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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19811 The whole vvorkes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in poetrie; Poems Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619.; Danyel, John, 1564-ca. 1626.; Cockson, Thomas, engraver.; Rogers, William, b. ca. 1545, engraver. 1623 (1623) STC 6238; ESTC S109251 133,499 245

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replyes As the rebounding Eccho streight through-out From Towre to Towre reuerberated flyes To th' eares of those great Lords who sate about The consultation for this enterprise Whose care is sav'd which most they stood vpon For what they counsell how too doe is done 108 And nothing now but to confirme him king Remaines which must not long remaine to do The present heare doth strait dispatch the thing With all those solemne rites that long thereto So that what Yorke with all his trauayling Force and intrusion could not get vnto Is now thus freely layd vpon his sonne Who must make faire what fowlly was begunne 109 Whos 's end attayn'd had it here made an end Of foule destruction and had stay'd the bloud Which Towton Exham Tewksbury did spend With desp'rate hands and deeper wounds withstood And that none other Crowne brought to contend With that of his had made his seeme lesse good How had this long-afflicted Land been blest Our sighes had ended and my Muse had rest 110 Which now but little past halfe her long way Stands trembling at the horrors that succeed Weary with these embroylements faine would stay Her farther course vnwilling to proceed And faine to see that glorious holy-day Of Vnion which this discord reagreed Knowes not as yet what to resolue vpon Whether to leaue-off here or else go-on The end of the seauenth Booke THE EIGHTTH BOOKE THE ARGVMENT King Edward Powre against King Henry led And hath at Towton-field the victory From whence King Henry into Scotland fled Where he attempts his States recouery Stea'es into England is discouered Brought Prisoner to the Towre disgracefully And Edward whiles great Warwick doth assay A Match in France marries the Lady Grey 1 ON yet sad Verse though those bright starres from whence Thou hadst thy light are set for euermore And that these times do not like grace dispense To our indeuours as those did before Yet on since She whose beames do reincense This sacred fire seemes as reseru'd in store To raise this Worke and here to haue my last Who had the first of all my labours past 2 On with her blessed fauour and relate With what new bloud-shed this new chosen Lord Made his first entry to th' afflicted State Past his first Act of publique with the sword Ingor'd his new-worne Crowne and how he gat Possession of affliction and restor'd His Right vnto a Royall miserie Maintained with as bloudy dignitie 3 Shew how our great Pharsalian Field was fought At Towton in the North the greatest day Of ruine that dissension euer brought Vnto this Kingdom where two Crownes did sway The worke of slaughter two Kings Causes wrought Destruction to our People by the waie Of their affections and their loyalties As if one for these ills could not suffise 4 Where Lancaster and that couragious side That noble constant Part came furnished With such a Powre as might haue terrifi'd And ouer-run the earth had they been led The way of glory where they might haue tri'd For th' Empire of all Europe as those did The Macedonian led into the East Their number being double at the least 5 And where braue Yorke comes as compleatly mand With courage valour and with equall might Prepar'd to trie with a resolued hand The metall of his Crown and of his Right Attended with his fatall fier-brand Of Warre Warwicke that blazing starre of fight The Comet of destruction that portends Confusion and distresse what way he tends 6 What rage what madness England do we see That this braue people in such multitude Run to confound themselues and all to be Thus mad for Lords and for meere Seruitude What might haue been if Roman-like and free These gallant Spirits had nobler ends pursu'd And strayn'd to points of glory and renowme For good of the Republique and their owne 7 But here no Cato with a Senate stood For Common-wealth nor here were any sought T'emancipate the State for publique good But onely headlong for their faction wrought Here euery man runs-on to spend his bloud To get but what he had already got For whether Pompey or a Caesar wonne Their state was euer sure to be all one 8 And first before these fatall Armies met Had forward Warwicke lay'd the passage free At Ferry Brigges where the Lord Clifford set With an aduentrous gallant companie To guard that streight Yorkes farther march to let Began the Scene to this great Tragedie Made the first entrance on the Stage of blood Which now set wide for wounds all open stood 9 When Edward to exhort his men began With words whereto both spirit and Maiestie His pers'nage gave for-that he was a man Besides a King whose Crowne sate gracefully Com'n is the day sayd he wherin who can Obtaine the best is Best this day must try Who hath the wrong and whence our ills haue beene And t is our swords must make vs honest men 10 For though our Cause by God and men allow'd Hath in it honor right and honestie Yet all as nothing is to be avow'd Vnless withall we haue the victorie For Iustice is we see a virtue proud And leanes to powre and leaues weake miserie And therefore seeing the case we now stand in We must resolue either to dy or winne 11 So that if any here doth finde his heart To fayle him for this noble worke or stands Irresolute this day let him depart And leaue his Armes behind for worthier hands I knowe e now will stay to doo their part Here to redeeme themselues wiues children landes And haue the glory that thereby shall rise To free their Country from these miseries 12 But here what needed wordes to blowe the fire In flame already and inkindled so As when it was proclaym'd they might retire Who found vnwillingnes to vnder-goe That ventrous worke they all did so conspire To stand out Fortune that not one would goe To beare away a hand from bloud not one Defraud the Field of th' euill might be done 13 Where VVarwicke too producing in their sight An argument whereby he did conclude There was no hope of safetie but by fight Doth sacrifize his horse to Fortitude And thereby did the least conceipt of flight Or any succour by escape exclude Se'ing in the streight of a necessitie The meanes to win is t' haue no meanes to flye 14 It was vpon the twi-light of that day That peacefull day when the Religious beare The Oliue-branches as they go to pray And we in lieu the blooming Palmes vse here When both the Armies ready in array For th' early sacrifize of blood appeare Prepar'd for mischiefe ere they had full light To see to doo it and to doo it right 15 Th' aduantage of the time and of the winde Which both with Yorke seeme as retayn'd in pay Braue Faulconbridge takes hold-on and assign'd The Archers their flight-shafts to shoote away Which th' aduerse side with sleet and dimnesse blinde Mistaken in the distance of
