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A09569 The key of historie. Or, A most methodicall abridgement of the foure chiefe monarchies, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome Being a generall and compendious chronicle from the Flood. Digested into three bookes. Whereunto is added a marginall chronologie of euery Roman emperors raigne, and of all the most memorable persons and accidents. Together with briefe illustrations vpon the more obscure names, places, and offices. With a directory table for the more profitable reading of history. Written by that excellent and most learned man Iohn Sleidan.; De quatuor summis imperiis. English. Abridgments Sleidanus, Johannes, 1506-1556.; Darcie, Abraham, fl. 1625. 1627 (1627) STC 19850; ESTC S114662 111,008 406

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was crowned by some of the Cardinals because Pope Clement the V. hauing left the Citie was remoued into France and kept his Court at Auinion When the Cardinals required the oath of him which they said was to bee giuen to the Pope hee refused it and would not haue any such kind of oath to be thereby bound to the Pope vpon notice hereof the Pope to inlarge his owne power expounded that generall forme of the oath at large and annexed it to the rest of his decrees now extant For he himselfe also preferred many lawes which retaine their name from him and are called the Clementines The knights of the Temple supprest about 1308. Now also those Knights called the Templars being very puissant were by the same violence put to death and made away in diuers places Philip the Faire King of France by the Popes permission seized vpon a great part of their Reuenues Soone after the name and memorie of them was condemned and by the French nationall Synod at Vienna their lands were giuen to those called the Knights of the Rhodes At this time also the Vniuersitie of Orleans was founded by King Philip and Pope Clements authoritie After the Emperour Henries t He was poisoned by a Monk with a cup of Wine in the Communion decease and buriall at Pisa being poisoned as it was strongly suspected there followed most bitter contentions about the election for Fredericke Archduke of Austria the Emperour Alberts sonne Lewis 1314 an 32. m. 11. d. 24. Fredericke of Austria opposeth him and is elected Emperour also and Lewis Duke of Bauaria were competitors for the Empire The Archbishop of Mentz crowned Lewis at Aix and the Archbishop of Cullen Fredericke at Bena and Pope Iohn the XXIII proclaimed them both Emperours but of the two was more inclined to Fredericke which proclamation increased the flame of discord Forces being mustered vpon both sides a sharpe battell was fought at Esling a towne in Sueuia but in a manner with equall fortune and soone after another in Bauaria with stronger forces Fredericke the other Emperour taken prisoner 1323. in which the Archduke Fredericke was taken prisoner losing a good part of his Armie afterwards he was see at libertie and returning home died within a few yeeres after Lewis the Emperour hauing thus compast the Empire marches downe into Italie in despight of the Pope constitutes Gouernors ouer al the Cities free-burroughes and is crowned at Millaine by the Archbishop there from whence hauing sent his Ambassadours to the Pope at Auinion againe and againe about his solemne inauguration and there failing he goes to Rome after he had setled the affaires of Millaine At Rome hee was entertained with exceeding great ioy and crowned by one or two of the Cardinals but the Pope ingeminating his excommunication he by the aduise of his Nobles creates another Pope and after this fashion continued these most deadly flames of hatred betwixt them not without most scandalous criminations cast forth on both sides The French Annall-writers report that Charles the Faire King Philips sonne was the first that granted Pope Iohn Tenths of Ecclesiasticall goods in France and shared the prey betwixt themselues but the Popes chiefe aime in procuring this was to furnish himselfe with money against the Emperour After the Emperour was returned into Germany the Pope dies and his successor Benedict the XII both excommunicated and depriued him of his dignitie Whereupon the Emperour conuening the Princes at Franckeford in a solemne speech complaines of the Popes iniuries explaines the reasons of his allegiance produces and declares the ancient lawes of the Empire withall shewing that the Bishop of Rome had nothing to doe with the Common-wealth of the Empire For he who is elected by the Princes consent is truely Emperour without any assent consent or consecration from the Pope all that being but a ceremonie which by little and little crept vp and now is