selves unworthy of so great honour Theodor. Book 5. and 9. I think he shewed his wit and eloquence here to get aid and assistance to set him a step higher and also in the benediction and priviledges which he grants to his obedient Sons Fourthly His large promises and great gifts appears in that he promises the pardon of sins and the Kingdom of Heaven and such promises are of great force with those that believe that he hath power to do it for to win men unto him for he not only pardons what is past but if they please him well he will pardon sins for a great while to come and establish Emperors and Kings in their Kingdoms and if they displease him he can soon turn them out whether they belong to Church or State and set up others in their stead therefore it is no wonder if his promises and gifts gain men unto him and seek all waies and means to please him Fifthly His signs and wonders pretended to be done from God appears in this that whatsoever is done to confirm an errour may be said to be a fraudulent sign or miracle as to confirm their ●ransubstantiation it hath been said the Priest hath so ●●nningly ordered the matter that after consecration the wafer being pricked with a bodkin a drop of bloud hath appeared but we will set down the famous miracles of Pope Sylvester one is that by sacred Baptism he cured Constantine of a leprosie but this is a Romish lying fable to encrease the Popes authority for he was not baptised by Sylvester but by Eusebius at Nio●medea as Socratis 1. book chap. 26. His second miracle that he raised up a great Bull that was killed by Zambres a Jewish Sorcerer his third that he bound a Dragon after a miraculous manner saith Mr. Brightman in his confutation of Bellermin these are some of Antichrists signs and wonders I have spoken of many of them before and therefore shall passe it over here for Antichrists Church of Rome is known to exceed all the world for signs and wonders Sixthly If all these will not serve his turn then terrours and torments must do it and that appears first by his thundring excommunications as Pope Hildebrand said in an Epistle to the Germans that Henry the fourth was striken with a Thunderbolt when he was excomunicated by Hildebrand that which once was said of Nebuchadnezzer may not be unfitly applyed to Antichrist the Pope for his power was once extended so far that all Nations feared before him for whom he would he set up and whom he would he pulled down and Gentius King of Iliricum would not submit to this Tyrant until he was taken Prisoner to Rome with his Wife and Children did not Pope Alexander cause Henry the second to go barefoot with bleeding feet to Thomas Beckets Tomb at Canterbury for displeasing this Tyrant and did not Pope Innocent the third because King John would not submit to him at last so terrifie him that he made him kneell down to Pandolphus his Legat and kiss his foot and also to kiss Steven Langton Bishop of Canterbury his foot and Pope Innocent the second took th Dukedom of Sicily from the Emperor and made Roger King thereof and Pope Alexander made Fredrick the Emperor to fall flat upon the ground while the Pope trode upon his neck one might multiply examples of this nature to prove that what the Pope cannot do by other means to make men adhere unto him that he compels them by terrors and torments for to do it so that if these be infallible signs of the great Antichrist as Bishop Williams produceth them for that end but then it cannot be denyed that the Popes of Rome are the great Antichrist for they have exceeded all the Christian world in the exquisite practice of these six signs of the Antichrist which cannot so properly be applicable to the Long Parliament and Presbyterians c. nor to any one else in the world as to the Pope of Rome Page the 79. he saith the Apostle in calling Antichrist the Man of sin and not the Man of sins 2 Thes 2.3 gives us to understand and his meaning is that Antichrist should commit some singular and peculiar sin that should only and properly be the sin of the Antichrist and of none else and which he saith is not the sin against the Holy-Ghost nor
a Papist if they be Papists that live in Cloisters and Mo●●steris secluded as he saith from the world who did preach the true Faith and right Service of God and published our ●●●istian Religion in which word our Christian Religion includes himself for one of that Religion preached by the Cloisterers c. for the space of one thousand two hundred and fixty years free from any bloudy persecution for the profession of their faith which no Church in Europe was but the popish Church therefore seeing it is thus that we have now found him out what he is we need no longer wonder why he misapplyeth Scripture and forsaketh the opinion of all other Writers to find out a new Antichrist and to stickle so hard to excuse and defend the Pope And that it may clearly appear that he takes the Papist Church of Cloisterers c. to be the true Church and their Doctrine to be the Orthodox Doctrine and their Faith and Service of God to be the true Faith and right Service of God as in his 27. page so in the 7. page speaking of one of the Witnesses which he saith is these Orthodox Bishops and of the Witnesses prophecying in sackcloath 1260 years by his own interpretation he saith their prophecying in sackcloath doth signifie their conforming themselves unto the Doctrine that they