slaine and doubting his owne end Leapes vp into a chaire that lo was there The-whiles the King did all his courage bend Against those foure which now before him were Doubting not who behind him doth attend And plyes his hands vndaunted vnaffeard And with good heart and life for life he stird 77 And whiles he this and that and each mans blowe Doth eye defend and shift being layd-to sore Backward he beares for more aduantage now Thinking the wall would safegard him the more When lo with impious hand ô wicked thou That shamefull durst not come to strike before Behind him gav'st that lamentable wound Which layd that wretched Prince slat on the ground 78 Now proditorious wretch what hast thou done To make this barbarous base assassinate Vpon the person of a Prince and one Fore-spent with sorrow and all desolate What great aduancement hast thou hereby wonne By being the instrument to perpetrate So foule a deed where is thy grace in Corte For such a seruice acted in this sort 79 First he for whom thou dost this villanie Though pleas'd therewith will not auouch thy fact But let the weight of thine owne infamie Fall on thee vnsupported and vnbackt Then all men else will loath thy treacherie And thou thy selfe abhorre thy proper act So th' Wolfe in hope the Lyons grace to win Betraying other beastes lost his owne skinne 80 But now as this sweet Prince distended lay And him nor Life nor Death their owne could call For Life remouing rid not all away And Death though entring had not seis'd on all That short-tym'd motion had a little stay The mouer ceasing though it were but small As th' Organ-sound a time suruiues the stop Before it doth the dying note giue vp 81 When lo there streames a spring of bloud so fast From those deepe woundes as all imbru'd the face Of that accursed cay tiue as he past After the deed effected through the place And there withall those dying eyes did cast Such an vpbray ding looke on his disgrace Seeming to checke so cowardly a part As lest th' impression euen in his hart 82 And this one King most neere in bloud ally'd Is made th' oblation for the others peace Which peace yet was not hereby ratifi'd So as it could all future feares release For though the other did forth with prouide To haue the rumour run of his decease By drawing the corps to London where it was Layd three dayes to be seene with open face 83 Yet so great was this execrable deed As men would searce therein belieue their eyes Much lesse their eares and many sought to feed The easie creditours of nouelties By voycing him aliue how hee was freed By strange escape out of his miseries And many did conspire now to relieue Him dead who had forsaken him aliue 84 And many suffred for his Cause when now He had none many wisht for him againe When they perceiv'd th' exchange did not allow Their hopes so much as they did looke to gaine By traffiquing of kings and all saw how Their full exspectances were in the wane They had a King was more then him before But yet a king where they were nought the more 85 And sure this murthred Prince though weake he was He was not ill nor yet so weake but that He shew'd much Martiall valour in his place Aduentring oft his person for the State And might amongst our better Princes passe Had not the flatterie rapine and debate Of factious Lords and greedie Officers Disgrac't his actions and abus'd his yeares 86 Nor is it so much Princes weakenesses As the corruption of their Ministers Wherby the Common-wealth receiues distress For they attending their particulars Make imperfections their aduantages To be themselues both Kings and Councellors And sure this Common-wealth can neuer take Hurt by weake kings but such as we doo make 87 Besides he was which people much respect In Princes and which pleases vulgarly Of goodly personage and of sweete aspect Of milde accesle and liberalitie And feastes and shewes and triumphs did affect As the delights of youth and iollitie But here the great profusion and expence Of his reuences bred him much offence 88 And gaue aduantage vnto enmitie This grieuous accusation to prefer That he consum'd the common Treasurie Whereof he being the simple vsager But for the State not in proprietie Did alien at his pleasure and transfer The same t' his minions and to whome hee list By which the Common-wealth was to subsist 89 Whereby sayd they the poore concussed State Shall euer be exacted for supplyes Which accusation was th' occasion that His successour by order nullifies Many his Patents and did reuocate And reassume his liberalities And yet for all these wasles these gifts and feasts He was not found a Bankrupt in his chests 90 But they who tooke to Syndicque in this sorte The Actions of a Monarch knew those things Wherein the accoumpts were likely to fall short Betweene the State of Kingdomes and their Kings Which president of pestilent import Had not the heauens blest thy indeuourings Against thee Henry had beene likewise brought Th' example made of thy example wrought 91 For though this bountie and this liberalness A glorious vertue be it better fits Great men then kings who giuing in excesse Giue not their owne but others benefits Which calles-vp manies hopes but pleasures lesse Destroying far more loue then it begets For Iustice is their Virtue that alone Makes them sit sure and glorifies the Throne The ende of the third Booke THE FOVRTH BOOKE THE ARGVMENT King Henrie his excuses publishes For Richards death and truce doth intertaine With France The Scots aggrieu'd for wrongs address Themselues to warre and are appeas'd againe The Welsh rebell The Percies practises To part the State are stopt in battell slaine Continuall troubles still afflict this King Till Death an end doth to his trauailes bring 1 THe bounds once ouer-gone that hold men in They neuer stay but on from bad to worse Wrongs do not leaue off there where they begin But still beget new mischiefes in their course Now Henrie thou hast added to thy sinne Of vsurpation and intruding force A greater crime which makes that gone before T' appeare more then it did and noted more 2 For now thou art inforc't t'apologise With forraine States for two enormious things Wherein thou dost appeare to scandalise The publike Right and common Cause of Kings Which though with all the skill thou canst deuise Thou ouerlay'st with fayrest colourings Yet th'vnder-worke transparent shewes too plaine Where open acts accuse th' excuse is vaine 3 And these defences are but complement● To dallie with confining Potentates Who busied in their proper gouernments Do seldome tend th' affaires of other States Their wisedome which to present powre consents Liue-dogges before dead Lyons estimates And no man more respects these publike wrongs Then so much as t' his priuate state belongs 4
the way Answere with their sheafe-arrowes that came short Of their intended ayme and did no hurt 16 But gath'red by th'on-marching Enemy Returned were like clowdes of steele which powre Destruction downe and did new-night the sky As if the Day had sayl'd to keepe his howre Whereat the ranged horse breake-out deny Obedience to the Riders scorne their powre Disrank the troupes set all in disarray To make th' Assay lant owner of the day 17 Thus thou peculiar Ingine of our Land ' Weapon of Conquest Maister of the Field Renowmed Boaw that mad'st this Crowne command The towres of Fraunce and all their powres to yeeld Art made at home to haue th' especiall hand In our dissensions by thy worke vp-held Thou first didst conquer vs then rays'd our skill To vanquish others here our selues to spill 18 And now how com'st thou to be out of date And all neglected leav'st vs and art gone And with thee th' ancient strength the manly state Of valor and of worth that glory wonne Or else stay'st thou till new-priz'd shot abate That neuer shall affect what thou hast don And onely but attend'st some blessed Raigne When thou and Virtue shalt be grac't againe 19 But this sharp tempest draue Northumberland Who led the vant-guard of king Henries side With eger heat ioine battaile out of hand And this disorder with their swords to hide Where twice fiue howres these furious armies stand And Fortunes Ballance weigh'd on neither side Nor either did but equall bloud-shed gayne Till Henries chiefest leaders all were slaine 20 Then lo those spirits which from these heads deriue Their motions gaue off working and in haste Turne all their backs to Death and mainely striue Who from themselues shall run-away most fast The after-flyers on the former driue And they againe by the pursuers chac't Make bridges of their fellowes backs to pass The Brooks and Riuers where-as danger was 21 Witnes O cleare-stream'd Cock within whose banks So many thousand crawling helpless lay With wounds and wearinesse who in their rankes Had valiantly behav'd themselues that daie And might haue had more honour and more