growne too high to the great dishonour and indammagement of the Empire After this Pope Benedict dying Clement the VI. succeeded one farre more violent then any before him who in vehement manner propounded certaine ignominious conditions vpon refusall whereof hee grew a great deale more furious sharpely admonishing the Princes to choose another Emperour within a certaine time by him limited which if they would not dae hee would take care that the Church should not want a Patrone and Aduocate any longer Whilest the Common-wealth was thus tossed the Emperour Lewis departed this life and Charles King Iohn his sonne Henry the VII his Nephew was elected King of Bohemia A little before this began the occasion of that cruell war betwixt the French and English When Charles the Faire King of France dying without issue male which was in the yeere 1327. Edward king of England of that name the III. being sonne to Isabel King Charles his sister challenged the Kingdome as due to him but the Estates of France which are called the Peeres set the crowne vpon Philip of Valeis cozen germane to the deceased King Charles excluding not onely King Edward the sisters sonne but also King Charles his posthume daughter alledging that the inheritance of that kingdom did in no wise appertaine to daughters hereupon insued that bloody warre scarce yet quenched The beginning of the Emperour Charles the IIII. Charles the IIII. 1346. an 32. m. 7. d. 14. his raigne was troublesome and the Imperiall dignitie was offred to Edward the third King of England but hee as it was reported refused it being hindered by the French wars After the quenching of sundry combustions in Germany the Emperour Charles goes downe into Italie and by consent of Pope Innocent the VI. then being in France is crowned at Rome by some Cardinals vpon condition not to stay any longer either at Rome or in Italie Hee returnes to Millaine and granted the office of perpetuall Vice-Emperour for Lombardie to the house of the Viscounts who then bore great sway in Millaine in respect of which honour they gaue him an huge masse of money and not they onely but others also vpon whom hee had bestowed any thing which act much extenuated the Emperours authority in that Country After his returne out of Italie he summoned a Diet of the Princes and there preferred that decree of the Empire called the t Containing the lawes and rites to be obserued in the election of the Emp as also the dignitie and office of each Elector and other Princes and Nobles Golden bull lastly he assignes his sonne Wenceslaus his successor in the Empire which as it is wri●ten he procured with great difficultie though with large rewards and not long after died In his raigne Iohn King of France Philip of Valois his sonne together with his yongest sonne Philip afterwards Duke of Burgundie sirnamed the Stout or the Bold was in pitcht field neere Poictiers taken prisoner by the English who were then in possession of a good part of Aquitaine and the
Emperour after this trayning vp his subiects in feats of Armes vanquishes the Dalmenincians takes the City of Prague together with Wenceslaus Duke of Bohemia making that countrey tributary to him In maine battell he ouerthrew the Hungars then againe after the truce ended breaking into Saxony and distributed the tribute which the Saxons paid them amongst the poore He intended to haue gone to Rome Otho the Great 936. an 36. m. 10 d. 6. but hindered by sicknesse constitutes his elder son Otho heire of the Empire He commenced wars many yeares together against the Bohemians then in rebellion as also vanguisht and put to flight the Hungars who then also striking ouer the Rhyne in the Vangions Countrey Of Wor●●bs had made an inroad into Franconia with intent to march on from thēce and pillage in Saxony Hee brought Burgundy vnder his subiection and afterward marching with a great Army into Italy and vanquishing the Berengarians there maried his second wife Aditheida Luitholdus his sonne hereat displeased practises treacherie against him hauing Coadiutors euery where in readinesse to serue his plots and amongst the rest Conradus Duke of Sueuia his sisters husband But his father besieging him at Ratisbon he first brought into distresse humbly craues and obtaines pardon After this the Hungars hauing forraged France breake into Germany in greater multitudes then at any time before and encampe themselues neere Auspurgh on that place which takes name from the Riuer Lych. The Emperor marching thither with the Saxons Franks Sueuians Bauarians and Bohemians after a doubtfull and long battle put almost all the enemies forces to the sword and caused some of their Chieftaines to bee hanged Then returning into Saxony after he had setled the