preached not their mourning for the polution of the true Church which saith he during that time of 1260 years of their Prophecy was not poluted as Mr. Mead and others do suppose a strange interpretation differing from all men that ever I read or heard of that the true Church of Christ should be without any bloudy persecution and without any polution The Church saith the Bishop without trouble 1260 years for the space of 1260 years and yet the Witnesses of Christ to be all that time clothed in Sackcloath which is a mourning weed and did alwaies signifie that those that wore it were in a sad and low condition a deformed and mournful estate stripped of all their glory as those are that go in black mourn at Funerals whereas if the Bishop's interpretation of the glory and beauty of the Church had been true that it had been without trouble and without polution the Witnesses should rather have put on their glorious and beautiful garments and have rejoiced in the prosperity and glory and purity of the Church which he saith was without polution but the word of God tels us another story of the cause of the Witnesses wearing Sackcloath Revel 17.7 8 that the Beast that cometh out of the bottomless pit should make war against them and overcome them and kill them and their corps should lie in the street without burial c. and was this a time in which the Church was not poluted 〈◊〉 the Witnesses and faithful Worshippers persecuted wh● they must be slain and their bodies lie without burial I leave it to the godly-wise to judge how the Bishops interpretation can be true that is so contrary to the Scriptures And whereas he saith the true Church of God had rest and was freed from any bloudy persecution for the profession of the true Faith and right Service of God for 1260 years beginning the year 382 the quite contrary will appear to be most true for as ancient Histories do relate the Apostolical Protestant Religion Of the first planting the Gospel in England was settled in England in the later end of the reign of Tyberius the Emperor under whom Christ suffered Gildas saith that Joseph of Aramathea was sent by Phillip the Apostle into Brittain who here laid the foundatiou of Christian Religion Origin in his fourth homily on Ezechiel saith that the true Faith of Christ was in Brittain before Elutherius was Bishop of Rome which was about the year 180 after Christ Nicephorus in his second Book Chap. 40. saith that Simon Zelotes did also preach the Gospel in Britain by all which it doth appear that England received the Christian Faith long before Austin was sent hither by Gregory the great for he indeed sent him hither to settle Popery 600 years after Christ but not to settle the Gospel of Christ for that was settled before as doth appear in the beginning of this Book At a treaty between the Nobility of England and Hingist King of the Saxons about the year 460. where neither party was to have any weapons Hingist secretly ordered the matter his men had every one a long knife in his hose that upon the watchword given every man should kill him he talked with so that there was murthered that day upon the place of English Nobility some stories say 460 by the Saxons the King was taken prisoner for whose ransom London York Lincolne Winchester with other strong holds being granted the Saxons made havok of the English Nation destroyed the Citizens pulled down Churches killed the Pastors of the Churches burned the Books of holy Scriptures and all this and more to be done by Heathens upon Christians it seems is no bloudy persecution in Do●●or William's account the Church had free liberty c. saith he This persecution continued in Brittain for in the 〈◊〉 568 Ministers were driven out so that the Arch-Bishop London and York were both forced to fly into Wales but fore this there was eleven thousand Christian Virgins murthered there was about this time above two thousand Monks at the Abby of Bangor in Wales who were driven out of Brittain who all lived by the sweat of their brows and labour of their hands these men differed nothing from other ordinary men but only in strictness of life and were such as now are called Puritans or Round-heads for Augustine saith ●imative ●onks were such as now are called Puritans c. there was such as were called Monks that were but lay-men only led a more severe and strict kind of life than others in his Book De moribus Ecclesioe Chap. 13. also Hierom ad Heliodorum one thing saith he appertains to Monks another thing to them of the Clergy and in the 4. Canon of the Councel of Calcedon it is provided that Monks should not meddle with matters of the Church Sozomen saith in his 3. Book Chap. 16. speaking of Monks of that time which lived in Cities and had several Mansions and differed nothing from other men but that they were of a stricter life which since by their enemies have been called by other names as names of infamy as some in our time are called Puritans which if saith he taken in the right sense if they deserve it tends to their comfort and prayers Athanasius a man to be credited of all in his epistle de Dracontium saith that he knew both Monks and Bishops married men and had Children and such were the Protestant Monks of Bangor this is shewed more fully in the beginning of this Book About the year 833 the Danes invaded England spoiled Churches murthered Ministers with men women and children after a