thankes By standing to their worke and by their stay But men at once life seeme to loue and loath Running to lose it and to saue it both 22 Vnhappy Henrie from a little Hill Plac't not far off whence he might view the fight Had all th' intire full prospect of this ill With all the scattered slaughter in his sight Saw how the victor rag'd and spoil'd at wil And left not off when all was in his might Saw with how great adoo himselfe was wonne And with what store of blood Kings are vndone 23 We are not worth so much nor I nor he As hath beene spent for vs by you this day Deare people said he therefore O agree And leaue off mischiefe and your malice stay Stay Edward stay They must a People bee When we shall not be Kings and it is they Who make vs with their miseries Spare them For whom thou thus dost seeke a Diadem 24 For me I could be pleas'd t' haue nought to doe With Fortune and content my selfe were ill So England might be well and that t' vndoe Me might suffice the sword without more ill And yet perhaps these men that cleaue vnto The parts of Princes with such eger will Haue likewise their owne ends of gaine or hate In these our strifes and nourish this debate 25 Thus stood he drawing lines of his discourse In contemplation when more needfully It did import him to deuise a course How he might shift for his recouery And had beene taken had not some by force Rescu'd and drawne him off more speedilie And brought him vnto Yorke in all maine poste Where he first told his Queen the daie was lost 25 Who as compos'd of that firme temp'rature Which could not bend to base complaynts nor wayle As weakenes doth fore-knowing how t' indure Fayl'd not her selfe though Fortune did her fayle But rather casts-about how to procure Meanes to reserue her part and to preuaile Of that poore time left her to saue her owne As one though ouer-come not ouer-throwne 26 Now when she had of fatall Lancaster Seene all the pillars crusht and ruined That vnder-set it all that followed her Of those heroicke personages dead Saue onely Sommerset and Excester Who from this last destruction hardly fled And saw all lost and nothing in her might But onely that which must be sav'd by flight 27 Now when there was no North left of their owne To draw vnto no side to gather head No people to be rays'd t'an emptie Crowne Nor yet the ground their owne whereon they tread When yet your faith worthy of all renowne Constant Northumbrians firme continued And though you could not render succors fi● Vnto your Sov'raigne you would saue him yet 28 And be as few men in this world are true Vnto affliction and to miserie And would not basely purchace and renew Your peace and safetie by disloyaltie But wrought that though the Victor did pursue With greedy care and egre industrie To haue surpriz'd him yet was all in vaine Till he recouered Berwicke with his Traine 29 Where now he was at some more vacancie To vnderstand and see himselfe vndone Which in this sodaine-comming misery He had no leasure to consider-on And now suruaies he that poore company Attending on himselfe his wife and sonne Sees how that all the State which serv'd his Crowne Was shut within the walls of one small towne 30 Beholds there what a poore distressed thing A King without a people was and whence The glory of that Mightinesse doth spring That ouer-spreds with such a reuerence This vnder-world whence comes this furnishing And all this splendor of Magnificence He sees what chayre so-euer Monarch sate Vpon on Earth the People was the State 31 And yet although he did contayne no more Then what he saw yet saw a peece so small Could not containe him What he was before Made him vncapable of any wall To yeeld him succour now he must haue more Then onely this small Holde or none at all And therefore this se'ing it auayl'd him not Nor could he keepe he renders to the Scot 32 As th' Earnest to confirme and ratifie The league betweene them two newly begun Whereof to make more sure and faster tye He promist too th' alliance of his sonne And all that might secure their amity With willingnesse on either side was done And heere they practise all they can deuise To turne reuenge vpon their Enemyes 33 Thus England didst thou see the mightiest King Thou euer hadst in Power and Maiesty Of state and of Dominions gouerning A most magnificent Nobility With an aduent'rous people flourishing In all the glories of felicitie Chac't from his kingdom forc't to seeke redresse In parts remote distrest and succourlesse 34 Now Bullingbrook these miseries heere showne Doo much vnlode thy sinne make thy ill good For if thou did didst
he had raigned 13. yeares 1100. Hen. ● the youngest sonne of William ● raigned 35. yeares 4 monthes whose sonnes Wul Ricbo●rg drowned on the S●a● hele●●●● the Crow to Maude first maried to the Emperour Hen. 4 and after to Goffrey Plantagenes E. of Anion 1135. Stephen son to the E. of Bloys Adela daughter to Wil I. inuades the kingdōe cōtēdes with Maude the Empresse for the succession and raigned tumuleuarely 18. yeares and 10. mon●thes 1154. Hen. 2. sonne of Geffry Plantagenet E. of Ai●s Maude the Empresse associated his sonne Hen. In the Crowne and gouerment which learned to his great disturbance and set all his sonnes Henry Richard Geffrey Iohn against hon lie raigned 34. yeares 7. months 1189. Richard went to the Holy warres was king of Ierusalem whiles his brother Iohn by the help of the King of France vsurpt the crown of England Hee was detained prisoner in Austria redeemed and reigned nine years 9. months 1199. K. Iohn vsurps the right of Arthur sonne to Goffrey his elder brother and raignes 17 yeares Hee had warres with his Barons who elected Lewis Sonne to the K. of France 1216. Hen. 3. at 9. yeares of age was Crowned King and raigned 6 yeares 1272. Ed. 1. had the dominion ouer this whole Iland of Britaine and raigned gloriously 34. yeeres 7. Moneths 1307. Edward 2. abused by his Minions debaushed by his owne weaknesse was deposed frō his gouernment when he had reigned 19. yeares 6. moneths and was murthered in prison 1326. Edw. 3 Edward the black prince who died before his father Richard 2. being but 11. yeares of age was crowned K. of England 1377 Richard the 2. son to the blacke prince The D. of Lancaster intitled K. of Castile in the right of his wise Constance eldest daughter to K. Peter Edmond Langly Earle of Cambridge after created D. of Yorke Thomas of Woodstocke after made D. of Glocester Robert Veere Duke of Ireland Ann. Reg. 11. the D. of Gloster with the E E. of Darby Arūdel Nottingham Warwicke other L I. hauing forced the K. to put from him all his officers of Court at this Parliamēt caused most of thē to be executed as Iohn Beauchamp L. Steward of b●sh●use Sir Simon Burley L. Chamberlaine with many other Also the L. chief Iustice was here executed and all the Iudges condēned to death for maintaining the Kings prerogative against these L L. these constitutions of the last Parliament in Ann. 10 Ann. Reg. 18. Ann. 20. Isabel daughter to Charles 6. Vulovan E. of S. Paule who had maried the kingshalfe sister At the parliament in Anno 11. the L L. of the league with Gloster being pardoned for their opposing against the ●ings proceedings were quiet till Anno 21 when vpon report of a new confederacie they were surprised Mowbray E. Marshal after made Duke of Norfolie had the charge of dispatching the D. of Gloster at Calice The K. had by Parliament before pardoned the D and those two Earles yet was the pardon reuoked Nihil est quod credere de se non possit cum laudatur dijs qu●● potestas Hen. Bollingbroke of Hereford Tho. Mowbray D. of Norfolke Mowbray was banished the very day by the course of the yeere whereon he murthered the D. of Glocester An. Reg. 22. The D. being banished in Septēber landed in the beginning of Iulie after at Rauenspurre in Yorkeshire some say but with 60. men other with 3000 and 8 shippes set forth and furnished by the Duke of Brittaine Ann. Reg. 22. The Genius of England appeares to Bullingbrooke