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A50952 Miltons republican-letters or a collection of such as were written by command of the late Commonwealth of England from the year 1648 to the year 1659 / originally writ by the learned John Milton, secretary to those times ; and now translated into English by a wel-wisher of England's honour.; Literae pseudo-senatûs anglicani Cromwellii. English England and Wales. Council of State.; Milton, John, 1608-1674.; England and Wales. Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell); England and Wales. Lord Protector (1658-1659 : R. Cromwell) 1682 (1682) Wing M2176B; ESTC R42175 100,274 142

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a venetian who pretended a propriety to the said Good would by proxy appear in the admiralty Court of England where that differrence depended to prove the equity of his Claime Yet the said Piatt and one David Butt●… a dutch man have while this quarrell lay under the debate of our Court exposed the said John Dickons and the other Merchants to very much trouble touching the propriety of the said Camphire arresting their goods and effects at Venice the particulars of all which and the sum of all the proceedings hitherto acted in our Court are in these Letters of request more succinctly and largely contain'd Which after they were inspected into and perused by us we have thought fit to transmit to the most serene Rebublick of Venice presumeing that they might help the Merchants in this case earnestly praying that the said Letters carry not onely their owne force and weight but that the Merchants Goods thus arrested by ●…he meanes of the said Pat●…us and David Rutts be discharged and the said controversys remitted to the determination of our Court who are ready to decide by Law their Right to this Camphiré In doing wh ch your Highnesse and the most serene Republick will do an act that in it selfe is principally just worthy the untainted friendship of both Republicks and finally that shall be recompensed by this Republick upon any occasion that may offer of expressing their affection or good offices Dated at Whitehall Febr. 1652. Sealed and sign'd by the President of the Councell To the Spanish Embassadour Most excellent Sir THe Councill of State haveing in pursuance of a comand from the Parliament dated the 2. of March taken into their serious considederation your Excellency's memoriall presented to a Committee of this board the 17. of February wherein your Excellency has thought fit to propose a demand of an answer to be before hand given to the two heads therein expressed orderd your Excellency the following reply That the Parliament when they gave answer to such proposalls as were made by your Excellency upon your first audience as also in the contents of the letters sent the most serene King of Spaine declared at Large how gratefull acceptable that friendships and mutuall comerce offerd as well by the King himselfe as you in his name was and finally how much he stood disposed on his part towards the returning the like friendship and offices That Your Excellency being afterwards heard in Councill thought fit to propose thereto on the 19. of December old Stile a kind of a project tending to the fortifying of this alliance whereof you haveing then made an offer as if certain of their board were appointed to receive and debate such things as your Excellency had to propose and after deliberation had thereon to report their opinion of the advantage thereof forthwith to the Councill the matter might receive no damage by it They did to gratify your said Proposalls nominate certain of their Number to give your Excellency a meeting who haveing conv●…n'd pursuant thereto their said meeting instead of what were expected to be proposed amounted to noe more then the purport of the aforsai'd Memoriall to which the Councill directed the subsequent answer That considering the Parliaments declaration when your Excellency is gott over the fere going progresse we are ready to give your Excellency a meeting touching such Overtures as you shall have to make on behalfe of the King your Master in referrence as well to the alliance already made as a stricter to be enter d into or if there be any thing that may occur or we judge to move on behalfe of this Republic And when we come to particulars our Reply shall be meet and consistent Whitehall March 21. 1652. The Representatives of the Comonwealth of England to the most Serene Prince Frederick the 3. King of Denmarke greeting Most serene and potent King WE have by the conveyance of Henry Williamson Rosenwing of Lysaker a worthy person received and suitable to the merit of their proposalls freely perused your Majesty's letters dated the 21. of December last from your Court at Hasnia and desire that your Majesty woud rest assured that we retaine the same disposition of mind and the same affection to the continuance and preservation of the ancient correspondence comerce and friendship for so many yeares supported between England and Denmarke which we apprehend your Majesty to do knowing that albeit it has pleased God in favour of the Peace and tranquillity of this Nation to alter we hope to abetter the formerly establisht Form of this Government yet to continue imoveable the same correspondence maintain the same Intrest and recover its former vigour to the mutuall Trade and comerce which have been the Results of former Contracts and alliances between both Nations and by improveing those alliances all that may be to engage each other in an united and joint endeavour o●… perfecting and strengthering dayly more and more that friendshipp is what we understand to be our advantage And when it shall please your Majesty to pursue those Councells mention'd in your Royall Letters the Parliament will with all alacrity and sincerity be ready to embrace them and joyne all they can in any other contribution that may conduce to the promotion of such a designe and are therefore inclinable to believe your Majesty's resolutions in referrence to this common-wealth to be such it being also provided for in former contracts as may consistwi●…h that willingnesse mett with by your Majesty in us upon your 〈◊〉 proposall thereof The Parliament in the mean time wish your Majesty and subjects health and happinesse Dated at Westminster April Anno Domini 1662. Signed and sealed by the speaker directed there to by Authority of Parliament The Rèpresentatives of the Comon-wealth of England to the ●…llustrious and Noble Magistrates and Senators of the Hanseatick Cittys greeting THE Representatives of the Republick of England have received and perused your letters of the 16 of January last and conform●…ble to their Demands admitted into audience Leo ab Aisem your publick Minister who brought'em and withall represented the ●…nclination and affection your people bear this Republick praying withall and solliciting the future inviolable continuance of the ancient alliance now in being between us The Parliament therefore do for themselves 〈◊〉 and assert it to be amost gratefull thing to them to renew and ratify that friendship and correspondence which have formerly interceded between this Nation and those Co●…porations and their Readynesse upon all fit occasions to evidence their promises in their Performances expecting to be treated with suitable faithfulness and integrity by those their antient friends and confederates As to the other Branches more particularly comitted to and urged by your Resident no sooner were the same transmitted unto proposed and debated before the Councill of State but such an answer was resolved upon as seem'd to consist with equity and reason And which your Resident himselfe may remit
altho it seemes as we are inform'd to have happend some thing to the detriment of our people For certain of our Traders namely William and Daniel Williams with Edward Beale Merchants have by petition humbly represented unto us that a ship of theirs called the Great Prince employed for their account to Constantinople was there ptessed by the Grand Signeur's Ministers and employed to transport Provision and Soldiers to Crete in which constrain'd Service vvhile sailing vvas among others of the Turcks Fleet vvhich happend to engage vvith the Venetians taken carryed to Venice and by the Gourt of Admiralty there condemn'd to the use of the publicke As the said shipp therefore vvas contrary to the approvall and knowledge of her Owners forc't into the Turcks Service and that he cou'd not disintangle himselfe out of the 〈◊〉 being loaded with Soldiers we earnestly intreat Your Serenity to repeal out of regard to 〈◊〉 alliance the sentence of that admiralty Court and take care of the restitution of the said shipp haveing no way deserved ill of your Republick to her Owners The allowance of which we have no reason to dispair 〈◊〉 obtain atour request especially when we find the Merchants themselves entertain so good an opinion of your Clemency And therefore hartily recommend your great Councills and the affairs of Venice both by sea and Land to the happy guidance of God Almighty I am Westminster 1655. Your Serenity's and the Republick of Venice's very affectionately OLIVER Protector OLIVER Protector of the Comonwealah of England to the most Serene Prince Lewis King of France Most Serene King SAmuel Mico William Coran George Poyner with severall others of 〈◊〉 Merchants have shewed us by their humble petition that they in the year 1650. 〈◊〉 on board a certain shipp called the Unicorne a very considerable part of their Estates and that the same Shipp with her feight of raw silcks Oyles and other goods amounting by their Estimate to no lesse then four and thirty thousand pounds sterling was by two of your Men of Warr set upon and taken in the ●…ranea Sea that Our Subjects wou'd not out of regard to the peace that was then between the English and the french make any violent defence but referr to the maritime Laws as being induced thereto by the promisses of Paul Terrer the Comanders of the said Men of Warr who engaged to dismisse the shipp upon peruseall of her bills of loading That the said Merchants employd moreover sent into france an attorney to sollicit the restitution of the said ship and Goods where after the expence of three yeares and more when matters were brought to that maturity as that there was nothing 〈◊〉 to be done but to award sentence for restitution his Emenency Cardinall Mazarine owned unto Hugh Morelly their Attorny that the Merchants had wrong done 'em and undertooke that they shou'd have satisfaction done 'em as soone ever as the peace between both nations and the alliance then under Treaty was ended and ratified Yea his Excelleecy the Lord de Bordeaux your Majesties Embassadour has lately confirmed the same in express words pursuant to your Majesties comands seconded by those of the Councill and that the said shipp and Goods and the peculiar demurr under which they lay shoud be taken into consideration a part from those other controversys provided for the decision of by the generall Import of the Treaty Of which promise the said Embassadour him selfe who by good luck has repaired home upon occasions of his owne can bear Testimony Upon the allowance of such strong presumptions and that the Right of these Merchants in the repetition of their Goods lies so clear It 's our earnest request to your Majesty that they be put off no longer and that you woud be pleased at our Instance to render your compliance herewith the leading fruits of the Treaty lately revived and restablish't Which wee confide in the effect of wishing that the Omnipotent Great God may influence your selfe and Kingdome with all imaginable felicity Westminster December 1655. Your Majesties most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. To the Evangelicall Cantons of Svvitzerland THE account transmitted unto us from our Commissioners at Genova concerning your publick proceedings as well as the substance of your Letters of the 27. of December from Tigur sufficiently informe us in the posture of your affaires being none of the best we doubt wherein albeit we apprehend to our trouble that your peace so long continued collaterall alliance is dissolved into a Rupture yet nothing appearing applicable to your fault the Iniquity perversnesse of your Enemys may we doubt not furnish you with an opportunity of repeating your knowne disposition constancy to the Protestant Religion For the Swi●…zers who condemn for Traytors any who turne to our Religion what have they attempted what have their practises been to raise malitious spirits against the Orthodox Faith is a thing that can escape the knowledge of none who has not totally forgot that most unworthy Massacre comitted upon our Brethren at Piedmont Wherefore dearest Friends forget not your former wont rouse up in Gods Name yeeld not your Reights Friends your Liberty of Conscience and conscience it selfe to be trampled in the dirt under the heels of incroaching Idolatrous Prepare your selves therefore that you may not seeme to looke like Men who cared not how the World went so they themselves were well but such as reckon the sufferings of their Neighbours their Owne especially theirs of Piedmont help and comfort those most distressed People all you can Assureing your selves that your own sides were darted at and their deaths and blood made but an Inled of to reach you As for my part know that your safety and prosperity are no lesse the Subject of my care and trouble than if this Massacre had been executed within the Bowels of this Republick and as if the Switzers Axes and Drawen Swords as they truly are against all Protestants were ready to fall upon our own Necks No sooner had we therefore had an account of your condition the virulency of your Enemys but we presently entred into a strict consultation with persons of very great worth knowne piety and affection to the Church in order to the makeing such provision for your subsistence as the posture of our owne affairs at home cou'd bear and came to such a determination as you may know from our Comissary Mr Pell What I have to add is the continuance of our petitions to Almighty God that he wou'd be pleased to stand by and guide all your councills and take under his more particular conduct and defend by peace or warr which he thinkes most adviseable this your most just Cause Westminster January 1655. Yours c. most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England c. OLIVER P. of the Republick of England To the most Serene Prince Charles Gustavus by the Grace of God King of Sweedland Gothes and Vandalls
been found very easy and expedient and of a considerable advantage to your Highnesses and the other Provinces yet no part of the said settlement has been made good to this day altho sought with much sollicicitation So that he the said van den Brooke and la Maire being tired out with delays that affair lawfully descended to the said William Cooper our subject who out of a desire of receiveing the effects of his Father in Laws Industry applyed unto us by petition praying that we woud recomend this his Request to the consideration of your Mighty Highnesses which we thought unsit to de●…y ' him in Wherefore make it our friendly request to Your Mighty Highnesses that you would please to give a fair hearing to the petition of the said William Cooper and take care that the stipulated Reward of Industry and so just a stipend and for so many yeares past with a yearly 〈◊〉 fot the time to come be paid him Which as we doubt not of your Mighty Highnesses free allowance of as a just thing and worthy Your Bounty so we shall be on ou●… part ready to shew the like just disposition to your People in their Requests as often as we are in that nature applyed unto From our Court at Westminster September Anno Dom. 1656. I am your mighty Highnesses most affectionally OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince Lewis King of France Most serene King Friend and dearest Confederate IT is with violence to our inclination that so many complaints of ours against the injustice of your Subjects should happen to pursue the peace reestablish't vvith Your Majesty But as vve are confident that our sufferings are no vvay the effects of your consent so vve cannot be vvanting to the Complaints of our People It is evident that the Capture of the Ship Anthony of Deepe vvas lavvful prize if the Sentence of our Admiralty Court be consulted vvith vvhich says that her seisure happen'd before the Treaty vvas concluded Part of vvhich Prize to the number of about four thousand Hides more or lesse Robert Browne Merchant of London bought of those vvho had the overseeing of the publick sale Upon his sending selling ●…d calling for the price of about tvvo hundred of vvhich Hides from a certain Skinner at Deepe he complaines that the same vvas stopt and arrested in his Correspondents hands a quarrel fastend upon him so that he cannot attain to Justice in that Court Wherefore vve have thought fit to desire Your Majesty to cause the vvhole matter to be brought before your Council and that mony disengaged from that most u●…just restraint For if vvhat vvere comitted before the conclusion of the Peace shall be liable to be called into question and Judgment after its confirmation We do not see vvhat a Treaty can signify For there can be no end of quarrels of this kind if some severe punishment be not timely avvarded these frequent Peace-Breakers vvhich vve hope Your Majesty vvill take speedy care to see done Whom God honour vvith his most holy Def●…nce ●…om our P●…llace at Westminster September 1656. Your Majesty's most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene and Potent Prince John King of Portugall Most Serene King THe peace between this Republick and the Kingdome of Portugall being now transacted and all due provision and 〈◊〉 ●…ken of Trade Wee have thought it a thing 〈◊〉 and necessary to dispatch the bearer Thomas Maynard to your Majesty to act in your Kingdome as Consul to hear and determine matters of debate usually ariseing amongst Merchan●… But in regard it often f●…lls out that the nature of his employ may necess●…rily require 〈◊〉 to your Majesty relateing as well to the Intrest of this Nation as Trade in generall Wee desire your Majesty that as often as he has occasion of being h●…ar'd you will please to allow him the liberty of approaching to and being heard by your Maj●…sty which shall pass with us for an evident argument and singular Testimony of your esteeme of us That the omnipotent great God may in the mean time prosper all your Majestys undertakeings From our Court at Westminster October 1656. Your Majestie 's most affectionately OLIVER Protector of England c. To the King of Svveedland Most Serene a●…d Potent King ALbeit your Majesties wonted and naturall disposition to men of merit is such as to reckon all additionall comendations unecessary yet we coud not dismiss this worthy Gentleman Sir William Vavasor Knight a person of note in warlike discipline and now upon his Journey towards you with out accompaining him with the trouble of a letter to your Majesty Our freedome in the doing of which was prompted so much the mor●… when we were tould that much of his time blood has been spent in the pursuit of your service and in many battells fought on your behalfe So that the late Kings of Sweedland have in consideration of his warlike skill and true courage often exerted in warr settled Landsand annuall Pensions upon him Nor do we doubt but that he may be of future great use to your Majesty in the present Warrs as being faithfull and of knowne skill in Martiall discipline It is therefore but what he merits if we recomend him to your Majesty that the allowances granted him by them formerly be paid This we will take very kindly nor shall we upon any the like occasion that may offer grudge to gratify your M●…jesty whom we wish all hapy●… and prosperity unto From our Court at Westminster Octob. An. Dom. 1656. Your Majesties most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince John King of Portugall S. D. Most Serene King Friend and dearest Confederate Thomas Evans Skipper and one of the Subjects of this L●…d complains that haveing served the Brasile Company Annis 1649. and 1650 in a small vessell of his of about forty Tuns and whereof he was himselfe Master the said vessell with all her Freight and apparell was taken from him pursuant to a comand of your Majestys So that the damages done the man besides the loss of six yeares profit amounts according to the Report of the Commissioner appointed by the League to decide differrences on both sides to above seaven thousand pounds sterling or twice that number of Milreis of Portugall Which proveing such a great affliction to the a foresaid Thomas so as to be constrain'd to repair to Lisbon to recover his Right according to Tearms of the Treaty humbly prayed us that we vvoud gra●…t him our Letters to your Majesty Wee altho we did the last year writ on behalfe of those merchants cause in Comon to whom the Brasile Company is indebted yet that we may be wanting to none justly requireing our help pray that the consideration of our friendship
may be an inducement to your Majesty to take particular care of this mans case so direct your people that nothing may in your City stand in this mans way which may interrupt his demanding without delay recovering forthwith what ever the said Company or any others ●…an accountable to him in God incr●…se your Majesty in perpetuall felicity and render our friendship d●…eable From our Court at Westminster Octob. An. Dom. 1656. Your M●…jesties most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the Illustrious and Magnificent Citty of Hamburgh Noble Magnificent and worthy Gentlemen dearest Friends James and Patrick Hay Subjects of this Republick made us their heavy complaint setting forth that being the lavvsul heires to a third brother called Alexander vvho died intestate and so declared by a sentence of your Court pronounc'd thirteen yeares ago against his vviddovv avvarding the petitioners the Estate of their said Brother dedueting onely her portion coud not hither to either by by their ovvne solicitation or the interposition of the late King Charles vvho vvrit to that effect received he benefit of the said sentence That the purse and ●…ntrest of one Albert van Eisen a great Man among you in whose hands great part of this Estate lies are made use of to keepe them out of their Right who Acts all he can to prevent their Recepit thereof Being thus eluded sham'd oft with delays and at length reduced to great poverty and supplicateing that we woud not suffer them to sink under the oppression of a Corporation that 's our Friend And looking upon it as a principall branch of our Office to deny our assistance to none of our Subjects in cases wherein our help and protection are justly called for and applicable our Request to your Corporation shall not exceed what may be easily obtein'd and that is to give the said sentence its due force without suffering your Justice to be further suspended or the said Brethren exposed to any the like future delays whatever for we have consulted and accordingly herewith send you under Hand Sealed the opinion of our learn'd in the Law awarded here concerning their cause W●…erein if Intreatys cano●… doe the Laws of Nations must 〈◊〉 such other methods as we woud willingly avoid the pursuit of and which we are confident your prudence will invite you to prevent From our Court at Westminster Octob 16. A. D. 1656. Yours most affectionately OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene and Potent Prince Lewis King of France S. D. Most Serene and Potent King Friend and dearest Confederate OUr Letters of the 14. of the May last was twelve Month are we suppose come to Your Majesty's hands containing acomplaint made by John Dethick then Lord Mayor of the Cit●…y of London and William Wackfield Merchant who declared that a Ship of theirs called the John laden with their proper Goods to be transported to Ostend was snatched away from out of the River of Thames's mouth and carryed to Dunkirke by a cer●…ain Privateer Comissionated thereto by th●… Son of Charles Stuart That they pursuant to your Proclamations and Decrees of Councill prohibitting the admission into or s●…le of any Ship taken from t●…e Parliament of England in any of your Po●…ts praying Monsr l'Estrade Governour of that Gitty to comand the restitution of the said S●…ipp and Goods had an answer ●…o way truly suitable to the worth of a Gentleman nor such as would seem inclinable to shew obedience enough to his Kings comands namely that the King of France conferred that Governership upon him in Consideration of services in the Warrs moreover that he would take care to improve it all he coud right or wrong for sooth he did not seem to matter which As if your Majesty had bestowed this Governership and office upon him to robb his Neighbours vvith and Wipe his breech as it were with Edicts proclaimd in their favour If the King of France will be no more concern'd at injurys done us by our 〈◊〉 then b●…ly to forbidd his Subjects from abetting therein a Royall Governour has in his connivance thereat not onely violated and dispised a Royall prohibition in suffering us to be robbd and made a prey of before your doores but he himselfe is the Robber and made a prey of us and owned himsel●…e openly to be Author of the Fact T●…e Merchants therefore pu●…t off with this answer provoaked and eluded went away with a flea in their Eares Our letters of last yeares date carryed Your Majesty an account of this affair tho to as little purpose wee must confesse for we we have yet seen no answer thereto The reason why was we believe because that Governour attended about that time your army in Flanders he lives now at Paris or rather Rants up and downe Citty and Country loaded with the spoyles of our people unpunished This therefore brings your Majesty a Repetition of our said demands which concernes your Majesties owne Intrest principally to provide for that none dare to heighten the thing by adding the contempt of Royall Edicts to Injuries done his Neighbours This matter canot be properly referr'd or carried before the Deputys or Commissioners appointed to the decision of Controversys on both sides seeing it goes beyond the Right of Society Royall Authority and the reverence due to that name is struck at It is to be truly admired if Merchants will be more concerned at their sufferings then your Majesty at yours namely the diminution of your honour Which if you will not suffer you will at one stroake shew that it doth not repent you of any friendly office which those most friendly Edicts might have intended in favour of us and this Republick nor that you have connived at the sufferings of our people nor that you would not listen to our Demands I am in affection friendship and fellowship From our Court at Westminster An. Dom. 1656. Your Majesty's most affectionally OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England c OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene and Potent Prince Frederick the 3. King of Denmark Norway Vandalls and Gothes Duke of Slesvice Holsatia Stormaria and Dithmarsia Earle of Oldenburgh and Delmenhort c. S. D. Most Serene King Friend and dearest Confederate THis brings you an account of our Receipt of your Majesties Letters of the 16. of Frebuary from Hasnia brought by amost worthy Gentleman Simon de Perkinn your Embassadour here The peruseall of which and the very weight of their contents did so affect us that we did forthwith resolve upon sending unto your Majesty One furnished with such Instructions as should enable him to open unto Your Majesty at large our sense of this affair And altho we continue still under the same inclination yet we cou'd not hitherto fix upon one fit to be intrusted with a Matter