affaires there makes a new expedition into Italy but before his iourney constituted his sonne Otho Collegue in the Empire At length arriuing at Rome he assembles a Councel where hee sate President and deposed Pope Iohn the XII for his offences in whose place he appointed Leo of that name the VIII A decree of his is extant incerted in the Papall Law where he sayes that hee conferres to Otho the Emperor and to his successors for euer the authority of choosing Popes disposing of the See Apostolike and confirming of Bishops as also pronounces a most seuere punishment against those who not expecting the Emperors approbation consecrate Bishops See here another Decree contrary to some other before After this there is the forme of an oath added by which as they report the Emperor Otho bound himselfe to Pope Iohn but it s not added who this Pope Iohn was nor of what numb●r ●n name either this Iohn or Otho were And surely it is wonderfull that matters of such importance and moment should be so negligently put into writing Now if Otho the I. tooke this oath then this obiection may hold against him That whereas in this forme before-mentioned amongst other things he sweares not to procure any danger to the Popes life nor to abrogate his honor and dignity but how can this appeare when as he as we said before remoued Iohn out of his place and ordained another Let him that can reconcile this Otho by reason of the new broiles marches againe into Italy where hauing setled the affaires and returning home dyed about the beginning of May and was buried at Maidenburg in the yeare of Grace 974. In regard of his noble exploits and surpassing prowesse Hee 's stil'd the Great Henry D. of Bauaria rebelled against Otho the II. Otho II 973. an 10. m 7. d. 2. but the sword reduc'd him to his duty Lotharius was then King of France whose brother Charles was by the Emperour created Duke of Lorraine vnder condition that hee should bee a * Beaesiciarius Leige-man of the Empire Henry the Emperour as the Annals report got this Prouince from Charles the Simple King of France and entailed it to his successours in order But Lotharius displeased hereat on a sudden leauying an Army speedily meets him at Aix and had almost discomfited the Emperour before hee was aware The Emperour to reuenge this affront musters vp forces marching on as far as Paris at length not without great blood-shed on both sides concludes a peace Returning home and from thēce making an expedition to Rome hee commenced warre against the Greekes who held Calabria and Apulia where after his Army was defeated he was intercepted by Pyrats as he fled by sea but not being knowne who he was they dismist him vpon a summe of money paid in hand and so returning to Rome besieges Beneuento with the remainder of his forces takes and sets fire on it And not long after wounded with a dart in a battle against the Greekes and Sarazens departed his life and was buried at Rome To him his sonne Otho succeeded by consent of the Nobility Otho I●I 983. an 17. m. 1. d. 21. and was consecrated at Aix He created one Bruno a Germane Pope afterwards called Gregory the fift But Crescentius a Consull of Rome set vp Iohn Bishop of Placentia in opposition to him The Emperour therefore comming to Rome inflicts a heauy and ignominious punishment vpon Crescentius and his Complices and caused Iohn of that name the XVII his eyes to be put out The Emperour in regard of the perpetuall dissensions about succession in the Empire ordained with the Popes help That certaine of the prime Nobility in Germanie should bee authorised with right and power of electing the Emperours lest that any man hereafter should set vpon that dignity as hereditary The Electorall Princes of Germany constituted 〈◊〉 the yo●● of Christ 1000. This Decree was made about a thousand yeares after Christs birth Robert then raigned in France a Prince that loued peace and learning The Annalls ex●oll him for building many Churches and amply endowing them as also going in pilgrimage to Rome This Emperor Otho granted to B●leslaus Duke of Polonia regall dignity and immunity The beginning of the kingdome of Polonia 9 ● as their Annalls haue it This therefore is the beginning of that Kingdome Otho after this returning out of Italy g He was poisoned by a paire of gloues giuen him by Cresentius aforesaid his widow Henry II. or the Lome 1001 an 23. m. 5. d. 16. dyed The next Emperour after him was Henry of that name the II. Duke of Bauaria kinsman to Otho the great D. of Saxony and Emperour He hauing setled a peace in Germany and drawne on some of his aduersaries into amity by his extraordinary kindnesse and subdued other some marched into Italy there restoring Apulia to the Empire which the Sarazens had taken Then after his consecration by Benedict the VII sending away his Army into Germany He himselfe taking his iourney through the Sequans Countrey came to an enterueiw with Robert the French King where a confirmation of amity was established on both sides This Emperour was greatly loued of the Clergie for hee was very liberall