The D. put to death VVilliā Scroope E. of Wiltshire Treasurer of Eng. with Sir Hen. Greene Sir Iohn Bushy for misgouerning the king and the Realme Th. Arundel Archbish. of Canterburie Bis peccat qui pretextu Religionis peccat Edward D. of Aumerie Sonne to the D. of Yorke Conway Castle in Wales Montague E. of Salisburie This Percie was Earle of Worster brother to the Earle of Northumberland and steward of the Kings house The D. of Yorke left Gouernour of the Realm in the absēce of the king hauing leuied a great Army as if to haue opposed against Bullingbrooke brought most of the Nobilitie of the kingdome to take his part The E. of Northūberland sent to the king from Hen. Builingbrooke nor D. of Lancaster The Bishop of Carlile Montague Earle of Salisbury This was sir Peter Leighs Auncitor of Lime in Cheshire that now is Ienico a Artois a Gascoin The Earle of Salsbury his speech to K. Richard The Bishop of Carlile Lex Am. nestia The Owle is said to bee Mineruas bird The Archbishop of Cant. takes his text out of the first booke of the Kings cap. 9. Vir domin●● bitur in populo The Nobilitie accused for the death of Thomas of Woodstocke D. of Gloster The Dukes of Surry Excester and Aumarle The Earles of Salesburie and Gloster the Bishop of Carlile Sir Thomas Blunt and other were the parties accused for the death of the D. of Gloster Thom. late Duke of Surry Sir Thom. Blunt This Knight was Sir Pierce of Exton Primus imperium communicauit posuit Dioclesianus inco ponendo dixisse fertur Recipe Iupiter imperium quod mihi commodasti The Corpe was co●●●easrons Pon●●●es to Londō whereas say witho●●● sace in Pau●es ● dayes and after a sile nine a● sequ'e was had to Lingley and there meanely ●●●●ed K. Ric. bruted to be alive asie● he was thus murthered which begar a con● Conspiracie for the which Sir Roger Clarindon supposed to be the base sonne of the blacke Prince was executed with diuers Frier Hee h●d in his Courte 1000. persone in ordinarie alowance of diet 300 soruitous sin his Kitchen aboue 100. Lad● Chambeteri and Landeoers H●asswell Shomptueus and so was it generaly in his time bee lod one Core of gold and stone valued as 3000. markes One interuiew with the Fr. King at Arde when his wife Isabel was deliuered vnto him cost 300000. markers Hon. q. remeketh al letters patents of Anvit●●gies granted by K. Ed. and K. Ric Ann. reg 6. When he was first surpris'd in Wales the D. of Lancaster had in Holt Castle ●00000 markes in coyne and 200000 markes in Iewels and at his Reignation in ●● Towre 300000 poūd in coyne beside plates and Iewels A Prince excessiue in gifts makes his subiects excessiue in suces Commisioners are sect to forreine Princes to excuse iustifie the Kings proceedings In this time of Charles 6. began the ciuile warres Fraunce between he Dukes of Orlaus and Burgoigne The Truce made with Ric. 2. renewd for 30 yeares but broken the next yeare after vpon their part sending laques de Burbon with forces into Wales to the ayde of Glendour The King labors to haue Q. Isabel matcht to his sonne Henry Prince of Wales Queene Isabel was maried to Charles sonne to Loyse D. of Orleans Thom. Percy E. of Worcester was sent into Gascony with 200. men at Armes
might Whil'st we hold but the shadow of our owne Pleas'd with vaine shewes and dallied with delight They as huge vnproportion'd mountaines growne Betweene our land and vs shadowing our light Bereaue the rest of ioy and vs of loue And keepe downe all to keepe themselues aboue 20 Which wounds with griefe poore vnrespected zeale When grace holdes no proportion in the parts When distribution in the Common-weale Of charge and honour due to good desarts Is stopt when others greedie hands must deale The benefite that Maiestie imparts What good we meant comes gleaned home but light Whilst we are robd of prayse they of their right 21 Thus he complaind when lo from Lancaster The new intit'led Duke with order sent Arriv'd Northumberland as to conferre And make relation of the Dukes intent And offred there if that he would referre The controuersie vnto Parlement And punish those that had abus'd the State As causers of this vniuersall hate 22 And also see that Iustice might be had On those the Duke of Glosters death procur'd and such remov'd from Councell as were bad His cosin Henry would he there assur'd On humble knees before his Grace be glad To aske him pardon to be well secur'd and haue his right and grace resto'rd againe The which was all he labour'd to obtaine 23 And therefore doth an enterparle exhort Perswades him leaue that vnbeseeming place and with a princely hardinesse resort Vnto his people that attend his Grace They meant his publique good and not his hurt and would most ioyfull be to see his face He layes his soule to pledge and takes his Oath The ost of Christ an ostage for his troth 24 This proffer with such protestations made Vnto a King that so neere danger stood Was a sufficient motiue to perswade When no way else could shew a face so good Th'vnhonourable meanes of safety bade Danger accept what Maiesty withstood When better choyses are not to be had We needes must take the seeming best of bad 25 Yet standes he'in doubt a while what way to take Conferring with that small remaining troope Fortune had left which neuer would forsake Their poore distressed Lord nor neuer stoope To any hopes the stronger part could make Good Carlile Ferby and Sir Stephen Scroope With that most worthy Montague were all That were content with Maiesty to fall 26 Time spare and make not sacrilegious theft Vpon so memorable constancie Let not succeeding Ages be berest Of such examples of integritie Nor thou magnanimous Leigh must not be left in darknesse for thy rare fidelitie To saue thy faith content to lose thy head That reuerent head of good men honoured 27 Nor will my Conscience I should iniury Thy memorie most trusty Ienico For b'ing not ours though wish that Gasconie Claym'd not for hers the faith we reuerence so That England might haue this small companie Onely to her alone hauing no moe But le' ts diuide this good betwixt vs both Take she thy birth and we will haue thy troth 28 Graue Moniague whom long experience taught In either fortune thus aduis'd his King Deare Sou'raigne know tho matter that is sought Is onely now your Maiesty to bring From out of this poore safetie you haue got Into theyr hands that else hold euery thing For now but onely you they want of all and wanting you they nothing theirs can call 29 Here haue you craggie Rocks to take your part That neuer will betray their faith to you These trusty Mountaines here will neuer start But stand t' vpbraid their shame that are vntrue Here may you fence your safetie with small art against the pride of that confused Crew If men will not those verie Cliffes will fight and be sufficient to defend your right 30 Then keepe you here and here shall you behold Within short space the slyding faith of those That cannot long their resolution hold Repent the course their idle rashnesse chose For that same mercenarie faith they sold With least occasions discontented growes And insolent those voluntarie bands Presuming how by them he chiefly stands 31 And how can he those mightie troupes sustaine Long time where now he is or any where Besides what discipline can he retaine Whereas he dares not keepe them vnder feare For feare to haue them to reuolt againe So that it selfe when Greatnesse cannot beare With her owne waight must needes confus'dly fall Without the helpe of other force at all 32 And hither to approche hee will not dare Where deserts rockes and hilles no succours giue Where desolation and no comforts are Where few can do no good many not liue Besides we haue the Ocean to prepare Some other place if this should not relieue So shall you tire his force consume his strength And weary all his followers out at length 33 Doe but referre to time and to small time And infinite occasions you shall finde To quaile the Rebell euen in the prime Of all his hopes beyond all