has exposed 'em to upon the account of their Religion Wee have also seen a copy of the Letter which your Embassadours sollicitours and other persons present at the late Peace at Pinaroll writ to the Duke of Savoy and the Praesident of his Councill wherein they shew evince that all the conditions of peace broke as soon as made tended ratherto amus impose upon the poore people then provide in any sense for their security The violation of which following upon the veryheeles of the grant of the peace is to this day continued their su●…ferings likely to grow worse If they do not submit patiently if they do not prostrate cast themselves downright to be kicked have the Dirt strained thrô their bodies forsake their Religion the same calamity still hang's over their heads the same Massacre which has raced afflicted them their wives children most lamentably but three yeares a goe is still in view which if they undergo again will destroy 'em stock and branch What will you have the Wretches doe on whose behalfe no prayers can prevaile no Ease can be had no Refuge yet open for they have to do with wild beasts and Furyes whom the memory of former slaughters canot call to the grace of Repentance nor pitty towards their Countrymen quench their Thirst of shedding inocent blood These things are not in plain Termes to be boarn vvith if we either bear any love to the safety of our Brethren so an●…ient adherers to the Orthodox Religion or if we tender the safety of Religion it selfe Wee have albeit at this great distance already done it shall not forbear our cordiall supplying of what we can either of help or subsistence towards their Reliefe You that are not onely within call of the Groanes clamours of your Brethren but also stand in the mouth of their Enemyes fury looke about you in the name of the Imortal God and see timelily what you ought to do on your part Advise with your owne prudence piety and courage and consider what you can or ought to contribut of help or protection towards the support of your perishing neighbours and Brethren You may certainly assure your selves that the very same Enemy woud for the very same reason being Religion rejoyce at your destruction too yea consume your confederates in the flames of an 〈◊〉 warr the very same time of the a●…oresaid year The power next to God seemes to remain in your hand of preventing the ultimat decay of the reformed Religion in the ashes of that remaining scantleing of antient fidelity vvhom if you novv neglect in the height of their distresse take care that the next Turne prove not your ovvne that in little time While vve are employing our selves in the promoteing of these persvvasions as Brethren and plaine Dealers they languish What vve can do at this great distance tovvards the purchase of the safety of the afflicted as vvell as easeing the vvant of the needy vve have and shall do all vve can God provide us both that tranquility and peace at home and put our affaires in such a conditiou of settlement as that vve may employ all our povver and strength and affection for the d●…fence of his Church against the fury and Rage of the Enemy Dated at Westminster May An. Dom. 1658. To his Eminency Cardinall Mazarine greeting Most Eminent Sir THe inclosed to his Royall Majesty as well as the other to your Eminency are the effects of the intollerable calamityes and most cruel Massacre lately exercised by the Duke of Savoy upon such of his Subjects as professe the Protestant Religion And albeit I canot judge so uncharitably as not to believe that to a most Glorious King such barbarous proceedings of destroying the Inocency and helpesnesse of people must imply much displeasure and offence yet I am of opinion that what I move about on behalfe of their condition which is miserable may not misse of your furtherance favour towards the procureing of its end ●…t being a very plain thing that nothing can goe further towards the establishing a good opinion of France in the harts of her Protestant neighbours abroad then to assert the grant of the Liberty and Priviledges settled upon 'em by the publick acts of former times And truly this was among other considerations a Maine One to induce this Republicke to engage in an Alliance and League with France Previous to the establishment of which his Majesties Embassadour has sollicitted here for a considerable time and things seem now to draw towards a conclusion The singular sincerity moderation which in the conduct of the considerable concernes of the Kingdome you have testified to the Protestants of France doth truly induce me to hope for and rely upon this and from which a bottome will be also laid by your Excellency ●…or the raiseing an alliance upon of stricter friendshipp between England and France and oblige me in particular to the makeing all imaginable Returnes of friendshipp and kindnes and woud have your Excellency think soe Your Eminency's most affectionately OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene and Potent Prince Lewis King of France Most Serene and Potent King Friend and August Confederat ALbeit the affability of his society coud scarce suffer me to give way to the departure of Thomas Vicount Falkonbridge my Son in Law who bent upon a present Visit into France desired to beenabled to testify the duty and reuerence he beares your Majesty by haveing a view of and kissing your Royall hand yet I did not thinke fit to baulke or withstand his said purpose or decline his request When I canot doubt but that upon his Returne after little time from the Court of so great a King where the conversation of so many very prudent and valiant men is to be had he may come back better instructed and as it were perfected in all manner of good accomplishments And albeit he is if I mistake not one who carries his owne Recomendation wherever he goes yet if he finds himselfe the more so upon my account I shall reckon the favour done my selfe God preserve your Majestys safety and long continue our friendshipp steddy for the Comon Good of all Europe Dated at our Court at Westminster May An. Dom. 1651. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To His Eminency Cardinall Mazarine Most eminent Lord. HAveing recomended Thomas Vicount Falconbridge my Son in Law now bound for France to the most Serene King I coud not decline ●…omunicateing the knowledge thereof with a repetition of the like trouble to your Excellency as being unignorant of the weight and moment the same May be of to the former one The benefit which he proposes to himselfe from his stay among you and he hopes this may be no small one he canot but own the most part of to your favour and kindnesse whose Judgment and vigilance alone beare so great a share
in the Goverment of that Kingdome What ever kindness your Eminency will please to shew him reckon it to my account who shall add it to the ma●… other Instanc●…s of friendshipp which you have been curteously and amicably concern'd in upon my account Dated at Westminster May An. Dom. 1658. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To His Eminency Cardinall Mazarine Most Eminent Lord. HAveing sent a very worthy Gentleman Thomas Bellasis Vicount Faulcounbridge my Son in Law to compliment the most Serene King upon his arrivall at Dunkirke I comanded him to attend upon and salute your Eminency in my name and thanke you as the person to whose fidelity prudence and vigilance alone the affaires 〈◊〉 France in divers places and in the neighbour hood of flanders more especially ovv their prosperity against the 〈◊〉 Enemy the Spaniard whom I hope open prepared force may soon bring to a Reckoning for his fraudulent underhand dealings wherein consisted much of his defence Towards the speedy promotion of which our Prayer and Pikes shall not as farr a●… we are able be wanting Dated at Court at Westminster An Dom. 1658. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c To the most Serene aud Potent Prince Lewis King of France Most Serene and Potent King Friend and August Confederate AS soone ever as I had an account of Your Majestys comeing into the field and with such a force to lay a siege to Dunkirke that infamous Recess for Theeves I grew much affected thereat and began to entertain sure apprehensions that little time might with Gods assistance render the sea more navigable and less inflected with Rovers th●…n it has hitherto been that Your Majesty woud bring the fraudulent Spaniards to an account for Hesden and Ostend being both the purchase of corruption and Bribery by w●…ning that with your sword which was Iost thrô the treachery of ill servants I therefore send Thomas Vicount Falkonbridge my Son in Law and a very worthy person to bidd you and the approach of your Camp so neeer welcome and to let you know personally how ready are not onely our wis●…es but also our united strength to testify the affection we bear to t●…e good successe of your conq●…ests and our supplications to the Almighty Great God for your safety and the long continuance thereof for the comon good of Christendom and the friendshipp wherein we are now engaged Dated at Westminster May An. Dom. 1658. To the most Serene Prince Ferdinando Great Duke os Toskany Most Serene Great Duke THe Purport of all your Highness s former letters haveing invited us into a dependance upon the sincerity of the disposition you bo●…r us Wee are troubled to find that the same has been so obscurely signified unto ●…our Governours and publicke Ministers or soe ill understood as that in the port of Livorne where your good Inclinations towards us ought most to be knowne we canot receive the benefit or Eflect thereof but the contrary rather from the Tryalls which we are forced to contend dayly vvith of animosities and strangness Wee seem to have more then knovvne the unfriendlynesse vvith vvhich those of Livo●…ne lately treated our Fleet how little help or supply it cou'd receive and fin●…lly with what hostility entertained and how it was forc't ●…o quit that Port as the Testimony of several credible wiltnesses belonging to that place makes appear as well as that of the Comander in chiefe of the Fleet whom as we have intrusted therewith we canot den●… beliefe unto in this point Upon his first arrival the delivery of our Letters to Your Highnessse about the Calends of 〈◊〉 your Promises of all Friendship and good Offices passed to our Men were very large When praying the liberty of makeing use of the conveniency of Port Ferara the following Reply was given that the same cou'd not be granted least the King of Spaine our Enemy shoud be offended at it forsooth And yet what is it that a friendly Prince is more usual in the grant of to his Neighbours then the liberty of his Port and shore What is it that we can propose of advantage from such a Friendship which rather then offend our Enemys shall be found ready er to incomode then act the contrary or supply us in the least of our necessities And more particularly that out of every of our Ships there were not above two or three suffer'd to goe a shore and that conditionally too videlicet Praticque That as soone ever as the Towne understood and had notice of our haveing intercepted a Dutch Vessel design'd for Sapine with a supply of Corne there was present admittance Mr Longland President to our Factory there was denyed the Liberty of going a board our Fleet Fresh Water which is a comodity free for the use of all Nations that are not dovvne right Enemys vve cou'd not obtaine but at an ext●…aordinary price and that under the difficulty of a Guard too So many of our Merchants vvhose Residence there is of no small advantage to your Country are forbid to visit or help their Countrymen vvith any thing Upon the approach of our Fleet about the latter end of March last none were suffer'd to go a shore Five days a●…ter vvhen by chance one of our Men of vvarr ●…ell fo vvl of a little inconsiderable Boat belonging to the States of Venice and tooke her your City tooke it in such a Dudgeon I warrant you as to have accosted us vvith tvvo hundred Guns or thereabouts tho vvithout damage vvhat ever they intended Which argues how farr into the sea from the reach of your Castle and the privilege of your Port these things were comitted which you woud causlely pretend to be an incroachment upon the priviledge of 〈◊〉 port For presently our Waterboates then a shore vvere set upon before your doores one taken detained and vvhen demanded that vvithout restitution of the said Naple's boot notwitstanding the justifiableness of her capture considering vvhere it happen'd nor men 〈◊〉 boate were to be parted with so that our People were 〈◊〉 at last to rest contended under their losses and pack away without carrying along what they so dearly paid for If all these things were as we hope they were committed without the consent or comand of Your Highnesse we desire that you shew it in the punishment of that Governour who made so slight a matter of 〈◊〉 ●…is masters 〈◊〉 But if otherwise and that you were privy to it thinke that as we alwayes valued your friendship at an extraordinary Rate so we have learn'd the lesson of distinguishing between kindnesses and open Injuries Iam. c. Dated at our Court at Westminster May An. Dom. 16●…8 Your Friend as far as I may OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene and potent Prince L●…vis King of France Most Serene and potent King Friend and august Confederate THE double amends made
me by the quickness by Your Majesty 's so Illustrious an Embassy as it has testified your singular goodness and Grandeur of mind so it has laid open not onely to me but all England also the height of the regard you bear to my honour and dignity For which I do in theirs and my ovvne name render a●… I ought you very great thanks I wish you Joy of that signall victory which God and our aid has blessed you with over your Enemy and looke upon it as a thing of utmost acceptance to us to find that our people have not in that battle been wanting to your help the warlike Glory of their Ancessors nor their owne former valour As to Dunkirk and the hopes your write to be under of haveing it soone surrendered it adds to my content to be able to take notice in writeing so soone of its capture Hopeing vvithall that the double fraud of the Spaniard may be punished beyond the loss of a single Citty that the takeing of another Citty may furnish your Majesty with an occasion of being as quick in your Reply hereto concerning the takeing of another As to what you add of your Intentions towards my concernes that is a thing I no was distrust as haveing the word of so good a King confirmed by so worthy a Noble ma●… as Captain Crequi's your Envoy for it And do wish that the Almighty High God may endow your Majesty and the Affaires of France with prosperity both at home and abroad Dated at Westminster Jun. An. Dom. 1685. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To his Eminency Cardinall Mazarine Most Eminent Sir IN the comunication of my acnowledgments to the most Serene King by Letter who to give me the honour of a salute and an account of his late most noble victory d●…spatcht hither a most splendid Embassy I shoud own the guilt of Ingratitude if I failed in 〈◊〉 your Eminency mutuall payment of my acknowledgment in the same Met●…od who to testify your good disposition towards me and st●…dy of doing me all the honour lying within your power have sent your nephew a ve●…y worthy exquisit Gentleman adding that if you had a neerer relation or whom you esteem'd more you would not fail of ●…aveing sent him to choose To which consideration adding also that the comei●…g under the approveal of the judgment of so 〈◊〉 a man is a thing which I deeme for no small honour or ornament unto me namely that the nearest of your relations shoud in the payment of their resp●…cts and kindnes to me follow the patterne of your Excellency They may its probable looke upon this example of your worthynes Candor and friendshipp in loveing of me as none o the least others they may find in you which for great vertue and prudence are farr fitter to be imitated as leading to the knowledge o●… Governing and managei●…g the Reins of State affaires Your Eminencie's long and happy conduct of which the comon Good of the Kingdome of France the intire Christian Republick and your owne reputation are instances vvhich vve vvish all happyness unto From our Court of Westminster June An. Dom. 16●…8 Your Eminency's most affectionately OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene and Potent Prince Charles Gustavus King of Sweedland c. Most Ssrene and Potent King Friend and dearest Confed●…rate AS often as the councels and various artifices of the comon Enemy of Religion come under our deliberation soe often do vvee enter into a consultation vvith our selves and calculate hovv necessary and hovv conduceing to the future vvelfare of the Chri●…ian vvorld it vvoud be if the Protestant Princes did among themselves and more especially your Majesty and this Republick engage in a very strict alliance in order to the easy disappointing of the projects of the adversary The subject of our conversation vvith your Embassadours ever since first they came hither to treat about this busynesse has evidenc'd unto'em hovv ear●…estly and painfully have our vvishes been and withall hovv much it vvoud have ansvverd our aime if ours and the Concernes of Sweedland were putt into such a condition and posture as that the said alliance might be settled under such an establishment as might answer both partys expecta tions equally and enable'em to be in a capacity of supplying each other with timely help upon any emergent occasion Nor were they wanting on their parts who exercised that prudence and dilligence in this which they usually observed in all the rest of their sollicitations But we have been soe taken up in looking a●…ter the Treachery of some insolent people at home who tho often forgiven yet imbark upon new attempts and desist not in conjunction of Rebells and those Spaniards too to venture upon Resolutions wherein they were often shaken defeated that employed in removeing of Domestick dangers we coud not hitherto apply that care which vve wished we might or intire help to the comon defence of Religion Yet what we coud have done we have as farr as we were able carefully perform'd before and if vve are apprehended capable of conduceing Ought that may be thought of future service to Your Majesties affaires vve shall be not onely vvilling but also ready to joyne vvith you to the utmost upon any occasion in the promotion of it Wee do in the mean time congratulate and from our hearts vvish you Joy in your most prudently and resolutely managed enterprizes and continue our constant prayers to God that he vvoud be pleased to enable your course of felicity and victory to be permanent to the service of his Glory Dated at our Court at Westminster June An. Dom. 1658. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince the King of Portugal Most Serene King Friend and Confederate JOhn Buffield of London Marchant complains of his haveing deliver'd in the Year 1649. certain Comodities to Antony Jones Manuel Ferdinand ●…astaneo of Tamarin to be by them disposed of by sale and to be accordi●…g to the custome among 〈◊〉 accounted for with him That Fallin●… in his way to England into the hands of Pirats and sufficiently damaged the said Anthony and Manuel upon an account had thereof and beleeveing that he was dead looked upon the said Goods as their owne and accordingly retaine 'em hitherto denying to come to any account for 'em And subsequent to this fraud exposed the said English Goods to open sale the better to paliate their designe Of his being himselfe forc't at length to repair in the depth of last Winter to Portugal to challenge his owne but in vaine for that he cou'd not prevaile with these Persons to returne him either Goods or Money But found them which is to be wondered at justifying the private possession of these Goods with the pretence of their being the result of a publick sale Being a stranger and haveing to do with a People in their owne C●…untry which