towards them After Henries decease when the Electorall Princes could not agree there was an interreigne or vacancy a h For two yeares Conradus to 24. an 14. m. 10. d. 12. while At length Conradus Duke of Franconia succeeded He enforced Stephen King of Hungary to conditions of peace And hauing setled the affaires of Germany makes speed into Italy which was almost all ready to rebell And at first he laies siege to Millaine then going to Rome where consecrated by Iohn the XVIII hee 's proclaimed Augustus with the peoples acclamation Then impo●ing a mulct vpon those that attempted the innouation he composed Italy and returned into Germany But new troubles againe kindling in Italy hee marches thither and punishes the Authors of that Conspiracy the Archbishop of Millaine being one amongst the rest neither desisted hee till hee had brought it all vnder his subiection Hauing dispatcht there hee returnes home and dyed at Vtrecht a Towne vpon the frontiers of i Holland Batauia His son Henry of that name the III. succeeded him by consent of the Electorall Princes Hee supprest the Bohemians then rebelling and made them tributary re-inthronized Peter King of Hungary once or twice deposed by his owne subiects and quieted the whole Countrey though not without great losse of his own men At this time hapned an exceeding great vpr● a●e at Rome for Three contended for the Papacy and what they attempted was all by sinister practices those were Benedict the IX Siluester the III. and Gregory the VI. The Emperour hereupon marching thither hauing after a siege taken the City he calls a Synod and constitutes Suitgerus Bishop of Bamberg Pope who changing his name was called Clement the II. from whom soone after the Pope receiued consecration Then againe the Citizens tooke oath not any wayes to meddle with the Popes Creation without the Emperours assent Italy thus set at peace againe soone after the Emperours returne into Germany Pope Clement dyed and was buryed at Bambergh The Emperor vpon notice hereof creates Boppo Bishop of Frisingen Pope This was Damasus the II. who holding the place but 23 dayes Leo the IX Bishop of Tull supplied the deceaseds place A certaine parcell of an Epistle of his is extant wherin he saies it is not lawfull for a Bishop Priest or Deacon to forsake his wife for Religion sake but it is fit they should find her with such necessaries as belong to naturall sustentation notwithstanding in case she vse carnall copulation it is not lawfull sithence Paul saies He had power aswell as the other Apostles to lead about a wife 1 Cor. 9. which place he thus interprets That the Apostles had their wiues alwayes with them for this intent that they should be maintained together with them by those whom their husbands instructed in the Christian Religion and faith and not that they should exercise the office of wedlocke or lye together therefore Saint Paul thought fit to vse the word lead about and not lye with In the yeare 1050 Leo going from Rome assembled a Councell of 42. Bishops at Mentz wherein the Emperor sare President He dying within three yeares after Gebehardus Bishop of Aisten by the Emperours assent succeeded him this was Victor the II. The Emperour marching into Italy after hee had setled the affaires there returnes into Germanie comes to treaty with Henry the first of that name King of France dyes in Saxonie and was buried at Spire the Pope and many other Nobles being present at his death He had a sonne called Henry very k Seuen yeares old Henry IIII 1056. An. 49. m. 10. d. 3. yong but was constituted Emperour a little before notwithstanding his Mother and the Bishop of Auspurge gouerned the Empire Within a while after Pope Victor the II. dyes after hee had held the Papacy little aboue two yeares To him Fredericke of the house of Lorraine called Stephen the IX succeeded Hee also within few moneths after dying at Florence One Benedict of that name the X. by helpe of his friends and without the Emperours assent sets vpon the Papacie The Romans liked not well of this prancke who to acquit themselues dispatching their Ambassadour to the Emperour proffer the same fidelitie to him which they had performed to his Father and intreat him to constitute a lawfull Pope Benedict hereupon depriued the Emperour gaue them Gerhardus Bishop of Florence this was Nicholas the II. The Princes of Germanie grudged much that the Common-wealth should be gouerned