thought of minde For many with the conscience of the crime In colder blood will curse what they design'd And bad successe vpbrayding their ill fact Drawes them whom others draw from such an act 34 For is the least imagin'd ouerture But of conceiv'd reuolt men once espie Straight shrinke the weake the great will not indure Th' impatient run the discontented slie The friend his friends example doth procure And all togither haste them presently Some to their home some hides others that stay To reconcile themselues the rest betray 35 What hope haue you that euer Bullingbrooke Will liue a Subiect that hath tri'd his fate Or what good reconcilement can you looke Where he must alwayes feare and you must hate And neuer thinke that he this quarrell tooke To reobtaine thereby his priuate state T' was greater hopes that hereto did him call And he will thrust for all or else lose all 36 Nor trust this suttle Agent nor his oth You knowe his faith you tri'd it before hand His fault is death and now to lose his troth To saue his life he will not greatly stand Nor trust your kinsmans proffer since you both Shew blood in Princes is no stedfast band What though he hath no title he hath might That makes a title where there is no right 37 Thus he when that good Bishop thus replies Out of a minde that quiet did affect My Lord I must confesse as your case lies You haue great cause your Subiects to suspect And counter plot against their subtelties Who all good care and honestie neglect And feare the worst what insolence may do Or armed fury may incense them to 38 But yet my Lord feare may aswell transport Your care beyond the truth of what is meant As otherwise neglect may fall too short In not examining of their intent But let vs weigh the thing which they exhort T is Peace Submission and a Parlement Which how expedient 't is for either part T were good
exceed When-as the king approch't put off his Hood And welcomd him though wisht him little good 59 To whom the Duke began My Lord I knowe That both vncall'd and vnexpected too I haue presumed in this sort to showe And seeke the right which I am borne vnto Yet pardon I beseech you and allow Of that constraint which driues me thus to doo For since I could not by a fairer course Attaine mine owne I must vse this of force 60 Well so it seemes deare Cosin said the King Though you might haue procur'd it otherwise And I am here content in euery thing To right you as your selfe shal best deuise And God voutsafe the force that here you bring Beget not England greater iniuries And so they part the Duke made haste from thence It was no place to ende this difference 61 Straight towards London in this heate of pride They forward set as they had fore-decreed With whom the Captiue King constraind must ride Most meanely mounted on a simple Steed Degraded of all grace and ease beside Thereby neglect of all respect to breed For th'ouer-spreading pompe of prouder might Must darken vveaknes and debase his sight 62 Approaching neere the Cittie hee was met With all the sumptuous shewes ioy could deuise Where new-desire to please did not forget To pasle the vsuall pompe of former guise Striuing applause as out of prison let Runnes-on beyond all bounds to nouelties And voyce and hands and knees and all do now A strange deformed forme of welcome showe 63 And manifold confusion running greetes Shoutes cries claps hands thrusts striues and presses neere Houses impov'risht were t' inrich the streetes And streetes left naked that vnhappie were Plac't from the sight where ioy with wonder meetes Where all of all degrees striue to appeare Where diuers-speaking zeale one murmure sindes In vndistinguisht voyce to tell their mindes 64 He that in glorie of his fortune sate Admiring what hee thought could neuer be Did feele his blood within salute his state And lift vp his reioycing soule to see So many hands and hearts congratulate Th' aduancement of his long-desir'd degree When prodigall of thankes in passing by He resalutes them all with chearefull eye 65 Behind him all aloofe came pensiue on The vnregarded King that drooping went Alone and but for spight scarce lookt vpon Iudge if hee did more enuie or lament See what a wondrous worke this day is done Which th' image of both fortunes doth present In th' one to shew the best of glories face In th' other worie then worst of all disgrace 67 Novv Isabell the young afflicted Queene Whose yeares had neuer shew'd her but delights Nor louely eyes before had euer seene Other then smiling ioyes and ioyfull sights Borne great matcht great liv'd great and euer beene Partaker of the worlds best benefits Had plac't her selfe hearing her Lord should passe That way where she vnseene in secret was 68 Sicke of delay and longing to behold Her long-mist Loue in fearefull ieoperdies To whom although it had in sort beene told Of their proceeding and of his surprize Yet thinking they would neuer be so bold To lead their Lord in any shamefull wise But rather would conduct him as their King As seeking but the States reordering 69 And foorth shee lookes and notes the formost traine And grieues to view some there she wisht nor there Seeing the chiefe not come stayes lookes againe And yet she sees not him that should appeare Then backe she stands and then desires as faine Againe to looke to see if hee were neere At length a glittering troupe farre off she spies Perceiues the throng and heares the shouts and cries 70 Lo yonder now at length he comes sayth shee Looke my good women where he is in sight Do you not see him yonder that is hee Mounted on that white Courser all in white There where the thronging troupes of people bee I know him by his seate he sits s'vpright Lo now he bowes deare Lord with what sweet grace How long haue I longd to behold that face 71 O what delight my hart takes by mine eye I doubt me when he comes but something neere I shall set wide the window what care I Who doth see me so him I may see cleare Thus doth false ioy delude her wrongfully Sweete Lady in the thing she held so deare For neerer come she findes she had mistooke And him she markt was Henrie Bullingbrooke 72 Then Enuie takes the place in her sweet eyes Where Sorrow had prepar'd her selfe a seat And words of wrath from whence complaints should rise Proceed from egre lookes and browes that threat Traytor saith shee ist thou that in this wise To braue thy Lord and King art made so great And haue mine eyes done vnto me this wrong To looke on thee for this staid I so long 73 Ah haue they grac't a periur'd Rebell so Well for their errour I will weepe them out And hate the tongue defil'd that praysde my foe And loath the minde that gaue me not to doubt What haue I added shame vnto my woe I le looke no more Ladies looke you about And tell me if my Lord be in this traine Least my betraying eyes should erre againe 74 And in this passion turnes her selfe away The rest looke all and carefull note each wight Whil'st she impatient of the least delay Demaundes againe And what not yet in sight Where is my Lord What gone some other way I muse at this O God graunt all goe right Then to the window goes againe at last And sees the chiefest traine of all was past 75 And sees not him her soule desir'd to see And yet hope spent makes her not leaue to looke At last her loue-quicke eyes which ready be Fastens on one whom though she neuer tooke Could be her Lord yet that sad cheere which hee Then shew'd his habit and his woful looke The grace he doth in base attire retaine Caus'd her she could not from his sight refraine 76 What might he be she said that thus alone Rides pensiue in this vniuersall ioy Some I perceiue as well as we do mone All are not pleas'd with euery thing this day It may be hee laments the wrong is done Vnto my Lord and grieues as well he may Then he is some of ours and we of right Must pittie him that pitties our sad plight 77 But stay i st not my Lord himselfe I see In truth if 't were not for his base aray I verily should thinke that it were hee And yet his basenes doth a grace bewray Yet God forbid let me deceiued be And be it not my Lord although it may Let my desire make vowes against desire And let my sight approue my sight a lier 78 Let me not see him but himselfe a King For so he left me so he did remoue This is not he this feeles some other thing A passion of dislike or else of loue O yes 't is he that princely face doth bring