is worse he appealed to Your Majesty and humbly petitiond for his Judgement who is appointed to the decision of differences relating to the English but was sent back again by Your Majesty to that Court that had rejected him Which albeit it is in it selfe an act full of iujustice yet in regard it is apparent that these Tamiran Merchants have incroached upon the reputation of that publick Edict of yours in perverting its intent to serve their owne fraudulent Ends It is our earnest request to Your Majesty that the cause of these Persons whose afflictions are manifold thro the poverty which they are reduced unto be wholly referr'd as the effect of your Clemency to the Determination of the proper Judge Whereby the unfortuna●…e may rescue the remainder of theirfortunes out of the hands of such a perfidious society which the thing being apparent and clear we doubt not of Your Majesties concurring with us in Dated at our Court at Westminster August A. D. 1658. To the most Serene Prince Leopald Arch Duke of Austria Praesident to Philip King of Spaine now in Flanders Most Serene Sir CHarles Harbert Knt Petitioned unto us that haveing directed the transportation of some certain Goods and other houshold stuff out of Holland into Bruges within your Jurisdiction to prevent their being taken from him by forme of injustice is unexpectedly fallen into the hasard of looseing the same Videlicet by the means of the Earle o●… Suffolcke for whom the P●…titioner being engaged for the Payment of considerable Sumes of Money and haveing in the Year 1643. sent out of England the said Goods as a security to the Petitione●… to answer any de●…and which might be made upon him upon the account of the said obligation Richard Greenwill one of the order of Knihthood also broke in into the place where they were laid up seized and keepes'em in violation of the Termes under which they came into the 〈◊〉 possession Under this pretence of Right onely that there remain'd due ●…o 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 know not what from Theophilus ●…arle of Suffolcke deceased by vertue of a decree of our Court of Chancry and th●…t those Goods as bein●… the said E●…rles were Subject to the said decree and therefore ar●…ested them Whereas according to our Lawes the said Earle who now is and whose Goods these are nor is obliged b●… that decree nor oug●…t ●…is Goods to be liable to seisure or restraint upon it's score as appeares by the Sentence of the said Court herewi●… sent you at the request of the said Charles Harbert We pray your Highnsse to see the said Goods forthwith discharged from all restraint as well as from the unjust action of the said Richard Greenwill in regard it is a thing soe plainly contrary to the Lawes and practice of Nations to give way to the legality of an action in another Land which in the Land where the cause of the action originally arose canot be lawfully allowed of The Consideration of Justice it selfe and the reputation which you have abroad of an upright man has induced us to recomend this cause to your Highnesse Which if it falls out at any time that the Right or Concernes of your Sub●…ects come under debate with us in this kind assure your sel●…e of finding u●… 〈◊〉 way slack but rather very r●…dy to serve you upon all occasions Westminster Your Highness's most affectionately OLIVER 〈◊〉 of the Republick of England c To t●… High Court of Parliament at Paris WEe the Commiss●…yes of the great Seale of England make it our request ●…o the hig●… Court of Parliament at Paris that it woud be intreated ●…o s●…e care taken that Miles William and Mary Sandys Children of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Ellsabeth soame his wife lately dece●…sed English Natives and under age be at Liberty forthwith to repaire to us hither from Pa●…is where they now remaine under the Tuition Guarranty of the said Court comitting them to the care of James Mowath a Scoth man and a person of integrity and uprightnesse to whom we have assign'd this trouble of takeing them thence and bringing of 'em hither engageing that upon any the like occasion or demand the like Right and Justice shall be by this Court administred in favour of any of the Subjects of France LETTERS Written in the Name of RICHARD CROMWEL Protector Upon the death of OLIVER his Father RICHARD Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene and Potent Prince Lewis King of France Most Serene aud potent King Friend and Confederate WHereas my most Serene Father of Glorious memory Oliver Protector of the Comonwealth of England haveing pursuant to the will of Almighty God departed this li●…e the 3. of this instant September I declared his l●…wfull Successor in the administration of this Goverment coud not decline not without very great griefe and troubie I must confesse the giveing timely account of a matter of that importance to Your Majesty who I am confident ca●…t considering your friendly disposition as well towards him as this Republick conceive any pl●… at this so sudden an account of his death It is now become my w●…ke to invite Your Majesty into such apprehensions of me as are fitt to be entertain'd of one who hath nothing more in his thoughts then a f●…hfull and constant inclination to the support of that Society and amity which my iaid most Glorious Father and Your Majesty were concern'd in with each other and with the same study and affection maintaine and observe the alliances Resolutions and Intelligencie wherein he was engaged with you It is my purpose to continue to our Embassadour there the powe●… formerly lodged with him What ever he offers you in our name accept thereof I pray as if tender'd you by our selfe That that remains is to tell you that I wish you all happynes D●…ted at our Court at Westminster 5. September 1658. To his Eminency Cardinall Mazarine Most Eminent Sir ALtho nothing coud fall out more to my trouble then to have an occasion given me of writeing concerning the death of my most Serene and Famous Father and considering the mutuall esteem which fl●…wed between your Eminency and him and that I do not question but t●…at the death of so faithfull and constant a friend must affect one so much concern'd in the Government of France as your Eminency is I have judged it very materiall to accompany the account I sent o●… this m●…st fatall bus●…nesse to the King wit●… a Letter to you and withall to act that that is just in assureing you of a most sacred per●…ormance of all those things by me which my father of most Serene memory has been by agreement obliged to y●…u to ●…eepe and performe and take care that tho you may justly lament the l●…sse of one so much your friend and admi●…er you may not misse him as farr forth as may concern the preservation of his promise to you To the performance of which on your part also
your Subjects to discharge the said ships without the least delay of time God preserve your Majesty long to the service of his owne glory and the Protection of the Orthodox Church Dated at our Court at Westminster Jan. 27. Ann●… Dom. 1658. RICHARD Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the high and mighty Lords the States of West Friesland S. D. High and mighty Lords Friends and dearest Confederates Mary Grindar Widdow has in her petition to me made a great complaint against one Thomas Killig rue now a soldier in your service who to escape the paying of a considerable sum of mony due from him to the petitioner for about eighteen yeares or being brought to any account either with her or her atturney by Law or other tendency to a satisfaction is said to have petition'd your Highnesses that he might not be prosecuted by Law upon the score of any debt contracted in England But if I let your Highnesses see this onely that shee is a widdow poore a mother of many small Children whose entire support almost this man seemes to endeavour to divert I shall keepe farr from thinking that I need the use of many arguments with you who are too wel acquainted with Gods Comands especially on behalfe of widdowes and Orphanes against oppression as to imagine your giveing way to the grant of such a fraudulent priviledge which I am confident you will never allow of Dated from our Court at Westminster January 27. 1658. RICHARD Protector of the Republ. of England c To the most Serene and Potent Prince Lewis King of France Most Serene and Potent King Friend and august Confed●…rate WEe have not without griefe had and account of some unworthy interruption given by some ill minded Persons to the Protestants while in the exercise of their devotion in Province to that degree that when complaint was made thereof to the Magistrates at Gratianopoli whom it lawfully concern'd they condemn'd the thing as worthy of a severe reproofe And that the Neighbouring Clergy did thereupon prevaile with your Majesty to remit the whole matter to the Judgment of your Royall Councill at Paris W●…o haveing done nothing hitherto 〈◊〉 Churches there the Protestants more 〈◊〉 conot peaceably 〈◊〉 to the exercise of their devotion Let my earnest desires therefore prevaile with Your Majesty first that they whose prayers sacrificed for your 〈◊〉 and the prosperity of your Kingdome were not rejected their publick meetings to pray be not prohibitted Next that the Disturber of Gods peace be pursuant to their judgment to whom alone belongs the law●…ll and usual cognisance of such Cases at Gratianopoli accounted with Long and peaceable may God render Your Majestys days And that if these our desires prove acceptable and judged by you of service to God you declare them as such by removeing that prohibition from off the Protestants Churchs and laying a speedy injunction to have the same repealed Dated at Westminster February 18. An. 1658. To his Eminency Cardinall Mazarine Most Eminent Mr Cardinall THe most illustrious Lady Richmond widdow of the Duke of Richmond lately deceased designes with her yong son to visit and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 small stay in France My earnest request therefore to Your Eminency is that if they chance to need in any instance you●… 〈◊〉 favour o●… help as strangers you woud please to exercise that regard to their quality consisting with your wont in instances of extraordinary comendations So as to let them see that as farr as the usuall dispensation of your curtesys to all persons coud be render'd more then ordinary our Letters were able to do it and rest assured in this that if an●… comendation from your Eminency doe seem to call for any thing of this kind at my hands my allowance thereof may be noe less depended upon Westminster February 29. 1658. RICHARD Protector of the Repub. of England c To the most Serene and potent Prince 〈◊〉 King of Portugall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Potent King Friend and 〈◊〉 ALtho I ought to write upon various Subjects to a Prince that is a Friend and ver●… much concern'd in the welfare of this Republick yet there is nothing which I can with more freedome goe about then what I now 〈◊〉 of letting your Majesty and the people of 〈◊〉 know how glad I am of the late sig●…all victory 〈◊〉 of the comon Enemy the Spaniard tending in the apprehension of all men not onely to your owne but the most 〈◊〉 peace and Repose of all Europe and which may 〈◊〉 entail thereon an advantage of many yeares continuance The next thing is to owne Your Majestys Justice as the undoubted fountain from whence spring Your victorys instance'd in the provision made by the 24 article of the League concluded b●… the Arbitrators at London for the satisfaction of our Merchants whose Merchant Men were hired into the service of the Brasile Company Thereis one Alexandar Banck Merchant of London whom the said Company denyes to pray the freight contracted for for the service of a ship of his called the three Brothers John Wilk Master in consideration of two voyages perform'd in the said Company 's service Whereas the rest have been long ago paid notwithstanding their haveing been in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but once Which I do not understand the reason of except he in their opinion is beter worthy of a reward who has serv'd them once then he that did it twice My earnest Request to Your Majesty therefore is that this onely man to whom a double reward is due be not kept out of the satisfaction of his hire and cause by the influenc●… of your Authority the said Company to fix upon some speedy day of payment repairing his damages their delays haveing exposed the Merchant to inconveniencyes farr exceeding his hire God increase your power and continue unto you the uper hand over your Enemies Dated at our Court rt Westminster An. 1658. RICHARD Protector of the Republ. of Egland c. To his Eminency Cardinall Mazarine Most Eminent Sr. THe Case of Peter Pett a person of singular honesty and very serviceable to us and the Republick in navall affaires came recomended to your Eminency in ours of the 13. of June being now about eight monthes past It was about a vessell of his called the Edward which was as we observ'd seised upon in the mouth of the River of Thames and sould at the Port of Bayon by one Bascon a Frenchman in the year 1646. And altho the King did by an order of Councill dated the 4. of November 1647. direct that what ever the Councill shoud Judge equivalent in mony to answer the damage susteind care shoud be taken of his being satisfied accordingly Yet the petitioner complains of his haveing received no benefit hitherto from the said decree But as I no way doubt but that your Eminency will at my request comand the speedy application of what may be requisit ●…revious to the execution of that order This brings you an earnest Repetion of my said request praying that you woud inspect where it sticks inquire thro whose neglect or obstinacy it comes to passe that the Kings order shall not after ten yeares respit be obeyed exercise your authority in the pressure of the execution of that Decree and payment of that appointed sume which we judge has been 〈◊〉 long agoe causeing'a speedy demand to be made thereof and the Result paid to the Receipt of the Petitioner Wherein your Eminency will act a thing conformable principally with Justice and that shall oblige me besides in a singular degree Dated at our Court at Westminster February 22. 1659. The two following LETTERS Were written in the name of the long Parliament when restrored upon the Removeall of Richard Cromwell The Parliament of the Republ. of England c. To the most serene and potent Prince Charles Gustavus King of Sweedland Gothes Vandalls Most Serene and potent King Dearest Friend IT haveing pleased the almighty God with whom the power of all Changes in Kingdomes and Republicks is lodged to restore us to our former charge in this the Government of the comonwealth of England we have thought fit first to acquaint you therewith and next to let your Majesty know of the very great affection we bear to so potent a prince as you are and how ben●… upon the support of that peace which our industry and most sincere endeavour were the sole means of establishing between you and the King of Denmarke also a potent protestant Prince It is therefore ou●… will that the authority by which Philip Meddowes our ex●…raordinary Embassadour there has in the name of this Republick hitherto acted be now continued as from us And do hereby confirme unto him the power of proposeing acting and transacting with your Majesty to be the same with the Originall What ever he acts or contracts in our name we do with Gods assistance engage to make good God take your Majesty into his continuall guide with tendency to the safety and security of the Protestants Westminster May 15 An 1659 Subscribed by William Leuthall speaker to the Parliament The Parliament of the Republick of England To the most Se●…ne Prince Frederick King of Denmark Most Serene King dearest Friend IT gaveing pleased the Almighty great God the chiefe Ruler of all things to 〈◊〉 us 〈◊〉 former S●…ion and charge in the administration of this Republick we held it apoint mainly becomeing our disposition to our Neighbour and Ally to observe the same to your Majesty and to intimat how much we are concern'd at your troubles the proofe whereof you shall see in the endeavour and dilligence which we now do and shall as farr as there is necessity for it exercise to reconcile your Majesty and the King of Sweedland to peace To which purpose we have directed Phillip Meadows our extraordinary Embasadour at the Court of Swedland that for the furure he wait upon your Majesty in our name concerning this affair and let you know that whatever he communicateth proposeth acteth or transact the at he shou'd doe the same as the effect of our Comands The Credit given him by your Majesty in the discharge of which Character we pray that it be believed as given to our selves God deliver your Majesty to your content out of all those Difficultyes which you so resolutely contend with and draw all to happy and pleasing Issue Westminster May 15. 1659. Sign'd by William Leuthall Speaker to the Comonwealth Parliament FINIS
Lisbonemarket our Merchant men and Goods loaded thereon To your timely prevention of which practice and to the end our desireof an alliance may appear more visible we have sent your Majesty Charles Vane a very noble Gentleman under the figure of our Embassadour with Comands and Credential letters testifiing our said Trust committed to his Care And do therefore pray that your Maj. may be pleased to admit hear him Courteously and make all becomeing provision for his honour and safety thro out the extent of your Empire All which shall be kindly acknowledged by us from whom your Majesty may depend upon suitable returnes when occasion shall seeme to call for it Dated at Westminster February 4. 1642. To the King of Spaine DAYLY almost and most lamentable complaints are brought us against certain Masters and Pilots who being English men and revolting from us the last year carrying away villanously and treacherously ships committed to their care as Masters at length went off from that part in Ireland where they were all last sumer besieged and have scarce escaped the reproofe due to their wickednesse but they betake themselves to the port of Lisbone planting themselves at the mouth of the River Tagi where they exercise wi●…hout controul piracy upon all Eng●…ish Merchant men tradeing to and again thither infesting and renderiug infamous by Robbers all the neighbouring as well as the sea berdering upon the streights of Gibraeltaer To the speedy prevention and removeall of which practice if there be not some sudden remedy applyed who cannot but discerne the drooping decay of the great Trade now carryed on between us and Portugall and which intrinsically consist of vast advantage to both Nations Wee therefore again and again pray that you will forthwith Issue your commands for the speedy suppressing of our said Revolters and Rebells causeing them to be with all imaginlble speed rooted out and banished the Confines of Portugall And if in case there be any false conterfeited Embassadour resideing there from Charles Stuart you vouchafe him no hearing or take any other notice of him but rather looke upon us as those to whom the Government of England is thro Gods decree descended and that you woud not Suffer the River and port of Lisbone to be blockt up against a people who reckon the Intrest of England and that of their yours as One. To the King of Spaine YOUR Majesties and Don Alphonso de Codenas your Embassadours Letters have demonstrated the quality and degree of your Majesties resentment of the most wicked murther of our Embassadour Anthony Ascane and what has been hitherto done towards the punishment of those that are suspected to have had a hand in his death Yet when we seriously consider upon that act and that it removes and ●…estroyes the very foundation of entering into or manteining a correspondence when the Right of Embassadours most sacred among all Nations shall be found to suffer so great an affront we cannot decline the repeating our instant Pressures unto your Majesty for due and speedy punishment to be exercised upon those Parricides and that your will not suffer justice to be further suspended thro any deferrence to or Restraint of Religion And albeit we very much admire the friendship of a most potent Prince yet we reckon it a breach of our duty to spare any endeavours tending to the reduceing to just acknowledgment the Authors of so great a Villany Wee kindly thanke your Majesty for that kindnesse which it has commanded to be shewen our people in the Ports of Spaine and the great signification of your affection received by the conveyance of your Embassadour nor will it be less pleasant unto us to meet with an opportunity that may furnish us with a capacity of makeing you suitable returnes But if justice be further resoited as we have for a long time sollicitted that it shoud not we cannot apprehend any foundation to e●…ect a sincere and dureing alliauce upon towards the support of which t●…ere shall not be however any honest occasion slipt on our parts and are of opinion that the presence of an Embassadour from you here may not contribute a little thereto To the Spanish Embassadour THE Councill of State have as soone ever as the other more weighty affaires of the Nation coud permit them presented the Parliament with the four memorialls which your Excellency gave in thereto upon the 21. of December last and in answer to the first paragraph thereof relateing to the wicked Murther of Mr Ascane their late Embassadour are commanded to offer the following reply viz. That the Parliament haveing so long so often and so justly called for Justice against the said persons judge it an act of superfluity to add any further sollicitation thereto especially when as your Excelleu●…y well observed his Majesties owne honour was so much concern'd to do it without importunity and ●…thing which if not complyed with will certainly defeat the foundation upon which humane society is erected Nor can it be truly underastood by any argument borrowed from Religion why innocent blood basely drawen ought not to be vindicated Therefore the Parliament seemes earnestly to require and no less to depend upon an effectuall compliance with their former Demands in referrence to a thro satisfaction to be given for the losse of their subject To the most serene Prince LEOPOLD Arch Duke of Austria Praesident to King PHILIP in Flanders WHEN we were not without great Clamour made acquainted with the stealth of Jeane Puccheringam a maiden Gentlewoman of good extraction plentifull fortune and an heiresse who yet under age and consequently the care of a Guardian has been seised upon not far from the place of her habitation at Greenwich forced on board a vessell ready at hand for that purpose and suddainly hurried away out of the hands and embraces of her friends by the contrivance of one Walsh who since used indirect meanes such as the Terrour of death c. to freight the wealthy girle into a marriage with hm We did immediatly thereupon previous to the stopping the successe of a villany fo cruel un heard of direct some persons to apply to the Governours of Newport Oostend to one of which two places shee was reported to have been Snatched on behalfe of her freedome out of the hands of her Ravishers who both acted suitable to persons of singular integrity upright dealings to wards the reliefe of the poor captive thus felloniously hurried from home But shee s to escape in the mean time the violence of these villans retreating unto a Nunnery as a sequestred person the said Walsh to force her thence brings his action at Law in the spirituall Court at Ipre where in his declaration he lays his claine to her by Contract of Marriage Now in regard the Thiefe and the Heiresse are both our people and that it by good evidence appeares that this outrage has been commmitted within our Dominion and withall that the considerable