by a woman the Emperou●s mother as aboue said vpon which occasion a meane was inuented to draw away her sonne from her whereupon the Archbishop of Mentz and Cullen had the prime managing of all affaires to them the Archbishop of Bremen one in exceeding great fauour with the young Prince was now and then conioyned who alone ouer-ruling him disposes of Ecclesiasticall promotions to himselfe and his friends especially Abbeies and to keepe the flame of enuy lower perswades the Emperour to conferre them likewise vpon other Princes In the meane space Nicholas the II. dies in whose place the Emperour constitutes the Bishop of Parma but hauing not at all acquainted the Senate of Rome herewith and in that regard some troubles likely to insue Alexander the II. Bishop of Luca was elected Betwixt those two a sharpe controuersie followed but Alexander hauing the longer sword carried it The Archbishop of Bremen onely bearing all sway with the Emperour incensed his fellow Bishops against him by whom at length he was depriued and though shortly after restored to his place yet hee long suruiued it not And the Emperour necessity constraining him sith all in a manner complained of the state of the Common-wealth requested Anno Archbishop of Cullen to vndertake the Gouernement But he seeing insolencie and iniquitie bore great sway excusing his age and sicklinesse afterwards resignes vp his office to him This young Emperour now grown to two and twenty being by nature prone to vice beganne to increase his lasciuiousnesse and despising his wife Bertha kept many Concubines Then raising Castles all ouer Saxony intended to bring them into seruitude and restrained not his officers who vsed much excesse and insolencie Hereupon the Saxons as well the Nobilitie as Clergie knitting a league betooke themselues to Armes in vindication of their libertie which after much adoe and long intercession they lay downe againe he first satisfying their demands and making a narrow escape by flight in the night time Alexander the II. dying the Romane Nobilitie without the Emperours assent set vp Hildebrand called Gregory of that name the VII The Emperour vpon notice hereof expostulates with them by his Ambassadours and withall admonishes the Pope to giue him satisfaction herein Hee makes answer that hee was drawne to it against his will and when hee neuer dreamt of it and that he would not haue beene inaugurated before Hee and the rest of the Princes of Germany had approued of his election Thus hee appeased the Emperour and
expell the Emperous Deputies hanging some of them vpon gallowes The Emperour hereupon returning into Italy fought a hazardous battle with them The Pope was Copartner in the warre who fled to Venice At length when peace was concluded by truce he makes an expedition into Asia against the Enemies of the Christian Religion where going into a Riuer to wash himselfe was by force of the streame ouerwhelmed and drowned His sonne Henry Henry VI. 1190. an 8. m. 2. d. 22. of that name the VI. was his successor He after William the sonne of Roger King of Sicilies death hauing beene twice in Italy conquered Apulia and Calabria and taken Naples subdues Sicily placing strong garrisons there in regard of the inconstant disposition of that Nation Then hee constitutes certaine Nobles ouer Rauenna and Ancona and throughout Apulia and Hetruria soone after hauing assigned his son Fredericke as then an Infant for his successour in the Empire hee went into Sicily by consent of the Princes of Germany and there ended his n Falling into a burning feuer by a poysoned potion giuen him as it was supposed by his wife life Fredericke his son being as aforesaid in respect of his age but a Childe all men in a manner deemed it fitter to take his vncle Philip but Innocent the III. Pope of Rome most vehemently withstood that Howbeit the Princes disagreeing in their choice when some would create Philip others Otho Duke of Saxony a great vproare thereupon ensued especially about the coast of the Rhyne But Philip partly by force of Armes partly by his exceeding humanity drew on his aduersaries into subiection and forthwith made his peace with the Pope whom by experience he had found a bitter Enemy Not long after Otho IIII. 1208. an 4. he was murthered in his Chamber and Otho Duke of Saxony beforementioned was his successour who incurred the Popes displeasure being formerly his most entire friend and was at length excommunicated by him whereupon a Diet assembled the Electorall Princes solicited by the Pope to create another call home out of Sicilie Frederick the King thereof Henry the VI. his sonne to whom as a little aboue it is mentioned they had giuen allegiance being then an Infant Him the Emperour Otho meets with