haue had by th'ouerthrowne And th'wounds we make might not haue beene our owne 44 Yet since that other mens iniquitie Calles-on the sword of wrath against my will And that themselues exact this crueltie And I constrayned am this bloud to spill Then on braue followers on courageously True-harted subiects against traytors ill And spare not them who seeke to spoyle vs all Whose foul confused end soone see you shal 45 Forth-with began these fury-mouing sounds The notes of wrath the musicke brought from Hell The ratling Drums which trumpets voyce confounds The cryes th'incouragements the shouting shrill That all about the beaten ayre rebounds Confused thundring-murmurs horrible To robbe all sense except the sense to fight Well hands may worke the minde hath lost his sight 46 O warre begot in pride and luxurie The child of malice and reuengeful hate Thou impious good and good impietie That art the foul refiner of a State Vniust-iust scourge of mens iniquitie Sharpe-easer of corruptions desperate Is there no meanes but that a sin-sicke Land Must be let bloud with such a boysterous hand 47 How well mightst thou haue here beene spar'd this day Had not wrong-counsaild Percy beene peruerse Whose forward hand inur'd to woundes makes way Vpon the sharpest fronts of the most fierce Where now an equall furie thrusts to stay And backe-repell that force and his disperse Then these assaile then those re-chase againe Till stayd with new-made hils of bodies slaine 48 There lo that new-appearing glorious starre Wonder of Armes the terror of the field Young Henrie laboring where the stoutest are And euen the stoutest forceth backe to yeeld There is that hand boldned to bloud and warre That must the sword in wondrous actions wield Though better he had learnd with others bloud A lesse expence to vs to him more good 49 Yet here had he not speedy succour lent To his indangered father neere opprest That day had seene the full accomplishment Of all his trauailes and his finall rest For Mars-like Dowglas all his forces bent T' incounter and to grapple with the best As if disdayning any other thing To doo that day but to sub due a King 50 And three with fierie courage he assailes Three all as kings adornd in royall wise And each successiue after other quailes Still wondring whence so many Kings should rise And doubting lest his hand or eye-sight fayles In these confounded on a fourth hee flyes And him vnhorses too whom had hee sped He then all Kings in him had vanquished 51 For Henrie had diuided as it were The person of himselfe into foure parts To be lesse knowne yet known euery where The more to animate his peoples harts Who cheered by his presence would not spare To execute their best and worthyest parts By which two special things effected are His safetie and his subiects better care 52 And neuer worthy Prince a day did quit With greater hazard and with more renowne Then thou didst mightie Henry in this fight Which onely made thee owner of thine owne Thou neuer proov'dst the Tenure of thy right How thou didst hold thy easie-gotten Crown Till now and now thou shew'st thy selfe Chiefe Lord By that especial right of kings the Sword 53 And deare it cost and much good bloud is shed To purchase thee a sauing victorie Great Stafford thy high Constable lyes dead With Shorly Clifton Gawsell Caluerly And many more whose braue deathes witnessed Their noble valour and fidelitie And many more had left their dearest bloud Behind that day had Hotspur longer stood 54 But he as Dowglas with his furie ledde Rushing into the thickest woods of speares And brakes of swordes still laying at the Head The life of th' Army whiles he nothing feares Or spares his owne comes all inuironed With multitude of powre that ouer-beares His manly worth who yeeldes not in his fall But fighting dyes and dying kils withall 55 What Arke what trophey what magnifence Of glory Hot-spurre hadst thou purchas 't here Could but thy Cause as fayre as thy pretence Be made vnto thy Country to appeare Had it beene her protection and defence Not thy ambition made thee sell so deare Thy selfe this day shee must haue here made good An euerlasting Statüe for thy bloud 56 Which thus misspent thy Army presently As if they could not stand when thou wert downe Disperst in rout betooke them all to flie And Dowglas faint with wounds ouer-throwne Was taken who yet wonne the enemie Which tooke him by his noble valour showne In that dayes mighty worke and was preserv'd With all the grace and honor he deserv'd 57 VVorc'ster who had escap't vnhappily His death in battel on a Scaffold dyes The next day after in the company Of other chiefest of that enterprise And so the tempest of this mutinie Became allay'd and those great ieoperdies Blowne-ouer in this sort the Coasts well cleer'd But for one threatuing cloud that yet appear'd 58 Northumberland recouered still out-stands The principall of this great family And faction hauing Berwike in his hands With other holdes strong by confed'racie With Scotland mighty by his owne command And likely now his vtmost powre to trie T' auenge him on the ruine of his Bloud And ioyne with Wales which yet vndanted stood 59 Which mov'd the king who had too much indur'd In this dayes worke to hazard new againe By all the aptest meanes could be procur'd To lay to draw him in by any traine And write he did and vow'd and him assur'd Vpon his princely word to intertaine With former grace if hee would but submit And come to yeeld th' obedience that was fit 60 The Earle be'ing now by this defeat dismay'd And fearing his confederates would fayle With Fortune and betray rather then ayde Those who are downe being for their owne auayle Relying on his Sov'raignes oath obay'd Which with his tender griefs did much preuaile And in hee came and had no detryment But for a shew some short imprisonment 61 The Parlement that afterward insu'd Restor'd him t' all his dignities and landes And now none but the Welsh seem'd to seclude The king from hauing wholly in his hands All peace within and them he had pursu'd Whiles this braue army with these ready bands Were yet on foot could he but haue got pay To hold them and his charge of war defray 62 But that hee could not gaine though all the wayes That might be wrought he labours to procure Meanes to effect the same But those delayes And long protraction which he must indure By way of Parlement so much betrayes The opportunitie that might secure His vndertaking as the occasion lost Draue both the State and him to greater cost 63 For now the Rebell thus forborne growes strong Both in his reputation and successe For hauing with his powre held out so long Many aduenture with more forwardnesse To yeeld him ayd and to support his wrong And forraine Princes in his businesse Whom hee sollicites