crime and as the 〈◊〉 calls for Albeit w●… doudt not but that a King naturally pious and just woud unsollicited persorme neverthelesse what we seeme here to desire Whereto what we have to add is to pray that the body be deliver'd to the receipt of his Friends and relations in order to its transportationin to its owne Country and our consulting a little and provideing for the health of his survivers as we shall thinke fit till they accompanid with an answer hereto give us upon their returne if possible an account of your piety and justice herein Westminster Dat. 28. January 1650. To His Excellency Don ANTONIO JOANNI LUDOVICO Duke of Corda Medina Celi Praesident of Andalitia The Councill of State constituted by the Authority of the Parliament of England Greeting THE Person intrusted with the command in chiefe of that fleet sent hence to the Coast of Portugall to persecute ●…d recover the Damages sustein'd from our enemies in those parts hath acquainted us with your Highness Friendship upon the fleets touching upon the Coast of Galicia a place belonging to your Jurisdiction where thy were he saith very curteously used and furnished with all manner of necessary supplies incident to the want of seamen Which kindnes of yours as it has always justly challenged our gratitude so in a more particular manner now at a time when experience acquaints us with the effects of some ill dispositions from abroad towards us un proveoked that we know of We therefore pray you most Illustrious Sir to be pleased not to discontinue the same disposition and affection towards us and that as often as any of our ships may for the future happen to touch at any place in the said Coasts they faile not of the same favour and help Resting in the mean time assured that upon any opportunity occuring and that may be improved to your advantage and service our Returnes shall be suitable Dated at Westminster November 7. 1650. The Council-seale affixed and countersigned By JOHN BRADSHAW President To the Illustrious and Magnificent Senat of Switserland c. Magnificent and most Noble Sirs most dear Friends WEE have by Letters from our Merchants tradeing for Prusia received heavy Complaints of an intolerable and inusual Tax lately imposed upon them by a decree enacted by the great Coudcil of Poland who seeme to have assessed them in the Tenth part of their Estates with a designe of applying the same to t●…e support of our enemy the King of Scots Which as it is an act standing indirect opposition to the Laws of Nations to treat Merchants and sttangers after a method of this Make it is also as pregnant with injustice to force such to contribute to the maintenance of one abroad from whose Tiranny divine providence has so lately delivered them at home and consequently do not doubt but that as we know you to be a free People you will not abide or give way to the laying of such Impositions upon Persons whose correspondence and traffique has for several yeares past been of no small advantage to your Citty If therefore you will protect them as Merchants and strangers it is no less then what we may undoubtedly expect as being a thing becoming your justice and prudence and no less suitable to the dignity of your splendid Corporation and what our endeavours shall render you sensible of our acknowledgment of as often as any of your People or Ships which often happens shall need the friendship of our Ports Dated at Westminster February 6. 1650. To the Portugal-Envoy YOurs of the 15. current were delivered us at Hampton Court signifying your being sent from the Crowne of Portugal with a message to the Representatives of the Common-wealth of England but take no notice under what Character whether of an Agent Embassadour Envoy or what which pray resolve us in by remitting us with as much speed as you can Coppys of such Letters and Credentials as accompany you from your King together with an account whether you come with full power to repair such injuryes and makeing Amends for such Damages as your King has been the occasion of involving this Commonwealth in in protecting all the last sumer within your harbours our enemies and Rebels against the assault of our fleet while on the other hand they were at liberty to invade us If you say that you come with full power and directions to answer all these points and that you send the aforesaid Coppies care shall be thereupon taken for your publick and safe accesse unto us who when we peruse the King's Letters shall direct liberty to be given you of expounding the Errand you are sent upon The Representatives of the Commonwealth of England To the most Serene Prince D. FERDINANDO the second Great Duke of Toskany MR Almerico Salvetti your Resident here hath delivered us your Highnesse's Letter dated at Florence the 22. of Aprile plainly shewing the value your Highness retains for the English Nation confirmed by the account we have not onely from such of our Merchants as have for several years lived as Traders i●… your Ports but also young Gentlemen of our best Nobility who have had the experience of your Country either by travelling throw or liveing there to gaine the education thereof Which as it is a thing that cannot misse of ouf gratefull approveall so we earnestly pray that you do not withdraw or discontinue the like to such of our Merchants or other our Subjects as may for the future have occasion of travelling thro your Highness's Dukedome Assureing you that as far as it concerns the Parliament nothing shall be wanting that may conduce to the fortifying establishing the commerce and mutuall affection with has time out of minde united both Nations which we truly desire and wish may be perpetually maintain'd with all true endeavours and mutuall observance of both hands reciprocally Westminster 20. January 1651. Subscribed by William Lenthale Speaker to the House of Commons whose Seale he fixed hereto The Parliament of England to the Illustrious and Magnificent Senat of Hamburgh Most magnificent Noble worthy Gentlemen dearest Friends THE Parliament of England to evidence their great disposition to the inviolable observance of the mutual correspondence and commerce antiently held between England and your Corporation hath lately deputed thither Richard Bradshaw Esq to reside with you under the Character of their Resident who among other t●…ings relating thereto has it in expresse commands from them to demand Justice upon certain of your People who made an attempt upon the Person of the Minister belonging to the English Company there with a designe we understand of murthering him as also their Deputy who had violent hands laid upon as well as some of the chiefest of the Merchants themselves whom they dared to offer the like affront unto by spiritting them on board a certain Privateer c. And albeit the said Resident hath upon his first Entrance after he had audience given him made
particular pressure to you relateing thereto pursuant to the Parliaments said comands in order to the obtaining of Justice upon these villains yet when we found our selves dis●…ppointed in our said expectation and likewise considering the danger which our Merchants and Estates should be alwayes exposed unto ●…or want of a guard against the restlesse malice of their Enemies we have comanded him to represent a fresh our sense of that affair And that he shou'd in the name of this Common-wealth sollicit your taking care of the preservation o●… the amity and alliance ratified between this Republick and your Citty and the considerable Comerce which intercedes between both and with all to protect as well our Marchants themselves as their Priviledges without suffering them to be lyable to any violation what ever and that in a particular degree in referrence to One Garmet whose deportment to this Commonwealth has appear'd very insolent and wh●… to the great dislquiet o●… our Merchants and in contempt of this Republick has publickly cited certain Merchants of the English Company resi ●…eing in your Citty into the Chamher of Spire Wherein we depend upon such reparation as may consist with equity and Justice All these Particulars and if there be any thing further that may affect the ●…riendship novv on foot betvveen this Repubblick and your Citty vve have directed the said Resident to vvait upon you vvith Whom vve desire that you give ample Credit unto in such things relating the reto as he shall propose Westwinster 12. March 1651. Subscribed by the Speaker of the House whose 〈◊〉 be fixed thereto To the most serene CHRISTIANA Queen of Sweedland c. the Parliament of England greeting THis comes to your Majesty with an account of our recept and peruseall of your letters dated the 26. of September last from Stokholme directed to and delivered the Parliament of England by Peter Spiering Silvercroon and to intimate that we earnestly and cordially wish that the alliance commerce and great traffick anciently observed between England and Sweedland be permanent and dayly thrive Nor do we doubt but that an Embassadour had come from your M●…jesty furnished with full power of makeing such proposalls as principally tended to the mutuall Intrest and reputation of both Governments and such as we shoud very freely have received from him and that should seem to imply more particularly the health and profit of both and who shou'd have return'd upon the speedy accomplishment thereof But it haveing pleased God The c●…iefe Moderator of things to remove that person out of this world whose losse we have as bitterly and sharply lamented as consisted with our due deferrence to the will of God be●…ore he could have made knowne unto the Parliament the message he came upon from your Majesty the same has kept them hitherto from the knowledge of your Majesties mind so that the further progresse thereof lies under present suspence wherefore we have thought fit to let you know by our Envoy expresly dismissed herewith to that purpose what welcome your Majesty Letters and publick Minister may depend upon from the Parliament of England and how ambitious we are of your Majesties ●…riendshipp as also what weight we shall as we ought be found to lay upon the ●…avour of so great a Prince And our regard to the augmentation of that commerce now in bei●…g ●…etween this Government and your Majesties shall appear to be such as we ought to retaine in re errence to a point in it sel●…e every way valuable and which for that very reason shall be of ultimat acceptance to the Parliament of England in whose name and pursuant to whoseauthority first recommending your Majesty to the protection of God their speaker has fixed their seale and counter signed this letters Dated at Westminster March Anno Domini 1651. The Parliament of the Comonwealth of England To the Most serene and potent Prince Philip the IV. King of Spaine greeting GReat complaints have been made us from such of our people as exercise the faculty of merchandizeing within your Majesties Dominions of great violence and injurious practises and of proportionably new customes imposed upon them by the magistrates and other officers of your respective ports and other places where the trade and more particularly in the Canaery Islands and that contrary to the Articles wherein both Nations have engaged each ●…ther for the Support of Trade The Truth of whick complaints they have by oath made appear and tell us that if in case they are not justly treated and their damages repaired as also their Persons and Estates secured against such oppressions and affronts they purpole to withdraw and trade no longer into those places Which haveing seriously considering and judgeing that the misbehaviours of your Ministers were not at all known or represented to your Maj. otherwise then as they really stood They thought fit to transmit herewith their said complaints to your Majesty not questioning but that your Majesty may out of regard to Justice as the incentive consideration of Trade wherein your own people's as well as the advantage of ours is equally involved be pleased to ●…ssue such directions to your officers as may wean such vexatious practises and that the English Merchants have speedy Justice done them in consideration of the damages sustain'd thro the meanes of Mr Peter de Carillo de Gusman and other persons contrary to the said Articles and that your Majesty may please to order that the said Merchants receive the benefi●… of the said Articles and so to be retain'd in your Majesty's Ey as that they in their persons and estates be lyableto no future oppression what ever This they thinke they may in a great measure attaine unto if your Majesty will grant them back again that Charter which protected them in cases of this kind Otherwise they may be for want of a due refuge from Injurys 〈◊〉 to the discontinuance of that comerce which is of no small advantage to both thrô these kind of violations and encroachments upon the Articles of peace To the most Serene Prince the Duke of Venice The Councell of State constituted by the Authority of the Common wealth of England greeting JOhn Dickons and John Throgmorton with severall others of our Merchants have complain'd that haveing pursuant to the constitution Authority of our Admirality Court about the 28. of November 1651. Seized upon a quantity of Camphire of about one handred Fatts on board a certain ship called the swallow under the Command of Isaac Tayler then in the downes but loaded thereon at a place in Muscovy called the Archangel obtein'd according to Law adecrre in that Court directing the delivery of the said Goods to the receipt of the said petitioners upon Caution first enter'd into by them of standing to the award of the Court that the said Court by whom this matter was to be determin'd writ according to Custome to the Magistrates and Judges of Venice praying that John Perat
to you whose prudence and known integrity shew how much he deserves the honour of your present favour to him Dated at Westminster Aprill Anno Domini 1652. Sign'd and sealed pursuant to the authority of Parliament by the speaker The Representatives of the Comon-wealth of England to the Illustrious and noble Corporation of Hambroug greeting Most noble renowned and Worthy Gentlemen Dearest Friends THE Representatives of the comonwealth of England have received and perused your Letters dated at Hambrough the ●…5 of January last brought them by a noble Gentleman Mr Leo ab Aisem who stiles himselfe under the character of yours and the rest of the Hanseatique Cittys Resident who has had audience allowed him pursuant to the Import of the said letteas and what he had further in comand on the particular behalfe of your Citty transmitted to ●…he Councill of State whom having directed to receive such proposalls as he had to offer and transact with him forthwithabout such thing as shoud consist with equity Justice treated with him since accordingly And as the Parliament has demonstrated the just regard that shoud be always had to such things as came from you and testified it's singular affection to your City in the appointment of a Resident sent to reside there so it canot but depend upon and justly challenge a suitable returne to such practicable proposalls as their said Resident either already hath or which he may for the future make in their name to your Citty so long in amity and confederacy with us Westminster April 1652. Subscribed ut supra The Council of State c. To the most Serene Prince FERDINANDO the II. Great Duke of Toskany greeting WHereas Charles Longland Sollicitour for the English Merchants at Livorne having advised thence that upon the arrival there of a fleet consisting of about fourteen Sailes of Dutch men of warr publickly declareing that the Errand they came upon was to burne within your Port or otherwise destroy such English Ships as they found there Your Highness was upon application made on behalfe of the English pleased to disappont the said Designe by recommending them to the protection of your Governour there The Council of State has judgedit becoming her duty and office to observe unto Your Highnesse how gratefully that kindnesse and protection so seasonably and curteously done the English Merchants is accepted of by the Republick of England promising and engageing unto Your Highnesse that the Memory of this good turne has made such an impression as is never to be forgot and their Readinesse to improve all opportunities that may offer of effectually returning Your People the like frindship and office and performing all other things that may conduce to the support of the usual benevolence and commerce of this and Your Nation And whereas the Dutch Fleet have even while conferences of their owne dictation concerning an alliance were under debate made perfidious attempts upon ours and that not onely in our owne harbours even in which wicked attempt God as a most just Arbitrator prevented their wickedness but in forreign Ones also where they would take or sinke our Merchant Men We have thought it necessary to transmit unto Your Highnesse this Paper on behalfe of the Parliament of England which some controversies lately arisen between this Government and Holland have occasioned the sending of Whereby how much the iniquity of that people in their behaviour to this Republick has been and how void of regard to all Justice and the Law of Lands themselves is what may be very obvious to your Highnesse and how studious the Parliament's endeavours have been to shew their Tenderness to the publick peace coud the former friendship and society of that people be any way continued Dated at Whitehall July 29. 1652. Signed and sealed by the President of the Councill To the Spanish Embassadonr THE Council of State having considered the two Memorials exhibited thereto by your Excellency the one dated the 6. of June or 27. May and the other the 6 or 16. current return the following Answer to both that the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England is very w●…ll disposed towards the continuance of that Amity and well constituted peace now in Existency between this Republick and the King of Spaine's Royal Majesty since Your Excellency has intimated that to be the Bent of his said Majesti●… too and that all imaginable Readiness should be met with of improving the same to the common Good of both Nations The which the Council of State has in the Name and by the direction of the Parliament so often demonstrated in their written replys to Your Excellency and particularly in conformity to Your Excellencies desire has appointed a Comittee to give Your Excellency a meeting and receive such proposals as you had to offer conduceing to the aforesaid End Which meeting afterwards has in liew of other expectations produced some things Consisting in general Tearmes and as it were previous to a future conference which the Council believed the Parliament had in former replies made plaine its opinion concerning Yet to give further satisfaction and to remove any doubt which Your Excellency may pretend to remaine under concerning the particular Instances of the Overtures you then made the Councils Reply of the 31. March or 10. April shewes that when all steps necessarily previous thereto such as what Your Excellency had to offer on behalfe of his said Royal Majesty in reference to the sormer as any other stricter alliance to be entered into on the one hand as what we should exhibit on behalfe of this Republicke were discoursed about determined on the other hand yea when all things were truely debated as they ought to be and that Your Excellency came to confer accordingly they were ready To which Your Excellency made no reply nor proceeded further in the matter these almost two months past And Your Excellencie's of the 27. May or 6. June 52. is the first that the Council heard of since that time which seemes to signify no more then to desire that the Articles of peace and alliance entered into by Charles the late King and your Master dated the 6. or 16. of November 1630. might be reviewed and such alterations made in the heads thereof in reference to an addition to or diminution therefrom as the frame of the government and time now alter'd should call for which as it amounted to no more then what we in our aforesaid Reply of the 10. Aprile or 31. March fully and plainly signified the Council did ere this expect some application from Your Exc●…llecy with an account of those particular Articles and alterations which you mention you would have made in the League considering that it is otherwise impossible for us to give any other Reply different from what we have already done But whereas Your Excellency seemes by your late Memorial to lay the fault at our doore the Conncil therefore resolved made a fresh inspection into your said
so the Parliament is on it's part well disposed to the takeing care that as often as there is occasion for it no offices of sincere Friendship or love towards Your Excellency shall need to be complain'd of Comendig You in the mean time fervently to the Tuition of Divine Providence Dated at Westminster November 1652. Subscribed b●… the Speaker of the House of Comons whose seale he caused to be affixed thereto The Representatives of the Republick of England To the Most Serene and Porent Prince the King of Denmarke Most Serene and Po●…ent King THE Comander in chiefe of the Fleet la●…ely ●…ent hence to give Convoy homewards to such of our Merchant-men as attended to that purpose at the Port of Hasnia haveing advised our Parliament that upon his arrivall thore he found an Embergo laid upon the departure of the said Mer●…hant men pursuant to an order of Your Majesties comanding that none of them shoud be suffered to budge notwithstanding his haveing produced your Majesties letters signifiing your pleasure to the contrary and demanding the reason of such detention To prevent therefore any ill consequences that may arise therefrom to either of the Nations so palpably concerned and which may be pursued by a worse the Parliament has directed Richard Bradshaw Esq. a worthy Gentleman of knowne fidelity and their Orator now at Hamburgh to wait upon Your Majesty under the same Character with expresse commands directing him to discourse and treat concerning that affair Praying that Your Majesty would therefore please curteously to listen unto allow him full credit in what ever he shall propose unto Your Majesty in our Name r●…lating to this affair Whom we in the mean time heartily recomend to the care and protection of God Dated at Westminster November 1652. Signed and sealed by the Speaker in pursuance of the Parliaments direction The Representatives of the Commonwealth of England to the most Serene Duke of Venice greeting LAurence Paulet has delivered the Parliament Your Highness Letter dated the first of June 1652. which as it testifys the good disposition of Your Senat as well as Your Highnesses towards this Republick so they on their parts have thought fit to make known by this occasion the respect affection they bearto the most Serene Commonwealth of Venice and shall not grudge their continueing so to do and makeing no difference between their performances and promises as often as they are furnished with occasions that may enable them to act suitably and also cheerfully pursue such meanes as may be employed towards the support and improvement of the Amity and mutual comerce now existent wishing and praying in the meane time that all happiness and prosperity may attend Your Highness and most S●…rene Republick Dated at Westminster December Anno Domini 1652. Signed and sealed by the Speaker purs●…ant to the comand and authority of the Parliament The Representatives of the Commonwealth of England to the most Serene Prince Ferdinando the II. Great Duke of Toscany WHereas the Representatives of the Commonwealth of Englaud have in former ●…nstructions to their Sea Comanders strictly charged them upon their touching at any Port within Your Highnesses Empire to behave themselves peaceably modestly and suitable to that observance which Your Civilityes to this Government justly call for from us to whose Kindnesses they cannot but owne themselves much obliged Yet it proved matter of great Surprize to them to find all forgot in the comportment of one of their said Officers named Appleton whose demeanour to the watch at Livorne is said to have been very insolent and that contrary as well to the allegiance wherin be is indebted to this Republick as well as the regard every Prince ought to have shewn him within his owne Territories Which the Parliament had an account of as it happend not onel from Your owne Letters under the 7. and 9. of December last from Florence but more particularly from Master Almericus Salvetus Your Resident ●…ere who is a very worthy Gentleman Your Highnesses honour which seemes to be involved in this matter lies under that veneration with the State as that this matter is wholly and particularly recommended to t●…e care of the Council with direction to write fortwith to Captain Appleton for his repaiting home by land to answer the insolency of this unpresidented misbehaviour of his of which the inclosed is a Coppy who upon hi●… arrival shall be examined and such punishment awarded him as shall testify that we are no lesse concerned than if it were done in contempt of our owne Government As concerning the Phenix taken at ●…vorne Your Excellency and Resident seem to say and urge that the same was committed contrary to Appletons promise who was obliged to make no attempt upon the Dutch vvithin sight of the Port or its Lantborne that Your E●…cellency relying thereon entred into the like engagement to the D●…ch and that therefore they ought to depend upon satisfaction for the damage susteind from their depending upon Your protection and promise The Parliament assure You that as the same vvas comitted vvithout their Council or aduice so it is a thing very distant from their inclination and mind to expose Your Excellency to any manner of inconveniency or diminution of honour upon the score of that Deed Nay shall endeavour that away be found out of makeing You such satis●…ction as shall seem suitable to the demerit of the cause after inquiry first made To be more fully informed wherein they thinke it a very necessary point to have Appleton himselfe examined before them who was obliged by his promise and consequently believed by Your Excellency to have a betted at least in that violation especially considering that he is to returne in so short a time who when ever he is heard by the Parliament and further debate had thereon with Your Oratour shall have such sentence awarded him upon this so considerable a crime as shall consist with equity and the extraordinary affection which they bear Your Excellency and finally not unworthy Your Kindnesses To confirme Your Excellencies beliefe of which they have directed this present messenger to be forthwith dispatched away with these Letters least they shoud be said to S●…ip any opportunity that may be improved into a real Testimony of their sincerety towards You. Dated at Westminster 14. December Anno Domini 1652. By authority and Command of Parliament signed and sealed by the Speaker The Councill of State to the most Serene Prince Frederick Heir of Norway Duke of Slesvice Alsace Ha●…mar Ditmarse Earle in Oldenburgh and Delmhorst greeting ALtho it has been the Decree of the all knowing God and most mercifull Ruler of the universe to engage us beyond that duty susteined by and transmitted unto us from our Ancestors in a most just quarrell for the resuceing our Liberty's from the oppression of Tyrany and lend us such singnall Marks of his divine help and assistance in preferrence to them as to have enabled us