an Army at the Rhyne to stop his passage but was discomfited and returning into Saxony dyed as it was supposed of griefe Fredericke the II. 1212. an 11 And thus was Frederick made Emperour of that name the II. Grandchild to Frederick Aenobarb or Red-Beard by his sonne Innocent the III. before spoken of had a Councell at Rome called the Laterane there amongst others those decrees passed That the Chrisme and Eucharist which they call the Hoast should bee kept vnder Locke and Key That a priuate confession of sinnes should bee made once euery yeare That an election made by the ciuill Magistrate in spirituall promotions should be of no force That those of Ecclesiasticall Order should not without cause promise fealtie to those that are called Lay-men That the Lawes made by Princes should not preiudice Churches That Ecclesiasticall persons should bee exempted from all contribution That Tribute should not be paid before Tenths That the Reliques of Saints should not be showne forth of a Casket About these Decrees there followed a great dissention betwixt the Greekes and Latines for the Greekes would not touch those Altars whereon the Latines had offered vp the Hoast till they had washed and expiated them as also of a new baptized those whom the Latines had baptized Hereupon it was decreed that they shold returne to their mother Church of Rome whereby there might be one Fold and one Shepheard in case they obeyed not to bee after excommunication degraded from their Order The Emperor goes to Rome and is consecrated by Honorius the third Hee subdued those Rebells which were spred all ouer Italy and proscribes some of them Many whereof fled to Rome and implored the Popes ayde This gaue occaon of great discord for the Emperour tooke it most hainously that his aduersaries should haue their harbour and habitation there The rancor raging hotter Hee by consent of the Princes assignes his sonne Henry his successour in the Empire and summons the Princes to a Diet at Cremona but being hindered entrance there by the Pope and the Lombards factions returnes into Apulia and within a while after the Pope dyes to whom Gregory the IX Frederick the II. excommunicated by Gregory the IX three times succeeds who excōmunicates the Emperour for not performing his expedition against the Turkes whereto he had bound himselfe by vow The Emperour deprecating this offence and purging himselfe when nothing could preuaile hee marches to Rome deposes the Pope and inflicts a heauy mulct vpon his Complices then calling another Diet at Rauenna is hindered by the fugitiue Pope who had stirred vp enemies against him in euery place At length the Emperour after his wife was dead that he might performe his promise and prouide for the Common-wealth sets forward on his expedition into Asia But the Pope whilst he was absent makes warre and seizes vpon Apulia The Emperour hauing good successe recouering many places and amongst the rest Hierusalem being certified of the state of Italy concluding a ten yeares truce with the enemy returnes with his Army and recouers his owne Countries The Pope fortifies himselfe by a new league with these Nobles of Italy on whō the Emperour had set a mulct and then againe excommunicates him for entering into truce with the enemy The Emperour louing quietnesse by his Ambassadours treats for peace which with much a doe he obtained and so hee returned into Germany But the Pope not able to leaue his old guise dismantling Viterbo againe excommunicates the Emperour who hereat incensed beyond measure posts into Italy in raging and wrathfull manner and punishes all the Rebels throughout Hetruria Vmbria Lombardy and the Countrey bordering vpon Po whereupon the Pope ingeminates his excommunication and conioynes in league with the Venetians The Emperour coasting through Italy hauing in a manner reduced it all into his subiection layes siege to Rome and not long after Pope Gregory dyes hauing first summoned a Councell of his owne adherents at Rauenna whither notwithstanding they could not haue accesse all passages being blockt vp by the Emperour insomuch as certaine of them were taken This was the Pope that patcht together the Decretall Epistles as they call them which are a great part of the Pontificiall Law loaden with multiplicity of Commentaries wherein it may seeme wonderfull that such men there should bee that will take so much paines as to adhere to those not onely inconuenient triuiall foolish but also ridiculous workes as fast as if they were a kinde of Oracle and spend all their labour and time in interpreting explaining and garnishing them as though they were hired to that end to defend other mens folly and error with their best vigilancy and industry and to lose the reputation