Bullingbrooke Did first attaine God knowes how iust the Crowne And now his race for right possessors tooke Were held of all to hold nought but their owne When Richard Duke of Yorke begins to looke Into their right and makes his title knowne Wakening-vp sleeping Right that lay as dead To witnesse how his race was iniured 46 His fathers end in him no feare could moue T' attempt the like against the like of might Where long possession now of feare and loue Seem'd to prescribe euen an innated Right So that To proue his state was to disproue Time law consent oath and allegeance quight And no way but the way of blood there was Through which with all confusion hee must passe 47 And how much better for him had it beene T' indure a wrong with peace then with such toyle T' obtaine a bloody Right since Right is sinne That is ill sought and purchased with spoyle But this so wretched state are Kingdomes in Where one mans Cause shall all rest imbroyle And oft t' aduance a Tyran to a Crowne Men run t' vndoo the State that is their owne 48 And yet that opportunitie which led Him to attempt seeme likewise him t' excuse A feeble spirited King that gouerned Who ill could guide the Scepter he did vse His enemies that his worth maliced Who both the Land and him did much abuse The peoples loue and his apparent Right May seeme sufficient motiues to incite 49 Besides the now ●ipe wrath deferd till now Of that sure and vnfayling Iusticer That neuers suffers wrong so long to growe And to incorporate with right so farre As it might come to seeme the same in showe T' incourage those that euill minded are By such successe but that at last he will Confound the branch whose root was planted ill 50 Else might the impious say with grudging spight Doth God permit the Great to riot free And blesse the mightie though they do vnright As if he did vnto their wrongs agree And onely plague the weake and wretched wight For smallest faults euen in the high'st degree When he but vsing them for others scourge Likewise of them at lēgth the world doth purge 51 But could not yet for blood-shed satisfie The now well-ruling of th'ill-gotten Crowne Must euen the good receiue the penaltie Of former sinnes that neuer were their owne And must a iust Kings blood with miserie Pay for a bad vniustly ouerth towne Well then wee see Right in his course must goe And men t' escape from blood must keepe it so 52 And sure this King that now the Crowne possest Henrie the sixt was one whose life was free From that command of vice whereto the rest Of most these mightie Soueraignes subiects bee And numbred might haue beene among the best Of other men if not of that degree A right good man but yet an euill King Vnfit for what hee had in managing 53 Of humble spirite of nature continent No thought t' increase he had scarce keep his owne For pard'ning apter then for punishment He chokes his powre to haue his bountie knowne Farre from reuenge soone wonne soone made content As fitter for a Cloyster then a Crowne Whose holy minde so much addicted is On th' world to-come that he neglecteth this 54 With such a weake-good feeble-godly King Hath Richard Duke of Yorke his Cause to trie Who by th' experience of long managing The warres of Fraunce with supreame dignitie And by his owne great worth with furthering The common good against the enemie Had wrought that zeale and loue attend his might And made his spirit equall vnto his Right 55 For now the Duke of Bedford beeing dead He is ordain'd the Regent to succeed In Fraunce for fiue yeeres where he trauayled With ready hand and with as carefull heed To seeke to turne backe Fortune that now fled And hold vp falling power in time of need And got and lost and reattaines againe That which againe was lost for all his paine 56 His time expir'd he should for fiue yeeres more Haue had his charge prolongd but Sommerset That still had enui'd his command before That place and honor for himselfe did get Which ads that matter to th'already store Of kindled hate which such a fire doth set Vnto the touch of a confounding flame As both their bloods could neuer quench the same 57 And now the weakenesse of that feeble Head That doth neglect all care but his soules care So easie meanes of practice ministred Vnto th' ambitious members to prepare Their owne desires to what their humors led That all good actions coldly followed are And sev'rall-tending hopes do wholly bend To other now then to the publique end 58 And to draw-on more speedy miserie The King vnto a fatall match is led With Rayners daughter King of Sicilie Whom with vnlucky starres he married For by the meanes of this affinitie Was lost all that his father conquered Euen as if France had some Erynnis sent T' auenge their wrongs done by the insolent 59 This marriage was the Earle of Suffolkes deed With great rewardes won to eftect the same Which made him that hee tooke so little heed Vnto his Countries good or his owne shame It beeing a match could stand vs in no steed For strength for wealth for reputation fame But cunningly contriv'd for others gaine And cost vs more then Aniou Mauns and Maine 60 And yet as if he had accomplished Some mightie benefit vnto the Land He got his trauailes to be registred In Parlement foreuermore to stand A witnes to approue all what he did To th' end that if hereafter it were scand Authoritie might yet be on his side As doing nought but what was ratifi'd 61 Imagining th' allowance of that Place Would make that good the which he knew was naught And so would his negotiation grace As none might think it was his priuate fault Wherein though wit dealt wary in this case Yet in the end it selfe it ouer-raught Striuing to hide he opened it the more His after-care shew'd craft bad gone before 62 Deare didst thou buy ô King so faire a Wife So rare a spirit so high a minde the-while Whose portion was destruction dowry strife Whose bed was sorrow whose embracing spoyle Whose maintenance cost thee and thine their life And whose best comfort neuer was but toyle What Paris brought this booty of desire To set our mightie Ilium here on fire 63 I grieue I should be forc't to say thus much To blame her whom I yet must wonder at Whos 's so sweete beautie wir and worth were such As though she Fortune lost she glory gat Yet doth my Countries zeale so neerely touch That here my Muse it doth exasperate Although vnwilling that my pen should giue Staine to that sex by whom her fame doth liue 64 For sure those virtues well deserv'd a Crowne And had it not beene ours no doubt she might Haue beene among the Worthies of renowne And now sat faire with
The Right of a direct Line alwayes held The sacred course of Blood our Ancestors Our Lawes our reuerent Customes haue vp-held With holy hands Whence when disorder erres What horrors what confusion do we see Vntill it be reduc't where it should bee 68 And how it prospers with this wretched Land Witnesse the vniuersall miserie Wherein as if accurst the Realme doth stand Depriu'd of State wealth honor dignitie The Church and Commons vnderneath the hand Of violence extortion robberie No face of order no respect of Lawes And thus complaynes of what himselfe is cause 69 Accusing others insolence that they Exhausted the Reuenues of the Crowne So that the King was forc't onely to prey Vpon his Subiects poore and wretched growne And that they now sought Ireland to betray And Calais to the French which hee had knowne By th'intercepted notes of their owne hand Who were the onely Traytors of the Land 70 And yet procur'd th'Attaynders most vniust Of others guiltlesse and vnspotted blood Who euermore had labour'd in their trust And faithfull seruice for their Countries good And who with extreame violence were thrust Quite out of all spoyl'd of their liuelihood Expos'd to all the miseries of life Which they indur'd to put-off blood and strife 71 But since sayth he their malice hath no ende But t' end vs all and to vndo the Land For which the hatefull French gladly attend And at this instant haue their swords in hand And that the God of heauen doth seeme to bend Vnto our Cause whereto the best 〈◊〉 ●and And that this blood of mine so long ●●ue sought Reserued seemes for some thing to be wrought 72 It rests within your iudgements to vp-right Or else to ruine vtterly the Land For this be sure I must pursue my Right Whil'st I haue breath or I and mine can stand Thinke whether this poore State being in this plight Stands not in need of some vp-raysing hand Or whether 't is not time we should haue rest And this confusion and our wounds redrest 73 This said he turnes aside and out hee goes Leaues them to counsell what was to be done Where though the most part gath'red were of those Who with no opposition sure would run Yet some more temp'rate oftred to propose That which was fit to be● considered on