meanes of the Dutch Governour there Of all which we have had an account send us thence before our former complaint was exhibitted which damage amounts unto two hundred thousand pieces 〈◊〉 50000. lb 0. 6. Wee expect satisfaction for 32899 pounds of pepper taken by force out of the shipp Endimion in the year 1649. whose damage amounts unto 6003. lb 0. 220796. lb 16. ss An Abstract of some particular losses sustein'd by the English East India Company from that of the Dutch 1. For the dama●…es sustaind from the siege of Bantham which hindred our Trade with that place for the continued space of six years and prevented our laying in a stok of 600000. pieces 〈◊〉 for the buying of pepper according to our proportion Which might serve to loade such of our shipps as wandered up and downe the Indian Coast in their ballast for want of freight Our adventure haveing been in the mean space in sea-mens wages victualls and apparell diminished and exhausted among the Indians to that degree that the loss canot amount to lesse then 103000. pieces 8 8 which in our coyne is 6000000 lb 0. ss 0. 2. More for the damages sustaind by the losse of our just part of the Islands of Molluco Banda and Amboyna since the time we have been murthered and driven thence For the prejudice of which and other expences we expect to be satisfied amounting in time from the year 1622. to che current year 1650. at the yearly Income of 25000. lb for 28. yeares the Su●…e of 700000. lb 0. ss 3. Reparation is likewise expected for 12950. pieces 〈◊〉 damage done us at Surrat by those of Mogul so protected by the dutch that we coud not repay our selves either in money or goods which we might otherwise and had it in our power to have taken from them had not the Dutch most unjustly stood in their defence Which losse might in Europe be improved ere this to triple the value Whi●… we judge to amount to 77020. lb 4 For Customs at Persia whose moity the King of that place granted the English anno 1624. which to the year 162●… is calculated to come to 80000. Mille Royalls as aforesaid Which being substracted they are obliged to pay from the year 1629. being twenty one yeares at the rate off our thousand pounds a year comes to the sume of 84000. lb 0. ss The Kings Hand From the other side 220976. lb 15. ss 0. The Summe total 1681996. lb 15. ss 0. The intrest for the said time having farr exceeded the principle Here follow all the LETTERS Written by OLIVER CROMWELL To forreign Princes and Potentates while Protector of England To the Count of Oldenburgh Most Illustrious Sir I do by Yours of the 20. of January 1654. apprehend that Frederick 〈◊〉 Wollisogg ●… Noble Gentleman and Your Secretary with Christopher Griffie were with certain comands sent from Your most Illustrious Dignity into England Who upon their approach unto Us have in Your Name both congratulated our undertaking of the Administration of the Government of the Republick of England and sollicited for an admittance for You and People into the Peace lately concluded between Us and the Hollanders Petitioning with all our confirming the Grant lately obteind from the Parliament of Letters commonly knowne by the name of Letters of safe conduct We therefore pursuant to our obligation returne our thanks for so friendly a Complement and ●…ave freely assented to the said two petitions as being disposed to improve all future occasions which may at any time expresse our affection towards You And are of opinion that You have had the same communicated unto You at large by Your said 〈◊〉 whose fidelity and diligence in this affair have been apparent What I have to add is sincerely to wish You and affairs prosperity and tranquility Westminster June 27. 1654. I am your c. most affectionally OLIVER Protector of England Scotland and Ireland c. To the Count of Oldinburgh YOur Letters of the 2. of May from Oldenburgh are come to hand and obliged me not in a single degree for that the Letters themselves were so pregnant with singular kindness affection towards me and withall delive●…ed by the hand of the most Illustrious Lord Count Antonio Your most beloved Son That that I apprehend my selfe most dignified by being the knowledge I now have of his vertues whorthy so noble Ancestors of his extraordinary behaviour finally of his singular affection testified unto me now beyond words Nor ought it to be a thing disputable whether he gives his Relations at home inducements to hope his inheriting the qualities of his worthy and Noble Father whose clear vertue and prudence administred the continuance of many yeares interrupted Peace to the People of Oldenburgh and cherished them with the effects of tranquillity among the severe Stormes of Warr blowing from every Corner Why should I therefore do otherwise then value the Alliance of such a Friend whose conduct is so wise and provident so as to be able to avoide the enmity of all people It is finally for that gift alone Most Illustrious Sir that I am thankfull It is out of regard to justice and Your merits that I 〈◊〉 subscribe my selfe Your most c. OLIVER Protector of England c. Westminster 29. June 1654. To the most Illustrious Lord ANTHONY GUNTER 〈◊〉 of Oldenburgh Delmhorst Leid in Jehven Kniphausen OLIVIER Protector of the Republick of England Scotland Ireland c. To the most Serene Prince CHARLES GUSTAVUS King of Sweedland Goths and Vandals Great Prince of Finland Duke of Esthany Carelia Bremen Verde Stetin Pomeranie Castalies and Vandale Prince of Russin Lord of Ingry Wismare as also Duke Palatin of the Rhine Bavaria Jul. Clivia and Duke of Monts greeting Most Serene King THe choice made by Your Majesty of communicateing unto us by your most friendly letters that in particular which comon same has for some dayes disperst over all the world of the delcent of the Government of the Kingdome of Sweedland upon you and that to the great content of the people and the free suffrage of all persons i●… no slender argument of your great affection towards us and an honour not of the meanest degree Wee therefore freely and with Justice congratulate that addition of dignity to Your most singu 〈◊〉 merits and reward very worthy of so great a vertue and do with united prayers to God wish that which we are confident you do namely that the same may prove to the good and prosperity of Your Majesty the Kingdome of Sweedland and the Intrest of all Christendome But as to what you mention touching your disposition to the alliance lately contracted between England and Sweedland and acting our part towards its support as also that Your Majesty will endeavour not onely the 〈◊〉 but likewise the improveing if it were a thing fesible the league now established were an injustice to call to question the sinc●…rity of The faith of so great a
Prince haveing engaged for 't whose extraordinary vertue has not onely won an everlasting inheritance in the affection of stangers abroad but has been soe povverfull as to have invited 〈◊〉 most August Queen daughter of Gustaves whose m●…tch in all manner of good qualitys many past ages coud not produce to make a resignation of the Government to you without either your knowledge or seeking Be pleased therefore to be confident that your so singular affection unto us and so clear a signification of your mind are circumst●…nces of utmost acceptance unto us and that nothing shall promote more our delight then to oblige your kindnesse with our endeavours never to be wanting as farr as they can be made serviceable Westminster 4. July 1654. Your Majestyes most affectionally OLIVER Protector of England Scotland Ireland c. To the most 〈◊〉 Ludovico Mendesio de Haro WHat you write me Illustrious Sir of the most Serene King of Spains haveing appointed and nominated a person to come hitheir under the character of his E●…bassadour to congratulate with me my undertaking in the 〈◊〉 of England as it is a thing in it selfe justly gratefull sovour 〈◊〉 study and quicknesse of care has renderd it so much the more so who to heighten the obligation have been pleased to be the first admenisher your selfe For to have the love and affection of one who by his prudence and vertue 〈◊〉 gaind so much Authority with his owne prince as to influence like your selfe matters of the greatest moment in that Kingdome ought to be no less pleasure to me then ●…nunderstand the good opinion of a most Excellent person to be an ornament to me But as to any disposition of mind to wards the most Serene King of Spaine in referrence as well to the Support of an alliance with that King as readynesse to improve it dayly more and more I hope I have satisfied the Embassadour here in that point and may do it plentifully to him that is to succede him I wish that the figure Moreover and favour under which you now move most Illustrious Sir may be dureable and that what ever you manage or administer for the good of the publick may end in aprosperous and happy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 am most Illustrious Sir Your Excellencies most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England Scotland 〈◊〉 c. Whitehall September 1654. To the most Serene Prince CAROLUS GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS King of Sweedland Goths and Vandales c. AS Your Majesties last Letter answered by me with a suitable Reply represented Your Majesties singular love to me so the consideration of our Friendships seemed to establish such an obligation upon me for the future that as I communicate occurrences answering our mutual desires so to observe unto you as a'most dear friend my sense and griefe in instances of contrary effects I am truly of opinion that the figure I make in this Republick implyes a duty of studying all ●… can the comon Repose of the protestants in particular Which heightens our concernednesse so much the more when we hear of the battails and mutuall slaughters acted by those of Bremen and Sweedland upon each other I am in the first place sorry to see both our friends ingaged in such bloody differences so much to the hazard of the Intrest of the protestant Religion Next that peace of 52. which was believed to be a main Bulwarke to all reformed Churches should prove the cause of such an uhappy 〈◊〉 that the Armes of Sweedland are now employed to destroy those who for Religion sake they woud so lately engage in the vigarous defence of and that now at a time when the Episcopacy is reported to persecute the 〈◊〉 all Germany over revive former violences and oppressions upon them Being therefore informed that the 〈◊〉 of Bremen h●…d few days Cessation of armes 〈◊〉 it I cou'd not truly decline the signifing unto your Majesty by this opportunity how heartily I coud wish and how earnestly I woud pray the God of peace that that Truce may end in a happy reconcliation of both Partys and that things be drawen to a peaceable composure equally conduceing to the advantage of both To the promotion of which if your Majesty can judge my endeavour capable of contributing oug●…t I do promise and freely tender the same as in apoint of utmost acceptance without doubt to God Almighty And do in the mean time from my hart wish that God Almighty may direct and steer all Your Majesty Councills to the publick advantage of Christendom a prayer which I doubt not but may 〈◊〉 with your owne inclination too Whitehall October 26 16545. Your Majestys most affectionately OLIVER Protector of the Repnblick of England To the most Magnificent and Noble Magistrates and Senators of Bremen I do with so much the more 〈◊〉 and griefe of mind see by the account brought me by Henry Oldenburgh your Envoy the difference arisen between your Corporation and your most potent neighbour and the extremity which you are thence reduced unto by how much I love and respect the Citty of Bremen for her affection to the Orthodox Religion beyond others nor do I entertaine any thing more in my wishes then that the universall name of the Protestants may at length be cemented into a brotherly Union and Concord That the comon Enemy of the Reformation does in the mean space rejoyce at these our contentions promote th●…m the more violently abroad is a thing most certaine But the controversy it selfe as it is not the matter now to be debated I pray God that the progress therefore already made towards a peace may determine happily I have according to you desires writ to the King of Sweedland touching this matter sollicitting him to peace and Concord as a thing of utmost acceptance to God and acted freely and as Iough in a thing of th●…r piety and ofter it as my opinion that it is not 〈◊〉 viseable for you to stand off bat bear an affectionat inclination to any conditions of peace that are truly honourable Comending you and your Citty in the mean time to Gods Tuition an Providence Whitehall October 26. 1654. Your highnesses most aff ection ally O Protector c OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England to themost 〈◊〉 Prince Tarentine YOur affection to Religion made apparent in Your Letters to me together with Your extraordinary piety and singular love to the reformed Church's more especially the nobility and generosity of the manner wherein and that in a Government wherein so many of the Nobility dissenting from theProtestant Faith receive such plentiful encouragements of preferment w●…ile on the other hand such as adhere thereto are for that very reason exposed to proportionable inconveniencies are instances that have filled me with very much content and pleasure Nor has it proved lesso delightful to me to have pleased You by being of that Religion which is the inducement which principally ought to endear and render you a Subject fit for my
this very worke will make a thro conquest over the harts of all the Protestants inhabiting your owne Dominions who in times of difficulty have been already found of unexceptable affection and loyalty towards you as well as shevv your Neighbours that Royall Councill has no vvay abetted to this Mischiefe whatever Royall Ministers and Magistrates might presume to have done Especially if your Majesty exacts due punishment to be examplified upon those Captains and Officers who pursuant to their owne Wills and Pleasures have dared to be the Actors of such inhumane villanys In the mean time when your Majesty will thinke fit to shew your aversnes to the detestation this deserves I do not doubt but that your Kingdome may by your allowance become a reception and secure refuge to those miserable and distressed People when their address shall seeme to call for 't nor that you will suffer that any of your Subjects give the Duke of Savoy any assistance to their prejudice What we have to add is to assure your Majesty how much I esteeme your friendship To the improvement of which I assert to be wanting neither in faith nor ●…ndeavour I am your Majesty's most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England Whitehall July 29. 16●…5 To his Excellency Cardiual Mazarine Most eminent Lord Cardinall Upon my resolveing to send the bearer with Letters whereof the inclosed is a Copie to the King I did then direct him to accost your Eminency in my Name and committed some things to his Trust to be comunicated to you in particular Wherein I desire your Excellency to give him full Credit as being a person in whom I have reposed very great confidence Whitehall July 29. 1655. Your Eminency's most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England c. OLIVER Protector c to the most Serene Prince Frederick the 3. King of Denmarke Norway c greeting YOur Majesty has erè this we judge and that as much to your griefe as becomes a champion and a Protestant Prince had an account of the unmercifull proclamation lately published by Imanuel Duke of Savoy for the overthrow of his own Subjects inhabiting about the Alpes inocent People and men of note and Renowne and that for the sincerity of their Zeale to the true Protestant Religion for many yeares past haveing driven them out of their native Land out of detestation to their Faith and after butchering many expos●…d the rest needy naked and lo●…ded with all other miserys unto all the mischiefs and hardships which those desered mountains usually administer If the principles of Christianity layes an obligation upon us in generall to resent or Sympathize the sufferings of any particular scan●…leing thereof we do not if well acquainted with your piety prudence know of any that can clearlyer foresee what danger the example and consequence of this Fact bespeakes us all as well as the protestant Intrest then your selfe Wee have therefore exercised all freedome in our letters to let you know that however you resent this calamity of our most inocent brethren what opinion or judgment we expect you may entertaine of it the same shoud be a paterne for our imitation And for that reason have writ to the Duke of Savoy where we earnestly prayed that he wou'd treat the poore and meeke more spareingly and prevent the said bloody proclamation's being of any further Force Which if your Majesty and the rest of the Protestant Princes have imitated or otherwi●…e perform'd as we believe you have it is to be hoped that the most Serene Duk 's fury may be allayed and this his Rage appeased at the intercession and Instance of so many Neighbouring Princes at least But if he will rather choose to continue his resolution we declare our readynesse to joine with your Majesty the rest of our Confederats concern'd for the ●…ntrest of the Protestant Religion in such a resolution as may provide for their speedy Reliefe srom their distresse and do what we can for their sasety and Liberty Our prayers in the mean time bespeake your Majesty all health and happynesse Westminster May 1655. OLIVER Protector c. To the most Noble Magistrates and Senators of Geneva OUr Letters lately send you to shoud have intimated the very great griefe conveyed unto us from the vast and unheard of calamitys to which the Duke of Savoy has exposed the Protestants inhabiting in and about the Vallyes of Piedmont did we not then make it more our businesse to let you know that we were not onely concern'd at such their miserys as it was our care to provide all we could for their reliefe and comfort Wherefore we have caused a Collection to be levyed over all this Republick which we justly expect may prove such as may expresse the passionat affection which this Land bear to their Brethren ' in time of such most inhumane persecution And as we are One in point of Religion so we ought to admit of a fellowfeeling of their Calamityes In the meane time while the Collection is a raising which will take up time And considering that their want and helplessnes canot admit of any delay we have judged it necessary to transmit with all imaginable speed to be before hand distributed among 'em who shall appear most to need present help comfort the present sum of 2000. li But in as much as wee know how much the miserys and Injurys done Inocencyl affect you and that you will looke upon nothing either painfull or troublesome that may tend to their help and assistance we have ventured the transmitting the said sume to you to be distributed among these calamitous people and give you the trouble of considering in your piety and prudence of the justest method pursuant to vvhich that money may be soonest disposed of among the needyest of those people And albeit the sume is truly small Yet some vvhat it may be at least tovvards their present Ease and refreshment till vve grovv able to enlarge our charity by sending them a greater sume And as vve doubt not of your accepting of this employment in good part so vve pray the Omnipotent Great God to furnish his ovvne Protestant people vvith the courage of desending each other in common and of being a mutuall assistance to each other against the barbarity of their enemy vvherein vve shoud be gladd that our endeavour might be of any use to the service of the Church Adieu Fifteen hundred pounds of the said sume of two thousand remitted by Gerard Hensh to Paris the other five hundred shall be taken care of by Master Stoupely in bills of exchange OLIVER Protector of England c. To the most Serene Prince Duke of Venice Most Serene Prince As we have been always found manifest 〈◊〉 of your Outdoing your Enemys in Instances 〈◊〉 to the promotion of the Christain Interest more particularly so now more especially at the tydeing of the late Sea-battle which we no way repine at the success of
Great Prince of Finland c. Most Serene Prince AS it is a custome of knowne antiquity especially among friends to admit of an obligation of useing all freedome in communicateing to each other passages of adversity as well as prosperity and comunity so that most delightfull part of friendship relateing to the import of the Letters which Your Majesty has been pleased to give us the honour of is what we cannot but take very kindly Seeing that it is an indication of singular humanity and true Royalty to be as communicable in enjoyments as way of liveing and to believe nothing to be pleasant without it be in community with Friends and Confederates And therefore cannot but justly rejoyce at the birth of a young Prince to his Son to inherit we hope the glory and vertue of so good a King and gladly lay it in parallel with the felicity and glory that befell Philip of Macedone both abroad and at home whom Records cite to have conquer'd the most powerful Greeks at the very time of the birth of his Son Alexander For we do not doubt but that Your kindness to Poland in dischargeing and as it were forceing it by the very strength of Your Army from the papall ●…oke and the establishment of that Peace with Brandenburgh which the desires of all pious men gaped for notwitstanding the storming opposition made to the contrary may conduce very considerably to the peace and advantage of the Church That God may in the mean time bless such Glorious Beginings with suitable Issues that his Gift of a Son may pursue the patern of his Father in Piety Vertue and noble Deeds That which we truly both hope and from our hearts wish the Omnipotent and Great God always favourable to Your undertakings may grant Westminster 1655. Your Majesties most affectionally OLIVER Protector of England c. To the King of Denmarke Most Serene and potent Prince JOhn Freeman and Phillip Traverse Subjects of this Republick have 〈◊〉 their owne and the names of severall other Merchants of London a petition'd humbly complain'd that haveing in the month of October 1653. loaded on board a certain ship of Sunderbrugh called the Salvador Nicolas Winskins Master severall Merchandizes woolen manufacture Cloathes and other woven comodities and Goods amounting according to Estimate to the value of between three and foure thousand pounds sterling charged the said Master that as he sailed thro the Baltique sea he shoud go directly to Dantzick and pay the usuall duty at Elsenor and for the same purpose furnished him with a competent sume of money Yetnotwithstanding t hat the said master most treacherously and contrary to his Instructions from the Merchants pass'd by the said place without dischargeing that duty so that the said ship with her whole loading had hue and Cry sent after them and were arrested to the great damage of the Owners in favour of whom we writ to your Majesties Embassadour then here in London who as they say engaged that as soone as he came to speake with your Majesty he woud endeavour to 〈◊〉 justice done the Merchants But in as much as the said person has been dispatched upon Your Majesties affaires into other Countryes and that their application to him before his departure amounted to nothing so that they were forc't to sen'd an Atturney purposely to sollicit their Right at Hafnia and demand restitution of said shipp and Goods which they also found coud amount to no more then an aggravation of the former Reckoning heape of fruitless trouble upon trouble that the said Goods Ly under confiscation present Restraint notwithstanding that according to the Laws of Denmarke a Master of a ship ought as they seeme to urge in their petition upon any misdedmeanour of his own to suffer corporall punishment exclusive to any confiscation that shipp or Merchandises can be pretended to be liable unto and reckon themselves so much the unkindlyer dealt with all for that the custome which ought to be paid at Essen'or is as we apprehend very inconsiderable Therefore as our Merchants have given no provocation that can be interpreted to the rendering their effects liable to forfeiture and that the Master a little before his death confessed that the neglect was wholly applicable to his proper guilt which exposed the Merchants to so 〈◊〉 damage and in as much as the Parent of the deceased Master himselfe has as we understand by petition already presented unto Your Majesty charged all the blame to his son's account and quitted the Merchants Wee coud not truly decline our condemning the detention of the said 〈◊〉 and goods to be most arbitrary and are so much the more strengthen'd in our confidence that as soone as your Majesty has a clear State of this thing you will not onely award a competent reproofe to the Ministers concernd in these Injuryes but Issue your comands also for the doing the Mercha●…ts Right and direct speedy restitution to be made of those Goods and reparation of damages sustaind to the said Owuers or Asfignes Which we instantly pray your Majesties compliance in as a thing guarded with so much reason and justice that we canot appear in the sollicitation of ought on behalfe of our people which we lesse ought to accept of a denyall in as being ready to make suitable returnes on behalfe of your Subjects as often as there is like occasion for 't To the most Serene Prince John the 4. King of Portugal THE Peace and alliance which your Majesties most Noble and splendid Embassy lately sent hither sollicitted the Parliament about which then had the conduct of this Republick in their hand Wee have now at length thro Gods help and pursuant to the 〈◊〉 we hold in the Administration of this Goverment as well as the affection we always bore theteto drawn unto a happy 〈◊〉 and such we hope as may continue to perpetuity And therefore returne you Your Ambassader extraordinary Mr John Roderick de Saa Menesses Count Pennagavad a per son whose Civill carriage understanding prudence and faithfulnesse we have found very eminent and worthy your esteeme and one who haveing discharged this Trust with extraordinary applause comes to you with the Ratification of the said Pe●…ce As to the Import of your letters of the second of April from Lisbona intimating your good esteem of us how much you tender our honour and the excesse of your Gladness●… at your ●…earing of our present undertakeing in this Goverment the same are apparent indications of singular affection and shall endeavour that all Men may hereafter see from my readynesse to serve Your Majesty at all times that the same is of utmost acceptance unto me Nor am I in the mean time lesse painfull in the preferrence of my expres prayers to God for your safety for the happy State of Your Kingdome and the prosperity of your affaires Your Majestie 's most affectionatl●… OLIVER Protector of England Scotland Ireland c OLIVER Protector of the Republick of
England to the high and mighty States of Holland c. High and mighty Lords dearest Friends THomas Bushell and Richard Bear with severall other of our Subjects have made their joint complaint unto us setting forth that a shipp of theirs called the Edmond and John did being set upon in her way between Brasile and 〈◊〉 submit to the assault of a certain Privateor belonging to Vlushing called the Red Lyon whose Comander went by the name of Lambert Bartelson but upon such conditions and Tearmes 〈◊〉 by the said Lamberts hand and seale as that upon their arrivall at Vluissing restitution shoud be made of such Goods as shoud appear to belong unto the English That upon their arrivall there the shipp was acquitted and the seamen their respective goods restored them but the Merchants effects taken out and exposed to imediat sale That they namely the Merchants who had this affront put upon did upon their repair to Vlushing to demand their effects at the Admiralty Court there after five y●…ares expensive prosecution loose the cause with vast charges thro amost wicked sentence awarded against them by those Judges namely they who concern'd in the said Privateer were themselves both Juges and Jury in the thing That they have no other hope left 'em except it be in your equity and incorrupted uprightnesse which they now at length fly unto whom they judge some reliefe favour from if back'd with our 〈◊〉 of their complaint to you And truly this is a thing pardonable in the people if in so great a hasard of their fortunes as this seemes to be they under an uuiversall dread from all hands consider what they ought to fear from your power and authority as wel as what they were to hope from the integrity of Judges especially in a case where they were themselves 〈◊〉 We do not doubt but that the influence you are under of Religion Justice and Integrity may in preferrence to any sollicitation of Ours become an Incentive to you of comeing to such a determination herein as you may 〈◊〉 to consist with Equity and justice and an act that may become you God preserve both your selves and Republick to t●…e service of his Glory and the comfort of his Church Westminster April 1. 1656. OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Comonwealth of England To the most Serene Prince Charles Gustavus King of Sweedland Gothes and Vandalls Great Prince of Finland Duke of Esthon Carelia Bremen Verda Stetin Pomerania Cassubia and Vandalia Prince of Russia Lord of Ingry Wismar as also Count Pallatine of the Rhine Bavaria Jul Clevia and Duke of the Mounains c. Most Serene Prince PEter Julius Coitus haveing discharged his Embassy here and so discharged it as that I thought it a thing unfit to dismisse him hence without accompanying him with my opinion of his just merits which he now returnes to your Majesty with as being a person who upon your score who have a just Right to our highest esteeme was as well as for that of his owne meritts very acceptable unto us and no lesse praise worthy by the most dilligent discharge of this Trust. Therefore we freely certify if any Testimony can add thereto that he has answerd that character which he brought Us as your Majestys most just gift to him who may with the same fidelity and integrity relate the singular respect which we bear towards your Majesty What we have to add is to breath our wishes to the Omnipotent Great God to bless your Majesty with all prosperity and continue the influence of your victorys over the enemys of the Church to perpetuity Westminster Aprill 17. 1656. Your Majestie 's most affectionately OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England To the most Serene and potent Prince Lewis King of France S. D. APplication being by petition made us in the names of John Dethicke present Lord Mayor of t●…is Citty of London and William Wackfield Merchant setting forth that haveing about the Calends of the month of October Auno 1649. loaded a certaine shipp called the 〈◊〉 of London one Lig●…tbagh Master the whole freight consisting of their owne proper goods to be transported to Ostend the said shipp was seised upon in the mouth of the River of Thames carryed away and disposed of at Dunkirk then under the obedience of the Crowne of France and that by the contrivance of a certaine Privateer called White belonging to Berkin who exerciseth piracy by vertue of a Comission from the son of Charles the late deceased King contrary to the purport of your Majest●…s proclamations published to the contrary Annis 1647. and 1649 besides some resolutions of Councill in favour of the Parliament of England whereby they understanding that the transportation of any Goods or ships taken from the English dureing that 〈◊〉 into any place under your Majesties jurisdiction or suffered to be in any such place exposed to sale was provided against as unlawfull dispatched Hugh Morrell their solliciter to Dunkirke with directions to apply to Mr Lestrado Governour of that Citty and demand restitution of the said shipp and Goods as knowing that they were in a great measure yet untoucht in Towne who upon such application replyed not like a gentleman nor one that woud seem to be very observable of the Comands of his prince that his present employ was a benefit comferr'd upon him in consideration of publick past services perform'd in the King of France s Service that he therefore intended to make as much improvement thereof as he coud as if comisionated to Robb his neighbours Upon which disappointment the said sollicitour after a great expence both of money and time comeing home the peti●…ioners destitute of all other hopes other then what they imagin'd they might meet with upon appeal to your Majesties Clemency and Justice and believing that our recomendatory Letters in their favour might render their access to your Majesty more facile pray that you woud not decline your help from a people robbed in defiance of all Justice and in derision of your repeated Comands to the Contrary Which if obtainable at our importunity albeit it is truly a thing which seemes ver equitable yet we shall believe it to be rather the effect of your naturall 〈◊〉 to Justice then the fruit of my so●…licitation Westminster May 1656. Your Majestie 's most affectionately OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England c. To the high and mighty Lords the States General of the United Provinces S. D. High and mighty Lords Dearest Friends IOohn Browne Nicolas Williams with other Londoners have in a Petition humbly shewed unto us that having severally ventured to the East Indies by the Ship Good Hope of London then bound thither directed their Correspondents at Amsterdam about the Month of February 1644. to ensure there two thousand and forty Pounds Flemish That the
said Ship being in her way thither taken upon the very East India Coast by a certain Ship belonging to the 〈◊〉 East India Company the Ensurer's denyed to fulfill their Contract in paying the ensured Summe and have so far prevailed as to be capable by various delays to elude our People now after the expensive consumption of Six yeares in prosecution of their Right Which in regard they looke upon as an usage of great oppression and injustice and that some obliged for the Payment of the Money agreed for are either already dead or become insolvent We earnestly pray that you would to prevent ●…urther expences in addition to the said Losses be pleased to suffer your equity to be a safe Port and refuge to them after so many Yeares stormy useage and almost Shipwrack in your Court of ●…udicature and that Sentence be with all speed awarded concerning their cause in whose ●…ustice they seeme very confident Wishing in the meane time that happine●…s and prosperity may attend all you undertake to the Glory of God the safety of his Church Your High and Mighty Lordships most affectionally OLIVER Protector c. OLIVER Protector of the Commonwealth of England To the High and Mighty Lords the States of Holland S D. THomas and William Lower lawfull Heires of Nicholas Lower lately deceased on whose account you have had some former trouble giveu you about the ●…des of September last I thinke do bawl now a fresh again alleadging that they still labour under the oppression of their Adversaries who●…e power or other private Intrest has notwitstanding the integrity of their claimes and when that coud not doe our Letters sent in favour of their cause ●…o far prevailed as to hinder them from entering upon the benefit of their Father's will That being rejected by the Court of Holland where the action first began and thrown upon yours pack'd thence to Zee-land and thence hurryed back again to your high Court of Judicatorie to their content accompanyed to each place with our Letters For where the hight and power is there they depend upon the dispensation of Justice proportionably If that fails they are at a losse to know where to cast anchor for reliefe after the pains they undertoke in pursuit of Justice For if they find that this our fourth recomendation of their cause can do no good it will be to little purpose for 'em to extend their hopes any further Wee shall reckon it as a true instance of kindnesse if after so many rejections you let them see that your apprehension of our Authority cou'd contribute somewhat to their Reliefe in bringing their claime to a speedy determination as well altogether as have them believe it to be the intire effect of your own Justice and equity As we can no way dispond of your allowance of the former of which so we are confident that the consideration of our Friendship will incline you to the later Your's c. OLIVER Protector OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England To the most Serene Prince John King of Portugal Most Serene Prince WHereas several Merchants belonging the Brazil Company in Portugal did in the Yeares 1649. and 1650. becom indebted unto sundry English Merchants in a considerable Sume of Money upon the account of freight and Moorage that the said Society respit the Payment thereof pursuant to an order of your Majesties to that purpose notwithstanding that they did truly depend upon the Payment thereof conformable to the Tearmes and conditions of the league lately ratified But fear they may be frustrated in their hope and other meanes of recovering their Right as being informed of your Majesty hayeing seized and sent to the Exchequer their said debt and assigned the repayment thereof upon the moity of your Customes so that the Merchants are like to have no more then the bare Interest of their Money the principal lying in the mean while wholly dead Haveing taken the hardship of which under our strict consideration the conviction of their just importunities prevailed upon our giveing your Majesty this trouble on their behalfe requireing that instant satisfaction be by the Brazil Company made the Merchants of his Republick in reference as well to each ma ns demand respectively as five Yeares Intrest This as it is a thing in it selfe consistent with lustice and conformable with the league lately contracted with you let me on their behalfe desire in an amicable manner that it be complyed with without further delay From our pallace at Westminster July 1656. Your Ma●…esties most affectionally OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER P. of the Republick of England To the most Sere●…e Prince Charles Gustavus by the Grace of God King of Sweedland Gothes and Vandalls Great Prince of Finland c. Most Serene King AS the alliance of so great a Prince and so famous for his actions as Your Majesty is hath ●… just Title to the height of our esteeme so that person thrô whose means we have been so strictly allyed I mean that most ●…llustrious Gentleman Christernus Bondur your Embassadour Extraordinary must have been upon that very consideration necessarily gratful and welcome unto us Whom therefore having laudably discharged this Embassy we cou'd not dismisse hence without accompanying him with a Testimony of our being highly satisfied in the rest of ●…is singular vertues as being one who seemes to entert●…ine a bel●…efe that this our recommendation of him may add ' considerably to that value and esteeme which he is already in possession of with Your Majesty in reference 〈◊〉 particularly to the diligence and prudence he exerted in this affair What remaines to be further transacted we have resolved to send Your Majesty an Embassadour soone about Whose health God in the mean time preserve for the defence of his Church and that of the Kingdome of Sweedland From our Court at Westminster July An. Dom. 1656. Your Majestie 's most affectionally OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Repbul of England c To the most Serene Prince Lewis King of France Most Serene Prince Friend and dearest Consederate WE have had a petition in the names of Richard Baker and severall other Merchants of London and his Associates wherein they humbly complaine that an English built Ship called the Endeavour William Jopp Master and hired into their service was about the 21. of Novemder 1655. set upon in her way between a place called the Palm and the Island of Tenerif where shee put out for London from seized by four French Vessels who in appearance looking like Merchant-men but arm'd like Men of War and under the chiefe comand of one Egedius de la Rocke carried her with her whole freight consisting in Medera wines to the East Indy's whether they said they were bound together with most o●… the Mariners saveing fourteen which they landed upon the shore of Guiny Which the said Egidius declared the inten●… of to be to prevent
by planting them in so remote and inhumane a place the escape of any who might by a declaration of the fact hurht him For he did owne that he had no directions to meddle either with the English or others which he might have troubled before and with all that he was not ignorant of the English and French's being at Peace at that vety time But designing to revictual at Portugal but was prevented therein by contrary Winds was necessitated to supply his Wants with what he found in that Ship That he moreover believed he might content the Owners thereof in what damage they didthem Which by sworne Testimony will appear to amount to above sixteen thousand Pounds damage to the Merchants But yet if People will upon such slender temptations venture upon the rash violation and turn into scorne as it were the Decrees of Princes whose force ought to be of utmost weight so as to exercise 〈◊〉 licentiousnesse upon Merchants to serve their own Ends it truly acts towards a totall dissolution of the Ty of alliances for the future the word and authority of Princes will decline and signify just nothing We do therefore not onely pray but ●…udge it very much concerning Your Majesty's Intrest that those who have dared to make so slight a matter of being the first Breakers of their King's Contract and most sacred Word have speedy punishments executed upon them suitable to the nature of their perfidiousnesse and insolency and that the Owners of the said Ships do in the mean time make our Merchants full satisfaction for the damage and prejudice which this act has injuriously exposed 'em unto Gods care be Your Majesties continual Guard and become the defence of the affaires of France against both our comon Enemy From our Court at Westminster August An. Dom. 1656. Y●…ur Majesty's most affectionally OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c To Cardinal Mazarine Most Eminent Sir WHen the imporatance of any affair gives me a necessary Invitation of writeing to the King I do judge the same expediently to include an occasion of doing the like to your Excellency for to conceale from his knowledge whose singular prudence alone moderates with suitable fidelity advice and vigilancy the weightyest affaires of France what I write about is apoint I reckon ' of utmost Inconsistency That Treaty most strictly establisht by you whose sinceriry were a sin to dispute we complain of the violation and contempt of and that thro the Meanes of a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 called Egidius who with his Abettors broake the same the very sameday almost of its confirmation as our Letters to the King and the applications from the Merchants themselves can make appear to your Excellency who must in particular know how much it concernes not onely the Magistrates but his Majestys owne Intrest to see the originall Infringers of this Contract brought to Justice But these perhaps upon their arrivall in the Indies whether they went may looke upon the Goods of our Subject seised upon upon the heeles if so fresh an alliance contrary to all Justice and truth as Prised Goods lawfully forc't from the Enemy That that we woud have your Excellency in the mean time do amounts to no more then that 〈◊〉 Owners of the said shipps woud make good the promise of this Comander in chiefe in returning to our people that that may be equivalent to what he has taken from 'em to supply the necestary occasi●…ns o●… his voyage wherein we understand Your Excellency to be able to do much by vertue of Your Authority From our Court at Westminster August A. D. 1656. Your Eminency's most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England c OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the High and mighty States of the united Provinces High and mighty Friends and dearest Confederates WEE doe not truly doubt but that all persons will say that nothing has been more the designe of our making Friends abroad then in order to the raising of them as such for the Intrest of the Protestant Religion nor that has appear'd more the subject of our aim then the uniteing of their hearts who either were Friends and champions for the Protestants or who were not their Enemys at least Which raises our griefe and trouble of mind so much the higher when we heare of their suspecting and entertaining of suspitions and animositys against each other who as Protestant Princes and Republicks ought to Cherish one another in all imaginable Sincerity especially You and the Kingdome of Sweedland two of the principallest Defenders of the Protestant Religion and the best Friends this Republick hath not to have that confidence in each other whick you were wont to have yea to ●…et appear signes either of a growing difference or an evident decay of your Friendship What the causes were or how farr this alienation of mind has extended of either hand are things which we profess our ignorance of We coud not neverthelesse but be much troubled at these thô never so inconsiderable sparcks of disagreements between Brethren which must necessarily convey a deal of inconveniency to the repose of the Protestant Religion's Intrest and whichif sufferd to goe on which God Farbidd how will it endanger the Reform'd Churches how will the Enemy swell and tryumph thereat the spaniards more especially is a thing that canot escape the prudent Ey of one of your experience The Spaniard will certainly so swell and swagger hereat as not to faile of rendering it the business of his Embsssadour with you to obtrude his advices and that more Confidently upon you to be guided by and with the apprehension of raiseing new warr partly and by the prospect of a false advantage partly tempt to sollicit you to forsake at his Instance your old and faithfull Friends the French English and Sweedes and engage in a very strict fellowshipp with one formerly your Enemy and Tyrant thô now a seeming Friend and which is much to be feared a a conterfeited One. Truly he who from a most canker'd Enemy shall upon so slight an occasion presse of a sudden to become your Councellour what is it that such a Man will not assume unto himselfe what confidence will he raise to if he can but once see with his Eys such things as are now onely the b●…re conceptions and imaginations of his heart namely to plant discord and civill Warr amongst the Protestant Confederates Wee know that you often pursuant to your wisedome take the State of all Europe and the condition of the Protestant Religion more especially into your consideration that such of the Cantons of Switzerland as profess the Orthodox faith are amused ●…nd grow pregnant with the apprehension of new troubles from their neighbours the Papists w●…le yet scare cowld from the heat of that Wart levyed upon them by the Spaniard upon the bare score of their Religion who haveing inflamed and kindled that warr supplyed their