Who though they knew his clayme was faire in sight Yet thought it now lackt the right face of Right 74 Since for the space of three score yeeres the Crowne Had beene in act possest in three descents Confirm'd by all the Nobles of renowne The peoples suffrages Oathes Parlements So many Actes of State both of our owne And of all other foraine Gouernments That Wrong by order may grow Right by this Sith Right th'obseruer but of Order is 75 And then considring first how Bullingbrooke Landing in Yorkeshire but with three score men By the consent of all the Kingdome tooke The Crowne vpon him held for lawfull then His Vncle Yorke and all the Peeres betooke Themselues to him as to their Soueraigne when King Richards wrongs and his propinquitie Did seeme to make no distance in their eye 76 Nor was without example in those dayes Wherein as in all Ages States do take The side of publique Peace to counterpayse The waight of wrong which time may rightfull make No elderhood Rufus and Henrie stayes The imperiall Crowne of England t' vndertake And Iohn before his nephew Arthur speedes Whom though depriv'd Henry his sonne succeedes 77 Edward the third made Sov'raigne of the State Vpon his fathers depriuation was All which though seeming wrongs yet fairely sate In their succeeders and for right did passe And if they could so worke t'accommodate And calme the Peeres and please the Populasse They wisht the Crowne might where it stood remaine Succeeding inconuenience to restraine 78 Thus th' auncient Fathers of the Law aduise Graue Baron Thorpe and learned Fortescue Who though they could not fashion otherwise Those strong-bent humors which aue●siue grew Yet seem'd to qualifie th'extreamities And some respect more to their Sov'raine drew That during life it was by all agreed He should be King and Yorke should him succeed 79 Which presently enacted was beside Proclaym'd through-out with all solemnities And intermutually there ratifi'd With protestations vowes and oathes likewise Built-vp with all the strength of forme t' abide What-euer oppositions could aryse And might haue seem'd sure and authenticall Had all this bodie of the State beene all 80 But Trent thou keptst a part Thames had not all The North diuided honor with the South And like powre held like Greatnes seuerall Where other Right spake with another mouth Another Heire another Prince they call Whom naturall succession follow doth The branch of Kings the true sonne of the Crowne To whom no father can but leaue his owne 81 The King as husband to the Crowne doth by The wiues infeoftement hold and onely here Inioyes the same for life by Curtesie Without powre to dispose it other-where After his death but as th' authoritie Order and custome of Succession beare And therefore Henries Act cannot vndo The right of him whom it belongs vnto 82 And this vnnaturall intrusion here Of that attainted Blood out of all course Effected with confusion and with feare Must be reduc't to other tearmes of force These insolencies Iustice cannot beare The sword whereto they onely had recourse Must cut this knot so intricately ty'd Whose vaine contriued ends are plaine descry'd 83 Thus they giue-out and out the sword in hand Is drawne for blood to iustifie the same And by a side with many a Worthie mand Great Sommerset Excester Buckingham With Clifford Courtney and Northumberland Lords of as mightie courage as of name Which all against Yorkes forced courses bend Who hauing done yet had not made an end 84 But to another worke is forc't to go The last turmoyle lab'ring Ambition had Where Pride and Ouer-weening led him so For fortunes past as made the issue sad For whether safer counsell would or no His yet vnfurnisht troupes he desp'rat led From Sandall Castle vnto VVakefield Greene Against far mightier forces of the Queene 85 Where round inclos'd by Ambushments fore-lay'd Hard-working for his life but all in vaine With number and confusion ouer-lay'd Himselfe and valiant Salsbury are slaine With whome the most and dearest blood decay'd Of his couragious and aduenturous traine So short a life had those long hopes of his Borne not to weare the Crowne he wrought for thus 86 But in the ryse of his out-springing lust Now in the last of hope receiv'd this fall Now that his working powres so far had thrust That his desires had but this slep to all When so neere home he seem'd past all distrust This vnexpected wracke doth him befall This successor th'inherit or fore-goes The play-game made of Fortune and his foes 87 Whos 's young sonne Rutland made the sacrifice For others sinnes ere he knew how to sinne Brought only
●●o● slaue on the Kings side The Queene of 〈…〉 and would not permit the 〈◊〉 to pass Whereupon the 1. May●● sent to excuse himselfe and to appease the displeasure of the Queene Iasper E. of Pēbrok and Iames Butler E. of Ormond Wiltshire The battell of Mortimers cross wher Owen T'euther father to the E. of Pembrooke who had married K Hen. mother was taken beheaded The E. of Warw. after his ouerthrow at S. Alb. retires with all the forces hee could make and ●omes with the yong D. of York who comming to Iondon and receiued with all ioie a great Councell was present●● called of the L L. Spiritual and temporall where King Henry was adiudged insufficient for the Gouernment of the Realme and to be depriued of all ●egall authoritie the D of Yorke elected for K. and after proclaymed by the name of Edward the 4. the 4 of March 1460. at the age of 18. And so Hon. 6. after he had raigned 18. yeares 8. moneths was deposed Edward beeing proclaimed and acknowledged for King presently sets forward towards the North to encounter with K. Hen. 6. who in York shire had assembled a puissant armie of neere 60000. men and at a place called Towton about 4. miles from Yorke buth their powers met where was foght the greatest battaile our stories mention in all these ciuill wars Where both the Armies consisted of aboue a 100000. men all of our own nation The L. Clifford slaine at Ferry Briggs The E. of Warwi●ke before the Bargayle began with his own hands killed his horse William Neuilo L. Faulconbridge after treated E. of Kent In this battaile of Towton on K. Hen. side were slaine Hen Percy E. of North the EE of Shrewsbury and Deuonshire Iohn I. Clifford the LL. Bewmond Neuile Willouhby Wells Roos Grey Dacres Fitz-hugh Molineux Beckingham Knights the 2. base sons of Hen. Holland D. of Excester Richard Percie Gerwase Clifton Andrew Trollop The whole member slaine were accompted by some 33000. by others 35091. Queen Margaret with her sonn were in the City of Yorke expecting the euent of this Battaile Hen. 6 deliuers the towne of Berwicke to the K. of Scots Queene Margaret furnished with a great power of Scots and French to the number of 20000 with her husband entred into Northumberland took the Castle of Bambrough and after came forward to the Bishoprick of Durham Wher Hen. Bewsort D. of Somerset who had lately beene reconciled to K. Ed. 4. ioined with them and also brought thither with him Sir Ralph Percie a man of great courage worth who were taken in the battaile of Exham and executed in An. 3. Ed. 4. 1464. King Hen. was taken in Lancashire and brought to London with his legs bound to the Stirops hauing in his company onlie Doctor Manning Deane of Windzor with another Diuine who were taken with him and committed to the Tower K. Ed. 4. sate on the Kings Bench in open Court 3 daies together in Michaelmas Terme An. 2. of his raigne to vnderstand how his lawes were executed The Earle of Warwicke was sent into France to treat of a mariage between King Edward and the Ladie Bona daughter to Loyse D. of Sauoy and sister to the La. Carlote Queene of France which was there agreed vpon and Monsieur Damp Martin with others appointed to be sent into Eng. for the full accomplishing thereof But in the mean time the first of May th' K. maried the La Elizabeth Grey daughter to the Dutchess of Bedford late wife to Sir Iohn Grey slaine at S. Albanes on King Henries part