Enemys with men and Money that the Massacre a●…d destruction executed the last year upon the Protestant Inhabitants of Piedmont were the effects of Spanish Influences that the Protestants of Germany under the subjection of the Emperour underwent intollerable disquiets and with much difficulty held their native habitations That the King of Sweedland whom God we hope raised as a most curagious champion for the Protestant Religion was exposed to the necessity of maintaining with the strength of his whole Kingdome a fowle aud rigid Warr against the most powerfull Enemy that the Reformation has extant how your own Provinces are threatend by the malicious confederacy lately struck by your Neighbours the Papists who are the King of Spaine's Subjects And sinally we who are taken up by the warr declared against the King of Spaine If while things stand thus a misunderstanding shoud happen to arise between you and the King of Sweedl●…nd what a sad and lamentable condition shoud Protestancy fall under all Europe over being subjected to the cruelty and fury of inhuman Enemys The consideration of which doth not a little trouble us and believe you to be of the same mind and that you will withall pursuant to the great affection you always expressed on behalfe of the Protestant cause in generall and disposition to the maintaining uninterupted the peace of such as are 〈◊〉 both in their Judgment and desires accommodate your counsells to these considerations which are preferrable to all others whatever and that you will not decline the doing of ought that may conduce to the establishing of a peace between you and the King of Sweedland Wherein 〈◊〉 we can ●…e of any service what ever opinion you may entertaine of our Authority or Intrest we most freely offer you the tender of our endeavour with the same readynesse which we do it to th●… King of Sweedland to whom we designe likewise to send an Embassy out of hand to let him know our opinion of this affair And ●…ope that God will incline your minds on both sides to moderat Couucills and prevent the falling out of any thing that may give cause of offence on either hand or carry things to an extremity But that contrarywise both partys endeavour to remove what may offend or Administer matter of Iealousy to to'ther Which if you concurr to you will ●…oth disappoint your Enemys and become a comfor't to your Friends and finally provide plentifully for your owne and the safety of the Republicke And do pray you to rest likewise very confident in this that we as often as we are supplyd with an opportunity for it shall employ our endeavour towards the rendering the united Provinces sensible of the great affection and love we bear 'em Sollicitting God wit●…all with our dayly prayers that he woud be pleased to bless your Repulick with a flourishing peace riches Liberty and more especially love and true worshipp to the Christian faith From our Court at Westminster August 1656. Your c. OLIVER Protector OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince John King of Portugall Most Serene King THomas Maynard has upon the 11. of July last old stile delivevered into our Receipt your Majesties Ratification of the peace concluded by your Embassador at London as well as of the private and preliminary articles thereof and by letters then transmitted hither from Phillip Meaddaw our Envoy at Lisbona understand that he has deliver'd your Majesty ours likewise pursuant to our direction to him on that behalfe the aforesaid Instruments of Ratification being about the beginning of June last interchanged So that a most firme Peace is confirmed between both Nations From which peace we have derived no small pleasure for that we judged that as it bespeakes a general advantage to both so it doth a proportionable detriment to the comon Enemy Who as they have been the first Inventers of meanes to interrupt the former alliance so they have lefr nothing unattempted to prevent its renovation novv Nor do vve doubt of their slipping any occasion that can be improved tovvards the creating matter of suspicion and offence between Us. Which vve have truly resolved to employ our utmost endeavours and constancy in opposition of yea it 's our earnest desire that the alliance may strengthen our confidence in each other dayly more and more so as to reckon those our Enemys vvho by any artifices shall appear to employ any project tovvards the lesseningh our friendship among ourselves and those contain'd in this Ratification and are verily persvvaded that Your Majesty is much of the same mind And vvhereas Your Majesty has been pleased in it's Letters to Us under the 24. of June nevv Stile and delivered unto our Envoy some days after the mutual exchange of the Instrument concerning the establih't Peace to mention some Clauses of this Treaty vvhich you vvould have alter'd as things vvhich thô of small moment to this Republick in Your Majesties opinion yet of very great consequence to the Kingdome of Portugal We shall be found ready to treat apart about such things as shall be propound on Your Majesties behalfe and settleing such things as shall seeme to either party to conduce to the further strengthening or binding the same Wherein we shall observe such measures as may equally conduce to the satisfaction of Your Majesty and People as our owne and referr to your choice where you will have all these things debated either at London or Lisbona But this Treaty being already confirm'd passed the lawfull Firme of both Nations and mutually interchanged to alter any part of it were to destroy the whole which we know is a thing far from Your Majesties seeking We wish Your Majesty all prosperi●…y and happiness From our Court at Westminster August 1656. Your Majesties most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most serene Prince John King of Portugal S. D. WEE have had an account of that base and wicked attempt made towards the Murther of Phillip Meadowes sent hence under the Character of our Envoy to treat with you touching a peace The cruelty of which has appeared so great that his escape is the sole effect of God providence and care of him And do by your Majestys Letters of the 26. of May delivered by Thomas Maynard understand that your Majesty moved at the indignity of the Fact Issued your comands in pursuit of the Assacinates in order to their being brought to condign punishment but do not yet heare of the apprehension of any of them nor that your Comands concerning them signified any thing We have therefore thought fitt to declare openly how much we resent that base and barbarous attempt and the approach it made towards its designe And require that due punishment ●…e executed upon the Authors Confederates and Instruments concern'd in that Villany And the sooner its done and People of honesty utmost integrity aud who
study the Peace of both Nations appointed to inquire into this affront whereby the whole may receive a thro inspection and the Authors of the villany and those that employed'em punisht with the great or severity the better For without which it will 〈◊〉 raine your Majesty laws of ●…njustice nor will the reputation of this Republick be vindicated nor can any true friendshipp subsist between both Nations without its correction We wish Your Majesty all felicity and good luck remaining Erom our Court at Westminster August 1656. Your Maiesties most affectionately OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England c OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most ●…llustrious Lord Connt Mariano S. D. Most illustrious Sir THE indication of Your singular Love both to me and this Republick contained in Your Letter of the 25. of June last to me as also the import of others sent me from Phillip Meaddow whom I sent to the King of Portugal to treat with him about the conclusion of a Peace wherein he gives us a full account of your extraordinary Parts and endeavour in the Transaction thereof has obliged us very much by what I 〈◊〉 from the Import of the said Letters This last consirmation I have received with very much content and am so farr satisfied in the Issue of things as that you shall never have cause to repent of whatever you have 〈◊〉 contributed 〈◊〉 the promotion of this Peace 〈◊〉 your sincerity to the English nor of your faithfulness exerted in this point to His Majesty It 〈◊〉 thro Gods assistance to be hoped that this Peace may be very advantagious to both Nations as well as of contrary effects to the Enemy All the misfortune and ill luck that attended thi●… affair consists in that wicked attempt basely projected against our Envoy Philips Meaddow Against whose unknowne Authors there ought to be no lesse care taken then in Instances of manifest Roguery Nor 〈◊〉 I doubt of Your Kings Justice and severity in punishing soo deepe a piece of villany nor of your 〈◊〉 promotion thereof in particular as one whose practice is Justice and Piety and make it your businesse to continue both Nations in amity and peace Which can no way subsist if such wicked attempts shall be suffer'd to escape unpunishd and unvindicated But your know●… detestation of that villany renders it unnecessary for me to enlarge any further upon it for the present As I have therefore assured you how ready I shall at all times be to demonstrate my sincerity towards you That that remains is to let you know of my haveing recommended very fervently both you and all yours to the favour and protection of the Almighty From our Court at Westminster August 1656. Yours c. OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince Charles Gustavus King of Sweedland Gothes and Vandals c. Most Serene King Friend and dearest Confederated WHen I consider that Your Majesty and I concur both in disposition and resolution in reference to the defence of the Protestant Religion against it s now if never before malignant Enewys Thence it comes to passe that as your prosperous Successes Tideings of your dayly almost Victories adds to our satisfaction so I am very much troubled at that one thing which disquiets and destroys this our united content and that is to hear among other news that your former understanding with the States of Holland doth not stand as well as it did and that things 〈◊〉 carry'd to that State 〈◊〉 you 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 Zea especially as to draw seemingly towards a Rupture The causes I know not I must confesse I visibly see that without it please God divert it it will very much devolve the Protestant Intrest Wherefore we thought it becomeing that neerest relation wherein we are united to you both and pursuant to that love and affection to the Reformed Religion which ought to be a principall inducement to us all to repeat unto Your Majesty now those perswa●…ions which we highly pres'st upon the States of Holland to list●…n unto of Peace and Quietnesse Every Corner swells with Envy against the Protestants they seeme to have conspired our destruction as being never pregnant with more malice Witnesse Piedmont loaded but yesterday as it were with the blood and Massacre of those miserable wretches Germany quashed by the late Edicts and proscriptions of the Emperour witnes Switz●…rland What need there many words to overhall the memory and griefe of so many fresh calamity's Who knowes not but that those Massacres Distractions and Vexations to which the Protestants were for three Yeares together exposed were the effects of Spanish Couucils and those of Roman Pontificates If to so many mischiefs a civill dissention among Protestant Brethren be added among you more especially in whose Power Riches and constancy the greatest safety left to the Reform'd Churches is as farr as human help is to be depended upon lodged It vvill unavoidably hasard the Reform'd Religion it selfe plunge it into the depth of danger Whereas on the other side if the Protestants universally joine in that brotherly unity vvhich becomes them to doe vve neede fear nothing that the arts or povver of our Enemy's can doe to hurt us vvhom our Concord alone vvill baffle and disappoint I therefore in an extraordinary manner pray and beseech Your Majesty that you vvould be pleased to apply a vvilling and vvell disposed mind to the confirming the former understanding vvith the States of Holland if in any point the same b●… slacken or abated If in any thing my endeavour faith diligence can be thought of use towards an accommodation I do promised and tender you the same God in the mean time bless and prosper the success of vvhat I vvish vvhich is that Your Majesties affaires may prosper and run in an interrupted stream of felicity From our Court at Westminster August 1656. Your Majesties most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the States of Holland High and mighty Lords dearest Frirnds WIlliam Cooper a Londone●… and our Subject made his complaint that John la Mair an Amsterdamer his father in Law did about thirty yeares agoe invent a meanes of raiseing the Revenue of your Republick ●…arr higher then it was and that without any extraordinary burthen to the people and made a Covenant with one John van den Brooke importing that upon some consideration between 'em he should receive the moity of such 〈◊〉 as should redound from the said Invention which was the 〈◊〉 of the small seal in the Provinees In consideration of which your mighty Highnesse were pleased to settle the yearly allowance of three thousand Guilders which amounts to three hundred pounds in English money to be paid annually to the said van den 〈◊〉 and posterity But now albeit the said Invention of the small seal has
mean time Most Serene Prince left a samous declaration of your inclination to the Churches as ●…n everlasting monument becoming your family and a patern fit for the imitation of all Princes hereafter Wee do pursuant to your deserts pray that the great good God may bless all your other undertakeings with as much felicity as you your selfe can desire and continue you in your present mind no alteration being able to mend it Westminster March An. Dom. 1656. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince the Duke of Courland Most Serene Prince YOur kind entertainment of our Embassadour during those few dayes he stayed in Your Country in his way to the Duke of 〈◊〉 has beside other considerations shewed Your Highness's opinion of us who hope that your owne natural disposition added to our interposition may 〈◊〉 Your Highnesse not toalter those inclinations of your kindnesse towards us now ●…n the case of John Jameson a Scotchman who having 〈◊〉 you seaven yeares and that faithfully as Master at Sea deliver'd a Ship of yours lately comitted to his charge in her Ballast to the care of a Pilot upon her arrival as the custome is in the Mouth of the River and made out by good evidence that discovering the ignorance of the said Pilot did all he coud to advise him so that the miscarriage of the said Ship can be no way imputed to him but wholly to the un skill fulnesse or obstinacy of the said Pilot. Admitting which it s our earnest Request to Your Excellency that the said Shipwrack be not laid to the said John the Master's charge nor the wages remaining due to him stopt therefore upon that score which is what he has left to subsist comfort himselfe with or take to in the end having by a precedent shipwrack lost what he had a little before Westminster March Anno 1657. OLIVER Protector of the Repbul of England c. To the Noble Consuls and Senators of the Commonwealth of Switzerland S. P. D. Most Noble Magnificent Gentlemen WE have been alwayes of opinion that in Industry Riches and Practise of Arts and Sciences the Fame of your Citty might vie and stand in competition with any the Noblest Citty s whatever Now having chosen to take part with Poland rather then Sweedland in that Warr which has for a considerable time raged upon the Frontiers of your Country it were truly to be wished that the consideration of that Religion which you professe and of the antient Comerce between you and the English had inclined you to the choice of such Resolutions as shoud seeme to consist with the Glory of God and the dignity and splendor of your Corporation We therefore pray that the Alliance established by the length of custome and now extant between the English Nation and you my name if it may add any thing may induce you to set at liberty the Noble and famous Conismarek the chiefest among the Sweedish Captains a singular person in warlike discipline more especially and who has been casually and thro the Treachery of his People betrayed at Sea and by the Law of Warr not yet gott to the height of bitternesse made Prisonner But if you shou'd chance to Judge it inconsistent with the present posture of your affairs to free him that then you wou'd please to render his Confinement more easy Whatever of these two you happen to resolve upon you will resolve upon that which will be truly and principally consistent with the reputation of your Corporation and consequently beget the esteem of all Noble Comanders oblige us more especially in an extraordinary manner what ever you thinke it may avail you From our Court at Westminster Anno Dom. 1657. Your most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene and Potent Prince and Lord the Emperour and Great Duke of all Russia Lord of Voladomar Muschow Novogrady King of Kazin and Astracan Syboria Lord of Vobsco Great Duke of Novcgrod and of the Law Countreys Chernigoy Rezanscoa c. Lord of all the North Seas also Lord of Everscoa Cartaluisa and many other Places S. P. D. THe antiquity of the alliance great and generally noted Trafficq together with the vast and antient comerce for along time observed betvveen this Government and your people but Great Emperour that 〈◊〉 vertue more especially wherein you outdo your Ancestors very much with the opinion entertained thereof by all your Neighbouring Princes have been our principall Inducement to cherish that affection for your Majesty which vve do and communicate thereto what vve may judge not a little conduceing to the Intrest of Christian affaires and suitably subservient to the Glory of your Name Previous whereto Wee have deputed under the character of our Embassadour to your Majeay a very vvorthy Gentlemen Mr Richard Bradshaw in whose fidelity Integrity Prudence and experience we have been sufficiently satisfied by his discharge of former Embassys and who comes fully capacitated to make kowne the singular affection and observance we bear you and suitably impower'd to treat with your Majesty concerning the affaires above mentioned Be plased therefore to receive him curteously in our name and order him as he shall have occasion for it 〈◊〉 access to your speech and Ear with proportionable credit to what he shall propose or transact and that in as full a 〈◊〉 as you woud unto us if personally present Wee wish that the Almighty and Great God may bless Your Majesty and Kingdome of Russia with all properity From our Court at Westminster April An. Dom. 1657. Your Majesties most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene and Potent Prince Charles Gustavus King of Sweedland Gothe aud Uandals Great Prince of Finland Duke of Esthon Carelia Bremen Verd Stetin Pomerania Cassuby and Vandall c. Most Serene and Potent King Friend and dearest confederate WIlliam Jepson Kinght and a member 〈◊〉 our Parliament vvho reckons it an honour to have the delivery hereof to your Majesty comes to let your Majesty knovv vvith vvhat trouble and griefe of mind 〈◊〉 vve surprised at our receipt of the 〈◊〉 of that fatall warr arisen between your Majesty and the King of Sweedland and how much its become our study and care to advance as 〈◊〉 as God will enable us to go towards the 〈◊〉 stopping of this growing mischiefe and 〈◊〉 to beat back those calamitys which this warr must necessarily beget to the generall concerns of Religion now more especially at a time when our adversarys are visibly seen united in their most pernicious counsells and consequently in their strength against us These and many other considerations and reasons of utmost moment to the publick advantage of both Nations have been our inducements to dispatch this very worthy Gentleman under the character of our Envoy Extraordinary to your Majesty whom
we pray you to 〈◊〉 kindly and throly confide in in referrence to such things as he shall comunicate in our name to your Majesty as being a person whose fidelity prudence we confide very much in praying withal that you woud not in the least suspect our singular affection and sincerity we bear Your Majesty Which our disposition of mind and redynes to Serve you upon all occasions shall contain real demonstrations of From our Court at Westminster 1656. Your Majestie 's most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. To this Excellency the Lord of Bourdeaux Embassadour Extraordinary from his most 〈◊〉 Majesty the King of France Most Excellent Sr. SAmuel Dawson John Campsey and John Nevin Merchants of London have preferred a petition to the most Serene Lord Protector setting forth that they upon their being informed of the conclusion of the Treaty between this Republick and France freighted Anno 1655. a ship called by a Name not answered by her luck viz. the Speedwel whereof John Karr war Master with 〈◊〉 comodities to be thence transported to Portugall where haveing unloaded and taken in fresh freight consisting in Wines and other comodities was in her way back set upon about the 24. of November in the said year and seized by two Men of Warr belonging to Brest whose Comanders were called the one Adrian Vindmain Swart and the other James Jonshon who carried her to a place comonly called Brivat where shee was condemn'd as lawfull prize and exposed to publick sale the goods taken from 'em being bona fide and really worth eleaven hundred pounds besides the further damage of a thousand pound That they pursued all lawfull meanes with the Governour and Magistrates of that place to recover'em That all amounted to nothing hitherto That they 〈◊〉 pursuant to the Customes of the Admiralty Court sued out a publication whereby they were to be sumond and cited to Justice who were concern'd in the capture of the said shipp who 〈◊〉 to insist upon the legalty of their Seizure That this publication was duely orderly published delivered 〈◊〉 the publick Ministers of the saide Court timelily 〈◊〉 to the French Embassadour That when none appeared on the contrary side it was desired that witnesses might be 〈◊〉 and examin'd concerning the matter under 〈◊〉 Which as it was presented to the Lord Protector by the petitioners and by him referred to the cognisance and opinion of the Councill and whereas the affidavits of witnesses annexed to the petition make plain enough that the petitioners were at liberty to trade with Portugall and seeing none can be so blind but may see that the after-seisure of Goods bought and loaded there is as we said before an act contrary to the reputation of the alliance who canot but judge it a very 〈◊〉 demand to have the said shipp and goods restord or full satisfaction made of the damage 〈◊〉 from this 〈◊〉 in referrence as well to the expence 〈◊〉 in the prosecution at Law as the goods and shipp themselves Let me therefore desire you in the name of the most Serene Protector added to my own request to Your Excellency that you woud endeavour all you can and therein to employ the Authority of Your Employment too towards the speedy effecting of either of the two In regard you canot labour in a cause more equitable nor that you can please me more in who by how much the earlyer Your Excellency shall appear to have acquitted your 〈◊〉 in what you ought to do herein by so much the more that diligence shall appear which I am always inclinable to observe in the allowance of the demands made upon me by my people Whitehall August An. Dom. 1657. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince the Lord Frederick Williams Duke of Brandenburgh High Chamberlain of the Holy Roman Empire and Prince Elector of Magdeburgh Prussia Julia Clivia the Mountains of Stetin Pomerania Cassubyes and Vandalls as also in Silesia Crosna and Carnovia Duke Burgrave Norinbergin Prince of Halberstad and Mind Earle of Marca and Ravensbergh Lord in Ravestein S. P. D. Most Serene Prince Friend and dearest Confederate WHereas you 〈◊〉 singular vertue in peace Warr haveing sounded all over the world with that Renowne such is your Greatnes and 〈◊〉 of courage that the ambition of your friendship is gaped at by the neighbouring Princes about you so as that none need to desire a friend and neighbour of more fidelity or constancy Wee have also to let you know of our being one of thsoe who entertaine high and clear thoughts of you and Your Exttaordinary obligations upon the Christian Republick 〈◊〉 you a very worthy Gentleman William Jepson Knight and one of our Parliament Men who comes to Salute 〈◊〉 in our name bespeake and wish your affaires all happynesse and finally to make knowne at large the love and great affection vve bear Your Highnesse Praying that vvhatever proposalls he makes you you listen thereto vvith as much attention and confidence as you vvoud to our selves if personally present at the delivery thereof From our Court at Westminster August Dom. 1656. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Noble Magistrates and Senators of the City of Hambrough S. P. D. Most Noble Magnificent and worthy Gentleman Dearest Friends HAveing directed a very worthy Gentleman William Jepson Knt and member of our Parliament upon his going thrô 〈◊〉 Citty in his way to the most Serene King of Sweedland whether we sent him on an Embassy not to pass by without saluteing you in our name and praying that if in ought he judged your Authority and advice to be of any service to him you woud deny him in neither The freelyer you shew you selves wherein the more sensible shall you be made of our disposition towards you From 〈◊〉 Court at 〈◊〉 August An. 〈◊〉 1657. To the most noble Magistrates of the Citty of Bremen S. P. D. Most Noble Magnisicent and Worthy Gentlemen Dearest Friends YOu have heretofore and shall as often as there is occasion for it be made sensible how you stood in our opinion and affection and that as well out of regard to your Religion as the Renowne of your Citty Now whereas William Jeps●…n Kut a member of our Parliament and a very worthy person may in his way to the most Serene King of Sweedland whether he goes on an Embassy pass thro ●…our Citty our present request to you amounts to no more then this that upon his delivery of our Salutes which he is directed to hand to you if in any thing he happens to need your help or ●…iendshipp we have ordered him to propose our ●…ntrest with you as an inducement to your complying with him in any demand he shall make upon you wherein we no lesse rely upon your allowance of then you ought to doe upon our love and singular affection towards you From our Court at Westminster August An. Dom.
16●…7 OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Noble Corporation of Lubeck Most Noble Magnificent and worthy Gentleman Dearest Friends WIlliam Jepson Knt a very worthy person and a Member of our Senat proceeds under the character of our publick minister to the most Serene King of Sweedland's Court held not farr distant from yours Do therefore pray that while his Journey happens to continue within the limits either of your Citty or Jurisdiction our alliance and comerce may be inducements to you to aid if need be and protect him We moreover directed him to salute you in our name very kindly and invite you to an assurance of our Clear disposition of mind and 〈◊〉 towards you From our Court at Westminster August An. Dom. 1657. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Noble Magistrates and Senators of the Citty of Hambrugh S. P. D. Most Noble Magnificent and worthy Gentlemen Dearest Friends PHillip Meddow who brings you this takes your Citty in his way to Denmarke whether wee have sent him as our Embassadour to the most Serene King of that C●…ntry Whom we earnestly recomend to your favour if in any thin●… he may judge it needfull to make use of your Authority or help Praying that our Recomendation be of no less weight now than it was always wont to draw with you who shall 〈◊〉 of nothing from us of an acknowledgment upon a like occasion From our Court at Westminster August An. Dom. 1657. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince Frederick Heir of Norway Duke of Slesvice Holsatia Flormaria Ditmarsia Count in Oldenburgh and Delmenhorst WEe have sent William Jepson to the most Serene King of Denmarke being a Gentleman of a noble Family member of our Parliament to treat with him as our Embassader about an affair that concernes the felicity and prosperity of the peace of Christendome And have among other things directed him to visit and salute in his way shither your in our name and make mention of our former kindness and most constant affection And desire that your Authority may be employed to secure and 〈◊〉 his Journey thrô your Country In which your Highness will oblige us and ours in a more speciall manner to suitable Returnes From our Court at Whitehall August An. Dom. 1657. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince Ferdinando Great Duke of Toskany Most Serene great Duke Dearest Friend APplication has been made unto us by petition in the names of severall Merchants tradeing to the Levant Seas setting forth that one William Ellis master of a certain shipp called the Little L●…wis being by an Otoman Peere hired in the 〈◊〉 of Alexandria to carry Rice Suggars with other comodities thence●… Constantinople or Smirna there to be disposed of to his directions the said person withdrew from the 〈◊〉 fleet and contrary to his Trust 〈◊〉 the said 〈◊〉 to Livorne where he disposes of it as prized Goods Which misbehaviour as it is of utmost 〈◊〉 example of great infamy to the name of Christians and a passage that may expose the fortunes of such English Merchants as live in the Ottoman Empire to Reprizall Wee desire that your Highnese woud Issue your Comands for the apprehension and laying up of the said perfon secureing in the mean time the said shipp and Goods till intimation be transm●…tted hence to the said Ottoman Prince of the care taken of the Re●…titution of his said Goods Promiseing that if your Excellency shall happen to need the like from us in any Instance of this kind we shall be as ready to answer it as we are now to aske From our Court at Westminster An Dom. 1657. Your Highness's most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince and Lord the Lord Frederick William Duke of Brandeburgh c. Most Serene Prince Friend and dearest Conf●…derate OUR last to Your Highnesse by William Jepson who either already has or soone may deliver'em will shew you what errand we have sent him upon and how that we could not have done the same without doing you the Justice of inserting som mentions of your vertues and the affection we bear you But to prevent any mans thinking that our notice of these great obligations of yours conferr'd upon the Protestant Interest and celebrated as such in the Report of all Men is the slight effect of ordinary Custome we must ●…ay hold upon the same argument now where tho we cannot be more sincere yet a little more large we have thought fit to be then we have been in our expressions towards Your Serenity And not without cause truly considering that we are dayly told that notvvithstanding all the attempts that are made upon you by the supple address of Trick and artifices yet your constancy and loyalty is found to give no way nor be perswaded to part from the friendship of a most couragious King and Confeder●…t and that at a time when the condition of Sweedland is such as that it is manifest that your regard to the welfare of the Protestant Religion in general is the onely inducement that keepes you to their Society and no privat end of your owne As also when hem'd in and as it were besieged by private as well as publick enemy peeping from every Corner to continue neverthelesse that steddynesse and comanding-vertue as that the Judgment of the whole matter the Issue of this very great Warr seeme to acquiesce in whatever your shall determine Wherefore your Highnesse has no re●…son to question but promise it sel●…e any thing that may be expected from our friendshipp who woud arraign our selfe of all Delinquency if we did seeme to entertaine cheaper thoug 〈◊〉 of your fidelity constancy and other Merits or seeme less in our acknowledgments to your particular Government upon the comon account o●… Religion As to the delay met with by John Frederick 〈◊〉 your Councellour and Embassadour here and our respitting hitherto that reply which according to our inclinations we ought to have made to his proposalls we pray that our Highnesse woud impute the same to the condition 〈◊〉 our affaires and not the said person whose Industry and diligence act and contend for it and rest assured that we looke upon nothing more dear or desireable then to be serviceable and assisting to your affaires so inseperable from the Intrest of the Protestant Religion Wee in the mean time pray in our prayers to to the most Great and Omnipotent God that your apparent vertue and courage may never saile fall under oppression or misse of its due reward and praise From onr Court at Westminster September An. Dom. 1657. Your Highnes's most affectionately OLIVER Protector of England c. To the most Excellent Lord Monsieur de Bourdeux Embassadour extraordinary from his most Serene Majesty the King
Testimony of our thought of him God prosper your affaires in subserviency to his owne Glory the defence of the true Protestant Religion and perseverance of friendshipp From our Court at Westminster Nomember Anno Dom. 1657. Your Highnesses most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the High and Mighty Lords the States Generall of the United Provinces High and Mighty Lords Friends and dearest Confederates WEE have in consideration of the long and clear experience had of his fidelity in several affaires uprightness and knowledge sent you George Downing Gentleman under the Character of our Envoy and furnished him with ample directions accordingly We therefore pray that you wou'd according to your wont receive him kindly and give credit to what he shall say as often as he shall signify his haveing ougt to be in our name comunicated to Your Excellency and likewise comit to him with as little distrust as if it were to ourselves whatever you wou'd have imparted unto us What we have to add is fervently to wish you all prosperity in subserviency to t●… Glory of God and the keeping up of the Church From our Court at Westminster December 1656. Yours Highnesse's most affectionatly OLIVER Protector of England c. To the States of Holland Wher●…as such is the correspondence between this Republick and Yours and such is the mutuall Trasficq that unless an Envoy or Agent be sent hither thence or hence thither matters of that great importance to t●…e advantage of both Nations canot be so conveniently carryed on We have in pursuance of comon Custome determin'd upon the sending you under that Character George Downing Gentleman a Person whom in the discharge of many and various former Trusts we found of great faithfullnesse integrity and knowledge To continue there in our name and spend his time in such offices as may seem most conduceing to the inviolable preservation and continuance of our alliance Haveing comunicated these things in writeing to the High and Mighty States we have thought it requisit to do the like to you also who in your Province bear so great a part of the government and are so considerable a limb of the States of Holland to the end you might receive our Envoy with all convenient decency And assure yourselves that what ever he treates with the States Generall about or conclude we shall stand thereto as imoveable and steddy as if we our selves were personally present there at God direct all your Councils and Actions to his owne Glory and the Repose of the Church Westminster c. Deeember 1657. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince Ferdinando Great Duke of Toskany Most Serene Great Duke much to be honoured Friend YOur Highness s Letter of the 10. of November from Florence has added considerably to our delight in that the contents thereof shew much of your affection towards us and that in a nature so extraordinary as to 〈◊〉 the true Image o●… a sincere mind Your Excellency writes of it●… haveing with all imaginable care we understand performed our Request which sollicited that you woud ●…ssue forth your comands for the appre●…ending of Wiliam Ellis Master of the ship called the Little Lewis who very dirtily broake his word to the Turcks and stopping in port the said shipp and Goods till the Turcks had restitution made them to prev●…nt any disgrace that might ari●…e from such Theft to the reputation of Christianity Wee therefore both thanke you for this kindnesse and withall desire this that in regard thè Merchants undertooke to satisfy the Turkes you forthwith discharge the said Master shipp and Goods least we shoud seem to take more care of the concernes of Infidels then those of our owne people Your Highness es affection has been in the mean time so apparent so 〈◊〉 and so acceptable unto us that to deferr our wishes of being supplyed with an occasion of makeing you suitable Returnes were to own the stain of being reputed ungratefull persons and whereby we might also demonstrate our dispofition of mind in the ready returne of our effectuall acknowledgments From our Court at Westminster December An. Dom. 1657. Your Highness's most affectionately OLIVER Protector of the Republick of England c. OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene and Potent Prince Charles Gustavus King of Sweedland c. Most Serene c. YOur Majesties Letter of the 21. of February from your Court at Selandia came pregnant with matter enough to fill us with satis●…action of no small degree in reference as well to our own private as the concerne of the intire welfare of Christendome First that the King of Denmarck to gratify I believe no private Inclination or end of his owne but driven into hostility rather by the artifice of the comon Enemy shoud be upon your entry into the bowles of his Countr●… suddainly so reduced and that without much blood that as the case stood he judged his takeing up of armes against you might be ameanes of his atteining at length to a more advantagious peace Next concluding that the onely means of accomplishing such a peace was to make use of our interposition if he coud obteine it that your Majesty prevailed upon at the single ●…nstance of our Envoy in his letter shoud in so easy a condescention shew what value it had for the interposition of our friendshipp and Intrest and to have been pleased to lodge my endeavour in the front of so pious aworke so as to become the main Instrument and author my sel●…e of a peace so promiseing as this I hope may be to the Protestant Intrest For whereas the Enemys of Religion dispaired of disuniteing yours by any other meanes then that of setting you by the Eares among your selves they must now certainly have reason to apprehend that this suddain conjunction of your forces and of your minds we hope may turne to the destruction of the kindlers of this Warr Go on in the mean time most valiant King in prosperity and see that the Enemys of the Church smart now thro Gods help under the weight of that felicity which they lately admired in your exploits and stream of victories against a King now your friend OLIVER Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince Ferdinando Great Duke of Toskany Most Serene Prince OUr answer to your Envoy here may we suppose prove of satisfaction to your Highnes concerning the Comander in chiefe of our fleet lately arrived in your Roade Wee have been in the mean time petitioned unto by John Hosier a Londoner and Master of a certain vessell called the Mistriss wherein he says that haveing in the Month of Aprill 1656 comited by charter party his shipp to one Joseph Harman an Italian and finding that the said Italian apparently broake the Termes of the said Charter party was forc't to prevent the losse
that God may preserve Your Eminency long and as an ●…nstrument for the promotion of the comon Good of both Nations Westminster September 1658. ●…HARD Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Sere●…e and Potent Prince Charles Gustavus King of Sweedland Gothes and Vandals c. Most Serene and p●…tent King Friend and Confederate WHen I co●…sider that it is scarce possible for me to follow the patern of my fathers vertu●…s without I expres it in a desire of retaining valuing those Intrests also which were both the purchase of his valour and that which 〈◊〉 judged very adviseable to retaine and cherish You●… Ma ●…sty need no●… q●…stion whether I understand the incumbency of continueing that study and affection towards you which my father of most famous memory seems to h●…ve entertaind Notwithstanding therefore that I do not upon my entry upon this G●…verment and its dignity find things in such a posture 〈◊〉 the present so as to be able to be so quick in an answer to s●…me heads offe●…r'd by Your Embass●…dours as I woud ●…et t●… continue the League establish by my father with Your Majesty enter into another also of stricter Tearins is a thing I shall very willingly Listen to And s●… soone as I have a true state of things as they stand of both sides shall as far as concernes me be alwayes very ready to come to such Resolutions as shall seem to consist most with the advantage o●… both Goverments God in the mean time long preserve Your Majesty to his owne Glory and the defence and protection of the Orthodox Church Dated at our Court at Westminster October 1658. RICHARD Protector of the Repub. of England c. To the most se●…ene and potent Prince Charles Gustavus King of Sweedland Gothes Vandalls Great Prince of Finland Duke of Scania Erthonia Care●…ia Bremen verda Vandal Prince of Russia Lord of Engria Wismar as also Count Pallatin of the Rhine Bavaria Julia Clivia and Duke of the Mounts Most Serene Potent King Friend and Confiderate THis brings you an account of my receipt of both Your Majesties Letters the one by your E●…vo and the other transmitted unto us from Mr Philip Meadow our Embassadour Which denote not onely Your M●…griefe concerning the death of my most Serene father evident your opinion of him but of me also his successor your expectations of me And as to my father nothing can truly add to his future 〈◊〉 which for nobility or wor●…h can exceed the praise of so worthy a person nothing that can portend m●…re good Luck to my undertakeing of the administration of the Goverment then to be c●…ngratulated by so great a Congratulator nothing of an estate tho never so plentiful coud have adv●…nced so farr towards the kindleing an ambition of pursueing the v●…rtue of a father equall to so considerable a Councellour As to what you mention concerning the comon safety of Protestancy and the reasons you offer to draw us into a concurrence of with you I would have your Majesty believe that albeit since my arrivall to this Goverment the posture of our affaires has been such as to have taken up and approprinted the Re●…ult o●… our dilligence care and vigilancy to the speciall consideration o●… matters at home yet nothing has been or is dearer or more in our purposes then to employ all meanes tending to the support of that alliance ratify'd in my fathers time with Your Majesty I have therefore taken care of sending a fleet to the Baltique sea with such Instrucons as our Envoy pursuant to such directions as we ●…ave given him at large relateing thereto shall communicate to Your Majesty Whom the Almighty God take care of the safety of and make ●…ortunate and succesfull in all your undertakeing in referrence more particularly to the Orthodox faith for whose defence may he long stand by you Dated at our Court at Westminster October 13. 1658. RICHARD Protector of the Republ. of England c To the most Serene and potent Prince Charles Gustavus King of Sweedland Gothes and Vandalls c. Most Serene and potent King Friend and Confederate I send Your Majesty the best thing I coud part with both in w●…rth and Excellency I mean Sir George Ascue Knight a very worthy and noble Gentleman a person of long knowledge and Tryed experience not onely in warlike affaires especially those of the sea but also inrich'd 〈◊〉 integrity Modesty understanding and learning unwelcome upon the account of his most acceptable moralls to none and which is above all now ●…or some time under a desire of serveing under Your Majesties 〈◊〉 so famous every where upon the score of your power in warlike discipline And woud have Your Majesty thinke that what ever you please to comit to the care of this man either of trust or otherwise wherein faithfulnesse experience and courage is requisit to be shewn or exercised you canot doe it to a more faithfull stout or probably skillfull person As to what I committed to his Trust to be communicated to Your Majesty let his admittance I pray be quick his audience curteous and that very weight laid upon what he says which you woud upon our imediat delivery thereof shew him such respect withall as you shall judge convenient to be shewen to a person of his character for his merits very worthy of our recomendation That God may blesse your affaires and assign them a happy Issue and that to his owne Glory and the support of the Orthodox Faith Dated at our Court at Westminster October 1658. RICHARD Protector of the Republ. of England c. To the most Serene Prince Charles Gustavus King of Svveedland Gothes and Vandals Most Serene and potent King Friend and confederate COmplaint has been made us by Petition in the name of Samuel Piggot of London Merchant setting forth his haveing lately sent two shipps the one called the Post Jacob Tidd Master and the other the Water dog Graband Pieters Master from London into France upon the account of Trade thence to Amsterdam with their loading of salt thence to Stetin neere Pomerania in the Baltique sea within your jurisdiction the one in her Ballast and the other with her freight of salt loaded at the joint cost of the petitioner and one Peter Hensbergh who was his Copartener But that both the said shipps were as he understands sett upon and taken by some of your Forces in some part of the said sea and retain'd Altho he has to prevent this mischiefe sent a Certificate under the seal of the Admiralty Court with both the said ships testifying that 〈◊〉 the moity of the said herings the sole propriety of both lay peculiarly in him Which haveing made clear proof of before us I 〈◊〉 desire that in regard the losse of both the ships canot be without very gre●… prejudice to the man and it may be the 〈◊〉 of his whole fortune Your Majesty wou'd charge and comand